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plug_nlfit.c File Reference

#include "afni.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mrilib.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "simplex.h"
#include "NLfit.h"
#include "matrix.c"
#include "simplex.c"
#include "NLfit.c"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define PROGRAM_NAME   "plug_nlfit"
#define PROGRAM_AUTHOR   "B. Douglas Ward"
#define PROGRAM_DATE   "10 May 2000"


char * NL_main (PLUGIN_interface *)
void NL_fitter (int nt, double to, double dt, float *vec, char **label)
void NL_error (int nt, double to, double dt, float *vec, char **label)
void NL_worker (int nt, double dt, float *vec, int dofit, char **label)
void initialize_options (int *im1, char **nname, char **sname, vfp *nmodel, vfp *smodel, int *r, int *p, char ***npname, char ***spname, float **min_nconstr, float **max_nconstr, float **min_sconstr, float **max_sconstr, int *nabs, int *nrand, int *nbest, float *rms_min, char **tfilename)
void check_for_valid_inputs ()
void initialize_program (int *im1, char **nname, char **sname, vfp *nmodel, vfp *smodel, int *r, int *p, char ***npname, char ***spname, float **min_nconstr, float **max_nconstr, float **min_sconstr, float **max_sconstr, int *nabs, int *nrand, int *nbest, float *rms_min, float **par_rdcd, float **par_full, float **tpar_full, int ts_length, char **tfilename, float ***x_array, float **fit)
void terminate_program (int r, int p, int ts_length, float ***x_array, float **par_rdcd, float **min_nconstr, float **max_nconstr, float **par_full, float **tpar_full, float **min_sconstr, float **max_sconstr)
float * nlfit (int ts_length, float *ts_array, char **label)
DEFINE_PLUGIN_PROTOTYPE PLUGIN_interface * PLUGIN_init (int ncall)


float DELT = 1.0
int inTR = 0
float dsTR = 0.0
char helpstring []
PLUGIN_interface * global_plint = NULL
int initialize = 1
char * constr_types [2] = {"Relative", "Absolute"}
char * time_refs [3] = {"Internal", "External" , "-inTR" }
int plug_ignore = 3
int plug_nrand = 100
int plug_nbest = 5
int plug_nabs = 0
int plug_timeref = 0
char plug_tfilename [MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""
int num_noise_models
int plug_noise_index
char * noise_labels [MAX_MODELS]
vfp plug_nmodel [MAX_MODELS]
int plug_r [MAX_MODELS]
char * noise_plabels [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]
float plug_min_nconstr [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]
float plug_max_nconstr [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]
int num_signal_models
int plug_signal_index
char * signal_labels [MAX_MODELS]
vfp plug_smodel [MAX_MODELS]
int plug_p [MAX_MODELS]
char * signal_plabels [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]
float plug_min_sconstr [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]
float plug_max_sconstr [MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Define Documentation

#define PROGRAM_AUTHOR   "B. Douglas Ward"

Definition at line 45 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main().

#define PROGRAM_DATE   "10 May 2000"

Definition at line 46 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main().

#define PROGRAM_NAME   "plug_nlfit"

Definition at line 44 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main().

Function Documentation

void check_for_valid_inputs  

Definition at line 248 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize(), and initialize_program().

00249 {
00250 }

void initialize_options int *    im1,
char **    nname,
char **    sname,
vfp   nmodel,
vfp   smodel,
int *    r,
int *    p,
char ***    npname,
char ***    spname,
float **    min_nconstr,
float **    max_nconstr,
float **    min_sconstr,
float **    max_sconstr,
int *    nabs,
int *    nrand,
int *    nbest,
float *    rms_min,
char **    tfilename

Definition at line 167 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References malloc, NLfit_error(), noise_labels, noise_plabels, p, plug_max_nconstr, plug_max_sconstr, plug_min_nconstr, plug_min_sconstr, plug_nabs, plug_nbest, plug_nmodel, plug_noise_index, plug_nrand, plug_p, plug_r, plug_signal_index, plug_smodel, plug_tfilename, r, signal_labels, signal_plabels, and vfp.

