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global.c File Reference

#include "qhull_a.h"

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void qh_appendprint (qh_PRINT format)
void qh_checkflags (char *command, char *hiddenflags)
unsigned long qh_clock (void)
void qh_freebuffers (void)
void qh_freebuild (boolT allmem)
void qh_freeqhull (boolT allmem)
void qh_init_A (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile, int argc, char *argv[])
void qh_init_B (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc)
void qh_init_qhull_command (int argc, char *argv[])
void qh_initflags (char *command)
void qh_initqhull_buffers (void)
void qh_initqhull_globals (coordT *points, int numpoints, int dim, boolT ismalloc)
void qh_initqhull_mem (void)
void qh_initqhull_start (FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, FILE *errfile)
void qh_initthresholds (char *command)
void qh_option (char *option, int *i, realT *r)
double qh_strtod (const char *s, char **endp)
int qh_strtol (const char *s, char **endp)


qhT qh_qh

Function Documentation

void qh_appendprint qh_PRINT    format

Definition at line 34 of file global.c.

References format, i, qh, qh_PRINT, and qh_PRINTEND.

Referenced by qh_initflags().

00034                                       {
00035   int i;
00037   for (i=0; i < qh_PRINTEND; i++) {
00038     if (qh PRINTout[i] == format)
00039       break;
00040     if (!qh PRINTout[i]) {
00041       qh PRINTout[i]= format;
00042       break;
00043     }
00044   }
00045 } /* appendprint */

void qh_checkflags char *    command,
char *    hiddenflags

Definition at line 61 of file global.c.

References key, qh, qh_errexit(), qh_ERRinput, and qh_strtod().

00061                                                      {
00062   char *s= command, *t, *chkerr, key, opt, prevopt;
00063   char chkkey[]= "   ";
00064   char chkopt[]=  "    ";
00065   char chkopt2[]= "     ";
00067   if (*hiddenflags != ' ' || hiddenflags[strlen(hiddenflags)-1] != ' ') {
00068     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags must start and end with a space: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
00069     qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
00070   }
00071   if (strpbrk(hiddenflags, ",\n\r\t")) { 
00072     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): hiddenflags contains commas, newlines, or tabs: \"%s\"", hiddenflags);
00073     qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
00074   }
00075   while (*s && !isspace(*s))  /* skip program name */
00076     s++;
00077   while (*s) {
00078     while (*s && isspace(*s))
00079       s++;
00080     if (*s == '-')
00081       s++;
00082     if (!*s)
00083       break;
00084     key = *s++;
00085     chkerr = NULL;
00086     if (key == '\'') {         /* TO 'file name' */
00087       t= strchr(s, '\'');
00088       if (!t) {
00089         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error (qh_checkflags): missing the 2nd single-quote for:\n%s\n", s-1);
00090         qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
00091       }
00092       s= t+1;
00093       continue;
00094     }
00095     chkkey[1]= key;
00096     if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkkey)) {
00097       chkerr= chkkey;
00098     }else if (isupper(key)) {
00099       opt= ' ';
00100       prevopt= ' ';
00101       chkopt[1]= key;
00102       chkopt2[1]= key;
00103       while (!chkerr && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
00104         opt= *s++;
00105         if (isalpha(opt)) {
00106           chkopt[2]= opt;
00107           if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
00108             chkerr= chkopt;
00109           if (prevopt != ' ') {
00110             chkopt2[2]= prevopt;
00111             chkopt2[3]= opt;
00112             if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt2))
00113               chkerr= chkopt2;
00114           }
00115         }else if (key == 'Q' && isdigit(opt) && prevopt != 'b' 
00116               && (prevopt == ' ' || islower(prevopt))) {
00117             chkopt[2]= opt;
00118             if (strstr(hiddenflags, chkopt))
00119               chkerr= chkopt;
00120         }else {
00121           qh_strtod (s-1, &t);
00122           if (s < t)
00123             s= t;
00124         }
00125         prevopt= opt;
00126       }
00127     }
00128     if (chkerr) {
00129       *chkerr= '\'';
00130       chkerr[strlen(chkerr)-1]=  '\'';
00131       fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error: option %s is not used with this program.\n             It may be used with qhull.\n", chkerr);
00132       qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
00133     }
00134   }
00135 } /* checkflags */

unsigned long qh_clock void   

Definition at line 148 of file global.c.

References qh, qh_errexit(), qh_ERRqhull, and qh_SECticks.

00148                               {
00150 #if (qh_CLOCKtype == 2)
00151   struct tms time;
00152   static long clktck;  /* initialized first call */
00153   double ratio, cpu;
00154   unsigned long ticks;
00156   if (!clktck) {
00157     if ((clktck= sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK)) < 0) {
00158       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): sysconf() failed.  Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
00159       qh_errexit (qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
00160     }
00161   }
00162   if (times (&time) == -1) {
00163     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): times() failed.  Use qh_CLOCKtype 1 in user.h\n");
00164     qh_errexit (qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
00165   }
00166   ratio= qh_SECticks / (double)clktck;
00167   ticks= time.tms_utime * ratio;
00168   return ticks; 
00169 #else
00170   fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull internal error (qh_clock): use qh_CLOCKtype 2 in user.h\n");
00171   qh_errexit (qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL); /* never returns */
00172   return 0;
00173 #endif
00174 } /* clock */

void qh_freebuffers void   

Definition at line 185 of file global.c.

References coordT, free, qh, qh_memfree(), qh_setfree(), realT, and trace5.

Referenced by qh_freeqhull().

00185                            {
00187   trace5((qh ferr, "qh_freebuffers: freeing up global memory buffers\n"));
00188   /* allocated by qh_initqhull_buffers */
00189   qh_memfree (qh NEARzero, qh hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
00190   qh_memfree (qh lower_threshold, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
00191   qh_memfree (qh upper_threshold, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
00192   qh_memfree (qh lower_bound, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
00193   qh_memfree (qh upper_bound, (qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
00194   qh_memfree (qh gm_matrix, (qh hull_dim+1) * qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
00195   qh_memfree (qh gm_row, (qh hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
00196   qh NEARzero= qh lower_threshold= qh upper_threshold= NULL;
00197   qh lower_bound= qh upper_bound= NULL;
00198   qh gm_matrix= NULL;
00199   qh gm_row= NULL;
00200   qh_setfree (&qh other_points);
00201   qh_setfree (&qh del_vertices);
00202   qh_setfree (&qh searchset);
00203   if (qh line)                /* allocated by qh_readinput, freed if no error */
00204     free (qh line);
00205   if (qh half_space)
00206     free (qh half_space);
00207   if (qh temp_malloc)
00208     free (qh temp_malloc);
00209   if (qh feasible_point)      /* allocated by qh_readfeasible */
00210     free (qh feasible_point);
00211   if (qh feasible_string)     /* allocated by qh_initflags */
00212     free (qh feasible_string);
00213   qh line= qh feasible_string= NULL;
00214   qh half_space= qh feasible_point= qh temp_malloc= NULL;
00215   /* usually allocated by qh_readinput */
00216   if (qh first_point && qh POINTSmalloc) {
00217     free(qh first_point);
00218     qh first_point= NULL;
00219   }
00220   if (qh input_points && qh input_malloc) { /* set by qh_joggleinput */
00221     free (qh input_points);
00222     qh input_points= NULL;
00223   }
00224   trace5((qh ferr, "qh_freebuffers: finished\n"));
00225 } /* freebuffers */

void qh_freebuild boolT    allmem

Definition at line 249 of file global.c.

References boolT, facetT::coplanarset, FORALLfacets, FORALLvertices, FOREACHmerge_, FOREACHridge_, vertexT::neighbors, facetT::neighbors, vertexT::next, facetT::next, otherfacet_, facetT::outsideset, qh, qh_ASnone, qh_clearcenters(), qh_delfacet(), qh_delvertex(), qh_memfree(), qh_setfree(), qh_setfreelong(), qh_settempfree_all(), qh_settruncate(), facetT::ridges, ridgeT::seen, facetT::simplicial, trace1, ridgeT::vertices, facetT::vertices, and facetT::visible.

Referenced by qh_build_withrestart(), and qh_freeqhull().

