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00001 #include "mrilib.h"
00003 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
00004 {
00005    int iarg ;
00006    THD_3dim_dataset *inset , *outset ;
00007    int add_I=0 , add_S=0 , add_A=0 , add_P=0 , add_L=0 , add_R=0 ;
00008    int RLsiz=0, APsiz=0, ISsiz=0 ; /* 23 Mar 2004 */
00009    char * prefix="zeropad" ;
00011    int add_z=0 ;   /* 07 Feb 2001 */
00012    int mm_flag=0 ; /* 13 Feb 2001 */
00013    int flag ;
00015    THD_3dim_dataset *mset=NULL ; /* 14 May 2002 */
00017    /*-- help? --*/
00019    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00020       printf("Usage: 3dZeropad [options] dataset\n"
00021              "Adds planes of zeros to a dataset (i.e., pads it out).\n"
00022              "\n"
00023              "Options:\n"
00024              "  -I n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Inferior edge\n"
00025              "  -S n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Superior edge\n"
00026              "  -A n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Anterior edge\n"
00027              "  -P n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Posterior edge\n"
00028              "  -L n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Left edge\n"
00029              "  -R n = adds 'n' planes of zero at the Right edge\n"
00030              "  -z n = adds 'n' planes of zeros on EACH of the\n"
00031              "          dataset z-axis (slice-direction) faces\n"
00032              "\n"
00033              " -RL a = These options specify that planes should be added/cut\n"
00034              " -AP b = symmetrically to make the resulting volume have\n"
00035              " -IS c = 'a', 'b', and 'c' slices in the respective directions.\n"
00036              "\n"
00037              " -mm   = pad counts 'n' are in mm instead of slices:\n"
00038              "         * each 'n' is an integer\n"
00039              "         * at least 'n' mm of slices will be added/removed:\n"
00040              "            n =  3 and slice thickness = 2.5 mm ==> 2 slices added\n"
00041              "            n = -6 and slice thickness = 2.5 mm ==> 3 slices removed\n"
00042              "\n"
00043              " -master mset = match the volume described in dataset 'mset':\n"
00044              "                * mset must have the same orientation and grid\n"
00045              "                   spacing as dataset to be padded\n"
00046              "                * the goal of -master is to make the output dataset\n"
00047              "                   from 3dZeropad match the spatial 'extents' of\n"
00048              "                   mset (cf. 3dinfo output) as much as possible,\n"
00049              "                   by adding/subtracting slices as needed.\n"
00050              "                * you can't use -I,-S,..., or -mm with -master\n"
00051              "\n"
00052              " -prefix ppp = write result into dataset with prefix 'ppp'\n"
00053              "                 [default = 'zeropad']\n"
00054              "\n"
00055              "Nota Bene:\n"
00056              " * You can use negative values of n to cut planes off the edges\n"
00057              "     of a dataset.  At least one plane must be added/removed\n"
00058              "     or the program won't do anything.\n"
00059              " * Anat parent and Talairach markers are NOT preserved in the\n"
00060              "     new dataset.\n"
00061 #if 0
00062              " * If the old dataset has z-slice-dependent time offsets, and\n"
00063              "     if new z-planes are added, all the slice-dependent time\n"
00064              "     offsets will be removed.\n"
00065 #else
00066              " * If the old dataset has z-slice-dependent time offsets, and\n"
00067              "     if new (zero filled) z-planes are added, the time offsets\n"
00068              "     of the new slices will be set to zero.\n"
00069 #endif
00070              " * You can use program '3dinfo' to find out how many planes\n"
00071              "     a dataset has in each direction.\n"
00072              " * Program works for byte-, short-, float-, and complex-valued\n"
00073              "     datasets.\n"
00074              " * You can use a sub-brick selector on the input dataset.\n"
00075              " * 3dZeropad won't overwrite an existing dataset (I hope).\n"
00076              "\n"
00077              " Author: RWCox - July 2000\n"
00078            ) ;
00079       exit(0) ;
00080    }
00082    mainENTRY("3dZeropad main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dZeropad",argc,argv);
00083    PRINT_VERSION("3dZeropad") ;
00085    /*-- read command line options --*/
00087    iarg = 1 ;
00088    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
00090       /*- -I, -S, etc. -*/
00092       if( strlen(argv[iarg]) == 2 ){
00093          switch( argv[iarg][1] ){
