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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
00003    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
00004    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
00005 ******************************************************************************/
00007 /*
00008   This file contains routines used by programs 3dNLfim, plug_nlfit, and
00009   3dTSgen for performing non-linear regression analysis of AFNI 3d+time 
00010   data seta, and investigating various statistical properties of the data. 
00012   File:     NLfit.c
00013   Author:   B. Douglas Ward
00014   Date:     19 June 1997
00016   Mod:      Added option for absolute noise parameter constraints.
00017   Date:     21 August 1997
00019   Mod:      Changed random number initialization from srand to srand48.
00020   Date:     29 August 1997
00022   Mod:      Added options for percent signal change above baseline, and
00023             calculation of area under the signal above baseline.
00024   Date:     26 November 1997
00026   Mod:      Continuation of previous modification.
00027   Date:     8 January 1998
00029   Mod:      Added novar flag to eliminate unnecessary calculations.
00030   Date:     13 July 1999
00032   Mod:      Adjust F-statistics if parameter constraints force a parameter
00033             to be a constant.
00034   Date:     08 February 2000
00036   Mod:      Changes for output of R^2 (coefficient of multiple determination),
00037             and standard deviation of residuals from full model fit.
00038             Added global variable calc_tstats.
00039             Also, added screen display of p-values.
00040   Date:     10 May 2000
00042   Mod:      Add stuff for longjmp() return from NLfit_error().
00043   Date:     01 May 2003 - RWCox
00045 */
00047 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00049 #include "NLfit_model.c"
00051 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00052 /*
00053    Routine to print error message and stop.
00054 */
00056 #include <setjmp.h>                    /* 01 May 2003 */
00057 static int jump_on_NLfit_error = 0 ;
00058 static jmp_buf NLfit_error_jmpbuf ;
00060 void NLfit_error
00061 (
00062   char * message         /* message to be displayed */
00063 )
00065 {
00066    fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME, message);
00067    if( jump_on_NLfit_error ) longjmp( NLfit_error_jmpbuf , 1 ) ;  /* 01 May 2003 */
00068    exit(1);
00069 }
00072 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00073 /*
00074   Routine to initialize the signal model by defining the number of parameters
00075   in the signal model, the default values for the minimum and maximum 
00076   parameter constraints, and setting the pointer to the function which
00077   implements the signal model.
00078 */
00080 void initialize_signal_model 
00081 (
00082   NLFIT_MODEL_array * model_array,       /* the array of SO models */
00083   char * sname,            /* name of signal model (user input) */
00084   vfp * smodel,            /* pointer to signal model */
00085   int * p,                 /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00086   char ** spname,          /* signal parameter names */
00087   float * min_sconstr,     /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00088   float * max_sconstr      /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00089 )
00091 {
00092   int im, ip, index;
00093   char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];    /* error message */
00096   index = -1;
00097   for (im = 0;  im < model_array->num;  im++)
00098     if (strncmp(model_array->modar[im]->interface->label, 
00099                 sname, MAX_NAME_LENGTH) == 0)  index = im;
00100   if (index < 0)
00101     {
00102       sprintf (message, "Unable to locate signal model %s", sname);
00103       NLfit_error (message);
00104     }
00106   if (model_array->modar[index]->interface->model_type != MODEL_SIGNAL_TYPE)
00107     {
00108       sprintf (message, "%s has not been declared a signal model", sname);
00109       NLfit_error (message);
00110     }
00112   *smodel = model_array->modar[index]->interface->call_func;
00113   if (*smodel == NULL) 
00114     {
00115       sprintf (message, "Signal model %s not properly implemented", sname);
00116       NLfit_error (message);
00117     }
00119   *p = model_array->modar[index]->interface->params;
00120   if ((*p < 0) || (*p > MAX_PARAMETERS)) 
00121     {
00122       sprintf (message, "Illegal number of parameters for signal model %s", 
00123                sname);
00124       NLfit_error (message);
00125     }
00127   for (ip = 0;  ip < *p;  ip++)
00128     {
00129       strncpy (spname[ip], model_array->modar[index]->interface->plabel[ip],
00130                MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00131       min_sconstr[ip] = model_array->modar[index]->interface->min_constr[ip]; 
00132       max_sconstr[ip] = model_array->modar[index]->interface->max_constr[ip]; 
00133       if (min_sconstr[ip] > max_sconstr[ip])
00134         NLfit_error("Must have signal parameter min cnstrnts <= max cnstrnts");
00135     }
00137 }
00140 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00141 /*
00142   Routine to initialize the noise model by defining the number of parameters
00143   in the noise model, the default values for the minimum and maximum 
00144   parameter constraints, and setting the pointer to the function which
00145   implements the noise model.
00146 */
00148 void initialize_noise_model 
00149 (
00150   NLFIT_MODEL_array * model_array,       /* the array of SO models */
00151   char * nname,            /* name of noise model (user input) */
00152   vfp * nmodel,            /* pointer to noise model */
00153   int * r,                 /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00154   char ** npname,          /* noise parameter names */
00155   float * min_nconstr,     /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00156   float * max_nconstr      /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00157 )
00159 {
00160   int im, ip, index;
00161   char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];    /* error message */
00164   index = -1;
00165   for (im = 0;  im < model_array->num;  im++)
00166     if (strncmp(model_array->modar[im]->interface->label, 
00167                 nname, MAX_NAME_LENGTH) == 0)  index = im;
00168   if (index < 0)
00169     {
00170       sprintf (message, "Unable to locate noise model %s", nname);
00171       NLfit_error (message);
00172     }
00174   if (model_array->modar[index]->interface->model_type != MODEL_NOISE_TYPE)
00175     {
00176       printf ("type = %d \n", 
00177               model_array->modar[index]->interface->model_type);
00178       sprintf (message, "%s has not been declared a noise model", nname);
00179       NLfit_error (message);
00180     }
00182   *nmodel = model_array->modar[index]->interface->call_func;
00183   if (*nmodel == NULL) 
00184     {
00185       sprintf (message, "Noise model %s not properly implemented", nname);
00186       NLfit_error (message);
00187     }
00189   *r = model_array->modar[index]->interface->params;
00190   if ((*r < 0) || (*r > MAX_PARAMETERS)) 
00191     {
00192       sprintf (message, "Illegal number of parameters for noise model %s", 
00193                nname);
00194       NLfit_error (message);
00195     }
00197   for (ip = 0;  ip < *r;  ip++)
00198     {
00199       strncpy (npname[ip], model_array->modar[index]->interface->plabel[ip],
00200                MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00201       min_nconstr[ip] = model_array->modar[index]->interface->min_constr[ip]; 
00202       max_nconstr[ip] = model_array->modar[index]->interface->max_constr[ip]; 
00203       if (min_nconstr[ip] > max_nconstr[ip])
