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niml_element.c File Reference

#include "niml_private.h"

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NI_elementmake_empty_data_element (header_stuff *hs)
NI_groupmake_empty_group_element (header_stuff *hs)
int NI_type_size (int tval)
int NI_element_type (void *nini)
char * NI_element_name (void *nini)
void NI_free_element (void *nini)
NI_elementNI_new_data_element (char *name, int veclen)
void NI_add_column (NI_element *nel, int typ, void *arr)
void NI_alter_veclen (NI_element *nel, int newlen)
void NI_add_column_stride (NI_element *nel, int typ, void *arr, int stride)
void NI_fill_column_stride (NI_element *nel, int typ, void *arr, int nn, int stride)
void NI_insert_value (NI_element *nel, int row, int col, void *dat)
void NI_insert_string (NI_element *nel, int row, int col, char *str)
void NI_set_attribute (void *nini, char *attname, char *attvalue)
char * NI_get_attribute (void *nini, char *attname)
void NI_set_dimen (NI_element *nel, int rank, int *nd)
void NI_set_delta (NI_element *nel, float *del)
void NI_set_origin (NI_element *nel, float *org)
void NI_set_units (NI_element *nel, char **units)
void NI_set_axes (NI_element *nel, char **ax)
NI_procinsNI_new_processing_instruction (char *name)
NI_groupNI_new_group_element (void)
void NI_add_to_group (NI_group *ngr, void *nini)
void NI_remove_from_group (NI_group *ngr, void *nini)
void NI_rename_group (NI_group *ngr, char *nam)
int NI_search_group_shallow (NI_group *ngr, char *enam, void ***nipt)
int NI_search_group_deep (NI_group *ngr, char *enam, void ***nipt)

Function Documentation

NI_element* make_empty_data_element header_stuff   hs

Construct an empty data element from a header.

  • The data vectors will have space allocated, but they will be filled with all zero bytes.
  • If the header was "empty" (ended in "/>"), then no vectors will be allocated, and nel->vec_num=0.
  • This function is used by NI_read_element() to create the data element after the header has been parsed.
  • 27 Mar 2003: modified to allow vec_len=0, indicating vector length to be inferred from amount of data -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 15 of file niml_element.c.

References int_array::ar, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, decode_dimen_string(), decode_type_string(), header_stuff::empty, header_stuff::lhs, header_stuff::name, NI_element::name, header_stuff::nattr, NI_BYTE, NI_decode_string_list(), NI_delete_str_array, NI_dpr(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_free, NI_malloc, NI_strdup(), NI_type_size(), int_array::num, NI_str_array::num, NI_element::outmode, header_stuff::rhs, NI_str_array::str, string_index(), NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, NI_element::vec_rank, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by NI_read_element().

