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defs.h File Reference

#include "sysdep.h"
#include "ftypes.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "machdefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  Dims
struct  Addrblock
union  Constant
struct  Constblock
struct  Dimblock
struct  Equivblock
struct  Eqvchain
struct  Errorblock
struct  Exprblock
union  Expression
struct  Impldoblock
struct  Listblock
struct  Literal
struct  Argtypes
struct  Atype
struct  Chain
struct  Ctlframe
struct  Entrypoint
struct  Extsym
struct  Hashentry
struct  Headblock
struct  Intrpacked
struct  Labelblock
struct  Nameblock
struct  Paramblock
struct  Primblock
struct  Rplblock


#define MAXDIM   20
#define MAXINCLUDES   10
#define MAXLITERALS   200
#define MAXCTL   20
#define MAXHASH   401
#define MAXSTNO   801
#define MAXEXT   200
#define MAXEQUIV   150
#define MAXLABLIST   258
#define MAXCONTIN   99
#define endlabel   ctlabels[0]
#define elselabel   ctlabels[1]
#define dobodylabel   ctlabels[1]
#define doposlabel   ctlabels[2]
#define doneglabel   ctlabels[3]
#define ccp   ccp1.ccp0
#define eqvleng   eqvtop
#define letter(x)   Letters[x]
#define hextoi(x)   hextoi_tab[(x) & 0xff]
#define Argdcl(x)   x
#define Void   void


typedef Expressionexpptr
typedef Expressiontagptr
typedef Chainchainp
typedef AddrblockAddrp
typedef ConstblockConstp
typedef ExprblockExprp
typedef NameblockNamep
typedef Extsym Extsym


