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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
00003    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
00004    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
00005 ******************************************************************************/
00007 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00008 /*
00009   This program performs cluster detection in 3D datasets.
00010 */
00012 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00014 #define PROGRAM_NAME   "3dclust"                     /* name of this program */
00015 #define PROGRAM_AUTHOR "RW Cox et al"                      /* program author */
00016 #define PROGRAM_DATE   "21 Jul 2005"             /* date of last program mod */
00018 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00020 /* Modified 3/26/99 by BDW to enable -1erode and -1dilate options. */
00021 /* Modified 1/19/99 by BDW to allow use of signed intensities in calculation
00022      of cluster averages, etc. (-noabs option), as requested by H. Garavan */
00023 /* Modified 1/24/97 by BDW to combine the previous modifications  */
00024 /* Modified 12/27/96 by BDW  Corrections to the SEM calculations. */
00025 /* Modified 4/19/96 by MSB to give cluster intensity and extent information */
00026 /* Modified 11/1/96 by MSB to give cluster intensity standard error of the mean
00027    (SEM) and average intensity and SEM for all voxels (globally)
00029 Modified source files were
00030 3dclust.c
00031 Modified variables were:
00032 sem (added) contains calculated SEM
00033 sqsum (added) contains cumulative sum of squares
00034 glmm (added)   global mean
00035 glsqsum (added) global sum of squares
00036 Major modifications to code are noted with  "MSB 11/1/96" and comments
00037 Testing and Verification
00038 Program was run on data file JKt3iravfm0.5cymc+orig
00039 3dclust -1noneg -1thresh 0.50 15 100 gives a cluster of
00040  138  15525.0    -32.8     46.2    -26.7    -16.9     39.4     10.0    338.7     12.4    984.0
00041 Voxel values in this cluster were downloaded to Excel;
00042 the avg, SE, and max were calculated and identical values were found.
00044 information and summary information
00045 Important User Notes:
00046 - center of mass calculations makes use of the intensity at each point; this
00047 should perhaps be selectable
00048 - cluster calculations are all done on the absolute value of the intensity;
00049   hence, positive and negative voxels can be grouped together into the same
00050   cluster, which skews results; to prevent this, use the -1noneg option
00051 - SEM values are not realistic for interpolated data sets (because comparisons
00052 are not independent) a ROUGH correction is to multiply the interpolated SEM
00053 of the interpolated data set by the square root of the number of interpolated
00054 voxels per original voxel
00056 */
00058 /*-- 29 Nov 2001: RWCox adds the -prefix option --*/
00059 /*-- 30 Apr 2002: RWCox adds the -mni option --*/
00060 /*-- 21 Jul 2005: P Christidis modified -help menu --*/
00062 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00063 #include <stdio.h>
00064 #include <stdlib.h>
00066 #include "mrilib.h"
00068 static EDIT_options CL_edopt ;
00069 static int CL_ivfim=-1 , CL_ivthr=-1 ;
00071 static int CL_nopt ;
00073 static int CL_summarize = 0 ;
00075 static int CL_noabs = 0;   /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00077 static int CL_verbose = 0 ; /* RWC 01 Nov 1999 */
00079 static int CL_quiet = 0;   /* MSB 02 Dec 1999 */
00081 static char * CL_prefix = NULL ; /* 29 Nov 2001 -- RWCox */
00083 static int    CL_do_mni = 0 ;    /* 30 Apr 2002 -- RWCox */
00084 static int    CL_isomode = 0 ;   /* 30 Apr 2002 -- RWCox */
00086 /**-- RWCox: July 1997
00087       Report directions based on AFNI_ORIENT environment --**/
00089 static THD_coorder CL_cord ;
00091 int compare_cluster( void * , void * ) ;
00092 void CL_read_opts( int , char ** ) ;
00093 #define CL_syntax(str) \
00094   do{ fprintf(stderr,"\n*** %s\a\n",str) ; exit(1) ; } while(0)
00096 void MCW_fc7( float qval , char * buf ) ;
00098 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00100 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
00101 {
00102    float rmm , vmul ;
00103    int iarg ;
00104    THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL ;
00105    void * vfim ;
00106    int nx,ny,nz , nxy,nxyz , ivfim ,
00107        iclu , ptmin , ipt , ii,jj,kk , ndet , nopt ;
00108    float dx,dy,dz , xx,yy,zz,mm , xxsum,yysum,zzsum,mmsum , volsum , fimfac ,
00109                                   xxmax,yymax,zzmax,mmmax , ms, mssum , msmax ,
00110          RLmax, RLmin, APmax, APmin, ISmax, ISmin;
00111    double mean, sem, sqsum, glmmsum, glsqsum, glmssum, glmean, glxxsum, glyysum, glzzsum;
00112    MCW_cluster_array * clar , * clbig ;
00113    MCW_cluster       * cl ;
00114    THD_fvec3 fv ;
00115    int nvox_total ;
00116    float vol_total ;
00117    char buf1[16],buf2[16],buf3[16] ;
00118    float dxf,dyf,dzf ;                  /* 24 Jan 2001: for -dxyz=1 option */
00119    int do_mni ;                         /* 30 Apr 2002 */
00121    if( argc < 4 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",4) == 0 ){
00122       printf ("\n\n");
00123       printf ("Program: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
00124       printf ("Author:  %s \n", PROGRAM_AUTHOR);
00125       printf ("Date:    %s \n", PROGRAM_DATE);
00126       printf ("\n");
00127       printf(
00128   "3dclust - performs simple-minded cluster detection in 3D datasets       \n"
00129   "                                                                        \n"
00130   "     This program can be used to find clusters of 'active' voxels and   \n"
00131   "     print out a report about them.                                     \n"
