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output.c File Reference

#include "defs.h"
#include "names.h"
#include "output.h"

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#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define OPNEG_KLUDGE   (sizeof(opcode_table)/sizeof(table_entry) - 1)
#define cpd(n)   cp->vstg ? cp->Const.cds[n] : dtos(cp->[n])


void output_arg_list Argdcl ((FILEP, struct Listblock *))
void output_binary Argdcl ((FILEP, Exprp))
void output_literal Argdcl ((FILEP, long, Constp))
void output_prim Argdcl ((FILEP, struct Primblock *))
void expr_out (FILE *fp, expptr e)
void out_and_free_statement (FILE *outfile, expptr expr)
int same_ident (expptr left, expptr right)
int samefpconst (register Constp c1, register Constp c2, register int n)
int sameconst (register Constp c1, register Constp c2)
int same_expr (expptr e1, expptr e2)
void out_name (FILE *fp, Namep namep)
void out_const (FILE *fp, register Constp cp)
void out_args (FILE *fp, expptr ep)
void out_addr (FILE *fp, struct Addrblock *addrp)
void output_literal (FILE *fp, long memno, Constp cp)
void output_prim (FILE *fp, struct Primblock *primp)
void output_arg_list (FILE *fp, struct Listblock *listp)
void output_unary (FILE *fp, struct Exprblock *e)
char * findconst (register long m)
int opconv_fudge (FILE *fp, struct Exprblock *e)
void output_binary (FILE *fp, struct Exprblock *e)
void out_call (FILE *outfile, int op, int ftype, expptr len, expptr name, expptr args)
char * flconst (char *buf, char *x)
char * dtos (double x)
void out_init (Void)
void extern_out (FILE *fp, Extsym *extsym)
void output_list (FILE *fp, struct Listblock *listp)
void out_asgoto (FILE *outfile, expptr expr)
void out_if (FILE *outfile, expptr expr)
void output_rbrace (FILE *outfile, char *s)
void out_else (FILE *outfile)
void elif_out (FILE *outfile, expptr expr)
void endif_out (FILE *outfile)
void end_else_out (FILE *outfile)
void compgoto_out (FILE *outfile, expptr index, expptr labels)
void out_for (FILE *outfile, expptr init, expptr test, expptr inc)
void out_end_for (FILE *outfile)


char _assoc_table [] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }
table_entry opcode_table []
int dneg
char opeqable [sizeof(opcode_table)/sizeof(table_entry)]
char * Longfmt = "%ld"
char tr_tab [Table_size]

Define Documentation

#define cpd n       cp->vstg ? cp->Const.cds[n] : dtos(cp->[n])

Definition at line 448 of file output.c.

Referenced by out_const().

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 32 of file output.c.

Referenced by out_call().

#define OPNEG_KLUDGE   (sizeof(opcode_table)/sizeof(table_entry) - 1)

Definition at line 127 of file output.c.

Referenced by output_unary().

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 29 of file output.c.

Referenced by out_call().

Function Documentation

void output_prim Argdcl (FILEP, struct Primblock *)    [static]

void output_literal Argdcl (FILEP, long, Constp   [static]

void output_unary Argdcl (FILEP, Exprp   [static]

void output_list Argdcl (FILEP, struct Listblock *)    [static]

void compgoto_out FILE *    outfile,
expptr    index,
expptr    labels

Definition at line 1628 of file output.c.

References Chain::datap, ENULL, err, erri(), expr_out(), Expression::exprblock, i, ISICON, next_tab, nice_printf(), Exprblock::opcode, OPWHATSIN, prev_tab, s2, Expression::tag, TEXPR, TLIST, TNAME, and user_label().

Referenced by do_p1_comp_goto().

01630 {
01631     char *s1, *s2;
01633     if (index == ENULL)
01634         err ("compgoto_out:  null index for computed goto");
01635     else if (labels && labels -> tag != TLIST)
01636         erri ("compgoto_out:  expected label list, got tag '%d'",
01637                 labels -> tag);
01638     else {
01639         chainp elts;
01640         int i = 1;
01642         s2 = /*(*/ ") {\n"; /*}*/
01643         if (Ansi)
01644                 s1 = "switch ("; /*)*/
01645         else if (index->tag == TNAME || index->tag == TEXPR
01646                                 && index->exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN)
01647                 s1 = "switch ((int)"; /*)*/
01648         else {
01649                 s1 = "switch ((int)(";
01650                 s2 = ")) {\n"; /*}*/
01651                 }
01652         nice_printf(outfile, s1);
01653         expr_out (outfile, index);
01654         nice_printf (outfile, s2);
01655         next_tab (outfile);
01657         for (elts = labels -> listblock.listp; elts; elts = elts -> nextp, i++) {
01658             if (elts -> datap) {
01659                 if (ISICON(((expptr) (elts -> datap))))
01660                     nice_printf (outfile, "case %d:  goto %s;\n", i,
01661                         user_label(((expptr)(elts->datap))->;
01662                 else
01663                     err ("compgoto_out:  bad label in label list");
01664             } /* if (elts -> datap) */
01665         } /* for elts */
01666         prev_tab (outfile);
01667         nice_printf (outfile, /*{*/ "}\n");
01668     } /* else */
01669 } /* compgoto_out */

char* dtos double    x

Definition at line 1363 of file output.c.

References mem().

Referenced by imagpart(), mkcxcon(), p1_const(), prconr(), putconst(), realpart(), and samefpconst().

01365 {
01366         static char buf[64];
01367 #ifdef USE_DTOA
01368         g_fmt(buf, x);
01369 #else
01370         sprintf(buf, db_fmt_string, x);
01371 #endif
01372         return strcpy(mem(strlen(buf)+1,0), buf);
01373         }

void elif_out FILE *    outfile,
expptr    expr

Definition at line 1587 of file output.c.

References out_if(), output_rbrace(), and prev_tab.

Referenced by do_p1_elif().

01589 {
01590     prev_tab (outfile);
01591     output_rbrace(outfile, "} else ");
01592     out_if (outfile, expr);
01593 } /* elif_out */

void end_else_out FILE *    outfile

Definition at line 1612 of file output.c.

References output_rbrace(), and prev_tab.

Referenced by do_p1_endelse().

01614 {
01615     prev_tab (outfile);
01616     output_rbrace(outfile, "}\n");
01617 } /* end_else_out */

void endif_out FILE *    outfile

Definition at line 1600 of file output.c.

References output_rbrace(), and prev_tab.

Referenced by do_p1_endif().

01602 {
01603     prev_tab (outfile);
01604     output_rbrace(outfile, "}\n");
01605 } /* endif_out */

void expr_out FILE *    fp,
expptr    e

Definition at line 147 of file output.c.

References Expression::constblock, err, erri(), Expression::exprblock, free, frexpr(), is_binary_op, is_unary_op, ISICON, ISINT, ISONE, op_assign(), OPASSIGN, opeqable, OPMINUSEQ, OPPLUSEQ, OPPREDEC, OPPREINC, out_addr(), out_const(), out_name(), output_binary(), output_list(), output_prim(), output_unary(), Exprblock::rightp, same_ident(), STGARG, TADDR, TCONST, TERROR, TEXPR, TIMPLDO, TLIST, TNAME, TPRIM, and warn().

Referenced by compgoto_out(), do_p1_subr_ret(), opconv_fudge(), out_addr(), out_and_free_statement(), out_args(), out_asgoto(), out_call(), out_for(), out_if(), output_arg_list(), output_binary(), and output_list().