char *Alloc Argdcl ((int))
char *Argtype Argdcl ((int, char *))
void Fatal Argdcl ((char *))
Impldoblock *mkiodo Argdcl ((chainp, chainp))
tagptr Inline Argdcl ((int, int, chainp))
Labelblock *execlab Argdcl ((long))
Listblock *mklist Argdcl ((chainp))
void add_extern_to_list Argdcl ((Addrp, chainp *))
int addressable Argdcl ((tagptr))
Addrp autovar Argdcl ((int, int, tagptr, char *))
void backup Argdcl ((char *, char *))
void bad_atypes Argdcl ((Argtypes *, char *, int, int, int, char *, char *))
void badop Argdcl ((char *, int))
void badthing Argdcl ((char *, char *, int))
Addrp builtin Argdcl ((int, char *, int))
tagptr call1 Argdcl ((int, char *, tagptr))
tagptr call2 Argdcl ((int, char *, tagptr, tagptr))
tagptr call3 Argdcl ((int, char *, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr))
tagptr call4 Argdcl ((int, char *, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr))
tagptr callk Argdcl ((int, char *, chainp))
void cast_args Argdcl ((int, chainp))
void changedtype Argdcl ((Namep))
int cktype Argdcl ((int, int, int))
void clf Argdcl ((FILEP *, char *, int))
int cmpstr Argdcl ((char *, char *, long, long))
char *c_type_decl Argdcl ((int, int))
void consconv Argdcl ((int, Constp, Constp))
void consnegop Argdcl ((Constp))
void cpn Argdcl ((int, char *, char *))
void dataline Argdcl ((char *, long, int))
char *dataname Argdcl ((int, long))
void dataval Argdcl ((tagptr, tagptr))
void dclerr Argdcl ((char *, Namep))
void def_commons Argdcl ((FILEP))
void def_start Argdcl ((FILEP, char *, char *, char *))
void do_uninit_equivs Argdcl ((FILEP, ptr))
void doequiv (Void)
int dofork (Void)
void donmlist (Void)
char *dtos Argdcl ((double))
void elif_out Argdcl ((FILEP, tagptr))
void enddcl (Void)
void endio (Void)
void endioctl (Void)
void endproc (Void)
void entrypt Argdcl ((int, int, long, Extsym *, chainp))
void errl Argdcl ((char *, long))
void exarif Argdcl ((tagptr, struct Labelblock *, struct Labelblock *, struct Labelblock *))
void exassign Argdcl ((Namep, struct Labelblock *))
void excall Argdcl ((Namep, struct Listblock *, int, struct Labelblock **))
void exdo Argdcl ((int, Namep, chainp))
void exelse (Void)
void exendif (Void)
void exequals Argdcl ((struct Primblock *, tagptr))
void exgoto Argdcl ((struct Labelblock *))
void exstop Argdcl ((int, tagptr))
void extern_out Argdcl ((FILEP, Extsym *))
void ffilecopy Argdcl ((FILEP, FILEP))
void fileinit (Void)
int fixargs Argdcl ((int, struct Listblock *))
tagptr fixexpr Argdcl ((Exprp))
void flline (Void)
void fmt_init (Void)
void fmtname Argdcl ((Namep, Addrp))
void frchain Argdcl ((chainp *))
void freetemps (Void)
void freqchain Argdcl ((struct Equivblock *))
void frrpl (Void)
void frtemp Argdcl ((Addrp))
void hashclear (Void)
int in_vector Argdcl ((char *, char **, int))
void incomm Argdcl ((Extsym *, Namep))
void inferdcl Argdcl ((Namep, int))
void initkey (Void)
long int lencat Argdcl ((expptr))
long int lmax Argdcl ((long, long))
long int wr_char_len Argdcl ((FILEP, struct Dimblock *, int, int))
tagptr intrcall Argdcl ((Namep, struct Listblock *, int))
void ioclause Argdcl ((int, expptr))
int iocname (Void)
chainp length_comp Argdcl ((struct Entrypoint *, int))
char *lexline Argdcl ((ptr))
void list_arg_types Argdcl ((FILEP, struct Entrypoint *, chainp, int, char *))
void list_init_data Argdcl ((FILE **, char *, FILE *))
void listargs Argdcl ((FILEP, struct Entrypoint *, int, chainp))
char *lit_name Argdcl ((struct Literal *))
int main Argdcl ((int, char **))
void make_param Argdcl ((struct Paramblock *, tagptr))
void many Argdcl ((char *, char, int))
void margin_printf Argdcl ((FILEP, char *,...))
void mem_init (Void)
tagptr mkbitcon Argdcl ((int, int, char *))
chainp mkchain Argdcl ((char *, chainp))
tagptr mkexpr Argdcl ((int, tagptr, tagptr))
Addrp mkfield Argdcl ((Addrp, char *, int))
tagptr mklhs Argdcl ((struct Primblock *, int))
tagptr mkprim Argdcl ((Namep, struct Listblock *, chainp))
Addrp mktmpn Argdcl ((int, int, tagptr))
void new_endif (Void)
long newlabel (Void)
void newproc (Void)
Addrp nextdata Argdcl ((long *))
void np_init (Void)
int oneof_stg Argdcl ((Namep, int, int))
tagptr opconv Argdcl ((tagptr, int))
void out_addr Argdcl ((FILEP, Addrp))
void out_call Argdcl ((FILEP, int, int, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr))
void out_const Argdcl ((FILEP, Constp))
void out_for Argdcl ((FILEP, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr))
void out_init (Void)
void outbuf_adjust (Void)
void prcona Argdcl ((FILEP, long))
void prconr Argdcl ((FILEP, Constp, int))
void procinit (Void)
void prolog Argdcl ((FILEP, chainp))
void protowrite Argdcl ((FILEP, int, char *, struct Entrypoint *, chainp))
int put_one_arg Argdcl ((int, char *, char **, char *, char *))
expptr putassign Argdcl ((expptr, expptr))
void putcmgo Argdcl ((tagptr, int, struct Labelblock **))
expptr putsteq Argdcl ((Addrp, Addrp))
void r8fix (Void)
int rdlong Argdcl ((FILEP, long *))
int rdname Argdcl ((FILEP, ptr, char *))
void read_Pfiles Argdcl ((char **))
void save_argtypes Argdcl ((chainp, Argtypes **, Argtypes **, int, char *, int, int, int, int))
void set_externs (Void)
void set_tmp_names (Void)
void setbound Argdcl ((Namep, int, struct Dims *))
void setdata Argdcl ((Addrp, Constp, long))
void setimpl Argdcl ((int, long, int, int))
void settype Argdcl ((Namep, int, long))
void start_formatting (Void)
void startioctl (Void)
void startproc Argdcl ((Extsym *, int))
void startrw (Void)
tagptr subcheck Argdcl ((Namep, tagptr))
tagptr suboffset Argdcl ((struct Primblock *))
int type_fixup Argdcl ((Argtypes *, Atype *, int))
void unamstring Argdcl ((Addrp, char *))
void unclassifiable (Void)
void wr_abbrevs Argdcl ((FILEP, int, chainp))
char *wr_ardecls Argdcl ((FILE *, struct Dimblock *, long))
void wr_equiv_init Argdcl ((FILEP, int, chainp *, int))
int yylex (Void)
int yyparse (Void)