00132   "      * 'Active' refers to nonzero voxels that survive the threshold    \n"
00133   "         that you (the user) have specified                             \n"
00134   "      * Clusters are defined by a connectivity radius parameter 'rmm'   \n"
00135   "                                                                        \n"
00136   "      Note: by default, this program clusters on the absolute values    \n"
00137   "            of the voxels                                               \n"
00138   "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
00139   "Usage: 3dclust [editing options] [other options] rmm vmul dset ...      \n"
00140   "-----                                                                   \n"
00141   "                                                                        \n"
00142   "Examples:                                                               \n"
00143   "--------                                                                \n"
00144   "                                                                        \n"
00145   "    3dclust         -1clip   0.3  5 2000 func+orig'[1]'                 \n"
00146   "    3dclust -1noneg -1thresh 0.3  5 2000 func+orig'[1]'                 \n"
00147   "    3dclust -1noneg -1thresh 0.3  5 2000 func+orig'[1]' func+orig'[3]   \n"
00148   "                                                                        \n"
00149   "    3dclust -noabs  -1clip 0.5   -dxyz=1  1  10 func+orig'[1]'          \n"
00150   "    3dclust -noabs  -1clip 0.5            5 700 func+orig'[1]'          \n"
00151   "                                                                        \n"
00152   "    3dclust -noabs  -2clip 0 999 -dxyz=1 1  10 func+orig'[1]'           \n"
00153   "                                                                        \n"
00154   "    3dclust                   -1clip 0.3  5 3000 func+orig'[1]'         \n"
00155   "    3dclust -quiet            -1clip 0.3  5 3000 func+orig'[1]'         \n"
00156   "    3dclust -summarize -quiet -1clip 0.3  5 3000 func+orig'[1]'         \n"
00157   "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
00158   "                                                                        \n"
00159   "Arguments (must be included on command line):                           \n"
00160   "---------                                                               \n"
00161   "                                                                        \n"
00162   "   rmm            : cluster connection radius (in millimeters).         \n"
00163   "                    All nonzero voxels closer than rmm millimeters      \n"
00164   "                    (center-to-center distance) to the given voxel are  \n"
00165   "                    included in the cluster.                            \n"
00166   "                     * If rmm = 0, then clusters are defined by nearest-\n"
00167   "                       neighbor connectivity                            \n"
00168   "                                                                        \n"
00169   "   vmul           : minimum cluster volume (micro-liters)               \n"
00170   "                    i.e., determines the size of the volume cluster.    \n"
00171   "                     * If vmul = 0, then all clusters are kept.         \n"
00172   "                     * If vmul < 0, then the absolute vmul is the minimum\n"
00173   "                          number of voxels allowed in a cluster.        \n"
00174   "                                                                        \n"
00175   "   dset           : input dataset (more than one allowed, but only the  \n"
00176   "                    first sub-brick of the dataset)                     \n"
00177   "                                                                        \n"
00178   " The results are sent to standard output (i.e., the screen)             \n"
00179   "                                                                        \n"
00180   "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
00181   "                                                                        \n"
00182   "Options:                                                                \n"
00183   "-------                                                                 \n"
00184   "                                                                        \n"
00185   "* Editing options are as in 3dmerge (see 3dmerge -help)                 \n"
00186   "  (including -1thresh, -1dindex, -1tindex, -dxyz=1 options)             \n"
00187   "                                                                        \n"
00188   "* -noabs      => Use the signed voxel intensities (not the absolute     \n"
00189   "                 value) for calculation of the mean and Standard        \n"
00190   "                 Error of the Mean (SEM)                                \n"
00191   "                                                                        \n"
00192   "* -summarize  => Write out only the total nonzero voxel                 \n"
00193   "                 count and volume for each dataset                      \n"
00194   "                                                                        \n"
00195   "* -nosum      => Suppress printout of the totals                        \n"
00196   "                                                                        \n"
00197   "* -verb       => Print out a progress report (to stderr)                \n"
00198   "                 as the computations proceed                            \n"
00199   "                                                                        \n"
00200   "* -quiet      => Suppress all non-essential output                      \n"
00201   "                                                                        \n"
00202   "* -mni        => If the input dataset is in +tlrc coordinates, this     \n"
