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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
00003    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
00004    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
00005 ******************************************************************************/
00007 #include "mrilib.h"
00009 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00011 static float min_float( int n , float *x )   /* 25 Feb 2005 */
00012 {
00013    float m=0.0 ; int i ;
00014    if( n < 1 || x == NULL ) return m ;
00015    m = x[0] ;
00016    for( i=1 ; i < n ; i++ ) if( m > x[i] ) m = x[i] ;
00017    return m ;
00018 }
00020 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00022 static float max_float( int n , float *x )   /* 24 Feb 2005 */
00023 {
00024    float m=0.0 ; int i ;
00025    if( n < 1 || x == NULL ) return m ;
00026    m = x[0] ;
00027    for( i=1 ; i < n ; i++ ) if( m < x[i] ) m = x[i] ;
00028    return m ;
00029 }
00031 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00032   A quickie.  (Not so quick any more, with all the options added.)
00033 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00035 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
00036 {
00037    int narg , nvox , ii , mcount , iv , mc ;
00038    THD_3dim_dataset * mask_dset=NULL , * input_dset=NULL ;
00039    float mask_bot=666.0 , mask_top=-666.0 ;
00040    byte * mmm = NULL ;
00041    int dumpit = 0 , sigmait = 0 ;
00042    int miv = 0 ;                              /* 06 Aug 1998 */
00043    int div = -1 , div_bot,div_top , drange=0; /* 16 Sep 1998 */
00044    float data_bot=666.0 , data_top=-666.0 ;
00045    int indump = 0 ;                           /* 19 Aug 1999 */
00046    int pslice=-1 , qslice=-1 , nxy,nz ;       /* 15 Sep 1999 */
00047    int quiet=0 ;                              /* 23 Nov 1999 */
00049    int medianit = 0 ;                         /* 06 Jul 2003 */
00050    int maxit    = 0 ;                         /* 24 Feb 2005 */
00051    int minit    = 0 ;                         /* 25 Feb 2005 */
00052    float *exar ;                              /* 06 Jul 2003 */
00053    char *sname = "Average" ;                  /* 06 Jul 2003 */
00054    int self_mask = 0 ;                        /* 06 Dec 2004 */
00056    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00057       printf("Usage: 3dmaskave [options] dataset\n"
00058              "Computes average of all voxels in the input dataset\n"
00059              "which satisfy the criterion in the options list.\n"
00060              "If no options are given, then all voxels are included.\n"
00061              "Options:\n"
00062              "  -mask mset   Means to use the dataset 'mset' as a mask:\n"
00063              "                 Only voxels with nonzero values in 'mset'\n"
00064              "                 will be averaged from 'dataset'.  Note\n"
00065              "                 that the mask dataset and the input dataset\n"
00066              "                 must have the same number of voxels.\n"
00067              "               SPECIAL CASE: If 'mset' is the string 'SELF',\n"
00068              "                             then the input dataset will be\n"
00069              "                             used to mask itself.  That is,\n"
00070              "                             only nonzero voxels from the\n"
00071              "                             #miv sub-brick will be used.\n"
00072              "  -mindex miv  Means to use sub-brick #'miv' from the mask\n"
00073              "                 dataset.  If not given, miv=0.\n"
00074              "  -mrange a b  Means to further restrict the voxels from\n"
00075              "                 'mset' so that only those mask values\n"
00076              "                 between 'a' and 'b' (inclusive) will\n"
00077              "                 be used.  If this option is not given,\n"
00078              "                 all nonzero values from 'mset' are used.\n"
00079              "                 Note that if a voxel is zero in 'mset', then\n"
00080              "                 it won't be included, even if a < 0 < b.\n"
00081              "\n"
00082              "  -dindex div  Means to use sub-brick #'div' from the dataset.\n"
00083              "                 If not given, all sub-bricks will be processed.\n"
00084              "  -drange a b  Means to only include voxels from the dataset whose\n"
00085              "                 values fall in the range 'a' to 'b' (inclusive).\n"
00086              "                 Otherwise, all voxel values are included.\n"
00087              "\n"
00088              "  -slices p q  Means to only included voxels from the dataset\n"
00089              "                 whose slice numbers are in the range 'p' to 'q'\n"
00090              "                 (inclusive).  Slice numbers range from 0 to\n"
00091              "                 NZ-1, where NZ can be determined from the output\n"