FILEP infile
FILEP diagfile
FILEP textfile
FILEP asmfile
FILEP c_file
FILEP pass1_file
FILEP expr_file
FILEP initfile
FILEP blkdfile
int current_ftn_file
int maxcontin
char * blkdfname
char * initfname
char * sortfname
long headoffset
char main_alias []
char * token
int maxtoklen
int toklen
long err_lineno
long lineno
char * infname
int needkwd
int maxctl
int maxequiv
int maxstno
int maxhash
int maxext
flag nowarnflag
flag ftn66flag
flag no66flag
flag noextflag
flag zflag
flag shiftcase
flag undeftype
flag shortsubs
flag onetripflag
flag checksubs
flag debugflag
int nerr
int nwarn
int parstate
flag headerdone
int blklevel
flag saveall
flag substars
int impltype []
ftnint implleng []
int implstg []
int tycomplex
int tyint
int tyioint
int tyreal
int tylog
int tylogical
int type_choice []
char * typename []
int typesize []
int typealign []
int proctype
char * procname
int rtvlabel []
Addrp retslot
Addrp xretslot []
int cxslot
int chslot
int chlgslot
int procclass
ftnint procleng
int nentry
flag multitype
long lastiolabno
long lastlabno
int lastvarno
int lastargslot
int argloc
int autonum []
int retlabel
int ret0label
int dorange
int regnum []
Namep regnamep []
int maxregvar
int highregvar
int nregvar
chainp templist []
int maxdim
chainp earlylabs
chainp holdtemps
ftnint curdtelt
chainp allargs
int nallargs
int nallchargs
flag toomanyinit
flag inioctl
int iostmt
Addrp ioblkp
int nioctl
int nequiv
int eqvstart
int nintnames
chainp chains
int complex_seen
int dcomplex_seen
int maxliterals
int nliterals
char Letters []
int forcedouble
int doin_setbound
int Ansi
char hextoi_tab []
char * casttypes []
char * ftn_types []
char * protorettypes []
char * usedcasts []
int Castargs
int infertypes
FILE * protofile
char binread []
char binwrite []
char textread []
char textwrite []
char * ei_first
char * ei_last
char * ei_next
char * wh_first
char * wh_last
char * wh_next
char * halign
char * outbuf
char * outbtail
flag keepsubs
flag use_tyquad
int n_keywords
char * c_keywords []
tagptr errnode (Void)

Define Documentation

#define Argdcl      x

Definition at line 759 of file defs.h.

#define ccp   ccp1.ccp0

Definition at line 504 of file defs.h.

Referenced by make_one_const(), and SER_addto_vector_textmode().

#define dobodylabel   ctlabels[1]

Definition at line 238 of file defs.h.

#define doneglabel   ctlabels[3]

Definition at line 240 of file defs.h.

#define doposlabel   ctlabels[2]

Definition at line 239 of file defs.h.

#define elselabel   ctlabels[1]

Definition at line 237 of file defs.h.

#define endlabel   ctlabels[0]

Definition at line 236 of file defs.h.

#define eqvleng   eqvtop

Definition at line 687 of file defs.h.

#define hextoi      hextoi_tab[(x) & 0xff]

Definition at line 740 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit(), gettok(), hexcheck(), and mkbitcon().

#define letter      Letters[x]

Definition at line 732 of file defs.h.

Referenced by doentry(), getkwd(), impldcl(), inferdcl(), initkey(), mkfunct(), setimpl(), stfcall(), vardcl(), and wronginf().

#define MAXCONTIN   99

Definition at line 41 of file defs.h.

#define MAXCTL   20

Definition at line 34 of file defs.h.

#define MAXDIM   20

Definition at line 30 of file defs.h.

#define MAXEQUIV   150

Definition at line 38 of file defs.h.

#define MAXEXT   200

Definition at line 37 of file defs.h.

#define MAXHASH   401

Definition at line 35 of file defs.h.

#define MAXINCLUDES   10

Definition at line 31 of file defs.h.

Referenced by doinclude().

#define MAXLABLIST   258

Definition at line 39 of file defs.h.

#define MAXLITERALS   200

Definition at line 32 of file defs.h.

#define MAXSTNO   801

Definition at line 36 of file defs.h.