00016 {
00017    NI_element *nel ;
00018    int ii , qq ;
00020    if( hs == NULL || hs->name == NULL ) return NULL ;
00022 #ifdef NIML_DEBUG
00023 NI_dpr("ENTER make_empty_data_element\n") ;
00024 #endif
00026    nel = NI_malloc(NI_element, sizeof(NI_element) ) ;
00028    nel->type = NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ;
00030    nel->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00032    /* move name and attributes from hs to new element */
00034    nel->name = hs->name ; hs->name = NULL ;
00036    nel->attr_num = hs->nattr ;
00038    if( nel->attr_num > 0 ){
00039       nel->attr_lhs = hs->lhs ; hs->lhs = NULL ;
00040       nel->attr_rhs = hs->rhs ; hs->rhs = NULL ;
00041    } else {
00042       nel->attr_lhs = nel->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00043    }
00045    /* set default vector parameters [indicating no data] */
00047    nel->vec_num = 0 ;
00048    nel->vec_len = 0 ;
00049    nel->vec_typ = NULL ;
00050    nel->vec     = NULL ;
00052    nel->vec_filled = 0 ;  /* no data has been filled into vectors */
00054    nel->vec_rank        = 0 ;
00055    nel->vec_axis_len    = NULL ;
00056    nel->vec_axis_delta  = NULL ;
00057    nel->vec_axis_origin = NULL ;
00058    nel->vec_axis_unit   = NULL ;
00059    nel->vec_axis_label  = NULL ;
00061    if( !hs->empty ){  /* find and process ni_* attributes about vectors */
00063      /* ni_type attribute: set types of vectors */
00065      ii = string_index( "ni_type" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00067      if( ii >= 0 && nel->attr_rhs[ii] != NULL ){
00068        int_array *iar = decode_type_string( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00069        if( iar != NULL ){
00070          nel->vec_num = iar->num ;  /* number of vectors */
00071          nel->vec_typ = iar->ar ;   /* vector types */
00072          NI_free(iar) ;             /* just the shell of the struct */
00073        }
00074      }
00076      /* ni_dimen attribute: set vector length and rank */
00078      ii = string_index( "ni_dimen" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00080      if( ii >= 0 && nel->attr_rhs[ii] != NULL ){
00081         int_array *dar = decode_dimen_string( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00082         if( dar != NULL && dar->num > 0 ){
00083            int nd=dar->num , qq,pp ;
00084            /* compute product of all dimensions */
00085            for( qq=1,pp=0 ; pp < nd ; pp++ ) qq *= dar->ar[pp] ;
00086            nel->vec_len      = qq ;      /* length of vectors */
00087            nel->vec_rank     = nd ;      /* number of dimensions */
00088            nel->vec_axis_len = dar->ar ; /* array of dimension lengths */
00089            NI_free(dar) ;                /* just the struct shell */
00090            if( nel->vec_len == 0 )       /* 27 Mar 2003 */
00091              nel->vec_rank = 1 ;
00092         }
00093      }
00095      /* if we had ni_dimen, also try ni_delta */
00097      ii = string_index( "ni_delta" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00098      if( ii >= 0 && nel->vec_rank > 0 ){
00099         NI_str_array *sar = NI_decode_string_list( nel->attr_rhs[ii] , NULL ) ;
00100         if( sar != NULL && sar->num > 0 ){
00101            int ns=sar->num , nd=nel->vec_rank , pp ;
00102            nel->vec_axis_delta = NI_malloc(float,sizeof(float)*nd) ;
00103            if( nd > ns ) nd = ns ;
00104            for( pp=0 ; pp < nd ; pp++ )
00105              sscanf( sar->str[pp] , "%f" , nel->vec_axis_delta+pp ) ;
00106            NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;
00107         }
00108      }
00110      /* if we had ni_dimen, also try ni_origin */
00112      ii = string_index( "ni_origin" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00113      if( ii >= 0 && nel->vec_rank > 0 ){
00114         NI_str_array *sar = NI_decode_string_list( nel->attr_rhs[ii] , NULL ) ;
00115         if( sar != NULL && sar->num > 0 ){
00116            int ns=sar->num , nd=nel->vec_rank , pp ;
00117            nel->vec_axis_origin = NI_malloc(float,sizeof(float)*nd) ;
00118            if( nd > ns ) nd = ns ;
00119            for( pp=0 ; pp < nd ; pp++ )
00120              sscanf( sar->str[pp] , "%f" , nel->vec_axis_origin+pp ) ;
00121            NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;
00122         }
00123      }
00125      /* if we had ni_dimen, also try ni_units */
00127      ii = string_index( "ni_units" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00128      if( ii >= 0 && nel->vec_rank > 0 ){
00129         NI_str_array *sar = NI_decode_string_list( nel->attr_rhs[ii] , NULL ) ;
00130         if( sar != NULL && sar->num > 0 ){
00131            int ns=sar->num , nd=nel->vec_rank , pp ;
00132            nel->vec_axis_unit = NI_malloc(char*,sizeof(char *)*nd) ;
00133            if( nd > ns ) nd = ns ;
00134            for( pp=0 ; pp < nd ; pp++ )
00135              nel->vec_axis_unit[pp] = NI_strdup(sar->str[pp]) ;
00136            NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;
00137         }
00138      }
00140      /* if we had ni_dimen, also try ni_axes */
00142      ii = string_index( "ni_axes" , nel->attr_num , nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00143      if( ii >= 0 && nel->vec_rank > 0 ){
00144         NI_str_array *sar = NI_decode_string_list( nel->attr_rhs[ii] , NULL ) ;
00145         if( sar != NULL && sar->num > 0 ){
00146            int ns=sar->num , nd=nel->vec_rank , pp ;
00147            nel->vec_axis_label = NI_malloc(char*,sizeof(char *)*nd) ;
00148            if( nd > ns ) nd = ns ;
00149            for( pp=0 ; pp < nd ; pp++ )
00150              nel->vec_axis_label[pp] = NI_strdup(sar->str[pp]) ;
00151            NI_delete_str_array(sar) ;
00152         }
00153      }
00155      /* supply vector parameters if none was given */
00156      /* (remember, we DON'T have an empty element) */
00158      if( nel->vec_num == 0 ){                    /* default type */
00159         nel->vec_num    = 1 ;
00160         nel->vec_typ    = NI_malloc(int,sizeof(int)) ;
00161         nel->vec_typ[0] = NI_BYTE ;
00162      }
00164      if( nel->vec_rank == 0 ){                  /* default dimensions */
00165         nel->vec_len         = 0 ;
00166         nel->vec_rank        = 1 ;
00167         nel->vec_axis_len    = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)) ;
00168         nel->vec_axis_len[0] = 1 ;
00169      }
00171      /* now allocate space for vectors defined above */
00173      nel->vec = NI_malloc(void*, sizeof(void *)*nel->vec_num ) ;
00175      /* 27 Mar 2003: only allocate space if we know how long they are */
00177      if( nel->vec_len > 0 ){
00178        for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ )
00179          nel->vec[ii] = NI_malloc(void,
00180                                   NI_type_size(nel->vec_typ[ii])*nel->vec_len) ;
00181      } else {
00182        for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ )
00183          nel->vec[ii] = NULL ;
00184      }
00186    } /* end of processing non-empty header stuff */
00188    return nel ;
00189 }

NI_group* make_empty_group_element header_stuff   hs

Make an empty group element from parsed header info. The attributes in the header are assigned to the group, and the group parts are initialized to nothing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 197 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_num, NI_group::attr_rhs, header_stuff::lhs, header_stuff::name, NI_group::name, header_stuff::nattr, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_group::outmode, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, header_stuff::rhs, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by NI_read_element().

00198 {
00199    NI_group *ngr ;
00200    int ii , qq ;
00202    if( hs == NULL || hs->name == NULL ) return NULL ;
00204    ngr = NI_malloc(NI_group, sizeof(NI_group) ) ;
00206    ngr->type = NI_GROUP_TYPE ;
00208    ngr->name = hs->name ; hs->name = NULL ;  /* 24 Feb 2005 */
00210    ngr->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00212    /* move attributes from hs to new element */
00214    ngr->attr_num = hs->nattr ;
00216    if( ngr->attr_num > 0 ){
00217      ngr->attr_lhs = hs->lhs ; hs->lhs = NULL ;
00218      ngr->attr_rhs = hs->rhs ; hs->rhs = NULL ;
00219    } else {
00220      ngr->attr_lhs = ngr->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00221    }
00223    /* have no pieces-parts yet */
00225    ngr->part_num = 0 ;
00226    ngr->part_typ = NULL ;
00227    ngr->part     = NULL ;
00229    return ngr ;
00230 }

void NI_add_column NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr

Add a vector (column) of data to a data element.