00149 {
00150     if (e == (expptr) NULL)
00151         return;
00153     switch (e -> tag) {
00154         case TNAME:     out_name (fp, (struct Nameblock *) e);
00155                         return;
00157         case TCONST:    out_const(fp, &e->constblock);
00158                         goto end_out;
00159         case TEXPR:
00160                         break;
00162         case TADDR:     out_addr (fp, &(e -> addrblock));
00163                         goto end_out;
00165         case TPRIM:     if (!nerr)
00166                                 warn ("expr_out: got TPRIM");
00167                         output_prim (fp, &(e -> primblock));
00168                         return;
00170         case TLIST:     output_list (fp, &(e -> listblock));
00171  end_out:               frexpr(e);
00172                         return;
00174         case TIMPLDO:   err ("expr_out: got TIMPLDO");
00175                         return;
00177         case TERROR:
00178         default:
00179                         erri ("expr_out: bad tag '%d'", e -> tag);
00180     } /* switch */
00182 /* Now we know that the tag is TEXPR */
00184 /* Optimize on simple expressions, such as "a = a + b" ==> "a += b" */
00186     if (e -> exprblock.opcode == OPASSIGN && e -> exprblock.rightp &&
00187         e -> exprblock.rightp -> tag == TEXPR) {
00188         int opcode;
00190         opcode = e -> exprblock.rightp -> exprblock.opcode;
00192         if (opeqable[opcode]) {
00193             expptr leftp, rightp;
00195             if ((leftp = e -> exprblock.leftp) &&
00196                 (rightp = e -> exprblock.rightp -> exprblock.leftp)) {
00198                 if (same_ident (leftp, rightp)) {
00199                     expptr temp = e -> exprblock.rightp;
00201                     e -> exprblock.opcode = op_assign(opcode);
00203                     e -> exprblock.rightp = temp -> exprblock.rightp;
00204                     temp->exprblock.rightp = 0;
00205                     frexpr(temp);
00206                 } /* if same_ident (leftp, rightp) */
00207             } /* if leftp && rightp */
00208         } /* if opcode == OPPLUS || */
00209     } /* if e -> exprblock.opcode == OPASSIGN */
00212 /* Optimize on increment or decrement by 1 */
00214     {
00215         int opcode = e -> exprblock.opcode;
00216         expptr leftp = e -> exprblock.leftp;
00217         expptr rightp = e -> exprblock.rightp;
00219         if (leftp && rightp && (leftp -> headblock.vstg == STGARG ||
00220                 ISINT (leftp -> headblock.vtype)) &&
00221                 (opcode == OPPLUSEQ || opcode == OPMINUSEQ) &&
00222                 ISINT (rightp -> headblock.vtype) &&
00223                 ISICON (e -> exprblock.rightp) &&
00224                 (ISONE (e -> exprblock.rightp) ||
00225                 e -> exprblock.rightp -> == -1)) {
00227 /* Allow for the '-1' constant value */
00229             if (!ISONE (e -> exprblock.rightp))
00230                 opcode = (opcode == OPPLUSEQ) ? OPMINUSEQ : OPPLUSEQ;
00232 /* replace the existing opcode */
00234             if (opcode == OPPLUSEQ)
00235                 e -> exprblock.opcode = OPPREINC;
00236             else
00237                 e -> exprblock.opcode = OPPREDEC;
00239 /* Free up storage used by the right hand side */
00241             frexpr (e -> exprblock.rightp);
00242             e->exprblock.rightp = 0;
00243         } /* if opcode == OPPLUS */
00244     } /* block */
00247     if (is_unary_op (e -> exprblock.opcode))
00248         output_unary (fp, &(e -> exprblock));
00249     else if (is_binary_op (e -> exprblock.opcode))
00250         output_binary (fp, &(e -> exprblock));
00251     else
00252         erri ("expr_out: bad opcode '%d'", (int) e -> exprblock.opcode);
00254     free((char *)e);
00256 } /* expr_out */

void extern_out FILE *    fp,
Extsym   extsym

Definition at line 1434 of file output.c.

References Extsym::cextname, and nice_printf().

Referenced by out_addr(), out_call(), out_name(), wr_abbrevs(), and wr_common_decls().

01436 {
01437     if (extsym == (Extsym *) NULL)
01438         return;
01440     nice_printf (fp, "%s", extsym->cextname);
01442 } /* extern_out */

char* findconst register long    m [static]

Definition at line 829 of file output.c.

References Literal::cds, Fatal(), and Literal::litnum.

Referenced by opconv_fudge().

00831 {
00832         register struct Literal *litp, *litpe;
00834         litp = litpool;
00835         for(litpe = litp + nliterals; litp < litpe; litp++)
00836                 if (litp->litnum ==  m)
00837                         return litp->cds[0];
00838         Fatal("findconst failure!");
00839         return 0;
00840         }

char* flconst char *    buf,
char *    x

Definition at line 1351 of file output.c.

Referenced by out_const(), and wr_equiv_init().

01353 {
01354         sprintf(buf, fl_fmt_string, x);
01355         return buf;
01356         }

int opconv_fudge FILE *    fp,
struct Exprblock   e

Definition at line 848 of file output.c.

References Expression::addrblock, badtag(), c_type_decl(), Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, Nameblock::cvarname, expr_out(), fatali(), findconst(), Expression::headblock, ICON, Addrblock::isarray, ISCOMPLEX, Exprblock::leftp, M, Addrblock::memno, Addrblock::memoffset, mkexpr(), nice_printf(), ONEOF, OPMINUS, OPSTAR, out_addr(), out_name(), STGCOMMON, STGCONST, STGEQUIV, STGMEMNO, STGUNKNOWN, TADDR, Nameblock::tag, Expression::tag, TCONST, TNAME, UNAM_IDENT, UNAM_NAME, UNAM_REF, Addrblock::uname_tag, Addrblock::user, Nameblock::voffset, Nameblock::vstg, Addrblock::vstg, Addrblock::vtype, Exprblock::vtype, and Headblock::vtype.

Referenced by output_binary().

