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March 05, 2008 05:48PM
I am using 3dcalc to multiply EPI data by an ROI mask via the following script:
3dcalc -fscale \
-a ${study}.${subject}.${cond}.${diff}.ROI.GB4.iresp+orig \
-b ${study}.${subject}.${ROI}.resam+orig \
-expr '(a*b)' \
-prefix ${study}.${subject}.${cond}.${diff}.ROI.${region}.iresp+orig

The issue that I'm having is that the output dataset consists of EPI data for all 14 ROIs included in the mask and I would like a separate dataset for each ROI drawn. Is there a way that I can restrict the voxels from dataset b (my ROI mask) so that only the mask values for an individual ROI will be used? For example in 3dmaskave there is the option mrange a b... is there a similar option I can use for 3dcalc?

Subject Author Posted

Restricting voxels in 3dcalc

Kristen Kokotilo March 05, 2008 05:48PM

Re: Restricting voxels in 3dcalc

rick reynolds March 05, 2008 05:58PM

Re: Restricting voxels in 3dcalc

Daniel Glen March 05, 2008 06:02PM

Re: Restricting voxels in 3dcalc

Kristen Kokotilo March 05, 2008 06:15PM