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matrix.c File Reference

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#define A(i, j)   amat[(i)+(j)*m]
#define U(i, j)   umat[(i)+(j)*m]
#define V(i, j)   vmat[(i)+(j)*n]
#define PSINV_EPS   1.e-16


double get_matrix_flops (void)
double get_matrix_dotlen (void)
void matrix_error (char *message)
void matrix_initialize (matrix *m)
void matrix_destroy (matrix *m)
void matrix_create (int rows, int cols, matrix *m)
void matrix_print (matrix m)
void matrix_sprint (char *s, matrix m)
void matrix_file_write (char *filename, matrix m)
void matrix_enter (matrix *m)
void matrix_file_read (char *filename, int rows, int cols, matrix *m, int error_exit)
void array_to_matrix (int rows, int cols, float **f, matrix *m)
void matrix_equate (matrix a, matrix *b)
void matrix_extract (matrix a, int p, int *list, matrix *b)
void matrix_extract_rows (matrix a, int p, int *list, matrix *b)
void matrix_identity (int n, matrix *m)
void matrix_add (matrix a, matrix b, matrix *c)
void matrix_subtract (matrix a, matrix b, matrix *c)
void matrix_multiply (matrix a, matrix b, matrix *c)
void matrix_scale (double k, matrix a, matrix *c)
void matrix_transpose (matrix a, matrix *t)
int matrix_inverse (matrix a, matrix *ainv)
int matrix_inverse_dsc (matrix a, matrix *ainv)
int matrix_sqrt (matrix a, matrix *s)
void vector_initialize (vector *v)
void vector_destroy (vector *v)
void vector_create (int dim, vector *v)
void vector_create_noinit (int dim, vector *v)
void vector_print (vector v)
void vector_sprint (char *s, vector v)
void vector_equate (vector a, vector *b)
void array_to_vector (int dim, float *f, vector *v)
void column_to_vector (matrix m, int c, vector *v)
void vector_to_array (vector v, float *f)
void vector_add (vector a, vector b, vector *c)
void vector_subtract (vector a, vector b, vector *c)
void vector_multiply (matrix a, vector b, vector *c)
double vector_multiply_subtract (matrix a, vector b, vector c, vector *d)
double vector_dot (vector a, vector b)
double vector_dotself (vector a)
double matrix_norm (matrix a)
int * matrix_check_columns (matrix a, double eps)
double * matrix_singvals (matrix X)
void svd_double (int, int, double *, double *, double *, double *)
void matrix_psinv (matrix X, matrix *XtXinv, matrix *XtXinvXt)


double flops = 0.0
double dotnum = 0.0
double dotsum = 0.0

Define Documentation

#define A i,
j       amat[(i)+(j)*m]


Definition at line 126 of file matrix.c.

#define PSINV_EPS   1.e-16

#define U i,
j       umat[(i)+(j)*m]


Definition at line 1045 of file matrix.c.

#define V i,
j       vmat[(i)+(j)*n]

Function Documentation

void array_to_matrix int    rows,
int    cols,
float **    f,
matrix   m

Convert simple array to matrix structure.

Definition at line 397 of file matrix.c.

00398 {
00399   register int i, j;
00401   matrix_create (rows, cols, m);
00403   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00404     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00405       m->elts[i][j] = f[i][j];
00406 }

void array_to_vector int    dim,
float *    f,
vector   v

Convert simple array f into vector v.

Definition at line 943 of file matrix.c.

00944 {
00945   register int i;
00947   vector_create_noinit (dim, v);
00949   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
00950     v->elts[i] = f[i];
00951 }

void column_to_vector matrix    m,
int    c,
vector   v

Convert column c of matrix m into vector v.

Definition at line 960 of file matrix.c.

00961 {
00962   register int i;
00963   register int dim;
00965   dim = m.rows;
00966   vector_create_noinit (dim, v);
00968   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
00969     v->elts[i] = m.elts[i][c];
00970 }

double get_matrix_dotlen void   

Definition at line 124 of file matrix.c.

References dotnum, and dotsum.

Referenced by main().

00124 { return (dotnum > 0.0) ? dotsum/dotnum : 0.0 ; }

double get_matrix_flops void   

Definition at line 121 of file matrix.c.

References flops.

Referenced by main().

00121 { return flops; }

void matrix_add matrix    a,
matrix    b,
matrix   c

Add matrix a to matrix b. Result is matrix c.

Definition at line 506 of file matrix.c.

00507 {
00508   register int rows, cols;
00509   register int i, j;
00511   if ((a.rows != b.rows) || (a.cols != b.cols))
00512     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for matrix addition");
00514   rows = a.rows;
00515   cols = a.cols;
00517   matrix_create (rows, cols, c);
00519   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00520     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00521       c->elts[i][j] = a.elts[i][j] + b.elts[i][j];
00523 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00524   flops += rows*cols ;
00525 #endif
00526 }

int* matrix_check_columns matrix    a,
double    eps

Search a matrix for nearly identical column pairs, where "nearly identical" means they are correlated closer than 1-eps.

Return is a pointer to an int array of the form [ i1 j1 i2 j2 ... -1 -1 ] where columns (i1,j1) are nearly the same, (i2,j2) also, etc. In addition:

  • A pair (i,-1) indicates that column i is all zeros.
  • The array is terminated with the pair (-1,-1).
  • If there are no bad column pairs or all-zero columns, NULL is returned.
  • Pairs of all-zero columns are NOT reported.
  • The array should be free()-ed when you are done with it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1309 of file matrix.c.