00188 {
00189   int ip;                           /* parameter index */
00190   int ok;                           /* boolean for specified model exists */
00191   char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];    /* error message */
00194   *im1 = 1;
00195   *nrand = plug_nrand;
00196   *nbest = plug_nbest; 
00197   *nabs = plug_nabs;
00198   *rms_min = 0.0;
00199   *tfilename = plug_tfilename;
00201   *nname = noise_labels[plug_noise_index];
00202   *sname = signal_labels[plug_signal_index];
00204   *nmodel = plug_nmodel[plug_noise_index];
00205   *smodel = plug_smodel[plug_signal_index];
00207   *r = plug_r[plug_noise_index];
00208   *p = plug_p[plug_signal_index];
00210   *npname = noise_plabels[plug_noise_index];
00211   *spname = signal_plabels[plug_signal_index];
00213   /*----- allocate memory for parameter constraints -----*/
00214   *min_nconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (*r));
00215   if (*min_nconstr == NULL)  
00216     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for min_nconstr");
00217   *max_nconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (*r));
00218   if (*max_nconstr == NULL)
00219     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for max_nconstr");
00220   *min_sconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (*p));
00221   if (*min_sconstr == NULL)  
00222     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for min_sconstr");
00223   *max_sconstr = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (*p));
00224   if (*max_sconstr == NULL)
00225     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for max_sconstr");
00227   /*----- initialize constraints -----*/
00228   for (ip = 0;  ip < (*r);  ip++)
00229     {
00230       (*min_nconstr)[ip] = plug_min_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ip];
00231       (*max_nconstr)[ip] = plug_max_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ip];      
00232     }
00234   for (ip = 0;  ip < (*p);  ip++)
00235     {
00236       (*min_sconstr)[ip] = plug_min_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ip];
00237       (*max_sconstr)[ip] = plug_max_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ip];      
00238     }
00240 }

void initialize_program int *    im1,
char **    nname,
char **    sname,
vfp   nmodel,
vfp   smodel,
int *    r,
int *    p,
char ***    npname,
char ***    spname,
float **    min_nconstr,
float **    max_nconstr,
float **    min_sconstr,
float **    max_sconstr,
int *    nabs,
int *    nrand,
int *    nbest,
float *    rms_min,
float **    par_rdcd,
float **    par_full,
float **    tpar_full,
int    ts_length,
char **    tfilename,
float ***    x_array,
float **    fit

Definition at line 256 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References check_for_valid_inputs(), DELT, dsTR, fit, initialize_options(), inTR, malloc, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_read_1D(), NLfit_error(), p, plug_timeref, r, and vfp.

Referenced by main(), and nlfit().

00286 {
00287   int dimension;           /* dimension of full model */
00288   int ip;                  /* parameter index */
00289   int it;                  /* time index */
00290   MRI_IMAGE * im, * flim;  /* pointers to image structures 
00291                               -- used to read 1D ASCII */
00292   int nt;                  /* number of points in 1D x data file */
00293   float * tar;
00296   /*----- intialize options -----*/
00297   initialize_options (im1, nname, sname, nmodel, smodel, r, p, npname, spname, 
00298                       min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr, 
00299                       nabs, nrand, nbest, rms_min, tfilename);
00301   /*----- check for valid inputs -----*/
00302   check_for_valid_inputs ();
00305   /*----- allocate space for independent variable matrix -----*/
00306   *x_array = (float **) malloc (sizeof(float *) * ts_length);
00307   if (*x_array == NULL)
00308     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for x_array");
00309   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
00310     {
00311       (*x_array)[it] = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * 3);
00312       if ((*x_array)[it] == NULL)
00313         NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for x_array[it]");
00314     }
00316   /*----- initialize independent variable matrix -----*/
00317   if (!plug_timeref)
00318     {
00319       static float old_DELT = -1.0 ;
00320       DELT = (inTR && dsTR > 0.0) ? dsTR : 1.0 ;  /* 22 July 1998 */
00321       if( DELT != old_DELT ){
00322          old_DELT = DELT ;
00323          printf("NLfit: switch to TR = %g\n",DELT) ;
00324       }
00326       for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)  
00327         {
00328           (*x_array)[it][0] = 1.0;
00329           (*x_array)[it][1] = it * DELT;
00330           (*x_array)[it][2] = (it * DELT) * (it * DELT);
00331         }
00332     }
00333   else 
00334     {
00335         flim = mri_read_1D (*tfilename); 
00336         if (flim == NULL)
00337           NLfit_error ("Unable to read time reference file \n");
00338         nt = flim -> nx;
00339         if (nt < ts_length)
00340             NLfit_error ("Time reference array is too short");  
00341         tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ;
00342         for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)  
00343          {
00344            (*x_array)[it][0] = 1.0;
00345            (*x_array)[it][1] = tar[it] ;
00346            (*x_array)[it][2] = tar[it] * tar[it];
00347          }
00348         mri_free (flim);
00349      }
00351   dimension = (*r) + (*p);
00353   /*----- allocate memory space -----*/
00354   *par_rdcd = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
00355   if (*par_rdcd == NULL)
00356     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for par_rdcd");
00357   *par_full = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
00358   if (*par_full == NULL)
00359     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for par_full");
00360   *tpar_full = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * dimension);
00361   if (*tpar_full == NULL)
00362     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for tpar_full");
00363   *fit = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ts_length));
00364   if (*fit == NULL)
00365     NLfit_error ("Unable to allocate memory for fit");
00367 }

