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3dDeconvolve.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"
#include "thd_iochan.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "Deconvolve.c"
#include <signal.h>
#include "coxplot.h"
#include "niml.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  basis_expansion
struct  basis_func
struct  basis_irc
struct  DC_options
struct  floatpair


#define PROGRAM_NAME   "3dDeconvolve"
#define PROGRAM_AUTHOR   "B. Douglas Ward, et al."
#define PROGRAM_INITIAL   "02 September 1998"
#define PROGRAM_LATEST   "04 March 2005 - RWCox"
#define RA_error   DC_error
#define USE_GET
#define PROC_MAX   32
#define MTYPE   double
#define XSAVE_version   "0.5"
#define USE_BASIS   /*** for Deconvolve.c ***/
#define basis_funceval(bf, x)   ((bf).f( (x), (bf).a,(bf).b,(bf).c,(bf).q )*(bf).ffac)
#define basis_filler   3.e+33
#define denom_BASELINE   (1)
#define free   proc_free
#define NGET   128
#define TSGRAY_FLIP_XY   (1<<1)
#define DPR(s)   fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",(s))
#define NGET   32
#define GLT_ERR
#define SPM_A1   0.0083333333
#define SPM_P1   4.0
#define SPM_A2   1.274527e-13
#define SPM_P2   15.0
#define TPEAK4(TT)   ((TT)/(1.0-exp(-0.25*(TT))))
#define TPEAK5(TT)   ((TT)/(1.0-exp(-0.2*(TT))))
#define POLY_MAX   9
#define ITT   19
#define IXX   23
#define IZZ   25
#define BNSUB   999


typedef DC_options DC_options


void JPEG_matrix_gray (matrix X, char *fname)
void XSAVE_output (char *)
float baseline_mean (vector coef)
void do_xrestore_stuff (int, char **, struct DC_options *)
void read_glt_matrix (char *fname, int *nrows, int ncol, matrix *cmat)
void vstep_print (void)
basis_expansionbasis_parser (char *sym)
float basis_evaluation (basis_expansion *be, float *wt, float x)
void basis_write_iresp (int argc, char *argv[], struct DC_options *option_data, basis_expansion *be, float dt, float **wtar, char *output_filename)
void basis_write_sresp (int argc, char *argv[], struct DC_options *option_data, basis_expansion *be, float dt, float *mse, int pbot, matrix cvar, char *output_filename)
floatpair evaluate_irc (basis_irc *birc, vector coef, float base, float mse, matrix cvar)
void DC_error (char *message)
void identify_software ()
void display_help_menu ()
void initialize_options (DC_options *option_data)
void initialize_stim_options (DC_options *option_data, int num_stimts)
void initialize_glt_options (DC_options *option_data, int num_glt)
void get_options (int argc, char **argv, DC_options *option_data)
float * read_time_series (char *ts_filename, int *ts_length)
void read_input_data (DC_options *option_data, THD_3dim_dataset **dset_time, byte **mask_vol, float **fmri_data, int *fmri_length, float **censor_array, int *censor_length, int **block_list, int *num_blocks, float ***stimulus, int **stim_length, matrix **glt_cmat)
void remove_zero_stimfns (DC_options *option_data, float **stimulus, int *stim_length, matrix *glt_cmat)
void check_one_output_file (THD_3dim_dataset *dset_time, char *filename)
void check_output_files (DC_options *option_data, THD_3dim_dataset *dset_time)
void check_for_valid_inputs (DC_options *option_data, THD_3dim_dataset *dset_time, int fmri_length, float *censor_array, int censor_length, int *block_list, int num_blocks, int *stim_length, float **stimulus, int **good_list)
void zero_fill_volume (float **fvol, int nxyz)
void proc_sigfunc (int sig)
void proc_atexit (void)
void proc_finalize_shm_volumes (void)
void proc_free (void *ptr)
void allocate_memory (DC_options *option_data, float ***coef_vol, float ***scoef_vol, float ***tcoef_vol, float ***fpart_vol, float ***rpart_vol, float **mse_vol, float **ffull_vol, float **rfull_vol, float ****glt_coef_vol, float ****glt_tcoef_vol, float ***glt_fstat_vol, float ***glt_rstat_vol, float ***fitts_vol, float ***errts_vol)
void initialize_program (int argc, char **argv, DC_options **option_data, THD_3dim_dataset **dset_time, byte **mask_vol, float **fmri_data, int *fmri_length, float **censor_array, int *censor_length, int **good_list, int **block_list, int *num_blocks, float ***stimulus, int **stim_length, matrix **glt_cmat, float ***coef_vol, float ***scoef_vol, float ***tcoef_vol, float ***fpart_vol, float ***rpart_vol, float **mse_vol, float **ffull_vol, float **rfull_vol, float ****glt_coef_vol, float ****glt_tcoef_vol, float ***glt_fstat_vol, float ***glt_rstat_vol, float ***fitts_vol, float ***errts_vol)
void save_voxel (DC_options *option_data, int iv, vector coef, vector scoef, vector tcoef, float *fpart, float *rpart, float mse, float ffull, float rfull, vector *glt_coef, vector *glt_tcoef, float *fglt, float *rglt, int nt, float *ts_array, int *good_list, float *fitts, float *errts, float **coef_vol, float **scoef_vol, float **tcoef_vol, float **fpart_vol, float **rpart_vol, float *mse_vol, float *ffull_vol, float *rfull_vol, float ***glt_coef_vol, float ***glt_tcoef_vol, float **glt_fstat_vol, float **glt_rstat_vol, float **fitts_vol, float **errts_vol)
void report_evaluation (int qp, int num_stimts, char **stim_label, int *min_lag, int *max_lag, matrix x_full, matrix xtxinv_full, int num_glt, char **glt_label, int *glt_rows, matrix *cxtxinvct)
void calculate_results (DC_options *option_data, THD_3dim_dataset *dset, byte *mask_vol, float *fmri_data, int fmri_length, int *good_list, int *block_list, int num_blocks, float **stimulus, int *stim_length, matrix *glt_cmat, float **coef_vol, float **scoef_vol, float **tcoef_vol, float **fpart_vol, float **rpart_vol, float *mse_vol, float *ffull_vol, float *rfull_vol, float ***glt_coef_vol, float ***glt_tcoef_vol, float **glt_fstat_vol, float **glt_rstat_vol, float **fitts_vol, float **errts_vol)
float EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (int nxyz, int itype, void *ivol, int otype, void *ovol)
void cubic_spline (DC_options *option_data, int ts_length, float **vol_array)
void write_ts_array (int argc, char **argv, DC_options *option_data, int ts_length, int nptr, int tshift, float **vol_array, char *output_filename)
void attach_sub_brick (THD_3dim_dataset *new_dset, int ibrick, float *volume, int nxyz, int brick_type, char *brick_label, int dof, int ndof, int ddof, short **bar)
void write_bucket_data (int argc, char **argv, DC_options *option_data, float **coef_vol, float **tcoef_vol, float **fpart_vol, float **rpart_vol, float *mse_vol, float *ffull_vol, float *rfull_vol, float ***glt_coef_vol, float ***glt_tcoef_vol, float **glt_fstat_vol, float **glt_rstat_vol)
void write_one_ts (char *prefix, int ts_length, float **vol_array)
void output_results (int argc, char **argv, DC_options *option_data, float **coef_vol, float **scoef_vol, float **tcoef_vol, float **fpart_vol, float **rpart_vol, float *mse_vol, float *ffull_vol, float *rfull_vol, float ***glt_coef_vol, float ***glt_tcoef_vol, float **glt_fstat_vol, float **glt_rstat_vol, float **fitts_vol, float **errts_vol)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
MEM_plotdataPLOT_tsgray (int npt, int nts, int ymask, float **y)
MRI_IMAGEPLOT_matrix_gray (matrix X)
NI_elementmatrix_to_niml (matrix a, char *ename)
void niml_to_matrix (NI_element *nel, matrix *a)
NI_elementintvec_to_niml (int nvec, int *vec, char *ename)
void niml_to_intvec (NI_element *nel, int *nvec, int **vec)
NI_elementstringvec_to_niml (int nstr, char **str, char *ename)
void niml_to_stringvec (NI_element *nel, int *nstr, char ***str)
NI_elementsymvec_to_niml (int ns, SYM_irange *sv, char *ename)
void niml_to_symvec (NI_element *nel, int *ns, SYM_irange **sv)
void XSAVE_input (char *xname)
void check_xrestore_data (void)
void do_xrestore_stuff (int argc, char **argv, DC_options *option_data)
float basis_tent (float x, float bot, float mid, float top, void *q)
float basis_one (float x, float bot, float top, float junk, void *q)
float basis_cos (float x, float bot, float top, float freq, void *q)
float basis_sin (float x, float bot, float top, float freq, void *q)
float basis_gam (float x, float b, float c, float top, void *q)
float basis_spmg1 (float x, float a, float b, float c, void *q)
float basis_spmg2 (float x, float a, float b, float c, void *q)
float basis_block_hrf4 (float tt, float TT)
float basis_block4 (float t, float T, float peak, float junk, void *q)
float basis_block_hrf5 (float tt, float TT)
float basis_block5 (float t, float T, float peak, float junk, void *q)
float basis_legendre (float x, float bot, float top, float n, void *q)
float basis_expr (float x, float bot, float top, float dtinv, void *q)
void basis_write_iresp (int argc, char *argv[], DC_options *option_data, basis_expansion *be, float dt, float **wtar, char *output_filename)


int proc_numjob = 1
pid_t proc_pid [PROC_MAX]
int proc_shmid = 0
char * proc_shmptr = NULL
int proc_shmsize = 0
int proc_shm_arnum = 0
float *** proc_shm_ar = NULL
int * proc_shm_arsiz = NULL
int proc_vox_bot [PROC_MAX]
int proc_vox_top [PROC_MAX]
int proc_ind
int proc_use_jobs = 0
int xsave = 0
int nGoodList = 0
int * GoodList = NULL
int nParam = 0
int * ParamIndex = NULL
int * ParamStim = NULL
char ** ParamLabel = NULL
char * InputFilename = NULL
char * BucketFilename = NULL
char * CoefFilename = NULL
matrix X
matrix XtXinv
matrix XtXinvXt
int * Xcol_inbase
float * Xcol_mean
int voxel_num
float * voxel_base = NULL
int xrestore = 0
char * xrestore_filename = NULL
int NumTimePoints = 0
int NumRegressors = 0
int verb = 1
int nSymStim = 0
SYM_irangeSymStim = NULL
int show_singvals = 0
basis_expansion ** basis_stim = NULL
MRI_IMAGE ** basis_times = NULL
MRI_IMAGE ** basis_vect = NULL
float basis_TR = 1.0f
int basis_count = 0
float basis_dtout = 0.0f
float irc_dt = 0.0f
int basis_need_mse = 0
float basis_normall = 0.0f
int num_irc = 0
basis_irc ** irc = NULL

Define Documentation


#define basis_filler   3.e+33

Definition at line 445 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options().

#define basis_funceval bf,
     ((bf).f( (x), (bf).a,(bf).b,(bf).c,(bf).q )*(bf).ffac)

Macro to evaluate a basis_func at a particular point.

Definition at line 406 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_evaluation(), basis_parser(), basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), and read_input_data().

#define BNSUB   999

#define denom_BASELINE   (1)

Definition at line 459 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by evaluate_irc().

#define DPR      fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",(s))

Definition at line 6226 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by ISQ_drawing_EV(), ISQ_make_montage(), ISQ_process_mri(), ISQ_show_bar(), and ISQ_show_image().

#define free   proc_free

Definition at line 3036 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by __glutEstablishColormapsProperty(), __glutFreeColormap(), __glutFreeOverlay(), absfft_func(), add_TRUST_host(), addto_args(), addto_Htable(), AFNI_drive_addto_graph_1D(), AFNI_drive_addto_graph_xy(), AFNI_drive_open_graph_1D(), AFNI_drive_open_graph_xy(), AFNI_driver(), AFNI_fimmer_compute(), AFNI_finalize_read_palette_CB(), AFNI_finalize_saveim_CB(), AFNI_finalize_write_palette_CB(), AFNI_find_jpegs(), AFNI_imag_pop_CB(), AFNI_logger(), AFNI_misc_CB(), AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_pbar_CB(), AFNI_plugin_button(), AFNI_plugout_workproc(), AFNI_process_drawing(), AFNI_process_environ(), AFNI_process_setup(), AFNI_read_images(), AFNI_read_inputs(), AFNI_receive_control(), AFNI_receive_destroy(), AFNI_rescan_session_NEW(), AFNI_seq_send_CB(), AFNI_set_viewpoint(), AFNI_setenv(), AFNI_startup_layout_CB(), AFNI_startup_script_CB(), AFNI_startup_timeout_CB(), AFNI_suck_file(), AFNI_version_check(), AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay(), AFNI_vol2surf_func_overlay(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AIVVV_imseq_send_CB(), alloc_output_mem(), allocate2D(), allocateMoreSlots(), analyze_results(), apply_min_dist(), apply_yshear(), apply_zshear(), AREN_set_graybrick(), AREN_set_opabrick(), AREN_set_rgbbricks(), argsort(), ascii_get_element(), atr_print(), autocorr(), avg_epochs(), basis_parser(), basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), BFIT_compute(), BFIT_free_data(), BFIT_free_result(), BFIT_main(), BFIT_prepare_dataset(), c_padd(), calc_acontr_mean(), calc_full_model(), calc_partial_derivatives(), calc_QuadrantCC(), CALC_read_opts(), calc_SpearmanCC(), calc_sse(), calc_sspe(), calc_stat(), calc_sum_sq_acontr(), calculate_acontrasts(), calculate_adifferences(), calculate_ameans(), calculate_bcontrasts(), calculate_bdifferences(), calculate_bmeans(), calculate_ccontrasts(), calculate_cdifferences(), calculate_cmeans(), calculate_contrasts(), calculate_differences(), calculate_f_statistic(), calculate_fa(), calculate_fab(), calculate_fabc(), calculate_fac(), calculate_fb(), calculate_fbc(), calculate_fc(), calculate_ftr(), calculate_means(), calculate_results(), calculate_ss(), calculate_ss0(), calculate_ssa(), calculate_ssab(), calculate_ssabc(), calculate_ssac(), calculate_ssb(), calculate_ssbc(), calculate_ssbca(), calculate_ssc(), calculate_ssca(), calculate_sse(), calculate_ssi(), calculate_ssij(), calculate_ssijk(), calculate_ssijkm(), calculate_ssik(), calculate_ssj(), calculate_ssjk(), calculate_ssk(), calculate_ssto(), calculate_sstr(), calculate_sum(), calculate_sum_sq(), calculate_xcontrasts(), calculate_xdifferences(), calculate_xmeans(), calculate_y(), calculate_ysum(), can_get_testfile(), cds(), cfft2d(), cl1_solve(), cl1_solve_res(), cleanStaleWindowList(), cleanup_rtinp(), clist_rem_next(), Clp_AddStringListType(), Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(), Clp_DeleteParser(), Clp_DeleteParserState(), Clp_NewParser(), clustedit3D(), COMPRESS_filecode(), COMPRESS_fopen_read(), COMPRESS_fopen_write(), COMPRESS_unlink(), compute_choleski(), compute_node_areas(), compute_node_vols(), ComputeJ(), ComputeNewD(), connectivity_tests(), conv_model(), conv_set_ref(), COPY_main(), copy_surfaces(), CORREL_main(), CREN_render(), CREN_set_databytes(), csfft_cox(), csfft_nextup(), csfft_trigconsts(), cub_shift(), cubic_spline(), Daubechies_forward_pass_1d(), Daubechies_forward_pass_2d(), Daubechies_inverse_pass_1d(), Daubechies_inverse_pass_2d(), DC_Err(), DC_Fit(), DC_IRF(), DC_main(), DCM_GetString(), deallocate_arrays(), deallocate_pieces(), debug_free_id(), DELAY_main(), delayed_lsqfit(), delete_active_memplot(), delete_all_voxels(), delete_cluster(), delete_extrema(), destroy_AREN_renderer(), destroy_cluster(), destroy_CREN_renderer(), destroy_Htable(), destroy_MREN_colortable(), destroy_MREN_renderer(), destroy_node(), destroyWindow(), detrend(), dicom_order_files(), dir_expansion_form(), Display_Notes(), dlclose(), dlist_remove(), DLSQ_rot_trans(), do_ncdump(), do_xrestore_stuff(), doinclude(), doiolist(), donebut_CB(), DRAW_2D_circle(), DRAW_3D_sphere(), DRAW_attach_dtable(), DRAW_finalize_dset_CB(), DRAW_label_CB(), DRAW_label_EV(), DRAW_receiver(), DRAW_ttatlas_CB(), DSET_cor(), dsort(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), dtree_create(), dtree_destroy(), dump_surf_3dt(), dump_vallab(), edgeDetect(), EDIT_aver_fvol(), EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_filter_volume(), EDIT_main(), EDIT_volpad(), EDT_calcmask(), empty_string_list(), ENTROPY_setdown(), ENV_init(), eqveqv(), estimate_field(), estpdf(), evaluate_span(), evolve_bitvector_array(), EXP0D_main(), expr_out(), extract_byte_speedtest(), extract_bytes_from_file(), EXTRACT_main(), F1D_chainfunc(), F1D_main(), F2D_chainfunc(), F2D_main(), f_clos(), fft(), fft2D_func(), FFT_1dcx(), FFT_2dchirpz(), FFT_2dcx(), fft_3dec(), fft_4dec(), fft_5dec(), fft_shift2(), filter(), fim3d_fimmer_compute(), final_clean_up(), final_cleanup(), find_base_value(), find_unusual_correlations(), findServerOverlayVisualsInfo(), finish_string_list(), fixexpr(), flip_xy(), flip_xz(), flip_yz(), fold(), form_clusters(), Fourier_Filter_Driver(), frdata(), free2D(), free_build_string(), free_float_list(), free_floatp_list(), free_int_list(), free_intp_list(), free_memory(), free_NC(), free_NC_attr(), free_NC_attrarrayV(), free_NC_dim(), free_NC_dimarrayV(), free_NC_string(), free_NC_var(), free_NC_vararrayV(), free_PCOR_references(), free_PCOR_voxel_corr(), free_riu(), free_short_list(), free_shortp_list(), free_string_list(), free_Tmask(), free_track(), free_v2s_results(), free_void_list(), free_voidp_list(), FreeGlobals(), freeup_strings(), freqchain(), frexpr(), frrpl(), ft_shift2(), ft_xshear(), ft_yshear(), full_model(), ge4_read_header(), generateEPS(), get_cmask(), get_options(), get_X11_colordef(), getcd(), glutChangeToMenuEntry(), glutChangeToSubMenu(), glutDestroyMenu(), glutRemoveMenuItem(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_saver_CB(), GRAPH_find_components(), Haar_forward_pass_1d(), Haar_forward_pass_2d(), Haar_inverse_pass_1d(), Haar_inverse_pass_2d(), handle_tta(), hashclear(), hept_shift(), hidden_NI_free(), hilbertdelay_V2(), HISTO_main(), huber_func(), ifft(), ig_strstr(), init_delay(), init_floatp_list(), init_floatvector_array(), init_intp_list(), init_MCW_sizes(), init_regression_analysis(), init_shortp_list(), init_voidp_list(), initialize_program(), initialize_slice_sequence(), INTERP_destroy(), intrcall(), iochan_close(), iochan_goodcheck(), iochan_init(), ISQ_butsave_EV(), ISQ_free_alldata(), ISQ_getimage(), ISQ_graymap_draw(), ISQ_make_image(), ISQ_make_montage(), ISQ_record_send_CB(), ISQ_saver_CB(), jpeg_free_large(), jpeg_free_small(), JPEG_matrix_gray(), kill_graph_xy(), L1F_worker(), l_CHAR(), lazy_det(), lin_shift(), linear_filter_extend(), linear_filter_trend(), linear_filter_zero(), list_delete(), list_rem_next(), LSQ_worker(), main(), make_peel_mask(), make_plot(), MASKAVE_main(), matrix_destroy(), matrix_inverse_dsc(), matrix_psinv(), matrix_singvals(), matrix_to_niml(), MCW_choose_CB(), MCW_erode_clusters(), mcw_free(), MCW_free_expand(), MCW_get_intlist(), MCW_hash_idcode(), MCW_inverse_histogram_sh(), mcw_malloc_dump(), MCW_popup_message(), MCW_sort_cluster(), MCW_wildcards(), MemFree(), mk_hashtab(), mkexpr(), mkfunct(), mklhs(), mkpower(), mkstfunct(), mktmpn(), mpeg2_free(), MREN_set_graybytes(), MREN_set_opabytes(), MREN_set_rgbbytes(), MREN_set_rgbmap(), MREN_set_rgbshorts(), MREN_unset_rgbmap(), MRG_read_opts(), mri_1D_fromstring(), mri_2dalign_cleanup(), mri_2dalign_one(), mri_3dalign_cleanup(), mri_3dalign_one(), MRI_5blur_inplace_3D(), mri_add_fname_delay(), mri_add_name(), mri_align_dfspace(), MRI_autobbox(), mri_brainormalize(), mri_copy(), mri_delayed_lsqfit(), mri_dup2D(), mri_edgize(), mri_entropy16(), mri_entropy8(), mri_fft2D(), mri_fft_complex(), mri_flip3D(), mri_free(), mri_imcount(), mri_imcount_dicom(), mri_imcount_mpeg(), mri_imcount_siemens(), mri_lsqfit(), mri_medianfilter(), mri_move_guts(), mri_psinv(), mri_purge_delay(), mri_read_1D(), mri_read_3A(), mri_read_ascii(), mri_read_dicom(), mri_read_file(), mri_read_file_delay(), mri_read_ge4(), mri_read_just_one(), mri_read_mpeg(), mri_read_ppm3(), mri_read_siemens(), mri_read_stuff(), mri_rgba_composite_array(), mri_shift_1D(), mri_startup_lsqfit(), mri_warp3D_align_fitim(), mri_warp3d_align_one(), mri_warp3D_align_setup(), mri_warp3D_get_delta(), mri_watershedize(), mri_write(), mri_write_analyze(), mri_write_jpg(), MTD_killfunc(), multivector_free(), multivector_read(), multivector_set_name(), my_fgets(), nc_get_varm(), nc_get_varm_double(), nc_get_varm_float(), nc_get_varm_int(), nc_get_varm_long(), nc_get_varm_schar(), nc_get_varm_short(), nc_get_varm_text(), nc_get_varm_uchar(), nc_put_varm(), nc_put_varm_double(), nc_put_varm_float(), nc_put_varm_int(), nc_put_varm_long(), nc_put_varm_schar(), nc_put_varm_short(), nc_put_varm_text(), nc_put_varm_uchar(), ncio_ffio_free(), ncio_ffio_get(), ncio_free(), ncio_px_free(), ncio_px_get(), ncio_spx_free(), ncio_spx_get(), new_build_string(), new_PCOR_references(), new_PCOR_voxel_corr(), new_PLUGOUT_spec(), new_RT_input(), nextdata(), NI_malloc_dump(), NI_read_URL_tmpdir(), NI_registry_idcode_altername(), NI_registry_ptr_altername(), NI_registry_replace(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_procins(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), NL_worker(), nn_shift(), nn_shift_byte(), noFaultXAllocColor(), NOTES_delete_CB(), NOTES_finalize_dset_CB(), NOTES_quit_CB(), NOTES_save_CB(), NUD_main(), NUD_quit_CB(), NUD_rotate(), optmenu_EV(), output_message(), output_results(), output_ts_array(), p1_expr(), padd(), PARSER_1deval(), PARSER_generate_code(), PARSER_strtod(), partial_cliplevel(), PBAR_add_bigmap(), PC_read_opts(), PCOR_get_lsqfit(), PCOR_get_perc(), PDF_destroy(), PDF_find_bimodal(), PDF_float_to_pdf(), PDF_short_to_pdf(), PDF_smooth(), PDF_trim(), PERMTEST_compute(), pfit(), plot_image_surface(), PLOT_matrix_gray(), plot_ts_init(), plot_ts_mem(), plotpak_srface(), PLUG_get_many_plugins(), PLUG_workprocess(), PLUTO_histoplot(), PLUTO_imseq_popup(), PLUTO_imseq_send_CB(), PLUTO_remove_workproc(), ply_close(), ply_read(), popinclude(), POWER_main(), pr_att(), PRIC_main(), proc_free(), process_1ddata(), process_all_datasets(), process_as_floats(), process_dataset(), Process_Options(), process_subbrick(), process_volume(), procinit(), project_byte_mip(), prolog(), prune_left_conv(), purgeStaleWindow(), putcheq(), putct1(), putcx1(), putcxcmp(), putcxeq(), putentries(), putmnmx(), putop(), putpower(), PV2S_process_args(), qh_freebuffers(), qh_freeqhull(), qh_freestatistics(), qh_memfree(), qh_memfreeshort(), qh_new_qhull(), qh_projectinput(), qh_readpoints(), qhull_wrap(), qmedmad_float(), quadrant_fimfunc(), quint_shift(), r_fill_resampled_data_brick(), r_histogram(), r_mri_read_dicom(), r_save_dataset_as(), RAN_setup(), random_search(), rank_order_float(), RCREND_cutout_blobs(), RCREND_done_CB(), RCREND_evaluate(), RCREND_finalize_saveim_CB(), RCREND_read_exec_CB(), RCREND_read_states(), RCREND_read_this_CB(), RCREND_reload_dataset(), RCREND_save_many_CB(), RCREND_save_this_CB(), read_ascii_floats(), read_dicom_image(), read_glt_matrix(), read_input_data(), read_Pfiles(), read_URL_http(), read_URL_tmpdir(), realloc(), regression_analysis(), reload_DC_colordef(), removefrom_Dtable_a(), removefrom_Dtable_b(), removefrom_Htable(), RENAME_main(), REND_cutout_blobs(), REND_evaluate(), REND_finalize_saveim_CB(), REND_read_exec_CB(), REND_read_states(), REND_read_this_CB(), REND_save_many_CB(), REND_save_this_CB(), REORDER_main(), REORDER_parseMap(), reset_options(), resize_Htable(), rfft(), rgb_to_XImage_clever(), rgb_to_XImage_simple(), RIC_CalcCoeffAB(), RIC_CalcVoxelMeans(), RIC_ToRespPhase(), robust_covar(), ROIPLOT_main(), RT_3T_to_AFNI(), RT_acquire_info(), RT_finish_dataset(), RT_get_3T_info(), RT_number_array(), RT_registration_2D_close(), RT_registration_2D_onevol(), RT_registration_3D_realtime(), RT_start_dataset(), RT_worker(), RWC_clear_pbuf(), s2v_nodes2volume(), s_cat(), save_results(), scan_for_angles(), SCAT_main(), segment_envelope(), segment_imarr(), segment_x_slices(), segment_y_slices(), segment_z_slices(), SER_addto_vector_textmode(), SER_destroy_vector(), SER_free_vector(), SER_new_vector(), set_fim_thr_level(), setDecompressStructureSizes(), SHM_nattach(), slist_choose_surfs(), sort_shortvox(), spearman_fimfunc(), sphere_voronoi_angles(), sphere_voronoi_vectors(), startup_lsqfit(), STATS_tsfunc(), STAVG_main(), stfcall(), stree_create(), stree_destroy(), suck_file(), suma2afni_surf(), SUMA_AFNI_Extract_Colors(), SUMA_allocate2D(), SUMA_append_replace_string(), SUMA_cb_createSurfaceCont(), SUMA_ConvexHullSurface(), SUMA_destroy_surface(), SUMA_destroy_vnlist(), SUMA_EquateSurfaceSize(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_FormAfnidset(), SUMA_FormNeighbOffset(), SUMA_free2D(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_free_fn(), SUMA_Free_MemTrace(), SUMA_FreeDrawROIStruct(), SUMA_FreeLock_rbg(), SUMA_FreeSumaContStruct(), SUMA_FreeSurfContStruct(), SUMA_FreeViewContStruct(), SUMA_FreeVTI(), SUMA_Get_isosurface_datasets(), SUMA_Init_SurfCont_SurfParam(), SUMA_InitializeColPlaneShell(), SUMA_IV_XYZextract(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_LoadPrepInVol(), SUMA_make_vnlist(), SUMA_MarchingCubesSurface(), SUMA_process_environ(), SUMA_ProjectSurfaceToSphere(), SUMA_qhull_wrap(), SUMA_ShowMemTrace(), SUMA_z_dqsort_nsc(), surf_to_node_list(), svd_double(), swaptest(), SYM_expand_ranges(), symeig_double(), symeigval_double(), symvec_to_niml(), system_(), T3D_check_outliers(), T3D_initialize_user_data(), terminate(), terminate_program(), THD_alloc_datablock(), THD_autonudge(), THD_average_timeseries(), THD_check_idcodes(), THD_cliplevel(), THD_copy_file(), THD_dataset_info(), THD_dataset_rowfillin(), THD_dataset_tshift(), THD_dataset_zfillin(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_extract_many_series(), THD_fetch_1D(), THD_fetch_dataset(), THD_fetch_many_datasets(), THD_generic_detrend(), THD_get_all_filenames(), THD_get_all_timeseries(), THD_get_dset_row(), THD_get_many_timeseries(), THD_get_wildcard_filenames(), THD_getpathprogs(), THD_init_session(), THD_insert_series(), THD_load_1D(), THD_load_3D(), THD_load_analyze(), THD_load_ctfmri(), THD_load_ctfsam(), THD_load_datablock(), THD_load_minc(), THD_load_mpeg(), THD_load_nifti(), THD_makemask(), THD_mask_clust(), THD_mask_dilate(), THD_mask_distize(), THD_mask_erode(), THD_mask_fillin_once(), thd_mask_from_brick(), THD_mean_brick(), THD_median_brick(), THD_mkdir(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_open_1D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_3dcalc(), THD_open_analyze(), THD_open_dataset(), THD_open_minc(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_open_tcat(), THD_orient_guess(), THD_outlier_count(), THD_purge_datablock(), THD_purge_one_brick(), THD_read_dvecmat(), THD_rename_dataset_files(), THD_rms_brick(), THD_rota_vol(), THD_rota_vol_matvec(), THD_set_dataset_attributes(), THD_setup_mastery(), THD_store_datablock_label(), THD_write_3dim_dataset(), THD_write_datablock(), THD_write_minc(), THD_zeropad(), THD_zzprintf(), THRESH_compute(), THRESH_mask_brain(), tokenize_string(), tross_Add_Note(), tross_Addto_History(), tross_Append_History(), tross_commandline(), tross_Copy_History(), tross_Make_History(), tross_multi_Append_History(), tross_Replace_History(), tross_Store_Note(), ts_shift(), ts_shift_2byte(), ts_shift_byte(), ts_to_ftime(), TT_load_atlas(), TTget_ppm(), UC_read_opts(), UC_unusuality(), uniformize(), UNIQ_hashcode(), UNIQ_idcode(), UNIQ_idcode_fill(), unusuality(), update_PCOR_references(), UTL_DateMatch(), UTL_ReleaseTimeStamp(), UTL_TimeMatch(), UUID_idcode(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), validate_datasets(), vector_destroy(), vector_multiply_subtract(), verify_node_list(), VOLREG_main(), WA_err(), WA_fit(), WA_fwt(), WA_sgnl(), warp_image(), wavelet_analysis(), WINsorize(), wr_output_values(), write_3dtime(), write_afni_data(), write_bucket_data(), write_results(), write_ts_array(), XImage_to_mri(), XSAVE_input(), XSAVE_output(), and zedit_mask().

#define GLT_ERR


do{ fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: Can't read GLT matrix from file %s\n",fname);  \
     exit(1) ; } while(0)
End loop over general linear tests *

Definition at line 6814 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by read_glt_matrix().

#define ITT   19

Definition at line 7173 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_expr().

#define IXX   23

Definition at line 7174 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_expr().

#define IZZ   25

Definition at line 7175 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_expr().

#define MTYPE   double

Definition at line 340 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by matrix_to_niml(), and niml_to_matrix().

#define NGET   32

#define NGET   128

#define POLY_MAX   9

Definition at line 7169 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_parser().

#define PROC_MAX   32

Definition at line 310 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by display_help_menu(), and get_options().

#define PROGRAM_AUTHOR   "B. Douglas Ward, et al."

Definition at line 288 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by identify_software().

#define PROGRAM_INITIAL   "02 September 1998"

Definition at line 289 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by identify_software().

#define PROGRAM_LATEST   "04 March 2005 - RWCox"

Definition at line 290 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by identify_software().

#define PROGRAM_NAME   "3dDeconvolve"

for Solaris *

Definition at line 283 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), DC_error(), display_help_menu(), do_xrestore_stuff(), get_options(), identify_software(), write_bucket_data(), and write_ts_array().

#define RA_error   DC_error

Definition at line 294 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

#define SPM_A1   0.0083333333

Definition at line 6996 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_spmg1(), and basis_spmg2().

#define SPM_A2   1.274527e-13

Definition at line 6998 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_spmg1(), and basis_spmg2().

#define SPM_P1   4.0

Definition at line 6997 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_spmg1(), and basis_spmg2().

#define SPM_P2   15.0

Definition at line 6999 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_spmg1(), and basis_spmg2().

#define TPEAK4 TT       ((TT)/(1.0-exp(-0.25*(TT))))

Definition at line 7022 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_block4().

#define TPEAK5 TT       ((TT)/(1.0-exp(-0.2*(TT))))

Definition at line 7075 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_block5().

#define TSGRAY_FLIP_XY   (1<<1)

Definition at line 5700 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by PLOT_tsgray().


Definition at line 5699 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by PLOT_matrix_gray(), and PLOT_tsgray().

#define USE_BASIS   /*** for Deconvolve.c ***/

Definition at line 393 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

#define USE_GET

Definition at line 296 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

#define XSAVE_version   "0.5"

Definition at line 377 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by XSAVE_output().

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct DC_options DC_options

Function Documentation

void allocate_memory DC_options   option_data,
float ***    coef_vol,
float ***    scoef_vol,
float ***    tcoef_vol,
float ***    fpart_vol,
float ***    rpart_vol,
float **    mse_vol,
float **    ffull_vol,
float **    rfull_vol,
float ****    glt_coef_vol,
float ****    glt_tcoef_vol,
float ***    glt_fstat_vol,
float ***    glt_rstat_vol,
float ***    fitts_vol,
float ***    errts_vol

Definition at line 3046 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_need_mse, CoefFilename, ENTRY, fout, malloc, MTEST, basis_expansion::nfunc, p, proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), proc_numjob, q, and zero_fill_volume().

03067 {
03068   int ip;                  /* parameter index */
03069   int qp;                  /* number of polynomial trend baseline parameters */
03070   int q;                   /* number of baseline model parameters */
03071   int p;                   /* number of full model parameters */
03072   int nxyz;                /* total number of voxels */
03073   int ixyz;                /* voxel index */
03074   int is;                  /* stimulus index */
03075   int num_stimts;          /* number of stimulus time series */
03076   int num_glt;             /* number of general linear tests */
03077   int iglt;                /* general linear test index */
03078   int nlc;                 /* number of linear combinations in a GLT */
03079   int ilc;                 /* linear combination index */
03080   int it;                  /* time point index */
03081   int nt;                  /* number of images in input 3d+time dataset */
03082   int * min_lag;           /* minimum time delay for impulse response */
03083   int * max_lag;           /* maximum time delay for impulse response */
03085   int fout;             /* flag to output F-statistics */
03086   int rout;             /* flag to output R^2 statistics */
03087   int tout;             /* flag to output t-statistics */
03088   int vout;             /* flag to output variance map */
03089   int bout;             /* flag to output baseline coefficients */
03090   int cout;             /* flag to output fit coefficients */
03091   int ibot,itop ;
03094 ENTRY("allocate_memory") ;
03096   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
03097   nxyz = option_data->nxyz;
03098   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
03099   num_glt = option_data->num_glt;
03100   qp = option_data->qp;
03101   q  = option_data->q;
03102   p  = option_data->p;
03103   nt = option_data->nt;
03104   min_lag = option_data->stim_minlag;
03105   max_lag = option_data->stim_maxlag;
03107   fout  = option_data->fout;
03108   rout  = option_data->rout;
03109   tout  = option_data->tout;
03110   vout  = option_data->vout;
03111   bout  = 1 - (option_data->nobout || option_data->nocout);
03112   cout  = 1 - option_data->nocout;
03114   if( CoefFilename != NULL ){ bout = cout = 1 ; }  /* 26 Jul 2004 */
03116   /*----- Allocate memory space for volume data -----*/
03117   *coef_vol  = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * p);   MTEST(*coef_vol);
03118   *scoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * p);   MTEST(*scoef_vol);
03119   *tcoef_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * p);   MTEST(*tcoef_vol);
03120   for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
03121     {
03122       (*coef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
03123       (*scoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
03124       (*tcoef_vol)[ip] = NULL;
03125     }
03127   if (bout)
03128     for (ip = 0;  ip < qp;  ip++)
03129       {
03130       zero_fill_volume (&((*coef_vol)[ip]),  nxyz);
03131       if (tout) zero_fill_volume (&((*tcoef_vol)[ip]),  nxyz);
03132       }
03134   ip = qp - 1;
03135   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03136     {
03137       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){ ibot=0 ; itop=basis_stim[is]->nfunc-1 ; }
03138       else                        { ibot=min_lag[is] ; itop=max_lag[is] ;   }
03139       for (it = ibot;  it <= itop;  it++)
03140       {
03141         ip++;
03142         if (option_data->stim_base[is])
03143           {
03144             if (bout || (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL))
03145             zero_fill_volume (&((*coef_vol)[ip]),  nxyz);
03146             if (bout && tout)
03147             zero_fill_volume (&((*tcoef_vol)[ip]), nxyz);
03148           }
03149         else
03150           {
03151             if (cout || (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL))
03152             zero_fill_volume (&((*coef_vol)[ip]),  nxyz);
03153             if (cout && tout)
03154             zero_fill_volume (&((*tcoef_vol)[ip]), nxyz);
03155           }
03156         if (option_data->sresp_filename[is] != NULL)
03157           zero_fill_volume (&((*scoef_vol)[ip]), nxyz);
03158       }
03159     }
03162   if (fout)
03163     {
03164       *fpart_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * num_stimts);
03165       MTEST(*fpart_vol);
03166       for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03167       if ((! option_data->stim_base[is]) || (! option_data->nobout))
03168         zero_fill_volume (&((*fpart_vol)[is]), nxyz);
03169       else
03170         (*fpart_vol)[is] = NULL;
03171     }
03174   if (rout)
03175     {
03176       *rpart_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * num_stimts);
03177       MTEST(*rpart_vol);
03178       for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03179       if ((! option_data->stim_base[is]) || (! option_data->nobout))
03180         zero_fill_volume (&((*rpart_vol)[is]), nxyz);
03181       else
03182         (*rpart_vol)[is] = NULL;
03183     }
03186   if (vout || basis_need_mse)  zero_fill_volume (&(*mse_vol),   nxyz);
03187   if (fout)  zero_fill_volume (&(*ffull_vol), nxyz);
03188   if (rout)  zero_fill_volume (&(*rfull_vol), nxyz);
03191   /*----- Allocate memory space for GLT volume data -----*/
03192   if (num_glt > 0)
03193     {
03194       *glt_coef_vol  = (float ***) malloc (sizeof(float **) * num_glt);
03195        MTEST(*glt_coef_vol);
03197        if (tout)
03198        {
03199          *glt_tcoef_vol  = (float ***) malloc (sizeof(float **) * num_glt);
03200          MTEST(*glt_tcoef_vol);
03201        }
03203        if (fout)
03204        {
03205          *glt_fstat_vol = (float **)  malloc (sizeof(float *)  * num_glt);
03206          MTEST(*glt_fstat_vol);
03207        }
03209        if (rout)
03210        {
03211          *glt_rstat_vol = (float **)  malloc (sizeof(float *)  * num_glt);
03212          MTEST(*glt_rstat_vol);
03213        }
03215       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03216       {
03217         nlc = option_data->glt_rows[iglt];
03219         (*glt_coef_vol)[iglt] = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * nlc);
03220         MTEST((*glt_coef_vol)[iglt]);
03222         if (tout)
03223           {
03224             (*glt_tcoef_vol)[iglt]
03225             = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * nlc);
03226             MTEST((*glt_tcoef_vol)[iglt]);
03227           }
03229         for (ilc = 0;  ilc < nlc;  ilc++)
03230           {
03231             zero_fill_volume (&((*glt_coef_vol)[iglt][ilc]),  nxyz);
03232             if (tout)
03233             zero_fill_volume (&((*glt_tcoef_vol)[iglt][ilc]),  nxyz);
03234           }
03236         if (fout)  zero_fill_volume (&((*glt_fstat_vol)[iglt]),  nxyz);
03237         if (rout)  zero_fill_volume (&((*glt_rstat_vol)[iglt]),  nxyz);
03238       }
03239     }
03242   /*----- Allocate memory for fitted time series -----*/
03243   if (option_data->fitts_filename != NULL)
03244     {
03245       *fitts_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float **) * nt);
03246       MTEST (*fitts_vol);
03247       for (it = 0;  it < nt;  it++)
03248       {
03249         zero_fill_volume (&((*fitts_vol)[it]),  nxyz);
03250       }
03251     }
03253   /*----- Allocate memory for residual errors -----*/
03254   if (option_data->errts_filename != NULL)
03255     {
03256       *errts_vol = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float **) * nt);
03257       MTEST (*errts_vol);
03258       for (it = 0;  it < nt;  it++)
03259       {
03260         zero_fill_volume (&((*errts_vol)[it]),  nxyz);
03261       }
03262     }
03264 #ifdef PROC_MAX
03265   if( proc_numjob > 1 ) proc_finalize_shm_volumes() ;  /* RWCox */
03266 #endif
03268   EXRETURN ;
03269 }

void attach_sub_brick THD_3dim_dataset   new_dset,
int    ibrick,
float *    volume,
int    nxyz,
int    brick_type,
char *    brick_label,
int    dof,
int    ndof,
int    ddof,
short **    bar

Definition at line 4671 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR, EDIT_BRICK_LABEL, EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIFT, EDIT_BRICK_TO_FITT, EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(), EDIT_substitute_brick(), ENTRY, malloc, and MTEST.