01310 {
01311    int i,j,k , rows=a.rows , cols=a.cols ;
01312    int *iar=NULL , nar=0 ;
01313    double sumi,sumj,sumd ;
01315    if( eps <= 0.0 ) eps = 1.e-5 ;
01317    for( i=0 ; i < cols ; i++ ){
01318      sumi = 0.0 ;
01319      for( k=0 ; k < rows ; k++ ) sumi += a.elts[k][i] * a.elts[k][i] ;
01320      if( sumi <= 0.0 ){
01321        iar = (int *)realloc( (void *)iar , sizeof(int)*2*(nar+1) ) ;
01322        iar[2*nar] = i ; iar[2*nar+1] = -1 ; nar++ ;
01323        continue ;                           /* skip to next column i */
01324      }
01325      for( j=i+1 ; j < cols ; j++ ){
01326        sumj = sumd = 0.0 ;
01327        for( k=0 ; k < rows ; k++ ){
01328          sumj += a.elts[k][j] * a.elts[k][j] ;
01329          sumd += a.elts[k][j] * a.elts[k][i] ;
01330        }
01331        if( sumj > 0.0 ){
01332          sumd = fabs(sumd) / sqrt(sumi*sumj) ;
01333          if( sumd >= 1.0-eps ){
01334            iar = (int *)realloc( (void *)iar , sizeof(int)*2*(nar+1) ) ;
01335            iar[2*nar] = i ; iar[2*nar+1] = j ; nar++ ;
01336          }
01337        }
01338      }
01339    }
01341    if( iar != NULL ){
01342      iar = (int *)realloc( (void *)iar , sizeof(int)*2*(nar+1) ) ;
01343      iar[2*nar] = iar[2*nar+1] = -1 ;
01344    }
01346    return iar ;
01347 }

void matrix_create int    rows,
int    cols,
matrix   m

Create matrix data structure by allocating memory and initializing values.

Definition at line 181 of file matrix.c.

00182 {
00183   register int i ;
00185   matrix_destroy (m);
00187   if ((rows < 0) || (cols < 0))
00188     matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for new matrix");
00190   m->rows = rows;
00191   m->cols = cols;
00192   if ((rows < 1) || (cols < 1))  return;
00194   m->elts = (double **) malloc (sizeof(double *) * rows);
00195   if (m->elts == NULL)
00196     matrix_error ("Memory allocation error");
00198 #ifdef DONT_USE_MATRIX_MAT
00199   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
00200     m->elts[i] = (double *) calloc (sizeof(double) , cols);
00201     if (m->elts[i] == NULL) matrix_error ("Memory allocation error");
00202   }
00203 #else
00204   m->mat  = (double *) calloc( sizeof(double) , rows*cols ) ;
00205   if( m->mat == NULL )
00206     matrix_error ("Memory allocation error");
00207   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00208      m->elts[i] = m->mat + (i*cols) ;   /* 04 Mar 2005: offsets into mat */
00209 #endif
00210 }

void matrix_destroy matrix   m

Destroy matrix data structure by deallocating memory.

Definition at line 160 of file matrix.c.

00161 {
00162   if (m->elts != NULL){
00163 #ifdef DONT_USE_MATRIX_MAT
00164     int i ;
00165     for( i=0 ; i < m->rows ; i++ )
00166       if( m->elts[i] != NULL ) free(m->elts[i]) ;
00167 #endif
00168     free(m->elts) ;
00169   }
00170 #ifndef DONT_USE_MATRIX_MAT
00171   if( m->mat  != NULL) free (m->mat ) ;
00172 #endif
00173   matrix_initialize (m);
00174 }

void matrix_enter matrix   m

Manual entry of matrix data.

Definition at line 297 of file matrix.c.

00298 {
00299   int rows, cols;
00300   int i, j;
00301   float fval;
00303   printf ("Enter number of rows: "); fflush(stdout) ;
00304   scanf ("%d", &rows);
00305   printf ("Enter number of cols: "); fflush(stdout) ;
00306   scanf ("%d", &cols);
00308   matrix_create (rows, cols, m);
00310   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00311     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00312       {
00313              printf ("elts[%d][%d] = ", i, j); fflush(stdout);
00314              scanf ("%f", &fval);
00315              m->elts[i][j] = fval;
00316       }
00317 }

void matrix_equate matrix    a,
matrix   b

Make a copy of the first matrix, return copy as the second matrix.

Definition at line 414 of file matrix.c.

00415 {
00416   register int i, j;
00417   register int rows, cols;
00419   rows = a.rows;
00420   cols = a.cols;
00422   matrix_create (rows, cols, b);
00424   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
00425 #if 0
00426     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00427       b->elts[i][j] = a.elts[i][j];
00428 #else
00429     if( cols > 0 )
00430       memcpy( b->elts[i] , a.elts[i] , sizeof(double)*cols ) ;  /* RWCox */
00431 #endif
00432   }
00433 }

void matrix_error char *    message

Routine to print and error message and stop.

Definition at line 132 of file matrix.c.

00133 {
00134   printf ("Matrix error: %s \n", message);
00135   exit (1);
00136 }

void matrix_extract matrix    a,
int    p,
int *    list,
matrix   b

Extract p columns (specified by list) from matrix a. Result is matrix b.

Definition at line 441 of file matrix.c.