#define Void   void

Definition at line 760 of file defs.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct Addrblock* Addrp

Definition at line 47 of file defs.h.

typedef struct Chain* chainp

Definition at line 46 of file defs.h.

typedef struct Constblock* Constp

Definition at line 48 of file defs.h.

typedef union Expression* expptr

Definition at line 45 of file defs.h.

typedef struct Exprblock* Exprp

Definition at line 49 of file defs.h.

typedef struct Extsym Extsym

Definition at line 291 of file defs.h.

typedef struct Nameblock* Namep

Definition at line 50 of file defs.h.

typedef union Expression * tagptr

Definition at line 45 of file defs.h.

Function Documentation

void wr_equiv_init Argdcl (FILEP, int, chainp *, int)   

char* wr_ardecls Argdcl (FILE *, struct Dimblock *, long)   

void wr_array_init Argdcl (FILEP, int, chainp  

void unamstring Argdcl (Addrp, char *)   

int type_fixup Argdcl (Argtypes *, Atype *, int)   

tagptr suboffset Argdcl (struct Primblock *)   

tagptr subcheck Argdcl (Namep, tagptr  

void startproc Argdcl (Extsym *, int)   

void settype Argdcl (Namep, int, long)   

void setimpl Argdcl (int, long, int, int)   

void setdata Argdcl (Addrp, Constp, long)   

void setbound Argdcl (Namep, int, struct Dims *)   

void save_argtypes Argdcl (chainp, Argtypes **, Argtypes **, int, char *, int, int, int, int)   

void read_Pfiles Argdcl (char **)   

int rdname Argdcl (FILEP, ptr, char *)   

int rdlong Argdcl (FILEP, long *)   

expptr putsteq Argdcl (Addrp, Addrp  

void putcmgo Argdcl (tagptr, int, struct Labelblock **)   

void puteq Argdcl (expptr, expptr  

int put_one_arg Argdcl (int, char *, char **, char *, char *)   

void protowrite Argdcl (FILEP, int, char *, struct Entrypoint *, chainp  

void wr_struct Argdcl (FILEP, chainp  

void prconr Argdcl (FILEP, Constp, int)   

void prconi Argdcl (FILEP, long)   

void out_for Argdcl (FILEP, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr  

void out_const Argdcl (FILEP, Constp  

void out_call Argdcl (FILEP, int, int, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr  

void wr_nv_ident_help Argdcl (FILEP, Addrp  

void putif Argdcl (tagptr, int)   

int oneof_stg Argdcl (Namep, int, int)   

Addrp nextdata Argdcl (long *)   

Addrp mktmpn Argdcl (int, int, tagptr  

tagptr mkprim Argdcl (Namep, struct Listblock *, chainp  

tagptr mklhs Argdcl (struct Primblock *, int)   

Addrp mkfield Argdcl (Addrp, char *, int)   

tagptr mkexpr Argdcl (int, tagptr, tagptr  

chainp mkchain Argdcl (char *, chainp  

void p1putn Argdcl (int, int, char *)   

void nice_printf Argdcl (FILEP, char *,...)   

void many Argdcl (char *, char, int)   

void make_param Argdcl (struct Paramblock *, tagptr  

int main Argdcl (int, char **)   

char* lit_name Argdcl (struct Literal *)   

void listargs Argdcl (FILEP, struct Entrypoint *, int, chainp  

void list_init_data Argdcl (FILE **, char *, FILE *)   

void list_arg_types Argdcl (FILEP, struct Entrypoint *, chainp, int, char *)   

char* lexline Argdcl (ptr  

chainp length_comp Argdcl (struct Entrypoint *, int)   

void ioclause Argdcl (int, expptr  

tagptr intrcall Argdcl (Namep, struct Listblock *, int)   

long int wr_char_len Argdcl (FILEP, struct Dimblock *, int, int)   

long int lmin Argdcl (long, long)   

void putexpr Argdcl (expptr  

Extsym *newentry Argdcl (Namep, int)   

void incomm Argdcl (Extsym *, Namep  

int in_vector Argdcl (char *, char **, int)   

void p1_big_addr Argdcl (Addrp  

void freqchain Argdcl (struct Equivblock *)   

void frexchain Argdcl (chainp *)   

void fmtname Argdcl (Namep, Addrp  

void p1_unary Argdcl (Exprp  

int fixargs Argdcl (int, struct Listblock *)   

void do_p1_subr_ret Argdcl (FILEP, FILEP  

void extern_out Argdcl (FILEP, Extsym *)   

