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niml.h File Reference

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

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Data Structures

struct  complex
struct  DIME_message
struct  DIME_part
struct  Dtable
struct  Htable
struct  NI_affine_3dmap
struct  NI_byte_vector
struct  NI_complex_vector
struct  NI_dataset
struct  NI_double_vector
struct  NI_element
struct  NI_float_one
struct  NI_float_vector
struct  NI_group
struct  NI_int_vector
struct  NI_objcontainer
struct  NI_points_domain
struct  NI_procins
struct  NI_rect_domain
struct  NI_rgb_vector
struct  NI_rgba_vector
struct  NI_rowtype
struct  NI_short_vector
struct  NI_statistic
struct  NI_str_array
struct  NI_stream_type
struct  NI_string_vector
struct  NI_struct
struct  NI_vector
struct  rgb
struct  rgba
struct  SHMioc


#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER)   ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
#define NI_BYTE   0
#define NI_SHORT   1
#define NI_INT   2
#define NI_FLOAT32   3
#define NI_FLOAT   NI_FLOAT32
#define NI_FLOAT64   4
#define NI_DOUBLE   NI_FLOAT64
#define NI_COMPLEX64   5
#define NI_RGB   6
#define NI_RGBA   7
#define NI_IS_NUMERIC_TYPE(t)   ( (t) >= 0 && (t) <= NI_RGBA )
#define NI_STRING   8
#define NI_NUM_TYPES   9
#define NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES   8
#define IS_DATUM_CHAR(c)
#define NI_is_builtin_type(t)   ( (t) >= 0 && (t) < NI_NUM_TYPES )
#define NI_is_basic_type(t)   ( (t) >= 0 && (t) < NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES )
#define ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK   (1<<0)
#define ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rr)   (((rr)->flag & ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK) != 0)
#define ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt, pt, qq)   ( *((int *)( (pt) + (rt)->part_off[ (rt)->part_dim[qq] ] )) )
#define delete_rowtype(rr)
#define ROWTYPE_is_basic_code   NI_is_basic_type
#define NI_ELEMENT_TYPE   17
#define NI_GROUP_TYPE   18
#define NI_PROCINS_TYPE   19
#define SHM_WAIT_CREATE   9
#define SHM_WAIT_ACCEPT   10
#define SHM_IS_DEAD   99
#define SHM_CREATOR   33
#define SHM_ACCEPTOR   44
#define SHM_DEFAULT_SIZE   196689
#define SHM_HSIZE   128
#define SHM_SIZE1   0
#define SHM_BSTART1   1
#define SHM_BEND1   2
#define SHM_SIZE2   3
#define SHM_BSTART2   4
#define SHM_BEND2   5
#define NI_BUFSIZE   (31*1024)
#define NI_TCP_TYPE   1
#define NI_FILE_TYPE   2
#define NI_STRING_TYPE   3
#define NI_REMOTE_TYPE   4
#define NI_FD_TYPE   5
#define NI_SHM_TYPE   6
#define TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT   7
#define TCP_WAIT_CONNECT   8
#define MARKED_FOR_DEATH   6666
#define NI_INPUT_MODE   0
#define NI_OUTPUT_MODE   1
#define NI_TEXT_MODE   0
#define NI_BINARY_MODE   1
#define NI_BASE64_MODE   2
#define NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG   (1<<8)
#define NI_HEADERSHARP_FLAG   (1<<9)
#define NI_LSB_FIRST   1
#define NI_MSB_FIRST   2
#define NI_ATTMODE_LAST   1
#define NI_NAMEMODE_LAST   1
#define sizeof_Htable(ht)   ((ht)->ntot)
#define DIME_MB_MASK   (1<<0)
#define DIME_ME_MASK   (1<<1)
#define DIME_CF_MASK   (1<<2)
#define DIME_VERSION_MASK   (0xf8)
#define NI_malloc(typ, a)   (typ*) hidden_NI_malloc((a),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define NI_calloc(a, b)   hidden_NI_malloc((a)*(b),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define NI_realloc(a, typ, b)   (typ*) hidden_NI_realloc((a),(b),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define NI_free(a)   hidden_NI_free((a),__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define NI_FREE(p)   ( NI_free(p), (p)=NULL )
#define NI_new(typ)   ( NI_malloc(typ, sizeof(typ)) )
#define NI_is_file(pn)   (NI_filesize(pn) >= 0)
#define NI_SWAP_MASK   (1<<0)
#define NI_LTEND_MASK   (1<<1)
#define NI_STREAM_CLOSE(nn)   do{ NI_stream_close(nn); (nn)=NULL; } while(0)
#define NI_float_val(nd)   ((nd)->val)
#define NI_stat_code(nd)   ((nd)->statcode)
#define NI_stat_param_num(nd)   ((nd)->param_num)
#define NI_stat_param(nd, i, j)
#define NI_STAT_CORREL   2
#define NI_STAT_TTEST   3
#define NI_STAT_FTEST   4
#define NI_STAT_ZSCORE   5
#define NI_STAT_CHISQ   6
#define NI_STAT_BETA   7
#define NI_STAT_BINOM   8
#define NI_STAT_GAMMA   9
#define NI_STAT_POISSON   10
#define NI_STAT_NORMAL   11
#define NI_STAT_FTEST_NONC   12
#define NI_STAT_CHISQ_NONC   13
#define NI_STAT_LOGISTIC   14
#define NI_STAT_LAPLACE   15
#define NI_STAT_UNIFORM   16
#define NI_STAT_TTEST_NONC   17
#define NI_STAT_WEIBULL   18
#define NI_STAT_CHI   19
#define NI_STAT_INVGAUSS   20
#define NI_STAT_EXTVAL   21
#define NI_STAT_PVAL   22
#define NI_STAT_LOGPVAL   23
#define NI_STAT_LOG10PVAL   24
#define NI_STAT_LASTCODE   24
#define NI_NODE_DIRECTION   55
#define NI_dataset_vecnum(nd)   ( ((nd)->order == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? (nd)->num_val : (nd)->num_node )
#define NI_dataset_veclen(nd)   ( ((nd)->order == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? (nd)->num_node: (nd)->num_val )
#define NI_opposite_order(oo)   ( ((oo) == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? NI_INDEX_DIRECTION : NI_NODE_DIRECTION )
#define NI_STRUCT_TYPE   6660000
#define NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE   6660002
#define NI_STATISTIC_TYPE   6660003
#define NI_DATASET_TYPE   6660004
#define NI_VECTOR_TYPE   6660100
#define NI_BYTE_VECTOR_TYPE   6660101
#define NI_SHORT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660102
#define NI_INT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660103
#define NI_FLOAT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660104
#define NI_DOUBLE_VECTOR_TYPE   6660105
#define NI_COMPLEX_VECTOR_TYPE   6660106
#define NI_RGB_VECTOR_TYPE   6660107
#define NI_RGBA_VECTOR_TYPE   6660108
#define NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE   6660109
#define NI_is_vector_type(tt)   ( (tt) >= NI_VECTOR_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE )
#define NI_patch_vector_type(nn)
#define NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE   6660201
#define NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE   6660202
#define NI_is_domain_type(tt)   ( (tt) >= NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE )
#define NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE   6660301
#define NI_is_3dmap_type(tt)   ( (tt) >= NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE )
#define NI_datatype_size(n)   NI_rowtype_code_to_size(n)
#define NI_delete_str_array(sar)
#define NI_decode_str_array   NI_decode_string_list
#define IDCODE_LEN   32


typedef unsigned char byte
typedef NI_rowtype NI_rowtype
typedef NI_stream_typeNI_stream
typedef int NI_index_t
typedef void NI_voidfunc ()
typedef int(* NI_objconverter_func )(NI_objcontainer *)


int NI_rowtype_define (char *, char *)
NI_rowtypeNI_rowtype_find_name (char *)
NI_rowtypeNI_rowtype_find_code (int)
int NI_rowtype_name_to_code (char *)
char * NI_rowtype_code_to_name (int)
char * NI_rowtype_code_to_alias (int)
int NI_rowtype_name_to_size (char *)
int NI_rowtype_code_to_size (int)
int NI_rowtype_vsize (NI_rowtype *, void *)
void NI_val_to_text (NI_rowtype *, char *, char *)
int NI_val_to_binary (NI_rowtype *, char *, char *)
void NI_multival_to_text (NI_rowtype *, int, char *, char *)
int NI_multival_to_binary (NI_rowtype *, int, char *, char *)
int NI_has_String (NI_rowtype *)
void NI_swap_column (NI_rowtype *, int, char *)
void NI_rowtype_debug (int)
char * NI_type_name (int)
NI_procinsNI_rowtype_procins (NI_rowtype *)
void NI_set_attribute_mode (int)
void NI_set_typename_mode (int)
Htablenew_Htable (int)
void destroy_Htable (Htable *)
void addto_Htable (char *, void *, Htable *)
void * findin_Htable (char *, Htable *)
void removefrom_Htable (char *, Htable *)
void profile_Htable (char *, Htable *)
void subsume_Htable (Htable *, Htable *)
void Htable_set_vtkill (int)
void resize_Htable (int, Htable *)
Dtablenew_Dtable (int)
void destroy_Dtable (Dtable *)
void addto_Dtable (char *, char *, Dtable *)
char * findin_Dtable_a (char *, Dtable *)
char * findin_Dtable_b (char *, Dtable *)
void removefrom_Dtable_a (char *, Dtable *)
void removefrom_Dtable_b (char *, Dtable *)
int listize_Dtable (Dtable *, char ***, char ***)
char * Dtable_to_nimlstring (Dtable *, char *)
DtableDtable_from_nimlstring (char *)
DIME_messageDIME_read_message (NI_stream_type *, int)
DIME_partDIME_read_part (NI_stream_type *, int)
void DIME_destroy_message (DIME_message *)
void * hidden_NI_malloc (size_t, char *, int)
void * hidden_NI_realloc (void *, size_t, char *, int)
void hidden_NI_free (void *, char *, int)
char * NI_malloc_status (void)
void NI_malloc_dump (void)
void NI_malloc_enable_tracking (void)
int NI_malloc_tracking_enabled (void)
int NI_malloc_replace (void *(*um)(size_t), void *(*ur)(void *, size_t), void(*uf)(void *))
char * NI_strncpy (char *, const char *, size_t)
char * NI_strdup (char *)
int NI_strlen (char *)
long NI_filesize (char *)
int NI_clock_time (void)
int NI_byteorder (void)
void NI_swap2 (int, void *)
void NI_swap4 (int, void *)
void NI_swap8 (int, void *)
char * NI_mktemp (char *)
int NI_type_size (int)
int NI_element_rowsize (NI_element *)
int NI_element_allsize (NI_element *)
void NI_free_element (void *)
int NI_element_type (void *)
char * NI_element_name (void *)
NI_elementNI_new_data_element (char *, int)
void NI_add_column (NI_element *, int, void *)
void NI_set_attribute (void *, char *, char *)
char * NI_get_attribute (void *, char *)
void NI_insert_value (NI_element *, int, int, void *)
void NI_add_column_stride (NI_element *, int, void *, int)
void NI_fill_column_stride (NI_element *, int, void *, int, int)
void NI_insert_string (NI_element *, int, int, char *)
void NI_alter_veclen (NI_element *, int)
NI_groupNI_new_group_element (void)
void NI_add_to_group (NI_group *, void *)
void NI_rename_group (NI_group *, char *)
void NI_remove_from_group (NI_group *, void *)
int NI_search_group_shallow (NI_group *, char *, void ***)
int NI_search_group_deep (NI_group *, char *, void ***)
NI_procinsNI_new_processing_instruction (char *)
void NI_swap_vector (int, int, void *)
NI_stream NI_stream_open (char *, char *)
int NI_stream_goodcheck (NI_stream_type *, int)
void NI_stream_close (NI_stream_type *)
void NI_stream_kill (NI_stream_type *)
void NI_stream_closenow (NI_stream_type *)
int NI_stream_readcheck (NI_stream_type *, int)
int NI_stream_writecheck (NI_stream_type *, int)
int NI_stream_write (NI_stream_type *, char *, int)
int NI_stream_read (NI_stream_type *, char *, int)
void NI_binary_threshold (NI_stream_type *, int)
void NI_sleep (int)
char * NI_stream_getbuf (NI_stream_type *)
void NI_stream_clearbuf (NI_stream_type *)
void NI_stream_setbuf (NI_stream_type *, char *)
char * NI_stream_name (NI_stream_type *)
int NI_stream_readable (NI_stream_type *)
int NI_stream_writeable (NI_stream_type *)
int NI_stream_hasinput (NI_stream_type *, int)
void NI_stream_seek (NI_stream_type *, int, int)
int NI_stream_writestring (NI_stream_type *, char *)
int NI_stream_setbufsize (NI_stream_type *, int)
int NI_stream_getbufsize (NI_stream_type *)
int NI_stream_readbuf (NI_stream_type *, char *, int)
int NI_stream_readbuf64 (NI_stream_type *, char *, int)
int NI_text_to_val (NI_stream_type *, NI_rowtype *, void *, int)
int NI_binary_to_val (NI_stream_type *, NI_rowtype *, void *, int)
int NI_base64_to_val (NI_stream_type *, NI_rowtype *, void *, int)
int NI_stream_setb64 (NI_stream_type *, int)
int NI_stream_reopen (NI_stream_type *, char *)
void * NI_read_element (NI_stream_type *, int)
int NI_write_element (NI_stream_type *, void *, int)
int NI_write_procins (NI_stream_type *, char *)
int NI_write_columns (NI_stream_type *, int, int *, int, void **, int)
int NI_write_rowtype (NI_stream_type *, NI_rowtype *, int, void *, int)
int NI_read_columns (NI_stream_type *, int, int *, int, void **, int, int)
void NI_free_column (NI_rowtype *, int, void *)
void * NI_copy_column (NI_rowtype *, int, void *)
int NI_size_column (NI_rowtype *, int, void *)
void NI_read_header_only (int)
void * NI_read_element_header (NI_stream_type *, int)
void NI_skip_procins (int)
int NI_read_URL_tmpdir (char *url, char **tname)
int NI_read_URL (char *url, char **data)
void NI_set_URL_ftp_ident (char *name, char *pwd)
void B64_set_crlf (int nn)
void B64_set_linelen (int ll)
void B64_to_binary (int nb64, byte *b64, int *nbin, byte **bin)
void B64_to_base64 (int nbin, byte *bin, int *nb64, byte **b64)
char * MD5_static_array (int n, char *bytes)
char * MD5_malloc_array (int n, char *bytes)
char * MD5_static_string (char *string)
char * MD5_malloc_string (char *string)
char * MD5_static_file (char *filename)
char * MD5_malloc_file (char *filename)
char * MD5_B64_array (int n, char *bytes)
char * MD5_B64_string (char *string)
char * MD5_B64_file (char *filename)
char * UNIQ_idcode (void)
void UNIQ_idcode_fill (char *)
char * UNIQ_hashcode (char *)
char * UUID_hashcode (char *)
char * UUID_idcode (void)
char * NI_hostname_to_inet (char *host)
void NI_add_trusted_host (char *hostname)
int NI_trust_host (char *hostid)
void NI_free_struct (void *)
void * NI_copy_struct (void *)
void * NI_pointto_struct (void *)
void NI_register_struct (void *)
void * NI_find_struct (char *)
void NI_unregister_struct (void *)
int NI_stat_numparam (int)
char * NI_stat_distname (int)
void NI_stat_decode (char *, int *, float *, float *, float *)
char * NI_stat_encode (int, float, float, float)
void * NI_new_vector (int, NI_index_t)
void NI_set_vector_range (void *)
void * NI_dataset_transpose (void *)
int NI_do (NI_stream_type *, NI_element *)
void NI_register_doer (char *, NI_voidfunc *)
NI_str_arrayNI_decode_string_list (char *ss, char *sep)
void * NI_registry_malloc (char *, char *, size_t)
void * NI_registry_realloc (void *, size_t)
void NI_registry_free (void *)
void * NI_registry_idcode_to_ptr (char *)
char * NI_registry_idcode_to_name (char *)
char * NI_registry_ptr_to_idcode (void *)
char * NI_registry_ptr_to_name (void *)
void NI_registry_idcode_altername (char *, char *)
void NI_registry_ptr_altername (void *, char *)
size_t NI_registry_idcode_to_len (char *)
size_t NI_registry_ptr_to_len (void *)
void * NI_registry_add (char *, char *, void *)
void * NI_registry_replace (void *, void *)
char * NI_self_idcode (void *)
void NI_suck_stream (char *, int, int *, NI_objcontainer ***)
void NI_convert_elm_to_obj (NI_objcontainer *)
void NI_convert_obj_to_elm (NI_objcontainer *)
void NI_register_objconverters (char *, NI_objconverter_func, NI_objconverter_func)

Define Documentation

#define delete_rowtype rr   


do{ NI_free((rr)->name)     ;             \
     NI_free((rr)->userdef)  ;             \
     NI_free((rr)->comp_typ) ;             \
     NI_free((rr)->part_typ) ;             \
     NI_free((rr)->part_off) ;             \
     NI_free(rr)             ; } while(0)
Macro to delete a NI_rowtype struct. Only used when an error happens when creating one, since new types last forever.

Definition at line 153 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_define().

#define DIME_CF_MASK   (1<<2)

Definition at line 484 of file niml.h.

#define DIME_MB_MASK   (1<<0)

Definition at line 482 of file niml.h.

#define DIME_ME_MASK   (1<<1)

Definition at line 483 of file niml.h.

#define DIME_VERSION_MASK   (0xf8)

Definition at line 486 of file niml.h.

#define IDCODE_LEN   32

Definition at line 1184 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_convert_elm_to_obj(), NI_register_objconverters(), and NI_suck_stream().

#define IS_DATUM_CHAR c   


( (c) == 'b' || (c) == 's' || (c) == 'i' ||  \
                           (c) == 'f' || (c) == 'd' || (c) == 'c' ||  \
                           (c) == 'r' || (c) == 'S' || (c) == 'L' ||  \
                           (c) == 'R'                               )
Valid data type character codes.

Definition at line 94 of file niml.h.


Definition at line 1185 of file niml.h.

#define MARKED_FOR_DEATH   6666

Definition at line 383 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_decode_one_double(), NI_decode_one_string(), NI_read_element(), NI_reset_buffer(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_getbuf(), NI_stream_getbufsize(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_hasinput(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_stream_seek(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writeable(), scan_for_angles(), and tcp_sigurg_handler().

#define NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE   6660301

Definition at line 1137 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_ATTMODE_LAST   1

Definition at line 406 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_set_typename_mode().


Definition at line 404 of file niml.h.


Definition at line 405 of file niml.h.

#define NI_BASE64_MODE   2

Definition at line 394 of file niml.h.

Referenced by main(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_write_columns(), and NI_write_element().



int type ;            \
  int nref ;            \
  char *idcode ;        \
  char *name
Stuff that goes at the top of every NI struct:
  • type is a code that lets us tell what kind of struct it is
  • nref is a reference count
  • idcode is a globally unique string (max 63 characters)
  • name is an arbitrary string for fun, profit, and elucidation
  • either or both of these strings may be NULL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 695 of file niml.h.

#define NI_BINARY_MODE   1

Definition at line 393 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), SUMA_Create_CommSrtuct(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), and XSAVE_output().

#define NI_BUFSIZE   (31*1024)

Size of NI_stream buffer.

Definition at line 327 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), NI_stream_open(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

#define NI_BYTE   0

Definition at line 66 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), decode_type_field(), make_empty_data_element(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), setup_basic_types(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_Copy_Part_Column(), SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), SUMA_FillNelCol(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), and SUMA_process_NIML_data().

#define NI_BYTE_VECTOR_TYPE   6660101

Definition at line 1112 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_calloc a,
b       hidden_NI_malloc((a)*(b),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 507 of file niml.h.


Definition at line 74 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), and setup_basic_types().

#define NI_COMPLEX64   5

Definition at line 73 of file niml.h.

#define NI_COMPLEX_VECTOR_TYPE   6660106

Definition at line 1117 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_DATASET_TYPE   6660004

Definition at line 1109 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_dataset_veclen nd       ( ((nd)->order == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? (nd)->num_node: (nd)->num_val )

Definition at line 1095 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose().

#define NI_dataset_vecnum nd       ( ((nd)->order == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? (nd)->num_val : (nd)->num_node )

Definition at line 1092 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_datatype_size n       NI_rowtype_code_to_size(n)

Definition at line 1142 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_new_vector(), and NI_set_vector_range().

#define NI_decode_str_array   NI_decode_string_list

Definition at line 1163 of file niml.h.

#define NI_delete_str_array sar   


do{ int pp ;                               \
      for( pp=0 ; pp < (sar)->num ; pp++ )   \
        NI_free( (sar)->str[pp] );           \
      NI_free((sar)->str) ; NI_free(sar) ;   \
  } while(0)

Definition at line 1155 of file niml.h.

Referenced by basis_parser(), make_empty_data_element(), mri_1D_fromstring(), NI_rowtype_define(), SYM_expand_ranges(), THD_datablock_from_atr(), THD_load_tcat(), THD_open_3D(), and THD_open_tcat().

#define NI_DOUBLE   NI_FLOAT64

Definition at line 72 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), matrix_to_niml(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), niml_to_matrix(), setup_basic_types(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_Copy_Part_Column(), SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), SUMA_FillNelCol(), and SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr().

#define NI_DOUBLE_VECTOR_TYPE   6660105

Definition at line 1116 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_ELEMENT_TYPE   17

Definition at line 190 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_process_NIML_data(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), main(), make_empty_data_element(), NI_add_column(), NI_add_column_stride(), NI_alter_veclen(), NI_do(), NI_element_name(), NI_element_type(), NI_fill_column_stride(), NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_insert_string(), NI_insert_value(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_set_axes(), NI_set_delta(), NI_set_dimen(), NI_set_origin(), NI_set_units(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), niml_to_mri(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_FindNgrAttributeElement(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), and THD_open_3D().

#define NI_FD_TYPE   5

Definition at line 377 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), and NI_stream_writecheck().

#define NI_FILE_TYPE   2

Definition at line 374 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_seek(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), and NI_stream_writecheck().

#define NI_FLOAT   NI_FLOAT32

Definition at line 70 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_row(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), decode_type_field(), main(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), NIML_to_AGNI_nod(), NIML_to_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_crosshair_xyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), setup_basic_types(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_Copy_Part_Column(), SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), SUMA_FillNelCol(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_CrossHair(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_NodeXYZ2NodeXYZ_nel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), and v2s_write_outfile_niml().

#define NI_FLOAT32   3

Definition at line 69 of file niml.h.

#define NI_FLOAT64   4

Definition at line 71 of file niml.h.

#define NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE   6660002

Definition at line 1107 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_float_val nd       ((nd)->val)

Definition at line 724 of file niml.h.

#define NI_FLOAT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660104

Definition at line 1115 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_FREE p       ( NI_free(p), (p)=NULL )

Free and set pointer to NULL.

Definition at line 526 of file niml.h.

#define NI_free a       hidden_NI_free((a),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 509 of file niml.h.

Referenced by add_trusted_host(), decode_dimen_string(), decode_type_string(), destroy_header_stuff(), make_empty_data_element(), my_fgets(), NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), NI_do(), NI_free_column(), NI_free_element(), NI_free_struct(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_read_file_nohead(), NI_rename_group(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_rowtype_procins(), NI_search_group_deep(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_stream_clearbuf(), NI_stream_close(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_closenow(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_kill(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_trust_host(), NI_val_to_text(), NI_write_element(), quotize_float_vector(), quotize_int_vector(), quotize_string_vector(), SHM_close(), SHM_init(), SUMA_AddColAtt_CompString(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_free_NI_str_array(), SUMA_TypeOfColNumb(), SUMA_TypeOfDsetColNumb(), THD_load_3D(), and THD_open_nifti().

#define NI_GROUP_TYPE   18

Definition at line 191 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_process_NIML_data(), main(), make_empty_group_element(), NI_add_to_group(), NI_element_name(), NI_element_type(), NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_new_group_element(), NI_remove_from_group(), NI_rename_group(), NI_search_group_deep(), NI_search_group_shallow(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_element(), SUMA_FindNgrAttributeElement(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), THD_add_bricks(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_nifti(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

#define NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG   (1<<8)

Definition at line 396 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_write_element(), and NIML_to_stderr().

#define NI_HEADERSHARP_FLAG   (1<<9)

Definition at line 397 of file niml.h.

Referenced by main(), NI_write_element(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), and SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML().


Definition at line 1090 of file niml.h.

#define NI_INPUT_MODE   0

Definition at line 387 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_stream_setbuf(), and NI_stream_setbufsize().

#define NI_INT   2

Definition at line 68 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_row(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), decode_type_field(), intvec_to_niml(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), NIML_to_AGNI_nod(), niml_to_intvec(), NIML_to_SUMA_ixyz(), niml_to_symvec(), process_NIML_Node_ROI(), process_NIML_SUMA_ijk(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), setup_basic_types(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_Copy_Part_Column(), SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), SUMA_FillNelCol(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK2Mesh_IJK_nel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), and v2s_write_outfile_niml().

#define NI_INT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660103

Definition at line 1114 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_is_3dmap_type tt       ( (tt) >= NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE )

Definition at line 1139 of file niml.h.

#define NI_is_basic_type      ( (t) >= 0 && (t) < NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES )

Definition at line 102 of file niml.h.

#define NI_is_builtin_type      ( (t) >= 0 && (t) < NI_NUM_TYPES )

Definition at line 99 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_new_vector(), and NI_set_vector_range().

#define NI_is_domain_type tt       ( (tt) >= NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE )

Definition at line 1134 of file niml.h.

#define NI_is_file pn       (NI_filesize(pn) >= 0)

Definition at line 543 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_malloc_dump().

#define NI_IS_NUMERIC_TYPE      ( (t) >= 0 && (t) <= NI_RGBA )

Definition at line 78 of file niml.h.

Referenced by THD_open_3D().

#define NI_is_vector_type tt       ( (tt) >= NI_VECTOR_TYPE && (tt) <= NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE )

Definition at line 1122 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_set_vector_range().

#define NI_LSB_FIRST   1

Definition at line 399 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_byteorder(), NI_read_element(), NI_write_element(), and THD_write_1D().

#define NI_LTEND_MASK   (1<<1)

Definition at line 633 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_read_columns(), and NI_read_element().

#define NI_malloc typ,
a       (typ*) hidden_NI_malloc((a),__FILE__,__LINE__)

18 Nov 2002: replace old malloc functions with new ones *

Definition at line 506 of file niml.h.

Referenced by add_trusted_host(), decode_dimen_string(), decode_type_string(), init_trusted_list(), main(), make_empty_data_element(), make_empty_group_element(), my_fgets(), NI_add_column(), NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), NI_copy_column(), NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_decode_one_string(), NI_decode_string_list(), NI_insert_value(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_new_group_element(), NI_new_processing_instruction(), NI_new_vector(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_read_file_nohead(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_rowtype_procins(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_strdup(), NI_stream_clearbuf(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), NIML_to_SUMA_ixyz(), parse_header_stuff(), quotize_float_vector(), quotize_int_vector(), quotize_string(), quotize_string_vector(), setup_basic_types(), SHM_init(), SUMA_AddColAtt_CompString(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), and SUMA_NI_decode_string_list().

#define NI_MSB_FIRST   2

Definition at line 400 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_byteorder(), and NI_read_element().


Definition at line 413 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_type_name().

#define NI_NAMEMODE_LAST   1

Definition at line 414 of file niml.h.


Definition at line 412 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_set_typename_mode().

#define NI_new typ       ( NI_malloc(typ, sizeof(typ)) )

Make a new block of a given type.

Definition at line 531 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_new_vector(), NI_rowtype_define(), and setup_basic_types().

#define NI_NODE_DIRECTION   55

Definition at line 1089 of file niml.h.

#define NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES   8

Number of types of fixed size ("basic" types). Note that if this changes, the NI_rowtype stuff must be altered accordingly.

Definition at line 90 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_code_to_alias(), NI_rowtype_find_name(), and setup_basic_types().

#define NI_NUM_TYPES   9

One more than the last NI_ data type code defined above.

Definition at line 84 of file niml.h.

#define NI_opposite_order oo       ( ((oo) == NI_NODE_DIRECTION) ? NI_INDEX_DIRECTION : NI_NODE_DIRECTION )

Definition at line 1098 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose().

#define NI_OUTPUT_MODE   1

Definition at line 388 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_clearbuf(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_getbuf(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_writeable(), and NI_stream_writecheck().

#define NI_patch_vector_type nn   


do{ if( NI_is_vector_type((nn)->type) &&                     \
         NI_is_builtin_type((nn)->vec_typ) )                  \
       (nn)->type = NI_VECTOR_TYPE + (nn)->vec_typ + 1 ;      \
 } while(0)

Definition at line 1125 of file niml.h.

#define NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE   6660202

Definition at line 1132 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_PROCINS_TYPE   19

Definition at line 192 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_process_NIML_data(), main(), NI_element_name(), NI_element_type(), NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_new_processing_instruction(), NI_read_element(), NI_set_attribute(), and NI_write_element().

#define NI_realloc a,
b       (typ*) hidden_NI_realloc((a),(b),__FILE__,__LINE__)

Definition at line 508 of file niml.h.

Referenced by add_trusted_host(), decode_dimen_string(), decode_type_string(), NI_add_column(), NI_add_to_group(), NI_alter_veclen(), NI_decode_string_list(), NI_read_columns(), NI_register_doer(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_search_group_deep(), NI_search_group_shallow(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_set_axes(), NI_set_delta(), NI_set_dimen(), NI_set_origin(), NI_set_units(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), parse_header_stuff(), and SUMA_NI_decode_string_list().

#define NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE   6660201

Definition at line 1131 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_REMOTE_TYPE   4

Definition at line 376 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readbuf(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_write(), and NI_stream_writecheck().

#define NI_RGB   6

Definition at line 75 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), and setup_basic_types().

#define NI_RGB_VECTOR_TYPE   6660107

Definition at line 1118 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_RGBA   7

Definition at line 76 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), and setup_basic_types().

#define NI_RGBA_VECTOR_TYPE   6660108

Definition at line 1119 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_SHM_TYPE   6

Definition at line 378 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writeable(), and NI_stream_writecheck().

#define NI_SHORT   1

Definition at line 67 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), setup_basic_types(), and SUMA_Copy_Part_Column().

#define NI_SHORT_VECTOR_TYPE   6660102

Definition at line 1113 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_STAT_BETA   7

Definition at line 767 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_BINOM   8

Definition at line 768 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_CHI   19

Definition at line 780 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_CHISQ   6

Definition at line 766 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_CHISQ_NONC   13

Definition at line 774 of file niml.h.

#define NI_stat_code nd       ((nd)->statcode)

Definition at line 750 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_CORREL   2

Parameters *

Definition at line 762 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_EXTVAL   21

Definition at line 782 of file niml.h.


Definition at line 788 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stat_decode(), and THD_open_3D().

#define NI_STAT_FTEST   4

Definition at line 764 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_FTEST_NONC   12

Definition at line 773 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_GAMMA   9

Definition at line 769 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_INVGAUSS   20

Definition at line 781 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_LAPLACE   15

Definition at line 776 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_LASTCODE   24

Definition at line 789 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stat_decode(), NI_stat_distname(), NI_stat_encode(), NI_stat_numparam(), and THD_open_3D().

#define NI_STAT_LOG10PVAL   24

Definition at line 786 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_LOGISTIC   14

Definition at line 775 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_LOGPVAL   23

Definition at line 785 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_NORMAL   11

Definition at line 772 of file niml.h.

#define NI_stat_param nd,


( ((nd)->param[i]->type == NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE)           \
     ? ( ((NI_float_one *)(nd)->param[i])->val )          \
     : ( ((NI_float_vector *)(nd)->param[i])->vec[j] ) )

Definition at line 752 of file niml.h.

#define NI_stat_param_num nd       ((nd)->param_num)

Definition at line 751 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_POISSON   10

Definition at line 770 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_PVAL   22

Definition at line 784 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_TTEST   3

Definition at line 763 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_TTEST_NONC   17

Definition at line 778 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_UNIFORM   16

Definition at line 777 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_WEIBULL   18

Definition at line 779 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STAT_ZSCORE   5

Definition at line 765 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STATISTIC_TYPE   6660003

Definition at line 1108 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_STREAM_CLOSE nn       do{ NI_stream_close(nn); (nn)=NULL; } while(0)

Close a NI_stream, and set the pointer to NULL.

Definition at line 674 of file niml.h.

#define NI_STRING   8

Definition at line 80 of file niml.h.

Referenced by decode_type_field(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), NI_copy_column(), NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_free_column(), NI_has_String(), NI_insert_string(), NI_insert_value(), NI_new_vector(), NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_text(), niml_to_stringvec(), niml_to_symvec(), setup_basic_types(), stringvec_to_niml(), SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), SUMA_FillNelCol(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

#define NI_STRING_TYPE   3

Definition at line 375 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_clearbuf(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_getbuf(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readbuf(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_write_columns(), and NI_write_element().

#define NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE   6660109

Definition at line 1120 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_STRUCT_TYPE   6660000

Definition at line 1106 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), and NI_free_struct().

#define NI_SWAP_MASK   (1<<0)

Definition at line 632 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_read_columns(), and NI_read_element().

#define NI_TCP_TYPE   1

Definition at line 373 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_stream_setbufsize(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writeable(), NI_stream_writecheck(), and tcp_sigurg_handler().

#define NI_TEXT_MODE   0

Definition at line 392 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), main(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_DsetInfo(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_nel_stdout(), SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_ShowNel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_write_nimlatr(), and XSAVE_output().

#define NI_VECTOR_TYPE   6660100

Definition at line 1111 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), NI_free_struct(), and NI_new_vector().

#define offsetof TYPE,
MEMBER       ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)

Definition at line 32 of file niml.h.

Referenced by AGNI_nod_to_NIML_row(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), NIML_to_AGNI_nod(), ply_describe_other_elements(), ply_get_other_element(), and setup_basic_types().

#define ROWTYPE_is_basic_code   NI_is_basic_type

Used to test if a rowtype code is a basic type.

Definition at line 182 of file niml.h.

#define ROWTYPE_is_varsize rr       (((rr)->flag & ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK) != 0)

Check if a NI_rowtype struct is marked as having variable size data

Definition at line 141 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), NI_copy_column(), NI_free_column(), NI_insert_value(), NI_read_columns(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_size_column(), NI_text_to_val(), NI_val_to_binary(), NI_write_columns(), and SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset().

#define ROWTYPE_part_dimen rt,
qq       ( *((int *)( (pt) + (rt)->part_off[ (rt)->part_dim[qq] ] )) )

Get the dimension of the qq-th part of the struct stored at pointer pt, of type rt. This macro should only be used if rt->part_dim[qq] >= 0.

Definition at line 147 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), NI_copy_column(), NI_insert_value(), NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_swap_column(), NI_text_to_val(), and NI_write_columns().

#define ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK   (1<<0)

NI_rowtype bit flag for variable size data.

Definition at line 137 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_define(), and setup_basic_types().

#define SHM_ACCEPTOR   44

Definition at line 271 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_init(), SHM_readcheck(), SHM_recv(), SHM_send(), and SHM_writecheck().

#define SHM_BEND1   2

Definition at line 278 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_BEND2   5

Definition at line 281 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_BSTART1   1

Definition at line 277 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_BSTART2   4

Definition at line 280 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_CREATOR   33

Definition at line 270 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_init(), SHM_readcheck(), SHM_recv(), SHM_send(), and SHM_writecheck().

#define SHM_DEFAULT_SIZE   196689

Definition at line 273 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_init().

#define SHM_HSIZE   128

Definition at line 275 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_IS_DEAD   99

Definition at line 268 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_close(), SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_goodcheck().

#define SHM_SIZE1   0

Definition at line 276 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_SIZE2   3

Definition at line 279 of file niml.h.

Referenced by SHM_fill_accept(), and SHM_init().

#define SHM_WAIT_ACCEPT   10

Definition at line 267 of file niml.h.

#define SHM_WAIT_CREATE   9

Definition at line 266 of file niml.h.

#define sizeof_Htable ht       ((ht)->ntot)

Definition at line 440 of file niml.h.

#define TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT   7

Definition at line 380 of file niml.h.

#define TCP_WAIT_CONNECT   8

Definition at line 381 of file niml.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef unsigned char byte

Definition at line 39 of file niml.h.

typedef int NI_index_t

Definition at line 683 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_free_struct(), NI_new_vector(), and NI_set_vector_range().

typedef int(* NI_objconverter_func)( NI_objcontainer * )

Definition at line 1197 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_register_objconverters().

typedef struct NI_rowtype NI_rowtype

typedef NI_stream_type* NI_stream

Opaque type for the C API.

Definition at line 370 of file niml.h.

typedef void NI_voidfunc()

Definition at line 1146 of file niml.h.

Referenced by NI_register_doer().

Function Documentation

void addto_Dtable char *    str_a,
char *    str_b,
Dtable   dt

Insert string pair str_a,str_b into the Dtable. Copies of the strings are made. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 40 of file niml_dtable.c.

References addto_Htable(), dt, Dtable::hta, Dtable::htb, and sb.

Referenced by DRAW_label_CB(), and Dtable_from_nimlstring().

00041 {
00042    char *sa , *sb ;
00043    if( dt == NULL || str_a == NULL || str_b == NULL ) return ;
00044    sa = strdup(str_a) ; sb = strdup(str_b) ;
00045    addto_Htable( sa , (void *)sb , dt->hta ) ;
00046    addto_Htable( sb , (void *)sa , dt->htb ) ;
00047    return ;
00048 }

void addto_Htable char *    str,
void *    vpt,
Htable   ht

Add a string/pointer pair to a hash table.

  • If the ptr is NULL, this will remove the string/ptr pair from the table.
  • If you insert with the same string twice, then the second time will overwrite the 1st time. ----------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 129 of file niml_htable.c.

References calloc, Htable::ctab, free, hashkey(), key, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, realloc, removefrom_Htable(), UINT, Htable::vtab, and vtkill.

Referenced by addto_Dtable(), NI_register_struct(), NI_registry_add(), NI_registry_malloc(), NI_registry_realloc(), NI_registry_replace(), subsume_Htable(), and THD_init_session().

00130 {
00131    UINT jj ;
00132    int kk , ll=-1 ;
00133    char *key ;
00135    /* check for bad inputs */
00137    if( str == NULL || ht == NULL ) return ;
00139    if( vpt == NULL ){ removefrom_Htable( str , ht ) ; return ; }
00141    jj = hashkey(str) % ht->len ;      /* hash table row */
00143    key = strdup(str) ;                /* internal key string */
00145    if( ht->vtab[jj] == NULL ){        /* create this row in table */
00147      ht->vtab[jj] = (void **) calloc(3,sizeof(void *)) ;
00148      ht->ctab[jj] = (char **) calloc(3,sizeof(char *)) ;
00149      ht->ntab[jj] = 3 ;    /* made 2 extra entries */
00151      ht->vtab[jj][0] = vpt ;   /* save pointer */
00152      ht->ctab[jj][0] = key ;   /* save key string */
00153      ht->ntot ++ ;             /* 1 more in table */
00155    } else {                           /* search this row */
00157      for( kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00158             if( ht->ctab[jj][kk] == NULL         ){ if(ll < 0) ll=kk; } /* add here? */
00159        else if( strcmp(key,ht->ctab[jj][kk]) == 0 ) break ;             /* found it? */
00160      }
00162      if( kk == ht->ntab[jj] ){   /* didn't find str in row already */
00164        if( ll >= 0 ){         /* have a NULL slot from scan above */
00166          ht->vtab[jj][ll] = vpt ;  /* save ptr */
00167          ht->ctab[jj][ll] = key ;  /* save key string */
00168          ht->ntot ++ ;             /* 1 more in table */
00170        } else {               /* must make row longer */
00172          ht->vtab[jj] = (void **) realloc( ht->vtab[jj] , (kk+3)*sizeof(void *)) ;
00173          ht->ctab[jj] = (char **) realloc( ht->ctab[jj] , (kk+3)*sizeof(char *)) ;
00174          ht->ntab[jj] = kk+3 ;
00176          ht->vtab[jj][kk] = vpt ;  /* save ptr */
00177          ht->ctab[jj][kk] = key ;  /* save key string */
00178          ht->ntot ++ ;             /* 1 more in table */
00180          ht->vtab[jj][kk+1] = ht->vtab[jj][kk+2] = NULL ;  /* created 2 extra */
00181          ht->ctab[jj][kk+1] = ht->ctab[jj][kk+2] = NULL ;  /* elements above */
00183        }
00185      } else {                    /* found str in row at index kk */
00187        if( vtkill && ht->vtab[jj][kk] != NULL ) free(ht->vtab[jj][kk]) ;
00189        ht->vtab[jj][kk] = vpt ;  /* replace old ptr with new */
00190        free(key) ;               /* don't need this */
00191      }
00192    }
00193 }

void B64_set_crlf int    nn

Set the number of characters to use for end of line: 1 = Unix standard (LF only); 2 = DOS standard (CR LF). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 19 of file niml_b64.c.

References ncrlf.

Referenced by main().

00020 {
00021    if( nn >= 1 && nn <= 2 ) ncrlf  = nn ;
00022    else                     nocrlf = !nocrlf ;
00023    return ;
00024 }

void B64_set_linelen int    ll

Set the length of a line of output in base64; ll should be between 16 and 76 (inclusive). Will round down to a multiple of 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 31 of file niml_b64.c.

References linelen.

Referenced by main().

00032 {
00033    if( ll >= 16 && ll <= 76 ) linelen = 4*(ll/4) ; /* multiple of 4 */
00034    else                       linelen = 72 ;       /* default */
00035    return ;
00036 }

void B64_to_base64 int    nbin,
byte   bin,
int *    nb64,
byte **    b64

Convert binary array to base64 encoding.

Inputs: nbin = number of bytes in bin bin = array of binary bytes to encode

Outputs: *nb64 = number of base64 bytes [*nb64==0 flags an error] b64 = pointer to newly malloc()-ed space with bytes

The output array (*b64) line length can be set by B64_set_linelen(n) where n is from 16 to 76. The default is 72. Note, however, that encoded bytes will always be written out in groups of 4. The output array line separator can be the LF character only (Unix) or the CR-LF combination (DOS, etc.). This is controlled by B64_set_crlf(n) where n=1 for LF, n=2 for CR LF. The default is LF. The output array will be terminated with a line separator. If you call B64_set_crlf(0) then this will toggle the use of line separators.

There will be no ASCII NUL character at the end of *b64 -- that is, the output is not a C string.


  • byte *b64 , *bin ;
  • int nb64=0 , nbin ;
  • **load bin and nbin somehow**
  • B64_to_base64( nbin,bin , &nb64,&b64 ) ;
  • if( nb64 == 0 ){ **failure** }
  • else { **b64[0..nb64-1] is encoded data** printf("%.*s
    ",nb64,b64) ; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 177 of file niml_b64.c.