void NL_error int    nt,
double    to,
double    dt,
float *    vec,
char **    label

Definition at line 927 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References dt, NL_worker(), and vec.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().

00928 {
00929    NL_worker( nt , dt , vec , FALSE, label ) ;
00930    return ;
00931 }

void NL_fitter int    nt,
double    to,
double    dt,
float *    vec,
char **    label

Definition at line 918 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References dt, NL_worker(), and vec.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().

00919 {
00920    NL_worker( nt , dt , vec , TRUE, label ) ;
00921    return ;
00922 }

char * NL_main PLUGIN_interface *   

Definition at line 763 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References constr_types, initialize, inTR, mri_free(), mri_read_1D(), noise_labels, noise_plabels, num_noise_models, num_signal_models, plug_ignore, plug_max_nconstr, plug_max_sconstr, plug_min_nconstr, plug_min_sconstr, plug_nabs, plug_nbest, plug_noise_index, plug_nrand, plug_p, plug_r, plug_signal_index, plug_tfilename, plug_timeref, PROGRAM_AUTHOR, PROGRAM_DATE, PROGRAM_NAME, signal_labels, and signal_plabels.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().

00764 {
00765    char * str ;
00766    int  ii, ival, ip ;
00767    float * tsar ;
00768    float min_constr, max_constr;
00769    MRI_IMAGE * im;  /* pointer to image structures */
00772    /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/
00774    PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
00776    plug_ignore = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
00777    plug_nrand = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
00778    plug_nbest = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
00781    /*------ loop over remaining options, check their tags, process them -----*/
00783    do 
00784      {
00785        str = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint) ; 
00786        if( str == NULL ) break ;
00788        if( strcmp(str,"Models") == 0 )
00789          {
00790            str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
00791            for (ii = 0;  ii < num_noise_models;  ii++)
00792              if (strcmp (str, noise_labels[ii]) == 0)
00793                plug_noise_index = ii;
00795            str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
00796            for (ii = 0;  ii < num_signal_models;  ii++)
00797              if (strcmp (str, signal_labels[ii]) == 0)
00798                plug_signal_index = ii;
00800            str = PLUTO_get_string(plint);
00801            if (strcmp (str, "Absolute") == 0)
00802              plug_nabs = 1;
00803            else
00804              plug_nabs = 0;
00805          } 
00807        else if( strcmp(str,"Noise") == 0 )
00808          {
00809            ival = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00810            min_constr = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00811            max_constr = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00812            if (min_constr > max_constr)
00813              return "**********************************\n"
00814                     " Require min constr <= max constr \n"
00815                     "**********************************"  ;
00816            plug_min_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ival] = min_constr;
00817            plug_max_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ival] = max_constr;
00818          } 
00820        else if( strcmp(str,"Signal") == 0 )
00821          {
00822            ival = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00823            min_constr = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00824            max_constr = PLUTO_get_number(plint);
00825            if (min_constr > max_constr)
00826              return "**********************************\n"
00827                     " Require min constr <= max constr \n"
00828                     "**********************************"  ;
00829            plug_min_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ival] = min_constr;
00830            plug_max_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ival] = max_constr;
00831          } 
00833        else if( strcmp(str,"Time Scale") == 0 )
00834          {
00835            str = PLUTO_get_string(plint);
00836            if (strcmp (str, "External") == 0){
00837                plug_timeref = 1;
00838                str = PLUTO_get_string(plint);
00839                im = mri_read_1D (str); 
00840                if (im == NULL)
00841                  return "************************************\n"
00842                         " Unable to read time reference file \n"
00843                         "************************************"  ;
00844                mri_free(im);
00845                strcpy (plug_tfilename, str);
00847            } else if( strcmp(str,"-inTR") == 0 ){  /* 22 July 1998 */
00848               inTR = 1 ;
00849               plug_timeref = 0;
00851            } else {
00852              plug_timeref = 0;
00853              inTR = 0 ;                       /* 22 July 1998 */
00854            }
00856          } 
00858        else 
00859          {
00860            return "************************\n"
00861                   "Illegal optiontag found!\n"
00862                   "************************"  ;
00863          }
00864      } while(1) ;
00868   /*----- Identify software -----*/
00869   printf ("\n\n");
00870   printf ("Program: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
00871   printf ("Author:  %s \n", PROGRAM_AUTHOR); 
00872   printf ("Date:    %s \n", PROGRAM_DATE);
00873   printf ("\n");
00876    /*----- show current input options -----*/
00877    printf ("\nControls: \n");
00878    printf ("Ignore       = %5d \n", plug_ignore);
00879    printf ("Num Random   = %5d \n", plug_nrand);
00880    printf ("Num Best     = %5d \n", plug_nbest);
00881    printf ("Noise Constr = %s  \n", constr_types[plug_nabs]);
00882    printf ("\nNoise  Model = %s \n", noise_labels[plug_noise_index]);
00883    for (ip = 0;  ip < plug_r[plug_noise_index];  ip++)
00884      {
00885        printf ("gn[%d]:   min =%10.3f   max =%10.3f   %s \n", 
00886                ip, plug_min_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ip], 
00887                plug_max_nconstr[plug_noise_index][ip],
00888                noise_plabels[plug_noise_index][ip]);
00889      }
00890    printf ("\nSignal Model = %s \n", signal_labels[plug_signal_index]);
00891    for (ip = 0;  ip < plug_p[plug_signal_index];  ip++)
00892      {
00893        printf ("gs[%d]:   min =%10.3f   max =%10.3f   %s \n", 
00894                ip, plug_min_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ip], 
00895                plug_max_sconstr[plug_signal_index][ip],
00896                signal_plabels[plug_signal_index][ip]);
00897      }
00899    if (plug_timeref)
00900      printf ("\nExternal Time Reference = %s \n", plug_tfilename);
00901    else if( inTR )
00902      printf ("\n-inTR Time Reference\n") ;
00903    else
00904      printf ("\nInternal Time Reference \n");
00907    /*--- nothing left to do until data arrives ---*/
00909    initialize = 1 ;  /* force re-initialization */
00912    return NULL ;
00913 }