00249                                  {
00250   facetT *facet;
00251   vertexT *vertex;
00252   ridgeT *ridge, **ridgep;
00253   mergeT *merge, **mergep;
00255   trace1((qh ferr, "qh_freebuild: free memory from qh_inithull and qh_buildhull\n"));
00256   if (qh del_vertices)
00257     qh_settruncate (qh del_vertices, 0);
00258   if (allmem) {
00259     qh_clearcenters (qh_ASnone);
00260     while ((vertex= qh vertex_list)) {
00261       if (vertex->next)
00262         qh_delvertex (vertex);
00263       else {
00264         qh_memfree (vertex, sizeof(vertexT));
00265         qh newvertex_list= qh vertex_list= NULL;
00266       }
00267     }
00268   }else if (qh VERTEXneighbors) {
00269     FORALLvertices 
00270       qh_setfreelong (&(vertex->neighbors));
00271   }
00272   qh VERTEXneighbors= False;
00273   qh GOODclosest= NULL;
00274   if (allmem) {
00275     FORALLfacets {
00276       FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges)
00277         ridge->seen= False;
00278     }
00279     FORALLfacets {
00280       if (facet->visible) {
00281         FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
00282           if (!otherfacet_(ridge, facet)->visible)
00283             ridge->seen= True;  /* an unattached ridge */
00284         }
00285       }
00286     }
00287     while ((facet= qh facet_list)) {
00288       FOREACHridge_(facet->ridges) {
00289         if (ridge->seen) {
00290           qh_setfree(&(ridge->vertices));
00291           qh_memfree(ridge, sizeof(ridgeT));
00292         }else
00293           ridge->seen= True;
00294       }
00295       qh_setfree (&(facet->outsideset));
00296       qh_setfree (&(facet->coplanarset));
00297       qh_setfree (&(facet->neighbors));
00298       qh_setfree (&(facet->ridges));
00299       qh_setfree (&(facet->vertices));
00300       if (facet->next)
00301         qh_delfacet (facet);
00302       else {
00303         qh_memfree (facet, sizeof(facetT));
00304         qh visible_list= qh newfacet_list= qh facet_list= NULL;
00305       }
00306     }
00307   }else {
00308     FORALLfacets {
00309       qh_setfreelong (&(facet->outsideset));
00310       qh_setfreelong (&(facet->coplanarset));
00311       if (!facet->simplicial) {
00312         qh_setfreelong (&(facet->neighbors));
00313         qh_setfreelong (&(facet->ridges));
00314         qh_setfreelong (&(facet->vertices));
00315       }
00316     }
00317   }
00318   qh_setfree (&(qh hash_table));
00319   qh_memfree (qh interior_point, qh normal_size);
00320   qh interior_point= NULL;
00321   FOREACHmerge_(qh facet_mergeset)  /* usually empty */
00322     qh_memfree (merge, sizeof(mergeT));
00323   qh facet_mergeset= NULL;  /* temp set */
00324   qh degen_mergeset= NULL;  /* temp set */
00325   qh_settempfree_all();
00326 } /* freebuild */

void qh_freeqhull boolT    allmem

Definition at line 344 of file global.c.

References boolT, free, qh, qh_freebuffers(), qh_freebuild(), qh_freestatistics(), and trace1.

Referenced by main().

00344                                  {
00346   trace1((qh ferr, "qh_freeqhull: free global memory\n"));
00347   qh NOerrexit= True;  /* no more setjmp since called at exit */
00348   qh_freebuild (allmem);
00349   qh_freebuffers();
00350   qh_freestatistics();
00351 #if qh_QHpointer
00352   free (qh_qh);
00353   qh_qh= NULL;
00354 #else
00355   memset((char *)&qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));
00356   qh NOerrexit= True;
00357 #endif
00358 } /* freeqhull */

void qh_init_A FILE *    infile,
FILE *    outfile,
FILE *    errfile,
int    argc,
char *    argv[]

Definition at line 378 of file global.c.

References argc, qh_init_qhull_command(), qh_initqhull_start(), and qh_meminit().

Referenced by main().

00378                                                                                     {
00379   qh_meminit (errfile);
00380   qh_initqhull_start (infile, outfile, errfile); 
00381   qh_init_qhull_command (argc, argv);
00382 } /* init_A */

void qh_init_B coordT *    points,
int    numpoints,
int    dim,
boolT    ismalloc

Definition at line 425 of file global.c.

References boolT, coordT, qh, qh_gram_schmidt(), qh_initqhull_buffers(), qh_initqhull_globals(), qh_initqhull_mem(), qh_initthresholds(), qh_projectinput(), qh_randommatrix(), qh_rotateinput(), and qh_scaleinput().

Referenced by main(), and qh_new_qhull().

00425                                                                         { 
00426   qh_initqhull_globals (points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
00427   if (qhmem.LASTsize == 0)
00428     qh_initqhull_mem();
00429   /* mem.c and qset.c are initialized */
00430   qh_initqhull_buffers();
00431   qh_initthresholds (qh qhull_command);
00432   if (qh PROJECTinput || (qh DELAUNAY && qh PROJECTdelaunay)) 
00433     qh_projectinput();
00434   if (qh SCALEinput)
00435     qh_scaleinput();
00436   if (qh ROTATErandom >= 0) {
00437     qh_randommatrix (qh gm_matrix, qh hull_dim, qh gm_row);
00438     if (qh DELAUNAY) {
00439       int k, lastk= qh hull_dim-1;
00440       for (k= 0; k < lastk; k++) {
00441         qh gm_row[k][lastk]= 0.0;
00442         qh gm_row[lastk][k]= 0.0;
00443       }
00444       qh gm_row[lastk][lastk]= 1.0;
00445     }
00446     qh_gram_schmidt (qh hull_dim, qh gm_row);
00447     qh_rotateinput (qh gm_row);
00448   }
00449 } /* init_B */

void qh_init_qhull_command int    argc,
char *    argv[]

Definition at line 465 of file global.c.

References argc, i, and qh.

Referenced by qh_init_A().

00465                                                    {
00466   int i;
00467   char *s;
00469   if (argc) {
00470     if ((s= strrchr( argv[0], '\\'))) /* Borland gives full path */
00471       strcpy (qh qhull_command, s+1);
00472     else
00473       strcpy (qh qhull_command, argv[0]);
00474     if ((s= strstr (qh qhull_command, ".EXE"))
00475     ||  (s= strstr (qh qhull_command, ".exe")))
00476       *s= '\0';
00477   }
00478   for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
00479     if (strlen (qh qhull_command) + strlen(argv[i]) + 1 < sizeof(qh qhull_command)) {
00480       strcat (qh qhull_command, " ");
00481       strcat (qh qhull_command, argv[i]);
00482     }else {
00483       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: more than %d characters in command line\n",
00484         (int)sizeof(qh qhull_command));
00485       exit (1);  /* can not use qh_errexit */
00486     }
00487   }
00488 } /* init_qhull_command */

void qh_initflags char *    command

Definition at line 521 of file global.c.

References boolT, calloc, fout, i, key, MERGING, qh, qh_appendprint(), qh_DEFAULTbox, qh_errexit(), qh_ERRinput, qh_ERRmem, qh_option(), qh_PRINTarea, qh_PRINTaverage, qh_PRINTcentrums, qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTextremes, qh_PRINTfacets, qh_PRINTfacets_xridge, qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTids, qh_PRINTincidences, qh_PRINTinner, qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTmerges, qh_PRINTneighbors, qh_PRINTnormals, qh_PRINToff, qh_PRINToptions, qh_PRINTouter, qh_PRINTpointintersect, qh_PRINTpointnearest, qh_PRINTpoints, qh_PRINTqhull, qh_PRINTsize, qh_PRINTsummary, qh_PRINTtriangles, qh_PRINTvertices, qh_PRINTvneighbors, qh_strtod(), qh_strtol(), r, realT, and trace2.

Referenced by main(), and qh_new_qhull().

