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FD2.c File Reference#include "mrilib.h"
#include "overfim.h"
#include "pcor.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <X11/Xos.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures |
struct | _key |
struct | _undo_buf |
struct | AJ_rgb_str |
struct | S_16_c |
Defines |
#define | CONTRAST_CHANGE_STEP 15000 |
#define | ASC_NUL '\0' |
#define | COPYRIGHT_STRING "Copyright" |
#define | MAIN |
#define | STATUS(str) |
#define | INC_ALLIM 8 |
#define | MRIDEB(str) fprintf(stderr,"MRI: %s\n",str) |
#define | SIZE_tmp_ar(n) im_tmp_ar->nx = im_tmp_ar->ny = (n) |
#define | SAR(k) (allim[k]->im.short_data) |
#define | T_SAR(k) (t_allim[k]->im.short_data) |
#define | SIZ(k) (allim[k]->nx * allim[k]->ny) |
#define | DIM(k) (allim[k]->nx) |
#define | IM_HEIGHT 256 |
#define | NUM_STD_COLORS 16 |
#define | NCOLORS 808 |
#define | MCOLORS 856 |
#define | N_SPCTR 240 |
#define | M_SP_COL 360 |
#define | BELT_W 24 |
#define | BELT_S 3 |
#define | BELT_A (BELT_W*IM_HEIGHT) |
#define | NF_MAX 10000 |
#define | STR_L 256 |
#define | COL_MIN 0 |
#define | MAX_WIDTH 2048 |
#define | EPX1 64 |
#define | EPY1 64 |
#define | EPS1 (2*EPX1*EPY1) |
#define | EPX2 128 |
#define | EPY2 128 |
#define | EPS2 (2*EPX2*EPY2) |
#define | EPX3 256 |
#define | EPY3 256 |
#define | EPS3 (2*EPX3*EPY3) |
#define | EPX4 32 |
#define | EPY4 32 |
#define | EPS4 (2*EPX4*EPY4) |
#define | OFFSET (28*IM_HEIGHT) |
#define | H_SIZE (OFFSET+IM_ARR) |
#define | IM_SIZE (2*H_SIZE) |
#define | GX_MAX 512 |
#define | GY_MAX 512 |
#define | GR_DLX 3 |
#define | GT_DLY 21 |
#define | GL_DLX 50 |
#define | GB_DLY 50 |
#define | MAT_MAX 25 |
#define | GRID_NUM 8 |
#define | COL_NUM 5 |
#define | GRID_COEF 50. |
#define | min_max_col(a) ((a) < (256) ? (256) : ((a) > (65280) ? (65280) : (a))) |
#define | min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) |
#define | max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) |
#define | KFONT "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12" |
#define | TFONT "pellucidatypewriter10" |
#define | PADDINGW 3 |
#define | PADDINGH 5 |
#define | KEY_1_Y 50 |
#define | N_KEYS 18 |
#define | LAST_K 7 |
#define | kROT 0 |
#define | kHLP 1 |
#define | kAVR 2 |
#define | kDIF 3 |
#define | kSIG 4 |
#define | kFFT 5 |
#define | kFIM 6 |
#define | kNRM 7 |
#define | kAV1 8 |
#define | kAV2 9 |
#define | kIR1 10 |
#define | kIR2 11 |
#define | kFI1 12 |
#define | kFI2 13 |
#define | kFI3 14 |
#define | kFT1 15 |
#define | kFT2 16 |
#define | kFT3 17 |
#define | FFT_first_key kFT1 |
#define | FFT_last_key kFT3 |
#define | FIM_first_key kFI1 |
#define | FIM_last_key kFI3 |
#define | DFILT_NONE 0 |
#define | DFILT_TIME 1 |
#define | DFILT_SIGMA (4.0*0.42466090) |
#define | DFILT_THRESH 0.05 |
#define | DFILT_NREF 3 |
#define | LSQ_NONE 0 |
#define | LSQ_SUBORT 1 |
#define | LSQ_SUBALL 2 |
#define | LSQ_FITORT 3 |
#define | LSQ_FITALL 4 |
#define | LSQ_SORFID 5 |
#define | LSQ_LASTCODE 5 |
#define | LSQ_EDIT_NONE -1 |
#define | LSQ_EDIT_ORT 1 |
#define | LSQ_EDIT_ALL 0 |
#define | kFI3_NUM 11 |
#define | GRWIND ((use_pixmap)?((Drawable)pxWind):((Drawable)GWindow)) |
#define | MAX_SMOOTH 301 |
#define | FFT_MAG .2 |
#define | REFTS_FRAC 0.369 |
#define | MESG(str) |
Functions |
void | add_extra_image () |
int | Ims_rot () |
int | Im_help () |
int | Im_diff () |
int | Ref_im1 () |
int | Ref_im2 () |
int | Im_Aver () |
int | Im_norm () |
int | Av_im1 () |
int | Av_im2 () |
int | Smooth_line () |
int | FFT_action () |
int | FFT_selection () |
int | FIM_action () |
int | FIM_selection () |
int | STD_colors () |
void | x_events_loop () |
void | Resample () |
void | Put_image () |
void | plot_line () |
void | draw_marker () |
void | scale_up () |
void | scale_down () |
void | mat_up () |
void | mat_down () |
void | init_mat () |
void | grid_up () |
void | grid_down () |
void | print_plot () |
void | redo_graph_window () |
void | window_plane () |
void | graphic_store () |
void | plotx () |
void | plx_txt () |
void | plx_TXT () |
void | subW_TXT () |
void | line_color () |
void | txt_color () |
void | DrawSubWindow () |
void | DrawTopWindow () |
int | FIM_edit_time_series () |
void | RWC_setup_fims () |
int | check_color () |
void | csfft () |
XImage * | Load_Any_Arr () |
XImage * | Load_Any_ind () |
XImage * | Load_Any_RGB () |
int | Load_Next_Arr () |
int | Load_Next_ind () |
int | Load_Next_RGB () |
int | AJ_StoreColors () |
int | AJ_init_RGB () |
int | Make_RGB_lookup () |
int | highbit () |
| main (argc, argv) int argc |
| HandleEvent (event) XEvent *event |
Variables |
int | dim_allim = 0 |
MRI_IMAGE ** | allim = NULL |
MRI_IMAGE ** | t_allim = NULL |
MRI_IMAGE * | im_tmp_ar = NULL |
short * | tmp_ar = NULL |
short * | nowim = NULL |
int | nowsize |
MRI_IMAGE * | RWC_pcim = NULL |
MRI_IMAGE * | RWC_alpim = NULL |
int | RWC_autoscale = 0 |
int | RWC_overhide = 0 |
int | RWC_framehide = 0 |
int | RWC_checker = 0 |
int | RWC_groupbase = 0 |
int | AJ_base = 0 |
int | RCR_swap = 0 |
int | RWC_GX_MAX = GX_MAX |
int | RWC_GY_MAX = GY_MAX |
char * | tfont |
char * | tfont_hopefuls [] |
_key * | key |
int | FFT_pressed = 0 |
int | FT1_pressed = 0 |
int | FT2_stat = 0 |
int | FT3_stat = 0 |
int | z_im1 = 0 |
int | z_imL = 0 |
char * | key_kFFT_FFT = "FFT" |
char * | key_kFFT_noFT = "noFT" |
char * | key_kFT1 [2] = {"edit", "end"} |
char * | key_kFT2 [4] = {" FT ", "0..0", "from", " to "} |
char * | key_kFT3 [3] = {" ", "i FT", "zero"} |
int | FIM_pressed = 0 |
int | FIM_modified = 0 |
char * | FIM_selection_name [FIM_last_key-FIM_first_key+1] |
char * | key_kFIM_FIM = "FIM" |
char * | key_kFIM_GO = "GO!" |
char * | DFILT_fimcode [2] = { "FIM" , "DFIM" } |
int | DFILT_code = DFILT_NONE |
int | LSQ_imedit [LSQ_LASTCODE+1] |
char * | LSQ_fimcode [LSQ_LASTCODE+1] |
int | LSQ_code = LSQ_NONE |
int | LSQ_refcount = 0 |
time_series * | LSQ_ref [MAX_TOTAL_REF] |
MRI_IMARR * | LSQ_fitim = NULL |
float * | LSQ_fit [MAX_TOTAL_REF] |
char * | key_kFI3 [kFI3_NUM] |
char * | key_kFI3_help [kFI3_NUM] |
int | kFI3_status = -1 |
int | kFI3_show_ref = 1 |
int | kFI3_refsum_count = 0 |
int | kROT_doall = 1 |
char * | key_kROT_all = "Rot" |
char * | key_kROT_one = "Rot1" |
_key | xtkeys [N_KEYS] |
char * | kfont |
char * | ffc |
char * | fbc |
unsigned long | ForeColor |
unsigned long | BackColor |
unsigned long | FKeyFore |
unsigned long | FKeyBack |
XColor | xcsd |
XColor | xced |
XFontStruct * | kfontinfo |
Font | keyfont |
int | keywide [N_KEYS] |
int | minwide |
int | keyhigh |
GC | Fkeyigc |
GC | Fkeygc |
int | invkey = -1 |
int | exp_done [N_KEYS+3] |
short int | a_rot [H_SIZE] |
short int | rot_nr = 0 |
short int | rot_direct |
short int | rot_state |
int | sub_W_x |
int | sub_W_y |
int | top_W_x |
int | top_W_y |
int | v_point_x = -20 |
int | v_point_y = 0 |
int | move_Vpointer = 0 |
int | diff_im = 0 |
int | Im_1 |
int | Im_2 |
int | im1_done = 0 |
int | extra_im = 0 |
int | avr_grp = 0 |
int | Av_1 |
int | Av_2 |
int | av1_done = 0 |
int | Av_length = 1 |
int | fim_dif = 0 |
int | fim_avr = 0 |
int | redraw |
int | txtW_ON = 0 |
int | c_f = 0 |
int | st_8 [] |
int | st_4 [] |
int | st_2 [] |
S_16_c | Solid_color [16] |
short int | color_x11 [16] |
XPoint | sm_cir [12] |
char * | f_name [NF_MAX] |
char * | ProgramName = NULL |
char * | Xdef_Name = "FD" |
char * | display |
char * | geom |
char ** | ptr |
int | FIRST = 1 |
int | SQUE_NR |
int | x00 = 0 |
int | y00 = 0 |
int | back_to_main = 0 |
XEvent | event |
XEvent | w_event |
XEvent | first_event |
