Doxygen Source Code Documentation
coxplot.h File Reference
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h>
#include "f2c.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | MEM_plotdata |
struct | MEM_topshell_data |
struct | X11_colordef |
Defines | |
#define | MAX(a, b) (((a)<(b)) ? (b) : (a)) |
#define | MIN(a, b) (((a)>(b)) ? (b) : (a)) |
#define | INC_MEMPLOT 64 |
#define | EXP_MEMPLOT 1.1 |
#define | NXY_MEMPLOT 6 |
#define | INIT_MEMPLOT(name, id) |
#define | ADDTO_MEMPLOT(name, x1, y1, x2, y2, col, th) |
#define | DESTROY_MEMPLOT(name) |
#define | TRUNC_MEMPLOT(name, num) do{ if( (num) < (name)->nxyline ) (name)->nxyline = (num); } while(0) |
#define | MEMPLOT_X1(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_Y1(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii+1]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_X2(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii+2]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_Y2(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii+3]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_COL(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii+4]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_TH(name, ii) ((name)->xyline[NXY_MEMPLOT*ii+5]) |
#define | MEMPLOT_NLINE(name) ((name)->nxyline) |
#define | MEMPLOT_IDENT(name) ((name)->ident) |
#define | MEMPLOT_ASPECT(name) ((name)->aspect) |
#define | THCODE_RECT 1 |
#define | THCODE_CIRC 2 |
#define | THCODE_OPAC 3 |
#define | THCODE_INVALID 666 |
#define | ZO_TO_TFS(x) ((int)(255.99*(x))) |
#define | TFS_TO_ZO(y) ((y)/255.0f) |
#define | RGB_TO_COL(r, g, b) ( (ZO_TO_TFS(r)<<16) | (ZO_TO_TFS(g)<<8) | (ZO_TO_TFS(b)) ) |
#define | COL_TO_RRR(cc) TFS_TO_ZO( (((int)(cc)) & 0xff0000) >> 16 ) |
#define | COL_TO_GGG(cc) TFS_TO_ZO( (((int)(cc)) & 0x00ff00) >> 8 ) |
#define | COL_TO_BBB(cc) TFS_TO_ZO( (((int)(cc)) & 0x0000ff) ) |
#define | FREE_X11_colordef(cd) |
#define | insert_atend_memplot(mm) insert_at_memplot(-1,mm) |
#define | MRI_ROT_0 1 |
#define | MRI_ROT_90 2 |
#define | MRI_ROT_180 4 |
#define | MRI_ROT_270 8 |
#define | MRI_FLMADD 128 |
#define | memplot_to_ps(fn) memplot_to_postscript( (fn) , get_active_memplot() ) ; |
#define | MEMPLOT_ERASE 2 |
#define | memplot_to_X11(d, w) memplot_to_X11_sef( (d),(w) , get_active_memplot() , 0,0,0 ) |
#define | memplot_to_X11_free(d, w) memplot_to_X11_sef( (d),(w) , get_active_memplot() , 0,0,1 ) |
#define | MTD_PLOTDATA(mpcb) ((mpcb)->mp) |
#define | MTD_KILLFUNC(mpcb) ((mpcb)->killfunc) |
#define | MTD_VALID(mpcb) ((mpcb)->valid) |
#define | MTD_USERDATA(mpcb) ((mpcb)->userdata) |
#define | MTD_remove_killfunc(mpcb) ((mpcb)->killfunc = NULL) |
#define | MTD_replace_plotdata(mpcb, mpnew) do{ delete_memplot((mpcb)->mp) ; (mpcb)->mp = (mpnew) ; } while(0) |
#define | memplot_to_shell(d) memplot_to_topshell( (d),get_active_memplot(),1 ) |
#define | TSP_SEPARATE_YBOX 1 |
#define | plot_ts(a, b, c, d, e) plot_ts_lab((a),(b),(c),(d),(e),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) |
#define | EXT extern |
Typedefs | |
typedef void | void_func () |
Functions | |
void | init_XDBE (Display *) |
Window | getwin_from_XDBE (Display *, Drawable) |
MEM_plotdata * | find_memplot (char *) |
int | create_memplot (char *, float) |
int | set_active_memplot (char *) |
MEM_plotdata * | get_active_memplot (void) |
void | delete_active_memplot (void) |
void | delete_memplot (MEM_plotdata *) |
void | plotline_memplot (float, float, float, float) |
void | set_color_memplot (float, float, float) |
void | set_thick_memplot (float) |
float | get_thick_memplot (void) |
int | nline_active_memplot (void) |
void | plotrect_memplot (float, float, float, float) |
void | plotcirc_memplot (float, float, float) |
int | create_memplot_surely (char *, float) |
void | set_opacity_memplot (float) |
float | get_opacity_memplot (void) |
MEM_plotdata * | copy_memplot (MEM_plotdata *) |
void | append_to_memplot (MEM_plotdata *, MEM_plotdata *) |
void | scale_memplot (float, float, float, float, float, MEM_plotdata *) |
MEM_plotdata * | clip_memplot (float, float, float, float, MEM_plotdata *) |
void | cutlines_memplot (int, int, MEM_plotdata *) |
void | insert_at_memplot (int, MEM_plotdata *) |
void | flip_memplot (int, int, MEM_plotdata *) |
void | memplot_to_postscript (char *, MEM_plotdata *) |
unsigned long | rgb_to_pixel (unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, X11_colordef *) |
X11_colordef * | get_X11_colordef (Display *, Window) |
void | memplot_to_X11_sef (Display *, Window, MEM_plotdata *, int, int, int) |
void | set_memplot_X11_box (int, int, int, int) |
void | set_X11_background (Display *, Window, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char) |
MEM_topshell_data * | memplot_to_topshell (Display *, MEM_plotdata *, void_func *) |
void | plotkill_topshell (MEM_topshell_data *) |
void | redraw_topshell (MEM_topshell_data *) |
void | plot_ts_xypush (int, int) |
void | plot_ts_xfix (int, int, float, float) |
void | plot_ts_yfix (int, int, float, float) |
void | plot_ts_lab (Display *, int, float *, int, float **, char *, char *, char *, char **, void_func *) |
MEM_topshell_data * | plot_ts_init (Display *, float, float, int, float, float, char *, char *, char *, char **, void_func *) |
void | plot_ts_addto (MEM_topshell_data *, int, float *, int, float **) |
MEM_plotdata * | plot_ts_mem (int, float *, int, int, float **, char *, char *, char *, char **) |
MEM_topshell_data * | plot_strip_init (Display *, int, float, int, float, float, char *, char *, char *, char **, void_func *) |
void | plot_strip_addto (MEM_topshell_data *, int, float **) |
void | plot_strip_clear (MEM_topshell_data *) |
void | zzmpco_ (float *, float *, float *) |
void | zzmpli_ (float *, float *, float *, float *) |
void | ps_move (int, int) |
void | ps_line (int, int, int, int) |
void | ps_cont (int, int) |
void | ps_point (int, int) |
void | ps_label (char *) |
void | ps_arc (int, int, int, int, int, int) |
void | ps_circle (int, int, int) |
void | ps_erase (void) |
void | ps_linemod (char *) |
void | ps_space (int, int, int, int) |
int | ps_openpl (char *) |
void | ps_closepl (void) |
void | ps_setrgb (float, float, float) |
void | ps_setwidth (float) |
void | ps_rect (int, int, int, int) |
int | color_ (integer *ncol) |
int | fcolor_ (real *cr, real *cg, real *cb) |
int | curve_ (real *x, real *y, integer *n) |
int | frame_ (void) |
int | frstpt_ (real *x, real *y) |
int | labmod_ (integer *ifmtx, integer *ifmty, integer *numx, integer *numy, integer *jsizx, integer *jsizy, integer *ixdec, integer *iydec, integer *ixor) |
int | line_ (real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) |
int | memplt_ (real *aspect) |
int | perim_ (integer *mbx, integer *mlx, integer *mby, integer *mly) |
int | periml_ (integer *mbx, integer *mlx, integer *mby, integer *mly) |
int | perimm_ (integer *mbx, integer *mlx, integer *mby, integer *mly, integer *ilab) |
int | phdot_ (real *x1, real *y1) |
int | phline_ (real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) |
int | point_ (real *x, real *y) |
int | points_ (real *x, real *y, integer *n, integer *ichar, integer *ipen) |
int | pwrit_ (real *x, real *y, char *ch, integer *nch, integer *isiz, integer *ior, integer *icent, ftnlen ch_len) |
int | pwritf_ (real *x, real *y, char *ch, integer *nch, integer *isiz, integer *ior, integer *icent, ftnlen ch_len) |
integer | lastnb_ (char *cline, ftnlen cline_len) |
int | zzstro_ (char *ch, integer *nch, integer *nstr, real *xstr, real *ystr, logical *lbstr, ftnlen ch_len) |
int | zzconv_ (char *chin, integer *nchin, char *chout, integer *nchout, ftnlen chin_len, ftnlen chout_len) |
int | set_ (real *xobj1, real *xobj2, real *yobj1, real *yobj2, real *xsub1, real *xsub2, real *ysub1, real *ysub2, integer *ltype) |
int | setdsh_ (integer *nd, real *xld) |
int | setfrm_ (real *xobj1, real *xobj2, real *yobj1, real *yobj2) |
int | setlin_ (integer *ntype) |
int | setw_ (real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) |
int | srface_ (real *x, real *y, real *z__, integer *m, integer *mx, integer *nx, integer *ny, real *s, real *stereo) |
int | srfpl_ (integer *n, real *px, real *py) |
int | clset_ (real *z__, integer *mx, integer *nx, integer *ny, real *chi, real *clo, real *cinc, integer *nla, integer *nlm, real *cl, integer *ncl, integer *icnst, integer *ioffp, real *spval, real *bigest) |
int | ctcell_ (real *z__, integer *mx, integer *nx, integer *ny, integer *m, integer *i0, integer *j0) |
int | draws_ (integer *mx1, integer *my1, integer *mx2, integer *my2, integer *idraw, integer *imark) |
int | setr_ (real *xmin, real *xmax, real *ymin, real *ymax, real *zmin, real *zmax, real *r0) |
int | trn32s_ (real *x, real *y, real *z__, real *xt, real *yt, real *zt, integer *iflag) |
int | srfabd_ (void) |
int | tick4_ (integer *lmajx, integer *lminx, integer *lmajy, integer *lminy) |
int | vector_ (real *x, real *y) |
int | zzaxxx_ (real *x1, real *x2, real *y, integer *iside, integer *ilab) |
int | zzaxyy_ (real *x, real *y1, real *y2, integer *iside, integer *ilab) |
int | zzchar_ (char *ch, real *xp, real *yp, real *ct, real *st, ftnlen ch_len) |
int | zzclip_ (real *x1in, real *y1in, real *x2in, real *y2in) |
int | zzlabl_ (real *val, char *cout, integer *nchar, ftnlen cout_len) |
int | zzlgin_ (real *xt, real *pwrten, integer *nlog) |
int | zzline_ (real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) |
int | zzlinx_ (real *x1, real *x2, real *y, integer *majrx, real *tmaj, integer *minrx, real *tmin) |
int | zzliny_ (real *x, real *y1, real *y2, integer *majry, real *tmaj, integer *minry, real *tmin) |
int | zzlogx_ (real *x1, real *x2, real *y, integer *ndec, real *tmaj, real *tmin) |
int | zzlogy_ (real *x, real *y1, real *y2, integer *ndec, real *tmaj, real *tmin) |
int | zzperi_ (integer *ilab) |
int | zzphph_ (real *x1, real *y1, real *x2, real *y2) |
int | zzphys_ (real *x, real *y) |
void | plotpak_curve (float *x, float *y, int n) |
void | plotpak_frame (void) |
void | plotpak_frstpt (float x, float y) |
void | plotpak_labmod (int jsizx, int jsizy) |
void | plotpak_line (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) |
void | plotpak_perim (int mbx, int mlx, int mby, int mly) |
void | plotpak_periml (int mbx, int mlx, int mby, int mly) |
void | plotpak_perimm (int mbx, int mlx, int mby, int mly, int ilab) |
void | plotpak_phdot (float x1, float y1) |
void | plotpak_phline (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) |
void | plotpak_point (float x1, float y1) |
void | plotpak_points (float *x, float *y, int n, int ipen) |
void | plotpak_pwrit (float x, float y, char *ch, int isiz, int ior, int icent) |
void | plotpak_pwritf (float x, float y, char *ch, int isiz, int ior, int icent) |
void | plotpak_set (float xo1, float xo2, float yo1, float yo2, float xs1, float xs2, float ys1, float ys2, int code) |
void | plotpak_setdsh (int nd, float *xd) |
void | plotpak_setfrm (float xo1, float xo2, float yo1, float yo2) |
void | plotpak_setlin (int code) |
void | plotpak_setw (float xo1, float xo2, float yo1, float yo2) |
void | plotpak_tick4 (int mx, int lx, int my, int ly) |
void | plotpak_vector (float x, float y) |
void | plotpak_srface (float *, float *, float *, int, int, float, float) |
void | plotpak_getset (float *xo1, float *xo2, float *yo1, float *yo2, float *xs1, float *xs2, float *ys1, float *ys2) |
void | plotpak_zzphys (float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) |
void | plotpak_unphys (float x1, float y1, float *x2, float *y2) |
Variables | |
int | use_xdbe |
struct { | |
real xpgmin | |
real ypgmin | |
real xpgmax | |
real ypgmax | |
real xclbot | |
real yclbot | |
real xcltop | |
real ycltop | |
real xbot | |
real ybot | |
real xtop | |
real ytop | |
real xmin | |
real ymin | |
real xmax | |
real ymax | |
integer ixcoor | |
integer iycoor | |
real alphxx | |
real betaxx | |
real alphyy | |
real betayy | |
real tmajx | |
real tminx | |
real tmajy | |
real tminy | |
integer majrx | |
integer minrx | |
integer majry | |
integer minry | |
integer isizx | |
integer isizy | |
real xphold | |
real yphold | |
} | zzzplt_ |
struct { | |
real xphmax | |
real yphmax | |
integer ixpmax | |
integer iypmax | |
real xpscal | |
real ypscal | |
integer iflip | |
integer nplotr | |
char cfile [64] | |
} | zzpltr_ |
struct { | |
integer ndash | |
real xldash [8] | |
real xid | |
} | zzdash_ |
Define Documentation
Value: do{ int nn , ll=(name)->insert_at ; \ if( ll >= 0 && ll < (name)->nxyline ){ \ nn = NXY_MEMPLOT * ll ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (x1) ; (name)->xyline[nn++] = (y1) ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (x2) ; (name)->xyline[nn++] = (y2) ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (col); (name)->xyline[nn++] = (th) ; break ; \ } \ if( (name)->nxyline == (name)->nxyline_all ){ \ nn = (name)->nxyline_all = EXP_MEMPLOT * (name)->nxyline_all + INC_MEMPLOT ; \ (name)->xyline = (float *) realloc( (name)->xyline , sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*nn ) ; \ } \ nn = NXY_MEMPLOT * (name)->nxyline ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (x1) ; (name)->xyline[nn++] = (y1) ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (x2) ; (name)->xyline[nn++] = (y2) ; \ (name)->xyline[nn++] = (col); (name)->xyline[nn++] = (th) ; (name)->nxyline ++ ; \ } while(0) Definition at line 71 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by clip_memplot(), create_memplot(), plot_strip_addto(), plot_strip_clear(), plot_strip_init(), plotcirc_memplot(), plotline_memplot(), plotrect_memplot(), and set_opacity_memplot(). |
Definition at line 131 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 130 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 129 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Value: do{ if( (name) != NULL ){ \ if( (name)->xyline != NULL ) free( (name)->xyline ) ; \ free( (name) ) ; (name) = NULL ; } \ } while(0) Definition at line 91 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by AFNI_brick_to_mri(), clip_memplot(), delete_active_memplot(), delete_memplot(), and ISQ_getmemplot(). |
Definition at line 57 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 399 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Value: do{ if( (cd) != NULL ){ \ if( (cd)->rr != NULL ){ \ free((cd)->rr) ; free((cd)->gg) ; free((cd)->bb) ; } \ free((cd)) ; (cd) = NULL ; } } while(0) Definition at line 146 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by fred_CB(), get_X11_colordef(), and setup_X11_plotting(). |
Definition at line 56 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Value: do{ (name) = (MEM_plotdata *) malloc(sizeof(MEM_plotdata)) ; \ (name)->nxyline = 0 ; \ (name)->nxyline_all = INC_MEMPLOT ; \ (name)->xyline = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*INC_MEMPLOT) ; \ strncpy( (name)->ident, (id), 255 ) ; (name)->ident[255] = '\0' ; \ (name)->aspect = 1.3 ; (name)->insert_at = -1 ; \ } while(0) Definition at line 60 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by create_memplot(). |
Definition at line 178 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 112 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_topshell(). |
Definition at line 106 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 202 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 201 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 110 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by plot_strip_addto(), and plot_ts_addto(). |
Definition at line 111 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 109 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by AFNI_brick_to_mri(), AFNI_drive_open_graph_xy(), memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), memplot_to_X11_sef(), nline_active_memplot(), plot_strip_init(), plot_ts_addto(), and plotline_memplot(). |
Definition at line 107 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 192 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 244 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 212 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 215 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 102 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 104 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 103 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 105 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_postscript(), memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Definition at line 184 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 180 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 182 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 183 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 181 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 232 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 231 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 235 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 237 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 234 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 233 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 58 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 259 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 127 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by set_color_memplot(). |
Definition at line 125 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 117 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 119 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 118 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 116 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 99 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by AFNI_drive_clear_graph_xy(). |
Definition at line 248 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 249 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 124 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. Referenced by memplot_to_RGB_sef(), and memplot_to_X11_sef(). |
Typedef Documentation
Definition at line 41 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Function Documentation
Definition at line 344 of file plot_cox.c.
00345 { 00346 int nn , nold ; 00347 if( mp == NULL || ap == NULL || ap->nxyline <= 0 ) return ; 00348 00349 nn = mp->nxyline + ap->nxyline ; 00350 mp->xyline = (float *) realloc(mp->xyline, 00351 sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*nn) ; 00352 00353 memcpy( mp->xyline + NXY_MEMPLOT*mp->nxyline , 00354 ap->xyline , sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*ap->nxyline ) ; 00355 00356 mp->nxyline = mp->nxyline_all = nn ; 00357 return ; 00358 } |
Definition at line 648 of file plot_cox.c.
00650 { 00651 MEM_plotdata *np ; 00652 char str[256] ; 00653 int nn , ii , qq ; 00654 float x1,y1 , x2,y2 , col,th ; 00655 00656 if( mp == NULL ) return NULL ; /* bad or meaningless stuff */ 00657 if( xclbot >= xcltop ) return NULL ; 00658 if( yclbot >= ycltop ) return NULL ; 00659 00660 sprintf(str,"%.240sCopy",mp->ident) ; 00661 nn = create_memplot_surely( str , mp->aspect ) ; 00662 np = find_memplot(NULL) ; 00663 if( np == NULL ) return NULL ; /* shouldn't happen */ 00664 00665 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00666 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00667 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00668 col= mp->xyline[nn+4] ; th = mp->xyline[nn+5] ; 00669 00670 if( th < 0.0 ){ /** Not a line! */ 00671 int thc = (int)(-th) ; 00672 switch( thc ){ 00673 case THCODE_RECT: /* rectangle */ 00674 /* both corners inside */ 00675 if( INSIDE(x1,y1) && INSIDE(x2,y2) ){ 00676 ADDTO_MEMPLOT(np,x1,y1,x2,y2,col,th) ; 00677 } 00678 break ; 00679 00680 case THCODE_CIRC:{ /* circle */ 00681 /* +/- 1 radius inside */ 00682 float xx,yy , rr=x2 ; 00683 xx = x1+rr ; if( !INSIDE(xx,y1) ) break ; 00684 xx = x1-rr ; if( !INSIDE(xx,y1) ) break ; 00685 yy = y1+rr ; if( !INSIDE(x1,yy) ) break ; 00686 yy = y1-rr ; if( !INSIDE(x1,yy) ) break ; 00687 ADDTO_MEMPLOT(np,x1,y1,x2,y2,col,th) ; 00688 } 00689 break ; 00690 } 00691 00692 } else { /** Truly a line! **/ 00693 00694 qq = clip_line_to_rect( xclbot,yclbot , xcltop,ycltop , 00695 &x1,&y1 , &x2,&y2 ) ; 00696 if( qq == 0 ){ 00697 ADDTO_MEMPLOT(np,x1,y1,x2,y2,col,th) ; 00698 } 00699 } 00700 } 00701 00702 if( np->nxyline == 0 ) DESTROY_MEMPLOT(np) ; 00703 00704 return np ; 00705 } |
Definition at line 766 of file srface.c.
00770 { 00771 /* Initialized data */ 00772 00773 static integer kk = 0; 00774 00775 /* System generated locals */ 00776 integer z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2; 00777 real r__1; 00778 00779 /* Builtin functions */ 00780 double r_lg10(real *), pow_ri(real *, integer *), r_int(real *); 00781 00782 /* Local variables */ 00783 static real fanc, crat; 00784 static integer i__, j, k; 00785 static real p, cc, ha, glo; 00786 00787 /* cc DIMENSION Z(MX,NY) ,CL(NLM) */ 00788 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00789 z_dim1 = *mx; 00790 z_offset = z_dim1 + 1; 00791 z__ -= z_offset; 00792 --cl; 00793 00794 /* Function Body */ 00795 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00796 */ 00797 /* CLSET PUTS THE VALUS OF THE CONTOUR LEVELS IN CL */ 00798 00799 *icnst = 0; 00800 glo = *clo; 00801 ha = *chi; 00802 fanc = *cinc; 00803 crat = (real) (*nla); 00804 if ((r__1 = ha - glo) < 0.f) { 00805 goto L10; 00806 } else if (r__1 == 0) { 00807 goto L20; 00808 } else { 00809 goto L50; 00810 } 00811 L10: 00812 glo = ha; 00813 ha = *clo; 00814 goto L50; 00815 L20: 00816 glo = *bigest; 00817 ha = -glo; 00818 i__1 = *ny; 00819 for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j) { 00820 i__2 = *nx; 00821 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { 00822 if (*ioffp == 1 && z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] == *spval) { 00823 goto L30; 00824 } 00825 /* Computing MIN */ 00826 r__1 = z__[i__ + j * z_dim1]; 00827 glo = dmin(r__1,glo); 00828 /* Computing MAX */ 00829 r__1 = z__[i__ + j * z_dim1]; 00830 ha = dmax(r__1,ha); 00831 L30: 00832 ; 00833 } 00834 /* L40: */ 00835 } 00836 L50: 00837 if (fanc < 0.f) { 00838 goto L60; 00839 } else if (fanc == 0) { 00840 goto L70; 00841 } else { 00842 goto L90; 00843 } 00844 L60: 00845 crat = -fanc; 00846 L70: 00847 fanc = (ha - glo) / crat; 00848 if (fanc <= 0.f) { 00849 goto L140; 00850 } else { 00851 goto L80; 00852 } 00853 L80: 00854 i__1 = (integer) (r_lg10(&fanc) + 500.f) - 500; 00855 p = pow_ri(&c_b128, &i__1); 00856 r__1 = fanc / p; 00857 fanc = r_int(&r__1) * p; 00858 L90: 00859 if (*chi - *clo != 0.f) { 00860 goto L110; 00861 } else { 00862 goto L100; 00863 } 00864 L100: 00865 r__1 = glo / fanc; 00866 glo = r_int(&r__1) * fanc; 00867 r__1 = ha / fanc; 00868 ha = r_int(&r__1) * fanc; 00869 L110: 00870 i__1 = *nlm; 00871 for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 00872 cc = glo + (real) (k - 1) * fanc; 00873 if (cc > ha) { 00874 goto L130; 00875 } 00876 kk = k; 00877 cl[k] = cc; 00878 /* L120: */ 00879 } 00880 L130: 00881 *ncl = kk; 00882 return 0; 00883 L140: 00884 *icnst = 1; 00885 return 0; 00886 } /* clset_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file color.c.
00035 { 00036 /* Initialized data */ 00037 00038 static real rgb[21] /* was [3][7] */ = { 0.f,0.f,0.f,1.f,0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f, 00039 1.f,0.f,1.f,0.f,1.f,1.f,0.f,1.f,0.f,1.f,0.f,1.f,1.f }; 00040 00041 /* System generated locals */ 00042 integer i__1, i__2; 00043 00044 /* Local variables */ 00045 static integer ic; 00046 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzmpco_(real *, real *, real *); 00047 00048 00049 /* Set the color of subsequent lines */ 00050 /* ....................................................................... 00051 */ 00052 00053 00054 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00055 00056 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00057 */ 00058 /* cc IF( NPLOTR.EQ.1 .OR. NPLOTR.EQ.2 )THEN */ 00059 /* cc IF( NCOL .LE. 1 .OR. NCOL .GT. 7 )THEN */ 00060 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 5Hclear ) */ 00061 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 2 )THEN */ 00062 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 3Hred ) */ 00063 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 3 )THEN */ 00064 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 4Hblue ) */ 00065 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 4 )THEN */ 00066 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 5Hgreen ) */ 00067 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 5 )THEN */ 00068 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 6Hyellow ) */ 00069 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 6 )THEN */ 00070 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 7Hmagenta ) */ 00071 /* cc ELSEIF( NCOL .EQ. 7 )THEN */ 00072 /* cc CALL GCOLOR( 4Hcyan ) */ 00073 /* cc ENDIF */ 00074 00075 /* cc IF( NPLOTR.EQ.5 )THEN */ 00076 /* cc CALL ZZPCOL( NCOL ) */ 00077 /* cc ENDIF */ 00078 00079 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 6 )THEN */ 00080 /* cc IC = MAX( 1 , MIN( 7 , NCOL ) ) */ 00081 /* cc CALL ZZPSCO( RGB(1,IC) , RGB(2,IC) , RGB(3,IC) ) */ 00082 /* cc ENDIF */ 00083 if (zzpltr_1.nplotr == 7) { 00084 /* Computing MAX */ 00085 i__1 = 1, i__2 = min(7,*ncol); 00086 ic = max(i__1,i__2); 00087 zzmpco_(&rgb[ic * 3 - 3], &rgb[ic * 3 - 2], &rgb[ic * 3 - 1]); 00088 } 00089 00090 return 0; 00091 } /* color_ */ |
Definition at line 365 of file plot_cox.c.
00366 { 00367 MEM_plotdata * np ; 00368 char str[256] ; int nn ; 00369 00370 if( mp == NULL ) return NULL ; 00371 00372 /* make a new ID string */ 00373 00374 for( nn=1 ; nn <= 9999 ; nn++ ){ 00375 sprintf(str,"%.240sCopy%04d",mp->ident,nn) ; 00376 if( find_memplot(str) == NULL ) break ; 00377 } 00378 if( nn == 1000 ) return NULL ; /* this is bad (but unlikely) */ 00379 00380 /* make the new memplot */ 00381 00382 nn = create_memplot( str , mp->aspect ) ; 00383 if( nn ) return NULL ; /* this is real bad */ 00384 00385 np = find_memplot(NULL) ; /* is the new one */ 00386 if( np == NULL ) return NULL ; /* shouldn't happen */ 00387 00388 /* copy data from old one into new one */ 00389 00390 nn = np->nxyline = np->nxyline_all = mp->nxyline ; 00391 np->xyline = (float *) realloc(np->xyline, 00392 sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*nn) ; 00393 memcpy( np->xyline , mp->xyline , sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*nn ) ; 00394 00395 return np ; 00396 } |
Definition at line 49 of file plot_cox.c.
00050 { 00051 MEM_plotdata * pd ; 00052 static int plotpak_framed = 0 ; 00053 real asp ; 00054 00055 if( find_memplot(id) != NULL ) return 1 ; 00056 00057 INIT_MEMPLOT(pd,id) ; 00058 00059 if( plotar == NULL ){ 00060 plotar = (MEM_plotdata **) malloc( sizeof(MEM_plotdata *) ) ; 00061 num_plotar = 0 ; 00062 } else { 00063 plotar = (MEM_plotdata **) 00064 realloc( plotar , sizeof(MEM_plotdata *)*(num_plotar+1) ) ; 00065 } 00066 00067 active_plot = num_plotar ; 00068 plotar[num_plotar++] = pd ; 00069 00070 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( pd , 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0 , -THCODE_OPAC ) ; /* 22 Jul 2004 */ 00071 00072 if( aspect <= 0.0 ) aspect = 1.3 ; 00073 asp = aspect ; 00074 pd->aspect = aspect ; 00075 memplt_( &asp ) ; /* setup PLOTPAK */ 00076 00077 return 0 ; 00078 } |
Definition at line 84 of file plot_cox.c.
00085 { 00086 int ii , jj ; 00087 char str[256] ; 00088 00089 if( aspect <= 0.0 ) aspect = 1.0 ; /* backup for stupid users */ 00090 00091 if( id != NULL && id[0] != '\0'){ 00092 ii = create_memplot(id,aspect) ; 00093 if( ii == 0 ) return 0 ; 00094 } else { 00095 id = "ElvisWalksTheEarth" ; 00096 } 00097 00098 for( jj=0 ; ; jj++ ){ 00099 sprintf(str,"%.240s_%d",id,jj) ; 00100 ii = create_memplot(str,aspect) ; 00101 if( ii == 0 ) return 0 ; 00102 } 00103 00104 return 1 ; /* actually, unreachable */ 00105 } |
Definition at line 891 of file srface.c.