00442 {
00443   register int i, j;
00444   register int rows, cols;
00446   rows = a.rows;
00447   cols = p;
00449   matrix_create (rows, cols, b);
00451   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00452     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00453       b->elts[i][j] = a.elts[i][list[j]];
00454 }

void matrix_extract_rows matrix    a,
int    p,
int *    list,
matrix   b

Extract p rows (specified by list) from matrix a. Result is matrix b.

Definition at line 462 of file matrix.c.

00463 {
00464   register int i, j;
00465   register int rows, cols;
00467   rows = p;
00468   cols = a.cols;
00470   matrix_create (rows, cols, b);
00472   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00473     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00474       b->elts[i][j] = a.elts[list[i]][j];
00475 }

void matrix_file_read char *    filename,
int    rows,
int    cols,
matrix   m,
int    error_exit

Read contents of matrix m from specified file. If unable to read matrix from file, or matrix has wrong dimensions: If error_exit flag is set, then print error message and exit. Otherwise, return null matrix.

Definition at line 328 of file matrix.c.

00330 {
00331   int i, j;
00333   MRI_IMAGE * im, * flim;  /* pointers to image structures
00334                               -- used to read ASCII file */
00335   float * far;             /* pointer to MRI_IMAGE floating point data */
00336   char message [80];       /* error message */
00339   /*----- First, check for empty file name -----*/
00340   if (filename == NULL)  matrix_error ("Missing matrix file name");
00343   /*----- Read the matrix file -----*/
00344   flim = mri_read_1D(filename);
00345   if (flim == NULL)
00346     if (error_exit)
00347       {
00348         sprintf (message,  "Unable to read matrix from file: %s",  filename);
00349         matrix_error (message);
00350       }
00351     else
00352       {
00353         matrix_destroy (m);
00354         return;
00355       }
00358   /*----- Set pointer to data  -----*/
00359   far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim);
00362   /*----- Test for correct dimensions -----*/
00363   if ( (rows != flim->nx) || (cols != flim->ny) )
00364     if (error_exit)
00365       {
00366         sprintf (message,
00367                  "In matrix file: %s   Expected: %d x %d   Actual: %d x %d",
00368                  filename, rows, cols, flim->nx, flim->ny);
00369         matrix_error (message);
00370       }
00371     else
00372       {
00373         matrix_destroy (m);
00374         return;
00375       }
00378   matrix_create (rows, cols, m);
00381   /*----- Copy data from image structure to matrix structure -----*/
00382   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00383     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00384       m->elts[i][j] = far[i + j*rows];
00387   mri_free (flim);  flim = NULL;
00389 }

void matrix_file_write char *    filename,
matrix    m

Print contents of matrix m to specified file.

Definition at line 265 of file matrix.c.

00266 {
00267   int i, j;
00268   int rows, cols;
00269   FILE * outfile = NULL;
00272   /*----- First, check for empty file name -----*/
00273   if (filename == NULL)  matrix_error ("Missing matrix file name");
00276   outfile = fopen (filename, "w");
00278   rows = m.rows;
00279   cols = m.cols;
00281   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00282     {
00283       for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00284         fprintf (outfile, "  %g", m.elts[i][j]);
00285       fprintf (outfile, " \n");
00286     }
00287   fprintf (outfile, " \n");
00289   fclose (outfile);
00290 }

void matrix_identity int    n,
matrix   m

Create n x n identity matrix.

Definition at line 483 of file matrix.c.

00484 {
00485   register int i, j;
00487   if (n < 0)
00488     matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for identity matrix");
00490   matrix_create (n, n, m);
00492   for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
00493     for (j = 0;  j < n;  j++)
00494       if (i == j)
00495         m->elts[i][j] = 1.0;
00496       else
00497         m->elts[i][j] = 0.0;
00498 }

void matrix_initialize matrix   m

Initialize matrix data structure.

Definition at line 144 of file matrix.c.

00145 {
00146   m->rows = 0;
00147   m->cols = 0;
00148   m->elts = NULL;
00149 #ifndef DONT_USE_MATRIX_MAT
00150   m->mat  = NULL ;  /* 04 Mar 2005 */
00151 #endif
00152 }

int matrix_inverse matrix    a,
matrix   ainv

Use Gaussian elimination to calculate inverse of matrix a. Result is matrix ainv.

Definition at line 641 of file matrix.c.

00642 {
00643   const double epsilon = 1.0e-10;
00644   matrix tmp;
00645   register int i, j, ii, n;
00646   register double fval;
00647   register double fmax;
00648   register double * p;
00650   matrix_initialize (&tmp);
00653   if (a.rows != a.cols)
00654     matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for matrix inversion");
00656 #if 0
00657 matrix_sprint("matrix_inverse:",a) ;
00658 #endif
00660   n = a.rows;
00661   matrix_identity (n, ainv);
00662   matrix_equate (a, &tmp);
00664   for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
00665     {
00666       fmax = fabs(tmp.elts[i][i]);
00667       for (j = i+1;  j < n;  j++)
00668         if (fabs(tmp.elts[j][i]) > fmax)
00669           {
00670             fmax = fabs(tmp.elts[j][i]);
00671             p = tmp.elts[i];
00672             tmp.elts[i] = tmp.elts[j];
00673             tmp.elts[j] = p;
00674             p = ainv->elts[i];
00675             ainv->elts[i] = ainv->elts[j];
00676             ainv->elts[j] = p;
00677           }
00679       if (fmax < epsilon)
00680         {
00681           matrix_destroy (&tmp);
00682           return (0);
00683         }
00686       fval = 1.0 / tmp.elts[i][i];   /* RWCox: change division by this to */
00687       for (j = 0;  j < n;  j++)      /*        multiplication by 1.0/this */
00688         {
00689           tmp.elts[i][j]   *= fval;
00690           ainv->elts[i][j] *= fval;
00691         }
00692       for (ii = 0;  ii < n;  ii++)
00693         if (ii != i)
00694           {
00695             fval = tmp.elts[ii][i];
00696             for (j = 0;  j < n;  j++)
00697               {
00698                 tmp.elts[ii][j] -= fval*tmp.elts[i][j];
00699                 ainv->elts[ii][j] -= fval*ainv->elts[i][j];
00700               }
00701           }
00703     }
00704   matrix_destroy (&tmp);
00705 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00706   flops += 3.0*n*n*n ;
00707 #endif
00708   return (1);
00709 }