00521                                  {
00522   int k, i, lastproject;
00523   char *s= command, *t, *prev_s, *start, key;
00524   boolT isgeom= False, wasproject;
00525   realT r;
00527   if (command != &qh qhull_command[0]) {
00528     *qh qhull_command= '\0';
00529     strncat( qh qhull_command, command, sizeof( qh qhull_command));
00530   }
00531   while (*s && !isspace(*s))  /* skip program name */
00532     s++;
00533   while (*s) {
00534     while (*s && isspace(*s))
00535       s++;
00536     if (*s == '-')
00537       s++;
00538     if (!*s)
00539       break;
00540     prev_s= s;
00541     switch (*s++) {
00542     case 'd':
00543       qh_option ("delaunay", NULL, NULL);
00544       qh DELAUNAY= True;
00545       break;
00546     case 'f':
00547       qh_option ("facets", NULL, NULL);
00548       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTfacets);
00549       break;
00550     case 'i':
00551       qh_option ("incidence", NULL, NULL);
00552       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTincidences);
00553       break;
00554     case 'm':
00555       qh_option ("mathematica", NULL, NULL);
00556       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTmathematica);
00557       break;
00558     case 'n':
00559       qh_option ("normals", NULL, NULL);
00560       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTnormals);
00561       break;
00562     case 'o':
00563       qh_option ("offFile", NULL, NULL);
00564       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINToff);
00565       break;
00566     case 'p':
00567       qh_option ("points", NULL, NULL);
00568       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTpoints);
00569       break;
00570     case 's':
00571       qh_option ("summary", NULL, NULL);
00572       qh PRINTsummary= True;
00573       break;
00574     case 'v':
00575       qh_option ("voronoi", NULL, NULL);
00576       qh VORONOI= True;
00577       qh DELAUNAY= True;
00578       break;
00579     case 'A':
00580       if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-') 
00581         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: no maximum cosine angle given for option 'An'.  Ignored.\n");
00582       else {
00583         if (*s == '-') {
00584           qh premerge_cos= -qh_strtod (s, &s);
00585           qh_option ("Angle-premerge-", NULL, &qh premerge_cos);
00586           qh PREmerge= True;
00587         }else {
00588           qh postmerge_cos= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00589           qh_option ("Angle-postmerge", NULL, &qh postmerge_cos);
00590           qh POSTmerge= True;
00591         }
00592         qh MERGING= True; 
00593       }
00594       break;
00595     case 'C':
00596       if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '.' && *s != '-')
00597         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: no centrum radius given for option 'Cn'.  Ignored.\n");
00598       else {
00599         if (*s == '-') {
00600           qh premerge_centrum= -qh_strtod (s, &s);
00601           qh_option ("Centrum-premerge-", NULL, &qh premerge_centrum);
00602           qh PREmerge= True;
00603         }else {
00604           qh postmerge_centrum= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00605           qh_option ("Centrum-postmerge", NULL, &qh postmerge_centrum);
00606           qh POSTmerge= True;
00607         }
00608         qh MERGING= True; 
00609       }
00610       break;
00611     case 'E':
00612       if (*s == '-')
00613         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: negative maximum roundoff given for option 'An'.  Ignored.\n");
00614       else if (!isdigit(*s))
00615         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: no maximum roundoff given for option 'En'.  Ignored.\n");
00616       else {
00617         qh DISTround= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00618         qh_option ("Distance-roundoff", NULL, &qh DISTround);
00619         qh SETroundoff= True;
00620       }
00621       break;
00622     case 'H':
00623       start= s;
00624       qh HALFspace= True;
00625       qh_strtod (s, &t);
00626       while (t > s)  {
00627         if (*t && !isspace (*t)) {
00628           if (*t == ',')
00629             t++;
00630           else
00631             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: origin for Halfspace intersection should be 'Hn,n,n,...'\n");
00632         }
00633         s= t;
00634         qh_strtod (s, &t);
00635       }
00636       if (start < t) {
00637         if (!(qh feasible_string= (char*)calloc (t-start+1, 1))) {
00638           fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error: insufficient memory for 'Hn,n,n'\n");
00639           qh_errexit(qh_ERRmem, NULL, NULL);
00640         }
00641         strncpy (qh feasible_string, start, t-start);
00642         qh_option ("Halfspace-about", NULL, NULL);
00643         qh_option (qh feasible_string, NULL, NULL);
00644       }else
00645         qh_option ("Halfspace", NULL, NULL);
00646       break;
00647     case 'R':
00648       if (!isdigit(*s))
00649         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing random perturbation for option 'Rn'.  Ignored\n");
00650       else {
00651         qh RANDOMfactor= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00652         qh_option ("Random_perturb", NULL, &qh RANDOMfactor);
00653         qh RANDOMdist= True;
00654       }
00655       break;
00656     case 'V':
00657       if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
00658         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing visible distance for option 'Vn'.  Ignored\n");
00659       else {
00660         qh MINvisible= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00661         qh_option ("Visible", NULL, &qh MINvisible);
00662       }
00663       break;
00664     case 'U':
00665       if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
00666         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing coplanar distance for option 'Un'.  Ignored\n");
00667       else {
00668         qh MAXcoplanar= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00669         qh_option ("U-coplanar", NULL, &qh MAXcoplanar);
00670       }
00671       break;
00672     case 'W':
00673       if (*s == '-')
00674         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: negative outside width for option 'Wn'.  Ignored.\n");
00675       else if (!isdigit(*s))
00676         fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing outside width for option 'Wn'.  Ignored\n");
00677       else {
00678         qh MINoutside= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00679         qh_option ("W-outside", NULL, &qh MINoutside);
00680         qh APPROXhull= True;
00681       }
00682       break;
00683     /************  sub menus ***************/
00684     case 'F':
00685       while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
00686         switch(*s++) {
00687         case 'a':
00688           qh_option ("Farea", NULL, NULL);
00689           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTarea);
00690           qh GETarea= True;
00691           break;
00692         case 'A':
00693           qh_option ("FArea-total", NULL, NULL);
00694           qh GETarea= True;
00695           break;
00696         case 'c':
00697           qh_option ("Fcoplanars", NULL, NULL);
00698           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTcoplanars);
00699           break;
00700         case 'C':
00701           qh_option ("FCentrums", NULL, NULL);
00702           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTcentrums);
00703           break;
00704         case 'd':
00705           qh_option ("Fd-cdd-in", NULL, NULL);
00706           qh CDDinput= True;
00707           break;
00708         case 'D':
00709           qh_option ("FD-cdd-out", NULL, NULL);
00710           qh CDDoutput= True;
00711           break;
00712         case 'F':
00713           qh_option ("FFacets-xridge", NULL, NULL);
00714           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTfacets_xridge);
00715           break;
00716         case 'i':
00717           qh_option ("Finner", NULL, NULL);
00718           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTinner);
00719           break;
00720         case 'I':
00721           qh_option ("FIDs", NULL, NULL);
00722           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTids);
00723           break;
00724         case 'm':
00725           qh_option ("Fmerges", NULL, NULL);
00726           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTmerges);
00727           break;
00728         case 'n':
00729           qh_option ("Fneighbors", NULL, NULL);
00730           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTneighbors);
00731           break;
00732         case 'N':
00733           qh_option ("FNeighbors-vertex", NULL, NULL);
00734           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTvneighbors);
00735           break;
00736         case 'o':
00737           qh_option ("Fouter", NULL, NULL);
00738           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTouter);
00739           break;
00740         case 'O':
00741           if (qh PRINToptions1st) {
00742             qh_option ("FOptions", NULL, NULL);
00743             qh_appendprint (qh_PRINToptions);
00744           }else 
00745             qh PRINToptions1st= True;
00746           break;
00747         case 'p':
00748           qh_option ("Fpoint-intersect", NULL, NULL);
00749           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTpointintersect);
00750           break;
00751         case 'P':
00752           qh_option ("FPoint-nearest", NULL, NULL);
00753           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTpointnearest);
00754           break;
00755         case 'Q':
00756           qh_option ("FQhull", NULL, NULL);
00757           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTqhull);
00758           break;
00759         case 's':
00760           qh_option ("Fsummary", NULL, NULL);
00761           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTsummary);
00762           break;
00763         case 'S':
00764           qh_option ("FSize", NULL, NULL);
00765           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTsize);
00766           qh GETarea= True;
00767           break;
00768         case 't':
00769           qh_option ("Ftriangles", NULL, NULL);
00770           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTtriangles);
00771           break;
00772         case 'v':
00773           /* option set in qh_initqhull_globals */