00203   "                 option will stretch the output xyz-coordinates to the  \n"
00204   "                 MNI template brain.                                    \n"
00205   "                                                                        \n"
00206   "           N.B.1: The MNI template brain is about 5 mm higher (in S),   \n"
00207   "                  10 mm lower (in I), 5 mm longer (in PA), and tilted   \n"
00208   "                  about 3 degrees backwards, relative to the Talairach- \n"
00209   "                  Tournoux Atlas brain.  For more details, see          \n"
00210   "            \n"
00211   "           N.B.2: If the input dataset is not in +tlrc coordinates,     \n"
00212   "                  then the only effect is to flip the output coordinates\n"
00213   "                  to the 'LPI' (neuroscience) orientation, as if you    \n"
00214   "                  gave the '-orient LPI' option.)                       \n"
00215   "                                                                        \n"
00216   "* -isovalue   => Clusters will be formed only from contiguous (in the   \n"
00217   "                 rmm sense) voxels that also have the same value.       \n"
00218   "                                                                        \n"
00219   "           N.B.:  The normal method is to cluster all contiguous        \n"
00220   "                  nonzero voxels together.                              \n"
00221   "                                                                        \n"
00222   "* -isomerge   => Clusters will be formed from each distinct value       \n"
00223   "                 in the dataset; spatial contiguity will not be         \n"
00224   "                 used (but you still have to supply rmm and vmul        \n"
00225   "                 on the command line).                                  \n"
00226   "                                                                        \n"
00227   "           N.B.:  'Clusters' formed this way may well have components   \n"
00228   "                   that are widely separated!                           \n"
00229   "                                                                        \n"
00230   "* -prefix ppp => Write a new dataset that is a copy of the              \n"
00231   "                 input, but with all voxels not in a cluster            \n"
00232   "                 set to zero; the new dataset's prefix is 'ppp'         \n"
00233   "                                                                        \n"
00234   "           N.B.:  Use of the -prefix option only affects the            \n"
00235   "                  first input dataset                                   \n"
00236   "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
00237   "                                                                        \n"
00238   "E.g., 3dclust -1clip 0.3  5  3000 func+orig'[1]'                        \n"
00239   "                                                                        \n"
00240   "  The above command tells 3dclust to find potential cluster volumes for \n"
00241   "  dataset func+orig, sub-brick #1, where the threshold has been set     \n"
00242   "  to 0.3 (i.e., ignore voxels with an activation threshold of >0.3 or   \n"
00243   "  <-0.3.  Voxels must be no more than 5 mm apart, and the cluster volume\n"
00244   "  must be at least 3000 micro-liters in size.                           \n"
00245   "                                                                        \n"
00246   "Explanation of 3dclust Output:                                          \n"
00247   "-----------------------------                                           \n"
00248   "                                                                        \n"
00249   "   Volume       : Number of voxels that make up the volume cluster      \n"
00250   "                                                                        \n"
00251   "   CM RL        : Center of mass (CM) for the cluster in the Right-Left \n"
00252   "                  direction (i.e., the coordinates for the CM)          \n"
00253   "                                                                        \n"
00254   "   CM AP        : Center of mass for the cluster in the                 \n"
00255   "                  Anterior-Posterior direction                          \n"
00256   "                                                                        \n"
00257   "   CM IS        : Center of mass for the cluster in the                 \n"
00258   "                  Inferior-Superior direction                           \n"
00259   "                                                                        \n"
00260   "   minRL, maxRL : Bounding box for the cluster, min and max             \n"
00261   "                  coordinates in the Right-Left direction               \n"
00262   "                                                                        \n"
00263   "   minAP, maxAP : Min and max coordinates in the Anterior-Posterior     \n"
00264   "                  direction of the volume cluster                       \n"
00265   "                                                                        \n"
00266   "   minIS, max IS: Min and max coordinates in the Inferior-Superior      \n"
00267   "                  direction of the volume cluster                       \n"
00268   "                                                                        \n"
00269   "   Mean         : Mean value for the volume cluster                     \n"
00270   "                                                                        \n"
00271   "   SEM          : Standard Error of the Mean for the volume cluster     \n"
00272   "                                                                        \n"