int matrix_inverse_dsc matrix    a,
matrix   ainv

Use Gaussian elimination to calculate inverse of matrix a, with diagonal scaling applied for stability. Result is matrix ainv.

Definition at line 718 of file matrix.c.

00719 {
00720   matrix atmp;
00721   register int i, j, n;
00722   register double *diag ;
00723   int mir ;
00725   if (a.rows != a.cols)
00726     matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for matrix inversion");
00728   matrix_initialize (&atmp);
00730   n = a.rows;
00731   matrix_equate (a, &atmp);
00732   diag = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*n ) ;
00733   for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ){
00734     diag[i] = fabs(atmp.elts[i][i]) ;
00735     if( diag[i] == 0.0 ) diag[i] = 1.0 ;  /* shouldn't happen? */
00736     diag[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(diag[i]) ;
00737   }
00739   for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ )                /* scale a */
00740    for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ )
00741     atmp.elts[i][j] *= diag[i]*diag[j] ;
00743   mir = matrix_inverse( atmp , ainv ) ;   /* invert */
00745   for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ )                /* scale inverse */
00746    for( j=0 ; j < n ; j++ )
00747     ainv->elts[i][j] *= diag[i]*diag[j] ;
00749   matrix_destroy (&atmp); free((void *)diag) ;
00750 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00751   flops += 4.0*n*n + 4.0*n ;
00752 #endif
00753   return (mir);
00754 }

void matrix_multiply matrix    a,
matrix    b,
matrix   c

Multiply matrix a by matrix b. Result is matrix c.

Definition at line 562 of file matrix.c.

00563 {
00564   int rows, cols;
00565   register int i, j, k;
00566   register double sum ;
00568   if (a.cols != b.rows)
00569     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for matrix multiplication");
00571   rows = a.rows;
00572   cols = b.cols;
00574   matrix_create (rows, cols, c);
00576   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00577     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00578       {
00579         sum = 0.0 ;
00580         for (k = 0;  k < a.cols;  k++)
00581           sum += a.elts[i][k] * b.elts[k][j];
00582         c->elts[i][j] = sum;
00583       }
00585 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00586   flops += 2.0*rows*cols*cols ;
00587 #endif
00588 }

double matrix_norm matrix    a

Compute the L_infinity norm of a matrix: the max absolute row sum.

Definition at line 1278 of file matrix.c.

01279 {
01280    int i,j , rows=a.rows, cols=a.cols ;
01281    double sum , smax=0.0 ;
01283    for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01284      sum = 0.0 ;
01285      for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++) sum += fabs(a.elts[i][j]) ;
01286      if( sum > smax ) smax = sum ;
01287    }
01288 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01289    flops += 2.0*rows*cols ;
01290 #endif
01291    return smax ;
01292 }

void matrix_print matrix    m

Print contents of matrix m.

Definition at line 218 of file matrix.c.

00219 {
00220   int i, j;
00221   int rows, cols;
00222   double val ;
00223   int ipr ;
00225   rows = m.rows;
00226   cols = m.cols;
00228   for( i=0 ; i < rows ; i++ ){
00229     for( j=0 ; j < cols ; j++ ){
00230       val = (int)m.elts[i][j] ;
00231       if( val != m.elts[i][j] || fabs(val) > 9.0 ) goto zork ;
00232     }
00233   }
00234 zork:
00235   ipr = (i==rows && j==cols) ;
00237   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00238     {
00239       for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00240         if( ipr ) printf (" %2d"   , (int)m.elts[i][j]);
00241         else      printf (" %10.4g", m.elts[i][j]);
00242       printf (" \n");
00243     }
00244   printf (" \n"); fflush(stdout) ;
00245 }

void matrix_psinv matrix    X,
matrix   XtXinv,
matrix   XtXinvXt

Given MxN matrix X, return the NxN matrix

[ T ]-1 [ T ]-1 T [ X X ] and the NxM matrix [ X X ] X -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1399 of file matrix.c.