00850 {
00851         /* special handling for conversions, ichar and character*1 */
00852         register expptr lp;
00853         register union Expression *Offset;
00854         register char *cp;
00855         int lt;
00856         char buf[8], *s;
00857         unsigned int k;
00858         Namep np;
00859         Addrp ap;
00861         if (!(lp = e->leftp))   /* possible with erroneous Fortran */
00862                 return 1;
00863         lt = lp->headblock.vtype;
00864         if (lt == TYCHAR) {
00865                 switch(lp->tag) {
00866                         case TNAME:
00867                                 nice_printf(fp, "*(unsigned char *)");
00868                                 out_name(fp, (Namep)lp);
00869                                 return 1;
00870                         case TCONST:
00871  tconst:
00872                                 cp = lp->constblock.Const.ccp;
00873  tconst1:
00874                                 k = *(unsigned char *)cp;
00875                                 if (k < 128) { /* ASCII character */
00876                                         sprintf(buf, chr_fmt[k], k);
00877                                         nice_printf(fp, "'%s'", buf);
00878                                         }
00879                                 else
00880                                         nice_printf(fp, "%d", k);
00881                                 return 1;
00882                         case TADDR:
00883                                 switch(lp->addrblock.vstg) {
00884                                     case STGMEMNO:
00885                                         if (halign && e->vtype != TYCHAR) {
00886                                                 nice_printf(fp, "*(%s *)",
00887                                                     c_type_decl(e->vtype,0));
00888                                                 expr_out(fp, lp);
00889                                                 return 1;
00890                                                 }
00891                                         cp = findconst(lp->addrblock.memno);
00892                                         goto tconst1;
00893                                     case STGCONST:
00894                                         goto tconst;
00895                                     }
00896                                 lp->addrblock.vtype = tyint;
00897                                 Offset = lp->addrblock.memoffset;
00898                                 switch(lp->addrblock.uname_tag) {
00899                                   case UNAM_REF:
00900                                         nice_printf(fp, "*(unsigned char *)");
00901                                         return 0;
00902                                   case UNAM_NAME:
00903                                         np = lp->;
00904                                         if (ONEOF(np->vstg,
00905                                             M(STGCOMMON)|M(STGEQUIV)))
00906                                                 Offset = mkexpr(OPMINUS, Offset,
00907                                                         ICON(np->voffset));
00908                                         }
00909                                 lp->addrblock.memoffset = Offset ?
00910                                         mkexpr(OPSTAR, Offset,
00911                                                 ICON(typesize[tyint]))
00912                                         : ICON(0);
00913                                 lp->addrblock.isarray = 1;
00914                                 /* STGCOMMON or STGEQUIV would cause */
00915                                 /* voffset to be added in a second time */
00916                                 lp->addrblock.vstg = STGUNKNOWN;
00917                                 nice_printf(fp, "*(unsigned char *)&");
00918                                 return 0;
00919                         default:
00920                                 badtag("opconv_fudge", lp->tag);
00921                         }
00922                 }
00923         if (lt != e->vtype) {
00924                 s = c_type_decl(e->vtype, 0);
00925                 if (ISCOMPLEX(lt)) {
00926                         np = (Namep)e->leftp;
00927                         switch(np->tag) {
00928                           case TNAME:
00929                                 nice_printf(fp, "(%s) %s.r", s,
00930                                         np->cvarname);
00931                                 return 1;
00932                           case TADDR:
00933                                 ap = (Addrp)np;
00934                                 switch(ap->uname_tag) {
00935                                   case UNAM_IDENT:
00936                                         nice_printf(fp, "(%s) %s.r", s,
00937                                                 ap->user.ident);
00938                                         return 1;
00939                                   case UNAM_NAME:
00940                                         nice_printf(fp, "(%s) ", s);
00941                                         out_addr(fp, ap);
00942                                         nice_printf(fp, ".r");
00943                                         return 1;
00944                                   }
00945                           default:
00946                                 fatali("Unexpected tag %d in opconv_fudge",
00947                                         np->tag);
00948                           }
00949                         }
00950                 nice_printf(fp, "(%s) ", s);
00951                 }
00952         return 0;
00953         }

void out_addr FILE *    fp,
struct Addrblock   addrp

Definition at line 551 of file output.c.

References Constant::ci, CLPROC, Addrblock::cmplx_sub, Addrblock::Const, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, expr_out(), extern_out(), Fatal(), ICON, is_left_assoc, Addrblock::isarray, ISICON, M, Addrblock::memno, Addrblock::memoffset, mkexpr(), mkintcon(), Addrblock::name, nice_printf(), Addrblock::ntempelt, offset, ONEOF, oneof_stg(), op_precedence, OPMINUS, OPPLUS, OPSLASH, out_args(), out_const(), out_name(), output_literal(), PTHISPROC, Addrblock::skip_offset, STGARG, STGCOMMON, STGCONST, STGEQUIV, STGMEMNO, Expression::tag, TCONST, TEXPR, UNAM_CHARP, UNAM_CONST, UNAM_EXTERN, UNAM_IDENT, UNAM_NAME, UNAM_REF, UNAM_UNKNOWN, Addrblock::uname_tag, Addrblock::user, Addrblock::vclass, Addrblock::vstg, and Addrblock::vtype.

Referenced by expr_out(), opconv_fudge(), and wr_nv_ident_help().

00553 {
00554         extern Extsym *extsymtab;
00555         int was_array = 0;
00556         char *s;
00559         if (addrp == NULL)
00560                 return;
00561         if (doin_setbound
00562                         && addrp->vstg == STGARG
00563                         && addrp->vtype != TYCHAR
00564                         && ISICON(addrp->memoffset)
00565                         && !addrp->memoffset->
00566                 nice_printf(fp, "*");
00568         switch (addrp -> uname_tag) {
00569             case UNAM_REF:
00570                 nice_printf(fp, "%s_%s(", addrp->>cvarname,
00571                         addrp->cmplx_sub ? "subscr" : "ref");
00572                 out_args(fp, addrp->memoffset);
00573                 nice_printf(fp, ")");
00574                 return;
00575             case UNAM_NAME:
00576                 out_name (fp, addrp ->;
00577                 break;
00578             case UNAM_IDENT:
00579                 if (*(s = addrp->user.ident) == ' ') {
00580                         if (multitype)
00581                                 nice_printf(fp, "%s",
00582                                         xretslot[addrp->vtype]->user.ident);
00583                         else
00584                                 nice_printf(fp, "%s", s+1);
00585                         }
00586                 else {
00587                         nice_printf(fp, "%s", s);
00588                         }
00589                 break;
00590             case UNAM_CHARP:
00591                 nice_printf(fp, "%s", addrp->user.Charp);
00592                 break;
00593             case UNAM_EXTERN:
00594                 extern_out (fp, &extsymtab[addrp -> memno]);
00595                 break;
00596             case UNAM_CONST:
00597                 switch(addrp->vstg) {
00598                         case STGCONST:
00599                                 out_const(fp, (Constp)addrp);
00600                                 break;
00601                         case STGMEMNO:
00602                                 output_literal (fp, addrp->memno,
00603                                         (Constp)addrp);
00604                                 break;
00605                         default:
00606                         Fatal("unexpected vstg in out_addr");
00607                         }
00608                 break;
00609             case UNAM_UNKNOWN:
00610             default:
00611                 nice_printf (fp, "Unknown Addrp");
00612                 break;
00613         } /* switch */
00615 /* It's okay to just throw in the brackets here because they have a
00616    precedence level of 15, the highest value.  */
00618     if ((addrp->uname_tag == UNAM_NAME && addrp->>vdim
00619                         || addrp->ntempelt > 1 || addrp->isarray)
00620         && addrp->vtype != TYCHAR) {
00621         expptr offset;
00623         was_array = 1;
00625         offset = addrp -> memoffset;
00626         addrp->memoffset = 0;
00627         if (ONEOF(addrp->vstg, M(STGCOMMON)|M(STGEQUIV))
00628                 && addrp -> uname_tag == UNAM_NAME
00629                 && !addrp->skip_offset)
00630             offset = mkexpr (OPMINUS, offset, mkintcon (
00631                     addrp -> -> voffset));
00633         nice_printf (fp, "[");
00635         offset = mkexpr (OPSLASH, offset,
00636                 ICON (typesize[addrp -> vtype] * (addrp -> Field ? 2 : 1)));
00637         expr_out (fp, offset);
00638         nice_printf (fp, "]");
00639         }
00641 /* Check for structure field reference */
00643     if (addrp -> Field && addrp -> uname_tag != UNAM_CONST &&
00644             addrp -> uname_tag != UNAM_UNKNOWN) {
00645         if (oneof_stg((addrp -> uname_tag == UNAM_NAME ? addrp -> :
00646                 (Namep) NULL), addrp -> vstg, M(STGARG)|M(STGEQUIV))
00647                 && !was_array && (addrp->vclass != CLPROC || !multitype))
00648             nice_printf (fp, "->%s", addrp -> Field);
00649         else
00650             nice_printf (fp, ".%s", addrp -> Field);
00651     } /* if */
00653 /* Check for character subscripting */
00655     if (addrp->vtype == TYCHAR &&
00656             (addrp->vclass != CLPROC || addrp->uname_tag == UNAM_NAME
00657                         && addrp->>vprocclass == PTHISPROC) &&
00658             addrp -> memoffset &&
00659             (addrp -> uname_tag != UNAM_NAME ||
00660              addrp -> -> vtype == TYCHAR) &&
00661             (!ISICON (addrp -> memoffset) ||
00662              (addrp -> memoffset -> {
00664         int use_paren = 0;
00665         expptr e = addrp -> memoffset;
00667         if (!e)
00668                 return;
00669         addrp->memoffset = 0;
00671         if (ONEOF(addrp->vstg, M(STGCOMMON)|M(STGEQUIV))
00672          && addrp -> uname_tag == UNAM_NAME) {
00673             e = mkexpr (OPMINUS, e, mkintcon (addrp -> -> voffset));
00675 /* mkexpr will simplify it to zero if possible */
00676             if (e->tag == TCONST && e-> == 0)
00677                 return;
00678         } /* if addrp -> vstg == STGCOMMON */
00680 /* In the worst case, parentheses might be needed OUTSIDE the expression,
00681    too.  But since I think this subscripting can only appear as a
00682    parameter in a procedure call, I don't think outside parens will ever
00683    be needed.  INSIDE parens are handled below */
00685         nice_printf (fp, " + ");
00686         if (e -> tag == TEXPR) {
00687             int arg_prec = op_precedence (e -> exprblock.opcode);
00688             int prec = op_precedence (OPPLUS);
00689             use_paren = arg_prec && (arg_prec < prec || (arg_prec == prec &&
00690                     is_left_assoc (OPPLUS)));
00691         } /* if e -> tag == TEXPR */
00692         if (use_paren) nice_printf (fp, "(");
00693         expr_out (fp, e);
00694         if (use_paren) nice_printf (fp, ")");
00695     } /* if */
00696 } /* out_addr */