04684 {
04685   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
04686   float factor;             /* factor is new scale factor for sub-brick #ib */
04687   short *sbr ;
04689 ENTRY("attach_sub_brick") ;
04692   /*----- allocate memory for output sub-brick -----*/
04693   sbr = (short *) malloc (sizeof(short) * nxyz);
04694   MTEST (sbr);
04695   factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(nxyz, MRI_float,volume, MRI_short,sbr);
04697   if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
04698   else                   factor = 1.0 / factor;
04700   /*----- edit the sub-brick -----*/
04701   EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset, ibrick, brick_label);
04702   EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset, ibrick, factor);
04704   if (brick_type == FUNC_TT_TYPE)
04705     EDIT_BRICK_TO_FITT (new_dset, ibrick, dof);
04706   else if (brick_type == FUNC_FT_TYPE)
04707     EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIFT (new_dset, ibrick, ndof, ddof);
04710   /*----- attach sbr to be sub-brick #ibrick -----*/
04711   EDIT_substitute_brick (new_dset, ibrick, MRI_short, sbr);
04712   if( bar != NULL ) bar[ibrick] = sbr ;
04714   EXRETURN ;
04715 }

float baseline_mean vector    coef

Definition at line 7788 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References vector::elts, nParam, Xcol_inbase, and Xcol_mean.

Referenced by calculate_results().

07789 {
07790    register int jj ;
07791    register double sum ;
07793    sum = 0.0 ;
07794    for( jj=0 ; jj < nParam ; jj++ )
07795      if( Xcol_inbase[jj] == 2 ) sum += coef.elts[jj] * Xcol_mean[jj] ;
07797    return (float)sum ;
07798 }

float basis_block4 float    t,
float    T,
float    peak,
float    junk,
void *    q

Definition at line 7056 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_block_hrf4(), q, and TPEAK4.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07057 {
07058    float w , tp , pp ;
07060    w = basis_block_hrf4(t,T) ;
07061    if( w > 0.0f && peak > 0.0f ){
07062      tp = TPEAK4(T) ;  pp = basis_block_hrf4(tp,T) ;
07063      if( pp > 0.0f ) w *= peak / pp ;
07064    }
07065    return w ;
07066 }

float basis_block5 float    t,
float    T,
float    peak,
float    junk,
void *    q

Definition at line 7120 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_block_hrf5(), q, and TPEAK5.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07121 {
07122    float w , tp , pp ;
07124    w = basis_block_hrf5(t,T) ;
07125    if( w > 0.0f && peak > 0.0f ){
07126      tp = TPEAK5(T) ;  pp = basis_block_hrf5(tp,T) ;
07127      if( pp > 0.0f ) w *= peak / pp ;
07128    }
07129    return w ;
07130 }

float basis_block_hrf4 float    tt,
float    TT

Definition at line 7024 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References L, and tt.

Referenced by basis_block4().

07025 {
07026   register double t26, t2, t4, t1, t42, t12, t34, t35, t16, t46, t,L ;
07027   double w ;
07029   if( tt <= 0.0f || tt >= (TT+15.0f) ) return 0.0f ;
07031   t = tt ; L = TT ; t4 = exp(0.4e1 - t);
07032   if( t < L ){ L = t ; t16 = 54.5982 ; }
07033   else       { t16 = exp(4.0-t+L) ;    }
07035   t1 = t * t;
07036   t2 = t1 * t1;
07037   t4 = exp(4.0 - t);
07038   t12 = t1 * t;
07039   t26 = t16 * L;
07040   t34 = L * L;
07041   t35 = t16 * t34;
07042   t42 = t16 * t34 * L;
07043   t46 = t34 * t34;
07045   w = -t2 * t4 / 0.256e3 - 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t4 - 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t4 * t
07046       - 0.3e1 / 0.64e2 * t4 * t1 - t4 * t12 / 0.64e2 + t16 * t2 / 0.256e3
07047       + 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t16 + 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t16 * t
07048       + 0.3e1 / 0.64e2 * t1 * t16 + t16 * t12 / 0.64e2 - 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t26
07049       - 0.3e1 / 0.32e2 * t26 * t - 0.3e1 / 0.64e2 * t1 * t26
07050       - t26 * t12 / 0.64e2 + 0.3e1 / 0.64e2 * t35 + 0.3e1 / 0.64e2 * t35 * t
07051       + 0.3e1 / 0.128e3 * t1 * t35 - t42 / 0.64e2 - t42 * t / 0.64e2
07052       + t16 * t46 / 0.256e3 ;
07053   return (float)w ;
07054 }

float basis_block_hrf5 float    tt,
float    TT

Definition at line 7077 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References tt.

Referenced by basis_block5().

07078 {
07079    register double t , T ;
07080    register double t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t9,t10,t11,t14,t20,t25,t28,t37,t57 ;
07081    double w ;
07083    if( tt <= 0.0f || tt >= (TT+15.0f) ) return 0.0f ;
07085    t = tt ; T = TT ;
07087 #if 1
07088    t2 = exp(-t) ;
07089    if( t <= T ){ t3 = t ; t4 = 1.0/t2 ; }
07090    else        { t3 = T ; t4 = exp(T)  ; }
07091    t2 *= 148.413 ;    /* 148.413 = exp(5) */
07092 #else
07093    t2 = exp(0.5e1 - t);
07094    t3 = (t <= T ? t : T);
07095    t4 = exp(t3);
07096 #endif
07097    t5 = t * t;
07098    t6 = t5 * t5;
07099    t7 = t6 * t;
07100    t9 = t3 * t3;
07101    t10 = t9 * t9;
07102    t11 = t4 * t10;
07103    t14 = t4 * t9 * t3;
07104    t20 = t4 * t3;
07105    t25 = t4 * t9;
07106    t28 = t5 * t;
07107    t37 = -0.120e3 + t4 * t7 + 0.5e1 * t11 - 0.20e2 * t14 - t4 * t10 * t3
07108          - 0.10e2 * t14 * t5 - 0.120e3 * t20 * t - 0.20e2 * t14 * t
07109          + 0.30e2 * t25 * t5 + 0.10e2 * t25 * t28 + 0.5e1 * t11 * t
07110          + 0.20e2 * t4 * t28 + 0.60e2 * t25 * t;
07111    t57 = -0.5e1 * t20 * t6 - 0.20e2 * t20 * t28 - 0.60e2 * t20 * t5
07112          - 0.5e1 * t6 - 0.20e2 * t28 + 0.120e3 * t4 - 0.120e3 * t
07113          - 0.120e3 * t20 + 0.60e2 * t25 - t7 - 0.60e2 * t5 + 0.120e3 * t4 * t
07114          + 0.60e2 * t4 * t5 + 0.5e1 * t4 * t6;
07115    w = t2 * (t37 + t57) / 0.3125e4;
07117    return (float)w ;
07118 }

float basis_cos float    x,
float    bot,
float    top,
float    freq,
void *    q

Definition at line 6959 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References freq, q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

06960 {
06961    if( x < bot || x > top ) return 0.0f ;
06962    return (float)cos(freq*(x-bot)) ;
06963 }

float basis_evaluation basis_expansion   be,
float *    wt,
float    x

Evaluate a basis expansion, given the weights for each function in wt[] and the point of evaluation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 6917 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_funceval, basis_expansion::bfunc, basis_expansion::nfunc, basis_expansion::tbot, and basis_expansion::ttop.

06918 {
06919    float sum=0.0 ;
06920    int ii ;
06922    if( x >= be->tbot && x <= be->ttop ){
06923      for( ii=0 ; ii < be->nfunc ; ii++ )
06924        sum += wt[ii] * basis_funceval( be->bfunc[ii] , x ) ;
06925    }
06927    return sum ;
06928 }

float basis_expr float    x,
float    bot,
float    top,
float    dtinv,
void *    q

Basis function given by a user-supplied expression.

Definition at line 7180 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ITT, IXX, IZZ, PARSER_evaluate_one(), q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07181 {
07182    PARSER_code *pc = (PARSER_code *)q ;
07183    double atoz[26] , val ;
07185    if( x < bot || x > top ) return 0.0f ;
07186    atoz[ITT] = x ;                            /* t = true time from stim */
07187    atoz[IXX] = (x-bot)*dtinv ;                /* x = scaled to [0,1] */
07188    atoz[IZZ] = 2.0*atoz[IXX] - 1.0 ;          /* z = scaled to [-1,1] */
07189    val = PARSER_evaluate_one( pc , atoz ) ;
07190    return (float)val ;
07191 }

float basis_gam float    x,
float    b,
float    c,
float    top,
void *    q

Definition at line 6983 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References c, q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

06984 {
06985    if( x <= 0.0f || x > top ) return 0.0f ;
06986    return (float)(pow(x/(b*c),b)*exp(b-x/c)) ;
06987 }

float basis_legendre float    x,
float    bot,
float    top,
float    n,
void *    q

Definition at line 7138 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07139 {
07140    float xq ;
07142    x = 2.0f*(x-bot)/(top-bot) - 1.0f ;  /* now in range -1..1 */
07144    if( x < -1.0f || x > 1.0f ) return 0.0f ;
07146    xq = x*x ;
07148    switch( (int)n ){
07149     case 0: return 1.0f ;
07150     case 1: return x ;
07151     case 2: return (3.0f*xq-1.0f)/2.0f ;
07152     case 3: return (5.0f*xq-3.0f)*x/2.0f ;
07153     case 4: return ((35.0f*xq-30.0f)*xq+3.0f)/8.0f ;
07154     case 5: return ((63.0f*xq-70.0f)*xq+15.0f)*x/8.0f ;
07155     case 6: return (((231.0f*xq-315.0f)*xq+105.0f)*xq-5.0f)/16.0f ;
07156     case 7: return (((429.0f*xq-693.0f)*xq+315.0f)*xq-35.0f)*x/16.0f ;
07158     case 8: return ((((6435.0f*xq-12012.0f)*xq+6930.0f)*xq-1260.0f)*xq+35.0f)
07159                   /128.0f;
07161     case 9: return ((((12155.0f*xq-25740.0f)*xq+18018.0f)*xq-4620.0f)*xq+315.0f)
07162                   *x/128.0f ;
07163    }
07165    return 0.0f ;   /* should never be reached */
07166 }

float basis_one float    x,
float    bot,
float    top,
float    junk,
void *    q

Definition at line 6947 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

06948 {
06949    if( x < bot || x > top ) return 0.0f ;
06950    return 1.0f ;
06951 }

basis_expansion * basis_parser char *    sym

Prototypes for some basis expansion functions appearing (much) later. *

Definition at line 7197 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_func::a, basis_func::b, basis_block4(), basis_block5(), basis_cos(), basis_expr(), basis_funceval, basis_gam(), basis_legendre(), basis_normall, basis_one(), basis_sin(), basis_spmg1(), basis_spmg2(), basis_tent(), basis_expansion::bfunc, basis_func::c, calloc, dt, basis_func::f, basis_func::ffac, free, malloc, basis_expansion::name, basis_expansion::nfunc, NI_decode_string_list(), NI_delete_str_array, NI_str_array::num, PARSER_generate_code(), PARSER_has_symbol(), PARSER_set_printout(), POLY_MAX, basis_func::q, NI_str_array::str, basis_expansion::tbot, top, and basis_expansion::ttop.

Referenced by get_options().

07198 {
07199    basis_expansion *be ;
07200    char *cpt , *scp ;
07201    float bot=0.0f, top=0.0f ;
07202    int nn , nord=0 ;
07204    if( sym == NULL ) return NULL ;
07206    scp = strdup(sym) ;                        /* duplicate, for editing */
07207    cpt = strchr(scp,'(') ;                    /* find opening '(' */
07208    if( cpt != NULL ){ *cpt = '\0' ; cpt++ ; } /* cut string there */
07210    be = (basis_expansion *)malloc(sizeof(basis_expansion)) ;
07211    be->name = NULL ;   /* will be fixed later */
07213    /*--- GAM(b,c) ---*/
07215    if( strcmp(scp,"GAM") == 0 ){
07217      be->nfunc = 1 ;
07218      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07219      be->bfunc[0].f = basis_gam ;
07220      if( cpt == NULL ){
07221        be->bfunc[0].a = 8.6f ;     /* Mark Cohen's parameters */
07222        be->bfunc[0].b = 0.547f ;   /* t_peak=4.7 FWHM=3.7 */
07223        be->bfunc[0].c = 11.1f ;    /* return to zero-ish */
07224      } else {
07225        sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f",&bot,&top) ;
07226        if( bot <= 0.0f || top <= 0.0f ){
07227          fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'GAM(%s' is illegal\n",cpt) ;
07228          fprintf(stderr,
07229           "          Correct format: 'GAM(b,c)' with b > 0 and c > 0.\n");
07230          free((void *)be->bfunc); free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07231        }
07232        be->bfunc[0].a = bot ;    /* t_peak = bot*top */
07233        be->bfunc[0].b = top ;    /* FWHM   = 2.3*sqrt(bot)*top */
07234        be->bfunc[0].c = bot*top + 4.0f*sqrt(bot)*top ;  /* long enough */
07235      }
07236      be->tbot = 0.0f ; be->ttop = be->bfunc[0].c ;
07238    /*--- TENT(bot,top,order) ---*/
07240    } else if( strcmp(scp,"TENT") == 0 ){
07241      float dx ;
07243      if( cpt == NULL ){
07244        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'TENT' by itself is illegal\n") ;
07245        fprintf(stderr,
07246         "          Correct format: 'TENT(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 0.\n") ;
07247        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07248      }
07249      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f,%d",&bot,&top,&nord) ;
07250      if( bot >= top || nord < 2 ){
07251        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'TENT(%s' is illegal\n",cpt) ;
07252        fprintf(stderr,
07253         "          Correct format: 'TENT(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 1.\n") ;
07254        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07255      }
07256      be->nfunc = nord ;
07257      be->tbot  = bot  ; be->ttop = top ;
07258      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07259      dx        = (top-bot) / (nord-1) ;
07261      be->bfunc[0].f = basis_tent ;
07262      be->bfunc[0].a = bot-0.001*dx ;
07263      be->bfunc[0].b = bot ;
07264      be->bfunc[0].c = bot+dx ;
07265      for( nn=1 ; nn < nord-1 ; nn++ ){
07266        be->bfunc[nn].f = basis_tent ;
07267        be->bfunc[nn].a = bot + (nn-1)*dx ;
07268        be->bfunc[nn].b = bot +  nn   *dx ;
07269        be->bfunc[nn].c = bot + (nn+1)*dx ;
07270      }
07271      be->bfunc[nord-1].f = basis_tent ;
07272      be->bfunc[nord-1].a = bot + (nord-2)*dx ;
07273      be->bfunc[nord-1].b = top ;
07274      be->bfunc[nord-1].c = top + 0.001*dx ;
07276    /*--- TRIG(bot,top,order) ---*/
07278    } else if( strcmp(scp,"TRIG") == 0 ){
07280      if( cpt == NULL ){
07281        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'TRIG' by itself is illegal\n") ;
07282        fprintf(stderr,
07283         "          Correct format: 'TRIG(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 2.\n") ;
07284        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07285      }
07286      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f,%d",&bot,&top,&nord) ;
07287      if( bot >= top || nord < 3 ){
07288        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'TRIG(%s' is illegal\n",cpt) ;
07289        fprintf(stderr,
07290         "          Correct format: 'TRIG(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 2.\n") ;
07291        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07292      }
07293      be->nfunc = nord ;
07294      be->tbot  = bot  ; be->ttop = top ;
07295      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07297      be->bfunc[0].f = basis_one ;
07298      be->bfunc[0].a = bot ;
07299      be->bfunc[0].b = top ;
07300      be->bfunc[0].c = 0.0f ;
07301      for( nn=1 ; nn < nord ; nn++ ){
07302        be->bfunc[nn].f = basis_cos ;
07303        be->bfunc[nn].a = bot ;
07304        be->bfunc[nn].b = top ;
07305        be->bfunc[nn].c = (2.0*PI)*((nn+1)/2)/(top-bot) ;
07306        nn++ ; if( nn >= nord ) break ;
07307        be->bfunc[nn].f = basis_sin ;
07308        be->bfunc[nn].a = bot ;
07309        be->bfunc[nn].b = top ;
07310        be->bfunc[nn].c = (2.0*PI)*((nn+1)/2)/(top-bot) ;
07311      }
07313    /*--- SIN(bot,top,order) ---*/
07315    } else if( strcmp(scp,"SIN") == 0 ){
07317      if( cpt == NULL ){
07318        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'SIN' by itself is illegal\n") ;
07319        fprintf(stderr,
07320         "          Correct format: 'SIN(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 0.\n") ;
07321        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07322      }
07323      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f,%d",&bot,&top,&nord) ;
07324      if( bot >= top || nord < 1 ){
07325        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'SIN(%s' is illegal\n",cpt) ;
07326        fprintf(stderr,
07327         "          Correct format: 'SIN(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 0.\n") ;
07328        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07329      }
07330      be->nfunc = nord ;
07331      be->tbot  = bot  ; be->ttop = top ;
07332      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07334      for( nn=0 ; nn < nord ; nn++ ){
07335        be->bfunc[nn].f = basis_sin ;
07336        be->bfunc[nn].a = bot ;
07337        be->bfunc[nn].b = top ;
07338        be->bfunc[nn].c = PI*(nn+1)/(top-bot) ;
07339      }
07341    /*--- POLY(bot,top,order) ---*/
07343    } else if( strcmp(scp,"POLY") == 0 ){
07345      if( cpt == NULL ){
07346        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'POLY' by itself is illegal\n") ;
07347        fprintf(stderr,
07348         "          Correct format: 'POLY(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 0.\n") ;
07349        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07350      }
07351      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f,%d",&bot,&top,&nord) ;
07352      if( bot >= top || nord < 1 || nord > POLY_MAX ){
07353        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'POLY(%s' is illegal\n",cpt) ;
07354        fprintf(stderr,
07355         "          Correct format: 'POLY(bot,top,n)' with bot < top and n > 0.\n") ;
07356        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07357      }
07358      be->nfunc = nord ;
07359      be->tbot  = bot  ; be->ttop = top ;
07360      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07361      be->bfunc[0].f = basis_one ;
07362      be->bfunc[0].a = bot ;
07363      be->bfunc[0].b = top ;
07364      be->bfunc[0].c = 0.0f ;
07365      for( nn=1 ; nn < nord ; nn++ ){
07366        be->bfunc[nn].f = basis_legendre ;
07367        be->bfunc[nn].a = bot ;
07368        be->bfunc[nn].b = top ;
07369        be->bfunc[nn].c = (float)nn ;
07370      }
07372    /*--- SPMG ---*/
07374    } else if( strncmp(scp,"SPMG",4) == 0 ){
07376      be->nfunc = 2 ;
07377      be->tbot  = 0.0f ; be->ttop = 25.0f ;
07378      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07379      be->bfunc[0].f = basis_spmg1 ;
07380      be->bfunc[0].a = 0.0f ;
07381      be->bfunc[0].b = 0.0f ;
07382      be->bfunc[0].c = 0.0f ;
07383      be->bfunc[1].f = basis_spmg2 ;
07384      be->bfunc[1].a = 0.0f ;
07385      be->bfunc[1].b = 0.0f ;
07386      be->bfunc[1].c = 0.0f ;
07388    /*--- BLOCKn(duration,peak) for n=4 or 5 ---*/
07390    } else if( strncmp(scp,"BLOCK",5) == 0 || strncmp(scp,"IGFUN",5) == 0 ){
07391      int nb=4 ;
07393      if( scp[5] != '\0' ){
07394        nb = strtol( scp+5 , NULL , 10 ) ;
07395        if( nb != 4 && nb != 5 ){
07396          fprintf(stderr,
07397          "** ERROR: '%s' has illegal power: only 4 or 5 allowed\n",scp) ;
07398          free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07399        }
07400      }
07402      if( cpt == NULL ){
07403        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: '%s' by itself is illegal\n",scp) ;
07404        fprintf(stderr,
07405         "          Correct format: 'BLOCKn(dur)' with dur > 0, n=4 or 5\n"
07406         "                     *OR* 'BLOCKn(dur,peak)' with peak > 0 too.\n") ;
07407        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07408      }
07409      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f",&top,&bot) ;
07410      if( top <= 0.0f ){
07411        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: '%s(%s' is illegal\n",scp,cpt) ;
07412        fprintf(stderr,
07413         "          Correct format: 'BLOCKn(dur)' with dur > 0, n=4 or 4\n"
07414         "                      or: 'BLOCKn(dur,peak)' with peak > 0 too.\n") ;
07415        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07416      }
07417      if( bot < 0.0f ) bot = 0.0f ;
07419      be->nfunc = 1 ;
07420      be->tbot  = 0.0f ; be->ttop = top+15.0f ;
07421      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07422      be->bfunc[0].f = (nb==5) ? basis_block5 : basis_block4 ;
07423      be->bfunc[0].a = top ;
07424      be->bfunc[0].b = bot ;
07425      be->bfunc[0].c = 0.0f ;
07427    /*--- EXPR(bot,top) exp1 exp2 ... ---*/
07429    } else if( strcmp(scp,"EXPR") == 0 ){   /* 28 Aug 2004 */
07430      char *ept ;
07431      NI_str_array *sar ;
07432      int nexpr , ie ;
07433      PARSER_code *pc ;
07435      if( cpt == NULL ){
07436        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'EXPR' by itself is illegal\n") ;
07437        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07438      }
07439      sscanf(cpt,"%f,%f",&bot,&top) ;
07440      if( top <= bot ){
07441        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'EXPR(%f,%f)' has illegal time range\n",bot,top) ;
07442        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07443      }
07444      ept = strchr( cpt , ')' ) ;
07445      if( ept == NULL ){
07446        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'EXPR(%f,%f)' has no expressions!?\n",bot,top);
07447        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07448      }
07449      sar = NI_decode_string_list( ept+1 , "~" ) ;
07450      if( sar == NULL || sar->num == 0 ){
07451        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: 'EXPR(%f,%f)' has no expressions!?\n",bot,top);
07452        free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07453      }
07454      be->nfunc = nexpr = sar->num ;
07455      be->tbot  = bot  ; be->ttop = top ;
07456      be->bfunc = (basis_func *)calloc(sizeof(basis_func),be->nfunc) ;
07457      PARSER_set_printout(1) ;
07458      for( ie=0 ; ie < nexpr ; ie++ ){
07459        pc = PARSER_generate_code( sar->str[ie] ) ;
07460        if( pc == NULL ){
07461          fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: unparsable EXPRession '%s'\n",sar->str[ie]) ;
07462          free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07463        }
07464        if( strcmp(sar->str[ie],"1") != 0 &&    /* must either be "1" */
07465            !PARSER_has_symbol("t",pc)    &&    /* or contain symbol  */
07466            !PARSER_has_symbol("x",pc)    &&    /* 't', 'x', or 'z'   */
07467            !PARSER_has_symbol("z",pc)      ){
07468          fprintf(stderr,
07469            "** ERROR: illegal EXPRession '%s' lacks symbol t, x, or z\n",
07470            sar->str[ie]) ;
07471          free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07472        }
07473        be->bfunc[ie].f = basis_expr ;
07474        be->bfunc[ie].a = bot ;
07475        be->bfunc[ie].b = top ;
07476        be->bfunc[ie].c = 1.0f/(top-bot) ;  /* for ease of scaling */
07477        be->bfunc[ie].q = (void *)pc ;
07478      }
07479      PARSER_set_printout(0) ;
07481      NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;
07485    } else {
07486      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: '%s' is unknown response function type\n",scp) ;
07487      free((void *)be); free(scp); return NULL;
07488    }
07490    /* 28 Apr 2005: set scaling factors */
07492    for( nn=0 ; nn < be->nfunc ; nn++ )  /* initialize factors to 1.0 */
07493      be->bfunc[nn].ffac = 1.0 ;
07495    /* for each basis function, find its peak value, then
07496       set ffac so that the peak value becomes basis_normall */
07498 #undef  BNSUB
07499 #define BNSUB 999
07500    if( basis_normall > 0.0f ){
07501      int jj ; float dt , ftop , val ;
07502      bot = be->tbot ; top = be->ttop ; dt = (top-bot)/BNSUB ;
07503      for( nn=0 ; nn < be->nfunc ; nn++ ){
07504        ftop = 0.0f ;
07505        for( jj=0 ; jj <= BNSUB ; jj++ ){
07506          val = basis_funceval( be->bfunc[nn] , bot+jj*dt ) ;
07507          val = fabs(val) ; if( val > ftop ) ftop = val ;
07508        }
07509        if( ftop > 0.0f ) be->bfunc[nn].ffac = basis_normall / ftop ;
07510      }
07511    }
07513    free(scp); return be;
07514 }

float basis_sin float    x,
float    bot,
float    top,
float    freq,
void *    q

Definition at line 6971 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References freq, q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

06972 {
06973    if( x <= bot || x >= top ) return 0.0f ;
06974    return (float)sin(freq*(x-bot)) ;
06975 }

float basis_spmg1 float    x,
float    a,
float    b,
float    c,
void *    q

Definition at line 7001 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, c, q, SPM_A1, SPM_A2, SPM_P1, and SPM_P2.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07002 {
07003    if( x <= 0.0f || x >= 25.0f ) return 0.0f ;
07004    return (float)(exp(-x)*( SPM_A1*pow(x,SPM_P1)
07005                            -SPM_A2*pow(x,SPM_P2) )) ;
07006 }

float basis_spmg2 float    x,
float    a,
float    b,
float    c,
void *    q

Definition at line 7008 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, c, q, SPM_A1, SPM_A2, SPM_P1, and SPM_P2.

Referenced by basis_parser().

07009 {
07010    if( x <= 0.0f || x >= 25.0f ) return 0.0f ;
07011    return (float)(exp(-x)*( SPM_A1*pow(x,SPM_P1-1.0)*(SPM_P1-x)
07012                            -SPM_A2*pow(x,SPM_P2-1.0)*(SPM_P2-x) )) ;
07013 }

float basis_tent float    x,
float    bot,
float    mid,
float    top,
void *    q

Tent basis function:

  • 0 for x outside range
  • piecewise linear and equal to 1 at x=mid ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 6936 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References q, and top.

Referenced by basis_parser().

06937 {
06938    if( x <= bot || x >= top ) return 0.0f ;
06939    if( x <= mid )             return (x-bot)/(mid-bot) ;
06940                               return (top-x)/(top-mid) ;
06941 }

void basis_write_iresp int    argc,
char *    argv[],
DC_options   option_data,
basis_expansion   be,
float    dt,
float **    wtar,
char *    output_filename

For IRFs defined by -stim_times basis function expansion, write out a 3D+time dataset with time spacing dt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 7521 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_datum_all, ADN_label1, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_self_name, ADN_ttdel, ADN_ttorg, argc, basis_funceval, basis_expansion::bfunc, calloc, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, THD_datablock::diskptr, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_delete, DSET_TR, DSET_write, dt, EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR, EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(), EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), EDIT_substitute_brick(), free, THD_diskptr::header_name, DC_options::input_filename, malloc, basis_expansion::nfunc, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, PROGRAM_NAME, basis_expansion::tbot, THD_is_file(), THD_open_dataset(), tross_Append_History(), tross_commandline(), tross_Copy_History(), tross_multi_Append_History(), tt, and basis_expansion::ttop.

Referenced by output_results().

07525 {
07526    int nvox, ii, nf, allz, ts_length ;
07527    register int pp, ib ;
07528    float *wt , *tt , **hout , factor , **bb ;
07529    short *bar ;
07530    THD_3dim_dataset *in_dset = NULL;
07531    THD_3dim_dataset *out_dset = NULL;
07532    char *commandline , label[512] ;
07533    const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10 ;
07535    /* open input 3D+time dataset to get some parameters */
07537    in_dset = THD_open_dataset(option_data->input_filename);
07538    nvox    = in_dset->daxes->nxx * in_dset->daxes->nyy * in_dset->daxes->nzz;
07540    if( dt <= 0.0f ) dt = DSET_TR(in_dset) ;
07541    if( dt <= 0.0f ) dt = 1.0f ;
07543    /* create output dataset on the input as a model, then close the input */
07545    out_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( in_dset ) ;
07546    tross_Copy_History( in_dset , out_dset ) ;
07547    DSET_delete( in_dset ) ;
07549    /* historicize the output */
07551    commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv ) ;
07552    sprintf( label , "Impulse response: %s" , output_filename ) ;
07553    if( commandline != NULL )
07554      tross_multi_Append_History( out_dset , commandline,label,NULL ) ;
07555    else
07556      tross_Append_History ( out_dset, label);
07557    free((void *)commandline) ;
07559    ts_length = 1 + (int)ceil( (be->ttop - be->tbot)/dt ) ; /* 13 Apr 2005: +1 */
07561    /* modify the output dataset appropriately */
07563    (void ) EDIT_dset_items( out_dset,
07564                              ADN_prefix,      output_filename,
07565                              ADN_label1,      output_filename,
07566                              ADN_self_name,   output_filename,
07567                              ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC,
07568                              ADN_datum_all,   MRI_short,
07569                              ADN_nvals,       ts_length,
07570                              ADN_ntt,         ts_length,
07571                              ADN_ttdel,       dt ,
07572                              ADN_ttorg,       be->tbot,
07573                             ADN_none ) ;
07575    if( THD_is_file(out_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
07576      fprintf(stderr,
07577              "** ERROR: Output dataset file %s already exists - won't overwrite\n",
07578              out_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
07579      DSET_delete(out_dset) ; return ;
07580    }
07582    /* create output bricks (float for now, will scale to shorts later) */
07584    hout = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ts_length ) ;
07585    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )
07586      hout[ib] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nvox) ;
07588    /* create basis vectors for the expansion on the dt time grid */
07590    nf = be->nfunc ;
07591    wt = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nf ) ;
07592    tt = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ts_length ) ;
07594    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )     /* output time grid */
07595      tt[ib] = be->tbot + ib*dt ;
07597    bb = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nf ) ;
07598    for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ){
07599      bb[pp] = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ts_length ) ;
07600      for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )
07601        bb[pp][ib] = basis_funceval( be->bfunc[pp] , tt[ib] ) ;
07602    }
07604    /* loop over voxels:
07605         extract coefficient (weights) for each basis function into wt
07606         sum up basis vectors times wt to get result, save into output arrays */
07608    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
07609      allz = 1 ;
07610      for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ){
07611        wt[pp] = wtar[pp][ii] ; allz = ( allz && (wt[pp] == 0.0f) );
07612      }
07614      if( allz ){
07615        for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ ) hout[ib][ii] = 0.0f ;
07616      } else {
07617        register float sum ;
07618        for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ ){
07619          sum = 0.0f ;
07620          for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ) sum += wt[pp] * bb[pp][ib] ;
07621          hout[ib][ii] = sum ;
07622        }
07623      }
07624    }
07626    /* toss some trash */
07628    for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ) free((void *)bb[pp]) ;
07629    free((void *)bb) ; free((void *)tt) ; free((void *)wt) ;
07631    /* scale floating point bricks to shorts and insert into output dataset */
07633    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ ){
07634      bar = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
07635      factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(nvox, MRI_float,hout[ib], MRI_short,bar) ;
07636      if( factor < EPSILON ) factor = 0.0f ;          /* if brick is all zero */
07637      else                   factor = 1.0f / factor ;
07638      EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( out_dset , ib , factor ) ;
07639      EDIT_substitute_brick( out_dset , ib , MRI_short , bar ) ;
07640      free((void *)hout[ib]) ;
07641    }
07642    free((void *)hout) ;
07644    /* and save the results to disk! */
07646    DSET_write( out_dset ) ;
07647    if( verb )
07648     fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote iresp 3D+time dataset into %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(out_dset)) ;
07650    DSET_delete( out_dset ) ;
07651    return ;
07652 }

void basis_write_iresp int    argc,
char *    argv[],
struct DC_options   option_data,
basis_expansion   be,
float    dt,
float **    wtar,
char *    output_filename

void basis_write_sresp int    argc,
char *    argv[],
struct DC_options   option_data,
basis_expansion   be,
float    dt,
float *    mse,
int    pbot,
matrix    cvar,
char *    output_filename

Definition at line 7656 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_datum_all, ADN_label1, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_self_name, ADN_ttdel, ADN_ttorg, argc, basis_funceval, basis_expansion::bfunc, calloc, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, THD_datablock::diskptr, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_delete, DSET_TR, DSET_write, dt, EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR, EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(), EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), EDIT_substitute_brick(), matrix::elts, free, THD_diskptr::header_name, DC_options::input_filename, malloc, basis_expansion::nfunc, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, PROGRAM_NAME, basis_expansion::tbot, THD_is_file(), THD_open_dataset(), tross_Append_History(), tross_commandline(), tross_Copy_History(), tross_multi_Append_History(), tt, and basis_expansion::ttop.

Referenced by output_results().

