Doxygen Source Code Documentation
edt_dsetitems.c File Reference
#include "mrilib.h"
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Defines | |
#define | EDERR(str) do{ fprintf(stderr,"*** EDIT_dset_items: %s\n",str) ; errnum++ ; } while(0) |
Functions | |
int | EDIT_dset_items (THD_3dim_dataset *dset,...) |
char * | THD_deplus_prefix (char *prefix) |
Define Documentation
Definition at line 31 of file edt_dsetitems.c. Referenced by EDIT_dset_items(). |
Function Documentation
Definition at line 34 of file edt_dsetitems.c. References ADN_anat_parent, ADN_anatpar_idcode, ADN_brick_fac, ADN_brick_fac_one, ADN_brick_keywords_append_one, ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one, ADN_brick_label_one, ADN_brick_stataux_one, ADN_datum_all, ADN_datum_array, ADN_directory_name, ADN_dz_sl, ADN_func_type, ADN_keywords_append, ADN_keywords_replace, ADN_label1, ADN_label2, ADN_malloc_type, ADN_none, ADN_nsl, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_nxyz, ADN_ONE_STEP, ADN_prefix, ADN_self_name, ADN_stat_aux, ADN_to_dicomm, ADN_toff_sl, ADN_ttdel, ADN_ttdur, ADN_ttorg, ADN_tunits, ADN_type, ADN_view_type, ADN_warp, ADN_warp_parent, ADN_xyzdel, ADN_xyzorg, ADN_xyzorient, ADN_zorg_sl, AFNI_GOOD_DTYPE, THD_3dim_dataset::anat_parent, THD_3dim_dataset::anat_parent_idcode, THD_3dim_dataset::anat_parent_name, THD_datablock::brick_bytes, THD_datablock::brick_fac, THD_diskptr::brick_name, datum_all, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, THD_diskptr::dimsizes, THD_datablock::diskptr, DSET_BRICK_TYPE, DSET_IS_1D, DSET_IS_3D, DSET_NY, DSET_NZ, dummy, THD_timeaxis::dz_sl, EDERR, ENTRY, FIRST_3DIM_TYPE, FIRST_ORIENT_TYPE, FIRST_VIEW_TYPE, free, THD_3dim_dataset::func_type, THD_3dim_dataset::idcode, THD_ivec3::ijk, ISANAT, ISFUNC, ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET, ISVALID_MEM_CODE, ISVALID_TIMEAXIS, ISVALID_WARP, THD_3dim_dataset::label1, THD_3dim_dataset::label2, LAST_3DIM_TYPE, LAST_ANAT_TYPE, LAST_FUNC_TYPE, LAST_ORIENT_TYPE, LAST_VIEW_TYPE, LOAD_ZERO_MAT, THD_mat33::mat, MAX_STAT_AUX, MCW_strncpy, myXtFree, myXtNew, THD_timeaxis::nsl, THD_timeaxis::ntt, THD_diskptr::nvals, THD_datablock::nvals, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, ORI_A2P_TYPE, ORI_I2S_TYPE, ORI_L2R_TYPE, ORI_P2A_TYPE, ORI_R2L_TYPE, ORI_S2I_TYPE, RETURN, THD_3dim_dataset::self_name, THD_3dim_dataset::stat_aux, STRING_HAS_SUFFIX, THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_append_datablock_keywords(), THD_append_dataset_keywords(), THD_copy_datablock_auxdata(), THD_count_databricks(), THD_deplus_prefix(), THD_force_malloc_type(), THD_init_datablock_brick(), THD_init_diskptr_names(), THD_MAX_LABEL, THD_MAX_NAME, THD_store_datablock_keywords(), THD_store_datablock_label(), THD_store_datablock_stataux(), THD_store_dataset_keywords(), TIMEAXIS_TYPE, THD_dataxes::to_dicomm, THD_timeaxis::toff_sl, THD_timeaxis::ttdel, THD_timeaxis::ttdur, THD_timeaxis::ttorg, THD_3dim_dataset::type, THD_timeaxis::type, THD_timeaxis::units_type, THD_3dim_dataset::view_type, THD_3dim_dataset::warp, THD_3dim_dataset::warp_parent, THD_3dim_dataset::warp_parent_idcode, THD_3dim_dataset::warp_parent_name, XtMalloc, XtRealloc, THD_dataxes::xxdel, THD_dataxes::xxmax, THD_dataxes::xxmin, THD_dataxes::xxorg, THD_dataxes::xxorient, THD_fvec3::xyz, THD_dataxes::yydel, THD_dataxes::yymax, THD_dataxes::yymin, THD_dataxes::yyorg, THD_dataxes::yyorient, THD_timeaxis::zorg_sl, THD_dataxes::zzdel, THD_dataxes::zzmax, THD_dataxes::zzmin, THD_dataxes::zzorg, and THD_dataxes::zzorient. Referenced by