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January 03, 2014 05:44AM
You may be able to use stim_times_IM with a fixed-shape HRF (e.g. GAM) and get the amplitude measure for each trial. One previous post that may be helpful [afni.nimh.nih.gov]

[-stim_times_IM k tname Rmodel]                                        
   Similar, but each separate time in 'tname' will get a separate      
   regressor; 'IM' means 'Individually Modulated' -- that is, each     
   event will get its own amplitude estimated.  Presumably you will    
   collect these many amplitudes afterwards and do some sort of        
   statistics or analysis on them.
Subject Author Posted

amplitude measure for each trial in an experiment

Christine Smith January 02, 2014 02:05PM

Re: amplitude measure for each trial in an experiment

Peter Molfese January 03, 2014 05:44AM

Re: amplitude measure for each trial in an experiment

Christine Smith January 22, 2014 04:11PM