void out_and_free_statement FILE *    outfile,
expptr    expr

Definition at line 265 of file output.c.

References expr_out(), and nice_printf().

Referenced by prolog(), and start_formatting().

00267 {
00268     if (expr)
00269         expr_out (outfile, expr);
00271     nice_printf (outfile, ";\n");
00272 } /* out_and_free_statement */

void out_args FILE *    fp,
expptr    ep

Definition at line 525 of file output.c.

References badtag(), Chain::datap, expr_out(), Expression::listblock, Listblock::listp, Chain::nextp, nice_printf(), Expression::tag, and TLIST.

Referenced by out_addr().

00527 {
00528         chainp arglist;
00530         if(ep->tag != TLIST)
00531                 badtag("out_args", ep->tag);
00532         for(arglist = ep->listblock.listp;;) {
00533                 expr_out(fp, (expptr)arglist->datap);
00534                 arglist->datap = 0;
00535                 if (!(arglist = arglist->nextp))
00536                         break;
00537                 nice_printf(fp, ", ");
00538                 }
00539         }

void out_asgoto FILE *    outfile,
expptr    expr

Definition at line 1478 of file output.c.

References Expression::addrblock, Nameblock::assigned_values, Chain::datap, err, expr_out(), Expression::exprblock, Exprblock::leftp, Expression::nameblock, next_tab, Chain::nextp, nice_printf(), Exprblock::opcode, OPWHATSIN, prev_tab, TADDR, Expression::tag, TEXPR, TNAME, UNAM_NAME, Addrblock::uname_tag, Addrblock::user, and user_label().

Referenced by do_p1_asgoto().

01480 {
01481     chainp value;
01482     Namep namep;
01483     int k;
01485     if (expr == (expptr) NULL) {
01486         err ("out_asgoto:  NULL variable expr");
01487         return;
01488     } /* if expr */
01490     nice_printf (outfile, Ansi ? "switch (" : "switch ((int)"); /*)*/
01491     expr_out (outfile, expr);
01492     nice_printf (outfile, ") {\n");
01493     next_tab (outfile);
01495 /* The initial addrp value will be stored as a namep pointer */
01497     switch(expr->tag) {
01498         case TNAME:
01499                 /* local variable */
01500                 namep = &expr->nameblock;
01501                 break;
01502         case TEXPR:
01503                 if (expr->exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN
01504                  && expr->exprblock.leftp->tag == TNAME)
01505                         /* argument */
01506                         namep = &expr->exprblock.leftp->nameblock;
01507                 else
01508                         goto bad;
01509                 break;
01510         case TADDR:
01511                 if (expr->addrblock.uname_tag == UNAM_NAME) {
01512                         /* initialized local variable */
01513                         namep = expr->;
01514                         break;
01515                         }
01516         default:
01517  bad:
01518                 err("out_asgoto:  bad expr");
01519                 return;
01520         }
01522     for(k = 0, value = namep -> varxptr.assigned_values; value;
01523             value = value->nextp, k++) {
01524         nice_printf (outfile, "case %d: goto %s;\n", k,
01525                 user_label((long)value->datap));
01526     } /* for value */
01527     prev_tab (outfile);
01529     nice_printf (outfile, "}\n");
01530 } /* out_asgoto */

void out_call FILE *    outfile,
int    op,
int    ftype,
expptr    len,
expptr    name,
expptr    args

Definition at line 1095 of file output.c.

References Expression::addrblock, Nameblock::arginfo, Argtypes::atypes, CHNULL, Constant::ci, CLPROC, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, Chain::datap, Argtypes::defined, Argtypes::dnargs, err, expr_out(), Expression::exprblock, extern_out(), FALSE, forcereal, frchain(), Expression::headblock, Addrblock::isarray, ISCHAR, ISCOMPLEX, ISICON, L, Exprblock::leftp, Longfmt, M, Addrblock::memno, Addrblock::memoffset, Expression::nameblock, Argtypes::nargs, nice_printf(), ONEOF, oneof_stg(), op_precedence, OPCCALL, Exprblock::opcode, OPCOMMA, OPWHATSIN, out_const(), out_name(), PTHISPROC, q, STGARG, STGAUTO, STGBSS, STGCOMMON, STGEQUIV, STGEXT, STGINIT, STGLENG, STGMEMNO, STGREG, TADDR, Nameblock::tag, Expression::tag, TCONST, TEXPR, TNAME, TRUE, TYERROR, Atype::type, UNAM_CHARP, UNAM_EXTERN, UNAM_IDENT, UNAM_NAME, Addrblock::uname_tag, Addrblock::user, Headblock::vclass, Nameblock::vimpltype, Nameblock::vprocclass, Addrblock::vstg, Headblock::vtype, and Addrblock::vtype.

Referenced by output_binary().