AFNI_fimmer_compute(), AFNI_read_images(), AFNI_read_inputs(), apply_dataxes(), apply_orientation(), applyMask(), basis_write_iresp(), basis_write_sresp(), check_one_output_file(), check_output_file(), copy_dset(), COPY_main(), create_bucket(), do_xrestore_stuff(), DRAW_copy_dset(), DRAW_saveas_finalize_CB(), DUP_main(), EDIT_full_copy(), EDIT_main(), EDIT_one_dataset(), EDIT_wod_copy(), fim3d_fimmer_compute(), form_clusters(), Fourier_Filter_Driver(), main(), MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(), MAKER_4D_to_typed_fim(), MAKER_4D_to_typed_fith(), output_results(), output_ts_array(), PERMTEST_main(), POWER_main(), process_NIML_Node_ROI(), r_new_resam_dset(), RENAME_main(), REORDER_main(), RT_fim_recurse(), RT_process_image(), RT_registration_2D_onevol(), RT_registration_3D_onevol(), RT_start_dataset(), RT_tell_afni_one(), s2v_nodes2volume(), saveMask(), STAVG_main(), SUMA_BrainVoyager_Read_vmr(), SUMA_FormAfnidset(), SUMA_OpenDX_Read_CruiseVolHead(), terminate(), THD_dataset_headname(), THD_dataset_tshift(), THD_init_session(), THD_is_dataset(), THD_niml_to_dataset(), THD_open_1D(), THD_open_3D(), THD_open_3dcalc(), THD_open_analyze(), THD_open_ctfmri(), THD_open_ctfsam(), THD_open_minc(), THD_open_mpeg(), THD_open_nifti(), THD_open_tcat(), THD_setup_mastery(), THD_warp3D(), THD_zeropad(), THRESH_main(), VOLREG_main(), WINsorize(), write_3dtime(), write_afni_data(), write_afni_fict(), write_afni_fizt(), write_bucket(), write_bucket_data(), write_output(), write_results(), write_ts_array(), and ZPAD_main().
00035 { 00036 va_list vararg_ptr ; 00037 int flag_arg , errnum = 0 ; 00038 int redo_bricks , redo_daxes , redo_taxis , ii ; 00039 void * dummy ; 00040 int iarg ; 00041 00042 /**----- variables to flag and store presence of arguments -----**/ 00043 00044 int new_prefix = 0 ; char * prefix = NULL ; 00045 int new_directory_name = 0 ; char * directory_name = NULL ; 00046 int new_brick_fac = 0 ; float * brick_fac = NULL ; 00047 int new_malloc_type = 0 ; int malloc_type = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00048 int new_datum_all = 0 ; int datum_all = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00049 int new_datum_array = 0 ; int * datum_array = NULL ; 00050 int new_nvals = 0 ; int nvals = 0 ; 00051 int new_nxyz = 0 ; THD_ivec3 nxyz ; 00052 int new_xyzdel = 0 ; THD_fvec3 xyzdel ; 00053 int new_xyzorg = 0 ; THD_fvec3 xyzorg ; 00054 int new_xyzorient = 0 ; THD_ivec3 xyzorient ; 00055 int new_to_dicomm = 0 ; THD_mat33 to_dicomm ; 00056 int new_ntt = 0 ; int ntt = 0 ; 00057 int new_ttorg = 0 ; float ttorg = 0.0 ; 00058 int new_ttdel = 0 ; float ttdel = 0.0 ; 00059 int new_ttdur = 0 ; float ttdur = 0.0 ; 00060 int new_nsl = 0 ; int nsl = 0 ; 00061 int new_zorg_sl = 0 ; float zorg_sl = 0.0 ; 00062 int new_dz_sl = 0 ; float dz_sl = 0.0 ; 00063 int new_toff_sl = 0 ; float * toff_sl = NULL ; 00064 int new_type = 0 ; int type = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00065 int new_view_type = 0 ; int view_type = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00066 int new_func_type = 0 ; int func_type = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00067 int new_label1 = 0 ; char * label1 = NULL ; 00068 int new_label2 = 0 ; char * label2 = NULL ; 00069 int new_self_name = 0 ; char * self_name = NULL ; 00070 int new_warp_parent = 0 ; THD_3dim_dataset * warp_parent = NULL ; 00071 int new_anat_parent = 0 ; THD_3dim_dataset * anat_parent = NULL ; 00072 int new_stat_aux = 0 ; float * stat_aux = NULL ; 00073 int new_warp = 0 ; THD_warp * warp = NULL ; 00074 int new_tunits = 0 ; int tunits = ILLEGAL_TYPE ; 00075 int new_keywords = 0 ; char * keywords = NULL ; 00076 00077 /* 30 Nov 1997 */ 00078 00079 int new_brick_label_one = 0 ; char * brick_label_one = NULL ; 00080 int brick_label_one_iv = -1 ; 00081 00082 int new_brick_fac_one = 0 ; float brick_fac_one = 0.0 ; 00083 int brick_fac_one_iv = -1 ; 00084 00085 int new_brick_stataux_one = 0 ; float * brick_stataux_one = NULL ; 00086 int brick_stataux_one_iv = -1 ; 00087 00088 int new_brick_keywords_one = 0 ; char * brick_keywords_one = NULL ; 00089 int brick_keywords_one_iv = -1 ; 00090 00091 /****---------------------- Sanity Check ----------------------****/ 00092 00093 ENTRY("EDIT_dset_items") ; 00094 00095 if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) ) RETURN(1) ; /* bad data */ 00096 00097 /****----------- Scan input argument list; 00098 - Load data into locals (va_arg); 00099 - Check for legal values; 00100 - Flag its presence (the new_ variables); 00101 - Carry out simple processing that doesn't 00102 depend on the presence of other arguments. ---------****/ 00103 00104 va_start( vararg_ptr , dset ) ; /** Initialize arg reading **/ 00105 iarg = 1 ; 00106 00107 do{ 00108 flag_arg = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; /** Get next arg **/ 00109 if( flag_arg == ADN_none ) break ; /** No more args! **/ 00110 #if 0 00111 fprintf(stderr,"EDIT_dset_items: iarg=%d flag_arg=%d\n",iarg,flag_arg) ; 00112 #endif 00113 iarg++ ; 00114 00115 switch( flag_arg ){ 00116 00117 default:{ 00118 int iv ; 00119 char str[128] ; 00120 00121 /** 30 Nov 1997: check for special cases **/ 00122 00123 iv = flag_arg - ADN_brick_label_one ; 00124 if( iv >= 0 && iv < ADN_ONE_STEP ){ 00125 brick_label_one_iv = iv ; 00126 brick_label_one = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00127 if( brick_label_one != NULL ) new_brick_label_one = 1 ; 00128 break ; /* exit switch */ 00129 } 00130 00131 iv = flag_arg - ADN_brick_fac_one ; 00132 if( iv >= 0 && iv < ADN_ONE_STEP ){ 00133 brick_fac_one_iv = iv ; 00134 brick_fac_one = va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00135 new_brick_fac_one = 1 ; 00136 break ; /* exit switch */ 00137 } 00138 00139 iv = flag_arg - ADN_brick_stataux_one ; 00140 if( iv >= 0 && iv < ADN_ONE_STEP ){ 00141 brick_stataux_one_iv = iv ; 00142 brick_stataux_one = va_arg( vararg_ptr , float * ) ; 00143 if( brick_stataux_one != NULL ) new_brick_stataux_one = 1 ; 00144 break ; /* exit switch */ 00145 } 00146 00147 iv = flag_arg - ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one ; 00148 if( iv >= 0 && iv < ADN_ONE_STEP ){ 00149 brick_keywords_one_iv = iv ; 00150 brick_keywords_one = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00151 new_brick_keywords_one = 1 ; 00152 break ; /* exit switch */ 00153 } 00154 00155 iv = flag_arg - ADN_brick_keywords_append_one ; 00156 if( iv >= 0 && iv < ADN_ONE_STEP ){ 00157 brick_keywords_one_iv = iv ; 00158 brick_keywords_one = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00159 new_brick_keywords_one = 2 ; 00160 break ; /* exit switch */ 00161 } 00162 00163 /** not a special case? error! **/ 00164 00165 sprintf(str,"illegal opcode = %d at arg #%d",flag_arg,iarg) ; 00166 EDERR(str) ; if( errnum > 9 ) RETURN(errnum) ; 00167 dummy = va_arg( vararg_ptr , void * ) ; /* skip next arg */ 00168 } 00169 break ; 00170 00171 /** these two commands affect the disk file names **/ 00172 00173 case ADN_prefix: /* processed later */ 00174 prefix = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00175 if( prefix != NULL ) new_prefix = 1 ; 00176 else EDERR("illegal new prefix") ; 00177 break ; 00178 00179 case ADN_directory_name: /* processed later */ 00180 directory_name = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00181 if( directory_name != NULL ) new_directory_name = 1 ; 00182 else EDERR("illegal new directory_name") ; 00183 break ; 00184 00185 /** change the memory allocation type (mmap or malloc) **/ 00186 00187 case ADN_malloc_type: /* processed now */ 00188 malloc_type = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00189 if( ISVALID_MEM_CODE(malloc_type) ){ 00190 new_malloc_type = 1 ; 00191 THD_force_malloc_type( dset->dblk , malloc_type ) ; 00192 } 00193 else EDERR("illegal new malloc_type") ; 00194 break ; 00195 00196 /** these commands affect the data in the bricks **/ 00197 00198 case ADN_brick_fac: /* processed later */ 00199 brick_fac = va_arg( vararg_ptr , float * ) ; 00200 new_brick_fac = 1 ; 00201 break ; 00202 00203 case ADN_datum_all: /* processed later */ 00204 datum_all = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00205 if( AFNI_GOOD_DTYPE(datum_all) ) new_datum_all = 1 ; 00206 else EDERR("illegal new datum_all") ; 00207 break ; 00208 00209 case ADN_datum_array: /* processed later */ 00210 datum_array = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int * ) ; 00211 if( datum_array != NULL ) new_datum_array = 1 ; 00212 else EDERR("illegal new datum_array") ; 00213 break ; 00214 00215 case ADN_nvals: /* processed later */ 00216 nvals = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00217 if( nvals > 0 ) new_nvals = 1 ; 00218 else EDERR("illegal new nvals") ; 00219 break ; 00220 00221 /** these commands affect the spatial axes, 00222 which may also influence size of the data bricks **/ 00223 00224 case ADN_nxyz: /* processed later */ 00225 nxyz = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_ivec3 ) ; 00226 if( nxyz.ijk[0] >= 1 && nxyz.ijk[1] >= 1 && nxyz.ijk[2] >= 1 ) 00227 new_nxyz = 1 ; 00228 else EDERR("illegal new nxyz") ; 00229 break ; 00230 00231 case ADN_xyzdel: /* processed later */ 00232 xyzdel = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_fvec3 ) ; 00233 if([0]!