07661 {
07662    int nvox, ii, nf, allz, ts_length ;
07663    register int pp,qq, ib ;
07664    register float sum ;
07665    float *vv , *tt , **hout , factor , **bb ;
07666    short *bar ;
07667    THD_3dim_dataset *in_dset = NULL;
07668    THD_3dim_dataset *out_dset = NULL;
07669    char *commandline , label[512] ;
07670    const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10 ;
07672    /* open input 3D+time dataset to get some parameters */
07674    in_dset = THD_open_dataset(option_data->input_filename);
07675    nvox    = in_dset->daxes->nxx * in_dset->daxes->nyy * in_dset->daxes->nzz;
07677    if( dt <= 0.0f ) dt = DSET_TR(in_dset) ;
07678    if( dt <= 0.0f ) dt = 1.0f ;
07680    /* create output dataset on the input as a model, then close the input */
07682    out_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( in_dset ) ;
07683    tross_Copy_History( in_dset , out_dset ) ;
07684    DSET_delete( in_dset ) ;
07686    /* historicize the output */
07688    commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv ) ;
07689    sprintf( label , "Sigma response: %s" , output_filename ) ;
07690    if( commandline != NULL )
07691      tross_multi_Append_History( out_dset , commandline,label,NULL ) ;
07692    else
07693      tross_Append_History ( out_dset, label);
07694    free((void *)commandline) ;
07696    ts_length = 1 + (int)ceil( (be->ttop - be->tbot)/dt ) ;
07698    /* modify the output dataset appropriately */
07700    (void ) EDIT_dset_items( out_dset,
07701                              ADN_prefix,      output_filename,
07702                              ADN_label1,      output_filename,
07703                              ADN_self_name,   output_filename,
07704                              ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC,
07705                              ADN_datum_all,   MRI_short,
07706                              ADN_nvals,       ts_length,
07707                              ADN_ntt,         ts_length,
07708                              ADN_ttdel,       dt ,
07709                              ADN_ttorg,       be->tbot,
07710                             ADN_none ) ;
07712    if( THD_is_file(out_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
07713      fprintf(stderr,
07714              "** ERROR: Output dataset file %s already exists - won't overwrite\n",
07715              out_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
07716      DSET_delete(out_dset) ; return ;
07717    }
07719    /* create output bricks (float for now, will scale to shorts later) */
07721    hout = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ts_length ) ;
07722    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )
07723      hout[ib] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nvox) ;
07725    nf = be->nfunc ;
07726    tt = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ts_length ) ;
07728    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )     /* output time grid */
07729      tt[ib] = be->tbot + ib*dt ;
07731    /* evaluate basis vectors for output on dt time grid */
07733    bb = (float ** ) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nf ) ;
07734    for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ){
07735      bb[pp] = (float * ) malloc( sizeof(float  ) * ts_length ) ;
07736      for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )
07737        bb[pp][ib] = basis_funceval( be->bfunc[pp] , tt[ib] ) ;
07738    }
07739    free((void *)tt) ;
07741    /* evaluate unscaled variance on dt time grid */
07743    vv = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ts_length ) ;
07744    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ ){
07745      sum = 0.0f ;
07746      for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ){
07747        for( qq=0 ; qq < nf ; qq++ )
07748          sum += cvar.elts[pbot+pp][pbot+qq] * bb[pp][ib] * bb[qq][ib] ;
07749      }
07750      vv[ib] = (sum >= 0.0f) ? sum : 0.0f ;
07751    }
07752    for( pp=0 ; pp < nf ; pp++ ) free((void *)bb[pp]) ;
07753    free((void *)bb) ;
07755    /* loop over voxels, scale by mse to get variance */
07757    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
07758      for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ )
07759        hout[ib][ii] = sqrt( vv[ib] * mse[ii] ) ;
07760    }
07761    free((void *)vv) ;
07763    /* scale floating point bricks to shorts and insert into output dataset */
07765    for( ib=0 ; ib < ts_length ; ib++ ){
07766      bar = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
07767      factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(nvox, MRI_float,hout[ib], MRI_short,bar) ;
07768      if( factor < EPSILON ) factor = 0.0f ;          /* if brick is all zero */
07769      else                   factor = 1.0f / factor ;
07770      EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( out_dset , ib , factor ) ;
07771      EDIT_substitute_brick( out_dset , ib , MRI_short , bar ) ;
07772      free((void *)hout[ib]) ;
07773    }
07774    free((void *)hout) ;
07776    /* and save the results to disk! */
07778    DSET_write( out_dset ) ;
07779    if( verb )
07780     fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote sresp 3D+time dataset into %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(out_dset)) ;
07782    DSET_delete( out_dset ) ;
07783    return ;
07784 }

void calculate_results DC_options   option_data,
THD_3dim_dataset   dset,
byte   mask_vol,
float *    fmri_data,
int    fmri_length,
int *    good_list,
int *    block_list,
int    num_blocks,
float **    stimulus,
int *    stim_length,
matrix   glt_cmat,
float **    coef_vol,
float **    scoef_vol,
float **    tcoef_vol,
float **    fpart_vol,
float **    rpart_vol,
float *    mse_vol,
float *    ffull_vol,
float *    rfull_vol,
float ***    glt_coef_vol,
float ***    glt_tcoef_vol,
float **    glt_fstat_vol,
float **    glt_rstat_vol,
float **    fitts_vol,
float **    errts_vol

Definition at line 3669 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References AFNI_yesenv(), baseline_mean(), calloc, matrix::cols, COX_clock_time(), DESTROY_IMARR, DSET_load, DSET_unload, vector::elts, matrix::elts, ENTRY, ev, extract_ts_array(), free, glt_analysis(), i, IMARR_SUBIM, init_glt_analysis(), init_indep_var_matrix(), init_regression_analysis(), iochan_sleep(), JPEG_matrix_gray(), malloc, matrix_check_columns(), matrix_destroy(), matrix_initialize(), matrix_singvals(), matrix_sprint(), matrix_transpose(), MRI_FLOAT_PTR, MTEST, basis_expansion::nfunc, p, proc_ind, proc_numjob, proc_pid, proc_vox_bot, proc_vox_top, q, regression_analysis(), report_evaluation(), report_results(), matrix::rows, save_voxel(), show_singvals, THD_extract_many_series(), vector_create(), vector_destroy(), vector_initialize(), voxel_base, vstep_print(), Xcol_inbase, and Xcol_mean.

03698 {
03699   float * ts_array = NULL;    /* array of measured data for one voxel */
03701 #ifdef USE_GET
03702   int do_get = 0 ;            /* flag to use multi-gets */
03703 #endif
03705   int qp;                     /* number of poly. trend baseline parameters */
03706   int q;                      /* number of baseline model parameters */
03707   int p;                      /* number of full model parameters */
03708   int polort;                 /* degree of polynomial for baseline model */
03709   int m;                      /* parameter index */
03710   int n;                      /* data point index */
03712   vector coef;                /* regression parameters */
03713   vector scoef;               /* std. devs. for regression parameters */
03714   vector tcoef;               /* t-statistics for regression parameters */
03715   float * fpart = NULL;       /* partial F-statistics for the stimuli */
03716   float * rpart = NULL;       /* partial R^2 stats. for the stimuli */
03717   float ffull;                /* full model F-statistic */
03718   float rfull;                /* full model R^2 stat. */
03719   float mse;                  /* mean square error from full model */
03721   matrix xdata;               /* independent variable matrix */
03722   matrix x_full;              /* extracted X matrix    for full model */
03723   matrix xtxinv_full;         /* matrix:  1/(X'X)      for full model */
03724   matrix xtxinvxt_full;       /* matrix:  (1/(X'X))X'  for full model */
03725   matrix x_base;              /* extracted X matrix    for baseline model */
03726   matrix xtxinvxt_base;       /* matrix:  (1/(X'X))X'  for baseline model */
03727   matrix * x_rdcd = NULL;     /* extracted X matrices  for reduced models */
03728   matrix * xtxinvxt_rdcd = NULL;
03729                               /* matrix:  (1/(X'X))X'  for reduced models */
03730   vector y;                   /* vector of measured data */
03732   int ixyz;                   /* voxel index */
03733   int nxyz;                   /* number of voxels per dataset */
03735   int nt;                  /* number of images in input 3d+time dataset */
03736   int N;                   /* number of usable data points */
03738   int num_stimts;          /* number of stimulus time series */
03739   int * baseline;          /* flag for stim function in baseline model */
03740   int * min_lag;           /* minimum time delay for impulse response */
03741   int * max_lag;           /* maximum time delay for impulse response */
03742   int * nptr;              /* number of stim fn. time points per TR */
03743   char ** stim_label;      /* label for stimulus time series */
03745   int i;                   /* data point index */
03746   int is;                  /* stimulus index */
03747   int ilag;                /* time lag index */
03748   float stddev;            /* normalized parameter standard deviation */
03749   float rms_min;           /* minimum variation in data to fit full model */
03750   char * label;            /* string containing stat. summary of results */
03751   int nodata;              /* flag for 'no data' option */
03752   int novar;               /* flag for insufficient variation in data */
03754   int iglt;                    /* general linear test index */
03755   int ilc;                     /* linear combination index */
03756   int num_glt;                 /* number of general linear tests */
03757   char ** glt_label;           /* label for general linear test */
03758   int * glt_rows;              /* number of linear constraints in glt */
03759   matrix * cxtxinvct = NULL;   /* matrices: C(1/(X'X))C' for GLT */
03760   matrix * glt_amat = NULL;    /* constant GLT matrices for later use */
03761   vector * glt_coef = NULL;    /* linear combinations from GLT matrices */
03762   vector * glt_tcoef = NULL;   /* t-statistics for GLT linear combinations */
03763   float * fglt = NULL;         /* F-statistics for the general linear tests */
03764   float * rglt = NULL;         /* R^2 stats. for the general linear tests */
03766   float * fitts = NULL;        /* full model fitted time series */
03767   float * errts = NULL;        /* full model residual error time series */
03769   int vstep ;                  /* interval progress meter dots */
03770   double ct ;                  /* clock time */
03772 ENTRY("calculate_results") ;
03774   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
03775   nodata = option_data->nodata;
03776   nxyz = option_data->nxyz;
03777   nt = option_data->nt;
03778   rms_min = option_data->rms_min;
03779   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
03780   stim_label = option_data->stim_label;
03781   baseline = option_data->stim_base;
03782   min_lag = option_data->stim_minlag;
03783   max_lag = option_data->stim_maxlag;
03784   nptr    = option_data->stim_nptr;
03785   num_glt = option_data->num_glt;
03786   glt_label = option_data->glt_label;
03787   glt_rows = option_data->glt_rows;
03789   polort = option_data->polort;
03790   qp = option_data->qp;
03791   q  = option_data->q;
03792   p  = option_data->p;
03794   N = option_data->N;
03797   /*----- Initialize matrices and vectors -----*/
03798   matrix_initialize (&xdata);
03799   matrix_initialize (&x_full);
03800   matrix_initialize (&xtxinv_full);
03801   matrix_initialize (&xtxinvxt_full);
03802   matrix_initialize (&x_base);
03803   matrix_initialize (&xtxinvxt_base);
03804   vector_initialize (&coef) ;
03805   vector_initialize (&scoef);
03806   vector_initialize (&tcoef);
03807   vector_initialize (&y);
03809   if (num_stimts > 0)
03810     {
03811       x_rdcd = (matrix *) malloc (sizeof(matrix) * num_stimts);
03812       MTEST (x_rdcd);
03813       xtxinvxt_rdcd = (matrix *) malloc (sizeof(matrix) * num_stimts);
03814       MTEST (xtxinvxt_rdcd);
03816       for (is =0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03817       {
03818         matrix_initialize (&x_rdcd[is]);
03819         matrix_initialize (&xtxinvxt_rdcd[is]);
03820       }
03821     }
03823   if (num_glt > 0)
03824     {
03825       cxtxinvct = (matrix *) malloc (sizeof(matrix) * num_glt);
03826       glt_amat  = (matrix *) malloc (sizeof(matrix) * num_glt);
03827       glt_coef  = (vector *) malloc (sizeof(vector) * num_glt);
03828       glt_tcoef = (vector *) malloc (sizeof(vector) * num_glt);
03830       for (iglt =0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03831       {
03832         matrix_initialize (&cxtxinvct[iglt]);
03833         matrix_initialize (&glt_amat[iglt]);
03834         vector_initialize (&glt_coef[iglt]);
03835         vector_initialize (&glt_tcoef[iglt]);
03836       }
03837     }
03840   /*----- Allocate memory -----*/
03841   if (num_stimts > 0)
03842     {
03843       fpart  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * num_stimts);   MTEST (fpart);
03844       rpart  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * num_stimts);   MTEST (rpart);
03845     }
03846   if (num_glt > 0)
03847     {
03848       fglt  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * num_glt);   MTEST (fglt);
03849       rglt  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * num_glt);   MTEST (rglt);
03850     }
03852   if (option_data->input1D_filename == NULL)
03853     {
03854 #ifdef USE_GET
03855       do_get = 1 ;    /* don't need a pre-malloc-ed array for multi-gets */
03856 #else
03857       ts_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nt);   MTEST (ts_array);
03858 #endif
03859     }
03860   fitts  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nt);   MTEST (fitts);
03861   errts  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nt);   MTEST (errts);
03864   /*----- Initialize the independent variable matrix -----*/
03866   ct = COX_clock_time() ;
03868   init_indep_var_matrix (p, qp, polort, nt, N, good_list, block_list,
03869                    num_blocks, num_stimts, stimulus, stim_length,
03870                    min_lag, max_lag, nptr, option_data->stim_base , &xdata);
03871   if (option_data->xout)  matrix_sprint ("X matrix:", xdata);
03873   if( option_data->xjpeg_filename != NULL )    /* 21 Jul 2004 */
03874     JPEG_matrix_gray( xdata , option_data->xjpeg_filename ) ;
03877   /*-- 14 Jul 2004: check matrix for bad columns - RWCox --*/
03879   { int *iar , k , nerr=0 ;
03880     iar = matrix_check_columns( xdata , 1.e-7 ) ;
03881     if( iar != NULL ){
03882       fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: Problems with the X matrix columns:\n") ;
03883       for( k=0 ; iar[2*k] >= 0 ; k++ ){
03884         if( iar[2*k+1] >= 0 ){
03885           fprintf(stderr," * Columns %d and %d are nearly collinear!\n",
03886                   iar[2*k],iar[2*k+1] ) ; nerr++ ;
03887         } else {
03888           fprintf(stderr," * Column %d is all zeros: %s\n",
03889                   iar[2*k] ,
03890                   use_psinv ? "SVD on => will be kept"
03891                             : "SVD off => will be excised" ) ;
03892         }
03893       }
03894       if( nerr > 0 && AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_3dDeconvolve_nodup") ){
03895         fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: can't continue after above warnings!\n");
03896         exit(1) ;
03897       }
03898       free(iar) ;
03899     }
03900   }
03902   /*-- 14 Jul 2004: calculate matrix condition number - RWCox --*/
03904 #ifndef PSINV_EPS
03905 #define PSINV_EPS 1.e-12
03906 #endif
03907   if( !option_data->nocond ){
03908     double *ev , ebot,emin,emax ; int i,nsmall=0 ;
03909     ev = matrix_singvals( xdata ) ;
03910     emax = 1.e-38 ;
03911     for( i=0 ; i < xdata.cols ; i++ ){
03912       if( ev[i] > emax ) emax = ev[i] ;
03913     }
03914     ebot = sqrt(PSINV_EPS)*emax ; emin = 1.e+38 ;
03915     for( i=0 ; i < xdata.cols ; i++ ){
03916       if( ev[i] >= ebot && ev[i] < emin ) emin = ev[i] ;
03917       if( ev[i] <  ebot ) nsmall++ ;
03918     }
03919     if( nsmall > 0 ){
03920       fprintf(stderr,
03921         "** WARNING: Largest singular value=%g;"
03922                   " %d %s less than cutoff=%g\n"
03923         "            Implies strong collinearity in the input regressors\n",
03924               emax , nsmall , (nsmall==1)?"is":"are" , ebot ) ;
03925       show_singvals = 1 ;
03926     }
03927     if( show_singvals ){
03928       fprintf(stderr,"++ Matrix singular values:") ;
03929       for( i=0; i < xdata.cols ; i++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",ev[i]) ;
03930       fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
03931     }
03932     free((void *)ev) ;
03933     if( emin <= 0.0 || emax <= 0.0 ){
03934       fprintf(stderr,"** Matrix condition:  UNDEFINED: "
03935                      "min ev=%g  max ev=%g  ** VERY BAD **\n",emin,emax ) ;
03936     } else {
03937       double cond = sqrt(emax/emin) ;
03938       if( !use_psinv ) cond = cond*cond ;  /* Gaussian elim is twice as bad */
03939       fprintf(stderr,"++ (%dx%d) Matrix condition [%s]:  %g",
03940               xdata.rows,xdata.cols , (use_psinv) ? "X" : "XtX" , cond  ) ;
03941 #ifdef FLOATIZE
03942       if( cond > 100.0 ) fprintf(stderr,"  ** BEWARE **") ;
03943 #else
03944       if( cond > 1.e6  ) fprintf(stderr,"  ** BEWARE **") ;
03945 #endif
03946       fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
03947     }
03948   }
03950   /*----- Initialization for the regression analysis -----*/
03951   init_regression_analysis (p, qp, num_stimts, baseline, min_lag, max_lag,
03952                       xdata, &x_full, &xtxinv_full, &xtxinvxt_full,
03953                       &x_base, &xtxinvxt_base, x_rdcd, xtxinvxt_rdcd);
03954   if ((option_data->xout) || nodata)
03955       matrix_sprint ("(X'X) inverse matrix:", xtxinv_full);
03957   /*----- Save some of this stuff for later, dude -----*/
03958   X        = x_full        ;  /* 25 Jul 2004 (RWCox) */
03959   XtXinv   = xtxinv_full   ;
03960   XtXinvXt = xtxinvxt_full ;
03962   { int m , npar , j ;        /* 31 Aug 2004 (RWCox) */
03963     register double sum ;
03964     float mmax ;
03966     Xcol_inbase = (int *)  calloc(sizeof(int)  ,p) ;
03967     Xcol_mean   = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),p) ;
03969     for( is=0 ; is < qp ; is++ ) Xcol_inbase[is] = 1 ; /* mark baseline columns */
03970     m = qp ;
03971     for( is=0 ; is < num_stimts ; is++ ){
03972       npar = (basis_stim[is] != NULL)
03973             ? basis_stim[is]->nfunc
03974             : option_data->stim_maxlag[is] - option_data->stim_minlag[is] + 1 ;
03976       if( baseline[is] ) for( j=0 ; j < npar ; j++ ) Xcol_inbase[m+j] = 1 ;
03977       m += npar ;
03978     }
03980     mmax = 0.0f ;
03981     for( j=0 ; j < p ; j++ ){   /* compute mean of each column */
03982       sum = 0.0 ;
03983       for( i=0 ; i < X.rows ; i++ ) sum += X.elts[i][j] ;
03984       Xcol_mean[j] = (float)(sum/X.rows) ;
03985       if( Xcol_inbase[j] && fabs(Xcol_mean[j]) > mmax )  /* find largest */
03986         mmax = fabs(Xcol_mean[j]) ;             /* mean of baseline cols */
03987     }
03989     if( mmax > 0.0f ){    /* mark baseline cols that have nontrivial means */
03990       mmax *= 9.99e-6 ;
03991       for( j=0 ; j < p ; j++ )
03992         if( Xcol_inbase[j] && fabs(Xcol_mean[j]) > mmax ) Xcol_inbase[j] = 2 ;
03993     }
03994   }
03996   /*--- Compute abs sum of matrix [xtxinvxt][xdata]-I [19 Aug 2004]---*/
03997   if( !option_data->nocond ){
03998     double esum , sum ;
03999     int nn=xdata.rows , mm=xdata.cols , ii,jj,kk ;
04000     char *www = "\0" ;
04001     fprintf(stderr,"++ Matrix inverse average error = ") ;
04002     esum = 0.0 ;
04003     for( ii=0 ; ii < mm ; ii++ ){
04004       for( jj=0 ; jj < mm ; jj++ ){
04005         sum = (ii==jj) ? -1.0 : 0.0 ;
04006         for( kk=0 ; kk < nn ; kk++ )
04007           sum += xtxinvxt_full.elts[ii][kk]*xdata.elts[kk][jj] ;
04008         esum += fabs(sum) ;
04009       }
04010     }
04011     esum /= (mm*mm) ;
04012     if( esum > 1.e-3 ) www = " ** WARNING!!! **" ;
04013     fprintf(stderr,"%g %s\n",esum,www) ;
04014   }
04016   /*-- 19 Aug 2004: plot matrix pseudoinverse as well --*/
04017   if( option_data->xjpeg_filename != NULL ){
04018     char *jpt , *jsuf=".jpg" ;
04019     char *fn = calloc( sizeof(char) , strlen(option_data->xjpeg_filename)+16 ) ;
04020     matrix xpsinv ;
04022     matrix_initialize( &xpsinv ) ;
04023     matrix_transpose( xtxinvxt_full , &xpsinv ) ;
04025     strcpy(fn,option_data->xjpeg_filename) ;
04026                        jpt = strstr(fn,".jpg") ;
04027     if( jpt == NULL ){ jpt = strstr(fn,".JPG") ; jsuf = ".JPG" ; }
04028     if( jpt == NULL )  jpt = fn + strlen(fn) ;
04029     strcpy(jpt,"_psinv") ; strcat(fn,jsuf) ;
04031     JPEG_matrix_gray( xpsinv , fn ) ;
04032     free((void *)fn) ; matrix_destroy( &xpsinv ) ;
04033   }
04035   /*----- Initialization for the general linear test analysis -----*/
04036   if (num_glt > 0)
04037     init_glt_analysis (xtxinv_full, num_glt, glt_cmat, glt_amat, cxtxinvct);
04039   ct = COX_clock_time() - ct ;
04040   fprintf(stderr,"++ Matrix setup time = %.2f s\n",ct) ;  /* 25 Apr 2005 */
04043   vector_create (N, &y);
04046   if (nodata)
04047     {
04048       report_evaluation(qp, num_stimts, stim_label, min_lag, max_lag,
04049                         x_full, xtxinv_full,
04050                         num_glt, glt_label, glt_rows, cxtxinvct);
04051     }
04053   else
04054     {     /*============== actually process data ====================*/
04056       int ixyz_bot=0 , ixyz_top=nxyz ;  /* voxel indexes to process */
04058 #ifdef USE_GET
04059 #define NGET 128              /* number to get at one time */
04060       int nget=0 ,            /* number of time series current gotten */
04061           cget=0 ,            /* index of next timeseries in iget & imget */
04062           jget   ,            /* loop index for iget */
04063           iget[NGET] ;        /* voxel index of timeseries */
04064       MRI_IMARR *imget=NULL ; /* array of timeseries */
04065 #endif
04067 #ifdef PROC_MAX
04068       if( proc_numjob > 1 ){    /*---- set up multiple processes ----*/
04069         int vv , nvox=nxyz , nper , pp , nv ;
04070         pid_t newpid ;
04072         /* count number of voxels to compute with into nvox */
04074         if( mask_vol != NULL ){
04075           for( vv=nvox=0 ; vv < nxyz ; vv++ )
04076             if( mask_vol[vv] != 0 ) nvox++ ;
04077         }
04079         if( nvox < proc_numjob ){  /* too few voxels for multiple jobs? */
04081           proc_numjob = 1 ;
04083         } else {                   /* prepare jobs */
04085           /* split voxels between jobs evenly */
04087           nper = nvox / proc_numjob ;  /* # voxels per job */
04088           if( mask_vol == NULL ){
04089             proc_vox_bot[0] = 0 ;
04090             for( pp=0 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
04091               proc_vox_top[pp] = proc_vox_bot[pp] + nper ;
04092               if( pp < proc_numjob-1 ) proc_vox_bot[pp+1] = proc_vox_top[pp] ;
04093             }
04094             proc_vox_top[proc_numjob-1] = nxyz ;
04095           } else {
04096             proc_vox_bot[0] = 0 ;
04097             for( pp=0 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
04098               for( nv=0,vv=proc_vox_bot[pp] ;         /* count ahead until */
04099                    nv < nper && vv < nxyz  ; vv++ ){  /* find nper voxels */
04100                 if( mask_vol[vv] != 0 ) nv++ ;        /* inside the mask */
04101               }
04102               proc_vox_top[pp] = vv ;
04103               if( pp < proc_numjob-1 ) proc_vox_bot[pp+1] = proc_vox_top[pp] ;
04104             }
04105             proc_vox_top[proc_numjob-1] = nxyz ;
04106           }
04108           /* make sure dataset is in memory before forks */
04110           DSET_load(dset) ;  /* so dataset will be common */
04112           /* start processes */
04114           if( !option_data->quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels in dataset: %d\n",nxyz) ;
04115           if( nvox < nxyz )
04116           if( !option_data->quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels in mask:    %d\n",nvox) ;
04117           if( !option_data->quiet ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxels per job:    %d\n",nper) ;
04119           for( pp=1 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ ){
04120             ixyz_bot = proc_vox_bot[pp] ;   /* these 3 variables   */
04121             ixyz_top = proc_vox_top[pp] ;   /* are for the process */
04122             proc_ind = pp ;                 /* we're about to fork */
04123             newpid   = fork() ;
04124             if( newpid == -1 ){
04125               fprintf(stderr,"** Can't fork job #%d! Error exit!\n",pp);
04126               exit(1) ;
04127             }
04128             if( newpid == 0 ) break ;   /* I'm the child */
04129             proc_pid[pp] = newpid ;     /* I'm the parent */
04130             iochan_sleep(10) ;          /* 10 ms, to let the child get going */
04131           }
04132           if( pp == proc_numjob ){       /* only in the parent */
04133             ixyz_bot = proc_vox_bot[0] ; /* set the 3 control */
04134             ixyz_top = proc_vox_top[0] ; /* variables needed */
04135             proc_ind = 0 ;               /* below           */
04136           }
04137           if( !option_data->quiet )
04138             fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #%d: processing voxels %d to %d; elapsed time=%.3f\n",
04139                     proc_ind,ixyz_bot,ixyz_top-1,COX_clock_time()) ;
04140         }
04141       }
04142 #endif /* PROC_MAX */
04144       if( proc_numjob == 1 && !option_data->quiet )
04145         fprintf(stderr,"++ Calculations starting; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
04147       vstep = nxyz / 50 ;
04148       if( option_data->quiet        ||
04149           option_data->fdisp >= 0.0 ||
04150           option_data->progress > 0 ||
04151           proc_numjob > 1             ) vstep = 0 ;
04153       if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop:") ;
04155       /*----- Loop over all voxels -----*/
04156       for (ixyz = ixyz_bot;  ixyz < ixyz_top;  ixyz++)
04157       {
04159           if( vstep > 0 && ixyz%vstep==vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;
04161         /*----- Apply mask? -----*/
04162         if (mask_vol != NULL)
04163           if (mask_vol[ixyz] == 0)  continue;
04165 #ifdef USE_GET
04166           /*** race ahead and extract a bunch of voxel time series at once ***/
04168           if( do_get && cget == nget ){
04169             if( imget != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(imget) ;
04170             iget[0] = ixyz ; nget = 1 ;
04171             for( jget=ixyz+1 ; jget < nxyz && nget < NGET ; jget++ ){
04172               if( mask_vol == NULL || mask_vol[jget] != 0 )
04173                 iget[nget++] = jget ;
04174             }
04175             imget = THD_extract_many_series( nget, iget, dset ) ;
04176             cget  = 0 ;  /* the next one to take out of imget */
04177           }
04178 #endif
04180         /*----- Extract Y-data for this voxel -----*/
04181         if (option_data->input1D_filename != NULL)
04182           ts_array = fmri_data;
04183         else {
04184 #ifdef USE_GET
04185             ts_array = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(IMARR_SUBIM(imget,cget));  /* the GET way */
04186             cget++ ;  /* take this one next time */
04187 #else
04188             extract_ts_array (dset, ixyz, ts_array);            /* the OLD way */
04189 #endif
04190           }
04192         for (i = 0;  i < N;  i++)
04193           y.elts[i] = ts_array[good_list[i]];
04196         /*----- Perform the regression analysis for this voxel-----*/
04197         regression_analysis (N, p, q, num_stimts, min_lag, max_lag,
04198                          x_full, xtxinv_full, xtxinvxt_full, x_base,
04199                          xtxinvxt_base, x_rdcd, xtxinvxt_rdcd,
04200                          y, rms_min, &mse, &coef, &scoef, &tcoef,
04201                          fpart, rpart, &ffull, &rfull, &novar,
04202                          fitts, errts);
04204           if( voxel_base != NULL )
04205             voxel_base[ixyz] = baseline_mean( coef ) ;   /* 31 Aug 2004 */
04208         /*----- Perform the general linear tests for this voxel -----*/
04209         if (num_glt > 0)
04210           glt_analysis (N, p, x_full, y, mse*(N-p), coef, novar, cxtxinvct,
04211                     num_glt, glt_rows, glt_cmat, glt_amat,
04212                     glt_coef, glt_tcoef, fglt, rglt);
04215         /*----- Save results for this voxel into arrays -----*/
04216         save_voxel (option_data, ixyz, coef, scoef, tcoef, fpart, rpart, mse,
04217                   ffull, rfull, glt_coef, glt_tcoef, fglt, rglt,
04218                   nt, ts_array, good_list, fitts, errts,
04219                   coef_vol, scoef_vol, tcoef_vol, fpart_vol, rpart_vol,
04220                   mse_vol, ffull_vol, rfull_vol, glt_coef_vol,
04221                   glt_tcoef_vol, glt_fstat_vol, glt_rstat_vol,
04222                   fitts_vol, errts_vol);
04225         /*----- Report results for this voxel -----*/
04226         if ( ((ffull > option_data->fdisp) && (option_data->fdisp >= 0.0))
04227              || ((option_data->progress > 0)
04228                && (ixyz % option_data->progress == 0))
04229              || (option_data->input1D_filename != NULL) )
04230           {
04232               if( proc_ind == 0 ){
04233               printf ("\n\nResults for Voxel #%d: \n", ixyz);
04234               report_results (N, qp, q, p, polort, block_list, num_blocks,
04235                        num_stimts, stim_label, baseline, min_lag, max_lag,
04236                        coef, tcoef, fpart, rpart, ffull, rfull, mse,
04237                          num_glt, glt_label, glt_rows, glt_coef,
04238                          glt_tcoef, fglt, rglt, &label);
04239               printf ("%s \n", label); fflush(stdout);
04240               }
04241           }
04243       }  /*----- Loop over voxels -----*/
04245         if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
04247 #ifdef USE_GET
04248         if( do_get ){
04249           if( imget != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(imget) ;
04250           ts_array = NULL ;
04251         }
04252 #endif
04254         /*-- if this is a child process, we're done.
04255              if this is the parent process, wait for the children --*/
04257 #ifdef PROC_MAX
04258         if( proc_numjob > 1 ){
04259           if( proc_ind > 0 ){                          /* death of child */
04260             if( !option_data->quiet )
04261               fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #%d finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",proc_ind,COX_clock_time()) ;
04262             _exit(0) ;
04264           } else {                      /* parent waits for children */
04265             int pp ;
04266             if( !option_data->quiet )
04267               fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #0 waiting for children to finish; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
04268             for( pp=1 ; pp < proc_numjob ; pp++ )
04269               waitpid( proc_pid[pp] , NULL , 0 ) ;
04270             if( !option_data->quiet )
04271               fprintf(stderr,"++ Job #0 now finishing up; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
04272           }
04274           /* when get to here, only parent process is left alive,
04275              and all the results are in the shared memory segment arrays */
04276         }
04277 #endif
04278         if( proc_numjob == 1 && !option_data->quiet )
04279           fprintf(stderr,"++ Calculations finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time()) ;
04281         if( option_data->input1D_filename == NULL)  /* don't need data anymore */
04282           DSET_unload(dset) ;
04284     }  /*----- NOT nodata -----*/
04287   /*----- Dispose of matrices and vectors -----*/
04288   vector_destroy (&y);
04289   vector_destroy (&tcoef);
04290   vector_destroy (&scoef);
04291   vector_destroy (&coef);
04293   if (num_stimts > 0)
04294     {
04295       for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
04296       {
04297        matrix_destroy (&x_rdcd[is]);
04298        matrix_destroy (&xtxinvxt_rdcd[is]);
04299       }
04300       free (x_rdcd);         x_rdcd = NULL;
04301       free (xtxinvxt_rdcd);  xtxinvxt_rdcd = NULL;
04302     }
04304   matrix_destroy (&xtxinvxt_base);
04305   matrix_destroy (&x_base);
04306   matrix_destroy (&xdata);
04308   if (num_glt > 0)
04309     {
04310       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
04311       {
04312         matrix_destroy (&cxtxinvct[iglt]);
04313         matrix_destroy (&glt_amat[iglt]);
04314         vector_destroy (&glt_coef[iglt]);
04315         vector_destroy (&glt_tcoef[iglt]);
04316       }
04317       free (cxtxinvct);   cxtxinvct = NULL;
04318       free (glt_amat);    glt_amat  = NULL;
04319       free (glt_coef);    glt_coef  = NULL;
04320       free (glt_tcoef);   glt_tcoef = NULL;
04321     }
04324   if (fpart != NULL)     { free (fpart);     fpart    = NULL; }
04325   if (rpart != NULL)     { free (rpart);     rpart    = NULL; }
04326   if (fglt  != NULL)     { free (fglt);      fglt     = NULL; }
04327   if (rglt  != NULL)     { free (rglt);      rglt     = NULL; }
04328   if (ts_array != NULL)  { free (ts_array);  ts_array = NULL; }
04329   if (fitts != NULL)     { free (fitts);     fitts    = NULL; }
04330   if (errts != NULL)     { free (errts);     errts    = NULL; }
04332   EXRETURN ;
04333 }

void check_for_valid_inputs DC_options   option_data,
THD_3dim_dataset   dset_time,
int    fmri_length,
float *    censor_array,
int    censor_length,
int *    block_list,
int    num_blocks,
int *    stim_length,
float **    stimulus,
int **    good_list

Definition at line 2590 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References check_output_files(), DC_error(), getenv(), GoodList, malloc, MTEST, basis_expansion::nfunc, nGoodList, nParam, p, q, realloc, THD_MAX_NAME, and xsave.

02599                                                 : stimulus time series arrays */
02600   int ** good_list                /* list of usable time points */
02601 )
02603 {
02604   char message[THD_MAX_NAME];  /* error message */
02605   int is;                  /* stimulus index */
02606   int num_stimts;          /* number of stimulus time series */
02607   int * min_lag;           /* minimum time delay for impulse response */
02608   int * max_lag;           /* maximum time delay for impulse response */
02609   int * nptr;              /* number of stim fn. time points per TR */
02610   int m;                   /* number of time delays for impulse response */
02611   int qp;                  /* number of polynomial trend baseline parameters */
02612   int q;                   /* number of baseline model parameters */
02613   int p;                   /* number of full model parameters */
02614   int nbricks;             /* number of sub-bricks in bucket dataset output */
02615   int it;                  /* time point index */
02616   int nt;                  /* number of images in input 3d+time dataset */
02617   int NFirst;              /* first image from input 3d+time dataset to use */
02618   int NLast;               /* last image from input 3d+time dataset to use */
02619   int N;                   /* number of usable time points */
02620   int ib;                  /* block (run) index */
02621   int irb;                 /* time index relative to start of block (run) */
02622   int num_glt;             /* number of general linear tests */
02623   int * glt_rows;          /* number of linear constraints in glt */
02624   int iglt;                /* general linear test index */
02625   int nerr=0 ;             /* 22 Oct 2003 */
02628   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
02629   nt = option_data->nt;
02630   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
02631   min_lag = option_data->stim_minlag;
02632   max_lag = option_data->stim_maxlag;
02633   num_glt = option_data->num_glt;
02634   glt_rows = option_data->glt_rows;
02635   nptr = option_data->stim_nptr;
02636   p  = option_data->p;
02637   q  = option_data->q;
02638   qp = option_data->qp;
02640   /*----- Check if -xsave was given without -bucket ------*/
02641   if( xsave && option_data->bucket_filename == NULL ){
02642     fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: -xsave given without -bucket; -xsave is disabled!\n") ;
02643     xsave = 0 ;
02644   }
02646   /*----- Check length of censor array -----*/
02647   if (censor_length < nt)
02648     {
02649       sprintf (message, "Input censor time series file %s is too short",
02650              option_data->censor_filename);
02651       DC_error (message);
02652     }
02655   /*----- Check validity of concatenated runs list -----*/
02656   for (ib = 0;  ib < num_blocks;  ib++)
02657     if ((block_list[ib] < 0) || (block_list[ib] >= nt))
02658       {
02659       sprintf (message, "Invalid -concat input: %d ", block_list[ib]);
02660       DC_error (message);
02661       }
02662   if (num_blocks > 1)
02663     for (ib = 1;  ib < num_blocks;  ib++)
02664       if (block_list[ib] <= block_list[ib-1])
02665       DC_error ("Invalid concatenated runs list");
02668   /*----- Create list of good (usable) time points -----*/
02669   *good_list = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * nt);  MTEST (*good_list);
02670   NFirst = option_data->NFirst;
02671   if (NFirst < 0){
02672     for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
02673       if( basis_stim[is] == NULL && NFirst < (max_lag[is]+nptr[is]-1)/nptr[is] )
02674         NFirst = (max_lag[is]+nptr[is]-1)/nptr[is];
02675   }
02676   NLast = option_data->NLast;
02677   if (NLast < 0)  NLast = nt;
02679   N = 0;
02680   ib = 0;
02681   for (it = block_list[0];  it < nt;  it++)
02682     {
02683       if (ib+1 < num_blocks)
02684       if (it >= block_list[ib+1])  ib++;
02686       irb = it - block_list[ib];
02688       if ((irb >= NFirst) && (irb <= NLast) && (censor_array[it]))
02689       {
02690         (*good_list)[N] = it;
02691         N++;
02692       }
02693     }
02696   /*----- Check for sufficient data -----*/
02697   if (N == 0)  DC_error ("No usable time points?");
02698   if (N <= p)
02699     {
02700        sprintf (message,  "Insufficient data for estimating %d parameters", p);
02701        DC_error (message);
02702    }
02703   option_data->N = N;
02705    GoodList = *good_list ;
02706   nGoodList = N ;
02707   nParam    = p ;
02709   /*----- Check number of stimulus time series -----*/
02710   if (num_stimts < 0)
02711     {
02712       DC_error ("Require: 0 <= num_stimts (DUH! --or-- D'oh!)");
02713     }
02716   /*----- Check lengths of stimulus time series -----*/
02718 #define ALLOW_EXTEND
02719   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
02720     {
02721       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ) continue ;  /* 12 Aug 2004 */
02723       if (stim_length[is] < nt*nptr[is])
02724       {
02725 #ifndef ALLOW_EXTEND
02726         sprintf (message, "Input stimulus time series file %s is too short",
02727                option_data->stim_filename[is]);
02728         DC_error (message);
02729 #else
02730           int nlen=nt*nptr[is], qq ;
02731           fprintf(stderr,
02732                   "** WARNING: input stimulus time series file %s is too short:\n"
02733                   "            length = %d, but should be at least %d.\n" ,
02734             option_data->stim_filename[is] , stim_length[is] , nlen ) ;
02735           stimulus[is] = (float *) realloc( stimulus[is] , sizeof(float)*nlen ) ;
02736           for( qq=stim_length[is] ; qq < nlen ; qq++ ) stimulus[is][qq] = 0.0 ;
02737           stim_length[is] = nlen ; nerr++ ;
02738 #endif
02739       }
02740     }
02741 #ifdef ALLOW_EXTEND
02742     if( nerr > 0 ){
02743       char *eee = getenv("AFNI_3dDeconvolve_extend") ;
02744       if( eee != NULL && (*eee=='n' || *eee=='N') ){
02745         fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: Can't continue with too short files!\n"
02746                        "          AFNI_3dDeconvolve_extend = %s\n",eee ) ;
02747         exit(1) ;
02748       }
02749       fprintf(stderr,"++ EXTENDING short files with zero values\n"
02750                      "   (to stop this behavior, setenv AFNI_3dDeconvolve_extend NO)\n") ;
02751     }
02752 #endif
02755   /*----- Check whether time lags are reasonable -----*/
02756   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
02757     {
02758       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ) continue ; /* 12 Aug 2004 */
02760       m = max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
02761       if (m < 2)
02762       {
02763         if (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL)
02764           {
02765             sprintf (message, "Only %d time point for output dataset %s ",
02766                    m, option_data->iresp_filename[is]);
02767             DC_error (message);
02768           }
02770         if (option_data->sresp_filename[is] != NULL)
02771           {
02772             sprintf (message, "Only %d time point for output dataset %s",
02773                    m, option_data->sresp_filename[is]);
02774             DC_error (message);
02775           }
02776       }
02777       if ((m < 4) && (option_data->tshift))
02778       {
02779         if (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL)
02780           {
02781             sprintf (message, "Only %d time points for 3d+time dataset %s\n",
02782                     m, option_data->iresp_filename[is]);
02783             strcat (message, "Require >= 4 data points for -tshift option");
02784             DC_error (message);
02785           }
02786       }
02787     }
02790   /*----- Calculate number of sub-bricks in the bucket dataset,
02791           and check for illegal number of sub-bricks -----*/
02792   nbricks = 0;
02793   if (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL)
02794     {
02795       if (! option_data->nocout)
02796       {
02797         if (! option_data->nobout)
02798           nbricks += qp * (1 + option_data->tout);
02800         for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
02801           {
02802             if ((!option_data->stim_base[is]) || (!option_data->nobout))
02803             {
02804                   if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ) m = basis_stim[is]->nfunc ;
02805                   else                         m = max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
02806               nbricks += m * (1 + option_data->tout);
02807               nbricks += option_data->rout + option_data->fout;
02808             }
02809           }
02810       }
02812       nbricks += option_data->rout + option_data->fout + option_data->vout;
02814       if (num_glt > 0)
02815       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
02816         {
02817           nbricks += glt_rows[iglt] * (1 + option_data->tout);
02818           nbricks += option_data->rout + option_data->fout;
02819         }
02821       if (nbricks <= 0)
02822       {
02823         sprintf (message,
02824                "User requested bucket dataset with only %d sub-bricks",
02825                nbricks);
02826         DC_error (message);
02827       }
02829     }
02830   option_data->nbricks = nbricks;
02833   /*----- Check for zero slice offsets with nptr option -----*/
02834   if (dset_time != NULL)
02835     if (dset_time->taxis->nsl > 0)
02836       for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
02837       if (nptr[is] > 1)
02838         {
02839           sprintf (message, "Must align all slices to 0 offset time, \n ");
02840           strcat  (message, "before using -stim_nptr option.  ");
02841           strcat  (message, "See program 3dTshift. ");
02842           DC_error (message);
02843         }
02846   /*----- Check for -tshift and -input1D option -----*/
02847   if ((option_data->tshift) && (option_data->input1D_filename != NULL))
02848     DC_error ("-tshift option is not compatible with -input1D option");
02851   /*----- Check whether any of the output files already exist -----*/
02852   if (option_data->input_filename != NULL)
02853     check_output_files (option_data, dset_time);
02855 }

void check_one_output_file THD_3dim_dataset   dset_time,
char *    filename

Definition at line 2503 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_label1, ADN_none, ADN_prefix, ADN_self_name, ADN_type, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, DC_error(), THD_datablock::diskptr, EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), GEN_FUNC_TYPE, HEAD_FUNC_TYPE, THD_diskptr::header_name, ISHEAD, THD_delete_3dim_dataset(), THD_is_file(), and THD_MAX_NAME.