00094             case 'I': add_I = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00095             case 'S': add_S = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00096             case 'A': add_A = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00097             case 'P': add_P = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00098             case 'L': add_L = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00099             case 'R': add_R = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00101             /* 07 Feb 2001: slice-direction is special */
00103             case 'z':
00104             case 'Z': add_z = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ; break ;
00106             default:
00107                fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Illegal option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
00108          }
00110          if( mset != NULL ){
00111            fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use %s with -master!\n",argv[iarg-1]) ;
00112            exit(1) ;
00113          }
00115          iarg++ ; continue ;  /* skip to next argument */
00116       }
00118       /*- -RL, -AP, -IS [23 Mar 2004] -*/
00120       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-RL") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-LR") == 0 ){
00121         if( add_R || add_L || mset != NULL ){
00122           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -RL with -R, -L, or -master!\n");
00123           exit(1) ;
00124         }
00125         RLsiz = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
00126         if( RLsiz < 1 ){
00127           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: value after -RL is illegal!\n") ;
00128           exit(1) ;
00129         }
00130         iarg++ ; continue ;
00131       }
00133       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-AP") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-PA") == 0 ){
00134         if( add_A || add_P || mset != NULL ){
00135           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -AP with -A, -P, or -master!\n");
00136           exit(1) ;
00137         }
00138         APsiz = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
00139         if( APsiz < 1 ){
00140           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: value after -AP is illegal!\n") ;
00141           exit(1) ;
00142         }
00143         iarg++ ; continue ;
00144       }
00146       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-IS") == 0 || strcmp(argv[iarg],"-SI") == 0 ){
00147         if( add_S || add_I || mset != NULL ){
00148           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -IS with -I, -S, or -master!\n");
00149           exit(1) ;
00150         }
00151         ISsiz = (int) strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
00152         if( ISsiz < 1 ){
00153           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: value after -IS is illegal!\n") ;
00154           exit(1) ;
00155         }
00156         iarg++ ; continue ;
00157       }
00159       /*- -mm -*/
00161       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-mm") == 0 ){
00162          if( mset != NULL ){
00163            fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use %s with -master!\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00164            exit(1) ;
00165          }
00166          mm_flag = 1 ;
00167          iarg++ ; continue ;
00168       }
00170       /*- -prefix -*/
00172       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
00173          prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
00174          if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ){
00175             fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Illegal string after -prefix!\n"); exit(1) ;
00176          }
00177          iarg++ ; continue ;
00178       }
00180       /*-- -master [14 May 2002] --*/
00182       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-master") == 0 ){
00183         if( add_I || add_S || add_A || mm_flag ||
00184             add_P || add_R || add_L || add_z   ||
00185             RLsiz || APsiz || ISsiz              ){
00187           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -master with -I,-S,-A,-P,-R,-L, or -mm!\n");
00188           exit(1) ;
00189         }
00190         if( mset != NULL ){
00191           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -master twice!\n"); exit(1);
00192         }
00194         mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++iarg] ) ;
00195         if( !ISVALID_DSET(mset) ){
00196           fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't open -master %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);
00197         }
00198          iarg++ ; continue ;
00199       }
00201       /*- what the hell? -*/
00203       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Illegal option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
00204    }
00206    /*- check to see if the user asked for something, anything -*/
00208    if( mset == NULL ){
00209     if( add_I==0 && add_S==0 && add_P==0 &&
00210         add_A==0 && add_L==0 && add_R==0 && add_z==0 &&