00774           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTvertices);
00775           break;
00776         case 'V':
00777           qh_option ("FVertex-average", NULL, NULL);
00778           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTaverage);
00779           break;
00780         case 'x':
00781           qh_option ("Fxtremes", NULL, NULL);
00782           qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTextremes);
00783           break;
00784         default:
00785           s--;
00786           fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown 'F' output option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
00787           while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
00788           break;
00789         }
00790       }
00791       break;
00792     case 'G':
00793       isgeom= True;
00794       qh_appendprint (qh_PRINTgeom);
00795       while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
00796         switch(*s++) {
00797         case 'a':
00798           qh_option ("Gall-points", NULL, NULL);
00799           qh PRINTdots= True;
00800           break;
00801         case 'c':
00802           qh_option ("Gcentrums", NULL, NULL);
00803           qh PRINTcentrums= True;
00804           break;
00805         case 'h':
00806           qh_option ("Gintersections", NULL, NULL);
00807           qh DOintersections= True;
00808           break;
00809         case 'i':
00810           qh_option ("Ginner", NULL, NULL);
00811           qh PRINTinner= True;
00812           break;
00813         case 'n':
00814           qh_option ("Gno-planes", NULL, NULL);
00815           qh PRINTnoplanes= True;
00816           break;
00817         case 'o':
00818           qh_option ("Gouter", NULL, NULL);
00819           qh PRINTouter= True;
00820           break;
00821         case 'p':
00822           qh_option ("Gpoints", NULL, NULL);
00823           qh PRINTcoplanar= True;
00824           break;
00825         case 'r':
00826           qh_option ("Gridges", NULL, NULL);
00827           qh PRINTridges= True;
00828           break;
00829         case 't':
00830           qh_option ("Gtransparent", NULL, NULL);
00831           qh PRINTtransparent= True;
00832           break;
00833         case 'v':
00834           qh_option ("Gvertices", NULL, NULL);
00835           qh PRINTspheres= True;
00836           break;
00837         case 'D':
00838           if (!isdigit (*s))
00839             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: missing dimension for option 'GDn'\n");
00840           else {
00841             if (qh DROPdim >= 0)
00842               fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: can only drop one dimension.  Previous 'GD%d' ignored\n",
00843                    qh DROPdim);
00844             qh DROPdim= qh_strtol (s, &s);
00845             qh_option ("GDrop-dim", &qh DROPdim, NULL);
00846           }
00847           break;
00848         default:
00849           s--;
00850           fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown 'G' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
00851           while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
00852           break;
00853         }
00854       }
00855       break;
00856     case 'P':
00857       while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
00858         switch(*s++) {
00859         case 'd': case 'D':  /* see qh_initthresholds() */
00860           key= s[-1];
00861           i= qh_strtol (s, &s);
00862           r= 0;
00863           if (*s == ':') {
00864             s++;
00865             r= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00866           }
00867           if (key == 'd')
00868             qh_option ("Pdrop-facets-dim-less", &i, &r);
00869           else
00870             qh_option ("PDrop-facets-dim-more", &i, &r);
00871           break;
00872         case 'g':
00873           qh_option ("Pgood-facets", NULL, NULL);
00874           qh PRINTgood= True;
00875           break;
00876         case 'G':
00877           qh_option ("PGood-facet-neighbors", NULL, NULL);
00878           qh PRINTneighbors= True;
00879           break;
00880         case 'o':
00881           qh_option ("Poutput-forced", NULL, NULL);
00882           qh FORCEoutput= True;
00883           break;
00884         case 'p':
00885           qh_option ("Pprecision-ignore", NULL, NULL);
00886           qh PRINTprecision= False;
00887           break;
00888         case 'A':
00889           if (!isdigit (*s))
00890             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: missing facet count for keep area option 'PAn'\n");
00891           else {
00892             qh KEEParea= qh_strtol (s, &s);
00893             qh_option ("PArea-keep", &qh KEEParea, NULL);
00894             qh GETarea= True;
00895           }
00896           break;
00897         case 'F':
00898           if (!isdigit (*s))
00899             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: missing facet area for option 'PFn'\n");
00900           else {
00901             qh KEEPminArea= qh_strtod (s, &s);
00902             qh_option ("PFacet-area-keep", NULL, &qh KEEPminArea);
00903             qh GETarea= True;
00904           }
00905           break;
00906         case 'M':
00907           if (!isdigit (*s))
00908             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: missing merge count for option 'PMn'\n");
00909           else {
00910             qh KEEPmerge= qh_strtol (s, &s);
00911             qh_option ("PMerge-keep", &qh KEEPmerge, NULL);
00912           }
00913           break;
00914         default:
00915           s--;
00916           fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown 'P' print option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
00917           while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
00918           break;
00919         }
00920       }
00921       break;
00922     case 'Q':
00923       lastproject= -1;
00924       while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
00925         switch(*s++) {
00926         case 'b': case 'B':  /* handled by qh_initthresholds */
00927           key= s[-1];
00928           if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
00929             s++;
00930             r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
00931             qh SCALEinput= True;
00932             qh_option ("QbBound-unit-box", NULL, &r);
00933             break;
00934           }
00935           if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b') {
00936             s++;
00937             qh SCALElast= True;
00938             qh_option ("Qbbound-last", NULL, NULL);
00939             break;
00940           }
00941           k= qh_strtol (s, &s);
00942           r= 0.0;
00943           wasproject= False;
00944           if (*s == ':') {
00945             s++;
00946             if ((r= qh_strtod(s, &s)) == 0.0) {
00947               t= s;            /* need true dimension for memory allocation */
00948               while (*t && !isspace(*t)) {
00949                 if (toupper(*t++) == 'B' 
00950                  && k == qh_strtol (t, &t)
00951                  && *t++ == ':'
00952                  && qh_strtod(t, &t) == 0.0) {
00953                   qh PROJECTinput++;
00954                   trace2((qh ferr, "qh_initflags: project dimension %d\n", k));
00955                   qh_option ("Qb-project-dim", &k, NULL);
00956                   wasproject= True;
00957                   lastproject= k;
00958                   break;
00959                 }
00960               }
00961             }
00962           }
00963           if (!wasproject) {
00964             if (lastproject == k && r == 0.0) 
00965               lastproject= -1;  /* doesn't catch all possible sequences */
00966             else if (key == 'b') {
00967               qh SCALEinput= True;
00968               if (r == 0.0)
00969                 r= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
00970               qh_option ("Qbound-dim-low", &k, &r);
00971             }else {
00972               qh SCALEinput= True;
00973               if (r == 0.0)
00974                 r= qh_DEFAULTbox;
00975               qh_option ("QBound-dim-high", &k, &r);
00976             }
00977           }
00978           break;
00979         case 'c':
00980           qh_option ("Qcoplanar-keep", NULL, NULL);
00981           qh KEEPcoplanar= True;
00982           break;
00983         case 'f':
00984           qh_option ("Qfurthest-outside", NULL, NULL);
00985           qh BESToutside= True;
00986           break;
00987         case 'g':
00988           qh_option ("Qgood-facets-only", NULL, NULL);
00989           qh ONLYgood= True;
00990           break;
00991         case 'i':
00992           qh_option ("Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
00993           qh KEEPinside= True;
00994           break;
00995         case 'm':
00996           qh_option ("Qmax-outside-only", NULL, NULL);
00997           qh ONLYmax= True;
00998           break;
00999         case 'r':
01000           qh_option ("Qrandom-outside", NULL, NULL);
01001           qh RANDOMoutside= True;
01002           break;
01003         case 's':
01004           qh_option ("Qsearch-initial-simplex", NULL, NULL);
01005           qh ALLpoints= True;
01006           break;
01007         case 'u':
01008           qh_option ("QupperDelaunay", NULL, NULL);
01009           qh UPPERdelaunay= True;
01010           break;
01011         case 'v':
01012           qh_option ("Qvertex-neighbors-convex", NULL, NULL);
01013           qh TESTvneighbors= True;
01014           break;
01015         case 'x':
01016           qh_option ("Qxact-merge", NULL, NULL);
01017           qh MERGEexact= True;
01018           break;
01019         case 'z':
01020           qh_option ("Qz-infinity-point", NULL, NULL);
01021           qh ATinfinity= True;
01022           break;
01023         case '0':
01024           qh_option ("Q0-no-premerge", NULL, NULL);
01025           qh NOpremerge= True;
01026           break; 
01027         case '1':
01028           qh_option ("Q1-no-angle-sort", NULL, NULL);
01029           qh ANGLEmerge= False;
01030           goto LABELcheckdigit;
01031           break; /* no warnings */
01032         case '2':
01033           qh_option ("Q2-no-merge-independent", NULL, NULL);
01034           qh MERGEindependent= False;
01035           goto LABELcheckdigit;
01036           break; /* no warnings */
01037         case '3':
01038           qh_option ("Q3-no-merge-vertices", NULL, NULL);
01039           qh MERGEvertices= False;
01040         LABELcheckdigit:
01041           if (isdigit(*s)) 