02508 {
02509   char message[THD_MAX_NAME];      /* error message */
02510   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL;   /* output afni data set pointer */
02511   int ierror;                         /* number of errors in editing data */
02514   /*----- make an empty copy of input dataset -----*/
02515   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ;
02518   ierror = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
02519                       ADN_prefix , filename ,
02520                       ADN_label1 , filename ,
02521                       ADN_self_name , filename ,
02522                       ADN_type , ISHEAD(dset_time) ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE :
02523                                                             GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
02524                       ADN_none ) ;
02526   if( ierror > 0 )
02527     {
02528       sprintf (message,
02529              "*** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n",
02530              ierror);
02531       DC_error (message);
02532     }
02534   if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) )
02535     {
02536       sprintf (message,
02537              "Output dataset file %s already exists "
02538              " -- cannot continue! ",
02539              new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name);
02540       DC_error (message);
02541     }
02543   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
02544   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ;
02546 }

void check_output_files DC_options   option_data,
THD_3dim_dataset   dset_time

Definition at line 2555 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References check_one_output_file().

02560 {
02561   int is;                         /* stimulus time series index */
02564   if (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL)
02565     check_one_output_file (dset_time, option_data->bucket_filename);
02567   if (option_data->fitts_filename != NULL)
02568     check_one_output_file (dset_time, option_data->fitts_filename);
02570   if (option_data->errts_filename != NULL)
02571     check_one_output_file (dset_time, option_data->errts_filename);
02573   for (is = 0;  is < option_data->num_stimts;  is++)
02574     {
02575       if (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL)
02576       check_one_output_file (dset_time, option_data->iresp_filename[is]);
02578       if (option_data->sresp_filename[is] != NULL)
02579       check_one_output_file (dset_time, option_data->sresp_filename[is]);
02580     }
02581 }

void check_xrestore_data void   

Definition at line 6325 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References matrix::cols, GoodList, InputFilename, nGoodList, nParam, ParamLabel, ParamStim, matrix::rows, and xrestore_filename.

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff().

06326 {
06327    int nerr = 0 ;
06329    if( X.rows < 1 || X.cols < 1 ){
06330      fprintf(stderr,
06331              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s has bad X matrix\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06332      nerr++ ;
06333    }
06334    if( XtXinv.rows < 1 || XtXinv.cols < 1 ){
06335      fprintf(stderr,
06336              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s has bad XtXinv matrix\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06337      nerr++ ;
06338    }
06339    if( XtXinvXt.rows < 1 || XtXinvXt.cols < 1 ){
06340      fprintf(stderr,
06341              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s has bad XtXinvXt matrix\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06342      nerr++ ;
06343    }
06344    if( nParam > 0 && X.cols != nParam ){
06345      fprintf(stderr,
06346              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s X matrix cols mismatch: %d != %d\n",
06347              xrestore_filename, X.cols , nParam ) ;
06348      nerr++ ;
06349    }
06350    if( GoodList == NULL ){
06351      fprintf(stderr,
06352              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s missing GoodList field\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06353      nerr++ ;
06354    } else if( nGoodList != X.rows ){
06355      fprintf(stderr,
06356              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s X matrix rows mismatch: %d != %d\n",
06357              xrestore_filename, X.cols , nGoodList ) ;
06358      nerr++ ;
06359    }
06360 #if 0
06361    if( ParamStim == NULL ){
06362      fprintf(stderr,
06363              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s missing ParamStim field\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06364      nerr++ ;
06365    }
06366    if( ParamLabel == NULL ){
06367      fprintf(stderr,
06368              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s missing ParamLabel field\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06369      nerr++ ;
06370    }
06371 #endif
06372    if( InputFilename == NULL ){
06373      fprintf(stderr,
06374              "** ERROR: -xrestore %s missing InputFilename field\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06375      nerr++ ;
06376    }
06378    if( nerr > 0 ) exit(1) ;   /** bad bad bad **/
06379    return ;
06380 }

void cubic_spline DC_options   option_data,
int    ts_length,
float **    vol_array

Definition at line 4373 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, c, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, vector::elts, matrix::elts, free, i, malloc, matrix_create(), matrix_destroy(), matrix_initialize(), matrix_inverse(), THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, nz, THD_dataxes::nzz, THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_delete_3dim_dataset(), THD_open_dataset(), THD_timeof_slice(), THD_timeaxis::ttdel, v, vector_create(), vector_destroy(), vector_initialize(), and vector_multiply().

Referenced by output_results().

04379 {
04380   THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL;        /* input afni data set pointer */
04381   int nx, ny, nz, nxyz;  /* dataset dimensions in voxels */
04382   int ixyz;              /* voxel index */
04383   int isl;               /* slice index */
04384   int i;                 /* data point index */
04385   float * yarray = NULL; /* impulse response function for a single voxel */
04386   float * sarray = NULL; /* second derivative of the cubic in each interval */
04387   matrix m, minv;        /* matrices for cubic spline interpolation */
04388   vector v, sv;          /* vectors for cubic spline interpolation */
04389   int n;                 /* number of intervals = ts_length-1 */
04390   float * a = NULL,
04391         * b = NULL,
04392         * c = NULL,
04393         * d = NULL;      /* cubic spline interpolation polynomial coefs. */
04394   float tslice;          /* slice acquisition time offset */
04395   float tdelta;          /* time between same slice acquisitons */
04396   float frac;            /* fraction of interval for slice acq. time offset */
04397   int k;                 /* interval to use for interpolation */
04398   float t;               /* time in fractions of TR */
04399   float delt;            /* time offset relative to interpolation interval */
04400   float y;               /* interpolated value */
04403   /*----- Initialize matrices and vectors -----*/
04404   matrix_initialize (&m);
04405   matrix_initialize (&minv);
04406   vector_initialize (&v);
04407   vector_initialize (&sv);
04410   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
04411   dset = THD_open_dataset (option_data->input_filename);
04412   n = ts_length - 1;
04413   tdelta = dset->taxis->ttdel;
04414   nx = dset->daxes->nxx;   ny = dset->daxes->nyy;   nz = dset->daxes->nzz;
04415   nxyz = nx * ny * nz;
04418   /*----- Allocate space for data and interpolation polynomials -----*/
04419   yarray = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * ts_length);
04420   sarray = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (n+1));
04421   a = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * n);
04422   b = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * n);
04423   c = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * n);
04424   d = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * n);
04427   /*----- Calculate matrix for cubic spline interpolation -----*/
04428   matrix_create (n-1, n-1, &m);
04429   m.elts[0][0] = 4.0;
04430   m.elts[0][1] = 1.0;
04431   m.elts[n-2][n-3] = 1.0;
04432   m.elts[n-2][n-2] = 4.0;
04433   for (i = 1;  i < n-2;  i++)
04434     {
04435       m.elts[i][i] = 4.0;
04436       m.elts[i][i-1] = 1.0;
04437       m.elts[i][i+1] = 1.0;
04438     }
04439   matrix_inverse (m, &minv);
04442   vector_create (n-1, &v);
04445   /*----- Loop over all voxels -----*/
04446   for (ixyz = 0;  ixyz < nxyz;  ixyz++)
04447     {
04449       /*----- Get time offset for this slice -----*/
04450       isl = ixyz / (nx*ny);
04451       tslice = THD_timeof_slice (0, isl, dset);
04452       frac = -((tslice/tdelta) - 0.5);
04454       /*----- Get impulse response function for this voxel -----*/
04455       for (i = 0;  i < ts_length;  i++)
04456       yarray[i] = vol_array[i][ixyz];
04459       /*----- Calculate vector for cubic spline interpolation -----*/
04460       for (i = 1;  i < n;  i++)
04461            v.elts[i-1] = 6.0 * (yarray[i+1] - 2.0 * yarray[i] + yarray[i-1]);
04462       vector_multiply (minv, v, &sv);
04465       /*----- Set array of second derivatives -----*/
04466       for (i = 1;  i < n;  i++)
04467       {
04468         sarray[i] = sv.elts[i-1];
04469       }
04470       sarray[0] = 0.0;
04471       sarray[n] = 0.0;
04474       /*----- Calculate cubic spline polynomial coefficients -----*/
04475       for (i = 0;  i < n;  i++)
04476       {
04477         a[i] = (sarray[i+1] - sarray[i]) / 6.0;
04478         b[i] = sarray[i] / 2;
04479         c[i] = (yarray[i+1]-yarray[i]) - (2.0*sarray[i]+sarray[i+1]) / 6.0;
04480         d[i] = yarray[i];
04481       }
04484       /*----- Apply time shift to impulse response function -----*/
04485       for (i = 0;  i < ts_length;  i++)
04486       {
04487         t = i + frac;
04489         if (frac < 0.0)  k = i-1;
04490         else             k = i;
04492         if (k < 0)    k = 0;
04493         if (k > n-1)  k = n-1;
04495         delt = t - k;
04497         yarray[i] = a[k]*delt*delt*delt + b[k]*delt*delt + c[k]*delt + d[k];
04498       }
04501       /*----- Save interpolated impulse response function -----*/
04502       for (i = 0;  i < ts_length;  i++)
04503       vol_array[i][ixyz] = yarray[i];
04507     }  /* Loop over voxels */
04510   /*----- Deallocate memory -----*/
04511   THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False);  dset = NULL ;
04513   matrix_destroy (&m);
04514   matrix_destroy (&minv);
04515   vector_destroy (&v);
04516   vector_destroy (&sv);
04518   free (sarray);   sarray = NULL;
04519   free (yarray);   yarray = NULL;
04520   free (a);        a = NULL;
04521   free (b);        b = NULL;
04522   free (c);        c = NULL;
04523   free (d);        d = NULL;
04524 }

void DC_error char *    message

Definition at line 542 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References PROGRAM_NAME.

Referenced by remove_zero_stimfns().

00543 {
00544   fprintf (stderr, "%s Error: %s \a\n\n", PROGRAM_NAME, message);
00545   exit(1);
00546 }

void display_help_menu  

Definition at line 579 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References identify_software(), PROC_MAX, and PROGRAM_NAME.

00580 {
00581   identify_software();
00583   printf (
00584 "Program to calculate the deconvolution of a measurement 3d+time dataset    \n"
00585 "with a specified input stimulus time series.  This program will also       \n"
00586 "perform multiple linear regression using multiple input stimulus time      \n"
00587 "series. Output consists of an AFNI 'bucket' type dataset containing the    \n"
00588 "least squares estimates of the linear regression coefficients, t-statistics\n"
00589 "for significance of the coefficients, partial F-statistics for significance\n"
00590 "of the individual input stimuli, and the F-statistic for significance of   \n"
00591 "the overall regression.  Additional output consists of a 3d+time dataset   \n"
00592 "containing the estimated system impulse response function.                 \n"
00593     "                                                                       \n"
00594     "Usage:                                                                 \n"
00595     PROGRAM_NAME "\n"
00596     "                                                                       \n"
00597     "**** Input data and control options:                                   \n"
00598     "-input fname         fname = filename of 3d+time input dataset         \n"
00599     "                       (more than  one filename  can be  given)        \n"
00600     "                       (here,   and  these  datasets  will  be)        \n"
00601     "                       (catenated  in time;   if you do this, )        \n"
00602     "                       ('-concat' is not needed and is ignored)        \n"
00603     "[-input1D dname]     dname = filename of single (fMRI) .1D time series \n"
00604     "[-nodata [NT [TR]]   Evaluate experimental design only (no input data) \n"
00605     "[-mask mname]        mname = filename of 3d mask dataset               \n"
00606     "[-automask]          build a mask automatically from input data        \n"
00607     "                      (will be slow for long time series datasets)     \n"
00608     "[-censor cname]      cname = filename of censor .1D time series        \n"
00609     "[-concat rname]      rname = filename for list of concatenated runs    \n"
00610     "[-nfirst fnum]       fnum = number of first dataset image to use in the\n"
00611     "                       deconvolution procedure. (default = max maxlag) \n"
00612     "[-nlast  lnum]       lnum = number of last dataset image to use in the \n"
00613     "                       deconvolution procedure. (default = last point) \n"
00614     "[-polort pnum]       pnum = degree of polynomial corresponding to the  \n"
00615     "                       null hypothesis  (default: pnum = 1)            \n"
00616     "[-legendre]          use Legendre polynomials for null hypothesis      \n"
00617     "[-nolegendre]        use power polynomials for null hypotheses         \n"
00618     "                       (default is -legendre)                          \n"
00619     "[-nodmbase]          don't de-mean baseline time series                \n"
00620     "                       (i.e., polort>1 and -stim_base inputs)          \n"
00621     "[-dmbase]            de-mean baseline time series (default if polort>0)\n"
00622     "[-nocond]            don't calculate matrix condition number           \n"
00623     "[-svd]               Use SVD instead of Gaussian elimination (default) \n"
00624     "[-nosvd]             Use Gaussian elimination instead of SVD           \n"
00625     "[-rmsmin r]          r = minimum rms error to reject reduced model     \n"
00626     "                                                                       \n"
00627     "**** Input stimulus options:                                           \n"
00628     "-num_stimts num      num = number of input stimulus time series        \n"
00629     "                       (0 <= num)   (default: num = 0)                 \n"
00630     "-stim_file k sname   sname = filename of kth time series input stimulus\n"
00631     "[-stim_label k slabel] slabel = label for kth input stimulus           \n"
00632     "[-stim_base k]       kth input stimulus is part of the baseline model  \n"
00633     "[-stim_minlag k m]   m = minimum time lag for kth input stimulus       \n"
00634     "                       (default: m = 0)                                \n"
00635     "[-stim_maxlag k n]   n = maximum time lag for kth input stimulus       \n"
00636     "                       (default: n = 0)                                \n"
00637     "[-stim_nptr k p]     p = number of stimulus function points per TR     \n"
00638     "                       Note: This option requires 0 slice offset times \n"
00639     "                       (default: p = 1)                                \n"
00640     "                                                                       \n"
00641     "[-stim_times k tname Rmodel]                                           \n"
00642     "   Generate the k-th response model from a set of stimulus times       \n"
00643     "   given in file 'tname'.  The response model is specified by the      \n"
00644     "   'Rmodel' argument, which can be one of                              \n"
00645     "     'GAM(p,q)'    = 1 parameter gamma variate                         \n"
00646     "     'SPMG'        = 2 parameter SPM gamma variate + derivative        \n"
00647     "     'POLY(b,c,n)' = n parameter polynomial expansion                  \n"
00648     "     'SIN(b,c,n)'  = n parameter sine series expansion                 \n"
00649     "     'TENT(b,c,n)' = n parameter tent function expansion               \n"
00650     "     'BLOCK(d,p)'  = 1 parameter block stimulus of duration 'd'        \n"
00651     "                     (can also be called 'IGFUN' which stands)         \n"
00652     "                     (for 'incomplete gamma function'        )         \n"
00653     "     'EXPR(b,c) exp1 ... expn' = n parameter; arbitrary expressions    \n"
00654     "                                                                       \n"
00655     "[-basis_normall a]                                                     \n"
00656     "   Normalize all basis functions for '-stim_times' to have             \n"
00657     "   amplitude 'a' (must have a > 0).  The peak absolute value           \n"
00658     "   of each basis function will be scaled to be 'a'.                    \n"
00659     "   NOTE: -basis_normall only affect -stim_times options that           \n"
00660     "         appear LATER on the command line                              \n"
00661     "                                                                       \n"
00662     "**** General linear test (GLT) options:                                \n"
00663     "-num_glt num         num = number of general linear tests (GLTs)       \n"
00664     "                       (0 <= num)   (default: num = 0)                 \n"
00665     "[-glt s gltname]     Perform s simultaneous linear tests, as specified \n"
00666     "                       by the matrix contained in file gltname         \n"
00667     "[-glt_label k glabel]  glabel = label for kth general linear test      \n"
00668     "[-gltsym gltname]    Read the GLT with symbolic names from the file    \n"
00669     "                                                                       \n"
00670     "[-TR_irc dt]                                                           \n"
00671     "   Use 'dt' as the stepsize for computation of integrals in -IRC_times \n"
00672     "   options.  Default is to use value given in '-TR_times'.             \n"
00673     "                                                                       \n"
00674     "**** Options for output 3d+time datasets:                              \n"
00675     "[-iresp k iprefix]   iprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which  \n"
00676     "                       will contain the kth estimated impulse response \n"
00677     "[-tshift]            Use cubic spline interpolation to time shift the  \n"
00678     "                       estimated impulse response function, in order to\n"
00679     "                       correct for differences in slice acquisition    \n"
00680     "                       times. Note that this effects only the 3d+time  \n"
00681     "                       output dataset generated by the -iresp option.  \n"
00682     "[-sresp k sprefix]   sprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which  \n"
00683     "                       will contain the standard deviations of the     \n"
00684     "                       kth impulse response function parameters        \n"
00685     "[-fitts  fprefix]    fprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which  \n"
00686     "                       will contain the (full model) time series fit   \n"
00687     "                       to the input data                               \n"
00688     "[-errts  eprefix]    eprefix = prefix of 3d+time output dataset which  \n"
00689     "                       will contain the residual error time series     \n"
00690     "                       from the full model fit to the input data       \n"
00691     "[-TR_times dt]                                                         \n"
00692     "   Use 'dt' as the stepsize for output of -iresp and -sresp file       \n"
00693     "   for response models generated by '-stim_times' options.             \n"
00694     "   Default is same as time spacing in the '-input' 3D+time dataset.    \n"
00695     "                                                                       \n"
00696     "**** Options to control the contents of the output bucket dataset:     \n"
00697     "[-fout]            Flag to output the F-statistics                     \n"
00698     "[-rout]            Flag to output the R^2 statistics                   \n"
00699     "[-tout]            Flag to output the t-statistics                     \n"
00700     "[-vout]            Flag to output the sample variance (MSE) map        \n"
00701     "[-nobout]          Flag to suppress output of baseline coefficients    \n"
00702     "                     (and associated statistics)                       \n"
00703     "[-nocout]          Flag to suppress output of regression coefficients  \n"
00704     "                     (and associated statistics)                       \n"
00705     "[-full_first]      Flag to specify that the full model statistics will \n"
00706     "                     appear first in the bucket dataset output         \n"
00707     "[-bucket bprefix]  Create one AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing various \n"
00708     "                     parameters of interest, such as the estimated IRF \n"
00709     "                     coefficients, and full model fit statistics.      \n"
00710     "                     Output 'bucket' dataset is written to bprefix.    \n"
00711     "                                                                       \n"
00712     "[-xsave]           Flag to save X matrix into file bprefix.xsave       \n"
00713     "                     (only works if -bucket option is also given)      \n"
00714     "[-noxsave]         Don't save X matrix (this is the default)           \n"
00715     "[-cbucket cprefix] Save the regression coefficients (no statistics)    \n"
00716     "                     into a dataset named 'cprefix'.  This dataset     \n"
00717     "                     will be used in a -xrestore run instead of the    \n"
00718     "                     bucket dataset, if possible.                      \n"
00719     "                                                                       \n"
00720     "[-xrestore f.xsave] Restore the X matrix, etc. from a previous run     \n"
00721     "                     that was saved into file 'f.xsave'.  You can      \n"
00722     "                     then carry out new -glt tests.  When -xrestore    \n"
00723     "                     is used, most other command line options are      \n"
00724     "                     ignored.                                          \n"
00725     "                                                                       \n"
00726     "**** The following options control the screen output only:             \n"
00727     "[-quiet]             Flag to suppress most screen output               \n"
00728     "[-xout]              Flag to write X and inv(X'X) matrices to screen   \n"
00729     "[-xjpeg filename]    Write a JPEG file graphing the X matrix           \n"
00730     "[-progress n]        Write statistical results for every nth voxel     \n"
00731     "[-fdisp fval]        Write statistical results for those voxels        \n"
00732     "                       whose full model F-statistic is > fval          \n"
00733     );
00735 #ifdef PROC_MAX
00736     printf( "\n"
00737             " -jobs J   Run the program with 'J' jobs (sub-processes).\n"
00738             "             On a multi-CPU machine, this can speed the\n"
00739             "             program up considerably.  On a single CPU\n"
00740             "             machine, using this option is silly.\n"
00741             "             J should be a number from 1 up to the\n"
00742             "             number of CPU sharing memory on the system.\n"
00743             "             J=1 is normal (single process) operation.\n"
00744             "             The maximum allowed value of J is %d.\n"
00745             "         * For more information on parallelizing, see\n"
00746             "    \n"
00747             "         * Use -mask to get more speed; cf. 3dAutomask.\n"
00748           , PROC_MAX ) ;
00749 #endif
00751     printf("\n"
00752            "** NOTE **\n"
00753            "This version of the program has been compiled to use\n"
00754 #ifdef FLOATIZE
00755            "single precision arithmetic for most internal calculations.\n"
00756 #else
00757            "double precision arithmetic for most internal calculations.\n"
00758 #endif
00759           ) ;
00761   exit(0);
00762 }

void do_xrestore_stuff int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options   option_data

bad bad bad *

Definition at line 6384 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_datum_all, ADN_func_type, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_type, argc, attach_sub_brick(), DC_options::bucket_filename, BucketFilename, calc_sse(), calloc, check_xrestore_data(), CoefFilename, matrix::cols, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, DESTROY_IMARR, DSET_delete, DSET_HEADNAME, DSET_load, DSET_LOADED, DSET_mallocize, DSET_NVALS, DSET_NVOX, DSET_unload, DSET_write, EDIT_add_bricklist(), EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), vector::elts, matrix::elts, FILENAME_TO_PREFIX, DC_options::fout, fout, free, FUNC_BUCK_TYPE, FUNC_FIM_TYPE, FUNC_THR_TYPE, glt_analysis(), DC_options::glt_filename, DC_options::glt_label, DC_options::glt_rows, GoodList, HEAD_FUNC_TYPE, IMARR_SUBIM, init_glt_analysis(), InputFilename, ISVALID_DSET, malloc, matrix_file_read(), matrix_initialize(), MRI_FLOAT_PTR, nGoodList, nParam, DC_options::num_glt, ParamIndex, ParamLabel, ParamStim, PROGRAM_NAME, read_glt_matrix(), DC_options::rout, matrix::rows, THD_extract_array(), THD_extract_many_series(), THD_MAX_NAME, THD_open_dataset(), DC_options::tout, tross_Make_History(), vector_create(), vector_initialize(), vector_multiply(), verb, THD_3dim_dataset::view_type, vstep_print(), xrestore_filename, and XSAVE_input().

Referenced by main().

06385 {
06386    THD_3dim_dataset *dset_time , *dset_coef, *dset_buck ;
06387    int nt , np , ii, nxyz, tout,rout,fout, ixyz,novar,view ;
06388    char *buck_prefix , *buck_name ;
06389    char brick_label[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
06391    float *ts_array = NULL; /* array of measured data for one voxel */
06392 #undef  NGET
06393 #define NGET 32            /* number to get at one time */
06394    int nget=0 ,            /* number of time series current gotten */
06395        cget=0 ,            /* index of next timeseries in iget & imget */
06396        jget   ,            /* loop index for iget */
06397        iget[NGET] ;        /* voxel index of timeseries */
06398    MRI_IMARR *imget=NULL ; /* array of timeseries */
06400    int num_glt , iglt , ilc,nlc ;
06401    matrix *glt_cmat , *glt_amat , *cxtxinvct ;
06402    vector *glt_coef , *glt_tcoef, y , coef ;
06403    float *fglt , *rglt ;
06404    char **glt_label ;
06405    int *glt_rows ;
06406    float ***glt_coef_vol       ,
06407          ***glt_tcoef_vol=NULL ,
06408          ** glt_fstat_vol=NULL ,
06409          ** glt_rstat_vol=NULL  ;
06410    float *cdar=NULL , ssef , *volume ;
06411    int ivol , nvol , nbuck , vstep ;
06413    /*----- Check for GLT options -----*/
06415    num_glt   = option_data->num_glt   ;
06416    glt_label = option_data->glt_label ;
06417    glt_rows  = option_data->glt_rows  ;
06419    tout = option_data->tout ;
06420    rout = option_data->rout ;
06421    fout = option_data->fout ;
06423    if( num_glt < 1 ){
06424      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: -xrestore with no new GLTs???\n"); exit(1);
06425    }
06427    /*----- initialize values to be read from xsave file -----*/
06429    matrix_initialize( &X )        ;
06430    matrix_initialize( &XtXinv )   ;
06431    matrix_initialize( &XtXinvXt ) ;
06432    nGoodList = 0 ; GoodList   = NULL ;
06433    nParam    = 0 ; ParamIndex = NULL ; ParamStim = NULL ; ParamLabel = NULL ;
06435    /*----- read xsave file -----*/
06437    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Starting -xrestore %s\n",xrestore_filename) ;
06439    XSAVE_input( xrestore_filename ) ;
06440    check_xrestore_data() ;
06442    nt = X.rows ; np = X.cols ;  /* number of time points and parameters */
06444    /*----- read input time series dataset -----*/
06446    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ loading time series dataset '%s'\n",InputFilename);
06447    dset_time = THD_open_dataset( InputFilename ) ;
06448    if( dset_time == NULL ){
06449      fprintf(stderr,
06450              "** ERROR: -xrestore can't open time series dataset '%s'\n" ,
06451              InputFilename ) ;
06452      exit(1) ;
06453    }
06454    DSET_load( dset_time ) ;
06455    if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_time) ){
06456      fprintf(stderr,
06457              "** ERROR: -xrestore can't load time series dataset '%s'\n" ,
06458              InputFilename ) ;
06459      exit(1) ;
06460    }
06461    nxyz = DSET_NVOX(dset_time) ;  /* number of voxels */
06462    view = dset_time->view_type ;  /* +orig, +acpc, +tlrc ? */
06464    /*----- read coefficient dataset (if possible) -----*/
06466    dset_coef = NULL ;
06467    if( CoefFilename != NULL ){
06468      if( verb) fprintf(stderr,"++ loading coefficient dataset %s\n",CoefFilename);
06469      dset_coef = THD_open_dataset( CoefFilename ) ;
06470      if( dset_coef == NULL ){
06471        fprintf(stderr,
06472                "** WARNING: -xrestore can't open coefficient dataset %s\n",
06473                CoefFilename);
06474      } else {
06475        DSET_load(dset_coef) ;
06476        if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_coef) ){
06477          fprintf(stderr,
06478                  "** WARNING: -xrestore can't load coefficient dataset %s\n",
06479                  CoefFilename);
06480          DSET_delete(dset_coef) ; dset_coef = NULL ;
06481        }
06482      }
06483      if( dset_coef != NULL && DSET_NVALS(dset_coef) < np ){
06484        fprintf(stderr,
06485                "** WARNING: -xrestore coefficient dataset %s too short\n",
06486                CoefFilename);
06487        DSET_delete(dset_coef) ; dset_coef = NULL ;
06488      }
06489      if( dset_coef != NULL ){
06490        if( ParamIndex != NULL ) free((void *)ParamIndex) ;
06491        ParamIndex = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*np) ;
06492        for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ ) ParamIndex[ii] = ii ;
06493      }
06494    }
06496    /*----- if above failed, try the old bucket dataset -----*/
06498    if( dset_coef == NULL && BucketFilename != NULL && ParamIndex != NULL ){
06499      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ loading original bucket dataset %s\n",BucketFilename) ;
06500      dset_coef = THD_open_dataset( BucketFilename ) ;
06501      if( dset_coef == NULL ){
06502        fprintf(stderr,
06503                "** WARNING: -xrestore can't open old bucket dataset %s\n",
06504                BucketFilename);
06505      } else {
06506        DSET_load(dset_coef) ;
06507        if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_coef) ){
06508          fprintf(stderr,
06509                  "** WARNING: -xrestore can't load old bucket dataset %s\n",
06510                  BucketFilename);
06511          DSET_delete(dset_coef) ; dset_coef = NULL ;
06512        }
06513      }
06514      if( dset_coef != NULL && DSET_NVALS(dset_coef) < ParamIndex[np-1] ){
06515        fprintf(stderr,
06516                "** WARNING: -xrestore old bucket dataset %s too short\n",
06517                BucketFilename);
06518        DSET_delete(dset_coef) ; dset_coef = NULL ;
06519      }
06520    }
06522    if( ISVALID_DSET(dset_coef) && DSET_NVOX(dset_coef) != nxyz ){
06523      fprintf(stderr,
06524              "** ERROR: dataset mismatch between time series and coef!\n") ;
06525      exit(1) ;
06526    }
06528    /*----- neither worked ==> must recompute from input data time series -----*/
06530    if( dset_coef == NULL && verb )
06531     fprintf(stderr,
06532            "++ -xrestore recomputing coefficients from time series\n");
06534    /*----- read new GLT matrices -----*/
06536    glt_cmat = (matrix *) malloc( sizeof(matrix) * num_glt ) ;
06538    for( iglt=0; iglt < num_glt ; iglt++){
06539      matrix_initialize( glt_cmat + iglt ) ;
06540 #if 1
06541      read_glt_matrix( option_data->glt_filename[iglt] ,
06542                       option_data->glt_rows + iglt ,
06543                       np , glt_cmat + iglt             ) ;
06544 #else
06545      matrix_file_read ( option_data->glt_filename[iglt] ,
06546                             option_data->glt_rows[iglt] ,
06547                         np , glt_cmat+iglt , 1           ) ;
06548      if( glt_cmat[iglt].elts == NULL ){
06549        fprintf(stderr,
06550                "** ERROR: Can't read GLT matrix from file %s\n",
06551                option_data->glt_filename[iglt] ) ;
06552        exit(1) ;
06553      }
06554 #endif
06555    }
06557    /*----- initialize new GLT calculations:
06558             - setup space for matrices and vectors
06559             - calculate matrices
06560             - malloc space for output bricks -----*/
06562    cxtxinvct = (matrix *) malloc( sizeof(matrix) * num_glt ) ;
06563    glt_amat  = (matrix *) malloc( sizeof(matrix) * num_glt ) ;
06564    glt_coef  = (vector *) malloc( sizeof(vector) * num_glt ) ;
06565    glt_tcoef = (vector *) malloc( sizeof(vector) * num_glt ) ;
06567    for( iglt=0 ; iglt < num_glt ; iglt++ ){
06568      matrix_initialize( cxtxinvct+iglt ) ;  /* will be loaded in   */
06569      matrix_initialize( glt_amat +iglt ) ;  /* init_glt_analysis() */
06570      vector_initialize( glt_coef +iglt ) ;
06571      vector_initialize( glt_tcoef+iglt ) ;
06572    }
06574    fglt = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * num_glt ) ;
06575    rglt = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * num_glt ) ;
06577    vector_initialize( &y )   ; vector_create( nt, &y    );  /* time series */
06578    vector_initialize( &coef ); vector_create( np, &coef );  /* parameters */
06580    if( dset_coef != NULL )
06581      cdar = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * DSET_NVALS(dset_coef) ) ;
06583    init_glt_analysis( XtXinv , num_glt , glt_cmat , glt_amat , cxtxinvct ) ;
06585    /*-- malloc output bricks --*/
06587    glt_coef_vol = (float ***) malloc( sizeof(float **) * num_glt ) ;
06588    if( tout )
06589      glt_tcoef_vol  = (float ***) malloc( sizeof(float **) * num_glt ) ;
06590    if( fout )
06591      glt_fstat_vol = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *)  * num_glt ) ;
06592    if( rout )
06593      glt_rstat_vol = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *)  * num_glt ) ;
06595    nvol = 0 ;
06596    for( iglt=0 ; iglt < num_glt ; iglt++ ){
06597      nlc = glt_rows[iglt];
06598      glt_coef_vol[iglt] = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nlc ) ;
06599      if( tout )
06600        glt_tcoef_vol[iglt] = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nlc ) ;
06601      for( ilc=0 ; ilc < nlc ; ilc++ ){
06602        glt_coef_vol[iglt][ilc] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nxyz); nvol++;
06603        if( tout ){
06604          glt_tcoef_vol[iglt][ilc] = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nxyz); nvol++;
06605        }
06606      }
06607      if( fout ){
06608        glt_fstat_vol[iglt] = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float), nxyz ); nvol++;
06609      }
06610      if( rout ){
06611        glt_rstat_vol[iglt] = (float *)calloc( sizeof(float), nxyz ); nvol++;
06612      }
06613    }
06615    /*----- loop over voxels:
06616             - fetch coefficients (check for all zero), or recompute them
06617             - fetch time series
06618             - compute SSE of full model
06619             - compute and store new GLT results in arrays -----*/
06621    vstep = nxyz / 50 ; if( !verb ) vstep = 0 ;
06622    if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop:") ;
06623    for( ixyz=0 ; ixyz < nxyz ; ixyz++ ){
06625      if( vstep > 0 && ixyz%vstep == vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;
06627      /*** race ahead and extract a bunch of voxel time series at once ***/
06629      if( cget == nget ){
06630        if( imget != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(imget) ;
06631        iget[0] = ixyz ; nget = 1 ;
06632        for( jget=ixyz+1 ; jget < nxyz && nget < NGET ; jget++ )
06633          iget[nget++] = jget ;
06634        imget = THD_extract_many_series( nget, iget, dset_time ) ;
06635        cget  = 0 ;  /* the next one to take out of imget */
06636      }
06638      /*** Extract Y-data for this voxel ***/
06640      ts_array = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(IMARR_SUBIM(imget,cget)) ; cget++ ;
06641      for( ii=0 ; ii < nt ; ii++ ) y.elts[ii] = ts_array[GoodList[ii]];
06643      /*** Extract or recompute coefficients for this voxel ***/
06645      if( dset_coef != NULL ){
06646        (void) THD_extract_array( ixyz , dset_coef , 0 , cdar ) ;
06647        for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ ) coef.elts[ii] = cdar[ParamIndex[ii]] ;
06648      } else {
06649        vector_multiply( XtXinvXt , y , &coef ) ;
06650      }
06652      /*** if coef is all zero, skip this voxel ***/
06654      for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ ) if( coef.elts[ii] != 0.0 ) break ;
06655      novar = (ii==np) ;
06657      if( !novar ) ssef = calc_sse( X , coef , y ) ;
06659      /************************************/
06660      /*** Do the work we came here for ***/
06661      /************************************/
06663      glt_analysis( nt , np ,
06664                    X , y , ssef , coef , novar ,
06665                    cxtxinvct , num_glt , glt_rows , glt_cmat , glt_amat ,
06666                    glt_coef , glt_tcoef , fglt , rglt ) ;
06668      /*** save results into output bricks ***/
06670      if (glt_coef_vol != NULL)
06671       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
06672        if (glt_coef_vol[iglt] != NULL)
06673         for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
06674          glt_coef_vol[iglt][ilc][ixyz] = glt_coef[iglt].elts[ilc];
06676      if (glt_tcoef_vol != NULL)
06677       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
06678        if (glt_tcoef_vol[iglt] != NULL)
06679         for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
06680          glt_tcoef_vol[iglt][ilc][ixyz] = glt_tcoef[iglt].elts[ilc];
06682      if (glt_fstat_vol != NULL)
06683       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
06684        if (glt_fstat_vol[iglt] != NULL)
06685         glt_fstat_vol[iglt][ixyz] = fglt[iglt];
06687      if (glt_rstat_vol != NULL)
06688       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
06689        if (glt_rstat_vol[iglt] != NULL)
06690         glt_rstat_vol[iglt][ixyz] = rglt[iglt];
06692    } /*** end of loop over voxels */
06694    if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;  /* end of progress meter */
06696    /*** unload input datasets to save memory ***/
06698                            DSET_unload( dset_time ) ;
06699    if( dset_coef != NULL ) DSET_delete( dset_coef ) ;
06701    /*----- open old dataset for output if
06702              (a) -bucket was given for an existing dataset, or
06703              (b) no -bucket option was given;
06704             otherwise, open a new dataset for output of the GLT results -----*/
06706    if( option_data->bucket_filename != NULL ){
06707      buck_prefix = strdup(option_data->bucket_filename) ;
06708    } else if( BucketFilename != NULL ){
06709      buck_prefix = (char *)malloc(strlen(BucketFilename)+4) ;
06710      FILENAME_TO_PREFIX( BucketFilename , buck_prefix ) ;
06711    } else {
06712      buck_prefix = strdup("X") ;   /* bad user, bad bad bad */
06713    }
06715    /*** try to open dataset as an old one **/
06717    buck_name = (char *)malloc(strlen(buck_prefix)+32) ;
06718    strcpy(buck_name,buck_prefix) ;
06719    strcat(buck_name,"+") ; strcat(buck_name,VIEW_codestr[view]) ;
06721    dset_buck = THD_open_dataset( buck_name ) ;
06723    if( dset_buck != NULL ){
06725      if( verb) fprintf(stderr,"++ -xrestore appending to dataset %s\n",buck_name) ;
06726      DSET_mallocize( dset_buck ) ;
06727      if( DSET_NVOX(dset_buck) != nxyz ){
06728        fprintf(stderr,
06729                "** ERROR: dataset %s mismatch with time series '%s'\n" ,
06730                buck_name , DSET_HEADNAME(dset_time)       );
06731        exit(0) ;
06732      }
06733      DSET_load( dset_buck ) ;
06734      if( !DSET_LOADED(dset_buck) ){
06735        fprintf(stderr,
06736                "** ERROR: can't load dataset %s from disk\n" , buck_name ) ;
06737        exit(1) ;
06738      }
06740      /* add nvol empty bricks at the end */
06742      ivol = DSET_NVALS(dset_buck) ;   /* where to save first new brick */
06744      EDIT_add_bricklist( dset_buck , nvol, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ;
06746    } else {  /*** create a new dataset ***/
06748      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ -xrestore creating new dataset %s\n",buck_name) ;
06750      dset_buck = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ;
06751      (void) EDIT_dset_items( dset_buck ,
06752                              ADN_prefix,          buck_prefix ,
06753                              ADN_type,            HEAD_FUNC_TYPE,
06754                              ADN_func_type,       FUNC_BUCK_TYPE,
06755                              ADN_datum_all,       MRI_short ,
06756                              ADN_ntt,             0,               /* no time */
06757                              ADN_nvals,           nvol ,
06758                              ADN_malloc_type,     DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
06759                              ADN_none ) ;
06760      ivol = 0 ;
06761    }
06763    tross_Make_History( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv , dset_buck ) ;
06765    nbuck = DSET_NVALS(dset_buck) ;
06767    /*** attach sub-bricks to output ***/
06769    for( iglt=0 ; iglt < num_glt ; iglt++ ){
06771      for( ilc=0 ; ilc < glt_rows[iglt] ; ilc++ ){
06772        sprintf( brick_label , "%s LC[%d] coef" , glt_label[iglt], ilc ) ;
06773        volume = glt_coef_vol[iglt][ilc];
06774        attach_sub_brick( dset_buck, ivol, volume, nxyz,
06775                          FUNC_FIM_TYPE, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
06776        free((void *)volume) ; ivol++ ;
06778        if( tout ){
06779          sprintf( brick_label , "%s LC[%d] t-st" , glt_label[iglt], ilc ) ;
06780          volume = glt_tcoef_vol[iglt][ilc];
06781          attach_sub_brick( dset_buck, ivol, volume, nxyz,
06782                            FUNC_TT_TYPE, brick_label, nt-np, 0, 0, NULL);
06783          free((void *)volume) ; ivol++ ;
06784        }
06785      }
06787      if( rout ){
06788        sprintf( brick_label , "%s R^2" , glt_label[iglt] ) ;
06789        volume = glt_rstat_vol[iglt];
06790        attach_sub_brick( dset_buck, ivol, volume, nxyz,
06791                          FUNC_THR_TYPE, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
06792        free((void *)volume) ; ivol++ ;
06793      }
06795      if( fout ){
06796        sprintf( brick_label , "%s F-stat" , glt_label[iglt] ) ;
06797        volume = glt_fstat_vol[iglt];
06798        attach_sub_brick( dset_buck, ivol, volume, nxyz,
06799                          FUNC_FT_TYPE, brick_label, 0, glt_rows[iglt], nt-np, NULL);
06800        free((void *)volume) ; ivol++ ;
06801      }
06802    }  /** End loop over general linear tests **/
06804    /*----- Write dataset out! -----*/
06806    DSET_write( dset_buck ) ;
06807    return ;
06808 }

void do_xrestore_stuff int   ,
char **   ,
struct DC_options  

float EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new int    nxyz,
int    itype,
void *    ivol,
int    otype,
void *    ovol

compute start time of this timeseries *

Definition at line 4347 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References EDIT_coerce_scale_type(), ENTRY, MCW_vol_amax(), MRI_IS_INT_TYPE, RETURN, and top.