  • nel = data element to modify
  • typ = integer type code of data (e.g., NI_FLOAT)
  • arr = pointer to data values - must be an array of length veclen (same value as used in NI_new_data_element() call)
  • if arr is NULL, then will add a zero-filled column of the given type to the data element
The data array is copied into the element. If the element was specified with veclen=0, then this function will do nothing. Since this function has no return value, the only way to check for such an error is to see if nel->vec_num was incremented. Or don't be so stupid as to make this error. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 442 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_copy_column(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), intvec_to_niml(), main(), matrix_to_niml(), mri_to_niml(), NI_add_column_stride(), stringvec_to_niml(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_CrossHair(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), and v2s_write_outfile_niml().

00443 {
00444    int nn ;
00445    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00447    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00449    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00450    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00451    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00453    /* get number of vectors currently in element */
00455    nn = nel->vec_num ;
00457    /* add 1 to the vec_typ array */
00459    nel->vec_typ     = NI_realloc( nel->vec_typ, int, sizeof(int)*(nn+1) ) ;
00460    nel->vec_typ[nn] = typ ;
00462    /* add 1 element to the vec array, and copy data into it */
00464    nel->vec = NI_realloc( nel->vec , void*, sizeof(void *)*(nn+1) ) ;
00465    if( arr != NULL )
00466      nel->vec[nn] = NI_copy_column( rt , nel->vec_len , arr ) ;
00467    else
00468      nel->vec[nn] = NI_malloc(void, rt->size * nel->vec_len ) ;
00470    /* add 1 to the count of vectors */
00472    nel->vec_num = nn+1 ;
00473    return ;
00474 }

void NI_add_column_stride NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr,
int    stride

As in NI_add_column(), but adding every stride-th element from arr. Thus, arr should be at least nel->vec_len * stride elements long. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 517 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_add_column(), NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, stride, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_len, and NI_element::vec_num.

Referenced by SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddDsetNelCol(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelCol(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK2Mesh_IJK_nel(), SUMA_NodeXYZ2NodeXYZ_nel(), and SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr().

00518 {
00519    int nn , ii ;
00520    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00521    char *idat ;
00523    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00525    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00526    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00527    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00529    /* add an empty column */
00531    NI_add_column( nel , typ , NULL ) ;
00532    if( arr == NULL ) return ;          /* no input data ==> we're done */
00534    /* loop over inputs and put them in one at a time */
00536    nn   = nel->vec_num-1 ;
00537    idat = (char *) arr ;
00539    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_len ; ii++ )
00540      NI_insert_value( nel , ii , nn , idat + (ii*stride*rt->size) ) ;
00542    return ;
00543 }

void NI_add_to_group NI_group   ngr,
void *    nini

Add an element to a group element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 955 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_type(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, tt, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), NI_read_element(), SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), THD_dataset_to_niml(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

00956 {
00957    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00959    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE || tt < 0 ) return ;
00961    nn = ngr->part_num ;
00963    ngr->part_typ     = NI_realloc( ngr->part_typ , int, sizeof(int)*(nn+1) ) ;
00964    ngr->part_typ[nn] = tt ;
00965    ngr->part         = NI_realloc( ngr->part , void*, sizeof(void *)*(nn+1) );
00966    ngr->part[nn]     = nini ;
00967    ngr->part_num     = nn+1 ;
00968    return ;
00969 }

void NI_alter_veclen NI_element   nel,
int    newlen

Change the length of all the columns in a data element.

  • If the columns are longer, they will be zero filled.
  • New values can be inserted later with NI_insert_value().
  • If the columns are shorter, data will be lost.
  • You cannot use this to convert an element to/from being empty; that is, newlen > 0 is required, as is nel->vec_len on input. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 485 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

00486 {
00487    int oldlen , ii ;
00488    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00489    char *pt ;
00491    if( nel          == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return ;
00492    if( nel->vec_len <= 0    || newlen    <= 0               ) return ;
00494    if( nel->vec_num == 0 ){                       /* if have no data yet */
00495      nel->vec_len = nel->vec_filled = newlen; return;
00496    }
00498    oldlen = nel->vec_len ; if( oldlen == newlen ) return ;
00500    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ ){
00501      rt = NI_rowtype_find_code( nel->vec_typ[ii] ) ;
00502      nel->vec[ii] = NI_realloc( nel->vec[ii] , void , rt->size * newlen ) ;
00503      if( oldlen < newlen ){
00504        pt = ((char *)nel->vec[ii]) + (rt->size * oldlen) ; /* zero fill */
00505        memset( pt , 0 , (newlen-oldlen)*rt->size ) ;       /* new data! */
00506      }
00507    }
00509    nel->vec_len = nel->vec_filled = newlen ; return ;
00510 }

char* NI_element_name void *    nini

Return the name of a NI element. If the input is bad, returns a NULL pointer. Do not free this pointer! It points to the name string inside the element struct. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 275 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::name, NI_group::name, NI_element::name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_procins::type, NI_group::type, and NI_element::type.

Referenced by NI_search_group_deep(), and NI_search_group_shallow().

00276 {
00277    NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00278    NI_group   *ngr = (NI_group *)   nini ;
00279    NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00281    if( nini == NULL ) return NULL ;
00283    if( nel->type == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return nel->name ;
00284    if( ngr->type == NI_GROUP_TYPE   ) return ngr->name ;
00285    if( npi->type == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ) return npi->name ;
00287    return NULL ;
00288 }

int NI_element_type void *    nini

Return the type of something that points to a NI element.

