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00001 #include "mrilib.h"
00003 int dbc( const void *ap , const void *bp )   /* for qsort */
00004 {
00005    double *a=(double *)ap,  *b=(double *)bp ;
00006    if( *a == *b ) return 0  ;
00007    if( *a <  *b ) return -1 ;
00008                   return  1 ;
00009 }
00011 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00013 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
00014 {
00015    int iarg , ii,jj,kk,mm , nvec , do_one=0 , nx=0,ny , ff ;
00016    MRI_IMAGE *tim ;
00017    MRI_IMARR *tar ;
00018    double *amat , *sval , *umat , *vmat , smax,del,sum ;
00019    float *far ;
00020    int do_cond=0 ;  /* 08 Nov 2004 */
00021    int do_sing=0 ;
00022    int do_1Drr=0 ;  /* 05 Jan 2005 */
00023    int pall=1 ;
00025    /* help? */
00027    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00028      printf("Usage: 1dsvd [options] 1Dfile 1Dfile ...\n"
00029             "- Computes SVD of the matrix formed by the 1D file(s).\n"
00030             "- Output appears on stdout; to save it, use '>' redirection.\n"
00031             "\n"
00032             "Options:\n"
00033             " -one     = Make 1st vector be all 1's.\n"
00034             " -cond    = Only print condition number (ratio of extremes)\n"
00035             " -sing    = Only print singular values\n"
00036             " -1Dright = Only output right eigenvectors, in a .1D format\n"
00037             "            This can be useful for reducing the number of\n"
00038             "            columns in a design matrix.  The singular values\n"
00039             "            are printed at the top of each vector column.\n"
00040            ) ;
00041      exit(0) ;
00042    }
00044    /* options */
00046    iarg = 1 ; nvec = 0 ;
00047    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
00049      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-1Dright") == 0 ){
00050        pall = 0 ; do_1Drr = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00051      }
00053      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-one") == 0 ){
00054        do_one = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00055      }
00057      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cond") == 0 ){
00058        pall = 0 ; do_cond = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00059      }
00061      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sing") == 0 ){
00062        pall = 0 ; do_sing = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00063      }
00065      fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);
00066    }
00068    if( iarg == argc ){
00069      fprintf(stderr,"** No 1D files on command line!?\n"); exit(1);
00070    }
00072    /* input 1D files */
00074    ff = iarg ;
00075    INIT_IMARR(tar) ; if( do_one ) nvec = 1 ;
00076    for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
00077      tim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
00078      if( tim == NULL ){
00079        fprintf(stderr,"** Can't read 1D file %s\n",argv[iarg]); exit(1);
00080      }
00081      if( nx == 0 ){
00082        nx = tim->nx ;
00083      } else if( tim->nx != nx ){
00084        fprintf(stderr,"** 1D file %s doesn't match first file in length!\n",
00085                argv[iarg]); exit(1);
00086      }
00087      nvec += tim->ny ;
00088      ADDTO_IMARR(tar,tim) ;
00089    }
00091    if( pall ){
00092      printf("\n") ;
00093      printf("++ 1dsvd input vectors:\n") ;
00094      jj = 0 ;
00095      if( do_one ){
00096        printf("00..00: all ones\n") ; jj = 1 ;
00097      }
00098      for( mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
00099        tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
00100        printf("%02d..%02d: %s\n", jj,jj+tim->ny-1, argv[ff+mm] ) ;
00101        jj += tim->ny ;
00102      }
00103    }
00105    /* create matrix from 1D files */
00107 #define A(i,j) amat[(i)+(j)*nx]     /* nx X nvec matrix */
00108 #define U(i,j) umat[(i)+(j)*nx]     /* ditto */
00109 #define V(i,j) vmat[(i)+(j)*nvec]   /* nvec X nvec matrix */
00110 #define X(i,j) amat[(i)+(j)*nvec]   /* nvec X nx matrix */