01400 {
01401    int m = X.rows , n = X.cols , ii,jj,kk ;
01402    double *amat , *umat , *vmat , *sval , *xfac , smax,del,sum ;
01404    if( m < 1 || n < 1 || m < n || (XtXinv == NULL && XtXinvXt == NULL) ) return;
01406    amat = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),m*n ) ;  /* input matrix */
01407    umat = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),m*n ) ;  /* left singular vectors */
01408    vmat = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),n*n ) ;  /* right singular vectors */
01409    sval = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),n   ) ;  /* singular values */
01410    xfac = (double *)calloc( sizeof(double),n   ) ;  /* column norms of [a] */
01412 #define A(i,j) amat[(i)+(j)*m]
01413 #define U(i,j) umat[(i)+(j)*m]
01414 #define V(i,j) vmat[(i)+(j)*n]
01416    /* copy input matrix into amat */
01418    for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ )
01419      for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ) A(ii,jj) = X.elts[ii][jj] ;
01421    /* scale each column to have norm 1 */
01423    for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
01424      sum = 0.0 ;
01425      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) sum += A(ii,jj)*A(ii,jj) ;
01426      if( sum > 0.0 ) sum = 1.0/sqrt(sum) ;
01427      xfac[jj] = sum ;
01428      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) A(ii,jj) *= sum ;
01429    }
01431    /* compute SVD of scaled matrix */
01433    svd_double( m , n , amat , sval , umat , vmat ) ;
01435    free((void *)amat) ;  /* done with this */
01437    /* find largest singular value */
01439    smax = sval[0] ;
01440    for( ii=1 ; ii < n ; ii++ )
01441      if( sval[ii] > smax ) smax = sval[ii] ;
01443    if( smax <= 0.0 ){                        /* this is bad */
01444      free((void *)xfac); free((void *)sval);
01445      free((void *)vmat); free((void *)umat); return;
01446    }
01448    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ )
01449      if( sval[ii] < 0.0 ) sval[ii] = 0.0 ;
01451 #ifdef FLOATIZE
01452 #define PSINV_EPS 1.e-8
01453 #else
01454 #define PSINV_EPS 1.e-16
01455 #endif
01457    /* "reciprocals" of singular values:  1/s is actually s/(s^2+del) */
01459    del  = PSINV_EPS * smax*smax ;
01460    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ )
01461      sval[ii] = sval[ii] / ( sval[ii]*sval[ii] + del ) ;
01463    /* create pseudo-inverse */
01465    if( XtXinvXt != NULL ){
01466      matrix_create( n , m , XtXinvXt ) ;
01467      for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
01468        for( jj=0 ; jj < m ; jj++ ){
01469          sum = 0.0 ;
01470          for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ )
01471            sum += sval[kk] * V(ii,kk) * U(jj,kk) ;
01472          XtXinvXt->elts[ii][jj] = sum * xfac[ii] ;
01473        }
01474      }
01475    }
01477    if( XtXinv != NULL ){
01478      matrix_create( n , n , XtXinv ) ;
01479      for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) sval[ii] = sval[ii] * sval[ii] ;
01480      matrix_create( n , n , XtXinv ) ;
01481      for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
01482        for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
01483          sum = 0.0 ;
01484          for( kk=0 ; kk < n ; kk++ )
01485            sum += sval[kk] * V(ii,kk) * V(jj,kk) ;
01486          XtXinv->elts[ii][jj] = sum * xfac[ii] * xfac[jj] ;
01487        }
01488      }
01489    }
01491 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01492    flops += n*n*(n+2.0*m+2.0) ;
01493 #endif
01494    free((void *)xfac); free((void *)sval);
01495    free((void *)vmat); free((void *)umat); return;
01496 }

void matrix_scale double    k,
matrix    a,
matrix   c

Multiply matrix a by scalar constant k. Result is matrix c.

Definition at line 596 of file matrix.c.

00597 {
00598   register int rows, cols;
00599   register int i, j;
00601   rows = a.rows;
00602   cols = a.cols;
00604   matrix_create (rows, cols, c);
00606   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00607     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00608       c->elts[i][j] = k * a.elts[i][j];
00610 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00611   flops += rows*cols ;
00612 #endif
00613 }

double* matrix_singvals matrix    X

Return the eigenvalues of matrix X-transpose X, scaled to diagonal 1. The output points to a vector of doubles, of length X.cols. This should be free()-ed when you are done with it. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1355 of file matrix.c.

01356 {
01357    int i,j,k , M=X.rows , N=X.cols ;
01358    double *a , *e , sum ;
01360    a = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double)*N*N ) ;
01361    e = (double *) malloc( sizeof(double)*N   ) ;
01363    for( i=0 ; i < N ; i++ ){
01364      for( j=0 ; j <= i ; j++ ){
01365        sum = 0.0 ;
01366        for( k=0 ; k < M ; k++ ) sum += X.elts[k][i] * X.elts[k][j] ;
01367        a[j+N*i] = sum ;
01368        if( j < i ) a[i+N*j] = sum ;
01369      }
01370    }
01372    for( i=0 ; i < N ; i++ ){
01373      if( a[i+N*i] > 0.0 ) e[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(a[i+N*i]) ;
01374      else                 e[i] = 1.0 ;
01375    }
01376    for( i=0 ; i < N ; i++ ){
01377      for( j=0 ; j < N ; j++ ) a[j+N*i] *= e[i]*e[j] ;
01378    }
01380    symeigval_double( N , a , e ) ;
01381    free( (void *)a ) ;
01382 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01383    flops += (M+N+2.0)*N*N ;
01384 #endif
01385    return e ;
01386 }

void matrix_sprint char *    s,
matrix    m

Print label and contents of matrix m.

Definition at line 253 of file matrix.c.

00254 {
00255   printf ("%s \n", s);
00256   matrix_print (m);
00257 }

int matrix_sqrt matrix    a,
matrix   s

Calculate square root of symmetric positive definite matrix a. Result is matrix s.

Definition at line 763 of file matrix.c.