00092              "                 of program 3dinfo.  The default is to include\n"
00093              "                 data from all slices.\n"
00094              "                 [There is no provision for geometrical voxel]\n"
00095              "                 [selection except in the slice (z) direction]\n"
00096              "\n"
00097              "  -sigma       Means to compute the standard deviation as well\n"
00098              "                 as the mean.\n"
00099              "  -median      Means to compute the median instead of the mean.\n"
00100              "  -max         Means to compute the max instead of the mean.\n"
00101              "  -min         Means to compute the min instead of the mean.\n"
00102              "                 (-sigma is ignored with -median, -max, or -min)\n"
00103              "  -dump        Means to print out all the voxel values that\n"
00104              "                 go into the average.\n"
00105              "  -udump       Means to print out all the voxel values that\n"
00106              "                 go into the average, UNSCALED by any internal\n"
00107              "                 factors.\n"
00108              "                 N.B.: the scale factors for a sub-brick\n"
00109              "                       can be found using program 3dinfo.\n"
00110              "  -indump      Means to print out the voxel indexes (i,j,k) for\n"
00111              "                 each dumped voxel.  Has no effect if -dump\n"
00112              "                 or -udump is not also used.\n"
00113              "                 N.B.: if nx,ny,nz are the number of voxels in\n"
00114              "                       each direction, then the array offset\n"
00115              "                       in the brick corresponding to (i,j,k)\n"
00116              "                       is i+j*nx+k*nx*ny.\n"
00117              " -q     or\n"
00118              " -quiet        Means to print only the minimal results.\n"
00119              "               This is useful if you want to create a *.1D file.\n"
00120              "\n"
00121              "The output is printed to stdout (the terminal), and can be\n"
00122              "saved to a file using the usual redirection operation '>'.\n"
00123             ) ;
00125       printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING ) ;
00127       exit(0) ;
00128    }
00130    mainENTRY("3dmaskave main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dmaskave",argc,argv);
00131    PRINT_VERSION("3dmaskave") ;
00133    /* scan argument list */
00135    narg = 1 ;
00136    while( narg < argc && argv[narg][0] == '-' ){
00138       if( strcmp(argv[narg],"-q") == 0 || strcmp(argv[narg],"-quiet") == 0 ){
00139          quiet++ ;
00140          narg++ ; continue ;
00141       }
00143       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-mask",5) == 0 ){
00144          if( mask_dset != NULL || self_mask ){
00145            fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot have two -mask options!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00146          }
00147          if( narg+1 >= argc ){
00148            fprintf(stderr,"*** -mask option requires a following argument!\n") ;
00149            exit(1) ;
00150          }
00151          narg++ ;
00152          if( strcmp(argv[narg],"SELF") == 0 ){
00153            self_mask = 1 ;
00154          } else {
00155            mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[narg] ) ;
00156            if( mask_dset == NULL ){
00157              fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot open mask dataset!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00158            }
00159            if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_complex ){
00160              fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!\n") ;
00161              exit(1) ;
00162            } else if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_rgb ){
00163              fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot deal with rgb-valued mask dataset!\n") ;
00164              exit(1) ;
00165            }
00166          }
00167          narg++ ; continue ;
00168       }
00170       /* 06 Aug 1998 */
00172       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-mindex",5) == 0 ){
00173          if( narg+1 >= argc ){
00174             fprintf(stderr,"*** -mindex option needs 1 following argument!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00175          }
00176          miv = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00177          if( miv < 0 ){
00178             fprintf(stderr,"*** -mindex value is negative!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00179          }
00180          narg++ ; continue ;
00181       }
00183       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-mrange",5) == 0 ){
00184          if( narg+2 >= argc ){
00185             fprintf(stderr,"*** -mrange option requires 2 following arguments!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00186          }