00273   "   Max Int      : Maximum Intensity value for the volume cluster        \n"
00274   "                                                                        \n"
00275   "   MI RL        : Maximum Intensity value in the Right-Left             \n"
00276   "                  direction of the volume cluster                       \n"
00277   "                                                                        \n"
00278   "   MI AP        : Maximum Intensity value in the Anterior-Posterior     \n"
00279   "                  direction of the volume cluster                       \n"
00280   "                                                                        \n"
00281   "   MI IS        : Maximum Intensity value in the Inferior-Superior      \n"
00282   "                  direction of the volume cluster                       \n"
00283   "----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"
00284   "                                                                        \n"
00285   "Nota Bene:                                                              \n"
00286   "                                                                        \n"
00287   "   * The program does not work on complex- or rgb-valued datasets!      \n"
00288   "                                                                        \n"
00289   "   * Using the -1noneg option is strongly recommended!                  \n"
00290   "                                                                        \n"
00291   "   * 3D+time datasets are allowed, but only if you use the              \n"
00292   "     -1tindex and -1dindex options.                                     \n"
00293   "                                                                        \n"
00294   "   * Bucket datasets are allowed, but you will almost certainly         \n"
00295   "     want to use the -1tindex and -1dindex options with these.          \n"
00296   "                                                                        \n"
00297   "   * SEM values are not realistic for interpolated data sets!           \n"
00298   "     A ROUGH correction is to multiply the SEM of the interpolated      \n"
00299   "     data set by the square root of the number of interpolated          \n"
00300   "     voxels per original voxel.                                         \n"
00301   "                                                                        \n"
00302   "   * If you use -dxyz=1, then rmm should be given in terms of           \n"
00303   "     voxel edges (not mm) and vmul should be given in terms of          \n"
00304   "     voxel counts (not microliters).  Thus, to connect to only          \n"
00305   "     3D nearest neighbors and keep clusters of 10 voxels or more,       \n"
00306   "     use something like '3dclust -dxyz=1 1.01 10 dset+orig'.            \n"
00307   "     In the report, 'Volume' will be voxel count, but the rest of       \n"
00308   "     the coordinate dependent information will be in actual xyz         \n"
00309   "     millimeters.                                                       \n"
00310   "                                                                        \n"
00311   "  * The default coordinate output order is DICOM.  If you prefer        \n"
00312   "    the SPM coordinate order, use the option '-orient LPI' or           \n"
00313   "    set the environment variable AFNI_ORIENT to 'LPI'.  For more        \n"
00314   "    information, see file README.environment.                           \n"
00315         ) ;
00316       exit(0) ;
00317    }
00319    mainENTRY("3dclust main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dclust",argc,argv);
00320    PRINT_VERSION("3dclust") ;
00322    THD_coorder_fill( my_getenv("AFNI_ORIENT") , &CL_cord ) ; /* July 1997 */
00323    CL_read_opts( argc , argv ) ;
00324    nopt = CL_nopt ;
00326    if( CL_do_mni )
00327      THD_coorder_fill( "LPI" , &CL_cord ) ;  /* 30 Apr 2002 */
00329  /*----- Identify software -----*/
00330    if( !CL_quiet ){
00331       printf ("\n\n");
00332       printf ("Program: %s \n", PROGRAM_NAME);
00333       printf ("Author:  %s \n", PROGRAM_AUTHOR);
00334       printf ("Date:    %s \n", PROGRAM_DATE);
00335       printf ("\n");
00336    }
00338    if( nopt+3 >  argc ){
00339       fprintf(stderr,"\n*** No rmm or vmul arguments?\a\n") ;
00340       exit(1) ;
00341    }
00343    rmm  = strtod( argv[nopt++] , NULL ) ;
00344    vmul = strtod( argv[nopt++] , NULL ) ;
00345    if( rmm < 0.0 ){
00346       fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Illegal rmm=%f \a\n",rmm) ;
00347       exit(1) ;
00348    }
00350    /* BDW  26 March 1999  */
00352    if( CL_edopt.clust_rmm >= 0.0 ){  /* 01 Nov 1999 */
00353       fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: -1clust can't be used in 3dclust!\n") ;
00354       CL_edopt.clust_rmm  = -1.0 ;
00355    }
00357    /**-- loop over datasets --**/
00359    dset = NULL ;
00360    for( iarg=nopt ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
00361       if( dset != NULL ) THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ; /* flush old   */
00362       dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;                      /* open new    */
00363       if( dset == NULL ){                                          /* failed?     */
00364          fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: skipping dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00365          continue ;
00366       }
00367       if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) > 1 &&
00368           ( CL_edopt.iv_fim < 0 || CL_edopt.iv_thr < 0 ) ){      /* no time     */
00370          fprintf(stderr,                                           /* dependence! */
00371                  "** Cannot use time-dependent dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00372          continue ;
