AFNI Message Board

Dear AFNI users-

We are very pleased to announce that the new AFNI Message Board framework is up! Please join us at:

Existing user accounts have been migrated, so returning users can login by requesting a password reset. New users can create accounts, as well, through a standard account creation process. Please note that these setup emails might initially go to spam folders (esp. for NIH users!), so please check those locations in the beginning.

The current Message Board discussion threads have been migrated to the new framework. The current Message Board will remain visible, but read-only, for a little while.

Sincerely, AFNI HQ

History of AFNI updates  

March 03, 2021 10:03PM
Here is everything that you requested. I do not see slow performance with the data from the bootcamp. You can download the data I am using from here: (it is from FCP-INDI/CoRR) -check_all

-------------------------------- general ---------------------------------
architecture:         64bit ELF
system:               Linux
release:              5.4.0-66-generic
version:              #74-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 27 22:54:38 UTC 2021
distribution:         Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
number of CPUs:       24
apparent login shell: bash
shell RC file:        .bashrc (exists)

--------------------- AFNI and related program tests ---------------------
which afni           : /home/cameron/abin/afni
afni version         : Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Feb 25 2021 
                     : AFNI_21.0.12 'Titus'
AFNI_version.txt     : AFNI_21.0.12, linux_ubuntu_16_64, Feb 25 2021
which python         : /home/cameron/venvs/cpac/bin/python
python version       : 3.8.5
which R              : /usr/bin/R
R version            : R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
which tcsh           : /usr/bin/tcsh

instances of various programs found in PATH:
    afni    : 1   (/home/cameron/abin/afni)
    R       : 1   (/usr/bin/R)
    python  : 1   (/usr/bin/python3.8)
    python2 : 1   (/usr/bin/python2.7)
    python3 : 1   (/usr/bin/python3.8)

testing ability to start various programs...
    afni                 : success
    suma                 : success
    3dSkullStrip         : success      : success
    3dAllineate          : success
    3dRSFC               : success
    SurfMesh             : success
    3dClustSim           : success
    3dMVM                : success

checking for R packages...
    rPkgsInstall -pkgs ALL -check : FAILURE
        oo Warning: 
           These packages are not installed on the computer: afex!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: phia!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: snow!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: lmerTest!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: paran!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: brms!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: corrplot!
        These packages are not installed on the computer: metafor!

R RHOME : /usr/lib/R

checking for $HOME files...
    .afnirc                   : found
    .sumarc                   : found
    .afni/help/all_progs.COMP : found

------------------------------ python libs -------------------------------
** failed to load module PyQt4
-- PyQt4 is no longer needed for an AFNI bootcamp

++ module loaded: matplotlib.pyplot
   module file : /home/cameron/venvs/cpac/lib/python3.8/site-packages/matplotlib/

-------------------------------- env vars --------------------------------
PATH = /home/cameron/venvs/cpac/bin:/home/cameron/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/home/cameron/abin


------------------------------ data checks -------------------------------
data dir : missing AFNI_data6
data dir : missing AFNI_demos
data dir : missing suma_demo
data dir : missing afni_handouts
atlas    : found TT_N27+tlrc  under /home/cameron/abin

------------------------------ OS specific -------------------------------
which apt-get        : /usr/bin/apt-get
apt-get version      : apt 2.0.4 (amd64)

have Ubuntu system: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
have Ubuntu afni  : Precompiled binary linux_ubuntu_16_64: Feb 25 2021 

=========================  summary, please fix:  =========================
*  just be aware: login shell 'bash', but our code examples use 'tcsh'
*  missing R packages (see rPkgsInstall)
*  insufficient data for AFNI bootcamp

afni -no_detach -q -VAFNI_COMPRESSOR=

afni -no_detach -q -VAFNI_DONT_USE_PIGZ=

Still seeing the problem:
time ~/abin/3dROIstats -mask mask2.nii.gz func.nii.gz 
File	Sub-brick	Mean_1  
func.nii.gz	0[?]	9957.563410
func.nii.gz	1[?]	9947.920665
func.nii.gz	2[?]	9938.978018
func.nii.gz	3[?]	9942.901682
func.nii.gz	334[?]	10085.826948
func.nii.gz	335[?]	10079.657652
func.nii.gz	336[?]	10037.459720
func.nii.gz	337[?]	10058.559225

real	2m35.273s
user	2m21.209s
sys	0m13.998s

Now trying with bootcamp data ...
++ Compile date = Feb 25 2021 {AFNI_21.0.12:linux_ubuntu_16_64}

time ~/abin/3dROIstats -mask epi_r1+orig.HEAD
File	Sub-brick	Mean_1  
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	0[#0]	1541.724452
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	1[#1]	1380.877077
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	2[#2]	1340.660904
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	3[#3]	1339.089622
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	148[#148]	1334.726368
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	149[#149]	1333.623429
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	150[#150]	1332.642166
epi_r1+orig.HEAD	151[#151]	1334.085370

real	0m0.114s
user	0m0.065s
sys	0m0.049s

time ~/abin/3dROIstats -mask LONG.nii.gz
File	Sub-brick	Mean_1  
LONG.nii.gz	0[#0]	1541.724452
LONG.nii.gz	1[#1]	1380.877077
LONG.nii.gz	2[#2]	1340.660904
LONG.nii.gz	3[#3]	1339.089622
LONG.nii.gz	605[#149]	1333.623429
LONG.nii.gz	606[#150]	1332.642166
LONG.nii.gz	607[#151]	1334.085370

real	0m1.466s
user	0m1.398s
sys	0m0.068s

3dinfo epi_r1+orig.HEAD 
++ 3dinfo: AFNI version=AFNI_21.0.12 (Feb 25 2021) [64-bit]

