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bob cox
February 07, 2003 11:18AM
If you have an 8-bit display, you should have the default visual set to be of PseudoColor type. You can check this by looking at the output of the command "xdpyinfo".

AFNI should still work with PseudoColor displays. However, because there are only 256 "color cells" with such systems. Each program allocates some of these, and AFNI will take a lot of them. The result is that you usually can run only 1 such color hog at a time. Web browsers are big color hogs, so you should quit Netscape (etc.) before trying to run AFNI. Also, if you are on a Linux system, most modern window managers will take ALL the color cells so they can look cool. This makes it impossible to run AFNI. So you want to minimize the color usage of other programs.

A little more info on this subject is in Q#5 in the FAQ list: <[afni.nimh.nih.gov];. However, the best solution is to setup your system to have a visual with greater depth. How to do that is system-dependent.

bob cox
Subject Author Posted

redhat 8

Kevin February 06, 2003 01:45PM

Re: redhat 8

rick reynolds February 06, 2003 01:53PM

Re: redhat 8

Kevin February 07, 2003 09:40AM

Re: redhat 8

bob cox February 07, 2003 11:18AM