00893 { 00894 /* Initialized data */ 00895 00896 static integer idub = 0; 00897 00898 /* System generated locals */ 00899 integer z_dim1, z_offset, m_dim2, m_offset, i__1, i__2; 00900 real r__1; 00901 00902 /* Builtin functions */ 00903 double r_sign(real *, real *); 00904 00905 /* Local variables */ 00906 static integer jump, k; 00907 extern /* Subroutine */ int color_(integer *), draws_(integer *, integer * 00908 , integer *, integer *, integer *, integer *); 00909 static integer i1, j1; 00910 static real h1, h2, h3, h4; 00911 static integer k1, k2, k3, k4; 00912 static real ra, rb, cv; 00913 static logical lcolor; 00914 static integer i1p1, j1p1, mua, mva, mub, mvb; 00915 00916 00917 /* CC DIMENSION Z(MX,NY) ,M(2,NX,NY) */ 00918 00919 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00920 m_dim2 = *nx; 00921 m_offset = (m_dim2 + 1 << 1) + 1; 00922 m -= m_offset; 00923 z_dim1 = *mx; 00924 z_offset = z_dim1 + 1; 00925 z__ -= z_offset; 00926 00927 /* Function Body */ 00928 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00929 */ 00930 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00931 */ 00932 i1 = *i0; 00933 i1p1 = i1 + 1; 00934 j1 = *j0; 00935 j1p1 = j1 + 1; 00936 h1 = z__[i1 + j1 * z_dim1]; 00937 h2 = z__[i1 + j1p1 * z_dim1]; 00938 h3 = z__[i1p1 + j1p1 * z_dim1]; 00939 h4 = z__[i1p1 + j1 * z_dim1]; 00940 if (srfblk_1.ioffp != 1) { 00941 goto L10; 00942 } 00943 if (h1 == srfblk_1.spval || h2 == srfblk_1.spval || h3 == srfblk_1.spval 00944 || h4 == srfblk_1.spval) { 00945 return 0; 00946 } 00947 L10: 00948 /* Computing MIN */ 00949 r__1 = min(h1,h2), r__1 = min(r__1,h3); 00950 if (dmin(r__1,h4) >[srfblk_1.ncl - 1]) { 00951 return 0; 00952 } 00953 00954 lcolor = FALSE_; 00955 i__1 = srfblk_1.ncl; 00956 for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 00957 00958 /* FOR EACH CONTOUR LEVEL, DESIDE WHICH OF THE 16 BASIC SIT- */ 00959 /* UATIONS EXISTS, THEN INTERPOLATE IN TWO-SPACE TO FIND THE */ 00960 /* END POINTS OF THE CONTOUR LINE SEGMENT WITHIN THIS CELL. */ 00961 00962 cv =[k - 1]; 00963 r__1 = h1 - cv; 00964 k1 = ((integer) r_sign(&c_b3, &r__1) + 1) / 2; 00965 r__1 = h2 - cv; 00966 k2 = ((integer) r_sign(&c_b3, &r__1) + 1) / 2; 00967 r__1 = h3 - cv; 00968 k3 = ((integer) r_sign(&c_b3, &r__1) + 1) / 2; 00969 r__1 = h4 - cv; 00970 k4 = ((integer) r_sign(&c_b3, &r__1) + 1) / 2; 00971 jump = k1 + 1 + (k2 << 1) + (k3 << 2) + (k4 << 3); 00972 00973 /* 17/Apr/91: plot contours in different colors */ 00974 00975 if (jump > 1 && jump < 16) { 00976 i__2 = k % 6 + 2; 00977 color_(&i__2); 00978 } 00979 00980 switch (jump) { 00981 case 1: goto L120; 00982 case 2: goto L30; 00983 case 3: goto L50; 00984 case 4: goto L60; 00985 case 5: goto L70; 00986 case 6: goto L20; 00987 case 7: goto L80; 00988 case 8: goto L90; 00989 case 9: goto L90; 00990 case 10: goto L80; 00991 case 11: goto L40; 00992 case 12: goto L70; 00993 case 13: goto L60; 00994 case 14: goto L50; 00995 case 15: goto L30; 00996 case 16: goto L110; 00997 } 00998 00999 L20: 01000 idub = 1; 01001 L30: 01002 ra = (h1 - cv) / (h1 - h2); 01003 mua = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01004 j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01005 mva = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01006 j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01007 rb = (h1 - cv) / (h1 - h4); 01008 mub = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 + 01009 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01010 mvb = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 + 01011 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01012 goto L100; 01013 L40: 01014 idub = -1; 01015 L50: 01016 ra = (h2 - cv) / (h2 - h1); 01017 mua = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01018 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01019 mva = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01020 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01021 rb = (h2 - cv) / (h2 - h3); 01022 mub = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 01023 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]) 01024 ; 01025 mvb = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 01026 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]) 01027 ; 01028 goto L100; 01029 L60: 01030 ra = (h2 - cv) / (h2 - h3); 01031 mua = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1p1 01032 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]) 01033 ; 01034 mva = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1p1 01035 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]) 01036 ; 01037 rb = (h1 - cv) / (h1 - h4); 01038 mub = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 + 01039 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01040 mvb = (real) m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 + 01041 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01042 goto L100; 01043 L70: 01044 ra = (h3 - cv) / (h3 - h2); 01045 mua = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 01046 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 01047 1]); 01048 mva = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 01049 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 01050 2]); 01051 rb = (h3 - cv) / (h3 - h4); 01052 mub = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[( 01053 i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) 01054 + 1]); 01055 mvb = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[( 01056 i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) 01057 + 2]); 01058 idub = 0; 01059 goto L100; 01060 L80: 01061 ra = (h2 - cv) / (h2 - h1); 01062 mua = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01063 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01064 mva = (real) m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01065 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01066 rb = (h3 - cv) / (h3 - h4); 01067 mub = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[( 01068 i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) 01069 + 1]); 01070 mvb = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[( 01071 i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1p1 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) 01072 + 2]); 01073 goto L100; 01074 L90: 01075 ra = (h4 - cv) / (h4 - h1); 01076 mua = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01077 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]); 01078 mva = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + ra * (real) (m[(i1 + 01079 j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]); 01080 rb = (h4 - cv) / (h4 - h3); 01081 mub = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 01082 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] - m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 1]) 01083 ; 01084 mvb = (real) m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] + rb * (real) (m[(i1p1 01085 + j1p1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] - m[(i1p1 + j1 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2]) 01086 ; 01087 idub = 0; 01088 L100: 01089 draws_(&mua, &mva, &mub, &mvb, &c__1, &c__0); 01090 lcolor = TRUE_; 01091 if (idub < 0) { 01092 goto L90; 01093 } else if (idub == 0) { 01094 goto L110; 01095 } else { 01096 goto L70; 01097 } 01098 L110: 01099 ; 01100 } 01101 01102 L120: 01103 if (lcolor) { 01104 color_(&c__1); 01105 } 01106 return 0; 01107 } /* ctcell_ */ |
Definition at line 18 of file curve.c.
00019 { 00020 extern /* Subroutine */ int points_(real *, real *, integer *, integer *, 00021 integer *); 00022 00023 00024 /* Connect N points with N-1 straight lines */ 00025 00026 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00027 */ 00028 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00029 --y; 00030 --x; 00031 00032 /* Function Body */ 00033 points_(&x[1], &y[1], n, &c__0, &c__1); 00034 return 0; 00035 } /* curve_ */ |
Definition at line 514 of file plot_cox.c.
00515 { 00516 if( mp == NULL ) return ; /* bad or meaningless stuff */ 00517 if( nbot < 0 ) return ; 00518 if( ntop >= mp->nxyline ) return ; 00519 if( nbot > ntop ) return ; 00520 00521 if( ntop == mp->nxyline-1 ){ /* just set num lines to nbot */ 00522 00523 mp->nxyline = nbot ; 00524 00525 } else { /* must move things above ntop down */ 00526 00527 memmove( mp->xyline + NXY_MEMPLOT*nbot , 00528 mp->xyline + NXY_MEMPLOT*(ntop+1) , 00529 sizeof(float)*NXY_MEMPLOT*(mp->nxyline-1-ntop) ) ; 00530 00531 mp->nxyline -= (ntop-nbot+1) ; 00532 00533 } 00534 return ; 00535 } |
Definition at line 271 of file plot_cox.c.
00272 { 00273 int ip ; 00274 00275 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar || 00276 num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || 00277 plotar[active_plot] == NULL ) return ; 00278 00279 DESTROY_MEMPLOT( plotar[active_plot] ) ; 00280 00281 if( num_plotar == 1 ){ 00282 free(plotar) ; plotar = NULL ; num_plotar = 0 ; 00283 } else { 00284 for( ip=active_plot+1 ; ip < num_plotar ; ip++ ) plotar[ip-1] = plotar[ip] ; 00285 num_plotar-- ; plotar[num_plotar] = NULL ; 00286 } 00287 00288 active_plot = -1 ; 00289 return ; 00290 } |
Definition at line 294 of file plot_cox.c.
00295 { 00296 int ip ; 00297 00298 if( num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || mp == NULL ) return ; 00299 00300 for( ip=0 ; ip < num_plotar ; ip++ ) if( plotar[ip] == mp ) break ; 00301 00302 if( ip < num_plotar ){ 00303 if( active_plot == ip ) active_plot = -1 ; 00304 else if( active_plot > ip ) active_plot-- ; 00305 00306 for( ip++ ; ip < num_plotar ; ip++ ) plotar[ip-1] = plotar[ip] ; 00307 00308 num_plotar-- ; plotar[num_plotar] = NULL ; 00309 } 00310 00311 DESTROY_MEMPLOT( mp ) ; 00312 return ; 00313 } |
Definition at line 1112 of file srface.c.
01114 { 01115 /* Initialized data */ 01116 01117 static real steep = 5.f; 01118 static integer mx = 0; 01119 static integer my = 0; 01120 01121 /* System generated locals */ 01122 integer i__1, i__2; 01123 01124 /* Local variables */ 01125 static integer nx1p1, k, ltemp; 01126 extern /* Subroutine */ int srfpl_(integer *, real *, real *); 01127 static real dy; 01128 static integer nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2; 01129 static real pxs[2], pys[2], fny1; 01130 static logical vis1, vis2; 01131 static integer mmx1, mmy1, mmx2, mmy2; 01132 01133 01134 /* THIS ROUTINE DRAWS THE VISIBLE PART OF THE LINE CONNECTING */ 01135 /* (MX1,MY1) AND (MX2,MY2). IF IDRAW .NE. 0, THE LINE IS DRAWN. */ 01136 /* IF IMARK .NE. 0, THE VISIBILITY ARRAY IS MARKED. */ 01137 01138 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01139 */ 01140 /* MAKE LINE LEFT TO RIGHT. */ 01141 01142 mmx1 = *mx1; 01143 mmy1 = *my1; 01144 mmx2 = *mx2; 01145 mmy2 = *my2; 01146 if (mmx1 == srfblk_1.nspval || mmx2 == srfblk_1.nspval) { 01147 return 0; 01148 } 01149 if (mmx1 > mmx2) { 01150 goto L10; 01151 } 01152 nx1 = mmx1; 01153 ny1 = mmy1; 01154 nx2 = mmx2; 01155 ny2 = mmy2; 01156 goto L20; 01157 L10: 01158 nx1 = mmx2; 01159 ny1 = mmy2; 01160 nx2 = mmx1; 01161 ny2 = mmy1; 01162 L20: 01163 if (srfblk_1.nupper < 0) { 01164 goto L180; 01165 } 01166 01167 /* CHECK UPPER VISIBILITY. */ 01168 01169 vis1 = ny1 >= srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1] - 1; 01170 vis2 = ny2 >= srfblk_1.limu[nx2 - 1] - 1; 01171 01172 /* VIS1 AND VIS2 TRUE MEANS VISIBLE. */ 01173 01174 if (vis1 && vis2) { 01175 goto L120; 01176 } 01177 01178 /* VIS1 AND VIS2 FALSE MEANS INVISIBLE. */ 01179 01180 if (! (vis1 || vis2)) { 01181 goto L180; 01182 } 01183 01184 /* FIND CHANGE POINT. */ 01185 01186 if (nx1 == nx2) { 01187 goto L110; 01188 } 01189 dy = (real) (ny2 - ny1) / (real) (nx2 - nx1); 01190 nx1p1 = nx1 + 1; 01191 fny1 = (real) ny1; 01192 if (vis1) { 01193 goto L60; 01194 } 01195 i__1 = nx2; 01196 for (k = nx1p1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01197 mx = k; 01198 my = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01199 if (my > srfblk_1.limu[k - 1]) { 01200 goto L40; 01201 } 01202 /* L30: */ 01203 } 01204 L40: 01205 if (dabs(dy) >= steep) { 01206 goto L90; 01207 } 01208 L50: 01209 nx1 = mx; 01210 ny1 = my; 01211 goto L120; 01212 L60: 01213 i__1 = nx2; 01214 for (k = nx1p1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01215 mx = k; 01216 my = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01217 if (my <= srfblk_1.limu[k - 1]) { 01218 goto L80; 01219 } 01220 /* L70: */ 01221 } 01222 L80: 01223 if (dabs(dy) >= steep) { 01224 goto L100; 01225 } 01226 nx2 = mx - 1; 01227 ny2 = my; 01228 goto L120; 01229 L90: 01230 if (srfblk_1.limu[mx - 1] == 0) { 01231 goto L50; 01232 } 01233 nx1 = mx; 01234 ny1 = srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1]; 01235 goto L120; 01236 L100: 01237 nx2 = mx - 1; 01238 ny2 = srfblk_1.limu[nx2 - 1]; 01239 goto L120; 01240 L110: 01241 if (vis1) { 01242 /* Computing MIN */ 01243 i__1 = srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1], i__2 = srfblk_1.limu[nx2 - 1]; 01244 ny2 = min(i__1,i__2); 01245 } 01246 if (vis2) { 01247 /* Computing MIN */ 01248 i__1 = srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1], i__2 = srfblk_1.limu[nx2 - 1]; 01249 ny1 = min(i__1,i__2); 01250 } 01251 L120: 01252 if (*idraw == 0) { 01253 goto L150; 01254 } 01255 01256 /* DRAW VISIBLE PART OF LINE. */ 01257 01258 if (srfblk_1.irot != 0) { 01259 goto L130; 01260 } else { 01261 goto L140; 01262 } 01263 L130: 01264 pxs[0] = (real) ny1; 01265 pxs[1] = (real) ny2; 01266 pys[0] = (real) (1024 - nx1); 01267 pys[1] = (real) (1024 - nx2); 01268 srfpl_(&c__2, pxs, pys); 01269 goto L150; 01270 L140: 01271 pxs[0] = (real) nx1; 01272 pxs[1] = (real) nx2; 01273 pys[0] = (real) ny1; 01274 pys[1] = (real) ny2; 01275 srfpl_(&c__2, pxs, pys); 01276 L150: 01277 if (*imark == 0) { 01278 goto L180; 01279 } 01280 if (nx1 == nx2) { 01281 goto L170; 01282 } 01283 dy = (real) (ny2 - ny1) / (real) (nx2 - nx1); 01284 fny1 = (real) ny1; 01285 i__1 = nx2; 01286 for (k = nx1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01287 ltemp = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01288 if (ltemp > srfblk_1.limu[k - 1]) { 01289 srfblk_1.limu[k - 1] = ltemp; 01290 } 01291 /* L160: */ 01292 } 01293 goto L180; 01294 L170: 01295 ltemp = max(ny1,ny2); 01296 if (ltemp > srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1]) { 01297 srfblk_1.limu[nx1 - 1] = ltemp; 01298 } 01299 L180: 01300 if (srfblk_1.nupper <= 0) { 01301 goto L190; 01302 } else { 01303 goto L370; 01304 } 01305 01306 /* SAME IDEA AS ABOVE, BUT FOR LOWER SIDE. */ 01307 01308 L190: 01309 if (mmx1 > mmx2) { 01310 goto L200; 01311 } 01312 nx1 = mmx1; 01313 ny1 = mmy1; 01314 nx2 = mmx2; 01315 ny2 = mmy2; 01316 goto L210; 01317 L200: 01318 nx1 = mmx2; 01319 ny1 = mmy2; 01320 nx2 = mmx1; 01321 ny2 = mmy1; 01322 L210: 01323 vis1 = ny1 <= srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1] + 1; 01324 vis2 = ny2 <= srfblk_1.liml[nx2 - 1] + 1; 01325 if (vis1 && vis2) { 01326 goto L310; 01327 } 01328 if (! (vis1 || vis2)) { 01329 goto L370; 01330 } 01331 if (nx1 == nx2) { 01332 goto L300; 01333 } 01334 dy = (real) (ny2 - ny1) / (real) (nx2 - nx1); 01335 nx1p1 = nx1 + 1; 01336 fny1 = (real) ny1; 01337 if (vis1) { 01338 goto L250; 01339 } 01340 i__1 = nx2; 01341 for (k = nx1p1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01342 mx = k; 01343 my = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01344 if (my < srfblk_1.liml[k - 1]) { 01345 goto L230; 01346 } 01347 /* L220: */ 01348 } 01349 L230: 01350 if (dabs(dy) >= steep) { 01351 goto L280; 01352 } 01353 L240: 01354 nx1 = mx; 01355 ny1 = my; 01356 goto L310; 01357 L250: 01358 i__1 = nx2; 01359 for (k = nx1p1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01360 mx = k; 01361 my = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01362 if (my >= srfblk_1.liml[k - 1]) { 01363 goto L270; 01364 } 01365 /* L260: */ 01366 } 01367 L270: 01368 if (dabs(dy) >= steep) { 01369 goto L290; 01370 } 01371 nx2 = mx - 1; 01372 ny2 = my; 01373 goto L310; 01374 L280: 01375 if (srfblk_1.liml[mx - 1] == 1024) { 01376 goto L240; 01377 } 01378 nx1 = mx; 01379 ny1 = srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1]; 01380 goto L310; 01381 L290: 01382 nx2 = mx - 1; 01383 ny2 = srfblk_1.liml[nx2 - 1]; 01384 goto L310; 01385 L300: 01386 if (vis1) { 01387 /* Computing MAX */ 01388 i__1 = srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1], i__2 = srfblk_1.liml[nx2 - 1]; 01389 ny2 = max(i__1,i__2); 01390 } 01391 if (vis2) { 01392 /* Computing MAX */ 01393 i__1 = srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1], i__2 = srfblk_1.liml[nx2 - 1]; 01394 ny1 = max(i__1,i__2); 01395 } 01396 L310: 01397 if (*idraw == 0) { 01398 goto L340; 01399 } 01400 if (srfblk_1.irot != 0) { 01401 goto L320; 01402 } else { 01403 goto L330; 01404 } 01405 L320: 01406 pxs[0] = (real) ny1; 01407 pxs[1] = (real) ny2; 01408 pys[0] = (real) (1024 - nx1); 01409 pys[1] = (real) (1024 - nx2); 01410 srfpl_(&c__2, pxs, pys); 01411 goto L340; 01412 L330: 01413 pxs[0] = (real) nx1; 01414 pxs[1] = (real) nx2; 01415 pys[0] = (real) ny1; 01416 pys[1] = (real) ny2; 01417 srfpl_(&c__2, pxs, pys); 01418 L340: 01419 if (*imark == 0) { 01420 goto L370; 01421 } 01422 if (nx1 == nx2) { 01423 goto L360; 01424 } 01425 dy = (real) (ny2 - ny1) / (real) (nx2 - nx1); 01426 fny1 = (real) ny1; 01427 i__1 = nx2; 01428 for (k = nx1; k <= i__1; ++k) { 01429 ltemp = fny1 + (real) (k - nx1) * dy; 01430 if (ltemp < srfblk_1.liml[k - 1]) { 01431 srfblk_1.liml[k - 1] = ltemp; 01432 } 01433 /* L350: */ 01434 } 01435 return 0; 01436 L360: 01437 ltemp = min(ny1,ny2); 01438 if (ltemp < srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1]) { 01439 srfblk_1.liml[nx1 - 1] = ltemp; 01440 } 01441 L370: 01442 return 0; 01443 } /* draws_ */ |
Definition at line 96 of file color.c.
00097 { 00098 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzmpco_(real *, real *, real *); 00099 00100 00101 /* Set the color of subsequent lines */ 00102 /* ....................................................................... 00103 */ 00104 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00105 */ 00106 00107 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00108 00109 if (zzpltr_1.nplotr == 7) { 00110 zzmpco_(cr, cg, cb); 00111 } 00112 return 0; 00113 } /* fcolor_ */ |
Definition at line 26 of file plot_cox.c.
00027 { 00028 int ip ; 00029 00030 if( num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL ) return NULL ; 00031 00032 if( id == NULL || id[0] == '\0' ){ 00033 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar ) return NULL ; 00034 return plotar[active_plot] ; 00035 } 00036 00037 for( ip=0 ; ip < num_plotar ; ip++ ) 00038 if( strcmp(plotar[ip]->ident,id) == 0 ) return plotar[ip] ; 00039 00040 return NULL ; 00041 } |
Definition at line 404 of file plot_cox.c.
00405 { 00406 int fopt , ii,nn ; 00407 float xtop , ytop=1.0 , x1,y1,x2,y2 ; 00408 00409 if( mp == NULL ) return ; /* nothing in */ 00410 if( rot == MRI_ROT_0 && mirror == FALSE ) return ; /* do nothing */ 00411 00412 xtop = mp->aspect ; 00413 00414 fopt = (mirror) ? (rot+MRI_FLMADD) : (rot) ; 00415 switch( fopt ){ 00416 00417 default: return ; /* should never happen */ 00418 00419 case MRI_ROT_90: 00420 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00421 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00422 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00423 mp->xyline[nn ] = ytop - y1 ; 00424 mp->xyline[nn+1] = x1 ; 00425 mp->xyline[nn+2] = ytop - y2 ; 00426 mp->xyline[nn+3] = x2 ; 00427 } 00428 break ; 00429 00430 case MRI_ROT_180: 00431 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00432 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00433 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00434 mp->xyline[nn ] = xtop - x1 ; 00435 mp->xyline[nn+1] = ytop - y1 ; 00436 mp->xyline[nn+2] = xtop - x2 ; 00437 mp->xyline[nn+3] = ytop - y2 ; 00438 } 00439 break ; 00440 00441 case MRI_ROT_270: 00442 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00443 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00444 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00445 mp->xyline[nn ] = y1 ; 00446 mp->xyline[nn+1] = xtop - x1 ; 00447 mp->xyline[nn+2] = y2 ; 00448 mp->xyline[nn+3] = xtop - x2 ; 00449 } 00450 break ; 00451 00452 case (MRI_ROT_0+MRI_FLMADD): 00453 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00454 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00455 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00456 mp->xyline[nn ] = xtop - x1 ; 00457 mp->xyline[nn+1] = y1 ; 00458 mp->xyline[nn+2] = xtop - x2 ; 00459 mp->xyline[nn+3] = y2 ; 00460 } 00461 break ; 00462 00463 case (MRI_ROT_90+MRI_FLMADD): 00464 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00465 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00466 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00467 mp->xyline[nn ] = y1 ; 00468 mp->xyline[nn+1] = x1 ; 00469 mp->xyline[nn+2] = y2 ; 00470 mp->xyline[nn+3] = x2 ; 00471 } 00472 break ; 00473 00474 case (MRI_ROT_180+MRI_FLMADD): 00475 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00476 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00477 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00478 mp->xyline[nn ] = x1 ; 00479 mp->xyline[nn+1] = ytop - y1 ; 00480 mp->xyline[nn+2] = x2 ; 00481 mp->xyline[nn+3] = ytop - y2 ; 00482 } 00483 break ; 00484 00485 case (MRI_ROT_270+MRI_FLMADD): 00486 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++,nn+=NXY_MEMPLOT ){ 00487 x1 = mp->xyline[nn ] ; y1 = mp->xyline[nn+1] ; 00488 x2 = mp->xyline[nn+2] ; y2 = mp->xyline[nn+3] ; 00489 mp->xyline[nn ] = ytop - y1 ; 00490 mp->xyline[nn+1] = xtop - x1 ; 00491 mp->xyline[nn+2] = ytop - y2 ; 00492 mp->xyline[nn+3] = xtop - x2 ; 00493 } 00494 break ; 00495 } 00496 00497 return ; 00498 } |
Definition at line 36 of file coxplot/frame.c.
00037 { 00038 00039 /* Stop plotting in the current window (or frame). */ 00040 /* ....................................................................... 00041 */ 00042 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00043 */ 00044 /* cc IF( NPLOTR.EQ.1 .OR. NPLOTR.EQ.2 )THEN */ 00045 /* cc CALL GPAGE */ 00046 /* cc ENDIF */ 00047 00048 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 3 )THEN */ 00049 /* cc CLOSE( UNIT=99 ) */ 00050 /* cc ENDIF */ 00051 00052 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 4 )THEN */ 00053 /* cc CALL ZZUPFR */ 00054 /* cc ENDIF */ 00055 00056 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 5 )THEN */ 00057 /* cc CALL ZZPCFR */ 00058 /* cc ENDIF */ 00059 00060 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 6 )THEN */ 00061 /* cc CALL ZZPSFR */ 00062 /* cc ENDIF */ 00063 00064 00065 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00066 00067 return 0; 00068 } /* frame_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file frstpt.c.
00035 { 00036 static real xx, yy; 00037 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphys_(real *, real *); 00038 00039 00040 /* Set the first point ("pen up move") */ 00041 /* ....................................................................... 00042 */ 00043 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00044 */ 00045 00046 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00047 00048 xx = *x; 00049 yy = *y; 00050 zzphys_(&xx, &yy); 00051 zzzplt_1.xphold = xx; 00052 zzzplt_1.yphold = yy; 00053 return 0; 00054 } /* frstpt_ */ |
Definition at line 130 of file plot_cox.c.
00131 { 00132 return find_memplot(NULL) ; 00133 } |
Definition at line 201 of file plot_cox.c.
00202 { 00203 return active_opacity ; 00204 } |
Definition at line 177 of file plot_cox.c.
00178 { 00179 return active_thick ; 00180 } |
Definition at line 479 of file plot_x11.c.
00480 { 00481 Status sss ; 00482 XWindowAttributes xwat ; 00483 XColor * xcol ; 00484 XVisualInfo vinfo , * vin ; 00485 X11_colordef * cd ; /* will be the output */ 00486 int count , ii ; 00487 xhandler old_handler ; /* 13 Mar 2002 */ 00488 00489 /*--- sanity check ---*/ 00490 00491 if( display == NULL || w == (Window) 0 ) return NULL ; 00492 00493 /*--- get window attributes ---*/ 00494 00495 /* 13 Mar 2002: deal with the error that occurs 00496 when the Window is really a Pixmap */ 00497 00498 xwat.depth = 0 ; 00499 old_handler = XSetErrorHandler(qhandler) ; xwasbad = 0 ; 00500 00501 XGetWindowAttributes( display, getwin_from_XDBE(display,w), &xwat ) ; 00502 00503 (void) XSetErrorHandler(old_handler) ; 00504 00505 if( xwasbad ){ 00506 int xx,yy ; unsigned int ww,hh,bb,dd ; Window rr ; 00507 XGetGeometry( display,w , &rr,&xx,&yy,&ww,&hh,&bb,&dd ) ; 00508 XGetWindowAttributes( display, rr , &xwat ) ; 00509 } 00510 if( xwat.depth == 0 ) return NULL ; /* bad news */ 00511 00512 /*--- get information about the window's Visual ---*/ 00513 00514 vinfo.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual(xwat.visual) ; 00515 vin = XGetVisualInfo( display , VisualIDMask , &vinfo , &count ) ; 00516 if( count == 0 || vin == NULL ) return NULL ; 00517 00518 /*--- PseudoColor case ---*/ 00519 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) 00520 if( vin->c_class == PseudoColor ){ 00521 #else 00522 if( vin->class == PseudoColor ){ 00523 #endif 00524 int iz ; 00525 00526 /* create output */ 00527 00528 cd = (X11_colordef *) malloc( sizeof(X11_colordef) ) ; 00529 cd->classKRH = PseudoColor ; 00530 cd->depth = vin->depth ; 00531 00532 /* get all the colors in the colormap */ 00533 00534 count = vin->colormap_size ; 00535 xcol = (XColor *) malloc( sizeof(XColor) * count ) ; 00536 for( ii=0 ; ii < count ; ii++ ) xcol[ii].pixel = ii ; 00537 00538 XQueryColors( display , xwat.colormap , xcol , count ) ; 00539 00540 /* store them in the output, truncated to 8 bits */ 00541 00542 cd->ncolors = count ; 00543 cd->rr = (unsigned char *) malloc( count ) ; 00544 cd->gg = (unsigned char *) malloc( count ) ; 00545 cd->bb = (unsigned char *) malloc( count ) ; 00546 00547 for( ii=0 ; ii < count ; ii++ ){ 00548 cd->rr[ii] = xcol[ii].red >> 8 ; 00549 cd->gg[ii] = xcol[ii].green >> 8 ; 00550 cd->bb[ii] = xcol[ii].blue >> 8 ; 00551 } 00552 00553 /* find first all zero color; discard others at end of colormap */ 00554 00555 for( iz=0 ; iz < count ; iz++ ) 00556 if( cd->rr[iz] == 0 && cd->gg[iz] == 0 && cd->bb[iz] == 0 ) break ; 00557 00558 if( iz < count-1 ){ /* if found one before the end */ 00559 00560 for( ii=count-1 ; ii > iz ; ii-- ) /* scan backwards */ 00561 if( cd->rr[ii] != 0 || cd->gg[ii] != 0 || cd->bb[ii] != 0 ) break ; 00562 00563 count = ii+1 ; /* number of colors left */ 00564 00565 if( count == 1 ){ /* colormap is all black?! */ 00566 free(xcol) ; XFree(vin) ; FREE_X11_colordef(cd) ; return NULL ; 00567 } 00568 00569 cd->ncolors = count ; 00570 } 00571 00572 free(xcol) ; XFree(vin) ; return cd ; 00573 } 00574 00575 /*--- TrueColor case ---*/ 00576 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus) 00577 if( vin->c_class == TrueColor ){ 00578 #else 00579 if( vin->class == TrueColor ){ 00580 #endif 00581 00582 /* create output */ 00583 00584 cd = (X11_colordef *) malloc( sizeof(X11_colordef) ) ; 00585 cd->classKRH = TrueColor ; 00586 cd->depth = vin->depth ; 00587 00588 cd->rrmask = vin->red_mask ; /* bit masks for color */ 00589 cd->ggmask = vin->green_mask ; /* storage inside pixel */ 00590 cd->bbmask = vin->blue_mask ; 00591 cd->rrshift = 7 - highbit(cd->rrmask) ; /* shift puts high bit of */ 00592 cd->ggshift = 7 - highbit(cd->ggmask) ; /* a color byte into place */ 00593 cd->bbshift = 7 - highbit(cd->bbmask) ; /* +shift == >> ; - == << */ 00594 00595 cd->rr = cd->gg = cd->bb = NULL ; /* not used */ 00596 00597 XFree(vin) ; return cd ; 00598 } 00599 00600 /*--- Illegal Visual class! ---*/ 00601 00602 XFree(vin) ; return NULL ; 00603 } |
Definition at line 624 of file plot_x11.c.
00625 { 00626 XdbeBackBufferAttributes * bat ; 00627 Window bw ; 00628 00629 if( w == (Window) 0 || use_xdbe <= 0 ) return w ; 00630 00631 bat = XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes( dpy , w ) ; 00632 bw = bat->window ; XFree(bat) ; 00633 if( bw == (Window) 0 ) bw = w ; 00634 return bw ; 00635 } |
Definition at line 607 of file plot_x11.c.
00608 { 00609 int sss , ii , jj ; 00610 char * ec ; 00611 00612 if( use_xdbe >= 0 ) return ; 00613 00614 ec = getenv("AFNI_NO_XDBE") ; /* 28 Jan 2000 - add this environment variable */ 00615 if( ec != NULL && (ec[0]=='Y' || ec[0]=='y') ){ 00616 use_xdbe = 0 ; 00617 } else { 00618 sss = (int) XdbeQueryExtension( dpy , &ii , &jj ) ; 00619 use_xdbe = (sss != 0 ) ; 00620 } 00621 return ; 00622 } |
Definition at line 504 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 34 of file labmod.c.
00037 { 00038 00039 /* Modify the labels for the axes. Note that only the JSIZX and JSIZY */ 00040 /* arguments are used in this call. The other arguments are retained */ 00041 /* for compatibility with NCAR. */ 00042 /* ....................................................................... 00043 */ 00044 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00045 */ 00046 00047 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00048 00049 zzzplt_1.isizx = *jsizx; 00050 if (zzzplt_1.isizx <= 0) { 00051 zzzplt_1.isizx = 8; 00052 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizx == 1) { 00053 zzzplt_1.isizx = 12; 00054 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizx == 2) { 00055 zzzplt_1.isizx = 16; 00056 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizx == 3) { 00057 zzzplt_1.isizx = 24; 00058 } 00059 00060 zzzplt_1.isizy = *jsizy; 00061 if (zzzplt_1.isizy <= 0) { 00062 zzzplt_1.isizy = 8; 00063 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizy == 1) { 00064 zzzplt_1.isizy = 12; 00065 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizy == 2) { 00066 zzzplt_1.isizy = 16; 00067 } else if (zzzplt_1.isizy == 3) { 00068 zzzplt_1.isizy = 24; 00069 } 00070 00071 return 0; 00072 } /* labmod_ */ |
Definition at line 195 of file pwritf.c.
00196 { 00197 /* System generated locals */ 00198 integer ret_val; 00199 00200 /* Builtin functions */ 00201 integer i_len(char *, ftnlen); 00202 00203 /* Local variables */ 00204 static integer npos; 00205 00206 00207 /* Return the position of the last nonblank character in the input */ 00208 /* character string. CLINE is CHARACTER*(*). Even if CLINE is all */ 00209 /* blanks, LASTNB will be returned as 1 so that operations of the */ 00210 /* form CLINE(1:LASTNB) won't be garbage. */ 00211 00212 00213 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00214 */ 00215 00216 /* Start at the end and work backwards until a nonblank is found. */ 00217 /* Loop back to 100 to check position # NPOS each time. */ 00218 00219 npos = i_len(cline, cline_len); 00220 L100: 00221 /* quit if at the beginning */ 00222 if (npos <= 1) { 00223 goto L200; 00224 } 00225 /* quit if not a blank or a null */ 00226 if (*(unsigned char *)&cline[npos - 1] != ' ' && *(unsigned char *)&cline[ 00227 npos - 1] != '\0') { 00228 goto L200; 00229 } 00230 /* move back one position and try again */ 00231 --npos; 00232 goto L100; 00233 /* ....................................................................... 00234 */ 00235 L200: 00236 ret_val = npos; 00237 return ret_val; 00238 } /* lastnb_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file line.c.