00204         NLfit_error("Must have noise parameter min cnstrnts <= max cnstrnts");
00205     }
00207 }
00210 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00211 /*
00212   Routine to calculate the least squares linear regression.
00213 */
00215 void calc_linear_regression 
00216 ( 
00217   matrix x,              /* matrix of constants */
00218   vector y,              /* observation vector */
00219   vector * b,            /* estimated regression coefficients */
00220   float * sse            /* error sum of squares */
00221 )
00223 {
00224   matrix xt, xtx, xtxinv, xtxinvxt;     /* intermediate matrix results */
00225   vector yhat;                          /* estimate of observation vector */
00226   vector e;                             /* error in fit */
00227   int ok;                               /* successful matrix inversion? */
00230   /*----- initialize matrices -----*/
00231   matrix_initialize (&xt);
00232   matrix_initialize (&xtx);
00233   matrix_initialize (&xtxinv);
00234   matrix_initialize (&xtxinvxt);
00235   vector_initialize (&yhat);
00236   vector_initialize (&e);
00238   /*----- calculate least squares regression coefficients -----*/
00239   matrix_transpose (x, &xt);
00240   matrix_multiply (xt, x, &xtx);
00241   ok = matrix_inverse (xtx, &xtxinv);
00242   if (!ok)  NLfit_error ("Unable to invert matrix");
00243   matrix_multiply (xtxinv, xt, &xtxinvxt);
00244   vector_multiply (xtxinvxt, y, b);
00246   /*----- calculate least squares fit -----*/
00247   vector_multiply (x, *b, &yhat);
00249   /*----- calculate error sum of squares -----*/
00250   vector_subtract (y, yhat, &e);
00251   *sse = vector_dot (e, e);
00253   /*----- dispose of matrices -----*/
00254   vector_destroy (&e);
00255   vector_destroy (&yhat);
00256   matrix_destroy (&xtxinvxt);
00257   matrix_destroy (&xtxinv);
00258   matrix_destroy (&xtx);
00259   matrix_destroy (&xt);
00261 }
00264 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00265 /*
00266   Routine to calculate the least squares fit corresponding the the (linear)
00267   reduced model.
00268 */
00270 void calc_reduced_model 
00271 ( 
00272   int n,                 /* number of observations */        
00273   int r,                 /* number of parameters in reduced model */
00274   float ** x_array,      /* data matrix */
00275   float * y_array,       /* observed time series */
00276   float * b_array,       /* estimated parameters for reduced model */
00277   float * sse            /* error sum of squares */
00278 )
00280 {
00281   matrix x;              /* independent variable matrix */
00282   vector y;              /* observation vector */
00283   vector b;              /* regression coefficient vector */
00286   /*----- initialize matrices and vectors -----*/
00287   matrix_initialize (&x);
00288   vector_initialize (&y);
00289   vector_initialize (&b);
00291   /*----- convert data to matrix and vector types -----*/
00292   array_to_matrix (n, r, x_array, &x);
00293   array_to_vector (n, y_array, &y);
00295   /*----- calculate linear regression -----*/
00296   calc_linear_regression (x, y, &b, sse);
00298   /*----- convert vector to array -----*/
00299   vector_to_array (b, b_array);
00301   /*----- dispose of matrices and vectors -----*/
00302   vector_destroy (&b);
00303   vector_destroy (&y);
00304   matrix_destroy (&x);
00305 }
00308 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00309 /*
00310   Routine to allocate memory required for calculation of the full model.
00311 */
00313 void initialize_full_model 
00314 (
00315   int dimension,            /* number of parameters in full model */
00316   int nbest,                /* keep nbest vectors from random search */
00317   float *** parameters,     /* array of parameter vectors */
00318   float ** sse              /* array of error sum of squares */
00319 )
00321 {
00322   int i;                    /* parameter vector index */
00324   *sse = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nbest);   
00325   *parameters = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * nbest);
00326   for (i = 0;  i < nbest;  i++)
00327     (*parameters)[i] = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
