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January 18, 2021 08:25PM
Hi, Ann-

For *some* reason I don't understand, conda folks make finishing their installation a pain with tcsh. It boggles my mind.

First, a grumble: Conda just sets up bash shell by default on installation, putting necessary pointer information in ~/bashrc on your system. In theory, the conda folks eventually "helped" make installations in non-bash shells easier by making the following command available (among a similar one for other shells):
conda init tcsh
This puts necessary path information into your ~/.*rc file for a given shell, so it knows where to find conda on your computer. The text it creates contains an if-condition between some comment lines with "conda initialize" in them, like this:
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
[if condition stuff, syntax based on particular shell]
# <<< conda initialize <<<
.... however, this does not set up your ~/.cshrc (which is what we use for tcsh setup) but instead goes for your ~/.tcshrc file (creating it if it doesn't exist already). Why they don't have "conda init csh", I cannot say (tcsh and csh have essentially the same syntax, one derived from the other).

OK, what you can do to set things up:
See if you have ~/.tcshrc already, by copy+pasting:
\ls ~/.tcshrc
If that file does not exist, you will get an error message like "ls: cannot access ...". If it *does* exist, you will just see that file shown with full path. (This will slightly affect the steps taken, below.)

Now, run this:
conda init tcsh
... to create the conda path information in ~/.tcshrc.

*If* the file *did* exist from the start (from check above), then open it up (e.g., "afni_open -e ~/.tcshrc"), as well as the ~/.cshrc file (e.g., "afni_open -e ~/.cshrc"); copy just the lines that conda has created in ~/.tcshrc between the "# >>> conda initialize >>>" and "# <<< conda initialize <<<" comments---including those comments themselves---and paste them in your ~/.cshrc file. Then, open a new terminal and see if things work.

*If* the file did *not* exist from the start (from check above) then open it up, because it exists now (e.g., "afni_open -e ~/.tcshrc"), as well as the ~/.cshrc file (e.g., "afni_open -e ~/.cshrc"); copy the lines that conda has created in ~/.tcshrc between the "# >>> conda initialize >>>" and "# <<< conda initialize <<<" comments---including those comments themselves---and paste them in your ~/.cshrc file. Then, close those two files, and copy+paste this in a terminal:
\mv ~/.tcshrc ~/.tcshrc_backup
(which just renames it, so it won't get sourced instead of ~/.cshrc). Now, open a new terminal and see if things work.


Subject Author Posted

tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 18, 2021 04:33PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 18, 2021 08:25PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 18, 2021 11:59PM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 19, 2021 09:09AM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

annschoe January 19, 2021 11:33AM

Re: tcsh vs. Miniconda

ptaylor January 19, 2021 04:25PM