01097 {
01098     chainp arglist;             /* Pointer to any actual arguments */
01099     chainp cp;                  /* Iterator over argument lists */
01100     Addrp ret_val = (Addrp) NULL;
01101                                 /* Function return value buffer, if any is
01102                                    required */
01103     int byvalue;                /* True iff we're calling a C library
01104                                    routine */
01105     int done_once;              /* Used for writing commas to   outfile   */
01106     int narg, t;
01107     register expptr q;
01108     long L;
01109     Argtypes *at;
01110     Atype *A, *Ac;
01111     Namep np;
01112     extern int forcereal;
01114 /* Don't use addresses if we're calling a C function */
01116     byvalue = op == OPCCALL;
01118     if (args)
01119         arglist = args -> listblock.listp;
01120     else
01121         arglist = CHNULL;
01123 /* If this is a CHARACTER function, the first argument is the result */
01125     if (ftype == TYCHAR)
01126         if (ISICON (len)) {
01127             ret_val = (Addrp) (arglist -> datap);
01128             arglist = arglist -> nextp;
01129         } else {
01130             err ("adjustable character function");
01131             return;
01132         } /* else */
01134 /* If this is a COMPLEX function, the first argument is the result */
01136     else if (ISCOMPLEX (ftype)) {
01137         ret_val = (Addrp) (arglist -> datap);
01138         arglist = arglist -> nextp;
01139     } /* if ISCOMPLEX */
01141     /* prepare to cast procedure parameters -- set A if we know how */
01142     np = name->tag == TEXPR && name->exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN
01143         ? (Namep)name->exprblock.leftp : (Namep)name;
01145     A = Ac = 0;
01146     if (np->tag == TNAME && (at = np->arginfo)) {
01147         if (at->nargs > 0)
01148                 A = at->atypes;
01149         if (Ansi && (at->defined || at->nargs > 0))
01150                 Ac = at->atypes;
01151         }
01153 /* Now we can actually start to write out the function invocation */
01155     if (ftype == TYREAL && forcereal)
01156         nice_printf(outfile, "(real)");
01157     if (name -> tag == TEXPR && name -> exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN) {
01158         nice_printf (outfile, "(");
01159         expr_out (outfile, name);
01160         nice_printf (outfile, ")");
01161         }
01162     else
01163         expr_out(outfile, name);
01165     nice_printf(outfile, "(");
01167     if (ret_val) {
01168         if (ISCOMPLEX (ftype))
01169             nice_printf (outfile, "&");
01170         expr_out (outfile, (expptr) ret_val);
01171         if (Ac)
01172                 Ac++;
01174 /* The length of the result of a character function is the second argument */
01175 /* It should be in place from putcall(), so we won't touch it explicitly */
01177     } /* if ret_val */
01178     done_once = ret_val ? TRUE : FALSE;
01180 /* Now run through the named arguments */
01182     narg = -1;
01183     for (cp = arglist; cp; cp = cp -> nextp, done_once = TRUE) {
01185         if (done_once)
01186             nice_printf (outfile, ", ");
01187         narg++;
01189         if (!( q = (expptr)cp->datap) )
01190                 continue;
01192         if (q->tag == TADDR) {
01193                 if (q->addrblock.vtype > TYERROR) {
01194                         /* I/O block */
01195                         nice_printf(outfile, "&%s", q->addrblock.user.ident);
01196                         continue;
01197                         }
01198                 if (!byvalue && q->addrblock.isarray
01199                 && q->addrblock.vtype != TYCHAR
01200                 && q->addrblock.memoffset->tag == TCONST) {
01202                         /* check for 0 offset -- after */
01203                         /* correcting for equivalence. */
01204                         L = q->addrblock.memoffset->;
01205                         if (ONEOF(q->addrblock.vstg, M(STGCOMMON)|M(STGEQUIV))
01206                                         && q->addrblock.uname_tag == UNAM_NAME)
01207                                 L -= q->>voffset;
01208                         if (L)
01209                                 goto skip_deref;
01211                         if (Ac && narg < at->dnargs
01212                          && q->headblock.vtype != (t = Ac[narg].type)
01213                          && t > TYADDR && t < TYSUBR)
01214                                 nice_printf(outfile, "(%s*)", typename[t]);
01216                         /* &x[0] == x */
01217                         /* This also prevents &sizeof(doublereal)[0] */
01219                         switch(q->addrblock.uname_tag) {
01220                             case UNAM_NAME:
01221                                 out_name(outfile, q->;
01222                                 continue;
01223                             case UNAM_IDENT:
01224                                 nice_printf(outfile, "%s",
01225                                         q->addrblock.user.ident);
01226                                 continue;
01227                             case UNAM_CHARP:
01228                                 nice_printf(outfile, "%s",
01229                                         q->addrblock.user.Charp);
01230                                 continue;
01231                             case UNAM_EXTERN:
01232                                 extern_out(outfile,
01233                                         &extsymtab[q->addrblock.memno]);
01234                                 continue;
01235                             }
01236                         }
01237                 }
01239 /* Skip over the dereferencing operator generated only for the
01240    intermediate file */
01241  skip_deref:
01242         if (q -> tag == TEXPR && q -> exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN)
01243             q = q -> exprblock.leftp;
01245         if (q->headblock.vclass == CLPROC) {
01246             if (Castargs && (q->tag != TNAME
01247                                 || q->nameblock.vprocclass != PTHISPROC)
01248                          && (q->tag != TADDR
01249                                 || q->addrblock.uname_tag != UNAM_NAME
01250                                 || q->>vprocclass
01251                                                                 != PTHISPROC))
01252                 {
01253                 if (A && (t = A[narg].type) >= 200)
01254                         t %= 100;
01255                 else {
01256                         t = q->headblock.vtype;
01257                         if (q->tag == TNAME && q->nameblock.vimpltype)
01258                                 t = TYUNKNOWN;
01259                         }
01260                 nice_printf(outfile, "(%s)", usedcasts[t] = casttypes[t]);
01261                 }
01262             }
01263         else if (Ac && narg < at->dnargs
01264                 && q->headblock.vtype != (t = Ac[narg].type)
01265                 && t > TYADDR && t < TYSUBR)
01266                 nice_printf(outfile, "(%s*)", typename[t]);
01268         if ((q -> tag == TADDR || q-> tag == TNAME) &&
01269                 (byvalue || q -> headblock.vstg != STGREG)) {
01270             if (q -> headblock.vtype != TYCHAR)
01271               if (byvalue) {
01273                 if (q -> tag == TADDR &&
01274                         q -> addrblock.uname_tag == UNAM_NAME &&
01275                         ! q -> -> vdim &&
01276                         oneof_stg(q ->, q -> addrblock.vstg,
01277                                         M(STGARG)|M(STGEQUIV)) &&
01278                         ! ISCOMPLEX(q->>vtype))
01279                     nice_printf (outfile, "*");
01280                 else if (q -> tag == TNAME
01281                         && oneof_stg(&q->nameblock, q -> nameblock.vstg,
01282                                 M(STGARG)|M(STGEQUIV))
01283                         && !(q -> nameblock.vdim))
01284                     nice_printf (outfile, "*");
01286               } else {
01287                 expptr memoffset;
01289                 if (q->tag == TADDR &&
01290                         !ONEOF (q -> addrblock.vstg, M(STGEXT)|M(STGLENG))
01291                         && (
01292                         ONEOF(q->addrblock.vstg,
01293                                 M(STGCOMMON)|M(STGEQUIV)|M(STGMEMNO))
01294                         || ((memoffset = q->addrblock.memoffset)
01295                                 && (!ISICON(memoffset)
01296                                 || memoffset->
01297                         || ONEOF(q->addrblock.vstg,
01298                                         M(STGINIT)|M(STGAUTO)|M(STGBSS))
01299                                 && !q->addrblock.isarray)
01300                     nice_printf (outfile, "&");
01301                 else if (q -> tag == TNAME
01302                         && !oneof_stg(&q->nameblock, q -> nameblock.vstg,
01303                                 M(STGARG)|M(STGEXT)|M(STGEQUIV)))
01304                     nice_printf (outfile, "&");
01305             } /* else */
01307             expr_out (outfile, q);
01308         } /* if q -> tag == TADDR || q -> tag == TNAME */
01310 /* Might be a Constant expression, e.g. string length, character constants */
01312         else if (q -> tag == TCONST) {
01313             if (tyioint == TYLONG)
01314                 Longfmt = "%ldL";
01315             out_const(outfile, &q->constblock);
01316             Longfmt = "%ld";
01317             }
01319 /* Must be some other kind of expression, or register var, or constant.
01320    In particular, this is likely to be a temporary variable assignment
01321    which was generated in p1put_call */
01323         else if (!ISCOMPLEX (q -> headblock.vtype) && !ISCHAR (q)){
01324             int use_paren = q -> tag == TEXPR &&
01325                     op_precedence (q -> exprblock.opcode) <=
01326                     op_precedence (OPCOMMA);
01328             if (use_paren) nice_printf (outfile, "(");
01329             expr_out (outfile, q);
01330             if (use_paren) nice_printf (outfile, ")");
01331         } /* if !ISCOMPLEX */
01332         else
01333             err ("out_call:  unknown parameter");
01335     } /* for (cp = arglist */
01337     if (arglist)
01338         frchain (&arglist);
01340     nice_printf (outfile, ")");
01342 } /* out_call */

void out_const FILE *    fp,
register Constp    cp

Definition at line 456 of file output.c.