00211         RLsiz==0 && APsiz==0 && ISsiz==0               ){
00213       fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: All inputs are zero? Making a copy!\n") ;
00214     }
00215    }
00217    /* check for conflicts [23 Mar 2004] */
00219    if( RLsiz > 0 && (add_R || add_L || add_z) ){
00220      fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -R or -L or -z with -RL!\n"); exit(1);
00221    }
00222    if( APsiz > 0 && (add_A || add_P || add_z) ){
00223      fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -A or -P or -z with -AP!\n"); exit(1);
00224    }
00225    if( ISsiz > 0 && (add_I || add_S || add_z) ){
00226      fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use -I or -S or -z with -IS!\n"); exit(1);
00227    }
00229    /*-- read the input dataset --*/
00231    if( iarg >= argc ){
00232       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: No input dataset on command line!\n"); exit(1);
00233    }
00235 #if 0
00236    if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"3dcalc(",7) == 0 ){
00237       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use '3dcalc()' input datasets here!\n"); exit(1);
00238    }
00239 #endif
00241    inset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
00242    if( inset == NULL ){
00243       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't open dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);
00244    }
00246 #if 0
00247    if( DSET_IS_MASTERED(inset) ){
00248       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Can't use partial datasets!\n"); exit(1);
00249    }
00250 #endif
00252    /*-- 14 May 2002: use master dataset now? --*/
00254    if( mset != NULL ){
00255      THD_dataxes *max=mset->daxes, *iax=inset->daxes ;
00256      int nerr=0 ;
00257      float mxbot,mybot,mzbot , mxtop,mytop,mztop , mdx,mdy,mdz ;
00258      float ixbot,iybot,izbot , ixtop,iytop,iztop , idx,idy,idz ;
00259      int   mnx,mny,mnz , inx,iny,inz ;
00260      int   add_xb,add_xt , add_yb,add_yt , add_zb,add_zt ;
00262      /* check if datasets are oriented the same */
00264      if( max->xxorient != iax->xxorient ||
00265          max->yyorient != iax->yyorient ||
00266          max->zzorient != iax->zzorient   ){
00268        fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Master and Input datasets not oriented the same!\n");
00269        nerr++ ;
00270      }
00272      /* check if datasets have same voxel dimensions */
00274      mdx = max->xxdel ; mdy = max->yydel ; mdz = max->zzdel ;
00275      idx = iax->xxdel ; idy = iax->yydel ; idz = iax->zzdel ;
00276      mnx = max->nxx   ; mny = max->nyy   ; mnz = max->nzz   ;
00277      inx = iax->nxx   ; iny = iax->nyy   ; inz = iax->nzz   ;
00279      if( fabs(mdx-idx) > 0.01*fabs(mdx) ||
00280          fabs(mdy-idy) > 0.01*fabs(mdy) ||
00281          fabs(mdz-idz) > 0.01*fabs(mdz)   ){
00283        fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Master and Input datasets don't have same voxel size!\n");
00284        nerr++ ;
00285      }
00287      if( nerr ) exit(1) ;
00289      /* calculate coords at top and bottom of each dataset */
00291      mxbot = max->xxorg ; mxtop = mxbot + mnx*mdx ;
00292      mybot = max->yyorg ; mytop = mybot + mny*mdy ;
00293      mzbot = max->zzorg ; mztop = mzbot + mnz*mdz ;
00295      ixbot = iax->xxorg ; ixtop = ixbot + inx*idx ;
00296      iybot = iax->yyorg ; iytop = iybot + iny*idy ;
00297      izbot = iax->zzorg ; iztop = izbot + inz*idz ;
00299      /* calculate amount to add/trim at each face */
00301      add_xb = (int) rint((ixbot-mxbot)/idx) ;
00302      add_xt = (int) rint((mxtop-ixtop)/idx) ;
00303      add_yb = (int) rint((iybot-mybot)/idy) ;
00304      add_yt = (int) rint((mytop-iytop)/idy) ;
00305      add_zb = (int) rint((izbot-mzbot)/idz) ;
00306      add_zt = (int) rint((mztop-iztop)/idz) ;
00308      /* map trims from x,y,z to RL,AP,IS coords */
00310      switch( iax->xxorient ){
00311        case ORI_R2L_TYPE: add_R = add_xb ; add_L = add_xt ; break ;
00312        case ORI_L2R_TYPE: add_L = add_xb ; add_R = add_xt ; break ;
00313        case ORI_I2S_TYPE: add_I = add_xb ; add_S = add_xt ; break ;
00314        case ORI_S2I_TYPE: add_S = add_xb ; add_I = add_xt ; break ;
00315        case ORI_A2P_TYPE: add_A = add_xb ; add_P = add_xt ; break ;
00316        case ORI_P2A_TYPE: add_P = add_xb ; add_A = add_xt ; break ;
00317      }
00319      switch( iax->yyorient ){
00320        case ORI_R2L_TYPE: add_R = add_yb ; add_L = add_yt ; break ;
00321        case ORI_L2R_TYPE: add_L = add_yb ; add_R = add_yt ; break ;
00322        case ORI_I2S_TYPE: add_I = add_yb ; add_S = add_yt ; break ;
00323        case ORI_S2I_TYPE: add_S = add_yb ; add_I = add_yt ; break ;
00324        case ORI_A2P_TYPE: add_A = add_yb ; add_P = add_yt ; break ;
00325        case ORI_P2A_TYPE: add_P = add_yb ; add_A = add_yt ; break ;
00326      }
00328      switch( iax->zzorient ){
00329        case ORI_R2L_TYPE: add_R = add_zb ; add_L = add_zt ; break ;
00330        case ORI_L2R_TYPE: add_L = add_zb ; add_R = add_zt ; break ;