00764 {
00765   const int MAX_ITER = 100;
00766   int n;
00767   int ok;
00768   int iter;
00769   register float sse, psse;
00770   register int i, j;
00771   matrix x, xinv, axinv, xtemp, error;
00773   matrix_initialize (&x);
00774   matrix_initialize (&xinv);
00775   matrix_initialize (&axinv);
00776   matrix_initialize (&xtemp);
00777   matrix_initialize (&error);
00780   if (a.rows != a.cols)
00781     matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for matrix square root");
00784   n = a.rows;
00785   matrix_identity (n, &x);
00788   psse = 1.0e+30;
00789   for (iter = 0;  iter < MAX_ITER;  iter++)
00790     {
00791       ok = matrix_inverse (x, &xinv);
00792       if (! ok)  return (0);
00793       matrix_multiply (a, xinv, &axinv);
00794       matrix_add (x, axinv, &xtemp);
00795       matrix_scale (0.5, xtemp, &x);
00797       matrix_multiply (x, x, &xtemp);
00798       matrix_subtract (a, xtemp, &error);
00799       sse = 0.0;
00800       for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
00801         for (j = 0;  j < n;  j++)
00802           sse += error.elts[i][j] * error.elts[i][j] ;
00804       if (sse >= psse) break;
00806       psse = sse;
00807     }
00809   if (iter == MAX_ITER)  return (0);
00811   matrix_equate (x, s);
00813   matrix_destroy (&x);
00814   matrix_destroy (&xinv);
00815   matrix_destroy (&axinv);
00816   matrix_destroy (&xtemp);
00818   return (1);
00820 }

void matrix_subtract matrix    a,
matrix    b,
matrix   c

Subtract matrix b from matrix a. Result is matrix c.

Definition at line 534 of file matrix.c.

00535 {
00536   register int rows, cols;
00537   register int i, j;
00539   if ((a.rows != b.rows) || (a.cols != b.cols))
00540     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for matrix subtraction");
00542   rows = a.rows;
00543   cols = a.cols;
00545   matrix_create (rows, cols, c);
00547   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00548     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00549       c->elts[i][j] = a.elts[i][j] - b.elts[i][j];
00551 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
00552   flops += rows*cols ;
00553 #endif
00554 }

void matrix_transpose matrix    a,
matrix   t

Take transpose of matrix a. Result is matrix t.

Definition at line 621 of file matrix.c.

00622 {
00623   register int rows, cols;
00624   register int i, j;
00626   rows = a.cols;
00627   cols = a.rows;
00629   matrix_create (rows, cols, t);
00630   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++)
00631     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++)
00632       t->elts[i][j] = a.elts[j][i];
00633 }

void svd_double int    m,
int    n,
double *    a,
double *    s,
double *    u,
double *    v

Compute SVD of double precision matrix: T [a] = [u] diag[s] [v]

  • m = # of rows in a
  • n = # of columns in a
  • a = pointer to input matrix; a[i+j*m] has the (i,j) element
  • s = pointer to output singular values; length = n
  • u = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = m*n
  • v = pointer to output matrix, if desired; length = n*n

Definition at line 81 of file cs_symeig.c.

00082 {
00083    integer mm,nn , lda,ldu,ldv , ierr ;
00084    doublereal *aa, *ww , *uu , *vv , *rv1 ;
00085    logical    matu , matv ;
00087    if( a == NULL || s == NULL || m < 1 || n < 1 ) return ;
00089    mm  = m ;
00090    nn  = n ;
00091    aa  = a ;
00092    lda = m ;
00093    ww  = s ;
00095    if( u == NULL ){
00096      matu = (logical) 0 ;
00097      uu   = (doublereal *)malloc(sizeof(double)*m*n) ;
00098    } else {
00099      matu = (logical) 1 ;
00100      uu = u ;
00101    }
00102    ldu = m ;
00104    if( v == NULL ){
00105      matv = (logical) 0 ;
00106      vv   = NULL ;
00107    } else {
00108      matv = (logical) 1 ;
00109      vv = v ;
00110    }
00111    ldv = n ;
00113    rv1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n) ;  /* workspace */
00115    (void) svd_( &mm , &nn , &lda , aa , ww ,
00116                 &matu , &ldu , uu , &matv , &ldv , vv , &ierr , rv1 ) ;
00118    free((void *)rv1) ;
00120    if( u == NULL ) free((void *)uu) ;
00121    return ;
00122 }

void vector_add vector    a,
vector    b,
vector   c

Add vector a to vector b. Result is vector c.

Definition at line 993 of file matrix.c.

00994 {
00995   register int i, dim;
00997   if (a.dim != b.dim)
00998     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for vector addition");
01000   dim = a.dim;
01002   vector_create_noinit (dim, c);
01004   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
01005     c->elts[i] = a.elts[i] + b.elts[i];
01007 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01008   flops += dim ;
01009 #endif
01010 }

void vector_create int    dim,
vector   v

Create vector v by allocating memory and initializing values.

Definition at line 852 of file matrix.c.

00853 {
00854   register int i;
00856   vector_destroy (v);
00858   if (dim < 0)  matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for new vector");
00860   v->dim = dim;
00861   if (dim < 1)  return;
00863   v->elts = (double *) calloc (sizeof(double) , dim);
00864   if (v->elts == NULL)
00865     matrix_error ("Memory allocation error");
00867 }

void vector_create_noinit int    dim,
vector   v

Definition at line 870 of file matrix.c.

References vector::dim, vector::elts, i, malloc, matrix_error(), v, and vector_destroy().