01042             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: can not follow '1', '2', or '3' with a digit.  '%c' skipped.\n",
01043                      *s++);
01044           break;
01045         case '4':
01046           qh_option ("Q4-avoid-old-into-new", NULL, NULL);
01047           qh AVOIDold= True;
01048           break;
01049         case '5':
01050           qh_option ("Q5-no-check-outer", NULL, NULL);
01051           qh SKIPcheckmax= True;
01052           break;
01053         case '6':
01054           qh_option ("Q6-no-concave-merge", NULL, NULL);
01055           qh SKIPconvex= True;
01056           break;
01057         case '7':
01058           qh_option ("Q7-no-breadth-first", NULL, NULL);
01059           qh VIRTUALmemory= True;
01060           break;
01061         case '8':
01062           qh_option ("Q8-no-near-inside", NULL, NULL);
01063           qh NOnearinside= True;
01064           break;
01065         case '9':
01066           qh_option ("Q9-pick-furthest", NULL, NULL);
01067           qh PICKfurthest= True;
01068           break;
01069         case 'G':
01070           i= qh_strtol (s, &t);
01071           if (qh GOODpoint) 
01072             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: good point already defined for option 'QGn'.  Ignored\n");
01073           else if (s == t)
01074             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing good point id for option 'QGn'.  Ignored\n");
01075           else if (i < 0 || *s == '-') { 
01076             qh GOODpoint= i-1;
01077             qh_option ("QGood-if-dont-see-point", &i, NULL);
01078           }else {
01079             qh GOODpoint= i+1;
01080             qh_option ("QGood-if-see-point", &i, NULL);
01081           }
01082           s= t;
01083           break;
01084         case 'J':
01085           if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
01086             qh JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
01087           else {
01088             qh JOGGLEmax= (realT) qh_strtod (s, &s);
01089             qh_option ("QJoggle", NULL, &qh JOGGLEmax);
01090           }
01091           break;
01092         case 'R':
01093           if (!isdigit(*s) && *s != '-')
01094             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing random seed for option 'QRn'.  Ignored\n");
01095           else {
01096             qh ROTATErandom= i= qh_strtol(s, &s);
01097             if (i > 0)
01098               qh_option ("QRotate-id", &i, NULL );
01099             else if (i < -1)
01100               qh_option ("QRandom-seed", &i, NULL );
01101           }
01102           break;
01103         case 'V':
01104           i= qh_strtol (s, &t);
01105           if (qh GOODvertex) 
01106             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: good vertex already defined for option 'QVn'.  Ignored\n");
01107           else if (s == t)
01108             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: no good point id given for option 'QVn'.  Ignored\n");
01109           else if (i < 0) {
01110             qh GOODvertex= i - 1;
01111             qh_option ("QV-good-facets-not-point", &i, NULL);
01112           }else {
01113             qh_option ("QV-good-facets-point", &i, NULL);
01114             qh GOODvertex= i + 1;
01115           }
01116           s= t;
01117           break;
01118         default:
01119           s--;
01120           fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown 'Q' qhull option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
01121           while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
01122           break;
01123         }
01124       }
01125       break;
01126     case 'T':
01127       while (*s && !isspace(*s)) {
01128         if (isdigit(*s) || *s == '-')
01129           qh IStracing= qh_strtol(s, &s);
01130         else switch(*s++) {
01131         case 'c':
01132           qh_option ("Tcheck-frequently", NULL, NULL);
01133           qh CHECKfrequently= True;
01134           break;
01135         case 's':
01136           qh_option ("Tstatistics", NULL, NULL);
01137           qh PRINTstatistics= True;
01138           break;
01139         case 'v':
01140           qh_option ("Tverify", NULL, NULL);
01141           qh VERIFYoutput= True;
01142           break;
01143         case 'z':
01144           if (!qh fout)
01145             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: output file undefined (stdout).  Option 'Tz' ignored.\n");
01146           else {
01147             qh_option ("Tz-stdout", NULL, NULL);
01148             qh ferr= qh fout;
01149             qhmem.ferr= qh fout;
01150           }
01151           break;
01152         case 'C':
01153           if (!isdigit(*s))
01154             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing point id for cone for trace option 'TCn'.  Ignored\n");
01155           else {
01156             i= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01157             qh_option ("TCone-stop", &i, NULL);
01158             qh STOPcone= i + 1;
01159           }
01160           break;
01161         case 'F':
01162           if (!isdigit(*s))
01163             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing frequency count for trace option 'TFn'.  Ignored\n");
01164           else {
01165             qh REPORTfreq= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01166             qh_option ("TFacet-log", &qh REPORTfreq, NULL);
01167             qh REPORTfreq2= qh REPORTfreq/2;  /* for tracemerging() */
01168           }
01169           break;
01170         case 'O':
01171           if (s[0] != ' ' || s[1] == '\"' || isspace (s[1])) {
01172             s++;
01173             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: option 'TO' mistyped.\nUse 'TO', one space, file name, and space or end-of-line.\nThe file name may be enclosed in single quotes.\nDo not use double quotes.  Option 'FO' ignored.\n");
01174           }else {  /* not a procedure because of qh_option (filename, NULL, NULL); */
01175             char filename[500], *t= filename;
01176             boolT isquote= False;
01178             s++;
01179             if (*s == '\'') {
01180               isquote= True;
01181               s++;
01182             }
01183             while (*s) {
01184               if (t - filename >= sizeof (filename)-2) {
01185                 fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull error: filename for 'TO' too long.\n");
01186                 qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01187               }
01188               if (isquote) {
01189                 if (*s == '\'') {
01190                   s++;
01191                   isquote= False;
01192                   break;
01193                 }
01194               }else if (isspace (*s))
01195                 break;
01196               *(t++)= *s++;
01197             }
01198             *t= '\0';
01199             if (isquote) 
01200               fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull error: missing end quote for option 'TO'.  Rest of line ignored.\n");
01201             else if (!freopen (filename, "w", stdout)) {
01202               fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull error: could not open file \"%s\".", filename);
01203               qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01204             }else {
01205               qh_option ("TOutput-file", NULL, NULL);
01206               qh_option (filename, NULL, NULL);
01207             }
01208           }
01209           break;
01210         case 'P':
01211           if (!isdigit(*s))
01212             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing point id for trace option 'TPn'.  Ignored\n");
01213           else {
01214             qh TRACEpoint= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01215             qh_option ("Trace-point", &qh TRACEpoint, NULL);
01216           }
01217           break;
01218         case 'M':
01219           if (!isdigit(*s))
01220             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing merge id for trace option 'TMn'.  Ignored\n");
01221           else {
01222             qh TRACEmerge= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01223             qh_option ("Trace-merge", &qh TRACEmerge, NULL);
01224           }
01225           break;
01226         case 'R':
01227           if (!isdigit(*s))
01228             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing rerun count for trace option 'TRn'.  Ignored\n");
01229           else {
01230             qh RERUN= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01231             qh_option ("TRerun", &qh RERUN, NULL);
01232           }
01233           break;
01234         case 'V':
01235           i= qh_strtol (s, &t);
01236           if (s == t)
01237             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing furthest point id for trace option 'TVn'.  Ignored\n");
01238           else if (i < 0) {
01239             qh STOPpoint= i - 1;
01240             qh_option ("TV-stop-before-point", &i, NULL);
01241           }else {
01242             qh STOPpoint= i + 1;
01243             qh_option ("TV-stop-after-point", &i, NULL);
01244           }
01245           s= t;
01246           break;
01247         case 'W':
01248           if (!isdigit(*s))
01249             fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing max width for trace option 'TWn'.  Ignored\n");
01250           else {
01251             qh TRACEdist= (realT) qh_strtod (s, &s);
01252             qh_option ("TWide-trace", NULL, &qh TRACEdist);
01253           }
01254           break;
01255         default:
01256           s--;
01257           fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown 'T' trace option %c, rest ignored\n", (int)s[0]);
01258           while (*++s && !isspace(*s));
01259           break;
01260         }
01261       }
01262       break;
01263     default:
01264       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: unknown flag %c (%x)\n", (int)s[-1],
01265                (int)s[-1]);
01266       break;
01267     }
01268     if (s-1 == prev_s && *s && !isspace(*s)) {
01269       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: missing space after flag %c (%x); reserved for menu. Skipped.\n",
01270                (int)*prev_s, (int)*prev_s);
01271       while (*s && !isspace(*s))
01272         s++;
01273     }
01274   }
01275   if (isgeom && !qh FORCEoutput && qh PRINTout[1])
01276     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull warning: additional output formats are not compatible with Geomview\n");
01277   /* set derived values in qh_initqhull_globals */
01278 } /* initflags */