References c, Constant::ccp1, Constant::ci, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, cpd, erri(), flconst(), Longfmt, nice_printf(), TYQUAD, Constblock::vleng, and Constblock::vtype.

Referenced by expr_out(), out_addr(), out_call(), output_literal(), wr_array_init(), wr_globals(), and wr_output_values().

00458 {
00459     static char real_buf[50], imag_buf[50];
00460     unsigned int k;
00461     int type = cp->vtype;
00463     switch (type) {
00464         case TYINT1:
00465         case TYSHORT:
00466             nice_printf (fp, "%ld", cp->;      /* don't cast ci! */
00467             break;
00468         case TYLONG:
00469 #ifdef TYQUAD
00470         case TYQUAD:
00471 #endif
00472             nice_printf (fp, Longfmt, cp->;    /* don't cast ci! */
00473             break;
00474         case TYREAL:
00475             nice_printf(fp, "%s", flconst(real_buf, cpd(0)));
00476             break;
00477         case TYDREAL:
00478             nice_printf(fp, "%s", cpd(0));
00479             break;
00480         case TYCOMPLEX:
00481             nice_printf(fp, cm_fmt_string, flconst(real_buf, cpd(0)),
00482                         flconst(imag_buf, cpd(1)));
00483             break;
00484         case TYDCOMPLEX:
00485             nice_printf(fp, dcm_fmt_string, cpd(0), cpd(1));
00486             break;
00487         case TYLOGICAL1:
00488         case TYLOGICAL2:
00489         case TYLOGICAL:
00490             nice_printf (fp, "%s", cp-> ? "TRUE_" : "FALSE_");
00491             break;
00492         case TYCHAR: {
00493             char *c = cp->Const.ccp, *ce;
00495             if (c == NULL) {
00496                 nice_printf (fp, "\"\"");
00497                 break;
00498             } /* if c == NULL */
00500             nice_printf (fp, "\"");
00501             ce = c + cp->vleng->;
00502             while(c < ce) {
00503                 k = *(unsigned char *)c++;
00504                 nice_printf(fp, str_fmt[k], k);
00505                 }
00506             for(k = cp->Const.ccp1.blanks; k > 0; k--)
00507                 nice_printf(fp, " ");
00508             nice_printf (fp, "\"");
00509             break;
00510         } /* case TYCHAR */
00511         default:
00512             erri ("out_const:  bad type '%d'", (int) type);
00513             break;
00514     } /* switch */
00516 } /* out_const */

void out_else FILE *    outfile

Definition at line 1573 of file output.c.

References next_tab, output_rbrace(), and prev_tab.

Referenced by do_p1_else().

01575 {
01576     prev_tab (outfile);
01577     output_rbrace(outfile, "} else {\n");
01578     next_tab (outfile);
01579 } /* out_else */

void out_end_for FILE *    outfile

Definition at line 1699 of file output.c.

References nice_printf(), and prev_tab.

Referenced by do_p1_end_for().

01701 {
01702     prev_tab (outfile);
01703     nice_printf (outfile, "}\n");
01704 } /* out_end_for */

void out_for FILE *    outfile,
expptr    init,
expptr    test,
expptr    inc

Definition at line 1680 of file output.c.

References expr_out(), next_tab, and nice_printf().

Referenced by do_p1_for().

01682 {
01683     nice_printf (outfile, "for (");
01684     expr_out (outfile, init);
01685     nice_printf (outfile, "; ");
01686     expr_out (outfile, test);
01687     nice_printf (outfile, "; ");
01688     expr_out (outfile, inc);
01689     nice_printf (outfile, ") {\n");
01690     next_tab (outfile);
01691 } /* out_for */

void out_if FILE *    outfile,
expptr    expr

Definition at line 1538 of file output.c.

References expr_out(), next_tab, and nice_printf().

Referenced by do_p1_if(), and elif_out().

01540 {
01541     nice_printf (outfile, "if (");
01542     expr_out (outfile, expr);
01543     nice_printf (outfile, ") {\n");
01544     next_tab (outfile);
01545 } /* out_if */

void out_init Void   

Definition at line 1382 of file output.c.


Referenced by fileinit().

01383 {
01384     extern int tab_size;
01385     register char *s;
01387     s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_+-.";
01388     while(*s)
01389         tr_tab[*s++] = 3;
01390     tr_tab['>'] = 1;
01392         opeqable[OPPLUS] = 1;
01393         opeqable[OPMINUS] = 1;
01394         opeqable[OPSTAR] = 1;
01395         opeqable[OPSLASH] = 1;
01396         opeqable[OPMOD] = 1;
01397         opeqable[OPLSHIFT] = 1;
01398         opeqable[OPBITAND] = 1;
01399         opeqable[OPBITXOR] = 1;
01400         opeqable[OPBITOR ] = 1;
01403 /* Set the output format for both types of floating point constants */
01405     if (fl_fmt_string == NULL || *fl_fmt_string == '\0')
01406         fl_fmt_string = Ansi == 1 ? "%sf" : "(float)%s";
01408     if (db_fmt_string == NULL || *db_fmt_string == '\0')
01409         db_fmt_string = "%.17g";
01411 /* Set the output format for both types of complex constants.  They will
01412    have string parameters rather than float or double so that the decimal
01413    point may be added to the strings generated by the {db,fl}_fmt_string
01414    formats above */
01416     if (cm_fmt_string == NULL || *cm_fmt_string == '\0') {
01417         cm_fmt_string = "{%s,%s}";
01418     } /* if cm_fmt_string == NULL */
01420     if (dcm_fmt_string == NULL || *dcm_fmt_string == '\0') {
01421         dcm_fmt_string = "{%s,%s}";
01422     } /* if dcm_fmt_string == NULL */
01424     tab_size = 4;
01425 } /* out_init */

void out_name FILE *    fp,
Namep    namep

Definition at line 421 of file output.c.

References Extsym::curno, Nameblock::cvarname, extern_out(), nice_printf(), PTHISPROC, STGCOMMON, usedefsforcommon, Nameblock::vardesc, Nameblock::vcommequiv, Nameblock::vprocclass, Nameblock::vstg, and Nameblock::vtype.

Referenced by dmalloc_verbose(), expr_out(), list_arg_types(), listargs(), opconv_fudge(), out_addr(), out_call(), output_prim(), wr_abbrevs(), wr_one_init(), and wr_struct().

00423 {
00424     extern int usedefsforcommon;
00425     Extsym *comm;
00427     if (namep == NULL)
00428         return;
00430 /* DON'T want to use oneof_stg() here; need to find the right common name
00431    */
00433     if (namep->vstg == STGCOMMON && !namep->vcommequiv && !usedefsforcommon) {
00434         comm = &extsymtab[namep->vardesc.varno];
00435         extern_out(fp, comm);
00436         nice_printf(fp, "%d.", comm->curno);
00437     } /* if namep -> vstg == STGCOMMON */
00439     if (namep->vprocclass == PTHISPROC && namep->vtype != TYSUBR)
00440         nice_printf(fp, xretslot[namep->vtype]->user.ident);
00441     else
00442         nice_printf (fp, "%s", namep->cvarname);
00443 } /* out_name */

void output_arg_list FILE *    fp,
struct Listblock   listp

Definition at line 755 of file output.c.