00187          mask_bot = strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00188          mask_top = strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00189          if( mask_top < mask_top ){
00190             fprintf(stderr,"*** -mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00191          }
00192          narg++ ; continue ;
00193       }
00195       /* 16 Sep 1998 */
00197       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-dindex",5) == 0 ){
00198          if( narg+1 >= argc ){
00199             fprintf(stderr,"*** -dindex option needs 1 following argument!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00200          }
00201          div = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00202          if( div < 0 ){
00203             fprintf(stderr,"*** -dindex value is negative!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00204          }
00205          narg++ ; continue ;
00206       }
00208       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-drange",5) == 0 ){
00209          if( narg+2 >= argc ){
00210             fprintf(stderr,
00211                     "*** -drange option requires 2 following arguments!\n") ;
00212             exit(1) ;
00213          }
00214          data_bot = strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00215          data_top = strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00216          if( data_top < data_top ){
00217             fprintf(stderr,"*** -mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00218          }
00219          drange = 1 ;
00220          narg++ ; continue ;
00221       }
00223       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-slices",5) == 0 ){  /* 15 Sep 1999 */
00224          if( narg+2 >= argc ){
00225             fprintf(stderr,
00226                     "*** -slices option requires 2 following arguments!\n") ;
00227             exit(1) ;
00228          }
00229          pslice = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00230          qslice = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00231          if( pslice < 0 || qslice < 0 || qslice < pslice ){
00232             fprintf(stderr, "*** Illegal values after -slices!\n") ;
00233             exit(1) ;
00234          }
00235          narg++ ; continue ;
00236       }
00238       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-dump",5) == 0 ){
00239          dumpit = 1 ;
00240          narg++ ; continue ;
00241       }
00243       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-udump",5) == 0 ){
00244          dumpit = 2 ;
00245          narg++ ; continue ;
00246       }
00248       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-indump",5) == 0 ){  /* 19 Aug 1999 */
00249          indump = 1 ;
00250          narg++ ; continue ;
00251       }
00253       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-sigma",5) == 0 ){
00254          sigmait = 2 ;
00255          narg++ ; continue ;
00256       }
00258       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-median",5) == 0 ){
00259          medianit = 1 ; maxit = 0 ; minit = 0 ;
00260          narg++ ; continue ;
00261       }
00263       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-max",4) == 0 ){  /* 24 Feb 2005 */
00264          maxit = 1 ; medianit = 0 ; minit = 0 ;
00265          narg++ ; continue ;
00266       }
00268       if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-min",4) == 0 ){  /* 25 Feb 2005 */
00269          maxit = 0 ; medianit = 0 ; minit = 1 ;
00270          narg++ ; continue ;
00271       }
00273       fprintf(stderr,"*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[narg]) ; exit(1) ;
00274    }
00276    if( medianit ){ sigmait = 0; sname = "Median"; }
00277    if( maxit    ){ sigmait = 0; sname = "Max"   ; } /* 24 Feb 2005 */
00278    if( minit    ){ sigmait = 0; sname = "Min"   ; } /* 25 Feb 2005 */
00280    /* should have one more argument */
00282    if( narg >= argc ){
00283       fprintf(stderr,"*** No input dataset!?\n") ; exit(1) ;
00284    }
00286 #if 0
00287    if( dumpit && mask_dset == NULL ){
00288      fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't use dump option without -mask!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00289    }
00290 #endif
00292    /* read input dataset */
00294    input_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[narg] ) ;
00295    if( input_dset == NULL ){
00296      fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot open input dataset!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00297    }
00298    if( self_mask ) mask_dset = input_dset ;  /* 06 Dec 2004 */
00300    if( miv > 0 ){                /* 06 Aug 1998 */
00301      if( mask_dset == NULL ){
00302        fprintf(stderr,"*** -mindex option used without -mask!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00303      }
00304      if( miv >= DSET_NVALS(mask_dset) ){
00305        fprintf(stderr,"*** -mindex value is too large!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00306      }