00870                                                                      : RWCox */
00871 {
00872   register int i;
00874   vector_destroy (v);
00876   if (dim < 0)  matrix_error ("Illegal dimensions for new vector");
00878   v->dim = dim;
00879   if (dim < 1)  return;
00881   v->elts = (double *) malloc (sizeof(double) * dim);
00882   if (v->elts == NULL)
00883     matrix_error ("Memory allocation error");
00884 }

void vector_destroy vector   v

Destroy vector data structure by deallocating memory.

Definition at line 840 of file matrix.c.

00841 {
00842   if (v->elts != NULL)  free (v->elts);
00843   vector_initialize (v);
00844 }

double vector_dot vector    a,
vector    b

Calculate dot product of vector a with vector b.

Definition at line 1220 of file matrix.c.

01221 {
01222   register int i, dim;
01223   register double sum;
01224   register double *aa , *bb ;
01226   if (a.dim != b.dim)
01227     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for vector dot product");
01229   dim = a.dim;
01231   sum = 0.0;
01232   aa = a.elts ; bb = b.elts ;
01233   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
01234 #if 0
01235     sum += a.elts[i] * b.elts[i];
01236 #else
01237     sum += aa[i] * bb[i] ;
01238 #endif
01240 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01241   flops += 2.0*dim ;
01242 #endif
01243   return (sum);
01244 }

double vector_dotself vector    a

Calculate dot product of vector a with itself -- 28 Dec 2001, RWCox.

Definition at line 1251 of file matrix.c.

01252 {
01253   register int i, dim;
01254   register double sum;
01255   register double *aa ;
01257   dim = a.dim;
01258   sum = 0.0;
01259   aa = a.elts ;
01260   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
01261 #if 0
01262     sum += a.elts[i] * a.elts[i];
01263 #else
01264     sum += aa[i] * aa[i] ;
01265 #endif
01267 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01268   flops += 2.0*dim ;
01269 #endif
01270   return (sum);
01271 }

void vector_equate vector    a,
vector   b

Copy vector a. Result is vector b.

Definition at line 920 of file matrix.c.

00921 {
00922   register int i, dim;
00924   dim = a.dim;
00926   vector_create_noinit (dim, b);
00928 #if 0
00929   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
00930     b->elts[i] = a.elts[i];
00931 #else
00932   if( dim > 0 )
00933     memcpy( b->elts , a.elts , sizeof(double)*dim ) ;  /* RWCox */
00934 #endif
00935 }

void vector_initialize vector   v

Initialize vector data structure.

Definition at line 828 of file matrix.c.

00829 {
00830   v->dim = 0;
00831   v->elts = NULL;
00832 }

void vector_multiply matrix    a,
vector    b,
vector   c

Right multiply matrix a by vector b. Result is vector c.

Definition at line 1051 of file matrix.c.

01052 {
01053   register int rows, cols;
01054   register int i, j;
01055   register double *bb ;
01056   register double sum ;
01057 #ifdef DOTP
01058   register double **aa , *cc ;
01059 #else
01060   register double *aa ;
01061 #endif
01064   if (a.cols != b.dim){
01065     char str[444] ;
01066     sprintf(str,
01067             "Incompatible dimensions for vector multiplication: %dx%d X %d",
01068             a.rows,a.cols,b.dim ) ;
01069     matrix_error(str) ;
01070   }
01072   rows = a.rows;
01073   cols = a.cols;
01075   vector_create_noinit (rows, c);
01077   if( cols <= 0 ){
01078     for( i=0 ; i < rows ; i++ ) c->elts[i] = 0.0 ;
01079     return ;
01080   }
01082   bb = b.elts ;
01084 #ifdef MATVEC
01085   MATVEC( a , b , *c ) ;          /* 04 Mar 2005 */
01087 #elif defined(DOTP)               /* vectorized */
01088   aa = a.elts ; cc = c->elts ;
01089   i = rows%2 ;
01090   if( i == 1 ) DOTP(cols,aa[0],bb,cc) ;
01091   for( ; i < rows ; i+=2 ){
01092     DOTP(cols,aa[i]  ,bb,cc+i    ) ;
01093     DOTP(cols,aa[i+1],bb,cc+(i+1)) ;
01094   }
01095 #else
01097 #ifdef UNROLL_VECMUL
01098   if( cols%2 == 0 ){              /* even number of cols */
01099     for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01100         sum = 0.0 ; aa = a.elts[i] ;
01101         for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j+=2 )
01102           sum += aa[j]*bb[j] + aa[j+1]*bb[j+1];
01103         c->elts[i] = sum ;
01104     }
01105   } else {                        /* odd number of cols */
01106     for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01107         aa = a.elts[i] ; sum = aa[0]*bb[0] ;
01108         for (j = 1;  j < cols;  j+=2 )
01109           sum += aa[j]*bb[j] + aa[j+1]*bb[j+1];
01110         c->elts[i] = sum ;
01111     }
01112   }
01113 #else
01114     for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01115         sum = 0.0 ; aa = a.elts[i] ;
01116         for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++ ) sum += aa[j]*bb[j] ;
01117         c->elts[i] = sum ;
01118     }
01119 #endif /* UNROLL_VECMUL */
01121 #endif /* MATVEC, DOTP */
01123 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01124     flops += 2.0*rows*cols ;
01125     dotsum += rows*cols ; dotnum += rows ;
01126 #endif
01127     return ;
01128 }

double vector_multiply_subtract matrix    a,
vector    b,
vector    c,
vector   d

Compute d = c-a*b: a is a matrix; b,c,d are vectors -- RWCox 26 Feb 2002: return value is sum of squares of d vector

Definition at line 1136 of file matrix.c.