00373       }
00374       THD_force_malloc_type( dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ; /* don't mmap  */
00375       if( CL_verbose )
00376          fprintf(stderr,"+++ Loading dataset %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00377       THD_load_datablock( dset->dblk  ) ;                          /* read in     */
00378       EDIT_one_dataset( dset , &CL_edopt ) ;                       /* editing?    */
00380       /* 30 Apr 2002: check if -mni should be used here */
00382       do_mni = (CL_do_mni && dset->view_type == VIEW_TALAIRACH_TYPE) ;
00384       if( CL_ivfim < 0 )
00385          ivfim  = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;                     /* useful data */
00386       else
00387          ivfim  = CL_ivfim ;                                       /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00389       vfim   = DSET_ARRAY(dset,ivfim) ;                            /* ptr to data */
00390       fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ivfim) ;                     /* scl factor  */
00391       if( vfim == NULL ){
00392          fprintf(stderr,"** Cannot access data in dataset %s\a\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00393          continue ;
00394       }
00396       if( !AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ivfim) ) ||
00397           DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ivfim) == MRI_rgb                 ){
00399          fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal datum type in dataset %s\a\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00400          continue ;
00401       }
00403       nx    = dset->daxes->nxx ; dx = fabs(dset->daxes->xxdel) ;
00404       ny    = dset->daxes->nyy ; dy = fabs(dset->daxes->yydel) ;
00405       nz    = dset->daxes->nzz ; dz = fabs(dset->daxes->zzdel) ;
00406       nxy   = nx * ny ; nxyz = nxy * nz ;
00408       if( CL_edopt.fake_dxyz ){ dxf = dyf = dzf = 1.0 ; }         /* 24 Jan 2001 */
00409       else                    { dxf = dx ; dyf = dy ; dzf = dz ; }
00411       if( vmul >= 0.0 )
00412         ptmin = (int) (vmul / (dxf*dyf*dzf) + 0.99) ;
00413       else
00414         ptmin = (int) fabs(vmul) ;  /* 30 Apr 2002 */
00416       /*-- print report header --*/
00417      if( !CL_quiet ){
00419          if( CL_summarize != 1 ){
00420             printf( "\n"
00421              "Cluster report for file %s %s\n"
00422 #if 0
00423              "[3D Dataset Name: %s ]\n"
00424              "[    Short Label: %s ]\n"
00425 #endif
00426              "[Connectivity radius = %.2f mm  Volume threshold = %.2f ]\n"
00427              "[Single voxel volume = %.1f (microliters) ]\n"
00428              "[Voxel datum type    = %s ]\n"
00429              "[Voxel dimensions    = %.3f mm X %.3f mm X %.3f mm ]\n",
00430               argv[iarg] ,
00431               do_mni ? "[MNI coords]" : "" ,  /* 30 Apr 2002 */
00432 #if 0
00433               dset->self_name , dset->label1 ,
00434 #endif
00435               rmm , ptmin*dx*dy*dz , dx*dy*dz ,
00436               MRI_TYPE_name[ DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ivfim) ] ,
00437               dx,dy,dz );
00439              if( CL_edopt.fake_dxyz )  /* 24 Jan 2001 */
00440                printf("[Fake voxel dimen    = %.3f mm X %.3f mm X %.3f mm ]\n",
00441                       dxf,dyf,dzf) ;
00443             if (CL_noabs)                                   /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00444               printf ("Mean and SEM based on Signed voxel intensities: \n\n");
00445             else
00446               printf ("Mean and SEM based on Absolute Value "
00447                       "of voxel intensities: \n\n");
00449          printf (
00450 "Volume  CM %s  CM %s  CM %s  min%s  max%s  min%s  max%s  min%s  max%s    Mean     SEM    Max Int  MI %s  MI %s  MI %s\n"
00451 "------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -------  -------  -------  -----  -----  -----\n",
00453               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.xxor ] ,
00454               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.yyor ] ,
00455               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.zzor ] ,
00456               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.xxor ] , ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.xxor ] ,
00457               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.yyor ] , ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.yyor ] ,
00458               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.zzor ] , ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.zzor ] ,
00459               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.xxor ] ,
00460               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.yyor ] ,
00461               ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.zzor ]
00462              ) ;
00464           } else {
00465             if (CL_noabs)                                   /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00466               printf ("Mean and SEM based on Signed voxel intensities: \n");
00467             else
00468               printf ("Mean and SEM based on Absolute Value "
00469                       "of voxel intensities: \n");
00470             printf("Cluster summary for file %s %s\n" ,
00471                    argv[iarg] , do_mni ? "[MNI coords]" : "");
00472             printf("Volume  CM %s  CM %s  CM %s  Mean    SEM    \n",ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.xxor ],ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.yyor ] ,ORIENT_tinystr[ CL_cord.zzor ]);
00473           }
00474       } /* end of report header */
00476       /*-- actually find the clusters in the dataset */
00478       clar = NIH_find_clusters( nx,ny,nz , dxf,dyf,dzf ,