00307    }
00309    if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input_dset,0) == MRI_complex ){
00310      fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot deal with complex-valued input dataset!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00311    }
00313    if( div >= DSET_NVALS(input_dset) ){
00314      fprintf(stderr,"*** Not enough sub-bricks in dataset for -dindex %d!\n",div) ;
00315      exit(1) ;
00316    }
00318    if( pslice >= 0 ){
00319      nxy = DSET_NX(input_dset) * DSET_NY(input_dset) ;
00320      nz  = DSET_NZ(input_dset) ;
00321      if( qslice >= nz ){
00322        fprintf(stderr,
00323                "*** There are only %d slices in the input dataset!\n",nz) ;
00324        exit(1) ;
00325      }
00327      if( pslice == 0 && qslice == nz-1 )
00328        fprintf(stderr,"+++ -slice option says to use all slices!?\n") ;
00329    }
00331    nvox = DSET_NVOX(input_dset) ;
00333    /* make a byte mask from mask dataset */
00335    mmm = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
00336    if( mmm == NULL ){
00337       fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot malloc workspace!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00338    }
00340    if( mask_dset != NULL ){
00341       if( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) != nvox ){
00342         fprintf(stderr,"*** Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!\n") ;
00343         exit(1) ;
00344       }
00345       DSET_load(mask_dset) ;
00346       if( DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) == NULL ){
00347         fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot read in mask dataset BRIK!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00348       }
00350       switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,miv) ){
00351         default:
00352           fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot deal with mask dataset datum!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00354         case MRI_short:{
00355           short mbot , mtop ;
00356           short * mar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
00357           float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
00358           if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00359           if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
00360             mbot = SHORTIZE(mask_bot/mfac) ;
00361             mtop = SHORTIZE(mask_top/mfac) ;
00362           } else {
00363             mbot = (short) -MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
00364             mtop = (short)  MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
00365           }
00366           for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00367             if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
00368             else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
00369         }
00370         break ;
00372         case MRI_byte:{
00373           byte mbot , mtop ;
00374           byte * mar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
00375           float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
00376           if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00377           if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
00378             mbot = BYTEIZE(mask_bot/mfac) ;
00379             mtop = BYTEIZE(mask_top/mfac) ;
00380             if( mtop == 0 ){
00381               fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal mask range for mask dataset of bytes.\n") ; exit(1) ;
00382             }
00383           } else {
00384             mbot = 0 ;
00385             mtop = (byte) MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] ;
00386           }
00387           for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00388             if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
00389             else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
00390         }
00391         break ;
00393         case MRI_float:{
00394           float mbot , mtop ;
00395           float * mar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset,miv) ;
00396           float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask_dset,miv) ;
00397           if( mfac == 0.0 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00398           if( mask_bot <= mask_top ){
00399             mbot = (float) (mask_bot/mfac) ;
00400             mtop = (float) (mask_top/mfac) ;
00401           } else {
00402             mbot = -WAY_BIG ;
00403             mtop =  WAY_BIG ;
00404           }
00405           for( mcount=0,ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00406             if( mar[ii] >= mbot && mar[ii] <= mtop && mar[ii] != 0 ){ mmm[ii] = 1 ; mcount++ ; }
00407             else                                                    { mmm[ii] = 0 ; }
00408         }
00409         break ;
00410       }
00411       if( !self_mask ) DSET_unload(mask_dset) ;