void qh_initqhull_buffers void   

Definition at line 1290 of file global.c.

References coordT, qh, qh_memalloc(), qh_setnew(), REALmax, realT, and SETelemsize.

Referenced by qh_init_B().

01290                                  {
01291   int k;
01293   qh TEMPsize= (qhmem.LASTsize - sizeof (setT))/SETelemsize;
01294   if (qh TEMPsize <= 0 || qh TEMPsize > qhmem.LASTsize)
01295     qh TEMPsize= 8;  /* e.g., if qh_NOmem */
01296   qh other_points= qh_setnew (qh TEMPsize);
01297   qh del_vertices= qh_setnew (qh TEMPsize);
01298   qh searchset= qh_setnew (qh TEMPsize);
01299   qh NEARzero= (realT *)qh_memalloc(qh hull_dim * sizeof(realT));
01300   qh lower_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
01301   qh upper_threshold= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
01302   qh lower_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
01303   qh upper_bound= (realT *)qh_memalloc((qh input_dim+1) * sizeof(realT));
01304   for(k= qh input_dim+1; k--; ) {
01305     qh lower_threshold[k]= -REALmax;
01306     qh upper_threshold[k]= REALmax;
01307     qh lower_bound[k]= -REALmax;
01308     qh upper_bound[k]= REALmax;
01309   }
01310   qh gm_matrix= (coordT *)qh_memalloc((qh hull_dim+1) * qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT));
01311   qh gm_row= (coordT **)qh_memalloc((qh hull_dim+1) * sizeof(coordT *));
01312 } /* initqhull_buffers */

void qh_initqhull_globals coordT *    points,
int    numpoints,
int    dim,
boolT    ismalloc

Definition at line 1345 of file global.c.

References boolT, coordT, i, MERGING, num_points, qh, qh_AScentrum, qh_ASvoronoi, qh_DIMmergeVertex, qh_errexit(), qh_ERRinput, qh_ERRqhull, qh_HASHfactor, qh_option(), qh_PRINTcentrums, qh_PRINTcoplanars, qh_PRINTEND, qh_PRINTgeom, qh_PRINTmathematica, qh_PRINTpointintersect, qh_PRINTpointnearest, qh_PRINTtriangles, qh_PRINTvertices, qh_RANDOMint, qh_RANDOMmax, qh_RANDOMseed_, REALepsilon, REALmax, realT, seed, trace0, and trace2.

Referenced by qh_init_B().

