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Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "mrilib.h"
00003 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
00004 {
00005 int nfl , ii , ct ;
00006 char *sspec ;
00007 NI_element *nel ;
00008 NI_stream ns ;
00009 float *flar ;
00011 if( argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00012 printf("Usage: nimel N streamspec\n") ; exit(0) ;
00013 }
00015 nfl = strtol( argv[1] , NULL , 10) ;
00016 if( nfl < 1 ) nfl = 100000 ;
00017 sspec = argv[2] ;
00018 ns = NI_stream_open( sspec , "w" ) ;
00019 if( ns == NULL ){
00020 fprintf(stderr,"NI_stream_open fails\n"); exit(1);
00021 }
00023 nel = NI_new_data_element( "Tester" , nfl ) ;
00024 flar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nfl) ;
00025 for( ii=0 ; ii < nfl ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = (float)ii ;
00026 NI_add_column( nel , NI_FLOAT , flar ) ;
00027 free((void *)flar) ;
00029 while(1){
00030 ii = NI_stream_writecheck( ns , 666 ) ;
00031 if( ii == 1 ){ fprintf(stderr,"!\n") ; break ; }
00032 if( ii < 0 ){ fprintf(stderr,"BAD writecheck\n"); exit(1); }
00033 fprintf(stderr,".") ;
00034 }
00036 ct = NI_clock_time() ;
00037 NI_write_element( ns , nel , NI_BINARY_MODE ) ;
00038 NI_stream_closenow( ns ) ;
00039 ct = NI_clock_time() - ct ;
00040 fprintf(stderr,"Wrote %d floats in %d ms\n",nfl,ct) ;
00041 exit(0) ;
00042 }