00479                                 DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ivfim) , vfim , rmm , CL_isomode ) ;
00481       /*-- don't need dataset data any more --*/
00483       PURGE_DSET( dset ) ;
00485       if( clar == NULL || clar->num_clu == 0 ){
00486          printf("** NO CLUSTERS FOUND ***\n") ;
00487          if( clar != NULL ) DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;
00488          continue ;                               /* next dataset */
00489       }
00491       /** edit for volume (June 1995) **/
00493       INIT_CLARR(clbig) ;
00494       for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
00495          cl = clar->clar[iclu] ;
00496          if( cl != NULL && cl->num_pt >= ptmin ){ /* big enough */
00497             ADDTO_CLARR(clbig,cl) ;               /* copy pointer */
00498             clar->clar[iclu] = NULL ;             /* null out original */
00499          }
00500       }
00501       DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;
00502       clar = clbig ;
00503       if( clar == NULL || clar->num_clu == 0 ){
00504          printf("** NO CLUSTERS FOUND ***\n") ;
00505          if( clar != NULL ) DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;
00506          continue ;
00507       }
00509       /** end of June 1995 addition **/
00511       /*-- 29 Nov 2001: write out an edited dataset? --*/
00513       if( iarg == nopt && CL_prefix != NULL ){
00514         int qv ; byte *mmm ;
00516         /* make a mask of voxels to keep */
00518         mmm = (byte *) calloc(sizeof(byte),nxyz) ;
00519         for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
00520           cl = clar->clar[iclu] ; if( cl == NULL ) continue ;
00521           for( ipt=0 ; ipt < cl->num_pt ; ipt++ ){
00522             ii = cl->i[ipt] ; jj = cl->j[ipt] ; kk = cl->k[ipt] ;
00523             mmm[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 1 ;
00524           }
00525         }
00527         DSET_load( dset ) ;             /* reload data from disk */
00529         EDIT_dset_items( dset ,         /* rename dataset internally */
00530                            ADN_prefix , CL_prefix ,
00531                          ADN_none ) ;
00533         tross_Make_History( "3dclust" , argc , argv , dset ) ;
00535         /* mask out each sub-brick */
00537         for( qv=0 ; qv < DSET_NVALS(dset) ; qv++ ){
00539            switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,qv) ){
00541              case MRI_short:{
00542                short *bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00543                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00544                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii] = 0 ;
00545              }
00546              break ;
00548              case MRI_byte:{
00549                byte *bar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00550                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00551                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii] = 0 ;
00552              }
00553              break ;
00555              case MRI_int:{
00556                int *bar = (int *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00557                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00558                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii] = 0 ;
00559              }
00560              break ;
00562              case MRI_float:{
00563                float *bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00564                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00565                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii] = 0.0 ;
00566              }
00567              break ;
00569              case MRI_double:{
00570                double *bar = (double *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00571                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00572                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii] = 0.0 ;
00573              }
00574              break ;
00576              case MRI_complex:{
00577                complex *bar = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00578                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00579                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[ii].r = bar[ii].i = 0.0 ;
00580              }
00581              break ;
00583              case MRI_rgb:{
00584                byte *bar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,qv) ;
00585                for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00586                  if( mmm[ii] == 0 ) bar[3*ii] = bar[3*ii+1] = bar[3*ii+2] = 0 ;
00587              }
00588              break ;
00589           } /* end of switch over sub-brick type */
00590         } /* end of loop over sub-bricks */
00592         /* write dataset out */
00594         DSET_write(dset) ;
00595         fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote dataset %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(dset)) ;
00596         PURGE_DSET(dset) ; free(mmm) ;
00597       }
00599       /** sort clusters by size, to make a nice report **/
00601       if( clar->num_clu < 1000 ){
00602          SORT_CLARR(clar) ;
00603       } else if( CL_summarize != 1 ){
00604          printf("** TOO MANY CLUSTERS TO SORT BY VOLUME ***\n") ;
00605       }
00606       ndet = 0 ;
00608       vol_total = nvox_total = 0 ;
00609       glmmsum = glmssum = glsqsum = glxxsum = glyysum = glzzsum = 0;
00611       for( iclu=0 ; iclu < clar->num_clu ; iclu++ ){
00612          cl = clar->clar[iclu] ;
00613          if( cl == NULL || cl->num_pt < ptmin ) continue ;  /* no good */
00615          volsum = cl->num_pt * dxf*dyf*dzf ;
00616          xxsum = yysum = zzsum = mmsum = mssum = 0.0 ;