Display * | theDisp |
int | theScreen |
Window | rootW |
Window | theWindow |
Window | GWindow |
Window | subWindow |
Window | topWindow |
GC | theGC |
GC | txtGC |
unsigned long | fcol |
unsigned long | bcol |
Font | mfont |
XFontStruct * | afinfo |
XFontStruct * | mfinfo |
Visual * | theVisual |
XImage * | theImage |
XImage * | expImage |
XImage * | theBelt |
XImage * | expBelt |
int | eWIDE |
int | eHIGH |
int | aWIDE |
int | eW |
int | eH |
int | iWIDE |
int | iHIGH |
int | FIM_opt_colors = 0 |
float | FIM_opt_thr [MAX_FIM_COLORS] |
char * | FIM_opt_pos [MAX_FIM_COLORS] |
char * | FIM_opt_neg [MAX_FIM_COLORS] |
unsigned short | tmp1 [NCOLORS] |
unsigned short | tmp2 [NCOLORS] |
unsigned short | tmp3 [NCOLORS] |
int | No_Color_init = 1 |
int | No_Grey_init = 1 |
int | Dispcells |
int | Planes |
int | repeat_status = 0 |
int | ncolors |
int | YES_color = 0 |
int | INgrey [NCOLORS] |
XColor | MYcol [NCOLORS] |
XColor | MYgrey [NCOLORS] |
XColor | any_col |
XColor | rgb_col |
Colormap | CMap |
unsigned long | plane_masks [1] |
unsigned long | pixels [MCOLORS] |
unsigned int | nplmsk = 0 |
unsigned int | ucolors |
unsigned int | uucolors |
Pixmap | pxWind |
int | max_xlines = 0 |
int | use_pixmap = 1 |
int | spectrum = N_SPCTR |
int | Im_Nr = 0 |
int | N_im = 0 |
int | I_lck = 0 |
int | tmp_Nr = 0 |
int | N_lck = 0 |
int | old_grid |
int | old_im = -1 |
int | x_mag |
int | ref_ar [H_SIZE] |
int | av_ar [H_SIZE] |
int | Cx |
int | Cy |
short int | imx [IM_ARR] |
short int | tmp_imx [IM_ARR] |
short int | belt_ar [BELT_A] |
short int | belt_arr [BELT_A] |
int | Mltx [MAX_WIDTH] |
int | Mlty [MAX_WIDTH] |
XPoint | a_line [NF_MAX] |
float | del1 |
float | coef1 |
float | auto_scale |
int | min1 |
int | fsize |
int | isize |
int | ar_size |
int | NC |
int | nc_option = 0 |
char | T_name [STR_L] |
char | I_name [STR_L] |
char | G_name [STR_L] |
int | B1_action = 0 |
int | Im_frst = 0 |
int | fr_index = -7 |
int | Argc |
char ** | Argv = NULL |
int * | plot [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int * | val [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int * | LSQ_val |
int * | LSQ_plot |
int | pmin [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int | pmax [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int | mat |
int | xc |
int | yc |
int | mark |
int | xorigin [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int | yorigin [MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX] |
int | i |
int | j |
int | xpoint |
int | ypoint |
int | npoints |
int | iscale |
int | gx |
int | gy |
int | xspace |
int | yspace |
int | grid_index |
int | color_index |
char | plotbuf [10 *NF_MAX] |
char | pfname [80] |
char | fnum [80] |
int | xpoint_0 = -1 |
int | ypoint_0 = -1 |
float | grid_far [2 *GRID_NUM] |
float | grid_coef = 1. |
int | mytxt |
int | idx |
int | idy |
int | mdx1 |
int | mdy1 |
char | strp [STR_L] |
char | strF [STR_L] |
char | strT [STR_L] |
char * | color [5] = {"cyan","red","yellow","green","cornflowerblue"} |
int | im_size |
int | offs |
float | gamm |
int | AJ_nr |
int | AJ_off |
int | i_plot [NF_MAX] |
float | AJ_sigma |
float | AJ_norm |
float | AJ_gauss [MAX_SMOOTH] |
float | f_plot [NF_MAX+MAX_SMOOTH] |
char * | formt [4][4] |
int | t_points |
int | t_N_im |
float | t_coef1 |
int | t_min1 |
complex * | c_arr = NULL |
complex * | r_arr = NULL |
int | FT_dim |
int | FT_size |
int | FT_disp |
int | FT_done = 0 |
int | FT_grid = 0 |
int | FT_graph_on = 0 |
int | grid_timed = 0 |
_undo_buf * | undo_buf = NULL |
_undo_buf * | undo_ref = NULL |
int | act_undo = -1 |
int | ref_undo = -1 |
char | FT_name [100] |
int | im_f |
int | phase = 0 |
float | fft_mag = FFT_MAG |
float * | T_ref |
float * | avr_A = NULL |
int | avr_nr = 0 |
int | cancell_FT = 0 |
int | AJ_PseudoColor = 1 |
AJ_rgb_str | AJ_rgb [MCOLORS] |
unsigned long | AJ_RGB [MCOLORS] |
int | bperpix = 8 |
int | border |
char * | argv [] |
| ipx [] |
int | x |
int | y |
int | i1 |
int | i2 |
int | x1 |
int | x2 |
int | amin |
int | nshade |
| h |
XImage * | image |
XImage ** | emage |
int | argc |
| a2 |
Window | Wind |
unsigned int | shape |
char * | fg_col |
char * | bg_col |
char | fname [] |
char | arr [] |
XImage * | Image |
| ys |
| mod |
char * | str |
XEvent * | ev |
Window | keyW |
| my |
Window | topW |
XFontStruct * | finf |
char * | name |
char * | text |
int | str_l |
int | check |
int | g |
int | b |
int | ind |
int | nr |
Colormap | cmap |
XColor * | mc |
int | nc |
char * | out |
Define Documentation
Definition at line 11 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 9 of file FD2.c. |
#define COPYRIGHT_STRING "Copyright"
Definition at line 14 of file FD2.c. |
#define DFILT_SIGMA (4.0*0.42466090)
#define DFILT_THRESH 0.05
Definition at line 52 of file FD2.c. |
#define EPS1 (2*EPX1*EPY1)
#define EPS2 (2*EPX2*EPY2)
#define EPS3 (2*EPX3*EPY3)
#define EPS4 (2*EPX4*EPY4)
#define FFT_first_key kFT1
#define FFT_last_key kFT3
#define FIM_first_key kFI1
#define FIM_last_key kFI3
Definition at line 98 of file FD2.c. |
#define IM_SIZE (2*H_SIZE)
Definition at line 33 of file FD2.c. |
#define KFONT "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-12"
Definition at line 17 of file FD2.c. |
#define max |
( |
a, |
b |
) |
((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min |
( |
a, |
b |
) |
((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min_max_col |
( |
a |
) |
((a) < (256) ? (256) : ((a) > (65280) ? (65280) : (a)))
#define MRIDEB |
( |
str |
) |
fprintf(stderr,"MRI: %s\n",str)
Definition at line 35 of file FD2.c. |
#define NUM_STD_COLORS 16
Definition at line 97 of file FD2.c. |
#define OFFSET (28*IM_HEIGHT)
#define SAR |
( |
k |
) |
Definition at line 49 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 51 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 44 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 22 of file FD2.c. |
#define T_SAR |
( |
k |
) |
Definition at line 50 of file FD2.c. |
#define TFONT "pellucidatypewriter10"
Function Documentation
int FIM_edit_time_series |
( |
) |
void redo_graph_window |
( |
) |
Variable Documentation
Definition at line 63 of file FD2.c. |
float AJ_gauss[MAX_SMOOTH]
unsigned long AJ_RGB[MCOLORS]
Definition at line 39 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 2635 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by addto_args(), AFNI_logger(), AFNI_parse_args(), AFNI_read_inputs(), append_string_to_args(), applyMask(), B2F_read_opts(), basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), BUCK_read_opts(), CALC_read_opts(), ChangeDirectory(), CL_read_opts(), Clp_NewParser(), do_xrestore_stuff(), DT_read_opts(), EDIT_check_argv(), EX_read_opts(), FTOSH_getopts(), get_inputs(), get_line_opt(), get_options(), get_user_inputs(), handle_args(), HI_read_opts(), I_args(), init_options(), initialize(), initialize_program(), isarg(), ListDirectory(), main(), MRG_read_opts(), output_results(), parse_args(), parse_switches(), PC_read_opts(), prepend_string_to_args(), print_text_marker(), process_all_datasets(), Process_Options(), qh_init_A(), qh_init_qhull_command(), read_options(), SC_read_opts(), select_file_type(), set_params(), SetBrowseGlob(), SFIM_getopts(), SUMA_3dBRAIN_VOYAGERtoAFNI_ParseInput(), SUMA_3dCRUISEtoAFNI_ParseInput(), SUMA_3dSurfMask_ParseInput(), SUMA_coarsen_ParseInput(), SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(), SUMA_ParseInput_basics(), SUMA_PROGRAM_NAME_ParseInput(), SUMA_SampBias_ParseInput(), SUMA_SurfToSurf_ParseInput(), TCAT_read_opts(), TFIM_getopts(), tross_commandline(), tross_Make_History(), TT_read_opts(), UC_read_opts(), write_afni_fict(), write_afni_fizt(), write_bucket_data(), write_output(), write_results(), write_ts_array(), and ZCAT_read_opts(). |