00329 }
00332 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00333 /*
00334   Routine to determine if the parameter vector violates the constraints.
00335 */
00337 int calc_constraints 
00338 (
00339   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00340   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00341   int nabs,               /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00342   float * b_array,        /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
00343   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00344   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00345   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00346   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00347   float * vertex          /* test parameter vector */
00348 )
00350 {
00351   int i;                  /* parameter index */
00354   /*----- check noise model constraints -----*/
00355   if (nabs)   /*--- absolute noise parameter constraints ---*/
00356     for (i = 0;  i < r;  i++)
00357       {
00358         if (vertex[i] < min_nconstr[i])  return (1);
00359         if (vertex[i] > max_nconstr[i])  return (1);
00360       }
00361   else        /*--- relative noise parameter constraints ---*/
00362     for (i = 0;  i < r;  i++)
00363       {
00364         if (vertex[i] < min_nconstr[i] + b_array[i])  return (1);
00365         if (vertex[i] > max_nconstr[i] + b_array[i])  return (1);
00366       }
00368   /*----- check signal model constraints -----*/
00369   for (i = 0;  i < p;  i++)
00370     {
00371       if (vertex[i+r] < min_sconstr[i])  return (1);
00372       if (vertex[i+r] > max_sconstr[i])  return (1);
00373     }
00375   return (0);
00376 }
00378 #define SAVE_RAN  /* 27 July 1998 -- RWCox */
00379 #ifdef  SAVE_RAN
00380 /*===========================================================================*/
00381 /* Data to save and reuse the random search parameters for the signal model. */
00382 /* The purpose is to avoid recomputation of the signal model over and over.  */
00384 /* Parameters of the noise model (not used at this time) */
00386 static vfp     OLD_nmodel      = NULL ;
00387 static int     OLD_r           = -1 ;
00388 static float * OLD_min_nconstr = NULL ;  /* [r] */
00389 static float * OLD_max_nconstr = NULL ;  /* [r] */
00390 static float * RAN_npar = NULL ;         /* [nrand*r]        */
00391 static float * RAN_nts  = NULL ;         /* [nrand*ts_length */
00393 /* Parameters of the signal model */
00395 static vfp     OLD_smodel      = NULL ;
00396 static int     OLD_p           = -1 ;
00397 static float * OLD_min_sconstr = NULL ;  /* [p] */
00398 static float * OLD_max_sconstr = NULL ;  /* [p] */
00399 static float * RAN_spar = NULL ;         /* [nrand*p]        */
00400 static float * RAN_sts  = NULL ;         /* [nrand*ts_length */
00402 static int     OLD_ts_length   = -1 ;
00403 static int     OLD_nrand       = -1 ;
00404 static float   OLD_x0          = -666.0 ;
00405 static float   OLD_x1          = -777.0 ;
00407 static int     RAN_sind = -1 ;  /* if >= 0, index of random signal to use */
00409 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00410 /* Function to compare two floating point vectors of the same length         */
00412 int RAN_compare_vect( int n , float * a , float * b )
00413 {
00414    int ii ;
00415    if( n < 1 || a == NULL || b == NULL ) return 1 ;
00416    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) if( a[ii] != b[ii] ) return 1 ;
00417    return 0 ;
00418 }
00420 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00421 /* Function to initialize the random parameters and their time series.       */
00422 /* At present, the noise model is not used, due to its 'relative' nature.    */
00424 void RAN_setup
00425 (
00426   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
00427   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
00428   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00429   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00430   int nabs,               /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00431   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00432   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00433   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00434   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00435   int ts_length,          /* length of time series array */
00436   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
00437   int nrand               /* number of random vectors to generate */
00438 )
00439 {
00440    int ip , ipt ;
00441    float * par ;
00442    float * ts ;
00444    /*** check if the signal model is dead on arrival ***/
00446    if( smodel == NULL ){
00447       OLD_smodel = NULL ;
00448       OLD_p      = -1 ;
00449       if( OLD_min_sconstr != NULL ){ free(OLD_min_sconstr); OLD_min_sconstr = NULL; }
00450       if( OLD_max_sconstr != NULL ){ free(OLD_max_sconstr); OLD_max_sconstr = NULL; }
00451       if( RAN_spar        != NULL ){ free(RAN_spar)       ; RAN_spar        = NULL; }
00452       if( RAN_sts         != NULL ){ free(RAN_sts )       ; RAN_sts         = NULL; }
00453       return ;
00454    }
00456    /*** check if the signal model has changed ***/
00458    if( smodel        != OLD_smodel                     ||
00459        p             != OLD_p                          ||
00460        ts_length     != OLD_ts_length                  ||
00461        nrand         != OLD_nrand                      ||
00462        x_array[0][1] != OLD_x0                         ||
00463        x_array[1][1] != OLD_x1                         ||
00464        RAN_compare_vect(p,min_sconstr,OLD_min_sconstr) ||
00465        RAN_compare_vect(p,max_sconstr,OLD_max_sconstr)   ){
00467       /* save parameters of new signal model */
00469 #if 0
00470       fprintf(stderr,"++ NLfit: initializing random signal models") ;
00471 #endif
00473       OLD_smodel    = smodel ;
00474       OLD_p         = p ;
00475       OLD_ts_length = ts_length ;
00476       OLD_nrand     = nrand ;
00477       OLD_x0        = x_array[0][1] ;
00478       OLD_x1        = x_array[1][1] ;
00479       if( OLD_min_sconstr != NULL ) free(OLD_min_sconstr) ;
00480       if( OLD_max_sconstr != NULL ) free(OLD_max_sconstr) ;
00481       OLD_min_sconstr = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*p) ;
00482       OLD_max_sconstr = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*p) ;
00483       memcpy( OLD_min_sconstr , min_sconstr , sizeof(float)*p ) ;
00484       memcpy( OLD_max_sconstr , max_sconstr , sizeof(float)*p ) ;
00486       /* create space for new random signal model vectors */
00488       if( RAN_spar != NULL ) free(RAN_spar) ;
00489       if( RAN_sts  != NULL ) free(RAN_sts ) ;
00490       RAN_spar = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nrand*p) ;
00491       RAN_sts  = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nrand*ts_length) ;
00493       /* compute new random signal vectors */
00495       for( ipt=0 ; ipt < nrand ; ipt++ ){
00497          par = RAN_spar + (ipt*p) ;         /* ipt-th parameter vector */
00498          ts  = RAN_sts  + (ipt*ts_length) ; /* ipt-th signal model time series */
00500          for( ip=0 ; ip < p ; ip++ )                 /* parameter vector */
00501             par[ip] = get_random_value(min_sconstr[ip], max_sconstr[ip]) ;
00503 #if 0
00504          smodel( par , ts_length , x_array , ts ) ;  /* time series vector */
00505 #else
00506          AFNI_CALL_VOID_4ARG(smodel ,
00507                              float *,par , int,ts_length,
00508                              float **,x_array , float *,ts ) ;
00509 #endif
00510       }
00512 #if 0
00513       fprintf(stderr," - done\n") ;
00514 #endif
00515    } /* end of signal model stowage */
00517    return ;
00518 }
00519 /*===========================================================================*/