00178 {
00179    int ii,jj , nn,n3 ;
00180    byte a,b,c , w,x,y,z ;
00182    /*- sanity checks -*/
00184    if( nb64 == NULL || b64 == NULL ) return ;
00185    if( nbin <= 0    || bin == NULL ){ *nb64 = 0 ; *b64 = NULL ; return ; }
00187    /* calculate size of output (3 bytes in -> 4 bytes out, plus EOL */
00189    nn   = (int)((4.0*(linelen+ncrlf+1.0)/(3.0*linelen))*nbin + 256.0) ;
00190    *b64 = (byte *) malloc(sizeof(byte)*nn) ;
00191    if( *b64 == NULL ){ *nb64 = 0 ; return ; }  /* this is bad */
00193    /*- do blocks of 3 bytes in -*/
00195    load_encode_table() ;
00196    n3 = (nbin/3)*3 ;
00197    for( nn=jj=ii=0 ; ii < n3 ; ){
00199       /* encode next 3 bytes to 4 outputs */
00201       a = bin[ii++] ; b = bin[ii++] ; c = bin[ii++] ;
00202       B64_encode3(a,b,c,w,x,y,z) ;
00203       (*b64)[jj++] = w ;
00204       (*b64)[jj++] = x ;
00205       (*b64)[jj++] = y ;
00206       (*b64)[jj++] = z ;
00208       /* if we past the line length, add the EOL stuff */
00210       if( !nocrlf ){
00211         nn += 4 ; if( nn >= linelen ){
00212                      if( ncrlf == 2 ) (*b64)[jj++] = B64_EOL1 ;
00213                      (*b64)[jj++] = B64_EOL2 ;
00214                      nn = 0 ;
00215                   }
00216       }
00217    }
00219    /*- do the leftover data, if any (1 or 2 bytes) -*/
00221    if( ii < nbin ){
00222       if( ii == nbin-2 )
00223          B64_encode2(bin[ii],bin[ii+1],w,x,y,z) ;
00224       else
00225          B64_encode1(bin[ii],w,x,y,z) ;
00227       (*b64)[jj++] = w ;
00228       (*b64)[jj++] = x ;
00229       (*b64)[jj++] = y ;
00230       (*b64)[jj++] = z ; nn += 4 ;
00231    }
00233    /* if any output bytes are left, add EOL */
00235    if( nn > 0 && !nocrlf ){
00236       if( ncrlf == 2 ) (*b64)[jj++] = B64_EOL1 ;
00237       (*b64)[jj++] = B64_EOL2 ;
00238    }
00240    /* resize output array to be exact fit */
00242    *b64  = (byte *) realloc( *b64 , sizeof(byte)*jj ) ;
00243    *nb64 = jj ;
00244    return ;
00245 }

void B64_to_binary int    nb64,
byte   b64,
int *    nbin,
byte **    bin

Convert base64-encoded array to a binary array (decoding).


  • nb64 = number of bytes in b64
  • b64 = array of base64 encoding bytes
    • values not in the base64 encoding set will be skipped
  • *nbin = number of binary bytes [*nbin==0 flags an error]
  • *bin = pointer to newly malloc()-ed space with bytes
  • byte *b64 , *bin ;
  • int nb64 , nbin=0 ;
  • **load b64 and nb64 somehow**
  • B64_to_binary( nb64,b64 , &nbin, &bin ) ;
  • if( nbin == 0 ){ **failure** }
  • else { **bin[0..nbin-1] is decoded data** } ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 92 of file niml_b64.c.

References a, B64_decode4, B64_decode_count, B64_goodchar, byte, c, load_decode_table(), malloc, and realloc.

Referenced by main().

00093 {
00094    int ii,jj , nn ;
00095    byte a,b,c , w,x,y,z ;
00097    /*- sanity checks -*/
00099    if( nbin == NULL || bin == NULL ) return ;
00101    if( nb64 < 4 || b64 == NULL ){ *nbin = 0 ; *bin = NULL ; return ; }
00103    *bin = (byte *) malloc(sizeof(byte)*(2+3*nb64/4)) ;
00104    if( *bin == NULL ){ *nbin = 0 ; return ; }
00106    /*- some work -*/
00108    load_decode_table() ;
00109    for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nb64 ; ){  /* scan inputs, skipping bad characters */
00111       /* get next 4 characters (use '=' if we hit the end early) */
00113       w = b64[ii++] ;
00114       while( !B64_goodchar(w) && ii < nb64 ) w = b64[ii++] ;
00115       x = (ii < nb64) ? b64[ii++] : '=' ;
00116       while( !B64_goodchar(x) && ii < nb64 ) x = b64[ii++] ;
00117       y = (ii < nb64) ? b64[ii++] : '=' ;
00118       while( !B64_goodchar(y) && ii < nb64 ) y = b64[ii++] ;
00119       z = (ii < nb64) ? b64[ii++] : '=' ;
00120       while( !B64_goodchar(z) && ii < nb64 ) z = b64[ii++] ;
00122       B64_decode4(w,x,y,z,a,b,c) ;           /* decode 4 bytes into 3 */
00124       if( z == '=' ){                        /* got to the end? */
00125          nn = B64_decode_count(w,x,y,z) ;    /* see how many to save */
00126          if( nn > 0 ) (*bin)[jj++] = a ;
00127          if( nn > 1 ) (*bin)[jj++] = b ;
00128          break ;                             /* end of decoding loop */
00129       }
00131       /* not at the end => save all 3 outputs, loop back */
00133       (*bin)[jj++] = a ; (*bin)[jj++] = b ; (*bin)[jj++] = c ;
00134    }
00136    /* resize output array to be exact fit */
00138    *bin  = (byte *) realloc( *bin , sizeof(byte)*jj ) ;
00139    *nbin = jj ;
00140    return ;
00141 }

void destroy_Dtable Dtable   dt

Death and destruction of a Dtable. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 25 of file niml_dtable.c.

References destroy_Htable(), dt, Dtable::hta, Htable_set_vtkill(), and Dtable::htb.

Referenced by DRAW_finalize_dset_CB(), DRAW_label_getfile(), and DRAW_main().

00026 {
00027    if( dt == NULL ) return ;
00028    Htable_set_vtkill(1) ;
00029    destroy_Htable( dt->hta ) ;
00030    destroy_Htable( dt->htb ) ;
00031    Htable_set_vtkill(0) ; ;
00032    return ;
00033 }

void destroy_Htable Htable   ht

Delete a Htable forever. -----------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 65 of file niml_htable.c.

References Htable::ctab, free, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by AFNI_finalize_read_sess_CB(), AFNI_read_inputs(), AFNI_rescan_session_NEW(), AFNI_rescan_session_OLD(), and destroy_Dtable().

00066 {
00067    int jj , kk ;
00069    if( ht == NULL ) return ;
00071    for( jj=0 ; jj < ht->len ; jj++ ){
00072      if( ht->vtab[jj] != NULL ){
00073        if( vtkill ){
00074          for( kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ )
00075            if( ht->vtab[jj][kk] != NULL ) free(ht->vtab[jj][kk]) ;
00076        }
00077        free(ht->vtab[jj]) ;
00078      }
00079      if( ht->ctab[jj] != NULL ){
00080        for( kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ )
00081          if( ht->ctab[jj][kk] != NULL ) free(ht->ctab[jj][kk]) ;
00082        free(ht->ctab[jj]) ;
00083      }
00084    }
00085    free(ht->vtab) ; free(ht->ctab) ; free(ht->ntab) ; free(ht) ;
00086    return ;
00087 }

void DIME_destroy_message DIME_message  

DIME_message* DIME_read_message NI_stream_type  ,

DIME_part* DIME_read_part NI_stream_type  ,

Dtable* Dtable_from_nimlstring char *   

Definition at line 164 of file niml_dtable.c.

References addto_Dtable(), dt, l, new_Dtable(), NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free_element(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_close(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_STRING, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by DRAW_finalize_dset_CB(), and DRAW_label_getfile().

00165 {
00166    NI_stream ns ;
00167    NI_element *nel ;
00168    int nn , ii ;
00169    Dtable *dt ;
00170    char **la , **lb ;
00172    if( nstr == NULL || *nstr == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00174    /* convert string to a NIML element */
00176    ns = NI_stream_open( "str:" , "r" ) ;
00177    NI_stream_setbuf( ns , nstr ) ;
00178    nel = (NI_element *)NI_read_element( ns , 1 ) ;
00179    NI_stream_close( ns ) ;
00180    if( nel == NULL ) return NULL ;
00182    /* see if element is OK for this purpose */
00184    if( NI_element_type(nel) != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00185      NI_free_element(nel) ; return NULL ;
00186    }
00188    if( nel->vec_len    <  1         ||  /* empty element?             */
00189        nel->vec_filled <  1         ||  /* no data was filled in?     */
00190        nel->vec_num    <  2         ||  /* less than 4 columns?       */
00191        nel->vec_typ[0] != NI_STRING ||  /* must be String, String     */
00192        nel->vec_typ[1] != NI_STRING   ){
00194      NI_free_element(nel) ; return NULL ;
00195    }
00197    la = (char **) nel->vec[0] ;  /* first column of String */
00198    lb = (char **) nel->vec[1] ;  /* second column of String */
00200    nn = nel->vec_filled ;
00201    ii = rint(sqrt(2*nn+1.0l)) ;
00202    if( ii < 7 ) ii = 7 ; else if( ii%2 == 0 ) ii++ ;
00204    /* make table, insert strings */
00206    dt = new_Dtable( ii ) ;
00207    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ )
00208      addto_Dtable( la[ii] , lb[ii] , dt ) ;
00210    NI_free_element(nel) ; return dt ;
00211 }

char* Dtable_to_nimlstring Dtable  ,
char *   

Definition at line 134 of file niml_dtable.c.

References dt, free, listize_Dtable(), name, NI_add_column(), NI_free_element(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_stream_close(), NI_stream_getbuf(), NI_stream_open(), NI_STRING, NI_TEXT_MODE, and NI_write_element().

Referenced by DRAW_attach_dtable(), and dump_vallab().

00135 {
00136    int nn , ii ;
00137    char **la , **lb , *stout ;
00138    NI_element *nel ;
00139    NI_stream ns ;
00141    nn = listize_Dtable( dt , &la , &lb ) ;
00142    if( nn == 0 || la == NULL || lb == NULL ) return (char *)NULL ;
00144    if( name == NULL || *name == '\0' ) name = "Dtable" ;
00146    nel = NI_new_data_element( name , nn ) ;
00147    NI_add_column( nel , NI_STRING , la ) ;
00148    NI_add_column( nel , NI_STRING , lb ) ;
00149    free(la) ; free(lb) ;
00151    ns = NI_stream_open( "str:" , "w" ) ;
00152    (void) NI_write_element( ns , nel , NI_TEXT_MODE ) ;
00153    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
00154    stout = strdup( NI_stream_getbuf(ns) ) ;
00155    NI_stream_close( ns ) ;
00156    nn = strlen(stout) ;
00157    for( ii=nn-1 ; ii > 0 && isspace(stout[ii]) ; ii-- ) ; /* trailing blanks */
00158    stout[ii+1] = '\0' ;
00159    return stout ;
00160 }

char* findin_Dtable_a char *   ,

Definition at line 52 of file niml_dtable.c.

References dt, findin_Htable(), and Dtable::hta.

Referenced by DRAW_label_CB(), and DRAW_set_value_label().

00053 {
00054    if( dt == NULL || str_a == NULL ) return NULL ;
00055    return (char *)findin_Htable( str_a , dt->hta ) ;
00056 }

char* findin_Dtable_b char *   ,

Definition at line 60 of file niml_dtable.c.

References dt, findin_Htable(), and Dtable::htb.

Referenced by DRAW_label_CB().

00061 {
00062    if( dt == NULL || str_b == NULL ) return NULL ;
00063    return (char *)findin_Htable( str_b , dt->htb ) ;
00064 }

void* findin_Htable char *   ,

Definition at line 95 of file niml_htable.c.

References Htable::ctab, hashkey(), key, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, UINT, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by AFNI_find_warp(), findin_Dtable_a(), findin_Dtable_b(), NI_find_struct(), NI_register_struct(), NI_registry_add(), NI_registry_free(), NI_registry_idcode_altername(), NI_registry_idcode_to_len(), NI_registry_idcode_to_name(), NI_registry_idcode_to_ptr(), NI_registry_malloc(), NI_registry_ptr_altername(), NI_registry_ptr_to_idcode(), NI_registry_ptr_to_len(), NI_registry_ptr_to_name(), NI_registry_realloc(), NI_registry_replace(), NI_rowtype_find_name(), removefrom_Dtable_a(), and removefrom_Dtable_b().

00096 {
00097    UINT jj ;
00098    int kk , ntab ;
00099    char *key , **ctab ;
00100    void ***vtab ;
00102    if( str == NULL || ht == NULL || ht->ntot == 0 ) return NULL ;
00104    jj = hashkey(str) % ht->len ;      /* hash table row */
00106    vtab = ht->vtab ;
00108    if( vtab[jj] == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* nothing there */
00110    key = str ;
00112    ctab = ht->ctab[jj] ; ntab = ht->ntab[jj] ;
00114    for( kk=0 ; kk < ntab ; kk++ )   /* scan for match of key to ctab */
00115      if( ctab[kk] != NULL && strcmp(key,ctab[kk]) == 0 )
00116        return vtab[jj][kk];
00118    return NULL ; /* no match found */
00119 }

void hidden_NI_free void *   ,
char *   ,

Definition at line 623 of file niml_malloc.c.

References free, free_track(), NI_dpr(), shift_tracker, use_tracking, and user_free.

Referenced by NI_free().

00624 {
00625    NI_mallitem *ip ;
00627    if( fred == NULL ) return ;
00629    if( use_userfunc )                                          user_free(fred) ;
00630    else if( use_tracking && (ip=shift_tracker(fred)) != NULL ) free_track( ip ) ;
00631    else                                                        free( fred ) ;
00633 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00634 NI_dpr("hidden_NI_free: called from %s#%d\n",fnam,lnum) ;
00635 #endif
00637 }

void* hidden_NI_malloc size_t    n,
char *    fnam,
int    lnum

Allocate memory (actually uses calloc); calls exit() if it fails. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 568 of file niml_malloc.c.

References calloc, calloc_track(), NI_dpr(), NI_sleep(), p, and user_malloc.

Referenced by hidden_NI_realloc().

00569 {
00570    void *p ;
00572         if( use_userfunc ){ p = user_malloc(n); if(p)memset(p,0,n); }
00573    else if( use_tracking )  p = calloc_track(1,n,fnam,lnum) ;
00574    else                     p = calloc(1,n) ;
00576    if( p == NULL ){
00577      fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: NI_malloc() fails. Aauugghh!\n") ;
00578      NI_sleep(333); exit(1);
00579    }
00581 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00582 NI_dpr("hidden_NI_malloc: called from %s#%d\n",fnam,lnum) ;
00583 #endif
00585    return p ;
00586 }

void* hidden_NI_realloc void *    fred,
size_t    n,
char *    fnam,
int    lnum

Reallocate memory; calls exit() if it fails. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 592 of file niml_malloc.c.

References hidden_NI_malloc(), NI_dpr(), NI_sleep(), q, realloc, realloc_track(), shift_tracker, use_tracking, and user_realloc.

00593 {
00594    NI_mallitem *ip ;
00595    void *q ;
00597    if( fred == NULL )
00598       return hidden_NI_malloc( n , fnam , lnum ) ;
00600    if( use_userfunc )
00601      q = user_realloc( fred , n ) ;
00602    else if( use_tracking && (ip=shift_tracker(fred)) != NULL )
00603      q = realloc_track( ip , n , fnam,lnum ) ;
00604    else
00605      q = realloc( fred , n ) ;
00607    if( q == NULL && n > 0 ){
00608       fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: NI_realloc() fails. Ooooogg!\n");
00609       NI_sleep(333); exit(1);
00610    }
00612 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00613 NI_dpr("hidden_NI_realloc: called from %s#%d\n",fnam,lnum) ;
00614 #endif
00616    return q ;
00617 }

void Htable_set_vtkill int   

Definition at line 18 of file niml_htable.c.

References vtkill.

Referenced by destroy_Dtable().

00018 { vtkill = vt ; }

int listize_Dtable Dtable  ,
char ***   ,
char ***   

Definition at line 107 of file niml_dtable.c.

References Htable::ctab, dt, Dtable::hta, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, realloc, sb, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by DRAW_label_EV(), and Dtable_to_nimlstring().

00108 {
00109    char **la=NULL , **lb=NULL , *sa,*sb ;
00110    int jj,kk,nn ;
00111    Htable *ht ;
00113    if( dt == NULL || list_a == NULL || list_b == NULL ) return 0 ;
00115    ht = dt->hta ;
00117    for( nn=jj=0 ; jj < ht->len ; jj++ ){
00118      if( ht->vtab[jj] == NULL ) continue ;
00119      for( kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00120        sa = (char *) ht->ctab[jj][kk] ; if( sa == NULL ) continue ;
00121        sb = (char *) ht->vtab[jj][kk] ; if( sb == NULL ) continue ;
00122        la = (char **) realloc( (void *)la , sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) ) ;
00123        lb = (char **) realloc( (void *)lb , sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) ) ;
00124        la[nn] = sa ; lb[nn] = sb ; nn++ ;
00125      }
00126    }
00127    *list_a = la ; *list_b = lb ; return nn ;
00128 }

char* MD5_B64_array int    n,
char *    bytes

Return the MD5 hash of an array as a Base64 string, instead of a hex string. strlen(result) is 22 instead of 32 result is malloc()-ed and should be free()-d when appropriate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 466 of file niml_md5.c.

References MD5_to_B64(), MD5Final(), MD5Init(), and MD5Update().

Referenced by MD5_B64_string().

00467 {
00468    MD5_CTX context;
00469    unsigned char digest[16];
00471    if( n < 0 || bytes == NULL ) return NULL ;
00473    MD5Init( &context ) ;
00474    MD5Update( &context, (unsigned char *)bytes, n ) ;
00475    MD5Final( digest, &context ) ;
00477    return MD5_to_B64( digest ) ;
00478 }

char* MD5_B64_file char *    filename

Return the MD5 hash of a file as a Base64 string, instead of a hex string.

  • strlen(result) is 22 instead of 32
  • result is malloc()-ed and should be free()-d when appropriate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 500 of file niml_md5.c.

References file, MD5_to_B64(), MD5Final(), MD5Init(), and MD5Update().

00501 {
00502   FILE *file;
00503   MD5_CTX context;
00504   int len;
00505   unsigned char buffer[1024] ;
00506   unsigned char digest[16] ;
00508   if( (file=fopen (filename, "rb")) == NULL ) return NULL ;
00510   MD5Init( &context ) ;
00512   while( len = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, file) )
00513       MD5Update( &context, buffer, len ) ;
00515   MD5Final( digest, &context );
00516   fclose (file);
00518   return MD5_to_B64( digest ) ;
00519 }

char* MD5_B64_string char *    string

Return the MD5 hash of a C string as a Base64 string, instead of a hex string. strlen(result) is 22 instead of 32 result is malloc()-ed and should be free()-d when appropriate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 487 of file niml_md5.c.

References MD5_B64_array().

Referenced by UNIQ_hashcode(), and UNIQ_idcode().

00488 {
00489    if( string == NULL ) string = "ElvisTheKing" ;
00490    return MD5_B64_array( strlen(string) , string ) ;
00491 }

char* MD5_malloc_array int    n,
char *    bytes

Digest an array and returns the printable string of the result, stored in a malloc()-ed array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 372 of file niml_md5.c.

References malloc, and MD5_static_array().

Referenced by MD5_malloc_string().

00373 {
00374    char *st , *dy ;
00375    st = MD5_static_array( n , bytes ) ;
00376    if( st == NULL ) return NULL ;
00377    dy = (char *) malloc(33) ; strcpy(dy,st) ; return dy ;
00378 }

char* MD5_malloc_file char *    filename

Digests a file and prints the result, stored in a malloc()-ed array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 433 of file niml_md5.c.

References malloc, and MD5_static_file().

00434 {
00435    char *st , *dy ;
00437    st = MD5_static_file( filename ) ;
00438    if( st == NULL ) return NULL ;
00439    dy = (char *) malloc(33) ; strcpy(dy,st) ; return dy ;
00440 }

char* MD5_malloc_string char *    string

Digest a C string and returns the printable string of the result, stored in a malloc()-ed array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 396 of file niml_md5.c.

References MD5_malloc_array().

00397 {
00398    if( string == NULL ) string = "ElvisTheKing" ;
00399    return MD5_malloc_array( strlen(string)+1 , string ) ;
00400 }

char* MD5_static_array int    n,
char *    bytes

Digest an array and returns the printable string of the result, stored in a static array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 353 of file niml_md5.c.

References MD5_static_printf(), MD5Final(), MD5Init(), and MD5Update().

Referenced by MD5_malloc_array(), and MD5_static_string().

00354 {
00355    MD5_CTX context;
00356    unsigned char digest[16];
00358    if( n < 0 || bytes == NULL ) return NULL ;
00360    MD5Init( &context ) ;
00361    MD5Update( &context, (unsigned char *)bytes, n ) ;
00362    MD5Final( digest, &context ) ;
00364    return MD5_static_printf(digest) ;
00365 }

char* MD5_static_file char *    filename

Digests a file and prints the result, stored in a static array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 407 of file niml_md5.c.

References file, MD5_static_printf(), MD5Final(), MD5Init(), and MD5Update().

Referenced by MD5_malloc_file().

00408 {
00409   FILE *file;
00410   MD5_CTX context;
00411   int len;
00412   unsigned char buffer[1024] ;
00413   unsigned char digest[16] ;
00415   if( (file = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL ) return NULL ;
00417   MD5Init( &context ) ;
00419   while( len = fread(buffer, 1, 1024, file) )
00420       MD5Update( &context, buffer, len ) ;
00422   MD5Final( digest, &context );
00423   fclose (file);
00425   return MD5_static_printf( digest ) ;
00426 }

char* MD5_static_string char *    string

Digest a C string and returns the printable string of the result, stored in a static array (length=32+1 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 385 of file niml_md5.c.

References MD5_static_array().

00386 {
00387    if( string == NULL ) string = "ElvisTheKing" ;
00388    return MD5_static_array( strlen(string) , string ) ;
00389 }

Dtable* new_Dtable int    len

Create a Dtable with len slots. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 12 of file niml_dtable.c.

References calloc, dt, Dtable::hta, Dtable::htb, and new_Htable().

Referenced by DRAW_label_CB(), and Dtable_from_nimlstring().

00013 {
00014    Dtable *dt ;
00015    dt = (Dtable *) calloc( 1 , sizeof(Dtable) ) ;
00016    dt->hta = new_Htable( len ) ;
00017    dt->htb = new_Htable( len ) ;
00018    return dt ;
00019 }

Htable* new_Htable int    len

Create a new Htable, with len slots. ---------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 44 of file niml_htable.c.

References calloc, Htable::ctab, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by AFNI_finalize_read_sess_CB(), AFNI_read_inputs(), AFNI_rescan_session_NEW(), AFNI_rescan_session_OLD(), init_registry(), new_Dtable(), NI_register_struct(), resize_Htable(), setup_basic_types(), and THD_init_session().

00045 {
00046    Htable *ht ;
00048         if( len   <= 7 ) len = 7 ;  /* smallest allowed */
00049    else if( len%2 == 0 ) len++   ;  /* mustn't be even */
00051    ht = (Htable *) calloc( 1 , sizeof(Htable) ) ;
00053    ht->len  = len ;
00054    ht->vtab = (void ***) calloc( len , sizeof(void **) ) ;
00055    ht->ctab = (char ***) calloc( len , sizeof(char **) ) ;
00056    ht->ntab = (int *)    calloc( len , sizeof(int)     ) ;
00058    return ht ;
00059 }

void NI_add_column NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr

Add a vector (column) of data to a data element.

  • nel = data element to modify
  • typ = integer type code of data (e.g., NI_FLOAT)
  • arr = pointer to data values - must be an array of length veclen (same value as used in NI_new_data_element() call)
  • if arr is NULL, then will add a zero-filled column of the given type to the data element
The data array is copied into the element. If the element was specified with veclen=0, then this function will do nothing. Since this function has no return value, the only way to check for such an error is to see if nel->vec_num was incremented. Or don't be so stupid as to make this error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 442 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_copy_column(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), intvec_to_niml(), main(), matrix_to_niml(), mri_to_niml(), NI_add_column_stride(), stringvec_to_niml(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_CrossHair(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), and v2s_write_outfile_niml().

00443 {
00444    int nn ;
00445    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00447    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00449    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00450    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00451    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00453    /* get number of vectors currently in element */
00455    nn = nel->vec_num ;
00457    /* add 1 to the vec_typ array */
00459    nel->vec_typ     = NI_realloc( nel->vec_typ, int, sizeof(int)*(nn+1) ) ;
00460    nel->vec_typ[nn] = typ ;
00462    /* add 1 element to the vec array, and copy data into it */
00464    nel->vec = NI_realloc( nel->vec , void*, sizeof(void *)*(nn+1) ) ;
00465    if( arr != NULL )
00466      nel->vec[nn] = NI_copy_column( rt , nel->vec_len , arr ) ;
00467    else
00468      nel->vec[nn] = NI_malloc(void, rt->size * nel->vec_len ) ;
00470    /* add 1 to the count of vectors */
00472    nel->vec_num = nn+1 ;
00473    return ;
00474 }

void NI_add_column_stride NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr,
int    stride

As in NI_add_column(), but adding every stride-th element from arr. Thus, arr should be at least nel->vec_len * stride elements long. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 517 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_add_column(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, stride, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_len, and NI_element::vec_num.

Referenced by SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK2Mesh_IJK_nel(), SUMA_NodeXYZ2NodeXYZ_nel(), and SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr().

00518 {
00519    int nn , ii ;
00520    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00521    char *idat ;
00523    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00525    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00526    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00527    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00529    /* add an empty column */
00531    NI_add_column( nel , typ , NULL ) ;
00532    if( arr == NULL ) return ;          /* no input data ==> we're done */
00534    /* loop over inputs and put them in one at a time */
00536    nn   = nel->vec_num-1 ;
00537    idat = (char *) arr ;
00539    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_len ; ii++ )
00540      NI_insert_value( nel , ii , nn , idat + (ii*stride*rt->size) ) ;
00542    return ;
00543 }

void NI_add_to_group NI_group   ngr,
void *    nini

Add an element to a group element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 955 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_type(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, tt, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), NI_read_element(), SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), THD_dataset_to_niml(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

00956 {
00957    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00959    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE || tt < 0 ) return ;
00961    nn = ngr->part_num ;
00963    ngr->part_typ     = NI_realloc( ngr->part_typ , int, sizeof(int)*(nn+1) ) ;
00964    ngr->part_typ[nn] = tt ;
00965    ngr->part         = NI_realloc( ngr->part , void*, sizeof(void *)*(nn+1) );
00966    ngr->part[nn]     = nini ;
00967    ngr->part_num     = nn+1 ;
00968    return ;
00969 }

void NI_add_trusted_host char *    hostname

Externally callable routine to add a host to the trusted list. If call with NULL, will just initialize the default trusted host list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 675 of file niml_stream.c.

References add_trusted_host(), host_num, and init_trusted_list().

Referenced by main(), NI_suck_stream(), and TRUST_addhost().

00676 {
00677    if( host_num == 0 ) init_trusted_list() ;
00678    if( hostname == NULL || hostname[0] == '\0' ) return ;
00679    add_trusted_host(hostname) ;
00680 }

void NI_alter_veclen NI_element   nel,
int    newlen

Change the length of all the columns in a data element.

  • If the columns are longer, they will be zero filled.
  • New values can be inserted later with NI_insert_value().
  • If the columns are shorter, data will be lost.
  • You cannot use this to convert an element to/from being empty; that is, newlen > 0 is required, as is nel->vec_len on input. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 485 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

00486 {
00487    int oldlen , ii ;
00488    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00489    char *pt ;
00491    if( nel          == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return ;
00492    if( nel->vec_len <= 0    || newlen    <= 0               ) return ;
00494    if( nel->vec_num == 0 ){                       /* if have no data yet */
00495      nel->vec_len = nel->vec_filled = newlen; return;
00496    }
00498    oldlen = nel->vec_len ; if( oldlen == newlen ) return ;
00500    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ ){
00501      rt = NI_rowtype_find_code( nel->vec_typ[ii] ) ;
00502      nel->vec[ii] = NI_realloc( nel->vec[ii] , void , rt->size * newlen ) ;
00503      if( oldlen < newlen ){
00504        pt = ((char *)nel->vec[ii]) + (rt->size * oldlen) ; /* zero fill */
00505        memset( pt , 0 , (newlen-oldlen)*rt->size ) ;       /* new data! */
00506      }
00507    }
00509    nel->vec_len = nel->vec_filled = newlen ; return ;
00510 }

int NI_base64_to_val NI_stream_type   ns,
NI_rowtype   rt,
void *    dpt,
int    swap

Decode Base64 data from the NI_stream ns into a rowtype struct *dpt.

  • Note that String (aka NI_STRING) parts are illegal here.
  • Return value is 1 if all was OK, 0 if something bad happened.
  • Parameter swap indicates that the data coming in needs to be byte-swapped.
    • This is ONLY used to byte-swap the dimension for var-dimen arrays.
    • Actual byte-swapping of the data is done in NI_swap_column(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1680 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, NI_free, NI_malloc, NI_stream_readbuf64(), NI_STRING, NI_swap4(), NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, and swap.

Referenced by NI_read_columns().

01681 {
01682    int nn , jj ;
01684    if( rt->code == NI_STRING ) return 0 ;            /* shouldn't happen */
01686    if( rt->size == rt->psiz ){        /* fixed-size type with no padding */
01687                                /* ==> can read directly into data struct */
01689      jj = NI_stream_readbuf64( ns , (char *)dpt , rt->size ) ;
01690      return (jj == rt->size) ;
01692    } else {                                              /* derived type */
01694      char *dat = (char *)dpt , **aaa = NULL ;
01695      int ii                  ,  naaa = 0 , iaaa = 0 ;
01697      if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){         /* variable dim arrays inside */
01698        for( naaa=ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ )
01699          if( rt->part_dim[ii] >= 0 ) naaa++ ;    /* count var dim arrays */
01700        if( naaa > 0 )
01701          aaa = NI_malloc(char*, sizeof(char *)*naaa) ;  /* save their addresses */
01702      }                                    /* for possible deletion later */
01704      /* loop over parts and load them;
01705         set nn=0 if read fails at any part (and break out of read loop) */
01707      for( nn=1,ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
01709        if( rt->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){            /* read one fixed dim part */
01711          nn = NI_base64_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii], dat+rt->part_off[ii], 0 );
01713        } else {                                    /* read var dim array */
01715          char **apt = (char **)(dat+rt->part_off[ii]); /* data in struct */
01716                                                  /* will be ptr to array */
01717          int dim = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,dat,ii) ;  /* dimension of part */
01718          int siz = rt->part_rtp[ii]->size ;          /* size of one part */
01720          if( swap ) NI_swap4( 1 , &dim ) ;   /* byte-swap dim, which was */
01721                                             /* just read in a moment ago */
01723          if( dim > 0 ){                         /* need to get some data */
01724            *apt = NI_malloc(char,  siz * dim );            /* make array */
01726            if( siz != rt->part_rtp[ii]->psiz ){     /* padded values ==> */
01727             for( jj=0 ; jj < dim ; jj++ ){       /* read 1 val at a time */
01728               nn = NI_base64_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii],
01729                                      *apt + siz * jj , 0  ) ;
01730               if( !nn ) break ;                              /* bad read */
01731             }
01733            } else {              /* unpadded values ==> read all at once */
01734              jj = NI_stream_readbuf64( ns , *apt , siz*dim ) ;
01735              nn = ( jj == siz*dim ) ;
01736            }
01738          } else {
01739            *apt = NULL ;                    /* dim=0 ==> no array needed */
01740          }
01741          aaa[iaaa++] = *apt ;              /* save for possible deletion */
01742                                           /* if read fails later in loop */
01743        }
01745        if( !nn ) break ;                            /* some read was bad */
01746      } /* end of loop over parts */
01748      /* bad news ==> delete any allocated var dim arrays */
01750      if( !nn ){
01751        for( ii=0 ; ii < iaaa ; ii++ ) NI_free( aaa[ii] ) ;
01752      }
01753      NI_free( aaa ) ;  /* don't need list of var dim arrays no more */
01754    }
01756    return nn ;
01757 }

void NI_binary_threshold NI_stream_type  ,

int NI_binary_to_val NI_stream_type   ns,
NI_rowtype   rt,
void *    dpt,
int    swap

Decode binary data from the NI_stream ns into a rowtype struct *dpt.

  • Note that String (aka NI_STRING) parts are illegal here.
  • Return value is 1 if all was OK, 0 if something bad happened.
  • Parameter swap indicates that the data coming in needs to be byte-swapped.
    • This is ONLY used to byte-swap the dimension for var-dimen arrays.
    • Actual byte-swapping of the data is done in NI_swap_column(). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1591 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, NI_free, NI_malloc, NI_stream_readbuf(), NI_STRING, NI_swap4(), NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, and swap.

Referenced by NI_read_columns().

01592 {
01593    int nn , jj ;
01595    if( rt->code == NI_STRING ) return 0 ;            /* shouldn't happen */
01597    if( rt->size == rt->psiz ){        /* fixed-size type with no padding */
01598                                /* ==> can read directly into data struct */
01600      jj = NI_stream_readbuf( ns , (char *)dpt , rt->size ) ;
01601      return (jj == rt->size) ;
01603    } else {                                              /* derived type */
01605      char *dat = (char *)dpt , **aaa = NULL ;
01606      int ii                  ,  naaa = 0 , iaaa = 0 ;
01608      if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){         /* variable dim arrays inside */
01609        for( naaa=ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ )
01610          if( rt->part_dim[ii] >= 0 ) naaa++ ;    /* count var dim arrays */
01611        if( naaa > 0 )
01612          aaa = NI_malloc(char*, sizeof(char *)*naaa) ;  /* save their addresses */
01613      }                                    /* for possible deletion later */
01615      /* loop over parts and load them;
01616         set nn=0 if read fails at any part (and break out of read loop) */
01618      for( nn=1,ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
01620        if( rt->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){            /* read one fixed dim part */
01622          nn = NI_binary_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii], dat+rt->part_off[ii], 0 );
01624        } else {                                    /* read var dim array */
01626          char **apt = (char **)(dat+rt->part_off[ii]); /* data in struct */
01627                                                  /* will be ptr to array */
01628          int dim = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,dat,ii) ;  /* dimension of part */
01629          int siz = rt->part_rtp[ii]->size ;          /* size of one part */
01631          if( swap ) NI_swap4( 1 , &dim ) ;   /* byte-swap dim, which was */
01632                                             /* just read in a moment ago */
01634          if( dim > 0 ){                         /* need to get some data */
01635            *apt = NI_malloc(char,  siz * dim );            /* make array */
01637            if( siz != rt->part_rtp[ii]->psiz ){     /* padded values ==> */
01638             for( jj=0 ; jj < dim ; jj++ ){       /* read 1 val at a time */
01639               nn = NI_binary_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii],
01640                                      *apt + siz * jj , 0  ) ;
01641               if( !nn ) break ;                              /* bad read */
01642             }
01644            } else {              /* unpadded values ==> read all at once */
01645              jj = NI_stream_readbuf( ns , *apt , siz*dim ) ;
01646              nn = ( jj == siz*dim ) ;
01647            }
01649          } else {
01650            *apt = NULL ;                    /* dim=0 ==> no array needed */
01651          }
01652          aaa[iaaa++] = *apt ;              /* save for possible deletion */
01653                                           /* if read fails later in loop */
01654        }
01656        if( !nn ) break ;                            /* some read was bad */
01657      } /* end of loop over parts */
01659      /* bad news ==> delete any allocated var dim arrays */
01661      if( !nn ){
01662        for( ii=0 ; ii < iaaa ; ii++ ) NI_free( aaa[ii] ) ;
01663      }
01664      NI_free( aaa ) ;  /* don't need list of var dim arrays no more */
01665    }
01667    return nn ;
01668 }

int NI_byteorder void   

Find the byte order on this system. Return is either NI_LSB_FIRST or NI_MSB_FIRST. We are assuming that there are only 2 possible order, which is of course false. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 14 of file niml_byteorder.c.

References NI_LSB_FIRST, and NI_MSB_FIRST.

Referenced by NI_read_element(), NI_write_element(), and THD_write_1D().

00015 {
00016    union { unsigned char bb[2] ;
00017            short         ss    ; } fred ;
00019[0] = 1 ;[1] = 0 ;
00021    return ( == 1) ? NI_LSB_FIRST : NI_MSB_FIRST ;
00022 }

int NI_clock_time void   

Return time elapsed since first call to this routine (msec).

Note this will overflow an int after 24+ days. You probably don't want to use this if the program will be running continuously for such a long time. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 62 of file niml_util.c.

Referenced by AFNI_faceup(), AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_workproc(), ISQ_drawing_EV(), main(), mri_warp3d_align_one(), mri_warp3D_align_setup(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_columns(), process_NIML_AFNI_dataset(), process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata(), process_NIML_Node_ROI(), process_NIML_SUMA_ijk(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), scan_for_angles(), SHM_goodcheck(), SHM_readcheck(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().

00063 {
00064    struct timeval  new_tval ;
00065    struct timezone tzone ;
00066    static struct timeval old_tval ;
00067    static int first = 1 ;
00069    gettimeofday( &new_tval , &tzone ) ;
00071    if( first ){
00072       old_tval = new_tval ;
00073       first    = 0 ;
00074       return 0 ;
00075    }
00077    if( old_tval.tv_usec > new_tval.tv_usec ){
00078       new_tval.tv_usec += 1000000 ;
00079       new_tval.tv_sec -- ;
00080    }
00082    return (int)( (new_tval.tv_sec  - old_tval.tv_sec )*1000.0
00083                 +(new_tval.tv_usec - old_tval.tv_usec)*0.001 + 0.5 ) ;
00084 }

void NI_convert_elm_to_obj NI_objcontainer   dc

See if we can convert an element to an object. On input:

  • dc->typename should be "NI_ELEMENT" or "NI_GROUP"
  • conversion is based on dc->self_name On output
  • dc->typename will be set to dc->self_name
  • data in dc->self_data will be altered, and the NIML element will have been destroyed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 154 of file niml_sucker.c.

References IDCODE_LEN, NI_strncpy(), num_converters, NI_objcontainer::self_name, and NI_converterstruct::to_obj.

Referenced by NI_suck_stream().

00155 {
00156    int cc , nn ;
00158    if( dc == NULL ) return ;
00160    if( strcmp(dc->typename,"NI_ELEMENT") != 0 &&
00161        strcmp(dc->typename,"NI_GROUP"  ) != 0   ) return ;
00163    for( cc=0 ; cc < num_converters ; cc++ )
00164      if( strcmp(converters[cc].self_name,dc->self_name) == 0 ) break ;
00166    if( cc == num_converters ) return ;
00168    nn = converters[cc].to_obj( dc ) ;
00169    if( nn > 0 )
00170      NI_strncpy( dc->typename , dc->self_name , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00172    return ;
00173 }

void NI_convert_obj_to_elm NI_objcontainer  

void* NI_copy_column NI_rowtype   rt,
int    col_len,
void *    cpt

Copy a column of rowtype structs, including var dim arrays. Return is the pointer to the copy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2042 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_malloc, NI_strdup(), NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::part_typ, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_add_column().

02043 {
02044    char *dat=(char *)cpt , *ndat , *nptr , *qpt ;
02045    int ii , jj , kk ;
02047    if( rt == NULL || dat == NULL || col_len < 1 ) return NULL ;
02049    /* make a quick (surface) copy */
02051    ndat = NI_malloc(char,  rt->size * col_len ) ;  /* new data column */
02052    memcpy( ndat , dat , rt->size * col_len ) ;     /* the quick copying */
02054    /* copy any var dim arrays inside, since the pointers
02055       in ndat right now still point to data in dat,
02056       but we want ndat to be entirely self-contained!  */
02058    if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){
02059      for( ii=0 ; ii < col_len ; ii++ ){                 /* loop over structs */
02060        nptr = ndat + rt->size * ii ;                   /* ptr to this struct */
02061        for( jj=0 ; jj < rt->part_num ; jj++ ){            /* loop over parts */
02063          if( rt->part_typ[jj] == NI_STRING ){               /* a string part */
02064            char **apt = (char **)(nptr+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
02065            qpt = NI_strdup(*apt) ; *apt = qpt ;
02066          } else if( rt->part_dim[jj] >= 0 ){
02067            char **apt = (char **)(nptr+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
02068            if( *apt != NULL ){
02069              kk  = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,nptr,jj) * rt->part_rtp[jj]->size ;
02070              qpt = NI_malloc(char, kk) ; memcpy(qpt,*apt,kk) ; *apt = qpt ;
02071            }
02072          }
02073        }
02074      }
02075    }
02077    return ndat ;
02078 }

void* NI_copy_struct void *    ndd

Make a copy of a struct, as opposed to a new reference (which is what NI_pointto_struct() does). -------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 218 of file niml_struct.c.


00219 {
00220    NI_struct *nd = (NI_struct *)ndd ;
00221    NI_struct *ndnew=NULL ;
00223    if( nd == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad input :-( */
00225    switch( nd->type ){                 /* N.B.: there is no default */
00227      case NI_STRUCT_TYPE:{
00228        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_struct) ;
00229      }
00230      break ;
00232      case NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE:{
00233        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_float_one) ;
00234        nn->val = qq->val ;
00235      }
00236      break ;
00238      case NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE:{
00239        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_affine_3dmap) ;
00240        nn->mat[0][0] = qq->mat[0][0]; nn->mat[0][1] = qq->mat[0][1];
00241        nn->mat[0][2] = qq->mat[0][2]; nn->mat[0][3] = qq->mat[0][3];
00242        nn->mat[1][0] = qq->mat[1][0]; nn->mat[1][1] = qq->mat[1][1];
00243        nn->mat[1][2] = qq->mat[1][2]; nn->mat[1][3] = qq->mat[1][3];
00244        nn->mat[2][0] = qq->mat[2][0]; nn->mat[2][1] = qq->mat[2][1];
00245        nn->mat[2][2] = qq->mat[2][2]; nn->mat[2][3] = qq->mat[2][3];
00246        nn->mat[3][0] = qq->mat[3][0]; nn->mat[3][1] = qq->mat[3][1];
00247        nn->mat[3][2] = qq->mat[3][2]; nn->mat[3][3] = qq->mat[3][3];
00248      }
00249      break ;
00251      case NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE:{
00252        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_rect_domain) ;
00253        nn->nx = qq->nx; nn->ny = qq->ny; nn->nz = qq->nz; nn->nt = qq->nt;
00254        nn->dx = qq->dx; nn->dy = qq->dy; nn->dz = qq->dz; nn->dt = qq->dt;
00255        nn->xo = qq->xo; nn->yo = qq->yo; nn->zo = qq->zo; nn->to = qq->to;
00256      }
00257      break ;
00259      case NI_STATISTIC_TYPE:{
00260        NI_index_t ii ;
00261        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_statistic) ;
00262        nn->statcode = qq->statcode ;
00263        nn->param_num = qq->param_num ;
00264        if( qq->param != NULL ){
00265          nn->param = NI_malloc(NI_struct*, sizeof(NI_struct *)*nn->param_num) ;
00266          for( ii=0 ; ii < nn->param_num ; ii++ )
00267            nn->param[ii] = (NI_struct *)NI_copy_struct( qq->param[ii] ) ; /* recursion */
00268        } else {
00269          nn->param = NULL ;
00270        }
00271      }
00272      break ;
00274      case NI_VECTOR_TYPE:
00275      case NI_BYTE_VECTOR_TYPE:
00276      case NI_SHORT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00277      case NI_INT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00278      case NI_FLOAT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00279      case NI_DOUBLE_VECTOR_TYPE:
00280      case NI_COMPLEX_VECTOR_TYPE:
00281      case NI_RGB_VECTOR_TYPE:
00282      case NI_RGBA_VECTOR_TYPE:{
00283        NI_index_t ii ;
00284        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_vector) ;
00285        nn->vec_len = qq->vec_len ;
00286        nn->vec_typ = qq->vec_typ ;
00287        if( qq->vec != NULL ){                                /* copy array */
00288          ii = nn->vec_len * NI_datatype_size(nn->vec_typ) ;
00289          nn->vec = NI_malloc(void, ii) ;
00290          memcpy( nn->vec , qq->vec , ii ) ;
00291        } else {
00292          nn->vec = NULL ;
00293        }
00294        if( qq->vec_range != NULL ){                          /* copy array */
00295          ii = 2 * NI_datatype_size(nn->vec_typ) ;
00296          nn->vec_range = NI_malloc(void, ii) ;
00297          memcpy( nn->vec_range , qq->vec_range , ii ) ;
00298        } else {
00299          nn->vec_range = NULL ;
00300        }
00301        nn->statistic = (NI_statistic *)NI_copy_struct( qq->statistic ) ;   /* recursion */
00302      }
00303      break ;
00305      case NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE:{
00306        NI_index_t ii ;
00307        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_string_vector) ;
00308        nn->vec_len = qq->vec_len ;
00309        nn->vec_typ = qq->vec_typ ;
00310        if( qq->vec != NULL ){                                /* copy array */
00311          nn->vec = NI_malloc(char*, sizeof(char *)*nn->vec_len) ;
00312          for( ii=0 ; ii < nn->vec_len ; ii++ )
00313            nn->vec[ii] = NI_strdup(qq->vec[ii]) ;
00314        } else {
00315          nn->vec = NULL ;
00316        }
00317        nn->vec_range = NULL ;  /* string vectors don't use vec_range */
00318        nn->statistic = NULL ;
00319      }
00320      break ;
00322      case NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE:{
00323        NI_index_t ii ;
00324        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_points_domain) ;
00325        nn->num_node = ii = qq->num_node ;
00326        if( qq->id != NULL ){                                 /* copy array */
00327          nn->id = NI_malloc(NI_index_t, ii*sizeof(NI_index_t)) ;
00328          memcpy( nn->id , qq->id , ii*sizeof(NI_index_t) ) ;
00329        }
00330        if( qq->x != NULL ){                                  /* copy array */
00331          nn->x = NI_malloc(float, ii*sizeof(float)) ;
00332          memcpy( nn->x , qq->x , ii*sizeof(float) ) ;
00333        }
00334        if( qq->y != NULL ){                                  /* copy array */
00335          nn->y = NI_malloc(float, ii*sizeof(float)) ;
00336          memcpy( nn->y , qq->y , ii*sizeof(float) ) ;
00337        }
00338        if( qq->z != NULL ){                                  /* copy array */
00339          nn->z = NI_malloc(float, ii*sizeof(float)) ;
00340          memcpy( nn->z , qq->z , ii*sizeof(float) ) ;
00341        }
00342        nn->seq = qq->seq; nn->seqbase = qq->seqbase; nn->sorted = qq->sorted;
00343      }
00344      break ;
00346      case NI_DATASET_TYPE:{
00347        DUPLICATE_STRUCT(NI_dataset) ;
00348        nn->num_node = qq->num_node ;
00349        nn->num_val  = qq->num_val  ;
00350        nn->order    = qq->order    ;
00351        if( qq->vec != NULL ){
00352          NI_index_t nv , ii ;
00353          nv = NI_dataset_vecnum(nn) ;
00354          nn->vec = NI_malloc(NI_vector*, sizeof(NI_vector *)*nv) ;
00355          for( ii=0 ; ii < nv ; ii++ )
00356            nn->vec[ii] = (NI_vector *)NI_copy_struct( qq->vec[ii] ) ;   /* recursion */
00357        } else {
00358          nn->vec = NULL ;
00359        }
00360        nn->domain = (NI_struct *)NI_copy_struct( qq->domain ) ;         /* recursion */
00361      }
00362      break ;
00364    }
00366    return (void *)ndnew ;
00367 }

void* NI_dataset_transpose void *    ndd

Transpose a dataset, so that rows are columns and vice- versa.

