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October 27, 2016 04:15AM
Hello AFNI experts.

We are currently optimizing our task based analysis and are trying out different ways to include physiological data. For resting state analysis we preformed an ordinary afni_proc.py script (with ANATICOR and RICOR) and cleaned up the resulting .errts.anaticor file even further by e.g. using the rvhrcor method. This was quite straight forward since the regressors created by the rvhrc-matlab script could be applied to the errts.anaticor in a sperate 3dDeconvolve step after finishing the afni_proc.py:
afni_proc.py -subj_id $sub_id \ -dsets ${fmri_data}  -regress_anaticor   ............ etc \
tcsh -xef proc.$sub_id |& tee output.proc.$sub_id

#RUN reaklocs
matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -r "try, addpath('$rvhr_m_path'), peaklocs($samp,$nframes,'$card','$resp',$TR), end, quit"

#RUN RVHRCOR: outputs rvhr_regs.1D
matlab -nosplash -nodisplay -r "try, addpath('$rvhr_m_path'), rvhrcor_imgs([],$TR,[],'$resp_tr',$samp,'$ECG',$nframes), end, quit"

3dDeconvolve -float -GOFORIT 1 -jobs 10 \
		 -input $Results_Path/errts.$sub_id.anaticor+tlrc -nfirst 0 -num_stimts 2 \
		 -polort 0 \
		 -stim_file 1 rvhr_regs.1D'[0]($num_rm_TRs..$end)' -stim_label 1 'bla' \
		 -stim_file 2 rvhr_regs.1D'[1]($num_rm_TRs..$end)' -stim_label 2 'blabla' \
		 -errts residuals \
		 -censor $Results_Path/censor_${sub_id}_combined_2.1D
With task data it is not as straight forward for me. I want these regressors to be a part of the big resgresson as noise regressors (of no interest). I can preform this part prior to the afni_proc.py command but how do I get them in? RICOR is very similar but then you have a build in way to use the ricor-regressors (which makes sense since RICOR is provided by AFNI). I cannot just simply add the rvhr_regs.1D into the stim-files folder since those files need to have an onset and a duration (onset:duration since I use dm_BLOCK). These are more "continuous" regressors from PPU and Resp measurements.

Hope you can help, thanks!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2016 05:11AM by Robin.
Subject Author Posted

Add non-stim-times regressors to afni_proc.py? (Task-RVHRCOR)

Robin October 27, 2016 04:15AM

Re: Add non-stim-times regressors to afni_proc.py? (Task-RVHRCOR)

rick reynolds October 27, 2016 09:15AM