short int belt_ar[BELT_A]
short int belt_arr[BELT_A]
Definition at line 7643 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by __glutAssociateColormap(), __glutFreeColormap(), __glutSetupColormap(), AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay(), associateNewColormap(), getShareableColormap(), glutSetColor(), main(), map_v2s_results(), MCW_alter_widget_cursor(), MCW_get_colormap(), MCW_invert_widget(), MCW_set_colormap(), MCW_set_widget_bg(), noFaultXAllocColor(), PBAR_add_bigmap(), RWC_drag_cursor(), SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_getShareableColormap_Eng(), and SUMA_Interpret_AFNIColor(). |
int color = {"cyan","red","yellow","green","cornflowerblue"}
Definition at line 7645 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by add_histogram_color(), AFNI_overlay(), DC_spectrum_AJJ(), DC_spectrum_ZSS(), find_color_index(), find_color_or_error(), glutCopyColormap(), glutSetColor(), load_closest(), menuVisualSetup(), mri_quantize(), name_color(), new_viewer(), noFaultXAllocColor(), qh_printafacet(), qh_printend4geom(), qh_printfacet2geom(), qh_printfacet2geom_points(), qh_printfacet3geom_nonsimplicial(), qh_printfacet3geom_points(), qh_printfacet3geom_simplicial(), qh_printfacet4geom_nonsimplicial(), qh_printfacet4geom_simplicial(), qh_printhyperplaneintersection(), qh_printline3geom(), qh_printpointvect(), SUMA_createColGradient(), TTRR_load_file(), and TTRR_save_CB(). |
Initial value: { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }
Definition at line 451 of file FD2.c. |
int DFILT_code = DFILT_NONE [static]
char* DFILT_fimcode[2] = { "FIM" , "DFIM" } [static]
Definition at line 37 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 461 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by __glutOpenXConnection(), AFNI_load_defaults(), choose_visual(), create_viewer_window(), find_viewer(), get_X11_colordef(), Gif_NewXContext(), Gif_NewXContextFromVisual(), glutInit(), loop(), main(), new_viewer(), RWC_getname(), view_frame(), and xxx_get_colormap(). |
Definition at line 5818 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_crosshair_EV(), AFNI_pbar_EV(), AFNI_process_interrupts(), AFNI_viewbut_EV(), AV_leave_EV(), calculate_results(), DRAW_label_EV(), elvis_CB(), expose_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRAF_drawing_EV(), GRAF_pasdrawing_EV(), ISQ_butsave_EV(), ISQ_button2_EV(), ISQ_drawing_EV(), main(), MCW_click_help_CB(), MCW_popup_message(), MCW_popup_meter(), optmenu_EV(), PBAR_button_EV(), RCREND_accum_lab_EV(), RCREND_pbarmenu_EV(), RCREND_xhair_EV(), REND_pbarmenu_EV(), REND_xhair_EV(), RT_process_xevents(), SUMA_CreateTable(), SUMA_leave_EV(), SUMA_leave_TableField(), SUMA_optmenu_EV(), SUMA_RangeTableCell_EV(), SUMA_SetRangeTableTit_EV(), and T3D_pointer_leave_EV(). |
Definition at line 466 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by __glutProcessDeviceEvents(), AFNI_crosshair_EV(), AFNI_pbar_EV(), AFNI_range_rotate_av_CB(), AFNI_viewbut_EV(), Enter_event(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRAF_drawing_EV(), GRAF_pasdrawing_EV(), input_CB(), ISQ_butsave_EV(), ISQ_button2_EV(), ISQ_cropper(), ISQ_drawing_EV(), Leave_event(), main(), processEvents(), RCREND_accum_lab_EV(), RCREND_pbarmenu_EV(), RCREND_xhair_EV(), REND_pbarmenu_EV(), REND_xhair_EV(), SUMA_mapStateChanged(), SUMA_SetcSV(), SUMA_unSetcSV(), and XcgLiteClueDispatchEvent(). |
float f_plot[NF_MAX+MAX_SMOOTH]
char * FIM_opt_neg[MAX_FIM_COLORS]
char* FIM_opt_pos[MAX_FIM_COLORS]
float FIM_opt_thr[MAX_FIM_COLORS]
char* FIM_selection_name[FIM_last_key-FIM_first_key+1]
Initial value:
{ "Correlation Coefficient Threshold (0..1)" ,
"Vector Filename ('!nofim'==none)" ,
Definition at line 247 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: {
{ "%s.%d", "%s.%02d", "%s.%03d", "%s.%04d"},
{ "%s_%d.%d", "%s_%d.%02d", "%s_%d.%03d", "%s_%d.%04d"},
{"%s_%02d.%d", "%s_%02d.%02d", "%s_%02d.%03d", "%s_%02d.%04d"},
{"%s_%03d.%d", "%s_%03d.%02d", "%s_%03d.%03d", "%s_%03d.%04d"} }
Definition at line 557 of file FD2.c. |
float grid_far[2*GRID_NUM]
Definition at line 535 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by __glutCreateWindow(), __glutGetMenuItem(), __glutGetTransparentPixel(), __glutGetWindow(), __glutPaintMenu(), __glutProcessDeviceEvents(), __glutSetupColormap(), __glutXGetLayerVisualInfo(), add_comment(), add_histogram_color(), add_obj_info(), addunder(), AFNI_drive_set_ijk(), AFNI_drive_set_xhairs(), AFNI_setup_inten_pbar(), alloc_barray(), alloc_fs_workspace(), alloc_sarray(), allocate2D(), allocate_arrays(), allocate_closest(), allocate_colors(), allocate_pieces(), alngam(), alter_MCW_pbar(), ambiguity_error(), analyz(), apply_color_transforms(), apply_frame(), apply_image(), applyMask(), arg_verify(), argsort(), argverify(), array_to_matrix(), array_to_vector(), ascii_get_element(), assert_hist_transparency(), associateNewColormap(), average_extrema(), b_char(), bad_atypes(), basym(), betaln(), bgrat(), binary_get_element(), blank_frameset(), bpser(), brcmp1(), brcomp(), build_ycc_rgb_table(), bup(), byteswap4(), byteswap8(), c_conj(), c_get(), c_mult(), c_padd(), c_scale(), calc_acontr_mean(), calc_CC(), calc_centroid(), calc_constraints(), calc_error(), calc_good_fit(), calc_QuadrantCC(), calc_reflection(), calc_shift(), calc_SpearmanCC(), calc_sse(), calc_sspe(), calc_stat(), calc_sum_sq_acontr(), calc_tcoef(), calculate_adifferences(), calculate_bdifferences(), calculate_cdifferences(), calculate_differences(), calculate_min_code_bits(), calculate_results(), calculate_ss(), calculate_ssi(), calculate_ssij(), calculate_ssijk(), calculate_ssijkm(), calculate_ssik(), calculate_sstr(), calculate_sum(), calculate_sum_sq(), calculate_y(), calculate_ysum(), calcWithOffsets(), cds(), centerOfMass(), check_duplicated_short_options(), check_for_valid_inputs(), check_output_files(), check_temporary_files(), choose_visual(), Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(), Clp_AddType(), Clp_DeleteParser(), Clp_NewParser(), Clp_SetOptionChar(), cluster_distance(), color_change_transformer(), colormap_combine(), colormap_diversity(), colormap_image_floyd_steinberg(), colormap_image_posterize(), colormap_info(), colormap_median_cut(), column_to_vector(), combine_colormaps(), comblock(), comment_info(), compare_class(), compgoto_out(), Computebmatrix(), ComputeD0(), ComputeHpHm(), ComputeJ(), computeVM(), ComputeWtfactors(), COND_CopyText(), copy_data(), create_bucket(), create_colorindex(), create_colormap(), create_context_buffer(), create_image_data(), create_odither_tables(), create_out_global_map(), crunch(), csfft_nextup(), cubic_spline(), cumchn(), cumfnc(), cumnor(), dataval(), Daubechies_forward_pass_1d(), Daubechies_forward_pass_2d(), Daubechies_inverse_pass_1d(), Daubechies_inverse_pass_2d(), DC_color_bright(), DC_gray_change(), DC_gray_conbrio(), DC_gray_contrast(), DC_init_im_col(), DC_init_im_gry(), DC_palette_rotate(), DC_palette_swap(), DCM_ElementDictionary(), DCM_GroupDictionary(), DCM_ScanParseObject(), deallocate_arrays(), deallocate_pieces(), Decode(), DELAY_main(), DELAY_tsfuncV2(), delete_viewer(), detrend(), devlpl(), dim_finish(), dinvnr(), disp_comp_vect(), disp_vect(), Display_Notes(), distance(), dlnbet(), dlngam(), dmalloc_report(), do_barray_io(), do_colormap_change(), do_fio(), do_flip_v(), do_rot_180(), do_rot_270(), do_rot_90(), do_sarray_io(), do_transpose(), do_transverse(), do_ud(), docommon(), doequiv(), doReversibleTransformation(), doughnut(), draw_grids(), DRAW_ttatlas_CB(), drawBox(), drawGraf(), drawtriangle(), dt1(), DTtoDWI_tsfunc(), DWItoDT_tsfunc(), e_d(), edgeDetect(), EDIT_aver_fvol(), EDIT_filter_volume(), EIG_func(), EIG_tsfunc(), emit_dac(), emit_dht(), emit_dqt(), emit_sos(), Encode(), encode_one_block(), enddo(), endioctl(), ensure_slot_255(), equal_strings(), erase_screen(), eval_vertices(), exdo(), expand_array(), exportVRLength(), extension_info(), extract_index(), EXTRACT_tsfunc(), extract_xyz(), extrema_distance(), extrudeSolidFromPolygon(), f__icvt(), f__isdev(), f_back(), f_exit(), f_inqu(), f_mult(), fft(), fft128(), fft256(), fft512(), fft64(), fft_3dec(), fft_4dec(), fft_5dec(), file_byte_getter(), fileinit(), fill_array(), filter(), fim3d_fimmer_compute(), finalize_optimizer(), find_background(), find_best_colors(), find_biggest_color_pop(), find_biggest_volume(), find_element(), find_long(), find_nearby_colors(), find_prefix_opt(), find_property(), find_short(), findColormaps(), findServerOverlayVisualsInfo(), finish_string_list(), fix_entry_returns(), float_to_complex(), flush_(), fmt_init(), fold(), Form_R_Matrix(), forward_DCT(), forward_DCT_float(), Fourier_Filter_Driver(), frame_argument(), free2D(), FreeGlobals(), gamln(), generateEPS(), GenerateGrafFunc(), generateMTFValues(), get_color_table_size(), get_dht(), get_dqt(), get_interesting_appn(), get_intra_block_B14(), get_intra_block_B15(), get_mpeg1_intra_block(), get_mpeg1_non_intra_block(), get_non_intra_block(), get_options(), get_prop_type(), get_soi(), get_sos(), get_used_colors(), get_words(), getAndMoveToFrontDecode(), getarg_(), getcd(), getkwd(), getOverlayVisualInfoCI(), getRLEpair(), getShareableColormap(), gettok(), getUnusedMenuSlot(), getUnusedWindowSlot(), getVisualInfoCI(), Gif_AddColor(), Gif_CalculateScreenSize(), Gif_CopyColormap(), Gif_CopyImage(), Gif_CopyStreamImages(), Gif_DeleteComment(), Gif_DeleteStream(), Gif_FindColor(), Gif_GetNamedImage(), Gif_ImageNumber(), Gif_SetUncompressedImage(), Gif_Unoptimize(), Gif_XClaimStreamColors(), Gif_XSubMask(), globextend(), globfree(), glutChangeToMenuEntry(), glutChangeToSubMenu(), glutCopyColormap(), glutInit(), glutRemoveMenuItem(), glutSetColor(), glutStrokeCharacter(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_overlay_circle(), GRA_small_circle(), GRAF_set_func(), gratio(), h_indx(), Haar_forward_pass_1d(), Haar_forward_pass_2d(), Haar_inverse_pass_1d(), Haar_inverse_pass_2d(), Haar_ip_FFWT_1d(), Haar_ip_IFWT_1d(), handle_args(), hanning(), hash_color(), hashclear(), hbAssignCodes(), hbCreateDecodeTables(), hbMakeCodeLengths(), highbit(), hilbertdelay_V2(), histogram(), i_indx(), icosahedron(), identify_repeats(), ifft(), ijk_invwarp(), ijkwarp(), increment_penalties(), init_fdct(), init_histogram(), init_indep_var_matrix(), init_mat(), InitGlobals(), initialize(), initialize_filters(), initialize_full_model(), initialize_optimizer(), initialize_options(), initialize_simplex(), initialize_slice_sequence(), initialize_state_history(), initkey(), InitSpline(), InitWtfactors(), input_stream(), inregister(), internal_draw_frame(), intrcall(), intrfunct(), InvertSym3(), iocname(), iosetip(), iosetlc(), ipmpar(), is_vect_null(), isarg(), jcopy_markers_execute(), jinit_2pass_quantizer(), jinit_c_coef_controller(), jinit_d_coef_controller(), jinit_forward_dct(), jinit_huff_decoder(), jinit_huff_encoder(), jinit_marker_reader(), jinit_phuff_decoder(), jinit_phuff_encoder(), jpeg_add_quant_table(), jpeg_CreateCompress(), jpeg_CreateDecompress(), jpeg_gen_optimal_table(), jpeg_make_c_derived_tbl(), jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl(), jpeg_set_defaults(), jpeg_suppress_tables(), l_CHAR(), l_read(), l_write(), Lagrange_interp(), linear_interp(), linear_reg(), list_print(), load_closest(), load_decode_table(), load_encode_table(), load_tmp_colors(), loadAndRLEsource(), lookupVRCode(), main(), make_funny_pointers(), make_one_const(), makeMaps(), map_vtou(), mapVRtoASCII(), mark_used_colors(), match_table(), matrix_add(), matrix_check_columns(), matrix_copy(), matrix_create(), matrix_destroy(), matrix_enter(), matrix_equate(), matrix_extract(), matrix_extract_rows(), matrix_file_read(), matrix_file_write(), matrix_identity(), matrix_inverse(), matrix_inverse_dsc(), matrix_multiply(), matrix_norm(), matrix_print(), matrix_scale(), matrix_singvals(), matrix_sqrt(), matrix_subtract(), matrix_sumabs(), matrix_transpose(), max_float(), maximum(), MCW_histo_bytes(), MCW_inverse_histogram_sh(), MD5Update(), mean_array(), menuVisualSetup(), merge_clusters(), merge_colormap_if_possible(), merge_comments(), merge_frame_interval(), merge_image(), merge_stream(), merger_flatten(), min_float(), minimum(), mkname(), mp_quant_block(), mp_quant_zig_block(), mp_rle_huff_block(), mp_rle_huff_pblock(), mpeg2_close(), mpeg2_header_sequence(), mpeg2_idct_add_c(), mpeg2_idct_copy_c(), mpeg2_idct_init(), mpeg2_set_fbuf(), mri_imcount_siemens(), mri_read_siemens(), mri_to_XImage(), mri_warp3d_align_one(), mri_watershedize(), mri_write_ascii(), my_log2(), neighborCount(), new_color_hash(), new_MCW_pbar(), new_viewer(), newarg(), NI_val_to_text(), noFaultXAllocColor(), normalize_quat(), notABogStandardFile(), octahedron(), output_frames(), output_information(), output_results(), p1comp_goto(), p1putds(), p1putn(), pad(), padd(), parse_bool(), parset_bilinear(), PBAR_resize_CB(), PDF_find_extrema(), permute_array(), Pfile(), pfit(), picture_display_ext(), pipe_color_transformer(), pixar_to_XImage(), plot_graphs(), ply_describe_element(), ply_describe_other_elements(), ply_describe_other_properties(), ply_element_count(), ply_get_element_description(), ply_get_element_setup(), ply_get_other_element(), ply_get_other_properties(), ply_header_complete(), ply_open_for_writing(), ply_put_element(), ply_put_other_elements(), ply_read(), ply_write(), poly_field(), powerof2(), ppmd_polyspline(), prepare_colormap(), prepare_colormap_map(), prepare_range_limit_table(), print_array(), print_cluster(), print_options(), print_usage(), print_useless_options(), probeDevices(), process_voxel(), procinit(), prolog(), psi(), Ptype(), pushctl(), put_sub_image_colormap(), putct1(), putentries(), qh_allstatistics(), qh_appendprint(), qh_backnormal(), qh_check_output(), qh_checkfacet(), qh_collectstatistics(), qh_compare_facetvisit(), qh_determinant(), qh_detsimplex(), qh_detvnorm(), qh_errprint(), qh_facetarea_simplex(), qh_facetintersect(), qh_findbestnew(), qh_gausselim(), qh_gethash(), qh_gram_schmidt(), qh_init_qhull_command(), qh_initbuild(), qh_initflags(), qh_initqhull_globals(), qh_initqhull_mem(), qh_initstatistics(), qh_intcompare(), qh_joggleinput(), qh_memsetup(), qh_memstatistics(), qh_newstats(), qh_nostatistic(), qh_option(), qh_partitionall(), qh_printbegin(), qh_printend4geom(), qh_printfacet3geom_points(), qh_printhelp_singular(), qh_printhyperplaneintersection(), qh_printmatrix(), qh_printstatistics(), qh_printstatlevel(), qh_produce_output(), qh_projectdim3(), qh_projectinput(), qh_projectpoints(), qh_randommatrix(), qh_rotatepoints(), qh_scalelast(), qh_scalepoints(), qh_setaddnth(), qh_setdelaunay(), qh_setfacetplane(), qh_sethalfspace_all(), qh_sethyperplane_det(), qh_setindex(), qh_voronoi_center(), qmed_float(), qsrec_double(), qsrec_doubleint(), qsrec_float(), qsrec_floatfloat(), qsrec_floatint(), qsrec_floatstuff(), qsrec