00331        case ORI_I2S_TYPE: add_I = add_zb ; add_S = add_zt ; break ;
00332        case ORI_S2I_TYPE: add_S = add_zb ; add_I = add_zt ; break ;
00333        case ORI_A2P_TYPE: add_A = add_zb ; add_P = add_zt ; break ;
00334        case ORI_P2A_TYPE: add_P = add_zb ; add_A = add_zt ; break ;
00335      }
00337      fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad -master => -I %d -S %d -A %d -P %d -R %d -L %d\n",
00338              add_I,add_S,add_A,add_P,add_R,add_L ) ;
00340      DSET_delete(mset) ;
00341    }
00343    /*-- 07 Feb 2001: if -z was used, fix that now --*/
00345    if( add_z != 0 ){
00346       switch( inset->daxes->zzorient ){
00347          case ORI_R2L_TYPE:
00348          case ORI_L2R_TYPE:
00349             if( add_R != 0 && add_R != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -R\n");
00350             if( add_L != 0 && add_L != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -L\n");
00351             add_R = add_L = add_z ;
00352          break ;
00354          case ORI_P2A_TYPE:
00355          case ORI_A2P_TYPE:
00356             if( add_P != 0 && add_P != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -P\n");
00357             if( add_A != 0 && add_A != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -A\n");
00358             add_P = add_A = add_z ;
00359          break ;
00361          case ORI_I2S_TYPE:
00362          case ORI_S2I_TYPE:
00363             if( add_I != 0 && add_I != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -I\n");
00364             if( add_I != 0 && add_S != add_z ) fprintf(stderr,"++ 3dZeropad: -z overrides -S\n");
00365             add_I = add_S = add_z ;
00366          break ;
00367       }
00368    }
00370    /*-- 23 Mar 2004: expand/contract if ordered --*/
00372    if( RLsiz > 0 ){
00373      int nold=0 ;
00374           if( inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_R2L_TYPE || inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_L2R_TYPE )
00375        nold = inset->daxes->nxx ;
00376      else if( inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_R2L_TYPE || inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_L2R_TYPE )
00377        nold = inset->daxes->nyy ;
00378      else if( inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_R2L_TYPE || inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_L2R_TYPE )
00379        nold = inset->daxes->nzz ;
00380      if( nold > 0 ){
00381        add_R = (RLsiz-nold) / 2 ;
00382        add_L = RLsiz-(nold+add_R) ;
00383      }
00384    }
00386    if( APsiz > 0 ){
00387      int nold=0 ;
00388           if( inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_A2P_TYPE || inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_P2A_TYPE )
00389        nold = inset->daxes->nxx ;
00390      else if( inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_A2P_TYPE || inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_P2A_TYPE )
00391        nold = inset->daxes->nyy ;
00392      else if( inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_A2P_TYPE || inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_P2A_TYPE )
00393        nold = inset->daxes->nzz ;
00394      if( nold > 0 ){
00395        add_A = (APsiz-nold) / 2 ;
00396        add_P = APsiz-(nold+add_A) ;
00397      }
00398    }
00400    if( ISsiz > 0 ){
00401      int nold=0 ;
00402           if( inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_I2S_TYPE || inset->daxes->xxorient == ORI_S2I_TYPE )
00403        nold = inset->daxes->nxx ;
00404      else if( inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_I2S_TYPE || inset->daxes->yyorient == ORI_S2I_TYPE )
00405        nold = inset->daxes->nyy ;
00406      else if( inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_I2S_TYPE || inset->daxes->zzorient == ORI_S2I_TYPE )
00407        nold = inset->daxes->nzz ;
00408      if( nold > 0 ){
00409        add_I = (ISsiz-nold) / 2 ;
00410        add_S = ISsiz-(nold+add_I) ;
00411      }
00412    }
00414    /*-- 04 Oct 2000: all the real work is now in thd_zeropad.c --*/
00416    flag = ZPAD_PURGE ;
00417    if( mm_flag ) flag |= ZPAD_MM ;
00419    outset = THD_zeropad( inset ,
00420                          add_I, add_S, add_A, add_P, add_L, add_R,
00421                          prefix , flag ) ;
00423    if( THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(outset)) ){
00424       fprintf(stderr,
00425               "** 3dZeropad: output file %s already exists - FATAL ERROR!\n",
00426               DSET_HEADNAME(outset) ) ;
00427       exit(1) ;
00428    }
00430    if( outset == NULL ){
00431       fprintf(stderr,"** 3dZeropad: Some error occurred in processing!\n") ;
00432       exit(1) ;
00433    }
00435    tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;             /* 31 Jan 2001 - RWCox */
00436    tross_Make_History( "3dZeropad" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
00438    DSET_write(outset) ;
00439    fprintf(stderr,"++ output dataset: %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(outset)) ;
00440    exit(0) ;
00441 }

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