  • Requires that all vectors (columns) have the same type
  • Requires that all vectors do NOT have statistical distribution types attached.
  • Returns pointer to a new dataset (NULL for errors). -------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 28 of file niml_dataset.c.

References COPY_BASIC_STRUCT, NI_dataset::domain, NI_DATASET_TYPE, NI_dataset_veclen, NI_dataset_vecnum, NI_datatype_size, NI_index_t, NI_malloc, NI_new, NI_new_vector(), NI_opposite_order, NI_pointto_struct(), NI_set_vector_range(), NI_strdup(), NI_STRING, NI_dataset::num_node, NI_dataset::num_val, NI_dataset::order, NI_vector::statistic, tt, NI_dataset::vec, NI_vector::vec, and NI_vector::vec_typ.

00029 {
00030    NI_dataset *ndnew , *nd = (NI_dataset *)ndd ;
00031    NI_index_t ii,jj , nvec_old,nvec_new , len_old,len_new ;
00032    int tt , lt ;
00034    if( nd       == NULL            ||
00035        nd->type != NI_DATASET_TYPE ||
00036        nd->vec  == NULL              ) return NULL ;  /* bad input */
00038    /* check if all columns have same type, etc. */
00040    nvec_old = NI_dataset_vecnum(nd) ;
00041    len_old  = NI_dataset_veclen(nd) ;
00043    if( nvec_old <= 0 || len_old <= 0 ) return NULL ;
00044    if( nd->vec[0]            == NULL ) return NULL ;
00045    if( nd->vec[0]->statistic != NULL ) return NULL ;
00047    tt = nd->vec[0]->vec_typ ;
00048    lt = NI_datatype_size(tt) ;
00049    for( ii=1 ; ii < nvec_old ; ii++ ){
00050      if( nd->vec[ii]            == NULL ) return NULL ;
00051      if( nd->vec[ii]->vec_typ   != tt   ) return NULL ;
00052      if( nd->vec[ii]->statistic != NULL ) return NULL ;
00053    }
00055    /* create output struct */
00057    ndnew = NI_new(NI_dataset) ;
00058    COPY_BASIC_STRUCT(ndnew,nd) ;
00059    ndnew->num_node = nd->num_node ;
00060    ndnew->num_val  = nd->num_val  ;
00061    ndnew->order    = NI_opposite_order(nd->order) ;   /* flipped */
00062    ndnew->domain   = (NI_struct *)NI_pointto_struct(nd->domain) ;  /* same domain */
00064    /* create new vectors */
00066    nvec_new = NI_dataset_vecnum(ndnew) ;
00067    len_new  = NI_dataset_veclen(ndnew) ;
00069    ndnew->vec = NI_malloc(NI_vector*, sizeof(NI_vector *) * nvec_new ) ;
00070    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec_new ; ii++ )
00071      ndnew->vec[ii] = (NI_vector *)NI_new_vector( tt , len_new ) ;
00073    /* copy data from old vectors to new vectors */
00075    if( tt != NI_STRING ){                 /* copy fixed length content */
00077      char *vnew , *vold ;
00078      for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec_new ; ii++ ){
00079        vnew = (char *)ndnew->vec[ii]->vec ;
00080        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec_old ; jj++ ){
00081          vold = (char *)nd->vec[jj]->vec ;
00082          memcpy( vnew+lt*jj , vold+lt*ii , lt ) ;
00083        }
00084      }
00086      for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec_new ; ii++ )
00087        NI_set_vector_range( ndnew->vec[ii] ) ;
00089    } else {                                 /* duplicate strings */
00091      char **vnew , **vold ;
00092      for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec_new ; ii++ ){
00093        vnew = (char **)ndnew->vec[ii]->vec ;
00094        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec_old ; jj++ ){
00095          vold = (char **)nd->vec[jj]->vec ;
00096          vnew[jj] = NI_strdup( vold[ii] ) ;
00097        }
00098      }
00100    }
00102    /** done **/
00104    return (void *)ndnew ;
00105 }

NI_str_array* NI_decode_string_list char *    ss,
char *    sep

Decode a single string into a bunch of strings, separated by characters from the list in sep.

  • Passing sep in as NULL means to use "," as the separator.
  • In each sub-string, leading and trailing blanks will be excised.
  • This can result in 0 length strings (e.g., "1,,2," will result in the second and fourth output strings having 0 length). ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 338 of file niml_header.c.

References NI_malloc, NI_realloc, NI_strlen(), NI_str_array::num, and NI_str_array::str.

Referenced by basis_parser(), make_empty_data_element(), mri_1D_fromstring(), NI_rowtype_define(), SYM_expand_ranges(), THD_datablock_from_atr(), THD_load_tcat(), THD_open_3D(), and THD_open_tcat().

00339 {
00340    NI_str_array *sar ;
00341    int num , nn,id,jd , lss ;
00343    if( ss == NULL || ss[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ; /* bad input */
00345    if( sep == NULL || sep[0] == '\0' ) sep = "," ;  /* default sep */
00347    sar = NI_malloc(NI_str_array, sizeof(NI_str_array)) ;  /* create output */
00348    sar->num = 0 ; sar->str = NULL ;
00350    /* scan for sub-strings */
00352    lss = NI_strlen(ss) ;
00353    num = id = 0 ;
00354    while( id < lss ){
00356       /* skip current position ahead over whitespace */
00358       while( id < lss && isspace(ss[id]) ) id++ ;
00359       if( id == lss ) break ;                           /* ran out of string */
00361       jd = id ;               /* save current position (start of new string) */
00363       /* skip ahead until ss[id] is a separator [or a space - 10 Dec 2002] */
00365       while( id < lss && strchr(sep,ss[id]) == NULL && !isspace(ss[id]) ) id++;
00366       if( id == jd ){ id++; continue; }    /* is only a separator? */
00368       /* new sub-string runs from ss[jd] to ss[id-1] */
00370       sar->str = NI_realloc( sar->str , char*, sizeof(char *)*(num+1) ) ;
00372       nn = id-jd ;                                   /* length of sub-string */
00373 #if 0
00374       while( nn > 0 && isspace(ss[jd+nn-1]) ) nn-- ; /* clip trailing blanks */
00375 #endif
00376       sar->str[num] = NI_malloc(char, nn+1) ;              /* make output string  */
00377       if( nn > 0 ) memcpy(sar->str[num],ss+jd,nn) ;  /* copy sub-string    */
00378       sar->str[num++][nn] = '\0' ;                   /* terminate output  */
00380       id++ ;                                         /* skip separator  */
00381    }
00383    sar->num = num ; return sar ;
00384 }

int NI_do NI_stream_type   ns,
NI_element   nel

Carry out an action ordered by a "ni_do" element received on the input stream. Actions we know about:

  • ni_verb='reopen_this' => open the stream anew and replace it [23 Aug 2002]
  • ni_verb='close_this' => close this stream down [20 Dec 2002]
  • ni_verb='typedef' => define a NI_rowtype [12 Feb 2003]
  • user-defined verbs can be added using NI_register_doer() [12 Feb 2003]
Return value is -1 if an error occurs, 0 if things are cool. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 75 of file niml_do.c.

References builtin(), doer_func, doer_num, doer_verb, NI_element::name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free, NI_get_attribute(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_open(), object, tt, and NI_element::type.

Referenced by NI_read_element().

00076 {
00077    char *verb , *object ;
00078    int ii , builtin=0 ;
00080    /*- check inputs for OK-ositiness -*/
00082    if( ns == NULL || nel == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return -1 ;
00084    if( strcmp(nel->name  ,"ni_do") != 0 &&
00085        strcmp(nel->name+1,"ni_do") != 0    ) return -1 ;
00087    /* 25 Apr 2005: check for diverse forms of the verb and object attributes */
00089                       verb = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_verb" ) ;
00090    if( verb == NULL ) verb = NI_get_attribute( nel , "verb"    ) ;
00092                         object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_object" ) ;
00093    if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "object"    ) ;
00094    if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "ni_obj"    ) ;
00095    if( object == NULL ) object = NI_get_attribute( nel , "obj"       ) ;
00097    if( verb == NULL || verb[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ;        /* need a verb;  */
00098                                                            /* but not always */
00099                                                           /* need an object  */
00100    /*******************************************/
00101    /*---- check for various builtin verbs ----*/
00102    /*******************************************/
00104    if( strcmp(verb,"reopen_this") == 0 ){  /****----- reopen stream ------****/
00106      NI_stream_type *nsnew ;
00108      if( object == NULL || object[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ;  /* bad */
00110      nsnew = NI_stream_open( object , "r" ) ;             /* open new stream */
00111      if( nsnew == NULL ) return -1 ;                                  /* bad */
00113      NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0) ;                        /* trash old stream */
00114      *ns = *nsnew; NI_free(nsnew);                       /* replace old guts */
00115      builtin = 1 ;
00117    } /****------------------------- end reopen --------------------------*****/
00119    else if( strcmp(verb,"close_this") == 0 ){  /****-- close this stream -****/
00121      NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0);                   /* close and mark as dead */
00122      builtin = 1 ;
00124    } /****------------------------ end close_this ------------------------****/
00126    else if( strcmp(verb,"typedef") == 0 ){    /****-- define a NIML type -****/
00127                                               /****   [12 Feb 2003]       ****/
00128      char tnam[256] , tdef[8200] ;
00129      int tt ;
00131      if( object == NULL || object[0] == '\0' ) return -1 ;  /* bad */
00133      tnam[0] = tdef[0] = '\0' ;
00134      sscanf(object,"%255s %8199s",tnam,tdef) ;
00135      tt = NI_rowtype_define( tnam , tdef ) ;
00136      if( tt < 0 ) return -1 ;                    /* bad definition */
00137      builtin = 1 ;
00139    } /****------------------------ end typedef ---------------------------****/
00141    /**************************************************************/
00142    /**** Here, check for user-defined callbacks [12 Feb 2003] ****/
00144    for( ii=0 ; ii < doer_num ; ii++ ){
00145      if( strcmp(verb,doer_verb[ii]) == 0 ){
00146        if( doer_func[ii] != NULL ){
00147          void (*df)(char *,NI_stream_type *,NI_element *) = (ddfun)doer_func[ii] ;
00148          df( object , ns , nel ) ;
00149        }
00150        return 0 ;
00151      }
00152    }
00154    /*--- if we get here, we got a verb we don't recognize ---*/
00156    return ((builtin) ? 0 : -1) ;
00157 }

int NI_element_allsize NI_element  

char* NI_element_name void *    nini

Return the name of a NI element. If the input is bad, returns a NULL pointer. Do not free this pointer! It points to the name string inside the element struct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 275 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::name, NI_group::name, NI_procins::name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_element::type, NI_group::type, and NI_procins::type.

Referenced by NI_search_group_deep(), and NI_search_group_shallow().

00276 {
00277    NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00278    NI_group   *ngr = (NI_group *)   nini ;
00279    NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00281    if( nini == NULL ) return NULL ;
00283    if( nel->type == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return nel->name ;
00284    if( ngr->type == NI_GROUP_TYPE   ) return ngr->name ;
00285    if( npi->type == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ) return npi->name ;
00287    return NULL ;
00288 }

int NI_element_rowsize NI_element  

int NI_element_type void *    nini

Return the type of something that points to a NI element.

  • The input should be point to a NI_element, NI_group, or NI_procins.
  • The return value is NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, or -1 if the type is anything else or unknowable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 254 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_element::type, NI_group::type, and NI_procins::type.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_process_NIML_data(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), main(), NI_add_to_group(), NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_search_group_deep(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_element(), niml_to_mri(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), THD_add_bricks(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

00255 {
00256    NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00257    NI_group   *ngr = (NI_group *)   nini ;
00258    NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;  /* 16 Mar 2005 */
00260    if( nini == NULL ) return -1 ;
00262    if( nel->type == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ;
00263    if( ngr->type == NI_GROUP_TYPE   ) return NI_GROUP_TYPE   ;
00264    if( npi->type == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ) return NI_PROCINS_TYPE ;
00266    return -1 ;
00267 }

long NI_filesize char *    pathname

Return the file length (-1 if file not found). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 31 of file niml_util.c.

Referenced by NI_stream_open(), read_URL_ftp(), read_URL_http(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

00032 {
00033    static struct stat buf ; int ii ;
00035    if( pathname == NULL ) return -1 ;
00036    ii = stat( pathname , &buf ) ; if( ii != 0 ) return -1 ;
00037    return buf.st_size ;
00038 }

void NI_fill_column_stride NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr,
int    nn,
int    stride

ZSS; Fills an already created column with values up to vec_filled the values in arr are inserted into nel->vec[nn] --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 550 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, stride, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), and SUMA_FillNelCol().

00552 {
00553    int  ii , nf;
00554    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00555    char *idat ;
00557    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00559    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00560    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00561    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00563    /* check for NULL column or other similar errors*/
00565    if( arr == NULL )                                 return ;
00566    if( nel->vec[nn] == NULL )                        return ;
00567    if( nn < 0 || nn >= nel->vec_num )                return ;
00568    if( typ != nel->vec_typ[nn] )                     return ;
00570    /* loop over inputs and put them in */
00572    if( nel->vec_filled > 0 && nel->vec_filled <= nel->vec_len )
00573      nf = nel->vec_filled ;
00574    else
00575      nf = nel->vec_len ;
00577    idat = (char *) arr ;
00579    for( ii=0 ; ii < nf ; ii++ )
00580      NI_insert_value( nel , ii , nn , idat + (ii*stride*rt->size) ) ;
00582    return ;
00583 }

void* NI_find_struct char *    idcode

Find a struct by its idcode.

Definition at line 39 of file niml_struct.c.

References findin_Htable().

00040 {
00041    void *vp ;
00042    if( idcode == NULL ) return NULL ; /* nothing to do */
00043    vp = findin_Htable( idcode , ni_struct_table ) ;
00044    return vp ;
00045 }

void NI_free_column NI_rowtype   rt,
int    col_len,
void *    cpt

Delete a column of rowtype structs, including any var dim arrays. Assumes everything was allocated with NI_malloc(). After this is called, the cpt argument should be set to NULL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2010 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_free, NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_typ, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_free_element().

02011 {
02012    char *dat=(char *)cpt , *ptr ;
02013    int ii , jj ;
02015    if( rt == NULL || dat == NULL || col_len < 1 ) return ; /* nothing to do */
02017    /* if has variable dim arrays inside, free them */
02019    if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){
02020      for( ii=0 ; ii < col_len ; ii++ ){            /* loop over structs */
02021        ptr = dat + rt->size * ii ;            /* pointer to this struct */
02022        for( jj=0 ; jj < rt->part_num ; jj++ ){       /* loop over parts */
02023          if( rt->part_typ[jj] == NI_STRING ||
02024              rt->part_dim[jj] >= 0           ){
02025            char **apt = (char **)(ptr+rt->part_off[jj]) ;
02026            NI_free(*apt) ; *apt = NULL ;
02027          }
02028        }
02029      }
02030    }
02032    /* free the column array itself */
02034    NI_free(cpt) ; return ;
02035 }

void NI_free_element void *    nini

Expunge a data or group element and its contents from the universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 294 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_element::name, NI_group::name, NI_procins::name, NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free, NI_free_column(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, tt, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_obj_to_dataset(), AFNI_start_version_check(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), NI_read_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_FreeDset(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_LoadVisualState(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_load_3D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_read_niml_atr(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

00295 {
00296    int ii , tt=NI_element_type(nini) , jj ;
00298    if( tt < 0 ) return ; /* bad input */
00300    /*-- erase contents of data element --*/
00302    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00303       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *)nini ;
00305       NI_free(nel->name) ;
00306       for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00307          NI_free( nel->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00308          NI_free( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00309       }
00310       NI_free( nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00311       NI_free( nel->attr_rhs ) ;
00313       /* 14 Feb 2003: NI_free_column() will also free var dim arrays */
00315       if( nel->vec != NULL )
00316         for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ )
00317            NI_free_column( NI_rowtype_find_code(nel->vec_typ[ii]) ,
00318                            nel->vec_len , nel->vec[ii]             ) ;
00320       NI_free( nel->vec_typ  ) ;
00321       NI_free( nel->vec ) ;
00323       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_len) ;
00324       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_delta) ;
00325       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_origin) ;
00326       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_unit) ;
00327       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_label) ;
00329       NI_free( nel ) ;
00331    /*-- erase contents of group element --*/
00333    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00334       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *)nini ;
00336       for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00337         NI_free( ngr->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00338         NI_free( ngr->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00339       }
00340       NI_free( ngr->attr_lhs ) ;
00341       NI_free( ngr->attr_rhs ) ;
00343       if( ngr->part != NULL ){
00344         for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ )
00345           NI_free_element( ngr->part[ii] ) ;     /* recursion */
00346       }
00348       NI_free( ngr->part_typ ) ;
00349       NI_free( ngr->part ) ;
00350       NI_free( ngr->name ) ;    /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00351       NI_free( ngr ) ;
00353    /*-- erase contents of processing instruction --*/
00355    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00356       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *)nini ;
00358       for( ii=0 ; ii < npi->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00359         NI_free( npi->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00360         NI_free( npi->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00361       }
00362       NI_free( npi->attr_lhs ) ;
00363       NI_free( npi->attr_rhs ) ;
00365       NI_free( npi->name ) ;    /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00366       NI_free( npi ) ;
00367    }
00369    return ;
00370 }

void NI_free_struct void *    ndd

Decrement the reference counter, and destroy the struct (recursively in some cases) if the counter goes to zero. -------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 90 of file niml_struct.c.

References DELETE_STRUCT, NI_dataset::domain, NI_points_domain::id, NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE, NI_BYTE_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_COMPLEX_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_DATASET_TYPE, NI_dataset_vecnum, NI_DOUBLE_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE, NI_FLOAT_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_free, NI_index_t, NI_INT_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE, NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE, NI_RGB_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_RGBA_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_SHORT_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_STATISTIC_TYPE, NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_STRUCT_TYPE, NI_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_statistic::param, NI_statistic::param_num, NI_vector::statistic, NI_vector::vec, NI_string_vector::vec, NI_dataset::vec, NI_string_vector::vec_len, NI_vector::vec_range, NI_points_domain::x, NI_points_domain::y, and NI_points_domain::z.

00091 {
00092    NI_struct *nd = (NI_struct *)ndd ;
00093    if( nd == NULL ) return ;
00095    /* decrementation */
00097    nd->nref -- ;
00098    if( nd->nref > 0 ) return ;      /* keep it */
00100    /* OK, blot it from the universe */
00102    switch( nd->type ){              /* N.B.: there is no default */
00104      case NI_STRUCT_TYPE:         /* These types have no sub-structs */
00105      case NI_FLOAT_ONE_TYPE:      /* or sub-arrays that need deleting */
00106      case NI_AFFINE_3DMAP_TYPE:
00107      case NI_RECT_DOMAIN_TYPE:
00108        DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00109      break ;
00111      case NI_STATISTIC_TYPE:{
00112        NI_statistic *ns = (NI_statistic *)nd ;
00113        NI_index_t ii ;
00114        if( ns->param != NULL ){
00115          for( ii=0 ; ii < ns->param_num ; ii++ )
00116            NI_free_struct( ns->param[ii] ) ;    /* recursion */
00117          NI_free(ns->param) ;
00118        }
00119      }
00120      DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00121      break ;
00123      case NI_VECTOR_TYPE:
00124      case NI_BYTE_VECTOR_TYPE:
00125      case NI_SHORT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00126      case NI_INT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00127      case NI_FLOAT_VECTOR_TYPE:
00128      case NI_DOUBLE_VECTOR_TYPE:
00129      case NI_COMPLEX_VECTOR_TYPE:
00130      case NI_RGB_VECTOR_TYPE:
00131      case NI_RGBA_VECTOR_TYPE:{
00132        NI_vector *nv = (NI_vector *)nd ;
00133        NI_free( nv->vec ) ;
00134        NI_free( nv->vec_range ) ;
00135        NI_free( nv->statistic ) ;
00136      }
00137      DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00138      break ;
00140      case NI_STRING_VECTOR_TYPE:{
00141        NI_string_vector *nv = (NI_string_vector *)nd ;
00142        NI_index_t ii ;
00143        if( nv->vec != NULL ){
00144          for( ii=0 ; ii < nv->vec_len ; ii++ )
00145            NI_free( nv->vec[ii] ) ;
00146          NI_free( nv->vec ) ;
00147        }
00148        /* vec_range not used for string vectors */
00149        /* statistic not used for string vectors */
00150      }
00151      DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00152      break ;
00154      case NI_POINTS_DOMAIN_TYPE:{
00155        NI_points_domain *np = (NI_points_domain *)nd ;
00156        NI_free( np->id ) ;
00157        NI_free( np->x  ) ;
00158        NI_free( np->y  ) ;
00159        NI_free( np->z  ) ;
00160      }
00161      DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00162      break ;
00164      case NI_DATASET_TYPE:{
00165        NI_dataset *nn = (NI_dataset *)nd ;
00166        if( nn->vec != NULL ){
00167          NI_index_t nv , ii ;
00168          nv = NI_dataset_vecnum(nn) ;
00169          for( ii=0 ; ii < nv ; ii++ )
00170            NI_free_struct( nn->vec[ii] ) ;  /* recursion */
00171          NI_free( nn->vec ) ;
00172        }
00173        NI_free_struct( nn->domain ) ;       /* recursion */
00174      }
00175      DELETE_STRUCT(nd) ;
00176      break ;
00178    }
00180    return ;
00181 }

char* NI_get_attribute void *    nini,
char *    attname

Get an attribute with the given LHS name. Returns a pointer to the RHS field in the element if the attribute name is found; otherwise returns NULL. If the LHS is found, but the RHS is NULL, returns a pointer to an empty C string ("\0"). Do not free() the result from this function, since it points to the internal field of the element! -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 755 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, and tt.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_start_version_check(), NI_do(), NI_self_idcode(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), niml_to_mri(), process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata(), process_NIML_Node_ROI(), process_NIML_SUMA_ijk(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), SUMA_AddNelHist(), SUMA_ColLabelCopy(), SUMA_DsetColLabelCopy(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_FindDset(), SUMA_GetColRange(), SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK_nel2Mesh_IJK(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_NodeXYZ_nel2NodeXYZ(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), SUMA_sdset_id(), SUMA_sdset_idmdom(), SUMA_TypeOfColNumb(), SUMA_TypeOfDsetColNumb(), SUMA_VolPar_nel2SOVolPar(), THD_add_bricks(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), and XSAVE_input().

00756 {
00757    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00758    static char *zorkon = "\0" ;
00760    if( tt < 0 || attname == NULL || attname[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00762    /* input is a data element */
00764    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00765       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00767       for( nn=0 ; nn < nel->attr_num ; nn++ )
00768          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00770       if( nn == nel->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00772       if( nel->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00774       return nel->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00776    /* input is a group element */
00778    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00779       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
00781       for( nn=0 ; nn < ngr->attr_num ; nn++ )
00782          if( strcmp(ngr->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00784       if( nn == ngr->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00786       if( ngr->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00788       return ngr->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00790    /* input is a processing instruction */
00792    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00793       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00795       for( nn=0 ; nn < npi->attr_num ; nn++ )
00796         if( strcmp(npi->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00798       if( nn == npi->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00800       if( npi->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00802       return npi->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00803    }
00805    return NULL ; /* should never be reached */
00806 }

int NI_has_String NI_rowtype   rt

Return 1 if the type contains a String part, 0 if not. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1033 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, and ROWTYPE_is_builtin_code.

Referenced by NI_read_columns(), NI_write_columns(), and NI_write_element().

01034 {
01035    int ii , jj ;
01037    if( rt == NULL ) return 0 ;
01039    /* test #1: if a NIML builtin type, test if it is String */
01041    if( ROWTYPE_is_builtin_code(rt->code) ) return (rt->code == NI_STRING) ;
01043    /* test the parts */
01045    for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
01046      if( ROWTYPE_is_builtin_code(rt->part_rtp[ii]->code) ){ /* builtin part */
01047        if( rt->part_rtp[ii]->code == NI_STRING ) return 1;
01048      } else {                                              /* derived part */
01049        if( NI_has_String( rt->part_rtp[ii] )   ) return 1; /* recursion */
01050      }
01051    }
01052    return 0 ;
01053 }

char* NI_hostname_to_inet char *    host

Return the Internet address (in 'dot' format, as a string) given the name of the host. If NULL is returned, some error occurrrrred. The string is NI_malloc()-ed, and should be NI_free()-ed when no longer needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 569 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_strdup().

Referenced by add_trusted_host(), and NI_trust_host().

00570 {
00571    struct hostent *hostp ;
00572    char * iname = NULL , *str ;
00573    int ll ;
00575    if( host == NULL || host[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00577    hostp = gethostbyname(host) ; if( hostp == NULL ) return NULL ;
00579    str = inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)(hostp->h_addr))) ;
00580    if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00582    iname = NI_strdup(str) ; return iname ;
00583 }

void NI_insert_string NI_element  ,
int   ,
int   ,
char *   

Definition at line 655 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_STRING, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

00656 {
00657    if( nel == NULL || str == NULL         ) return ;
00658    if( nel->type   != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE     ) return ;
00659    if( row < 0     || row >= nel->vec_len ) return ;
00660    if( col < 0     || col >= nel->vec_num ) return ;
00661    if( nel->vec_typ[col] != NI_STRING     ) return ;
00663    NI_insert_value( nel , row,col , &str ); return ;
00664 }

void NI_insert_value NI_element   nel,
int    row,
int    col,
void *    dat

Replace the row-th value in the col-th column of the data element.

  • dat is the pointer to the data values to copy into the element.
  • The column must have been created with NI_add_column() before calling this function!
  • NOTE WELL: When the column type is NI_STRING, it is a mistake to call this function with dat being a pointer to the C string to insert. Instead, dat should be a pointer to the pointer to the C string. For example:
    • char *me = "RWCox" ;
    • WRONG: NI_insert_value ( nel, 3,5, me ) ; [Seg Fault ensues]
    • RIGHT: NI_insert_value ( nel, 3,5, &me ) ;
    • RIGHT: NI_insert_string( nel, 3,5, me ) ;
    • The last case illustrates the NI_insert_string() function, which can be used to simplify insertion into a column of Strings; that function is just a simple wrapper to call NI_insert_value() properly.
    • The reason the first example is WRONG is that dat is supposed to point to the data to be stored. In the case of a String, the data is the pointer to the C string. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 607 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_strdup(), NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::part_typ, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by NI_add_column_stride(), NI_fill_column_stride(), and NI_insert_string().

00608 {
00609    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00610    char *cdat , *idat=(char *)dat , *qpt ;
00611    int jj , kk ;
00613    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00615    if( nel == NULL || idat == NULL        ) return ;
00616    if( nel->type    != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE    ) return ;
00617    if( nel->vec_len <= 0                  ) return ;
00618    if( row < 0     || row >= nel->vec_len ) return ;
00619    if( col < 0     || col >= nel->vec_num ) return ;
00621    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code( nel->vec_typ[col] ) ;
00622    if( rt == NULL )                         return ;
00624    cdat = (char *) nel->vec[col] ;   /* points to column data */
00625    cdat = cdat + rt->size * row ;    /* points to data to alter */
00627    /* shallow copy of input data over data now present */
00629    memcpy( cdat , idat , rt->size ) ;
00631    /* copy any var dim arrays inside */
00633    if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){
00634      for( jj=0 ; jj < rt->part_num ; jj++ ){            /* loop over parts */
00636        if( rt->part_typ[jj] == NI_STRING ){               /* a string part */
00637          char **apt = (char **)(cdat+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
00638          qpt = NI_strdup(*apt) ; *apt = qpt ;
00640        } else if( rt->part_dim[jj] >= 0 ){                /* var dim array */
00641          char **apt = (char **)(cdat+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
00642          if( *apt != NULL ){
00643            kk  = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,cdat,jj) * rt->part_rtp[jj]->size ;
00644            qpt = NI_malloc(char, kk) ; memcpy(qpt,*apt,kk) ; *apt = qpt ;
00645          }
00646        }
00647      }
00648    }
00650    return ;
00651 }

void NI_malloc_dump void   

Write a file with lots of info about the current status. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 425 of file niml_malloc.c.

References free, malloc, nhtab, NI_is_file, NI_malloc_status(), NI_mallitem::pmt, NI_mallitem::pss, qsort_intint(), SLOTS, and use_tracking.

00426 {
00427    int ii,jj,kk ;
00428    char fname[32] , *str ;
00429    FILE *fp = NULL ;
00430    int nptr=0 ;
00431    int *ss , *jk ;
00433    if( ! use_tracking ) return ;
00435    /* find and open an output file */
00437    for( ii=1 ; ii < 1000 ; ii++ ){
00438      sprintf(fname,"NI_malldump.%03d",ii) ;
00439      if( NI_is_file(fname) ) continue ;
00440      fp = fopen( fname , "w" ) ;
00441      if( fp == NULL ){
00442        fprintf(stderr,"** Unable to open file %s for malloc table dump!\n",
00443                fname ) ;
00444        return ;
00445      }
00446      break ;
00447    }
00449    if( fp == NULL ){
00450      fprintf(stderr,"** Attempt to exceed 999 malloc table dump files!\n") ;
00451      return ;
00452    }
00454    /* count number of entries in the hash table */
00456    for( jj=0 ; jj < SLOTS ; jj++ ){
00457      for( kk=0 ; kk < nhtab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00458        if( htab[jj][kk].pmt != NULL ) nptr++ ;
00459      }
00460    }
00462    if( nptr < 1 ){
00463      fprintf(fp    ,"--- Nothing is malloc()-ed !? ---\n") ;
00464      fprintf(stderr,"--- Nothing is malloc()-ed !? ---\n") ;
00465      fclose(fp) ;
00466    }
00468    /* setup to sort by serial number */
00470    ss = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*nptr) ;  /* serial number */
00471    jk = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*nptr) ;  /* holds combination of jj and kk */
00473 #define JBASE 32768  /* JBASE * SLOTS must be less than max int */
00475    /* scan table for non-NULL entries */
00477    for( ii=jj=0 ; jj < SLOTS ; jj++ ){
00478      for( kk=0 ; kk < nhtab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00479        if( htab[jj][kk].pmt != NULL ){
00480          ss[ii] = htab[jj][kk].pss ;   /* save serial number */
00481          jk[ii] = JBASE*jj + kk ;      /* save jj and kk */
00482          ii++ ;
00483        }
00484      }
00485    }
00487    qsort_intint( nptr , ss , jk ) ;  /* sort by ss, carrying jk along */
00489    /* now print table in serial number order */
00491    fprintf(fp, "MCW Malloc Table Dump:\n"
00492                "serial# size       source file          line# address    hash(j,k)\n"
00493                "------- ---------- -------------------- ----- ---------- ---------\n") ;
00495    for( ii=0 ; ii < nptr ; ii++ ){
00496      jj = jk[ii] / JBASE ;           /* retrieve jj and kk */
00497      kk = jk[ii] % JBASE ;
00498      if( htab[jj][kk].pmt != NULL ){
00499        fprintf(fp,"%7u %10u %-20.30s %5d %10p %5d %3d",
00500                htab[jj][kk].pss , (unsigned int)htab[jj][kk].psz ,
00501                htab[jj][kk].pfn , htab[jj][kk].pln , htab[jj][kk].pmt ,
00502                jj,kk ) ;
00503        fprintf(fp,"\n") ;
00504      }
00505      else
00506        fprintf(fp,"*** Error at ii=%d jj=%d kk=%d\n",ii,jj,kk) ;
00507    }
00509    free(ss) ; free(jk) ;
00511    /* and print out the summary line (to the file and screen) */
00513    str = NI_malloc_status() ;
00514    fprintf(fp,"----- Summary: %s\n",str) ;
00515    fclose(fp) ;
00517    fprintf(stderr,"** Malloc table dumped to file %s\n",fname) ;
00518    fprintf(stderr,"** Summary: %s\n",str) ;
00520    return ;
00521 }

void NI_malloc_enable_tracking void   

Turn on use of the tracking routines. ------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 527 of file niml_malloc.c.

References getenv(), malloc, nhtab, ni_mall_used, SLOTS, and use_tracking.

Referenced by NI_stream_open().

00528 {
00529    char *str ;
00531    if( use_userfunc ) return ;   /* 25 Mar 2003 */
00532    ni_mall_used = 1 ;
00534    if( use_tracking ) return ;   /* 05 Nov 2001 */
00536    str = getenv("AFNI_NO_MCW_MALLOC") ;
00537    if( str == NULL )
00538      str = getenv("NIML_MALLOC_DISABLE") ;
00540    use_tracking = 1 ;
00541    if( str!=NULL && ( *str=='y' || *str=='Y') ) use_tracking = 0 ;
00543    if( use_tracking && htab == NULL ){  /* initialize hash table */
00544      int jj ;
00545      htab  = (NI_mallitem **) malloc( SLOTS * sizeof(NI_mallitem *) ) ;
00546      nhtab = (int *)          malloc( SLOTS * sizeof(int) ) ;
00547      for( jj=0 ; jj < SLOTS ; jj++ ){
00548        htab[jj] = NULL ; nhtab[jj] = 0 ;
00549      }
00550    }
00552    return ;
00553 }

int NI_malloc_replace void *(*    um)(size_t),
void *(*    ur)(void *, size_t),
void(*    uf)(void *)

Allow user to replace malloc(), realloc(), and free() functions used in NI_malloc(), NI_realloc(), and NI_free().

  • um = replacement for malloc()
  • ur = replacement for realloc()
  • uf = replacement for free()
  • all 3 must be non-NULL
  • this function must be called BEFORE any call to NI_malloc() etc. takes place, or this function will fail
  • return value is 1 if the replacement is accepted, 0 if not
  • note that NI_malloc() always 0 fills the result, even the one returned by um()
  • RWCox - 25 Mar 2003 (VR Day) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 31 of file niml_malloc.c.

References ni_mall_used, use_userfunc, user_free, user_malloc, and user_realloc.

00033                                                     {
00035   if( ni_mall_used ||
00036       use_userfunc ||
00037       um == NULL   ||
00038       ur == NULL   ||
00039       uf == NULL     ) return 0 ;
00041   user_malloc  = um ;
00042   user_realloc = ur ;
00043   user_free    = uf ;
00044   use_userfunc = 1  ;
00045   return 1 ;
00046 }

char* NI_malloc_status void   

Definition at line 401 of file niml_malloc.c.

References nhtab, NI_mallitem::pmt, probe_track(), NI_mallitem::psz, SLOTS, UINT, and use_tracking.

Referenced by NI_dpr(), and NI_malloc_dump().

00402 {
00403    static char buf[128] = "\0" ;
00404    int jj,kk , nptr=0 ; size_t nbyt=0 ;
00406    if( ! use_tracking ) return "not enabled" ;
00408    for( jj=0 ; jj < SLOTS ; jj++ ){
00409      for( kk=0 ; kk < nhtab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00410        if( htab[jj][kk].pmt != NULL ){
00411          probe_track( htab[jj]+kk , NULL,0 ) ; /* check for integrity */
00412          nptr++ ; nbyt += htab[jj][kk].psz ;
00413        }
00414      }
00415    }
00417    sprintf(buf,"chunks=%d bytes=%u",nptr,(UINT)nbyt) ;
00418    return buf ;
00419 }

int NI_malloc_tracking_enabled void   

Lets the user check if the tracking routines are in use. -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 559 of file niml_malloc.c.

References use_tracking.

00560 {
00561   return (use_tracking != 0) ;
00562 }

char* NI_mktemp char *    templ

Replacement for mktemp().

Definition at line 89 of file niml_util.c.

References UUID_idcode().

Referenced by read_URL_ftp(), and read_URL_http().

00090 {
00091    int nt ; char *xx,*uu ; struct stat buf ;
00093    if( templ == NULL || templ[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00095    nt = strlen(templ) ;
00096    if( nt < 6 ){ templ[0] = '\0'; return NULL; }
00097    xx = templ+(nt-6) ;
00098    if( strcmp(xx,"XXXXXX") != 0 ){ templ[0] = '\0'; return NULL; }
00100    while(1){
00101      uu = UUID_idcode() ;
00102      memcpy( xx , uu , 6 ) ;
00103      nt = stat( templ , &buf ) ;
00104      if( nt != 0 ) return templ ;
00105    }
00106 }

int NI_multival_to_binary NI_rowtype   rt,
int    nv,
char *    dpt,
char *    wbuf

Copy nv fixed dim type values in binary format to the wbuf.

  • Return value is number of bytes written.
  • wbuf is assumed big enough to take the load ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1010 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_val_to_binary(), NI_rowtype::psiz, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_write_columns().

01011 {
01012    int jj=0 ;
01014    if( rt->size == rt->psiz ){         /* fixed dim, unpadded structs  */
01015                                        /* ==> Write all data at once   */
01016      jj = nv * rt->size ;
01017      memcpy(wbuf,dpt,jj);
01019    } else if( rt->psiz > 0 ){          /* Derived type is harder:      */
01020                                        /* Write each struct separately */
01021      int ii ;
01022      for( ii=0 ; ii < nv ; ii++ )
01023       jj += NI_val_to_binary( rt , dpt+(ii*rt->size) , wbuf+jj ) ;
01025    }
01026    return jj ;
01027 }

void NI_multival_to_text NI_rowtype   rt,
int    nv,
char *    dpt,
char *    wbuf

Encode nv type values at the end of the text string wbuf. typ must be a fixed dim type code, or NI_STRING. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 967 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_val_to_text(), and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_write_columns().

00968 {
00969    int ii , jj=rt->size ;
00971    for( ii=0 ; ii < nv ; ii++ )
00972      NI_val_to_text( rt , dpt+ii*jj , wbuf ) ;
00973 }

NI_element* NI_new_data_element char *    name,
int    veclen

Create a new data element.

  • name = string name for header.
  • veclen = size (length) of vectors (ni_dimen attribute).
    • Vectors are added with NI_add_column().
    • Set this to zero for "empty" elements (those with only headers, no data).
Return is NULL if inputs are stupid or criminal or insane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 384 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, name, NI_element::name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_strdup(), NI_element::outmode, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, NI_element::vec_rank, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_row(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), intvec_to_niml(), main(), matrix_to_niml(), mri_to_niml(), stringvec_to_niml(), SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_CrossHair(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewNel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), and XSAVE_output().

00385 {
00386    NI_element *nel ;
00388    if( name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' || veclen < 0 ) return NULL ;
00390    nel = NI_malloc(NI_element, sizeof(NI_element) ) ;
00392    nel->type = NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ;  /* mark as being a data element */
00394    nel->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00396    nel->name = NI_strdup(name) ;
00397    nel->attr_num = 0 ;
00398    nel->attr_lhs = nel->attr_rhs = NULL ;  /* no attributes yes */
00400    nel->vec_num = 0 ;                      /* no vectors yet */
00401    nel->vec_typ = NULL ;
00402    nel->vec     = NULL ;
00404    if( veclen == 0 ){                      /* empty element */
00405      nel->vec_len      = 0 ;
00406      nel->vec_filled   = 0 ;
00407      nel->vec_rank     = 0 ;
00408      nel->vec_axis_len = NULL ;
00409    } else {                                /* element with data to */
00410      nel->vec_len         = veclen ;       /* come via NI_add_column */
00411      nel->vec_filled      = veclen ;
00412      nel->vec_rank        = 1 ;
00413      nel->vec_axis_len    = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)) ;
00414      nel->vec_axis_len[0] = veclen ;
00415    }
00417    nel->vec_axis_delta  = NULL ;
00418    nel->vec_axis_origin = NULL ;
00419    nel->vec_axis_unit   = NULL ;
00420    nel->vec_axis_label  = NULL ;
00422    return nel ;
00423 }

NI_group* NI_new_group_element void   

Create a new group element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 930 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_num, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_group::name, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_group::outmode, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

00931 {
00932    NI_group *ngr ;
00934    ngr = NI_malloc(NI_group, sizeof(NI_group) ) ;
00936    ngr->type = NI_GROUP_TYPE ;
00938    ngr->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00940    ngr->attr_num = 0 ;
00941    ngr->attr_lhs = ngr->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00943    ngr->part_num = 0 ;
00944    ngr->part_typ = NULL ;
00945    ngr->part     = NULL ;
00946    ngr->name     = NULL ;  /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00948    return ngr ;
00949 }

NI_procins* NI_new_processing_instruction char *    name

Create a new processing instruction with a given 'target' name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 909 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, name, NI_procins::name, NI_malloc, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_strdup(), and NI_procins::type.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_procins().