=0.0 &&[1]!=0.0 &&[2]!=0.0 ) 00234 new_xyzdel = 1 ; 00235 else EDERR("illegal new xyzdel") ; 00236 break ; 00237 00238 case ADN_xyzorg: /* processed later */ 00239 xyzorg = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_fvec3 ) ; 00240 new_xyzorg = 1 ; 00241 break ; 00242 00243 case ADN_xyzorient: /* processed later */ 00244 xyzorient = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_ivec3 ) ; 00245 if( xyzorient.ijk[0] >= FIRST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00246 xyzorient.ijk[0] <= LAST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00247 xyzorient.ijk[1] >= FIRST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00248 xyzorient.ijk[1] <= LAST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00249 xyzorient.ijk[2] >= FIRST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00250 xyzorient.ijk[2] <= LAST_ORIENT_TYPE && 00251 ORIENT_xyzint[xyzorient.ijk[0]] 00252 + ORIENT_xyzint[xyzorient.ijk[1]] 00253 + ORIENT_xyzint[xyzorient.ijk[2]] == 6 ) 00254 00255 new_xyzorient = 1 ; 00256 else EDERR("illegal new xyzorient") ; 00257 break ; 00258 00259 case ADN_to_dicomm: /* illegal at this time */ 00260 EDERR("to_dicomm not implemented") ; 00261 break ; 00262 00263 /** these commands affect the time axis of the dataset **/ 00264 00265 case ADN_ntt: /* processed later */ 00266 ntt = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00267 if( ntt >= 0 ) new_ntt = 1 ; 00268 else EDERR("illegal new taxis ntt") ; 00269 break ; 00270 00271 case ADN_tunits: /* processed later */ 00272 tunits = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00273 if( tunits >= 0 ) new_tunits = 1 ; 00274 else EDERR("illegal new taxis tunits") ; 00275 break ; 00276 00277 case ADN_nsl: /* processed later */ 00278 nsl = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00279 if( nsl >= 0 ) new_nsl = 1 ; 00280 else EDERR("illegal new taxis nsl") ; 00281 break ; 00282 00283 case ADN_ttorg: /* processed later */ 00284 ttorg = (float) va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00285 new_ttorg = 1 ; 00286 break ; 00287 00288 case ADN_ttdel: /* processed later */ 00289 ttdel = (float) va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00290 new_ttdel = 1 ; 00291 break ; 00292 00293 case ADN_ttdur: /* processed later */ 00294 ttdur = (float) va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00295 new_ttdur = 1 ; 00296 break ; 00297 00298 case ADN_zorg_sl: /* processed later */ 00299 zorg_sl = (float) va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00300 new_zorg_sl = 1 ; 00301 break ; 00302 00303 case ADN_dz_sl: /* processed later */ 00304 dz_sl = (float) va_arg( vararg_ptr , double ) ; 00305 if( dz_sl != 0.0 ) new_dz_sl = 1 ; 00306 else EDERR("illegal new taxis dz_sl") ; 00307 break ; 00308 00309 case ADN_toff_sl: /* processed later */ 00310 toff_sl = va_arg( vararg_ptr , float * ) ; 00311 new_toff_sl = 1 ; 00312 break ; 00313 00314 /** these commands affect the interpretation of the dataset 00315 (e.g., is it functional or anatomical, which view type, ...) **/ 00316 00317 case ADN_type: /* processed later */ 00318 type = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00319 if( type >= FIRST_3DIM_TYPE && type <= LAST_3DIM_TYPE ) 00320 new_type = 1 ; 00321 else EDERR("illegal new type") ; 00322 break ; 00323 00324 case ADN_view_type: /* processed later */ 00325 view_type = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00326 if( view_type >= FIRST_VIEW_TYPE && view_type <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ) 00327 new_view_type = 1 ; 00328 else EDERR("illegal new view_type") ; 00329 break ; 00330 00331 case ADN_func_type: /* processed later */ 00332 func_type = va_arg( vararg_ptr , int ) ; 00333 if( func_type >= 0 ) new_func_type = 1 ; 00334 else EDERR("illegal new func_type") ; 00335 break ; 00336 00337 /** auxiliary statistical data, for interpretation