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December 19, 2003 02:23PM

I'm creating a brain mask using 3dAutomask from raw data that has been
registered. When I multiply this mask (all 1's and 0's) by my 3dFim+
created dataset (both positive and negative voxel values), I lose my
negative values even within the mask areas with values of 1.
Why is this? How can I retain those negative values?

These are my commands:

3dfim+ -nfirst 1 -polort 1 -input Expt_{$expt}_SMO+orig.HEAD -ideal_file
\ LF_121403_{$expt}.1D -out All -bucket

3dAutomask -prefix automask_{$expt} Expt_{$expt}_3dreg+orig

3dcalc -a automask_{$expt}+orig -b Expt_{$expt}_FFT_FIM+orig \
-prefix Expt_{$expt}_Masked_FFT_FIM+orig -expr "a*b"

(I've read -help, the message board, and searched the README's)


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Subject Author Posted

3dAutomask - How do you keep negative values?

Leonard Leyba December 19, 2003 02:23PM

Re: 3dAutomask - How do you keep negative values?

rick reynolds December 19, 2003 03:01PM