  • The input should be point to a NI_element, NI_group, or NI_procins.
  • The return value is NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, or -1 if the type is anything else or unknowable. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 254 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_procins::type, NI_group::type, and NI_element::type.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_process_NIML_data(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), main(), NI_add_to_group(), NI_free_element(), NI_get_attribute(), NI_search_group_deep(), NI_set_attribute(), NI_suck_stream(), NI_write_element(), niml_to_mri(), NIML_to_stderr(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), THD_add_bricks(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), and THD_read_niml_atr().

00255 {
00256    NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00257    NI_group   *ngr = (NI_group *)   nini ;
00258    NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;  /* 16 Mar 2005 */
00260    if( nini == NULL ) return -1 ;
00262    if( nel->type == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ) return NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ;
00263    if( ngr->type == NI_GROUP_TYPE   ) return NI_GROUP_TYPE   ;
00264    if( npi->type == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ) return NI_PROCINS_TYPE ;
00266    return -1 ;
00267 }

void NI_fill_column_stride NI_element   nel,
int    typ,
void *    arr,
int    nn,
int    stride

ZSS; Fills an already created column with values up to vec_filled the values in arr are inserted into nel->vec[nn] --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 550 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_rowtype::size, stride, typ, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by SUMA_FillDsetNelCol(), and SUMA_FillNelCol().

00552 {
00553    int  ii , nf;
00554    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00555    char *idat ;
00557    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00559    if( nel == NULL || nel->vec_len <= 0 )            return ;
00560    if( nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE )                return ;
00561    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code(typ) ; if( rt == NULL ) return ;
00563    /* check for NULL column or other similar errors*/
00565    if( arr == NULL )                                 return ;
00566    if( nel->vec[nn] == NULL )                        return ;
00567    if( nn < 0 || nn >= nel->vec_num )                return ;
00568    if( typ != nel->vec_typ[nn] )                     return ;
00570    /* loop over inputs and put them in */
00572    if( nel->vec_filled > 0 && nel->vec_filled <= nel->vec_len )
00573      nf = nel->vec_filled ;
00574    else
00575      nf = nel->vec_len ;
00577    idat = (char *) arr ;
00579    for( ii=0 ; ii < nf ; ii++ )
00580      NI_insert_value( nel , ii , nn , idat + (ii*stride*rt->size) ) ;
00582    return ;
00583 }

void NI_free_element void *    nini

Expunge a data or group element and its contents from the universe. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 294 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_element::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_procins::name, NI_group::name, NI_element::name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_element_type(), NI_free, NI_free_column(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, tt, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_obj_to_dataset(), AFNI_start_version_check(), AIVVV_workproc(), Dtable_from_nimlstring(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), NI_read_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_FreeDset(), SUMA_LoadNimlDset(), SUMA_LoadVisualState(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), THD_load_3D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_read_niml_atr(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), XSAVE_input(), and XSAVE_output().

00295 {
00296    int ii , tt=NI_element_type(nini) , jj ;
00298    if( tt < 0 ) return ; /* bad input */
00300    /*-- erase contents of data element --*/
00302    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00303       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *)nini ;
00305       NI_free(nel->name) ;
00306       for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00307          NI_free( nel->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00308          NI_free( nel->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00309       }
00310       NI_free( nel->attr_lhs ) ;
00311       NI_free( nel->attr_rhs ) ;
00313       /* 14 Feb 2003: NI_free_column() will also free var dim arrays */
00315       if( nel->vec != NULL )
00316         for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_num ; ii++ )
00317            NI_free_column( NI_rowtype_find_code(nel->vec_typ[ii]) ,
00318                            nel->vec_len , nel->vec[ii]             ) ;
00320       NI_free( nel->vec_typ  ) ;
00321       NI_free( nel->vec ) ;
00323       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_len) ;
00324       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_delta) ;
00325       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_origin) ;
00326       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_unit) ;
00327       NI_free(nel->vec_axis_label) ;
00329       NI_free( nel ) ;
00331    /*-- erase contents of group element --*/
00333    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00334       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *)nini ;
00336       for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00337         NI_free( ngr->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00338         NI_free( ngr->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00339       }
00340       NI_free( ngr->attr_lhs ) ;
00341       NI_free( ngr->attr_rhs ) ;
00343       if( ngr->part != NULL ){
00344         for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ )
00345           NI_free_element( ngr->part[ii] ) ;     /* recursion */
00346       }
00348       NI_free( ngr->part_typ ) ;
00349       NI_free( ngr->part ) ;
00350       NI_free( ngr->name ) ;    /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00351       NI_free( ngr ) ;
00353    /*-- erase contents of processing instruction --*/
00355    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00356       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *)nini ;
00358       for( ii=0 ; ii < npi->attr_num ; ii++ ){
00359         NI_free( npi->attr_lhs[ii] ) ;
00360         NI_free( npi->attr_rhs[ii] ) ;
00361       }
00362       NI_free( npi->attr_lhs ) ;
00363       NI_free( npi->attr_rhs ) ;
00365       NI_free( npi->name ) ;    /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00366       NI_free( npi ) ;
00367    }
00369    return ;
00370 }

char* NI_get_attribute void *    nini,
char *    attname

Get an attribute with the given LHS name. Returns a pointer to the RHS field in the element if the attribute name is found; otherwise returns NULL. If the LHS is found, but the RHS is NULL, returns a pointer to an empty C string ("\0"). Do not free() the result from this function, since it points to the internal field of the element! -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 755 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_element::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_element_type(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, and tt.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_workproc(), AFNI_start_version_check(), NI_do(), NI_self_idcode(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), niml_to_mri(), process_NIML_AFNI_volumedata(), process_NIML_Node_ROI(), process_NIML_SUMA_ijk(), process_NIML_SUMA_ixyz(), process_NIML_SUMA_node_normals(), SUMA_AddNelHist(), SUMA_ColLabelCopy(), SUMA_DsetColLabelCopy(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_FindDset(), SUMA_GetColRange(), SUMA_MaskedCopyofDset(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK_nel2Mesh_IJK(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_NodeXYZ_nel2NodeXYZ(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), SUMA_sdset_id(), SUMA_sdset_idmdom(), SUMA_TypeOfColNumb(), SUMA_TypeOfDsetColNumb(), SUMA_VolPar_nel2SOVolPar(), THD_add_bricks(), THD_dblkatr_from_niml(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_nifti(), and XSAVE_input().