Addrp mktmp0 Argdcl (int, tagptr  

void setfmt Argdcl (struct Labelblock *)   

void mkstfunct Argdcl (struct Primblock *, tagptr  

void exdo Argdcl (int, Namep, chainp  

void excall Argdcl (Namep, struct Listblock *, int, struct Labelblock **)   

void exassign Argdcl (Namep, struct Labelblock *)   

void exarif Argdcl (tagptr, struct Labelblock *, struct Labelblock *, struct Labelblock *)   

char *string_num Argdcl (char *, long)   

void entrypt Argdcl (int, int, long, Extsym *, chainp  

void out_if Argdcl (FILEP, tagptr  

char* dtos Argdcl (double)   

void do_uninit_equivs Argdcl (FILEP, ptr  

void def_start Argdcl (FILEP, char *, char *, char *)   

void out_end_for Argdcl (FILEP  

void dclerr Argdcl (char *, Namep  

int same_ident Argdcl (tagptr, tagptr  

char *memname Argdcl (int, long)   

void dataline Argdcl (char *, long, int)   

int eqn Argdcl (int, char *, char *)   

Addrp putconst Argdcl (Constp  

void consconv Argdcl (int, Constp, Constp  

Addrp mkarg Argdcl (int, int)   

int cmpstr Argdcl (char *, char *, long, long)   

void clf Argdcl (FILEP *, char *, int)   

int cktype Argdcl (int, int, int)   

void wronginf Argdcl (Namep  

void cast_args Argdcl (int, chainp  

tagptr callk Argdcl (int, char *, chainp  

tagptr call4 Argdcl (int, char *, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr  

tagptr call3 Argdcl (int, char *, tagptr, tagptr, tagptr  

tagptr call2 Argdcl (int, char *, tagptr, tagptr  

tagptr call1 Argdcl (int, char *, tagptr  

Addrp builtin Argdcl (int, char *, int)   

void badthing Argdcl (char *, char *, int)   

void warni Argdcl (char *, int)   

void bad_atypes Argdcl (Argtypes *, char *, int, int, int, char *, char *)   

void warn1 Argdcl (char *, char *)   

Addrp autovar Argdcl (int, int, tagptr, char *)   

tagptr putpower Argdcl (tagptr  

void add_extern_to_list Argdcl (Addrp, chainp *)   

chainp revchain Argdcl (chainp  

void p1_label Argdcl (long)   

tagptr Inline Argdcl (int, int, chainp  

int struct_eq Argdcl (chainp, chainp  

void yyerror Argdcl (char *)   

void p1puts Argdcl (int, char *)   

void retval Argdcl (int)   

void doequiv Void   

Definition at line 36 of file equiv.c.

References Primblock::argsp, Constant::ci, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, dclerr(), Equivblock::equivs, Equivblock::eqvbottom, eqvcommon(), eqveqv(), Eqvchain::eqvitem, Eqvchain::eqvnextp, Eqvchain::eqvoffset, Equivblock::eqvtop, Equivblock::eqvtype, Primblock::fcharp, freqchain(), frexpr(), i, iarrlen(), ICON, ISICON, Listblock::listp, lmax(), lmin(), mkchain(), Primblock::namep, Chain::nextp, NO, nsubs(), offset, STGBSS, STGCOMMON, STGEQUIV, STGUNKNOWN, suboffset(), type_pref, vardcl(), warni(), and YES.

Referenced by enddcl().