00910 {
00911    NI_procins *npi ;
00913    if( name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00915    npi = NI_malloc(NI_procins,sizeof(NI_procins)) ;
00917    npi->type = NI_PROCINS_TYPE ;
00918    npi->name = NI_strdup(name) ;
00920    npi->attr_num = 0 ;
00921    npi->attr_lhs = npi->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00923    return npi ;
00924 }

void* NI_new_vector int    dtyp,
NI_index_t    len

Create a new vector, of the given type and length. Returns NULL if an error occurs. Otherwise, the vec and vec_range arrays are calloc()-ed, and the statistic struct is set to NULL. -------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 10 of file niml_vector.c.

References NI_datatype_size, NI_index_t, NI_is_builtin_type, NI_malloc, NI_new, NI_STRING, NI_VECTOR_TYPE, NI_vector::statistic, NI_vector::vec, NI_vector::vec_range, and NI_vector::vec_typ.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose().

00011 {
00012    NI_vector *nv ;
00013    NI_index_t ii ;
00014    int siz ;
00016    if( len <= 0 ) return NULL ;
00018    siz = NI_datatype_size( dtyp ) ;
00019    if( dtyp != NI_STRING && siz <= 0 ) return NULL ;
00021    nv = NI_new(NI_vector) ;
00022    if( NI_is_builtin_type(dtyp) )
00023      nv->type  = NI_VECTOR_TYPE + dtyp + 1 ;  /* type patched */
00024    else
00025      nv->type  = NI_VECTOR_TYPE ;             /* generic type */
00026    nv->vec_typ = dtyp ;
00028    if( dtyp != NI_STRING ){
00029      nv->vec       = NI_malloc(void,  NI_datatype_size(dtyp) * len ) ;
00030      nv->vec_range = NI_malloc(void, NI_datatype_size(dtyp) * 2   ) ;
00031    } else {
00032      nv->vec       = NI_malloc(void, sizeof(char *) * len ) ;
00033      nv->vec_range = NULL ;  /* string vectors don't use vec_range */
00034    }
00035    nv->statistic = NULL ;
00036    return (void *)nv ;
00037 }

void* NI_pointto_struct void *    ndd

Return a copy of the pointer to the struct, also incrementing its reference counter.

Definition at line 62 of file niml_struct.c.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose().

00063 {
00064    NI_struct *nd = (NI_struct *)ndd ;
00065    if( nd == NULL ) return NULL ;
00066    nd->nref ++ ;
00067    return (void *)nd ;
00068 }

int NI_read_columns NI_stream_type   ns,
int    col_num,
int *    col_typ,
int    col_len,
void **    col_dpt,
int    tmode,
int    flags

Read "columns" of data from a NI_stream. Each column is an array of structs of some NI_rowtype (including the builtin types):

  • ns = stream to read from
  • col_num = number of columns to read (1,2,...)
  • col_typ[i] = type code for column i (i=0..col_num-1)
  • col_len = number of elements in each column
    • col_len can be 0, which means read data until the end-of-input
    • end-of-input is end-of-stream, or '<' in NI_TEXT_MODE
  • col_dpt[i] = pointer to data in column i
    • col_dpt can't be NULL
    • but if col_dpt[i] is NULL, it will be NI_malloc()-ed
    • if col_dpt[i] isn't NULL, it must point to space big enough to hold the input (col_num * fixed size of rowtype i)
    • if col_len==0 on input:
      • then col_dpt[i] should be NULL for i=0..col_num-1
      • this function will NI_malloc() to fit the amount of data scanned
      • if col_dpt[i]!=NULL with col_len==0, then function returns -1
  • tmode is one of
    • NI_TEXT_MODE ==> ASCII input
      • text mode is required if any rowtype component is a String
      • text mode is required from "str:" streams
    • NI_BINARY_MODE ==> binary input
    • NI_BASE64_MODE ==> binary/base64 input
  • flags is the OR of various bit masks
    • NI_SWAP_MASK ==> binary input must be byte-swapped after input
    • NI_LTEND_MASK ==> text input stops at a '<' in the input
  • return value is:
    • number of complete rows actually read (<= col_len)
    • zero if stream isn't ready to read
    • -1 if something bad happened
Only the data is read from the stream - no header or footer. This function is adapted from the 1st edition of NI_read_element(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1411 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, flags, NI_BASE64_MODE, NI_base64_to_val(), NI_BINARY_MODE, NI_binary_to_val(), NI_dpr(), NI_free, NI_has_String(), NI_LTEND_MASK, NI_malloc, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_hasinput(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_stream_readbuf(), NI_stream_readbuf64(), NI_swap_column(), NI_SWAP_MASK, NI_TEXT_MODE, NI_text_to_val(), NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, NI_rowtype::size, and swap.

Referenced by NI_read_element().

01414 {
01415    int ii,jj , row , dim , nin , col , nn ;
01416    char *ptr , **col_dat=(char **)col_dpt ;
01418    NI_rowtype **rt=NULL ;  /* array of NI_rowtype, 1 per column */
01419    int *vsiz=NULL , vsiz_tot=0 ;
01420    int *fsiz=NULL , fsiz_tot=0 ;
01422    int (*ReadFun)( NI_stream_type *, NI_rowtype *, void *, int ) ;
01423    int ltend = (flags & NI_LTEND_MASK) != 0 ;
01424    int swap  = (flags & NI_SWAP_MASK)  != 0 ;
01425    int ReadFlag ;
01426    int open_ended = (col_len==0) , row_top ;  /* 27 Mar 2003 */
01428 # undef  FREEUP
01429 # define FREEUP do{ NI_free(rt); NI_free(vsiz); NI_free(fsiz); } while(0)
01431    /*-- check inputs --*/
01433    if( col_num <= 0    || col_len <  0    ) return  0 ;
01434    if( col_typ == NULL || col_dat == NULL ) return -1 ;
01435    if( !NI_stream_readable(ns)            ) return -1 ;
01437 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01438 NI_dpr("ENTER NI_read_columns\n") ;
01439 #endif
01441    /*-- check stream --*/
01443    if( ns->bad ){                        /* not connected yet? */
01444      jj = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,666) ;  /* try to connect it */
01445      if( jj < 1 ) return jj ;            /* 0 is nothing yet, -1 is death */
01446    }
01447    jj = NI_stream_hasinput(ns,666) ;     /* any data to be had? */
01448    if( jj < 0 ) return jj ;              /* only exit if stream is actually bad */
01450    /* create array of NI_rowtype for columns, etc. */
01452    rt   = NI_malloc(NI_rowtype*,  sizeof(NI_rowtype *) * col_num ) ;
01453    vsiz = NI_malloc(int,  sizeof(int)          * col_num ) ;
01454    fsiz = NI_malloc(int,  sizeof(int)          * col_num ) ;
01455    if( open_ended ) col_len = 1 ;
01456    for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01458      rt[col] = NI_rowtype_find_code( col_typ[col] ) ;
01459      if( rt[col] == NULL ){ FREEUP; return -1; }
01460      if( tmode != NI_TEXT_MODE && NI_has_String(rt[col]) ){ FREEUP; return -1; }
01462      vsiz[col] = ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt[col]) ;     /*  variable dim type? */
01463      fsiz[col] = rt[col]->size ;      /* fixed size of struct (w/padding) */
01464      vsiz_tot += vsiz[col] ;
01465      fsiz_tot += fsiz[col] ;
01467      /* setup data array for this column */
01469      if( col_dat[col] == NULL ){
01470        col_dat[col] = NI_malloc(char,  fsiz[col]*col_len ) ; /* make space */
01471      } else {
01472        if( open_ended ){ FREEUP; return -1; }
01473        memset( col_dat[col], 0 , fsiz[col]*col_len ) ; /* set space to 0 */
01474      }
01475    }
01477    /*-- Special (and fast) case:
01478         one compact (no padding) fixed-size rowtype,
01479         and binary input ==> can read all data direct from stream at once --*/
01481    if( col_num == 1              &&
01482        fsiz[0] == rt[0]->psiz    &&    /* struct size == data size */
01483        tmode   == NI_BINARY_MODE &&
01484        !open_ended                 ){
01486      nin = NI_stream_readbuf( ns , col_dat[0] , fsiz[0]*col_len ) ;
01487      if( nin < fsiz[0] ){ FREEUP; return (nin >= 0) ? 0 : -1 ; }  /* bad */
01488      nin = nin / fsiz[0] ;  /* number of rows finished */
01489      goto ReadFinality ;    /* post-process input down below */
01490    }
01492    /*-- 21 Apr 2005: repeat above for Base64 input --*/
01494    if( col_num == 1              &&
01495        fsiz[0] == rt[0]->psiz    &&    /* struct size == data size */
01496        tmode   == NI_BASE64_MODE &&
01497        !open_ended                 ){
01499      nin = NI_stream_readbuf64( ns , col_dat[0] , fsiz[0]*col_len ) ;
01500      if( nin < fsiz[0] ){ FREEUP; return (nin >= 0) ? 0 : -1 ; }  /* bad */
01501      nin = nin / fsiz[0] ;  /* number of rows finished */
01502      goto ReadFinality ;    /* post-process input down below */
01503    }
01505    /*-- Choose function to read from stream and fill one struct --*/
01507    switch( tmode ){
01508      case NI_TEXT_MODE:   ReadFun = NI_text_to_val  ; ReadFlag = ltend; break;
01509      case NI_BINARY_MODE: ReadFun = NI_binary_to_val; ReadFlag = swap ; break;
01510      case NI_BASE64_MODE: ReadFun = NI_base64_to_val; ReadFlag = swap ; break;
01511      default:
01512        fprintf(stderr,"\n** NI_read_columns: unknown input tmode=%d\n",tmode);
01513        FREEUP ; return -1 ;
01514    }
01516    /*-- OK, have to read the hard ways --*/
01518    row_top = (open_ended) ? 1999999999 : col_len ; /* 28 Mar 2003 */
01520    for( row=0 ; row < row_top ; row++ ){                  /* loop over rows */
01521                                                           /* until all done */
01523 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01524 NI_dpr(" Starting row #%d\n",row) ;
01525 #endif
01527      /* 27 Mar 2003: maybe need to extend length of columns */
01529      if( open_ended && row >= col_len ){
01530 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01531 NI_dpr("  Extending column lengths!\n") ;
01532 #endif
01533        jj = (int)(1.2*col_len+32) ;
01534        for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01535          col_dat[col] = NI_realloc( col_dat[col] , char, fsiz[col]*jj ) ;
01536          memset( col_dat[col]+fsiz[col]*col_len, 0 , fsiz[col]*(jj-col_len) ) ;
01537        }
01538        col_len = jj ;
01539      }
01541      /* loop over columns, read into struct */
01543      for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01544        ptr = col_dat[col] + fsiz[col]*row ;         /* ptr to row-th struct */
01545        nn  = ReadFun( ns, rt[col], ptr, ReadFlag ) ; /* read data to struct */
01546        if( !nn ) break ;
01547      }
01548      if( !nn ) break ;                             /* some ReadFun() failed */
01549    }
01551    if( row == 0 ){                                /* didn't finish any rows */
01552      if( open_ended ){
01553        for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ) NI_free(col_dat[col]) ;
01554      }
01555      FREEUP; return -1;
01556    }
01558    nin = row ;                                   /* number of rows finished */
01560    if( open_ended && nin < col_len ){                   /* truncate columns */
01561      for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ )
01562        col_dat[col] = NI_realloc( col_dat[col] , char, fsiz[col]*nin ) ;
01563    }
01565    /*-- Have read all data; byte swap if needed, then get outta here --*/
01567 ReadFinality:
01569    if( tmode != NI_TEXT_MODE && swap ){
01570      for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ )
01571        NI_swap_column( rt[col] , nin , col_dat[col] ) ;
01572    }
01574 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01575 NI_dpr("Leaving NI_read_columns\n") ;
01576 #endif
01578    FREEUP ; return nin ;
01579 }

void* NI_read_element NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Read an element (maybe a group) from the stream, waiting up to msec milliseconds for the header to appear. (After that, this function may wait a long time for the rest of the element to appear, unless the data stream comes to a premature end.)

Return is NULL if nothing can be read at this time. Otherwise, use NI_element_type(return value) to determine if the element read is a data element or a group element.

Note that a header that is longer than ns->bufsize will never be read properly, since we must have the entire header in the buffer before processing it. This should only be a problem for deranged users. If such a vast header is encountered, it will be flushed.

If header start '<' and stop '>' are encountered, then this function will read data until it can create an element, or until the data stream is bad (i.e., the file ends, or the socket closes).

If NULL is returned, that can be because there is no data to read even in the buffer, or because the input data stream has gone bad (i.e., will return no more data ever). To check for the latter case, use NI_stream_readcheck().

If a "<ni_do ... />" or "<?ni_do ... ?>" element is encountered, it will not be returned to the caller. Instead, the actions it orders will be carried out in function NI_do(), and the function will loop back to find some other input. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 126 of file niml_elemio.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_element::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_stream_type::b64_numleft, NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, destroy_header_stuff(), header_stuff::empty, header_stuff_is_group(), header_stuff_is_procins(), header_stuff::lhs, make_empty_data_element(), make_empty_group_element(), MARKED_FOR_DEATH, header_stuff::name, NI_procins::name, NI_element::name, header_stuff::nattr, NI_add_to_group(), NI_BASE64_MODE, NI_BINARY_MODE, NI_byteorder(), NI_clock_time(), NI_do(), NI_dpr(), NI_free, NI_free_element(), NI_LSB_FIRST, NI_LTEND_MASK, NI_malloc, NI_MSB_FIRST, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_read_columns(), NI_reset_buffer(), NI_sleep(), NI_strdup(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_SWAP_MASK, NI_TEXT_MODE, NI_stream_type::npos, parse_header_stuff(), read_header_only, header_stuff::rhs, scan_for_angles(), string_index(), swap, NI_procins::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, NI_element::vec_rank, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_start_version_check(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), main(), NI_read_element_header(), NI_read_file_nohead(), NI_suck_stream(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_LoadVisualState(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), THD_load_3D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_read_niml_atr(), and XSAVE_input().

00127 {
00128    int ii,nn,nhs , num_restart ;
00129    char *cstart , *cstop ;
00130    header_stuff *hs ;
00131    int start_time=NI_clock_time() , mleft ;
00133    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH || ns->buf == NULL )
00134      return NULL ;  /* bad input stream */
00136 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00137 NI_dpr("ENTER NI_read_element\n") ;
00138 #endif
00140    if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;  /* a long time (11+ days) */
00142    /* if we have a socket that hasn't connected,
00143       then see if it can connect now            */
00145    if( ns->bad ){
00146      nn = NI_stream_goodcheck( ns , msec ) ;
00147      if( nn < 1 ) return NULL ;              /* didn't connect */
00148    }
00150    /*-- Try to find the element header --*/
00152    num_restart = 0 ;
00153 HeadRestart:                            /* loop back here to retry */
00154    num_restart++ ;
00155    mleft = msec - (NI_clock_time()-start_time) ;      /* time left */
00156    if( num_restart > 1 && mleft <= 0 ) return NULL ;  /* don't allow too many loops */
00158 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00159 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: HeadRestart scan_for_angles; num_restart=%d\n" ,
00160                num_restart ) ;
00161 #endif
00163    nn = scan_for_angles( ns , 0 ) ;     /* look for '<stuff>' */
00165    /* didn't find it */
00167    if( nn < 0 ){
00168      if( NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) < 0 ) return NULL ;   /* connection lost */
00169      NI_sleep(2); goto HeadRestart;                      /* try again */
00170    }
00172 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00173 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: found '<'\n") ;
00174 #endif
00176    /* ns->buf[ns->npos] = opening '<' ; ns->buf[nn-1] = closing '>' */
00178    /* see if we found '<>', which is meaningless,
00179       or a trailer '</stuff>', which is illegal here */
00181    if( nn - ns->npos <= 2 || ns->buf[ns->npos+1] == '/' ){
00182       ns->npos = nn; NI_reset_buffer(ns); /* toss the '<..>', try again */
00183 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00184 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: illegal header found? skipping\n") ;
00185 #endif
00186       goto HeadRestart ;
00187    }
00189    /*----- Parse the header data and prepare to make an element! -----*/
00191 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00192 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: parsing putative header\n") ;
00193 #endif
00195    hs = parse_header_stuff( nn - ns->npos , ns->buf + ns->npos , &nhs ) ;
00197    if( hs == NULL ){  /* something bad happened there */
00198      fprintf(stderr,"NI_read_element: bad element header found!\n") ;
00199      ns->npos = nn; NI_reset_buffer(ns); /* toss the '<..>', try again */
00200      goto HeadRestart ;
00201    }
00203    /*----- If here, have parsed a header (and will not HeadRestart).
00204            First, expunge the data bytes that were consumed to make
00205            the header; that is, we can then start reading data from
00206            ns->buf[ns->npos] .. ns->buf[ns->nbuf-1]                 --*/
00208    ns->npos = nn ;
00210 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00211 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: header parsed successfully\n") ;
00212 #endif
00214    /*--------------- Now make an element of some kind ---------------*/
00216    if( header_stuff_is_procins(hs) ){       /*--- a processing instruction ---*/
00218      NI_procins *npi ;
00220      if( strcmp(hs->name,"?ni_do") == 0 ){  /* 19 Apr 2005: special case! */
00221        NI_element *nel ;
00222        nel = make_empty_data_element( hs ) ;         /* temporary element */
00223        destroy_header_stuff( hs ) ;
00224        NI_do( ns , nel ) ;                        /* do the stuff it says */
00225        NI_free_element( nel ) ;                        /* then destroy it */
00226        if( ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH || ns->buf == NULL ) return NULL ;
00227        num_restart = 0 ; goto HeadRestart ;
00228      }
00230      /* 03 Jun 2005: if ordered to skip these things, do so */
00232      if( skip_procins ){
00233        destroy_header_stuff( hs ) ; num_restart = 0 ; goto HeadRestart ;
00234      }
00236      /* normal case: make a procins element and give it to the caller */
00238      npi       = NI_malloc(NI_procins,sizeof(NI_procins)) ;
00239      npi->type = NI_PROCINS_TYPE ;
00240      npi->name = NI_strdup( hs->name + 1 ) ; /* skip the '?' */
00242      npi->attr_num = hs->nattr ;
00243      if( npi->attr_num > 0 ){
00244        npi->attr_lhs = hs->lhs ; hs->lhs = NULL ;
00245        npi->attr_rhs = hs->rhs ; hs->rhs = NULL ;
00246      } else {
00247        npi->attr_lhs = npi->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00248      }
00250      destroy_header_stuff( hs ) ;
00252      return npi ;
00254    } /*--- end of reading a processing instruction ---*/
00256    else if( header_stuff_is_group(hs) ){           /*---- a group element ----*/
00258       NI_group *ngr ;
00259       void *nini ;
00260       int   empty=hs->empty ;
00262       read_header_only = 0 ;         /* 23 Mar 2003 */
00264       start_time = NI_clock_time() ; /* allow up to 10 sec for next */
00265       msec       = 9999 ;            /* element to appear, before giving up */
00267       ngr = make_empty_group_element( hs ) ;  /* copies name and attributes */
00268       destroy_header_stuff( hs ) ;
00269       if( empty ) return ngr ;  /* 03 Jun 2002: empty group is legal */
00271       /* we now have to read the elements within the group */
00273       num_restart = 0 ;
00274       while(1){           /* loop to find an element */
00276 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00277 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: ni_group scan_for_angles; num_restart=%d\n",
00278                num_restart ) ;
00279 #endif
00281          nn = scan_for_angles( ns , 10 ) ;  /* find header/trailer '<...>' */
00283          mleft = msec - (NI_clock_time()-start_time) ;
00284          if( mleft < 0 ) mleft = 0 ;
00286          if( nn <= 0 ){  /* didn't find it */
00287            if( NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) < 0 ) break ;  /* real bad */
00288            if( num_restart > 1 && mleft == 0 ) break ;  /* time's up */
00289            num_restart++ ;
00290            continue ;        /* try again (but not forever) */
00291          }
00293          /* check if we found a trailer element '</stuff>' */
00295          if( ns->buf[ns->npos+1] == '/' ){  /* trailer */
00296            ns->npos = nn ;                 /* so end the group */
00297            break ;
00298          }
00300          /* not a trailer, so try to make an element out of it */
00302          nini = NI_read_element( ns , mleft ) ;   /* recursion! */
00303          if( nini != NULL ){
00304             NI_add_to_group( ngr , nini ) ;  /* this is good */
00305             num_restart = 0 ;
00306             start_time = NI_clock_time() ;   /* restart the wait clock */
00307          } else {                            /* this is bad */
00308             if( NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) < 0 ) break ;    /* real bad */
00309             mleft = msec - (NI_clock_time()-start_time) ;
00310             if( num_restart > 1 && mleft <= 0 ) break ;    /* time's up */
00311             num_restart++ ;
00312          }
00313       }
00315       /* and we are done */
00317       return ngr ;
00319    } /* end of reading group element */
00321    else {      /*------------------------ a data element ---------------------*/
00323       NI_element *nel ;
00324       int form, swap, nbrow , row,col ;
00326       nel = make_empty_data_element( hs ) ;
00327       destroy_header_stuff( hs ) ;
00329       /*-- check if this is an empty element --*/
00331       if( nel           == NULL ||     /* nel == NULL should never happen. */
00332           nel->vec_rank == 0    ||     /* These other cases are indication */
00333           nel->vec_num  == 0    ||     /* that this is an 'empty' element. */
00334           nel->vec_typ  == NULL ||     /* ==> The header is all there is.  */
00335           nel->vec      == NULL ||
00336           nel->name[0]  == '!'  ||     /* Stupid XML declaration */
00337           read_header_only        ){
00339 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00340 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: returning empty element\n") ;
00341 #endif
00343         /*-- 23 Aug 2002: do something, instead of returning data? --*/
00345         if( nel != NULL && strcmp(nel->name,"ni_do") == 0 ){
00346           NI_do( ns , nel ) ;
00347           NI_free_element( nel ) ;
00348           if( ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH || ns->buf == NULL ) return NULL ;
00349           num_restart = 0 ; goto HeadRestart ;
00350         }
00352         if( read_header_only && nel->vec != NULL ){
00353           for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ ) NI_free(nel->vec[ii]) ;
00354           NI_free(nel->vec) ; nel->vec = NULL ;
00355         }
00357         return nel ;   /* default: return element */
00358       }
00360       /*-- If here, must read data from the buffer into nel->vec --*/
00362       /* Find the form of the input */
00364       form = NI_TEXT_MODE ; /* default is text mode */
00365       swap = 0 ;            /* and (obviously) don't byte swap */
00367       ii = string_index( "ni_form" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00369       if( ii >= 0 && nel->attr_rhs[ii] != NULL ){ /* parse ni_form=rhs */
00371          /* binary or base64 mode? */
00373          if( strstr(nel->attr_rhs[ii],"binary") != NULL )
00374             form = NI_BINARY_MODE ;
00375          else if( strstr(nel->attr_rhs[ii],"base64") != NULL ){
00376             form = NI_BASE64_MODE ;
00377             ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;    /* 21 Apr 2005: reset Base64 leftovers */
00378          }
00380          /* check byteorder in header vs. this CPU */
00382          if( form != NI_TEXT_MODE ){
00383             int order=NI_MSB_FIRST ; /* default input byteorder */
00384             if( strstr(nel->attr_rhs[ii],"lsb") != NULL ) order = NI_LSB_FIRST;
00385             swap = ( order != NI_byteorder() ) ;  /* swap bytes? */
00386          }
00387       }
00389       /*-- 13 Feb 2003: Use new NI_read_columns() function to get data. --*/
00391       if( form == NI_TEXT_MODE ) ii = NI_LTEND_MASK ;  /* end on '<' char  */
00392       else if( swap )            ii = NI_SWAP_MASK  ;  /* swap binary data */
00393       else                       ii = 0 ;              /* no special flag  */
00395       row = NI_read_columns( ns ,
00396                              nel->vec_num, nel->vec_typ,
00397                              nel->vec_len, nel->vec    , form, ii );
00399       nel->vec_filled = (row >= 0) ? row : 0 ;
00401       /* 27 Mar 2003: allow for case where vec_len is
00402                       inferred from how much data we read */
00404       if( nel->vec_len == 0 ){
00405         if( nel->vec_axis_len == NULL )
00406           nel->vec_axis_len = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)) ;
00408         nel->vec_axis_len[0] = nel->vec_len  = nel->vec_filled ;
00409         nel->vec_rank = 1 ;
00410       }
00412       /*-- Now scan for the end-of-element marker '</something>' and
00413            skip all input bytes up to (and including) the final '>'. --*/
00415       num_restart = 0 ;
00416 TailRestart:
00417       num_restart++ ;
00419       if( num_restart < 99 ){  /* don't loop forever, dude */
00420          int is_tail ;
00422 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00423 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: TailRestart scan_for_angles; num_restart=%d\n" ,
00424                num_restart ) ;
00425 #endif
00427          nn = scan_for_angles( ns , 99 ) ;  /* find '<...>' */
00429          /* if we didn't find '<...>' at all,
00430             then if the I/O stream is bad, just exit;
00431             otherwise, try scanning for '<...>' again */
00433          if( nn < 0 ){
00434            if( NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) < 0 ) return nel ;
00435            goto TailRestart ;
00436          }
00438          /* we have '<...>', but make sure it starts with '</' */
00440          is_tail = ( ns->buf[ns->npos+1] == '/' ) ;
00442          if( !is_tail ){                         /* no '/'? */
00443            ns->npos = nn ; NI_reset_buffer(ns) ; /* skip '<...>' */
00444            goto TailRestart ;                    /* and try again */
00445          }
00447          ns->npos = nn ; /* skip '</...>' and we are done here! */
00448       }
00450       /*-- And are done with the input stream and the data element! --*/
00452 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00453 NI_dpr("NI_read_element: returning filled data element\n") ;
00454 #endif
00456       /*-- 23 Aug 2002: do something, instead of returning data? --*/
00458       if( strcmp(nel->name,"ni_do") == 0 ){
00459         NI_do( ns , nel ) ;
00460         NI_free_element( nel ) ;
00461         num_restart = 0 ; goto HeadRestart ;
00462       }
00464       return nel ;
00466    } /* end of reading data element */
00468    return NULL ; /* should never be reached */
00469 }

void* NI_read_element_header NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Read only the header part of the next element. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 86 of file niml_elemio.c.

References NI_read_element(), and read_header_only.

00087 {
00088    void *nini ;
00089    read_header_only = 1 ;
00090    nini = NI_read_element( ns , msec ) ;
00091    read_header_only = 0 ;
00092    return nini ;
00093 }

void NI_read_header_only int   

Definition at line 77 of file niml_elemio.c.

References r, and read_header_only.

Referenced by THD_open_3D().

00077 { read_header_only=r ; } /* 23 Mar 2003 */

int NI_read_URL char *    url,
char **    data

Read a URL (ftp:// or http://) into memory. The return value is the number of bytes read, and *data points to the data. If the return value is negative, then something bad happened.


  • int nn ;
  • char *data ;
  • nn = NI_read_URL( "http://zork.ork/oog" , &data ) ;
  • if( nn <= 0 ){ **failure** }
  • else { **data[0..nn-1] can be used for something** } ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 400 of file niml_url.c.

References FTP, getenv(), HTTP, read_URL_ftp(), read_URL_http(), and www_debug.

Referenced by can_get_testfile(), NI_read_URL_tmpdir(), NI_stream_open(), THD_fetch_dataset(), THD_fetch_many_datasets(), and TTget_ppm().

00401 {
00402    int nn ;
00403    if( url == NULL || data == NULL ) return( -1 );
00405    if( getenv("NIML_WWW_DEBUG") != NULL ) www_debug = 1 ;
00407    if( strstr(url,HTTP) == url ){
00408       nn = read_URL_http( url , 4444 , data ) ; return(nn) ;
00409    }
00411    else if( strstr(url,FTP) == url ){
00412       nn = read_URL_ftp( url , data ) ; return(nn) ;
00413    }
00415    return( -1 );
00416 }

int NI_read_URL_tmpdir char *    url,
char **    tname

Read a URL and save it to disk in tmpdir. The filename it is saved in is returned in the malloc-ed space *tname. The byte count is the return value of the function; if <= 0, then an error transpired (and *tname is not set).


  • int nn ;
  • char *tname ;
  • nn = NI_read_URL_tmpdir( "ftp://whoople.oog/zorkon" , &tname ) ;
  • if( nn <= 0 ){ **failure** }
  • else { **you can read file tname at your leisure** } --------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 432 of file niml_url.c.

References free, malloc, NI_read_URL(), setup_tmpdir(), tmpdir, trailname(), tt, and unlink.

Referenced by THD_fetch_1D(), and THD_fetch_dataset().

00433 {
00434    int nn , ll ;
00435    char *data , *fname , *tt ;
00436    FILE *fp ;
00438    if( url == NULL || tname == NULL ) return( -1 );
00440    nn = NI_read_URL( url , &data ) ;  /* get the data into memory */
00441    if( nn <= 0 ) return( -1 );        /* bad */
00443    /* make the output filename */
00445    setup_tmpdir() ;
00446    fname = (char *)malloc(strlen(url)+strlen(tmpdir)+1) ;
00447    tt    = trailname(url,0) ;
00448    strcpy(fname,tmpdir) ; strcat(fname,tt) ; ll = strlen(fname) ;
00449    if( ll > 3 && strcmp(fname+(ll-3),".gz") == 0 ) fname[ll-3] = '\0' ;
00451    /* open and write output */
00453    fp = fopen( fname , "wb" ) ;
00454    if( fp == NULL ){
00455      fprintf(stderr,"** Can't open temporary file %s\n",fname);
00456      free(data) ; return( -1 );
00457    }
00458    ll = fwrite(data,1,nn,fp) ; fclose(fp) ; free(data) ;
00459    if( ll != nn ){ unlink(fname); return( -1 ); } /* write failed */
00461    *tname = fname ; return( nn );
00462 }

void NI_register_doer char *    verb,
NI_voidfunc   func

Register a callback for a "ni_do" verb. [12 Feb 2003]

The function will be called like so

  • func( char *object , NI_stream_type *ns , NI_element *nel ) ;
  • object = RHS of ni_object attribute (may be NULL)
  • ns = stream that sent the message (so you can reply, if you like)
  • nel = the data element that contained the message (if you need it)
Calling with the same verb will replace the function - you can't have two callbacks for the same verb. If func is input as NULL, then this will remove a callback, if it was defined earlier; if func is NULL and verb was not previously defined, then nothing happens.

However, you CAN register a callback for a builtin verb. The normal processing will take place, then the user callback will be invoked if that processing was good. [This feature was added on 30 Dec 2003.] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 30 of file niml_do.c.

References doer_func, doer_num, doer_verb, NI_realloc, NI_strdup(), and NI_voidfunc.

Referenced by AFNI_init_niml(), and timeout_CB().

00031 {
00032    int ii ;
00034    if( verb == NULL || *verb == '\0' ) return ;
00036    /* see if verb already in table */
00038    for( ii=0 ; ii < doer_num ; ii++ )
00039      if( strcmp(verb,doer_verb[ii]) == 0 ) break ;
00041    /* if was in table, replace func (may be NULL) */
00043    if( ii < doer_num ){
00044      doer_func[ii] = func ; return ;
00045    }
00047    /* defining a new verb */
00049    if( func == NULL ) return ;   /* quit if no func */
00051    /* expand tables of verbs and funcs */
00053    ii = doer_num++ ;
00055    doer_verb = NI_realloc( doer_verb, char*, sizeof(char *)*doer_num ) ;
00056    doer_verb[ii] = NI_strdup(verb) ;
00058    doer_func = NI_realloc( doer_func , NI_voidfunc*, sizeof(NI_voidfunc *)*doer_num ) ;
00059    doer_func[ii] = func ;
00060    return ;
00061 }

void NI_register_objconverters char *   ,
NI_objconverter_func   ,

Definition at line 118 of file niml_sucker.c.

References IDCODE_LEN, NI_objconverter_func, NI_strncpy(), num_converters, realloc, NI_converterstruct::to_elm, and NI_converterstruct::to_obj.

00121 {
00122    int cc ;
00124    if( self_name == NULL || *self_name == '\0' ) return ;
00125    if( elm_to_obj == (NI_objconverter_func)NULL  ) return ;
00127    for( cc=0 ; cc < num_converters ; cc++ )
00128      if( strcmp(converters[cc].self_name,self_name) == 0 ) break ;
00130    if( cc == num_converters ){
00131      num_converters++ ;
00132      converters = (NI_converterstruct *)
00133                     realloc( (void *)converters ,
00134                              sizeof(NI_converterstruct)*num_converters ) ;
00135    }
00137    NI_strncpy( converters[cc].self_name , self_name , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00138    converters[cc].to_obj = elm_to_obj ;
00139    converters[cc].to_elm = obj_to_elm ;
00140    return ;
00141 }

void NI_register_struct void *    ndd

Register a struct by its idcode (if it has one).

Definition at line 11 of file niml_struct.c.

References addto_Htable(), findin_Htable(), and new_Htable().

00012 {
00013    NI_struct *nd = (NI_struct *)ndd ;
00014    void *vp ;
00016    /* can't register without idcode */
00018    if( nd == NULL || nd->idcode == NULL ) return ;
00020    /* 1st time in ==> create hash table */
00022    if( ni_struct_table == NULL )
00023      ni_struct_table = new_Htable( 1031 ) ;
00025    /* see if it already is registered */
00027    vp = findin_Htable( nd->idcode , ni_struct_table ) ;
00028    if( vp != NULL ) return ;  /* duplicate entry */
00030    /* OK, add it to the table */
00032    addto_Htable( nd->idcode , nd , ni_struct_table ) ;
00033    return ;
00034 }

void* NI_registry_add char *    idcode,
char *    name,
void *    vpt

Associate a given pointer (non-NULL) with idcode and name string.

  • Return value is vpt if things are OK, NULL if they are not.
  • Not OK if vpt==NULL, or idcode is already in table.
  • If vpt is already in table, then it's old entry will. be lost and the new idcode will win (that is, you can't have two different idcodes associated with the same data pointer). ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 138 of file niml_registry.c.

References addto_Htable(), calloc, findin_Htable(), registry_entry::flags, registry_entry::idc, init_registry(), registry_entry::ipt, name, registry_entry::name, NI_strncpy(), NIREG_PRIVATE_MALLOC, registry_entry::vlen, registry_entry::vpt, and vpt_to_char().

00139 {
00140    void *xpt ;
00141    registry_entry *rent ;  /* pay this or be evicted */
00143    init_registry() ;       /* setup empty hash tables, if needed */
00145    if( idcode == NULL || *idcode == '\0' || vpt == NULL ) return NULL ;
00147    /* check to see if already have this idcode */
00149    xpt = findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00150    if( xpt != NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad */
00152    /* make the registry entry for this doohicky */
00154    rent = calloc(1,sizeof(registry_entry)) ;
00155    NI_strncpy( rent->idc , idcode , 32 ) ;               /* copy idcode */
00156    rent->vpt  = vpt ;                              /* copy data pointer */
00157    rent->vlen = 0   ;                                     /* set length */
00158    vpt_to_char( vpt , rent->ipt ) ;   /* string version of data pointer */
00159    if( name == NULL ) name = "\0" ;
00160    rent->name  = strdup(name) ;                            /* copy name */
00161    rent->flags = NIREG_PRIVATE_MALLOC ;                   /* init flags */
00163    /* and index this new registry entry under the idcode and the pointer */
00165    addto_Htable( rent->idc , (void *)rent , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00166    addto_Htable( rent->ipt , (void *)rent , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00168    return vpt ;   /* give the user the pointer he asked for */
00169 }

void NI_registry_free void *   

Definition at line 256 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), registry_entry::idc, registry_entry::ipt, NIREG_free, removefrom_Htable(), and vpt_to_char().

00257 {
00258    char ipt[32] ;
00259    registry_entry *rent ;
00261    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return ;
00263    /* look for the pointer in the index */
00265    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00266    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00267    if( rent == NULL ) return ;   /* stupid users must be punished somehow */
00269    removefrom_Htable( rent->ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00270    removefrom_Htable( rent->idc , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00271    NIREG_free( rent ) ;
00272    return ;
00273 }

void NI_registry_idcode_altername char *    idcode,
char *    newname

Given an idcode, modify the name string that goes with it.

Definition at line 373 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), free, and registry_entry::name.

00374 {
00375    registry_entry *rent ;
00377    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00378    if( rent == NULL ) return ;
00379    free((void *)rent->name) ;
00380    if( newname == NULL ) newname = "\0" ;
00381    rent->name = strdup(newname) ;
00382    return ;
00383 }

size_t NI_registry_idcode_to_len char *    idcode

Given an idcode, get the data length that goes with it. Note that 0 is returned if the data ptr was setup with len=0 OR* if the idcode can't be found in the registry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 293 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), and registry_entry::vlen.

00294 {
00295    registry_entry *rent ;
00297    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00298    if( rent == NULL ) return 0 ;
00299    return rent->vlen ;
00300 }

char* NI_registry_idcode_to_name char *    idcode

Given an idcode, get the name string that went with it. This is the pointer into the internal registry_entry struct, so don't modify it! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 327 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), and registry_entry::name.

00328 {
00329    registry_entry *rent ;
00331    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00332    if( rent == NULL ) return NULL ;
00333    return rent->name ;
00334 }

void* NI_registry_idcode_to_ptr char *    idcode

Given an idcode, get the data pointer that goes with it.

Definition at line 278 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), and registry_entry::vpt.

00279 {
00280    registry_entry *rent ;
00282    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00283    if( rent == NULL ) return NULL ;
00284    return rent->vpt ;
00285 }

void* NI_registry_malloc char *    idcode,
char *    name,
size_t    len

Allocate memory with calloc(), and associate it with a given idcode and name string.

  • Return is NULL is idcode is already used, or if calloc() fails.
  • If len=0, then 1 byte will be malloc-ed, but this special case is a flag that no data will actually be available at this location -- cf. functions NI_registry_idcode_to_len() and NI_registry_ptr_to_len.
  • If name==NULL, the empty string "\0" is actually stored. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 87 of file niml_registry.c.

References addto_Htable(), calloc, findin_Htable(), registry_entry::flags, registry_entry::idc, init_registry(), registry_entry::ipt, name, registry_entry::name, NI_strncpy(), registry_entry::vlen, registry_entry::vpt, and vpt_to_char().

00088 {
00089    void *vpt ;
00090    int   lll ;
00091    registry_entry *rent ;  /* pay this or be evicted */
00093    init_registry() ;       /* setup empty hash tables, if needed */
00095    if( idcode == NULL || *idcode == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00097    /* check to see if already have this idcode */
00099    vpt = findin_Htable( idcode , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00100    if( vpt != NULL ) return NULL ;               /* bad */
00102    /* allocate space for result of this function */
00104    lll = (len == 0) ? 4 : len ;
00105    vpt = calloc(1,lll) ;
00106    if( vpt == NULL ) return NULL ;               /* bad */
00108    if( len == 0 ){ char *cpt=(char *)vpt; *cpt = '\0'; }
00110    /* make the registry entry for this doohicky */
00112    rent = calloc(1,sizeof(registry_entry)) ;
00113    NI_strncpy( rent->idc , idcode , 32 ) ;               /* copy idcode */
00114    rent->vpt  = vpt ;                              /* copy data pointer */
00115    rent->vlen = len ;                                    /* save length */
00116    vpt_to_char( vpt , rent->ipt ) ;   /* string version of data pointer */
00117    if( name == NULL ) name = "\0" ;
00118    rent->name  = strdup(name) ;                            /* copy name */
00119    rent->flags = 0 ;                                      /* init flags */
00121    /* and index this new registry entry under the idcode and the pointer */
00123    addto_Htable( rent->idc , (void *)rent , registry_htable_idc ) ;
00124    addto_Htable( rent->ipt , (void *)rent , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00126    return vpt ;   /* give the user the pointer he asked for */
00127 }

void NI_registry_ptr_altername void *    vpt,
char *    newname

Given a data pointer, alter the name string that goes with it.

Definition at line 388 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), free, registry_entry::name, and vpt_to_char().

00389 {
00390    char ipt[32] ;
00391    registry_entry *rent ;
00393    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return ;
00395    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00396    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00397    if( rent == NULL ) return ;
00398    free((void *)rent->name) ;
00399    if( newname == NULL ) newname = "\0" ;
00400    rent->name = strdup(newname) ;
00401    return ;
00402 }

char* NI_registry_ptr_to_idcode void *    vpt

Given a data pointer, return a pointer to the idcode that corresponds. Don't modify this! ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 341 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), registry_entry::idc, and vpt_to_char().

00342 {
00343    char ipt[32] ;
00344    registry_entry *rent ;
00346    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return ;
00348    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00349    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00350    if( rent == NULL ) return ;
00351    return rent->idc ;
00352 }

size_t NI_registry_ptr_to_len void *    vpt

Given a data pointer, get the data length that goes with it. Note that 0 is returned if the data ptr was setup with len=0 OR* if the data ptr can't be found in the registry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 308 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), registry_entry::vlen, and vpt_to_char().

00309 {
00310    char ipt[32] ;
00311    registry_entry *rent ;
00313    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return ;
00315    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00316    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00317    if( rent == NULL ) return 0 ;
00318    return rent->vlen ;
00319 }

char* NI_registry_ptr_to_name void *    vpt

Given a data pointer, get the name string that corresponds.

Definition at line 357 of file niml_registry.c.

References findin_Htable(), registry_entry::name, and vpt_to_char().

00358 {
00359    char ipt[32] ;
00360    registry_entry *rent ;
00362    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return ;
00364    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00365    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00366    if( rent == NULL ) return ;
00367    return rent->name ;
00368 }

void* NI_registry_realloc void *    vpt,
size_t    newlen

Like realloc(), but also updates the indexes.

  • However, you can't call this with vpt==NULL, since you aren't supplying an idcode.
  • Calling this with newlen==0 is like calling NI_registry_malloc() with len==0.
  • Calling this with an entry created via NI_registry_add() will return NULL, since that function is used for registering things that aren't to be malloc-ed by this library. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 182 of file niml_registry.c.

References addto_Htable(), findin_Htable(), registry_entry::ipt, NIREG_isprivate, realloc, removefrom_Htable(), registry_entry::vlen, registry_entry::vpt, and vpt_to_char().

00183 {
00184    char ipt[32] ;
00185    void *vpt_new ;
00186    int lll ;
00187    registry_entry *rent ;
00189    if( vpt == NULL || registry_htable_ipt == NULL ) return NULL ;
00191    /* look up the pointer in the index */
00193    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00194    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00195    if( rent == NULL          ) return NULL ;   /* not found!? */
00196    if( NIREG_isprivate(rent) ) return NULL ;   /* bad user */
00198    lll = (newlen == 0) ? 4 : newlen ;
00199    vpt_new = realloc( vpt , lll ) ;  /* get new allocation */
00200    if( vpt_new == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* bad */
00201    if( vpt_new == vpt  ) return vpt  ;  /* no change! */
00203    /* remove the pointer-based entry from the index,
00204       then make a new pointer index                 */
00206    removefrom_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00208    rent->vpt  = vpt_new ;
00209    rent->vlen = newlen ;
00210    vpt_to_char( vpt , rent->ipt ) ;
00211    addto_Htable( rent->ipt , (void *)rent , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00213    return vpt_new ;  /* give back the new pointer */
00214 }

void* NI_registry_replace void *    vpt,
void *    vpt_new

For something added with NI_registry_add(), lets you replace the pointer with some other pointer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 221 of file niml_registry.c.

References addto_Htable(), findin_Htable(), registry_entry::flags, free, registry_entry::ipt, NIREG_isprivate, NIREG_PRIVATE_MALLOC, removefrom_Htable(), registry_entry::vlen, registry_entry::vpt, and vpt_to_char().