void NL_worker int    nt,
double    dt,
float *    vec,
int    dofit,
char **    label

Definition at line 936 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References dsTR, dt, fit, free, nlfit(), plug_ignore, and vec.

Referenced by NL_error(), and NL_fitter().

00937 {
00938    float * fit;
00939    int ii, nlen;
00940    float val;
00943    nlen = nt - plug_ignore;
00945    dsTR = dt ;
00947    /** find least squares fit coefficients **/
00949    fit = nlfit (nlen, vec+plug_ignore, label);
00951    for (ii = 0;  ii < plug_ignore;  ii++)
00952      if (dofit)
00953        vec[ii] = fit[0];
00954      else
00955        vec[ii] = vec[plug_ignore] - fit[0];
00957    for (ii=plug_ignore; ii < nt; ii++)
00958      {
00959        if (dofit)
00960          vec[ii] = fit[ii-plug_ignore];
00961        else
00962          vec[ii] = vec[ii] - fit[ii-plug_ignore] ;
00963      }
00965    free(fit) ;
00966    return ;
00967 }

float* nlfit int    ts_length,
float *    ts_array,
char **    label

Definition at line 420 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References analyze_results(), calc_full_model(), calc_reduced_model(), fit, full_model(), initialize_program(), p, pmax, r, report_results(), terminate_program(), and vfp.

Referenced by NL_worker().