00413       if( mcount == 0 ){
00414         fprintf(stderr,"*** No voxels survive the masking operation\n"); exit(1);
00415       }
00417       fprintf(stderr,"+++ %d voxels survive the mask\n",mcount) ;
00419    } else {
00420       mcount = nvox ;
00421       memset( mmm , 1 , mcount ) ;
00422       fprintf(stderr,"+++ %d voxels in the entire dataset (no mask)\n",mcount) ;
00423    }
00425    if( pslice >= 0 ){     /* 15 Sep 1999 */
00426       int kz , ibot ;
00427       mcount = 0 ;
00428       for( kz=0 ; kz < nz ; kz++ ){           /* loop over all slices */
00429          ibot = kz*nxy ;                      /* base index for this slice */
00431          if( kz >= pslice && kz <= qslice ){  /* keepers => recount */
00432             for( ii=0 ; ii < nxy ; ii++ )
00433                if( mmm[ii+ibot] ) mcount++ ;
00434          } else {                             /* throw them back */
00435             for( ii=0 ; ii < nxy ; ii++ )
00436                mmm[ii+ibot] = 0 ;
00437          }
00438       }
00440       if( mcount == 0 ){
00441          fprintf(stderr,"*** No voxels survive the slicing operation\n"); exit(1);
00442       }
00444       fprintf(stderr,"+++ %d voxels survive the slicing\n",mcount) ;
00445    }
00447    if( mcount < 2 && sigmait ){
00448       fprintf(stderr,"+++ [too few voxels; cannot compute sigma]\n") ;
00449       sigmait = 0 ;
00450    }
00452    DSET_load(input_dset) ;
00453    if( DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,0) == NULL ){
00454       fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot read in input dataset BRIK!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00455    }
00457    /* loop over input sub-bricks */
00459    if( div < 0 ){
00460       div_bot = 0 ; div_top = DSET_NVALS(input_dset) ;
00461    } else {
00462       div_bot = div ; div_top = div+1 ;
00463    }
00465    exar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * mcount ) ; /* 06 Jul 2003 */
00467    for( iv=div_bot ; iv < div_top ; iv++ ){
00469       switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input_dset,iv) ){
00471          default:
00472             printf("*** Illegal sub-brick datum at %d\n",iv) ;
00473          break ;
00475 #define INRANGE(i) ( !drange || ( mfac*bar[i] >= data_bot && mfac*bar[i] <= data_top ) )
00476 #define GOOD(i)    ( mmm[i] && INRANGE(i) )
00478          case MRI_short:{
00479             short * bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
00480             double sum = 0.0 , sigma = 0.0 ;
00481             float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
00482             if( mfac == 0.0 || dumpit == 2 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00484             if( dumpit ){
00485                int noscal = (dumpit==2) || (mfac==1.0) ;
00486                printf("+++ Dump for sub-brick %d:\n",iv) ;
00487                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ){
00488                                                  if( noscal ) printf(" %d",bar[ii]) ;
00489                                                  else         printf(" %g",bar[ii]*mfac) ;
00491                                                  if( indump )
00492                                                     printf(" (%d,%d,%d)",
00493                                                            DSET_index_to_ix(input_dset,ii),
00494                                                            DSET_index_to_jy(input_dset,ii),
00495                                                            DSET_index_to_kz(input_dset,ii) ) ;
00496                                                  printf("\n") ;
00497                                               }
00498             }
00500             for( ii=mc=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00501                if( GOOD(ii) ){ sum += bar[ii] ; exar[mc++] = bar[ii] ; }
00502             if( mc > 0 ) sum = sum / mc ;
00504             if( sigmait && mc > 1 ){
00505                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
00506                sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mc-1) ) ;
00507             }
00508                  if( medianit ) sum = qmed_float( mc , exar ) ;
00509             else if( maxit    ) sum = max_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00510             else if( minit    ) sum = min_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00511             sum = mfac * sum ;
00513             if( dumpit ) printf("+++ %s = %g",sname,sum) ;
00514             else         printf("%g",sum) ;
00516             if( sigmait ){
00517                if( dumpit ) printf("  Sigma = %g",sigma) ;
00518                else         printf("  %g",sigma) ;
00519             }
00520             if( !quiet ) printf(" [%d voxels]\n",mc) ;
00521             else         printf("\n") ;
00522          }
00523          break ;
00525          case MRI_byte:{
00526             byte * bar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
00527             double sum = 0.0 , sigma = 0.0 ;