of functions **/ 00338 00339 case ADN_stat_aux: /* processed now */ 00340 stat_aux = va_arg( vararg_ptr , float * ) ; 00341 if( stat_aux != NULL ){ 00342 new_stat_aux = 1 ; 00343 for( ii=0 ; ii < MAX_STAT_AUX ; ii++ ) 00344 dset->stat_aux[ii] = stat_aux[ii] ; 00345 } else EDERR("illegal new stat_aux") ; 00346 break ; 00347 00348 /** dataset keywords **/ 00349 00350 case ADN_keywords_replace: /* processed now */ 00351 keywords = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00352 new_keywords = 1 ; 00353 THD_store_dataset_keywords( dset , keywords ) ; 00354 break ; 00355 00356 case ADN_keywords_append: /* processed now */ 00357 keywords = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00358 new_keywords = 1 ; 00359 THD_append_dataset_keywords( dset , keywords ) ; 00360 break ; 00361 00362 /** various labeling options **/ 00363 00364 case ADN_label1: /* processed now */ 00365 label1 = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00366 if( label1 != NULL ){ 00367 MCW_strncpy( dset->label1 , label1 , THD_MAX_LABEL ) ; 00368 new_label1 = 1 ; 00369 } 00370 else EDERR("illegal new label1") ; 00371 break ; 00372 00373 case ADN_label2: /* processed now */ 00374 label2 = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00375 if( label2 != NULL ){ 00376 MCW_strncpy( dset->label2 , label2 , THD_MAX_LABEL ) ; 00377 new_label2 = 1 ; 00378 } 00379 else EDERR("illegal new label2") ; 00380 break ; 00381 00382 case ADN_self_name: /* processed now */ 00383 self_name = va_arg( vararg_ptr , char * ) ; 00384 if( self_name != NULL ){ 00385 MCW_strncpy( dset->self_name , self_name , THD_MAX_NAME ) ; 00386 new_self_name = 1 ; 00387 } 00388 else EDERR("illegal new self_name") ; 00389 break ; 00390 00391 /** relationships to other datasets **/ 00392 00393 case ADN_warp_parent: /* processed now */ 00394 warp_parent = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; 00395 if( ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(warp_parent) ){ 00396 new_warp_parent = 1 ; 00397 dset->warp_parent = warp_parent ; 00398 MCW_strncpy(dset->warp_parent_name,warp_parent->self_name,THD_MAX_NAME) ; 00399 dset->warp_parent_idcode = warp_parent->idcode ; 00400 } 00401 else EDERR("illegal new warp_parent") ; 00402 break ; 00403 00404 case ADN_warp: /* processed now */ 00405 warp = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_warp * ) ; 00406 if( ISVALID_WARP(warp) ){ 00407 new_warp = 1 ; 00408 if( dset->warp == NULL ) dset->warp = myXtNew(THD_warp) ; 00409 *(dset->warp) =* warp ; 00410 } else EDERR("illegal new warp") ; 00411 break ; 00412 00413 case ADN_anat_parent: /* processed now */ 00414 anat_parent = va_arg( vararg_ptr , THD_3dim_dataset * ) ; 00415 if( ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(anat_parent) ){ 00416 new_anat_parent = 1 ; 00417 dset->anat_parent = anat_parent ; 00418 MCW_strncpy(dset->anat_parent_name,anat_parent->self_name,THD_MAX_NAME) ; 00419 dset->anat_parent_idcode = anat_parent->idcode ; 00420 } 00421 else EDERR("illegal new anat_parent") ; 00422 break ; 00423 00424 case ADN_anatpar_idcode:{ /* processed now [13 Dec 1999] */ 00425 MCW_idcode * idc ; 00426 idc = va_arg( vararg_ptr , MCW_idcode * ) ; 00427 if( idc != NULL ) 00428 dset->anat_parent_idcode = *idc ; 00429 else 00430 EDERR("illegal new anatpar_idcode") ; 00431 } 00432 break ; 00433 00434 } /*- end of switch on flag_arg -*/ 00435 00436 iarg++ ; 00437 } while( 1 ) ; /* end of loop over arguments */ 00438 va_end( vararg_ptr ) ; 00439 if( errnum > 0 ) RETURN(errnum) ; 00440 00441 /**** carry out edits that were flagged above ****/ 00442 00443 /**---------- Need to reset the disk filename? ------------**/ 00444 /** 22 Nov 2002: remove +orig etc. from prefix, if present **/ 00445 00446 if( new_prefix || new_directory_name || new_view_type ){ 00447 char *nprefix = THD_deplus_prefix( prefix ) ; 00448 00449 THD_init_diskptr_names( dset->dblk->diskptr , 00450 directory_name , NULL , 00451 nprefix , view_type , True ) ; 00452 00453 if( DSET_IS_1D(dset) || DSET_IS_3D(dset) ){ /* 21 Mar 2003 */ 00454 char *fname = dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name ; 00455 int ll = strlen(fname) ; 00456 