00012 { 00013 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00014 static real xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2; 00015 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphys_(real *, real *); 00016 00017 00018 /* Draw one line between given user coordinates. */ 00019 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00020 */ 00021 xx1 = *x1; 00022 yy1 = *y1; 00023 zzphys_(&xx1, &yy1); 00024 xx2 = *x2; 00025 yy2 = *y2; 00026 zzphys_(&xx2, &yy2); 00027 00028 zzline_(&xx1, &yy1, &xx2, &yy2); 00029 00030 return 0; 00031 } /* line_ */ |
Definition at line 18 of file plot_ps2.c.
00019 { 00020 int ii , nline ; 00021 float old_thick , old_color , new_color , new_thick ; 00022 int x1,y1 , x2,y2 ; 00023 int skip ; 00024 00025 /*-- sanity checks --*/ 00026 00027 if( fname == NULL || fname[0] == '\0' || mp == NULL ) return ; 00028 00029 nline = MEMPLOT_NLINE(mp) ; if( nline < 1 ) return ; 00030 00031 /*-- open the output file --*/ 00032 00033 if( ! ps_openpl(fname) ) return ; 00034 ps_space( 0,0,PSIZE,PSIZE ) ; 00035 00036 old_color = -1.0 ; 00037 old_thick = -THCODE_INVALID ; 00038 00039 /*-- loop over lines, scale and plot --*/ 00040 00041 for( ii=0 ; ii < nline ; ii++ ){ 00042 00043 skip = 0 ; 00044 00045 /* check if need to change color or thickness of line */ 00046 00047 new_color = MEMPLOT_COL(mp,ii) ; 00048 if( new_color != old_color ){ 00049 float rr=COL_TO_RRR(new_color) , 00050 gg=COL_TO_GGG(new_color) , bb=COL_TO_BBB(new_color) ; 00051 ps_setrgb( rr , gg , bb ) ; 00052 old_color = new_color ; 00053 } 00054 new_thick = MEMPLOT_TH(mp,ii) ; 00055 if( new_thick < 0.0 ){ /* 21 Mar 2001: negative thickness codes */ 00056 int thc = (int)(-new_thick) ; 00057 switch( thc ){ 00058 case THCODE_RECT:{ /* rectangle */ 00059 x1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ; 00060 x2 = 0.499 + PSIZE * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y2(mp,ii)) ; 00061 y1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ; 00062 y2 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ; 00063 ps_rect( x1,y1 , x2,y2 ) ; 00064 skip = 1 ; 00065 } 00066 break ; 00067 00068 case THCODE_CIRC:{ /* circle */ 00069 x1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ; 00070 y1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ; 00071 x2 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ; 00072 ps_circle( x1,y1 , x2 ) ; 00073 skip = 1 ; 00074 } 00075 break ; 00076 } 00077 } else if( new_thick != old_thick ){ /* old code to change line thickness */ 00078 float th = PSIZE * new_thick ; 00079 if( th <= 0.0 ) th = 1.0 ; 00080 ps_setwidth( th ) ; 00081 old_thick = new_thick ; 00082 } 00083 00084 if( !skip ){ 00085 /* scale coords (also see zzphph.f) */ 00086 00087 x1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ; 00088 x2 = 0.499 + PSIZE * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y2(mp,ii)) ; 00089 y1 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ; 00090 y2 = 0.499 + PSIZE * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ; 00091 00092 ps_line( x1,y1 , x2,y2 ) ; 00093 } 00094 } 00095 00096 /*-- done --*/ 00097 00098 ps_closepl() ; 00099 return ; 00100 } |
Definition at line 437 of file coxplot/plot_motif.c.
00439 { 00440 Widget topshell , drawing , donebut , form , psfilebut , psprintbut ; 00441 MEM_topshell_data * mpcb ; 00442 int hmin=400 , wmin , ibut=0 , hh,ww,xx,yy ; 00443 char * prc , * ept ; 00444 00445 /* sanity check */ 00446 00447 if( dpy == NULL || mp == NULL ) return NULL ; 00448 00449 mpcb = (MEM_topshell_data *) malloc( sizeof(MEM_topshell_data) ) ; 00450 mpcb->valid = 0 ; 00451 00452 #ifdef HAVE_XDBE 00453 init_XDBE(dpy) ; mpcb->have_xdbe = 0 ; 00454 #endif 00455 00456 wmin = MEMPLOT_ASPECT(mp) * hmin ; 00457 00458 /* 12 Oct 2000: a crude way to set the geometry of the popup */ 00459 00460 decode_geom( getenv("AFNI_tsplotgeom") , &ww,&hh,&xx,&yy ) ; 00461 if( ww < wmin ) ww = wmin ; 00462 if( hh < hmin ) hh = hmin ; 00463 00464 /* shell to hold it all */ 00465 00466 topshell = XtVaAppCreateShell( 00467 "AFNI" , "AFNI" , topLevelShellWidgetClass , dpy , 00468 XmNborderWidth , 0 , 00469 XmNminHeight , hmin , XmNheight , hh , 00470 XmNminWidth , wmin , XmNwidth , ww , 00471 XmNallowShellResize , False , 00472 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00473 XmNdeleteResponse , XmDO_NOTHING , /* deletion handled below */ 00474 NULL ) ; 00475 00476 XmAddWMProtocolCallback( 00477 topshell , XmInternAtom(dpy,"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",False) , 00478 donebut_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00479 00480 mpcb->top = topshell ; 00481 mpcb->mp = mp ; 00482 mpcb->dial= NULL ; 00483 mpcb->wtf = NULL ; 00484 00485 mpcb->killfunc = kfun ; 00486 00487 /* form to manage it all */ 00488 00489 #undef TIG 00490 #undef NBUT 00491 #define TIG 20 00492 #define NBUT 3 00493 00494 mpcb->form = form = 00495 XtVaCreateWidget( "dialog" , xmFormWidgetClass , topshell , 00496 XmNborderWidth , 0 , 00497 XmNfractionBase , TIG*NBUT - 1 , 00498 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00499 NULL ) ; 00500 00501 /* buttons across the top */ 00502 00503 if( redcolor == NULL ){ HOTCOLOR(form,redcolor) ; } 00504 00505 ibut = 0 ; 00506 psfilebut = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00507 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , form , 00508 LABEL_ARG("PS->file") , 00509 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00510 00511 XmNleftAttachment , 00512 (ibut!=0) ? XmATTACH_POSITION : XmATTACH_FORM , 00513 XmNleftPosition , ibut*TIG , 00514 00515 XmNrightAttachment , 00516 (ibut==NBUT-1) ? XmATTACH_FORM : XmATTACH_POSITION , 00517 XmNrightPosition , ibut*TIG + (TIG-1) , 00518 00519 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00520 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00521 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00522 NULL ) ; 00523 XtAddCallback( psfilebut , XmNactivateCallback , psfile_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00524 00525 ibut++ ; 00526 psprintbut = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00527 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , form , 00528 LABEL_ARG("->printer") , 00529 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00530 00531 XmNleftAttachment , 00532 (ibut!=0) ? XmATTACH_POSITION : XmATTACH_FORM , 00533 XmNleftPosition , ibut*TIG , 00534 00535 XmNrightAttachment , 00536 (ibut==NBUT-1) ? XmATTACH_FORM : XmATTACH_POSITION , 00537 XmNrightPosition , ibut*TIG + (TIG-1) , 00538 00539 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00540 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00541 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00542 NULL ) ; 00543 prc = getenv( "AFNI_PSPRINT" ) ; 00544 if( prc != NULL ){ 00545 sprintf( print_command , "|%.250s" , prc ) ; 00546 XtAddCallback( psprintbut , XmNactivateCallback , psprint_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00547 } else { 00548 #if 0 00549 XtAddCallback( psprintbut , XmNactivateCallback , beep_CB , 00550 (XtPointer) "*** AFNI_PSPRINT not defined - see README.environment" ) ; 00551 #else 00552 XtSetSensitive( psprintbut , False ) ; /* 05 Nov 2001 */ 00553 #endif 00554 } 00555 00556 ibut++ ; 00557 donebut = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00558 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , form , 00559 LABEL_ARG("Done") , 00560 #if 1 00561 BGCOLOR_ARG(redcolor) , 00562 #endif 00563 00564 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00565 00566 XmNleftAttachment , 00567 (ibut!=0) ? XmATTACH_POSITION : XmATTACH_FORM , 00568 XmNleftPosition , ibut*TIG , 00569 00570 XmNrightAttachment , 00571 (ibut==NBUT-1) ? XmATTACH_FORM : XmATTACH_POSITION , 00572 XmNrightPosition , ibut*TIG + (TIG-1) , 00573 00574 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00575 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00576 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00577 NULL ) ; 00578 XtAddCallback( donebut , XmNactivateCallback , donebut_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00579 00580 /* drawing area to receive the picture */ 00581 00582 drawing = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass , form , 00583 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_WIDGET , 00584 XmNtopWidget , donebut , 00585 XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00586 XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00587 XmNbottomAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00588 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00589 NULL ) ; 00590 00591 XtAddCallback( drawing , XmNexposeCallback , expose_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00592 XtAddCallback( drawing , XmNresizeCallback , resize_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00593 XtAddCallback( drawing , XmNinputCallback , input_CB , (XtPointer) mpcb ) ; 00594 00595 /* finish the job */ 00596 00597 XtVaSetValues( form , BGCOLOR_ARG("white") , NULL ) ; 00598 00599 if( xx >= 0 && yy >= 0 ) 00600 XtVaSetValues( topshell , XmNx,xx , XmNy,yy , NULL ) ; 00601 00602 XtManageChild(form) ; 00603 XtRealizeWidget(topshell); 00604 00605 mpcb->valid = 1 ; mpcb->userdata = NULL ; mpcb->drawing = drawing ; 00606 return mpcb ; 00607 } |
Definition at line 121 of file plot_x11.c.
00123 { 00124 int ii , nline , same ; 00125 float old_thick , old_color , new_color , new_thick ; 00126 float scal,xscal,yscal , xoff,yoff ; 00127 short x1,y1 , x2,y2 ; /* X11 screen coords are shorts */ 00128 int skip ; 00129 int w_width, w_height, w_depth ; /* 12 Mar 2002 */ 00130 XGCValues gcv ; 00131 00132 int freee = (mask & MEMPLOT_FREE_ASPECT) != 0 ; /* 16 Nov 2001 */ 00133 int erase = (mask & MEMPLOT_ERASE ) != 0 ; 00134 00135 /*--- check for madness ---*/ 00136 00137 if( dpy == NULL || w == (Window) 0 || mp == NULL ) return ; 00138 if( start < 0 ) start = 0 ; 00139 00140 nline = MEMPLOT_NLINE(mp) ; 00141 if( nline < 1 || start >= nline ) return ; 00142 00143 if( end <= start || end > nline ) end = nline ; 00144 00145 /*-- if we have a new X11 Display, get its coloring 00146 (note the tacit assumption that all windows on the same 00147 display in the same program will use the same visual and colormap!) --*/ 00148 00149 setup_X11_plotting( dpy , w ) ; 00150 00151 /*-- 12 Mar 2002: replace use of XGetWindowAttributes with XGetGeometry --*/ 00152 00153 drawable_geom( dpy, getwin_from_XDBE(dpy,w), &w_width,&w_height,&w_depth ) ; 00154 00155 if( w_depth != old_cd->depth ) return ; /* this is bad */ 00156 00157 /*--- compute scaling from memplot objective 00158 coordinates to X11 window coordinates, maintaining aspect ---*/ 00159 00160 if( box_xbot >= box_xtop || box_ybot >= box_ytop ){ 00161 00162 xscal = (w_width -0.001) / mp->aspect ; /* aspect = x-axis objective size */ 00163 yscal = (w_height-0.001) / 1.0 ; /* 1.0 = y-axis objective size */ 00164 xoff = yoff = 0.0 ; 00165 00166 } else { /* 26 Feb 2001: scale to a given sub-box in the window */ 00167 00168 xscal = box_xtop - box_xbot ; 00169 yscal = box_ytop - box_ybot ; 00170 xoff = box_xbot + 0.0 ; 00171 yoff = box_ybot + 0.0 ; 00172 } 00173 00174 if( !freee ){ /* no aspect freedom ==> */ 00175 if( yscal < xscal ) xscal = yscal ; /* use smaller scaling */ 00176 else yscal = xscal ; 00177 } 00178 scal = sqrt(fabs(xscal*yscal)) ; 00179 00180 old_color = -1.0 ; /* these don't occur naturally */ 00181 old_thick = -THCODE_INVALID ; 00182 00183 if( erase ){ /* 16 Nov 2001: erase to white */ 00184 float rr=1.0 , gg=1.0 , bb=1.0 ; 00185 unsigned long pix ; 00186 pix = rgb_to_pixel( ZO_TO_TFS(rr), ZO_TO_TFS(gg), ZO_TO_TFS(bb), old_cd ) ; 00187 XSetForeground( old_dpy , old_GC , pix ) ; 00188 } 00189 00190 /* 23 Feb 2003: initialize line width to 0 for each entry 00191 (in case a special case [box,circle, ...] comes first */ 00192 00193 gcv.line_width = 0 ; 00194 gcv.join_style = JoinBevel ; 00195 XChangeGC( old_dpy , old_GC , GCLineWidth | GCJoinStyle , &gcv ) ; 00196 00197 /*--- loop over lines, scale and plot ---*/ 00198 00199 for( ii=start ; ii < end ; ii++ ){ 00200 00201 skip = 0 ; 00202 00203 /* check if need to change color or thickness of line */ 00204 00205 new_color = MEMPLOT_COL(mp,ii) ; 00206 if( !erase && new_color != old_color ){ 00207 float rr=COL_TO_RRR(new_color) , 00208 gg=COL_TO_GGG(new_color) , bb=COL_TO_BBB(new_color) ; 00209 unsigned long pix ; 00210 00211 #if 0 00212 fprintf(stderr,"Changing color to %f %f %f\n",rr,gg,bb) ; 00213 #endif 00214 00215 draw_xseg() ; /* must draw before changing GC */ 00216 00217 pix = rgb_to_pixel( ZO_TO_TFS(rr), ZO_TO_TFS(gg), ZO_TO_TFS(bb), old_cd ) ; 00218 XSetForeground( old_dpy , old_GC , pix ) ; 00219 old_color = new_color ; 00220 } 00221 00222 new_thick = MEMPLOT_TH(mp,ii) ; 00223 if( new_thick < 0.0 ){ /* 21 Mar 2001: negative thickness codes */ 00224 int thc = (int)(-new_thick) ; 00225 switch( thc ){ /* default is to do nothing (e.g., thd = THCODE_INVALID) */ 00226 00227 case THCODE_RECT:{ /* rectangle */ 00228 short xb,yb , xt,yt ; 00229 unsigned short w,h ; 00230 x1 = (short)( xoff + xscal * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ) ; 00231 x2 = (short)( xoff + xscal * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ) ; 00232 y1 = (short)( yoff + yscal * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ) ; 00233 y2 = (short)( yoff + yscal * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y2(mp,ii)) ) ; 00234 if( x1 < x2 ){ xb=x1; xt=x2; } else { xb=x2; xt=x1; } 00235 if( y1 < y2 ){ yb=y1; yt=y2; } else { yb=y2; yt=y1; } 00236 w = xt-xb ; h = yt-yb ; 00237 if( w || h ) 00238 #if 0 00239 XFillRectangle( old_dpy,old_w,old_GC , xb,yb,w,h ) ; 00240 #else 00241 XDrawRectangle( old_dpy,old_w,old_GC , xb,yb,w,h ) ; 00242 #endif 00243 else 00244 XDrawPoint( old_dpy,old_w,old_GC , xb,yb ) ; 00245 skip = 1 ; 00246 } 00247 break ; 00248 00249 case THCODE_CIRC:{ /* circle */ 00250 int xcor,ycor , xcen,ycen , xrad,yrad ; 00251 unsigned int ww, hh ; 00252 xcen = (int)(xoff + xscal * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ); 00253 ycen = (int)(yoff + yscal * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ); 00254 xrad = (int)( xscal * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ); 00255 yrad = (int)( yscal * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ); 00256 xcor = xcen - xrad ; ww = 2*xrad ; 00257 ycor = ycen - yrad ; hh = 2*yrad ; 00258 if( ww || hh ) 00259 XDrawArc( old_dpy,old_w,old_GC , xcor,ycor,ww,hh , 0,360*64 ) ; 00260 else 00261 XDrawPoint( old_dpy,old_w,old_GC , xcor,ycor ) ; 00262 skip = 1 ; 00263 } 00264 break ; 00265 } 00266 00267 } else if( new_thick != old_thick ){ /* normal case: change line thickness */ 00268 int lw = scal * new_thick ; 00269 if( lw < 0 ) lw = 0 ; 00270 #if 0 00271 fprintf(stderr,"Changing thickness: old=%f new=%f\n",old_thick,new_thick) ; 00272 #endif 00273 00274 draw_xseg() ; /* must draw before changing GC */ 00275 00276 gcv.line_width = lw ; 00277 gcv.join_style = JoinBevel ; 00278 XChangeGC( old_dpy , old_GC , GCLineWidth | GCJoinStyle , &gcv ) ; 00279 old_thick = new_thick ; 00280 } 00281 00282 if( nseg == LMAX ) draw_xseg() ; /* draw if list is full */ 00283 00284 /* scale coords to X11 shorts (also see zzphph.f) */ 00285 /* 26 Feb 2001: xoff,yoff are now variables, instead of 0.499 */ 00286 00287 if( !skip ){ 00288 x1 = (short)( xoff + xscal * MEMPLOT_X1(mp,ii) ) ; 00289 x2 = (short)( xoff + xscal * MEMPLOT_X2(mp,ii) ) ; 00290 y1 = (short)( yoff + yscal * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y1(mp,ii)) ) ; 00291 y2 = (short)( yoff + yscal * (1.0 - MEMPLOT_Y2(mp,ii)) ) ; 00292 00293 /* add to segment list */ 00294 00295 xseg[nseg].x1 = x1 ; xseg[nseg].y1 = y1 ; 00296 xseg[nseg].x2 = x2 ; xseg[nseg].y2 = y2 ; nseg++ ; 00297 } 00298 } 00299 00300 /*-- process any segments left over --*/ 00301 00302 draw_xseg() ; 00303 set_memplot_X11_box(0,0,0,0) ; /* 26 Feb 2001: clear box */ 00304 return ; 00305 } |
Definition at line 38 of file memplt.c.
00039 { 00040 extern /* Subroutine */ int setfrm_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00041 00042 00043 /* Set the plotter to be the "memplot" C routines */ 00044 /* ....................................................................... 00045 */ 00046 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00047 */ 00048 00049 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00050 00051 zzpltr_1.xpscal = 1.f; 00052 zzpltr_1.ypscal = 1.f; 00053 zzpltr_1.iflip = 0; 00054 zzpltr_1.nplotr = 7; 00055 if (*aspect <= 0.f) { 00056 zzpltr_1.xphmax = 1.3f; 00057 } else { 00058 zzpltr_1.xphmax = *aspect; 00059 } 00060 zzpltr_1.yphmax = 1.f; 00061 setfrm_(&c_b2, &zzpltr_1.xphmax, &c_b2, &zzpltr_1.yphmax); 00062 00063 return 0; 00064 } /* memplt_ */ |
Definition at line 135 of file plot_cox.c.
00136 { 00137 MEM_plotdata * mp ; 00138 mp = find_memplot(NULL) ; 00139 if( mp == NULL ) return 0 ; 00140 return MEMPLOT_NLINE(mp) ; 00141 } |
Definition at line 38 of file perim.c.
00040 { 00041 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzperi_(integer *); 00042 00043 00044 /* Perimeter along the SET lines -- draw 4 axes -- no labels. */ 00045 /* ....................................................................... 00046 */ 00047 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00048 */ 00049 00050 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00051 00052 zzzplt_1.majrx = *mbx; 00053 zzzplt_1.minrx = *mlx; 00054 zzzplt_1.majry = *mby; 00055 zzzplt_1.minry = *mly; 00056 00057 /* Call perimeter routine with no labels. */ 00058 00059 zzperi_(&c__0); 00060 return 0; 00061 } /* perim_ */ |
Definition at line 38 of file periml.c.
00040 { 00041 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzperi_(integer *); 00042 00043 00044 /* Perimeter along the SET lines -- draw 4 axes -- with labels. */ 00045 /* ....................................................................... 00046 */ 00047 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00048 */ 00049 00050 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00051 00052 zzzplt_1.majrx = *mbx; 00053 zzzplt_1.minrx = *mlx; 00054 zzzplt_1.majry = *mby; 00055 zzzplt_1.minry = *mly; 00056 00057 /* Call perimeter routine with labels. */ 00058 00059 zzperi_(&c__1); 00060 return 0; 00061 } /* periml_ */ |
Definition at line 66 of file periml.c.
00068 { 00069 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzperi_(integer *); 00070 00071 00072 /* Perimeter along the SET lines -- draw 4 axes -- maybe with labels */ 00073 /* ....................................................................... 00074 */ 00075 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00076 */ 00077 00078 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00079 00080 zzzplt_1.majrx = *mbx; 00081 zzzplt_1.minrx = *mlx; 00082 zzzplt_1.majry = *mby; 00083 zzzplt_1.minry = *mly; 00084 zzperi_(ilab); 00085 return 0; 00086 } /* perimm_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file phdot.c.
00012 { 00013 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphph_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00014 00015 00016 /* Plot a physical coordinate dot (the cheap way). */ 00017 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00018 */ 00019 zzphph_(x1, y1, x1, y1); 00020 return 0; 00021 } /* phdot_ */ |
Definition at line 20 of file phline.c.
00021 { 00022 /* System generated locals */ 00023 real r__1, r__2; 00024 00025 /* Local variables */ 00026 static real xleft; 00027 static integer id; 00028 static real dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3; 00029 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphph_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00030 static real fac, xyl; 00031 00032 00033 /* Draw a dashed line between 2 internal coordinate points; */ 00034 /* replaces old PHLINE, which is now renamed ZZPHPH */ 00035 00036 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00037 */ 00038 00039 dx1 = *x1; 00040 dy1 = *y1; 00041 dx2 = *x2; 00042 dy2 = *y2; 00043 00044 if (zzdash_1.ndash <= 1) { 00045 zzphph_(&dx1, &dy1, &dx2, &dy2); 00046 goto L9000; 00047 } 00048 00049 L100: 00050 /* Computing 2nd power */ 00051 r__1 = dx2 - dx1; 00052 /* Computing 2nd power */ 00053 r__2 = dy2 - dy1; 00054 xyl = sqrt(r__1 * r__1 + r__2 * r__2); 00055 if (xyl <= 1e-5f) { 00056 goto L9000; 00057 } 00058 id = (integer) zzdash_1.xid + 1; 00059 xleft = (id - zzdash_1.xid) * (r__1 = zzdash_1.xldash[id - 1], dabs(r__1)) 00060 ; 00061 if (xyl <= xleft) { 00062 if (zzdash_1.xldash[id - 1] > 0.f) { 00063 zzphph_(&dx1, &dy1, &dx2, &dy2); 00064 } 00065 zzdash_1.xid += xyl / (r__1 = zzdash_1.xldash[id - 1], dabs(r__1)); 00066 goto L9000; 00067 } else { 00068 fac = xleft / xyl; 00069 dx3 = dx1 + fac * (dx2 - dx1); 00070 dy3 = dy1 + fac * (dy2 - dy1); 00071 if (zzdash_1.xldash[id - 1] > 0.f) { 00072 zzphph_(&dx1, &dy1, &dx3, &dy3); 00073 } 00074 dx1 = dx3; 00075 dy1 = dy3; 00076 zzdash_1.xid = (real) (id % zzdash_1.ndash); 00077 goto L100; 00078 } 00079 00080 L9000: 00081 return 0; 00082 } /* phline_ */ |
Definition at line 229 of file plot_strip.c.
00230 { 00231 int ii , jj , yall , start , xx , nx , ny ; 00232 float pbot,ptop , xobot,xotop,yobot,yotop , yll,yhh ; 00233 float xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop ; 00234 float dxx , dyy ; 00235 float * ud ; 00236 MEM_plotdata *mplot ; 00237 00238 if( mp == NULL || mp->userdata == NULL || 00239 !mp->valid || nadd <= 0 || y == NULL ) return ; 00240 00241 ud = (float *) mp->userdata ; 00242 xobot = ud[0] ; xotop = ud[1] ; yobot = ud[2] ; yotop = ud[3] ; 00243 xbot = ud[4] ; xtop = ud[5] ; ybot = ud[6] ; ytop = ud[7] ; 00244 ny = ud[8] ; yall = ud[9] ; start = ud[10]; xx = ud[11]; 00245 nx = xtop ; 00246 00247 if( nadd > nx ) nadd = nx ; /* can't add too many points */ 00248 00249 mplot = mp->mp ; 00250 ii = set_active_memplot( MEMPLOT_IDENT(mplot) ) ; 00251 if( ii != 0 ) return ; 00252 00253 dxx = 0.01*nx ; 00254 00255 /* last x-value plotted was at xx */ 00256 00257 if( yall ){ /*-- all in one big happy box --*/ 00258 00259 dyy = 0.01*(ytop-ybot) ; 00260 00261 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yobot,yotop , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00262 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00263 00264 if( xx >= 0 ){ /* connect to last time in */ 00265 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00266 insert_at_memplot( start + xx + jj*nx , mplot ) ; 00267 if( ud[12+jj] < WAY_BIG && y[jj][0] < WAY_BIG ){ 00268 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0], ccc[jj%NCLR][1], ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00269 plotpak_line( xx , ud[12+jj] , xx+1 , y[jj][0] ) ; 00270 } else { 00271 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00272 } 00273 } 00274 xx++ ; if( xx == nx ) xx = 0 ; /* start plotting at next point */ 00275 00276 } else { /* only happens 1st time in */ 00277 xx = 0 ; 00278 } 00279 00280 for( ii=1 ; ii < nadd ; ii++ ){ 00281 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00282 insert_at_memplot( start + xx + jj*nx , mplot ) ; 00283 if( y[jj][ii-1] < WAY_BIG && y[jj][ii] < WAY_BIG ){ 00284 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0],ccc[jj%NCLR][1],ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ); 00285 plotpak_line( xx , y[jj][ii-1] , xx+1 , y[jj][ii] ) ; 00286 } else { 00287 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00288 } 00289 } 00290 xx++ ; if( xx == nx ) xx = 0 ; 00291 } 00292 00293 /* 16 Nov 2001: add X at the end */ 00294 00295 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00296 00297 ii = nadd-1 ; 00298 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00299 if( y[jj][ii] < WAY_BIG ){ 00300 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0],ccc[jj%NCLR][1],ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ); 00301 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj , mplot ) ; 00302 plotpak_line( xx-dxx , y[jj][ii]-dyy , xx+dxx , y[jj][ii]+dyy ) ; 00303 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 , mplot ) ; 00304 plotpak_line( xx-dxx , y[jj][ii]+dyy , xx+dxx , y[jj][ii]-dyy ) ; 00305 } else { 00306 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj , mplot ) ; 00307 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00308 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 , mplot ) ; 00309 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00310 } 00311 } 00312 00313 } else { /*-- each in its own little sad box --*/ 00314 00315 float dyo = (yotop-yobot) / ( (1.0+SY) * ny - SY ) ; 00316 00317 dyy = 0.01*(ytop-ybot)*ny ; 00318 00319 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00320 00321 if( xx >= 0 ){ /* connect to last time in */ 00322 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00323 insert_at_memplot( start + xx + jj*nx , mplot ) ; 00324 if( ud[12+jj] < WAY_BIG && y[jj][0] < WAY_BIG ){ 00325 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00326 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00327 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0], ccc[jj%NCLR][1], ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00328 plotpak_line( xx , ud[12+jj] , xx+1 , y[jj][0] ) ; 00329 } else { 00330 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00331 } 00332 } 00333 xx++ ; if( xx == nx ) xx = 0 ; /* start plotting at next point */ 00334 00335 } else { /* only happens 1st time in */ 00336 xx = 0 ; 00337 } 00338 00339 for( ii=1 ; ii < nadd ; ii++ ){ 00340 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00341 insert_at_memplot( start + xx + jj*nx , mplot ) ; 00342 if( y[jj][ii-1] < WAY_BIG && y[jj][ii] < WAY_BIG ){ 00343 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00344 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00345 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0],ccc[jj%NCLR][1],ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ); 00346 plotpak_line( xx , y[jj][ii-1] , xx+1 , y[jj][ii] ) ; 00347 } else { 00348 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00349 } 00350 } 00351 xx++ ; if( xx == nx ) xx = 0 ; 00352 } 00353 00354 /* 16 Nov 2001: add X at the end */ 00355 00356 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00357 00358 ii = nadd-1 ; 00359 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00360 if( y[jj][ii] < WAY_BIG ){ 00361 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00362 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00363 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0],ccc[jj%NCLR][1],ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ); 00364 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj , mplot ) ; 00365 plotpak_line( xx-dxx , y[jj][ii]-dyy , xx+dxx , y[jj][ii]+dyy ) ; 00366 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 , mplot ) ; 00367 plotpak_line( xx-dxx , y[jj][ii]+dyy , xx+dxx , y[jj][ii]-dyy ) ; 00368 } else { 00369 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj , mplot ) ; 00370 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00371 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 , mplot ) ; 00372 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00373 } 00374 } 00375 00376 } 00377 00378 /*- reset plot parameters -*/ 00379 00380 insert_at_memplot( -1 , mplot ) ; 00381 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00382 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00383 00384 /*- redisplay the plot (all of it, Frank) -*/ 00385 00386 redraw_topshell( mp ) ; 00387 00388 /*- save some stuff for next time in -*/ 00389 00390 ud[11] = xx ; /* last x index plotted */ 00391 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ) /* last y values plotted */ 00392 ud[12+jj] = y[jj][nadd-1] ; 00393 00394 return ; 00395 } |
Definition at line 402 of file plot_strip.c.
00403 { 00404 int ii , jj , start , nx , ny ; 00405 float * ud ; 00406 MEM_plotdata *mplot ; 00407 00408 if( mp == NULL || mp->userdata == NULL || !mp->valid ) return ; 00409 00410 ud = (float *) mp->userdata ; 00411 nx = ud[5] ; ny = ud[8] ; start = ud[10] ; 00412 00413 mplot = mp->mp ; 00414 00415 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00416 00417 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ /* clear graph lines */ 00418 insert_at_memplot( start + ii + jj*nx , mplot ) ; 00419 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00420 } 00421 /* clear X */ 00422 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj , mplot ) ; 00423 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00424 insert_at_memplot( start + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 , mplot ) ; 00425 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00426 } 00427 00428 insert_at_memplot( -1 , mplot ) ; /* reset to normal insertion */ 00429 redraw_topshell( mp ) ; 00430 00431 ud[11] = -1 ; /* reset current x index */ 00432 return ; 00433 } |
Definition at line 45 of file plot_strip.c.