00756 {
00757    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00758    static char *zorkon = "\0" ;
00760    if( tt < 0 || attname == NULL || attname[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00762    /* input is a data element */
00764    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00765       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00767       for( nn=0 ; nn < nel->attr_num ; nn++ )
00768          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00770       if( nn == nel->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00772       if( nel->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00774       return nel->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00776    /* input is a group element */
00778    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00779       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
00781       for( nn=0 ; nn < ngr->attr_num ; nn++ )
00782          if( strcmp(ngr->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00784       if( nn == ngr->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00786       if( ngr->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00788       return ngr->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00790    /* input is a processing instruction */
00792    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00793       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00795       for( nn=0 ; nn < npi->attr_num ; nn++ )
00796         if( strcmp(npi->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00798       if( nn == npi->attr_num ) return NULL ;
00800       if( npi->attr_rhs[nn] == NULL ) return zorkon ;
00802       return npi->attr_rhs[nn] ;
00803    }
00805    return NULL ; /* should never be reached */
00806 }

void NI_insert_string NI_element   nel,
int    row,
int    col,
char *    str

Definition at line 655 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_insert_value(), NI_STRING, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

00656 {
00657    if( nel == NULL || str == NULL         ) return ;
00658    if( nel->type   != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE     ) return ;
00659    if( row < 0     || row >= nel->vec_len ) return ;
00660    if( col < 0     || col >= nel->vec_num ) return ;
00661    if( nel->vec_typ[col] != NI_STRING     ) return ;
00663    NI_insert_value( nel , row,col , &str ); return ;
00664 }

void NI_insert_value NI_element   nel,
int    row,
int    col,
void *    dat

Replace the row-th value in the col-th column of the data element.

  • dat is the pointer to the data values to copy into the element.
  • The column must have been created with NI_add_column() before calling this function!
  • NOTE WELL: When the column type is NI_STRING, it is a mistake to call this function with dat being a pointer to the C string to insert. Instead, dat should be a pointer to the pointer to the C string. For example:
    • char *me = "RWCox" ;
    • WRONG: NI_insert_value ( nel, 3,5, me ) ; [Seg Fault ensues]
    • RIGHT: NI_insert_value ( nel, 3,5, &me ) ;
    • RIGHT: NI_insert_string( nel, 3,5, me ) ;
    • The last case illustrates the NI_insert_string() function, which can be used to simplify insertion into a column of Strings; that function is just a simple wrapper to call NI_insert_value() properly.
    • The reason the first example is WRONG is that dat is supposed to point to the data to be stored. In the case of a String, the data is the pointer to the C string. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 607 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_rowtype_find_code(), NI_strdup(), NI_STRING, NI_rowtype::part_dim, NI_rowtype::part_num, NI_rowtype::part_off, NI_rowtype::part_rtp, NI_rowtype::part_typ, ROWTYPE_is_varsize, ROWTYPE_part_dimen, NI_rowtype::size, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by NI_add_column_stride(), NI_fill_column_stride(), and NI_insert_string().

00608 {
00609    NI_rowtype *rt ;
00610    char *cdat , *idat=(char *)dat , *qpt ;
00611    int jj , kk ;
00613    /* check for reasonable inputs */
00615    if( nel == NULL || idat == NULL        ) return ;
00616    if( nel->type    != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE    ) return ;
00617    if( nel->vec_len <= 0                  ) return ;
00618    if( row < 0     || row >= nel->vec_len ) return ;
00619    if( col < 0     || col >= nel->vec_num ) return ;
00621    rt = NI_rowtype_find_code( nel->vec_typ[col] ) ;
00622    if( rt == NULL )                         return ;
00624    cdat = (char *) nel->vec[col] ;   /* points to column data */
00625    cdat = cdat + rt->size * row ;    /* points to data to alter */
00627    /* shallow copy of input data over data now present */
00629    memcpy( cdat , idat , rt->size ) ;
00631    /* copy any var dim arrays inside */
00633    if( ROWTYPE_is_varsize(rt) ){
00634      for( jj=0 ; jj < rt->part_num ; jj++ ){            /* loop over parts */
00636        if( rt->part_typ[jj] == NI_STRING ){               /* a string part */
00637          char **apt = (char **)(cdat+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
00638          qpt = NI_strdup(*apt) ; *apt = qpt ;
00640        } else if( rt->part_dim[jj] >= 0 ){                /* var dim array */
00641          char **apt = (char **)(cdat+rt->part_off[jj]) ;   /* *apt => data */
00642          if( *apt != NULL ){
00643            kk  = ROWTYPE_part_dimen(rt,cdat,jj) * rt->part_rtp[jj]->size ;
00644            qpt = NI_malloc(char, kk) ; memcpy(qpt,*apt,kk) ; *apt = qpt ;
00645          }
00646        }
00647      }
00648    }
00650    return ;
00651 }

NI_element* NI_new_data_element char *    name,
int    veclen

Create a new data element.