fname[ll-10] = '\0' ; 00457 if( DSET_IS_1D(dset) || (DSET_NY(dset)==1 && DSET_NZ(dset)==1) ) 00458 strcat(fname,".1D"); 00459 else 00460 strcat(fname,".3D"); 00461 } 00462 00463 /** output of NIfTI-1.1 dataset: 06 May 2005 **/ 00464 00465 if( nprefix != NULL && ( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(nprefix,".nii") || 00466 STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(nprefix,".nii.gz") ) ){ 00467 char *fname = dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name ; 00468 int ll = strlen(fname) ; 00469 fname[ll-10] = '\0' ; 00470 if( STRING_HAS_SUFFIX(nprefix,".nii") ) strcat(fname,".nii") ; 00471 else strcat(fname,".nii.gz") ; 00472 } 00473 00474 if( nprefix != NULL ) free(nprefix) ; 00475 } 00476 00477 /**----------- Need to reconfigure the spatial axes? -----------**/ 00478 /** Most of this code is from routine THD_3dim_from_block **/ 00479 00480 redo_daxes = ( new_nxyz || new_xyzorg || new_xyzdel || new_xyzorient ) ; 00481 00482 if( redo_daxes ){ 00483 THD_dataxes * daxes = dset->daxes ; 00484 THD_diskptr * dkptr = dset->dblk->diskptr ; 00485 00486 /** copy new stuff into the daxes structure **/ 00487 00488 if( new_nxyz ){ 00489 daxes->nxx = dkptr->dimsizes[0] = nxyz.ijk[0] ; 00490 daxes->nyy = dkptr->dimsizes[1] = nxyz.ijk[1] ; 00491 daxes->nzz = dkptr->dimsizes[2] = nxyz.ijk[2] ; 00492 } 00493 00494 if( new_xyzorg ){ 00495 daxes->xxorg =[0] ; 00496 daxes->yyorg =[1] ; 00497 daxes->zzorg =[2] ; 00498 } 00499 00500 if( new_xyzdel ){ 00501 daxes->xxdel =[0] ; 00502 daxes->yydel =[1] ; 00503 daxes->zzdel =[2] ; 00504 } 00505 00506 if( new_xyzorient ){ 00507 daxes->xxorient = xyzorient.ijk[0] ; 00508 daxes->yyorient = xyzorient.ijk[1] ; 00509 daxes->zzorient = xyzorient.ijk[2] ; 00510 } 00511 00512 /*---------------------------------------*/ 00513 /*-- set bounding box for this dataset --*/ 00514 /*---------------------------------------*/ 00515 00516 daxes->xxmin = daxes->xxorg ; 00517 daxes->xxmax = daxes->xxorg + (daxes->nxx-1) * daxes->xxdel ; 00518 if( daxes->xxmin > daxes->xxmax ){ 00519 float temp = daxes->xxmin ; 00520 daxes->xxmin = daxes->xxmax ; daxes->xxmax = temp ; 00521 } 00522 00523 daxes->yymin = daxes->yyorg ; 00524 daxes->yymax = daxes->yyorg + (daxes->nyy-1) * daxes->yydel ; 00525 if( daxes->yymin > daxes->yymax ){ 00526 float temp = daxes->yymin ; 00527 daxes->yymin = daxes->yymax ; daxes->yymax = temp ; 00528 } 00529 00530 daxes->zzmin = daxes->zzorg ; 00531 daxes->zzmax = daxes->zzorg + (daxes->nzz-1) * daxes->zzdel ; 00532 if( daxes->zzmin > daxes->zzmax ){ 00533 float temp = daxes->zzmin ; 00534 daxes->zzmin = daxes->zzmax ; daxes->zzmax = temp ; 00535 } 00536 00537 #ifdef EXTEND_BBOX 00538 daxes->xxmin -= 0.5 * daxes->xxdel ; /* pushes edges back by 1/2 */ 00539 daxes->xxmax += 0.5 * daxes->xxdel ; /* voxel dimensions (the box */ 00540 daxes->yymin -= 0.5 * daxes->yydel ; /* defined above is based on */ 00541 daxes->yymax += 0.5 * daxes->yydel ; /* voxel centers, not edges) */ 00542 daxes->zzmin -= 0.5 * daxes->zzdel ; 00543 daxes->zzmax += 0.5 * daxes->zzdel ; 00544 #endif 00545 00546 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00547 /*-- matrix that transforms to Dicom (left-posterior-superior) --*/ 00548 /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00549 00550 LOAD_ZERO_MAT(daxes->to_dicomm) ; 00551 00552 switch( daxes->xxorient ){ 00553 case ORI_R2L_TYPE: 00554 case ORI_L2R_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[0][0] = 1.0 ; break ; 00555 case ORI_P2A_TYPE: 00556 case ORI_A2P_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[1][0] = 1.0 ; break ; 00557 case ORI_I2S_TYPE: 00558 case ORI_S2I_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[2][0] = 1.0 ; break ; 00559 } 00560 00561 switch( daxes->yyorient ){ 00562 case ORI_R2L_TYPE: 00563 case ORI_L2R_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[0][1] = 1.0 ; break ; 00564 case ORI_P2A_TYPE: 00565 case ORI_A2P_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[1][1] = 1.0 ; break ; 00566 case ORI_I2S_TYPE: 00567 case ORI_S2I_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[2][1] = 1.0 ; break ; 00568 } 00569 00570 switch( daxes->zzorient ){ 00571 