00051 { 00052 int ii , jj , np , nnax,nnay , mmax,mmay , yall ; 00053 float pbot,ptop , xobot,xotop,yobot,yotop , yll,yhh ; 00054 char str[32] ; 00055 float *ud ; 00056 MEM_topshell_data * mp ; 00057 MEM_plotdata * mplot ; 00058 00059 /*-- sanity check --*/ 00060 00061 if( dpy == NULL || ny == 0 || nx < 9 || ybot >= ytop ) return NULL ; 00062 00063 if( dx <= 0.0 ) dx = 1.0 ; 00064 00065 yall = (ny > 0) ; if( !yall ) ny = -ny ; if( ny == 1 ) yall = 1 ; 00066 00067 /*-- data ranges --*/ 00068 00069 ptop = p10(nx) ; 00070 nnax = rint(nx/ptop) ; 00071 if( nnax == 1 ) nnax = 10 ; 00072 mmax = (nnax < 3) ? 10 00073 : (nnax < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00074 00075 pbot = p10(ybot) ; ptop = p10(ytop) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00076 nnay = rint((ytop-ybot)/ptop) ; 00077 if( nnay == 1 ) nnay = 10 ; 00078 mmay = (nnay < 3) ? 10 00079 : (nnay < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00080 00081 /*-- setup to plot --*/ 00082 00083 create_memplot_surely( "Striplot" , 1.3 ) ; 00084 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00085 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00086 mplot = get_active_memplot() ; 00087 00088 /*-- plot labels, if any --*/ 00089 00090 xobot = 0.15 ; xotop = 1.27 ; /* set objective size of plot */ 00091 yobot = 0.1 ; yotop = 0.95 ; 00092 00093 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ){ yotop -= 0.02 ; yobot -= 0.01 ; } 00094 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ xotop -= 0.16 ; xobot -= 0.02 ; } 00095 00096 /* x-axis label? */ 00097 00098 if( STGOOD(lab_xxx) ) 00099 plotpak_pwritf( 0.5*(xobot+xotop) , yobot-0.06 , lab_xxx , 16 , 0 , 0 ) ; 00100 00101 /* y-axis label? */ 00102 00103 if( STGOOD(lab_yyy) ) 00104 plotpak_pwritf( xobot-0.10 , 0.5*(yobot+yotop) , lab_yyy , 16 , 90 , 0 ) ; 00105 00106 /* label at top? */ 00107 00108 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ) 00109 plotpak_pwritf( xobot+0.01 , yotop+0.01 , lab_top , 18 , 0 , -2 ) ; 00110 00111 /*-- plot all on same vertical scale --*/ 00112 00113 if( yall ){ 00114 00115 /* do name labels at right? */ 00116 00117 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00118 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00119 00120 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00121 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00122 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00123 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00124 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00125 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00126 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00127 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00128 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00129 yv -= 0.05 ; 00130 } 00131 } 00132 } 00133 00134 /* plot axes */ 00135 00136 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yobot,yotop , 0.0,nx*dx , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00137 plotpak_periml( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay ) ; 00138 00139 } else { /*-- plot each on separate vertical scale --*/ 00140 00141 float dyo = (yotop-yobot) / ( (1.0+SY) * ny - SY ) ; 00142 00143 /* name labels at right? */ 00144 00145 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00146 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00147 00148 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00149 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00150 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00151 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00152 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00153 yv = 0.7*yhh + 0.3*yll ; 00154 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00155 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00156 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00157 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00158 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00159 } 00160 } 00161 } 00162 00163 /* data each in its own box */ 00164 00165 nnay = 1 ; 00166 pbot = p10(ybot) ; ptop = p10(ytop) ; 00167 if( ptop > pbot && pbot > 0.0 ) ptop = pbot ; 00168 if( ptop != 0.0 ) mmay = floor( (ytop-ybot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00169 else mmay = 5 ; /* shouldn't happen */ 00170 00171 if( mmay == 1 ) mmay = 5 ; 00172 else if( mmay == 2 ) mmay = 4 ; 00173 else if( mmay == 3 ) mmay = 6 ; 00174 00175 for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ){ 00176 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00177 00178 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , 0.0,nx*dx , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00179 00180 plotpak_perimm( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay , (jj==0) ? 1 : 3 ) ; 00181 if( ybot < 0.0 && ytop > 0.0 ){ 00182 plotpak_setlin(5) ; 00183 plotpak_line( 0.0,0.0 , nx*dx,0.0 ) ; 00184 plotpak_setlin(1) ; 00185 } 00186 } 00187 } 00188 00189 /*-- open display for this plot --*/ 00190 00191 mp = memplot_to_topshell( dpy , mplot , killfunc ) ; 00192 if( mp == NULL ) return NULL ; 00193 00194 /*-- auxiliary data needed by addto --*/ 00195 00196 ud = (float *) calloc( (12+ny) , sizeof(float) ) ; 00197 ud[0] = xobot ; ud[1] = xotop ; ud[2] = yobot ; ud[3] = yotop ; 00198 ud[4] = 0.0 ; ud[5] = nx ; ud[6] = ybot ; ud[7] = ytop ; 00199 ud[8] = ny ; ud[9] = yall ; 00200 00201 ud[10] = MEMPLOT_NLINE(mplot) ; /* number of init lines */ 00202 ud[11] = -1 ; /* current x position */ 00203 00204 mp->userdata = ud ; 00205 00206 /*-- plot invalid lines, to be replaced later with valid lines --*/ 00207 00208 /* line connecting ii to ii+1 at the jj-th y level 00209 is number ud[10] + ii + jj*nx in the memplot structure */ 00210 00211 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ) 00212 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) 00213 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00214 00215 /* and two more for each y (an X at the current point): 00216 X for the jj-th y level is the two lines numbered 00217 ud[10] + nx*ny + 2*jj and ud[10] + nx*ny + 2*jj+1 */ 00218 00219 for( jj=0 ; jj < 2*ny ; jj++ ) 00220 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mplot , 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-THCODE_INVALID ) ; 00221 00222 /*-- exit, stage left --*/ 00223 00224 return mp ; 00225 } |
Definition at line 639 of file plot_ts.c.
00641 { 00642 int ii , jj , yall , start ; 00643 float pbot,ptop , xobot,xotop,yobot,yotop , yll,yhh ; 00644 float xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop ; 00645 float * yy , * xx ; 00646 float * ud ; 00647 00648 if( mp == NULL || mp->userdata == NULL || ! mp->valid || 00649 nx <= 1 || ny == 0 || x == NULL || y == NULL ) return ; 00650 00651 init_colors() ; 00652 00653 ud = (float *) mp->userdata ; 00654 xobot = ud[0] ; xotop = ud[1] ; yobot = ud[2] ; yotop = ud[3] ; 00655 xbot = ud[4] ; xtop = ud[5] ; ybot = ud[6] ; ytop = ud[7] ; 00656 00657 yall = (ny > 0) ; if( !yall ) ny = -ny ; 00658 00659 ii = set_active_memplot( MEMPLOT_IDENT(mp->mp) ) ; 00660 if( ii != 0 ) return ; 00661 00662 start = MEMPLOT_NLINE(mp->mp) ; 00663 xx = x ; 00664 00665 if( yall ){ /*-- all in one big happy box --*/ 00666 00667 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yobot,yotop , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00668 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00669 00670 /* plot data */ 00671 00672 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00673 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00674 00675 yy = y[jj] ; 00676 for( ii=1 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00677 if( xx[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG && 00678 yy[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) 00679 00680 plotpak_line( xx[ii-1] , yy[ii-1] , xx[ii] , yy[ii] ) ; 00681 } 00682 } 00683 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00684 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00685 00686 } else { /*-- each in its own little sad box --*/ 00687 00688 float dyo = (yotop-yobot) / ( (1.0+SY) * ny - SY ) ; 00689 00690 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00691 00692 for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ){ 00693 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00694 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00695 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00696 00697 yy = y[jj] ; 00698 for( ii=1 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00699 if( xx[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG && 00700 yy[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) 00701 00702 plotpak_line( xx[ii-1] , yy[ii-1] , xx[ii] , yy[ii] ) ; 00703 } 00704 } 00705 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00706 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00707 } 00708 00709 memplot_to_X11_sef( XtDisplay(mp->drawing) , XtWindow(mp->drawing) , 00710 mp->mp , start,0,MEMPLOT_FREE_ASPECT ) ; 00711 00712 return ; 00713 } |
Definition at line 448 of file plot_ts.c.
00454 { 00455 int ii , jj , np , nnax,nnay , mmax,mmay , yall ; 00456 float pbot,ptop , xobot,xotop,yobot,yotop , yll,yhh ; 00457 char str[32] ; 00458 float * ud ; 00459 MEM_topshell_data * mp ; 00460 00461 /*-- sanity check --*/ 00462 00463 if( dpy == NULL || ny == 0 || xbot >= xtop || ybot >= ytop ) return NULL ; 00464 00465 init_colors() ; 00466 00467 /*-- push range of x outwards --*/ 00468 00469 pbot = p10(xbot) ; ptop = p10(xtop) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00470 if( ptop != 0.0 && xpush ){ 00471 np = (xtop-xbot) / ptop ; 00472 switch( np ){ 00473 case 1: ptop *= 0.1 ; break ; 00474 case 2: ptop *= 0.2 ; break ; 00475 case 3: ptop *= 0.25 ; break ; 00476 case 4: 00477 case 5: ptop *= 0.5 ; break ; 00478 } 00479 xbot = floor( xbot/ptop ) * ptop ; 00480 xtop = ceil( xtop/ptop ) * ptop ; 00481 nnax = floor( (xtop-xbot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00482 mmax = (nnax < 3) ? 10 00483 : (nnax < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00484 } else { 00485 nnax = 1 ; mmax = 10 ; 00486 ii = (int)rint(xtop-xbot) ; 00487 if( fabs(xtop-xbot-ii) < 0.01 && ii <= 200 ) mmax = ii ; 00488 } 00489 00490 /*-- push range of y outwards --*/ 00491 00492 yall = (ny > 0) ; if( !yall ) ny = -ny ; 00493 00494 pbot = p10(ybot) ; ptop = p10(ytop) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00495 if( ptop != 0.0 && ypush ){ 00496 np = (ytop-ybot) / ptop ; 00497 switch( np ){ 00498 case 1: ptop *= 0.1 ; break ; 00499 case 2: ptop *= 0.2 ; break ; 00500 case 3: ptop *= 0.25 ; break ; 00501 case 4: 00502 case 5: ptop *= 0.5 ; break ; 00503 } 00504 ybot = floor( ybot/ptop ) * ptop ; 00505 ytop = ceil( ytop/ptop ) * ptop ; 00506 nnay = floor( (ytop-ybot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00507 mmay = (nnay < 3) ? 10 00508 : (nnay < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00509 } else { 00510 nnay = 1 ; mmay = 10 ; 00511 } 00512 00513 /*-- setup to plot --*/ 00514 00515 create_memplot_surely( "Tsplot" , 1.3 ) ; 00516 set_thick_memplot( 0.5*THIK ) ; 00517 00518 /*-- plot labels, if any --*/ 00519 00520 xobot = 0.15 ; xotop = 1.27 ; /* set objective size of plot */ 00521 yobot = 0.1 ; yotop = 0.95 ; 00522 00523 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ){ yotop -= 0.02 ; yobot -= 0.01 ; } 00524 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ xotop -= 0.16 ; xobot -= 0.02 ; } 00525 00526 /* x-axis label? */ 00527 00528 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00529 if( STGOOD(lab_xxx) ) 00530 plotpak_pwritf( 0.5*(xobot+xotop) , yobot-0.06 , lab_xxx , 16 , 0 , 0 ) ; 00531 00532 /* y-axis label? */ 00533 00534 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00535 if( STGOOD(lab_yyy) ) 00536 plotpak_pwritf( xobot-0.10 , 0.5*(yobot+yotop) , lab_yyy , 16 , 90 , 0 ) ; 00537 00538 /* label at top? */ 00539 00540 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00541 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ) 00542 plotpak_pwritf( xobot+0.01 , yotop+0.01 , lab_top , 18 , 0 , -2 ) ; 00543 00544 /*-- plot all on same vertical scale --*/ 00545 00546 ud = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * 8 ) ; 00547 ud[0] = xobot ; ud[1] = xotop ; ud[2] = yobot ; ud[3] = yotop ; 00548 ud[4] = xbot ; ud[5] = xtop ; ud[6] = ybot ; ud[7] = ytop ; 00549 00550 if( yall ){ 00551 00552 /* do name labels at right? */ 00553 00554 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00555 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00556 00557 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00558 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00559 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00560 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00561 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00562 set_thick_memplot( 0.5*THIK ) ; 00563 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00564 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00565 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00566 yv -= 0.05 ; 00567 } 00568 } 00569 } 00570 00571 /* plot axes */ 00572 00573 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00574 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yobot,yotop , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00575 plotpak_perimm( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay , ilab[(nnax>0)+2*(nnay>0)] ) ; 00576 00577 } else { /*-- plot each on separate vertical scale --*/ 00578 00579 float dyo = (yotop-yobot) / ( (1.0+SY) * ny - SY ) ; 00580 00581 /* name labels at right? */ 00582 00583 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00584 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00585 00586 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00587 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00588 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00589 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00590 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00591 yv = 0.7*yhh + 0.3*yll ; 00592 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00593 set_thick_memplot( 0.5*THIK ) ; 00594 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00595 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00596 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00597 } 00598 } 00599 } 00600 00601 /* data each in its own box */ 00602 00603 nnay = 1 ; 00604 pbot = p10(ybot) ; ptop = p10(ytop) ; 00605 if( ptop > pbot && pbot > 0.0 ) ptop = pbot ; 00606 if( ptop != 0.0 ) mmay = floor( (ytop-ybot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00607 else mmay = 5 ; /* shouldn't happen */ 00608 00609 if( mmay == 1 ) mmay = 5 ; 00610 else if( mmay == 2 ) mmay = 4 ; 00611 else if( mmay == 3 ) mmay = 6 ; 00612 00613 for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ){ 00614 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00615 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00616 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00617 plotpak_perimm( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay , ilab[(nnax>0)*(jj==0)+2*(nnay>0)] ) ; 00618 if( ybot < 0.0 && ytop > 0.0 ){ 00619 plotpak_setlin(5) ; 00620 plotpak_line( xbot,0.0 , xtop,0.0 ) ; 00621 plotpak_setlin(1) ; 00622 } 00623 } 00624 } 00625 00626 /*-- display --*/ 00627 00628 mp = memplot_to_topshell( dpy , get_active_memplot() , killfunc ) ; 00629 if( mp == NULL ){ free(ud) ; return NULL; } 00630 mp->userdata = ud ; 00631 00632 /*-- exit, stage left --*/ 00633 00634 return mp ; 00635 } |
Definition at line 411 of file plot_ts.c.
00415 { 00416 MEM_plotdata * mp ; 00417 int ymask = 0 ; 00418 00419 if( dpy == NULL ) return ; 00420 00421 if( ny < 0 ){ ymask = TSP_SEPARATE_YBOX ; ny = -ny ; } 00422 00423 mp = plot_ts_mem( nx,x , ny,ymask,y , lab_xxx , lab_yyy , lab_top , nam_yyy ) ; 00424 if( mp != NULL ) 00425 (void) memplot_to_topshell( dpy , mp , killfunc ) ; 00426 00427 return ; 00428 } |
21 Apr 2005: check alternatives * Definition at line 112 of file plot_ts.c.
00115 { 00116 int ii , jj , np , nnax,nnay , mmax,mmay ; 00117 float *xx , *yy ; 00118 float xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , pbot,ptop , xobot,xotop,yobot,yotop ; 00119 char str[32] ; 00120 int yall , ysep ; 00121 float *ylo , *yhi , yll,yhh ; 00122 MEM_plotdata *mp ; 00123 00124 /*-- sanity check --*/ 00125 00126 if( nx <= 1 || ny == 0 || y == NULL ) return NULL ; 00127 00128 init_colors() ; 00129 00130 /*-- make up an x-axis if none given --*/ 00131 00132 if( x == NULL ){ 00133 xx = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nx ) ; 00134 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) xx[ii] = ii ; 00135 xbot = 0 ; xtop = nx-1 ; 00136 } else { 00137 xx = x ; 00138 xbot = WAY_BIG ; xtop = -WAY_BIG ; 00139 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00140 if( xx[ii] < xbot && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG ) xbot = xx[ii] ; 00141 if( xx[ii] > xtop && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG ) xtop = xx[ii] ; 00142 } 00143 if( xbot >= xtop ) return NULL ; 00144 } 00145 00146 /*-- push range of x outwards --*/ 00147 00148 pbot = p10(xbot) ; ptop = p10(xtop) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00149 if( nnaxx >= 0 ){ 00150 nnax = nnaxx ; nnaxx = -1 ; 00151 mmax = mmaxx ; 00152 xbot = xxbot ; 00153 xtop = xxtop ; 00154 } else if( ptop != 0.0 && xpush ){ 00155 np = (xtop-xbot) / ptop ; 00156 switch( np ){ 00157 case 1: ptop *= 0.1 ; break ; 00158 case 2: ptop *= 0.2 ; break ; 00159 case 3: ptop *= 0.25 ; break ; 00160 case 4: 00161 case 5: ptop *= 0.5 ; break ; 00162 } 00163 xbot = floor( xbot/ptop ) * ptop ; 00164 xtop = ceil( xtop/ptop ) * ptop ; 00165 nnax = floor( (xtop-xbot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00166 mmax = (nnax < 3) ? 10 00167 : (nnax < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00168 } else { 00169 nnax = 1 ; mmax = 10 ; 00170 ii = (int)rint(xtop-xbot) ; 00171 if( fabs(xtop-xbot-ii) < 0.01 && ii <= 200 ) mmax = ii ; 00172 } 00173 00174 /*-- find range of y --*/ 00175 00176 yall = (ny == 1) || ((ymask & TSP_SEPARATE_YBOX) == 0) ; 00177 ysep = (ymask & TSP_SEPARATE_YSCALE) != 0 ; 00178 /* Nov 1998: find range of */ 00179 ylo = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*ny) ; /* each array separately. */ 00180 yhi = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*ny) ; 00181 00182 ybot = WAY_BIG ; ytop = -WAY_BIG ; 00183 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00184 yy = y[jj] ; yll = WAY_BIG ; yhh = -WAY_BIG ; 00185 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00186 if( yy[ii] < yll && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) yll = yy[ii] ; 00187 if( yy[ii] > yhh && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) yhh = yy[ii] ; 00188 } 00189 ylo[jj] = yll ; yhi[jj] = yhh ; 00190 if( ybot > yll ) ybot = yll ; 00191 if( ytop < yhh ) ytop = yhh ; 00192 if( yll >= yhh ){ /* shouldn't happen */ 00193 yhh = yll + 0.05*fabs(yll) + 0.5 ; 00194 yll = yll - 0.05*fabs(yll) - 0.5 ; 00195 ylo[jj] = yll ; yhi[jj] = yhh ; 00196 } 00197 } 00198 if( ybot >= ytop ){ /* shouldn't happen */ 00199 ytop = ybot + 0.05*fabs(ybot) + 0.5 ; 00200 ybot = ybot - 0.05*fabs(ybot) - 0.5 ; 00201 } 00202 00203 /* 30 Dec 1998 */ 00204 00205 if( !ysep ){ 00206 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ ylo[jj] = ybot ; yhi[jj] = ytop ; } 00207 } 00208 00209 /*-- push range of y outwards --*/ 00210 00211 pbot = p10(ybot) ; ptop = p10(ytop) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00212 if( nnayy >= 0 ){ 00213 nnay = nnayy ; nnayy = -1 ; 00214 mmay = mmayy ; 00215 ybot = yybot ; 00216 ytop = yytop ; 00217 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ ylo[jj] = ybot ; yhi[jj] = ytop ; } 00218 } else if( ptop != 0.0 && ypush ){ 00219 np = (ytop-ybot) / ptop ; 00220 switch( np ){ 00221 case 1: ptop *= 0.1 ; break ; 00222 case 2: ptop *= 0.2 ; break ; 00223 case 3: ptop *= 0.25 ; break ; 00224 case 4: 00225 case 5: ptop *= 0.5 ; break ; 00226 } 00227 ybot = floor( ybot/ptop ) * ptop ; 00228 ytop = ceil( ytop/ptop ) * ptop ; 00229 nnay = floor( (ytop-ybot) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00230 mmay = (nnay < 3) ? 10 00231 : (nnay < 6) ? 5 : 2 ; 00232 } else { 00233 nnay = 1 ; mmay = 10 ; 00234 } 00235 00236 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00237 pbot = p10(ylo[jj]) ; ptop = p10(yhi[jj]) ; if( ptop < pbot ) ptop = pbot ; 00238 if( ptop != 0.0 ){ 00239 np = (yhi[jj]-ylo[jj]) / ptop ; 00240 switch( np ){ 00241 case 1: ptop *= 0.1 ; break ; 00242 case 2: ptop *= 0.2 ; break ; 00243 case 3: ptop *= 0.25 ; break ; 00244 case 4: 00245 case 5: ptop *= 0.5 ; break ; 00246 } 00247 ylo[jj] = floor( ylo[jj]/ptop ) * ptop ; 00248 yhi[jj] = ceil( yhi[jj]/ptop ) * ptop ; 00249 } 00250 } 00251 00252 /*-- setup to plot --*/ 00253 00254 create_memplot_surely( "tsplot" , 1.3 ) ; 00255 set_thick_memplot( 0.2*THIK ) ; 00256 00257 /*-- plot labels, if any --*/ 00258 00259 xobot = 0.15 ; xotop = 1.27 ; /* set objective size of plot */ 00260 yobot = 0.1 ; yotop = 0.95 ; 00261 00262 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ){ yotop -= 0.02 ; yobot -= 0.01 ; } 00263 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ xotop -= 0.16 ; xobot -= 0.02 ; } 00264 00265 /* x-axis label? */ 00266 00267 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00268 if( STGOOD(lab_xxx) ) 00269 plotpak_pwritf( 0.5*(xobot+xotop) , yobot-0.06 , lab_xxx , 16 , 0 , 0 ) ; 00270 00271 /* y-axis label? */ 00272 00273 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00274 if( STGOOD(lab_yyy) ) 00275 plotpak_pwritf( xobot-0.10 , 0.5*(yobot+yotop) , lab_yyy , 16 , 90 , 0 ) ; 00276 00277 /* label at top? */ 00278 00279 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00280 if( STGOOD(lab_top) ) 00281 plotpak_pwritf( xobot+0.01 , yotop+0.01 , lab_top , 18 , 0 , -2 ) ; 00282 00283 /*-- plot all on same vertical scale --*/ 00284 00285 if( yall ){ 00286 00287 /* do name labels at right? */ 00288 00289 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00290 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00291 00292 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00293 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00294 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00295 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00296 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00297 set_thick_memplot( 0.2*THIK ) ; 00298 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00299 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00300 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00301 yv -= 0.05 ; 00302 } 00303 } 00304 } 00305 00306 /* plot axes */ 00307 00308 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00309 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00310 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yobot,yotop , xbot,xtop , ybot,ytop , 1 ) ; 00311 plotpak_perimm( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay , ilab[(nnax>0)+2*(nnay>0)] ) ; 00312 00313 /* plot data */ 00314 00315 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00316 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00317 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00318 00319 yy = y[jj] ; 00320 for( ii=1 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00321 if( xx[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG && 00322 yy[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) 00323 00324 plotpak_line( xx[ii-1] , yy[ii-1] , xx[ii] , yy[ii] ) ; 00325 } 00326 } 00327 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00328 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00329 00330 } else { /*-- plot each on separate vertical scale --*/ 00331 00332 float dyo = (yotop-yobot) / ( (1.0+SY) * ny - SY ) ; 00333 00334 /* name labels at right? */ 00335 00336 if( nam_yyy != NULL ){ 00337 float yv = yotop ; int sz ; 00338 00339 for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ){ 00340 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00341 if( STGOOD(nam_yyy[jj]) ){ 00342 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00343 set_thick_memplot( 2*THIK ) ; 00344 yv = 0.7*yhh + 0.3*yll ; 00345 plotpak_line( xotop+0.008 , yv , xotop+0.042 , yv ) ; 00346 set_thick_memplot( 0.5*THIK ) ; 00347 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00348 sz = (strlen(nam_yyy[jj]) <= 10) ? 12 : 10 ; 00349 plotpak_pwritf( xotop+0.048 , yv , nam_yyy[jj] , sz , 0 , -1 ) ; 00350 } 00351 } 00352 } 00353 00354 /* data each in its own box */ 00355 00356 for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- ){ 00357 yll = yobot + jj*(1.0+SY)*dyo ; yhh = yll + dyo ; 00358 plotpak_set( xobot,xotop , yll,yhh , xbot,xtop , ylo[jj],yhi[jj] , 1 ) ; 00359 00360 if( nnay > 0 ){ 00361 nnay = 1 ; 00362 pbot = p10(ylo[jj]) ; ptop = p10(yhi[jj]) ; 00363 if( ptop > pbot && pbot > 0.0 ) ptop = pbot ; 00364 if( ptop != 0.0 ) mmay = floor( (yhi[jj]-ylo[jj]) / ptop + 0.5 ) ; 00365 else mmay = 5 ; /* shouldn't happen */ 00366 00367 if( mmay == 1 ) mmay = 5 ; 00368 else if( mmay == 2 ) mmay = 4 ; 00369 else if( mmay == 3 ) mmay = 6 ; 00370 } 00371 00372 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00373 plotpak_perimm( nnax,mmax , nnay,mmay , ilab[(nnax>0)*(jj==0)+2*(nnay>0)] ) ; 00374 if( ylo[jj] < 0.0 && yhi[jj] > 0.0 ){ 00375 plotpak_setlin(5) ; 00376 plotpak_line( xbot,0.0 , xtop,0.0 ) ; 00377 plotpak_setlin(1) ; 00378 } 00379 00380 set_color_memplot( ccc[jj%NCLR][0] , ccc[jj%NCLR][1] , ccc[jj%NCLR][2] ) ; 00381 set_thick_memplot( THIK ) ; 00382 00383 yy = y[jj] ; 00384 for( ii=1 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 00385 if( xx[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && xx[ii] < WAY_BIG && 00386 yy[ii-1] < WAY_BIG && yy[ii] < WAY_BIG ) 00387 00388 plotpak_line( xx[ii-1] , yy[ii-1] , xx[ii] , yy[ii] ) ; 00389 } 00390 set_thick_memplot( 0.0 ) ; 00391 set_color_memplot( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ) ; 00392 } 00393 } 00394 00395 /*-- exit, stage left --*/ 00396 00397 if( xx != x ) free(xx) ; 00398 free(ylo) ; free(yhi) ; 00399 00400 mp = get_active_memplot() ; 00401 return mp ; 00402 } |
Definition at line 42 of file plot_ts.c.
Definition at line 37 of file plot_ts.c.
Definition at line 47 of file plot_ts.c.
Definition at line 244 of file plot_cox.c.
00245 { 00246 MEM_plotdata * mp ; 00247 00248 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar || 00249 num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || 00250 plotar[active_plot] == NULL ) return ; 00251 00252 mp = plotar[active_plot] ; 00253 00254 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mp , x1,y1,rad,0.0 , active_color , -THCODE_CIRC ) ; 00255 return ; 00256 } |
Definition at line 391 of file coxplot/plot_motif.c.
00392 { 00393 if( mpcb == NULL || ! MTD_VALID(mpcb) ) return ; 00394 00395 donebut_CB( NULL , (XtPointer) mpcb , NULL ) ; 00396 return ; 00397 } |
Definition at line 211 of file plot_cox.c.
00212 { 00213 MEM_plotdata * mp ; 00214 00215 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar || 00216 num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || 00217 plotar[active_plot] == NULL ) return ; 00218 00219 mp = plotar[active_plot] ; 00220 00221 #if 0 00222 fprintf(stderr,"** plotline_memplot %d: (%f,%f) to (%f,%f)\n", 00223 MEMPLOT_NLINE(mp) , x1,y1,x2,y2) ; 00224 #endif 00225 00226 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mp , x1,y1,x2,y2 , active_color , active_thick ) ; 00227 return ; 00228 } |
Definition at line 719 of file plot_cox.c.
00720 { 00721 integer nn = n ; 00722 curve_( (real *) x , (real *) y , &nn ) ; 00723 } |
Truly a line! * Definition at line 714 of file plot_cox.c.
00714 { frame_() ; } |
Definition at line 729 of file plot_cox.c.
00730 { 00731 real xx = x , yy = y ; 00732 frstpt_( &xx , &yy ) ; 00733 } |
Definition at line 803 of file plot_cox.c.
00805 { 00806 if( xo1 != NULL ) *xo1 = (float) zzzplt_.xbot ; 00807 if( xo2 != NULL ) *xo2 = (float) zzzplt_.xtop ; 00808 if( yo1 != NULL ) *yo1 = (float) zzzplt_.ybot ; 00809 if( yo1 != NULL ) *yo2 = (float) zzzplt_.ytop ; 00810 00811 if( xs1 != NULL ) *xs1 = (float) zzzplt_.xmin ; 00812 if( xs2 != NULL ) *xs2 = (float) zzzplt_.xmax ; 00813 if( ys1 != NULL ) *ys1 = (float) zzzplt_.ymin ; 00814 if( ys1 != NULL ) *ys2 = (float) zzzplt_.ymax ; 00815 00816 return ; 00817 } |
Definition at line 35 of file ppak_perim.c.
00036 { 00037 integer zero = 0 , jx = jsizx , jy = jsizy ; 00038 labmod_( &zero , &zero , &zero , &zero , &jx , &jy , &zero , &zero , &zero ) ; 00039 } |
Definition at line 747 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 9 of file ppak_perim.c.
00010 { 00011 integer mmbx=mbx , mmlx=mlx , mmby=mby , mmly=mly ; 00012 perim_( &mmbx,&mmlx,&mmby,&mmly ) ; 00013 } |
Definition at line 18 of file ppak_perim.c.
00019 { 00020 integer mmbx=mbx , mmlx=mlx , mmby=mby , mmly=mly ; 00021 periml_( &mmbx,&mmlx,&mmby,&mmly ) ; 00022 } |
Definition at line 23 of file ppak_perim.c.
00024 { 00025 integer mmbx=mbx , mmlx=mlx , mmby=mby , mmly=mly , ill=ilab ; 00026 perimm_( &mmbx,&mmlx,&mmby,&mmly,&ill ) ; 00027 } |
Definition at line 856 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 862 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 868 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 874 of file plot_cox.c.
00875 { 00876 integer nn=n , nipen=ipen , zero=0 ; 00877 points_( (real *)x , (real *)y , &nn , &zero , &nipen ) ; 00878 } |
Definition at line 15 of file ppak_pwrit.c.
00016 { 00017 real xx=x , yy=y ; 00018 integer nch=strlen(ch) , iisiz=isiz , iior=ior , iicent=icent ; 00019 ftnlen ch_len = nch ; 00020 pwrit_( &xx , &yy , ch , &nch , &iisiz , &iior , &iicent , ch_len ) ; 00021 } |
Definition at line 6 of file ppak_pwritf.c.
00007 { 00008 real xx=x , yy=y ; 00009 integer nch=strlen(ch) , iisiz=isiz , iior=ior , iicent=icent ; 00010 ftnlen ch_len = nch ; 00011 pwritf_( &xx , &yy , ch , &nch , &iisiz , &iior , &iicent , ch_len ) ; 00012 } |
Definition at line 794 of file plot_cox.c.
00796 { 00797 real xobj1=xo1, xobj2=xo2, yobj1=yo1, yobj2=yo2; 00798 real xsub1=xs1, xsub2=xs2, ysub1=ys1, ysub2=ys2 ; 00799 integer ltype = code ; 00800 set_(&xobj1, &xobj2, &yobj1, &yobj2, &xsub1, &xsub2, &ysub1, &ysub2, <ype); 00801 } |
Definition at line 844 of file plot_cox.c.
00845 { 00846 integer nnd = nd ; 00847 setdsh_( &nnd , (real *) xd ) ; 00848 } |
Definition at line 850 of file plot_cox.c.
00851 { 00852 real xobj1=xo1, xobj2=xo2, yobj1=yo1, yobj2=yo2; 00853 setfrm_( &xobj1, &xobj2, &yobj1, &yobj2 ) ; 00854 } |
Definition at line 826 of file plot_cox.c.
00827 { 00828 integer ntype=code ; 00829 setlin_(&ntype); 00830 } |
Definition at line 835 of file plot_cox.c.
00836 { 00837 real xobj1=xo1, xobj2=xo2, yobj1=yo1, yobj2=yo2; 00838 setw_( &xobj1, &xobj2, &yobj1, &yobj2 ) ; 00839 } |
Definition at line 19 of file ppak_srface.c.