References expr_out(), and nice_printf().

Referenced by output_prim().

00757 {
00758     chainp arg_list;
00760     if (listp == (struct Listblock *) NULL || listp -> listp == (chainp) NULL)
00761         return;
00763     nice_printf (fp, "(");
00765     for (arg_list = listp -> listp; arg_list; arg_list = arg_list -> nextp) {
00766         expr_out (fp, (expptr) arg_list -> datap);
00767         if (arg_list -> nextp != (chainp) NULL)
00769 /* Might want to add a hook in here to accomodate the style setting which
00770    wants spaces after commas */
00772             nice_printf (fp, ",");
00773     } /* for arg_list */
00775     nice_printf (fp, ")");
00776 } /* output_arg_list */

void output_binary FILE *    fp,
struct Exprblock   e

Definition at line 962 of file output.c.

References erri(), expr_out(), Expression::exprblock, format, is_left_assoc, is_negatable(), is_right_assoc, isnegative_const(), Exprblock::leftp, negate_const(), nice_printf(), op_format, op_precedence, OPADDR, OPCALL, OPCCALL, Exprblock::opcode, OPCOMMA_ARG, OPCONV, opconv_fudge(), OPMINUS, OPNEG, OPPLUS, out_call(), Exprblock::rightp, SPECIAL_FMT, Expression::tag, TCONST, and TEXPR.

Referenced by expr_out(), and output_unary().

00964 {
00965     char *format;
00966     extern table_entry opcode_table[];
00967     int prec;
00969     if (e == NULL || e -> tag != TEXPR)
00970         return;
00972 /* Instead of writing a huge switch, I've incorporated the output format
00973    into a table.  Things like "%l" and "%r" stand for the left and
00974    right subexpressions.  This should allow both prefix and infix
00975    functions to be specified (e.g. "(%l * %r", "z_div (%l, %r").  Of
00976    course, I should REALLY think out the ramifications of writing out
00977    straight text, as opposed to some intermediate format, which could
00978    figure out and optimize on the the number of required blanks (we don't
00979    want "x - (-y)" to become "x --y", for example).  Special cases (such as
00980    incomplete implementations) could still be implemented as part of the
00981    switch, they will just have some dummy value instead of the string
00982    pattern.  Another difficulty is the fact that the complex functions
00983    will differ from the integer and real ones */
00985 /* Handle a special case.  We don't want to output "x + - 4", or "y - - 3"
00986 */
00987     if ((e -> opcode == OPPLUS || e -> opcode == OPMINUS) &&
00988             e -> rightp && e -> rightp -> tag == TCONST &&
00989             isnegative_const (&(e -> rightp -> constblock)) &&
00990             is_negatable (&(e -> rightp -> constblock))) {
00992         e -> opcode = (e -> opcode == OPPLUS) ? OPMINUS : OPPLUS;
00993         negate_const (&(e -> rightp -> constblock));
00994     } /* if e -> opcode == PLUS or MINUS */
00996     prec = op_precedence (e -> opcode);
00997     format = op_format (e -> opcode);
00999     if (format != SPECIAL_FMT) {
01000         while (*format) {
01001             if (*format == '%') {
01002                 int arg_prec, use_paren = 0;
01003                 expptr lp, rp;
01005                 switch (*(format + 1)) {
01006                     case 'l':
01007                         lp = e->leftp;
01008                         if (lp && lp->tag == TEXPR) {
01009                             arg_prec = op_precedence(lp->exprblock.opcode);
01011                             use_paren = arg_prec &&
01012                                 (arg_prec < prec || (arg_prec == prec &&
01013                                     is_right_assoc (prec)));
01014                         } /* if e -> leftp */
01015                         if (e->opcode == OPCONV && opconv_fudge(fp,e))
01016                                 break;
01017                         if (use_paren)
01018                             nice_printf (fp, "(");
01019                         expr_out(fp, lp);
01020                         if (use_paren)
01021                             nice_printf (fp, ")");
01022                         break;
01023                     case 'r':
01024                         rp = e->rightp;
01025                         if (rp && rp->tag == TEXPR) {
01026                             arg_prec = op_precedence(rp->exprblock.opcode);
01028                             use_paren = arg_prec &&
01029                                 (arg_prec < prec || (arg_prec == prec &&
01030                                     is_left_assoc (prec)));
01031                             use_paren = use_paren ||
01032                                 (rp->exprblock.opcode == OPNEG
01033                                 && prec >= op_precedence(OPMINUS));
01034                         } /* if e -> rightp */
01035                         if (use_paren)
01036                             nice_printf (fp, "(");
01037                         expr_out(fp, rp);
01038                         if (use_paren)
01039                             nice_printf (fp, ")");
01040                         break;
01041                     case '\0':
01042                     case '%':
01043                         nice_printf (fp, "%%");
01044                         break;
01045                     default:
01046                         erri ("output_binary: format err: '%%%c' illegal",
01047                                 (int) *(format + 1));
01048                         break;
01049                 } /* switch */
01050                 format += 2;
01051             } else
01052                 nice_printf (fp, "%c", *format++);
01053         } /* while *format */
01054     } else {
01056 /* Handle Special cases of formatting */
01058         switch (e -> opcode) {
01059                 case OPCCALL:
01060                 case OPCALL:
01061                         out_call (fp, (int) e -> opcode, e -> vtype,
01062                                         e -> vleng, e -> leftp, e -> rightp);
01063                         break;
01065                 case OPCOMMA_ARG:
01066                         doin_setbound = 1;
01067                         nice_printf(fp, "(");
01068                         expr_out(fp, e->leftp);
01069                         nice_printf(fp, ", &");
01070                         doin_setbound = 0;
01071                         expr_out(fp, e->rightp);
01072                         nice_printf(fp, ")");
01073                         break;
01075                 case OPADDR:
01076                 default:
01077                         nice_printf (fp, "Sorry, can't format OPCODE '%d'",
01078                                 e -> opcode);
01079                         break;
01080                 }
01082     } /* else */
01083 } /* output_binary */

void output_list FILE *    fp,
struct Listblock   listp

Definition at line 1452 of file output.c.

References expr_out(), and nice_printf().

Referenced by expr_out().

01454 {
01455     int did_one = 0;
01456     chainp elts;
01458     nice_printf (fp, "(");
01459     if (listp)
01460         for (elts = listp -> listp; elts; elts = elts -> nextp) {
01461             if (elts -> datap) {
01462                 if (did_one)
01463                     nice_printf (fp, ", ");
01464                 expr_out (fp, (expptr) elts -> datap);
01465                 did_one = 1;
01466             } /* if elts -> datap */
01467         } /* for elts */
01468     nice_printf (fp, ")");
01469 } /* output_list */

void output_literal FILE *    fp,
long    memno,
Constp    cp

Definition at line 706 of file output.c.

References lit_name(), Literal::lituse, nice_printf(), and out_const().

Referenced by out_addr().

00708 {
00709     struct Literal *litp, *lastlit;
00711     lastlit = litpool + nliterals;
00713     for (litp = litpool; litp < lastlit; litp++) {
00714         if (litp -> litnum == memno)
00715             break;
00716     } /* for litp */
00718     if (litp >= lastlit)
00719         out_const (fp, cp);
00720     else {
00721         nice_printf (fp, "%s", lit_name (litp));
00722         litp->lituse++;
00723         }
00724 } /* output_literal */

void output_prim FILE *    fp,
struct Primblock   primp

Definition at line 733 of file output.c.

References nice_printf(), out_name(), and output_arg_list().

Referenced by expr_out().