00520 #endif /* SAVE_RAN */
00522 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00523 /*
00524   Calculate the estimated time series using the full model.
00525 */
00527 void full_model 
00528 (
00529   vfp nmodel,                 /* pointer to noise model */
00530   vfp smodel,                 /* pointer to signal model */
00531   float * gn,                 /* parameters for noise model */
00532   float * gs,                 /* parameters for signal model */
00533   int ts_length,              /* length of time series data */
00534   float ** x_array,           /* independent variable matrix */
00535   float * yhat_array          /* output estimated time series */
00536 )
00538 {
00539   int it;                     /* time index */
00540   float * y_array = NULL;     /* estimated signal time series */
00541 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00542   int use_model = ( RAN_sind < 0 || ts_length != OLD_ts_length ) ;
00543 #endif
00545   /*----- generate time series corresponding to signal model -----*/
00547 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00548   if( use_model ){  /* don't use saved time series */
00549 #endif
00550      y_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
00551      if (y_array == NULL)
00552        NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for y_array");
00553 #if 0
00554      smodel (gs, ts_length, x_array, y_array);
00555 #else
00556      AFNI_CALL_VOID_4ARG(smodel ,
00557                          float *,gs , int,ts_length,
00558                          float **,x_array , float *,y_array ) ;
00559 #endif
00561 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00562   } else            /* recall a saved time series */
00563      y_array = RAN_sts + (ts_length*RAN_sind) ;
00564 #endif
00566   /*----- generate time series corresponding to the noise model -----*/
00567 #if 0
00568   nmodel (gn, ts_length, x_array, yhat_array);
00569 #else
00570   AFNI_CALL_VOID_4ARG(nmodel ,
00571                       float *,gn , int,ts_length,
00572                       float **,x_array , float *,yhat_array ) ;
00573 #endif
00575   /*----- add signal and noise model time series -----*/
00576   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
00577     yhat_array[it] += y_array[it];
00580   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
00581 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00582   if( use_model )
00583 #endif
00584     free (y_array) ;
00586   y_array = NULL;  /* not really needed since this array is 'auto' */
00587 }
00590 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00591 /*
00592   This routine calculates the error sum of squares corresponding to 
00593   the given vector of parameters for the full model.
00594 */
00596 float calc_sse 
00597 (
00598   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
00599   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
00600   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00601   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00602   int nabs,               /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00603   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00604   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00605   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00606   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00607   float * b_array,        /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
00608   float * vertex,         /* test parameter vector */
00609   int ts_length,          /* length of time series array */
00610   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
00611   float * ts_array        /* observed time series */
00612 )
00614 {
00615   const float BIG_NUMBER = 1.0e+10;   /* return large number if constraints
00616                                          are violated */
00617   int i;                              /* time point index */
00618   float t;                            /* time */
00619   float diff;                         /* error at individual time point */
00620   float sse;                          /* error sum of squares */
00621   float * y_array = NULL;             /* estimated time series */
00624   /*----- allocate memory for estimated time series -----*/
00625   y_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length);
00627   /*----- apply constraints? -----*/
00628   if (calc_constraints (r, p, nabs, b_array, min_nconstr, max_nconstr, 
00629                         min_sconstr, max_sconstr, vertex)) 
00630     { 
00631       free (y_array);   y_array = NULL;
00632       return (BIG_NUMBER);
00633     }    
00635   /*----- create estimated time series using the full model parameters -----*/
00636   full_model (nmodel, smodel, vertex, vertex + r, ts_length, x_array, y_array);
00638   /*----- calculate error sum of squares -----*/
00639   sse = 0.0;
00640   for (i = 0;  i < ts_length;  i++)
00641     {
00642       diff = ts_array[i] - y_array[i];
00643       sse += diff * diff;
00644     }
00646   /*----- release memory -----*/
00647   free (y_array);   y_array = NULL;
00649   /*----- return error sum of squares -----*/
00650   return (sse);
00651 }
00654 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00655 /*
00656   Select and evaluate randomly chosen vectors in the parameter space.
00657 */
00659 void random_search 
00660 (
00661   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
00662   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
00663   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00664   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00665   int nabs,               /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00666   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00667   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00668   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00669   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00670   int ts_length,          /* length of time series array */
00671   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
00672   float * ts_array,       /* observed time series */
00673   float * par_rdcd,       /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
00674   int nrand,              /* number of random vectors to generate */
00675   int nbest,              /* number of random vectors to keep */
00676   float ** parameters,    /* array of best random vectors */
00677   float * response        /* array of best sse's */
00678 )
00680 {
00681   int ip;                 /* parameter index */
00682   int iv, ipt;            /* vector indices */
00683   float sse;              /* error sum of squares */
00684   float * par = NULL;     /* test parameter vector */
00687 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00688   /*** 28 July 1998: set up to choose the best noise model for each case,
00689                      rather than a completely random one -- RWCox.       ***/
00690 #undef  BEST_NOISE
00691 #ifdef  BEST_NOISE
00692    float * qts = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*ts_length) ;
00693    float junk ;
00694 #endif
00695 #endif /* SAVE_RAN */
00697   /*** 27 July 1998: generate some random signal parameters,
00698                      but only if the signal model is new this time. ***/
00699 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00700    RAN_setup( nmodel , smodel , r , p , nabs ,
00701               min_nconstr, max_nconstr,
00702               min_sconstr, max_sconstr, 
00703               ts_length, x_array, nrand ) ;
00704 #endif
00706   /*----- allocate memory for test parameter vector -----*/
00707   par = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (r+p));
00709   /*----- initialize response values -----*/
00710   for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)
00711     response[iv] = 1.0e+30;
00714   /*----- loop over random vectors -----*/
00715   for (ipt = 0;  ipt < nrand;  ipt++)
00716     {
00718       /*** 28 July 1998: get the best noise parameter model ***/
00719 #ifdef BEST_NOISE
00720       for( ip=0 ; ip < ts_length ; ip++ )  /* subtract signal model from data */