04349 {
04350   float fac=0.0 , top ;
04352 ENTRY("EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new") ;
04354   if( MRI_IS_INT_TYPE(otype) ){
04355     top = MCW_vol_amax( nxyz,1,1 , itype,ivol ) ;
04356     if (top == 0.0)  fac = 0.0;
04357     else  fac = MRI_TYPE_maxval[otype]/top;
04358   }
04360   EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nxyz , fac , itype,ivol , otype,ovol ) ;
04361   RETURN ( fac );
04362 }

floatpair evaluate_irc basis_irc   birc,
vector    coef,
float    base,
float    mse,
matrix    cvar

Definition at line 7812 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References floatpair::a, floatpair::b, base, denom_BASELINE, basis_irc::denom_flag, matrix::elts, vector::elts, basis_irc::npar, basis_irc::pbot, basis_irc::scale_fac, and basis_irc::ww.

07814 {
07815    floatpair vt={0.0f,0.0f} ;
07816    int ii,jj, np, pb ;
07817    double asum , bsum ;
07818    float *ww ;
07820    np = birc->npar ;
07821    pb = birc->pbot ;
07822    ww = birc->ww ;
07824    asum = 0.0 ;
07825    for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ )
07826      asum += coef.elts[pb+ii] * ww[ii] ;
07828    bsum = 0.0 ;
07829    for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ )
07830      for( jj=0 ; jj < np ; jj++ )
07831        bsum += cvar.elts[pb+ii][pb+jj] * ww[ii] * ww[jj] ;
07833    bsum *= mse ;  /* variance estimate */
07835    if( bsum > 0.0 ) vt.b = asum / sqrt(bsum) ;  /* t statistic */
07837    vt.a = (float)(asum * birc->scale_fac) ;
07838    if( birc->denom_flag && denom_BASELINE ){
07839      if( base == 0.0f ) vt.a  = 0.0f ;
07840      else               vt.a /= base ;
07841    }
07842    return vt ;
07843 }

void get_options int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options   option_data

Definition at line 964 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References addto_args(), AFNI_logger(), argc, basis_count, basis_dtout, basis_filler, basis_need_mse, basis_normall, basis_parser(), calloc, CoefFilename, DC_error(), display_help_menu(), initialize_glt_options(), initialize_options(), initialize_stim_options(), irc_dt, machdep(), mainENTRY, malloc, mri_read_ascii_ragged(), MTEST, basis_expansion::name, PROC_MAX, proc_numjob, proc_use_jobs, PROGRAM_NAME, show_singvals, strtod(), THD_is_file(), THD_MAX_NAME, verb, xrestore, xrestore_filename, and xsave.

00970 {
00971   int nopt = 1;                     /* input option argument counter */
00972   int ival, index;                  /* integer input */
00973   float fval;                       /* float input */
00974   char message[THD_MAX_NAME];       /* error message */
00975   int k;                            /* stimulus time series index */
00976   int s;                            /* number of linear constraints in GLT */
00977   int iglt = 0;                     /* general linear test index */
00978   int nerr ;
00980   /*-- addto the arglist, if user wants to --*/
00981   mainENTRY("3dDeconvolve"); machdep() ; /* RWCox: 20 Apr 2001 */
00982   { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
00983     addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
00984     if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
00985   }
00988   /*----- does user request help menu? -----*/
00989   if (argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0)  display_help_menu();
00992   /*----- add to program log -----*/
00993   AFNI_logger (PROGRAM_NAME,argc,argv);
00996   /*----- initialize the input options -----*/
00997   initialize_options (option_data);
01000   /*----- main loop over input options -----*/
01001   while (nopt < argc )
01002     {
01004       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-OK") == 0 ){ nopt++; continue; } /* 14 Jul 2004 */
01006       /*-----   -nocond           ------*/
01008       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-nocond") == 0 ){  /* 15 Jul 2004 */
01009 #ifndef FLOATIZE
01010         option_data->nocond = 1 ;   /* only allow this for double precision */
01011 #else
01012         fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: -nocond is ignored in 3dDeconvolve_f!\n") ;
01013 #endif
01014         nopt++ ; continue ;
01015       }
01017       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-singvals") == 0 ){  /* 13 Aug 2004 */
01018         show_singvals = 1 ; option_data->nocond = 0 ;
01019         nopt++ ; continue ;
01020       }
01022       /*-----   -xjpeg filename  ------*/
01023       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-xjpeg") == 0)   /* 21 Jul 2004 */
01024       {
01025         nopt++;
01026         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -xjpeg ");
01027         option_data->xjpeg_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01028         MTEST (option_data->xjpeg_filename);
01029         strcpy (option_data->xjpeg_filename, argv[nopt]);
01030           if( strstr(option_data->xjpeg_filename,".jpg") == NULL &&
01031               strstr(option_data->xjpeg_filename,".JPG") == NULL   )
01032             strcat( option_data->xjpeg_filename , ".jpg" ) ;
01033         nopt++; continue;
01034       }
01037       /*-----   -input filename   -----*/
01038       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-input") == 0)
01039       {
01040           int iopt , slen ;
01041         nopt++;
01042         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -input ");
01043 #if 0
01044         option_data->input_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01045         MTEST (option_data->input_filename);
01046         strcpy (option_data->input_filename, argv[nopt]);
01047         nopt++;
01048 #else                   /* 05 Aug 2004: multiple input datasets */
01049           slen = 0 ;
01050           for( iopt=nopt ; iopt < argc && argv[iopt][0] != '-' ; iopt++ )
01051             slen += strlen(argv[iopt])+8 ;
01052           option_data->input_filename = calloc(sizeof(char),slen) ;
01053         MTEST (option_data->input_filename);
01054           for( iopt=nopt ; iopt < argc && argv[iopt][0] != '-' ; iopt++ ){
01055             strcat( option_data->input_filename , argv[iopt] ) ;
01056             strcat( option_data->input_filename , " "        ) ;
01057           }
01058           slen = strlen(option_data->input_filename) ;
01059           option_data->input_filename[slen-1] = '\0' ; /* trim last blank */
01060           nopt = iopt ;
01061 #endif
01062         continue;
01063       }
01066       /*-----   -mask filename   -----*/
01067       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-mask") == 0)
01068       {
01069         nopt++;
01070         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -mask ");
01071      if( option_data->automask ) DC_error("can't use -mask AND -automask!") ;
01072         option_data->mask_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01073         MTEST (option_data->mask_filename);
01074         strcpy (option_data->mask_filename, argv[nopt]);
01075         nopt++;
01076         continue;
01077       }
01079       /*----    -automask   -----*/
01080       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0 ){   /* 15 Apr 2005 */
01081         if( option_data->mask_filename != NULL )
01082           DC_error("can't use -automask AND -mask!") ;
01083         option_data->automask = 1 ;
01084         nopt++ ; continue ;
01085       }
01088       /*-----   -input1D filename   -----*/
01089       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-input1D") == 0)
01090       {
01091         nopt++;
01092         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -input1D ");
01093         option_data->input1D_filename =
01094           malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01095         MTEST (option_data->input1D_filename);
01096         strcpy (option_data->input1D_filename, argv[nopt]);
01097         nopt++;
01098         continue;
01099       }
01102       /*-----   -censor filename   -----*/
01103       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-censor") == 0)
01104       {
01105         nopt++;
01106         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -censor ");
01107         option_data->censor_filename =
01108           malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01109         MTEST (option_data->censor_filename);
01110         strcpy (option_data->censor_filename, argv[nopt]);
01111         nopt++;
01112         continue;
01113       }
01116       /*-----   -concat filename   -----*/
01117       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-concat") == 0)
01118       {
01119         nopt++;
01120         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -concat ");
01121         option_data->concat_filename =
01122           malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01123         MTEST (option_data->concat_filename);
01124         strcpy (option_data->concat_filename, argv[nopt]);
01125         nopt++;
01126         continue;
01127       }
01130       /*-----   -nodata   -----*/
01131       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nodata") == 0)
01132        {
01133         option_data->nodata = 1;
01134         nopt++;
01136      /* 27 Apr 2005: check for additional numeric values */
01138      if( isdigit(argv[nopt][0]) ){  /* get NT */
01139        option_data->nodata_NT = (int)strtol(argv[nopt++],NULL,10) ;
01140        if( isdigit(argv[nopt][0]) ){  /* get TR */
01141          option_data->nodata_TR = (float)strtod(argv[nopt++],NULL) ;
01142        }
01143      }
01144         continue;
01145       }
01148       /*-----   -nfirst num  -----*/
01149       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nfirst") == 0)
01150       {
01151         nopt++;
01152         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -nfirst ");
01153         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01154         if (ival < 0)
01155           DC_error ("illegal argument after -nfirst ");
01156         option_data->NFirst = ival;
01157         nopt++;
01158         continue;
01159       }
01162       /*-----   -nlast num  -----*/
01163       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nlast") == 0)
01164       {
01165         nopt++;
01166         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -nlast ");
01167         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01168         if (ival < 0)
01169           DC_error ("illegal argument after -nlast ");
01170         option_data->NLast = ival;
01171         nopt++;
01172         continue;
01173       }
01176       /*-----   -polort num  -----*/
01177       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-polort") == 0)
01178       {
01179         nopt++;
01180         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -polort ");
01181         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01182         if (ival < -1)
01183           DC_error ("illegal argument after -polort ");
01184         option_data->polort = ival;
01185         nopt++;
01186         continue;
01187       }
01189       /*----- -legendre AND -nolegendre [15 Jul 2004] -----*/
01191       if( strstr(argv[nopt],"legendre") != NULL ){
01192         legendre_polort = (strncmp(argv[nopt],"-leg",4) == 0) ;
01193         nopt++ ; continue ;
01194       }
01196       /*----- -nosvd [20 Jul 2004] -----*/
01198       if( strstr(argv[nopt],"svd") != NULL ){
01199         use_psinv = (strncmp(argv[nopt],"-svd",4) == 0) ;
01200         nopt++ ; continue ;
01201       }
01203       /*----- -nodmbase [12 Aug 2004] -----*/
01205       if( strstr(argv[nopt],"dmbase") != NULL ){
01206         demean_base = (strncmp(argv[nopt],"-dmb",4) == 0) ;
01207         nopt++ ; continue ;
01208       }
01210       /*----- -noxsave [25 Jul 2004] -----*/
01212       if( strstr(argv[nopt],"xsave") != NULL ){
01213         xsave = (strncmp(argv[nopt],"-xsave",5) == 0) ;
01214         nopt++ ; continue ;
01215       }
01217       /*----- -xrestore [26 Jul 2004] -----*/
01219       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-xrestore") == 0 ){
01220         nopt++;
01221         if( nopt >= argc) DC_error ("need argument after -xrestore ");
01222         xrestore_filename = strdup( argv[nopt] ) ;
01223         if( !THD_is_file(xrestore_filename) )
01224           DC_error("file named after -xrestore doesn't exist") ;
01225         xrestore = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
01226       }
01228       /*-----   -quiet   -----*/
01229       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-quiet") == 0)
01230       {
01231         option_data->quiet = 1;  verb = 0 ;
01232         nopt++;
01233         continue;
01234       }
01236       /*-----   -progress n  -----*/
01237       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-progress") == 0)
01238       {
01239         nopt++;
01240         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -progress ");
01241         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01242         if (ival < 0)
01243           DC_error ("illegal argument after -progress ");
01244         option_data->progress = ival;
01245         nopt++;
01246         continue;
01247       }
01250       /*-----   -rmsmin r  -----*/
01251       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-rmsmin") == 0)
01252       {
01253         nopt++;
01254         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -rmsmin ");
01255         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
01256         if (fval < 0.0)
01257           DC_error ("illegal argument after -rmsmin ");
01258         option_data->rms_min = fval;
01259         nopt++;
01260         continue;
01261       }
01264       /*-----   -fdisp fval   -----*/
01265       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fdisp") == 0)
01266       {
01267         nopt++;
01268         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -fdisp ");
01269         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%f", &fval);
01270         option_data->fdisp = fval;
01271         nopt++;
01272         continue;
01273       }
01276       /*-----   -num_stimts num  -----*/
01277       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-num_stimts") == 0)
01278       {
01279         nopt++;
01280         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -num_stimts ");
01281         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01282         if (ival < 0)
01283           {
01284             DC_error ("-num_stimts num   Require: num >= 0 ");
01285           }
01287         initialize_stim_options (option_data, ival);
01289         nopt++;
01290         continue;
01291       }
01293       /*-----  -TR_times basis_dtout [16 Aug 2004]  -----*/
01294       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-TR_times") == 0 ){
01295         nopt++ ;
01296         if( nopt >= argc ) DC_error("need argument after -TR_times") ;
01297         sscanf( argv[nopt] , "%f" , &basis_dtout ) ;
01298         if( basis_dtout <= 0.0f ){
01299           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: -TR_times '%s' is illegal\n",argv[nopt]) ;
01300           exit(1) ;
01301         }
01302         nopt++ ; continue ;
01303       }
01305       /*-----  -TR_irc irc_dt [08 Sep 2004]  -----*/
01306       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-TR_irc") == 0 ){
01307         nopt++ ;
01308         if( nopt >= argc ) DC_error("need argument after -TR_irc") ;
01309         sscanf( argv[nopt] , "%f" , &irc_dt ) ;
01310         if( irc_dt <= 0.0f ){
01311           fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: -TR_irc '%s' is illegal\n",argv[nopt]) ;
01312           exit(1) ;
01313         }
01314         nopt++ ; continue ;
01315       }
01317       /*----- -basis_normall a  [28 Apr 2005] -----*/
01319       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-basis_normall") == 0 ){
01320         nopt++ ;
01321         if( nopt >= argc ) DC_error("need argument after -basis_normall") ;
01322         basis_normall = strtod( argv[nopt] , NULL ) ;
01323         if( basis_normall <= 0.0f )
01324           DC_error("value after -basis_normall is illegal!") ;
01325         nopt++ ; continue ;
01326       }
01328       /*-----  -stim_times k sname rtype [10 Aug 2004]  -----*/
01329       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-stim_times") == 0 ){
01330         nopt++ ;
01331         if( nopt+2 >= argc ) DC_error("need 3 arguments after -stim_times");
01332         sscanf( argv[nopt] , "%d" , &ival ) ;
01333         if( (ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts) ){
01334           fprintf(stderr,
01335                   "** ERROR: '-stim_times %d' value out of range 1..%d\n",
01336                   ival , option_data->num_stimts ) ;
01337           exit(1) ;
01338         }
01339         k = ival-1 ; nopt++ ;
01340         if( option_data->stim_filename[k] != NULL ){
01341           fprintf(stderr,
01342                   "** ERROR: '-stim_times %d' trying to overwrite previous stimulus\n",
01343                   ival ) ;
01344           exit(1) ;
01345         }
01346         option_data->stim_filename[k] = strdup( argv[nopt] ) ;
01347         basis_times[k] = mri_read_ascii_ragged( argv[nopt] , basis_filler ) ;
01348         if( basis_times[k] == NULL ){
01349           fprintf(stderr,
01350                   "** ERROR: '-stim_times %d' can't read file '%s'\n",
01351                   ival , argv[nopt] ) ;
01352           exit(1) ;
01353         }
01354         nopt++ ;
01355         basis_stim[k] = basis_parser( argv[nopt] ) ;  /* regression model */
01356         if( basis_stim[k] == NULL ){
01357           fprintf(stderr,
01358                   "** ERROR: '-stim_times %d %s' can't parse '%s'\n",
01359                   ival , argv[nopt-1] , argv[nopt] ) ;
01360         }
01361         basis_count++ ;
01362         nopt++ ; continue ;
01363       }
01365       /*-----   -stim_file k sname   -----*/
01366       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_file") == 0)
01367       {
01368         nopt++;
01369         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -stim_file");
01371         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01372         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01373           DC_error ("-stim_file k sname   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01374         k = ival-1;
01375         nopt++;
01376           if( option_data->stim_filename[k] != NULL ){
01377             fprintf(stderr,
01378                     "** ERROR: '-stim_file %d' trying to overwrite previous stimulus\n",
01379                     ival ) ;
01380             exit(1) ;
01381           }
01383         option_data->stim_filename[k] = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01384         MTEST (option_data->stim_filename[k]);
01385         strcpy (option_data->stim_filename[k], argv[nopt]);
01386         nopt++;
01387         continue;
01388       }
01391       /*-----   -stim_label k slabel   -----*/
01392       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_label") == 0)
01393       {
01394         nopt++;
01395         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -stim_label");
01397         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01398         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01399           DC_error ("-stim_label k slabel   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01400         k = ival-1;
01401         nopt++;
01403         strcpy (option_data->stim_label[k], argv[nopt]);
01404         nopt++;
01405         continue;
01406       }
01409       /*-----   -stim_base k   -----*/
01410       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_base") == 0)
01411       {
01412         nopt++;
01413         if (nopt >= argc)
01414           DC_error ("need 1 argument after -stim_base");
01416         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01417         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01418           DC_error ("-stim_base k   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01419         k = ival-1;
01420         option_data->stim_base[k] = 1;
01421         nopt++;
01422         continue;
01423       }
01426       /*-----   -stim_minlag k lag   -----*/
01427       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_minlag") == 0)
01428       {
01429         nopt++;
01430         if (nopt+1 >= argc)
01431           DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -stim_minlag");
01433         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01434         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01435           DC_error ("-stim_minlag k lag   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01436         k = ival-1;
01437         nopt++;
01439         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01440         if (ival < 0)
01441           DC_error ("-stim_minlag k lag   Require: 0 <= lag");
01442         option_data->stim_minlag[k] = ival;
01443         nopt++;
01444         continue;
01445       }
01448       /*-----   -stim_maxlag k lag   -----*/
01449       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_maxlag") == 0)
01450       {
01451         nopt++;
01452         if (nopt+1 >= argc)
01453           DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -stim_maxlag");
01455         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01456         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01457           DC_error ("-stim_maxlag k lag   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01458         k = ival-1;
01459         nopt++;
01461         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01462         if (ival < 0)
01463           DC_error ("-stim_maxlag k lag   Require: 0 <= lag");
01464         option_data->stim_maxlag[k] = ival;
01465         nopt++;
01466         continue;
01467       }
01470       /*-----   -stim_nptr k p   -----*/
01471       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-stim_nptr") == 0)
01472       {
01473         nopt++;
01474         if (nopt+1 >= argc)
01475           DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -stim_nptr");
01477         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01478         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01479           DC_error ("-stim_nptr k p   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01480         k = ival-1;
01481         nopt++;
01483         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01484         if (ival < 1)
01485           DC_error ("-stim_nptr k p   Require: 1 <= p");
01486         option_data->stim_nptr[k] = ival;
01487         nopt++;
01488         continue;
01489       }
01492       /*-----   -num_glt num  -----*/
01493       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-num_glt") == 0)
01494       {
01495         nopt++;
01496         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need argument after -num_glt ");
01497         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01498         if (ival < 0)
01499           {
01500             DC_error ("-num_glt num   Require: num >= 0 ");
01501           }
01503         if (option_data->num_glt > 0)
01504           DC_error ("-num_glt option must precede any -glt options ");
01506         initialize_glt_options (option_data, ival);
01508         nopt++;
01509         continue;
01510       }
01513       /*-----   -glt s gltname   -----*/
01514       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-glt") == 0)
01515       {
01516         nopt++;
01517         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -glt");
01519         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01520         if (ival < 1)
01521           {
01522             DC_error ("-glt s gltname  Require: s >= 1  (s = #rows in GLT)");
01523           }
01524         s = ival;
01526         if (option_data->num_glt == 0)
01527           initialize_glt_options (option_data, 10);   /* default limit on GLTs */
01529         if (iglt+1 > option_data->num_glt)
01530           DC_error ("Use -num_glt option to specify number of GLTs");
01532         option_data->glt_rows[iglt] = s;
01533         nopt++;
01535         option_data->glt_filename[iglt]
01536           = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01537         MTEST (option_data->glt_filename[iglt]);
01538         strcpy (option_data->glt_filename[iglt],
01539               argv[nopt]);
01540         iglt++;
01542         nopt++;
01543         continue;
01544       }
01546       /*---- -gltsym gltname [29 Jul 2004] -----*/
01548       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-gltsym") == 0 ){
01549         nopt++ ;
01550         if( nopt >= argc ) DC_error("need 1 argument after -gltsym") ;
01552         if( option_data->num_glt == 0 )
01553           initialize_glt_options(option_data,10) ;   /* default limit on GLTs */
01555         if( iglt+1 > option_data->num_glt )
01556           DC_error("Use -num_glt option to specify number of GLTs when more than 10") ;
01558         option_data->glt_rows[iglt] = -1 ;  /* flag for symbolic read */
01560         option_data->glt_filename[iglt] = strdup( argv[nopt] ) ;
01561         iglt++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
01562       }
01565       /*-----   -glt_label k glabel   -----*/
01566       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-glt_label") == 0)
01567       {
01568         nopt++;
01569         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -glt_label");
01571         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01572         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_glt))
01573           DC_error ("-stim_label k slabel   Require: 1 <= k <= num_glt");
01574         k = ival-1;
01575         nopt++;
01577         strcpy (option_data->glt_label[k], argv[nopt]);
01578         nopt++;
01579         continue;
01580       }
01583       /*-----   -iresp k iprefix   -----*/
01584       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-iresp") == 0)
01585       {
01586         nopt++;
01587         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -iresp");
01589         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01590         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01591           DC_error ("-iresp k iprefix   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01592         k = ival-1;
01593         nopt++;
01595         option_data->iresp_filename[k]
01596           = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01597         MTEST (option_data->iresp_filename[k]);
01598         strcpy (option_data->iresp_filename[k], argv[nopt]);
01599         nopt++;
01600         continue;
01601       }
01604       /*-----   -tshift   -----*/
01605       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-tshift") == 0)
01606       {
01607         option_data->tshift = 1;
01608         nopt++;
01609         continue;
01610       }
01613       /*-----   -sresp k sprefix   -----*/
01614       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-sresp") == 0)
01615       {
01616         nopt++;
01617         if (nopt+1 >= argc)  DC_error ("need 2 arguments after -sresp");
01619         sscanf (argv[nopt], "%d", &ival);
01620         if ((ival < 1) || (ival > option_data->num_stimts))
01621           DC_error ("-sresp k iprefix   Require: 1 <= k <= num_stimts");
01622         k = ival-1;
01623         nopt++;
01625         option_data->sresp_filename[k]
01626           = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01627         MTEST (option_data->sresp_filename[k]);
01628         strcpy (option_data->sresp_filename[k], argv[nopt]);
01629         nopt++;
01630         continue;
01631       }
01634       /*-----   -fout   -----*/
01635       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fout") == 0)
01636       {
01637         option_data->fout = 1;
01638         nopt++;
01639         continue;
01640       }
01643       /*-----   -rout   -----*/
01644       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-rout") == 0)
01645       {
01646         option_data->rout = 1;
01647         nopt++;
01648         continue;
01649       }
01652       /*-----   -tout   -----*/
01653       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-tout") == 0)
01654       {
01655         option_data->tout = 1;
01656         nopt++;
01657         continue;
01658       }
01661       /*-----   -vout   -----*/
01662       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-vout") == 0)
01663       {
01664         option_data->vout = 1;
01665         nopt++;
01666         continue;
01667       }
01670       /*-----   -xout   -----*/
01671       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-xout") == 0)
01672       {
01673         option_data->xout = 1;
01674         nopt++;
01675         continue;
01676       }
01679       /*-----   -nobout   -----*/
01680       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nobout") == 0)
01681       {
01682         option_data->nobout = 1;
01683         nopt++;
01684         continue;
01685       }
01688       /*-----   -nocout   -----*/
01689       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-nocout") == 0)
01690       {
01691         option_data->nocout = 1;
01692         nopt++;
01693         continue;
01694       }
01697       /*-----   -full_first   -----*/
01698       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-full_first") == 0)
01699       {
01700         option_data->full_first = 1;
01701         nopt++;
01702         continue;
01703       }
01706       /*-----   -bucket filename   -----*/
01707       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-bucket") == 0 || strcmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 )
01708       {
01709         nopt++;
01710         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need file prefixname after -bucket ");
01711         option_data->bucket_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01712         MTEST (option_data->bucket_filename);
01713         strcpy (option_data->bucket_filename, argv[nopt]);
01714         nopt++;
01715         continue;
01716       }
01718       /*-----   -cbucket filename   -----*/
01719       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-cbucket") == 0 || strcmp(argv[nopt],"-cprefix") == 0 )
01720       {
01721         nopt++;
01722         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need file prefixname after -cbucket ");
01723           CoefFilename = strdup( argv[nopt] ) ;
01724         nopt++; continue;
01725       }
01728       /*-----   -fitts filename   -----*/
01729       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-fitts") == 0)
01730       {
01731         nopt++;
01732         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need file prefixname after -fitts ");
01733         option_data->fitts_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01734         MTEST (option_data->fitts_filename);
01735         strcpy (option_data->fitts_filename, argv[nopt]);
01736         nopt++;
01737         continue;
01738       }
01741       /*-----   -errts filename   -----*/
01742       if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-errts") == 0)
01743       {
01744         nopt++;
01745         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need file prefixname after -errts ");
01746         option_data->errts_filename = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
01747         MTEST (option_data->errts_filename);
01748         strcpy (option_data->errts_filename, argv[nopt]);
01749         nopt++;
01750         continue;
01751       }
01753       /*-----   -jobs J   -----*/
01754       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-jobs") == 0 ){   /* RWCox */
01755         nopt++ ;
01756         if (nopt >= argc)  DC_error ("need J parameter after -jobs ");
01757 #ifdef PROC_MAX
01758         proc_numjob = strtol(argv[nopt],NULL,10) ;
01759         if( proc_numjob < 1 ){
01760           fprintf(stderr,"** NOTICE: setting number of processes to 1!\n") ;
01761           proc_numjob = 1 ;
01762         } else if( proc_numjob > PROC_MAX ){
01763           fprintf(stderr,"** NOTICE: setting number of processes to %d!\n",PROC_MAX);
01764           proc_numjob = PROC_MAX ;
01765         }
01766 #else
01767         fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: -jobs not supported in this version\n") ;
01768 #endif
01769         proc_use_jobs = 1 ;     /* -jobs opt given    2003.08.15 [rickr] */
01770         nopt++; continue;
01771       }
01774       /*----- unknown command -----*/
01775       sprintf(message,"Unrecognized command line option: %s\n", argv[nopt]);
01776       DC_error (message);
01778     }
01781   /*----- Set number of GLTs actually present -----*/
01782   option_data->num_glt = iglt;
01784   /*---- if -jobs is given, make sure are processing 3D data ----*/
01786 #ifdef PROC_MAX
01787   if( (xrestore || option_data->input1D_filename != NULL) && proc_numjob > 1 ){
01788     proc_numjob = 1 ;
01789     if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: -jobs reset to 1\n") ;
01790   }
01791 #endif
01793   /**--- Test various combinations for legality [11 Aug 2004] ---**/
01795   if( option_data->polort < 0 ) demean_base = 0 ;  /* 12 Aug 2004 */
01797   nerr = 0 ;
01798   for( k=0 ; k < option_data->num_stimts ; k++ ){
01800     if( basis_stim[k] != NULL ){    /* -stim_times input */
01802       basis_stim[k]->name = strdup( option_data->stim_label[k] ) ;
01804       if( option_data->sresp_filename[k] != NULL ) basis_need_mse = 1 ;
01806       if( option_data->stim_nptr[k] != 1 ){
01807         fprintf(stderr,
01808                 "** ERROR: '-stim_nptr %d %d' illegal with '-stim_times'\n",
01809                 k+1 , option_data->stim_nptr[k] ) ;
01810         nerr++ ;
01811       }
01812       if( option_data->stim_base[k] != 0 ){
01813         fprintf(stderr,
01814                 "** ERROR: '-stim_base %d' illegal with '-stim_times'\n",
01815                 k+1 ) ;
01816         nerr++ ;
01817       }
01818       if( option_data->stim_minlag[k] != 0 ){
01819         fprintf(stderr,
01820                 "** ERROR: '-stim_minlag %d %d' illegal with '-stim_times'\n",
01821                 k+1 , option_data->stim_minlag[k] ) ;
01822         nerr++ ;
01823       }
01824       if( option_data->stim_maxlag[k] != 0 ){
01825         fprintf(stderr,
01826                 "** ERROR: '-stim_maxlag %d %d' illegal with '-stim_times'\n",
01827                 k+1 , option_data->stim_maxlag[k] ) ;
01828         nerr++ ;
01829       }
01831     } else {    /* -stim_file type of input */
01833       if( option_data->stim_filename[k] == NULL ){
01834         fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: no stimulus #%d given\n",k+1) ;
01835         nerr++ ;
01836       }
01838     }
01839   } /* end of loop over stimuli */
01840   if( nerr > 0 ) exit(1) ;
01842 }

void identify_software  

Definition at line 551 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.


Referenced by display_help_menu(), initialize_program(), and print_options().

00552 {
00554   /*----- Identify software -----*/
00555 #if 1
00556   PRINT_VERSION("3dDeconvolve") ;
00557 #else
00558   printf ("\n\n");
00559   printf ("Program:          %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
00560   printf ("Author:           %s \n", PROGRAM_AUTHOR);
00561   printf ("Initial Release:  %s \n", PROGRAM_INITIAL);
00562   printf ("Latest Revision:  %s \n", PROGRAM_LATEST);
00563 #endif
00565 #ifdef USE_ALTIVEC
00566   INFO_message ("Compiled with Altivec acceleration for Mac OS X\n") ;
00567 #elif defined(USE_SUNPERF) && !defined(FLOATIZE)
00568   INFO_message ("Compiled with BLAS-1 acceleration for Solaris\n") ;
00569 #elif defined(USE_SCSLBLAS)
00570   INFO_message ("Compiled with BLAS-1 acceleration for SGI Altix\n") ;
00571 #endif
00572 }

void initialize_glt_options DC_options   option_data,
int    num_glt

Definition at line 918 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ENTRY, malloc, MTEST, and THD_MAX_NAME.

Referenced by get_options().

00923 {
00924   int iglt;                   /* glt index */
00926 ENTRY("initialize_glt_options") ;
00929   /*----- Set number of general linear tests -----*/
00930   if (num_glt <= 0)  EXRETURN ;
00931   else  option_data->num_glt = num_glt;
00934   /*----- Allocate memory for glt options -----*/
00935   option_data->glt_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_glt);
00936   MTEST (option_data->glt_filename);
00937   option_data->glt_label = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_glt);
00938   MTEST (option_data->glt_label);
00939   option_data->glt_rows = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_glt);
00940   MTEST (option_data->glt_rows);
00943   /*----- Initialize glt options -----*/
00944   for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
00945     {
00946       option_data->glt_filename[iglt] = NULL;
00947       option_data->glt_label[iglt] = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
00948       MTEST (option_data->glt_label[iglt]);
00949       sprintf (option_data->glt_label[iglt], "GLT #%d ", iglt+1);
00950       option_data->glt_rows[iglt] = 0;
00951     }
00954    EXRETURN ;
00955 }

void initialize_options DC_options   option_data

Definition at line 771 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

00775 {
00776   int is;                     /* input stimulus time series index */
00778   /*----- Initialize default values -----*/
00779   option_data->nxyz     = -1;
00780   option_data->nt       = -1;
00781   option_data->NFirst   = -1;
00782   option_data->NLast    = -1;
00783   option_data->N        = 0;
00784   option_data->polort   = 1;
00785   option_data->rms_min  = 0.0;
00786   option_data->quiet    = 0;
00787   option_data->progress = 0;
00788   option_data->fdisp    = -1.0;
00789   option_data->nodata   = 0;
00790   option_data->p        = 0;
00791   option_data->q        = 0;
00792   option_data->qp       = 0;
00793   option_data->nbricks  = 0;
00794   option_data->nocond   = 0;   /* 15 Jul 2004 */
00795   option_data->nodata_NT= 0;   /* 27 Apr 2005 */
00796   option_data->nodata_TR= 0.0;
00798   option_data->xjpeg_filename = NULL ;  /* 21 Jul 2004 */
00800   /*----- Initialize stimulus options -----*/
00801   option_data->num_stimts = 0;
00802   option_data->stim_filename = NULL;
00803   option_data->stim_label = NULL;
00804   option_data->stim_base = NULL;
00805   option_data->stim_minlag = NULL;
00806   option_data->stim_maxlag = NULL;
00807   option_data->stim_nptr = NULL;
00808   option_data->iresp_filename = NULL;
00809   option_data->sresp_filename = NULL;
00811   /*----- Initialize glt options -----*/
00812   option_data->num_glt = 0;
00813   option_data->glt_filename = NULL;
00814   option_data->glt_label = NULL;
00815   option_data->glt_rows = NULL;
00817   /*----- Initialize output flags -----*/
00818   option_data->tshift = 0;
00819   option_data->fout = 0;
00820   option_data->rout = 0;
00821   option_data->tout = 0;
00822   option_data->vout = 0;
00823   option_data->xout = 0;
00824   option_data->nobout = 0;
00825   option_data->nocout = 0;
00826   option_data->full_first = 0;
00828   /*----- Initialize character strings -----*/
00829   option_data->input_filename = NULL;
00830   option_data->mask_filename = NULL;
00831   option_data->input1D_filename = NULL;
00832   option_data->censor_filename = NULL;
00833   option_data->concat_filename = NULL;
00834   option_data->bucket_filename = NULL;
00835   option_data->fitts_filename = NULL;
00836   option_data->errts_filename = NULL;
00838   option_data->automask = 0 ;  /* 15 Apr 2005 */
00839 }

void initialize_program int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options **    option_data,
THD_3dim_dataset **    dset_time,
byte **    mask_vol,
float **    fmri_data,
int *    fmri_length,
float **    censor_array,
int *    censor_length,
int **    good_list,
int **    block_list,
int *    num_blocks,
float ***    stimulus,
int **    stim_length,
matrix **    glt_cmat,
float ***    coef_vol,
float ***    scoef_vol,
float ***    tcoef_vol,
float ***    fpart_vol,
float ***    rpart_vol,
float **    mse_vol,
float **    ffull_vol,
float **    rfull_vol,
float ****    glt_coef_vol,
float ****    glt_tcoef_vol,
float ***    glt_fstat_vol,
float ***    glt_rstat_vol,
float ***    fitts_vol,
float ***    errts_vol

Definition at line 3278 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References allocate_memory(), argc, check_for_valid_inputs(), ENTRY, get_options(), identify_software(), malloc, read_input_data(), and remove_zero_stimfns().