00022 { 00023 integer * m ; 00024 float * xx , * yy ; 00025 integer mx , nnx , nny ; 00026 float s[6] , stereo=0.0 , zbot,ztop , rad , cth,sth,cph,sph ; 00027 int ii , nxy=nx*ny ; 00028 00029 if( nx <= 1 || ny <= 1 || z == NULL ) return ; 00030 00031 mx = nnx = (integer) nx ; nny = (integer) ny ; 00032 00033 zbot = ztop = z[0] ; 00034 for( ii=1 ; ii < nxy ; ii++ ){ 00035 if( z[ii] < zbot ) zbot = z[ii] ; 00036 else if( z[ii] > ztop ) ztop = z[ii] ; 00037 } 00038 00039 xx = x ; 00040 if( xx == NULL ){ 00041 xx = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nx ) ; 00042 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) xx[ii] = ii ; 00043 } 00044 00045 yy = y ; 00046 if( yy == NULL ){ 00047 yy = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ny ) ; 00048 for( ii=0 ; ii < ny ; ii++ ) yy[ii] = ii ; 00049 } 00050 00051 s[3] = 0.5 * (xx[0] + xx[nx-1]) ; 00052 s[4] = 0.5 * (yy[0] + yy[ny-1]) ; 00053 s[5] = 0.5 * (zbot + ztop ) ; 00054 00055 rad = 100.0 * ( fabs(xx[nx-1]-xx[0]) + fabs(yy[ny-1]-yy[0]) + (ztop-zbot) ) ; 00056 cth = cos( theta * 3.1416/180.0 ) ; sth = sin( theta * 3.1416/180.0 ) ; 00057 cph = cos( phi * 3.1416/180.0 ) ; sph = sin( phi * 3.1416/180.0 ) ; 00058 00059 s[0] = s[3] + rad * sth * cph ; 00060 s[1] = s[4] + rad * sth * sph ; 00061 s[2] = s[5] + rad * cth ; 00062 00063 m = (integer *) malloc( sizeof(integer) * 2*nx*ny ) ; /* workspace */ 00064 00065 srface_( xx , yy , z , m , &mx , &nnx , &nny , s , &stereo ) ; 00066 00067 free(m) ; 00068 if( yy != y ) free(yy) ; 00069 if( xx != x ) free(xx) ; 00070 return ; 00071 } |
Definition at line 29 of file ppak_perim.c.
00030 { 00031 integer lmajx=mx , lminx=lx , lmajy=my , lminy=ly ; 00032 tick4_(&lmajx, &lminx, &lmajy, &lminy); 00033 } |
Definition at line 769 of file plot_cox.c.
00770 { 00771 double rr ; 00772 if( x2 != NULL ){ 00773 rr = (x1 - zzzplt_.betaxx) / zzzplt_.alphxx ; 00774 if( zzzplt_.ixcoor < 0 ) rr = pow(10.0,rr) ; 00775 *x2 = rr ; 00776 } 00777 if( y2 != NULL ){ 00778 rr = (y1 - zzzplt_.betayy) / zzzplt_.alphyy ; 00779 if( zzzplt_.iycoor < 0 ) rr = pow(10.0,rr) ; 00780 *y2 = rr ; 00781 } 00782 } |
Definition at line 738 of file plot_cox.c.
00739 { 00740 real xx=x , yy=y ; 00741 vector_( &xx , &yy ) ; 00742 } |
Definition at line 757 of file plot_cox.c.
Definition at line 230 of file plot_cox.c.
00231 { 00232 MEM_plotdata * mp ; 00233 00234 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar || 00235 num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || 00236 plotar[active_plot] == NULL ) return ; 00237 00238 mp = plotar[active_plot] ; 00239 00240 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mp , x1,y1,x2,y2 , active_color , -THCODE_RECT ) ; 00241 return ; 00242 } |
Definition at line 34 of file point.c.
00035 { 00036 extern /* Subroutine */ int phdot_(real *, real *); 00037 static real xx, yy; 00038 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphys_(real *, real *); 00039 00040 /* ....................................................................... 00041 */ 00042 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00043 */ 00044 00045 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00046 00047 xx = *x; 00048 yy = *y; 00049 zzphys_(&xx, &yy); 00050 zzzplt_1.xphold = xx; 00051 zzzplt_1.yphold = yy; 00052 00053 if (xx >= zzzplt_1.xclbot && xx <= zzzplt_1.xcltop && yy >= 00054 zzzplt_1.yclbot && yy <= zzzplt_1.ycltop) { 00055 phdot_(&xx, &yy); 00056 } 00057 00058 phdot_(&xx, &yy); 00059 00060 return 0; 00061 } /* point_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file points.c.
00013 { 00014 /* System generated locals */ 00015 integer i__1; 00016 00017 /* Local variables */ 00018 static integer i__; 00019 extern /* Subroutine */ int point_(real *, real *), vector_(real *, real * 00020 ), frstpt_(real *, real *); 00021 00022 00023 /* Note that ICHAR is ignored in this version (argument retained for */ 00024 /* compatibility with NCAR). */ 00025 /* ....................................................................... 00026 */ 00027 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00028 */ 00029 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00030 --y; 00031 --x; 00032 00033 /* Function Body */ 00034 if (*ipen != 1) { 00035 i__1 = *n; 00036 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00037 point_(&x[i__], &y[i__]); 00038 /* L100: */ 00039 } 00040 } else { 00041 frstpt_(&x[1], &y[1]); 00042 i__1 = *n; 00043 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00044 vector_(&x[i__], &y[i__]); 00045 /* L200: */ 00046 } 00047 } 00048 return 0; 00049 } /* points_ */ |
Definition at line 140 of file plot_ps.c.
00141 { double dx , dy ; 00142 00143 if (inpath) ps_stroke() ; 00144 dx=x1-x; 00145 dy=y1-y; 00146 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d %f ", x, y, sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) ); 00147 fprintf( psfile , "%f ", (double)(atan2(dy,dx)/M_PI)*180.0 ); 00148 dx=x2-x; 00149 dy=y2-y; 00150 fprintf( psfile , "%f ", (double)(atan2(dy,dx)/M_PI)*180.0 ); 00151 plot=1; 00152 atcur=inpath=0; 00153 } |
Definition at line 155 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 251 of file plot_ps.c.
00252 { ps_epilog(); 00253 00254 if( psfile == stdout ){ /* 29 Nov 2002: don't close stdout */ 00255 fflush(psfile) ; /* just flush it */ 00256 } else { 00257 if( ! psfile_ispipe ) fclose(psfile) ; 00258 else pclose(psfile) ; /* RWCox */ 00259 } 00260 00261 psfile = NULL ; psfile_ispipe = 0 ; 00262 } |
Definition at line 85 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 160 of file plot_ps.c.
00161 { ps_clear() ; } |
Definition at line 118 of file plot_ps.c.
00119 { int is ; 00120 char c ; 00121 00122 if (inpath) ps_stroke() ; 00123 if (!ttcur) fprintf( psfile , "%d %d M\n",cx,cy); 00124 if (!font) font=ps_setfont(); 00125 fprintf( psfile , "("); 00126 for( is=0,c=s[is] ; (c!='\0')&&(c!='\n') ; ++is,c=s[is] ) 00127 { 00128 if (c=='(' || c==')' || c=='\\')putchar('\\'); 00129 putchar(c); 00130 } 00131 fprintf( psfile , ") T\n"); 00132 ttcur=plot=1; 00133 atcur=inpath=0; 00134 } |
Definition at line 77 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 166 of file plot_ps.c.
00167 { double pt ; 00168 pt = 1.0 / scal ; 00169 00170 if (inpath) ps_stroke() ; /* draw anything specified before setdash */ 00171 00172 if (strncmp(s,"solid",5) == 0) { 00173 fprintf( psfile , "[] 0 setdash\n") ; 00174 } else if( strncmp(s,"dotted",6) == 0 ) { 00175 fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 2.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ; 00176 } else if( strncmp(s,"dotdashed",9) == 0 ) { 00177 fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 00178 2.0*pt , 3.0*pt , 6.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ; 00179 } else if( strncmp(s,"shortdashed",11) == 0 ) { 00180 fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 6.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ; 00181 } else if( strncmp(s,"longdashed",10) == 0 ) { 00182 fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 9.0*pt , 4.5*pt ) ; 00183 } else { 00184 fprintf(stderr, 00185 "plotps: linestyle '%s' not implemented.\n",s); 00186 fprintf( psfile , "[] 0 setdash\n") ; 00187 } 00188 } |
Definition at line 69 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 222 of file plot_ps.c.
00223 { 00224 if( strcmp(fname,"-") == 0 ){ /* 29 Nov 2002: to stdout */ 00225 psfile = stdout ; 00226 psfile_ispipe = 0 ; 00227 } else if( fname[0] != '|' ){ /* normal file */ 00228 psfile = fopen( fname , "w" ) ; 00229 psfile_ispipe = 0 ; 00230 } else { /* open a pipe */ 00231 psfile = popen( fname+1 , "w" ) ; 00232 psfile_ispipe = 1 ; 00233 } 00234 if( psfile == NULL ) return 0 ; 00235 ps_prolog(); 00236 return 1 ; 00237 } |
Definition at line 110 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 96 of file plot_ps.c.
00097 { 00098 if( inpath ) ps_stroke() ; 00099 fprintf( psfile , "NP "); 00100 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d M ",x1,y1); 00101 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x2,y1); 00102 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x2,y2); 00103 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x1,y2); 00104 #if 0 00105 fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x1,y1); 00106 #endif 00107 fprintf( psfile , "F S\n") ; 00108 } |
Definition at line 208 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 203 of file plot_ps.c.
Definition at line 190 of file plot_ps.c.
00191 { if( prolog_not_output ) ps_prolog() ; 00192 if (inpath) ps_stroke() ; 00193 fprintf( psfile , "initgraphics\n"); 00194 fprintf( psfile , "1 setlinewidth\n"); 00195 fprintf( psfile , "66 72 translate\n"); 00196 scal=480.0/(ix2-ix1); 00197 fprintf( psfile , "%f %f scale\n",scal,480.0/(iy2-iy1)); 00198 if (ix1 || iy1) fprintf( psfile , "%d %d translate\n",-ix1, -iy1); 00199 ps_linemod( "solid" ) ; 00200 atcur=inpath=font=0; 00201 } |
Definition at line 34 of file pwrit.c.
00036 { 00037 /* System generated locals */ 00038 integer i__1; 00039 00040 /* Local variables */ 00041 static integer i__, nchar; 00042 static real width; 00043 static integer isize; 00044 static real ct, dx, dy, oor, st, xx, yy; 00045 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzchar_(char *, real *, real *, real *, real * 00046 , ftnlen), zzphys_(real *, real *); 00047 00048 00049 /* Additional options besides NCAR's choices: */ 00050 00051 /* NCH < 0 ==> use absolute coordinates rather than user coords. */ 00052 /* [this is because the use of integer absolute ] */ 00053 /* [coordinates is not implemented in this package] */ 00054 00055 /* ABS(NCH) = 999 ==> find length of string by looking for a 0 byte. */ 00056 00057 /* ICENT = -2 ==> (X,Y) is lower left corner of string to plot. */ 00058 00059 /* ....................................................................... 00060 */ 00061 00062 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00063 */ 00064 /* Calculate character width in terms of 1/1000 of the x-width. */ 00065 00066 00067 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00068 00069 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00070 --ch; 00071 00072 /* Function Body */ 00073 isize = *isiz; 00074 if (isize <= 0) { 00075 isize = 8; 00076 } else if (isize == 1) { 00077 isize = 12; 00078 } else if (isize == 2) { 00079 isize = 16; 00080 } else if (isize == 3) { 00081 isize = 24; 00082 } 00083 00084 width = isize * .001f * (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - zzzplt_1.xpgmin); 00085 00086 /* Rotation/scaling factors for digitization. Include factor of 1/6 */ 00087 /* to allow for digitization scale in ZZCHAR. */ 00088 00089 oor = *ior * .017453292f; 00090 dx = width * cos(oor); 00091 dy = width * sin(oor); 00092 ct = dx * .1666667f; 00093 st = dy * .1666667f; 00094 00095 /* Starting location for first character. */ 00096 00097 xx = *x; 00098 yy = *y; 00099 if (*nch > 0) { 00100 zzphys_(&xx, &yy); 00101 } 00102 00103 /* Get no. of characters in string. Special option 999 must be checked. 00104 */ 00105 00106 nchar = abs(*nch); 00107 if (nchar == 999) { 00108 i__1 = nchar; 00109 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00110 if (*(unsigned char *)&ch[i__] == '\0') { 00111 goto L20; 00112 } 00113 /* L10: */ 00114 } 00115 L20: 00116 nchar = i__ - 1; 00117 } 00118 00119 /* If centering option is not lower-left corner, must calculate */ 00120 /* location of lower left corner. */ 00121 00122 if (*icent != -2) { 00123 /* Move from center of character down to bottom (aspect ratio = 7/6) 00124 */ 00125 xx += dy * .5833333f; 00126 yy -= dx * .5833333f; 00127 if (*icent == 0) { 00128 xx -= nchar * .5f * dx; 00129 yy -= nchar * .5f * dy; 00130 } else if (*icent == 1) { 00131 xx -= nchar * dx; 00132 yy -= nchar * dy; 00133 } 00134 } 00135 /* ....................................................................... 00136 */ 00137 i__1 = nchar; 00138 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00139 zzchar_(ch + i__, &xx, &yy, &ct, &st, 1L); 00140 xx += dx; 00141 yy += dy; 00142 /* L100: */ 00143 } 00144 /* ....................................................................... 00145 */ 00146 zzzplt_1.xphold = xx; 00147 zzzplt_1.yphold = yy; 00148 return 0; 00149 } /* pwrit_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file pwritf.c.
00036 { 00037 /* System generated locals */ 00038 integer i__1, i__2; 00039 real r__1, r__2; 00040 00041 /* Local variables */ 00042 static real xold, yold, size, xorg, yorg; 00043 static integer lstr[69999], nstr; 00044 static real xstr[69999], ystr[69999]; 00045 static integer i__; 00046 static char chloc[6666]; 00047 static integer nchar; 00048 extern /* Subroutine */ int color_(integer *); 00049 static integer isize; 00050 static real ct; 00051 static integer nchloc; 00052 static real st, xr, yr, xx, yy; 00053 extern integer lastnb_(char *, ftnlen); 00054 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *), 00055 zzconv_(char *, integer *, char *, integer *, ftnlen, ftnlen), 00056 zzphys_(real *, real *), zzstro_(char *, integer *, integer *, 00057 real *, real *, integer *, ftnlen); 00058 static real orr; 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 /* ....................................................................... 00064 */ 00065 00066 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00067 */ 00068 /* Calculate character width in terms of 1/1000 of the x-width. */ 00069 00070 00071 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00072 00073 isize = *isiz; 00074 if (isize <= 0) { 00075 isize = 8; 00076 } else if (isize == 1) { 00077 isize = 12; 00078 } else if (isize == 2) { 00079 isize = 16; 00080 } else if (isize == 3) { 00081 isize = 24; 00082 } 00083 00084 size = isize * .001f * (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - zzzplt_1.xpgmin); 00085 00086 /* Rotation/scaling factors for digitization */ 00087 00088 orr = *ior * .017453292f; 00089 ct = size * cos(orr); 00090 st = size * sin(orr); 00091 00092 /* Base location, in internal coordinates */ 00093 00094 xx = *x; 00095 yy = *y; 00096 if (*nch >= 0) { 00097 zzphys_(&xx, &yy); 00098 } 00099 00100 /* Get no. of characters in string. Special option 999 must be checked. 00101 */ 00102 00103 nchar = abs(*nch); 00104 if (nchar == 999) { 00105 i__1 = nchar; 00106 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00107 if (*(unsigned char *)&ch[i__ - 1] == '\0') { 00108 goto L20; 00109 } 00110 /* L10: */ 00111 } 00112 L20: 00113 nchar = i__ - 1; 00114 } else if (nchar == 0) { 00115 nchar = lastnb_(ch, ch_len); 00116 } 00117 00118 /* Digitize string into line segments */ 00119 00120 zzconv_(ch, &nchar, chloc, &nchloc, ch_len, 6666L); 00121 zzstro_(chloc, &nchloc, &nstr, xstr, ystr, lstr, 6666L); 00122 if (nstr <= 0) { 00123 return 0; 00124 } 00125 00126 /* Find min, max of x and y */ 00127 00128 zzzplt_1.xbot = xstr[0]; 00129 zzzplt_1.ybot = ystr[0]; 00130 zzzplt_1.xtop = zzzplt_1.xbot; 00131 zzzplt_1.ytop = zzzplt_1.ybot; 00132 i__1 = nstr; 00133 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00134 /* Computing MIN */ 00135 r__1 = zzzplt_1.xbot, r__2 = xstr[i__ - 1]; 00136 zzzplt_1.xbot = dmin(r__1,r__2); 00137 /* Computing MAX */ 00138 r__1 = zzzplt_1.xtop, r__2 = xstr[i__ - 1]; 00139 zzzplt_1.xtop = dmax(r__1,r__2); 00140 /* Computing MIN */ 00141 r__1 = zzzplt_1.ybot, r__2 = ystr[i__ - 1]; 00142 zzzplt_1.ybot = dmin(r__1,r__2); 00143 /* Computing MAX */ 00144 r__1 = zzzplt_1.ytop, r__2 = ystr[i__ - 1]; 00145 zzzplt_1.ytop = dmax(r__1,r__2); 00146 /* L100: */ 00147 } 00148 00149 /* Now compute origin of string, based on centering option; */ 00150 /* the origin of the string goes at (XX,YY) */ 00151 00152 if (*icent == -1) { 00153 xorg = zzzplt_1.xbot; 00154 yorg = (zzzplt_1.ybot + zzzplt_1.ytop) * .5f; 00155 } else if (*icent == 0) { 00156 xorg = (zzzplt_1.xbot + zzzplt_1.xtop) * .5f; 00157 yorg = (zzzplt_1.ybot + zzzplt_1.ytop) * .5f; 00158 } else if (*icent == 1) { 00159 xorg = zzzplt_1.xtop; 00160 yorg = (zzzplt_1.ybot + zzzplt_1.ytop) * .5f; 00161 } else { 00162 xorg = zzzplt_1.xbot; 00163 yorg = zzzplt_1.ybot; 00164 } 00165 00166 /* Now draw the strokes */ 00167 00168 i__1 = nstr; 00169 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00170 if (lstr[i__ - 1] <= 1) { 00171 xr = xx + ct * (xstr[i__ - 1] - xorg) - st * (ystr[i__ - 1] - 00172 yorg); 00173 yr = yy + st * (xstr[i__ - 1] - xorg) + ct * (ystr[i__ - 1] - 00174 yorg); 00175 if (lstr[i__ - 1] == 1) { 00176 zzline_(&xold, &yold, &xr, &yr); 00177 } 00178 xold = xr; 00179 yold = yr; 00180 } else if (lstr[i__ - 1] > 100 && lstr[i__ - 1] <= 107) { 00181 i__2 = lstr[i__ - 1] - 100; 00182 color_(&i__2); 00183 } 00184 /* L200: */ 00185 } 00186 00187 zzzplt_1.xphold = xold; 00188 zzzplt_1.yphold = yold; 00189 return 0; 00190 } /* pwritf_ */ |
Definition at line 328 of file coxplot/plot_motif.c.
00329 { 00330 if( mpcb == NULL ) return ; 00331 expose_CB( mpcb->drawing , mpcb , NULL ) ; 00332 return ; 00333 } |
Definition at line 409 of file plot_x11.c.
00411 { 00412 /*--- TrueColor case: make color by appropriate bit twiddling ---*/ 00413 00414 if( cd->classKRH == TrueColor ){ 00415 unsigned long r , g , b , rgb ; 00416 00417 r = (cd->rrshift<0) ? (rr<<(-cd->rrshift)) 00418 : (rr>>cd->rrshift) ; r = r & cd->rrmask ; 00419 00420 g = (cd->ggshift<0) ? (gg<<(-cd->ggshift)) 00421 : (gg>>cd->ggshift) ; g = g & cd->ggmask ; 00422 00423 b = (cd->bbshift<0) ? (bb<<(-cd->bbshift)) 00424 : (bb>>cd->bbshift) ; b = b & cd->bbmask ; 00425 00426 rgb = r | g | b ; /* assemble color from components */ 00427 return rgb ; 00428 } 00429 00430 /*--- PseudoColor case: find closest match in colormap. 00431 Red, green, and blue are weighted according 00432 to their importance to the human visual system. ---*/ 00433 00434 #define RW 2 /* the weights alluded to above */ 00435 #define GW 4 00436 #define BW 1 00437 00438 if( cd->classKRH == PseudoColor ){ 00439 int ii , rdif,gdif,bdif,dif , ibest,dbest ; 00440 00441 rdif = cd->rr[0] - rr ; 00442 gdif = cd->gg[0] - gg ; 00443 bdif = cd->bb[0] - bb ; dif = RW*abs(rdif)+GW*abs(gdif)+BW*abs(bdif) ; 00444 if( dif == 0 ) return 0 ; 00445 00446 ibest = 0 ; dbest = dif ; 00447 for( ii=1 ; ii < cd->ncolors ; ii++ ){ 00448 rdif = cd->rr[ii] - rr ; 00449 gdif = cd->gg[ii] - gg ; 00450 bdif = cd->bb[ii] - bb ; dif = RW*abs(rdif)+GW*abs(gdif)+BW*abs(bdif) ; 00451 if( dif == 0 ) return ii ; 00452 if( dif < dbest ){ ibest = ii ; dbest = dif ; } 00453 } 00454 return ibest ; 00455 } 00456 00457 /*--- Illegal case! ---*/ 00458 00459 return 0 ; /* always valid */ 00460 } |
Definition at line 322 of file plot_cox.c.
00324 { 00325 int ii,nn ; 00326 if( mp == NULL ) return ; 00327 00328 for( nn=ii=0 ; ii < mp->nxyline ; ii++ ){ 00329 mp->xyline[nn] = mp->xyline[nn] * sx + tx ; nn++ ; /* x1 */ 00330 mp->xyline[nn] = mp->xyline[nn] * sy + ty ; nn++ ; /* y1 */ 00331 mp->xyline[nn] = mp->xyline[nn] * sx + tx ; nn++ ; /* x2 */ 00332 mp->xyline[nn] = mp->xyline[nn] * sy + ty ; nn++ ; /* y2 */ 00333 nn++ ; /* color */ 00334 if( mp->xyline[nn] > 0.0 ) 00335 mp->xyline[nn] = mp->xyline[nn] * st ; nn++ ; /* thick */ 00336 } 00337 return ; 00338 } |
Definition at line 41 of file set.c.
00043 { 00044 /* Initialized data */ 00045 00046 static shortint ixc[4] = { 1,1,-1,-1 }; 00047 static shortint iyc[4] = { 1,-1,1,-1 }; 00048 00049 /* Format strings */ 00050 static char fmt_9001[] = "(//\002 ********** Illegal parameters in SET *" 00051 "*********\002/4(1x,1pg12.5)/4(1x,1pg12.5),i6)"; 00052 00053 /* Builtin functions */ 00054 double r_lg10(real *); 00055 integer s_wsfe(cilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfe(void); 00056 00057 /* Local variables */ 00058 static real sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax; 00059 00060 /* Fortran I/O blocks */ 00061 static cilist io___7 = { 0, 6, 0, fmt_9001, 0 }; 00062 00063 00064 00065 /* Set the relationship between the physical space and the user space. */ 00066 /* ....................................................................... 00067 */ 00068 00069 00070 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00071 00072 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00073 */ 00074 /* Check entry values for reasonableness. */ 00075 00076 if (*xobj1 < zzzplt_1.xpgmin || *xobj1 >= *xobj2 || *xobj2 > 00077 zzzplt_1.xpgmax || *xsub1 == *xsub2 || *yobj1 < zzzplt_1.ypgmin || 00078 *yobj1 >= *yobj2 || *yobj2 > zzzplt_1.ypgmax || *ysub1 == *ysub2 00079 || *ltype <= 0 || *ltype > 4) { 00080 goto L9000; 00081 } 00082 /* ....................................................................... 00083 */ 00084 zzzplt_1.xbot = *xobj1; 00085 zzzplt_1.ybot = *yobj1; 00086 zzzplt_1.xtop = *xobj2; 00087 zzzplt_1.ytop = *yobj2; 00088 00089 zzzplt_1.xmin = *xsub1; 00090 zzzplt_1.xmax = *xsub2; 00091 zzzplt_1.ymin = *ysub1; 00092 zzzplt_1.ymax = *ysub2; 00093 00094 zzzplt_1.ixcoor = ixc[*ltype - 1]; 00095 zzzplt_1.iycoor = iyc[*ltype - 1]; 00096 00097 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor >= 0) { 00098 sxmin = *xsub1; 00099 sxmax = *xsub2; 00100 } else { 00101 if (*xsub1 <= 0.f || *xsub2 <= 0.f) { 00102 goto L9000; 00103 } 00104 sxmin = r_lg10(xsub1); 00105 sxmax = r_lg10(xsub2); 00106 } 00107 00108 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor >= 0) { 00109 symin = *ysub1; 00110 symax = *ysub2; 00111 } else { 00112 if (*ysub1 <= 0.f || *ysub2 <= 0.f) { 00113 goto L9000; 00114 } 00115 symin = r_lg10(ysub1); 00116 symax = r_lg10(ysub2); 00117 } 00118 00119 /* Calculate the alpha and beta scaling factors to map user space */ 00120 /* into physical space. */ 00121 00122 zzzplt_1.alphxx = (zzzplt_1.xtop - zzzplt_1.xbot) / (sxmax - sxmin); 00123 zzzplt_1.betaxx = zzzplt_1.xbot - zzzplt_1.alphxx * sxmin; 00124 00125 zzzplt_1.alphyy = (zzzplt_1.ytop - zzzplt_1.ybot) / (symax - symin); 00126 zzzplt_1.betayy = zzzplt_1.ybot - zzzplt_1.alphyy * symin; 00127 00128 return 0; 00129 /* ....................................................................... 00130 */ 00131 L9000: 00132 /* CC OPEN( 98 , FILE='PLOTPAK.ERR' , STATUS='NEW' ) */ 00133 /* CC WRITE(98,9001) XOBJ1,XOBJ2 , YOBJ1,YOBJ2 , */ 00134 /* CC X XSUB1,XSUB2 , YSUB1,YSUB2 , LTYPE */ 00135 /* L9001: */ 00136 /* cc CLOSE( 98 ) */ 00137 00138 s_wsfe(&io___7); 00139 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*xobj1), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00140 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*xobj2), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00141 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*yobj1), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00142 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*yobj2), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00143 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*xsub1), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00144 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*xsub2), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00145 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*ysub1), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00146 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*ysub2), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00147 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*ltype), (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); 00148 e_wsfe(); 00149 exit(0) ; 00150 return 0; 00151 } /* set_ */ |
Definition at line 112 of file plot_cox.c.
00113 { 00114 int ip ; 00115 00116 if( id == NULL || id[0] == '\0' || num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL ) 00117 return 1 ; 00118 00119 for( ip=0 ; ip < num_plotar ; ip++ ) 00120 if( strcmp(plotar[ip]->ident,id) == 0 ){ 00121 real asp = plotar[ip]->aspect ; 00122 active_plot = ip ; 00123 memplt_( &asp ) ; /* re-setup PLOTPAK */ 00124 return 0 ; 00125 } 00126 00127 return 1 ; 00128 } |
Definition at line 149 of file plot_cox.c.
00150 { 00151 if( r > 1.0 || g > 1.0 || b > 1.0 ){ /* 22 Mar 2002: */ 00152 r /= 255.0 ; g /= 255.0 ; b /= 255.0 ; /* allow for 0..255 */ 00153 } 00154 if( r < 0.0 ) r = 0.0 ; else if ( r > 1.0 ) r = 1.0 ; 00155 if( g < 0.0 ) g = 0.0 ; else if ( g > 1.0 ) g = 1.0 ; 00156 if( b < 0.0 ) b = 0.0 ; else if ( b > 1.0 ) b = 1.0 ; 00157 00158 active_color = (float) RGB_TO_COL(r,g,b) ; 00159 return ; 00160 } |
Definition at line 70 of file plot_x11.c.
Definition at line 182 of file plot_cox.c.
00183 { 00184 MEM_plotdata *mp ; 00185 00186 if( th < 0.0 ) th = 0.0 ; 00187 else if( th > 1.0 ) th = 1.0 ; 00188 active_opacity = th ; 00189 00190 /* Set opacity for further drawing [22 Jul 2004] */ 00191 00192 if( active_plot < 0 || active_plot >= num_plotar || 00193 num_plotar == 0 || plotar == NULL || 00194 plotar[active_plot] == NULL ) return ; 00195 00196 mp = plotar[active_plot] ; 00197 ADDTO_MEMPLOT( mp , th,0.0,0.0,0.0 , 0.0 , -THCODE_OPAC ) ; 00198 return ; 00199 } |
Definition at line 170 of file plot_cox.c.
00171 { 00172 if( th < 0.0 ) th = 0.0 ; 00173 active_thick = th ; 00174 return ; 00175 } |
Definition at line 47 of file plot_x11.c.
00049 { 00050 unsigned long pix ; 00051 00052 if( dpy == NULL || w == (Window) 0 ) return ; 00053 00054 setup_X11_plotting( dpy , w ) ; 00055 pix = rgb_to_pixel( rr,gg,bb , old_cd ) ; 00056 XSetWindowBackground( dpy , getwin_from_XDBE(dpy,w) , pix ) ; 00057 return ; 00058 } |
Definition at line 20 of file setdsh.c.
00021 { 00022 /* System generated locals */ 00023 integer i__1; 00024 00025 /* Local variables */ 00026 static integer i__; 00027 00028 00029 /* Set dash lengths (in internal units) */ 00030 00031 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00032 */ 00033 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00034 --xld; 00035 00036 /* Function Body */ 00037 zzdash_1.ndash = min(*nd,8); 00038 zzdash_1.xid = 0.f; 00039 i__1 = zzdash_1.ndash; 00040 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__) { 00041 zzdash_1.xldash[i__ - 1] = xld[i__]; 00042 /* L10: */ 00043 } 00044 return 0; 00045 } /* setdsh_ */ |
Definition at line 38 of file setfrm.c.
00040 { 00041 extern /* Subroutine */ int setlin_(integer *); 00042 00043 00044 /* This routine has no analog in NCAR. It is called once before all */ 00045 /* plots to set various parameters that define a "frame". */ 00046 00047 /* The entries are the minimum and maximum "physical" x and y values */ 00048 /* allowed. In NCAR they would always be 0,1,0,1. Here they can be */ 00049 /* anything to allow for various output device aspect ratios. However, 00050 */ 00051 /* for plots to look reasonable, 1 unit in the x-direction should be the 00052 */ 00053 /* same physical size as 1 unit in the y-direction. */ 00054 /* ....................................................................... 00055 */ 00056 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00057 */ 00058 /* Set size of physical page. */ 00059 00060 00061 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00062 00063 zzzplt_1.xpgmin = *xobj1; 00064 zzzplt_1.xpgmax = *xobj2; 00065 zzzplt_1.ypgmin = *yobj1; 00066 zzzplt_1.ypgmax = *yobj2; 00067 00068 /* Initialize the clipping region in case SETW is never called. */ 00069 00070 zzzplt_1.xclbot = zzzplt_1.xpgmin; 00071 zzzplt_1.xcltop = zzzplt_1.xpgmax; 00072 zzzplt_1.yclbot = zzzplt_1.ypgmin; 00073 zzzplt_1.ycltop = zzzplt_1.ypgmax; 00074 00075 /* Initialize various parameters in case SET is never called. */ 00076 /* Physical coordinate range: */ 00077 00078 zzzplt_1.xbot = zzzplt_1.xpgmin; 00079 zzzplt_1.xtop = zzzplt_1.xpgmax; 00080 zzzplt_1.ybot = zzzplt_1.ypgmin; 00081 zzzplt_1.ytop = zzzplt_1.ypgmax; 00082 00083 /* User coordinate range: */ 00084 00085 zzzplt_1.xmin = zzzplt_1.xpgmin; 00086 zzzplt_1.xmax = zzzplt_1.xpgmax; 00087 zzzplt_1.ymin = zzzplt_1.ypgmin; 00088 zzzplt_1.ymax = zzzplt_1.ypgmax; 00089 00090 /* Last plotting location (lower left of page): */ 00091 00092 zzzplt_1.xphold = zzzplt_1.xpgmin; 00093 zzzplt_1.yphold = zzzplt_1.ypgmin; 00094 00095 /* Axis types (linear): */ 00096 00097 zzzplt_1.ixcoor = 1; 00098 zzzplt_1.iycoor = 1; 00099 00100 /* Axis scalings from user to physical coordinates: */ 00101 00102 zzzplt_1.alphxx = 1.f; 00103 zzzplt_1.alphyy = 1.f; 00104 zzzplt_1.betaxx = 0.f; 00105 zzzplt_1.betayy = 0.f; 00106 00107 /* Grid parameters: */ 00108 00109 zzzplt_1.tmajx = (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - zzzplt_1.xpgmin) * .01f; 00110 zzzplt_1.tminx = zzzplt_1.tmajx * .6f; 00111 zzzplt_1.tmajy = zzzplt_1.tmajx; 00112 zzzplt_1.tminy = zzzplt_1.tminx; 00113 00114 zzzplt_1.majrx = 5; 00115 zzzplt_1.minrx = 10; 00116 zzzplt_1.majry = 5; 00117 zzzplt_1.minry = 10; 00118 zzzplt_1.isizx = 12; 00119 zzzplt_1.isizy = 12; 00120 00121 /* Dashed line type (solid) */ 00122 00123 setlin_(&c__1); 00124 00125 return 0; 00126 } /* setfrm_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file setlin.c.