00222 {
00223    char ipt[32] ;
00224    registry_entry *rent ;
00226    if( vpt == NULL || vpt_new == NULL ||
00227        registry_htable_ipt == NULL      ) return NULL ;
00229    if( vpt == vpt_new ) return vpt ;
00231    /* look up the pointer in the index */
00233    vpt_to_char( vpt , ipt ) ;
00234    rent = (registry_entry *) findin_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00235    if( rent == NULL ) return NULL ;   /* not found!? */
00237    if( !NIREG_isprivate(rent) ) free((void *)vpt) ;
00239    /* remove the pointer-based entry from the index,
00240       then make a new pointer index                 */
00242    removefrom_Htable( ipt , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00244    rent->vpt  = vpt_new ;
00245    rent->vlen = 0 ;                   /* len is unknown here */
00246    vpt_to_char( vpt , rent->ipt ) ;
00247    addto_Htable( rent->ipt , (void *)rent , registry_htable_ipt ) ;
00248    rent->flags = NIREG_PRIVATE_MALLOC ;
00250    return vpt_new ;  /* give back the new pointer */
00251 }

void NI_remove_from_group NI_group   ngr,
void *    nini

Remove an element from a group. Does NOT delete the element; that is the caller's responsibility, if desired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 976 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by nifti_set_afni_extension().

00977 {
00978    int ii , nn , jj ;
00980    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE || nini == NULL ) return ;
00982    nn = ngr->part_num ;
00983    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ )       /* search for part */
00984      if( nini == ngr->part[ii] ) break ;
00985    if( ii == nn ) return ;            /* not found */
00987    for( jj=ii+1 ; jj < nn ; jj++ ){   /* move parts above down */
00988      ngr->part_typ[jj-1] = ngr->part_typ[jj] ;
00989      ngr->part    [jj-1] = ngr->part    [jj] ;
00990    }
00991    ngr->part[nn-1] = NULL ;    /* NULL-ify last part to be safe */
00992    ngr->part_num -- ;          /* reduce part count */
00993    return ;
00994 }

void NI_rename_group NI_group   ngr,
char *    nam

Rename a group element from the default - 03 Jun 2002. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1000 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_group::name, NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_strdup(), and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), THD_dataset_to_niml(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

01001 {
01002    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE ) return ;
01003    NI_free( ngr->name ) ;
01004    ngr->name = NI_strdup(nam) ;
01005    return ;
01006 }

char* NI_rowtype_code_to_alias int    nn

Given a rowtype code, find its alias name. This is only valid for builtin types; for user-defined types, the return value is the user-supplied type name string. Don't free this string! ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 776 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES, NI_rowtype_code_to_name(), setup_basic_types(), and type_alias.

Referenced by NI_type_name().

00777 {
00778    if( rowtype_table == NULL ) setup_basic_types() ;
00779    if( nn <= NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ) return type_alias[nn] ;
00780    return NI_rowtype_code_to_name( nn ) ;
00781 }

char* NI_rowtype_code_to_name int    nn

Given a rowtype code, find its string name. Returns NULL if the code isn't found in the rowtype table, otherwise returns the pointer to the name inside the table (i.e., don't free this string!). ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 763 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::name, and NI_rowtype_find_code().

Referenced by NI_rowtype_code_to_alias(), and NI_type_name().

00764 {
00765    NI_rowtype *rt = NI_rowtype_find_code( nn ) ;
00766    if( rt != NULL ) return rt->name ;
00767    return NULL ;
00768 }

int NI_rowtype_code_to_size int    dtyp

Given a rowtype code, find its struct size in bytes. See also NI_rowtype_name_to_size(). -------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 806 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype_find_code(), ROWTYPE_OFFSET, setup_basic_types(), NI_rowtype::size, and type_size.

Referenced by NI_type_size().

00807 {
00808    static int last_dtyp=-1 , last_size=-1 ;         /* 12 Dec 2002 */
00809    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00811    if( rowtype_table == NULL )  setup_basic_types() ;
00812    if( dtyp <  0              ) return -1 ;
00813    if( dtyp <  ROWTYPE_OFFSET ) return type_size[dtyp] ;
00814    if( dtyp == last_dtyp      ) return last_size ;
00816    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(dtyp) ;
00817    if( rt != NULL ){
00818      last_dtyp = dtyp; last_size = rt->size; return last_size;
00819    }
00820    return -1 ;  /* bad */
00821 }

void NI_rowtype_debug int    n

Set debug flag for rowtype stuff.

Definition at line 89 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References ROWTYPE_debug.

00089 { ROWTYPE_debug = n ; }

int NI_rowtype_define char *   ,
char *   

Definition at line 266 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::algn, NI_rowtype::code, NI_rowtype::comp_dim, NI_rowtype::comp_num, NI_rowtype::comp_typ, delete_rowtype, ERREX, NI_rowtype::flag, NI_rowtype::name, NI_decode_string_list(), NI_delete_str_array, NI_free, NI_INT, NI_is_name(), NI_malloc, NI_new, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype_find_name(), NI_strdup(), NI_strncpy(), NI_str_array::num, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::part_siz, NI_rowtype::part_typ, pointer_alignment, pointer_size, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, rowtype_num, ROWTYPE_register, ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK, setup_basic_types(), NI_rowtype::size, NI_str_array::str, and NI_rowtype::userdef.

Referenced by NI_do(), NI_rowtype_find_name(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_FakeIt().

00267 {
00268    NI_rowtype *rt , *qt ;
00269    int ii,jj , id,jd,kd,isdim,nn , almax,cbase,np,pb , last_size ;
00270    NI_str_array *sar ;
00271    char *tp,*sp,*bp , str[256] ;
00273    /*-- check inputs --*/
00275    if( !NI_is_name(tname) )              ERREX("bad typename") ;
00276    if( strlen(tname) > 255 )             ERREX("toolong typename") ;
00277    if( tdef  == NULL || *tdef  == '\0' ) ERREX("empty type definition") ;
00279    /*-- create Htable of basic types, if not already defined --*/
00281    if( rowtype_table == NULL ) setup_basic_types() ;
00283    /*-- see if type name already defined --*/
00284    /*-- 25 Mar 2003: if it is, return the old code --*/
00286    rt = NI_rowtype_find_name( tname ) ;
00287    if( rt != NULL ){
00288      if( strcmp(rt->userdef,tdef) != 0 ){
00289        fprintf(stderr,
00290                 "++ NI_rowtype_define: illegal attempt to redefine type '%s'\n"
00291                 "++          old definition: %s\n"
00292                 "++ (failed) new definition: %s\n" ,
00293                tname , rt->userdef , tdef ) ;
00294      }
00295      return rt->code ;
00296    }
00298    /*-- break defining string into components --*/
00300    sar = NI_decode_string_list( tdef , ",;" ) ;
00302    if( sar == NULL || sar->num < 1 ){
00303      NI_free(sar) ; ERREX("illegal definition") ;
00304    }
00306    /*-- initialize the new rowtype --*/
00308    rt          = NI_new( NI_rowtype ) ;
00309    rt->name    = NI_strdup( tname ) ;
00310    rt->userdef = NI_strdup( tdef ) ;
00311    rt->flag    = 0 ;
00313    /*-- loop over components in tdef, loading the new rt with their info --*/
00315    rt->part_num = rt->comp_num = 0 ;
00317    for( ii=0 ; ii < sar->num ; ii++ ){
00319      tp = sar->str[ii] ;
00320      id = 0 ; kd = strlen(tp) ; /* type name of part will be in tp[id..kd-1] */
00321      if( kd == 0 ){
00322       delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("empty component name?");
00323      }
00325      /* get count, if present, into jd */
00327      sp = strchr(tp,'*') ;   /* format of component string: count*type  */
00328      bp = strchr(tp,'[') ;   /* format of component string: type[count] */
00330      if( sp != NULL || bp != NULL ){            /*** a count is present ***/
00332        if( sp != NULL && bp != NULL ){          /* can't have both forms! */
00333         delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("two repeat counts?");
00334        }
00336        if( sp != NULL ){                        /* format: count*type */
00337          nn = 0 ;                               /*  - count starts at nn */
00338          id = (sp-tp)+1 ;                       /*  - type name starts at id */
00339        } else {                                 /* format: type[count] */
00340          kd = (bp-tp) ;                         /*  - type name ends at kd-1 */
00341          nn = kd+1 ;                            /*  - count starts at nn */
00342        }
00344        jd = -1 ;
00345        if( tp[nn] != '#' ){                     /* count is a plain number */
00346          isdim = 0 ;
00347          sscanf( tp+nn , "%d" , &jd ) ;
00348          if( jd <= 0 ){
00349           delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("bad repeat number");
00350          }
00351        } else {                                 /* count is a #reference */
00352          isdim = 1 ;
00353          sscanf( tp+nn+1 , "%d" , &jd ) ;       /* ref must be to index */
00354          if( jd <= 0 || jd > ii ){              /* before this component */
00355            delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("bad #index");
00356          }
00357          if( rt->comp_typ[jd-1] != NI_INT ||    /* ref must be to an int */
00358              rt->comp_dim[jd-1] >= 0        ){  /* of fixed dim (1 int) */
00359            delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("non-int #index");
00360          }
00361        }
00362      } else {
00363        isdim = 0 ; jd = 1 ;                     /* default count of 1 */
00364      }
00366      /* get the type of this component from its name */
00368      if( kd-id < 1 || kd-id > 255 ){
00369       delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("toolong component name");
00370      }
00372      NI_strncpy( str , tp+id , kd-id+1 ) ;  /* copy component name into str */
00373      qt = NI_rowtype_find_name( str ) ;     /* look it up in the table */
00374      if( qt == NULL ){
00375        delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar); ERREX("bad component type");
00376      }
00378      if( !isdim ){  /*** fixed count: add jd copies of this component type ***/
00380        rt->comp_typ = NI_realloc( rt->comp_typ, int, sizeof(int)*(rt->comp_num+jd) );
00381        rt->comp_dim = NI_realloc( rt->comp_dim, int, sizeof(int)*(rt->comp_num+jd) );
00383        for( jj=0 ; jj < jd ; jj++ ){
00384          rt->comp_typ[rt->comp_num + jj] = qt->code ;
00385          rt->comp_dim[rt->comp_num + jj] = -1 ;        /* fixed dim part */
00386        }
00388        rt->comp_num += jd ;                 /* have more components now */
00389        rt->part_num += jd * qt->part_num ;  /* have more parts now */
00391        if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(qt) )         /* if component is variable dim, */
00392          rt->flag |= ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK ; /* mark rowtype as variable dim  */
00394      } else {       /*** variable count: add 1 component that is a pointer   */
00395                     /***                 to an array of fixed dim elements,  */
00396                     /***                 dimension given in component #jd    */
00398        /* but can't have a var dim array of var dim arrays! */
00400        if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(qt) ){
00401          delete_rowtype(rt); NI_delete_str_array(sar);
00402          ERREX("variable dim array must have fixed dim type");
00403        }
00405        rt->comp_typ = NI_realloc( rt->comp_typ, int, sizeof(int)*(rt->comp_num+1) );
00406        rt->comp_dim = NI_realloc( rt->comp_dim, int, sizeof(int)*(rt->comp_num+1) );
00408        rt->comp_typ[rt->comp_num] = qt->code ;  /* type this points to */
00409        rt->comp_dim[rt->comp_num] = jd-1 ;      /* which component has */
00410                                                 /* array dimension count */
00411        rt->comp_num ++ ;  /* 1 more component */
00412        rt->part_num ++ ;  /* and 1 more part */
00414        rt->flag |= ROWTYPE_VARSIZE_MASK ;   /* mark rowtype as variable dim */
00416      }
00418    } /* end of loop over components */
00420    NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;                  /* done with this string array */
00422    if( rt->part_num == 0 ){ delete_rowtype(rt); ERREX("no components?"); }
00424    /*** now loop over components, breaking them down into their parts,
00425         storing the part types and their offsets into the C struct    ***/
00427    rt->part_off = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)          * rt->part_num ) ;
00428    rt->part_typ = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)          * rt->part_num ) ;
00429    rt->part_dim = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)          * rt->part_num ) ;
00430    rt->part_siz = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)          * rt->part_num ) ;
00431    rt->part_rtp = NI_malloc(NI_rowtype*, sizeof(NI_rowtype *) * rt->part_num ) ;
00433    almax = 1 ;  /* will be largest type_alignment of any part */
00434    cbase = 0 ;  /* base offset into struct for next component */
00435    id    = 0 ;  /* part number we are about to work on */
00437    for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->comp_num ; ii++ ){
00439                                     /*** component is a      ***/
00440      if( rt->comp_dim[ii] >= 0 ){   /*** variable dim array  ***/
00441                                     /*** ==> store 1 pointer ***/
00443        if( pointer_alignment > 1 ){            /* make sure cbase */
00444          jd = cbase % pointer_alignment ;      /* is aligned OK  */
00445          if( jd > 0 ) cbase += (pointer_alignment-jd) ;
00446        }
00448        /* Note that this is the only case where a part_typ
00449           might end up as a derived type - normally, part_typ
00450           will be a builtin type code (NI_BYTE .. NI_STRING).
00451           Note the limitation that the type of variable dim
00452           arrays be a fixed dim type.                        */
00454        rt->part_typ[id] = rt->comp_typ[ii] ;
00455        rt->part_off[id] = cbase ;
00456        rt->part_siz[id] = pointer_size ;
00457        rt->part_rtp[id] = NI_rowtype_find_code( rt->part_typ[id] ) ;
00459        /* count number of parts before the dimension component into kd */
00460        /* so we can store the part index of this dimension component   */
00462        for( jd=kd=0 ; jd < rt->comp_dim[ii] ; jd++ ){
00463          if( rt->comp_dim[jd] >= 0 ){   /* this component is a pointer itself */
00464            kd++ ;
00465          } else {                      /* this component has fixed dim parts */
00466            qt = NI_rowtype_find_code( rt->comp_typ[jd] ) ;
00467            kd += qt->part_num ;
00468          }
00469        }
00470        rt->part_dim[id] = kd ;    /* which part is the dimension of this part */
00472        kd = pointer_alignment ;
00473        if( kd > almax ) almax = kd ;
00475        id++ ; cbase += pointer_size ;
00477      } else {      /*** fixed dim type, possibly with multiple parts ***/
00479        qt = NI_rowtype_find_code( rt->comp_typ[ii] ) ;  /* component type */
00481        /* adjust cbase upward if this component isn't properly aligned */
00483        if( qt->algn > 1 ){
00484          jd = cbase % qt->algn ;
00485          if( jd > 0 ) cbase += (qt->algn-jd) ;
00486        }
00488        pb = id ;                    /* part base index for this component */
00489        np = qt->part_num ;                 /* number of parts to add here */
00491        rt->part_typ[id] = qt->part_typ[0] ;  /* first part from component */
00492        rt->part_off[id] = cbase ;             /* goes at the current base */
00493        rt->part_dim[id] = -1 ;   /* 1st part cannot be variable dim array */
00494        rt->part_rtp[id] = NI_rowtype_find_code( rt->part_typ[id] ) ;
00496        kd = rt->part_rtp[id]->algn ;                 /* alignment of part */
00497        if( kd > almax ) almax = kd ;   /* keep track of largest alignment */
00499        last_size = rt->part_rtp[id]->size ;           /* size of 1st part */
00500        rt->part_siz[id] = last_size ;
00502        id++ ;  /* prepare to add next part */
00504        /* loop over rest of parts from this component */
00506        for( jj=1 ; jj < np ; jj++,id++ ){
00508          rt->part_typ[id] = qt->part_typ[jj] ;     /* type of new part      */
00509          rt->part_rtp[id] = NI_rowtype_find_code( rt->part_typ[id] ) ;
00511          if( qt->part_dim[jj] < 0 ){        /******* fixed dim part        **/
00513            nn = last_size ;                        /* # bytes in last part  */
00514            jd = rt->part_off[id-1] ;               /* offset of last part   */
00515            kd = rt->part_rtp[id]->algn ;           /* how to align new part */
00516            if( kd > almax ) almax = kd ; /* keep track of largest alignment */
00518            nn += jd ;  /* next available byte = sum of last offset and size */
00519            if( kd > 1 ){                           /* must move nn up if    */
00520              jd = nn % kd ;                        /* not on exact multiple */
00521              if( jd > 0 ) nn += (kd-jd) ;          /* of jj bytes alignment */
00522            }
00523            rt->part_off[id] = nn ;
00524            rt->part_dim[id] = -1 ;                /* mark as fixed dim part */
00526            last_size = rt->part_rtp[id]->size ;        /* size of this part */
00527            rt->part_siz[id] = last_size ;
00529          } else {                           /***** variable dim array part **/
00531            nn = last_size ;
00532            jd = rt->part_off[id-1] ;
00533            kd = pointer_alignment ;        /* we are storing a pointer here */
00534            if( kd > almax ) almax = kd ;
00535            nn += jd ;
00536            if( kd > 1 ){
00537              jd = nn % kd ;
00538              if( jd > 0 ) nn += (kd-jd) ;
00539            }
00540            rt->part_off[id] = nn ;
00541            last_size = pointer_size ;
00542            rt->part_siz[id] = last_size ;
00544            /* qt->part_dim[jj] is the part index in qt
00545               of the dimension for this variable dim array part;
00546               we must convert that to a part index in the new rowtype */
00548            rt->part_dim[id] = pb + qt->part_dim[jj] ;
00550          }
00552        } /* end of loop over parts within this component */
00554        /* now move the base offset up by the size of the current
00555           component (which may be bigger than the sum of its parts) */
00557        cbase += qt->size ;
00559      } /* end of fixed dim component part-izing */
00561    } /* end of loop over components */
00563    /* now compute the overall size of this new rowtype:
00564       at this point,
00565       cbase = next byte offset available after last part;
00566       this would be the size, but may have to be pushed
00567       up to allow for byte alignment of this rowtype     */
00569    rt->algn = almax ;
00570    if( rt->algn > 1 ){
00571      jd = cbase % rt->algn ;
00572      if( jd > 0 ) cbase += (rt->algn-jd) ;
00573    }
00574    rt->size = cbase ;  /* this size is the sizeof(struct),
00575                           and doesn't include var dim arrays or
00576                           Strings, just the pointers to those things */
00578    /* 26 Dec 2002: Compute the sum of the part sizes
00579                    (zero if this has variable dim arrays).
00580                    If rt->psiz == rt->size, then
00581                    struct is stored without padding bytes. */
00583    rt->psiz = 0 ;
00584    if( !ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){
00585      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ )
00586        rt->psiz += rt->part_siz[ii] ;
00587    }
00589    /* 28 Oct 2004: Move assignment of the new rowtype code to the end,
00590                    since a recursive call via NI_rowtype_find_name()
00591                    might have created a new rowtype before this one.
00592                    An example definition: "int,VECTOR_float_32,int".  */
00594    rt->code = ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE + rowtype_num ;
00596    /** debugging printouts **/
00598    if( ROWTYPE_debug ){
00599      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00600      fprintf(stderr,"NI_rowtype_define: '%s' = '%s'\n",tname,tdef) ;
00601      fprintf(stderr,"  code     = %d\n",rt->code) ;
00602      fprintf(stderr,"  size     = %d\n",rt->size) ;
00603      fprintf(stderr,"  psiz     = %d\n",rt->psiz) ;
00604      fprintf(stderr,"  algn     = %d\n",rt->algn) ;
00605      fprintf(stderr,"  flag     = %d\n",rt->flag) ;
00607      fprintf(stderr,"  comp_num = %d\n",rt->part_num) ;
00609      fprintf(stderr,"  comp_typ = " ) ;
00610      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->comp_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->comp_typ[ii]) ;
00611      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00613      fprintf(stderr,"  comp_dim = " ) ;
00614      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->comp_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->comp_dim[ii]) ;
00615      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00617      fprintf(stderr,"  part_num = %d\n",rt->part_num) ;
00619      fprintf(stderr,"  part_typ = " ) ;
00620      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->part_typ[ii]) ;
00621      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00623      fprintf(stderr,"  part_off = " ) ;
00624      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->part_off[ii]) ;
00625      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00627      fprintf(stderr,"  part_siz = " ) ;
00628      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->part_siz[ii]) ;
00629      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00631      fprintf(stderr,"  part_dim = " ) ;
00632      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ) fprintf(stderr,"%4d ",rt->part_dim[ii]) ;
00633      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00634    }
00636    /* save this in the table of rowtypes,
00637       and return the numerical code for this new type */
00639    ROWTYPE_register(rt) ;
00640    return rt->code ;
00641 }

NI_rowtype* NI_rowtype_find_code int    nn

Find a rowtype by its integer code.

Definition at line 735 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE, rowtype_num, ROWTYPE_OFFSET, and setup_basic_types().

Referenced by NI_add_column(), NI_add_column_stride(), NI_alter_veclen(), NI_fill_column_stride(), NI_free_element(), NI_insert_value(), NI_read_columns(), NI_rowtype_code_to_name(), NI_rowtype_code_to_size(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), and SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset().

00736 {
00737    if( nn < 0 ) return NULL ;
00738    if( rowtype_table == NULL ) setup_basic_types() ;
00739    if( nn >= ROWTYPE_OFFSET ) nn = nn - ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE ;
00740    if( nn < 0 || nn >= rowtype_num ) return NULL ;
00741    return rowtype_array[nn] ;
00742 }

NI_rowtype* NI_rowtype_find_name char *    nn

Find a rowtype by its name. 19 Feb 2003: or its alias. 28 Oct 2004: If name is of form VECTOR_basictype_length, then a new rowtype is created on the spot; e.g., "VECTOR_float_32" is like "float[32]".

Definition at line 670 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References findin_Htable(), NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES, NI_rowtype_define(), ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE, ROWTYPE_OFFSET, setup_basic_types(), tt, type_alias, and type_name.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_define(), NI_rowtype_name_to_code(), and NI_rowtype_name_to_size().

00671 {
00672    NI_rowtype *rt ; int ii ;
00673    static int busy=0 ;       /* 28 Oct 2004: prevent recursion */
00675    if( nn == NULL || *nn == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00676    if( rowtype_table == NULL ) setup_basic_types() ;
00677    rt = (NI_rowtype *) findin_Htable(nn,rowtype_table) ;
00678    if( rt != NULL ) return rt ;
00680    /* 19 Feb 2003: linear search for basic type alias */
00682    for( ii=0 ; ii <= NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ; ii++ )
00683      if( strcmp(type_alias[ii],nn) == 0 ) return rowtype_array[ii] ;
00685    /*-- 28 Oct 2004: Define fixed size vector types here and now:
00686                      format of nn must be VECTOR_basictype_length --*/
00688    if( busy ) return NULL ;   /* cannot allow re-entry below here! */
00690    ii = strlen(nn) ;
00691    if( ii < 12 || strncmp(nn,"VECTOR_",7) != 0 || strchr(nn+7,'_') == NULL )
00692      return NULL ;
00694    { char bt[32] , rt[64] ; int tt , dd ;
00696      /* extract basic type name (after "VECTOR_") into bt array */
00698      for( ii=7 ; ii < 32 && nn[ii] != '\0' && nn[ii] != '_' ; ii++ )
00699        bt[ii-7] = nn[ii] ;
00700      if( nn[ii] != '_' ) return NULL ;   /* bad end of basic type name */
00701      bt[ii-7] = '\0' ;                   /* terminate with NUL byte */
00703      /* find bt name in basic type name list (or alias list) */
00705      for( tt=0 ; tt <= NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ; tt++ )
00706        if( strcmp(type_name[tt],bt) == 0 ) break ;
00708      if( tt > NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ){
00709        for( tt=0 ; tt <= NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ; tt++ )
00710          if( strcmp(type_alias[tt],bt) == 0 ) break ;
00711        if( tt > NI_NUM_BASIC_TYPES ) return NULL ;
00712      }
00714      /* find dimension after the nn[ii] character, which is '_' */
00716      dd = 0 ; sscanf( nn+ii+1 , "%d" , &dd ) ;
00717      if( dd <= 0 ) return NULL ;
00719      /* ready to create a new rowtype now */
00721      sprintf(rt,"%s[%d]",type_name[tt],dd) ;
00723      busy = 1 ;                        /* prevent recursion!!! */
00724      tt = NI_rowtype_define( nn , rt ) ;
00725      busy = 0 ;
00726      if( tt >= ROWTYPE_OFFSET ) return rowtype_array[tt-ROWTYPE_BASE_CODE] ;
00727    }
00729    return NULL ;
00730 }

int NI_rowtype_name_to_code char *    nn

Given a rowtype name, find its integer code. Returns -1 if the name isn't found in the rowtype table. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 749 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, and NI_rowtype_find_name().

Referenced by decode_type_field().

00750 {
00751    NI_rowtype *rt = NI_rowtype_find_name( nn ) ;
00752    if( rt != NULL ) return rt->code ;
00753    return -1 ;
00754 }

int NI_rowtype_name_to_size char *    nn

Given a rowtype name, find its struct size in bytes.

  • Returns -1 if rowtype not found.
  • Note that if the rowtype contains variable dim arrays, this size returned here is just the size of the storage for the basic struct with pointers, not including the variable arrays.
  • See NI_rowtype_vsize() to get the size of a rowtype instance including its variable dim arrays. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 794 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype_find_name(), and NI_rowtype::size.

00795 {
00796    NI_rowtype *rt = NI_rowtype_find_name( nn ) ;
00797    if( rt != NULL ) return rt->size ;
00798    return -1 ;
00799 }

NI_procins* NI_rowtype_procins NI_rowtype   rt

Make an 'ni_do' element that defines a given rowtype.

Definition at line 646 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::name, NI_free, NI_malloc, NI_new_processing_instruction(), NI_set_attribute(), and NI_rowtype::userdef.

00647 {
00648    NI_procins *npi ;
00649    char *rhs ;
00651    if( rt == NULL ) return NULL ;
00653    npi = NI_new_processing_instruction( "ni_do" ) ;
00654    NI_set_attribute( npi , "ni_verb" , "typedef" ) ;
00656    rhs = NI_malloc(char,strlen(rt->name)+strlen(rt->userdef)+4) ;
00657    sprintf( rhs , "%s %s" , rt->name , rt->userdef ) ;
00658    NI_set_attribute( npi , "ni_object" , rhs ) ;
00659    NI_free( rhs ) ;
00660    return npi ;
00661 }

int NI_rowtype_vsize NI_rowtype   rt,
void *    dpt

Compute the size of all the data in a struct defined in a NI_rowtype (not including padding), for this instance of the struct, allowing for variable array parts. Zero is returned if something bad happens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 830 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_STRING, NI_strlen(), NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::part_siz, NI_rowtype::part_typ, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, and ROWTYPE_part_dimen.

Referenced by NI_size_column(), and NI_write_columns().

00831 {
00832    int ii,jj , ss ;
00833    char *dat = (char *)dpt ;
00835    if( rt == NULL              ) return 0;        /* nonsense input */
00836    if( !ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ) return rt->psiz; /* fixed dim struct */
00837    if( dat == NULL             ) return 0;        /* var size with no data? */
00839    /* loop over parts, adding up part sizes,
00840       including var dim arrays and String parts */
00842    for( ii=ss=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
00843      if( rt->part_typ[ii] == NI_STRING ){      /* String is special */
00844        char *str = *((char **)((dat) + (rt)->part_off[ii])) ;
00845        ss += NI_strlen(str) ;
00846      } else if( rt->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){        /* 1 fixed dim type */
00847        ss += rt->part_siz[ii] ;
00848      } else {                                  /* var dim array */
00849        jj = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,dat,ii) ;    /* array size */
00850        ss += jj * rt->part_rtp[ii]->psiz ;     /* size of all parts */
00851      }                                         /* in var dim array */
00852    }
00854    return ss ;
00855 }

int NI_search_group_deep NI_group   ngr,
char *    enam,
void ***    nipt

Return a list of all elements in a group that have a given name.

  • This is a 'deep' search: if the group itself contains groups, these sub-groups are searched, etc.
  • If a group element has the name 'enam' AND a data element within that group has the name 'enam' as well, they will BOTH be returned in this list.
  • Return value of function is number of elements found (might be 0).
  • If something is found, then *nipt is an array of 'void *', each of which points to a matching element.
  • The returned elements might be group or data elements.
  • Sample usage:
    • int n,i ; void **nelar ;
    • n = NI_search_group_shallow( ngr , "fred" , &nelar ) ;
    • for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) do_something( nelar[ii] ) ;
    • if( n > 0 ) NI_free(nelar) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1064 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_name(), NI_element_type(), NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by THD_open_nifti().

01065 {
01066    void **nelar=NULL , *nini ;
01067    int ii , nn=0 ;
01068    char *nm ;
01070    if( ngr  == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE    ) return 0 ;
01071    if( enam == NULL || *enam == '\0' || nipt == NULL ) return 0 ;
01072    if( ngr->part_num == 0                            ) return 0 ;
01074    for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ){
01075      nini = ngr->part[ii] ;
01076      nm   = NI_element_name( nini ) ;
01077      if( nm != NULL && strcmp(nm,enam) == 0 ){
01078        nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+1) ;
01079        nelar[nn++] = nini ;
01080      }
01081      if( NI_element_type(nini) == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){  /* recursion */
01082        int nsub , jj ; void **esub ;
01083        nsub = NI_search_group_deep( nini , enam , &esub ) ;
01084        if( nsub > 0 ){
01085          nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+nsub) ;
01086          for( jj=0 ; jj < nsub ; jj++ ) nelar[nn++] = esub[jj] ;
01087          NI_free(esub) ;
01088        }
01089      }
01090    }
01092    if( nn > 0 ) *nipt = nelar ;
01093    return nn ;
01094 }

int NI_search_group_shallow NI_group   ngr,
char *    enam,
void ***    nipt

Return a list of all elements in a group that have a given name.

  • This is a 'shallow' search: if the group itself contains groups, these sub-groups are not searched.
  • Return value of function is number of elements found (might be 0).
  • If something is found, then *nipt is an array of 'void *', each of which points to a matching element.
  • The returned elements might be group or data elements.
  • Sample usage:
    • int n,i ; void **nelar ;
    • n = NI_search_group_shallow( ngr , "fred" , &nelar ) ;
    • for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) do_something( nelar[ii] ) ;
    • if( n > 0 ) NI_free(nelar) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1023 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_name(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, and NI_group::type.

01024 {
01025    void **nelar=NULL , *nini ;
01026    int ii , nn=0 ;
01027    char *nm ;
01029    if( ngr  == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE    ) return 0 ;
01030    if( enam == NULL || *enam == '\0' || nipt == NULL ) return 0 ;
01031    if( ngr->part_num == 0                            ) return 0 ;
01033    for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ){
01034      nini = ngr->part[ii] ;
01035      nm   = NI_element_name( nini ) ;
01036      if( nm != NULL && strcmp(nm,enam) == 0 ){
01037        nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+1) ;
01038        nelar[nn++] = nini ;
01039      }
01040    }
01042    if( nn > 0 ) *nipt = nelar ;
01043    return nn ;
01044 }

char* NI_self_idcode void *    nini

Return a pointer to the idcode of a NIML element (group or data), if it has one. Otherwise, return NULL. Do not modify or free() this string, since it points into the NIML element struct. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 9 of file niml_sucker.c.

References NI_get_attribute().

Referenced by NI_suck_stream().

00010 {
00011    char *rhs ;
00012    int ii ;
00013    static char *iname[] = { "self_idcode" ,
00014                             "AFNI_idcode" ,
00015                             "ni_idcode"   ,
00016                             "idcode"      ,
00017                             NULL           } ;
00019    for( ii=0 ; iname[ii] != NULL ; ii++ ){
00020      rhs = NI_get_attribute( nini , iname[ii] ) ;
00021      if( rhs != NULL ) return rhs ;
00022    }
00024    return NULL ;
00025 }

void NI_set_attribute void *    nini,
char *    attname,
char *    attvalue

Add an attribute to a data or group element. If an attribute with the same attname already exists, then it will be replaced with this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 672 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_strdup(), and tt.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), mri_to_niml(), NI_rowtype_procins(), NI_write_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_AddColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelHist(), SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_LoadDsetFile(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK2Mesh_IJK_nel(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewDsetID(), SUMA_NewNel(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_NodeVal2irgba_nel(), SUMA_NodeXYZ2NodeXYZ_nel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), SUMA_SOVolPar2VolPar_nel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_WriteDset(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), THD_write_nimlatr(), and XSAVE_output().

00673 {
00674    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00676    if( tt < 0 || attname == NULL || attname[0] == '\0' ) return ;
00678    /* input is a data element */
00680    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00681       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00683       /* see if name is already in element header */
00685       for( nn=0 ; nn < nel->attr_num ; nn++ )
00686          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00688       /* if not, then add a header attribute */
00690       if( nn == nel->attr_num ){
00691         nel->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( nel->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00692         nel->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( nel->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00693         nel->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00694       } else {
00695         NI_free(nel->attr_lhs[nn]) ;  /* free old attribute */
00696         NI_free(nel->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00697       }
00699       nel->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00700       nel->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00702    /* input is a group element */
00704    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00705       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
00707       for( nn=0 ; nn < ngr->attr_num ; nn++ )
00708          if( strcmp(ngr->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00710       if( nn == ngr->attr_num ){
00711         ngr->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( ngr->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00712         ngr->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( ngr->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00713         ngr->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00714       } else {
00715         NI_free(ngr->attr_lhs[nn]) ;
00716         NI_free(ngr->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00717       }
00719       ngr->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00720       ngr->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00722    /* input is a processing instruction */
00724    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00725       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00727       for( nn=0 ; nn < npi->attr_num ; nn++ )
00728         if( strcmp(npi->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00730       if( nn == npi->attr_num ){
00731         npi->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( npi->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00732         npi->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( npi->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00733         npi->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00734       } else {
00735         NI_free(npi->attr_lhs[nn]) ;
00736         NI_free(npi->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00737       }
00739       npi->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00740       npi->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00741    }
00743    return ;
00744 }

void NI_set_attribute_mode int   

void NI_set_typename_mode int    nmode

Set the mode for writing type names:

  • NI_NAMEMODE_NORMAL => byte , short, int , float , double , ...
  • NI_NAMEMODE_ALIAS => uint8, int16, int32, float32, float64, ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 877 of file niml_elemio.c.

References name_mode, NI_ATTMODE_LAST, and NI_NAMEMODE_NORMAL.

00878 {
00879    if( nmode > 0 && nmode <= NI_ATTMODE_LAST ) name_mode = nmode ;
00880    else                                        name_mode = NI_NAMEMODE_NORMAL;
00881 }

void NI_set_URL_ftp_ident char *    name,
char *    pwd

void NI_set_vector_range void *    nvv

Set the range in a vector struct.

Definition at line 42 of file niml_vector.c.

References rgba::a, rgb::b, rgba::b, rgb::g, rgba::g, complex::i, NI_BYTE, NI_COMPLEX, NI_datatype_size, NI_DOUBLE, NI_FLOAT, NI_index_t, NI_INT, NI_is_builtin_type, NI_is_vector_type, NI_malloc, NI_RGB, NI_RGBA, NI_SHORT, NI_STRING, complex::r, rgb::r, rgba::r, NI_vector::vec, NI_vector::vec_len, NI_vector::vec_range, and NI_vector::vec_typ.

Referenced by NI_dataset_transpose().

00043 {
00044    NI_vector *nv = (NI_vector *)nvv ;
00045    NI_index_t len, ii ;
00047    if( nv == NULL                       ||
00048        !NI_is_vector_type(nv->type)     ||
00049        !NI_is_builtin_type(nv->vec_typ) ||
00050        nv->vec_typ == NI_STRING           ) return ;
00052    len = nv->vec_len ; if( len <= 0 ) return ;
00054    if( nv->vec_range == NULL )
00055      nv->vec_range = NI_malloc(void, 2*NI_datatype_size(nv->vec_typ) ) ;
00057    switch( nv->vec_typ ){  /* no default */
00059      case NI_BYTE:{
00060        byte *vv = (byte *)nv->vec ;
00061        byte *vr = (byte *)nv->vec_range ;
00062        byte vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00063        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ )
00064               if( vv[ii] < vbot ) vbot = vv[ii] ;
00065          else if( vv[ii] > vtop ) vtop = vv[ii] ;
00066        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00067      }
00068      break ;
00070      case NI_SHORT:{
00071        short *vv = (short *)nv->vec ;
00072        short *vr = (short *)nv->vec_range ;
00073        short vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00074        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ )
00075               if( vv[ii] < vbot ) vbot = vv[ii] ;
00076          else if( vv[ii] > vtop ) vtop = vv[ii] ;
00077        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00078      }
00079      break ;
00081      case NI_INT:{
00082        int *vv = (int *)nv->vec ;
00083        int *vr = (int *)nv->vec_range ;
00084        int vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00085        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ )
00086               if( vv[ii] < vbot ) vbot = vv[ii] ;
00087          else if( vv[ii] > vtop ) vtop = vv[ii] ;
00088        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00089      }
00090      break ;
00092      case NI_FLOAT:{
00093        float *vv = (float *)nv->vec ;
00094        float *vr = (float *)nv->vec_range ;
00095        float vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00096        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ )
00097               if( vv[ii] < vbot ) vbot = vv[ii] ;
00098          else if( vv[ii] > vtop ) vtop = vv[ii] ;
00099        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00100      }
00101      break ;
00103      case NI_DOUBLE:{
00104        double *vv = (double *)nv->vec ;
00105        double *vr = (double *)nv->vec_range ;
00106        double vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00107        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ )
00108               if( vv[ii] < vbot ) vbot = vv[ii] ;
00109          else if( vv[ii] > vtop ) vtop = vv[ii] ;
00110        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00111      }
00112      break ;
00114      case NI_COMPLEX:{
00115        complex *vv = (complex *)nv->vec ;
00116        complex *vr = (complex *)nv->vec_range ;
00117        complex vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00118        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ ){
00119               if( vv[ii].r < vbot.r ) vbot.r = vv[ii].r ;
00120          else if( vv[ii].r > vtop.r ) vtop.r = vv[ii].r ;
00121               if( vv[ii].i < vbot.i ) vbot.i = vv[ii].i ;
00122          else if( vv[ii].i > vtop.i ) vtop.i = vv[ii].i ;
00123        }
00124        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00125      }
00126      break ;
00128      case NI_RGB:{
00129        rgb *vv = (rgb *)nv->vec ;
00130        rgb *vr = (rgb *)nv->vec_range ;
00131        rgb vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00132        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ ){
00133               if( vv[ii].r < vbot.r ) vbot.r = vv[ii].r ;
00134          else if( vv[ii].r > vtop.r ) vtop.r = vv[ii].r ;
00135               if( vv[ii].g < vbot.g ) vbot.g = vv[ii].g ;
00136          else if( vv[ii].g > vtop.g ) vtop.g = vv[ii].g ;
00137               if( vv[ii].b < vbot.b ) vbot.b = vv[ii].b ;
00138          else if( vv[ii].b > vtop.b ) vtop.b = vv[ii].b ;
00139        }
00140        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00141      }
00142      break ;
00144      case NI_RGBA:{
00145        rgba *vv = (rgba *)nv->vec ;
00146        rgba *vr = (rgba *)nv->vec_range ;
00147        rgba vbot=vv[0], vtop=vv[0] ;
00148        for( ii=1 ; ii < len ; ii++ ){
00149               if( vv[ii].r < vbot.r ) vbot.r = vv[ii].r ;
00150          else if( vv[ii].r > vtop.r ) vtop.r = vv[ii].r ;
00151               if( vv[ii].g < vbot.g ) vbot.g = vv[ii].g ;
00152          else if( vv[ii].g > vtop.g ) vtop.g = vv[ii].g ;
00153               if( vv[ii].b < vbot.b ) vbot.b = vv[ii].b ;
00154          else if( vv[ii].b > vtop.b ) vtop.b = vv[ii].b ;
00155               if( vv[ii].a < vbot.a ) vbot.a = vv[ii].a ;
00156          else if( vv[ii].a > vtop.a ) vtop.a = vv[ii].a ;
00157        }
00158        vr[0] = vbot ; vr[1] = vtop ;
00159      }
00160      break ;
00162    }
00164    return ;
00165 }

int NI_size_column NI_rowtype   rt,
int    col_len,
void *    cpt

Return the length in bytes of a column of data (not counting padding). The pointer to the data is needed since it might contain variable size data (String or vardim arrays). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2086 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_write_element().

02087 {
02088    char *dat = (char *)cpt ;
02089    int ii , ndat ;
02091    if( rt == NULL || col_len <= 0 )
02092      return 0;                                    /* nonsense input */
02093    if( !ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) || dat == NULL )
02094      return (col_len*rt->psiz);                   /* fixed dim struct */
02096    /* must loop through elements and add up their variable sizes */
02098    ndat = 0 ;
02099    for( ii=0 ; ii < col_len ; ii++ )
02100      ndat += NI_rowtype_vsize( rt , dat + ii*rt->size ) ;
02102    return ndat ;
02103 }

void NI_skip_procins int   

Definition at line 80 of file niml_elemio.c.

References r, and skip_procins.

Referenced by THD_load_3D(), and THD_open_3D().

00080 { skip_procins = r ; }       /* 03 Jun 2005 */

void NI_sleep int    msec

Sleep a given # of milliseconds (uses the Unix select routine). ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 44 of file niml_util.c.

Referenced by AFNI_faceup(), AFNI_serverlog(), AIVVV_niml_quitter(), AIVVV_workproc(), atexit_open_streams(), hidden_NI_malloc(), hidden_NI_realloc(), main(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), SHM_fill_accept(), SHM_goodcheck(), SHM_init(), SHM_nattach(), SHM_readcheck(), SHM_sendall(), SHM_writecheck(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), and SUMA_SendToSuma().

00045 {
00046    struct timeval tv ;
00047    if( msec <= 0 ) return ;             /* can't wait into the past */
00048    tv.tv_sec  = msec/1000 ;
00049    tv.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000 ;
00050    select( 1 , NULL,NULL,NULL , &tv ) ;
00051    return ;
00052 }

void NI_stat_decode char *   ,
int *   ,
float *   ,
float *   ,
float *   

Definition at line 141 of file niml_stat.c.

References NI_stat_distname(), NI_STAT_FIRSTCODE, NI_STAT_LASTCODE, and NI_stat_numparam().

Referenced by THD_datablock_from_atr().

00142 {
00143    int jj , ll ;
00144    char *dnam , qnam[64] ;
00146    if( scode == NULL ) return ;                 /* bad input */
00147    *scode = 0 ;
00148    if( str == NULL || *str == '\0' ) return ;   /* bad input */
00150    /* scan for distribution name */
00152    for( jj=NI_STAT_FIRSTCODE ; jj <= NI_STAT_LASTCODE ; jj++ ){
00153      dnam = NI_stat_distname(jj) ;
00154      strcpy(qnam,dnam); strcat(qnam,"("); ll = strlen(qnam);
00155      if( strncasecmp(str,qnam,ll) == 0 ) break ;
00156    }
00157    if( jj <= NI_STAT_LASTCODE ){
00158      float parm[3]={1.0f,1.0f,1.0f} ; int np,kk,mm , sp ;
00159      np = NI_stat_numparam(jj) ; sp = ll ;
00160      for( kk=0 ; kk < np ; kk++ ){
00161        mm = 0 ; sscanf(str+sp,"%f%n",parm+kk,&mm) ; sp += mm+1 ;
00162      }
00163      *scode = jj ;                     /* Save results */
00164      if( p1 != NULL ) *p1 = parm[0] ;  /* into output */
00165      if( p2 != NULL ) *p2 = parm[1] ;  /* variables. */
00166      if( p3 != NULL ) *p3 = parm[2] ;
00167    }
00168    return ;
00169 }

char* NI_stat_distname int   

Definition at line 30 of file niml_stat.c.

References distname, and NI_STAT_LASTCODE.