00735 {
00736     if (primp == NULL)
00737         return;
00739     out_name (fp, primp -> namep);
00740     if (primp -> argsp)
00741         output_arg_list (fp, primp -> argsp);
00743     if (primp -> fcharp != (expptr) NULL || primp -> lcharp != (expptr) NULL)
00744         nice_printf (fp, "Sorry, no substrings yet");
00745 }

void output_rbrace FILE *    outfile,
char *    s

Definition at line 1553 of file output.c.

References last_was_label, and nice_printf().

Referenced by elif_out(), end_else_out(), endif_out(), and out_else().

01555 {
01556         extern int last_was_label;
01557         register char *fmt;
01559         if (last_was_label) {
01560                 last_was_label = 0;
01561                 fmt = ";%s";
01562                 }
01563         else
01564                 fmt = "%s";
01565         nice_printf(outfile, fmt, s);
01566         }

void output_unary FILE *    fp,
struct Exprblock   e

Definition at line 786 of file output.c.

References dneg, erri(), nice_printf(), OPABS, OPADDR, OPBITNOT, OPCALL, OPCCALL, OPCHARCAST, Exprblock::opcode, OPDABS, OPIDENTITY, OPNEG, OPNEG1, OPNEG_KLUDGE, OPNOT, OPPREDEC, OPPREINC, OPWHATSIN, output_binary(), and Exprblock::vtype.

Referenced by expr_out().

00788 {
00789     if (e == NULL)
00790         return;
00792     switch (e -> opcode) {
00793         case OPNEG:
00794                 if (e->vtype == TYREAL && dneg) {
00795                         e->opcode = OPNEG_KLUDGE;
00796                         output_binary(fp,e);
00797                         e->opcode = OPNEG;
00798                         break;
00799                         }
00800         case OPNEG1:
00801         case OPNOT:
00802         case OPABS:
00803         case OPBITNOT:
00804         case OPWHATSIN:
00805         case OPPREINC:
00806         case OPPREDEC:
00807         case OPADDR:
00808         case OPIDENTITY:
00809         case OPCHARCAST:
00810         case OPDABS:
00811             output_binary (fp, e);
00812             break;
00813         case OPCALL:
00814         case OPCCALL:
00815             nice_printf (fp, "Sorry, no OPCALL yet");
00816             break;
00817         default:
00818             erri ("output_unary: bad opcode", (int) e -> opcode);
00819             break;
00820     } /* switch */
00821 } /* output_unary */

int same_expr expptr    e1,
expptr    e2

Definition at line 387 of file output.c.

References Expression::constblock, same_ident(), sameconst(), TADDR, TCONST, TEXPR, and TNAME.

Referenced by same_ident().

00389 {
00390     if (!e1 || !e2)
00391         return !e1 && !e2;
00393     if (e1 -> tag != e2 -> tag || e1 -> headblock.vtype != e2 -> headblock.vtype)
00394         return 0;
00396     switch (e1 -> tag) {
00397         case TEXPR:
00398             if (e1 -> exprblock.opcode != e2 -> exprblock.opcode)
00399                 return 0;
00401             return same_expr (e1 -> exprblock.leftp, e2 -> exprblock.leftp) &&
00402                    same_expr (e1 -> exprblock.rightp, e2 -> exprblock.rightp);
00403         case TNAME:
00404         case TADDR:
00405             return same_ident (e1, e2);
00406         case TCONST:
00407             return sameconst(&e1->constblock, &e2->constblock);
00408         default:
00409             return 0;
00410     } /* switch */
00411 } /* same_expr */

int same_ident expptr    left,
expptr    right

Definition at line 282 of file output.c.

References Expression::addrblock, Expression::exprblock, left, Exprblock::leftp, Exprblock::opcode, OPWHATSIN, same_expr(), TADDR, Expression::tag, TEXPR, TNAME, UNAM_CHARP, UNAM_IDENT, UNAM_NAME, UNAM_REF, and Addrblock::user.

Referenced by expr_out(), and same_expr().

00284 {
00285     if (!left || !right)
00286         return 0;
00288     if (left -> tag == TNAME && right -> tag == TNAME && left == right)
00289         return 1;
00291     if (left -> tag == TADDR && right -> tag == TADDR &&
00292             left -> addrblock.uname_tag == right -> addrblock.uname_tag)
00293         switch (left -> addrblock.uname_tag) {
00294             case UNAM_REF:
00295             case UNAM_NAME:
00297 /* Check for array subscripts */
00299                 if (left -> -> vdim ||
00300                         right -> -> vdim)
00301                     if (left -> !=
00302                             right -> ||
00303                             !same_expr (left -> addrblock.memoffset,
00304                             right -> addrblock.memoffset))
00305                         return 0;
00307                 return same_ident ((expptr) (left ->,
00308                         (expptr) right ->;
00309             case UNAM_IDENT:
00310                 return strcmp(left->addrblock.user.ident,
00311                                 right->addrblock.user.ident) == 0;
00312             case UNAM_CHARP:
00313                 return strcmp(left->addrblock.user.Charp,
00314                                 right->addrblock.user.Charp) == 0;
00315             default:
00316                 return 0;
00317         } /* switch */
00319     if (left->tag == TEXPR && left->exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN
00320         && right->tag == TEXPR && right->exprblock.opcode == OPWHATSIN)
00321                 return same_ident(left->exprblock.leftp,
00322                                  right->exprblock.leftp);
00324     return 0;
00325 } /* same_ident */

int sameconst register Constp    c1,
register Constp    c2

Definition at line 351 of file output.c.

References Constant::ccp1, Constant::ci, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, err, memcmp(), samefpconst(), TYINT, and Constblock::vleng.

Referenced by same_expr().

00353 {
00354         switch(c1->vtype) {
00355                 case TYCOMPLEX:
00356                 case TYDCOMPLEX:
00357                         if (!samefpconst(c1,c2,1))
00358                                 return 0;
00359                 case TYREAL:
00360                 case TYDREAL:
00361                         return samefpconst(c1,c2,0);
00362                 case TYCHAR:
00363                         return c1->Const.ccp1.blanks == c2->Const.ccp1.blanks
00364                             &&     c1->vleng->
00365                                 == c2->vleng->
00366                             && !memcmp(c1->Const.ccp, c2->Const.ccp,
00367                                         (int)c1->vleng->;
00368                 case TYSHORT:
00369                 case TYINT:
00370                 case TYLOGICAL:
00371                         return c1-> == c2->;
00372                 }
00373         err("unexpected type in sameconst");
00374         return 0;
00375         }

int samefpconst register Constp    c1,
register Constp    c2,
register int    n

Definition at line 334 of file output.c.

References Constant::cd, Constant::cds, Constblock::Const, dtos(), s2, and Constblock::vstg.

Referenced by sameconst().

00336 {
00337         char *s1, *s2;
00338         if (!c1->vstg && !c2->vstg)
00339                 return c1->[n] == c2->[n];
00340         s1 = c1->vstg ? c1->Const.cds[n] : dtos(c1->[n]);
00341         s2 = c2->vstg ? c2->Const.cds[n] : dtos(c2->[n]);
00342         return !strcmp(s1, s2);
00343         }

Variable Documentation

char _assoc_table[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }

Definition at line 35 of file output.c.

int dneg

Definition at line 129 of file output.c.

Referenced by output_unary(), and set_externs().

char* Longfmt = "%ld" [static]

Definition at line 446 of file output.c.

Referenced by out_call(), and out_const().

table_entry opcode_table[]

Definition at line 41 of file output.c.

char opeqable[sizeof(opcode_table)/sizeof(table_entry)] [static]

Definition at line 130 of file output.c.

Referenced by expr_out(), and out_init().

char tr_tab[Table_size]

Definition at line 1375 of file output.c.

Referenced by ind_printf(), and out_init().


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