_int(), qsrec_intint(), QSREC_NAME(), qsrec_pair(), qsrec_sh(), qsrec_short(), quant_matrix_ext(), queryTabletPos(), randomiseBlock(), rank_array(), rank_darray(), RCREND_setup_color_pbar(), rd_A(), rd_AW(), rd_H(), rd_Z(), rdname(), read_compressed_image(), read_gif_map(), read_image(), read_image_block(), read_image_data(), read_quant_tables(), read_table(), read_test(), readref(), recurseSelect(), recvDecodingTables(), redraw_MCW_pasgraf(), removeArgs(), REND_setup_color_pbar(), REORDER_parseMap(), replace(), reset_bigcolors(), resize_stream(), restart(), Restore_Computations(), rgb_ycc_start(), s_cat(), s_rnge(), s_stop(), save_argtypes(), save_cluster(), save_pgm(), scale_image(), segment_envelope(), select_colors(), select_ncolors(), send_serial(), sendMTFValues(), set_all_surf_vals(), set_bottom_pointers(), set_externs(), set_frame_change(), set_MCW_pasgraf(), set_new_fixed_colormap(), set_surf_results(), set_wraparound_pointers(), setbound(), setdata(), setimpl(), setup_other_props(), ShowHdr(), shuffle(), shuffle_array(), simpleSort(), simplex_initialize(), simplex_optimization(), sort_clusters(), sort_extrema(), sort_model_indices(), SortFiles(), sortIt(), spmpar(), sprint_array(), start_pass(), start_pass_1_quant(), start_pass_2_quant(), start_pass_fdctmgr(), startioctl(), Store_Computations(), subdivide(), subtract(), SUMA_add_node_ixyz(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelHist(), SUMA_AddNewPlane(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_AddNodeIndexColumn(), SUMA_Addto_ROIplane_List(), SUMA_AdvancePastNumbers(), SUMA_AFNI_forward_warp_xyz(), SUMA_AFNItlrc_toMNI(), SUMA_Align_to_VolPar(), SUMA_Alloc_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct(), SUMA_Alloc_OpenDX_Struct(), SUMA_Alloc_SurfaceViewer_Struct(), SUMA_Alloc_SurfObject_Struct(), SUMA_Alloc_ViewState(), SUMA_allocate2D(), SUMA_Allocate_SPI(), SUMA_AllocateROI(), SUMA_AppendToROIdatum(), SUMA_Apply_VolReg_Trans(), SUMA_ApplyAffine(), SUMA_AreaDiff(), SUMA_AssembleAllROIList(), SUMA_AssembleCmapList(), SUMA_AssembleColorPlaneList(), SUMA_AssembleGroupList(), SUMA_Assign_HostName(), SUMA_assignColors(), SUMA_AssignTriBranch(), SUMA_BestStandardView(), SUMA_binTesselate(), SUMA_BrainVoyager_Read(), SUMA_BrainVoyager_Read_vmr(), SUMA_BrushStrokeToNodeStroke(), SUMA_Build_Color_maps(), SUMA_Build_FirstNeighb(), SUMA_Build_Mask_AllROI(), SUMA_BuildMenu(), SUMA_CalcNeighbDist(), SUMA_CalculateNodeAreas(), SUMA_CanTalkToAfni(), SUMA_Cart2Sph(), SUMA_cb_createSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_search_text(), SUMA_cb_XHalock_toggled(), SUMA_cb_XHlock_toggled(), SUMA_cb_XHviewlock_toggled(), SUMA_cellvariety(), SUMA_CheckOnSpecFile(), SUMA_Chung_Smooth_Weights(), SUMA_ClusterCenterofMass(), SUMA_cmap_context_Init(), SUMA_Cmap_To_SO(), SUMA_Cmap_To_SO_old(), SUMA_cmap_wid_display(), SUMA_coarsen_ParseInput(), SUMA_Col2Float(), SUMA_ColLabelCopy(), SUMA_ColorizePlane(), SUMA_ColorMapVec_Info(), SUMA_ColorOverlayPlane_Info(), SUMA_ColorVec_Info(), SUMA_ColPlane_NewOrder(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_ConvexHullSurface(), SUMA_Convexity_Engine(), SUMA_CoordChange(), SUMA_Copy_Part_Column(), SUMA_Create_1dData(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Create_CommSrtuct(), SUMA_createColGradient(), SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(), SUMA_CreateGenericArgParse(), SUMA_CreateIcosahedron(), SUMA_CreateOverlayPointer(), SUMA_CreatePromptActionArea(), SUMA_CreateScrolledList(), SUMA_CreateTable(), SUMA_DeleteROI(), SUMA_DestroyAfniColors(), SUMA_detWeight(), SUMA_Dijkstra(), SUMA_disp_dmat(), SUMA_disp_dvect(), SUMA_disp_mat(), SUMA_disp_vecdmat(), SUMA_disp_vecmat(), SUMA_disp_vect(), SUMA_disp_vecucmat(), SUMA_display(), SUMA_divEdge(), SUMA_dPoint_At_Distance(), SUMA_Draw_SO_ROI(), SUMA_DrawAxis(), SUMA_DrawBrushStroke(), SUMA_DrawCmap(), SUMA_DrawLineAxis(), SUMA_DrawMesh(), SUMA_DrawnROI_to_1DDrawROI(), SUMA_DrawnROI_to_NIMLDrawnROI(), SUMA_DrawSegmentDO(), SUMA_DsetCol2Float(), SUMA_DsetColLabelCopy(), SUMA_DsetInfo(), SUMA_EmptyColorList(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_EngineFieldString(), SUMA_EngineSourceString(), SUMA_EquateSurfaceAreas(), SUMA_EquateSurfaceSize(), SUMA_EquateSurfaceVolumes(), SUMA_existDO(), SUMA_existSO(), SUMA_FaceSet_Edge_Neighb(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_far2dset(), SUMA_Fetch_OverlayPointer(), SUMA_FetchROI_InCreation(), SUMA_FillColorList(), SUMA_FillToMask(), SUMA_FillToMask_Engine(), SUMA_FillToMask_Engine_old(), SUMA_FillToVoxelMask(), SUMA_Find_Color(), SUMA_Find_ColorMap(), SUMA_Find_Edge_Nhost(), SUMA_find_named_SOp_inDOv(), SUMA_Find_OpenDX_Object_Class(), SUMA_Find_OpenDX_Object_Name(), SUMA_Find_ROIonSO(), SUMA_Find_ROIrelatedtoSO(), SUMA_FindClusters(), SUMA_findSO_inDOv(), SUMA_findSOp_inDOv(), SUMA_FindVoxelsInSurface(), SUMA_FindVoxelsInSurface_SLOW(), SUMA_Flip_Color_Map(), SUMA_FlushPlaneNotInUse(), SUMA_FormNeighbOffset(), SUMA_FormSwitchCmapMenuVector(), SUMA_FormSwitchColMenuVector(), SUMA_free2D(), SUMA_Free_ColorMap(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_Free_Displayable_Object_Vect(), SUMA_Free_getoffsets(), SUMA_free_NeighbOffset(), SUMA_Free_OpenDX_Struct(), SUMA_Free_OpenDX_StructVec(), SUMA_free_STB(), SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(), SUMA_Free_SurfaceViewer_Struct(), SUMA_Free_SurfaceViewer_Struct_Vect(), SUMA_FreeAssembleListStruct(), SUMA_FreeDset(), SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(), SUMA_FreeM2M(), SUMA_FreeMenuVector(), SUMA_FreeSurfer_ReadBin_eng(), SUMA_FreeSurfer_WritePatch(), SUMA_FreeTableField(), SUMA_FreeVTI(), SUMA_FromToRotation(), SUMA_FS_ColorTable_Info(), SUMA_FS_Write(), SUMA_generateEPS(), SUMA_Get_AFNI_Default_Color_Maps(), SUMA_Get_isosurface_datasets(), SUMA_Get_NodeIncident(), SUMA_GetColIndex(), SUMA_GetColorList(), SUMA_GetContour(), SUMA_GetDO_Type(), SUMA_GetDsetColIndex(), SUMA_GetEyeAxis(), SUMA_GetLargestBackroundOrder(), SUMA_GetNextCommand(), SUMA_GetNodeIndex_FromNodeRow(), SUMA_GetNodeOverInd(), SUMA_GetNodeRow_FromNodeIndex(), SUMA_getoffsets(), SUMA_getPatch(), SUMA_GetSelectionLine(), SUMA_getShareableColormap_Eng(), SUMA_GetSmallestForegroundOrder(), SUMA_GimmeSomeSOs(), SUMA_HistString(), SUMA_Init_SurfCont_CrossHair(), SUMA_Init_SurfCont_SurfParam(), SUMA_Initialize_getoffsets(), SUMA_InitializeColPlaneShell(), SUMA_InitializeEngineListData(), SUMA_InitRangeTable(), SUMA_inNodeNeighb(), SUMA_input(), SUMA_IO_args_2_spec(), SUMA_iRGB_to_OverlayPointer(), SUMA_is_AllNumeric_dset(), SUMA_is_AllNumeric_nel(), SUMA_is_AllNumeric_ngr(), SUMA_isinpoly(), SUMA_isOverlayOfSO(), SUMA_isROIdequal(), SUMA_isVisibleSO(), SUMA_isVoxelIntersect_Triangle(), SUMA_iswordin(), SUMA_IV_FaceSetsextract(), SUMA_IV_XYZextract(), SUMA_Linearize_Color_Map(), SUMA_ListOrderToPlaneOrder(), SUMA_Load1DDset(), SUMA_Load_Spec_Surf(), SUMA_LoadDXDset(), SUMA_LoadPrepInVol(), SUMA_LoadSpec_eng(), SUMA_LockEnum_LockType(), SUMA_M2M_interpolate(), SUMA_M2M_node_Info(), SUMA_Make_Edge_List_eng(), SUMA_MakeColorMap(), SUMA_MakeColorMap_v2(), SUMA_MakeConsistent(), SUMA_MapRefRelative(), SUMA_MapSurface(), SUMA_MarchingCubesSurface(), SUMA_MaskDsetByClustList(), SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(), SUMA_mattoquat(), SUMA_MemberFaceSets(), SUMA_Mesh_Area(), SUMA_Mesh_Volume(), SUMA_MixColors(), SUMA_MixOverlays(), SUMA_morphToStd(), SUMA_New_Additions(), SUMA_NewAreaAtRadius(), SUMA_NewGeometryInViewer(), SUMA_NewSurfaceGeometry(), SUMA_NewVolumeAtRadius(), SUMA_Next_Best_Seed(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_NIMLDrawnROI_to_DrawnROI(), SUMA_NodeInput(), SUMA_NodePath_to_EdgePath(), SUMA_NodePath_to_TriPath_Inters(), SUMA_NodeStrokeToConnectedNodes(), SUMA_NodeVal2irgba_nel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_Offset_GeomSmooth(), SUMA_ok_orstring(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_1D(), SUMA_OpenDX2dset(), SUMA_OpenDx_Object_Attr(), SUMA_OpenDx_Object_Components(), SUMA_OpenDx_Object_Data(), SUMA_OpenDx_Object_Header_Field(), SUMA_OpenDX_Read(), SUMA_OpenDX_Read_CruiseVolHead(), SUMA_OpenDX_Read_SO(), SUMA_OpenGLStateReset(), SUMA_OrientTriangles(), SUMA_orstring_to_orcode(), SUMA_Overlays_2_GLCOLAR4(), SUMA_OverlaysToOrderedList(), SUMA_pad_str(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(), SUMA_Patch2Surf(), SUMA_Pattie_Volume(), SUMA_Ply_Read(), SUMA_Ply_Write(), SUMA_Point_At_Distance(), SUMA_Point_To_Line_Distance(), SUMA_Point_To_Point_Distance(), SUMA_PolySurf3(), SUMA_PrependToROIdatum(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), SUMA_ProjectSurfaceToSphere(), SUMA_RangeTableCell_EV(), SUMA_read1D(), SUMA_Read_Color_Map_1D(), SUMA_Read_IRGB_file(), SUMA_Read_SpecFile(), SUMA_ReadCharStdin(), SUMA_readColor(), SUMA_readFSannot(), SUMA_readFScurv(), SUMA_ReadNumStdin(), SUMA_Recycle_getoffsets(), SUMA_RedisplayAllShowing(), SUMA_RefreshDsetList(), SUMA_RegisterCommand(), SUMA_RegisterDO(), SUMA_RegisteredSOs(), SUMA_RegisterEngineData(), SUMA_RegisterEngineListCommand(), SUMA_RegisterMessage(), SUMA_RegisterSpecSO(), SUMA_RemoveCoordBias(), SUMA_RemoveDO(), SUMA_RemoveSO_CoordBias(), SUMA_reorder(), SUMA_ReportDrawnROIDatumLength(), SUMA_ROIv2dataset(), SUMA_ROIv2Grpdataset(), SUMA_SampBias_ParseInput(), SUMA_ScaleToMap(), SUMA_ScaleToMap_alaAFNI(), SUMA_ScaleToMap_Interactive(), SUMA_set_Lock_arb(), SUMA_set_Lock_rb(), SUMA_set_LockView_atb(), SUMA_SetAllRemixFlag(), SUMA_SetCellEditMode(), SUMA_SetCmapMenuChoice(), SUMA_SetCoordBias(), SUMA_SetRangeTableTit_EV(), SUMA_SetRangeValue(), SUMA_SetRemixFlag(), SUMA_SetSO_CoordBias(), SUMA_Show_DOv(), SUMA_Show_Edge_List(), SUMA_Show_IO_args(), SUMA_Show_MT_intersect_triangle(), SUMA_Show_OpenDX_Struct(), SUMA_Show_SO_map(), SUMA_Show_SPI(), SUMA_show_STB(), SUMA_Show_SurfClust_list_Info(), SUMA_ShowBrushStroke(), SUMA_ShowDrawnROI(), SUMA_ShowDrawnROIDatum(), SUMA_ShowMemTrace(), SUMA_ShowMeSome(), SUMA_ShowPatch(), SUMA_SmoothAttr_Neighb_Rec(), SUMA_SOGroup_2_Spec(), SUMA_SortedAxisSegmentList(), SUMA_SOVolPar2VolPar_nel(), SUMA_SpecStructInfo(), SUMA_Sph2Cart(), SUMA_SphereQuality(), SUMA_SureFit_Read_Topo(), SUMA_SureFit_Write(), SUMA_Surf_Plane_Intersect(), SUMA_Surface_Curvature(), SUMA_SurfaceMetrics_eng(), SUMA_SurfaceObject_Info(), SUMA_SurfaceViewer_StructInfo(), SUMA_SurfClust_list_2_DsetMask(), SUMA_SurfNorm(), SUMA_SwitchGroups(), SUMA_SwitchState(), SUMA_Taubin_Smooth(), SUMA_Taubin_Smooth_Coef(), SUMA_Taubin_Smooth_TransferFunc(), SUMA_tesselate(), SUMA_TransferSO_CoordBias(), SUMA_triangulateRow(), SUMA_TriInput(), SUMA_TriNorm(), SUMA_TriSurf3(), SUMA_TriSurf3v(), SUMA_UnRegisterDO(), SUMA_UpdateAllViewerCursor(), SUMA_UpdateColPlaneShellAsNeeded(), SUMA_UpdateRotaCenter(), SUMA_UpdateViewerTitle(), SUMA_UpdateViewerTitle_old(), SUMA_UpdateViewPoint(), SUMA_UpdateXhairField(), SUMA_vec_3dfind_to_3dmm(), SUMA_vec_3dmm_to_3dfind(), SUMA_vec_3dmm_to_dicomm(), SUMA_vec_dicomm_to_3dmm(), SUMA_VEC_Write(), SUMA_ViewStateInfo(), SUMA_VisibleSOs(), SUMA_VolDiff(), SUMA_VoxelNeighbors(), SUMA_VoxelsInBox(), SUMA_which_stream_index(), SUMA_whichDO(), SUMA_WhichGroup(), SUMA_WhichState(), SUMA_WhichSV(), SUMA_whichTri(), SUMA_World2ScreenCoords(), SUMA_WorldAxisStandard(), SUMA_write1D(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_1D(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_writeColorFile(), SUMA_writeFSfile(), SUMA_writeSpecFile(), SUMA_XhairInput(), SumaToGts(), switch_animating(), tabletPosChange(), teapot(), terminate(), terminate_program(), tetrahedron(), THD_autonudge(), thd_complexscan(), THD_dataset_info(), THD_matrix_to_orientation(), tnonc_s2p(), transencode_coef_controller(), transpose_critical_parameters(), tross_datetime(), tross_Encode_String(), tross_Expand_String(), try_assign_transparency(), ts_fprint(), ts_loop(), ts_print(), Tune_Init(), typekludge(), undoReversibleTransformation_fast(), undoReversibleTransformation_small(), unmark_colors(), unmark_colors_2(), usage_3dBRAIN_VOYAGERtoAFNI(), usage_3dCRUISEtoAFNI(), usage_3dSurfMask(), usage_PROGRAM_NAME(), usage_SurfToSurf(), UTL_ConvertTimetoFloat(), UTL_IsDirectory(), UTL_VerifyCreatePath(), vcopy(), vector_add(), vector_create(), vector_create_noinit(), vector_dot(), vector_dotself(), vector_equate(), vector_multiply(), vector_multiply_subtract(), vector_print(), vector_subtract(), vector_to_array(), verifyFormat(), w_ed(), wanted(), warp3D_sharm2(), warp3D_sharm2_grad(), warp3D_sharm3(), warp3D_sharm3_grad(), warp_image(), warper_bilinear_det(), weight_extrema(), wr_char_len(), write_char_init(), write_color_table(), write_comment_extensions(), write_float(), write_gif(), write_one_ts(), write_parameter_vector(), write_results(), write_scan_header(), write_tables_only(), write_test(), write_typedefs(), writets(), wrt_AP(), wrt_E(), wrt_G(), wrt_H(), wrt_I(), wrt_IM(), wrt_L(), wrt_Z(), Xgamm(), xyz_to_ijk(), yuv2rgb_c_init(), yygrowstack(), zeromean(), and zzpsop_(). |
Definition at line 2468 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_brick_to_mri(), AFNI_set_viewpoint(), bandr_(), cfft(), cmp_ints(), compute_face_vols(), csfft(), csfft_cox(), csfft_many(), csfft_print(), csfft_trigconsts(), ctcell_(), FFT_1dcx(), fullGtU(), minfit_(), mri_flippo(), mri_rgba_composite_two(), rebak_(), rebakb_(), reduc2_(), reduc_(), rot_to_shear(), rot_to_shear_matvec(), SUMA_FaceSet_Edge_Neighb(), SUMA_NodePath_to_TriPath_Inters_OLD(), SUMA_ScaleToMap(), SUMA_ScaleToMap_alaAFNI(), SUMA_swap_spec_entries(), svd_(), and THD_fetch_many_datasets(). |
Definition at line 2468 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_brick_to_mri(), bandr_(), cfft(), cmp_ints(), compute_face_vols(), csfft(), csfft_cox(), csfft_many(), csfft_print(), csfft_trigconsts(), FFT_1dcx(), fullGtU(), mri_flippo(), mri_rgba_composite_two(), rot_to_shear(), rot_to_shear_matvec(), THD_fetch_many_datasets(), undoReversibleTransformation_fast(), and undoReversibleTransformation_small(). |
Definition at line 42 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 7499 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_func_overlay(), AFNI_receive_control(), AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay(), apply_image(), bisect_(), bratio(), erfc1(), FD_brick_to_series(), gratio(), imtqlv_(), ind_printf(), init_options(), main(), PBAR_bigmap_finalize(), ratqr_(), RCREND_xhair_recv(), SUMA_AttrOfDsetColNumb(), SUMA_coarsen_ParseInput(), SUMA_Col2Float(), SUMA_Convexity_Engine(), SUMA_DsetCol2Float(), SUMA_GetDsetValInCol(), SUMA_GetDsetValInCol2(), SUMA_GetValInCol(), SUMA_GetValInCol2(), SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(), SUMA_SampBias_ParseInput(), SUMA_TypeOfColNumb(), SUMA_TypeOfDsetColNumb(), THD_extract_array(), THD_extract_many_series(), THD_extract_series(), THD_insert_series(), tinvit_(), tridib_(), and write_indent(). |