Dataset File:    epi_r1+orig
Identifier Code: AFN_1obeBrbaja6u2HfupnCFbA  Creation Date: Thu Mar 18 14:28:42 2010
Template Space:  ORIG
Dataset Type:    Echo Planar (-epan)
Byte Order:      LSB_FIRST [this CPU native = LSB_FIRST]
Storage Mode:    BRIK
Storage Space:   64,204,800 (64 million) bytes
Geometry String: "MATRIX(2.75,0,0,-112.6622,0,2.75,0,-122.7787,0,0,3,-17.65058):80,80,33"
Data Axes Tilt:  Plumb
Data Axes Orientation:
  first  (x) = Right-to-Left
  second (y) = Anterior-to-Posterior
  third  (z) = Inferior-to-Superior   [-orient RAI]
R-to-L extent:  -112.662 [R] -to-   104.588 [L] -step-     2.750 mm [ 80 voxels]
A-to-P extent:  -122.779 [A] -to-    94.471 [P] -step-     2.750 mm [ 80 voxels]
I-to-S extent:   -17.651  -to-    78.349 [S] -step-     3.000 mm [ 33 voxels]
Number of time steps = 152  Time step = 2.00000s  Origin = 0.00000s  Number time-offset slices = 33  Thickness = 3.000
  -- At sub-brick #0 '#0' datum type is short:            0 to          3272
  -- At sub-brick #1 '#1' datum type is short:            0 to          2924
  -- At sub-brick #2 '#2' datum type is short:            0 to          2841
** For info on all 152 sub-bricks, use '3dinfo -verb' **

----- HISTORY -----
[ Thu Mar 18 11:19:14 2010] 3dcopy epi_r1.nii FT_epi_r1
[ Thu Mar 18 14:28:42 2010] 3dcopy FT_epi_r1+orig epi_r1

++ 3dinfo: AFNI version=AFNI_21.0.12 (Feb 25 2021) [64-bit]

Dataset File:    func.nii.gz
Identifier Code: NII_hDcnbsY6k2aQQvVLdGzh0w  Creation Date: Wed Mar  3 20:39:20 2021
Template Space:  ORIG
Dataset Type:    Echo Planar (-epan)
Byte Order:      LSB_FIRST {assumed} [this CPU native = LSB_FIRST]
Storage Mode:    NIFTI
Storage Space:   160,595,968 (161 million) bytes
Geometry String: "MATRIX(3.4375,0,0,-119.0361,0,-3.4375,0,65.85879,0,0,3.959766,-91.56892):64,64,29"
Data Axes Tilt:  Plumb
Data Axes Orientation:
  first  (x) = Right-to-Left
  second (y) = Posterior-to-Anterior
  third  (z) = Inferior-to-Superior   [-orient RPI]
R-to-L extent:  -119.036 [R] -to-    97.526 [L] -step-     3.438 mm [ 64 voxels]
A-to-P extent:  -150.704 [A] -to-    65.859 [P] -step-     3.437 mm [ 64 voxels]
I-to-S extent:   -91.569  -to-    19.305 [S] -step-     3.960 mm [ 29 voxels]
Number of time steps = 338  Time step = 1.75000s  Origin = 0.00000s
  -- At sub-brick #0 '?' datum type is float
  -- At sub-brick #1 '?' datum type is float
  -- At sub-brick #2 '?' datum type is float
** For info on all 338 sub-bricks, use '3dinfo -verb' **

Other than voxel size and number of TRs the main different in datasets is the data type and the range of values, lets make epi_r1 match func.nii.gz for those and see if it changes anything:

3dcalc -prefix epi_r1_float.nii.gz -a epi_r1 -expr '10000*a/2962' -datum float

time 3dROIstats -mask epi_r1_float.nii.gz 
File	Sub-brick	Mean_1  
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	0[#0]	5205.011654
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	1[#1]	4661.975278
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	2[#2]	4526.201565
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	3[#3]	4520.896766

epi_r1_float.nii.gz	148[#148]	4506.165995
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	149[#149]	4502.442365
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	150[#150]	4499.129527
epi_r1_float.nii.gz	151[#151]	4504.001923

real	0m0.481s
user	0m0.457s
sys	0m0.024s

When I try to convert func.nii.gz to float, I get:
3dcalc -prefix func_short.nii.gz -a func.nii.gz -exp 'a' -datum short
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_21.0.12 (Feb 25 2021) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
*+ WARNING: varying brick factors, writing NIfTI as float
++ Output dataset ./func_short.nii.gz

Could that be related to the problem

Thanks again for the help!

Subject Author Posted

AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

cameron February 26, 2021 04:49PM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

ptaylor February 26, 2021 05:12PM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

Daniel Glen February 28, 2021 01:05AM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

cameron March 01, 2021 01:05PM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

cameron March 01, 2021 01:02PM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

ptaylor March 02, 2021 09:49AM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

cameron March 03, 2021 10:03PM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

rick reynolds March 04, 2021 10:10AM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

rick reynolds March 04, 2021 11:58AM

Re: AFNI_21.0.12 Slow performance on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04

cameron March 04, 2021 02:08PM