  • name = string name for header.
  • veclen = size (length) of vectors (ni_dimen attribute).
    • Vectors are added with NI_add_column().
    • Set this to zero for "empty" elements (those with only headers, no data).
Return is NULL if inputs are stupid or criminal or insane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 384 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_num, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_element::name, name, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_strdup(), NI_element::outmode, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, NI_element::vec_axis_label, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, NI_element::vec_filled, NI_element::vec_len, NI_element::vec_num, NI_element::vec_rank, and NI_element::vec_typ.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_col(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_row(), AGNI_nod_to_NIML_rows(), Dtable_to_nimlstring(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), intvec_to_niml(), main(), matrix_to_niml(), mri_to_niml(), stringvec_to_niml(), SUMA_AddDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenDsetColAttr(), SUMA_AddNgrHist(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_ixyz_to_NIML(), SUMA_makeNI_CrossHair(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewNel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), symvec_to_niml(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), v2s_write_outfile_niml(), and XSAVE_output().

00385 {
00386    NI_element *nel ;
00388    if( name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' || veclen < 0 ) return NULL ;
00390    nel = NI_malloc(NI_element, sizeof(NI_element) ) ;
00392    nel->type = NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ;  /* mark as being a data element */
00394    nel->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00396    nel->name = NI_strdup(name) ;
00397    nel->attr_num = 0 ;
00398    nel->attr_lhs = nel->attr_rhs = NULL ;  /* no attributes yes */
00400    nel->vec_num = 0 ;                      /* no vectors yet */
00401    nel->vec_typ = NULL ;
00402    nel->vec     = NULL ;
00404    if( veclen == 0 ){                      /* empty element */
00405      nel->vec_len      = 0 ;
00406      nel->vec_filled   = 0 ;
00407      nel->vec_rank     = 0 ;
00408      nel->vec_axis_len = NULL ;
00409    } else {                                /* element with data to */
00410      nel->vec_len         = veclen ;       /* come via NI_add_column */
00411      nel->vec_filled      = veclen ;
00412      nel->vec_rank        = 1 ;
00413      nel->vec_axis_len    = NI_malloc(int, sizeof(int)) ;
00414      nel->vec_axis_len[0] = veclen ;
00415    }
00417    nel->vec_axis_delta  = NULL ;
00418    nel->vec_axis_origin = NULL ;
00419    nel->vec_axis_unit   = NULL ;
00420    nel->vec_axis_label  = NULL ;
00422    return nel ;
00423 }

NI_group* NI_new_group_element void   

Create a new group element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 930 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_num, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_group::name, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_malloc, NI_group::outmode, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

00931 {
00932    NI_group *ngr ;
00934    ngr = NI_malloc(NI_group, sizeof(NI_group) ) ;
00936    ngr->type = NI_GROUP_TYPE ;
00938    ngr->outmode = -1 ;   /* 29 Mar 2005 */
00940    ngr->attr_num = 0 ;
00941    ngr->attr_lhs = ngr->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00943    ngr->part_num = 0 ;
00944    ngr->part_typ = NULL ;
00945    ngr->part     = NULL ;
00946    ngr->name     = NULL ;  /* 03 Jun 2002 */
00948    return ngr ;
00949 }

NI_procins* NI_new_processing_instruction char *    name

Create a new processing instruction with a given 'target' name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 909 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_procins::name, name, NI_malloc, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_strdup(), and NI_procins::type.

Referenced by NI_rowtype_procins().

00910 {
00911    NI_procins *npi ;
00913    if( name == NULL || name[0] == '\0' ) return NULL ;
00915    npi = NI_malloc(NI_procins,sizeof(NI_procins)) ;
00917    npi->type = NI_PROCINS_TYPE ;
00918    npi->name = NI_strdup(name) ;
00920    npi->attr_num = 0 ;
00921    npi->attr_lhs = npi->attr_rhs = NULL ;
00923    return npi ;
00924 }

void NI_remove_from_group NI_group   ngr,
void *    nini

Remove an element from a group. Does NOT delete the element; that is the caller's responsibility, if desired. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 976 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, NI_group::part_typ, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by nifti_set_afni_extension().

00977 {
00978    int ii , nn , jj ;
00980    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE || nini == NULL ) return ;
00982    nn = ngr->part_num ;
00983    for( ii=0 ; ii < nn ; ii++ )       /* search for part */
00984      if( nini == ngr->part[ii] ) break ;
00985    if( ii == nn ) return ;            /* not found */
00987    for( jj=ii+1 ; jj < nn ; jj++ ){   /* move parts above down */
00988      ngr->part_typ[jj-1] = ngr->part_typ[jj] ;
00989      ngr->part    [jj-1] = ngr->part    [jj] ;
00990    }
00991    ngr->part[nn-1] = NULL ;    /* NULL-ify last part to be safe */
00992    ngr->part_num -- ;          /* reduce part count */
00993    return ;
00994 }

void NI_rename_group NI_group   ngr,
char *    nam

Rename a group element from the default - 03 Jun 2002. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1000 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_group::name, NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_strdup(), and NI_group::type.

Referenced by main(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), THD_dataset_to_niml(), and THD_nimlize_dsetatr().

01001 {
01002    if( ngr == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE ) return ;
01003    NI_free( ngr->name ) ;
01004    ngr->name = NI_strdup(nam) ;
01005    return ;
01006 }

int NI_search_group_deep NI_group   ngr,
char *    enam,
void ***    nipt

Return a list of all elements in a group that have a given name.

  • This is a 'deep' search: if the group itself contains groups, these sub-groups are searched, etc.
  • If a group element has the name 'enam' AND a data element within that group has the name 'enam' as well, they will BOTH be returned in this list.
  • Return value of function is number of elements found (might be 0).
  • If something is found, then *nipt is an array of 'void *', each of which points to a matching element.
  • The returned elements might be group or data elements.
  • Sample usage:
    • int n,i ; void **nelar ;
    • n = NI_search_group_shallow( ngr , "fred" , &nelar ) ;
    • for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) do_something( nelar[ii] ) ;
    • if( n > 0 ) NI_free(nelar) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1064 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_name(), NI_element_type(), NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, and NI_group::type.

