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SUMA_CommonFields Struct Reference

#include <SUMA_define.h>

Data Fields

SUMA_Boolean Dev
SUMA_Boolean InOut_Notify
int InOut_Level
int N_OpenSV
SUMA_Boolean MemTrace
NI_stream ns_v [SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]
int ns_flags_v [SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]
SUMA_Boolean Connected_v [SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]
int TrackingId_v [SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]
SUMA_Boolean Listening
SUMA_Boolean niml_work_on
SUMA_Boolean SwapButtons_1_3
SUMA_Boolean ROI_mode
SUMA_Boolean Pen_mode
SUMA_Boolean ROI2afni
int nimlROI_Datum_type
char ** GroupList
int N_Group
int SUMA_ThrScalePowerBias
SUMA_Boolean IgnoreVolreg
SUMA_Boolean isGraphical

Detailed Description

structure containing information global to all surface viewers

Definition at line 2044 of file SUMA_define.h.

Field Documentation

SUMA_COL_MIX_MODE SUMA_CommonFields::ColMixMode

controls the way colors from multiple planes are mixed together

Definition at line 2097 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_input(), and SUMA_MixOverlays().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::Connected_v[SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]

YUP/NOPE, if SUMA is sending (or accepting) communication from AFNI Dec. 19 03 Vectorized Connected like fields above

Definition at line 2080 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_JumpIndex(), SUMA_JumpXYZ(), SUMA_MarkLineSurfaceIntersect(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), and SUMA_process_NIML_data().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::Dev

Flag for developer option (allows the use of confusing or kludge options)

Definition at line 2045 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by main(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_help_message_Info(), and SUMA_input().

DList* SUMA_CommonFields::DsetList

List containing datasets

Definition at line 2105 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by fill_SUMA_structs(), get_surf_measures(), read_surf_files(), spec2SUMA(), SUMA_CalculateNodeAreas(), SUMA_cb_moreSurfInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_GimmeSomeSOs(), SUMA_input(), SUMA_LoadColorPlaneFile(), SUMA_LoadDsetFile(), SUMA_LoadSpec(), SUMA_Mesh_Volume(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), SUMA_Pattie_Volume(), SUMA_Print_Surface_Object(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), and SUMA_SurfaceMetrics().

char** SUMA_CommonFields::GroupList

Names of surface groups

Definition at line 2101 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_AssembleGroupList(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_RegisterGroup(), SUMA_SetupSVforDOs(), and SUMA_WhichGroup().


name or ipaddress of hosts maximum allowed name is 20 chars less than allocated for, see SUMA_Assign_AfniHostName Dec. 19 03: This field used to be called AfniHostName It is now a vector of hostnmes allowing for multiple connections. AfniHostName = HostName_v[SUMA_AFNI_STREAM_INDEX]

Definition at line 2056 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Assign_HostName(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_niml_call().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::IgnoreVolreg

if YUP then ignore any Volreg or TagAlign transform in the header of the surface volume

Definition at line 2108 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Apply_VolReg_Trans(), and SUMA_Create_CommonFields().

int SUMA_CommonFields::InOut_Level

level of nested function calls

Definition at line 2047 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::InOut_Notify

prints to STDERR a notice when a function is entered or exited

Definition at line 2046 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by fill_SUMA_structs(), read_surf_files(), spec2SUMA(), SUMA_cb_helpIO_notify(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::isGraphical

if YUP then Named afni colors will get resolved when creating color maps. Otherwise they are set to gray. Only suma and ScaleToMap will need to set this variable to YUP, for the moment June 3 05

Definition at line 2109 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by main(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_Interpret_AFNIColor().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::Listening

SUMA is listening for connections

Definition at line 2086 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().


All viewers i such that Locked[i] != SUMA_No_Lock have their cross hair locked together

Definition at line 2088 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_createSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_XHlock_toggled(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), and SUMA_set_Lock_arb().


structure used to keep track of memory usage

Definition at line 2053 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_allocate2D(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_free2D(), and SUMA_Free_CommonFields().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::MemTrace

Flag for keeping track of memory usage (must also set SUMA_MEMTRACE_FLAG )

Definition at line 2054 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by fill_SUMA_structs(), main(), read_surf_files(), spec2SUMA(), SUMA_allocate2D(), SUMA_cb_helpMemTrace(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_free2D(), and SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create().

DList* SUMA_CommonFields::MessageList

a doubly linked list with data elements containing notices, warnings and error messages

Definition at line 2092 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_ATF_SetValue(), SUMA_cb_ToolsDrawROI(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateArrowField(), SUMA_CreateBrushStroke(), SUMA_CreateBSDatum(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_input(), SUMA_NodeStrokeToConnectedNodes(), SUMA_ProcessBrushStroke(), SUMA_Surf_Plane_Intersect_ROI(), and SUMA_TableF_cb_label_change().

int SUMA_CommonFields::N_Group

number of groups available

Definition at line 2102 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_AssembleGroupList(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_RegisterGroup(), SUMA_SwitchGroups(), and SUMA_WhichGroup().

int SUMA_CommonFields::N_OpenSV

Number of open (visible) surface viewers. Do not confuse this with the number of surface viewers created (SUMAg_N_SVv)

Definition at line 2049 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_ButtClose_pushed(), and SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::niml_work_on

Flag indicating that niml workprocess is ON

Definition at line 2087 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), and SUMA_niml_workproc().

int SUMA_CommonFields::nimlROI_Datum_type

the code for nimlROI_Datum_type

Definition at line 2099 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI_NIML(), and SUMA_Write_DrawnROI_NIML().


niml stream name for communicating with other programs Dec. 19 03: This field used to be called AfniNimlStream AfniNimlStream = NimlStream_v[SUMA_AFNI_STREAM_INDEX]

Definition at line 2062 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Assign_HostName(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_SendToSuma(), and SUMA_which_stream_index().

int SUMA_CommonFields::ns_flags_v[SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]

Definition at line 2077 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_SendToAfni(), and SUMA_SendToSuma().

