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May 05, 2021 02:07PM
Hi, Austin-

Please note the full description of the [4]th volume:
[4] = binary mask for gray matter plus some CSF (slightly dilated)
          ++ this volume is not used in this script
          ++ it is intended for use in restricting FMRI analyses
             to the 'interesting' parts of the brain
          ++ this mask should be resampled to your EPI spatial
             resolution (see program 3dfractionize), and then
             combined with a mask from your experiment reflecting
             your EPI brain coverage (see program 3dmask_tool).
... namely that it is an *inflated* GM map, that includes more than just the GM of the template itself (many templates come with tissue maps, too).

The idea of inflating it is to provide a mask that cover GM of perfectly aligned data *and* GM of non-perfectly aligned data. While SSwarper and the 3dQwarp alignment tools underneath are quite good, they are not perfect; and there is *a lot* of variability across human brains to try to overcome, like different numbers of sulci/gyri in a given part of the brain across a group.

So, how much this expanded GM is useful for your analysis depends on what specifically you want to do. What do you want to do with this GM mask?

On separate AFNI notes of selecting/resampling volumes like this:

If you wanted to make a separate volume of *just* that [4]th volume of the MNI-SSwarper reference dset, you could do something like:
3dcalc -a MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz"[4]" -expr "a" -prefix MNI152_2009_template_SSW_vol4_only.nii.gz

If you had some output EPI data in the MNI space at a particular resolution, you could both grab the [4]th volume and resample it to that grid with:
3dresample    \
      -input MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz"[4]"    \
     -master DSET_EPI_IN_MNI     \
     -rmode NN     \
     -prefix  MNI152_2009_template_SSW_vol4_only_res2epi.nii.gz

Subject Author Posted

GM mask through SSwarper

Lordbyron001 May 04, 2021 08:14PM

Re: GM mask through SSwarper

ptaylor May 05, 2021 09:21AM

Re: GM mask through SSwarper

Lordbyron001 May 05, 2021 01:22PM

Re: GM mask through SSwarper

ptaylor May 05, 2021 02:07PM

Re: GM mask through SSwarper

Lordbyron001 May 05, 2021 03:18PM