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November 18, 2008 10:56PM
I'm using 3dAnova3 for the first time, and I have a question about whether it will work for the type of ANOVA I want to run.

I want to run an ANOVA with 2 between subjects factors:
Study (version1, version2)
Group (exp, control)

I also want to have 1 within subjects factor:
Time (1, 2)

The previous 3dAnova3 we've run have used type=5 with subject as the random C factor. I'm reading the doc. on 3dAnova3 and it seems that the max number of factors is 3 (a, b, c), but I may want 4 based on the model I describe above

Can someone offer some guidance on how to build a model to analyze this data?

Subject Author Posted

new to 3dAnova3

Michael Amlung November 18, 2008 10:56PM

Re: new to 3dAnova3

Gang Chen November 19, 2008 11:36AM