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May 29, 2009 09:12AM

My inclination is to say that you don't want to use 3dREMLfit for this purpose. The nonwhite noise for task FMRI studies is now your signal so why whiten it? However, there are multiple sources for noise in resting state signals, such as respiration and heart rate. To the extent that you do not model them properly and regress them out, they would affect the estimate for the degrees of freedom.
As Bob said, this merits closer consideration.

Are you making statements about individual subject connectivity maps or are you using taking the connectivity maps to group analysis for the final results ?
If the final result is group analysis maps, then using 3dREMLfit or 3dDeconvolve should make little difference.

Subject Author Posted

Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

Mp Schroeder May 26, 2009 03:02PM

Re: Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

Mp Schroeder May 28, 2009 01:43PM

Re: Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

bob cox May 28, 2009 05:33PM

Re: Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

ziad May 29, 2009 09:12AM

Re: Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

Kyle Simmons May 30, 2009 12:46AM

Re: Use 3dREMLfit for connectivity analyses?

Mp Schroeder June 01, 2009 02:35PM