Referenced by NI_stat_decode(), THD_open_3D(), and THD_write_1D().

00031 {
00032    return distname[(scode >=0 && scode <= NI_STAT_LASTCODE) ? scode : 0] ;
00033 }

char* NI_stat_encode int   ,
float   ,
float   ,

Definition at line 101 of file niml_stat.c.

References distname, malloc, NI_fval_to_char(), NI_STAT_LASTCODE, and NI_stat_numparam().

Referenced by THD_set_dataset_attributes().

00102 {
00103    char *buf , *nam , b1[16] , b2[16] , b3[16] ;
00104    int np ;
00106    if( scode < NI_STAT_FIRSTCODE || scode > NI_STAT_LASTCODE ){
00107      buf = strdup("none") ; return buf ;
00108    }
00110    np  = NI_stat_numparam( scode ) ;  /* # of parameters */
00111    nam = distname[scode] ;            /* distribution name */
00112    buf = malloc( 20*(np+1) ) ;        /* output buffer */
00113    switch( np ){
00114      case 0:
00115        sprintf(buf,"%s()",nam) ; break ;
00117      case 1:
00118        NI_fval_to_char( p1 , b1 ) ;
00119        sprintf(buf,"%s(%s)",nam,b1) ; break ;
00121      case 2:
00122        NI_fval_to_char( p1 , b1 ) ;
00123        NI_fval_to_char( p2 , b2 ) ;
00124        sprintf(buf,"%s(%s,%s)",nam,b1,b2) ; break ;
00126      default:
00127      case 3:
00128        NI_fval_to_char( p1 , b1 ) ;
00129        NI_fval_to_char( p2 , b2 ) ;
00130        NI_fval_to_char( p3 , b3 ) ;
00131        sprintf(buf,"%s(%s,%s,%s)",nam,b1,b2,b3) ; break ;
00132    }
00134    return buf ;
00135 }

int NI_stat_numparam int   

Definition at line 23 of file niml_stat.c.

References NI_STAT_LASTCODE, and numparam.

Referenced by NI_stat_decode(), NI_stat_encode(), THD_datablock_from_atr(), THD_open_3D(), and THD_write_1D().

00024 {
00025    return numparam[(scode >=0 && scode <= NI_STAT_LASTCODE) ? scode : 0] ;
00026 }

char* NI_strdup char *    str

Like strdup, but better (input=NULL ==> output=NULL). --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 141 of file niml_util.c.

References NI_malloc, and NI_strlen().

Referenced by make_empty_data_element(), NI_copy_column(), NI_copy_struct(), NI_dataset_transpose(), NI_hostname_to_inet(), NI_insert_value(), NI_new_data_element(), NI_new_processing_instruction(), NI_read_element(), NI_register_doer(), NI_rename_group(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_set_axes(), NI_set_units(), quotize_float_vector(), setup_basic_types(), and tcp_accept().

00142 {
00143    int nn ; char *dup ;
00144    if( str == NULL ) return NULL ;
00145    nn = NI_strlen(str); dup = NI_malloc(char, nn+1); strcpy(dup,str); return dup;
00146 }

void NI_stream_clearbuf NI_stream_type   ns

Clear the buffer of a str: writing NI_stream. This is intended to let you write anew without having to close and open again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2219 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, NI_stream_type::io_mode, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_free, NI_malloc, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_STRING_TYPE, and NI_stream_type::type.

02220 {
02221    if( ns          == NULL           ||
02222        ns->type    != NI_STRING_TYPE ||
02223        ns->io_mode != NI_OUTPUT_MODE   ) return ;  /* bad inputs */
02225    NI_free(ns->buf) ;
02226    ns->nbuf    = 0 ;
02227    ns->bufsize = 1 ;
02228    ns->buf     = NI_malloc(char, 1) ; /* 1 byte set to zero */
02229 }

void NI_stream_close NI_stream_type   ns

Close a NI_stream. Note that this will also free what ns points to. Don't use this pointer again. Use the NI_STREAM_CLOSE macro to call this function and then also set the pointer "ns" to NULL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2460 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_free, and NI_stream_close_keep().

Referenced by AFNI_start_version_check(), AFNI_version_check(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), main(), NI_read_file_nohead(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), NIML_to_stderr(), open_URL_hpf(), read_URL_http(), SUMA_DsetInfo(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_LoadVisualState(), SUMA_nel_stdout(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendToAfni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_ShowNel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_load_3D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_read_niml_atr(), THD_write_nimlatr(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

02461 {
02462    NI_stream_close_keep(ns,1) ; NI_free(ns) ; return ;
02463 }

void NI_stream_closenow NI_stream_type   ns

Close a NI_stream without sending a "close_this" message to the other end of the stream.

Definition at line 2469 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_free, and NI_stream_close_keep().

Referenced by AFNI_niml_atexit(), AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_serverlog(), AIVVV_niml_quitter(), AIVVV_workproc(), main(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_suck_stream(), and NIML_to_stderr().

02470 {
02471    NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0) ; NI_free(ns) ; return ;
02472 }

char* NI_stream_getbuf NI_stream_type   ns

Return the output string buffer for a NI_stream of str: type. If the input is not a "w" str: stream, then NULL is returned. Otherwise a pointer to the internal buffer is returned. This will be a NUL terminated string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2204 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_STRING_TYPE, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by Dtable_to_nimlstring(), main(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), and SUMA_DsetInfo().

02205 {
02206    if( ns          == NULL             ||
02207        ns->type    != NI_STRING_TYPE   ||
02208        ns->io_mode != NI_OUTPUT_MODE   ||
02209        ns->bad     == MARKED_FOR_DEATH   ) return NULL ;  /* bad inputs */
02211    return ns->buf ;
02212 }

int NI_stream_getbufsize NI_stream_type   ns

Get the input buffer size for a NI_stream. Returns -1 if the stream is bad, or has been sentenced to death. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2191 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::bufsize, and MARKED_FOR_DEATH.

02192 {
02193    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad  == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return -1 ;
02194    return ns->bufsize ;
02195 }

int NI_stream_goodcheck NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Check if the given NI_stream is properly opened for I/O.

If not, wait up to msec milliseconds to establish the connection to the other end; if msec < 0, will wait nearly forever. Returns 1 if ready; 0 if not (but may become good later); -1 if an error occurs. Possible -1 errors are:

  • ns was connected to a socket, and now has become disconnected
  • ns is passed in as NULL (bad user, bad bad bad)
  • ns is reading a file or a string, and we are already at its end
  • ns is marked for death The only cases in which 0 is returned is if the NI_stream is tcp: or shm: and the stream is waiting for a connection from the other program. These are also the only cases in which input parameter msec is actually used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2276 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, CLOSEDOWN, NI_stream_type::fp, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, MIN, NI_stream_type::name, NEXTDMS, NI_dpr(), NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_free, NI_INPUT_MODE, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_sleep(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_strncpy(), NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::port, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_goodcheck(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, tcp_accept(), tcp_alivecheck(), tcp_connect(), tcp_readcheck(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_niml_workproc(), AIVVV_workproc(), main(), NI_read_columns(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_read(), NI_stream_readcheck(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), NI_write_procins(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_SendToAfni(), and SUMA_SendToSuma().

02277 {
02278    int ii , jj ;
02279    char *bbb ;
02281    /** check inputs for OK-osity **/
02283    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return -1 ;
02285    switch( ns->type ){
02287 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02288       /** Shared memory **/
02290       case NI_SHM_TYPE:
02291         return SHM_goodcheck( ns->shmioc , msec ) ;
02292 #endif
02294       /** File I/O [there is never any waiting here] **/
02296       case NI_FILE_TYPE:
02297         if( ns->fp == NULL ) return -1 ;        /* should never happen */
02298         if( ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE )
02299           return NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) ;    /* input mode */
02300         else
02301           return 1 ;                            /* output mode */
02303       case NI_FD_TYPE:
02304           return 1 ;                            /* no way to check */
02306       /** String I/O **/
02308       case NI_STRING_TYPE:
02309         if( ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE )
02310           return NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) ;    /* input mode */
02311         else
02312           return 1 ;                            /* output mode */
02314       /** remote Web input */
02316       case NI_REMOTE_TYPE:
02317         if( ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE )
02318           return NI_stream_readcheck(ns,0) ;    /* input mode */
02319         else
02320           return -1 ;                           /* output mode */
02322       /** Socket I/O **/
02324       case NI_TCP_TYPE:
02325         if( ns->bad == 0 ){  /** if good before, then check if is still good **/
02326           int ich ;
02327           ich = tcp_alivecheck(ns->sd) ;
02329 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02330           if( ich == 0 )  /* 17 Jun 2003 */
02331             NI_dpr("++ Socket %s (port %d) has gone bad!\n",ns->name,ns->port);
02332 #endif
02334           if( ich == 0 ) return -1 ;
02335           return 1 ;
02336         }
02338         /** wasn't good before, so check if that condition has changed **/
02340         /** TCP/IP waiting to accept call from another host **/
02342         if( ns->bad == TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT ){
02343           ii = tcp_readcheck(ns->sd,msec) ;             /* see if ready      */
02344           if( ii > 0 ){                                 /* if socket ready:  */
02345             jj = tcp_accept( ns->sd , NULL,&bbb ) ;     /* accept connection */
02346             if( jj >= 0 ){                              /* if accept worked  */
02347               CLOSEDOWN( ns->sd ) ;                     /* close old socket  */
02348               NI_strncpy(ns->name,bbb,256) ;            /* put IP into name  */
02349               NI_free(bbb); ns->bad = 0; ns->sd = jj;   /* and ready to go!  */
02350               fcntl( ns->sd, F_SETOWN, (int)getpid() ); /* 02 Jan 2004 */
02351             }
02352           }
02353         }
02355         /** TCP/IP waiting to connect call to another host **/
02357         else if( ns->bad == TCP_WAIT_CONNECT ){
02358           int dms=0 , ms ;
02360           if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;        /* a long time (11+ days) */
02361           for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
02362             ns->sd = tcp_connect( ns->name , ns->port );  /* try to connect  */
02363             if( ns->sd >= 0 ) break ;                     /* worked? get out */
02364             dms = NEXTDMS(dms); dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms); NI_sleep(dms);
02365           }
02366           if( ns->sd < 0 )                                  /* one last try? */
02367             ns->sd  = tcp_connect( ns->name , ns->port ) ;
02369           if( ns->sd >= 0 ) ns->bad = 0 ;                   /* succeeded?    */
02370           if( ns->sd >= 0 )
02371             fcntl( ns->sd, F_SETOWN, (int)getpid() );         /* 02 Jan 2004 */
02372         }
02374         /** see if it turned from bad to good **/
02376         return (ns->bad == 0) ;
02377    }
02379    return -1 ;  /* unreachable, I hope */
02380 }

int NI_stream_hasinput NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Check if the NI_stream has data read to be read, or has data stored in its internal buffer.

Definition at line 2490 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_stream_readcheck(), and NI_stream_type::npos.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AIVVV_workproc(), NI_read_columns(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().

02491 {
02492    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return -1 ;
02494    if( ns->npos < ns->nbuf ) return 1 ;      /* check if has data in buffer */
02495    return NI_stream_readcheck( ns , msec ) ; /* see if any data can be read */
02496 }

void NI_stream_kill NI_stream_type  

Definition at line 2478 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_free, and NI_stream_close_keep().

Referenced by SUMA_niml_hangup().

02479 {
02480    NI_stream_close_keep(ns,3) ; NI_free(ns) ; return ;
02481 }

char* NI_stream_name NI_stream_type   ns

Return the name set in the NI_stream header. (This is the pointer to the internal string, so don't free it!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2151 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::name.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().

02152 {
02153    if( ns == NULL ) return NULL ;
02154    return ns->name ;
02155 }

NI_stream NI_stream_open char *    name,
char *    mode

Open a NIML input or output stream, and return a pointer to it.

  • NULL is returned if an error occurs.
  • Otherwise, you can read and write data using NI_stream_read() and NI_stream_write().
  • Buffered input is also available using NI_stream_readbuf() to read data from an internal buffer. The advantage of buffered input is that it will return the number of bytes requested (waiting, if needed), rather than just the number available at that moment.
Several different types of streams are available. The first two ("tcp:" and "shm:") are for 2-way interprocess communication. The later ones ("file:", "str:", "http:", "ftp:", and "fd:") are for 1-way communication, either to read bytes or to write them. The formats for the "name" input are described below:

name = "tcp:host:port" to connect a socket to system "host" on the given port number. One process should open in "w" mode and one in "r" mode.

name = "shm:keyname:size1+size2" to connect to a shared memory segment created with "keyname" for the ID and with I/O buffer sizes of size1 ("w" process to "r" process) and size2 ("r" process to "w" process).

  • Like tcp: streams, one process should open with "w" and the other with "r".
  • The "size" strings can end in 'K' to multiply by 1024, or end in 'M' to multiply by 1024*1024.
  • If neither size is given, a default value is used.
  • If only size1 is given, size2=size1 (symmetric stream).
  • The total size of the shared memory segment will be size1+size2+36 bytes. (Some systems put an upper limit on this size.)
  • "keyname" is a string used to identify this shared memory segment
  • If you are communicating a lot of data between 2 processes on the same system, shm: streams are usually much faster than tcp: streams.
  • Also see NI_stream_reopen() for a way to open a tcp: stream and then re-open it to another tcp: port or to be a shm: stream.
name = "file:filename" to open a file for I/O.
  • For this type of name ONLY, you can use "a" as the mode string to indicate that you want to append to the file if it already exists.
name = "str:" to read/write data from/to a string

name = "http://hostname/filename" to read data from a Web server name = "ftp://hostname/filename" to read data from an FTP server

  • The data for these types is transferred all at once from the remote server and stored in a memory buffer (much like the str: stream type).
  • Data can be read from this buffer using NI_stream_read().
  • When the stream is closed, the buffer is NI_free()-ed.
name = "fd:integer" to read or write data from a pre-opened file descriptor (returned by the open() function).
  • For example, "fd:1" is used to write to stdout directly.
  • When an "fd:" stream is closed, nothing is actually done; closing the descriptor is the responsibility of the application.
  • Descriptors 0,1,2 use stdin, stdout, and stderr, respectively.
  • All other descriptors use fdopen() to open a FILE stream and then treat the result like file:. This means that if the descriptor comes from fileno() on a previously opened FILE stream, you will have trouble if you mix I/O to this stream with NI_stream_read()/NI_stream_write().
  • You can use "stdin:", "stdout:", or "stderr:" as synonyms for "fd:0", "fd:1", and "fd:2".
The formats for the "mode" input are described below:

mode = "w" to open a stream for writing

  • tcp: host must be specified ("w" is for a tcp client).
  • shm: keyname determines the ID of the segment to create (which can be attached to by a shm: "r" process).
  • file: filename is opened in write mode (and will be overwritten if already exists).
  • str: data will be written to a buffer in the NI_stream struct; you can later access this buffer with the function NI_stream_getbuf(), and clear it with NI_stream_clearbuf().
  • You can't open "fd:0" (stdin) for reading
  • You can't open "http:" or "ftp:" streams for writing.
  • "a" can be used for "file:" ONLY to append to a file.
mode = "r" to open a stream for reading
  • tcp: host is ignored (but must be present); ("r" is for a tcp server).
  • shm: keyname determines the ID of the segment to attach to (which must be created by a shm: "w" process).
  • file: filename is opened in read mode.
  • str: characters after the colon are the source of the input data (will be copied to internal buffer); OR, you can later set the internal buffer string later with function NI_stream_setbuf().
  • You can't open "fd:1" or "fd:2" (stdout or stderr) for reading.
  • ftp:/http: The remote files are fetched and loaded into memory. After that, these streams operate pretty much the same as str: streams for reading.
For a file:, fd:, or str: stream, you can either read from or write to the stream, but not both, depending on how you opened it ("r" or "w"). For a tcp: or shm: stream, once it is connected, you can both read and write. The asymmetry in tcp: and shm: streams only comes at the opening (one process must make the call using "w" and one must listen for the call using "r").

The inputs "host" (for tcp:) and "filename" (for file:) are limited to a maximum of 127 bytes. For str:, there is no limit for the "r" stream (but clearly you can't have any NUL bytes in there). For shm:, "keyname" is limited to 127 bytes also.

Since opening a socket or shared memory segment requires sychronizing two processes, you can't read or write to a tcp: or shm: stream immediately. Instead you have to check if it is "good" first. This can be done using the function NI_stream_goodcheck().

After a tcp: "r" stream is good, then the string ns->name contains the IP address of the connecting host, in "dot" form (e.g., ""); here, "ns" is the NI_stream returned by this routine.

  • You can use the NI_add_trusted_host() function to set a list of IP addresses from which the NIML library will accept connections.
  • Systems not on the trusted list will have their sockets closed immediately after the connection is accepted. Nothing will be read from these sockets.
For a file: stream, ns->name contains the filename. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1609 of file niml_stream.c.

References add_open_stream(), atexit(), atexit_is_setup, atexit_open_streams(), NI_stream_type::b64_numleft, NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::bin_thresh, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, CLOSEDOWN, fd, fdopen(), NI_stream_type::fp, NI_stream_type::fsize, getenv(), NI_stream_type::goodcheck_time, NI_stream_type::io_mode, name, NI_stream_type::name, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_BUFSIZE, NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_filesize(), NI_free, NI_INPUT_MODE, NI_malloc, NI_malloc_enable_tracking(), NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_read_URL(), NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_strlen(), NI_strncpy(), NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::npos, NI_stream_type::orig_name, NI_stream_type::port, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_init(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, sigurg, tcp_accept(), tcp_connect(), tcp_listen(), tcp_readcheck(), tcp_sigurg_handler(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_serverlog(), AFNI_start_version_check(), AFNI_version_check(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_Open_NIML_stream(), main(), NI_do(), NI_read_file_nohead(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_suck_stream(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), NIML_to_stderr(), open_URL_hpf(), SUMA_DsetInfo(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_LoadVisualState(), SUMA_nel_stdout(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_ShowNel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_load_3D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_read_niml_atr(), THD_write_nimlatr(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

01610 {
01611    NI_stream_type *ns ;
01612    int do_create , do_accept ;
01614    /** perhaps initialize debug output **/
01616 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01617    if( dfp == NULL ){
01618      char *eee = getenv("NIML_DEBUG") ;
01619      if( eee != NULL ){
01620        dfp = (strcmp(eee,"stderr")==0) ? stderr : fopen(eee,"w") ;
01621        if( dfp == NULL ){ dfp = stderr; eee = "stderr [defaulted]"; }
01622        fprintf(stderr,"NIML: debug output to %s\n",eee) ;
01623      }
01624    }
01625 #endif
01627 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01628    NI_malloc_enable_tracking() ;
01629 #endif
01631    /** check if inputs are reasonable **/
01633    if( NI_strlen(name) < 4 ) return NULL ;
01635    if( mode == NULL ) return NULL ;
01637    do_create = (*mode == 'w' || *mode == 'a') ;
01638    do_accept = (*mode == 'r') ;
01640    if( !do_create && !do_accept ) return NULL ;
01642    if( ! atexit_is_setup ){         /* 22 Apr 2005 */
01643      atexit(atexit_open_streams) ; atexit_is_setup = 1 ;
01644    }
01646    /************************************/
01647    /***** deal with TCP/IP sockets *****/
01649    if( strncmp(name,"tcp:",4) == 0 ){
01650       char host[256] , *hend ;
01651       int  port=-1 , ii , jj ;
01653       if( NI_strlen(name) > 127 ) return NULL ;
01655       /** find "host" substring **/
01657       hend = strstr( name+4 , ":" ) ;
01658       if( hend == NULL || hend-name > 255 ) return NULL ;
01660       for( ii=4 ; name[ii] != ':' ; ii++ ) host[ii-4] = name[ii] ;
01661       host[ii-4] = '\0' ;
01663       /** get "port" number **/
01665       port = strtol( name+ii+1 , NULL , 10 ) ;
01666       if( port <= 0 ) return NULL ;
01668       /** initialize NI_stream_type output struct **/
01670       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01672       ns->type = NI_TCP_TYPE;   /* what kind is this? */
01673       ns->port = port ;         /* save the port #    */
01674       ns->nbuf = 0 ;            /* buffer is empty    */
01675       ns->npos = 0 ;            /* scan starts at 0   */
01676       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01678       ns->buf     = NI_malloc(char, NI_BUFSIZE) ;
01679       ns->bufsize = NI_BUFSIZE ;
01680       ns->name[0] = '\0' ;
01681       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01683       ns->bin_thresh = -1 ;     /* write in text mode */
01685       /* 02 Jan 2004: setup SIGURG handler for OOB data reception. */
01687       if( !sigurg ){ signal(SIGURG,tcp_sigurg_handler); sigurg = 1; }
01689       /** attach to incoming call "r" **/
01691       if( do_accept ){
01692          ns->io_mode = NI_INPUT_MODE ;
01693          ns->sd = tcp_listen( port ) ;                   /* set up to listen  */
01694          if( ns->sd < 0 ){                               /* error? must die!  */
01695            NI_free(ns->buf); NI_free(ns); return NULL;
01696          }
01697          ns->bad = TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT ;                     /* not connected yet */
01698          ii = tcp_readcheck(ns->sd,1) ;                  /* see if ready      */
01699          if( ii > 0 ){                                   /* if socket ready:  */
01700            jj = tcp_accept( ns->sd , NULL,&hend ) ;      /* accept connection */
01701            if( jj >= 0 ){                                /* if accept worked  */
01702              CLOSEDOWN( ns->sd ) ;                       /* close old socket  */
01703              NI_strncpy(ns->name,hend,256) ;             /* put IP into name  */
01704              NI_free(hend); ns->bad = 0; ns->sd = jj ;   /* and ready to go!  */
01705              fcntl( ns->sd, F_SETOWN, (int)getpid() ) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01706            }
01707          }
01709          add_open_stream(ns) ;       /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01710          ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01711          return ns ;
01712       }
01714       /** place an outgoing call "w" **/
01716       if( do_create ){
01717         struct hostent *hostp ;
01718         ns->io_mode = NI_OUTPUT_MODE ;
01719         hostp = gethostbyname(host) ;                   /* lookup host on net */
01720         if( hostp == NULL ){                            /* fails? must die!   */
01721           NI_free(ns->buf); NI_free(ns); return NULL;
01722         }
01723         ns->sd  = tcp_connect( host , port ) ;          /* connect to host    */
01724         ns->bad = (ns->sd < 0) ? TCP_WAIT_CONNECT : 0 ; /* fails? must wait   */
01725         NI_strncpy(ns->name,host,256) ;                 /* save the host name */
01726         if( ns->sd >= 0 )
01727           fcntl( ns->sd, F_SETOWN, (int)getpid() ) ;    /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01729         add_open_stream(ns) ;   /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01730         ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01731         return ns ;
01732       }
01733       return NULL ;  /* should never be reached */
01734    }
01736 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
01737    /*********************************************/
01738    /***** deal with shared memory transport *****/
01740    if( strncmp(name,"shm:",4) == 0 ){
01741       SHMioc *ioc ;
01743       if( *mode == 'a' ) mode = "w" ;
01744       ioc = SHM_init( name , mode ) ;  /* open segment */
01745       if( ioc == NULL ) return NULL ;  /* this is bad bad bad */
01747       /** initialize NI_stream_type output **/
01749       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01751       ns->type     = NI_SHM_TYPE;    /* what kind is this? */
01752       ns->nbuf     = 0 ;             /* buffer is empty    */
01753       ns->npos     = 0 ;             /* scan starts at 0   */
01754       ns->io_mode  = do_create ? NI_OUTPUT_MODE
01755                                : NI_INPUT_MODE  ;
01756       ns->bad      = 0 ;
01757       ns->shmioc   = ioc ;
01758       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01760       ns->buf      = NI_malloc(char, NI_BUFSIZE) ;
01761       ns->bufsize  = NI_BUFSIZE ;
01763       NI_strncpy( ns->name , name , 256 ) ;
01765       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01767       add_open_stream(ns) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01768       ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01769       return ns ;
01770    }
01771 #endif /* DONT_USE_SHM */
01773    /**********************************/
01774    /***** deal with simple files *****/
01776    if( strncmp(name,"file:",5) == 0 ){
01778       char *fname = name+5 , *fmode ;
01779       FILE *fp ;
01781       if( NI_strlen(name) > 255 || NI_strlen(fname) < 1 ) return NULL ;
01783       if( *mode == 'a' ) fmode = "ab" ;
01784       else               fmode = do_create ? (char *)"wb" : (char *)"rb" ;
01785       fp = fopen( fname , fmode ) ;
01787       if( fp == NULL ) return NULL ;
01789       /** initialize NI_stream_type output **/
01791       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01793       ns->type     = NI_FILE_TYPE;   /* what kind is this? */
01794       ns->nbuf     = 0 ;             /* buffer is empty    */
01795       ns->npos     = 0 ;             /* scan starts at 0   */
01796       ns->fp       = fp ;
01797       ns->io_mode  = do_create ? NI_OUTPUT_MODE
01798                                : NI_INPUT_MODE  ;
01799       ns->bad      = 0 ;
01800       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01802       ns->bufsize  = do_create ? 16 : NI_BUFSIZE ;
01803       ns->buf      = NI_malloc(char, ns->bufsize) ;
01805       NI_strncpy( ns->name , fname , 256 ) ;
01807       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01809       if( ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE )     /* save the file size */
01810          ns->fsize = NI_filesize( fname ) ;  /* if we are reading  */
01811       else
01812          ns->fsize = -1 ;
01814       add_open_stream(ns) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01815       ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01816       return ns ;
01817    }
01819    /********************************************************************/
01820    /***** fd: very similar to a file, but we don't have to open it *****/
01822         if( strncmp(name,"stdin:" ,6) == 0 ) name = "fd:0" ;  /* 25 Mar 2003 */
01823    else if( strncmp(name,"stdout:",7) == 0 ) name = "fd:1" ;
01824    else if( strncmp(name,"stderr:",7) == 0 ) name = "fd:2" ;
01826    if( strncmp(name,"fd:",3) == 0 ){
01827       int fd=-1 ; FILE *fp ;
01829       sscanf(name+3,"%d",&fd) ;
01830       if( fd < 0 ) return NULL ;   /* bad integer */
01832       switch( fd ){
01833         default:
01834           fp = fdopen( fd , do_create ? "wb" : "rb" ) ;
01835           if( fp == NULL ) return NULL ;
01836         break ;
01838         case 0:
01839           fp = stdin ;
01840           if( do_create ) return NULL ;
01841         break ;
01843         case 1:
01844           fp = stdout ;
01845           if( !do_create ) return NULL ;
01846         break ;
01848         case 2:
01849           fp = stderr ;
01850           if( !do_create ) return NULL ;
01851         break ;
01852       }
01854       /** initialize NI_stream_type output **/
01856       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01858       ns->type     = NI_FD_TYPE;     /* what kind is this? */
01859       ns->nbuf     = 0 ;             /* buffer is empty    */
01860       ns->npos     = 0 ;             /* scan starts at 0   */
01861       ns->fp       = fp ;
01862       ns->io_mode  = do_create ? NI_OUTPUT_MODE
01863                                : NI_INPUT_MODE  ;
01864       ns->bad      = 0 ;
01865       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01867       ns->bufsize  = do_create ? 16 : NI_BUFSIZE ;
01868       ns->buf      = NI_malloc(char, ns->bufsize) ;
01870       NI_strncpy( ns->name , name , 256 ) ;
01872       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01874       ns->fsize = -1 ;
01876       add_open_stream(ns) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01877       ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01878       return ns ;
01879    }
01881    /*********************************/
01882    /***** str: string array I/O *****/
01884    if( strncmp(name,"str:",4) == 0 ){
01886       int nn = NI_strlen(name+4) ;  /* may be 0 */
01888       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01890       ns->type     = NI_STRING_TYPE; /* what kind is this? */
01891       ns->io_mode  = do_create ? NI_OUTPUT_MODE
01892                                : NI_INPUT_MODE  ;
01893       ns->bad      = 0 ;
01894       ns->npos     = 0 ;             /* scan starts at 0   */
01895       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01897       /* Note that bufsize == nbuf+1 for str:
01898          This is because we don't count the terminal NUL
01899          in nbuf (number of readable bytes),
01900          but do count it in bufsize (size of the buf array) */
01902       if( do_accept ){               /* read from stuff after str: */
01903          ns->nbuf    = nn ;
01904          ns->bufsize = nn+1 ;
01905          ns->buf     = NI_malloc(char, nn+1) ;
01906          strcpy(ns->buf,name+4) ;
01907       } else {                       /* write to a string */
01908          ns->nbuf    = 0 ;
01909          ns->bufsize = 1 ;
01910          ns->buf     = NI_malloc(char, 1) ; /* 1 byte set to zero */
01911       }
01913       strcpy( ns->name , "ElvisHasLeftTheBuilding" ) ;
01915       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01917       add_open_stream(ns) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01918       ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01919       return ns ;
01920    }
01922    /*********************************/
01923    /***** http:// or ftp:// I/O *****/
01925    if( strncmp(name,"http://",7) == 0 || strncmp(name,"ftp://",6) == 0 ){
01926       int nn ;
01927       char *data=NULL ;
01929       if( do_create ) return NULL ;                  /* bad */
01931       nn = NI_read_URL( name , &data ) ;
01933       if( data == NULL || nn <= 4 ){                 /* bad */
01934          NI_free(data); return NULL;
01935       }
01937       ns = NI_malloc(NI_stream_type, sizeof(NI_stream_type) ) ;
01939       ns->type     = NI_REMOTE_TYPE; /* what kind is this? */
01940       ns->io_mode  = NI_INPUT_MODE  ;
01941       ns->bad      = 0 ;
01942       ns->npos     = 0 ;             /* scan starts at 0   */
01943       ns->nbuf     = nn ;
01944       ns->bufsize  = nn ;
01945       ns->buf      = data ;
01946       ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
01948       NI_strncpy( ns->name , name , 256 ) ;
01950       NI_strncpy(ns->orig_name,name,256) ;  /* 23 Aug 2002 */
01952       add_open_stream(ns) ;  /* 02 Jan 2004 */
01953       ns->goodcheck_time = -99 ;  /* 23 Nov 2004 */
01954       return ns ;
01955    }
01957    return NULL ;  /* should never be reached */
01958 }

int NI_stream_read NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    buffer,
int    nbytes

Read up to nbytes of data from the NI_stream, into buffer.

Returns the number of bytes actually read. For both the case of sockets and files, this may be less than nbytes (may even be 0). If an error occurs and no data is read, -1 is returned.

For tcp: streams, if no data is available, this function will wait until something can be read. If this behavior is undesirable, then you should use NI_stream_readcheck() before calling this function in order to see if any data is available.

For shm: streams, will return immediately if no data is available.

For file: streams, this function simply tries to read from the file. Whether or not it succeeds, it will return immediately. It should never return -1; if it returns 0, this means end-of-file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2783 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::fp, NI_stream_type::io_mode, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_dpr(), NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::npos, PERROR, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_recv(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, tcp_readcheck(), tcp_recv, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by main(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), and read_URL_http().

02784 {
02785    int ii ;
02787    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
02789    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad || buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0 ) return -1 ;
02791    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
02793 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02794 NI_dpr("ENTER NI_stream_read\n") ;
02795 #endif
02797    switch( ns->type ){
02799 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02800      case NI_SHM_TYPE:
02801        return SHM_recv( ns->shmioc , buffer , nbytes ) ;
02802 #endif
02804      /** tcp: just use recv **/
02806      case NI_TCP_TYPE:
02807        ii = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,1) ; if( ii != 1 ) return ii ;
02808 #if 0
02809        /* wait 'till we can read fer shur */
02810        do{ ii=tcp_readcheck(ns->sd,1); } while( ii==0 ) ;
02811        if( ii < 0 ) return -1 ;
02812 #endif
02813        errno = 0 ;
02814        ii = tcp_recv( ns->sd , buffer , nbytes , 0 ) ;
02815        if( ii == -1 || errno != 0 ) PERROR("NI_stream_read(recv)") ;
02816 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02817 NI_dpr("  tcp: got %d/%d bytes ***\n",ii,nbytes) ;
02818 #endif
02819        return ii ;
02821      /** file: just use fread **/
02823      case NI_FD_TYPE:
02824      case NI_FILE_TYPE:
02825        if( ns->fp == NULL || ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE ) return -1 ;
02826        ii = fread( buffer , 1 , nbytes , ns->fp ) ;
02827        return ii ;
02829      /** str: copy bytes out of the buffer string **/
02831      case NI_REMOTE_TYPE:
02832      case NI_STRING_TYPE:
02833        if( ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE ) return -1 ; /* bad stream */
02834        ii = ns->nbuf - ns->npos ;                      /* how much is left */
02835        if( ii <= 0                       ) return -1 ; /* no data left */
02836        if( ii > nbytes ) ii = nbytes ;                 /* amount to copy */
02837        memcpy( buffer , ns->buf+ns->npos , ii ) ;      /* copy it */
02838        ns->npos += ii ;                                /* advance position */
02839        return ii ;
02840    }
02842    return -1 ;  /* should not be reached */
02843 }

int NI_stream_readable NI_stream_type   ns

Return 1 if it is legal to read from this stream, 0 if it isn't. This doesn't say anything about if it is practical to read at this moment; for that, use NI_stream_readcheck(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2126 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_INPUT_MODE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by NI_read_columns(), NI_stream_readbuf(), and NI_stream_readbuf64().

02127 {
02128    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return 0 ;
02129    if( ns->type == NI_TCP_TYPE || ns->type == NI_SHM_TYPE ) return 1 ;
02130    return (ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE) ;
02131 }

int NI_stream_readbuf NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    buffer,
int    nbytes

Buffered read from a NI_stream. Unlike NI_stream_read(), will try to read all nbytes of data, waiting if necessary. Also works through the internal buffer, rather than directly to the stream.

Return value is number of bytes read. May be less than nbytes if the stream closed (or was used up) before nbytes of data was read. Will return -1 if something is rotten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2937 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, MIN, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_reset_buffer(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_readable(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_stream_type::npos, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by NI_binary_to_val(), and NI_read_columns().

02938 {
02939    int ii , jj , bs , nout=0 ;
02941    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
02943    if( nbytes  == 0                        ) return  0; /* that was real easy */
02944    if( buffer  == NULL || nbytes      <  0 ) return -1; /* stupid caller */
02945    if( ns->buf == NULL || ns->bufsize == 0 ) return -1; /* shouldn't happen */
02946    if( !NI_stream_readable(ns) )             return -1; /* stupid stream */
02948    /* see how many unused bytes are already in the input buffer */
02950    ii = ns->nbuf - ns->npos ;
02952    if( ii >= nbytes ){    /* have all the data we need already */
02953      memcpy( buffer , ns->buf + ns->npos , nbytes ) ;
02954      ns->npos += nbytes ;
02955      if( ns->npos == ns->nbuf ) ns->nbuf = ns->npos = 0 ;  /* buffer used up */
02956      return nbytes ;
02957    }
02959    /* copy what data we already have, if any */
02961    if( ii > 0 ){
02962      memcpy( buffer , ns->buf + ns->npos , ii ) ; nout = ii ;
02963    }
02964    ns->nbuf = ns->npos = 0 ;                               /* buffer used up */
02966    /* input streams with fixed length buffers ==> can't do no more */
02968    if( ns->type == NI_REMOTE_TYPE || ns->type == NI_STRING_TYPE )
02969      return (nout > 0) ? nout : -1 ;
02971    /* otherwise, fill the buffer and try again */
02973    bs = ns->bufsize ;
02975    while( nout < nbytes ){
02977      jj = MIN( bs , nbytes-nout ) ;         /* how much to try to read */
02978      ii = NI_stream_fillbuf( ns,jj,1666 ) ; /* read into stream buffer */
02980      if( ii > 0 ){                          /* got something */
02981        ii = ns->nbuf ;                      /* how much now in buffer */
02982        if( ii > nbytes-nout ) ii = nbytes-nout ;
02983        memcpy( buffer+nout , ns->buf , ii ) ; nout += ii ;
02984        ns->npos += ii ; NI_reset_buffer( ns ) ;
02985      } else {                               /* got nothing */
02986        break ;                              /* so quit */
02987      }
02988    }
02990    if( nout == 0 && ii < 0 ) nout = -1 ;    /* no data and an I/O error */
02991    return nout ;
02992 }

int NI_stream_readbuf64 NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    buffer,
int    nbytes

Buffered read from a NI_stream, like NI_stream_readbuf, but also:

  • Converts from Base64 to binary 'on the fly'.
  • Will stop at a '<'.
Return value is number of bytes put into the buffer. May be less than nbytes if the stream closed (or was used up, or hit a '<') before nbytes of data was read. Will return -1 if something is rotten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 3004 of file niml_stream.c.

References a, B64_decode4, B64_decode_count, B64_goodchar, NI_stream_type::b64_left, NI_stream_type::b64_numleft, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, c, load_decode_table(), NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_reset_buffer(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_readable(), and NI_stream_type::npos.

Referenced by NI_base64_to_val(), and NI_read_columns().

03005 {
03006    int ii , jj , bs , nout=0 ;
03007    byte a ,b ,c  , w,x,y,z ;
03008    byte ag,bg,cg ;
03009    int num_reread , bpos ;
03011    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
03013    if( nbytes  == 0                        ) return  0; /* that was real easy */
03014    if( buffer  == NULL || nbytes      <  0 ) return -1; /* stupid caller */
03015    if( ns->buf == NULL || ns->bufsize == 0 ) return -1; /* shouldn't happen */
03016    if( !NI_stream_readable(ns) )             return -1; /* stupid stream */
03018    /* are there decoded leftover bytes from a previous call?
03019       if so, use them up first */
03021    if( ns->b64_numleft > 0 ){
03023      if( ns->b64_numleft >= nbytes ){    /* have enough leftovers for all! */
03024        memcpy( buffer , ns->b64_left , nbytes ) ;
03025        ns->b64_numleft -= nbytes ;
03026        if( ns->b64_numleft > 0 )   /* must shift remaining leftovers down */
03027          memmove( ns->b64_left , ns->b64_left + nbytes , ns->b64_numleft ) ;
03028        return nbytes ;                                 /* done done done! */
03029      }
03031      /* if here, have a few bytes leftover, but not enough */
03033      memcpy( buffer , ns->b64_left , ns->b64_numleft ) ;
03034      nout            = ns->b64_numleft ;   /* how many so far */
03035      ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;                 /* have none left now */
03036    }
03038    /* now need to decode some bytes from the input stream;
03039       this is done 4 input bytes at a time,
03040       which are decoded to 3 output bytes                   */
03042    load_decode_table() ;   /* prepare for Base64 decoding */
03044    /** loopback point for reading more data from stream into internal buffer **/
03046    num_reread = 0 ;
03047  Base64Reread:
03048    ag = bg = cg = 0 ;
03049    num_reread++ ; if( num_reread > 5 ) goto Base64Done ; /* done waiting! */
03051    /* read more data into buffer, if needed */
03053    if( num_reread > 1 || ns->nbuf - ns->npos < 4 ){
03054      NI_reset_buffer(ns) ;          /* discard used up data => ns->npos==0 */
03055      ii = 5 - ns->nbuf ; if( ii <= 1 ) ii = 2 ;
03056      ii = NI_stream_fillbuf( ns , ii , 1666 ) ;
03057      if( ns->nbuf < 4 ) goto Base64Done ;     /* can't get no satisfaction! */
03058    }
03060    /*** Copy valid Base64 bytes out of buffer (skipping others),
03061         converting them to binary as we get full quads,
03062         putting the results into buffer.
03064         Exit loop if we hit a '<' character (end of NIML element),
03065         or hit an '=' character (end of Base64 data stream).
03067         Jump back to Base64Reread (above) if we run out of data in the
03068         buffer before we fulfill the caller's demand for nbytes of output. ***/
03070    while( 1 ){
03071      ag = bg = cg = 0 ;
03072      bpos = ns->npos ;    /* scan forward in buffer using bpos */
03074      /* get next valid Base64 character into w;
03075         skip whitespaces and other non-Base64 stuff;
03076         if we hit the end token '<' first, quit;
03077         if we hit the end of the buffer first, need more data */
03079      w = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03080      while( !B64_goodchar(w) && w != '<' && bpos < ns->nbuf )
03081        w = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03082      ns->npos = bpos-1 ;  /** if we have to reread, will start here, at w **/
03083      if( w == '<' ) goto Base64Done;
03084      if( bpos == ns->nbuf ) goto Base64Reread;  /* not enuf data yet */
03086      /* repeat to fill x */
03088      x = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03089      while( !B64_goodchar(x) && x != '<' && bpos < ns->nbuf )
03090        x = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03091      if( x == '<' ){ ns->npos = bpos-1; goto Base64Done; }
03092      if( bpos == ns->nbuf ) goto Base64Reread;
03094      /* repeat to fill y */
03096      y = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03097      while( !B64_goodchar(y) && y != '<' && bpos < ns->nbuf )
03098        y = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03099      if( y == '<' ){ ns->npos = bpos-1; goto Base64Done; }
03100      if( bpos == ns->nbuf ) goto Base64Reread;
03102      /* repeat to fill z */
03104      z = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03105      while( !B64_goodchar(z) && z != '<' && bpos < ns->nbuf )
03106        z = ns->buf[bpos++] ;
03107      if( z == '<' ){ ns->npos = bpos-1; goto Base64Done; }
03109      /* at this point, have w,x,y,z to decode */
03111      ns->npos = bpos ;  /* scan continues at next place in buffer */
03113      B64_decode4(w,x,y,z,a,b,c) ;  /* decode 4 bytes into 3 */
03115      if( z == '=' ){                        /* got to the end of Base64? */
03116        int nn = B64_decode_count(w,x,y,z) ; /* see how many bytes to save */
03117        ag = (nn > 0) ;  /* a byte is good? */
03118        bg = (nn > 1) ;  /* b byte is good? */
03119        cg = 0        ;  /* c byte is bad!! */
03121        /* save good bytes into output buffer;
03122           if we reach end of the required number of bytes, we're done */
03124        if( ag ){ buffer[nout++]=a; ag=0; if(nout >= nbytes) goto Base64Done; }
03125        if( bg ){ buffer[nout++]=b; bg=0; if(nout >= nbytes) goto Base64Done; }
03126        goto Base64Done ;
03127      }
03129      /* not at the end of Base64 =>
03130         save bytes, and skip out if we fill up the output array */
03132      ag = bg = cg = 1 ;  /* all 3 bytes are good */
03133      buffer[nout++]=a; ag=0; if(nout >= nbytes) goto Base64Done;
03134      buffer[nout++]=b; bg=0; if(nout >= nbytes) goto Base64Done;
03135      buffer[nout++]=c; cg=0; if(nout >= nbytes) goto Base64Done;
03137      /* now, loop back to decode the next 4 bytes;
03138         BUT, if we don't have at least 4 bytes in the input buffer,
03139              must do a re-read first!                               */
03141      num_reread = 1 ; /* finished at least 1 quad ==> reset penalty clock */
03142      if( ns->nbuf - ns->npos < 4 ) goto Base64Reread ;
03144    } /* end of while(1) loop */
03146   /* At this point:
03147       have finished reading and decoding,
03148       have nout bytes in output buffer,
03149       and might have some good bytes left that need to be saved */
03151 Base64Done:
03152    ns->b64_numleft = 0 ;
03153    if( ag ) ns->b64_left[ ns->b64_numleft++ ] = a ;
03154    if( bg ) ns->b64_left[ ns->b64_numleft++ ] = b ;
03155    if( cg ) ns->b64_left[ ns->b64_numleft++ ] = c ;
03157    return nout ;
03158 }

int NI_stream_readcheck NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Check if the NI_stream is ready to have data read out of it.