Referenced by THD_open_nifti().

01065 {
01066    void **nelar=NULL , *nini ;
01067    int ii , nn=0 ;
01068    char *nm ;
01070    if( ngr  == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE    ) return 0 ;
01071    if( enam == NULL || *enam == '\0' || nipt == NULL ) return 0 ;
01072    if( ngr->part_num == 0                            ) return 0 ;
01074    for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ){
01075      nini = ngr->part[ii] ;
01076      nm   = NI_element_name( nini ) ;
01077      if( nm != NULL && strcmp(nm,enam) == 0 ){
01078        nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+1) ;
01079        nelar[nn++] = nini ;
01080      }
01081      if( NI_element_type(nini) == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){  /* recursion */
01082        int nsub , jj ; void **esub ;
01083        nsub = NI_search_group_deep( nini , enam , &esub ) ;
01084        if( nsub > 0 ){
01085          nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+nsub) ;
01086          for( jj=0 ; jj < nsub ; jj++ ) nelar[nn++] = esub[jj] ;
01087          NI_free(esub) ;
01088        }
01089      }
01090    }
01092    if( nn > 0 ) *nipt = nelar ;
01093    return nn ;
01094 }

int NI_search_group_shallow NI_group   ngr,
char *    enam,
void ***    nipt

Return a list of all elements in a group that have a given name.

  • This is a 'shallow' search: if the group itself contains groups, these sub-groups are not searched.
  • Return value of function is number of elements found (might be 0).
  • If something is found, then *nipt is an array of 'void *', each of which points to a matching element.
  • The returned elements might be group or data elements.
  • Sample usage:
    • int n,i ; void **nelar ;
    • n = NI_search_group_shallow( ngr , "fred" , &nelar ) ;
    • for( i=0 ; i < n ; i++ ) do_something( nelar[ii] ) ;
    • if( n > 0 ) NI_free(nelar) ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 1023 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_element_name(), NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_group::part, NI_group::part_num, and NI_group::type.

01024 {
01025    void **nelar=NULL , *nini ;
01026    int ii , nn=0 ;
01027    char *nm ;
01029    if( ngr  == NULL || ngr->type != NI_GROUP_TYPE    ) return 0 ;
01030    if( enam == NULL || *enam == '\0' || nipt == NULL ) return 0 ;
01031    if( ngr->part_num == 0                            ) return 0 ;
01033    for( ii=0 ; ii < ngr->part_num ; ii++ ){
01034      nini = ngr->part[ii] ;
01035      nm   = NI_element_name( nini ) ;
01036      if( nm != NULL && strcmp(nm,enam) == 0 ){
01037        nelar = (void **) NI_realloc(nelar,void*,nn+1) ;
01038        nelar[nn++] = nini ;
01039      }
01040    }
01042    if( nn > 0 ) *nipt = nelar ;
01043    return nn ;
01044 }

void NI_set_attribute void *    nini,
char *    attname,
char *    attvalue

Add an attribute to a data or group element. If an attribute with the same attname already exists, then it will be replaced with this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 672 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_procins::attr_lhs, NI_group::attr_lhs, NI_element::attr_lhs, NI_procins::attr_num, NI_group::attr_num, NI_element::attr_num, NI_procins::attr_rhs, NI_group::attr_rhs, NI_element::attr_rhs, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_element_type(), NI_free, NI_GROUP_TYPE, NI_PROCINS_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_strdup(), and tt.

Referenced by AFNI_niml_redisplay_CB(), AFNI_niml_viewpoint_CB(), AFNI_version_check(), DWI_NIML_create_graph(), main(), mri_to_niml(), NI_rowtype_procins(), NI_write_element(), nifti_set_afni_extension(), SUMA_AddColAttr(), SUMA_AddGenColAttr(), SUMA_AddNelHist(), SUMA_CreateDsetPointer(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_FakeIt(), SUMA_LoadDsetFile(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIJK(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfINORM(), SUMA_makeNI_SurfIXYZ(), SUMA_Mesh_IJK2Mesh_IJK_nel(), SUMA_NewDsetGrp(), SUMA_NewDsetID(), SUMA_NewNel(), SUMA_nimlSO2SO(), SUMA_NodeVal2irgba_nel(), SUMA_NodeXYZ2NodeXYZ_nel(), SUMA_oDsetNel2nDsetNgr(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), SUMA_SaveVisualState(), SUMA_SendDset_Afni(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), SUMA_SO2nimlSO(), SUMA_SOVolPar2VolPar_nel(), SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML(), SUMA_WriteDset(), THD_nimlize_dsetatr(), THD_subbrick_to_niml(), THD_write_nimlatr(), and XSAVE_output().