00112    amat = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*nx*nvec ) ;
00113    umat = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*nx*nvec ) ;
00114    vmat = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*nvec*nvec ) ;
00115    sval = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*nvec ) ;
00117    kk = 0 ;
00118    if( do_one ){
00119      for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) A(ii,kk) = 1.0l ;
00120      kk++ ;
00121    }
00123    for( mm=0 ; mm < IMARR_COUNT(tar) ; mm++ ){
00124      tim = IMARR_SUBIM(tar,mm) ;
00125      far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
00126      for( jj=0 ; jj < tim->ny ; jj++,kk++ ){
00127        for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) A(ii,kk) = far[ii+jj*nx] ;
00128      }
00129    }
00130    DESTROY_IMARR(tar) ;
00132    svd_double( nx , nvec , amat , sval , umat , vmat ) ;
00134    if( do_cond ){
00135      double sbot,stop , cnum ;
00136      sbot = stop = MAX(sval[0],0.0) ;
00137      for( jj=1 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
00138        if( sval[jj] < sbot ) sbot = sval[jj] ;
00139        if( sval[jj] > stop ) stop = sval[jj] ;
00140      }
00141      cnum = stop/sbot ;
00142      if( do_1Drr ) printf("# condition number = ") ;
00143      printf("%.7g\n",cnum) ;
00144    }
00146    if( do_sing && !do_1Drr ){
00147      qsort( sval , nvec , sizeof(double) , dbc ) ;
00148      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %6g",sval[jj]) ;
00149      printf("\n") ;
00150    }
00152    if( !pall && !do_1Drr ) exit(0) ;
00154    if( !do_1Drr ){
00155      printf("\n"
00156             "++ Data vectors [A]:\n   " ) ;
00157      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
00158      printf("\n") ;
00159      for( kk=0 ; kk < nx ; kk++ ){
00160        printf("%02d:",kk) ;
00161        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",A(kk,jj)) ;
00162        printf("\n") ;
00163      }
00164    }
00166    if( !do_1Drr ) printf("\n++ Right Vectors [U]:\n   " ) ;
00168    if( do_1Drr ) printf("#") ;
00169    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %12.5g",sval[jj]) ;
00170    printf("\n") ;
00171    if( do_1Drr ) printf("#") ; else printf("  ") ;
00172    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ------------") ;
00173    printf("\n") ;
00174    for( kk=0 ; kk < nx ; kk++ ){
00175      if( !do_1Drr) printf("%02d:",kk) ;
00176      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %12.5g",U(kk,jj)) ;
00177      printf("\n") ;
00178    }
00180    if( do_1Drr ) exit(0) ;
00182    printf("\n"
00183           "++ Left Vectors [V]:\n   " ) ;
00184    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",sval[jj]) ;
00185    printf("\n   ") ;
00186    for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
00187    printf("\n") ;
00188    for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
00189      printf("%02d:",kk) ;
00190      for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",V(kk,jj)) ;
00191      printf("\n") ;
00192    }
00194    smax = sval[0] ;
00195    for( ii=1 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ )
00196      if( sval[ii] > smax ) smax = sval[ii] ;
00198    del = 1.e-12 * smax*smax ;
00199    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ )
00200      sval[ii] = sval[ii] / ( sval[ii]*sval[ii] + del ) ;
00202    /* create pseudo-inverse */
00204    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvec ; ii++ ){
00205      for( jj=0 ; jj < nx ; jj++ ){
00206        sum = 0.0l ;
00207        for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ )
00208          sum += sval[kk] * V(ii,kk) * U(jj,kk) ;
00209        X(ii,jj) = sum ;
00210      }
00211    }
00213    printf("\n"
00214           "++ Pseudo-inverse:\n   " ) ;
00215    for( jj=0 ; jj < nx ; jj++ ) printf(" ---------") ;
00216    printf("\n") ;
00217    for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
00218      printf("%02d:",kk) ;
00219      for( jj=0 ; jj < nx ; jj++ ) printf(" %9.5f",X(kk,jj)) ;
00220      printf("\n") ;
00221    }
00223    /* done */
00225    exit(0) ;
00226 }

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