If not, the routine will wait up to msec milliseconds for data to be available. If msec < 0, this routine will wait nearly forever. The return value is 1 if data is ready, 0 if not; -1 will be returned if some unrecoverable error is detected:

  • tcp: the socket connection was dropped
  • shm: the other process died or detached the segment
  • file: you have reached the end of the file, and are still trying to read.
Also see NI_stream_hasinput() and NI_stream_readbuf(). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2512 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::fp, NI_stream_type::fsize, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::npos, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_readcheck(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, tcp_alivecheck(), tcp_readcheck(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by main(), NI_read_element(), NI_stream_fillbuf(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_hasinput(), open_URL_hpf(), read_URL_http(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().

02513 {
02514    int ii ;
02516    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return -1 ;
02518    switch( ns->type ){
02520 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02521       case NI_SHM_TYPE:
02522         ii = SHM_readcheck( ns->shmioc , msec ) ;
02523         if( ii > 0 ) ii = 1 ;
02524         return ii ;
02525 #endif
02527       /** tcp: ==> uses the Unix "select" mechanism **/
02529       case NI_TCP_TYPE:
02530         ii = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,0) ;       /* check if it is connected */
02531         if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;             /* some error */
02532         if( ii == 0  ){                        /* not good yet */
02533           ii = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,msec) ;  /* so wait for it to get good */
02534           if( ii != 1 ) return ii ;            /* if still not good, exit */
02535         }
02536         ii = tcp_alivecheck( ns->sd ) ;        /* see if it is still open  */
02537         if( !ii ) return -1 ;                  /* if not open, error exit  */
02538         ii = tcp_readcheck( ns->sd , msec ) ;  /* see if any data is there */
02539         return ii ;
02541       /** fd: ==> use select, as in tcp: **/
02543       case NI_FD_TYPE:
02544         ii = tcp_readcheck( fileno(ns->fp) , msec ) ;
02545         return ii ;
02547       /** file: ==> check current file position and length of file **/
02549       case NI_FILE_TYPE:{
02550          long f_len , f_pos ;
02552          if( ns->fp == NULL                ||
02553              ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE   ) return -1 ; /* never? */
02555          f_len = ns->fsize ;               /* length of file      */
02556          if( f_len < 0 ) return -1 ;       /* file not found (?)  */
02558          f_pos = ftell( ns->fp ) ;         /* where are we now?   */
02559          if( f_pos < 0 ) return -1 ;       /* should never happen */
02561          return (f_pos < f_len) ? 1 : -1 ; /* is good or bad, but */
02562                                            /* never just neutral  */
02563       }
02565       /** str: ==> check current buffer position **/
02567       case NI_REMOTE_TYPE:
02568       case NI_STRING_TYPE:{
02569          if( ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE ) return -1 ; /* never? */
02571          return (ns->npos < ns->nbuf) ? 1 : -1 ;  /* is data left? */
02572       }
02573    }
02575    return -1 ;  /* should never happen */
02576 }

int NI_stream_reopen NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    nname

Re-open a NI_stream on a different channel. This is only possible if the input original stream (ns) is tcp: type.

  • The new stream (nname) can be of the form "tcp::port", which will reopen the stream to the same host on the new port.
  • Or the new stream can be of the form "shm:key:size1+size2", but only if the existing stream was opened to localhost.
  • The main purpose of this function is to let a process connect to a "standard" port on a server process, then tell the server to reopen on another port (or to use shm:). In this way, the standard port can be freed up quickly for reuse.
If necessary, this function will wait until the connection to the other program is ready. Then it will exchange the information with the other program about changing things, and will again wait until the new connection is established. Assuming all goes well, then when this function returns, the input stream (ns) will be modified so that it now refers to the new connection.

Return value is 1 if things are OK, 0 if not. Failure can occur because:

  • Input ns or nname was badly formed.
  • You tried to open shm: when the input tcp: stream was not to localhost.
  • The input tcp: stream can't become connected within 10 seconds. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1986 of file niml_stream.c.

References add_open_stream(), NI_stream_type::bad, getenv(), MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::name, NI_dpr(), NI_free, NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_closenow(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_write(), NI_strncpy(), NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::orig_name, NI_stream_type::port, remove_open_stream(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by DWI_Open_NIML_stream(), main(), and SUMA_niml_call().

01987 {
01988    NI_stream_type *nsnew ;
01989    int typ_new=0 , port_new=0 , jj,kk ;
01990    char msg[1024] ;
01992    /* check inputs for sanity */
01994    if( ns == NULL || ns->type != NI_TCP_TYPE ) return 0 ; /* bad input stream */
01995    if( ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH )           return 0 ; /* really bad */
01996    if( nname == NULL || nname[0] == '\0' )     return 0 ; /* bad new name */
01998    if( strncmp(nname,"tcp::",5) == 0 ){                   /* new is tcp:? */
01999       typ_new = NI_TCP_TYPE ;
02000       port_new = strtol(nname+5,NULL,10) ;
02001       if( port_new <= 0        ) return 0 ;               /* bad new port */
02002       if( port_new == ns->port ) return 1 ;               /* same as before? */
02003 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02004    } else if( strncmp(nname,"shm:" ,4) == 0 ){            /* new is shm:? */
02005       char *eee = getenv("AFNI_NOSHM") ;                  /* 06 Jun 2003 */
02006       if( eee != NULL && toupper(*eee) == 'Y' ){          /* shm: is disabled */
02007         fprintf(stderr,"** NI_stream_reopen: shm is disabled\n");
02008         return 0 ;
02009       }
02010       if( strstr(ns->orig_name,":localhost:") == NULL ){  /* can't do shm: */
02011         fprintf(stderr,"** NI_stream_reopen: shm not localhost!\n");  /* but on localhost */
02012         return 0 ;
02013       }
02014 #endif
02015    } else {
02016      fprintf(stderr,"** NI_stream_reopen: illegal input '%s'\n",nname);
02017      return 0 ;                                           /* bad new name */
02018    }
02020 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02021 NI_dpr("NI_stream_reopen: waiting for original connection to be good\n") ;
02022 #endif
02024    /* wait for existing stream to be connected */
02026    for( kk=0 ; kk < 10 ; kk++ ){
02027      jj = NI_stream_goodcheck( ns , 1000 ) ;   /* wait 1 sec */
02028      if( jj > 0 ) break;                       /* good :-) */
02029      if( kk == 0 )
02030        fprintf(stderr,"++ NI_stream_reopen: Waiting for socket connection") ;
02031      else
02032        fprintf(stderr,".") ;
02033    }
02034    if( kk == 10 ){ fprintf(stderr," *Failed*\n"); return 0; }
02035    if( kk >  0  )  fprintf(stderr," *Good*\n") ;
02037    /* open new stream as the writer */
02039    if( strncmp(nname,"tcp::",5) == 0 ){
02040      sprintf(msg,"tcp:%s:%d",ns->name,port_new) ;  /* old hostname */
02041    }
02042 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02043    else if( strncmp(nname,"shm:" ,4) == 0 ){
02044      NI_strncpy(msg,nname,1024) ;
02045    }
02046 #endif
02048 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02049 NI_dpr("NI_stream_reopen: opening new stream %s\n",msg) ;
02050 #endif
02052    nsnew = NI_stream_open( msg, "w" ) ;
02053    if( nsnew == NULL ) return 0 ;             /* bad :-( */
02055    /* send message on old stream to other
02056       program, telling it to open the new stream */
02058    sprintf(msg,"<?ni_do ni_verb='reopen_this' ni_object='%s' ?>\n",nname) ;
02059    kk = strlen(msg) ;
02061 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02062 NI_dpr("NI_stream_reopen: sending message %s",msg) ;
02063 #endif
02065    jj = NI_stream_write( ns , msg , kk ) ;
02066    if( jj < kk ){
02067      NI_stream_closenow(nsnew) ; return 0 ;  /* bad write! */
02068    }
02070    /* now wait for other program to open the new stream */
02072 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02073 NI_dpr("NI_stream_reopen: waiting for new stream to be good\n") ;
02074 #endif
02076    jj = NI_stream_goodcheck( nsnew , 5000 ) ;  /* wait up to 5 sec */
02077    if( jj <= 0 ){
02078      NI_stream_closenow(nsnew) ; return 0 ;  /* never got good */
02079    }
02081    /* if here, new stream is ready:
02082       close the old stream and replace its
02083       contents with the contents of the new stream */
02085 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02086 NI_dpr("NI_stream_reopen: closing old stream\n") ;
02087 #endif
02089    NI_stream_close_keep(ns,0) ;   /* will be removed from open streams list */
02091    *ns = *nsnew ;
02093    /* 10 Jun 2005: at this point, nsnew is in the open streams list,
02094                    but the pointer nsnew is about to die, and so we
02095                    must munge the open streams list around now to
02096                    make sure that nsnew is removed and ns is re-added! */
02098    remove_open_stream(nsnew) ; NI_free(nsnew) ; add_open_stream(ns) ;
02100    return 1 ; /* :-) */
02101 }

void NI_stream_seek NI_stream_type   ns,
int    offset,
int    whence

Seek file: stream to a specific offset location.

  • whence is one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END (cf. "man fseek").
  • Also clears the stream buffer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2109 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::fp, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_stream_type::npos, offset, and NI_stream_type::type.

02110 {
02111    if( ns          == NULL             ||
02112        ns->bad     == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ||
02113        ns->type    != NI_FILE_TYPE     ||
02114        ns->fp      == NULL               ) return ;
02116    fseek( ns->fp , offset , whence ) ;   /* seek file */
02117    ns->nbuf = ns->npos = 0 ;             /* clear buffer */
02118 }

int NI_stream_setb64 NI_stream_type  ,

void NI_stream_setbuf NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    str

Reset the input string buffer for a NI_stream of str: type. If the input is not a "r" str: stream, then nothing happens. Otherwise, the current contents of the buffer are discarded, and the buffer is replaced with a copy of the input string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2238 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_free, NI_INPUT_MODE, NI_malloc, NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_strlen(), NI_stream_type::npos, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by Dtable_from_nimlstring(), and THD_open_nifti().

02239 {
02240    int nn ;
02242    if( ns          == NULL             ||
02243        ns->type    != NI_STRING_TYPE   ||
02244        ns->io_mode != NI_INPUT_MODE    ||
02245        str         == NULL             ||
02246        ns->bad     == MARKED_FOR_DEATH   ) return ;  /* bad inputs */
02248    NI_free(ns->buf) ;               /* take out the trash */
02249    nn = NI_strlen(str) ;            /* size of new buffer string */
02250    ns->nbuf    = nn ;               /* set num char in new buffer */
02251    ns->npos    = 0  ;               /* reset scan position */
02252    ns->bufsize = nn+1 ;             /* allow space for NUL byte */
02253    ns->buf     = NI_malloc(char, nn+1) ;  /* and make the buffer */
02254    strcpy(ns->buf,str) ;            /* and set its contents */
02255    return ;
02256 }

int NI_stream_setbufsize NI_stream_type   ns,
int    bs

Alter the input buffer size for a NI_stream.

  • Only works for tcp: & shm: streams, and for "r" file: & fd: streams.
  • Return value is 1 if it worked OK, -1 if it didn't.
  • NI_realloc() is used, so buffer contents aren't affected (if the size is increased!). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2165 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_INPUT_MODE, NI_realloc, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

02166 {
02167    char *qbuf ;
02168    if( ns       == NULL             ||
02169        ns->type == NI_STRING_TYPE   ||
02170        ns->bad  == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ||
02171        bs       <  666              ||
02172        bs       <  ns->nbuf           ) return -1 ;  /* bad inputs */
02174    if( !(  ns->type == NI_TCP_TYPE  || ns->type    == NI_SHM_TYPE    ||
02175           (ns->type == NI_FILE_TYPE && ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE) ||
02176           (ns->type == NI_FD_TYPE   && ns->io_mode == NI_INPUT_MODE)   ) )
02177     return -1 ;
02179    qbuf = NI_realloc( ns->buf , char , bs ) ;
02180    if( qbuf == NULL ) return -1 ;         /* this is bad */
02181    ns->buf     = qbuf ;
02182    ns->bufsize = bs ;
02183    return 1 ;
02184 }

int NI_stream_write NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    buffer,
int    nbytes

Send nbytes of data from buffer down the NI_stream.

Return value is the number of bytes actually sent, or is -1 if some error occurs (which means that the NI_stream is bad). If 0 is returned, this means you tried to write to something that is temporarily unavailable.

  • tcp: We use blocking sends, so that all the data should be sent properly unless the connection to the other end fails for some reason (e.g., the planet explodes in a fiery cataclysm of annihilation).
  • shm: We also block until everything can be written, even if it requires filling the shared memory buffer many times and waiting for the reading process to empty it many times.
  • file: Everything should be written, unless the filesystem fills up. If nothing at all gets written, -1 is returned.
  • str: Everything will be written, or the program will crash. Do not include the NUL byte at the end of the string in the nbytes count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2674 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::buf, NI_stream_type::bufsize, NI_stream_type::fp, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_stream_type::nbuf, NI_dpr(), NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, nosigpipe, PERROR, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_sendall(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, tcp_send, tcp_writecheck(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by AFNI_serverlog(), main(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_stream_writestring(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), and open_URL_hpf().

02675 {
02676    int ii , nsent ;
02678    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
02680    if( ns     == NULL || ns->bad    ||
02681        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0 || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return -1;
02683    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;  /* that was easy */
02685 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02686 NI_dpr("ENTER NI_stream_write\n") ;
02687 #endif
02689    if( ns->type != NI_TCP_TYPE ){
02690      ii = NI_stream_writecheck(ns,66) ; /* check if stream is still OK */
02691      if( ii < 0 ) return ii ;           /* if not, vamoose the ranch  */
02692    }
02694    switch( ns->type ){
02696 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02697      case NI_SHM_TYPE:
02698        return SHM_sendall( ns->shmioc , buffer , nbytes ) ;
02699 #endif
02701      /** tcp: ==> just use send **/
02703      case NI_TCP_TYPE:
02705        if( ns->bad ) return 0 ;  /* socket not ready yet */
02707        /* turn off SIGPIPE signals, which will otherwise be
02708           raised if we send to a socket when the other end has crashed */
02710        if( !nosigpipe ){ signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); nosigpipe = 1; }
02712 #if 0
02713        /* 03 Mar 2002: wait until we can write fer shur */
02714        do{ ii=tcp_writecheck(ns->sd,1) ; } while(ii==0) ;
02715        if( ii < 0 ) return -1 ;
02716 #endif
02718        errno = 0 ;
02719        nsent = tcp_send( ns->sd , buffer , nbytes , 0 ) ;
02720        if( nsent < nbytes || errno != 0 ) PERROR("NI_stream_write(send)") ;
02721        if( nsent == 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"tcp send: 0/%d\n",nbytes); nsent=-1; }
02722        return nsent ;
02724      /** file: ==> just fwrite **/
02726      case NI_FD_TYPE:
02727      case NI_FILE_TYPE:
02728 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02729 NI_dpr("  file: about to write %d bytes\n",nbytes) ;
02730 #endif
02731        nsent = fwrite( buffer , 1 , nbytes , ns->fp ) ;
02732        if( nsent < nbytes ) PERROR("NI_stream_write(fwrite)") ;
02733 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02734 NI_dpr("  file: actually wrote %d bytes\n",nsent) ;
02735 #endif
02736        if( nsent == 0 ) nsent = -1 ;
02737        fflush(ns->fp) ;
02738        return nsent ;
02740      /** str: ==> append to buffer in stream struct **/
02742      case NI_STRING_TYPE:
02743 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02744 NI_dpr("NI_stream_write str: input=%s\n",ns->buf) ;
02745 #endif
02746         ns->buf = NI_realloc( ns->buf , char , ns->bufsize+nbytes ) ;
02747         memcpy( ns->buf+ns->nbuf , buffer , nbytes ) ;
02748         ns->nbuf    += nbytes ; ns->buf[ns->nbuf] = '\0' ;
02749         ns->bufsize += nbytes ;
02750 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
02751 NI_dpr("NI_stream_write str: output=%s\n",ns->buf) ;
02752 #endif
02753         return nbytes ;
02755      /** ftp: or http: ==> can't write! */
02757      case NI_REMOTE_TYPE:
02758         return -1 ;
02759    }
02761    return -1 ;  /* should not be reached */
02762 }

int NI_stream_writeable NI_stream_type   ns

Return 1 if it is legal to write to this stream, 0 if it isn't. This doesn't say anything about if it is practical to write at this moment; for that, use NI_stream_writecheck(). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2139 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::io_mode, MARKED_FOR_DEATH, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), and NI_write_procins().

02140 {
02141    if( ns == NULL || ns->bad == MARKED_FOR_DEATH ) return 0 ;
02142    if( ns->type == NI_TCP_TYPE || ns->type == NI_SHM_TYPE ) return 1 ;
02143    return (ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE) ;
02144 }

int NI_stream_writecheck NI_stream_type   ns,
int    msec

Check if the NI_stream is ready to have data written into it.

If not, the routine will wait up to msec milliseconds for writing to be allowable. If msec < 0, this routine will wait nearly forever. The return value is 1 if data can be sent, 0 if not; -1 will be returned if some unrecoverable error is detected:

  • tcp: the socket closed down at the other end
  • file: this should never happen, unless you try to write to a readonly NI_stream -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2590 of file niml_stream.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, NI_stream_type::fp, NI_stream_type::io_mode, NI_FD_TYPE, NI_FILE_TYPE, NI_OUTPUT_MODE, NI_REMOTE_TYPE, NI_SHM_TYPE, NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_writeable(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TCP_TYPE, NI_stream_type::sd, SHM_writecheck(), NI_stream_type::shmioc, tcp_writecheck(), and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by AFNI_serverlog(), DWI_Open_NIML_stream(), main(), NI_stream_close_keep(), NI_stream_write(), NI_write_columns(), NI_write_element(), NI_write_procins(), open_URL_hpf(), and SUMA_niml_call().

02591 {
02592    int ii ;
02594    if( !NI_stream_writeable(ns) ) return -1 ;
02596    switch( ns->type ){
02598 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
02599       case NI_SHM_TYPE:
02600         ii = SHM_writecheck( ns->shmioc , msec ) ;
02601         if( ii > 0 ) ii = 1 ;
02602         return ii ;
02603 #endif
02605       /** tcp: ==> uses the Unix "select" mechanism **/
02607       case NI_TCP_TYPE:
02608         if( ns->bad ){                         /* not marked as good */
02609           ii = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,0) ;     /* check if has become good */
02610           if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;           /* some error when checking */
02611           if( ii == 0  ){                      /* not good yet, */
02612             ii = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,msec); /* so wait for it to get good */
02613             if( ii != 1 ) return ii ;          /* if still not good, exit */
02614           }
02615         }
02616                                                /* socket is good, so */
02617         return tcp_writecheck(ns->sd,msec) ;   /* check if we can write bytes */
02619       /** fd: ==> use select, as in tcp: **/
02621       case NI_FD_TYPE:
02622         return tcp_writecheck( fileno(ns->fp) , msec ) ;
02624       /** file: ==> if the file was opened in write mode **/
02626       case NI_FILE_TYPE:
02627         return ( (ns->fp != NULL && ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE) ? 1
02628                                                                    : -1 ) ;
02630       /** str: ==> if the string was opened in write mode **/
02632       case NI_STRING_TYPE:
02633         return ( (ns->io_mode == NI_OUTPUT_MODE) ? 1
02634                                                  : -1 ) ;
02635       /** http: or ftp: **/
02637       case NI_REMOTE_TYPE:   /* can't write to remote files */
02638         return -1 ;
02639    }
02641    return -1 ;  /* should never be reached */
02642 }

int NI_stream_writestring NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    str

Send a string (without the NUL byte) down the NI_stream. [15 Oct 2002] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 2648 of file niml_stream.c.

02649 {
02650    if( str == NULL ) return -1 ;
02651    return NI_stream_write( ns , str , strlen(str) ) ;
02652 }

int NI_strlen char *    str

Like strlen, but better (input=NULL ==> output=0). --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 131 of file niml_util.c.

Referenced by decode_dimen_string(), decode_type_string(), NI_decode_string_list(), NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_strdup(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_setbuf(), NI_write_element(), quotize_string(), quotize_string_vector(), SUMA_NI_decode_string_list(), SUMA_NI_get_ith_string(), and unescape_inplace().

00132 {
00133    if( str == NULL ) return 0 ;
00134    return strlen(str) ;
00135 }

char* NI_strncpy char *    dest,
const char *    src,
size_t    n

Like strncpy, but better (result always ends in NUL char).

If dest is NULL, does nothing. If src is NULL, put a NUL char in dest[0]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 119 of file niml_util.c.

Referenced by NI_convert_elm_to_obj(), NI_register_objconverters(), NI_registry_add(), NI_registry_malloc(), NI_rowtype_define(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_stream_reopen(), NI_suck_stream(), niml_to_symvec(), parse_header_stuff(), setup_tmpdir(), SUMA_FakeIt(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), and THD_open_3D().

00120 {
00121    if( dest == NULL || n == 0 ) return NULL ;
00122    if( src  == NULL || n == 1 ){ dest[0] = '\0' ; return dest ; }
00123    strncpy( dest , src , n-1 ) ;
00124    dest[n-1] = '\0' ; return dest ;
00125 }

void NI_suck_stream char *    sname,
int    msec,
int *    ndc,
NI_objcontainer ***    dc

Open a stream, read all NIML stuff possible from it, close it.

  • Returns an array of (*ndc) object containers in (*dc).
  • Max time delay allowed at any I/O step is msec.
  • If (*ndc)==0 on return, then nothing good happened. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 34 of file niml_sucker.c.

References calloc, free, IDCODE_LEN, NI_element::name, NI_group::name, NI_add_trusted_host(), NI_clock_time(), NI_convert_elm_to_obj(), NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_read_element(), NI_self_idcode(), NI_stream_closenow(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), NI_strncpy(), realloc, NI_objcontainer::self_data, NI_objcontainer::self_idcode, and NI_objcontainer::self_name.

00035 {
00036    NI_stream ns ;
00037    int nn , start_msec=NI_clock_time() ;
00038    NI_objcontainer *mdc ;
00039    void *nini ;
00040    char *rhs ;
00042    /*-- startup and sanity checks --*/
00044    if( ndc == NULL ) return ;  /* clueless caller */
00045    *ndc = 0 ;                  /* number of objects found thus far */
00046    if( dc == NULL ) return ;   /* stupid caller */
00047    *dc = NULL ;                /* array of objects found thus far */
00049    ns = NI_stream_open( sname , "r" ) ;
00050    if( ns == NULL ) return ;                /* not so good */
00052    NI_add_trusted_host(NULL) ;
00053         if( msec == 0 ) msec = 1 ;                /* short waits */
00054    else if( msec <  0 ) msec = 999999999 ;        /* long waits */
00056    /*-- wait for connection to be good --*/
00058    nn = NI_stream_goodcheck( ns , msec ) ;
00059    if( nn <= 0 ){ NI_stream_closenow(ns); return; }
00061    /*-- loopback point to get a new NI element (group or data) --*/
00063  GetElement:
00064    nini = NI_read_element( ns , msec ) ;
00065    if( nini == NULL ){ NI_stream_closenow(ns); return; } /*** the way out ***/
00067    nn  = NI_element_type(nini) ;
00068    rhs = NI_self_idcode (nini) ;
00069    mdc = (NI_objcontainer *)calloc(1,sizeof(NI_objcontainer)) ;
00071    mdc->self_data = nini ;
00072    NI_strncpy( mdc->self_idcode , rhs , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00074    if( nn == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00075      NI_element *nel = (NI_element *)nini ;
00077      NI_strncpy( mdc->typename  , "NI_ELEMENT" , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00078      NI_strncpy( mdc->self_name , nel->name    , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00080    } else if( nn == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00081      NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *)nini ;
00083      NI_strncpy( mdc->typename  , "NI_GROUP" , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00084      NI_strncpy( mdc->self_name , ngr->name  , IDCODE_LEN ) ;
00086    } else {  /** should never happen */
00088      fprintf(stderr,"\n** ERROR: non-NIML data on stream '%s' !!\n",sname) ;
00089      free((void *)mdc) ;
00090      goto GetElement ;
00092    }
00094    /*-- add new element to output list --*/
00096    NI_convert_elm_to_obj( mdc ) ; /* convert to struct in-place, if possible */
00098    (*ndc)++ ;
00099    (*dc) = (NI_objcontainer **)realloc( (void *)(*dc) ,
00100                                          sizeof(NI_objcontainer *) * (*ndc) ) ;
00101    (*dc)[(*ndc)-1] = mdc ;
00103    goto GetElement ;
00104 }

void NI_swap2 int    n,
void *    ar

Swap arrays of 2 bytes (shorts). -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 33 of file niml_byteorder.c.

References twobytes::a, twobytes::b, and tt.

Referenced by NI_swap_column().

00034 {
00035    register int ii ;
00036    register twobytes *tb = (twobytes *) ar ;
00037    register unsigned char tt ;
00039    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
00040       tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tt ;
00041    }
00042    return ;
00043 }

void NI_swap4 int    n,
void *    ar

Swap arrays of 4 bytes (ints or floats). -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 54 of file niml_byteorder.c.

References fourbytes::a, fourbytes::b, fourbytes::c, fourbytes::d, and tt.

Referenced by NI_base64_to_val(), NI_binary_to_val(), and NI_swap_column().

00055 {
00056    register int ii ;
00057    register fourbytes *tb = (fourbytes *) ar ;
00058    register unsigned char tt , uu ;
00060    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
00061       tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].d ; tb[ii].d = tt ;
00062       uu = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tb[ii].c ; tb[ii].c = uu ;
00063    }
00064    return ;
00065 }

void NI_swap8 int    n,
void *    ar

Swap arrays of 8 bytes (doubles or 64 bit ints). -----------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 76 of file niml_byteorder.c.

References eightbytes::a, eightbytes::b, eightbytes::c, eightbytes::d, eightbytes::e, eightbytes::f, eightbytes::g, eightbytes::h, and tt.

Referenced by NI_swap_column().

00077 {
00078    register int ii ;
00079    register eightbytes *tb = (eightbytes *) ar ;
00080    register unsigned char tt , uu , vv , ww ;
00082    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
00083       tt = tb[ii].a ; tb[ii].a = tb[ii].h ; tb[ii].h = tt ;
00084       uu = tb[ii].b ; tb[ii].b = tb[ii].g ; tb[ii].g = uu ;
00085       vv = tb[ii].c ; tb[ii].c = tb[ii].f ; tb[ii].f = vv ;
00086       ww = tb[ii].d ; tb[ii].d = tb[ii].e ; tb[ii].e = ww ;
00087    }
00088    return ;
00089 }

void NI_swap_column NI_rowtype   rt,
int    nrow,
char *    dat

Swap bytes in a bunch of rowtype structs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1942 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, NI_BYTE, NI_COMPLEX, NI_DOUBLE, NI_FLOAT, NI_INT, NI_RGB, NI_RGBA, NI_SHORT, NI_STRING, NI_swap2(), NI_swap4(), NI_swap8(), NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_read_columns().

01943 {
01944    if( rt == NULL || nrow <= 0 || dat == NULL ) return ;  /* stupid inputs */
01946    switch( rt->code ){
01948      case NI_RGB:
01949      case NI_RGBA:
01950      case NI_STRING:
01951      case NI_BYTE:    return ;   /* nothing to do */
01953      /*-- basic types --*/
01955      case NI_SHORT:
01956        NI_swap2( nrow , dat ) ;
01957      return ;
01959      case NI_INT:
01960      case NI_FLOAT:
01961        NI_swap4( nrow , dat ) ;
01962      return ;
01964      case NI_DOUBLE:
01965        NI_swap8( nrow , dat ) ;
01966      return ;
01968      case NI_COMPLEX:
01969        NI_swap4( 2*nrow , dat ) ;
01970      return ;
01972      /* a derived type (use recursion) */
01974      default:{
01975        int ii , row , fsiz = rt->size ;
01976        char *ptr ;
01978        for( row=0 ; row < nrow ; row++ ){
01979          ptr = dat + fsiz*row ;     /* ptr to row-th element */
01981          /* loop over parts and swap them, 1 at a time */
01983          for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
01985            if( rt->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){                     /* fixed dim part */
01987              NI_swap_column( rt->part_rtp[ii] , 1 , ptr+rt->part_off[ii] ) ;
01989            } else {                                         /* var dim array */
01991              char **apt = (char **)(ptr+rt->part_off[ii]); /* data in struct */
01992                                                           /* is ptr to array */
01993              int dim = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,dat,ii) ;  /* dimension of part */
01994              NI_swap_column( rt->part_rtp[ii] , dim , *apt ) ;
01996            }
01997          } /* end of loop over parts */
01998        } /* end of loop over rows */
01999      }
02000      return ;
02001    }
02002 }

void NI_swap_vector int   ,
int   ,
void *   

int NI_text_to_val NI_stream_type   ns,
NI_rowtype   rt,
void *    dpt,
int    ltend

Decode text from the NI_stream into a rowtype struct.

  • Parameter ltend != 0 means stop at '<' character.
  • Return value is 1 if it works, 0 if it fails.
  • If it works, *dpt will be filled with values.
  • Note that dpt must be pre-allocated rt->size bytes long. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1767 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References rgba::a, rgb::b, rgba::b, NI_rowtype::code, rgb::g, rgba::g, complex::i, NI_BYTE, NI_COMPLEX, NI_decode_one_double(), NI_decode_one_string(), NI_DOUBLE, NI_FLOAT, NI_free, NI_INT, NI_malloc, NI_RGB, NI_RGBA, NI_SHORT, NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, complex::r, rgb::r, rgba::r, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, unescape_inplace(), and v1.

Referenced by NI_read_columns().

01768 {
01769    int nn ;
01771    switch( rt->code ){
01773      /*-- a derived type: fill the parts by recursion --*/
01775      default:{
01776        char *dat = (char *)dpt , **aaa = NULL ;
01777        int ii , jj ,              naaa = 0 , iaaa = 0 ;
01779        if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){         /* variable dim arrays inside */
01780          for( naaa=ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ )
01781            if( rt->part_dim[ii] >= 0 ) naaa++ ;    /* count var dim arrays */
01782          if( naaa > 0 )
01783            aaa = NI_malloc(char*, sizeof(char *)*naaa) ;  /* save their addresses */
01784        }                                    /* for possible deletion later */
01786        /* loop over parts and load them */
01788        for( nn=1,ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
01790          if( rt->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){                 /* one fixed dim part */
01792            nn = NI_text_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii],
01793                                 dat+rt->part_off[ii], ltend );
01795          } else {                                         /* var dim array */
01797            char **apt = (char **)(dat+rt->part_off[ii]); /* data in struct */
01798                                                    /* will be ptr to array */
01799            int dim = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,dat,ii) ;  /* dimension of part */
01800            int siz = rt->part_rtp[ii]->size ;   /* size of one part struct */
01801            if( dim > 0 ){
01802              *apt = NI_malloc(char, siz * dim );                  /* make array */
01803              for( jj=0 ; jj < dim ; jj++ ){        /* get values for array */
01804                nn = NI_text_to_val( ns, rt->part_rtp[ii],
01805                                     *apt + siz * jj , ltend ) ;
01806                if( !nn ) break ;
01807              }
01808            } else {
01809              *apt = NULL ;                    /* dim=0 ==> no array needed */
01810            }
01811            aaa[iaaa++] = *apt ;              /* save for possible deletion */
01813          }
01815          if( !nn ) break ;                            /* some read was bad */
01816        } /* end of loop over parts */
01818        /* bad news ==> delete any allocated var dim arrays */
01820        if( !nn ){
01821          for( ii=0 ; ii < iaaa ; ii++ ) NI_free( aaa[ii] ) ;
01822          NI_free( aaa ) ;
01823          return 0 ;
01824        }
01825        NI_free( aaa ) ;  /* in any case, dump this */
01826      }
01827      break ;
01829      /*-- the 9 builtin types below here; first up: String! --*/
01831      case NI_STRING:{
01832         char *val=NULL ;
01833         char **vpt = (char **) dpt ;
01834         nn = NI_decode_one_string( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01835         if( !nn || val == NULL ) return 0 ;
01836         unescape_inplace(val) ;
01837         *vpt = val ;
01838      }
01839      break ;
01841      /*-- numeric types below here --*/
01843      case NI_BYTE:{
01844         double val ;
01845         byte *vpt = (byte *) dpt ;
01846         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01847         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01848         *vpt = (byte) val ;
01849      }
01850      break ;
01852      case NI_SHORT:{
01853         double val ;
01854         short *vpt = (short *) dpt ;
01855         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01856         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01857         *vpt = (short) val ;
01858      }
01859      break ;
01861      case NI_INT:{
01862         double val ;
01863         int *vpt = (int *) dpt ;
01864         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01865         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01866         *vpt = (int) val ;
01867      }
01868      break ;
01870      case NI_FLOAT:{
01871         double val ;
01872         float *vpt = (float *) dpt ;
01873         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01874         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01875         *vpt = (float) val ;
01876      }
01877      break ;
01879      case NI_DOUBLE:{
01880         double val ;
01881         double *vpt = (double *) dpt ;
01882         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &val , ltend ) ;
01883         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01884         *vpt = (double) val ;
01885      }
01886      break ;
01888      case NI_COMPLEX:{
01889         double v1,v2 ;
01890         complex *vpt = (complex *) dpt ;
01891         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v1 , ltend ) ;
01892         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01893         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v2 , ltend ) ;
01894         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01895         vpt->r = (float) v1 ;
01896         vpt->i = (float) v2 ;
01897      }
01898      break ;
01900      case NI_RGB:{
01901         double v1,v2,v3 ;
01902         rgb *vpt = (rgb *) dpt ;
01903         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v1 , ltend ) ;
01904         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01905         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v2 , ltend ) ;
01906         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01907         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v3 , ltend ) ;
01908         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01909         vpt->r = (byte) v1 ;
01910         vpt->g = (byte) v2 ;
01911         vpt->b = (byte) v3 ;
01912      }
01913      break ;
01915      case NI_RGBA:{
01916         double v1,v2,v3,v4 ;
01917         rgba *vpt = (rgba *) dpt ;
01918         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v1 , ltend ) ;
01919         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01920         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v2 , ltend ) ;
01921         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01922         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v3 , ltend ) ;
01923         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01924         nn = NI_decode_one_double( ns , &v4 , ltend ) ;
01925         if( !nn ) return 0 ;
01926         vpt->r = (byte) v1 ;
01927         vpt->g = (byte) v2 ;
01928         vpt->b = (byte) v3 ;
01929         vpt->a = (byte) v4 ;
01930      }
01931      break ;
01933    } /* end of switch on type */
01935    return 1 ;  /* good */
01936 }

int NI_trust_host char *    hostid

Return 1 if we like hostid, 0 if we don't. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 686 of file niml_stream.c.

References getenv(), host_list, host_num, hostname_dotted(), init_trusted_list(), NI_free, and NI_hostname_to_inet().

Referenced by tcp_accept().

00687 {
00688    int ii ;
00689    char *hh = hostid ;
00691    /* if the trusted list is empty,
00692       see if we want to be completely trusting;
00693       if not, then initialize the trusted list and then check */
00695    if( host_num == 0 ){
00696       char *eee = getenv("NIML_COMPLETE_TRUST") ;
00697       if( eee != NULL && toupper(*eee) == 'Y' ) return 1 ; /* complete trust */
00698       init_trusted_list() ;
00699    }
00701    if( hostid == NULL || hostid[0] == '\0' ) return 0 ;
00703    if( !hostname_dotted(hostid) ){
00704       hh = NI_hostname_to_inet(hostid) ;  /* will be NI_malloc()-ed */
00705       if( hh == NULL ) return 0 ;
00706    }
00708    /* to be trusted, hostid must start with same
00709       string as something in the trusted host_list array */
00711    for( ii=0 ; ii < host_num ; ii++ ){
00712       if( strstr(hh,host_list[ii]) == hh ){
00713         if( hh != hostid ) NI_free(hh) ;
00714         return 1 ;
00715       }
00716    }
00718    if( hh != hostid ) NI_free(hh) ;
00719    return 0 ;
00720 }

char* NI_type_name int    code

Return the type name given the integer code.

Definition at line 886 of file niml_elemio.c.

References name_mode, NI_NAMEMODE_ALIAS, NI_rowtype_code_to_alias(), and NI_rowtype_code_to_name().

Referenced by NI_write_element().

00887 {
00888    return (name_mode == NI_NAMEMODE_ALIAS) ? NI_rowtype_code_to_alias(code)
00889                                            : NI_rowtype_code_to_name (code) ;
00890 }

int NI_type_size int    tval

Byte size of a given integer type code. Modified 13 Feb 2003 to use the new rowtype stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 237 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_rowtype_code_to_size().

Referenced by make_empty_data_element().

00238 {
00239    int ii = NI_rowtype_code_to_size( tval ) ;
00240    return (ii > 0) ? ii : 0 ;
00241 }

void NI_unregister_struct void *    ndd

Remove a struct from the table.

Definition at line 50 of file niml_struct.c.

References removefrom_Htable().

00051 {
00052    NI_struct *nd = (NI_struct *)ndd ;
00053    if( nd == NULL || nd->idcode == NULL ) return ;
00054    removefrom_Htable( nd->idcode , ni_struct_table ) ;
00055    return ;
00056 }

int NI_val_to_binary NI_rowtype   rt,
char *    dpt,
char *    wbuf

Copy 1 fixed dim type (no String or var dim array parts here) value in binary format to the wbuf.

  • Return value is number of bytes written.
  • Note that only data bytes are written, not any padding between parts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 982 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_siz, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, and NI_rowtype::size.

Referenced by NI_multival_to_binary(), and NI_write_columns().

00983 {
00984    int jj=0 ;  /* will be return value */
00986    if( rt->size == rt->psiz ){        /* fixed dim, unpadded struct */
00988      jj = rt->size ;
00989      memcpy(wbuf,dpt,jj) ;
00991    } else if( !ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){  /* derived fixed dim type */
00992                                   /* ==> write each part separately */
00993      int ii ;
00994      for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ ){
00995        memcpy(wbuf+jj,dpt+rt->part_off[ii],rt->part_siz[ii]) ;
00996        jj += rt->part_siz[ii] ;
00997      }
00999    }
01001    return jj ;
01002 }

void NI_val_to_text NI_rowtype   rt,
char *    dpt,
char *    wbuf

Encode 1 type value at the end of the text string wbuf (which is assumed to be plenty long). typ must be a fixed dim type code, or NI_STRING. Structs with var dim arrays must be handled separately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 863 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References a, NI_rowtype::code, gbuf, i, NI_BYTE, NI_COMPLEX, NI_DOUBLE, NI_FLOAT, NI_free, NI_INT, NI_RGB, NI_RGBA, NI_SHORT, NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, quotize_string(), and r.

Referenced by NI_multival_to_text(), and NI_write_columns().

00864 {
00865    int jj = strlen(wbuf) ;
00867    switch( rt->code ){
00869      /*-- a derived type (will not contain var dim arrays) --*/
00871      default:{
00872        if( rt != NULL ){
00873          int ii ;
00874          for( ii=0 ; ii < rt->part_num ; ii++ )   /* recursion */
00875            NI_val_to_text( rt->part_rtp[ii] , dpt + rt->part_off[ii] , wbuf ) ;
00876        }
00877      }
00878      break ;
00880      /*-- integer types --*/
00882      case NI_BYTE:{
00883        byte *vpt = (byte *)dpt ;
00884        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %u",(unsigned int)vpt[0]) ;
00885      }
00886      break ;
00888      case NI_SHORT:{
00889        short *vpt = (short *)dpt ;
00890        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %d",(int)vpt[0]) ;
00891      }
00892      break ;
00894      case NI_INT:{
00895        int *vpt = (int *)dpt ;
00896        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %d",vpt[0]) ;
00897      }
00898      break ;
00900      /* multiple byte structs */
00902      case NI_RGB:{
00903        rgb *vpt = (rgb *)dpt ;
00904        sprintf(wbuf+jj,"  %u %u %u",vpt[0].r,vpt[0].g,vpt[0].b) ;
00905      }
00906      break ;
00908      case NI_RGBA:{
00909        rgba *vpt = (rgba *)dpt ;
00910        sprintf(wbuf+jj,"  %u %u %u %u",
00911                vpt[0].r,vpt[0].g,vpt[0].b,vpt[0].a) ;
00912      }
00913      break ;
00915      /* for floating point outputs,
00916         first print to a temp string, then clip trailing and leading blanks */
00918      case NI_FLOAT:{
00919        float *vpt = (float *)dpt ;
00920        char fbuf[32] ; int ff ;
00921        sprintf(fbuf,"%12.6g",vpt[0]) ;
00922        for( ff=strlen(fbuf) ; fbuf[ff]==' ' ; ff-- ) fbuf[ff] = '\0' ;
00923        for( ff=0 ; fbuf[ff] == ' ' ; ff++ ) ;
00924        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %s",fbuf+ff) ;
00925      }
00926      break ;
00928      case NI_DOUBLE:{
00929        double *vpt = (double *)dpt ;
00930        char fbuf[32] ; int ff ;
00931        sprintf(fbuf,"%18.12g",vpt[0]) ;
00932        for( ff=strlen(fbuf) ; fbuf[ff]==' ' ; ff-- ) fbuf[ff] = '\0' ;
00933        for( ff=0 ; fbuf[ff] == ' ' ; ff++ ) ;
00934        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %s",fbuf+ff) ;
00935      }
00936      break ;
00938      case NI_COMPLEX:{
00939        complex *vpt = (complex *)dpt ;
00940        char fbuf[32],gbuf[32] ; int ff,gg ;
00941        sprintf(fbuf,"%12.6g",vpt[0].r) ;
00942        for( ff=strlen(fbuf) ; fbuf[ff]==' ' ; ff-- ) fbuf[ff] = '\0' ;
00943        for( ff=0 ; fbuf[ff] == ' ' ; ff++ ) ;
00944        sprintf(gbuf,"%12.6g",vpt[0].i) ;
00945        for( gg=strlen(gbuf) ; gbuf[gg]==' ' ; gg-- ) gbuf[gg] = '\0' ;
00946        for( gg=0 ; gbuf[gg] == ' ' ; gg++ ) ;
00947        sprintf(wbuf+jj,"  %s %s",fbuf+ff,gbuf+gg) ;
00948      }
00949      break ;
00951      case NI_STRING:{                         /* 30 Dec 2002 */
00952        char **vpt = (char **)dpt , *str ;
00953        str = quotize_string( *vpt ) ;
00954        sprintf(wbuf+jj," %s",str) ;
00955        NI_free(str) ;
00956      }
00957      break ;
00959    } /* end of switch on part type */
00960 }

int NI_write_columns NI_stream_type   ns,
int    col_num,
int *    col_typ,
int    col_len,
void **    col_dpt,
int    tmode

Write "columns" of data to a NI_stream. Each column is an array of structs of some NI_rowtype (including the builtin types):

  • ns = stream to write to
  • col_num = number of columns to write (1,2,...)
  • col_typ[i] = type code for column i (i=0..col_num-1)
  • col_len = number of elements in each column
  • col_dpt[i] = pointer to data in column i
  • tmode is one of
    • NI_TEXT_MODE ==> ASCII output
      • text mode is required if any data component is a String
      • text mode is required to "str:" streams
    • NI_BINARY_MODE ==> binary output (endian-ness of this CPU)
    • NI_BASE64_MODE ==> binary/base64 output (ditto)
  • return value is number of bytes written to stream (-1 if something bad happened, 0 if can't write to stream yet)
Only the data is written to the stream - no header or footer. This function is adapted from the 1st edition of NI_write_element(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1089 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References a, B64_encode1, B64_encode2, B64_encode3, NI_stream_type::bad, c, cbuf, load_encode_table(), NI_BASE64_MODE, NI_BINARY_MODE, NI_clock_time(), NI_dpr(), NI_has_String(), NI_malloc, NI_multival_to_binary(), NI_multival_to_text(), NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype_vsize(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writeable(), NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_stream_writestring(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_TEXT_MODE, NI_val_to_binary(), NI_val_to_text(), NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::psiz, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, and NI_stream_type::type.