Definition at line 198 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by addto_Htable(), AFNI_drive_open_window(), AFNI_receive_control(), drive_MCW_imseq(), findin_Htable(), hexcheck(), iochan_init(), ISQ_handle_keypress(), key_press(), main(), processEvents(), qh_checkflags(), qh_initflags(), qh_initthresholds(), removefrom_Htable(), shm_accept(), SHM_accept(), shm_create(), SHM_create(), and SHM_init(). |
char* key_kFFT_FFT = "FFT"
char* key_kFFT_noFT = "noFT"
Initial value: { "ref =pixel ->" ,
"ref+=pixel ->" ,
"smooth ref ->" ,
"thresh -+ ->" ,
" NO FIM ->" ,
"refplt -+ ->" ,
"save ref ->" ,
"polort -+ ->" ,
"ort = ref ->" ,
"clear orts ->" ,
"SubFit -+ ->"
Definition at line 293 of file FD2.c. |
char* key_kFI3_help[kFI3_NUM]
Initial value: { "set reference function = central pixel" ,
"add central pixel to reference function" ,
"median (of 3) filter reference function" ,
"- or + correlation coefficient threshold" ,
"turn fimming off" ,
"- or + number of reference function plots" ,
"save reference function in a file" ,
"- or + number of polynomial ort functions" ,
"make current ref an ort instead" ,
"clear all current ort functions" ,
"set least squares removal in graphs"
Definition at line 306 of file FD2.c. |
char* key_kFIM_FIM = "FIM"
char* key_kFIM_GO = "GO!"
char* key_kFT1[2] = {"edit", "end"}
char* key_kFT2[4] = {" FT ", "0..0", "from", " to "}
char* key_kFT3[3] = {" ", "i FT", "zero"}
char* key_kROT_all = "Rot"
char* key_kROT_one = "Rot1"
int kFI3_refsum_count = 0
int LSQ_code = LSQ_NONE [static]
char* LSQ_fimcode[LSQ_LASTCODE+1] [static]
Initial value:
{ " " , "SUB:ort" , "SUB:all" , "FIT:ort" , "FIT:all" ,"SUB:ort FIT:ideal"}
Definition at line 283 of file FD2.c. |
float* LSQ_fit[MAX_TOTAL_REF] [static]
int LSQ_imedit[LSQ_LASTCODE+1] [static]
Initial value:
Definition at line 281 of file FD2.c. |
int LSQ_refcount = 0 [static]
Definition at line 6182 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_get_friend(), AFNI_imag_pop_CB(), AFNI_plugout_workproc(), AFNI_register_nD_function(), autovar(), call0(), call1(), call2(), call3(), call4(), callk(), check_mod_type(), Clp_AddStringListType(), compress(), containsDubiousChars(), DC_add_overlay_color(), DCM_OpenFile(), do_ncdump(), doinclude(), DRAW_make_widgets(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), endsInBz2(), excall(), explode_filename(), fileExists(), find_graph_xy_name(), get_input_stream(), get_siemens_extra_info(), Gif_GetNamedImage(), handle_args(), inilex(), input_stream(), iochan_init(), L1F_worker(), LSQ_worker(), main(), match(), MCW_choose_timeseries(), mri_read_many_nsize(), mri_read_nsize(), NC_check_name(), nc_copy_att(), nc_def_dim(), nc_def_var(), nc_del_att(), NC_findattr(), NC_finddim(), NC_findvar(), nc_get_att(), nc_get_att_double(), nc_get_att_float(), nc_get_att_int(), nc_get_att_long(), nc_get_att_schar(), nc_get_att_short(), nc_get_att_text(), nc_get_att_uchar(), nc_inq_att(), nc_inq_attid(), nc_inq_attlen(), nc_inq_attname(), nc_inq_atttype(), nc_inq_dim(), nc_inq_dimid(), nc_inq_dimname(), nc_inq_var(), nc_inq_varid(), nc_inq_varname(), NC_lookupattr(), nc_put_att(), nc_put_att_double(), nc_put_att_float(), nc_put_att_int(), nc_put_att_long(), nc_put_att_schar(), nc_put_att_short(), nc_put_att_text(), nc_put_att_uchar(), nc_rename_att(), ncattcopy(), ncattdel(), ncattget(), ncattinq(), ncattname(), ncattput(), ncattrename(), ncdimdef(), ncdimid(), ncdiminq(), ncdimrename(), ncvardef(), ncvarid(), ncvarinq(), ncvarrename(), new_iob_data(), new_NC_attr(), new_NC_dim(), new_NC_var(), new_viewer(), new_x_NC_dim(), next_viewer(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_new_processing_instruction(), NI_registry_add(), NI_registry_malloc(), NI_stream_open(), niml_to_symvec(), notABogStandardFile(), oneof_stg(), open_MCW_imseq(), openDataset(), p1_head(), PBAR_add_bigmap(), PBAR_define_bigmap(), PBAR_make_bigmap(), PBAR_read_bigmap(), ply_get_element_setup(), ply_open_for_reading(), ply_open_for_writing(), print_usage(), rdname(), read_colormap_file(), read_input_data(), read_test(), read_text_colormap(), readData(), readFile(), readFile1(), readGroupElement(), readPreamble(), readSequence(), readVRLength(), remapFileName(), RT_find_value(), RT_number_array(), RWC_getname(), scanCompressedPixels(), set_new_fixed_colormap(), set_URL_ftp_ident(), SFIM_load_intervals(), SFIM_write_avs(), SHM_init(), snocString(), SUMA_AfniPrefix(), SUMA_Load1DDset(), SUMA_LoadDXDset(), SUMA_Ply_Read(), SUMA_spec_select_surfs(), SYM_expand_ranges(), testf(), THD_erase_one_atr(), THD_filename_ok(), THD_filename_pure(), THD_find_atr(), THD_find_float_atr(), THD_find_int_atr(), THD_find_string_atr(), THD_set_char_atr(), THD_set_float_atr(), THD_set_int_atr(), TTRR_load_file(), TTRR_save_CB(), TTRR_setup_widgets(), uncompress(), verbose_open(), wr_abbrevs(), and wr_one_init(). |
Definition at line 7752 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by color_quantize(), DC_color_bright(), DC_gray_change(), DC_gray_conbrio(), DC_gray_contrast(), DC_init_im_col(), DC_init_im_gry(), DC_palette_rotate(), DC_palette_swap(), DC_set_image_colors(), extract_assign_directions(), extract_byte_fs(), extract_byte_liby(), extract_byte_lifl(), extract_byte_lix(), extract_byte_lixx(), extract_byte_nn(), extract_byte_speedtest(), extract_byte_ts(), extract_byte_tsx(), extract_rgba_nn(), find_color_index(), getplane_byte(), init_histogram(), load_tmp_colors(), main(), mcw_load(), null_convert(), pipe_color_transformer(), ppmd_polyspline(), putplane_byte(), quantize_fs_dither(), quantize_ord_dither(), RCREND_axis_rotmatrix(), REND_init_cmap(), ROIPLOT_main(), RT_start_dataset(), s_cat(), select_ncolors(), studave_t2p(), studave_t2z(), SUMA_ClusterCenterofMass(), SUMA_disp_dmat(), SUMA_disp_mat(), SUMA_disp_vecdmat(), SUMA_disp_vecmat(), SUMA_disp_vecucmat(), SUMA_dqsortrow(), SUMA_FindClusters(), SUMA_fqsortrow(), SUMA_GetStandardMap(), SUMA_NodePath_to_TriPath_Inters(), SUMA_ReadCharStdin(), swaptest(), TAG_columnize(), THD_average_timeseries(), and tross_multi_Append_History(). |
Definition at line 46 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 47 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 7623 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_process_environ(), AFNI_process_setup(), AFNI_rescan_session_NEW(), DRAW_make_widgets(), find_unusual_correlations(), free_PCOR_references(), PCOR_get_coef(), PCOR_get_lsqfit(), PCOR_get_mcor(), PCOR_get_pcor(), PCOR_get_pcor_and_coef(), PCOR_get_perc(), PCOR_get_variance(), PCOR_UPDATE(), quadrant_manycorr(), read_glt_matrix(), segment_envelope(), spearman_rank_manycorr(), SUMA_disp_dmat(), SUMA_disp_mat(), SUMA_disp_vecdmat(), SUMA_disp_vecmat(), SUMA_disp_vecucmat(), SUMA_dqsortrow(), SUMA_fqsortrow(), SUMA_isinbox(), SUMA_isinsphere(), SUMA_SmoothAttr_Neighb(), SUMA_SmoothAttr_Neighb_Rec(), SUMA_SphereQuality(), unusuality(), and update_PCOR_references(). |
unsigned long pixels[MCOLORS]
Definition at line 498 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by allocate_colors(), associateNewColormap(), create_x_colormap_extension(), generateEPS(), Gif_XClaimStreamColors(), ppmd_circle(), ppmd_filledrectangle(), ppmd_line(), ppmd_polyspline(), ppmd_spline3(), ppmd_text(), put_sub_image_colormap(), SUMA_cmap_wid_input(), SUMA_display(), SUMA_generateEPS(), and SUMA_input(). |
unsigned long plane_masks[1]
int* plot[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]
int pmax[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]