01345                                                                                    {
01346   int seed, pointsneeded, extra= 0, i, randi, k;
01347   boolT printgeom= False, printmath= False, printcoplanar= False;
01348   realT randr;
01349   realT factorial;
01351   time_t timedata;
01353   trace0((qh ferr, "qh_initqhull_globals: for %s | %s\n", qh rbox_command, 
01354       qh qhull_command));
01355   qh POINTSmalloc= ismalloc;
01356   qh first_point= points;
01357   qh num_points= numpoints;
01358   qh hull_dim= qh input_dim= dim;
01359   if (!qh NOpremerge && !qh MERGEexact && !qh PREmerge && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
01360     qh MERGING= True;
01361     if (qh hull_dim <= 4) {
01362       qh PREmerge= True;
01363       qh_option ("_pre-merge", NULL, NULL);
01364     }else {
01365       qh MERGEexact= True;
01366       qh_option ("Qxact_merge", NULL, NULL);
01367     }
01368   }else if (qh MERGEexact) 
01369     qh MERGING= True;
01370   if (!qh NOpremerge && qh JOGGLEmax > REALmax/2) {
01371 #ifdef qh_NOmerge
01372     qh JOGGLEmax= 0.0;
01373 #endif
01374   }
01375   if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && qh DELAUNAY && !qh SCALEinput && !qh SCALElast) {
01376     qh SCALElast= True;
01377     qh_option ("Qbbound-last-qj", NULL, NULL);
01378   }
01379   if (qh MERGING && !qh POSTmerge && qh premerge_cos > REALmax/2 
01380   && qh premerge_centrum == 0) {
01381     qh ZEROcentrum= True;
01382     qh ZEROall_ok= True;
01383     qh_option ("_zero-centrum", NULL, NULL);
01384   }
01385   if (qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2 && REALepsilon > 2e-8 && qh PRINTprecision)
01386     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: real epsilon, %2.2g, is probably too large for joggle ('QJn')\nRecompile with double precision reals (see user.h).\n",
01387           REALepsilon);
01388 #ifdef qh_NOmerge
01389   if (qh MERGING) {
01390     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: merging not installed (qh_NOmerge + 'Qx', 'Cn' or 'An')\n");
01391     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01392   }
01393 #endif
01394   if (!(qh PRINTgood || qh PRINTneighbors)) {
01395     if (qh KEEParea || qh KEEPminArea < REALmax/2 || qh KEEPmerge || qh DELAUNAY
01396         || (!qh ONLYgood && (qh GOODvertex || qh GOODpoint))) {
01397       qh PRINTgood= True;
01398       qh_option ("Pgood", NULL, NULL);
01399     }
01400   }
01401   if (qh DELAUNAY && qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside) {
01402     qh KEEPinside= True;
01403     qh_option ("Qinterior-keep", NULL, NULL);
01404   }
01405   if (qh DELAUNAY && qh HALFspace) {
01406     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: can not use Delaunay ('d') or Voronoi ('v') with halfspace intersection ('H')\n");
01407     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01408   }
01409   if (!qh DELAUNAY && (qh UPPERdelaunay || qh ATinfinity)) {
01410     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: use upper-Delaunay ('Qu') or infinity-point ('Qz') with Delaunay ('d') or Voronoi ('v')\n");
01411     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01412   }
01413   if (qh UPPERdelaunay && qh ATinfinity) {
01414     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: can not use infinity-point ('Qz') with upper-Delaunay ('Qu')\n");
01415     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01416   }
01417   if (qh SCALElast && !qh DELAUNAY && qh PRINTprecision)
01418     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input warning: option 'Qbb' (scale-last-coordinate) is normally used with 'd' or 'v'\n");
01419   qh DOcheckmax= (!qh FORCEoutput && !qh SKIPcheckmax && qh MERGING );
01420   qh KEEPnearinside= (qh DOcheckmax && !(qh KEEPinside && qh KEEPcoplanar) 
01421                           && !qh NOnearinside);
01422   if (qh MERGING)
01423     qh CENTERtype= qh_AScentrum;
01424   else if (qh VORONOI)
01425     qh CENTERtype= qh_ASvoronoi;
01426   if (qh TESTvneighbors && !qh MERGING) {
01427     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull input error: test vertex neighbors ('Qv') needs a merge option\n");
01428     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL ,NULL);
01429   }
01430   if (qh PROJECTinput || (qh DELAUNAY && qh PROJECTdelaunay)) {
01431     qh hull_dim -= qh PROJECTinput;
01432     if (qh DELAUNAY) {
01433       qh hull_dim++;
01434       extra= 1;
01435     }
01436   }
01437   if (qh hull_dim <= 1) {
01438     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull error: dimension %d must be > 1\n", qh hull_dim);
01439     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01440   }
01441   for (k= 2, factorial=1.0; k < qh hull_dim; k++)
01442     factorial *= k;
01443   qh AREAfactor= 1.0 / factorial;
01444   trace2((qh ferr, "qh_initqhull_globals: initialize globals.  dim %d numpoints %d malloc? %d projected %d to hull_dim %d\n",
01445         dim, numpoints, ismalloc, qh PROJECTinput, qh hull_dim));
01446   qh normal_size= qh hull_dim * sizeof(coordT);
01447   qh center_size= qh normal_size - sizeof(coordT);
01448   pointsneeded= qh hull_dim+1;
01449   if (qh hull_dim > qh_DIMmergeVertex) {
01450     qh MERGEvertices= False;
01451     qh_option ("Q3-no-merge-vertices-dim-high", NULL, NULL);
01452   }
01453   if (qh GOODpoint)
01454     pointsneeded++;
01455 #ifdef qh_NOtrace
01456   if (qh IStracing) {
01457     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: tracing is not installed (qh_NOtrace in user.h)");
01458     qh_errexit (qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
01459   } 
01460 #endif
01461   if (qh RERUN > 1) {
01462     qh TRACElastrun= qh IStracing; /* qh_build_withrestart duplicates next conditional */
01463     if (qh IStracing != -1)
01464       qh IStracing= 0;
01465   }else if (qh TRACEpoint != -1 || qh TRACEdist < REALmax/2 || qh TRACEmerge) {
01466     qh TRACElevel= (qh IStracing? qh IStracing : 3);
01467     qh IStracing= 0;
01468   }
01469   if (qh ROTATErandom == 0 || qh ROTATErandom == -1) {
01470     seed= time (&timedata);
01471     if (qh ROTATErandom  == -1) {
01472       seed= -seed;
01473       qh_option ("QRandom-seed", &seed, NULL );
01474     }else 
01475       qh_option ("QRotate-random", &seed, NULL);
01476     qh ROTATErandom= seed;
01477   }
01478   seed= qh ROTATErandom;
01479   if (seed == INT_MIN)    /* default value */
01480     seed= 1;
01481   else if (seed < 0)
01482     seed= -seed;
01483   qh_RANDOMseed_(seed);
01484   randr= 0.0;
01485   for (i= 1000; i--; ) {
01486     randi= qh_RANDOMint;
01487     randr += randi;
01488     if (randi > qh_RANDOMmax) {
01489       fprintf (qh ferr, "\
01490 qhull configuration error (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
01491    random integer %d > qh_RANDOMmax (%.8g)\n",
01492                randi, qh_RANDOMmax);
01493       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01494     }
01495   }
01496   qh_RANDOMseed_(seed);
01497   randr = randr/1000;
01498   if (randr < qh_RANDOMmax/10
01499   || randr > qh_RANDOMmax * 5)
01500     fprintf (qh ferr, "\
01501 qhull configuration warning (qh_RANDOMmax in user.h):\n\
01502    average of 1000 random integers (%.2g) is much different than expected (%.2g).\n\
01503    Is qh_RANDOMmax (%g) wrong?\n",
01504              randr, qh_RANDOMmax/2.0, qh_RANDOMmax);
01505   qh RANDOMa= 2.0 * qh RANDOMfactor/qh_RANDOMmax;
01506   qh RANDOMb= 1.0 - qh RANDOMfactor;
01507   if (qh_HASHfactor < 1.1) {
01508     fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull internal error (qh_initqhull_globals): qh_HASHfactor %d must be at least 1.1.  Qhull uses linear hash probing\n",
01509       qh_HASHfactor);
01510     qh_errexit (qh_ERRqhull, NULL, NULL);
01511   }
01512   if (numpoints+extra < pointsneeded) {
01513     fprintf(qh ferr,"qhull input error: not enough points (%d) to construct initial simplex (need %d)\n",
01514             numpoints, pointsneeded);
01515     qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01516   }
01517   if (qh PRINTtransparent) {
01518     if (qh hull_dim != 4 || !qh DELAUNAY || qh VORONOI || qh DROPdim >= 0) {
01519       fprintf(qh ferr,"qhull input error: transparent Delaunay ('Gt') needs 3-d Delaunay ('d') w/o 'GDn'\n");
01520       qh_errexit(qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01521     }
01522     qh DROPdim = 3;
01523     qh PRINTridges = True;
01524   }
01525   for (i= qh_PRINTEND; i--; ) {
01526     if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTgeom)
01527       printgeom= True;
01528     else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTmathematica)
01529       printmath= True;
01530     else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcoplanars)
01531       printcoplanar= True;
01532     else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointnearest)
01533       printcoplanar= True;
01534     else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTpointintersect && !qh HALFspace) {
01535       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: option 'Fp' is only used for \nhalfspace intersection ('Hn,n,n').\n");
01536       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01537     }else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTtriangles && (qh HALFspace || qh VORONOI)) {
01538       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: option 'Ft' is not available for Voronoi vertices or halfspace intersection\n");
01539       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01540     }else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTcentrums && qh VORONOI) {
01541       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: option 'FC' is not available for Voronoi vertices ('v')\n");
01542       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01543     }else if (qh PRINTout[i] == qh_PRINTvertices) {
01544       if (qh VORONOI)
01545         qh_option ("Fvoronoi", NULL, NULL);
01546       else
01547         qh_option ("Fvertices", NULL, NULL);
01548     }
01549   }
01550   if (printcoplanar && qh DELAUNAY && qh JOGGLEmax < REALmax/2) {
01551     if (qh PRINTprecision) 
01552       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input warning: 'QJ' (joggle) will usually prevent coincident input sites for options 'Fc' and 'FP'\n");
01553   }
01554   if (!qh KEEPcoplanar && !qh KEEPinside && !qh ONLYgood) {
01555     if ((qh PRINTcoplanar && qh PRINTspheres) || printcoplanar) {
01556       qh KEEPcoplanar = True;
01557       qh_option ("Qcoplanar", NULL, NULL);
01558     }
01559   }
01560   if (printmath && (qh hull_dim > 3 || qh VORONOI)) {
01561     fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: Mathematica output is only available for 2-d and 3-d convex hulls and 2-d Delaunay triangulations\n");
01562     qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01563   }
01564   if (printgeom) {
01565     if (qh hull_dim > 4) {
01566       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: Geomview output is only available for 2-d, 3-d and 4-d\n");
01567       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01568     }
01569     if (qh PRINTnoplanes && !(qh PRINTcoplanar + qh PRINTcentrums
01570      + qh PRINTdots + qh PRINTspheres + qh DOintersections + qh PRINTridges)) {
01571       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: no output specified for Geomview\n");
01572       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01573     }
01574     if (qh VORONOI && (qh hull_dim > 3 || qh DROPdim >= 0)) {
01575       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input error: Geomview output for Voronoi diagrams only for 2-d\n");
01576       qh_errexit (qh_ERRinput, NULL, NULL);
01577     }
01578     /* can not warn about furthest-site Geomview output: no lower_threshold */
01579     if (qh hull_dim == 4 && qh DROPdim == -1 &&
01580         (qh PRINTcoplanar || qh PRINTspheres || qh PRINTcentrums)) {
01581       fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input warning: coplanars, vertices, and centrums output not\n\
01582 available for 4-d output (ignored).  Could use 'GDn' instead.\n");
01583       qh PRINTcoplanar= qh PRINTspheres= qh PRINTcentrums= False;
01584     }
01585   }
01586   qh PRINTdim= qh hull_dim;
01587   if (qh DROPdim >=0) {    /* after Geomview checks */
01588     if (qh DROPdim < qh hull_dim) {
01589       qh PRINTdim--;
01590       if (!printgeom || qh hull_dim < 3) 
01591         fprintf (qh ferr, "qhull input warning: drop dimension 'GD%d' is only available for 3-d/4-d Geomview\n", qh DROPdim);
01592     }else
01593       qh DROPdim= -1;
01594   }else if (qh VORONOI) {
01595     qh DROPdim= qh hull_dim-1;
01596     qh PRINTdim= qh hull_dim-1; 
01597   }
01598 } /* initqhull_globals */

void qh_initqhull_mem void   

Definition at line 1618 of file global.c.

References i, MERGING, qh, qh_MEMalign, qh_MEMbufsize, qh_MEMinitbuf, qh_meminitbuffers(), qh_memsetup(), qh_memsize(), qh_user_memsizes(), and SETelemsize.

Referenced by qh_init_B().

01618                              {
01619   int numsizes;
01620   int i;
01622   numsizes= 8+10;
01623   qh_meminitbuffers (qh IStracing, qh_MEMalign, numsizes, 
01624                      qh_MEMbufsize,qh_MEMinitbuf);
01625   qh_memsize(sizeof(vertexT));
01626   if (qh MERGING) {
01627     qh_memsize(sizeof(ridgeT));
01628     qh_memsize(sizeof(mergeT));
01629   }
01630   qh_memsize(sizeof(facetT));
01631   i= sizeof(setT) + (qh hull_dim - 1) * SETelemsize;  /* ridge.vertices */
01632   qh_memsize(i);
01633   qh_memsize(qh normal_size);        /* normal */
01634   i += SETelemsize;                 /* facet.vertices, .ridges, .neighbors */
01635   qh_memsize(i);
01636   qh_user_memsizes();
01637   qh_memsetup();
01638 } /* initqhull_mem */

void qh_initqhull_start FILE *    infile,
FILE *    outfile,
FILE *    errfile

Definition at line 1650 of file global.c.

