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September 30, 2019 07:44AM

I am writing because I have some (hopefully simple) questions about AFNI software and the latest NIMH macaque atlas. I was wondering if there is a way to change the D99 NIMH atlas files to the macaque 112 atlas space. Is there a function for this in AFNI? And if so how would I do it? Basically I am trying to do this because I want to be able to use the atlas for ROI analysis (outside of AFNI, I use SPM12) but all of my data has already been pre-processed through SPM12 using an atlas that is in 112 space. I tried co-registering one template to the other and doing some other things, but the D99 atlas brain just turns out kind of squished afterwards, so I worry that whatever I am doing is incorect/unreliable. Also, I am not super familiar with AFNI since I just recently started using it...

I'd appreciate any advice!

Look forward to the responses,

Subject Author Posted

Converting NIMH macaque atlas files from D99 space (original space) to 112 atlas space

Nadira September 30, 2019 07:44AM

Re: Converting NIMH macaque atlas files from D99 space (original space) to 112 atlas space

Daniel Glen September 30, 2019 06:29PM