00426 {
00427   float * fit;                       /* nonlinear fit of time series data */
00429   /*----- declare input option variables -----*/
00430   int nabs;                /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
00431   int  nrand;              /* number of random vectors to generate */
00432   int  nbest;              /* number of random vectors to keep */
00433   float rms_min;           /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */
00435   /*----- declare time series variables -----*/
00436   int im1;                 /* index of 1st image in time series for analysis */
00437   float ** x_array = NULL;     /* independent variable matrix */
00438   char * tfilename = NULL;     /* file name of time points */
00440   /*----- declare reduced (noise) model variables -----*/
00441   char * nname = NULL;         /* noise model name */
00442   vfp nmodel;                  /* pointer to noise model */
00443   int r;                       /* number of parameters in the noise model */
00444   char ** npname = NULL;       /* noise parameter labels */
00445   float * par_rdcd = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
00446   float sse_rdcd;              /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */
00447   float * min_nconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for noise model */
00448   float * max_nconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for noise model */
00450   /*----- declare full (signal+noise) model variables -----*/
00451   char * sname = NULL;         /* signal model name */
00452   vfp smodel;                  /* pointer to signal model */
00453   int p;                       /* number of parameters in the signal model */
00454   char ** spname = NULL;       /* signal parameter labels */
00455   float * par_full = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the full model */
00456   float sse_full;              /* error sum of squares for the full model */
00457   float * tpar_full = NULL;    /* t-statistic of parameters in full model */
00458   float freg;                  /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
00459   float rmsreg;                /* rms for the full regression model */
00460   float rsqr;                  /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
00461   float smax;                  /* signed maximum of signal */
00462   float tmax;                  /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
00463   float pmax;                  /* percentage change due to signal */
00464   float area;                  /* area between signal and baseline */
00465   float parea;                 /* percent area between signal and baseline */
00466   float * min_sconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for signal model */
00467   float * max_sconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for signal model */
00469   int novar;               /* flag for insufficient variation in the data */
00472   /*----- program initialization -----*/
00473   initialize_program (&im1, &nname, &sname, &nmodel, &smodel, 
00474                       &r, &p, &npname, &spname,
00475                       &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr, &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr,
00476                       &nabs, &nrand, &nbest, &rms_min, 
00477                       &par_rdcd, &par_full, &tpar_full, 
00478                       ts_length, &tfilename, &x_array, &fit);
00481   /*----- calculate the reduced (noise) model -----*/  
00482   calc_reduced_model (ts_length, r, x_array, ts_array, 
00483                       par_rdcd, &sse_rdcd);
00486   /*----- calculate the full (signal+noise) model -----*/
00487   calc_full_model (nmodel, smodel, r, p, 
00488                    min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
00489                    ts_length, x_array, ts_array, par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, 
00490                    nabs, nrand, nbest, rms_min, par_full, &sse_full, &novar);
00493   /*----- create estimated time series using the full model parameters -----*/
00494   full_model (nmodel, smodel, par_full, par_full + r, 
00495               ts_length, x_array, fit);
00498   /*----- calculate statistics for the full model -----*/
00499   analyze_results (nmodel, smodel, r, p, novar,
00500                    min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr, 
00501                    ts_length, x_array,
00502                    par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full,
00503                    &rmsreg, &freg, &rsqr, &smax, &tmax, &pmax, &area, &parea,
00504                    tpar_full);
00507   /*----- report results for this voxel -----*/
00508   report_results (nname, sname, r, p, npname, spname, ts_length,
00509                   par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full, tpar_full,
00510                   rmsreg, freg, rsqr, smax, tmax, pmax, area, parea, label);
00511   printf ("\nVoxel Results: \n");
00512   printf ("%s \n", *label);
00515   /*----- end of program -----*/
00516   terminate_program (r, p, ts_length, &x_array,
00517                      &par_rdcd, &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr, 
00518                      &par_full, &tpar_full, 
00519                      &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr); 
00521   return (fit);
00523 }

DEFINE_PLUGIN_PROTOTYPE PLUGIN_interface* PLUGIN_init int    ncall

Definition at line 543 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References MODEL_interface::call_func, constr_types, DESTROY_MODEL_ARRAY, global_plint, helpstring, NLFIT_MODEL::interface, MODEL_interface::label, malloc, MODEL_interface::max_constr, MODEL_interface::min_constr, NLFIT_MODEL_array::modar, MODEL_NOISE_TYPE, MODEL_SIGNAL_TYPE, MODEL_interface::model_type, NL_error(), NL_fitter(), NL_main(), NLfit_error(), NLFIT_get_many_MODELs(), noise_labels, noise_plabels, NLFIT_MODEL_array::num, num_noise_models, num_signal_models, MODEL_interface::params, MODEL_interface::plabel, plug_ignore, plug_max_nconstr, plug_max_sconstr, plug_min_nconstr, plug_min_sconstr, plug_nbest, plug_nmodel, plug_noise_index, plug_nrand, plug_p, plug_r, plug_signal_index, plug_smodel, PLUTO_add_hint(), PLUTO_register_1D_funcstr, PLUTO_report(), PLUTO_set_runlabels(), PLUTO_set_sequence(), signal_labels, signal_plabels, and time_refs.