00012 { 00013 /* Initialized data */ 00014 00015 static integer ndash[5] = { 1,2,2,6,2 }; 00016 static real xdash[40] /* was [8][5] */ = { 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f, 00017 1.f,1.f,.007f,-.007f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,.002f,-.003f,1.f,1.f, 00018 1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,.007f,-.004f,.002f,-.004f,.002f,-.004f,1.f,1.f, 00019 2e-4f,-.005f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f }; 00020 00021 static integer nd; 00022 extern /* Subroutine */ int setdsh_(integer *, real *); 00023 00024 00025 /* Set default dash types */ 00026 /* 1 = solid */ 00027 /* 2 = long dash */ 00028 /* 3 = short */ 00029 /* 4 = long - short - short */ 00030 /* 5 = very short */ 00031 /* Outside this range ==> solid */ 00032 00033 00034 00035 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00036 */ 00037 00038 nd = *ntype; 00039 if (*ntype <= 0 || *ntype > 5) { 00040 nd = 1; 00041 } 00042 00043 setdsh_(&ndash[nd - 1], &xdash[(nd << 3) - 8]); 00044 return 0; 00045 } /* setlin_ */ |
Definition at line 1448 of file srface.c.
01450 { 01451 /* System generated locals */ 01452 real r__1, r__2, r__3; 01453 01454 /* Local variables */ 01455 static real yeye, xeye, zeye, alpha; 01456 extern /* Subroutine */ int trn32s_(real *, real *, real *, real *, real * 01457 , real *, integer *); 01458 static real dummy, dummie, xat, yat, zat, umn, vmn, xmn, ymn, zmn, umx, 01459 vmx, xmx, ymx, zmx; 01460 01461 01462 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01463 */ 01464 if (*r0 <= 0.f) { 01465 goto L10; 01466 } else { 01467 goto L20; 01468 } 01469 L10: 01470 srfblk_1.nrswt = 0; 01471 return 0; 01472 L20: 01473 srfblk_1.nrswt = 1; 01474 pwrz1s_1.xxmin = *xmin; 01475 pwrz1s_1.xxmax = *xmax; 01476 pwrz1s_1.yymin = *ymin; 01477 pwrz1s_1.yymax = *ymax; 01478 pwrz1s_1.zzmin = *zmin; 01479 pwrz1s_1.zzmax = *zmax; 01480 srfblk_1.rzero = *r0; 01481 srfblk_1.ll = 0; 01482 xat = (pwrz1s_1.xxmax + pwrz1s_1.xxmin) * .5f; 01483 yat = (pwrz1s_1.yymax + pwrz1s_1.yymin) * .5f; 01484 zat = (pwrz1s_1.zzmax + pwrz1s_1.zzmin) * .5f; 01485 alpha = -(pwrz1s_1.yymin - yat) / (pwrz1s_1.xxmin - xat); 01486 yeye = -srfblk_1.rzero / sqrt(alpha * alpha + 1.f); 01487 xeye = yeye * alpha; 01488 yeye += yat; 01489 xeye += xat; 01490 zeye = zat; 01491 trn32s_(&xat, &yat, &zat, &xeye, &yeye, &zeye, &c__0); 01492 xmn = pwrz1s_1.xxmin; 01493 xmx = pwrz1s_1.xxmax; 01494 ymn = pwrz1s_1.yymin; 01495 ymx = pwrz1s_1.yymax; 01496 zmn = pwrz1s_1.zzmin; 01497 zmx = pwrz1s_1.zzmax; 01498 trn32s_(&xmn, &ymn, &zat, &umn, &dummy, &dummie, &c__1); 01499 trn32s_(&xmx, &ymn, &zmn, &dummy, &vmn, &dummie, &c__1); 01500 trn32s_(&xmx, &ymx, &zat, &umx, &dummy, &dummie, &c__1); 01501 trn32s_(&xmx, &ymn, &zmx, &dummy, &vmx, &dummie, &c__1); 01502 srfblk_1.umin = umn; 01503 srfblk_1.umax = umx; 01504 srfblk_1.vmin = vmn; 01505 srfblk_1.vmax = vmx; 01506 /* Computing 2nd power */ 01507 r__1 = pwrz1s_1.xxmax - pwrz1s_1.xxmin; 01508 /* Computing 2nd power */ 01509 r__2 = pwrz1s_1.yymax - pwrz1s_1.yymin; 01510 /* Computing 2nd power */ 01511 r__3 = pwrz1s_1.zzmax - pwrz1s_1.zzmin; 01512 srfblk_1.bigd = sqrt(r__1 * r__1 + r__2 * r__2 + r__3 * r__3) * .5f; 01513 return 0; 01514 } /* setr_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file setw.c.
00035 { 00036 00037 /* Set the clipping rectangle (physical coords). */ 00038 /* ....................................................................... 00039 */ 00040 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00041 */ 00042 00043 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00044 00045 if (*x1 >= *x2) { 00046 zzzplt_1.xclbot = zzzplt_1.xpgmin; 00047 zzzplt_1.xcltop = zzzplt_1.xpgmax; 00048 } else { 00049 zzzplt_1.xclbot = dmax(*x1,zzzplt_1.xpgmin); 00050 zzzplt_1.xcltop = dmin(*x2,zzzplt_1.xpgmax); 00051 } 00052 00053 if (*y1 >= *y2) { 00054 zzzplt_1.yclbot = zzzplt_1.ypgmin; 00055 zzzplt_1.ycltop = zzzplt_1.ypgmax; 00056 } else { 00057 zzzplt_1.yclbot = dmax(*y1,zzzplt_1.ypgmin); 00058 zzzplt_1.ycltop = dmin(*y2,zzzplt_1.ypgmax); 00059 } 00060 00061 return 0; 00062 } /* setw_ */ |
Definition at line 1709 of file srface.c.
01710 { 01711 01712 /* INITIALIZATION OF INTERNAL PARAMETERS */ 01713 01714 01715 return 0; 01716 } /* srfabd_ */ |
Definition at line 71 of file srface.c.
00073 { 00074 /* Initialized data */ 00075 00076 static integer jf = 1; 00077 static integer if__ = 1; 00078 static integer ly = 2; 00079 static integer lx = 2; 00080 static integer icnst = 0; 00081 00082 /* System generated locals */ 00083 integer z_dim1, z_offset, m_dim2, m_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4, i__5, 00084 i__6, i__7, i__8, i__9, i__10; 00085 00086 /* Local variables */ 00087 static integer ipic, npic, ipli, jplj; 00088 static real ster, poix, poiy, poiz, xeye; 00089 static integer mmxx, nnxx; 00090 static real yeye; 00091 static integer nnyy; 00092 static real zeye, ynow, xnow, sign1; 00093 static integer i__, j, k, l; 00094 extern /* Subroutine */ int frame_(void); 00095 static real hight; 00096 extern /* Subroutine */ int clset_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer * 00097 , real *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *, real *, integer *, 00098 integer *, integer *, real *, real *); 00099 static real width; 00100 extern /* Subroutine */ int draws_(integer *, integer *, integer *, 00101 integer *, integer *, integer *); 00102 static integer jpass, ipass; 00103 static real d1, d2; 00104 extern /* Subroutine */ int trn32s_(real *, real *, real *, real *, real * 00105 , real *, integer *); 00106 static real dummy; 00107 static integer nxstp, nystp, ii, jj, li, mi, in, jn, ni, lj; 00108 static real dx, dy; 00109 static integer mj, nj; 00110 extern /* Subroutine */ int srfabd_(void); 00111 static real ctheta, rx, ry, rz, ut, vt, qu, qv, ru, zz, rv; 00112 extern /* Subroutine */ int ctcell_(real *, integer *, integer *, integer 00113 *, integer *, integer *, integer *); 00114 static real stheta; 00115 static integer nxpass, nypass; 00116 static real ux1, vx1, ux2, vx2, uy1, vy1, uy2, vy2, dif, agl; 00117 static integer nla, mxf[2], myf[2]; 00118 extern /* Subroutine */ int set_(real *, real *, real *, real *, real *, 00119 real *, real *, real *, integer *); 00120 static integer mxj[2], myj[2], mxs[2], mys[2], nxp1, nyp1; 00121 00122 00123 /* Surface plotting package from NCAR -- the only high level NCAR */ 00124 /* routine in this library at present (Aug 17, 1990). */ 00125 00126 /*cc DIMENSION X(NX) ,Y(NY) ,Z(MX,NY) ,M(2,NX,NY) , 00127 */ 00128 /* cc 1 S(6) */ 00129 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00130 --x; 00131 m_dim2 = *nx; 00132 m_offset = (m_dim2 + 1 << 1) + 1; 00133 m -= m_offset; 00134 z_dim1 = *mx; 00135 z_offset = z_dim1 + 1; 00136 z__ -= z_offset; 00137 --y; 00138 --s; 00139 00140 /* Function Body */ 00141 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00142 */ 00143 srfabd_(); 00144 set_(&c_b2, &c_b3, &c_b2, &c_b3, &c_b3, &c_b7, &c_b3, &c_b7, &c__1); 00145 srfblk_1.bigest = 1e38f; 00146 /* CC BIGEST = R1MACH(2) */ 00147 mmxx = *mx; 00148 nnxx = *nx; 00149 nnyy = *ny; 00150 ster = *stereo; 00151 nxp1 = nnxx + 1; 00152 nyp1 = nnyy + 1; 00153 nla = srfip1_1.ncla; 00154 srfblk_1.nspval = srfip1_1.ispval; 00155 srfblk_1.ndrz = srfip1_1.idrz; 00156 if (srfip1_1.idrz != 0) { 00157 clset_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &srfip1_1.chi, & 00158 srfip1_1.clo, &srfip1_1.cinc, &nla, &c__40,, & 00159 srfblk_1.ncl, &icnst, &srfblk_1.ioffp, &srfblk_1.spval, & 00160 srfblk_1.bigest); 00161 } 00162 if (srfip1_1.idrz != 0) { 00163 srfblk_1.ndrz = 1 - icnst; 00164 } 00165 stheta = sin(ster * srfip1_1.theta); 00166 ctheta = cos(ster * srfip1_1.theta); 00167 rx = s[1] - s[4]; 00168 ry = s[2] - s[5]; 00169 rz = s[3] - s[6]; 00170 d1 = sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz); 00171 d2 = sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry); 00172 dx = 0.f; 00173 dy = 0.f; 00174 if (*stereo == 0.f) { 00175 goto L20; 00176 } 00177 d1 = d1 * *stereo * srfip1_1.theta; 00178 if (d2 > 0.f) { 00179 goto L10; 00180 } 00181 dx = d1; 00182 goto L20; 00183 L10: 00184 agl = atan2(rx, -ry); 00185 dx = d1 * cos(agl); 00186 dy = d1 * sin(agl); 00187 L20: 00188 srfblk_1.irot = srfip1_1.irots; 00189 npic = 1; 00190 if (ster != 0.f) { 00191 npic = 2; 00192 } 00193 srfblk_1.fact = 1.f; 00194 if (srfblk_1.nrswt != 0) { 00195 srfblk_1.fact = srfblk_1.rzero / d1; 00196 } 00197 if (srfip1_1.istp == 0 && ster != 0.f) { 00198 srfblk_1.irot = 1; 00199 } 00200 i__1 = npic; 00201 for (ipic = 1; ipic <= i__1; ++ipic) { 00202 srfblk_1.nupper = srfip1_1.iupper; 00203 if (srfip1_1.ifr < 0) { 00204 frame_(); 00205 } 00206 00207 /* SET UP MAPING FROM FLOATING POINT 3-SPACE TO CRT SPACE. */ 00208 00209 sign1 = (real) ((ipic << 1) - 3); 00210 pwrz1s_1.eyex = s[1] + sign1 * dx; 00211 poix = s[4] + sign1 * dx; 00212 pwrz1s_1.eyey = s[2] + sign1 * dy; 00213 poiy = s[5] + sign1 * dy; 00214 pwrz1s_1.eyez = s[3]; 00215 poiz = s[6]; 00216 srfblk_1.ll = 0; 00217 xeye = pwrz1s_1.eyex; 00218 yeye = pwrz1s_1.eyey; 00219 zeye = pwrz1s_1.eyez; 00220 trn32s_(&poix, &poiy, &poiz, &xeye, &yeye, &zeye, &c__0); 00221 srfblk_1.ll = ipic + (srfip1_1.istp << 1) + 3; 00222 if (ster == 0.f) { 00223 srfblk_1.ll = 1; 00224 } 00225 if (srfblk_1.nrswt != 0) { 00226 goto L100; 00227 } 00228 pwrz1s_1.xxmin = x[1]; 00229 pwrz1s_1.xxmax = x[nnxx]; 00230 pwrz1s_1.yymin = y[1]; 00231 pwrz1s_1.yymax = y[nnyy]; 00232 srfblk_1.umin = srfblk_1.bigest; 00233 srfblk_1.vmin = srfblk_1.bigest; 00234 pwrz1s_1.zzmin = srfblk_1.bigest; 00235 srfblk_1.umax = -srfblk_1.umin; 00236 srfblk_1.vmax = -srfblk_1.vmin; 00237 pwrz1s_1.zzmax = -pwrz1s_1.zzmin; 00238 i__2 = nnyy; 00239 for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { 00240 i__3 = nnxx; 00241 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00242 zz = z__[i__ + j * z_dim1]; 00243 if (srfblk_1.ioffp == 1 && zz == srfblk_1.spval) { 00244 goto L30; 00245 } 00246 pwrz1s_1.zzmax = dmax(pwrz1s_1.zzmax,zz); 00247 pwrz1s_1.zzmin = dmin(pwrz1s_1.zzmin,zz); 00248 trn32s_(&x[i__], &y[j], &z__[i__ + j * z_dim1], &ut, &vt, & 00249 dummy, &c__1); 00250 srfblk_1.umax = dmax(srfblk_1.umax,ut); 00251 srfblk_1.umin = dmin(srfblk_1.umin,ut); 00252 srfblk_1.vmax = dmax(srfblk_1.vmax,vt); 00253 srfblk_1.vmin = dmin(srfblk_1.vmin,vt); 00254 L30: 00255 ; 00256 } 00257 /* L40: */ 00258 } 00259 if (srfip1_1.iskirt != 1) { 00260 goto L70; 00261 } 00262 nxstp = nnxx - 1; 00263 nystp = nnyy - 1; 00264 i__2 = nnyy; 00265 i__3 = nystp; 00266 for (j = 1; i__3 < 0 ? j >= i__2 : j <= i__2; j += i__3) { 00267 i__4 = nnxx; 00268 i__5 = nxstp; 00269 for (i__ = 1; i__5 < 0 ? i__ >= i__4 : i__ <= i__4; i__ += i__5) { 00270 trn32s_(&x[i__], &y[j], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &ut, &vt, &dummy, & 00271 c__1); 00272 srfblk_1.umax = dmax(srfblk_1.umax,ut); 00273 srfblk_1.umin = dmin(srfblk_1.umin,ut); 00274 srfblk_1.vmax = dmax(srfblk_1.vmax,vt); 00275 srfblk_1.vmin = dmin(srfblk_1.vmin,vt); 00276 /* L50: */ 00277 } 00278 /* L60: */ 00279 } 00280 L70: 00281 width = srfblk_1.umax - srfblk_1.umin; 00282 hight = srfblk_1.vmax - srfblk_1.vmin; 00283 dif = (width - hight) * .5f; 00284 if (dif < 0.f) { 00285 goto L80; 00286 } else if (dif == 0) { 00287 goto L100; 00288 } else { 00289 goto L90; 00290 } 00291 L80: 00292 srfblk_1.umin += dif; 00293 srfblk_1.umax -= dif; 00294 goto L100; 00295 L90: 00296 srfblk_1.vmin -= dif; 00297 srfblk_1.vmax += dif; 00298 L100: 00299 xeye = pwrz1s_1.eyex; 00300 yeye = pwrz1s_1.eyey; 00301 zeye = pwrz1s_1.eyez; 00302 trn32s_(&poix, &poiy, &poiz, &xeye, &yeye, &zeye, &c__0); 00303 i__3 = nnyy; 00304 for (j = 1; j <= i__3; ++j) { 00305 i__2 = nnxx; 00306 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { 00307 trn32s_(&x[i__], &y[j], &z__[i__ + j * z_dim1], &ut, &vt, & 00308 dummy, &c__1); 00309 m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1] = ut; 00310 m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2] = vt; 00311 /* L110: */ 00312 } 00313 /* L120: */ 00314 } 00315 00316 /* INITIALIZE UPPER AND LOWER VISIBILITY ARRAYS */ 00317 00318 for (k = 1; k <= 1024; ++k) { 00319 srfblk_1.limu[k - 1] = 0; 00320 srfblk_1.liml[k - 1] = 1024; 00321 /* L130: */ 00322 } 00323 00324 /* FIND ORDER TO DRAW LINES */ 00325 00326 nxpass = 1; 00327 if (s[1] >= x[nnxx]) { 00328 goto L160; 00329 } 00330 if (s[1] <= x[1]) { 00331 goto L170; 00332 } 00333 i__3 = nnxx; 00334 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00335 lx = i__; 00336 if (s[1] <= x[i__]) { 00337 goto L150; 00338 } 00339 /* L140: */ 00340 } 00341 L150: 00342 mxs[0] = lx - 1; 00343 mxj[0] = -1; 00344 mxf[0] = 1; 00345 mxs[1] = lx; 00346 mxj[1] = 1; 00347 mxf[1] = nnxx; 00348 nxpass = 2; 00349 goto L180; 00350 L160: 00351 mxs[0] = nnxx; 00352 mxj[0] = -1; 00353 mxf[0] = 1; 00354 goto L180; 00355 L170: 00356 mxs[0] = 1; 00357 mxj[0] = 1; 00358 mxf[0] = nnxx; 00359 L180: 00360 nypass = 1; 00361 if (s[2] >= y[nnyy]) { 00362 goto L210; 00363 } 00364 if (s[2] <= y[1]) { 00365 goto L220; 00366 } 00367 i__3 = nnyy; 00368 for (j = 2; j <= i__3; ++j) { 00369 ly = j; 00370 if (s[2] <= y[j]) { 00371 goto L200; 00372 } 00373 /* L190: */ 00374 } 00375 L200: 00376 mys[0] = ly - 1; 00377 myj[0] = -1; 00378 myf[0] = 1; 00379 mys[1] = ly; 00380 myj[1] = 1; 00381 myf[1] = nnyy; 00382 nypass = 2; 00383 goto L230; 00384 L210: 00385 mys[0] = nnyy; 00386 myj[0] = -1; 00387 myf[0] = 1; 00388 goto L230; 00389 L220: 00390 mys[0] = 1; 00391 myj[0] = 1; 00392 myf[0] = nnyy; 00393 00394 /* PUT ON SKIRT ON FRONT SIDE IF WANTED */ 00395 00396 L230: 00397 if (nxpass == 2 && nypass == 2) { 00398 goto L490; 00399 } 00400 if (srfip1_1.iskirt == 0) { 00401 goto L290; 00402 } 00403 in = mxs[0]; 00404 if__ = mxf[0]; 00405 jn = mys[0]; 00406 jf = myf[0]; 00407 if (nypass != 1) { 00408 goto L260; 00409 } 00410 trn32s_(&x[1], &y[jn], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &ux1, &vx1, &dummy, &c__1); 00411 trn32s_(&x[nnxx], &y[jn], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &ux2, &vx2, &dummy, &c__1) 00412 ; 00413 qu = (ux2 - ux1) / (x[nnxx] - x[1]); 00414 qv = (vx2 - vx1) / (x[nnxx] - x[1]); 00415 ynow = y[jn]; 00416 i__3 = nnxx; 00417 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00418 trn32s_(&x[i__], &ynow, &srfip1_1.hskirt, &ru, &rv, &dummy, &c__1) 00419 ; 00420 i__2 = (integer) ru; 00421 i__5 = (integer) rv; 00422 draws_(&i__2, &i__5, &m[(i__ + jn * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + 00423 jn * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__0); 00424 /* L240: */ 00425 } 00426 i__3 = (integer) ux1; 00427 i__2 = (integer) vx1; 00428 i__5 = (integer) ux2; 00429 i__4 = (integer) vx2; 00430 draws_(&i__3, &i__2, &i__5, &i__4, &c__1, &c__1); 00431 if (srfip1_1.idry != 0) { 00432 goto L260; 00433 } 00434 i__3 = nnxx; 00435 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00436 draws_(&m[(i__ - 1 + jn * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ - 1 + jn * 00437 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + jn * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[( 00438 i__ + jn * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__1); 00439 /* L250: */ 00440 } 00441 L260: 00442 if (nxpass != 1) { 00443 goto L290; 00444 } 00445 trn32s_(&x[in], &y[1], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &uy1, &vy1, &dummy, &c__1); 00446 trn32s_(&x[in], &y[nnyy], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &uy2, &vy2, &dummy, &c__1) 00447 ; 00448 qu = (uy2 - uy1) / (y[nnyy] - y[1]); 00449 qv = (vy2 - vy1) / (y[nnyy] - y[1]); 00450 xnow = x[in]; 00451 i__3 = nnyy; 00452 for (j = 1; j <= i__3; ++j) { 00453 trn32s_(&xnow, &y[j], &srfip1_1.hskirt, &ru, &rv, &dummy, &c__1); 00454 i__2 = (integer) ru; 00455 i__5 = (integer) rv; 00456 draws_(&i__2, &i__5, &m[(in + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(in + j * 00457 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__0); 00458 /* L270: */ 00459 } 00460 i__3 = (integer) uy1; 00461 i__2 = (integer) vy1; 00462 i__5 = (integer) uy2; 00463 i__4 = (integer) vy2; 00464 draws_(&i__3, &i__2, &i__5, &i__4, &c__1, &c__1); 00465 if (srfip1_1.idrx != 0) { 00466 goto L290; 00467 } 00468 i__3 = nnyy; 00469 for (j = 2; j <= i__3; ++j) { 00470 draws_(&m[(in + (j - 1) * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(in + (j - 1) * 00471 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(in + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(in 00472 + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__1); 00473 /* L280: */ 00474 } 00475 00476 /* PICK PROPER ALGORITHM */ 00477 00478 L290: 00479 li = mxj[0]; 00480 mi = mxs[0] - li; 00481 ni = (i__3 = mi - mxf[0], abs(i__3)); 00482 lj = myj[0]; 00483 mj = mys[0] - lj; 00484 nj = (i__3 = mj - myf[0], abs(i__3)); 00485 00486 /* WHEN LINE OF SIGHT IS NEARER TO PARALLEL TO THE X AXIS, */ 00487 /* HAVE J LOOP OUTER-MOST, OTHERWISE HAVE I LOOP OUTER-MOST. */ 00488 00489 if (dabs(rx) <= dabs(ry)) { 00490 goto L360; 00491 } 00492 if (srfip1_1.iskirt != 0 || nypass != 1) { 00493 goto L310; 00494 } 00495 i__ = mxs[0]; 00496 i__3 = nnyy; 00497 for (j = 2; j <= i__3; ++j) { 00498 draws_(&m[(i__ + (j - 1) * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + (j - 1) * 00499 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[( 00500 i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__0, &c__1); 00501 /* L300: */ 00502 } 00503 L310: 00504 i__3 = nnxx; 00505 for (ii = 1; ii <= i__3; ++ii) { 00506 i__ = mi + ii * li; 00507 ipli = i__ + li; 00508 if (nypass == 1) { 00509 goto L320; 00510 } 00511 k = mys[0]; 00512 l = mys[1]; 00513 if (srfip1_1.idrx != 0) { 00514 draws_(&m[(i__ + k * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + k * m_dim2 00515 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + l * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ 00516 + l * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__1); 00517 } 00518 if (srfblk_1.ndrz != 0 && ii != ni) { 00519 /* Computing MIN */ 00520 i__5 = i__, i__4 = i__ + li; 00521 i__2 = min(i__5,i__4); 00522 ctcell_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &m[m_offset], & 00523 i__2, &k); 00524 } 00525 L320: 00526 i__2 = nypass; 00527 for (jpass = 1; jpass <= i__2; ++jpass) { 00528 lj = myj[jpass - 1]; 00529 mj = mys[jpass - 1] - lj; 00530 nj = (i__5 = mj - myf[jpass - 1], abs(i__5)); 00531 i__5 = nj; 00532 for (jj = 1; jj <= i__5; ++jj) { 00533 j = mj + jj * lj; 00534 jplj = j + lj; 00535 if (srfip1_1.idrx != 0 && jj != nj) { 00536 draws_(&m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * 00537 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + jplj * m_dim2 << 00538 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + jplj * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], & 00539 c__1, &c__1); 00540 } 00541 if (i__ != mxf[0] && srfip1_1.idry != 0) { 00542 draws_(&m[(ipli + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(ipli + j 00543 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 00544 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], & 00545 c__1, &c__1); 00546 } 00547 if (srfblk_1.ndrz != 0 && jj != nj && ii != nnxx) { 00548 /* Computing MIN */ 00549 i__6 = i__, i__7 = i__ + li; 00550 i__4 = min(i__6,i__7); 00551 /* Computing MIN */ 00552 i__9 = j, i__10 = j + lj; 00553 i__8 = min(i__9,i__10); 00554 ctcell_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &m[ 00555 m_offset], &i__4, &i__8); 00556 } 00557 /* L330: */ 00558 } 00559 /* L340: */ 00560 } 00561 /* L350: */ 00562 } 00563 goto L430; 00564 L360: 00565 if (srfip1_1.iskirt != 0 || nxpass != 1) { 00566 goto L380; 00567 } 00568 j = mys[0]; 00569 i__3 = nnxx; 00570 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00571 draws_(&m[(i__ - 1 + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ - 1 + j * 00572 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[( 00573 i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__0, &c__1); 00574 /* L370: */ 00575 } 00576 L380: 00577 i__3 = nnyy; 00578 for (jj = 1; jj <= i__3; ++jj) { 00579 j = mj + jj * lj; 00580 jplj = j + lj; 00581 if (nxpass == 1) { 00582 goto L390; 00583 } 00584 k = mxs[0]; 00585 l = mxs[1]; 00586 if (srfip1_1.idry != 0) { 00587 draws_(&m[(k + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(k + j * m_dim2 << 1) 00588 + 2], &m[(l + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(l + j * 00589 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__1); 00590 } 00591 if (srfblk_1.ndrz != 0 && jj != nj) { 00592 /* Computing MIN */ 00593 i__5 = j, i__4 = j + lj; 00594 i__2 = min(i__5,i__4); 00595 ctcell_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &m[m_offset], &k, 00596 &i__2); 00597 } 00598 L390: 00599 i__2 = nxpass; 00600 for (ipass = 1; ipass <= i__2; ++ipass) { 00601 li = mxj[ipass - 1]; 00602 mi = mxs[ipass - 1] - li; 00603 ni = (i__5 = mi - mxf[ipass - 1], abs(i__5)); 00604 i__5 = ni; 00605 for (ii = 1; ii <= i__5; ++ii) { 00606 i__ = mi + ii * li; 00607 ipli = i__ + li; 00608 if (srfip1_1.idry != 0 && ii != ni) { 00609 draws_(&m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * 00610 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(ipli + j * m_dim2 << 1) 00611 + 1], &m[(ipli + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], & 00612 c__1, &c__1); 00613 } 00614 if (j != myf[0] && srfip1_1.idrx != 0) { 00615 draws_(&m[(i__ + jplj * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + 00616 jplj * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + j * 00617 m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) 00618 + 2], &c__1, &c__1); 00619 } 00620 if (srfblk_1.ndrz != 0 && ii != ni && jj != nnyy) { 00621 /* Computing MIN */ 00622 i__6 = i__, i__7 = i__ + li; 00623 i__4 = min(i__6,i__7); 00624 /* Computing MIN */ 00625 i__9 = j, i__10 = j + lj; 00626 i__8 = min(i__9,i__10); 00627 ctcell_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &m[ 00628 m_offset], &i__4, &i__8); 00629 } 00630 /* L400: */ 00631 } 00632 /* L410: */ 00633 } 00634 /* L420: */ 00635 } 00636 L430: 00637 if (srfip1_1.iskirt == 0) { 00638 goto L520; 00639 } 00640 00641 /* FIX UP IF SKIRT IS USED WITH LINES ONE WAY. */ 00642 00643 if (srfip1_1.idrx != 0) { 00644 goto L460; 00645 } 00646 i__3 = nxpass; 00647 for (ipass = 1; ipass <= i__3; ++ipass) { 00648 if (nxpass == 2) { 00649 if__ = (ipass - 1) * (nnxx - 1) + 1; 00650 } 00651 i__2 = nnyy; 00652 for (j = 2; j <= i__2; ++j) { 00653 draws_(&m[(if__ + (j - 1) * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(if__ + (j 00654 - 1) * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(if__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) 00655 + 1], &m[(if__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__0); 00656 /* L440: */ 00657 } 00658 /* L450: */ 00659 } 00660 L460: 00661 if (srfip1_1.idry != 0) { 00662 goto L520; 00663 } 00664 i__3 = nypass; 00665 for (jpass = 1; jpass <= i__3; ++jpass) { 00666 if (nypass == 2) { 00667 jf = (jpass - 1) * (nnyy - 1) + 1; 00668 } 00669 i__2 = nnxx; 00670 for (i__ = 2; i__ <= i__2; ++i__) { 00671 draws_(&m[(i__ - 1 + jf * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ - 1 + jf 00672 * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + jf * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], 00673 &m[(i__ + jf * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, &c__0); 00674 /* L470: */ 00675 } 00676 /* L480: */ 00677 } 00678 goto L520; 00679 00680 /* ALL VISIBLE IF VIEWED FROM DIRECTLY ABOVE OR BELOW. */ 00681 00682 L490: 00683 if (srfblk_1.nupper > 0 && s[3] < s[6]) { 00684 goto L520; 00685 } 00686 if (srfblk_1.nupper < 0 && s[3] > s[6]) { 00687 goto L520; 00688 } 00689 srfblk_1.nupper = 1; 00690 if (s[3] < s[6]) { 00691 srfblk_1.nupper = -1; 00692 } 00693 i__3 = nnxx; 00694 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__3; ++i__) { 00695 i__2 = nnyy; 00696 for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j) { 00697 if (srfip1_1.idrx != 0 && j != nnyy) { 00698 draws_(&m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * 00699 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + (j + 1) * m_dim2 << 00700 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + (j + 1) * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], & 00701 c__1, &c__0); 00702 } 00703 if (srfip1_1.idry != 0 && i__ != nnxx) { 00704 draws_(&m[(i__ + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 1], &m[(i__ + j * 00705 m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &m[(i__ + 1 + j * m_dim2 << 1) 00706 + 1], &m[(i__ + 1 + j * m_dim2 << 1) + 2], &c__1, 00707 &c__0); 00708 } 00709 if (srfip1_1.idrz != 0 && i__ != nnxx && j != nnyy) { 00710 ctcell_(&z__[z_offset], &mmxx, &nnxx, &nnyy, &m[m_offset], 00711 &i__, &j); 00712 } 00713 /* L500: */ 00714 } 00715 /* L510: */ 00716 } 00717 L520: 00718 if (ster == 0.f) { 00719 goto L560; 00720 } 00721 if (srfip1_1.istp < 0) { 00722 goto L540; 00723 } else if (srfip1_1.istp == 0) { 00724 goto L530; 00725 } else { 00726 goto L550; 00727 } 00728 L530: 00729 frame_(); 00730 L540: 00731 frame_(); 00732 goto L570; 00733 L550: 00734 if (ipic != 2) { 00735 goto L570; 00736 } 00737 L560: 00738 if (srfip1_1.ifr > 0) { 00739 frame_(); 00740 } 00741 L570: 00742 ; 00743 } 00744 return 0; 00745 } /* srface_ */ |
Definition at line 750 of file srface.c.
