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December 04, 2003 08:32AM
Hi to all the AFNI community! smiling smiley

I'm pretty jung in this field so I apologize if my question is trivial...

Using tlrc transformed 'fbuc' datasets I had created two merged tlrc datasets, for group comparisons, one about schizophrenic patients and anotherone about controls.

To display the results also with SUMA I use the Thalairach "ideal" brain (N27_surfvol.tlrc).

However the functional overlay (both schizo and controls) appear shifted of about 7mm in the x axis (R-L) in the R direction, respect the anatomical ground.

I try to apply several of the methods described in the 3drotate -help, to shift/rotate the datasets without any success.

METHOD 1: alter the func data

METHOD 2: don't work and tell me
<< Choleski factorization failure in startup_lsqfit mri_startup_lsqfit: bad call to startup_lsqfit! mri_3dalign_setup 3dvolreg main >>

METHOD 4: don't work and tell me
<< No tags in -master dataset >>

Someone has suggestions about this problem?

Thanks in advance

Subject Author Posted

Merged datasets and ideal tlrc brain

Francesco Musso December 04, 2003 08:32AM