03313 {
03314   int iglt;                  /* general linear test index */
03316 ENTRY("initialize_program") ;
03319   /*----- Allocate memory -----*/
03320   *option_data = (DC_options *) malloc (sizeof(DC_options));
03323   /*----- Get command line inputs -----*/
03324   get_options (argc, argv, *option_data);
03327   /*----- Identify software -----*/
03328   if (!(*option_data)->quiet)  identify_software();
03330   if( xrestore ) EXRETURN ;  /* 26 Jul 2004 - special operations to do! */
03332   /*----- Tell the user if he is being foolish -----*/
03333   if( !(*option_data)->quiet &&
03334       !legendre_polort       &&
03335       (*option_data)->polort > 1 ){  /* 20 Jul 2004 */
03336     fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: you have polynomials of order %d for the baseline\n"
03337                    "**          but disabled use of the Legendre polynomials!\n"
03338                    "**          Check the matrix condition and accuracy of results!\n" ,
03339             (*option_data)->polort ) ;
03340     (*option_data)->nocond = 0 ;
03341   }
03343   /*----- Read input data -----*/
03344   read_input_data (*option_data, dset_time, mask_vol, fmri_data, fmri_length,
03345                censor_array, censor_length, block_list, num_blocks,
03346                stimulus, stim_length, glt_cmat);
03349   /*----- Remove all-zero stimulus functions -----*/
03350   if( !use_psinv )
03351     remove_zero_stimfns (*option_data, *stimulus, *stim_length, *glt_cmat);
03354   /*----- Check for valid inputs -----*/
03355   check_for_valid_inputs (*option_data, *dset_time,
03356                     *fmri_length, *censor_array, *censor_length,
03357                     *block_list, *num_blocks, *stim_length, *stimulus, good_list);
03360   /*----- Allocate memory for output volumes -----*/
03361   if (!(*option_data)->nodata)
03362     allocate_memory (*option_data, coef_vol, scoef_vol, tcoef_vol,
03363                  fpart_vol, rpart_vol, mse_vol, ffull_vol, rfull_vol,
03364                  glt_coef_vol, glt_tcoef_vol, glt_fstat_vol, glt_rstat_vol,
03365                  fitts_vol, errts_vol);
03367   EXRETURN ;
03368 }

void initialize_stim_options DC_options   option_data,
int    num_stimts

Definition at line 848 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ENTRY, malloc, MTEST, and THD_MAX_NAME.

Referenced by get_options().

00853 {
00854   int is;                     /* input stimulus time series index */
00856 ENTRY("initialize_stim_options") ;
00858   /*----- Set number of input stimulus time series -----*/
00859   if (num_stimts <= 0)  EXRETURN ;
00860   else  option_data->num_stimts = num_stimts;
00863   /*----- Allocate memory for stimulus options -----*/
00864   option_data->stim_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_stimts);
00865   MTEST (option_data->stim_filename);
00866   option_data->stim_label = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_stimts);
00867   MTEST (option_data->stim_label);
00868   option_data->stim_base = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_stimts);
00869   MTEST (option_data->stim_base);
00870   option_data->stim_minlag = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_stimts);
00871   MTEST (option_data->stim_minlag);
00872   option_data->stim_maxlag = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_stimts);
00873   MTEST (option_data->stim_maxlag);
00874   option_data->stim_nptr   = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * num_stimts);
00875   MTEST (option_data->stim_nptr);
00876   option_data->iresp_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_stimts);
00877   MTEST (option_data->iresp_filename);
00878   option_data->sresp_filename = (char **) malloc (sizeof(char *) * num_stimts);
00879   MTEST (option_data->sresp_filename);
00881   /* 10 Aug 2004: add space for basis function expansions */
00883   basis_stim  = (basis_expansion **)malloc(sizeof(basis_expansion *)*num_stimts);
00884   basis_times = (MRI_IMAGE **)      malloc(sizeof(MRI_IMAGE *)      *num_stimts);
00885   basis_vect  = (MRI_IMAGE **)      malloc(sizeof(MRI_IMAGE *)      *num_stimts);
00887   /*----- Initialize stimulus options -----*/
00888   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
00889     {
00890       option_data->stim_filename[is] = NULL;
00891       option_data->stim_label[is] = malloc (sizeof(char)*THD_MAX_NAME);
00892       MTEST (option_data->stim_label[is]);
00893       sprintf (option_data->stim_label[is], "Stim#%d", is+1);
00895       option_data->stim_base[is] = 0;
00896       option_data->stim_minlag[is]   = 0;
00897       option_data->stim_maxlag[is]   = 0;
00898       option_data->stim_nptr[is]     = 1;
00900       option_data->iresp_filename[is] = NULL;
00901       option_data->sresp_filename[is] = NULL;
00903       basis_stim [is] = NULL ;   /* 10 Aug 2004 */
00904       basis_times[is] = NULL ;
00905       basis_vect [is] = NULL ;
00906     }
00908    EXRETURN ;
00909 }

NI_element* intvec_to_niml int    nvec,
int *    vec,
char *    ename

Encode an integer list into a NIML element. NI_free_element() this when done with it. ename is the name of the NIML element to create. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 5985 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References NI_add_column(), NI_INT, NI_new_data_element(), and vec.

Referenced by XSAVE_output().

05986 {
05987    NI_element *nel ;
05989    if( nvec < 1 || vec == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad user, bad */
05991    if( ename == NULL || *ename == '\0' ) ename = "intvec" ;
05993    nel = NI_new_data_element( ename , nvec ) ;
05994    NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT , vec ) ;
05995    return nel ;
05996 }

void JPEG_matrix_gray matrix    X,
char *    fname

Definition at line 5843 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References free, malloc, mri_free(), MRI_RGB_PTR, MRI_IMAGE::nvox, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, pclose, PLOT_matrix_gray(), popen, and THD_find_executable().

Referenced by calculate_results().

05844 {
05845    char *pg , *jpfilt ;
05846    MRI_IMAGE *im ;
05847    FILE *fp ;
05849    if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' ) return ;
05851    pg = THD_find_executable( "cjpeg" ) ;
05852    if( pg == NULL ){
05853      fprintf(stderr,
05854              "** WARNING: can't save %s because program 'cjpeg' not in path!\n",
05855              fname) ;
05856      return ;
05857    }
05859    im = PLOT_matrix_gray( X ) ;
05860    if( im == NULL ){
05861      fprintf(stderr,
05862              "** WARNING: can't save %s because of internal error!\n",fname) ;
05863      return ;
05864    }
05866    jpfilt = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char)*(strlen(pg)+strlen(fname)+32) ) ;
05867    sprintf( jpfilt , "%s -quality 95 > %s" , pg , fname ) ;
05868 #ifndef CYGWIN
05869    signal( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN ) ; errno = 0 ;
05870 #endif
05871    fp = popen( jpfilt , "w" ) ;
05872    if( fp == NULL ){
05873      mri_free(im) ; free((void *)jpfilt) ;
05874      fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: can't save %s because cjpeg filter fails!\n",fname) ;
05875      return ;
05876    }
05877    fprintf(fp,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n" , im->nx,im->ny ) ;
05878    fwrite( MRI_RGB_PTR(im), sizeof(byte), 3*im->nvox, fp ) ;
05879    (void) pclose(fp) ;
05880    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote matrix image to file %s\n",fname) ;
05882    mri_free(im) ; free((void *)jpfilt) ; return ;
05883 }

int main int    argc,
char **    argv

Definition at line 5568 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References argc, calculate_results(), COX_clock_time(), do_xrestore_stuff(), enable_mcw_malloc(), fd, free, get_matrix_dotlen(), get_matrix_flops(), initialize_program(), mainENTRY, DC_options::nodata, output_results(), proc_numjob, proc_use_jobs, terminate_program(), THD_delete_3dim_dataset(), and verb.

05573 {
05574   DC_options * option_data;               /* deconvolution algorithm options */
05575   THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time = NULL;    /* input 3d+time data set */
05576   byte * mask_vol  = NULL;                /* mask volume */
05577   float * fmri_data = NULL;               /* input fMRI time series data */
05578   int fmri_length;                        /* length of fMRI time series */
05579   float * censor_array = NULL;            /* input censor time series array */
05580   int censor_length;                      /* length of censor time series */
05581   int * good_list = NULL;                 /* list of usable time points */
05582   int * block_list = NULL;                /* list of block starting points */
05583   int num_blocks;                         /* number of blocks (runs) */
05584   float ** stimulus = NULL;               /* stimulus time series arrays */
05585   int  * stim_length = NULL;              /* length of stimulus time series */
05586   matrix * glt_cmat = NULL;               /* general linear test matrices */
05588   float ** coef_vol = NULL;   /* array of volumes for model parameters */
05589   float ** scoef_vol = NULL;  /* array of volumes for parameter std. devs. */
05590   float ** tcoef_vol = NULL;  /* array of volumes for parameter t-statistics */
05591   float ** fpart_vol = NULL;  /* array of volumes of partial F-statistics */
05592   float ** rpart_vol = NULL;  /* array of volumes of partial R^2 stats. */
05594   float * mse_vol   = NULL;   /* volume of full model mean square error */
05595   float * ffull_vol = NULL;   /* volume of full model F-statistics */
05596   float * rfull_vol = NULL;   /* volume of full model R^2 stats. */
05598   float *** glt_coef_vol = NULL;    /* volumes for GLT linear combinations */
05599   float *** glt_tcoef_vol = NULL;   /* volumes for GLT t-statistics */
05600   float **  glt_fstat_vol = NULL;   /* volumes for GLT F-statistics */
05601   float **  glt_rstat_vol = NULL;   /* volumes for GLT R^2 stats. */
05603   float ** fitts_vol = NULL;   /* volumes for full model fit to input data */
05604   float ** errts_vol = NULL;   /* volumes for residual errors */
05607 #ifdef FLOATIZE
05608   /*----- force the user to acknowledge the riskiness of his behavior -----*/
05609   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-OK") != 0 ){
05610     fprintf(stderr,"**\n"
05611                    "** 3dDeconvolve_f is now disabled by default.\n"
05612                    "** It is dangerous, due to roundoff problems.\n"
05613                    "** Please use 3dDeconvolve from now on!\n"
05614                    "**\n"
05615                    "** HOWEVER, if you insist on using 3dDeconvolve_f, then:\n"
05616                    "**        + Use '-OK' as the first command line option.\n"
05617                    "**        + Check the matrix condition number;\n"
05618                    "**            if it is greater than 100, BEWARE!\n"
05619                    "**\n"
05620                    "** RWCox - July 2004\n"
05621                    "**\n"
05622          ) ;
05623     exit(0) ;
05624   }
05625 #endif
05627 #ifdef USING_MCW_MALLOC
05628    enable_mcw_malloc() ;
05629 #endif
05630    mainENTRY("3dDeconvolve main") ;
05632   /*----- start the elapsed time counter -----*/
05633   (void) COX_clock_time() ;
05635   /*----- Program initialization -----*/
05636   initialize_program (argc, argv, &option_data, &dset_time, &mask_vol,
05637      &fmri_data, &fmri_length, &censor_array, &censor_length, &good_list,
05638      &block_list, &num_blocks, &stimulus, &stim_length, &glt_cmat,
05639      &coef_vol, &scoef_vol, &tcoef_vol, &fpart_vol, &rpart_vol,
05640      &mse_vol, &ffull_vol, &rfull_vol, &glt_coef_vol, &glt_tcoef_vol,
05641      &glt_fstat_vol, &glt_rstat_vol, &fitts_vol, &errts_vol);
05643   if( xrestore ){   /* 26 Jul 2004 - very special operations */
05644     do_xrestore_stuff( argc,argv , option_data ) ;
05645     exit(0) ;
05646   }
05649   /*----- Perform deconvolution -----*/
05650   calculate_results (option_data, dset_time, mask_vol, fmri_data, fmri_length,
05651      good_list, block_list, num_blocks, stimulus, stim_length,
05652      glt_cmat, coef_vol, scoef_vol, tcoef_vol, fpart_vol,
05653      rpart_vol, mse_vol, ffull_vol, rfull_vol, glt_coef_vol, glt_tcoef_vol,
05654      glt_fstat_vol, glt_rstat_vol, fitts_vol, errts_vol);
05657   /*----- Deallocate memory for input datasets -----*/
05658   if (dset_time != NULL)
05659     { THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset_time, False);  dset_time = NULL; }
05660   if (mask_vol != NULL)
05661     { free (mask_vol);  mask_vol = NULL; }
05664   /*----- Write requested output files -----*/
05665   if (!option_data->nodata)
05666     output_results (argc, argv, option_data, coef_vol, scoef_vol, tcoef_vol,
05667                 fpart_vol, rpart_vol, mse_vol, ffull_vol, rfull_vol,
05668                 glt_coef_vol, glt_tcoef_vol, glt_fstat_vol, glt_rstat_vol,
05669                 fitts_vol, errts_vol);
05672 #if 0
05673   /*----- Terminate program -----*/
05674   terminate_program (&option_data, &stimulus, &glt_cmat, &coef_vol, &scoef_vol,
05675                   &tcoef_vol, &fpart_vol, &rpart_vol, & mse_vol, &ffull_vol,
05676                  &rfull_vol, &glt_coef_vol, &glt_tcoef_vol, &glt_fstat_vol,
05677                   &glt_rstat_vol, &fitts_vol, &errts_vol);
05678 #endif
05680   if( proc_use_jobs == 1 && verb ){ /* output requested - 2003.08.15 [rickr] */
05681     fprintf(stderr,"++ Program finished; elapsed time=%.3f\n",COX_clock_time());
05682   }
05683 #ifndef FLOATIZE
05684   if( proc_numjob == 1 && verb ){ /* 16 Jan 2004: print operation count */
05685     double fv=get_matrix_flops() , fd=get_matrix_dotlen() ;
05686     if( fv > 0.0 && fd > 0.0 )
05687       fprintf(stderr,"++ #Flops=%g  Average Dot Product=%g\n",fv,fd) ;
05688   }
05689 #endif
05691   exit(0);
05692 }

NI_element* matrix_to_niml matrix    a,
char *    ename

Encode a matrix into a NIML element, which is returned; NI_free_element() this when done with it. ename is the name of the NIML element to create. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 5925 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, matrix::cols, matrix::elts, free, malloc, MTYPE, NI_add_column(), NI_DOUBLE, NI_new_data_element(), and matrix::rows.

Referenced by XSAVE_output().

05926 {
05927    int m=a.rows , n=a.cols , ii,jj ;
05928    MTYPE **aar = a.elts ;
05929    NI_element *nel ;
05930    double *ecol ;
05932    if( m < 1 || n < 1 || aar == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad user, bad */
05934    if( ename == NULL || *ename == '\0' ) ename = "matrix" ;
05936    nel  = NI_new_data_element( ename , m ) ;
05937    ecol = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*m) ;
05939    for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
05940      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) ecol[ii] = aar[ii][jj] ;
05941      NI_add_column( nel , NI_DOUBLE , ecol ) ;
05942    }
05944    free((void *)ecol) ;
05945    return nel ;
05946 }

void niml_to_intvec NI_element   nel,
int *    nvec,
int **    vec

Definition at line 6000 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References malloc, NI_INT, NI_element::vec, vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

06001 {
06002    if( nel == NULL || nvec == NULL || vec == NULL ) return ;
06004    if( nel->vec_len < 1 || nel->vec_num < 1 ) return ;
06005    if( nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT ) return ;
06007    *nvec = nel->vec_len ;
06008    *vec  = (int *)malloc(*nvec*sizeof(int)) ;
06009    memcpy(*vec,nel->vec[0],*nvec*sizeof(int)) ;
06010    return ;
06011 }

void niml_to_matrix NI_element   nel,
matrix   a

Decode an NIML element into a matrix. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 5952 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, matrix::elts, matrix_create(), MTYPE, NI_DOUBLE, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

05953 {
05954    int m , n , ii , jj ;
05955    double *ecol ;
05956    MTYPE **aar ;
05957    char *ename ;
05959    if( nel == NULL || a == NULL ) return ;
05961    m = nel->vec_len ;   /* number of rows */
05962    n = nel->vec_num ;   /* number of cols */
05964    if( m < 1 || n < 1 ) return ;
05965    for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ )
05966      if( nel->vec_typ[jj] != NI_DOUBLE ) return ;
05968    matrix_create( m , n , a ) ;
05969    aar = a->elts ;
05971    for( jj=0 ; jj < n ; jj++ ){
05972      ecol = (double *)nel->vec[jj] ;
05973      for( ii=0 ; ii < m ; ii++ ) aar[ii][jj] = (MTYPE)ecol[ii] ;;
05974    }
05976    return ;
05977 }

void niml_to_stringvec NI_element   nel,
int *    nstr,
char ***    str

Definition at line 6030 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References calloc, NI_STRING, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

06031 {
06032    int ii ;
06033    char **sv ;
06035    if( nel == NULL || nstr == NULL || str == NULL ) return ;
06037    if( nel->vec_len < 1 || nel->vec_num < 1 ) return ;
06038    if( nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_STRING ) return ;
06039    sv = (char **) nel->vec[0] ;
06041    *nstr = nel->vec_len ;
06042    *str  = (char **)calloc(sizeof(char *),*nstr) ;
06043    for( ii=0 ; ii < *nstr ; ii++ ) (*str)[ii] = strdup(sv[ii]) ;
06044    return ;
06045 }

void niml_to_symvec NI_element   nel,
int *    ns,
SYM_irange **    sv

Definition at line 6080 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References calloc, name, NI_INT, NI_STRING, NI_strncpy(), NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

06081 {
06082    int ii , *bc,*tc,*gc ; char **sc ;
06084    if( nel == NULL || ns == NULL || sv == NULL ) return ;
06086    if( nel->vec_len < 1 || nel->vec_num < 4 ) return ;
06087    if( nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_INT    ) return ;  bc = (int *)  nel->vec[0] ;
06088    if( nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_INT    ) return ;  tc = (int *)  nel->vec[1] ;
06089    if( nel->vec_typ[2] != NI_INT    ) return ;  gc = (int *)  nel->vec[2] ;
06090    if( nel->vec_typ[3] != NI_STRING ) return ;  sc = (char **)nel->vec[3] ;
06092    *ns = nel->vec_len ;
06093    *sv = (SYM_irange *)calloc(sizeof(SYM_irange),*ns) ;
06094    for( ii=0 ; ii < *ns ; ii++ ){
06095      (*sv)[ii].nbot = bc[ii] ;
06096      (*sv)[ii].ntop = tc[ii] ;
06097      (*sv)[ii].gbot = gc[ii] ;
06098      NI_strncpy( (*sv)[ii].name , sc[ii] , 64 ) ;
06099    }
06100    return ;
06101 }

void output_results int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options   option_data,
float **    coef_vol,
float **    scoef_vol,
float **    tcoef_vol,
float **    fpart_vol,
float **    rpart_vol,
float *    mse_vol,
float *    ffull_vol,
float *    rfull_vol,
float ***    glt_coef_vol,
float ***    glt_tcoef_vol,
float **    glt_fstat_vol,
float **    glt_rstat_vol,
float **    fitts_vol,
float **    errts_vol

Definition at line 5220 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References argc, basis_dtout, basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), cubic_spline(), basis_expansion::nfunc, p, q, write_bucket_data(), write_one_ts(), and write_ts_array().

05241 {
05242   int qp;                   /* number of poly. trend baseline parameters */
05243   int q;                    /* number of baseline model parameters */
05244   int p;                    /* number of full model parameters */
05245   int polort;               /* degree of polynomial for baseline model */
05246   int num_stimts;           /* number of stimulus time series */
05247   int * min_lag;            /* minimum time delay for impulse response */
05248   int * max_lag;            /* maximum time delay for impulse response */
05249   int * nptr;               /* number of stim fn. time points per TR */
05250   int ib;                   /* sub-brick index */
05251   int is;                   /* stimulus index */
05252   int ts_length;            /* length of impulse reponse function */
05253   int nt;                   /* number of images in input 3d+time dataset */
05254   int nxyz;                 /* number of voxels */
05257   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
05258   polort = option_data->polort;
05259   qp = option_data->qp;
05260   q  = option_data->q;
05261   p  = option_data->p;
05262   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
05263   min_lag = option_data->stim_minlag;
05264   max_lag = option_data->stim_maxlag;
05265   nptr    = option_data->stim_nptr;
05266   nt = option_data->nt;
05267   nxyz = option_data->nxyz;
05270   /*----- Write the bucket dataset -----*/
05271   if (option_data->bucket_filename != NULL)
05272     if (nxyz > 1)
05273       write_bucket_data (argc, argv, option_data,  coef_vol, tcoef_vol,
05274                fpart_vol, rpart_vol, mse_vol, ffull_vol, rfull_vol,
05275                glt_coef_vol, glt_tcoef_vol, glt_fstat_vol, glt_rstat_vol);
05276     else
05277       write_one_ts (option_data->bucket_filename, p, coef_vol);
05280   /*----- Write the impulse response function 3d+time dataset -----*/
05281   ib = qp;
05282   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
05283     {
05284       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){                    /* until later */
05285         if( option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL )
05286 #if 0
05287           fprintf(stderr,
05288                   "** WARNING: Ignoring -iresp %d '%s'\n",
05289                   is+1,option_data->iresp_filename[is]) ;
05290 #else
05291           basis_write_iresp( argc , argv , option_data ,
05292                              basis_stim[is] , basis_dtout ,
05293                              coef_vol+ib    ,
05294                              option_data->iresp_filename[is] ) ;
05295           ib += basis_stim[is]->nfunc ;
05296 #endif
05297         continue ;
05298       }
05300       /* old style iresp: each coefficent is a response */
05302       ts_length = max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
05303       if (option_data->iresp_filename[is] != NULL)
05304       {
05305         /*----- If requested, time shift the impulse response -----*/
05306         if ((option_data->tshift) && (nptr[is] == 1) && (nxyz > 1))
05307           cubic_spline (option_data, ts_length, coef_vol+ib);
05309         if (nxyz > 1)
05310           write_ts_array (argc, argv, option_data, ts_length,
05311                       nptr[is], option_data->tshift, coef_vol+ib,
05312                       option_data->iresp_filename[is]);
05313         else
05314           write_one_ts (option_data->iresp_filename[is],
05315                     ts_length, coef_vol+ib);
05316       }
05317       ib += ts_length;
05318     }
05321   /*----- Write the standard deviation 3d+time dataset -----*/
05322   ib = qp;
05323   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
05324     {
05325       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){                     /* until later */
05326         if( option_data->sresp_filename[is] != NULL )
05327 #if 0
05328           fprintf(stderr,
05329                   "** WARNING: Ignoring -sresp %d '%s'\n",
05330                   is+1 , option_data->sresp_filename[is]) ;
05331 #else
05332           basis_write_sresp( argc , argv , option_data ,
05333                              basis_stim[is] , basis_dtout ,
05334                              mse_vol , ib , XtXinv ,
05335                              option_data->sresp_filename[is] ) ;
05336           ib += basis_stim[is]->nfunc ;
05337 #endif
05338         continue ;
05339       }
05341       /* old style iresp: each coef is a response, so coef var is what we want */
05343       ts_length = max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
05344       if (option_data->sresp_filename[is] != NULL)
05345       if (nxyz > 1)
05346         write_ts_array (argc, argv, option_data, ts_length,
05347                     nptr[is], 0, scoef_vol+ib,
05348                     option_data->sresp_filename[is]);
05349       else
05350         write_one_ts (option_data->sresp_filename[is],
05351                   ts_length, scoef_vol+ib);
05353       ib += ts_length;
05354     }
05357   /*----- Write the fitted (full model) 3d+time dataset -----*/
05358   if (option_data->fitts_filename != NULL)
05359     if (nxyz > 1)
05360       write_ts_array (argc, argv, option_data, nt, 1, 0, fitts_vol,
05361                   option_data->fitts_filename);
05362     else
05363       write_one_ts (option_data->fitts_filename, nt, fitts_vol);
05367   /*----- Write the residual errors 3d+time dataset -----*/
05368   if (option_data->errts_filename != NULL)
05369     if (nxyz > 1)
05370       write_ts_array (argc, argv, option_data, nt, 1, 0, errts_vol,
05371                   option_data->errts_filename);
05372     else
05373       write_one_ts (option_data->errts_filename, nt, errts_vol);
05375 }

MRI_IMAGE* PLOT_matrix_gray matrix    X

Definition at line 5802 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References a, matrix::cols, delete_memplot(), matrix::elts, free, malloc, memplot_to_RGB_sef(), mp, mri_new(), MRI_RGB_PTR, my_getenv(), MRI_IMAGE::nvox, nxim, nyim, PLOT_tsgray(), matrix::rows, and TSGRAY_SEPARATE_YSCALE.

Referenced by JPEG_matrix_gray().

05803 {
05804    int nts=X.cols , npt=X.rows , ii,jj , nxim=768 , nyim=1024 ;
05805    MEM_plotdata *mp ;
05806    float **xar ;
05807    MRI_IMAGE *im ;
05808    char *eee ;
05810    if( nts < 1 || npt < 2 ) return NULL ;
05812    xar = (float **)malloc( sizeof(float *)*nts ) ;
05813    for( jj=0 ; jj < nts ; jj++ ){
05814      xar[jj] = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float *)*npt ) ;
05815      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ) xar[jj][ii] = X.elts[ii][jj] ;
05816    }
05818    mp = PLOT_tsgray( npt , nts , TSGRAY_SEPARATE_YSCALE , xar ) ;
05820    for( jj=0 ; jj < nts ; jj++ ) free((void *)xar[jj]) ;
05821    free((void *)xar) ;
05823    if( mp == NULL ) return NULL ;
05825    eee = my_getenv( "AFNI_XJPEG_IMXY") ;
05826    if( eee != NULL ){
05827      int a=-1, b=-1 ;
05828      sscanf( eee , "%dx%d" , &a,&b ) ;
05829      if( a > 99 && b > 99 ){ nxim = a ; nyim = b ; }
05830      if( a < -1 ) nxim = -a*nts ;
05831      if( b <  0 ) nyim = -b*npt ;
05832    }
05834    im = mri_new( nxim , nyim , MRI_rgb ) ;
05835    memset( MRI_RGB_PTR(im) , 255 , 3*im->nvox ) ;  /* whiten it */
05836    memplot_to_RGB_sef( im , mp , 0,0,1 ) ;
05837    delete_memplot( mp ) ;
05838    return im ;
05839 }

MEM_plotdata* PLOT_tsgray int    npt,
int    nts,
int    ymask,
float **    y

Definition at line 5713 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References create_memplot_surely(), get_active_memplot(), mp, my_getenv(), NOISH, plotline_memplot(), plotrect_memplot(), set_color_memplot(), set_opacity_memplot(), set_thick_memplot(), TSGRAY_FLIP_XY, and TSGRAY_SEPARATE_YSCALE.

Referenced by main(), PLOT_matrix_gray(), and startup_timeout_CB().

05714 {
05715    MEM_plotdata *mp ;
05716    float ybot,ytop , yfac , dx,dy , val ;
05717    int ii,jj , flipxy ;
05718    char str[32] ;
05719    int sepscl ;
05720    float boxr=1.0,boxg=0.9,boxb=0.0 ;
05721    char *eee ;
05722    int dobox=1 ;
05724    if( npt < 2 || nts < 1 || y == NULL ) return NULL ;
05726    eee = my_getenv( "AFNI_XJPEG_COLOR" ) ;
05727    if( eee != NULL ){
05728      float rf=-1.0, gf=-1.0 , bf=-1.0 ;
05729      sscanf( eee , "rgbi:%f/%f/%f" , &rf,&gf,&bf ) ;
05730      if( rf >= 0.0 && rf <= 1.0 && gf >= 0.0 && gf <= 1.0 && bf >= 0.0 && bf <= 1.0 ){
05731        boxr = rf ; boxg = gf ; boxb = bf ;
05732      }
05733      if( NOISH(eee) ) dobox = 0 ;  /* don't do boxes */
05734    }
05736    /* find range of all the data */
05738    ybot = ytop = y[0][0] ;
05739    for( jj=0 ; jj < nts ; jj++ ){
05740      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){
05741        val = y[jj][ii] ;
05742             if( ybot > val ) ybot = val ;
05743        else if( ytop < val ) ytop = val ;
05744      }
05745    }
05746    if( ybot >= ytop ) return NULL ;  /* data is all the same? */
05747    yfac = 1.0/(ytop-ybot) ;
05748    dx   = 0.9999/npt ;
05749    dy   = 0.9999/nts ;
05751    create_memplot_surely( "Gplot" , 1.0 ) ;
05752    set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ;
05753    set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ;
05754    set_opacity_memplot( 1.0 ) ;
05756    flipxy = (ymask & TSGRAY_FLIP_XY) != 0 ;
05757    sepscl = (ymask & TSGRAY_SEPARATE_YSCALE) != 0 ;
05759    for( jj=0 ; jj < nts ; jj++ ){
05761      if( sepscl ){
05762        ybot = ytop = y[jj][0] ; /* find range of data */
05763        for( ii=1 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){
05764          val = y[jj][ii] ;
05765               if( ybot > val ) ybot = val ;
05766          else if( ytop < val ) ytop = val ;
05767        }
05768        if( ybot >= ytop ) yfac = 1.0 ;
05769        else               yfac = 1.0/(ytop-ybot) ;
05770      }
05772      for( ii=0 ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){
05773        val = yfac*(ytop-y[jj][ii]) ;
05774        set_color_memplot( val,val,val ) ;
05775        if( flipxy )
05776          plotrect_memplot( ii*dx,jj*dy , (ii+1)*dx,(jj+1)*dy ) ;
05777        else
05778          plotrect_memplot( jj*dy,1.0-ii*dx , (jj+1)*dy,1.0-(ii+1)*dy ) ;
05779      }
05780    }
05782    if( dobox ){
05783      set_color_memplot( boxr, boxg, boxb ) ; /* lines between each column */
05784      set_opacity_memplot( 0.789 ) ;
05785      for( jj=0 ; jj <= nts ; jj++ ){
05786        if( flipxy ){
05787          plotline_memplot( 1.0,jj*dy , 0.0,jj*dy ) ;
05788        } else {
05789          plotline_memplot( jj*dy,1.0 , jj*dy,0.0 ) ;
05790        }
05791      }
05792    }
05794    set_opacity_memplot( 1.0 ) ;
05795    set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ;
05796    mp = get_active_memplot() ;
05797    return mp ;
05798 }

void proc_atexit void   

Definition at line 2925 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References proc_shmid.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes().

02926 {
02927   if( proc_shmid > 0 )
02928     shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ;
02929 }

void proc_finalize_shm_volumes void   

Definition at line 2935 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References atexit(), pclose, popen, proc_atexit(), proc_shm_ar, proc_shm_arnum, proc_shm_arsiz, proc_shmid, proc_shmptr, proc_shmsize, proc_sigfunc(), shm_attach(), shm_create(), SIGHUP, and UNIQ_idcode_fill().

Referenced by allocate_memory(), and initialize_program().

02936 {
02937    char kstr[32] ; int ii ;
02939    if( proc_shm_arnum == 0 ) return ;   /* should never happen */
02941    proc_shmsize = 0 ;                       /* add up sizes of */
02942    for( ii=0 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ ) /* all arrays for */
02943      proc_shmsize += proc_shm_arsiz[ii] ;   /* shared memory */
02945    proc_shmsize *= sizeof(float) ;          /* convert to byte count */
02947    /* create shared memory segment */
02949    UNIQ_idcode_fill( kstr ) ;               /* unique string "key" */
02950    proc_shmid = shm_create( kstr , proc_shmsize ) ; /* thd_iochan.c */
02951    if( proc_shmid < 0 ){
02952      fprintf(stderr,"\n** Can't create shared memory of size %d!\n"
02953                       "** Try re-running without -jobs option!\n" ,
02954              proc_shmsize ) ;
02956      /** if failed, print out some advice on how to tune SHMMAX **/
02958      { char *cmd=NULL ;
02959 #if defined(LINUX)
02960        cmd = "cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax" ;
02961 #elif defined(SOLARIS)
02962        cmd = "/usr/sbin/sysdef | grep SHMMAX" ;
02963 #elif defined(DARWIN)
02964        cmd = "sysctl -n kern.sysv.shmmax" ;
02965 #endif
02966        if( cmd != NULL ){
02967         FILE *fp = popen( cmd , "r" ) ;
02968         if( fp != NULL ){
02969          unsigned int smax=0 ;
02970          fscanf(fp,"%u",&smax) ; pclose(fp) ;
02971          if( smax > 0 )
02972            fprintf(stderr ,
02973                    "\n"
02974                    "** POSSIBLY USEFUL ADVICE:\n"
02975                    "** Current max shared memory size = %u bytes.\n"
02976                    "** For information on how to change this, see\n"
02977                    "** \n"
02978                    "** and also contact your system administrator.\n"
02979                    , smax ) ;
02980         }
02981        }
02982      }
02983      exit(1) ;
02984    }
02986    /* set a signal handler to catch most fatal errors and
02987       delete the shared memory segment if program crashes */
02989    signal(SIGPIPE,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGSEGV,proc_sigfunc) ;
02990    signal(SIGINT ,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGFPE ,proc_sigfunc) ;
02991    signal(SIGBUS ,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGHUP ,proc_sigfunc) ;
02992    signal(SIGTERM,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGILL ,proc_sigfunc) ;
02993    signal(SIGKILL,proc_sigfunc) ; signal(SIGPIPE,proc_sigfunc) ;
02994    atexit(proc_atexit) ;   /* or when the program exits */
02996    fprintf(stderr , "++ Shared memory: %d bytes at id=%d\n" ,
02997            proc_shmsize , proc_shmid ) ;
02999    /* get pointer to shared memory segment we just created */
03001    proc_shmptr = shm_attach( proc_shmid ) ; /* thd_iochan.c */
03002    if( proc_shmptr == NULL ){
03003      fprintf(stderr,"\n** Can't attach to shared memory!?\n"
03004                       "** This is bizarre.\n" ) ;
03005      shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ;
03006      exit(1) ;
03007    }
03009    /* clear all shared memory */
03011    memset( proc_shmptr , 0 , proc_shmsize ) ;
03013    /* fix the local pointers to arrays in shared memory */
03015    *proc_shm_ar[0] = (float *) proc_shmptr ;
03016    for( ii=1 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ )
03017      *proc_shm_ar[ii] = *proc_shm_ar[ii-1] + proc_shm_arsiz[ii] ;
03018 }

void proc_free void *    ptr

if failed, print out some advice on how to tune SHMMAX *

Definition at line 3024 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References free, proc_shm_ar, proc_shm_arnum, and proc_shmid.

03025 {
03026    int ii ;
03028    if( ptr == NULL ) return ;
03029    if( proc_shmid == 0 ){ free(ptr); return; }  /* no shm */
03030    for( ii=0 ; ii < proc_shm_arnum ; ii++ )
03031      if( ((float *)ptr) == *proc_shm_ar[ii] ) return;
03032    free(ptr); return;
03033 }

void proc_sigfunc int    sig

Definition at line 2900 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References proc_ind, proc_shmid, and SIGHUP.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes().

02901 {
02902    char * sname ; int ii ;
02903    static volatile int fff=0 ;
02904    if( fff ) _exit(1); else fff=1 ;
02905    switch(sig){
02906      default:      sname = "unknown" ; break ;
02907      case SIGHUP:  sname = "SIGHUP"  ; break ;
02908      case SIGTERM: sname = "SIGTERM" ; break ;
02909      case SIGILL:  sname = "SIGILL"  ; break ;
02910      case SIGKILL: sname = "SIGKILL" ; break ;
02911      case SIGPIPE: sname = "SIGPIPE" ; break ;
02912      case SIGSEGV: sname = "SIGSEGV" ; break ;
02913      case SIGBUS:  sname = "SIGBUS"  ; break ;
02914      case SIGINT:  sname = "SIGINT"  ; break ;
02915      case SIGFPE:  sname = "SIGFPE"  ; break ;
02916    }
02917    if( proc_shmid > 0 ){
02918      shmctl( proc_shmid , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ; proc_shmid = 0 ;
02919    }
02920    fprintf(stderr,"Fatal Signal %d (%s) received in job #%d\n",
02921            sig,sname,proc_ind) ;
02922    exit(1) ;
02923 }

void read_glt_matrix char *    fname,
int *    nrows,
int    ncol,
matrix   cmat

Definition at line 6818 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References AFNI_noenv(), floatvec::ar, array_to_matrix(), matrix::elts, ENTRY, far, free, floatvecvec::fvar, GLT_ERR, matrix_file_read(), matrix_print(), ncol, nr, nSymStim, floatvecvec::nvec, realloc, and SYM_expand_ranges().

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff(), and read_input_data().