case ORI_R2L_TYPE: 00572 case ORI_L2R_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[0][2] = 1.0 ; break ; 00573 case ORI_P2A_TYPE: 00574 case ORI_A2P_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[1][2] = 1.0 ; break ; 00575 case ORI_I2S_TYPE: 00576 case ORI_S2I_TYPE: daxes->to_dicomm.mat[2][2] = 1.0 ; break ; 00577 } 00578 } 00579 00580 /**---------- Need to reconfigure the sub-bricks? ----------**/ 00581 00582 if( new_datum_all && new_datum_array ){ 00583 EDERR("datum_all and datum_array can't be used together") ; 00584 RETURN(errnum) ; 00585 } 00586 00587 redo_bricks = ( new_datum_all || new_datum_array || 00588 new_nvals || new_nxyz ) ; 00589 00590 if( redo_bricks && THD_count_databricks(dset->dblk) > 0 ){ 00591 EDERR("cannot reconfigure bricks that already are full") ; 00592 RETURN(errnum) ; 00593 } 00594 00595 if( redo_bricks ){ 00596 int old_nvals = dset->dblk->nvals ; 00597 #if 0 00598 fprintf(stderr,"EDIT_dset_items: about to redo_bricks\n") ; 00599 #endif 00600 if( ! new_nvals ) nvals = old_nvals ; 00601 00602 /** make an array of data types, if one not provided **/ 00603 00604 if( ! new_datum_array ){ 00605 datum_array = (int *) XtMalloc( sizeof(int) * nvals ) ; 00606 00607 #if 0 00608 fprintf(stderr,"EDIT_dset_items: about to make datum_array\n") ; 00609 #endif 00610 for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) 00611 datum_array[ii] = (new_datum_all) ? datum_all 00612 : (ii < old_nvals) ? DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ii) 00613 : DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) ; 00614 } /* 06 Apr 2005 [rickr] */ 00615 00616 if( new_nvals ){ 00617 if( dset->dblk->nvals != nvals ) 00618 THD_copy_datablock_auxdata( NULL , dset->dblk ) ; /* 30 Nov 1997 */ 00619 00620 myXtFree( dset->dblk->brick_bytes ) ; 00621 myXtFree( dset->dblk->brick_fac ) ; 00622 00623 dset->dblk->nvals = dset->dblk->diskptr->nvals = nvals ; 00624 } 00625 00626 THD_init_datablock_brick( dset->dblk , nvals , datum_array ) ; 00627 00628 if( ! new_datum_array ) myXtFree(datum_array) ; 00629 } 00630 00631 /**---------- Need to add new brick_fac values? ----------**/ 00632 00633 if( new_brick_fac ){ 00634 if( brick_fac != NULL ){ 00635 for( ii=0 ; ii < dset->dblk->nvals ; ii++ ) 00636 dset->dblk->brick_fac[ii] = brick_fac[ii] ; 00637 } else { 00638 for( ii=0 ; ii < dset->dblk->nvals ; ii++ ) 00639 dset->dblk->brick_fac[ii] = 0.0 ; 00640 } 00641 } 00642 00643 /** 30 Nov 1997: do just one brick_fac value **/ 00644 00645 if( new_brick_fac_one ){ 00646 if( brick_fac_one_iv < 0 || brick_fac_one_iv >= dset->dblk->nvals ){ 00647 EDERR("illegal index for ADN_brick_fac_one") ; 00648 RETURN(errnum) ; 00649 } 00650 dset->dblk->brick_fac[ brick_fac_one_iv ] = brick_fac_one ; 00651 } 00652 00653 /**--------- 30 Nov 1997: add a single brick label value --------**/ 00654 00655 if( new_brick_label_one ){ 00656 if( brick_label_one_iv < 0 || brick_label_one_iv >= dset->dblk->nvals ){ 00657 EDERR("illegal index for ADN_brick_label_one") ; 00658 RETURN(errnum) ; 00659 } 00660 00661 THD_store_datablock_label( dset->dblk, brick_label_one_iv, brick_label_one ) ; 00662 } 00663 00664 /*---- add a single brick keywords value ----*/ 00665 00666 if( new_brick_keywords_one ){ 00667 if( brick_keywords_one_iv < 0 || brick_keywords_one_iv >= dset->dblk->nvals ){ 00668 EDERR("illegal index for ADN_brick_keywords_one") ; 00669 RETURN(errnum) ; 00670 } 00671 00672 if( new_brick_keywords_one == 1 ) 00673 THD_store_datablock_keywords( dset->dblk, brick_keywords_one_iv, 00674 brick_keywords_one ); 00675 else if( new_brick_keywords_one == 2 ) 00676 THD_append_datablock_keywords( dset->dblk, brick_keywords_one_iv, 00677 brick_keywords_one ); 00678 } 00679 00680 /*---- Add a single brick stataux value. 