00528             float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
00529             if( mfac == 0.0 || dumpit == 2 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00531             if( dumpit ){
00532                int noscal = (dumpit==2) || (mfac==1.0) ;
00533                printf("+++ Dump for sub-brick %d:\n",iv) ;
00534                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ){
00535                                                  if( noscal ) printf(" %d",bar[ii]) ;
00536                                                  else         printf(" %g",bar[ii]*mfac) ;
00538                                                  if( indump )
00539                                                     printf(" (%d,%d,%d)",
00540                                                            DSET_index_to_ix(input_dset,ii),
00541                                                            DSET_index_to_jy(input_dset,ii),
00542                                                            DSET_index_to_kz(input_dset,ii) ) ;
00543                                                  printf("\n") ;
00544                                               }
00545             }
00547             for( ii=mc=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00548                if( GOOD(ii) ){ sum += bar[ii] ; exar[mc++] = bar[ii] ; }
00549             if( mc > 0 ) sum = sum / mc ;
00551             if( sigmait && mc > 1 ){
00552                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
00553                sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mc-1) ) ;
00554             }
00555                  if( medianit ) sum = qmed_float( mc , exar ) ;
00556             else if( maxit    ) sum = max_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00557             else if( minit    ) sum = min_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00558             sum = mfac * sum ;
00560             if( dumpit ) printf("+++ %s = %g",sname,sum) ;
00561             else         printf("%g",sum) ;
00563             if( sigmait ){
00564                if( dumpit ) printf("  Sigma = %g",sigma) ;
00565                else         printf("  %g",sigma) ;
00566             }
00567             if( !quiet ) printf(" [%d voxels]\n",mc) ;
00568             else         printf("\n") ;
00569          }
00570          break ;
00572          case MRI_float:{
00573             float * bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset,iv) ;
00574             double sum = 0.0 , sigma = 0.0 ;
00575             float mfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset,iv) ;
00576             if( mfac == 0.0 || dumpit == 2 ) mfac = 1.0 ;
00578             if( dumpit ){
00579                int noscal = (dumpit==2) || (mfac==1.0) ;
00580                printf("+++ Dump for sub-brick %d:\n",iv) ;
00581                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ){
00582                                                  if( noscal ) printf(" %g",bar[ii]) ;
00583                                                  else         printf(" %g",bar[ii]*mfac) ;
00585                                                  if( indump )
00586                                                     printf(" (%d,%d,%d)",
00587                                                            DSET_index_to_ix(input_dset,ii),
00588                                                            DSET_index_to_jy(input_dset,ii),
00589                                                            DSET_index_to_kz(input_dset,ii) ) ;
00590                                                  printf("\n") ;
00591                                               }
00592             }
00594             for( ii=mc=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00595                if( GOOD(ii) ){ sum += bar[ii] ; exar[mc++] = bar[ii] ; }
00596             if( mc > 0 ) sum = sum / mc ;
00598             if( sigmait && mc > 1 ){
00599                for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( GOOD(ii) ) sigma += SQR(bar[ii]-sum) ;
00600                sigma = mfac * sqrt( sigma/(mc-1) ) ;
00601             }
00602                  if( medianit ) sum = qmed_float( mc , exar ) ;
00603             else if( maxit    ) sum = max_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00604             else if( minit    ) sum = min_float ( mc , exar ) ;
00605             sum = mfac * sum ;
00607             if( dumpit ) printf("+++ %s = %g",sname,sum) ;
00608             else         printf("%g",sum) ;
00610             if( sigmait ){
00611                if( dumpit ) printf("  Sigma = %g",sigma) ;
00612                else         printf("  %g",sigma) ;
00613             }
00614             if( !quiet ) printf(" [%d voxels]\n",mc) ;
00615             else         printf("\n") ;
00616          }
00617          break ;
00618       }
00619    }
00620    free(exar) ; DSET_delete(input_dset) ;
00621    exit(0) ;
00622 }

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