Definition at line 34 of file tick4.c.
00036 { 00037 static real scale; 00038 00039 00040 /* Set the tick marks in units of 1/1000 the x-width */ 00041 /* ....................................................................... 00042 */ 00043 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00044 */ 00045 00046 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00047 00048 scale = (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - zzzplt_1.xpgmin) * .001f; 00049 zzzplt_1.tmajx = scale * *lmajx; 00050 zzzplt_1.tminx = scale * *lminx; 00051 zzzplt_1.tmajy = scale * *lmajy; 00052 zzzplt_1.tminy = scale * *lminy; 00053 return 0; 00054 } /* tick4_ */ |
Definition at line 1519 of file srface.c.
01521 { 01522 /* Initialized data */ 01523 01524 static integer nlu[7] = { 10,10,100,10,10,10,512 }; 01525 static integer nru[7] = { 1014,924,1014,1014,1014,512,1014 }; 01526 static integer nbv[7] = { 10,50,50,10,10,256,256 }; 01527 static integer ntv[7] = { 1014,964,964,1014,1014,758,758 }; 01528 01529 /* Format strings */ 01530 static char fmt_60[] = ""; 01531 static char fmt_50[] = ""; 01532 static char fmt_120[] = ""; 01533 static char fmt_100[] = ""; 01534 static char fmt_70[] = ""; 01535 static char fmt_80[] = ""; 01536 01537 /* System generated locals */ 01538 real r__1, r__2, r__3, r__4; 01539 01540 /* Local variables */ 01541 static integer jump, jump2, jump3; 01542 static real d__, q, r__, cosbe, cosga, sinbe, cosal, singa, u0, v0, u1, 01543 v1, u2, v2, u3, v3, u4, v4, ax, ay, az, dx, ex, ey, ez, dy, dz, 01544 xx, yy, zz; 01545 01546 /* Assigned format variables */ 01547 static char *jump3_fmt, *jump2_fmt, *jump_fmt; 01548 01549 01550 01551 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=1 */ 01552 01553 01554 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=2 */ 01555 01556 01557 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=3 */ 01558 01559 01560 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=4 */ 01561 01562 01563 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=5 */ 01564 01565 01566 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=6 */ 01567 01568 01569 /* PICTURE CORNER COORDINATES FOR LL=7 */ 01570 01571 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01572 */ 01573 /* STORE THE PARAMETERS OF THE SET32 CALL FOR USE WHEN */ 01574 /* TRN32 IS CALLED. */ 01575 01576 if (*iflag != 0) { 01577 goto L40; 01578 } else { 01579 goto L10; 01580 } 01581 L10: 01582 jump3 = 0; 01583 jump3_fmt = fmt_60; 01584 if (srfblk_1.ioffp == 1) { 01585 jump3 = 1; 01586 jump3_fmt = fmt_50; 01587 } 01588 ax = *x; 01589 ay = *y; 01590 az = *z__; 01591 ex = *xt; 01592 ey = *yt; 01593 ez = *zt; 01594 01595 /* AS MUCH COMPUTATION AS POSSIBLE IS DONE DURING EXECUTION */ 01596 /* THIS ROUTINE WHEN IFLAG=0 BECAUSE CALLS IN THAT MODE ARE INFREQUENT. */ 01597 01598 dx = ax - ex; 01599 dy = ay - ey; 01600 dz = az - ez; 01601 d__ = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); 01602 cosal = dx / d__; 01603 cosbe = dy / d__; 01604 cosga = dz / d__; 01605 singa = sqrt(1.f - cosga * cosga); 01606 jump2 = 0; 01607 jump2_fmt = fmt_120; 01608 if (srfblk_1.ll == 0) { 01609 goto L20; 01610 } 01611 jump2 = 1; 01612 jump2_fmt = fmt_100; 01613 pwrz1s_1.delcrt = (real) (nru[srfblk_1.ll - 1] - nlu[srfblk_1.ll - 1]); 01614 u0 = srfblk_1.umin; 01615 v0 = srfblk_1.vmin; 01616 u1 = (real) nlu[srfblk_1.ll - 1]; 01617 v1 = (real) nbv[srfblk_1.ll - 1]; 01618 u2 = (real) (nru[srfblk_1.ll - 1] - nlu[srfblk_1.ll - 1]); 01619 v2 = (real) (ntv[srfblk_1.ll - 1] - nbv[srfblk_1.ll - 1]); 01620 u3 = u2 / (srfblk_1.umax - srfblk_1.umin); 01621 v3 = v2 / (srfblk_1.vmax - srfblk_1.vmin); 01622 u4 = (real) nru[srfblk_1.ll - 1]; 01623 v4 = (real) ntv[srfblk_1.ll - 1]; 01624 if (srfblk_1.nrswt == 0) { 01625 goto L20; 01626 } 01627 u0 = -srfblk_1.bigd; 01628 v0 = -srfblk_1.bigd; 01629 u3 = u2 / (srfblk_1.bigd * 2.f); 01630 v3 = v2 / (srfblk_1.bigd * 2.f); 01631 01632 /* THE 3-SPACE POINT LOOKED AT IS TRANSFORMED INTO (0,0) OF */ 01633 /* THE 2-SPACE. THE 3-SPACE Z AXIS IS TRANSFORMED INTO THE */ 01634 /* 2-SPACE Y AXIS. IF THE LINE OF SIGHT IS CLOSE TO PARALLEL */ 01635 /* TO THE 3-SPACE Z AXIS, THE 3-SPACE Y AXIS IS CHOSEN (IN- */ 01636 /* STEAD OF THE 3-SPACE Z AXIS) TO BE TRANSFORMED INTO THE */ 01637 /* 2-SPACE Y AXIS. */ 01638 01639 L20: 01640 if (singa < 1e-4f) { 01641 goto L30; 01642 } 01643 r__ = 1.f / singa; 01644 jump = 0; 01645 jump_fmt = fmt_70; 01646 return 0; 01647 L30: 01648 sinbe = sqrt(1.f - cosbe * cosbe); 01649 r__ = 1.f / sinbe; 01650 jump = 1; 01651 jump_fmt = fmt_80; 01652 return 0; 01653 L40: 01654 xx = *x; 01655 yy = *y; 01656 zz = *z__; 01657 switch (jump3) { 01658 case 0: goto L60; 01659 case 1: goto L50; 01660 } 01661 L50: 01662 if (zz == srfblk_1.spval) { 01663 goto L110; 01664 } 01665 L60: 01666 q = d__ / ((xx - ex) * cosal + (yy - ey) * cosbe + (zz - ez) * cosga); 01667 switch (jump) { 01668 case 0: goto L70; 01669 case 1: goto L80; 01670 } 01671 L70: 01672 xx = ((ex + q * (xx - ex) - ax) * cosbe - (ey + q * (yy - ey) - ay) * 01673 cosal) * r__; 01674 yy = (ez + q * (zz - ez) - az) * r__; 01675 goto L90; 01676 L80: 01677 xx = ((ez + q * (zz - ez) - az) * cosal - (ex + q * (xx - ex) - ax) * 01678 cosga) * r__; 01679 yy = (ey + q * (yy - ey) - ay) * r__; 01680 L90: 01681 switch (jump2) { 01682 case 0: goto L120; 01683 case 1: goto L100; 01684 } 01685 L100: 01686 /* Computing MIN */ 01687 /* Computing MAX */ 01688 r__3 = u1, r__4 = u1 + u3 * (srfblk_1.fact * xx - u0); 01689 r__1 = u4, r__2 = dmax(r__3,r__4); 01690 xx = dmin(r__1,r__2); 01691 /* Computing MIN */ 01692 /* Computing MAX */ 01693 r__3 = v1, r__4 = v1 + v3 * (srfblk_1.fact * yy - v0); 01694 r__1 = v4, r__2 = dmax(r__3,r__4); 01695 yy = dmin(r__1,r__2); 01696 goto L120; 01697 L110: 01698 xx = (real) srfblk_1.nspval; 01699 yy = (real) srfblk_1.nspval; 01700 01701 L120: 01702 *xt = xx; 01703 *yt = yy; 01704 return 0; 01705 } /* trn32s_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file vector.c.
00035 { 00036 static real xx, yy; 00037 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *), 00038 zzphys_(real *, real *); 00039 00040 00041 /* "Pen down move" (from last plotted location) */ 00042 /* ....................................................................... 00043 */ 00044 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00045 */ 00046 00047 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00048 00049 xx = *x; 00050 yy = *y; 00051 zzphys_(&xx, &yy); 00052 zzline_(&zzzplt_1.xphold, &zzzplt_1.yphold, &xx, &yy); 00053 return 0; 00054 } /* vector_ */ |
Definition at line 41 of file zzaxxx.c.
00043 { 00044 /* Format strings */ 00045 static char fmt_101[] = "(\0021.E\002,i2)"; 00046 static char fmt_102[] = "(\0021.E\002,i3)"; 00047 00048 /* System generated locals */ 00049 integer i__1, i__2; 00050 real r__1, r__2; 00051 static char equiv_0[10]; 00052 00053 /* Builtin functions */ 00054 integer s_wsfi(icilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfi(void) 00055 ; 00056 00057 /* Local variables */ 00058 static integer ndec, nlab; 00059 #define buf10 (equiv_0) 00060 static real ylab, temp, dxlab; 00061 static integer nchar, il; 00062 static real xv, xx, yy; 00063 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzlgin_(real *, real *, integer *); 00064 static integer nl1, nl2; 00065 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzlabl_(real *, char *, integer *, ftnlen); 00066 static integer npower; 00067 extern /* Subroutine */ int pwritf_(real *, real *, char *, integer *, 00068 integer *, integer *, integer *, ftnlen), zzlogx_(real *, real *, 00069 real *, integer *, real *, real *), zzlinx_(real *, real *, real * 00070 , integer *, real *, integer *, real *); 00071 static real xv1, xv2, xx1, xx2; 00072 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphys_(real *, real *); 00073 #define buf (equiv_0) 00074 static real dxv; 00075 00076 /* Fortran I/O blocks */ 00077 static icilist io___20 = { 0, buf10, 0, fmt_101, 10, 1 }; 00078 static icilist io___21 = { 0, buf10, 0, fmt_102, 10, 1 }; 00079 00080 00081 00082 /* Draw an axis in the x-direction from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) [user coords] 00083 */ 00084 /* with the specified divisions and tics. If ISIDE is positive, the */ 00085 /* tic marks appear in the +y direction and the labels in the -y */ 00086 /* direction from the axis. If ILAB = 0, no labels are drawn. */ 00087 /* ....................................................................... 00088 */ 00089 00090 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00091 */ 00092 00093 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00094 00095 if (*x1 == *x2) { 00096 goto L8000; 00097 } 00098 00099 xv1 = dmin(*x1,*x2); 00100 xv2 = dmax(*x1,*x2); 00101 00102 /* For log x-axis, must push lower value of X down and upper value of */ 00103 /* X up to powers of 10. */ 00104 00105 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor < 0) { 00106 zzlgin_(&xv1, &xv1, &nl1); 00107 temp = xv2; 00108 zzlgin_(&temp, &xv2, &nl2); 00109 if (xv2 <= temp * .999f) { 00110 xv2 *= 10.f; 00111 ++nl2; 00112 } 00113 ndec = nl2 - nl1; 00114 if (ndec <= 0) { 00115 goto L8000; 00116 } 00117 } 00118 /* ....................................................................... 00119 */ 00120 /* Convert to physical coordinates and plot axes */ 00121 00122 xx1 = xv1; 00123 xx2 = xv2; 00124 yy = *y; 00125 zzphys_(&xx1, &temp); 00126 zzphys_(&xx2, &yy); 00127 00128 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor >= 0) { 00129 r__1 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tmajx; 00130 r__2 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tminx; 00131 zzlinx_(&xx1, &xx2, &yy, &zzzplt_1.majrx, &r__1, &zzzplt_1.minrx, & 00132 r__2); 00133 } else { 00134 r__1 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tmajx; 00135 r__2 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tminx; 00136 zzlogx_(&xx1, &xx2, &yy, &ndec, &r__1, &r__2); 00137 } 00138 /* ....................................................................... 00139 */ 00140 /* Plot labels */ 00141 00142 if (*ilab == 0) { 00143 goto L8000; 00144 } 00145 00146 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor >= 0) { 00147 nlab = zzzplt_1.majrx; 00148 } else { 00149 nlab = ndec; 00150 } 00151 00152 dxlab = (xx2 - xx1) / nlab; 00153 ylab = yy - *iside * .0011f * zzzplt_1.isizx * (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - 00154 zzzplt_1.xpgmin); 00155 00156 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor >= 0) { 00157 dxv = (xv2 - xv1) / nlab; 00158 } 00159 00160 i__1 = nlab; 00161 for (il = 0; il <= i__1; ++il) { 00162 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor >= 0) { 00163 xv = xv1 + il * dxv; 00164 /* Computing MIN */ 00165 r__1 = dabs(xv1), r__2 = dabs(xv2); 00166 if (dabs(xv) <= dmin(r__1,r__2) * 1e-5f) { 00167 xv = 0.f; 00168 } 00169 zzlabl_(&xv, buf, &nchar, 1L); 00170 } else { 00171 npower = nl1 + il; 00172 if (abs(npower) < 10) { 00173 s_wsfi(&io___20); 00174 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&npower, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); 00175 e_wsfi(); 00176 nchar = 5; 00177 } else { 00178 s_wsfi(&io___21); 00179 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&npower, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); 00180 e_wsfi(); 00181 nchar = 6; 00182 } 00183 if (*(unsigned char *)&buf[3] == ' ') { 00184 *(unsigned char *)&buf[3] = '+'; 00185 } 00186 } 00187 xx = xx1 + il * dxlab; 00188 i__2 = -nchar; 00189 pwritf_(&xx, &ylab, buf, &i__2, &zzzplt_1.isizx, &c__0, &c__0, 1L); 00190 /* L100: */ 00191 } 00192 /* ....................................................................... 00193 */ 00194 L8000: 00195 return 0; 00196 } /* zzaxxx_ */ |
Definition at line 39 of file zzaxyy.c.
00041 { 00042 /* Format strings */ 00043 static char fmt_101[] = "(\0021.E\002,i2)"; 00044 static char fmt_102[] = "(\0021.E\002,i3)"; 00045 00046 /* System generated locals */ 00047 integer i__1, i__2, i__3; 00048 real r__1, r__2; 00049 static char equiv_0[10]; 00050 00051 /* Builtin functions */ 00052 integer s_wsfi(icilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfi(void) 00053 ; 00054 00055 /* Local variables */ 00056 static integer ndec, nlab; 00057 #define buf10 (equiv_0) 00058 static real xlab, temp; 00059 static integer nchar; 00060 static real dylab, csize, dycsz; 00061 static integer il; 00062 static real yv, xx, yy; 00063 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzlgin_(real *, real *, integer *); 00064 static integer nl1, nl2, npower, nshift; 00065 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzlabl_(real *, char *, integer *, ftnlen), 00066 pwritf_(real *, real *, char *, integer *, integer *, integer *, 00067 integer *, ftnlen), zzlogy_(real *, real *, real *, integer *, 00068 real *, real *), zzliny_(real *, real *, real *, integer *, real * 00069 , integer *, real *); 00070 static real yv1, yv2, yy1, yy2; 00071 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzphys_(real *, real *); 00072 #define buf (equiv_0) 00073 static real dyv; 00074 00075 /* Fortran I/O blocks */ 00076 static icilist io___23 = { 0, buf10, 0, fmt_101, 10, 1 }; 00077 static icilist io___24 = { 0, buf10, 0, fmt_102, 10, 1 }; 00078 00079 00080 00081 /* Draw an axis in the y-direction from (X,Y1) to (X,Y2) [user coords] 00082 */ 00083 /* with the specified divisions and tics. If ISIDE is positive, the */ 00084 /* tic marks appear in the +x direction and the labels in the -x */ 00085 /* direction from the axis. If ILAB = 0, no labels are drawn. */ 00086 /* ....................................................................... 00087 */ 00088 00089 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00090 */ 00091 00092 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00093 00094 if (*y1 == *y2) { 00095 goto L8000; 00096 } 00097 00098 yv1 = dmin(*y1,*y2); 00099 yv2 = dmax(*y1,*y2); 00100 00101 /* For log y-axis, must push lower value of Y down and upper value of */ 00102 /* Y up to powers of 10. */ 00103 00104 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor < 0) { 00105 zzlgin_(&yv1, &yv1, &nl1); 00106 temp = yv2; 00107 zzlgin_(&temp, &yv2, &nl2); 00108 if (yv2 <= temp * .999f) { 00109 yv2 *= 10.f; 00110 ++nl2; 00111 } 00112 ndec = nl2 - nl1; 00113 if (ndec <= 0) { 00114 goto L8000; 00115 } 00116 } 00117 /* ....................................................................... 00118 */ 00119 /* Convert to physical coordinates and plot axes */ 00120 00121 yy1 = yv1; 00122 yy2 = yv2; 00123 xx = *x; 00124 zzphys_(&temp, &yy1); 00125 zzphys_(&xx, &yy2); 00126 00127 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor >= 0) { 00128 r__1 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tmajy; 00129 r__2 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tminy; 00130 zzliny_(&xx, &yy1, &yy2, &zzzplt_1.majry, &r__1, &zzzplt_1.minry, & 00131 r__2); 00132 } else { 00133 r__1 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tmajy; 00134 r__2 = *iside * zzzplt_1.tminy; 00135 zzlogy_(&xx, &yy1, &yy2, &ndec, &r__1, &r__2); 00136 } 00137 /* ....................................................................... 00138 */ 00139 /* Plot labels */ 00140 00141 if (*ilab == 0) { 00142 goto L8000; 00143 } 00144 00145 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor >= 0) { 00146 nlab = zzzplt_1.majry; 00147 } else { 00148 nlab = ndec; 00149 } 00150 00151 /* Calculate the max number of characters needed for labels into NSHIFT. 00152 */ 00153 00154 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor < 0) { 00155 /* Log-axis: 1.E+x or 1.E+xx are the possibilities */ 00156 /* Computing MAX */ 00157 i__1 = abs(nl1), i__2 = abs(nl2); 00158 npower = max(i__1,i__2); 00159 if (npower < 10) { 00160 nshift = 5; 00161 } else { 00162 nshift = 6; 00163 } 00164 } else { 00165 /* Linear-axis: calculate all labels and find the longest */ 00166 nshift = 1; 00167 dyv = (yv2 - yv1) / nlab; 00168 i__1 = nlab; 00169 for (il = 0; il <= i__1; ++il) { 00170 yv = yv1 + il * dyv; 00171 /* Computing MIN */ 00172 r__1 = dabs(yv1), r__2 = dabs(yv2); 00173 if (dabs(yv) <= dmin(r__1,r__2) * 1e-5f) { 00174 yv = 0.f; 00175 } 00176 zzlabl_(&yv, buf, &nchar, 1L); 00177 nshift = max(nshift,nchar); 00178 /* L50: */ 00179 } 00180 } 00181 00182 dylab = (yy2 - yy1) / nlab; 00183 csize = zzzplt_1.isizy * .0011f * (zzzplt_1.xpgmax - zzzplt_1.xpgmin); 00184 xlab = xx - csize * *iside * nshift; 00185 dycsz = csize * .5f; 00186 if (dylab < 0.f) { 00187 dycsz = -dycsz; 00188 } 00189 00190 i__1 = nlab; 00191 for (il = 0; il <= i__1; ++il) { 00192 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor >= 0) { 00193 yv = yv1 + il * dyv; 00194 /* Computing MIN */ 00195 r__1 = dabs(yv1), r__2 = dabs(yv2); 00196 if (dabs(yv) <= dmin(r__1,r__2) * 1e-5f) { 00197 yv = 0.f; 00198 } 00199 zzlabl_(&yv, buf, &nchar, 1L); 00200 } else { 00201 npower = nl1 + il; 00202 if (abs(npower) < 10) { 00203 s_wsfi(&io___23); 00204 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&npower, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); 00205 e_wsfi(); 00206 nchar = 5; 00207 } else { 00208 s_wsfi(&io___24); 00209 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&npower, (ftnlen)sizeof(integer)); 00210 e_wsfi(); 00211 nchar = 6; 00212 } 00213 if (*(unsigned char *)&buf[3] == ' ') { 00214 *(unsigned char *)&buf[3] = '+'; 00215 } 00216 } 00217 if (il == 0) { 00218 yy = yy1 + dycsz; 00219 } else { 00220 yy = yy1 + il * dylab; 00221 if (il == nlab) { 00222 yy -= dycsz; 00223 } 00224 } 00225 i__2 = -nchar; 00226 i__3 = -(*iside); 00227 pwritf_(&xlab, &yy, buf, &i__2, &zzzplt_1.isizy, &c__0, &i__3, 1L); 00228 /* L100: */ 00229 } 00230 /* ....................................................................... 00231 */ 00232 L8000: 00233 return 0; 00234 } /* zzaxyy_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file zzchar.c.
00013 { 00014 /* Initialized data */ 00015 00016 static integer ia[128] = { 473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473, 00017 473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473, 00018 473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,473,448,456,429, 00019 414,476,423,486,444,143,286,296,308,326,339,352,368,378,398,473, 00020 473,473,464,473,473,473,1,13,28,40,49,60,68,82,92,104,113,123,130, 00021 137,273,157,166,182,194,210,219,229,236,245,252,262,448,473,456, 00022 473,474,473,1,13,28,40,49,60,68,82,92,104,113,123,130,137,273,157, 00023 166,182,194,210,219,229,236,245,252,262,473,473,473,473,473 }; 00024 static integer ku[494] = { 0,4,7,0,0,1,3,4,4,7,6,7,0,3,4,4,3,0,7,3,4,4,3, 00025 0,7,6,7,7,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,7,6,7,0,3,4,4,3,0,7,6,7,0,4,7,3,0,7,0,4, 00026 7,6,7,0,4,7,0,3,7,6,7,7,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,3,7,6,7,0,7,0,4,7,4,4,7, 00027 6,7,7,1,3,7,2,2,7,1,3,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,7,6,7,0,7,0,4,7,2,4,7,6,7, 00028 7,0,0,4,7,6,7,0,2,4,4,7,6,7,0,4,4,7,6,7,4,7,4,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,7,6, 00029 7,0,3,4,4,3,0,7,6,7,7,0,0,1,3,4,4,3,1,0,7,2,4,7,6,7,0,3,4,4,3,0,7, 00030 2,4,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,7,6,7,7,0,4,7,2,2,7,6,7,7,0,0, 00031 1,3,4,4,7,6,7,7,0,2,4,7,6,7,7,0,0,2,4,4,7,6,7,4,7,0,4,7,6,7,7,0,2, 00032 4,7,2,2,7,6,7,7,3,1,7,0,4,0,4,7,6,7,7,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,7,6,7,7,1, 00033 2,2,7,1,3,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,0,0,4,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,3,1,7,3,4,4,3, 00034 1,0,7,6,7,7,3,3,2,0,0,4,7,2,4,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,3,0,0,4,7,6,7,7,4, 00035 3,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,3,1,0,7,6,7,7,0,0,4,4,2,2,7,6,7,7,2,0,0,1,3,4,4,2, 00036 2,0,0,1,3,4,4,2,7,6,7,7,0,1,3,4,4,3,1,0,0,1,3,4,7,6,7,7,0,4,7,2,2, 00037 7,6,7,7,0,4,7,6,7,7,0,4,7,2,2,7,4,0,7,0,4,7,6,7,4,7,6,7,7,3,2,2,3, 00038 7,6,7,7,1,2,2,1,7,6,7,7,4,0,7,0,4,7,6,7,7,6,7,7,1,2,2,1,1,2,7,6,7, 00039 7,2,1,1,2,2,7,6,7 }; 00040 static integer kv[494] = { 3,3,0,3,6,7,7,6,0,0,0,7,7,7,6,5,4,4,0,4,3,1,0, 00041 0,0,0,7,0,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,1,0,0,7,7,7,6,1,0,0,0,0,7,7,7,0,4,4,0,0,0, 00042 0,0,7,7,7,0,4,4,0,0,7,0,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,1,3,3,0,0,7,7,0,4,4,0,7,0,0, 00043 0,7,0,7,7,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,1,7,0,0,7,7,0,3,7,0,5,0,0,0,7, 00044 0,7,0,0,0,0,7,7,3,7,0,0,0,7,7,0,7,0,0,7,7,0,1,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,1,0,0, 00045 7,7,7,6,5,4,4,0,0,7,0,1,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,0,7,7,7,6,5,4,4,0, 00046 4,0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,6,0,0,7,0,7,7,0,7,0,0,0,7,0,7,1, 00047 0,0,1,7,0,0,7,0,7,0,7,0,0,7,0,7,0,4,0,7,0,0,7,7,0,7,0,0,0,7,0,7,4, 00048 7,0,4,0,0,0,7,0,4,4,0,7,7,0,0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,1,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,7,0,6, 00049 7,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,6,7,7,6,5,1,0,0,0,0,7,0,7,7,7,6,5,4,4,0,4,3,1,0, 00050 0,1,0,0,7,0,0,7,7,4,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,7,7,0,0,7,0,7, 00051 7,7,6,1,0,0,1,3,4,4,3,0,0,7,0,6,7,7,6,1,0,0,0,7,0,4,5,6,7,7,6,5,4, 00052 4,2,1,0,0,1,2,4,0,0,7,0,1,0,0,1,6,7,7,6,4,3,3,4,0,0,7,0,3,3,0,5,1, 00053 0,0,7,0,3,3,0,0,7,0,1,5,0,5,1,0,3,3,0,5,1,0,0,7,7,0,0,7,1,7,6,1,0, 00054 0,0,7,0,7,6,1,0,0,0,7,0,5,5,0,2,2,0,0,7,0,0,7,0,0,1,2,2,1,1,0,0,7, 00055 0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,7 }; 00056 00057 static real xold, yold, xnew, ynew; 00058 static integer nu, nv, ipoint; 00059 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00060 static real ctl, stl; 00061 00062 00063 /* Plot one character in CH with lower left corner at XP,YP physical */ 00064 /* coordinates, with CT and ST the cosine and sine scaling/rotation */ 00065 /* factors. */ 00066 00067 /* ....................................................................... 00068 */ 00069 /* The following digitization stuff is stolen from the NCAR metacode */ 00070 /* interpreter MCVAX. Various minor changes have been made. Most */ 00071 /* notable of these is the interchange of the '0' and 'O' characters -- 00072 */ 00073 /* I just couldn't stand the slash going through the 'O' as the CDC */ 00074 /* custom has it. */ 00075 00076 00077 /* The following pointers relate standard FORTRAN characters to their */ 00078 /* digitizations. Note the plethora of 473's. That location does */ 00079 /* nothing. */ 00080 00081 /* <control characters> */ 00082 /* <ctrls> */ 00083 /* <ctrls> */ 00084 /* <ctrls> */ 00085 /* <ctrls> */ 00086 /* <ctrls> */ 00087 /* <ctrl><ctrl><space>!" */ 00088 /* #$%&' */ 00089 /* ()*+, */ 00090 /* -./01 */ 00091 /* 23456 */ 00092 /* 789:; */ 00093 /* <=>?@ */ 00094 /* ABCDE */ 00095 /* FGHIJ */ 00096 /* KLMNO */ 00097 /* PQRST */ 00098 /* UVWXY */ 00099 /* Z[\]^ */ 00100 /* _` */ 00101 /* abcde */ 00102 /* fghij */ 00103 /* klmno */ 00104 /* pqrst */ 00105 /* uvwxy */ 00106 /* z */ 00107 /* {| */ 00108 /* }~<DEL> */ 00109 00110 /* The following DATA statements contain the digitizations of the */ 00111 /* characters. The characters are digitized on a box 6 units wide and */ 00112 /* 7 units tall. This includes 2 units of white space to the right of */ 00113 /* each character. If KU=7, KV is a flag: */ 00114 /* KV=0 ==> the next KU and KV are a pen up move */ 00115 /* (normal coordinates are pen down moves) */ 00116 /* KV=7 ==> the end of the digitization for a particular character */ 00117 /* has been reached. */ 00118 00119 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00120 */ 00121 /* Select digitization for this character. */ 00122 00123 xold = *xp; 00124 yold = *yp; 00125 ipoint = ia[*(unsigned char *)ch]; 00126 00127 /* Scale lower case letters to be slightly smaller */ 00128 00129 if (*(unsigned char *)ch >= 'a' && *(unsigned char *)ch <= 'z') { 00130 ctl = *ct * .8f; 00131 stl = *st * .8f; 00132 } else { 00133 ctl = *ct; 00134 stl = *st; 00135 } 00136 00137 L100: 00138 nu = ku[ipoint - 1]; 00139 nv = kv[ipoint - 1]; 00140 ++ipoint; 00141 /* ....................................................................... 00142 */ 00143 /* Test for op-code stored in NV. This is flagged by a 7 in NU. */ 00144 00145 if (nu == 7) { 00146 00147 /* Op-codes are: NV = 7 ==> end of character */ 00148 /* anything else ==> pen up move to next location 00149 */ 00150 00151 if (nv == 7) { 00152 return 0; 00153 } else { 00154 xold = *xp + ctl * ku[ipoint - 1] - stl * kv[ipoint - 1]; 00155 yold = *yp + stl * ku[ipoint - 1] + ctl * kv[ipoint - 1]; 00156 ++ipoint; 00157 } 00158 /* ................................................................... 00159 .... */ 00160 /* Here, plot the next stroke. */ 00161 00162 } else { 00163 xnew = *xp + ctl * nu - stl * nv; 00164 ynew = *yp + stl * nu + ctl * nv; 00165 zzline_(&xold, &yold, &xnew, &ynew); 00166 xold = xnew; 00167 yold = ynew; 00168 } 00169 /* ....................................................................... 00170 */ 00171 /* Loopback to get next plotting order from KU, KV. */ 00172 00173 goto L100; 00174 } /* zzchar_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file zzclip.c.