01137 {
01138   register int rows, cols;
01139   register int i, j;
01140   register double *bb ;
01141 #ifdef DOTP
01142   double qsum,sum , **aa , *dd,*cc,*ee ;
01143 #else
01144   register double qsum,sum, *aa ;
01145 #endif
01148   if (a.cols != b.dim || a.rows != c.dim )
01149     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for vector multiplication-subtraction");
01151   rows = a.rows;
01152   cols = a.cols;
01154   vector_create_noinit (rows, d);
01156   if( cols <= 0 ){
01157     qsum = 0.0 ;
01158     for( i=0 ; i < rows ; i++ ){
01159       d->elts[i] = c.elts[i] ;
01160       qsum += d->elts[i] * d->elts[i] ;
01161     }
01162     return qsum ;
01163   }
01165   qsum = 0.0 ; bb = b.elts ;
01167 #ifdef DOTP                                      /* vectorized */
01168   aa = a.elts ; dd = d->elts ; cc = c.elts ;
01169   ee = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*rows) ;
01170   i  = rows%2 ;
01171   if( i == 1 ) DOTP(cols,aa[0],bb,ee) ;
01172   for( ; i < rows ; i+=2 ){
01173     DOTP(cols,aa[i]  ,bb,ee+i    ) ;
01174     DOTP(cols,aa[i+1],bb,ee+(i+1)) ;
01175   }
01176   VSUB(rows,cc,ee,dd) ;
01177   DOTP(rows,dd,dd,&qsum) ;
01178   free((void *)ee) ;
01179 #else
01181 #ifdef UNROLL_VECMUL
01182   if( cols%2 == 0 ){                   /* even number */
01183     for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01184       aa = a.elts[i] ; sum = c.elts[i] ;
01185       for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j+=2)
01186         sum -= aa[j]*bb[j] + aa[j+1]*bb[j+1];
01187       d->elts[i] = sum ; qsum += sum*sum ;
01188     }
01189   } else {                            /* odd number */
01190     for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01191       aa = a.elts[i] ; sum = c.elts[i] - aa[0]*bb[0] ;
01192       for (j = 1;  j < cols;  j+=2)
01193         sum -= aa[j]*bb[j] + aa[j+1]*bb[j+1];
01194       d->elts[i] = sum ; qsum += sum*sum ;
01195     }
01196   }
01197 #else
01198   for (i = 0;  i < rows;  i++){
01199     aa = a.elts[i] ; sum = c.elts[i] ;
01200     for (j = 0;  j < cols;  j++) sum -= aa[j] * bb[j] ;
01201     d->elts[i] = sum ; qsum += sum*sum ;
01202   }
01203 #endif /* UNROLL_VECMUL */
01205 #endif /* DOTP */
01207 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01208   flops += 2.0*rows*(cols+1) ;
01209   dotsum += rows*cols ; dotnum += rows ;
01210 #endif
01212   return qsum ;  /* 26 Feb 2003 */
01213 }

void vector_print vector    v

Print contents of vector v.

Definition at line 891 of file matrix.c.

00892 {
00893   int i;
00895   for (i = 0;  i < v.dim;  i++)
00896     printf ("  %10.4g \n", v.elts[i]);
00897   printf (" \n"); fflush(stdout);
00899 }

void vector_sprint char *    s,
vector    v

Print label and contents of vector v.

Definition at line 907 of file matrix.c.

00908 {
00909   printf ("%s \n", s);
00911   vector_print (v);
00912 }

void vector_subtract vector    a,
vector    b,
vector   c

Subtract vector b from vector a. Result is vector c.

Definition at line 1018 of file matrix.c.

01019 {
01020   register int i, dim;
01021   register double *aa,*bb,*cc ;
01023   if (a.dim != b.dim)
01024     matrix_error ("Incompatible dimensions for vector subtraction");
01026   dim = a.dim;
01028   vector_create_noinit (dim, c);
01030   aa = a.elts ; bb = b.elts ; cc = c->elts ;
01031   for (i = 0;  i < dim;  i++)
01032 #if 0
01033     c->elts[i] = a.elts[i] - b.elts[i];
01034 #else
01035     cc[i] = aa[i] - bb[i] ;
01036 #endif
01038 #ifdef ENABLE_FLOPS
01039   flops += dim ;
01040 #endif
01041 }

void vector_to_array vector    v,
float *    f

Convert vector v into array f.

Definition at line 979 of file matrix.c.

00980 {
00981   register int i;
00983   for (i = 0;  i < v.dim;  i++)
00984     f[i] = v.elts[i];
00985 }

Variable Documentation

double dotnum = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 123 of file matrix.c.

Referenced by get_matrix_dotlen(), vector_multiply(), and vector_multiply_subtract().

double dotsum = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 123 of file matrix.c.

Referenced by get_matrix_dotlen(), vector_multiply(), and vector_multiply_subtract().

double flops = 0.0 [static]

Sun Solaris *

Definition at line 120 of file matrix.c.

Referenced by get_matrix_flops(), matrix_add(), matrix_inverse(), matrix_inverse_dsc(), matrix_multiply(), matrix_norm(), matrix_psinv(), matrix_scale(), matrix_singvals(), matrix_subtract(), vector_add(), vector_dot(), vector_dotself(), vector_multiply(), vector_multiply_subtract(), and vector_subtract().


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