00721          qts[ip] = ts_array[ip] - RAN_sts[ts_length*ipt+ip] ;
00722       calc_reduced_model( ts_length , r , x_array , qts , par , &junk ) ;
00723 #else
00724       /*----- select random parameters -----*/
00725       if (nabs)   /*--- absolute noise parameter constraints ---*/
00726         for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
00727           par[ip] = get_random_value (min_nconstr[ip], max_nconstr[ip]);
00728       else        /*--- relative noise parameter constraints ---*/
00729         for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
00730           par[ip] = get_random_value (min_nconstr[ip] + par_rdcd[ip], 
00731                                       max_nconstr[ip] + par_rdcd[ip]);
00732 #endif /* BEST_NOISE */
00734       /*** 27 July 1998: get the signal parameters from the saved set ***/
00735 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00736       for( ip=0 ; ip < p ; ip++ )
00737          par[ip+r] = RAN_spar[ipt*p+ip] ;
00738 #else
00739       for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
00740           par[ip+r] = get_random_value (min_sconstr[ip], max_sconstr[ip]);
00741 #endif
00744       /*----- evaluate this random vector -----*/
00745 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00746       RAN_sind = ipt ;
00747 #endif
00749       sse = calc_sse (nmodel, smodel, r, p, nabs, min_nconstr, max_nconstr, 
00750                       min_sconstr, max_sconstr, par_rdcd, par, 
00751                       ts_length, x_array, ts_array);
00753       /*----- save best random vectors -----*/
00755       /*** The previous code for this is erroneous, since it does not
00756            allow for the case where an in-between best and worst vector
00757            is found.  For example, suppose the response array is now
00758            [ 1 3 5 ] (with nbest==3).  Then we get sse=2.  This would
00759            replace the 3 value, leaving us with [1 2 5], instead of
00760            [ 1 2 3 ], which is a better set.  The solution is to push
00761            the displaced vectors up in the array.  In this way, the
00762            response array is always sorted, and keeps the truly best. ***/
00764 #define PUSH_BEST  /* 27 July 1998 -- RWCox */
00765 #ifdef  PUSH_BEST
00766       for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)
00767         if (sse < response[iv]){
00768            int jv ;
00769            for( jv=nbest-1 ; jv > iv ; jv-- ){  /* the push-up code */
00770               response[jv] = response[jv-1] ;
00771               for( ip=0 ; ip < r+p ; ip++ )
00772                  parameters[jv][ip] = parameters[jv-1][ip] ;
00773            }
00775            response[iv] = sse ;                 /* now can copy new */
00776            for( ip=0 ; ip < r+p ;  ip++ )       /* values into place */
00777               parameters[iv][ip] = par[ip] ;
00778            break ;
00779         }
00780 #else
00781       for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)          /* this is the old code */
00782         if (sse < response[iv])
00783           {
00784             for (ip = 0;  ip < r+p;  ip++)
00785               parameters[iv][ip] = par[ip];
00786             response[iv] = sse;
00787             break;
00788           }
00789 #endif
00790   } /* end of loop over random vectors */
00792   /*----- release memory space -----*/
00793   free (par);       par = NULL;
00795 #ifdef SAVE_RAN
00796       RAN_sind = -1 ;
00797 #endif
00799 #if 0
00800    /*** Some debugging stuff -- 28 July 1998 ***/
00801    { static count=-1 ;
00802      count++ ;
00803      if( count%10 == 0 ){
00804         printf("Random search sse:\n") ;
00805         for( iv=0 ; iv < nbest ; iv++ ) printf(" %g",response[iv]) ;
00806         printf("\n") ;
00807      }
00808    }
00809 #endif
00811 }
00814 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00815 /*
00816   Estimate the parameters for the full model.
00817 */
00819 void calc_full_model 
00820 (
00821   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
00822   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
00823   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00824   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00825   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00826   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00827   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00828   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00829   int ts_length,          /* length of time series array */
00830   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
00831   float * ts_array,       /* observed time series */
00832   float * par_rdcd,       /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
00833   float sse_rdcd,         /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */
00834   int nabs,               /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00835   int nrand,              /* number of random vectors to generate */
00836   int nbest,              /* number of random vectors to keep */
00837   float rms_min,          /* minimum rms error required to reject rdcd model */
00838   float * par_full,       /* estimated parameters for the full model */
00839   float * sse_full,       /* error sum of squares for the full model */
00840   int * novar             /* flag for insufficient variation in data */
00841 )
00843 {
00844   int iv;                        /* vector index */
00845   int ip;                        /* parameter index */ 
00846   float ** parameters = NULL;    /* array of parameter vectors */
00847   float * sse = NULL;            /* array of sse's */
00850   /*----- if this is the null signal model, 
00851           or if rms error for reduced model is very small, 
00852           just use the reduced model -----*/
00853   if ( (p < 1) || (sqrt(sse_rdcd/(ts_length - r)) < rms_min) ) 
00854     {
00855       *novar = 1;
00856       for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
00857         par_full[ip] = par_rdcd[ip];
00858       for (ip = r;  ip < r+p;  ip++)
00859         par_full[ip] = 0.0;
00860       *sse_full = sse_rdcd;
00861       return;
00862     }
00863   else
00864     *novar = 0;
00867   /*----- initialize random number generator -----*/
00868   srand48 (1234567);
00870   /*----- allocate memory for calculation of full model-----*/
00871   initialize_full_model (r+p, nbest, &parameters, &sse); 
00873   /*----- evaluate randomly chosen vectors in the parameter space -----*/
00874   random_search (nmodel, smodel, r, p, nabs,
00875                  min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
00876                  ts_length, x_array, ts_array, par_rdcd, nrand, nbest, 
00877                  parameters, sse);
00879   /*----- use the best random vectors as the starting points for 
00880     nonlinear optimization -----*/
00881   for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)
00882     {
00883       simplex_optimization (nmodel, smodel, r, p, 
00884                             min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
00885                             nabs, ts_length, x_array, ts_array, par_rdcd,
00886                             parameters[iv], &sse[iv]);
00887     }
00889   /*----- save the best result from the nonlinear optimization -----*/      
00890   *sse_full = 1.0e+30;
00891   for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)
00892     {
00893       if (sse[iv] < *sse_full)
00894         {
00895           *sse_full = sse[iv];
00896           for (ip = 0;  ip < r+p;  ip++)
00897             par_full[ip] = parameters[iv][ip];
00898         }
00899     }
00902   /*----- release memory space -----*/
00903   for (iv = 0;  iv < nbest;  iv++)
00904     {
00905       free (parameters[iv]);
00906       parameters[iv] = NULL;
00907     }
00908   free (parameters);       parameters = NULL;     
00909   free (sse);              sse = NULL;
00911 }
00914 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00915 /*
00916   Routine to calculate the partial derivative matrix, evaluated at the
00917   estimated parameter location.