References fmax_, fout, malloc, qh, qh_CPUclock, qh_ERRmem, qh_initstatistics(), qh_RANDOMseed_, REALmax, and REALmin.

Referenced by qh_init_A(), and qh_new_qhull().

01650                                                                      {
01652   qh_CPUclock; /* start the clock */
01653 #if qh_QHpointer
01654   if (!(qh_qh= (qhT *)malloc (sizeof(qhT)))) {
01655     fprintf (errfile, "qhull error (qh_initqhull_globals): insufficient memory\n");
01656     exit (qh_ERRmem);  /* no error handler */
01657   }
01658   memset((char *)qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));   /* every field is 0, FALSE, NULL */
01659 #else
01660   memset((char *)&qh_qh, 0, sizeof(qhT));
01661 #endif
01662   strcat (qh qhull, "qhull");
01663   qh_initstatistics();
01664   qh ANGLEmerge= True;
01665   qh DROPdim= -1;
01666   qh ferr= errfile;
01667   qh fin= infile;
01668   qh fout= outfile;
01669   qh furthest_id= -1;
01670   qh JOGGLEmax= REALmax;
01671   qh KEEPminArea = REALmax;
01672   qh last_low= REALmax;
01673   qh last_high= REALmax;
01674   qh last_newhigh= REALmax;
01675   qh max_outside= 0.0;
01676   qh max_vertex= 0.0;
01677   qh MAXabs_coord= 0.0;
01678   qh MAXsumcoord= 0.0;
01679   qh MAXwidth= -REALmax;
01680   qh MERGEindependent= True;
01681   qh MINdenom_1= fmax_(1.0/REALmax, REALmin); /* used by qh_scalepoints */
01682   qh MINoutside= 0.0;
01683   qh MINvisible= REALmax;
01684   qh MAXcoplanar= REALmax;
01685   qh outside_err= REALmax;
01686   qh premerge_centrum= 0.0;
01687   qh premerge_cos= REALmax;
01688   qh PRINTprecision= True;
01689   qh PRINTradius= 0.0;
01690   qh postmerge_cos= REALmax;
01691   qh postmerge_centrum= 0.0;
01692   qh ROTATErandom= INT_MIN;
01693   qh MERGEvertices= True;
01694   qh totarea= 0.0;
01695   qh totvol= 0.0;
01696   qh TRACEdist= REALmax;
01697   qh TRACEpoint= -1;  /* recompile to trace a point */
01698   qh tracefacet_id= UINT_MAX;  /* recompile to trace a facet */
01699   qh tracevertex_id= UINT_MAX; /* recompile to trace a vertex */
01700   qh_RANDOMseed_(1);
01701 } /* initqhull_start */

void qh_initthresholds char *    command

Definition at line 1723 of file global.c.

References key, qh, qh_DEFAULTbox, qh_strtod(), qh_strtol(), REALmax, and realT.

Referenced by qh_init_B().

01723                                       {
01724   realT value;
01725   int index, maxdim, k;
01726   char *s= command;
01727   char key;
01729   maxdim= qh input_dim;
01730   if (qh DELAUNAY && (qh PROJECTdelaunay || qh PROJECTinput))
01731     maxdim++;
01732   while (*s) {
01733     if (*s == '-')
01734       s++;
01735     if (*s == 'P') {
01736       s++;
01737       while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
01738         if (key == 'd' || key == 'D') {
01739           if (!isdigit(*s)) {
01740             fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Print option '%c' at: %s.  Ignored\n",
01741                     key, s-1);
01742             continue;
01743           }
01744           index= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01745           if (index >= qh hull_dim) {
01746             fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Print option '%c' is >= %d.  Ignored\n", 
01747                 index, key, qh hull_dim);
01748             continue;
01749           }
01750           if (*s == ':') {
01751             s++;
01752             value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
01753             if (fabs((double)value) > 1.0) {
01754               fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: value %2.4g for Print option %c is > +1 or < -1.  Ignored\n", 
01755                       value, key);
01756               continue;
01757             }
01758           }else
01759             value= 0.0;
01760           if (key == 'd')
01761             qh lower_threshold[index]= value;
01762           else
01763             qh upper_threshold[index]= value;
01764         }
01765       }
01766     }else if (*s == 'Q') {
01767       s++;
01768       while (*s && !isspace(key= *s++)) {
01769         if (key == 'b' && *s == 'B') {
01770           s++;
01771           for (k=maxdim; k--; ) {
01772             qh lower_bound[k]= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
01773             qh upper_bound[k]= qh_DEFAULTbox;
01774           }
01775         }else if (key == 'b' && *s == 'b')
01776           s++;
01777         else if (key == 'b' || key == 'B') {
01778           if (!isdigit(*s)) {
01779             fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: no dimension given for Qhull option %c.  Ignored\n",
01780                     key);
01781             continue;
01782           }
01783           index= qh_strtol (s, &s);
01784           if (index >= maxdim) {
01785             fprintf(qh ferr, "qhull warning: dimension %d for Qhull option %c is >= %d.  Ignored\n", 
01786                 index, key, maxdim);
01787             continue;
01788           }
01789           if (*s == ':') {
01790             s++;
01791             value= qh_strtod(s, &s);
01792           }else if (key == 'b')
01793             value= -qh_DEFAULTbox;
01794           else
01795             value= qh_DEFAULTbox;
01796           if (key == 'b')
01797             qh lower_bound[index]= value;
01798           else
01799             qh upper_bound[index]= value;
01800         }
01801       }
01802     }else {
01803       while (*s && !isspace (*s))
01804         s++;
01805     }
01806     while (isspace (*s))
01807       s++;
01808   }
01809   for (k= qh hull_dim; k--; ) {
01810     if (qh lower_threshold[k] > -REALmax/2) {
01811       qh GOODthreshold= True;
01812       if (qh upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2) {
01813         qh SPLITthresholds= True;
01814         qh GOODthreshold= False;
01815         break;
01816       }
01817     }else if (qh upper_threshold[k] < REALmax/2)
01818       qh GOODthreshold= True;
01819   }
01820 } /* initthresholds */

void qh_option char *    option,
int *    i,
realT *    r

Definition at line 1832 of file global.c.

References i, maximize_, qh, r, and realT.

Referenced by qh_build_withrestart(), qh_detroundoff(), qh_initflags(), qh_initialhull(), qh_initqhull_globals(), and qh_joggleinput().

01832                                                 {
01833   char buf[200];
01834   int len, maxlen;
01836   sprintf (buf, "  %s", option);
01837   if (i)
01838     sprintf (buf+strlen(buf), " %d", *i);
01839   if (r)
01840     sprintf (buf+strlen(buf), " %2.2g", *r);
01841   len= strlen(buf);
01842   qh qhull_optionlen += len;
01843   maxlen= sizeof (qh qhull_options) - len -1;
01844   maximize_(maxlen, 0);
01845   if (qh qhull_optionlen >= 80 && maxlen > 0) {
01846     qh qhull_optionlen= len;
01847     strncat (qh qhull_options, "\n", maxlen--);
01848   }    
01849   strncat (qh qhull_options, buf, maxlen);
01850 } /* option */

double qh_strtod const char *    s,
char **    endp

Definition at line 1942 of file global.c.

References strtod().

Referenced by qh_checkflags(), qh_initflags(), qh_initthresholds(), qh_readfeasible(), qh_readpoints(), and qh_setfeasible().

01942                                               {
01943   double result;
01945   result= strtod (s, endp);
01946   if (s < (*endp) && (*endp)[-1] == ' ')
01947     (*endp)--;
01948   return result;
01949 } /* strtod */

int qh_strtol const char *    s,
char **    endp

Definition at line 1951 of file global.c.

Referenced by qh_initflags(), qh_initthresholds(), and qh_readpoints().

01951                                            {
01952   int result;
01954   result= (int) strtol (s, endp, 10);
01955   if (s< (*endp) && (*endp)[-1] == ' ')
01956     (*endp)--;
01957   return result;
01958 } /* strtol */

Variable Documentation

qhT qh_qh

Definition at line 23 of file global.c.


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