06819 {
06820    int ii,jj ;
06822 ENTRY("read_glt_matrix") ;
06824    if( *nrows > 0 ){    /* standard read of numbers from a file*/
06826      matrix_file_read( fname , *nrows , ncol , cmat , 1 ) ;  /* mri_read_1D */
06827      if( cmat->elts == NULL ) GLT_ERR ;
06829    } else {             /* symbolic read of stim_labels */
06830      floatvecvec *fvv ;
06831      float **far=NULL ;
06832      int nr=0 , iv ;
06834      if( nSymStim < 1 ){
06835        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: use of -gltsym without SymStim being defined\n");
06836        exit(1) ;
06837      }
06839      if( strncmp(fname,"SYM:",4) == 0 ){  /* read directly from fname string */
06840        char *fdup=strdup(fname+4) , *fpt , *buf ;
06841        int ss , ns ;
06843        buf = fdup ;
06844        while(1){
06845          fpt = strchr(buf,'\\') ;          /* end of 'line' */
06846          if( fpt != NULL ) *fpt = '\0' ;
06847          fvv = SYM_expand_ranges( ncol-1 , nSymStim,SymStim , buf ) ;
06848          if( fvv == NULL || fvv->nvec < 1 ) continue ;
06849          far = (float **)realloc((void *)far , sizeof(float *)*(nr+fvv->nvec)) ;
06850          for( iv=0 ; iv < fvv->nvec ; iv++ ) far[nr++] = fvv->fvar[iv].ar ;
06851          free((void *)fvv->fvar) ; free((void *)fvv) ;
06852          if( fpt == NULL ) break ;   /* reached end of string? */
06853          buf = fpt+1 ;               /* no, so loop back for next 'line' */
06854        }
06855        free((void *)fdup) ;
06857      } else {                             /* read from file */
06858        char buf[8192] , *cpt ;
06859        FILE *fp = fopen( fname , "r" ) ;
06860        if( fp == NULL ) GLT_ERR ;
06861        while(1){
06862          cpt = fgets( buf , 8192 , fp ) ;   /* read next line */
06863          if( cpt == NULL ) break ;          /* end of input? */
06864          fvv = SYM_expand_ranges( ncol-1 , nSymStim,SymStim , buf ) ;
06865          if( fvv == NULL || fvv->nvec < 1 ) continue ;
06866          far = (float **)realloc((void *)far , sizeof(float *)*(nr+fvv->nvec)) ;
06867          for( iv=0 ; iv < fvv->nvec ; iv++ ) far[nr++] = fvv->fvar[iv].ar ;
06868          free((void *)fvv->fvar) ; free((void *)fvv) ;
06869        }
06870        fclose(fp) ;
06871      }
06872      if( nr == 0 ) GLT_ERR ;
06873      *nrows = nr ;
06874      array_to_matrix( nr , ncol , far , cmat ) ;
06876      for( ii=0 ; ii < nr ; ii++ ) free((void *)far[ii]) ;
06877      free((void *)far) ;
06879      if( !AFNI_noenv("AFNI_GLTSYM_PRINT") ){
06880        printf("GLT matrix from '%s':\n",fname) ;
06881        matrix_print( *cmat ) ;
06882      }
06883    }
06885    /** check for all zero rows, which will cause trouble later **/
06887    for( ii=0 ; ii < *nrows ; ii++ ){
06888      for( jj=0 ; jj < ncol && cmat->elts[ii][jj] == 0.0 ; jj++ ) ; /* nada */
06889      if( jj == ncol )
06890        fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: row #%d of matrix '%s' is all zero!\n",
06891                ii+1 , fname ) ;
06892    }
06894    EXRETURN ;
06895 }

void read_input_data DC_options   option_data,
THD_3dim_dataset **    dset_time,
byte **    mask_vol,
float **    fmri_data,
int *    fmri_length,
float **    censor_array,
int *    censor_length,
int **    block_list,
int *    num_blocks,
float ***    stimulus,
int **    stim_length,
matrix **    glt_cmat

Definition at line 1914 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References AFNI_yesenv(), basis_count, basis_dtout, basis_funceval, basis_TR, basis_expansion::bfunc, calloc, DC_error(), DSET_delete, DSET_IS_TCAT, DSET_LOADED, DSET_NUM_TIMES, DSET_NVALS, DSET_NVOX, DSET_NX, DSET_NY, DSET_NZ, DSET_TIMEUNITS, DSET_TR, ENTRY, free, SYM_irange::gbot, ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET, malloc, matrix_file_read(), matrix_initialize(), mc, MCW_strncpy, mri_automask_image(), mri_fix_data_pointer(), MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_new(), mri_new_vol_empty(), MTEST, name, SYM_irange::nbot, basis_expansion::nfunc, nSymStim, SYM_irange::ntop, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, p, basis_expansion::pbot, q, read_glt_matrix(), read_time_series(), realloc, basis_expansion::tbot, THD_countmask(), THD_load_datablock(), THD_makemask(), THD_MAX_NAME, THD_open_dataset(), THD_rms_brick(), tt, basis_expansion::ttop, UNITS_MSEC_TYPE, and voxel_num.

01929 {
01930   char message[THD_MAX_NAME];    /* error message */
01931   int it;                  /* time point index */
01932   int nt;                  /* number of input data time points */
01933   int nxyz;                /* number of voxels */
01934   int num_stimts;          /* number of stimulus time series arrays */
01935   int * baseline;          /* flag for baseline stimulus function */
01936   int * min_lag;           /* minimum time delay for impulse response */
01937   int * max_lag;           /* maximum time delay for impulse response */
01938   int qp;                  /* number of polynomial trend baseline parameters */
01939   int q;                   /* number of baseline model parameters */
01940   int p;                   /* number of full model parameters */
01941   int is;                  /* stimulus time series index */
01942   int num_glt;             /* number of general linear tests */
01943   int iglt;                /* general linear test index */
01946 ENTRY("read_input_data") ;
01948   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
01949   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
01950   num_glt    = option_data->num_glt;
01951   baseline   = option_data->stim_base;
01952   min_lag    = option_data->stim_minlag;
01953   max_lag    = option_data->stim_maxlag;
01956   /*----- Read the input stimulus time series -----*/
01957   if (num_stimts > 0)
01958     {
01959       int nerr=0 ;
01961       *stimulus = (float **) calloc (sizeof(float *) , num_stimts);
01962       MTEST (*stimulus);
01963       *stim_length = (int *) calloc (sizeof(int)     , num_stimts);
01964       MTEST (*stim_length);
01966       /** 14 Jul 2004: check for duplicate filename - RWCox **/
01968       { int js ;
01969         for( is=0 ; is < num_stimts ; is++ ){
01970           for( js=is+1 ; js < num_stimts ; js++ ){
01971             if( strcmp( option_data->stim_filename[is] ,
01972                         option_data->stim_filename[js]  ) == 0 )
01973               fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: stimulus filename "
01974                              "#%d:'%s' same as #%d:'%s'\n" ,
01975                       is+1,option_data->stim_filename[is] ,
01976                       js+1,option_data->stim_filename[js]  ) ; nerr++ ;
01977           }
01978         }
01979       }
01981       if( nerr > 0 && AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_3dDeconvolve_nodup") ){
01982         fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: can't continue after above warnings!\n");
01983         exit(1) ;
01984       }
01986       for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
01987       {
01988           if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ) continue ;  /* 11 Aug 2004: skip thisn */
01990         (*stimulus)[is] = read_time_series (option_data->stim_filename[is],
01991                                     &((*stim_length)[is]));
01993         if ((*stimulus)[is] == NULL)
01994           {
01995             sprintf (message,  "Unable to read stimulus time series: %s",
01996                    option_data->stim_filename[is]);
01997             DC_error (message);
01998           }
02000       }
02001     }
02004   *num_blocks = 0 ;  /* 04 Aug 2004 */
02006   /*----- Read the input fMRI measurement data -----*/
02007   if (option_data->nodata)
02008     {
02009       /*----- No input data -----*/
02010       if (num_stimts <= 0)
02011         DC_error ("Must have num_stimts > 0 for -nodata option");
02013       if( basis_count > 0 ){
02014              if( option_data->nodata_TR > 0.0 ) basis_TR = option_data->nodata_TR ;
02015         else if( basis_dtout            > 0.0 ) basis_TR = basis_dtout ;
02016         fprintf(stderr,
02017             "** NOTICE: using TR=%.3f for -stim_times and -nodata\n",basis_TR);
02018       }
02020       *dset_time = NULL;
02021       if( option_data->nodata_NT > 0 )  /* special case */
02022         nt = option_data->nodata_NT ;
02023       else
02024         nt = (*stim_length)[0] / option_data->stim_nptr[0];
02026       nxyz = 0;
02027     }
02029   else if (option_data->input1D_filename != NULL)
02030     {
02031       /*----- Read the input fMRI 1D time series -----*/
02032       *fmri_data = read_time_series (option_data->input1D_filename,
02033                              fmri_length);
02034       if (*fmri_data == NULL)
02035       {
02036         sprintf (message,  "Unable to read time series file: %s",
02037                option_data->input1D_filename);
02038         DC_error (message);
02039       }
02040       *dset_time = NULL;
02041       nt = *fmri_length;
02042       nxyz = 1;
02043    }
02045   else if (option_data->input_filename != NULL)
02046     {
02047       /*----- Read the input 3d+time dataset -----*/
02048       *dset_time = THD_open_dataset (option_data->input_filename);
02049       if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(*dset_time))
02050       {
02051         sprintf (message,  "Unable to open dataset '%s'",
02052         option_data->input_filename);
02053         DC_error (message);
02054       }
02055       THD_load_datablock ((*dset_time)->dblk);
02056       if( !DSET_LOADED(*dset_time) ){
02057         sprintf (message,  "Unable to load dataset '%s'",
02058         option_data->input_filename);
02059         DC_error (message);
02060       }
02061       if( (*dset_time)->taxis == NULL ){
02062         fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: dataset '%s' has no time axis!!\n",
02063                        option_data->input_filename) ;
02064       }
02065       nt = DSET_NUM_TIMES (*dset_time);
02066       nxyz = DSET_NVOX (*dset_time);
02068       basis_TR = DSET_TR(*dset_time) ;          /* 11 Aug 2004 */
02069       if( basis_TR <= 0.0f ) basis_TR = 1.0f ;
02070       if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(*dset_time) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) basis_TR *= 0.001 ;
02072       if( DSET_IS_TCAT(*dset_time) ){  /** 04 Aug 2004: manufacture block list **/
02073         if( option_data->concat_filename != NULL ){
02074           fprintf(stderr,
02075              "** WARNING: '-concat %s' ignored: input dataset is auto-catenated\n" ,
02076              option_data->concat_filename ) ;
02077           option_data->concat_filename = NULL ;
02078         }
02079         *num_blocks = (*dset_time)->tcat_num ;
02080         *block_list = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (*num_blocks));
02081         (*block_list)[0] = 0;
02082         for( it=0 ; it < (*num_blocks)-1 ; it++ )
02083           (*block_list)[it+1] = (*block_list)[it] + (*dset_time)->tcat_len[it] ;
02084         if( verb ){
02085           fprintf(stderr,"++ Auto-catenated datasets start at:") ;
02086           for( it=0 ; it < (*num_blocks) ; it++ )
02087             fprintf(stderr," %d",(*block_list)[it]) ;
02088           fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
02089         }
02090       }
02092       if( option_data->automask ){            /* 15 Apr 2005: automasking */
02093         MRI_IMAGE *qim ; int mc ;
02094         qim = THD_rms_brick( *dset_time ) ;
02095         *mask_vol = mri_automask_image( qim ) ;
02096         mri_free( qim ) ;
02097         if( *mask_vol == NULL ){
02098           fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: unable to generate automask?!\n") ;
02099         } else {
02100           mc = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(*dset_time) , *mask_vol ) ;
02101           if( mc <= 1 ){
02102             fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: automask is empty!?\n") ;
02103             free(*mask_vol) ; *mask_vol = NULL ;
02104           } else {
02105             fprintf(stderr,"++ %d voxels in automask (out of %d)\n",
02106                     mc,DSET_NVOX(*dset_time)) ;
02107           }
02108         }
02109       }
02111       if (option_data->mask_filename != NULL)   /* read mask from file */
02112          {
02113            THD_3dim_dataset * mask_dset = NULL;
02115            /*----- Read the input mask dataset -----*/
02116            mask_dset = THD_open_dataset (option_data->mask_filename);
02117            if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(mask_dset))
02118              {
02119                sprintf (message,  "Unable to open mask file: %s",
02120                       option_data->mask_filename);
02121                DC_error (message);
02122              }
02124            /*----- If mask is used, check for compatible dimensions -----*/
02125            if (    (DSET_NX(*dset_time) != DSET_NX(mask_dset))
02126                 || (DSET_NY(*dset_time) != DSET_NY(mask_dset))
02127                 || (DSET_NZ(*dset_time) != DSET_NZ(mask_dset)) )
02128              {
02129                sprintf (message, "datasets '%s' and '%s' have incompatible dimensions",
02130                      option_data->input_filename, option_data->mask_filename);
02131                DC_error (message);
02132              }
02134            if (DSET_NVALS(mask_dset) != 1 )
02135              DC_error ("Must specify exactly 1 sub-brick from mask dataset");
02137            *mask_vol = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , 1.0,0.0 ) ;
02138            if (*mask_vol == NULL)  DC_error ("Unable to read mask dataset");
02140            DSET_delete(mask_dset) ;
02141          }
02143     } else {                                   /* no input data? */
02144       DC_error ("Must specify input data");
02145     }
02148   /*----- Check number of data points -----*/
02149   if (nt <= 0)      DC_error ("No time points?");
02150   option_data->nt = nt;
02151   if (nxyz < 0)     DC_error ("Program initialization error: nxyz < 0");
02152   option_data->nxyz = nxyz;
02154   voxel_num = nxyz ;  /* 31 Aug 2004 */
02157   /*----- Read the block list -----*/
02158   if (option_data->concat_filename == NULL)
02159     {
02160       if( *num_blocks <= 0 ){   /* make one big block, if not already set */
02161         *num_blocks = 1;
02162         *block_list = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * 1);
02163         (*block_list)[0] = 0;
02164       }
02165     }
02166   else
02167     {
02168       float * f = NULL;
02170       f = read_time_series (option_data->concat_filename, num_blocks);
02171       if (*num_blocks < 1)
02172       {
02173         sprintf (message, "Problem reading concat file: %s ",
02174                option_data->concat_filename);
02175         DC_error (message);
02176       }
02177       else
02178       {
02179         *block_list = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * (*num_blocks));
02180         for (it = 0;  it < *num_blocks;  it++)
02181           (*block_list)[it] = floor (f[it]+0.5);
02182       }
02183     }
02185   /*-- Create timing for each -stim_times input [11 Aug 2004] --*/
02187   if( basis_count > 0 ){             /* if there are any, that is */
02188     MRI_IMAGE *tim , *qim ;
02189     float     *tar , *qar , toff , tmax,tt,ss ;
02190     int ii,jj , kk , ngood , nx,ny , nf,dd ;
02191     int nbl=*num_blocks , *bst=*block_list ;
02192     basis_expansion *be ;
02194     if( basis_TR    <= 0.0f ) basis_TR    = 1.0f ;
02195     if( basis_dtout <= 0.0f ) basis_dtout = basis_TR ;
02197     for( is=0 ; is < num_stimts ; is++ ){
02198       be = basis_stim[is] ;
02199       if( be == NULL ) continue ;   /* old style -stim_file */
02201       /* convert entries to global time indexes */
02203       tim = basis_times[is] ; nx = tim->nx ; ny = tim->ny ;
02204       ngood = 0 ; tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
02205       qar   = (float *)calloc(sizeof(float),nx*ny) ;
02207       if( nx == 1 ){                     /* 1 column = global times */
02208         tmax = (nt-1)*basis_TR ;         /* max allowed time offset */
02209         for( ii=0 ; ii < nx*ny ; ii++ ){
02210           tt = tar[ii] ;
02211           if( tt >= 0.0f && tt <= tmax ) qar[ngood++] = tt/basis_TR ;
02212         }
02213       } else {                           /* multicol => 1 row per block */
02214         if( ny != nbl ){                 /* times are relative to block */
02215           fprintf(stderr,
02216                   "** WARNING: '-stim_times %d' file '%s' has %d rows,"
02217                              " but data has %d time blocks\n" ,
02218                   is+1 , option_data->stim_filename[is] , ny,nbl ) ;
02219           if( ny > nbl ) ny = nbl ;
02220         }
02221         for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){   /* jj=row index=block index */
02222           if( jj < nbl-1 ) tmax = (bst[jj+1]-1-bst[jj])*basis_TR ;
02223           else             tmax = (nt       -1-bst[jj])*basis_TR ;
02224           for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){
02225             tt = tar[ii+jj*nx] ;
02226             if( tt >= 0.0f && tt <= tmax ) qar[ngood++] = tt/basis_TR+bst[jj] ;
02227           }
02228         }
02229       }
02231       if( ngood == 0 ){
02232         fprintf(stderr,
02233                 "** WARNING: '-stim_times %d' file '%s' has no good entries\n",
02234                 is+1 , option_data->stim_filename[is] ) ;
02235         free((void *)qar) ; qim = NULL ;
02236       } else {
02237         qim = mri_new_vol_empty(ngood,1,1,MRI_float) ;
02238         qar = (float *)realloc((void *)qar,sizeof(float)*ngood) ;
02239         mri_fix_data_pointer( qar , qim ) ;
02240       }
02242       mri_free(tim) ; basis_times[is] = qim ;
02244       /* create basis vectors for this model now */
02246       nf = basis_stim[is]->nfunc ;
02247       basis_vect[is] = mri_new( nt , nf , MRI_float ) ;  /* all zeros */
02248       if( qim != NULL ){
02249         int imin,imax , ibot,itop ;
02250         float *bv = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(basis_vect[is]) , dbot,dtop ;
02252 #if 0
02253 fprintf(stderr,"-stim_times %d: adjusted time indexes follow:\n",is+1) ;
02254 for( kk=0 ; kk < ngood ; kk++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",qar[kk]) ;
02255 fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
02256 #endif
02258         dbot = be->tbot / basis_TR ; /* range of indexes about each stim time */
02259         dtop = be->ttop / basis_TR ;
02260         imin = 0 ; imax = nt-1 ;     /* for the case of nbl=1 */
02262         for( kk=0 ; kk < ngood ; kk++ ){   /* for the kk-th stim time */
02263           tt = qar[kk] ; if( tt < 0.0f || tt >= (float)nt ) continue ;
02265           if( nbl > 1 ){
02266             for( jj=1 ; jj < nbl ; jj++ ) if( tt < bst[jj] ) break ;
02267             jj-- ;                          /* time index tt is in block #jj */
02268                              imin = bst[jj] ;       /* first index in block */
02269             if( jj < nbl-1 ) imax = bst[jj+1] - 1 ; /* last index in block */
02270             else             imax = nt - 1 ;
02271           }
02273           /* range of indexes to load with the response model */
02275           ibot = (int)ceil ( tt + dbot ) ; if( ibot < imin ) ibot = imin ;
02276           itop = (int)floor( tt + dtop ) ; if( itop > imax ) itop = imax ;
02278           for( ii=ibot ; ii <= itop ; ii++ ){   /* loop over active interval */
02279             ss = basis_TR*(ii-tt) ;
02280             if( ss < be->tbot || ss > be->ttop ) continue ;
02281             for( jj=0 ; jj < nf ; jj++ )
02282               bv[ii+jj*nt] += basis_funceval( be->bfunc[jj] , basis_TR*(ii-tt) );
02283           }
02284         }
02285 #if 0
02286 fprintf(stderr,"-stim_times %d: basis vectors follow:\n",is+1) ;
02287 for( ii=0 ; ii < nt ; ii++ ){
02288   fprintf(stderr,"%d:",ii) ;
02289   for( jj=0 ; jj < nf ; jj++ ) fprintf(stderr," %g",bv[ii+jj*nt]) ;
02290   fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
02291 }
02292 #endif
02293       }
02295     } /* end of loop over stim functions */
02296   } /* end of if we have any -stim_times inputs */
02299   /*----- Determine total number of parameters in the model -----*/
02300   qp = (option_data->polort + 1) * (*num_blocks);
02301   q = qp;   /* number of baseline parameters */
02302   p = qp;   /* number of total parameters */
02303   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++){
02304     if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){           /* 11 Aug 2004 */
02305       basis_stim[is]->pbot = p ;            /* 1st parameter for this model */
02306       p += basis_stim[is]->nfunc ;          /* number of parameters in model */
02307     } else {
02308       if (max_lag[is] < min_lag[is])
02309       DC_error ("Require min lag <= max lag for all stimuli");
02310       p += max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
02311       if (baseline[is])  q += max_lag[is] - min_lag[is] + 1;
02312     }
02313   }
02314   option_data->p  = p;   /* total number of parameters */
02315   option_data->q  = q;   /* number of baseline parameters (polort+stim_base) */
02316   option_data->qp = qp;  /* number of polort baseline parameters */
02318   /*----- Read the censorship file -----*/
02319   if (option_data->censor_filename != NULL)
02320     {
02321       /*----- Read the input censor time series array -----*/
02322       *censor_array = read_time_series (option_data->censor_filename,
02323                               censor_length);
02324       if (*censor_array == NULL)
02325       {
02326         sprintf (message,  "Unable to read censor time series file: %s",
02327                option_data->censor_filename);
02328         DC_error (message);
02329       }
02330     }
02331   else
02332     {
02333       /*----- Create non-censoring censor time series array -----*/
02334       *censor_array = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nt);
02335       MTEST (*censor_array);
02336       *censor_length = nt;
02337       for (it = 0;  it < nt;  it++)
02338       (*censor_array)[it] = 1.0;
02339     }
02342   /*----- Build symbolic list of stim names and index ranges [29 Jul 2004] -----*/
02344   nSymStim = num_stimts+1 ;
02345   SymStim  = (SYM_irange *)calloc(sizeof(SYM_irange),nSymStim) ;
02347   strcpy( SymStim[num_stimts].name , "Ort" ) ;
02348   SymStim[num_stimts].nbot = 0 ;
02349   SymStim[num_stimts].ntop = qp-1 ;
02350   SymStim[num_stimts].gbot = 0 ;
02351   it = qp ;
02352   for( is=0 ; is < num_stimts ; is++ ){
02353     MCW_strncpy( SymStim[is].name , option_data->stim_label[is] , 64 ) ;
02354     if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){
02355       SymStim[is].nbot = 0 ;
02356       SymStim[is].ntop = basis_stim[is]->nfunc-1 ;
02357     } else {
02358       SymStim[is].nbot = min_lag[is] ;
02359       SymStim[is].ntop = max_lag[is] ;
02360     }
02361     SymStim[is].gbot = it ;
02362     it += SymStim[is].ntop - SymStim[is].nbot + 1 ;
02363     if( strchr(SymStim[is].name,' ') != NULL ||
02364         strchr(SymStim[is].name,'*') != NULL ||
02365         strchr(SymStim[is].name,';') != NULL   ){
02366       fprintf(stderr,
02367            "** WARNING: -stim_label #%d '%s' has characters bad for -gltsym\n",
02368            is+1 , SymStim[is].name ) ;
02369     }
02370   }
02372   /*----- Read the general linear test matrices -----*/
02373   if (num_glt > 0)
02374     {
02375       *glt_cmat = (matrix *) malloc (sizeof(matrix) * num_glt);
02377       /*----- Initialize general linear test matrices -----*/
02378       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
02379       matrix_initialize (&((*glt_cmat)[iglt]));
02382       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
02383       {
02384 #if 1
02385           read_glt_matrix( option_data->glt_filename[iglt] ,
02386                            option_data->glt_rows + iglt ,
02387                            p , *glt_cmat + iglt              ) ;
02388 #else
02389         matrix_file_read (option_data->glt_filename[iglt],  /* uses MRI_read_1D() */
02390                       option_data->glt_rows[iglt],
02391                       p, &((*glt_cmat)[iglt]), 1);
02392         if ((*glt_cmat)[iglt].elts == NULL)
02393           {
02394             sprintf (message,  "Unable to read GLT matrix from file: %s",
02395                    option_data->glt_filename[iglt]);
02396             DC_error (message);
02397           }
02398 #endif
02399       }
02400     }
02402    EXRETURN ;
02403 }

float* read_time_series char *    ts_filename,
int *    ts_length

--- Test various combinations for legality [11 Aug 2004] ---*

Definition at line 1852 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References DC_error(), ENTRY, far, malloc, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_read_1D(), MTEST, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, RETURN, and THD_MAX_NAME.

01857 {
01858   char message[THD_MAX_NAME];    /* error message */
01859   char * cpt;                    /* pointer to column suffix */
01860   char filename[THD_MAX_NAME];   /* time series file name w/o column index */
01861   char subv[THD_MAX_NAME];       /* string containing column index */
01862   MRI_IMAGE * im, * flim;  /* pointers to image structures
01863                         -- used to read 1D ASCII */
01864   float * far;             /* pointer to MRI_IMAGE floating point data */
01865   int nx;                  /* number of time points in time series */
01866   int ny;                  /* number of columns in time series file */
01867   int iy;                  /* time series file column index */
01868   int ipt;                 /* time point index */
01869   float * ts_data = NULL;  /* input time series data */
01872 ENTRY("read_time_series") ;
01874   /*----- First, check for empty filename -----*/
01875   if (ts_filename == NULL)
01876     DC_error ("Missing input time series file name");
01879   /*----- Read the time series file -----*/
01880   flim = mri_read_1D( ts_filename ) ;
01881   if (flim == NULL)
01882     {
01883       sprintf (message,  "Unable to read time series file: %s",  ts_filename);
01884       DC_error (message);
01885     }
01886   far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim);
01887   nx = flim->nx;
01888   ny = flim->ny; iy = 0 ;
01889   if( ny > 1 ){
01890     fprintf(stderr,"** WARNING: time series %s has %d columns\n",ts_filename,ny);
01891   }
01894   /*----- Save the time series data -----*/
01895   *ts_length = nx;
01896   ts_data = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nx);
01897   MTEST (ts_data);
01898   for (ipt = 0;  ipt < nx;  ipt++)
01899     ts_data[ipt] = far[ipt + iy*nx];
01902   mri_free (flim);  flim = NULL;
01904   RETURN (ts_data);
01905 }

void remove_zero_stimfns DC_options   option_data,
float **    stimulus,
int *    stim_length,
matrix   glt_cmat

04 Aug 2004: manufacture block list *

Definition at line 2413 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References basis_count, DC_error(), and ENTRY.

Referenced by initialize_program().

02420 {
02421   int num_stimts;          /* number of stimulus time series arrays */
02422   int is, isp;             /* stimulus time series index */
02423   int it;                  /* time point index */
02424   int num_glt;             /* number of general linear tests */
02425   int iglt;                /* general linear test index */
02426   int all_zero;            /* boolean for stim function contains all zeros */
02429 ENTRY("remove_zero_stimfns") ;
02431   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
02432   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
02433   num_glt    = option_data->num_glt;
02436   /*----- Loop over all stimulus funcitons -----*/
02437   is = 0;
02438   while (is < num_stimts)
02439     {
02440       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){ is++ ; continue ; }  /* 12 Aug 2004 */
02442       /*----- Check whether stim function consists of all zeros -----*/
02443       all_zero = TRUE;
02444       for (it = 0;  it < stim_length[is];  it++)
02445       {
02446         if (stimulus[is][it] != 0.0)
02447           {
02448             all_zero = FALSE;
02449             break;
02450           }
02451       }
02453       if (all_zero)  /*----- Remove this stimulus function -----*/
02454       {
02455         printf("** WARNING!  -stim_file function %s comprises all zeros!\n",
02456              option_data->stim_filename[is]); fflush(stdout);
02457         if (option_data->num_glt > 0)
02458           DC_error
02459             ("Cannot process -glt option(s) when -stim_file function is all zero");
02460           if( basis_count > 0 )
02461           DC_error
02462             ("Cannot process -basis_stim option(s) when -stim_file function is all zero");
02464         option_data->p -=
02465           option_data->stim_maxlag[is] - option_data->stim_minlag[is] + 1;
02466         if (option_data->stim_base[is])
02467           option_data->q -=
02468             option_data->stim_maxlag[is] - option_data->stim_minlag[is] + 1;
02469         for (isp = is;  isp < num_stimts-1;  isp++)
02470           {
02471             stimulus[isp] = stimulus[isp+1];
02472             stim_length[isp] = stim_length[isp+1];
02473             option_data->stim_filename[isp]
02474             = option_data->stim_filename[isp+1];
02475             option_data->stim_label[isp] = option_data->stim_label[isp+1];
02476             option_data->stim_base[isp]
02477             = option_data->stim_base[isp+1];
02478             option_data->stim_minlag[isp] = option_data->stim_minlag[isp+1];
02479             option_data->stim_maxlag[isp] = option_data->stim_maxlag[isp+1];
02480             option_data->iresp_filename[isp]
02481             = option_data->iresp_filename[isp+1];
02482             option_data->sresp_filename[isp]
02483             = option_data->sresp_filename[isp+1];
02484           }
02486         num_stimts--;
02487         option_data->num_stimts = num_stimts;
02488       }
02489       else
02490       is++;
02491     }
02493   EXRETURN ;
02494 }

void report_evaluation int    qp,
int    num_stimts,
char **    stim_label,
int *    min_lag,
int *    max_lag,
matrix    x_full,
matrix    xtxinv_full,
int    num_glt,
char **    glt_label,
int *    glt_rows,
matrix   cxtxinvct

Definition at line 3581 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References AFNI_yesenv(), basis_expansion::nfunc, and SQR.

Referenced by calculate_results().

03587                                     :  X            for full model */
03588   matrix xtxinv_full,      /* matrix:  1/(X'X)      for full model */
03589   int num_glt,             /* number of general linear tests */
03590   char ** glt_label,       /* label for general linear test */
03591   int * glt_rows,          /* number of linear constraints in glt */
03592   matrix * cxtxinvct       /* array of matrices:  C(1/(X'X))C' for glt */
03593 )
03595 {
03596   int m;                   /* parameter index */
03597   int is;                  /* stimulus index */
03598   int ilag;                /* time lag index */
03599   int iglt;                /* general linear test index */
03600   int ilc;                 /* linear combination index */
03601   float stddev;            /* normalized parameter standard deviation */
03602   int ibot,itop ;
03603   int j , do_extras ; float jnorm ;
03606   /*----- Print the normalized parameter standard deviations -----*/
03607   do_extras = AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_3dDeconvolve_nodata_extras") ;
03608   if( do_extras ){
03609     printf("\nBaseline -polort parameters:\n") ;
03610     for( m=0 ; m < qp ; m++ ){
03611       jnorm = 0.0 ;
03612       for( j=0 ; j < x_full.rows ; j++ ) jnorm += SQR(x_full.elts[j][m]) ;
03613       jnorm = sqrt(jnorm) ;
03614       stddev = sqrt ( xtxinv_full.elts[m][m] );
03615       printf ("  h[%2d] norm. std. dev. = %8.4f   X col. norm = %8.4f\n",
03616               ilag, stddev, jnorm );
03617     }
03618   }
03620   /*----- Print the normalized parameter standard deviations -----*/
03621   m = qp;
03622   for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03623     {
03624       printf ("\nStimulus: %s \n", stim_label[is]);
03625       if( basis_stim[is] != NULL ){ ibot = 0 ; itop = basis_stim[is]->nfunc-1 ; }
03626       else                        { ibot = min_lag[is] ; itop = max_lag[is] ;   }
03627       for (ilag = ibot;  ilag <= itop;  ilag++)
03628         {
03629           jnorm = 0.0 ;
03630           for( j=0 ; j < x_full.rows ; j++ ) jnorm += SQR(x_full.elts[j][m]) ;
03631           jnorm = sqrt(jnorm) ;
03632           stddev = sqrt ( xtxinv_full.elts[m][m] );
03633           if( do_extras )
03634             printf ("  h[%2d] norm. std. dev. = %8.4f   X col. norm = %8.4f\n",
03635                    ilag, stddev, jnorm );
03636           else
03637             printf ("  h[%2d] norm. std. dev. = %8.4f\n",
03638                    ilag, stddev );
03639           m++;
03640         }
03641     }
03643   /*----- Print normalized standard deviations for GLTs -----*/
03644   if (num_glt > 0)
03645     {
03646       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03647       {
03648         printf ("\nGeneral Linear Test: %s \n", glt_label[iglt]);
03650         for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
03651           {
03652             stddev = sqrt ( 1.0 * cxtxinvct[iglt].elts[ilc][ilc] );
03653             printf ("  LC[%d] norm. std. dev. = %8.4f \n",
03654                    ilc, stddev);
03655           }
03656       }
03657     }
03659   fflush(stdout);
03660 }

void save_voxel DC_options   option_data,
int    iv,
vector    coef,
vector    scoef,
vector    tcoef,
float *    fpart,
float *    rpart,
float    mse,
float    ffull,
float    rfull,
vector   glt_coef,
vector   glt_tcoef,
float *    fglt,
float *    rglt,
int    nt,
float *    ts_array,
int *    good_list,
float *    fitts,
float *    errts,
float **    coef_vol,
float **    scoef_vol,
float **    tcoef_vol,
float **    fpart_vol,
float **    rpart_vol,
float *    mse_vol,
float *    ffull_vol,
float *    rfull_vol,
float ***    glt_coef_vol,
float ***    glt_tcoef_vol,
float **    glt_fstat_vol,
float **    glt_rstat_vol,
float **    fitts_vol,
float **    errts_vol

Definition at line 3425 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References p.

03463 {
03464   int ip;                   /* parameter index */
03465   int p;                    /* total number of parameters */
03466   int is;                   /* stimulus time series index */
03467   int num_stimts;           /* number of stimulus time series */
03468   int num_glt;              /* number of general linear tests */
03469   int * glt_rows;           /* number of linear constraints in glt */
03470   int iglt;                 /* general linear test index */
03471   int ilc;                  /* linear combination index */
03472   int it;                    /* time point index */
03473   int N;                     /* number of usable data points */
03476   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
03477   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
03478   p = option_data->p;
03479   num_glt = option_data->num_glt;
03480   glt_rows = option_data->glt_rows;
03481   N = option_data->N;
03484   /*----- Saved regression coefficients,'s, and t-statistics -----*/
03485   if (coef_vol != NULL)
03486     for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
03487       if (coef_vol[ip] != NULL)
03488       coef_vol[ip][iv]   = coef.elts[ip];
03489   if (scoef_vol != NULL)
03490     for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
03491       if (scoef_vol[ip] != NULL)
03492       scoef_vol[ip][iv]  = scoef.elts[ip];
03493   if (tcoef_vol != NULL)
03494     for (ip = 0;  ip < p;  ip++)
03495       if (tcoef_vol[ip] != NULL)
03496       tcoef_vol[ip][iv]  = tcoef.elts[ip];
03499   /*----- Save partial F-statistics and R^2 statistics -----*/
03500   if (fpart_vol != NULL)
03501     for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03502       if (fpart_vol[is] != NULL)
03503       fpart_vol[is][iv] = fpart[is];
03504   if (rpart_vol != NULL)
03505     for (is = 0;  is < num_stimts;  is++)
03506       if (rpart_vol[is] != NULL)
03507       rpart_vol[is][iv] = rpart[is];
03510   /*----- Save full model mean square error -----*/
03511   if (mse_vol != NULL)  mse_vol[iv] = mse;
03514   /*----- Save regression F-statistic -----*/
03515   if (ffull_vol != NULL)  ffull_vol[iv] = ffull;
03518   /*----- Save R^2 values -----*/
03519   if (rfull_vol != NULL)  rfull_vol[iv] = rfull;
03522   /*----- If general linear test -----*/
03523   if (num_glt > 0)
03524     {
03525       /*----- Save linear combinations -----*/
03526       if (glt_coef_vol != NULL)
03527       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03528         if (glt_coef_vol[iglt] != NULL)
03529           for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
03530             glt_coef_vol[iglt][ilc][iv] = glt_coef[iglt].elts[ilc];
03532       /*----- Save GLT t-statistics -----*/
03533       if (glt_tcoef_vol != NULL)
03534       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03535         if (glt_tcoef_vol[iglt] != NULL)
03536           for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
03537             glt_tcoef_vol[iglt][ilc][iv] = glt_tcoef[iglt].elts[ilc];
03539       /*----- Save GLT F-statistics -----*/
03540       if (glt_fstat_vol != NULL)
03541       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03542         if (glt_fstat_vol[iglt] != NULL)
03543           glt_fstat_vol[iglt][iv] = fglt[iglt];
03545       /*----- Save GLT R^2 statistics -----*/
03546       if (glt_rstat_vol != NULL)
03547       for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
03548         if (glt_rstat_vol[iglt] != NULL)
03549           glt_rstat_vol[iglt][iv] = rglt[iglt];
03550     }
03553   /*----- Save the fitted time series and residual errors -----*/
03554   if (fitts_vol != NULL)
03555     {
03556       for (it = 0;  it < nt;  it++)        /* for bad points */
03557       fitts_vol[it][iv] = ts_array[it];
03559       for (it = 0;  it < N;  it++)         /* for good points */
03560       fitts_vol[good_list[it]][iv] = fitts[it];
03561     }
03563   if (errts_vol != NULL)
03564     {
03565       for (it = 0;  it < nt;  it++)        /* for bad points */
03566       errts_vol[it][iv] = 0.0;
03568       for (it = 0;  it < N;  it++)         /* for good points */
03569       errts_vol[good_list[it]][iv] = errts[it];
03570     }
03572 }

NI_element* stringvec_to_niml int    nstr,
char **    str,
char *    ename

Definition at line 6015 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References NI_add_column(), NI_new_data_element(), and NI_STRING.

Referenced by XSAVE_output().

06016 {
06017    NI_element *nel ;
06019    if( nstr < 1 || str == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad user, bad */
06021    if( ename == NULL || *ename == '\0' ) ename = "stringvec" ;
06023    nel = NI_new_data_element( ename , nstr ) ;
06024    NI_add_column( nel , NI_STRING , str ) ;
06025    return nel ;
06026 }

NI_element* symvec_to_niml int    ns,
SYM_irange   sv,
char *    ename

Definition at line 6049 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References free, SYM_irange::gbot, malloc, SYM_irange::name, SYM_irange::nbot, NI_add_column(), NI_INT, NI_new_data_element(), NI_STRING, and SYM_irange::ntop.

Referenced by XSAVE_output().