00918 */
00920 void calc_partial_derivatives 
00921 (
00922   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
00923   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
00924   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00925   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00926   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
00927   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
00928   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
00929   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
00930   int ts_length,          /* length of time series data */
00931   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
00932   float * par_full,       /* estimated parameters for the full model */
00933   matrix d                /* matrix of estimated partial derivatives */
00934 )
00936 {
00937   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
00938   int dimension;          /* dimension of full model */
00939   int ip, jp;             /* parameter indices */ 
00940   int it;                 /* time index */
00941   float delp;             /* delta parameter */
00942   float * par = NULL;            /* perturbed parameter array */
00943   float * ts1_array = NULL;      /* estimated time series */
00944   float * ts2_array = NULL;      /* perturbed estimated time series */
00947   /*----- dimension of full model -----*/
00948   dimension = r + p;
00950   /*----- allocate memory -----*/
00951   ts1_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length);
00952   ts2_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length);
00953   par = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
00955   /*----- fitted time series at estimated parameter vector -----*/
00956   full_model (nmodel, smodel, par_full, par_full + r, 
00957               ts_length, x_array, ts1_array);
00959   /*----- loop over parameters in model -----*/
00960   for (jp = 0;  jp < dimension;  jp++)
00961     {
00962       /*----- initialize parameters -----*/
00963       for (ip = 0;  ip < dimension;  ip++)
00964         par[ip] = par_full[ip];
00966       /*----- add small increment to the jpth parameter -----*/
00967       if (jp < r)
00968         delp = (max_nconstr[jp] - min_nconstr[jp]) / 1000.0;
00969       else
00970         delp = (max_sconstr[jp-r] - min_sconstr[jp-r]) / 1000.0;
00971       par[jp] += delp;
00973       /*----- fit time series for perturbed parameter -----*/
00974       full_model (nmodel, smodel, par, par + r, 
00975                   ts_length, x_array, ts2_array);
00977       /*----- estimate partial derivative -----*/
00978       if (delp > EPSILON)
00979         for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
00980           d.elts[it][jp] = (ts2_array[it] - ts1_array[it]) / delp;
00981       else
00982         for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
00983           d.elts[it][jp] = 0.0;
00985     }
00987   /*----- free memory -----*/
00988   free (par);        par = NULL;
00989   free (ts2_array);  ts2_array = NULL;
00990   free (ts1_array);  ts1_array = NULL;
00992 }  
00995 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00996 /*
00997   Calculate the coefficient of multiple determination R^2.
00998 */
01000 float calc_rsqr 
01001 (
01002   float ssef,                 /* error sum of squares from full model */
01003   float sser                  /* error sum of squares from reduced model */
01004 )
01006 {
01007   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-5;     /* protection against divide by zero */
01008   float rsqr;                       /* coeff. of multiple determination R^2  */
01011   /*----- coefficient of multiple determination R^2 -----*/
01012   if (sser < EPSILON)
01013     rsqr = 0.0;
01014   else
01015     rsqr = (sser - ssef) / sser;
01018   /*----- Limit range of values for R^2 -----*/
01019   if (rsqr < 0.0)   rsqr = 0.0;
01020   if (rsqr > 1.0)   rsqr = 1.0;
01023   /*----- Return coefficient of multiple determination R^2 -----*/
01024   return (rsqr);
01025 }
01028 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01029 /*
01030   Perform additional calculations following the least squares parameter
01031   estimates.