00544 {
00545    int ii ;
00546    PLUGIN_interface * plint ;     /* will be the output of this routine */
00547    int ok;
00549    NLFIT_MODEL_array * model_array = NULL;   /* array of SO models */
00550    int im;                                   /* model index */
00551    int ip;                                   /* parameter index */
00553    char message[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];    /* error message */
00556    if( ncall > 0 ) return NULL ;  /* generate interfaces for ncall 0 */
00558    jump_on_NLfit_error = 1 ;                 /* 01 May 2003: */
00559    if( setjmp(NLfit_error_jmpbuf) != 0 ){    /* NLfit_error() was invoked */
00560      jump_on_NLfit_error = 0 ;               /* somewhere below here */
00561      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't load NLfit plugin! ***\n");
00562      return NULL ;
00563    }
00565    /***** otherwise, do interface # 0 *****/
00567    /*---------------- set titles and call point ----------------*/
00569    plint = PLUTO_new_interface( "NLfit & NLerr" ,
00570                                 "Control NLfit and NLerr Functions" ,
00571                                 helpstring ,
00572                                 PLUGIN_CALL_VIA_MENU , NL_main ) ;
00574    PLUTO_add_hint( plint , "Control NLfit and NLerr Functions" ) ;
00576    global_plint = plint ;  /* make global copy */
00578    PLUTO_set_sequence( plint , "A:funcs:fitting" ) ;
00580    PLUTO_set_runlabels( plint , "Set+Keep" , "Set+Close" ) ;  /* 04 Nov 2003 */
00582    /*----- initialize the model array -----*/
00583    model_array = NLFIT_get_many_MODELs ();
00584    if ((model_array == NULL) || (model_array->num == 0))
00585 #if 1
00586      { PLUTO_report( plint , "Found no models!") ;
00587        jump_on_NLfit_error = 0 ; return NULL ; }
00588 #else
00589      NLfit_error ("Unable to locate any models");
00590 #endif
00592 #if 1
00593    else
00594    { char str[64] ;
00595      sprintf(str,"Found %d models",model_array->num) ;
00596      PLUTO_report( plint , str ) ;
00597    }
00598 #endif
00600    /*----- read parameters for noise models -----*/
00601    ii = 0;
00602    for (im = 0;  im < model_array->num;  im++)
00603      {
00604        if (model_array->modar[im]->interface->model_type == MODEL_NOISE_TYPE)
00605          {
00606            noise_labels[ii] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00607            strncpy (noise_labels[ii], model_array->modar[im]->interface->label,
00608                     MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00610            plug_nmodel[ii] = model_array->modar[im]->interface->call_func;
00611            if (plug_nmodel[ii] == NULL)
00612             {
00613               sprintf (message, "Noise model %s improperly defined. \n", 
00614                        noise_labels[ii]);
00615               NLfit_error (message);
00616             }
00618            plug_r[ii] = model_array->modar[im]->interface->params;
00619            if ((plug_r[ii] < 0) || (plug_r[ii] > MAX_PARAMETERS))
00620             {
00621               sprintf (message, 
00622                        "Illegal number of parameters for noise model %s", 
00623                        noise_labels[ii]);
00624               NLfit_error (message);
00625             }
00627            for (ip = 0;  ip < plug_r[ii];  ip++)
00628              {
00629                noise_plabels[ii][ip] = 
00630                  (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00631                strncpy (noise_plabels[ii][ip], 
00632                        model_array->modar[im]->interface->plabel[ip],
00633                         MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00634                plug_min_nconstr[ii][ip] =
00635                  model_array->modar[im]->interface->min_constr[ip]; 
00636                plug_max_nconstr[ii][ip] = 
00637                  model_array->modar[im]->interface->max_constr[ip]; 
00638                if (plug_min_nconstr[ii][ip] > plug_max_nconstr[ii][ip])
00639                  NLfit_error
00640                    ("Must have noise parameter min cnstrnts <= max cnstrnts");
00641              }
00642            ii += 1;
00643          }
00644      }
00645    num_noise_models = ii;
00646    if (num_noise_models <= 0)  
00647      NLfit_error ("Unable to locate any noise models");
00648    plug_noise_index = 1;
00651    /*----- read parameters for signal models -----*/
00652    ii = 0;
00653    for (im = 0;  im < model_array->num;  im++)