00681 The input is a float array formatted like so: 00682 <statcode> <npar> <value> ... <value> 00683 where <statcode> is a FUNC_*_TYPE code 00684 <npar> is the number of values to follow (may be 0); 00685 normally is FUNC_need_stat_aux[<statcode>] 00686 <value> is an auxiliary statistical parameter needed 00687 for data of type <statcode> ----*/ 00688 00689 if( new_brick_stataux_one ){ 00690 int jv , npar , kv , iv ; 00691 00692 iv = brick_stataux_one_iv ; 00693 00694 if( iv < 0 || iv >= dset->dblk->nvals ){ 00695 EDERR("illegal index for ADN_brick_stataux_one") ; 00696 RETURN(errnum) ; 00697 } 00698 00699 jv = brick_stataux_one[0] ; /* statcode */ 00700 00701 npar = brick_stataux_one[1] ; /* # of values present */ 00702 if( npar < 0 ){ 00703 EDERR("illegal npar for ADN_brick_stataux_one") ; 00704 RETURN(errnum) ; 00705 } 00706 00707 kv = FUNC_need_stat_aux[jv] ; /* # of values needed */ 00708 if( npar > kv ) npar = kv ; 00709 00710 THD_store_datablock_stataux( dset->dblk , 00711 iv , jv , npar , brick_stataux_one + 2 ) ; 00712 } 00713 00714 /**---------- Need to reconfigure the time axis? ----------**/ 00715 00716 redo_taxis = ( new_ntt || new_nsl || new_ttorg || new_ttdel || 00717 new_ttdur || new_zorg_sl || new_dz_sl || new_toff_sl ) ; 00718 00719 if( ! new_ntt ) ntt = ISVALID_TIMEAXIS(dset->taxis) ? dset->taxis->ntt : 0 ; 00720 00721 if( ntt == 0 && dset->taxis != NULL ){ 00722 myXtFree( dset->taxis->toff_sl ) ; 00723 myXtFree( dset->taxis ) ; 00724 dset->taxis = NULL ; 00725 } 00726 00727 redo_taxis = ( redo_taxis && ntt > 0 ) ; 00728 00729 if( (new_nsl && nsl > 0) && !new_toff_sl ){ /* if we have new slice count */ 00730 EDERR("have new_nsl but not new_toff_sl") ; /* but no new slice offsets */ 00731 RETURN(errnum) ; 00732 } 00733 00734 if( redo_taxis ){ 00735 THD_timeaxis * taxis = dset->taxis ; 00736 00737 if( taxis == NULL ){ 00738 taxis = dset->taxis = myXtNew( THD_timeaxis ) ; 00739 taxis->type = TIMEAXIS_TYPE ; 00740 taxis->toff_sl = NULL ; 00741 taxis->nsl = 0 ; 00742 taxis->ttorg = taxis->ttdel = taxis->ttdur = 0.0 ; 00743 taxis->ntt = ntt ; 00744 } 00745 00746 if( new_ntt ) taxis->ntt = ntt ; 00747 if( new_ttorg ) taxis->ttorg = ttorg ; 00748 if( new_ttdel ) taxis->ttdel = ttdel ; 00749 if( new_ttdur ) taxis->ttdur = ttdur ; 00750 if( new_zorg_sl ) taxis->zorg_sl = zorg_sl ; 00751 if( new_dz_sl ) taxis->dz_sl = dz_sl ; 00752 00753 if( new_nsl ){ 00754 taxis->nsl = nsl ; 00755 if( nsl > 0 ) 00756 taxis->toff_sl = (float *) XtRealloc( (char *) taxis->toff_sl , 00757 sizeof(float) * nsl ) ; 00758 else 00759 myXtFree(taxis->toff_sl) ; 00760 } 00761 00762 if( new_toff_sl ) 00763 for( ii=0 ; ii < taxis->nsl ; ii++ ) taxis->toff_sl[ii] = toff_sl[ii] ; 00764 } 00765 00766 if( new_tunits ){ 00767 THD_timeaxis * taxis = dset->taxis ; 00768 00769 if( taxis == NULL ){ 00770 EDERR("have new_tunits but have no time axis") ; 00771 RETURN(errnum) ; 00772 } 00773 00774 taxis->units_type = tunits ; 00775 } 00776 00777 /**--------------- Need to redo dataset type codes? ------------**/ 00778 /** Note that changing the type codes by themselves won't fix **/ 00779 /** nvals or other such stuff -- that must be done separately. **/ 00780 00781 if( new_type ) dset->type = type ; 00782 if( new_view_type ) dset->view_type = view_type ; 00783 00784 if( new_func_type ){ 00785 if( (ISANAT(dset) && func_type <= LAST_ANAT_TYPE) || 00786 (ISFUNC(dset) && func_type <= LAST_FUNC_TYPE) ){ 00787 00788 dset->func_type = func_type ; 00789 00790 } else{ 00791 EDERR("illegal new_func type combination") ; RETURN(errnum) ; 00792 } 00793 } 00794 00795 /****--------------- hopefully, we are done! ---------------****/ 00796 00797 RETURN(errnum) ; 00798 } |
Remove any +???? suffix from a prefix, returning a new one. -- 22 Nov 2002 - RWCox --------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition at line 806 of file edt_dsetitems.c. Referenced by EDIT_dset_items().
00807 { 00808 char *newprefix ; 00809 int nn ; 00810 00811 if( prefix == NULL ) return NULL ; 00812 00813 nn = strlen(prefix); newprefix = strdup(prefix); 00814 00815 /* only remove the basic 3: +orig, +acpc +tlrc 17 May 2004 [rickr] */ 00816 /* (blame Shruti) */ 00817 if( nn > 4 && ( (strcmp(newprefix+nn-5,"+orig") == 0) || 00818 (strcmp(newprefix+nn-5,"+acpc") == 0) || 00819 (strcmp(newprefix+nn-5,"+tlrc") == 0) ) ) 00820 newprefix[nn-5] = '\0' ; 00821 00822 /* old check 00823 isalpha(newprefix[nn-4]) && 00824 isalpha(newprefix[nn-3]) && 00825 isalpha(newprefix[nn-2]) && 00826 isalpha(newprefix[nn-1]) ) newprefix[nn-5] = '\0' ; 00827 */ 00828 00829 return newprefix ; 00830 } |