00035 { 00036 static real temp, slope, x1, x2, y1, y2, dx, dy; 00037 static logical linter; 00038 00039 00040 /* Clip the input line to the predefined plotting region. */ 00041 00042 /* INPUTS */ 00043 /* ------ */ 00044 /* X1IN = start X-coordinate of line (physical coordinates) */ 00045 /* Y1IN = start Y-coordinate of line */ 00046 /* X2IN = end X-coordinate of line */ 00047 /* Y2IN = end Y-coordinate of line */ 00048 00049 /* OUTPUTS */ 00050 /* ------- */ 00051 /* same as above but clipped so that the line fits into the plotting */ 00052 /* region defined by calling SETW. */ 00053 00054 /* If the line falls entirely outside of the plotting region, then */ 00055 /* X1IN is returned as -1.E+38. */ 00056 /* ....................................................................... 00057 */ 00058 00059 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00060 */ 00061 /* Check to see if line can be thrown out as being totally out of */ 00062 /* the plotting region. */ 00063 00064 00065 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00066 00067 if (dmax(*x1in,*x2in) < zzzplt_1.xclbot || dmin(*x1in,*x2in) > 00068 zzzplt_1.xcltop || dmax(*y1in,*y2in) < zzzplt_1.yclbot || dmin(* 00069 y1in,*y2in) > zzzplt_1.ycltop) { 00070 00071 *x1in = -1e38f; 00072 goto L8000; 00073 } 00074 00075 /* Copy input coordinates to local variables, making sure */ 00076 /* that X1 .LE. X2 by interchanging the points if necessary. */ 00077 00078 linter = *x1in > *x2in; 00079 if (linter) { 00080 x1 = *x2in; 00081 x2 = *x1in; 00082 y1 = *y2in; 00083 y2 = *y1in; 00084 } else { 00085 x1 = *x1in; 00086 x2 = *x2in; 00087 y1 = *y1in; 00088 y2 = *y2in; 00089 } 00090 00091 /* Clip line in X direction */ 00092 00093 dx = x2 - x1; 00094 if (dx > 0.f) { 00095 /* only clip if line has some X range */ 00096 slope = (y2 - y1) / dx; 00097 if (x1 < zzzplt_1.xclbot) { 00098 /* intercept of line at left side */ 00099 y1 += slope * (zzzplt_1.xclbot - x1); 00100 x1 = zzzplt_1.xclbot; 00101 } 00102 if (x2 > zzzplt_1.xcltop) { 00103 /* intercept at right */ 00104 y2 += slope * (zzzplt_1.xcltop - x2); 00105 x2 = zzzplt_1.xcltop; 00106 } 00107 } 00108 00109 /* Check line again to see if it falls outside of plot region. */ 00110 00111 if (dmax(y1,y2) < zzzplt_1.yclbot || dmin(y1,y2) > zzzplt_1.ycltop) { 00112 *x1in = -1e38f; 00113 goto L8000; 00114 } 00115 00116 /* Clip Y-direction. To do this, must have Y1 .LE. Y2 */ 00117 00118 if (y1 > y2) { 00119 temp = x1; 00120 x1 = x2; 00121 x2 = temp; 00122 temp = y1; 00123 y1 = y2; 00124 y2 = temp; 00125 00126 linter = ! linter; 00127 } 00128 00129 dy = y2 - y1; 00130 if (dy > 0.f) { 00131 /* only clip if line has some Y range */ 00132 slope = (x2 - x1) / dy; 00133 if (y1 < zzzplt_1.yclbot) { 00134 /* intercept of line at bottom */ 00135 x1 += slope * (zzzplt_1.yclbot - y1); 00136 y1 = zzzplt_1.yclbot; 00137 } 00138 if (y2 > zzzplt_1.ycltop) { 00139 /* intercept at top */ 00140 x2 += slope * (zzzplt_1.ycltop - y2); 00141 y2 = zzzplt_1.ycltop; 00142 } 00143 } 00144 00145 /* Line is now guaranteed to be totally inside the plot region. */ 00146 /* Copy local clipped coordinates to output values and return. */ 00147 /* Note that we must restore points to original input order. */ 00148 00149 if (linter) { 00150 *x1in = x2; 00151 *x2in = x1; 00152 *y1in = y2; 00153 *y2in = y1; 00154 } else { 00155 *x1in = x1; 00156 *y1in = y1; 00157 *x2in = x2; 00158 *y2in = y2; 00159 } 00160 00161 L8000: 00162 return 0; 00163 } /* zzclip_ */ |
Definition at line 924 of file pwritf.c.
00926 { 00927 /* Initialized data */ 00928 00929 static char chesc[15] = "\\esc "; 00930 static char chnesc[15] = "\\noesc "; 00931 static char chtex[15*113] = "\\Plus " "\\Cross " "\\Dia" 00932 "mond " "\\Box " "\\FDiamond " "\\FBox " 00933 " " "\\FPlus " "\\FCross " "\\Burst " 00934 "\\Octagon " "\\alpha " "\\beta " "\\gamm" 00935 "a " "\\delta " "\\epsilon " "\\zeta " 00936 " " "\\eta " "\\theta " "\\iota " 00937 "\\kappa " "\\lambda " "\\mu " "\\nu " 00938 " " "\\xi " "\\omicron " "\\pi " 00939 " " "\\rho " "\\sigma " "\\tau " 00940 "\\upsilon " "\\phi " "\\chi " "\\psi " 00941 " " "\\omega " "\\Alpha " "\\Beta " 00942 " " "\\Gamma " "\\Delta " "\\Epsilon " 00943 "\\Zeta " "\\Eta " "\\Theta " "\\Iota" 00944 " " "\\Kappa " "\\Lambda " "\\Mu " 00945 " " "\\Nu " "\\Xi " "\\Omicron " 00946 "\\Pi " "\\Rho " "\\Sigma " "\\Tau " 00947 " " "\\Upsilon " "\\Phi " "\\Chi " 00948 " " "\\Psi " "\\Omega " "\\propto " 00949 "\\int " "\\times " "\\div " "\\appr" 00950 "ox " "\\partial " "\\cap " "\\? " 00951 " " "\\langle " "\\rangle " "\\ddagger " 00952 "\\pm " "\\leq " "\\S " "\\hbar" 00953 " " "\\lambar " "\\cup " "\\degree " 00954 " " "\\nabla " "\\downarrow " "\\leftarrow " 00955 "\\rightarrow " "\\leftrightarrow" "\\oint " "\\in " 00956 " " "\\notin " "\\surd " "\\_ " 00957 " " "\\bar " "\\exists " "\\geq " 00958 "\\forall " "\\subset " "\\oplus " "\\otim" 00959 "es " "\\dagger " "\\neq " "\\supset " 00960 " " "\\infty " "\\uparrow " "\\# " 00961 "\\$ " "\\% " "\\& " "\\{ " 00962 " " "\\} " "\\\\ " "\\cents " 00963 " " "\\black " "\\red " "\\blue " 00964 "\\green " "\\yellow " "\\magenta " "\\cyan" 00965 " "; 00966 static integer ichext[113] = { 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185, 00967 225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240, 00968 241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200, 00969 201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216, 00970 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143, 00971 160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175, 00972 186,187,188,189,190,191,255,96,35,36,37,38,123,125,92,94,148,149, 00973 150,151,152,153,154 }; 00974 00975 /* System generated locals */ 00976 integer i__1; 00977 00978 /* Builtin functions */ 00979 integer s_cmp(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); 00980 /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); 00981 00982 /* Local variables */ 00983 static logical lesc; 00984 static integer itop; 00985 static logical lout; 00986 static integer i__, nused, nsupb; 00987 static char chcont[15]; 00988 static integer ntsupb[10], inc; 00989 00990 00991 /* Convert input string (using TeX-like escapes) to extended character */ 00992 /* set, for plotting with ZZSTRO. */ 00993 00994 /* ....................................................................... 00995 */ 00996 00997 /* super/subscript control characters */ 00998 00999 /* ....................................................................... 01000 */ 01001 /* INC = input character being scanned */ 01002 /* NUSED = no. of input characters consumed by this operation */ 01003 /* NSUPB = super/subscript level */ 01004 /* NTSUPB = super/subscript type at each level: */ 01005 /* 1 = single character superscript -- like a^b */ 01006 /* 2 = multi-character superscript -- like a^{b+c} */ 01007 /* -1,-2 = similar for subscripts */ 01008 /* LOUT = .TRUE. if we just output something to CHOUT, */ 01009 /* otherwise .FALSE. */ 01010 01011 01012 /* Table of Tex-like escapes */ 01013 01014 01015 /* Corresponding extended character set bytes */ 01016 01017 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01018 */ 01019 /* Test if a character is alphabetic */ 01020 01021 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 01022 */ 01023 *nchout = 0; 01024 nsupb = 0; 01025 inc = 1; 01026 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 01027 */ 01028 /* Process input character no. INC */ 01029 01030 lesc = TRUE_; 01031 L100: 01032 01033 /* CC WRITE(*,666) 'ZZCONV at: ' // CHIN(INC:INC) */ 01034 /* CC666 FORMAT(A) */ 01035 01036 lout = FALSE_; 01037 01038 /* Superscript: ^{ starts a multi-character superscript, otherwise */ 01039 /* ^ starts a single-character superscript */ 01040 01041 if (lesc && *(unsigned char *)&chin[inc - 1] == '^' && inc < *nchin) { 01042 ++nsupb; 01043 i__1 = inc; 01044 if (s_cmp(chin + i__1, "{", inc + 1 - i__1, 1L) == 0) { 01045 ntsupb[nsupb - 1] = 2; 01046 nused = 2; 01047 } else { 01048 ntsupb[nsupb - 1] = 1; 01049 nused = 1; 01050 } 01051 ++(*nchout); 01052 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 144; 01053 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' start superscript' */ 01054 /* ................................................................... 01055 .... */ 01056 /* Subscript: similar to above code */ 01057 01058 } else if (lesc && *(unsigned char *)&chin[inc - 1] == '_' && inc < * 01059 nchin) { 01060 ++nsupb; 01061 i__1 = inc; 01062 if (s_cmp(chin + i__1, "{", inc + 1 - i__1, 1L) == 0) { 01063 ntsupb[nsupb - 1] = -2; 01064 nused = 2; 01065 } else { 01066 ntsupb[nsupb - 1] = -1; 01067 nused = 1; 01068 } 01069 ++(*nchout); 01070 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 146; 01071 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' start subscript' */ 01072 /* ................................................................... 01073 .... */ 01074 /* If in super/subscript mode and we have a '}', then this terminates 01075 */ 01076 /* the current level of super/subscripts */ 01077 01078 } else if (lesc && *(unsigned char *)&chin[inc - 1] == '}' && nsupb > 0) { 01079 nused = 1; 01080 ++(*nchout); 01081 if (ntsupb[nsupb - 1] > 0) { 01082 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 145; 01083 } else { 01084 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 147; 01085 } 01086 --nsupb; 01087 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' end compound super/subscript' */ 01088 /* ................................................................... 01089 .... */ 01090 /* Anything else that doesn't start with a \ is passed straight throu 01091 gh */ 01092 01093 } else if (! lesc || *(unsigned char *)&chin[inc - 1] != '\\') { 01094 lout = TRUE_; 01095 nused = 1; 01096 ++(*nchout); 01097 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = *(unsigned char *)&chin[inc - 01098 1]; 01099 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' passthru' */ 01100 /* ................................................................... 01101 .... */ 01102 /* If it started with a \ but we are at the last character, quit */ 01103 01104 } else if (inc == *nchin) { 01105 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' end of input' */ 01106 goto L8000; 01107 /* ................................................................... 01108 .... */ 01109 /* TeX-like escapes -- there are 2 possibilities: */ 01110 /* 1) \asciistring */ 01111 /* 2) \specialcharacter */ 01112 01113 } else { 01114 itop = inc + 1; 01115 01116 /* If the next character is alphabetic, then scan until end-of-input 01117 */ 01118 /* or a non-alphabetic character is found. This will be the end */ 01119 /* of the escape sequence. */ 01120 01121 i__1 = *(unsigned char *)&chin[itop - 1]; 01122 if (i__1 >= 'A' && i__1 <= 'Z' || i__1 >= 'a' && i__1 <= 'z') { 01123 L200: 01124 ++itop; 01125 if (itop > *nchin) { 01126 goto L300; 01127 } 01128 i__1 = *(unsigned char *)&chin[itop - 1]; 01129 if (i__1 >= 'A' && i__1 <= 'Z' || i__1 >= 'a' && i__1 <= 'z') { 01130 goto L200; 01131 } 01132 L300: 01133 --itop; 01134 01135 /* If the character following the \asciistring is a blank, skip i 01136 t also */ 01137 01138 if (itop < *nchin) { 01139 i__1 = itop; 01140 if (s_cmp(chin + i__1, " ", itop + 1 - i__1, 1L) == 0) { 01141 ++itop; 01142 } 01143 } 01144 } 01145 01146 /* At this point, characters INC thru ITOP are the escape sequence. 01147 */ 01148 /* Check for a match with the table. */ 01149 01150 nused = itop - inc + 1; 01151 s_copy(chcont, chin + (inc - 1), 15L, itop - (inc - 1)); 01152 01153 for (i__ = 1; i__ <= 113; ++i__) { 01154 if (s_cmp(chcont, chtex + (i__ - 1) * 15, 15L, 15L) == 0) { 01155 goto L410; 01156 } 01157 /* L400: */ 01158 } 01159 i__ = 0; 01160 L410: 01161 01162 /* If a match, enter the control character into the output; */ 01163 /* if no match, just ignore it */ 01164 01165 if (i__ > 0) { 01166 lout = TRUE_; 01167 ++(*nchout); 01168 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = (char) ichext[i__ - 1]; 01169 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' TeX escape: ' // CHCONT */ 01170 /* CC ELSE */ 01171 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' unknown TeX escape: ' // CHCONT 01172 */ 01173 } else if (s_cmp(chcont, chnesc, 15L, 15L) == 0) { 01174 lesc = FALSE_; 01175 } else if (s_cmp(chcont, chesc, 15L, 15L) == 0) { 01176 lesc = TRUE_; 01177 } 01178 } 01179 /* ....................................................................... 01180 */ 01181 /* If we are in single-character super/subscript mode, we must drop */ 01182 /* out of it after outputting something */ 01183 01184 if (lout && nsupb > 0) { 01185 if (ntsupb[nsupb - 1] == 1) { 01186 --nsupb; 01187 ++(*nchout); 01188 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 145; 01189 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' end single-character superscript' 01190 */ 01191 } else if (ntsupb[nsupb - 1] == -1) { 01192 --nsupb; 01193 ++(*nchout); 01194 *(unsigned char *)&chout[*nchout - 1] = 147; 01195 /* CC WRITE(*,666) ' end single-character subscript' */ 01196 } 01197 } 01198 01199 /* "Use up" the appropriate number of characters, and go on to */ 01200 /* the next bunch */ 01201 01202 inc += nused; 01203 if (inc <= *nchin) { 01204 goto L100; 01205 } 01206 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 01207 */ 01208 L8000: 01209 return 0; 01210 } /* zzconv_ */ |
Definition at line 15 of file zzlabl.c.
00017 { 00018 /* Format strings */ 00019 static char fmt_101[] = "(f9.3)"; 00020 static char fmt_301[] = "(1pe9.2)"; 00021 00022 /* System generated locals */ 00023 integer i__1; 00024 00025 /* Builtin functions */ 00026 /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); 00027 integer s_wsfi(icilist *), do_fio(integer *, char *, ftnlen), e_wsfi(void) 00028 ; 00029 00030 /* Local variables */ 00031 static integer nbot, ntop, n, nch; 00032 static char buf[10]; 00033 00034 /* Fortran I/O blocks */ 00035 static icilist io___3 = { 0, buf, 0, fmt_101, 10, 1 }; 00036 static icilist io___6 = { 0, buf, 0, fmt_301, 10, 1 }; 00037 00038 00039 00040 /* Generate a character string for a label for a linear axis in DRAXES */ 00041 /* ....................................................................... 00042 */ 00043 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00044 */ 00045 /* Parameter adjustments */ 00046 --cout; 00047 00048 /* Function Body */ 00049 if (*val == 0.f) { 00050 s_copy(buf, "0", 10L, 1L); 00051 nch = 1; 00052 /* ................................................................... 00053 .... */ 00054 /* Intermediate values get an F format. */ 00055 00056 } else if (dabs(*val) >= .01f && dabs(*val) <= 9999.99f) { 00057 s_wsfi(&io___3); 00058 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*val), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00059 e_wsfi(); 00060 00061 /* Strip off leading blanks */ 00062 00063 nbot = 1; 00064 L100: 00065 if (*(unsigned char *)&buf[nbot - 1] != ' ') { 00066 goto L200; 00067 } 00068 ++nbot; 00069 if (nbot < 9) { 00070 goto L100; 00071 } 00072 L200: 00073 00074 /* Strip off trailing zeroes */ 00075 00076 ntop = 9; 00077 L300: 00078 if (*(unsigned char *)&buf[ntop - 1] != '0') { 00079 goto L400; 00080 } 00081 --ntop; 00082 if (ntop > nbot) { 00083 goto L300; 00084 } 00085 L400: 00086 00087 /* Store desired part of string in first part of BUF */ 00088 00089 nch = ntop - nbot + 1; 00090 s_copy(buf, buf + (nbot - 1), nch, ntop - (nbot - 1)); 00091 /* ................................................................... 00092 .... */ 00093 /* Large or small values get an E format. */ 00094 00095 } else { 00096 s_wsfi(&io___6); 00097 do_fio(&c__1, (char *)&(*val), (ftnlen)sizeof(real)); 00098 e_wsfi(); 00099 if (*(unsigned char *)buf == ' ') { 00100 s_copy(buf, buf + 1, 8L, 8L); 00101 nch = 8; 00102 } else { 00103 nch = 9; 00104 } 00105 } 00106 /* ....................................................................... 00107 */ 00108 i__1 = nch; 00109 for (n = 1; n <= i__1; ++n) { 00110 *(unsigned char *)&cout[n] = *(unsigned char *)&buf[n - 1]; 00111 /* L900: */ 00112 } 00113 *nchar = nch; 00114 00115 return 0; 00116 } /* zzlabl_ */ |
Definition at line 15 of file zzlgin.c.
00016 { 00017 /* System generated locals */ 00018 integer i__1; 00019 00020 /* Builtin functions */ 00021 double r_lg10(real *), pow_ri(real *, integer *); 00022 00023 /* Local variables */ 00024 static integer nl; 00025 static real xl; 00026 00027 00028 /* Return PWRTEN and NTEN such that */ 00029 00030 /* PWRTEN .LE. XT .LT. 10*PWRTEN AND PWRTEN = 10**NLOG */ 00031 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00032 */ 00033 xl = r_lg10(xt) + 1e-5f; 00034 /* Computing MAX */ 00035 i__1 = (integer) xl; 00036 nl = max(i__1,-36); 00037 if (xl < 0.f) { 00038 --nl; 00039 } 00040 *pwrten = pow_ri(&c_b2, &nl); 00041 *nlog = nl; 00042 return 0; 00043 } /* zzlgin_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file zzline.c.
00035 { 00036 extern /* Subroutine */ int phline_(real *, real *, real *, real *), 00037 zzclip_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00038 static real xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2; 00039 00040 00041 /* Draw a line between 2 physical coordinates points. */ 00042 /* ....................................................................... 00043 */ 00044 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00045 */ 00046 00047 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00048 00049 xx1 = *x1; 00050 yy1 = *y1; 00051 xx2 = *x2; 00052 yy2 = *y2; 00053 zzclip_(&xx1, &yy1, &xx2, &yy2); 00054 if (xx1 >= zzzplt_1.xpgmin) { 00055 phline_(&xx1, &yy1, &xx2, &yy2); 00056 } 00057 zzzplt_1.xphold = *x2; 00058 zzzplt_1.yphold = *y2; 00059 00060 return 0; 00061 } /* zzline_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file zzlinx.c.
00013 { 00014 /* System generated locals */ 00015 integer i__1, i__2; 00016 00017 /* Local variables */ 00018 static integer imaj, imin; 00019 static real ymajr, yminr, dx, xx; 00020 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00021 00022 00023 /* Draw a linear axis from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) [physical coordinates], */ 00024 /* with MAJRX major divisions (tic mark size = TMAJ) and MINRX minor */ 00025 /* divisions (tic mark size = TMIN). */ 00026 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00027 */ 00028 zzline_(x1, y, x2, y); 00029 if (*tmaj == 0.f && *tmin == 0.f) { 00030 goto L8000; 00031 } 00032 00033 ymajr = *y + *tmaj; 00034 yminr = *y + *tmin; 00035 dx = (*x2 - *x1) / (*majrx * *minrx); 00036 xx = *x1; 00037 zzline_(&xx, y, &xx, &ymajr); 00038 i__1 = *majrx; 00039 for (imaj = 1; imaj <= i__1; ++imaj) { 00040 i__2 = *minrx - 1; 00041 for (imin = 1; imin <= i__2; ++imin) { 00042 xx += dx; 00043 if (*tmin != 0.f) { 00044 zzline_(&xx, y, &xx, &yminr); 00045 } 00046 /* L100: */ 00047 } 00048 xx += dx; 00049 zzline_(&xx, y, &xx, &ymajr); 00050 /* L200: */ 00051 } 00052 00053 L8000: 00054 return 0; 00055 } /* zzlinx_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file zzliny.c.
00013 { 00014 /* System generated locals */ 00015 integer i__1, i__2; 00016 00017 /* Local variables */ 00018 static integer imaj, imin; 00019 static real xmajr, xminr, dy, yy; 00020 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00021 00022 00023 /* Draw a linear axis from (X,Y1) to (X,Y2) [physical coordinates], */ 00024 /* with MAJRY major divisions (tic mark size = TMAJ) and MINRY minor */ 00025 /* divisions (tic mark size = TMIN). */ 00026 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00027 */ 00028 zzline_(x, y1, x, y2); 00029 if (*tmaj == 0.f && *tmin == 0.f) { 00030 goto L8000; 00031 } 00032 00033 xmajr = *x + *tmaj; 00034 xminr = *x + *tmin; 00035 dy = (*y2 - *y1) / (*majry * *minry); 00036 yy = *y1; 00037 zzline_(x, &yy, &xmajr, &yy); 00038 i__1 = *majry; 00039 for (imaj = 1; imaj <= i__1; ++imaj) { 00040 i__2 = *minry - 1; 00041 for (imin = 1; imin <= i__2; ++imin) { 00042 yy += dy; 00043 if (*tmin != 0.f) { 00044 zzline_(x, &yy, &xminr, &yy); 00045 } 00046 /* L100: */ 00047 } 00048 yy += dy; 00049 zzline_(x, &yy, &xmajr, &yy); 00050 /* L200: */ 00051 } 00052 00053 L8000: 00054 return 0; 00055 } /* zzliny_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file zzlogx.c.
00013 { 00014 /* Initialized data */ 00015 00016 static real tmlog[8] = { .30103f,.47712f,.60206f,.69897f,.77815f,.84509f, 00017 .90309f,.95424f }; 00018 00019 /* System generated locals */ 00020 integer i__1; 00021 00022 /* Local variables */ 00023 static integer idec, imin; 00024 static real dxmaj, xmajr, ymajr, yminr, xx; 00025 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00026 00027 00028 /* Draw a log axis from (X1,Y) to (X2,Y) [physical coordinates], */ 00029 /* with NDEC decades and the major and minor tic mark lengths in */ 00030 /* TMAJ and TMIN, respectively. */ 00031 00032 /* This array is LOG10 of 2,3,...,9; it is used to space the */ 00033 /* minor divisions. */ 00034 00035 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00036 */ 00037 zzline_(x1, y, x2, y); 00038 if (*tmaj == 0.f || *tmin == 0.f) { 00039 goto L8000; 00040 } 00041 ymajr = *y + *tmaj; 00042 yminr = *y + *tmin; 00043 dxmaj = (*x2 - *x1) / *ndec; 00044 xmajr = *x1; 00045 zzline_(&xmajr, y, &xmajr, &ymajr); 00046 00047 i__1 = *ndec; 00048 for (idec = 1; idec <= i__1; ++idec) { 00049 if (*tmin != 0.f) { 00050 for (imin = 1; imin <= 8; ++imin) { 00051 xx = xmajr + tmlog[imin - 1] * dxmaj; 00052 zzline_(&xx, y, &xx, &yminr); 00053 /* L100: */ 00054 } 00055 } 00056 xmajr += dxmaj; 00057 zzline_(&xmajr, y, &xmajr, &ymajr); 00058 /* L200: */ 00059 } 00060 00061 L8000: 00062 return 0; 00063 } /* zzlogx_ */ |
Definition at line 11 of file zzlogy.c.
00013 { 00014 /* Initialized data */ 00015 00016 static real tmlog[8] = { .30103f,.47712f,.60206f,.69897f,.77815f,.84509f, 00017 .90309f,.95424f }; 00018 00019 /* System generated locals */ 00020 integer i__1; 00021 00022 /* Local variables */ 00023 static integer idec, imin; 00024 static real dymaj, xmajr, ymajr, xminr, yy; 00025 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzline_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00026 00027 00028 /* Draw a log axis from (X,Y1) to (X,Y2) [physical coordinates], */ 00029 /* with NDEC decades and the major and minor tic mark lengths in */ 00030 /* TMAJ and TMIN, respectively. */ 00031 00032 /* This array is LOG10 of 2,3,...,9; it is used to space the */ 00033 /* minor divisions. */ 00034 00035 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00036 */ 00037 zzline_(x, y1, x, y2); 00038 if (*tmaj == 0.f || *tmin == 0.f) { 00039 goto L8000; 00040 } 00041 xmajr = *x + *tmaj; 00042 xminr = *x + *tmin; 00043 dymaj = (*y2 - *y1) / *ndec; 00044 ymajr = *y1; 00045 zzline_(x, &ymajr, &xmajr, &ymajr); 00046 00047 i__1 = *ndec; 00048 for (idec = 1; idec <= i__1; ++idec) { 00049 if (*tmin != 0.f) { 00050 for (imin = 1; imin <= 8; ++imin) { 00051 yy = ymajr + tmlog[imin - 1] * dymaj; 00052 zzline_(x, &yy, &xminr, &yy); 00053 /* L100: */ 00054 } 00055 } 00056 ymajr += dymaj; 00057 zzline_(x, &ymajr, &xmajr, &ymajr); 00058 /* L200: */ 00059 } 00060 00061 L8000: 00062 return 0; 00063 } /* zzlogy_ */ |
Definition at line 164 of file plot_cox.c.
00165 { 00166 set_color_memplot( *r , *g , *b ) ; 00167 return ; 00168 } |
Definition at line 260 of file plot_cox.c.
00261 { 00262 plotline_memplot( *x1 , *y1 , *x2 , *y2 ) ; 00263 return ; 00264 } |
Definition at line 38 of file zzperi.c.
00039 { 00040 /* System generated locals */ 00041 integer i__1; 00042 00043 /* Local variables */ 00044 static integer xlab, ylab; 00045 static real sxmin, sxmax, symin, symax; 00046 static integer isidex, isidey; 00047 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzaxxx_(real *, real *, real *, integer *, 00048 integer *), zzaxyy_(real *, real *, real *, integer *, integer *); 00049 00050 00051 /* Do the perimeter axes. */ 00052 /* ILAB = 0 --> no labels on axes */ 00053 /* = 1 --> labels on x and y */ 00054 /* = 2 --> labels on x only */ 00055 /* = 3 --> labels on y only */ 00056 /* ....................................................................... 00057 */ 00058 00059 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00060 00061 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00062 */ 00063 if (zzzplt_1.xmin < zzzplt_1.xmax) { 00064 isidey = 1; 00065 sxmin = zzzplt_1.xmin; 00066 sxmax = zzzplt_1.xmax; 00067 } else { 00068 isidey = -1; 00069 sxmin = zzzplt_1.xmax; 00070 sxmax = zzzplt_1.xmin; 00071 } 00072 00073 if (zzzplt_1.ymin < zzzplt_1.ymax) { 00074 isidex = 1; 00075 symin = zzzplt_1.ymin; 00076 symax = zzzplt_1.ymax; 00077 } else { 00078 isidex = -1; 00079 symin = zzzplt_1.ymax; 00080 symax = zzzplt_1.ymin; 00081 } 00082 00083 xlab = 0; 00084 ylab = 0; 00085 if (*ilab == 1 || *ilab == 2) { 00086 xlab = 1; 00087 } 00088 if (*ilab == 1 || *ilab == 3) { 00089 ylab = 1; 00090 } 00091 00092 zzaxxx_(&sxmin, &sxmax, &symin, &isidex, &xlab); 00093 i__1 = -isidex; 00094 zzaxxx_(&sxmin, &sxmax, &symax, &i__1, &c__0); 00095 00096 zzaxyy_(&sxmin, &symin, &symax, &isidey, &ylab); 00097 i__1 = -isidey; 00098 zzaxyy_(&sxmax, &symin, &symax, &i__1, &c__0); 00099 00100 return 0; 00101 } /* zzperi_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file zzphph.c.
00035 { 00036 extern /* Subroutine */ int zzmpli_(real *, real *, real *, real *); 00037 static real px1, px2, py1, py2; 00038 00039 00040 /* Plot a physical coordinate line. */ 00041 00042 /* Everything in this package eventually funnels into this routine, */ 00043 /* which depends on the hardware being drawn upon. The device */ 00044 /* is chosen by the NPLOTR variable (in '' COMMON /ZZPLTR/): 00045 */ 00046 00047 /* 1 = Los Alamos CGS SunView window */ 00048 /* 2 = Los Alamos CGS Metafile */ 00049 /* 3 = Write all line coordinates to an ASCII file for later work */ 00050 /* 4 = Write all line coordinates to a Unix plot format file */ 00051 /* 5 = Use Microsoft GRAPHICS.LIB */ 00052 /* 6 = Write PostScript code to an output file */ 00053 /* 7 = Call the C "memplot" routine */ 00054 /* ....................................................................... 00055 */ 00056 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00057 */ 00058 00059 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00060 00061 if (zzpltr_1.iflip == 1) { 00062 /* Flipped coordinates */ 00063 px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y1); 00064 px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y2); 00065 py1 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * (zzpltr_1.xphmax - *x1); 00066 py2 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * (zzpltr_1.xphmax - *x2); 00067 } else if (zzpltr_1.iflip == 2) { 00068 /* Flipped coordinates */ 00069 px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y1); 00070 px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * (zzpltr_1.yphmax - *y2); 00071 py1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x1; 00072 py2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x2; 00073 } else { 00074 /* Normal coordinates */ 00075 px1 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x1; 00076 px2 = zzpltr_1.xpscal * *x2; 00077 py1 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * *y1; 00078 py2 = zzpltr_1.ypscal * *y2; 00079 } 00080 00081 /* Plot it! */ 00082 00083 /* cc IF( NPLOTR.EQ.1 .OR. NPLOTR.EQ.2 )THEN */ 00084 /* cc CALL GMOVA2( PX1 , PY1 ) */ 00085 /* cc CALL GLINA2( PX2 , PY2 ) */ 00086 /* cc ENDIF */ 00087 00088 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 3 )THEN */ 00089 /* cc WRITE(99,101) PX1,PY1,PX2,PY2 */ 00090 /* cc101 FORMAT(4(F6.4,',')) */ 00091 /* cc ENDIF */ 00092 00093 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 4 )THEN */ 00094 /* cc CALL ZZUPLI( NINT(PX1),NINT(PY1) , NINT(PX2),NINT(PY2) ) */ 00095 /* cc ENDIF */ 00096 00097 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 5 )THEN */ 00098 /* cc CALL ZZPCLI( PX1,PY1 , PX2,PY2 ) */ 00099 /* cc ENDIF */ 00100 00101 /* cc IF( NPLOTR .EQ. 6 )THEN */ 00102 /* cc CALL ZZPSLI( NINT(PX1),NINT(PY1) , NINT(PX2),NINT(PY2) ) */ 00103 /* cc ENDIF */ 00104 00105 if (zzpltr_1.nplotr == 7) { 00106 zzmpli_(&px1, &py1, &px2, &py2); 00107 } 00108 00109 /* cc WRITE(*,999) PX1,PY1,PX2,PY2 */ 00110 /* cc999 FORMAT('ZZPHPH:',4(1X,1PG10.3)) */ 00111 00112 return 0; 00113 } /* zzphph_ */ |
Definition at line 34 of file zzphys.c.
00035 { 00036 /* System generated locals */ 00037 real r__1; 00038 00039 /* Builtin functions */ 00040 double r_lg10(real *); 00041 00042 00043 /* Convert user to physical coordinates. */ 00044 /* ....................................................................... 00045 */ 00046 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00047 */ 00048 00049 /* Internal Data for PLOTPAK */ 00050 00051 if (zzzplt_1.ixcoor < 0) { 00052 r__1 = dabs(*x) + 1e-37f; 00053 *x = r_lg10(&r__1); 00054 } 00055 *x = zzzplt_1.alphxx * *x + zzzplt_1.betaxx; 00056 00057 if (zzzplt_1.iycoor < 0) { 00058 r__1 = dabs(*y) + 1e-37f; 00059 *y = r_lg10(&r__1); 00060 } 00061 *y = zzzplt_1.alphyy * *y + zzzplt_1.betayy; 00062 00063 return 0; 00064 } /* zzphys_ */ |
Variable Documentation
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 416 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 415 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 405 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 413 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 405 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 413 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 420 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 415 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 406 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 24 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 421 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 421 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 412 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 408 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 414 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 412 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 408 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 414 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |
Definition at line 403 of file coxplot/coxplot.h. |