00654      {
00655        if (model_array->modar[im]->interface->model_type == MODEL_SIGNAL_TYPE)
00656          {
00657            signal_labels[ii] = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00658            strncpy (signal_labels[ii],
00659                     model_array->modar[im]->interface->label,
00660                     MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00662            plug_smodel[ii] = model_array->modar[im]->interface->call_func;
00663            if (plug_smodel[ii] == NULL)
00664             {
00665               sprintf (message, "Signal model %s improperly defined. \n", 
00666                        signal_labels[ii]);
00667               NLfit_error (message);
00668             }
00670            plug_p[ii] = model_array->modar[im]->interface->params;
00671            if ((plug_p[ii] < 0) || (plug_p[ii] > MAX_PARAMETERS))
00672             {
00673               sprintf (message, 
00674                        "Illegal number of parameters for signal model %s", 
00675                        signal_labels[ii]);
00676               NLfit_error (message);
00677             }
00680            for (ip = 0;  ip < plug_p[ii];  ip++)
00681              {
00682                signal_plabels[ii][ip] = 
00683                  (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00684                strncpy (signal_plabels[ii][ip], 
00685                         model_array->modar[im]->interface->plabel[ip],
00686                         MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
00687                plug_min_sconstr[ii][ip] =
00688                  model_array->modar[im]->interface->min_constr[ip]; 
00689                plug_max_sconstr[ii][ip] = 
00690                  model_array->modar[im]->interface->max_constr[ip]; 
00691                if (plug_min_sconstr[ii][ip] > plug_max_sconstr[ii][ip])
00692                  NLfit_error
00693                    ("Must have signal parameter min cnstrnts <= max cnstrnts");
00694              }
00695            ii += 1;
00696          }
00697      }
00698    num_signal_models = ii;
00699    if (num_signal_models <= 0)  
00700      NLfit_error ("Unable to locate any signal models");
00701    plug_signal_index = 0;
00704    /*----- Control -----*/
00705    PLUTO_add_option (plint , "Control" , "Control" , TRUE);
00706    PLUTO_add_number (plint , "Ignore" , 0,20,0,
00707                      plug_ignore , FALSE );
00708    PLUTO_add_number (plint , "NRandom" , 10,99999,0,
00709                      plug_nrand , TRUE );
00710    PLUTO_add_number (plint , "NBest" , 1,10,0,
00711                      plug_nbest , FALSE);
00714    /*----- Models -----*/
00715    PLUTO_add_option (plint , "Models" , "Models" , TRUE);
00716    PLUTO_add_string (plint, "Noise Model", num_noise_models, noise_labels, 
00717                      plug_noise_index);
00718    PLUTO_add_string (plint, "Signal Model", num_signal_models, signal_labels,
00719                      plug_signal_index);
00720    PLUTO_add_string (plint, "Noise Constr", 2, constr_types, 0);
00723    /*----- Noise Model Parameters -----*/
00724    PLUTO_add_option (plint, "Noise", "Noise", FALSE);
00725    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Parameter" , 0, MAX_PARAMETERS, 0, 0, FALSE);
00726    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Min Constr", -99999, 99999, 0, 0, TRUE);
00727    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Max Constr", -99999, 99999, 0, 0, TRUE);
00730    /*----- Signal Model Parameters -----*/
00731    PLUTO_add_option (plint, "Signal", "Signal", FALSE);
00732    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Parameter", 0, MAX_PARAMETERS, 0, 0, FALSE);
00733    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Min Constr", -99999, 99999, 0, 0, TRUE);
00734    PLUTO_add_number (plint, "Max Constr", -99999, 99999, 0, 0, TRUE);
00737    /*----- External Time Reference -----*/
00738    PLUTO_add_option (plint, "Time Scale", "Time Scale", FALSE);
00739    PLUTO_add_string (plint, "Reference", 3, time_refs, 0);
00740    PLUTO_add_string (plint, "File", 0, NULL, 19);
00743    /*--------- done with interface setup ---------*/
00745    PLUTO_register_1D_funcstr ("NLfit" , NL_fitter);
00746    PLUTO_register_1D_funcstr ("NLerr" , NL_error);
00749    /*----- discard the model array -----*/
00750 #if 0
00751    DESTROY_MODEL_ARRAY (model_array);
00752 #endif
00754    jump_on_NLfit_error = 0 ; return plint ;
00755 }