Referenced by NI_write_element(), and NI_write_rowtype().

01092 {
01093    int ii,jj , row , dim , ntot,nout , col ;
01094    char *ptr , **col_dat=(char **)col_dpt ;
01095    int  nwbuf,bb=0,cc=0;
01096    char *wbuf=NULL ; /* write buffer */
01097    char *bbuf=NULL ; /* copy of write buffer */
01098    char *cbuf=NULL ; /* Base64 buffer */
01100    NI_rowtype **rt=NULL ;  /* array of NI_rowtype, 1 per column */
01101    int *vsiz=NULL , vsiz_tot=0 ;
01102    int *fsiz=NULL , fsiz_tot=0 ;
01104 # undef  FREEUP
01105 # define FREEUP do{ NI_free(wbuf); NI_free(bbuf); NI_free(cbuf); \
01106                     NI_free(rt)  ; NI_free(vsiz); NI_free(fsiz); \
01107                 } while(0)
01109    /*-- check inputs --*/
01111    if( col_num <= 0    || col_len <= 0    ) return  0 ;
01112    if( col_typ == NULL || col_dat == NULL ) return -1 ;
01113    if( !NI_stream_writeable(ns)           ) return -1 ;
01115 #if 0
01116 fprintf(stderr,"NI_write_columns: col_num=%d col_len=%d tmode=%d\n",col_num,col_len,tmode) ;
01117 #endif
01119    /*-- check stream --*/
01121    if( ns->bad ){                        /* not connected yet? */
01122      jj = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,666) ;  /* try to connect it */
01123      if( jj < 1 ) return jj ;            /* 0 is nothing yet, -1 is death */
01124    }
01125 #if 1
01126    jj = NI_stream_writecheck(ns,666) ;
01127    if( jj < 0 ) return jj ;              /* only exit if stream is actually bad */
01128 #endif
01130    if( ns->type == NI_STRING_TYPE )  /* output to string buffer ==> text mode */
01131      tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ;
01133    /* create array of NI_rowtype for columns, etc. */
01135    rt   = NI_malloc(NI_rowtype*, sizeof(NI_rowtype *) * col_num ) ;
01136    vsiz = NI_malloc(int,  sizeof(int)          * col_num ) ;
01137    fsiz = NI_malloc(int,  sizeof(int)          * col_num ) ;
01138    for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01140      /* convert column type code to rowtype pointer */
01142      rt[col] = NI_rowtype_find_code( col_typ[col] ) ;
01144      /* can't find type, or no data in column?  take this job and shove it */
01146      if( rt[col] == NULL || col_dat[col] == NULL ){ FREEUP; return -1; }
01148      vsiz[col] = ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt[col]) ;         /* variable dim type? */
01149      fsiz[col] = rt[col]->size ;         /* fixed size of struct (w/padding) */
01150      vsiz_tot += vsiz[col] ;
01151      fsiz_tot += fsiz[col] ;
01153      /* can only write String parts in text mode */
01155      if( tmode != NI_TEXT_MODE && NI_has_String(rt[col]) ) tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE;
01156    }
01158    /*-- Special (and fast) case:
01159         one compact (no padding) fixed-size rowtype,
01160         and binary output ==> can write all data direct to stream at once --*/
01162    if( col_num == 1 && tmode == NI_BINARY_MODE && fsiz[0] == rt[0]->psiz ){
01163 #if 0
01164 int ct = NI_clock_time() ;
01165 #endif
01166      nout = NI_stream_write( ns , col_dat[0] , fsiz[0]*col_len ) ;
01167 #if 0
01168 ct = NI_clock_time()-ct ;
01169 fprintf(stderr,"NI_write_columns FAST case: %d bytes in %d ms\n",fsiz[0]*col_len,ct) ;
01170 #endif
01171      FREEUP ; return nout ;
01172    }
01174    /*-- allocate space for the write buffer (1 row at a time) --*/
01176    switch( tmode ){
01177      default:             tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ; /* fall through */
01178      case NI_TEXT_MODE:   nwbuf = 6*fsiz_tot ; break ;
01180      case NI_BASE64_MODE:
01181      case NI_BINARY_MODE: nwbuf =   fsiz_tot ; break ;
01182    }
01183    wbuf = NI_malloc(char, nwbuf+128) ;  /* 128 for the hell of it */
01185    /* create buffers for Base64 output, if needed */
01187    if( tmode == NI_BASE64_MODE ){
01188      bbuf = NI_malloc(char,   nwbuf+128) ; bb = 0 ;  /* binary buffer */
01189      cbuf = NI_malloc(char, 2*nwbuf+128) ; cc = 0 ;  /* base64 buffer */
01190      load_encode_table() ;
01191    }
01193    /* this macro take the 'nout' number of output bytes
01194       and adds into the running total ntot if all was well;
01195       if all was not well with the write, then it aborts the output */
01197 # undef  ADDOUT
01198 # define ADDOUT                              \
01199   if( nout < 0 ){                            \
01200     fprintf(stderr,"NIML:: write abort!\n"); \
01201     FREEUP ; return -1 ;                     \
01202   } else ntot+=nout
01204    /*-- loop over output rows,
01205         format for output into wbuf, and then send to output stream --*/
01207    ntot = 0 ;  /* total number of bytes output to stream */
01209    for( row=0 ; row < col_len ; row++ ){
01211      /* expand write buffer if any type contains variable dim array(s) */
01213      if( vsiz_tot ){
01214        for( jj=col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01215         ptr = col_dat[col] + fsiz[col]*row ;     /* ptr to row-th element */
01216         jj += NI_rowtype_vsize( rt[col] , ptr ); /* size of data, w/var arrays */
01217        }
01218        if( tmode == NI_TEXT_MODE ) jj *= 6 ;
01219        if( jj > nwbuf ){                     /* did it get bigger? */
01220          nwbuf = jj ;
01221          wbuf  = NI_realloc(wbuf, char,nwbuf+128) ;
01222          if( tmode == NI_BASE64_MODE ){          /* expand Base64 stuff, too */
01223            bbuf = NI_realloc(bbuf, char,  nwbuf+128) ;
01224            cbuf = NI_realloc(cbuf, char,2*nwbuf+128) ;
01225          }
01226        }
01227      }
01229      /* initialize write buffer for this row */
01231      switch( tmode ){
01232        case NI_TEXT_MODE:    wbuf[0] = '\0'; break; /* clear buffer */
01233        case NI_BASE64_MODE:
01234        case NI_BINARY_MODE:  jj = 0 ;        break; /* clear byte count */
01235      }
01237      /* loop over columns, write each into the buffer */
01239      for( col=0 ; col < col_num ; col++ ){
01240       ptr = col_dat[col] + fsiz[col]*row ; /* ptr to row-th struct */
01241                                            /* in this columns      */
01243       /* write each part of this struct into the buffer */
01245       /* in text mode, strlen(wbuf) keeps track of number of bytes;
01246          in binary mode, jj keeps track of number of bytes written */
01248       for( ii=0 ; ii < rt[col]->part_num ; ii++ ){ /*-- loop over parts --*/
01250        if( rt[col]->part_dim[ii] < 0 ){             /*-- a single value --*/
01251          switch( tmode ){           /*-- output method (text or binary) --*/
01253            case NI_TEXT_MODE:              /*-- sprintf value to output --*/
01254              NI_val_to_text( rt[col]->part_rtp[ii],
01255                              ptr+rt[col]->part_off[ii], wbuf ) ;
01256            break ;
01258            case NI_BASE64_MODE:            /*-- memcpy values to output --*/
01259            case NI_BINARY_MODE:
01260              jj += NI_val_to_binary( rt[col]->part_rtp[ii],
01261                                      ptr+rt[col]->part_off[ii], wbuf+jj ) ;
01262            break ;
01263          }
01265        } else {                           /*-- variable dimension array --*/
01267          char **apt = (char **)(ptr+rt[col]->part_off[ii]); /* data in struct */
01268                                                            /* is ptr to array */
01270          dim = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt[col],ptr,ii) ;      /* dimension of part */
01271          if( dim > 0 && *apt != NULL ){
01272            switch( tmode ){
01273              case NI_TEXT_MODE:
01274                NI_multival_to_text( rt[col]->part_rtp[ii] , dim ,
01275                                     *apt , wbuf ) ;
01276              break ;
01277              case NI_BASE64_MODE:
01278              case NI_BINARY_MODE:
01279                jj += NI_multival_to_binary( rt[col]->part_rtp[ii] , dim ,
01280                                             *apt , wbuf+jj ) ;
01281              break ;
01282            }
01283          }
01284        }
01286       } /* end of loop over parts in this column struct */
01287      } /* end of loop over columns */
01289      /*- actually write the row data in wbuf out -*/
01291      switch( tmode ){
01293        case NI_TEXT_MODE:     /* each row is on a separate line */
01294          strcat(wbuf,"\n") ;
01295          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , wbuf ) ;
01296          ADDOUT ;
01297        break ;
01299        case NI_BINARY_MODE:   /* jj bytes of binary in wbuf */
01300          nout = NI_stream_write( ns , wbuf , jj ) ;
01301 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01302 if( nout != jj ) NI_dpr("NI_write_columns: col#%d sends %d bytes; nout=%d\n",col,jj,nout) ;
01303 #endif
01304          ADDOUT ;
01305        break ;
01307        case NI_BASE64_MODE:{  /* convert binary triples into base64 quads */
01308          int nb , nb3 , nb64 , pp,qq ;
01309          byte a,b,c,w,x,y,z ;
01311          /* bbuf = bb bytes of unprocessed data from last struct
01312                    plus jj bytes of data from new struct
01313                    (bb will be 0 or 1 or 2)                     */
01315          memcpy(bbuf+bb,wbuf,jj) ;       /* add wbuf to tail of bbuf */
01316          nb = jj+bb ;                    /* number of bytes in bb */
01317          if( nb < 3 ){ bb = nb; break; } /* need at least 3 bytes */
01318          nb3 = 3*(nb/3) ;                /* will encode nb3 bytes */
01320          /* cbuf = base64 output buffer */
01321          /* cc   = # bytes written since last EOL */
01323          for( qq=pp=0 ; pp < nb3 ; ){
01324            a = bbuf[pp++] ; b = bbuf[pp++] ; c = bbuf[pp++] ;
01325            B64_encode3(a,b,c,w,x,y,z) ;
01326            cbuf[qq++] = w ; cbuf[qq++] = x ;
01327            cbuf[qq++] = y ; cbuf[qq++] = z ;
01328            cc += 4; if( cc > 64 ){ cbuf[qq++]=B64_EOL2; cc=0; }
01329          }
01331          /* write base64 bytes to output */
01333          nout = NI_stream_write( ns , cbuf , qq ) ;
01334          ADDOUT ;
01336          /* deal with leftover bytes in bbuf */
01338          bb = nb - nb3 ;  /* num leftover bytes = 0, 1, or 2 */
01339          if( bb > 0 ){
01340            bbuf[0] = bbuf[nb3] ;                /* copy leftovers   */
01341            if( bb > 1 ) bbuf[1] = bbuf[nb3+1] ; /* to front of bbuf */
01342          }
01343        }
01344        break ;
01345      }
01347    } /* end of loop over output structs (row) */
01349    /* in Base64 mode, we might have to clean
01350       up if there are any leftover bytes in bbuf,
01351       or at least write an end of line           */
01353    if( tmode == NI_BASE64_MODE ){
01354      if( bb > 0 ){                  /* num leftover bytes of data */
01355        byte w,x,y,z , a=bbuf[0],b=bbuf[1] ;
01356        if( bb == 2 ) B64_encode2(a,b,w,x,y,z) ;
01357        else          B64_encode1(a,w,x,y,z) ;
01358        cbuf[0] = w ; cbuf[1] = x ;
01359        cbuf[2] = y ; cbuf[3] = z ; cbuf[4] = B64_EOL2 ;
01360        nout = NI_stream_write( ns , cbuf , 5 ) ;
01361        ADDOUT ;
01362      } else if( cc > 0 ){           /* just write an end of line */
01363        cbuf[0] = B64_EOL2 ;
01364        nout = NI_stream_write( ns , cbuf , 1 ) ;
01365        ADDOUT ;
01366      }
01367    }
01369    /*-- cleanup and return --*/
01371    FREEUP ;
01372    return ntot ;
01373 }

int NI_write_element NI_stream_type   ns,
void *    nini,
int    tmode

Write an element (data or group) to a stream. Return value is number of bytes written to the stream. If return is -1, something bad happened. You should then check the stream with NI_stream_goodcheck(), for example.

If the stream is temporarily unable to write (e.g., the socket buffer is full), then this function will wait until it is ready. If you don't want that behavior, you should use NI_stream_writecheck() before calling this function. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 904 of file niml_elemio.c.

References att_len, NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_element::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_stream_type::bad, cbuf, NI_procins::name, NI_group::name, NI_element::name, NI_BASE64_MODE, NI_BINARY_MODE, NI_byteorder(), NI_dpr(), NI_element_type(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_has_String(), NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG, NI_HEADERSHARP_FLAG, NI_is_name(), NI_LSB_FIRST, NI_malloc, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_size_column(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_write(), NI_stream_writeable(), NI_stream_writecheck(), NI_stream_writestring(), NI_STRING_TYPE, NI_strlen(), NI_TEXT_MODE, NI_type_name(), NI_write_columns(), NI_group::outmode, NI_element::outmode, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, quotize_float_vector(), quotize_int_vector(), quotize_string(), quotize_string_vector(), tt, NI_stream_type::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, NI_element::vec_rank, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_DsetInfo(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_nel_stdout(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_ShowNel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_write_nimlatr(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), and XSAVE_output().

00905 {
00906    char *wbuf , *att=NULL , *qtt , *btt ;
00907    int  nwbuf , ii,jj,row,col , tt=NI_element_type(nini) , ntot=0,nout ;
00908    int  att_len , kk ;
00910    char *bbuf , *cbuf ;  /* base64 stuff */
00911    int   bb=0 ,  cc=0 ;
00913    char *att_prefix , *att_equals , *att_trail ;
00914    int header_only , header_sharp , outmode ;
00916    /*--- 09 Mar 2005: outmode overrided tmode, if present ---*/
00918    switch( tt ){
00919      default: return -1 ;    /* bad input! */
00921      case NI_GROUP_TYPE:{
00922        NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
00923        outmode = ngr->outmode ;
00924      }
00925      break ;
00927      case NI_ELEMENT_TYPE:{
00928        NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00929        outmode = nel->outmode ;
00930      }
00931      break ;
00933      case NI_PROCINS_TYPE:{       /* 16 Mar 2005 */
00934        outmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ;
00935      }
00936      break ;
00937    }
00938    if( outmode >= 0 ) tmode = outmode ;
00940    /*--- determine special cases from the flags above bit #7 ---*/
00942    header_only  = ((tmode & NI_HEADERONLY_FLAG ) != 0) ;  /* 20 Feb 2003 */
00943    header_sharp = ((tmode & NI_HEADERSHARP_FLAG) != 0) ;  /* 20 Mar 2003 */
00945    /* ADDOUT = after writing, add byte count if OK, else quit */
00946    /* AF     = thing to do if ADDOUT is quitting */
00948 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00949 NI_dpr("ENTER NI_write_element\n") ;
00950 #endif
00952 #undef  AF
00953 #define AF     0
00954 #define ADDOUT if(nout<0){AF;fprintf(stderr,"NIML: write abort!\n");return -1;} else ntot+=nout
00956    if( !NI_stream_writeable(ns) ) return -1 ;  /* stupid user */
00958    if( ns->bad ){                        /* socket that hasn't connected yet */
00959 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00960 NI_dpr("NI_write_element: write socket not connected\n") ;
00961 #endif
00962       jj = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,666) ; /* try to connect it */
00963       if( jj < 1 ) return jj ;           /* 0 is nothing yet, -1 is death */
00964 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00965 NI_dpr("NI_write_element: write socket now connected\n") ;
00966 #endif
00967    } else {                              /* check if good ns has gone bad */
00968       jj = NI_stream_writecheck(ns,666) ;
00969       if( jj < 0 ) return jj ;
00970    }
00972    tmode &= 255 ;
00973    if( ns->type == NI_STRING_TYPE )      /* string output only in text mode */
00974       tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ;
00976    if( tmode != NI_TEXT_MODE ) header_sharp = 0 ;  /* 20 Mar 2003 */
00978    /*-- 15 Oct 2002: write attributes with lots of space, or little --*/
00979    /*-- 20 Mar 2003: modified for "#  lhs = rhs" type of header     --*/
00981    att_prefix = (header_sharp) ? (char *)"\n#  " /* write this before each attribute */
00982                                : (char *)"\n  " ;
00984    att_equals = (header_sharp) ? (char *)" = "   /* write this between lhs and rhs */
00985                                : (char *)"="    ;
00987    att_trail  = (header_sharp) ? (char *)"\n# "  /* write this before closing ">" */
00988                                : (char *)" "    ;
00990    /*------------------ write a processing instruction ------------------*/
00992    if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00994      NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *)nini ;
00996      if( header_sharp ){ nout = NI_stream_writestring(ns,"# "); ADDOUT; }
00998      nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "<?"   )    ; ADDOUT ;
00999      nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , npi->name ) ; ADDOUT ;
01001      /*- attributes -*/
01003      for( ii=0 ; ii < npi->attr_num ; ii++ ){
01005        jj = NI_strlen( npi->attr_lhs[ii] ) ; if( jj == 0 ) continue ;
01006        nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , " " ) ; ADDOUT ;
01007        if( NI_is_name(npi->attr_lhs[ii]) ){
01008          nout = NI_stream_write( ns , npi->attr_lhs[ii] , jj ) ;
01009        } else {
01010          att = quotize_string( npi->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
01011          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; NI_free(att) ;
01012        }
01013        ADDOUT ;
01015        jj = NI_strlen( npi->attr_rhs[ii] ) ; if( jj == 0 ) continue ;
01016        nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "=" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01017        att = quotize_string( npi->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
01018        nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; NI_free(att) ; ADDOUT ;
01019      }
01021      nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , " ?>\n" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01023      return ntot ;   /*** done with processing instruction ***/
01025    /*------------------ write a group element ------------------*/
01027    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
01029       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
01030       char *gname ;
01032       /* 24 Feb 2005: all group elements used to be named "ni_group",
01033                       but no more; now they have attribute ni_form="ni_group" */
01035       gname = ngr->name ;
01036       if( gname == NULL || *gname == '\0' ) gname = "ni_group" ;
01038       /*- group header -*/
01040       if( header_sharp ){ nout = NI_stream_writestring(ns,"# "); ADDOUT; }
01041 #if 1
01042       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "<"   ) ; ADDOUT ;
01043       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , gname ) ; ADDOUT ;
01044 #else
01045       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "<ni_group" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01046 #endif
01048       /*- attributes -*/
01050       NI_set_attribute( ngr , "ni_form" , "ni_group" ) ;  /* 24 Feb 2005 */
01052       for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->attr_num ; ii++ ){
01054         jj = NI_strlen( ngr->attr_lhs[ii] ) ; if( jj == 0 ) continue ;
01055         nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att_prefix ) ; ADDOUT ;
01056         if( NI_is_name(ngr->attr_lhs[ii]) ){
01057           nout = NI_stream_write( ns , ngr->attr_lhs[ii] , jj ) ;
01058         } else {
01059           att = quotize_string( ngr->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
01060           nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; NI_free(att) ;
01061         }
01062         ADDOUT ;
01064         jj = NI_strlen( ngr->attr_rhs[ii] ) ; if( jj == 0 ) continue ;
01065         nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att_equals ) ; ADDOUT ;
01066         att = quotize_string( ngr->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
01067         nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; NI_free(att) ; ADDOUT ;
01068       }
01070       /*- close group header -*/
01072       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att_trail ) ; ADDOUT ;
01073       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , ">\n" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01075       /*- write the group parts (recursively) -*/
01077       for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ){
01078         nout = NI_write_element( ns , ngr->part[ii] , tmode ) ; ADDOUT ;
01079       }
01081       /*- group trailer -*/
01083       if( header_sharp ){ nout = NI_stream_writestring(ns,"# "); ADDOUT; }
01084 #if 1
01085       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "</"  ) ; ADDOUT ;
01086       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , gname ) ; ADDOUT ;
01087       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , ">\n" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01088 #else
01089       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "</ni_group>\n" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01090 #endif
01092       return ntot ;   /*** done with group element ***/
01094    /*------------------ write a data element ------------------*/
01096    } else if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
01098       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
01100       /*- sanity check (should never fail) -*/
01102       jj = NI_strlen(nel->name) ; if( jj == 0 ) return -1 ;
01104       /*- select the data output mode -*/
01106       /* Strings can only be written in text mode */
01108       if( tmode != NI_TEXT_MODE ){
01109         for( jj=0 ; jj < nel->vec_num ; jj++ ){
01110           if( NI_has_String(NI_rowtype_find_code(nel->vec_typ[jj])) ){
01111              tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ; break ;
01112           }
01113         }
01114       }
01116       switch( tmode ){
01117          default: tmode = NI_TEXT_MODE ; break ;
01119          case NI_BINARY_MODE: break ;
01120          case NI_BASE64_MODE: break ;
01121       }
01123       /* space to hold attribute strings */
01125       att_len = 8192 + 64*nel->vec_num + 128*nel->vec_rank ;
01126       att     = NI_malloc(char, att_len ) ;
01128 #undef  AF
01129 #define AF NI_free(att)  /* free att if we have to quit early now */
01131       /* write start of header "<name" */
01133       if( header_sharp ){ nout = NI_stream_writestring(ns,"# "); ADDOUT; }
01134       strcpy(att,"<") ; strcat(att,nel->name) ;
01135       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01137       /*- write "special" attributes, if not an empty element -*/
01139       if( nel->vec_len > 0 && nel->vec_num > 0 ){
01140          int ll , tt ;
01142          /* ni_form (depends on tmode) */
01144          switch( tmode ){
01145            default:
01146            case NI_TEXT_MODE:
01147              *att = '\0' ;   /* text form is default */
01148            break ;
01150            case NI_BINARY_MODE:
01151            case NI_BASE64_MODE:
01152              sprintf(att,"%sni_form%s\"%s.%s\"" ,
01153                     att_prefix , att_equals ,
01154                     (tmode == NI_BINARY_MODE)      ? "binary"   : "base64"  ,
01155                     (NI_byteorder()==NI_LSB_FIRST) ? "lsbfirst" : "msbfirst" );
01156             break ;
01157          }
01158          if( *att != '\0' ){
01159             nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01160          }
01162          /** do ni_type **/
01164          sprintf(att,"%sni_type%s\"" , att_prefix , att_equals ) ;
01165          for( ll=-1,ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ ){
01166           if( nel->vec_typ[ii] != ll ){  /* not the previous type */
01167              if( ll >= 0 ){              /* write the previous type out now */
01168                 btt = att + strlen(att) ;
01169                 if( jj > 1 ) sprintf(btt,"%d*%s,",jj,NI_type_name(ll)) ;
01170                 else         sprintf(btt,"%s,"   ,   NI_type_name(ll)) ;
01171              }
01172              ll = nel->vec_typ[ii] ;     /* save new type code */
01173              jj = 1 ;                    /* it now has count 1 */
01175           } else {                       /* same as previous type */
01176              jj++ ;                      /* so add 1 to its count */
01177           }
01178          }
01179          /* write the last type we found */
01180          btt = att + strlen(att) ;
01181          if( jj > 1 ) sprintf(btt,"%d*%s\"",jj,NI_type_name(ll)) ;
01182          else         sprintf(btt,"%s\""   ,   NI_type_name(ll)) ;
01184          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01186          /** do ni_dimen **/
01188          if( nel->vec_rank > 1 ){
01189            sprintf(att,"%sni_dimen%s" , att_prefix , att_equals ) ;
01190            qtt = quotize_int_vector( nel->vec_rank ,
01191                                    nel->vec_axis_len , ',' ) ;
01192            strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01193          } else {
01194            sprintf(att,"%sni_dimen%s\"%d\"",att_prefix,att_equals,nel->vec_len);
01195          }
01196          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01198 #if 0
01199          /** 26 Mar 2003: write number of bytes of data contained herein **/
01201          for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ )
01202             jj += NI_size_column( NI_rowtype_find_code(nel->vec_typ[ii]) ,
01203                                   nel->vec_len , nel->vec[ii] ) ;
01204          sprintf(att,"%sni_datasize%s\"%d\"" , att_prefix , att_equals , jj ) ;
01205          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01206 #endif
01208 #if 0
01209          /* extras: ni_veclen and ni_vecnum attributes */
01211          sprintf(att,"%sni_veclen%s\"%d\"", att_prefix,att_equals,nel->vec_len) ;
01212          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01214          sprintf(att,"%sni_vecnum%s\"%d\"", att_prefix,att_equals,nel->vec_num) ;
01215          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01216 #endif
01217          /* ni_delta */
01219          if( nel->vec_axis_delta != NULL ){
01220             sprintf(att,"%sni_delta%s",att_prefix,att_equals) ;
01221             qtt = quotize_float_vector( nel->vec_rank ,
01222                                         nel->vec_axis_delta , ',' ) ;
01223             strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01224             nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01225          }
01227          /* ni_origin */
01229          if( nel->vec_axis_origin != NULL ){
01230             sprintf(att,"%sni_origin%s",att_prefix,att_equals) ;
01231             qtt = quotize_float_vector( nel->vec_rank ,
01232                                         nel->vec_axis_origin , ',' ) ;
01233             strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01234             nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01235          }
01237          /* ni_units */
01239          if( nel->vec_axis_unit != NULL ){
01240             sprintf(att,"%sni_units%s",att_prefix,att_equals) ;
01241             qtt = quotize_string_vector( nel->vec_rank ,
01242                                          nel->vec_axis_unit , ',' ) ;
01243             strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01244             nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01245          }
01247          /* ni_axes */
01249          if( nel->vec_axis_label != NULL ){
01250             sprintf(att,"%sni_axes%s",att_prefix,att_equals) ;
01251             qtt = quotize_string_vector( nel->vec_rank ,
01252                                          nel->vec_axis_label , ',' ) ;
01253             strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01254             nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01255          }
01257       }
01259       /*- other attributes -*/
01261       for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->attr_num ; ii++ ){
01263          jj = NI_strlen( nel->attr_lhs[ii] ) ; if( jj == 0 ) continue ;
01265          /* skip "special" attributes */
01267          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_form")     == 0 ) continue ;
01268          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_type")     == 0 ) continue ;
01269          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_dimen")    == 0 ) continue ;
01270          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_veclen")   == 0 ) continue ;
01271          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_vecnum")   == 0 ) continue ;
01272          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_delta")    == 0 ) continue ;
01273          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_origin")   == 0 ) continue ;
01274          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_units")    == 0 ) continue ;
01275          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_axes")     == 0 ) continue ;
01276          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[ii],"ni_datasize") == 0 ) continue ; /* 13 Apr 2004 */
01278          kk = NI_strlen( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
01280          /* do the work */
01282          if( jj+kk+128 > att_len ){                 /* 13 Jun 2003 */
01283            att_len = jj+kk+128 ;
01284            att     = NI_realloc( att , char, att_len ) ;
01285          }
01287          strcpy(att,att_prefix) ;
01289          if( NI_is_name(nel->attr_lhs[ii]) ){           /* the 'normal' case */
01290            strcat(att,nel->attr_lhs[ii]) ;
01291          } else {                                        /* not legal in XML */
01292            qtt = quotize_string( nel->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
01293            strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01294          }
01296          if( kk > 0 ){
01297             strcat(att,att_equals) ;
01298             qtt = quotize_string( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ; /* RHS always quoted */
01299             strcat(att,qtt) ; NI_free(qtt) ;
01300          }
01301          nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att ) ; ADDOUT ;
01302       }
01304       NI_free(att) ; att = NULL ; /* done with attributes */
01306 #undef  AF
01307 #define AF 0  /* nothing to do if we have to quit early */
01309       /*- close header -*/
01311       if( nel->vec_len == 0    ||     /* An 'empty' element (no data) */
01312           nel->vec_num == 0    ||
01313           nel->vec_typ == NULL ||
01314           nel->vec     == NULL   ){
01316         nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att_trail ) ; ADDOUT ;
01317         nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "/>\n" )    ; ADDOUT ;
01319 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01320   NI_dpr("NI_write_element: empty element '%s' had %d total bytes\n",nel->name,ntot) ;
01321 #endif
01322         return ntot ;                 /*** done with empty data element ***/
01323       }
01325       /*- if here, must write some data out -*/
01327       /* first, terminate the header,
01328          and allocate space for the write buffer (1 row at a time) */
01330       switch( tmode ){
01331          default:
01332          case NI_TEXT_MODE:
01333             btt = ">\n" ;                             /* add a newline */
01334          break ;
01336          case NI_BINARY_MODE:
01337             btt = ">" ;                               /* no newline   */
01338          break ;
01340          case NI_BASE64_MODE:
01341             btt = ">\n" ;                             /* add a newline */
01342          break ;
01343       }
01345       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , att_trail ) ; ADDOUT ;
01346       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , btt ) ; ADDOUT ;
01348       /*-- 13 Feb 2003: data output is now done elsewhere --*/
01350       if( !header_only ){
01351         nout = NI_write_columns( ns, nel->vec_num, nel->vec_typ,
01352                                      nel->vec_len, nel->vec    , tmode ) ;
01353         ADDOUT ;
01354       }
01355 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01356       else NI_dpr("NI_write_element: header_only case\n") ;
01357 #endif
01359       /*- write element trailer -*/
01361       if( header_sharp ){ nout = NI_stream_writestring(ns,"# "); ADDOUT; }
01362       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , "</" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01363       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , nel->name ) ; ADDOUT ;
01364       nout = NI_stream_writestring( ns , ">\n\n" ) ; ADDOUT ;
01366 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
01367   NI_dpr("NI_write_element: data element '%s' had %d total bytes\n",nel->name,ntot) ;
01368 #endif
01369       return ntot ;   /*** done with full data element ***/
01371    } /* end of write data element */
01373    return -1 ; /* should never be reachable */
01374 }

int NI_write_procins NI_stream_type   ns,
char *    str

Write a simple processing instruction to the stream:

  • "<?str ?>
    " will be written
  • Return value is the number of bytes written
  • Return 0 means that the stream wasn't ready to write
  • Return -1 means an error happened, and nothing was written
  • 17 Mar 2005 - RWCox ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 45 of file niml_elemio.c.

References NI_stream_type::bad, free, IS_STRING_CHAR, malloc, NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_writeable(), NI_stream_writecheck(), and NI_stream_writestring().

Referenced by main(), and SUMA_SendDset_Afni().

00046 {
00047    char *buf ; int jj ;
00049    /* check inputs for good-ositifulness */
00051    if( !NI_stream_writeable(ns)             ) return -1 ;  /* stupid user */
00052    if( str == NULL || !IS_STRING_CHAR(*str) ) return -1 ;
00054    /* check if stream is ready to take data */
00056    if( ns->bad ){                       /* socket that hasn't connected yet */
00057      jj = NI_stream_goodcheck(ns,666) ; /* try to connect it */
00058      if( jj < 1 ) return jj ;           /* 0 is nothing yet, -1 is death */
00059    } else {                             /* check if good ns has gone bad */
00060      jj = NI_stream_writecheck(ns,666) ;
00061      if( jj < 0 ) return jj ;
00062    }
00064    /* write the processing instruction: "<?str ?>\n" */
00066    buf = (char *)malloc(strlen(str)+16) ;
00067    sprintf( buf , "<?%s ?>\n" , str ) ;
00068    jj = NI_stream_writestring( ns , buf ) ;
00070    free((void *)buf) ; return jj ;
00071 }

int NI_write_rowtype NI_stream_type   ns,
NI_rowtype   rt,
int    ndat,
void *    dat,
int    tmode

Write one column of structs to the output stream. Now superseded by NI_write_columns(). --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1060 of file niml_rowtype.c.

References NI_rowtype::code, and NI_write_columns().

01062 {
01063    void *dpt = dat ;
01064    if( rt == NULL ) return -1 ;
01065    return NI_write_columns( ns , 1 , &(rt->code) , ndat , &dpt , tmode ) ;
01066 }

void profile_Htable char *    str,
Htable   ht

Profile a Htable to stdout. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 234 of file niml_htable.c.

References Htable::ctab, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by setup_basic_types().

00235 {
00236    int jj, kk , nn ;
00238    printf("\n----- Htable profile: %s\n",(str != NULL) ? str : "" ) ;
00239    if( ht == NULL ){
00240      printf("++ EMPTY ++\n") ; return ;
00241    }
00243    printf("Rows=%d  Ntot=%d\n",ht->len,ht->ntot) ;
00245    for( jj=0 ; jj < ht->len ; jj++ ){
00246      printf(" #%05d: ",jj) ;
00247      if( ht->vtab[jj] == NULL ){
00248        printf("++ EMPTY ++\n") ;
00249      } else {
00250        for( nn=kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ ){
00251          if( ht->ctab[jj][kk] != NULL ){ printf("*") ; nn++ ; }
00252          else                          { printf(".") ;        }
00253        }
00254        printf(" [ntab=%d nn=%d]\n",ht->ntab[jj],nn) ;
00255      }
00256    }
00257    fflush(stdout) ;
00258 }

void removefrom_Dtable_a char *   ,

Definition at line 68 of file niml_dtable.c.

References dt, findin_Htable(), free, Dtable::hta, Dtable::htb, and removefrom_Htable().

Referenced by DRAW_label_CB().

00069 {
00070    char *str_bb , *str_aa ;
00071    if( dt == NULL ) return ;
00072    str_bb = (char *)findin_Htable( str_a , dt->hta ) ;
00073    if( str_bb == NULL ) return ;
00074    str_aa = (char *)findin_Htable( str_bb, dt->htb ) ;
00075    removefrom_Htable( str_a , dt->hta ) ;
00076    removefrom_Htable( str_bb, dt->htb ) ;
00078    /* must also remove dangling targets from each Htable */
00080    free((void *)str_bb) ; if( str_aa != NULL ) free((void *)str_aa) ;
00081    return ;
00082 }

void removefrom_Dtable_b char *   ,

Definition at line 86 of file niml_dtable.c.

References dt, findin_Htable(), free, Dtable::hta, Dtable::htb, and removefrom_Htable().

00087 {
00088    char *str_aa , *str_bb ;
00089    if( dt == NULL ) return ;
00090    str_aa = (char *)findin_Htable( str_b , dt->htb ) ;
00091    if( str_aa == NULL ) return ;
00092    str_bb = (char *)findin_Htable( str_aa, dt->hta ) ;
00093    removefrom_Htable( str_b , dt->htb ) ;
00094    removefrom_Htable( str_aa, dt->hta ) ;
00096    free((void *)str_aa) ; if( str_bb != NULL ) free((void *)str_bb) ;
00097    return ;
00098 }

void removefrom_Htable char *    str,
Htable   ht

Remove an entry from a Htable. ----------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 199 of file niml_htable.c.

References Htable::ctab, free, hashkey(), key, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, UINT, Htable::vtab, and vtkill.

Referenced by addto_Htable(), NI_registry_free(), NI_registry_realloc(), NI_registry_replace(), NI_unregister_struct(), removefrom_Dtable_a(), and removefrom_Dtable_b().

00200 {
00201    UINT jj ;
00202    int kk ;
00203    char *key ;
00204    void ***vtab ;
00205    char **ctab ;
00206    int  ntab ;
00208    if( str == NULL || ht == NULL || ht->ntot == 0 ) return ;
00210    jj = hashkey(str) % ht->len ;      /* hash table row */
00212    vtab = ht->vtab ;
00214    if( vtab[jj] == NULL ) return ;    /* nothing there */
00216    key = str ;
00218    ctab = ht->ctab[jj] ; ntab = ht->ntab[jj] ;
00220    for( kk=0 ; kk < ntab ; kk++ )   /* scan for match of key to ctab */
00221      if( ctab[kk] != NULL && strcmp(key,ctab[kk]) == 0 ){
00222        free(ctab[kk]); ctab[kk] = NULL;
00223        if( vtkill && vtab[jj][kk] != NULL ) free(vtab[jj][kk]) ;
00224        vtab[jj][kk] = NULL; ht->ntot--; break;
00225      }
00227    return ;
00228 }

void resize_Htable int    newlen,
Htable   ht

Resize the guts of a Htable [28 Feb 2005] -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 285 of file niml_htable.c.

References Htable::ctab, free, Htable::len, new_Htable(), Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, subsume_Htable(), and Htable::vtab.

00286 {
00287    Htable *htnew ;
00288    int jj , kk ;
00290    if( ht == NULL ) return ;
00292    /* auto-resize? */
00294    if( newlen == 0 ){
00295      if( ht->ntot <= 131 * ht->len ) return ;
00296      newlen = ht->ntot / 37 ;
00297    }
00299    /* create new Htable, copy contents of this one into it */
00301    htnew = new_Htable( newlen ) ;
00302    if( htnew == NULL ) return ;
00304    subsume_Htable( ht , htnew ) ;
00306    /* erase contents of this one now */
00308    for( jj=0 ; jj < ht->len ; jj++ ){
00309      if( ht->vtab[jj] != NULL ) free(ht->vtab[jj]) ;
00311      if( ht->ctab[jj] != NULL ){
00312        for( kk=0 ; kk < ht->ntab[jj] ; kk++ )
00313          if( ht->ctab[jj][kk] != NULL ) free(ht->ctab[jj][kk]) ;
00314        free(ht->ctab[jj]) ;
00315      }
00316    }
00317    free(ht->vtab) ; free(ht->ctab) ; free(ht->ntab) ;
00319    /* copy guts of new Htable over the guts of this one */
00321    *ht = *htnew ;
00323    /* free the shell of the new Htable and exit */
00325    free((void *)htnew) ; return ;
00326 }

void subsume_Htable Htable   htold,
Htable   htnew

Put contents of htold into htnew. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 264 of file niml_htable.c.

References addto_Htable(), Htable::ctab, Htable::len, Htable::ntab, Htable::ntot, and Htable::vtab.

Referenced by AFNI_finalize_read_sess_CB(), AFNI_read_inputs(), AFNI_rescan_session_NEW(), AFNI_rescan_session_OLD(), and resize_Htable().

00265 {
00266    int kk,jj ;
00268    /* check inputs for sanity */
00270    if( htold == NULL || htold->ntot == 0 || htnew == NULL ) return ;
00272    for( jj=0 ; jj < htold->len ; jj++ ){
00273      if( htold->vtab[jj] != NULL ){
00274        for( kk=0 ; kk < htold->ntab[jj] ; kk++ )
00275          if( htold->ctab[jj][kk] != NULL )
00276            addto_Htable( htold->ctab[jj][kk] , htold->vtab[jj][kk] , htnew ) ;
00277      }
00278    }
00279 }

char* UNIQ_hashcode char *    str

Make an idcode-formatted malloc-ed string from an input string. Unlike UNIQ_idcode(), this will always return the same value, given the same input. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 144 of file niml_uuid.c.

References calloc, free, getenv(), and MD5_B64_string().

Referenced by main(), MCW_hash_idcode(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewNel(), and UNIQ_idcode().

00145 {
00146    char *idc , *eee ;
00147    int ii , nn ;
00149    idc = (char *)calloc(1,32) ;
00151    eee = getenv("IDCODE_PREFIX") ;
00152    if( eee != NULL && isalpha(eee[0]) ){
00153      for( ii=0 ; ii < 3 && isalnum(eee[ii]) ; ii++ )
00154        idc[ii] = eee[ii] ;
00155    } else {
00156      strcpy(idc,"XYZ") ;  /* innocent default prefix */
00157    }
00158    strcat(idc,"_") ;  /* recall idc was calloc()-ed */
00160    if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ) str = "Onen i Estel Edain" ;
00161    eee = MD5_B64_string(str) ;
00162    nn = strlen(eee) ;
00163    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ ){
00164           if( eee[ii] == '/' ) eee[ii] = '-' ;  /* / -> - */
00165      else if( eee[ii] == '+' ) eee[ii] = '_' ;  /* + -> _ */
00166    }
00167    strcat(idc,eee) ; free(eee) ; return idc ;
00168 }

char* UNIQ_idcode void   

Return a globally unique identifier (I hope). This is a malloc()-ed string of length <= 31 (plus the NUL byte; the whole thing will fit into a char[32] array). The output does not contain any '/'s, so it could be used as a temporary filename. Repeated calls to this function should never return the same string.

Method: Generate a string from the system identfier information and the current time of day. MD5 hash this to a 128 byte code. Base64 encode this to a 22 byte string. Replace '/' with '-' and '+' with '_'. Add 4 character prefix (1st 3 characters of environment variable IDCODE_PREFIX plus '_').

Sample output: "XYZ_VdfGpfzy_NlY-2d7tA8Q1w" -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 121 of file niml_uuid.c.

References AFMALL, free, getenv(), and MD5_B64_string().

00122 {
00123    char *buf , *idc ;
00125    /* get uniq string from system */
00127    buf = get_UNIQ_string() ;
00129    /* make the output by hashing the string in buf */
00131    idc = UNIQ_hashcode( buf ) ;
00133    /* free workspace and get outta here */
00135    free(buf) ; return idc ;
00136 }

void UNIQ_idcode_fill char *    idc

Fill a user-supplied buffer (length at least 32) with an idcode. That is, idc should point to a char array of length 32 (or more). ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 175 of file niml_uuid.c.

References free, and UNIQ_idcode().

Referenced by proc_finalize_shm_volumes(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), suma2afni_surf(), SUMA_Alloc_Axis(), SUMA_Alloc_SegmentDO(), SUMA_AllocateDrawnROI(), SUMA_AllocateROI(), SUMA_Cmap_To_SO(), SUMA_Cmap_To_SO_old(), SUMA_CreateChildSO(), SUMA_CreateIcosahedron(), SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(), SUMA_morphToStd(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewDsetID(), SUMA_NewNel(), SUMA_NewSO(), SUMA_NodeVal2irgba_nel(), and THD_alloc_datablock().

00176 {
00177    char *bbb ;
00178    if( idc == NULL ) return ;
00179    bbb = UNIQ_idcode() ;
00180    strcpy(idc,bbb) ; free(bbb) ; return ;
00181 }

char* UUID_hashcode char *    str

Hash a string and return a malloc()-ed string (36+1 bytes) in the "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 188 of file niml_uuid.c.

References calloc, MD5Final(), MD5Init(), and MD5Update().

Referenced by UUID_idcode().

00189 {
00190    MD5_CTX context;
00191    unsigned char digest[16];
00192    char *idc ;
00193    int ii , nn ;
00195    if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ) str = "Onen i Estel Edain" ;
00197    MD5Init( &context ) ;
00198    MD5Update( &context, (unsigned char *)str, strlen(str) ) ;
00199    MD5Final( digest, &context ) ;
00201    idc = (char *)calloc(1,48) ;
00202    sprintf(idc,
00203      "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" ,
00204      digest[0] , digest[1] , digest[2] , digest[3] , digest[4] ,
00205      digest[5] , digest[6] , digest[7] , digest[8] , digest[9] ,
00206      digest[10], digest[11], digest[12], digest[13], digest[14],
00207      digest[15]
00208     ) ;
00210    return idc ;
00211 }

char* UUID_idcode void   

Hash a unique string and return a malloc()-ed string (36+1 bytes) in the "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" format. The result should be unique worldwide, for all time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 219 of file niml_uuid.c.

References free, get_UNIQ_string(), and UUID_hashcode().

Referenced by main(), and NI_mktemp().

00220 {
00221    char *buf , *idc ;
00223    /* get uniq string from system */
00225    buf = get_UNIQ_string() ;
00227    /* make the output by hashing the string in buf */
00229    idc = UUID_hashcode( buf ) ;
00231    /* free workspace and get outta here */
00233    free(buf) ; return idc ;
00234 }

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