00617          xxmax = yymax = zzmax = mmmax = msmax = 0.0 ;
00618          sqsum = sem = 0;
00620          /* These should be pegged at whatever actual max/min values are */
00621          RLmax = APmax = ISmax = -1000;
00622          RLmin = APmin = ISmin = 1000;
00624          for( ipt=0 ; ipt < cl->num_pt ; ipt++ ){
00626 #if 0
00627 /** this is obsolete and nonfunctional code **/
00628             IJK_TO_THREE( cl->ijk[ipt] , ii,jj,kk , nx,nxy ) ;
00629 #endif
00630             ii = cl->i[ipt] ; jj = cl->j[ipt] ; kk = cl->k[ipt] ;
00632             fv = THD_3dind_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_IVEC3(ii,jj,kk) ) ;
00633             fv = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv ) ;
00634             xx =[0] ; yy =[1] ; zz =[2] ;
00635             if( !do_mni )
00636               THD_dicom_to_coorder( &CL_cord , &xx,&yy,&zz ) ;  /* July 1997 */
00637             else
00638               THD_3tta_to_3mni( &xx , &yy , &zz ) ;           /* 30 Apr 2002 */
00640             ms = cl->mag[ipt];                           /* BDW  18 Jan 1999 */
00641             mm = fabs(ms);
00643             mssum += ms;
00644             mmsum += mm;
00645             sqsum += mm * mm;
00646             xxsum += mm * xx ; yysum += mm * yy ; zzsum += mm * zz ;
00647             if( mm > mmmax ){
00648                xxmax = xx ; yymax = yy ; zzmax = zz ;
00649                mmmax = mm ; msmax = ms ;
00650             }
00652             /* Dimensions: */
00653             if ( xx > RLmax )
00654                 RLmax = xx;
00655             if ( xx < RLmin )
00656                 RLmin = xx;     
00657             if ( yy > APmax )
00658                 APmax = yy;
00659             if ( yy < APmin )
00660                 APmin = yy;             
00661             if ( zz > ISmax )
00662                 ISmax = zz;
00663             if ( zz < ISmin )
00664                 ISmin = zz;
00666          }
00667          if( mmsum == 0.0 ) continue ;
00669          glmssum += mssum;
00670          glmmsum += mmsum;
00671          glsqsum += sqsum ;
00672          glxxsum += xxsum;
00673          glyysum += yysum;
00674          glzzsum += zzsum;
00676          ndet++ ;
00677          xxsum /= mmsum ; yysum /= mmsum ; zzsum /= mmsum ;
00679          if (CL_noabs)   mean = mssum / cl->num_pt;     /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00680          else            mean = mmsum / cl->num_pt;
00682          if( fimfac != 0.0 )
00683            { mean  *= fimfac;  msmax *= fimfac;
00684              sqsum *= fimfac*fimfac; }                      /* BDW 12/27/96 */
00686          /* MSB 11/1/96  Calculate SEM using SEM^2=s^2/N,
00687             where s^2 = (SUM Y^2)/N - (Ymean)^2
00688             where sqsum = (SUM Y^2 ) */
00690          if (cl->num_pt > 1)
00691            {
00692              sem = (sqsum - (cl->num_pt * mean * mean)) / (cl->num_pt - 1);
00693              if (sem > 0.0) sem = sqrt( sem / cl->num_pt );  else sem = 0.0;
00694            }
00695          else
00696            sem = 0.0;
00698          if( CL_summarize != 1 ){
00699            MCW_fc7(mean, buf1) ;
00700            MCW_fc7(msmax,buf2) ;
00701            MCW_fc7(sem  ,buf3) ;
00703            printf("%6.0f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %7s  %7s  %7s  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f \n",
00704                   volsum, xxsum, yysum, zzsum, RLmin, RLmax, APmin, APmax, ISmin, ISmax, buf1, buf3, buf2, xxmax, yymax, zzmax ) ;
00705          }
00707          nvox_total += cl->num_pt ;
00708          vol_total  += volsum ;
00710       }
00712       DESTROY_CLARR(clar) ;
00713       if( ndet == 0 )
00714          printf("** NO CLUSTERS FOUND ABOVE THRESHOLD VOLUME ***\n") ;
00717       /* MSB 11/1/96  Calculate global SEM */
00719       if (CL_noabs)   glmean = glmssum / nvox_total;    /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00720       else            glmean = glmmsum / nvox_total;
00722       /* BDW 12/27/96 */
00723       if( fimfac != 0.0 ){ glsqsum *= fimfac*fimfac ; glmean *= fimfac ; }
00724       if (nvox_total > 1)
00725         {
00726           sem = (glsqsum - (nvox_total*glmean*glmean)) / (nvox_total - 1);
00727           if (sem > 0.0) sem = sqrt( sem / nvox_total );  else sem = 0.0;
00728         }
00729       else
00730         sem = 0.0;
00732      glxxsum /= glmmsum ; glyysum /= glmmsum ; glzzsum /= glmmsum ;
00734       /* MSB 11/1/96 Modified so that mean and SEM would print in correct column */
00735       if( CL_summarize == 1 )
00736          {   if( !CL_quiet )
00737                  printf( "------  -----  -----  ----- -------- -------- \n");
00738                 printf("%6.0f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f %8.1f %6.3f\n" , vol_total, glxxsum, glyysum, glzzsum, glmean, sem ) ;
00739       }
00740          else if( ndet > 1 && CL_summarize != -1 )
00741         {
00742           MCW_fc7(glmean ,buf1) ;
00743           MCW_fc7(sem    ,buf3) ;
00744           if( !CL_quiet )
00745                 printf ("------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -------  -------  -------  -----  -----  -----\n");
00746              printf ("%6.0f  %5.1f  %5.1f  %5.1f                                            %7s  %7s                             \n",
00747                   vol_total, glxxsum, glyysum, glzzsum, buf1, buf3 ) ;
00748         }
00750    }
00752    exit(0) ;
00753 }
00756 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00757 /*
00758    read the arguments, and load the global variables
00759 */
00761 #ifdef CLDEBUG
00762 #  define DUMP1 fprintf(stderr,"ARG: %s\n",argv[nopt])
00763 #  define DUMP2 fprintf(stderr,"ARG: %s %s\n",argv[nopt],argv[nopt+1])
00764 #  define DUMP3 fprintf(stderr,"ARG: %s %s %s\n",argv[nopt],argv[nopt+1],argv[nopt+2])
00765 #else
00766 #  define DUMP1