void terminate_program int    r,
int    p,
int    ts_length,
float ***    x_array,
float **    par_rdcd,
float **    min_nconstr,
float **    max_nconstr,
float **    par_full,
float **    tpar_full,
float **    min_sconstr,
float **    max_sconstr

Definition at line 376 of file plug_nlfit.c.

References free, p, and r.

Referenced by main(), and nlfit().

00390 {
00391   int ip;                        /* parameter index */
00392   int it;                        /* time index */
00395   /*----- deallocate memory for parameter constraints -----*/
00396   if (*min_nconstr != NULL)  { free (*min_nconstr);  *min_nconstr = NULL; }
00397   if (*max_nconstr != NULL)  { free (*max_nconstr);  *max_nconstr = NULL; }
00398   if (*min_sconstr != NULL)  { free (*min_sconstr);  *min_sconstr = NULL; }
00399   if (*max_sconstr != NULL)  { free (*max_sconstr);  *max_sconstr = NULL; }
00402   /*----- deallocate space for independent variable matrix -----*/
00403   for (it = 0;  it < ts_length;  it++)
00404     if ((*x_array)[it] != NULL)
00405       { free ((*x_array)[it]);  (*x_array)[it] = NULL; }
00406   if (*x_array != NULL)     { free (*x_array);  *x_array = NULL; }
00409   /*----- deallocate space for parameters -----*/
00410   if (*par_rdcd != NULL)    { free (*par_rdcd);    *par_rdcd = NULL; }
00411   if (*par_full != NULL)    { free (*par_full);    *par_full = NULL; }
00412   if (*tpar_full != NULL)   { free (*tpar_full);   *tpar_full = NULL; }
00414 }

Variable Documentation

char* constr_types[2] = {"Relative", "Absolute"}

Definition at line 127 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

float DELT = 1.0 [static]

Definition at line 74 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_program().

float dsTR = 0.0 [static]

Definition at line 76 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_program(), and NL_worker().

PLUGIN_interface* global_plint = NULL [static]

Definition at line 122 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().

char helpstring[] [static]

Initial value:

   " Purpose: Control the 'NLfit' and 'NLerr' 1D functions.\n"
   " Control:    Ignore       = Number of points to ignore at start \n"
   "                            of each timeseries. \n"
   "             NRandom      = Number of random test points. \n"
   "             NBest        = Find opt. soln. for these best test points. \n"
   " \n"
   " Models:     Noise        = Label of noise model to use. \n"
   "             Signal       = Label of signal model to use. \n"
   "             Noise Constr = Relative or Absolute noise constraints. \n"
   " \n"
   " Noise:      Parameter    = Index of noise model parameter. \n"
   "             Min Constr   = Minimum value for noise model parameter. \n"
   "             Max Constr   = Maximum value for noise model parameter. \n"
   " \n"
   " Signal:     Parameter    = Index of signal model parameter.\n"
   "             Min Constr   = Minimum value for signal model parameter. \n"
   "             Max Constr   = Maximum value for signal model parameter. \n"
   " \n"
   " Time Scale: Reference    = Internal or External time reference. \n"
   "             File         = External time reference file name. \n" 
   "Author -- BD Ward"

Definition at line 85 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().

int initialize = 1 [static]

Definition at line 123 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main().

int inTR = 0 [static]

Definition at line 75 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_program(), and NL_main().

char* noise_labels[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 139 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

char* noise_plabels[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 142 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int num_noise_models

Definition at line 137 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int num_signal_models

Definition at line 149 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_ignore = 3

Definition at line 129 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by NL_main(), NL_worker(), and PLUGIN_init().

float plug_max_nconstr[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 145 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

float plug_max_sconstr[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 157 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

float plug_min_nconstr[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 143 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

float plug_min_sconstr[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 155 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_nabs = 0

Definition at line 132 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), and NL_main().

int plug_nbest = 5

Definition at line 131 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

vfp plug_nmodel[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 140 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_noise_index

Definition at line 138 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_nrand = 100

Definition at line 130 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_p[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 153 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_r[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 141 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

int plug_signal_index

Definition at line 150 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

vfp plug_smodel[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 152 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), and PLUGIN_init().

char plug_tfilename[MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""

Definition at line 134 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), and NL_main().

int plug_timeref = 0

Definition at line 133 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_program(), and NL_main().

char* signal_labels[MAX_MODELS]

Definition at line 151 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

char* signal_plabels[MAX_MODELS][MAX_PARAMETERS]

Definition at line 154 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by initialize_options(), NL_main(), and PLUGIN_init().

char* time_refs[3] = {"Internal", "External" , "-inTR" }

Definition at line 128 of file plug_nlfit.c.

Referenced by PLUGIN_init().


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