01032 */
01034 void analyze_results 
01035 (
01036   vfp nmodel,             /* pointer to noise model */
01037   vfp smodel,             /* pointer to signal model */
01038   int r,                  /* number of parameters in the noise model */
01039   int p,                  /* number of parameters in the signal model */
01040   int novar,              /* flag for insufficient variation in the data */
01041   float * min_nconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for noise model */
01042   float * max_nconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for noise model */
01043   float * min_sconstr,    /* minimum parameter constraints for signal model */
01044   float * max_sconstr,    /* maximum parameter constraints for signal model */
01045   int ts_length,          /* length of time series data */
01046   float ** x_array,       /* independent variable matrix */
01047   float * par_rdcd,       /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
01048   float sse_rdcd,         /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */ 
01049   float * par_full,       /* estimated parameters for the full model */
01050   float sse_full,         /* error sum of squares for the full model */
01051   float * rmsreg,         /* root-mean-square for the full regression model */
01052   float * freg,           /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
01053   float * rsqr,           /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
01054   float * smax,           /* signed maximum of signal */
01055   float * tmax,           /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
01056   float * pmax,           /* percentage change due to signal */
01057   float * area,           /* area between signal and baseline */
01058   float * parea,          /* percentage area between signal and baseline */
01059   float * tpar_full       /* t-statistic of the parameters in the full model */
01060 )
01062 {
01063   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
01064   int dimension;                 /* dimension of full model */
01065   int ip;                        /* parameter index */
01066   int df_rdcd;                   /* degrees of freedom for reduced model */
01067   int df_full;                   /* degrees of freedom for full model */
01068   float mse_full;                /* MSE for full model */
01069   float mse_reg;                 /* MSE for the regression */
01070   int ok;                        /* boolean for successful matrix inversion */
01071   float * y_array = NULL;        /* estimated signal time series */
01072   float * base_array = NULL;     /* baseline time series */
01073   float barea;                   /* area under baseline */
01074   int it;                        /* time series index */
01075   float y1, y2, y3;              /* temporary values for calculating area */
01078   /*----- initialization -----*/
01079   dimension = r + p;
01080   *rmsreg = *freg = *rsqr = *smax = *tmax = *pmax = *area = *parea = 0.0;
01081   for (ip = 0;  ip < dimension;  ip++)
01082     tpar_full[ip] = 0.0;
01085   /*----- check for insufficient variation in the data -----*/
01086   if (novar)  return;
01089   /*----- Adjust dof if constraints force a parameter to be a constant -----*/
01090   df_rdcd = ts_length - r;
01091   df_full = ts_length - dimension;
01093   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
01094     if (min_nconstr[ip] == max_nconstr[ip])
01095       {
01096         df_rdcd++;
01097         df_full++;
01098       }
01100   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
01101     if (min_sconstr[ip] == max_sconstr[ip])
01102       df_full++;
01105   /*----- MSE for full model -----*/
01106   mse_full = sse_full / df_full;
01108   /*----- MSE due to regression -----*/
01109   if (df_rdcd == df_full)
01110     mse_reg = 0.0;
01111   else
01112     mse_reg = (sse_rdcd - sse_full) / (df_rdcd - df_full);
01113   if (mse_reg < 0.0) mse_reg = 0.0;
01115   /*----- f-statistic for significance of the regression -----*/
01116   if (mse_full > EPSILON)
01117     *freg = mse_reg / mse_full;
01118   else
01119     *freg = 0.0;
01121   /*----- root-mean-square error for the regression -----*/
01122   *rmsreg = sqrt(mse_full);
01124   /*----- R^2 (coefficient of multiple determination) -----*/
01125   *rsqr = calc_rsqr (sse_full, sse_rdcd);
01127   /*----- generate time series corresponding to the signal model -----*/
01128   y_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
01129   if (y_array == NULL)
01130     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for y_array");
01131 #if 0
01132   smodel (par_full+r, ts_length, x_array, y_array);
01133 #else
01134   AFNI_CALL_VOID_4ARG(smodel ,
01135                       float *,(par_full+r) , int,ts_length,
01136                       float **,x_array , float *,y_array ) ;
01137 #endif
01139   /*----- generate time series corresponding to the noise model -----*/
01140   base_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
01141   if (base_array == NULL)
01142     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for base_array");
01143 #if 0
01144   nmodel (par_full, ts_length, x_array, base_array);
01145 #else
01146   AFNI_CALL_VOID_4ARG(nmodel ,
01147                       float *,par_full , int,ts_length,
01148                       float **,x_array , float *,base_array ) ;
01149 #endif
01151   /*----- initialize signal parameters -----*/
01152   *tmax = x_array[0][1];
01153   *smax = y_array[0];
01154   if (fabs(base_array[0]) > EPSILON)
01155     *pmax = 100.0 * y_array[0] / fabs(base_array[0]);
01156   else
01157     *pmax = 0.0;
01158   *area = 0.0;
01159   barea = 0.0;
01160   *parea = 0.0;
01162   /*----- calculate signed maximum of the signal, percent change, area -----*/
01163   for (it = 1;  it < ts_length;  it++)
01164     {
01165       /*----- calculate signed maximum of signal, and
01166         calculate max. percentage change of signal wrt baseline -----*/
01167       if (fabs(y_array[it]) > fabs(*smax))
01168         {
01169           *tmax = x_array[it][1];
01170           *smax = y_array[it];
01171           if (fabs(base_array[it]) > EPSILON)
01172             *pmax = 100.0 * y_array[it] / fabs(base_array[it]);
01173         }
01175       /*----- calculate area and percentage area under the signal -----*/
01176       y1 = y_array[it-1];   y2 = y_array[it];
01177       if ((y1 > 0.0) && (y2 > 0.0))
01178         {
01179           *area += (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01180           *parea += (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01181         }
01182       else if ((y1 < 0.0) && (y2 < 0.0))
01183         {
01184           *area -= (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01185           *parea += (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01186         }
01187       else
01188         {
01189           y3 = fabs(y1) + fabs(y2);
01190           if (y3 > EPSILON)
01191             {
01192               *area += (y1*y1 + y2*y2) / (2.0 * y3);
01193               if (y1 > y2)
01194                 *parea += (y1*y1 - y2*y2) / (2.0 * y3);
01195               else
01196                 *parea -= (y1*y1 - y2*y2) / (2.0 * y3);
01197             }
01198         }
01200       y1 = base_array[it-1];   y2 = base_array[it];
01201       if ((y1 > 0.0) && (y2 > 0.0))
01202         {
01203           barea += (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01204         }
01205       else if ((y1 < 0.0) && (y2 < 0.0))
01206         {
01207           barea -= (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
01208         }
01209       else
01210         {
01211           y3 = fabs(y1) + fabs(y2);
01212           if (y3 > EPSILON)
01213             {
01214               barea += (y1*y1 + y2*y2) / (2.0 * y3);
01215             }
01216         }
01217     }  /* it */
01219   if (barea > EPSILON)
01220     *parea *= 100.0/barea;
01221   else
01222     *parea = 0.0;
01224   free (base_array);   base_array = NULL;
01225   free (y_array);      y_array = NULL;
01228   /*----- Calculate t-statistics? -----*/
01229   if (calc_tstats)
01230     {
01231       float stddev;                 /* est. std. dev. for a parameter */
01232       matrix d, dt, dtd, dtdinv;    /* matrices used for calc. of covariance */
01234       /*----- initialize matrices -----*/
01235       matrix_initialize (&d);
01236       matrix_initialize (&dt);
01237       matrix_initialize (&dtd);
01238       matrix_initialize (&dtdinv);
01240       /*----- calculate the matrix of partial derivatives D -----*/
01241       matrix_create (ts_length, dimension, &d);
01242       calc_partial_derivatives (nmodel, smodel, r, p, 
01243                                 min_nconstr, max_nconstr, 
01244                                 min_sconstr, max_sconstr, 
01245                                 ts_length, x_array, par_full, d);
01247       /*----- calculate variance-covariance matrix -----*/
01248       matrix_transpose (d, &dt);
01249       matrix_multiply (dt, d, &dtd);
01250       ok = matrix_inverse (dtd, &dtdinv);
01251       if (ok)
01252         for (ip = 0;  ip < dimension;  ip++)
01253           {
01254             stddev = sqrt((sse_full/(df_full)) * dtdinv.elts[ip][ip]);
01255             if (stddev > EPSILON)
01256               tpar_full[ip] = par_full[ip] / stddev;
01257             else
01258               tpar_full[ip] = 0.0;
01259           }
01260       else
01261         for (ip = 0;  ip < dimension;  ip++)
01262           {
01263             tpar_full[ip] = 0.0;
01264           }
01267       /*----- dispose of matrices -----*/
01268       matrix_destroy (&dtdinv);
01269       matrix_destroy (&dtd);
01270       matrix_destroy (&dt); 
01271       matrix_destroy (&d);