NI_stream SUMA_CommonFields::ns_v[SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]

Pre: Dec 19 03: Stream used to communicate with AFNI. It is null when no communication stream is open. The stream can be open with Connected set to NOPE. In that case no communication between the two programs but resuming communication is easy since surfaces need not be sent to AFNI again as would be the case if the stream was completely closed Dec. 19 03 Used to be called ns for connecting to AFNI. ns = ns_v[SUMA_AFNI_STREAM_INDEX]

Definition at line 2065 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_SendToAfni(), and SUMA_SendToSuma().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::Pen_mode

Flag specifying that a pen is being used for drawing

Definition at line 2094 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_DrawROIPen_toggled(), SUMA_cmap_wid_input(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_input(), and SUMA_UpdateViewerCursor().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::ROI2afni

Send ROIs to afni as you draw them

Definition at line 2098 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes(), and SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w().


Color map used to map an ROI's index to a color

Definition at line 2095 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), and SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes().


flag indicating how to fill a closed contour

Definition at line 2096 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_ProcessBrushStroke().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::ROI_mode

Flag specifying that SUMA is in ROI drawing mode

Definition at line 2093 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cb_DrawROImode_toggled(), SUMA_cmap_wid_input(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_input(), SUMA_ProcessBrushStroke(), and SUMA_UpdateViewerCursor().

SUMA_AFNI_COLORS* SUMA_CommonFields::scm

a structure containing all the colormaps available to SUMA

Definition at line 2104 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_CmapOfPlane(), SUMA_CmapSelectList(), SUMA_ColorOverlayPlane_Info(), SUMA_CommonFieldsInfo(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateOverlayPointer(), SUMA_CreateUpdatableCmapMenu(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_LoadCmapFile(), SUMA_PrepAddmappableSO(), SUMA_ScaleToMap_Interactive(), and SUMA_SetConvexityPlaneDefaults().

int SUMA_CommonFields::SUMA_ThrScalePowerBias

Definition at line 2107 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_SetScaleRange().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::SwapButtons_1_3

YUP/NOPE, if functions of mouse buttons 1 and 3 are swapped

Definition at line 2090 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_cmap_wid_input(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), and SUMA_input().

int SUMA_CommonFields::TCP_port[SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]

Definition at line 2078 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Assign_HostName(), and SUMA_Create_CommonFields().

int SUMA_CommonFields::TrackingId_v[SUMA_MAX_STREAMS]

for keeping track of serial number of incoming nels 0 if not keeping track. So start numbering at 1

Definition at line 2083 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_niml_call(), SUMA_niml_hangup(), SUMA_niml_workproc(), SUMA_process_NIML_data(), SUMA_SendToAfni(), and SUMA_SendToSuma().

SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CommonFields::ViewLocked[SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS]

All viewers i such that ViewLocked[i] = YUP have their view point locked together

Definition at line 2089 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_input(), and SUMA_set_LockView_atb().

SUMA_X_AllView* SUMA_CommonFields::X

structure containing widgets and other X related variables that are common to all viewers

Definition at line 2091 of file SUMA_define.h.

Referenced by AskUser(), main(), SUMA_AskUser_File_replace(), SUMA_ATF_change_value(), SUMA_ButtClose_pushed(), SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled(), SUMA_cb_CloseDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_cb_closeSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_closeSurfaceCont(), SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchCmap(), SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchColPlane(), SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchGroup(), SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchROI(), SUMA_cb_createSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_createSurfaceCont(), SUMA_cb_createViewerCont(), SUMA_cb_doneSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Delete(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Finish(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Join(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Redo(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Save(), SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Undo(), SUMA_cb_DrawROImode_toggled(), SUMA_cb_helpSUMAGlobal(), SUMA_cb_moreSumaInfo(), SUMA_cb_moreSurfInfo(), SUMA_cb_moreViewerInfo(), SUMA_cb_SelectSwitchCmap(), SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_SaveMode(), SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_SaveWhat(), SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_WhatDist(), SUMA_cb_SwitchCmap(), SUMA_cb_viewSumaCont(), SUMA_cb_viewSurfaceCont(), SUMA_cb_XHlock_toggled(), SUMA_CmapSelectList(), SUMA_Create_CommonFields(), SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_CreateScrolledList(), SUMA_CreateTextShell(), SUMA_DeleteROI(), SUMA_DrawROI_NewLabel(), SUMA_DrawROI_NewValue(), SUMA_Engine(), SUMA_ForceUser_YesNo(), SUMA_Free_CommonFields(), SUMA_get_fallbackResources(), SUMA_Help_Cmap_destroyed(), SUMA_Help_destroyed(), SUMA_InitializeDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_input(), SUMA_LoadCmapFile(), SUMA_mapStateChanged(), SUMA_Message_destroyed(), SUMA_momentum(), SUMA_OpenDrawnROI(), SUMA_OpenDrawROIWindow(), SUMA_Overlays_2_GLCOLAR4(), SUMA_Paint_SO_ROIplanes_w(), SUMA_ProcessBrushStroke(), SUMA_register_workproc(), SUMA_SaveDrawnROI(), SUMA_set_LockView_atb(), SUMA_SetNumForeSmoothing(), SUMA_SumaInfo_destroyed(), SUMA_UpdateScrolledListData(), and SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create().

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