06050 {
06051    NI_element *nel ;
06052    int ii , *bc,*tc,*gc ; char **sc ;
06054    if( ns < 1 || sv == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad user, bad */
06056    if( ename == NULL || *ename == '\0' ) ename = "symvec" ;
06058    nel = NI_new_data_element( ename , ns ) ;
06060    bc  = (int *)  malloc(sizeof(int)   *ns) ;
06061    tc  = (int *)  malloc(sizeof(int)   *ns) ;
06062    gc  = (int *)  malloc(sizeof(int)   *ns) ;
06063    sc  = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*ns) ;
06065    for( ii=0 ; ii < ns ; ii++ ){
06066      bc[ii] = sv[ii].nbot ; tc[ii] = sv[ii].ntop ;
06067      gc[ii] = sv[ii].gbot ; sc[ii] = sv[ii].name ;
06068    }
06070    NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT ,    bc ); free((void *)bc) ;
06071    NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT    , tc ); free((void *)tc) ;
06072    NI_add_column( nel , NI_INT    , gc ); free((void *)gc) ;
06073    NI_add_column( nel , NI_STRING , sc ); free((void *)sc) ;
06075    return nel ;
06076 }

void vstep_print void    [static]

check for all zero rows, which will cause trouble later *

Definition at line 6899 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results(), and do_xrestore_stuff().

06900 {
06901    static int nn=0 ;
06902    static char xx[10] = "0123456789" ;
06903    fprintf(stderr , "%c" , xx[nn%10] ) ;
06904    if( nn%10 == 9) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
06905    nn++ ;
06906 }

void write_bucket_data int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options   option_data,
float **    coef_vol,
float **    tcoef_vol,
float **    fpart_vol,
float **    rpart_vol,
float *    mse_vol,
float *    ffull_vol,
float *    rfull_vol,
float ***    glt_coef_vol,
float ***    glt_tcoef_vol,
float **    glt_fstat_vol,
float **    glt_rstat_vol

Definition at line 4723 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_datum_all, ADN_directory_name, ADN_func_type, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_type, argc, attach_sub_brick(), BucketFilename, calloc, CoefFilename, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_delete, DSET_HEADNAME, DSET_IS_TCAT, DSET_NUM_TIMES, DSET_PREFIX, DSET_write, EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), FUNC_BUCK_TYPE, FUNC_FIM_TYPE, FUNC_THR_TYPE, HEAD_FUNC_TYPE, InputFilename, malloc, MTEST, basis_expansion::nfunc, nParam, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, p, ParamIndex, ParamLabel, ParamStim, PROGRAM_NAME, q, THD_3dim_dataset::tcat_list, THD_delete_3dim_dataset(), THD_is_file(), THD_load_statistics(), THD_MAX_NAME, THD_open_dataset(), THD_trailname(), THD_write_3dim_dataset(), tross_Append_History(), tross_Copy_History(), tross_Make_History(), and XSAVE_output().

04741 {
04742   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset = NULL;      /* prototype dataset */
04743   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset = NULL;      /* output bucket dataset */
04744   char output_prefix[THD_MAX_NAME];     /* prefix name for bucket dataset */
04745   char output_session[THD_MAX_NAME];    /* directory for bucket dataset */
04746   int nbricks;              /* number of sub-bricks in bucket dataset */
04747   short ** bar = NULL;      /* bar[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
04749   int brick_type;           /* indicates statistical type of sub-brick */
04750   int brick_coef;           /* regression coefficient index for sub-brick */
04751   char brick_label[THD_MAX_NAME]; /* character string label for sub-brick */
04753   int ierror;               /* number of errors in editing data */
04754   float * volume;           /* volume of floating point data */
04756   int N;                    /* number of usable data points */
04757   int qp;                   /* number of poly. trend baseline parameters */
04758   int q;                    /* number of baseline model parameters */
04759   int p;                    /* number of full model parameters */
04760   int polort;               /* degree of polynomial for baseline model */
04761   int num_stimts;           /* number of stimulus time series */
04762   int istim;                /* stimulus index */
04763   int nxyz;                 /* total number of voxels */
04764   int nt;                   /* number of images in input 3d+time dataset */
04765   int ilag;                 /* lag index */
04766   int icoef;                /* coefficient index */
04767   int ibrick;               /* sub-brick index */
04768   int dof, ndof, ddof;      /* degrees of freedom */
04769   char label[THD_MAX_NAME];   /* general label for sub-bricks */
04770   char blab[THD_MAX_NAME] ;   /* label for baseline funcs */
04771   int num_glt;                   /* number of general linear tests */
04772   int * glt_rows;                /* number of linear constraints in glt */
04773   int iglt;                      /* general linear test index */
04774   int ilc;                       /* linear combination index */
04776   THD_3dim_dataset *coef_dset = NULL ;   /* coefficient bucket? */
04777   int cbuck , bout,cout , ibot,itop ;
04779   /*----- read prototype dataset -----*/
04780   old_dset = THD_open_dataset (option_data->input_filename);
04782   bout = !option_data->nobout ;
04783   cout = !option_data->nocout ;
04785   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
04786   nxyz = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz;
04787   num_stimts = option_data->num_stimts;
04788   nt = DSET_NUM_TIMES (old_dset);
04789   num_glt = option_data->num_glt;
04790   glt_rows = option_data->glt_rows;
04792   polort = option_data->polort;
04793   qp = option_data->qp;
04794   q  = option_data->q;
04795   p  = option_data->p;
04796   N  = option_data->N;
04797   nbricks = option_data->nbricks;
04800   /*----- Prepare output file name -----*/
04801   strcpy (output_prefix, option_data->bucket_filename);
04802   strcpy (output_session, "./");
04805   /*----- allocate memory -----*/
04806   bar  = (short **) malloc (sizeof(short *) * nbricks);
04807   MTEST (bar);
04810   /*-- make an empty copy of prototype dataset, for eventual output --*/
04811   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy (old_dset);
04814   /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/
04815   tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
04816   tross_Make_History( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv , new_dset ) ;
04817   sprintf (label, "Output prefix: %s", output_prefix);
04818   tross_Append_History ( new_dset, label);
04820   /*----- Modify some structural properties.  Note that the nbricks
04821           just make empty sub-bricks, without any data attached. -----*/
04822   ierror = EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
04823                             ADN_prefix,          output_prefix,
04824                       ADN_type,            HEAD_FUNC_TYPE,
04825                       ADN_func_type,       FUNC_BUCK_TYPE,
04826                       ADN_datum_all,       MRI_short ,
04827                             ADN_ntt,             0,               /* no time */
04828                       ADN_nvals,           nbricks,
04829                       ADN_malloc_type,     DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
04830                       ADN_none ) ;
04832   if( ierror > 0 )
04833     {
04834       fprintf(stderr,
04835             "** %d errors in attempting to create bucket dataset!\n",
04836             ierror);
04837       exit(1);
04838     }
04840   if( strstr(output_prefix,"/") == NULL )
04841    (void) EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
04842                              ADN_directory_name,  output_session,
04843                            ADN_none ) ;
04845   if (THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset)))
04846     {
04847       fprintf(stderr,
04848             "** Bucket dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\n",
04849             DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset));
04850       exit(1);
04851     }
04853   if( CoefFilename != NULL ){
04854     coef_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( new_dset ) ;
04855     tross_Copy_History( old_dset , coef_dset ) ;
04856     tross_Make_History( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv , coef_dset ) ;
04857     (void) EDIT_dset_items( coef_dset,
04858                             ADN_prefix,          CoefFilename ,
04859                       ADN_type,            HEAD_FUNC_TYPE,
04860                       ADN_func_type,       FUNC_BUCK_TYPE,
04861                       ADN_datum_all,       MRI_short ,
04862                             ADN_ntt,             0,               /* no time */
04863                       ADN_nvals,           p ,
04864                       ADN_malloc_type,     DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
04865                       ADN_none ) ;
04866     if( strstr(CoefFilename,"/") == NULL )
04867       (void) EDIT_dset_items( coef_dset ,
04868                                 ADN_directory_name,  output_session,
04869                               ADN_none ) ;
04870     if( THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(coef_dset)) ){
04871       fprintf(stderr,
04872             "** Coefficient dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\n",
04873             DSET_HEADNAME(coef_dset));
04874       exit(1);
04875     }
04876   }
04878   /*----- save names for future xsave-ing -----*/
04879   if( DSET_IS_TCAT(old_dset) )
04880     InputFilename = strdup(old_dset->tcat_list) ;
04881   else
04882     InputFilename = strdup(THD_trailname(DSET_HEADNAME(old_dset),0)) ;
04884   BucketFilename = strdup(THD_trailname(DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset),0)) ;
04886   if( coef_dset != NULL )
04887     CoefFilename = strdup(THD_trailname(DSET_HEADNAME(coef_dset),0)) ;
04889   /*----- delete prototype dataset -----*/
04890   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( old_dset , False );  old_dset = NULL ;
04893   /*----- Attach individual sub-bricks to the bucket dataset -----*/
04896   /*----- User can choose to place full model stats first -----*/
04897   ibrick = -1;
04898   if (option_data->full_first)
04899     ibrick += option_data->vout + option_data->rout + option_data->fout;
04901   cbuck = -1 ;
04904   /*----- Include fit coefficients and associated statistics? -----*/
04905   if( cout || coef_dset != NULL )
04906     {
04908       { int ii ;
04909         ParamStim  = (int *)  calloc(sizeof(int)   ,nParam) ;
04910         ParamLabel = (char **)calloc(sizeof(char *),nParam) ;
04911         for( ii=0 ; ii < qp     ; ii++ ) ParamLabel[ii] = strdup("ort") ;
04912         for(      ; ii < nParam ; ii++ ) ParamLabel[ii] = strdup("coef") ;
04913         if( cout && bout )
04914           ParamIndex = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int)   ,nParam) ;
04915         else
04916           ParamIndex = NULL ;
04917       }
04919       /*----- Baseline statistics -----*/
04920       if( bout || coef_dset != NULL )
04921       {
04922         strcpy (label, "Base");
04924           if( legendre_polort ) strcpy(blab,"P_") ;  /* 25 Jul 2004: */
04925           else                  strcpy(blab,"t^") ;  /* label for polynomials */
04927         for (icoef = 0;  icoef < qp;  icoef++)
04928           {
04929             if (qp == polort+1)
04930             strcpy (label, "Base");                            /* only 1 run */
04931             else
04932             sprintf (label, "Run#%d", icoef/(polort+1) + 1);   /* multiple runs */
04934             /*----- Baseline coefficient -----*/
04935             brick_type = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
04936               sprintf (brick_label, "%s %s%d Coef", label,blab, icoef % (polort+1));
04937             volume = coef_vol[icoef];
04939               if( cout && bout )
04940               attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ++ibrick, volume, nxyz,
04941                           brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
04943               sprintf(brick_label,"%s:%s%d" , label,blab,icoef%(polort+1)) ;
04945               if( ParamIndex != NULL ) ParamIndex[icoef] = ibrick ;
04946               ParamStim [icoef] = 0 ;
04947               ParamLabel[icoef] = strdup(brick_label) ;
04949               if( coef_dset != NULL ){
04950                 cbuck++ ;
04951                 attach_sub_brick( coef_dset , cbuck , volume , nxyz ,
04952                           brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
04953               }
04955             /*----- Baseline t-stat -----*/
04956             if ( cout && bout && option_data->tout)
04957             {
04958               ibrick++;
04959               brick_type = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
04960               dof = N - p;
04961               sprintf (brick_label, "%s %s%d t-st",
04962                      label,blab, icoef % (polort+1));
04963               volume = tcoef_vol[icoef];
04964               attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
04965                             brick_type, brick_label, dof, 0, 0, bar);
04966             }
04967           }
04968       }
04971       /*----- Stimulus statistics -----*/
04972       icoef = qp;
04973       for (istim = 0;  istim < num_stimts;  istim++)
04974       {
04975         strcpy (label, option_data->stim_label[istim]);
04977           if( basis_stim[istim] != NULL ){
04978             ibot = 0 ; itop = basis_stim[istim]->nfunc-1 ;
04979           } else {
04980             ibot = option_data->stim_minlag[istim] ;
04981             itop = option_data->stim_maxlag[istim] ;
04982           }
04984         /*----- Loop over stimulus time lags -----*/
04985           for( ilag=ibot ; ilag <= itop ; ilag++ )
04986           {
04987             if( !option_data->stim_base[istim] ||
04988                 bout                           ||
04989                   coef_dset != NULL                )
04990             {
04991               /*----- Stimulus coefficient -----*/
04992               brick_type = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
04993               sprintf (brick_label, "%s[%d] Coef", label, ilag);
04994               volume = coef_vol[icoef];
04995                   if( cout && (!option_data->stim_base[istim] || bout) )
04996                 attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ++ibrick, volume, nxyz,
04997                               brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
04999                   sprintf(brick_label,"%s:%d",label,ilag) ;
05001                   if( ParamIndex != NULL ) ParamIndex[icoef] = ibrick ;
05002                   ParamStim [icoef] = option_data->stim_base[istim] ? 0
05003                                                                     : istim+1 ;
05004                   ParamLabel[icoef] = strdup(brick_label) ;
05006                   if( coef_dset != NULL ){
05007                     cbuck++ ;
05008                     attach_sub_brick( coef_dset , cbuck , volume , nxyz ,
05009                               brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
05010                   }
05012               /*----- Stimulus t-stat -----*/
05013               if (cout && option_data->tout && (!option_data->stim_base[istim] || bout) )
05014                 {
05015                   ibrick++;
05016                   brick_type = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
05017                   dof = N - p;
05018                   sprintf (brick_label, "%s[%d] t-st", label, ilag);
05019                   volume = tcoef_vol[icoef];
05020                   attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05021                             brick_type, brick_label, dof, 0, 0, bar);
05022                 }
05023             }
05025             icoef++;
05026           }
05028         /*----- Stimulus R^2 stat -----*/
05029         if( cout && option_data->rout
05030                  && (!option_data->stim_base[istim] || bout) )
05031           {
05032             ibrick++;
05033             brick_type = FUNC_THR_TYPE;
05034             sprintf (brick_label, "%s R^2", label);
05035             volume = rpart_vol[istim];
05036             attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05037                         brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
05038           }
05040         /*----- Stimulus F-stat -----*/
05041         if( cout && option_data->fout
05042                    && (!option_data->stim_base[istim] || bout) )
05043           {
05044             ibrick++;
05045             brick_type = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
05046               ndof = itop - ibot + 1 ;
05047             ddof = N - p;
05048             sprintf (brick_label, "%s F-stat", label);
05049             volume = fpart_vol[istim];
05050             attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05051                         brick_type, brick_label, 0, ndof, ddof, bar);
05052           }
05054       }  /* End loop over stim functions */
05056     }  /*  if (! option_data->nocout)  */
05058     if( coef_dset != NULL ){
05059       DSET_write(coef_dset) ;
05060       if( !option_data->quiet )
05061         fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote cbucket to %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(coef_dset)) ;
05062       DSET_delete(coef_dset) ; coef_dset = NULL ;
05063     }
05066   /*----- 25 Jul 2004: save matrix info (etc.) to dataset header -----*/
05068   if( xsave ) XSAVE_output( DSET_PREFIX(new_dset) ) ;
05070   /*----- General linear test statistics -----*/
05071   for (iglt = 0;  iglt < num_glt;  iglt++)
05072     {
05073       strcpy (label, option_data->glt_label[iglt]);
05075       /*----- Loop over rows of GLT matrix -----*/
05076       for (ilc = 0;  ilc < glt_rows[iglt];  ilc++)
05077       {
05078         /*----- GLT coefficient -----*/
05079         ibrick++;
05080         brick_type = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
05081         sprintf (brick_label, "%s LC[%d] coef", label, ilc);
05082         volume = glt_coef_vol[iglt][ilc];
05083         attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05084                       brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
05086         /*----- GLT t-stat -----*/
05087         if (option_data->tout)
05088           {
05089             ibrick++;
05090             brick_type = FUNC_TT_TYPE;
05091             dof = N - p;
05092             sprintf (brick_label, "%s LC[%d] t-st", label, ilc);
05093             volume = glt_tcoef_vol[iglt][ilc];
05094             attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05095                         brick_type, brick_label, dof, 0, 0, bar);
05096           }
05097       }
05099       /*----- GLT R^2 stat -----*/
05100       if (option_data->rout)
05101       {
05102         ibrick++;
05103         brick_type = FUNC_THR_TYPE;
05104         sprintf (brick_label, "%s R^2", label);
05105         volume = glt_rstat_vol[iglt];
05106         attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05107                       brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
05108       }
05110       /*----- GLT F-stat -----*/
05111       if (option_data->fout)
05112       {
05113         ibrick++;
05114         brick_type = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
05115         ndof = glt_rows[iglt];
05116         ddof = N - p;
05117         sprintf (brick_label, "%s F-stat", label);
05118         volume = glt_fstat_vol[iglt];
05119         attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05120                       brick_type, brick_label, 0, ndof, ddof, bar);
05121       }
05123     }  /* End loop over general linear tests */
05126   /*----- Statistics for full model -----*/
05127   if (option_data->full_first)  ibrick = -1;
05129   /*----- Full model MSE -----*/
05130   if (option_data->vout)
05131     {
05132       ibrick++;
05133       brick_type = FUNC_FIM_TYPE;
05134       sprintf (brick_label, "Full MSE");
05135       volume = mse_vol;
05136       attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05137                   brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
05138     }
05140   /*----- Full model R^2 -----*/
05141   if (option_data->rout)
05142     {
05143       ibrick++;
05144       brick_type = FUNC_THR_TYPE;
05145       sprintf (brick_label, "Full R^2");
05146       volume = rfull_vol;
05147       attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05148                   brick_type, brick_label, 0, 0, 0, bar);
05149     }
05151   /*----- Full model F-stat -----*/
05152   if (option_data->fout)
05153     {
05154       ibrick++;
05155       brick_type = FUNC_FT_TYPE;
05156       ndof = p - q;
05157       ddof = N - p;
05158       sprintf (brick_label, "Full F-stat");
05159       volume = ffull_vol;
05160       attach_sub_brick (new_dset, ibrick, volume, nxyz,
05161                   brick_type, brick_label, 0, ndof, ddof, bar);
05162     }
05165   /*----- write bucket data set -----*/
05167   THD_load_statistics (new_dset);
05168   THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ;
05169   if (! option_data->quiet)
05170     printf("++ Wrote bucket dataset into %s\n",  DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset));
05173   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
05174   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ; new_dset = NULL ;
05176 }

void write_one_ts char *    prefix,
int    ts_length,
float **    vol_array

Definition at line 5185 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

05191 {
05192   char filename[80];              /* output time series file name */
05193   int it;                         /* time index */
05194   FILE * outfile = NULL;          /* file pointer */
05197   /*----- Create output filename by appending ".1D" -----*/
05198   sprintf (filename, "%s.1D", prefix);
05199   outfile = fopen (filename, "w");
05202   /*----- 'Volume' data consists of just one voxel -----*/
05203   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
05204     {
05205       fprintf (outfile, "%f", vol_array[it][0]);
05206       fprintf (outfile, " \n");
05207     }
05210   fclose (outfile);
05211 }

void write_ts_array int    argc,
char **    argv,
DC_options   option_data,
int    ts_length,
int    nptr,
int    tshift,
float **    vol_array,
char *    output_filename

Definition at line 4534 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References ADN_brick_fac, ADN_datum_all, ADN_label1, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_nsl, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_self_name, ADN_ttdel, ADN_ttdur, ADN_ttorg, argc, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, THD_datablock::diskptr, DSET_BRICK, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_TIMESTEP, EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new(), EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), free, THD_diskptr::header_name, malloc, mri_fix_data_pointer(), MTEST, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, PROGRAM_NAME, THD_delete_3dim_dataset(), THD_is_file(), THD_load_statistics(), THD_MAX_NAME, THD_open_dataset(), THD_write_3dim_dataset(), tross_Append_History(), tross_commandline(), tross_Copy_History(), and tross_multi_Append_History().

04545 {
04546   const float EPSILON = 1.0e-10;
04548   THD_3dim_dataset * dset = NULL;        /* input afni data set pointer */
04549   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset = NULL;    /* output afni data set pointer */
04550   int ib;                                /* sub-brick index */
04551   int ierror;                            /* number of errors in editing data */
04552   int nxyz;                              /* total number of voxels */
04553   float factor;             /* factor is new scale factor for sub-brick #ib */
04554   char * input_filename;    /* input afni data set file name */
04555   short ** bar = NULL;      /* bar[ib] points to data for sub-brick #ib */
04556   float * fbuf = NULL;      /* float buffer */
04557   float * volume;           /* pointer to volume of data */
04558   char label[THD_MAX_NAME]; /* label for output file */
04559   float newtr;              /* new time step = TR/nptr */
04562   /*----- Initialize local variables -----*/
04563   input_filename = option_data->input_filename;
04564   dset = THD_open_dataset (input_filename);
04565   nxyz = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz;
04566   newtr = DSET_TIMESTEP(dset) / nptr;
04568   /*----- allocate memory -----*/
04569   bar  = (short **) malloc (sizeof(short *) * ts_length);   MTEST (bar);
04570   fbuf = (float *)  malloc (sizeof(float)   * ts_length);   MTEST (fbuf);
04572   /*-- make an empty copy of the prototype dataset, for eventual output --*/
04573   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy (dset);
04575   /*----- Record history of dataset -----*/
04576   tross_Copy_History( dset , new_dset ) ;
04578   { char * commandline = tross_commandline( PROGRAM_NAME , argc , argv ) ;
04579     sprintf (label, "Output prefix: %s", output_filename);
04580     if( commandline != NULL )
04581        tross_multi_Append_History( new_dset , commandline,label,NULL ) ;
04582     else
04583        tross_Append_History ( new_dset, label);
04584     free(commandline) ;
04585   }
04587   /*----- Delete prototype dataset -----*/
04588   THD_delete_3dim_dataset (dset, False);  dset = NULL ;
04591   ierror = EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
04592                       ADN_prefix,      output_filename,
04593                       ADN_label1,      output_filename,
04594                       ADN_self_name,   output_filename,
04595                       ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC,
04596                       ADN_datum_all,   MRI_short,
04597                       ADN_nvals,       ts_length,
04598                       ADN_ntt,         ts_length,
04599                       ADN_ttdel,       newtr,
04600                       ADN_none);
04602   if( ierror > 0 ){
04603     fprintf(stderr,
04604           "** %d errors in attempting to create output dataset!\n", ierror ) ;
04605     exit(1) ;
04606   }
04608   if( THD_is_file(new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name) ){
04609     fprintf(stderr,
04610           "** Output dataset file %s already exists--cannot continue!\a\n",
04611           new_dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name ) ;
04612     exit(1) ;
04613   }
04616   /*----- Reset slice offset times to zero -----*/
04617   if (tshift)
04618     EDIT_dset_items (new_dset,
04619                  ADN_nsl,     0,    /* will have no offsets when done */
04620                  ADN_ttorg, 0.0,    /* in case not already set */
04621                  ADN_ttdur, 0.0,    /* in case not already set */
04622                  ADN_none);
04625   /*----- attach bricks to new data set -----*/
04626   for (ib = 0;  ib < ts_length;  ib++)
04627     {
04629       /*----- Set pointer to appropriate volume -----*/
04630       volume = vol_array[ib];
04632       /*----- Allocate memory for output sub-brick -----*/
04633       bar[ib]  = (short *) malloc (sizeof(short) * nxyz);
04634       MTEST (bar[ib]);
04636       /*----- Convert data type to short for this sub-brick -----*/
04637       factor = EDIT_coerce_autoscale_new (nxyz, MRI_float, volume,
04638                                 MRI_short, bar[ib]);
04639       if (factor < EPSILON)  factor = 0.0;
04640       else factor = 1.0 / factor;
04641       fbuf[ib] = factor;
04643       /*----- attach bar[ib] to be sub-brick #ib -----*/
04644       mri_fix_data_pointer (bar[ib], DSET_BRICK(new_dset,ib));
04645     }
04648   /*----- write afni data set -----*/
04650   (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , fbuf , ADN_none ) ;
04652   THD_load_statistics (new_dset);
04653   THD_write_3dim_dataset (NULL, NULL, new_dset, True);
04654   if (!  option_data->quiet)
04655     fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote 3D+time dataset into %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
04658   /*----- deallocate memory -----*/
04659   THD_delete_3dim_dataset (new_dset, False);   new_dset = NULL ;
04660   free (fbuf);   fbuf = NULL;
04662 }

void XSAVE_input char *    xname

Definition at line 6228 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References BucketFilename, CoefFilename, free, GoodList, InputFilename, malloc, NI_element::name, nGoodList, NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_close(), NI_stream_open(), niml_to_intvec(), niml_to_matrix(), niml_to_stringvec(), niml_to_symvec(), nParam, nSymStim, NumRegressors, NumTimePoints, ParamIndex, ParamLabel, and ParamStim.

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff().

06229 {
06230    char *fname , *cpt ;
06231    NI_stream ns ;
06232    NI_element *nel ;
06234    if( xname == NULL || *xname == '\0' ) return ;
06236    /*-- open input file --*/
06238    fname  = malloc( sizeof(char) * (strlen(xname)+32) ) ;
06239    strcpy(fname,"file:") ; strcat(fname,xname) ;
06240    ns = NI_stream_open( fname , "r" ) ;
06241    free((void *)fname) ;
06242    if( ns == (NI_stream)NULL ){
06243      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: can't open file %s for -xrestore!\n",xname) ;
06244      return ;
06245    }
06247    /*-- read and decode header element --*/
06249    nel = NI_read_element( ns , 1 ) ;
06250    if( nel == NULL ){
06251      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: can't read header in file %s for -xrestore!\n",xname) ;
06252      NI_stream_close( ns ) ; return ;
06253    }
06255    /* extract filenames */
06257    cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "InputFilename"  ) ;
06258                 if( cpt != NULL ) InputFilename = strdup(cpt) ;
06259    cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "BucketFilename" ) ;
06260                 if( cpt != NULL ) BucketFilename = strdup(cpt) ;
06261    cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "CoefFilename"   ) ;
06262                 if( cpt != NULL ) CoefFilename = strdup(cpt) ;
06264    /* extract other stuff (not used, yet) */
06266    cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "NumTimePoints" ) ;
06267                 if( cpt != NULL ) NumTimePoints = strtol(cpt,NULL,10) ;
06268    cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "NumRegressors" ) ;
06269                 if( cpt != NULL ) NumRegressors = strtol(cpt,NULL,10) ;
06271    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06273    /*-- read succeeding elements, decode and store them --*/
06275    while(1){
06277      nel = NI_read_element( ns , 1 ) ;
06278      if( nel == NULL ) break ;          /* end of input */
06280      cpt = NI_get_attribute( nel , "Xname" ) ;  /*- name of variable to save -*/
06281      if( cpt == NULL ){
06282        NI_free_element( nel ) ; continue ;        /*- unnamed ==> skip this! -*/
06283      }
06285      if( strcmp(nel->name,"matrix") == 0 ){              /*- matrix elements -*/
06287             if( strcmp(cpt,"X"       )==0 ) niml_to_matrix( nel , &X        );
06288        else if( strcmp(cpt,"XtXinv"  )==0 ) niml_to_matrix( nel , &XtXinv   );
06289        else if( strcmp(cpt,"XtXinvXt")==0 ) niml_to_matrix( nel , &XtXinvXt );
06291      } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"intvec") == 0 ){       /*- intvec elements -*/
06293             if( strcmp(cpt,"GoodList")   == 0 )
06294                               niml_to_intvec( nel , &nGoodList, &GoodList   );
06295        else if( strcmp(cpt,"ParamIndex") == 0 )
06296                               niml_to_intvec( nel , &nParam   , &ParamIndex );
06297        else if( strcmp(cpt,"ParamStim" ) == 0 )
06298                               niml_to_intvec( nel , &nParam   , &ParamStim  );
06300      } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"stringvec") == 0 ){ /*- stringvec elements -*/
06302        if( strcmp(cpt,"ParamLabel") == 0 )
06303                              niml_to_stringvec( nel , &nParam , &ParamLabel );
06305      } else if( strcmp(nel->name,"symvec") == 0 ){       /*- symvec elements -*/
06307        if( strcmp(cpt,"SymStim") == 0 )
06308                                  niml_to_symvec( nel , &nSymStim , &SymStim );
06310      } else {                                            /*- other elements? -*/
06311                                                       /*- silently skip them -*/
06312      }
06314      NI_free_element( nel ) ;  /* toss the trash (or recycle it) */
06316    } /*-- end of loop over elements in file --*/
06318    NI_stream_close( ns ) ; return ;
06319 }

void XSAVE_output char *   

Definition at line 6105 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References AFNI_yesenv(), BucketFilename, CoefFilename, matrix::cols, free, GoodList, InputFilename, intvec_to_niml(), malloc, matrix_to_niml(), nGoodList, NI_BINARY_MODE, NI_free_element(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_stream_close(), NI_stream_open(), NI_TEXT_MODE, NI_write_element(), nParam, nSymStim, ParamIndex, ParamLabel, ParamStim, matrix::rows, stringvec_to_niml(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_is_ondisk(), tross_datetime(), tross_hostname(), tross_username(), verb, xsave, and XSAVE_version.

Referenced by write_bucket_data().

06106 {
06107    char *fname , *cpt ;
06108    NI_stream ns ;
06109    NI_element *nel ;
06110    int nimode = NI_BINARY_MODE ;
06112    if( !xsave ) return ;
06114    if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_XSAVE_TEXT") ) nimode = NI_TEXT_MODE ;
06116    /*-- open output stream --*/
06118    if( prefix == NULL || *prefix == '\0' ) prefix = "X" ;
06120    fname  = malloc( sizeof(char) * (strlen(prefix)+32) ) ;
06121    strcpy(fname,"file:") ; strcat(fname,prefix) ; strcat(fname,".xsave") ;
06122    if( THD_is_ondisk(fname+5) && verb )
06123      fprintf(stderr,
06124              "** WARNING: -xsave output file %s will be overwritten!\n",fname+5) ;
06125    ns = NI_stream_open( fname , "w" ) ;
06126    if( ns == (NI_stream)NULL ){
06127      fprintf(stderr,
06128              "** ERROR: -xsave output file %s can't be opened!\n",fname+5) ;
06129      free((void *)fname) ;
06130      return ;
06131    }
06133    /*-- write a header element --*/
06135    nel = NI_new_data_element( "XSAVE", 0 ) ;
06136    if( InputFilename != NULL )
06137      NI_set_attribute( nel , "InputFilename"  , InputFilename  ) ;
06138    if( BucketFilename != NULL )
06139      NI_set_attribute( nel , "BucketFilename" , BucketFilename ) ;
06140    if( CoefFilename != NULL )
06141      NI_set_attribute( nel , "CoefFilename"   , CoefFilename   ) ;
06143    sprintf(fname,"%d",X.rows) ;
06144    NI_set_attribute( nel , "NumTimePoints" , fname ) ;
06145    sprintf(fname,"%d",X.cols) ;
06146    NI_set_attribute( nel , "NumRegressors" , fname ) ;
06148    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Deconvolveries" , XSAVE_version ) ;
06150    cpt = tross_datetime() ;
06151    NI_set_attribute( nel , "DateTime" , cpt ) ;
06152    free((void *)cpt) ;
06153    cpt = tross_hostname() ;
06154    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Hostname" , cpt ) ;
06155    free((void *)cpt) ;
06156    cpt = tross_username() ;
06157    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Username" , cpt ) ;
06158    free((void *)cpt) ;
06160    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06161    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06163    /*-- write the matrices --*/
06165    nel = matrix_to_niml( X , "matrix" ) ;
06166    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "X" ) ;
06167    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06168    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06170    nel = matrix_to_niml( XtXinv , "matrix" ) ;
06171    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "XtXinv" ) ;
06172    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06173    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06175    nel = matrix_to_niml( XtXinvXt , "matrix" ) ;
06176    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "XtXinvXt" ) ;
06177    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06178    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06180    /*-- list of good time points --*/
06182    nel = intvec_to_niml( nGoodList , GoodList , "intvec" ) ;
06183    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "GoodList" ) ;
06184    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06185    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06187    /*-- list of bucket indices with estimated parameters --*/
06189    if( ParamIndex != NULL ){
06190      nel = intvec_to_niml( nParam, ParamIndex , "intvec" ) ;
06191      NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "ParamIndex" ) ;
06192      (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06193      NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06194    }
06196    /*-- which stimlus input file, for each parameter --*/
06198    nel = intvec_to_niml( nParam, ParamStim , "intvec" ) ;
06199    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "ParamStim" ) ;
06200    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06201    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06203    /*-- stimulus label, for each parameter --*/
06205    nel = stringvec_to_niml( nParam , ParamLabel , "stringvec" ) ;
06206    NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "ParamLabel" ) ;
06207    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06208    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06210    /*-- stimulus symbols [29 Jul 2004] --*/
06212    if( nSymStim > 0 ){
06213      nel = symvec_to_niml( nSymStim , SymStim , "symvec" ) ;
06214      NI_set_attribute( nel , "Xname" , "SymStim" ) ;
06215      (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , nimode ) ;
06216      NI_free_element( nel ) ;
06217    }
06219    /*-- done, finito, ciao babee --*/
06221    NI_stream_close(ns) ; free((void *)fname) ; return ;
06222 }

void zero_fill_volume float **    fvol,
int    nxyz

Definition at line 2863 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

References malloc, MTEST, proc_numjob, proc_shm_ar, proc_shm_arnum, proc_shm_arsiz, and realloc.

02864 {
02865   int ixyz;
02867   if( proc_numjob == 1 ){ /* 1 process ==> allocate locally */
02869     *fvol  = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nxyz);   MTEST(*fvol);
02870     for (ixyz = 0;  ixyz < nxyz;  ixyz++)
02871       (*fvol)[ixyz]  = 0.0;
02873   }
02874 #ifdef PROC_MAX
02875    else {             /* multiple processes ==> prepare for shared memory */
02876                       /*                        by remembering what to do */
02878     proc_shm_arnum++ ;
02879     proc_shm_arsiz = (int *)  realloc( proc_shm_arsiz ,
02880                                        sizeof(int)     *proc_shm_arnum ) ;
02881     proc_shm_ar = (float ***) realloc( proc_shm_ar ,
02882                                        sizeof(float **)*proc_shm_arnum ) ;
02883     proc_shm_arsiz[proc_shm_arnum-1] = nxyz ;
02884     proc_shm_ar[proc_shm_arnum-1]    = fvol ;
02886     /* actual allocation and pointer assignment (to *fvol)
02887        will take place in function proc_finalize_shm_volumes() */
02888   }
02889 #endif
02890 }

Variable Documentation

int basis_count = 0 [static]

Definition at line 437 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options(), read_input_data(), and remove_zero_stimfns().

float basis_dtout = 0.0f [static]

Definition at line 438 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options(), output_results(), and read_input_data().

int basis_need_mse = 0 [static]

Definition at line 441 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by allocate_memory(), and get_options().

float basis_normall = 0.0f [static]

Definition at line 443 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by basis_parser(), and get_options().

basis_expansion** basis_stim = NULL [static]

global variables for stimulus basis expansions *

Definition at line 433 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

MRI_IMAGE** basis_times = NULL [static]

Definition at line 434 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

float basis_TR = 1.0f [static]

Definition at line 436 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by read_input_data().

MRI_IMAGE** basis_vect = NULL [static]

Definition at line 435 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

char * BucketFilename = NULL [static]

Definition at line 356 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

char * CoefFilename = NULL [static]

Definition at line 356 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by allocate_memory(), do_xrestore_stuff(), get_options(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int * GoodList = NULL [static]

Definition at line 353 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_for_valid_inputs(), check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

char* InputFilename = NULL [static]

Definition at line 356 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

basis_irc** irc = NULL [static]

Definition at line 462 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

float irc_dt = 0.0f [static]

Definition at line 439 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options().

int nGoodList = 0 [static]

Definition at line 353 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_for_valid_inputs(), check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int nParam = 0 [static]

Definition at line 354 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by baseline_mean(), check_for_valid_inputs(), check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int nSymStim = 0 [static]

Definition at line 379 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by read_glt_matrix(), read_input_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int num_irc = 0 [static]

Definition at line 461 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

int NumRegressors = 0 [static]

Definition at line 369 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

int NumTimePoints = 0 [static]

Definition at line 369 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by XSAVE_input().

int * ParamIndex = NULL [static]

Definition at line 354 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

char** ParamLabel = NULL [static]

Definition at line 355 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int * ParamStim = NULL [static]

Definition at line 354 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), write_bucket_data(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

int proc_ind [static]

Definition at line 325 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results(), and proc_sigfunc().

int proc_numjob = 1 [static]

Definition at line 312 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by allocate_memory(), calculate_results(), get_options(), main(), and zero_fill_volume().

pid_t proc_pid[PROC_MAX] [static]

Definition at line 313 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results().

float*** proc_shm_ar = NULL [static]

Definition at line 319 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), proc_free(), and zero_fill_volume().

int proc_shm_arnum = 0 [static]

Definition at line 318 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), proc_free(), and zero_fill_volume().

int* proc_shm_arsiz = NULL [static]

Definition at line 320 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), and zero_fill_volume().

int proc_shmid = 0 [static]

Definition at line 314 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_atexit(), proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), proc_free(), and proc_sigfunc().

char* proc_shmptr = NULL [static]

Definition at line 315 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes().

int proc_shmsize = 0 [static]

Definition at line 316 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes().

int proc_use_jobs = 0 [static]

Definition at line 334 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options(), and main().

int proc_vox_bot[PROC_MAX] [static]

Definition at line 322 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results().

int proc_vox_top[PROC_MAX] [static]

Definition at line 323 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results().

int show_singvals = 0 [static]

Definition at line 385 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results(), and get_options().

SYM_irange* SymStim = NULL [static]

Definition at line 380 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

int verb = 1 [static]

Definition at line 371 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by do_xrestore_stuff(), get_options(), main(), and XSAVE_output().

float* voxel_base = NULL [static]

Definition at line 363 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by calculate_results().

int voxel_num [static]

Definition at line 362 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by read_input_data().

matrix X [static]

Definition at line 358 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

int* Xcol_inbase [static]

Definition at line 360 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by baseline_mean(), and calculate_results().

float* Xcol_mean [static]

Definition at line 361 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by baseline_mean(), and calculate_results().

int xrestore = 0 [static]

Definition at line 367 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by get_options().

char* xrestore_filename = NULL [static]

Definition at line 368 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_xrestore_data(), do_xrestore_stuff(), and get_options().

int xsave = 0 [static]

Definition at line 352 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

Referenced by check_for_valid_inputs(), get_options(), and XSAVE_output().

matrix XtXinv [static]

Definition at line 358 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.

matrix XtXinvXt [static]

Definition at line 358 of file 3dDeconvolve.c.


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