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February 01, 2017 09:58AM
Hi, Tsuyoshi--

Well, welcome to AFNI, then.

3dNetCorr would be my suggestion. An example of using the command is given in this recent post:
... and you can also check out the helpfile and see if it provides what you want.. Basically, you can put in a time series data set and a map of ROIs, and then the function calculates the mean time series of each region and plops out the correlation matrix results in a couple different formats, one of which is a text file that can be plotted most easily with fat_mat_sel.py.

Feel free to take those for a test drive, and to ask questions as you go. I note that there is also an example script in the FATCAT Demo, as described here, which you can download:
the 3dNetCorr example script is currently: Do_12_RUNrsfc_netw_corr.tcsh.

Subject Author Posted

Would you mind helping me about making correlation matrix?

tsuyoshi January 31, 2017 10:53PM

Re: Would you mind helping me about making correlation matrix?

ptaylor February 01, 2017 09:58AM