00767 #  define DUMP2
00768 #  define DUMP3
00769 #endif
00771 void CL_read_opts( int argc , char * argv[] )
00772 {
00773    int nopt = 1 ;
00774    int ival ;
00776    INIT_EDOPT( &CL_edopt ) ;
00778    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
00780       /**** check for editing options ****/
00782       ival = EDIT_check_argv( argc , argv , nopt , &CL_edopt ) ;
00783       if( ival > 0 ){
00784          nopt += ival ;
00785          continue ;
00786       }
00788       /**** 30 Apr 2002: -isovalue and -isomerge ****/
00790       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-isovalue") == 0 ){
00791          CL_isomode = ISOVALUE_MODE ;
00792          nopt++ ; continue ;
00793       }
00795       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-isomerge") == 0 ){
00796          CL_isomode = ISOMERGE_MODE ;
00797          nopt++ ; continue ;
00798       }
00800       /**** 30 Apr 2002: -mni ****/
00802       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-mni") == 0 ){
00803          CL_do_mni = 1 ;
00804          nopt++ ; continue ;
00805       }
00807       /**** 29 Nov 2001: -prefix ****/
00809       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
00810          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
00811             fprintf(stderr,"need an argument after -prefix!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00812          }
00813          CL_prefix = argv[nopt] ;
00814          if( !THD_filename_ok(CL_prefix) ){
00815             fprintf(stderr,"-prefix string is illegal: %s\n",CL_prefix); exit(1);
00816          }
00817          nopt++ ; continue ;
00818       }
00820       /**** Sep 16 1999: -1tindex and -1dindex ****/
00822       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-1dindex",5) == 0 ){
00823          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
00824             fprintf(stderr,"need an argument after -1dindex!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00825          }
00826          CL_ivfim = CL_edopt.iv_fim = (int) strtod( argv[nopt++] , NULL ) ;
00827          continue ;
00828       }
00830       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-1tindex",5) == 0 ){
00831          if( ++nopt >= argc ){
00832             fprintf(stderr,"need an argument after -1tindex!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00833          }
00834          CL_ivthr = CL_edopt.iv_thr = (int) strtod( argv[nopt++] , NULL ) ;
00835          continue ;
00836       }
00838       /**** -summarize ****/
00840       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-summarize",5) == 0 ){
00841          CL_summarize = 1 ;
00842          nopt++ ; continue ;
00843       }
00845       /**** -nosum [05 Jul 2001] ****/
00847       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-nosum",6) == 0 ){
00848          CL_summarize = -1 ;
00849          nopt++ ; continue ;
00850       }
00852       /**** -verbose ****/
00854       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-verbose",5) == 0 ){
00855          CL_verbose = CL_edopt.verbose = 1 ;
00856          nopt++ ; continue ;
00857       }
00859       /**** -quiet ****/
00861       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-quiet",5) == 0 ){
00862          CL_quiet = 1 ;
00863          nopt++ ; continue ;
00864       }
00866       /**** -orient code ****/
00868       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-orient",5) == 0 ){
00869          THD_coorder_fill( argv[++nopt] , &CL_cord ) ; /* July 1997 */
00870          nopt++ ; continue ;
00871       }
00873       /**** -noabs ****/                                /* BDW  19 Jan 1999 */
00875       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-noabs",6) == 0 ){
00876          CL_noabs = 1 ;
00877          nopt++ ; continue ;
00878       }
00880       /**** unknown switch ****/
00882       fprintf(stderr,"** Unrecognized option %s\a\n",argv[nopt]) ;
00883       exit(1) ;
00885    }  /* end of loop over options */
00887 #ifdef CLDEBUG
00888 printf("** Finished with options\n") ;
00889 #endif
00891    CL_nopt = nopt ;
00892    return ;
00893 }
00895 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00897 void MCW_fc7( float qval , char * buf )
00898 {
00899    float aval = fabs(qval) ;
00900    int lv , il ;
00901    char lbuf[16] ;
00903    /* special case if the value is an integer */
00905    lv = (int) qval ;
00907    if( qval == lv && abs(lv) < 100000 ){
00908       if( lv >= 0 ) sprintf( buf , " %d" , lv ) ;
00909       else          sprintf( buf , "%d"  , lv ) ;
00910       return ;
00911    }
00913 /* macro to strip trailing zeros from output */
00915 #define BSTRIP \
00916    for( il=6 ; il>1 && lbuf[il]=='0' ; il-- ) lbuf[il] = '\0'
00918    /* noninteger: choose floating format based on magnitude */
00920    lv = (int) (10.0001 + log10(aval)) ;
00922    switch( lv ){
00924       default:
00925          if( qval > 0.0 ) sprintf( lbuf , "%7.1e" , qval ) ;
00926          else             sprintf( lbuf , "%7.0e" , qval ) ;
00927       break ;
00929       case  7:  /* 0.001 -0.01  */
00930       case  8:  /* 0.01  -0.1   */
00931       case  9:  /* 0.1   -1     */
00932       case 10:  /* 1     -9.99  */
00933          sprintf( lbuf , "%7.4f" , qval ) ; BSTRIP ; break ;
00935       case 11:  /* 10-99.9 */
00936          sprintf( lbuf , "%7.3f" , qval ) ; BSTRIP ; break ;
00938       case 12:  /* 100-999.9 */
00939          sprintf( lbuf , "%7.2f" , qval ) ; BSTRIP ; break ;
00941       case 13:  /* 1000-9999.9 */
00942          sprintf( lbuf , "%7.1f" , qval ) ; BSTRIP ; break ;
00944       case 14:  /* 10000-99999.9 */
00945          sprintf( lbuf , "%7.0f" , qval ) ; break ;
00947    }
00948    strcpy(buf,lbuf) ;
00949    return ;
00950 }
00951 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

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