01273     }  /* if (calc_tstats) */    
01275 }
01278 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01279 /*
01280   Convert F-value to p-value.  
01281   This routine was copied from: mri_stats.c
01282 */
01285 double fstat_t2p( double ff , double dofnum , double dofden )
01286 {
01287    int which , status ;
01288    double p , q , f , dfn , dfd , bound ;
01290    which  = 1 ;
01291    p      = 0.0 ;
01292    q      = 0.0 ;
01293    f      = ff ;
01294    dfn    = dofnum ;
01295    dfd    = dofden ;
01297    cdff( &which , &p , &q , &f , &dfn , &dfd , &status , &bound ) ;
01299    if( status == 0 ) return q ;
01300    else              return 1.0 ;
01301 }
01303 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01304 /*
01305   Report results for this voxel.
01306 */
01308 void report_results 
01309 (
01310   char * nname,            /* name of noise model */
01311   char * sname,            /* name of signal model */
01312   int r,                   /* number of parameters in the noise model */
01313   int p,                   /* number of parameters in the signal model */
01314   char ** npname,          /* noise parameter names */
01315   char ** spname,          /* signal parameter names */
01316   int ts_length,           /* length of time series array */
01317   float * par_rdcd,        /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
01318   float sse_rdcd,          /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */
01319   float * par_full,        /* estimated parameters for the full model */
01320   float sse_full,          /* error sum of squares for the full model */
01321   float * tpar_full,       /* t-statistic of the parameters in full model */
01322   float rmsreg,            /* root-mean-square error for the full model */
01323   float freg,              /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
01324   float rsqr,              /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
01325   float smax,              /* signed maximum of signal */
01326   float tmax,              /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
01327   float pmax,              /* percentage change due to signal */
01328   float area,              /* area between signal and baseline */
01329   float parea,             /* percentage area between signal and baseline */
01330   char ** label            /* label output for this voxel */
01331 )
01333 {
01334   int ip;                  /* parameter index */
01335   double pvalue;
01338   /*----- create label if desired by calling program -----*/
01339   if (label == NULL)  return;
01341   /*----- make this a 0 length string to start -----*/
01342   lbuf[0] = '\0';
01344   /*----- write reduced model parameters -----*/
01345   sprintf (sbuf, "Reduced (%s) Model: \n", nname);
01346   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01347   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
01348     {
01349       sprintf (sbuf, "b[%d]= %12.6f  %s \n", ip, par_rdcd[ip], npname[ip]); 
01350       strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01351     }
01353   /*----- write full model parameters -----*/  
01354   sprintf (sbuf, "\nFull (%s + %s) Model: \n", nname, sname);
01355   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01356   for (ip = 0;  ip < r;  ip++)
01357     {
01358       sprintf (sbuf, "gn[%d]=%12.6f  %s \n", ip, par_full[ip], npname[ip]);
01359       strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01361     }
01362   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
01363     {
01364       sprintf (sbuf, "gs[%d]=%12.6f  %s \n", ip, par_full[ip+r], spname[ip]);
01365       strcat (lbuf, sbuf);            
01366     }
01368   sprintf (sbuf, "\nSignal Tmax  = %12.3f \n", tmax);
01369   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01370   sprintf (sbuf,   "Signal Smax  = %12.3f \n", smax);
01371   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01372   sprintf (sbuf,   "Signal PSmax = %12.3f \n", pmax);
01373   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01374   sprintf (sbuf,   "Signal Area  = %12.3f \n", area);
01375   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01376   sprintf (sbuf,   "Signal PArea = %12.3f \n", parea);
01377   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01379   sprintf (sbuf, "\nRMSE Rdcd = %8.3f \n", sqrt(sse_rdcd/(ts_length-r)));
01380   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01381   sprintf (sbuf, "RMSE Full = %8.3f \n", sqrt(sse_full/(ts_length-r-p)));
01382   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01384   sprintf (sbuf, "\nR^2       = %7.3f \n", rsqr);
01385   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01386   sprintf (sbuf, "F[%2d,%3d] = %7.3f \n", p, ts_length-r-p, freg);
01387   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01388   pvalue = fstat_t2p ( (double) freg, (double) p, (double) ts_length-r-p);
01389   sprintf (sbuf, "p-value   = %e  \n", pvalue);
01390   strcat (lbuf, sbuf);
01393   /*----- send address of lbuf back in what label points to -----*/
01394   *label = lbuf;
01396 }

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