Definition at line 533 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_inten_av_CB(), AFNI_inten_bbox_CB(), AFNI_pbar_CB(), AFNI_set_pbar_top_CB(), alter_MCW_pbar(), analyze_results(), main(), MCW_pbar_to_mri(), new_MCW_pbar(), nlfit(), PBAR_resize_CB(), RCREND_color_bbox_CB(), RCREND_colornum_av_CB(), RCREND_func_widgets(), RCREND_pbarmenu_CB(), RCREND_set_pbar_top_CB(), REND_func_widgets(), REND_pbarmenu_CB(), REND_set_pbar_top_CB(), report_results(), and save_results(). |
int pmin[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]
Definition at line 533 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_inten_av_CB(), AFNI_inten_bbox_CB(), AFNI_pbar_CB(), AFNI_set_pbar_top_CB(), alter_MCW_pbar(), MCW_pbar_to_mri(), new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_resize_CB(), RCREND_color_bbox_CB(), RCREND_colornum_av_CB(), RCREND_func_widgets(), RCREND_pbarmenu_CB(), REND_func_widgets(), and REND_pbarmenu_CB(). |
Definition at line 64 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 401 of file SUMA_glxdino.c.
00402 {
00404 glCallList(DINOSAUR);
00405 if (doubleBuffer)
00406 glXSwapBuffers(dpy, win);
00407 else
00408 glFlush();
00409 }
Definition at line 56 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 58 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 61 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 60 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 62 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 59 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 56 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: { {-1,-2},{ 0,-2}, { 1,-2},
{ 2,-1},{ 2, 0}, { 2, 1},
{ 1, 2},{ 0, 2}, {-1, 2},
{-2, 1},{-2, 0}, {-2,-1} }
Definition at line 454 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: {
{0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff}, {0xffff, 0x0000, 0x0000},
{0x0000, 0xffff, 0x0000}, {0x0000, 0x0000, 0xffff},
{0x0000, 0xffff, 0xffff}, {0xffff, 0x0000, 0xd3d3},
{0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0000}, {0xffff, 0x8a8a, 0xffff},
{0x0000, 0x7000, 0x0fff}, {0x0000, 0xffff, 0x9f9f},
{0x0000, 0x8a8a, 0xffff}, {0x9494, 0x0000, 0xd3d3},
{0xffff, 0x0000, 0x9494}, {0x6969, 0x6969, 0x6969},
{0xaeae, 0xaeae, 0xaeae}, {0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000}
Definition at line 440 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: { 1, 2, 1, 0,
2, 4, 2, 0,
1, 2, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 }
Definition at line 430 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0,
3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0,
4, 8, 12, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0,
3, 6, 9, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Definition at line 422 of file FD2.c. |
Initial value: {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0,
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0,
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0,
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0,
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 42, 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0,
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 49, 42, 35, 28, 21, 14, 7, 0,
8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0,
7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 49, 42, 35, 28, 21, 14, 7, 0,
6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 42, 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6, 0,
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0,
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0,
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Definition at line 404 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 543 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(), new_NC_attr(), new_NC_dim(), new_NC_var(), new_x_NC_attr(), new_x_NC_var(), putconst(), redraw_graph(), SUMA_pad_str(), text_graphs(), v1h_get_NC_attr(), and v1h_get_NC_var(). |
Definition at line 40 of file FD2.c. |
char * tfont_hopefuls[] [static]
Initial value: {
"filled-in-by-default" ,
"lucidasanstypewriter-10" ,
"-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1" ,
"-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-100-100-100-c-70-iso8859-1" ,
"7x14" , "6x13" , "vtsingle" , "fixed" ,
Definition at line 180 of file FD2.c. |
unsigned short tmp1[NCOLORS]
unsigned short tmp2[NCOLORS]
unsigned short tmp3[NCOLORS]
Definition at line 43 of file FD2.c. |
short int tmp_imx[IM_ARR]
int * val[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]
Definition at line 2468 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AFNI_3d_linefill(), algdiv(), bcorr(), calcWithOffsets(), clip_line_to_rect(), clip_memplot(), create_row(), dct8(), draw_image_line(), DRAW_ttatlas_CB(), draw_xseg(), drawtriangle(), EDIT_opts(), erf1(), fd_line(), fdct8(), flip_memplot(), GenerateGrafFunc(), get_quadratic_trend(), getdimen(), idct8(), ifdct8(), ISQ_cropper(), line_(), linear_interp(), main(), memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), memplot_to_X11_sef(), mp_rle_huff_block(), mp_rle_huff_pblock(), phline_(), plotline_memplot(), plotpak_line(), plotpak_phline(), plotpak_unphys(), plotpak_zzphys(), plotrect_memplot(), ppmd_spline3(), ps_arc(), ps_rect(), RWC_drag_rectangle(), RWC_draw_rect(), setw_(), SUMA_binTesselate(), THD_autonudge(), zzaxxx_(), zzclip_(), zzline_(), zzlinx_(), zzlogx_(), zzmpli_(), and zzphph_(). |
Definition at line 533 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), betasolve(), BFIT_compute(), BFIT_main(), bi7func(), csfft(), csfft_cox(), csfft_many(), csfft_print(), DC_color_bright(), DC_gray_change(), DC_gray_conbrio(), DC_gray_contrast(), DC_palette_rotate(), DC_palette_swap(), DC_set_image_colors(), DCpix_to_XColor(), draw_grids(), fft128(), fft16(), fft256(), fft32(), fft512(), fft64(), fft8(), FFT_1dcx(), FFT_2dchirpz(), fft_3dec(), fft_4dec(), fft_5dec(), float_to_complex(), GRA_draw_circle(), ISQ_saver_CB(), main(), mri_read_dicom(), NIML_to_SUMA_ixyz(), ppmd_polyspline(), ppmd_spline3(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), r_mri_read_dicom(), redraw_graph(), RT_process_info(), RWC_draw_circle(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_ixyzsort_surface(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), and XImage_to_mri(). |
int xorigin[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]
struct _key xtkeys[N_KEYS]
Initial value: { {"Rot" , kROT, Ims_rot},
{"Help" , kHLP, Im_help},
{"AvIm" , kAVR, Im_Aver},
{"Diff" , kDIF, Im_diff},
{"Smth" , kSIG, Smooth_line},
{"FFT" , kFFT, FFT_action} ,
{"FIM" , kFIM, FIM_action} ,
{"Norm" , kNRM, Im_norm},
{"Average: from this image" , kAV1 , Av_im1},
{"Average: to this one. " , kAV2 , Av_im2},
{"Ref. level first image" , kIR1 , Ref_im1},
{"Ref. level last image" , kIR1 , Ref_im2},
{"set threshold" , kFI1 , FIM_selection},
{"ref/ort file " , kFI2 , FIM_selection},
{"PUSH BUTTON 3" , kFI3 , FIM_selection},
{"edit", kFT1 , FFT_selection},
{" FT ", kFT2 , FFT_selection},
{" ", kFT3 , FFT_selection}
Definition at line 327 of file FD2.c. |
Definition at line 533 of file FD2.c.
Referenced by AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), clear_around_point(), draw_grids(), FFT_2dchirpz(), GRA_draw_circle(), mri_read_dicom(), NIML_to_SUMA_ixyz(), ppmd_polyspline(), ppmd_spline3(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), r_mri_read_dicom(), radial_fill(), redraw_graph(), RT_process_info(), RWC_draw_circle(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_ixyzsort_surface(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), and SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(). |
int yorigin[MAT_MAX][MAT_MAX]