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mfwddct.c File Reference

#include "all.h"
#include "dct.h"
#include "mtypes.h"
#include "opts.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define LG2_DCT_SCALE   16
#define ONE   ((int32) 1)
#define DCT_SCALE   (ONE << LG2_DCT_SCALE)
#define LG2_OVERSCALE   2
#define OVERSHIFT(x)   ((x) <<= LG2_OVERSCALE)
#define FIX(x)   ((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE + 0.5))
#define FIXO(x)   ((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE / OVERSCALE + 0.5))
#define UNFIX(x)   RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << (LG2_DCT_SCALE-1)), LG2_DCT_SCALE)
#define UNFIXH(x)   RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << LG2_DCT_SCALE), LG2_DCT_SCALE+1)
#define UNFIXO(x)
#define SIN_1_4   FIX(0.707106781)
#define COS_1_4   SIN_1_4
#define SIN_1_8   FIX(0.382683432)
#define COS_1_8   FIX(0.923879533)
#define SIN_3_8   COS_1_8
#define COS_3_8   SIN_1_8
#define SIN_1_16   FIX(0.195090322)
#define COS_1_16   FIX(0.980785280)
#define SIN_7_16   COS_1_16
#define COS_7_16   SIN_1_16
#define SIN_3_16   FIX(0.555570233)
#define COS_3_16   FIX(0.831469612)
#define SIN_5_16   COS_3_16
#define COS_5_16   SIN_3_16
#define OSIN_1_4   FIXO(0.707106781)
#define OCOS_1_4   OSIN_1_4
#define OSIN_1_8   FIXO(0.382683432)
#define OCOS_1_8   FIXO(0.923879533)
#define OSIN_3_8   OCOS_1_8
#define OCOS_3_8   OSIN_1_8
#define OSIN_1_16   FIXO(0.195090322)
#define OCOS_1_16   FIXO(0.980785280)
#define OSIN_7_16   OCOS_1_16
#define OCOS_7_16   OSIN_1_16
#define OSIN_3_16   FIXO(0.555570233)
#define OCOS_3_16   FIXO(0.831469612)
#define OSIN_5_16   OCOS_3_16
#define OCOS_5_16   OSIN_3_16
#define PI   3.14159265358979323846


void reference_fwd_dct _ANSI_ARGS_ ((Block block, Block dest))
void mp_fwd_dct_fast _ANSI_ARGS_ ((Block data2d, Block dest2d))
void init_fdct _ANSI_ARGS_ ((void))
void mp_fwd_dct_block2 (data, dest) Block data
void init_fdct ()
void reference_fwd_dct (block, dest) Block block


boolean pureDCT
void dest

Define Documentation

#define COS_1_16   FIX(0.980785280)

Definition at line 95 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_1_4   SIN_1_4

Definition at line 87 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_1_8   FIX(0.923879533)

Definition at line 90 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_3_16   FIX(0.831469612)

Definition at line 100 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_3_8   SIN_1_8

Definition at line 92 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_5_16   SIN_3_16

Definition at line 102 of file mfwddct.c.

#define COS_7_16   SIN_1_16

Definition at line 97 of file mfwddct.c.

#define DCT_SCALE   (ONE << LG2_DCT_SCALE)

Definition at line 55 of file mfwddct.c.


Definition at line 46 of file mfwddct.c.

#define FIX      ((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE + 0.5))

Definition at line 65 of file mfwddct.c.

#define FIXO      ((int32) ((x) * DCT_SCALE / OVERSCALE + 0.5))

Definition at line 70 of file mfwddct.c.

#define LG2_DCT_SCALE   16

Definition at line 48 of file mfwddct.c.

#define LG2_OVERSCALE   2

Definition at line 60 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_1_16   FIXO(0.980785280)

Definition at line 116 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_1_4   OSIN_1_4

Definition at line 108 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_1_8   FIXO(0.923879533)

Definition at line 111 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_3_16   FIXO(0.831469612)

Definition at line 121 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_3_8   OSIN_1_8

Definition at line 113 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_5_16   OSIN_3_16

Definition at line 123 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OCOS_7_16   OSIN_1_16

Definition at line 118 of file mfwddct.c.

#define ONE   ((int32) 1)

Definition at line 53 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_1_16   FIXO(0.195090322)

Definition at line 115 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_1_4   FIXO(0.707106781)

Definition at line 107 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_1_8   FIXO(0.382683432)

Definition at line 110 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_3_16   FIXO(0.555570233)

Definition at line 120 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_3_8   OCOS_1_8

Definition at line 112 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_5_16   OCOS_3_16

Definition at line 122 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OSIN_7_16   OCOS_1_16

Definition at line 117 of file mfwddct.c.


Definition at line 61 of file mfwddct.c.

#define OVERSHIFT      ((x) <<= LG2_OVERSCALE)

Definition at line 62 of file mfwddct.c.

#define PI   3.14159265358979323846

#define SIN_1_16   FIX(0.195090322)

Definition at line 94 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_1_4   FIX(0.707106781)

Definition at line 86 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_1_8   FIX(0.382683432)

Definition at line 89 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_3_16   FIX(0.555570233)

Definition at line 99 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_3_8   COS_1_8

Definition at line 91 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_5_16   COS_3_16

Definition at line 101 of file mfwddct.c.

#define SIN_7_16   COS_1_16

Definition at line 96 of file mfwddct.c.

#define UNFIX      RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << (LG2_DCT_SCALE-1)), LG2_DCT_SCALE)

Definition at line 73 of file mfwddct.c.

#define UNFIXH      RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << LG2_DCT_SCALE), LG2_DCT_SCALE+1)

Definition at line 76 of file mfwddct.c.

#define UNFIXO  


Definition at line 79 of file mfwddct.c.

Function Documentation

void init_fdct _ANSI_ARGS_ (void)   

void mp_fwd_dct_fast _ANSI_ARGS_ (Block data2d, Block dest2d  

void reference_fwd_dct _ANSI_ARGS_ (Block block, Block dest  

void init_fdct  

Definition at line 329 of file mfwddct.c.

References i.

Referenced by Tune_Init().

00330 {
00331   int i, j;
00332   double s;
00334   for (i=0; i<8; i++)
00335   {
00336     s = (i==0) ? sqrt(0.125) : 0.5;
00338     for (j=0; j<8; j++)
00339       trans_coef[i][j] = s * cos((PI/8.0)*i*(j+0.5));
00340   }
00341 }

void mp_fwd_dct_block2 data   ,

void reference_fwd_dct block   ,

Variable Documentation

void dest

Definition at line 344 of file mfwddct.c.


Definition at line 171 of file mfwddct.c.

boolean pureDCT

Definition at line 143 of file mfwddct.c.


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