00673 {
00674    int nn , tt=NI_element_type(nini) ;
00676    if( tt < 0 || attname == NULL || attname[0] == '\0' ) return ;
00678    /* input is a data element */
00680    if( tt == NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){
00681       NI_element *nel = (NI_element *) nini ;
00683       /* see if name is already in element header */
00685       for( nn=0 ; nn < nel->attr_num ; nn++ )
00686          if( strcmp(nel->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00688       /* if not, then add a header attribute */
00690       if( nn == nel->attr_num ){
00691         nel->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( nel->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00692         nel->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( nel->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00693         nel->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00694       } else {
00695         NI_free(nel->attr_lhs[nn]) ;  /* free old attribute */
00696         NI_free(nel->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00697       }
00699       nel->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00700       nel->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00702    /* input is a group element */
00704    } else if( tt == NI_GROUP_TYPE ){
00705       NI_group *ngr = (NI_group *) nini ;
00707       for( nn=0 ; nn < ngr->attr_num ; nn++ )
00708          if( strcmp(ngr->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00710       if( nn == ngr->attr_num ){
00711         ngr->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( ngr->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00712         ngr->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( ngr->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00713         ngr->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00714       } else {
00715         NI_free(ngr->attr_lhs[nn]) ;
00716         NI_free(ngr->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00717       }
00719       ngr->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00720       ngr->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00722    /* input is a processing instruction */
00724    } else if( tt == NI_PROCINS_TYPE ){
00725       NI_procins *npi = (NI_procins *) nini ;
00727       for( nn=0 ; nn < npi->attr_num ; nn++ )
00728         if( strcmp(npi->attr_lhs[nn],attname) == 0 ) break ;
00730       if( nn == npi->attr_num ){
00731         npi->attr_lhs = NI_realloc( npi->attr_lhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00732         npi->attr_rhs = NI_realloc( npi->attr_rhs, char*, sizeof(char *)*(nn+1) );
00733         npi->attr_num = nn+1 ;
00734       } else {
00735         NI_free(npi->attr_lhs[nn]) ;
00736         NI_free(npi->attr_rhs[nn]) ;
00737       }
00739       npi->attr_lhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attname) ;
00740       npi->attr_rhs[nn] = NI_strdup(attvalue);
00741    }
00743    return ;
00744 }

void NI_set_axes NI_element   nel,
char **    ax

Set the axes attribute for a data element. Do not call this function until NI_set_dimen() has been called, unless there is only 1 dimension (which is the default). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 891 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_strdup(), NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_axis_label, and NI_element::vec_rank.

00892 {
00893    int ii ;
00895    if( nel == NULL       || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ||
00896        nel->vec_rank < 1 || ax == NULL                     ) return ;
00898    nel->vec_axis_label = NI_realloc( nel->vec_axis_label , char*,
00899                                      nel->vec_rank * sizeof(char *) ) ;
00900    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_rank ; ii++ )
00901       nel->vec_axis_label[ii] = NI_strdup( ax[ii] ) ;
00902    return ;
00903 }

void NI_set_delta NI_element   nel,
float *    del

Set the delta attribute for a data element. Do not call this function until NI_set_dimen() has been called, unless there is only 1 dimension (which is the default). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 837 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_axis_delta, and NI_element::vec_rank.

00838 {
00839    if( nel == NULL       || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ||
00840        nel->vec_rank < 1 || del == NULL                    ) return ;
00842    nel->vec_axis_delta = NI_realloc( nel->vec_axis_delta , float,
00843                                      nel->vec_rank * sizeof(float) ) ;
00844    memcpy( nel->vec_axis_delta , del , nel->vec_rank * sizeof(float) ) ;
00845    return ;
00846 }

void NI_set_dimen NI_element   nel,
int    rank,
int *    nd

Set the dimen attribute for a data element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 812 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_axis_len, NI_element::vec_len, and NI_element::vec_rank.

00813 {
00814    int ii , ntot ;
00816    if( nel == NULL || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ||
00817        rank < 1    || nd == NULL                     ) return ; /* bad */
00819    for( ntot=1,ii=0 ; ii < rank ; ii++ ){
00820       if( nd[ii] <= 0 ) return ;                                /* bad */
00821       ntot *= nd[ii] ;
00822    }
00823    if( ntot != nel->vec_len ) return ;                          /* bad */
00825    nel->vec_rank = rank ;
00826    nel->vec_axis_len = NI_realloc( nel->vec_axis_len, int, sizeof(int)*rank ) ;
00827    memcpy( nel->vec_axis_len , nd , sizeof(int)*rank ) ;
00828    return ;
00829 }

void NI_set_origin NI_element   nel,
float *    org

Set the origin attribute for a data element. Do not call this function until NI_set_dimen() has been called, unless there is only 1 dimension (which is the default). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 854 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_axis_origin, and NI_element::vec_rank.

00855 {
00856    if( nel == NULL       || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ||
00857        nel->vec_rank < 1 || org == NULL                    ) return ;
00859    nel->vec_axis_origin = NI_realloc( nel->vec_axis_origin , float,
00860                                       nel->vec_rank * sizeof(float) ) ;
00861    memcpy( nel->vec_axis_origin , org , nel->vec_rank * sizeof(float) ) ;
00862    return ;
00863 }

void NI_set_units NI_element   nel,
char **    units

Set the units attribute for a data element. Do not call this function until NI_set_dimen() has been called, unless there is only 1 dimension (which is the default). -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 871 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_realloc, NI_strdup(), NI_element::type, NI_element::vec_axis_unit, and NI_element::vec_rank.

00872 {
00873    int ii ;
00875    if( nel == NULL       || nel->type != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ||
00876        nel->vec_rank < 1 || units == NULL                  ) return ;
00878    nel->vec_axis_unit = NI_realloc( nel->vec_axis_unit , char*,
00879                                     nel->vec_rank * sizeof(char *) ) ;
00880    for( ii=0 ; ii < nel->vec_rank ; ii++ )
00881       nel->vec_axis_unit[ii] = NI_strdup( units[ii] ) ;
00882    return ;
00883 }

int NI_type_size int    tval

Byte size of a given integer type code. Modified 13 Feb 2003 to use the new rowtype stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 237 of file niml_element.c.

References NI_rowtype_code_to_size().

Referenced by make_empty_data_element().

00238 {
00239    int ii = NI_rowtype_code_to_size( tval ) ;
00240    return (ii > 0) ? ii : 0 ;
00241 }

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