00037 {
00038         register int i;
00039         int inequiv;                    /* True if one namep occurs in
00040                                            several EQUIV declarations */
00041         int comno;              /* Index into Extsym table of the last
00042                                    COMMON block seen (implicitly assuming
00043                                    that only one will be given) */
00044         int ovarno;
00045         ftnint comoffset;       /* Index into the COMMON block */
00046         ftnint offset;          /* Offset from array base */
00047         ftnint leng;
00048         register struct Equivblock *equivdecl;
00049         register struct Eqvchain *q;
00050         struct Primblock *primp;
00051         register Namep np;
00052         int k, k1, ns, pref, t;
00053         chainp cp;
00054         extern int type_pref[];
00055         char *s;
00057         for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i)
00058         {
00060 /* Handle each equivalence declaration */
00062                 equivdecl = &eqvclass[i];
00063                 equivdecl->eqvbottom = equivdecl->eqvtop = 0;
00064                 comno = -1;
00068                 for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q ; q = q->eqvnextp)
00069                 {
00070                         offset = 0;
00071                         if (!(primp = q->eqvitem.eqvlhs))
00072                                 continue;
00073                         vardcl(np = primp->namep);
00074                         if(primp->argsp || primp->fcharp)
00075                         {
00076                                 expptr offp;
00078 /* Pad ones onto the end of an array declaration when needed */
00080                                 if(np->vdim!=NULL && np->vdim->ndim>1 &&
00081                                     nsubs(primp->argsp)==1 )
00082                                 {
00083                                         if(! ftn66flag)
00084                                                 warni
00085                         ("1-dim subscript in EQUIVALENCE, %d-dim declared",
00086                                                     np -> vdim -> ndim);
00087                                         cp = NULL;
00088                                         ns = np->vdim->ndim;
00089                                         while(--ns > 0)
00090                                                 cp = mkchain((char *)ICON(1), cp);
00091                                         primp->argsp->listp->nextp = cp;
00092                                 }
00094                                 offp = suboffset(primp);
00095                                 if(ISICON(offp))
00096                                         offset = offp->;
00097                                 else    {
00098                                         dclerr
00099                         ("nonconstant subscript in equivalence ",
00100                                             np);
00101                                         np = NULL;
00102                                 }
00103                                 frexpr(offp);
00104                         }
00106 /* Free up the primblock, since we now have a hash table (Namep) entry */
00108                         frexpr((expptr)primp);
00110                         if(np && (leng = iarrlen(np))<0)
00111                         {
00112                                 dclerr("adjustable in equivalence", np);
00113                                 np = NULL;
00114                         }
00116                         if(np) switch(np->vstg)
00117                         {
00118                         case STGUNKNOWN:
00119                         case STGBSS:
00120                         case STGEQUIV:
00121                                 break;
00123                         case STGCOMMON:
00125 /* The code assumes that all COMMON references in a given EQUIVALENCE will
00126    be to the same COMMON block, and will all be consistent */
00128                                 comno = np->vardesc.varno;
00129                                 comoffset = np->voffset + offset;
00130                                 break;
00132                         default:
00133                                 dclerr("bad storage class in equivalence", np);
00134                                 np = NULL;
00135                                 break;
00136                         }
00138                         if(np)
00139                         {
00140                                 q->eqvoffset = offset;
00142 /* eqvbottom   gets the largest difference between the array base address
00143    and the address specified in the EQUIV declaration */
00145                                 equivdecl->eqvbottom =
00146                                     lmin(equivdecl->eqvbottom, -offset);
00148 /* eqvtop   gets the largest difference between the end of the array and
00149    the address given in the EQUIVALENCE */
00151                                 equivdecl->eqvtop =
00152                                     lmax(equivdecl->eqvtop, leng-offset);
00153                         }
00154                         q->eqvitem.eqvname = np;
00155                 }
00157 /* Now all equivalenced variables are in the hash table with the proper
00158    offset, and   eqvtop and eqvbottom   are set. */
00160                 if(comno >= 0)
00162 /* Get rid of all STGEQUIVS, they will be mapped onto STGCOMMON variables
00163    */
00165                         eqvcommon(equivdecl, comno, comoffset);
00166                 else for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q ; q = q->eqvnextp)
00167                 {
00168                         if(np = q->eqvitem.eqvname)
00169                         {
00170                                 inequiv = NO;
00171                                 if(np->vstg==STGEQUIV)
00172                                         if( (ovarno = np->vardesc.varno) == i)
00173                                         {
00175 /* Can't EQUIV different elements of the same array */
00177                                                 if(np->voffset + q->eqvoffset != 0)
00178                                                         dclerr
00179                         ("inconsistent equivalence", np);
00180                                         }
00181                                         else    {
00182                                                 offset = np->voffset;
00183                                                 inequiv = YES;
00184                                         }
00186                                 np->vstg = STGEQUIV;
00187                                 np->vardesc.varno = i;
00188                                 np->voffset = - q->eqvoffset;
00190                                 if(inequiv)
00192 /* Combine 2 equivalence declarations */
00194                                         eqveqv(i, ovarno, q->eqvoffset + offset);
00195                         }
00196                 }
00197         }
00199 /* Now each equivalence declaration is distinct (all connections have been
00200    merged in eqveqv()), and some may be empty. */
00202         for(i = 0 ; i < nequiv ; ++i)
00203         {
00204                 equivdecl = & eqvclass[i];
00205                 if(equivdecl->eqvbottom!=0 || equivdecl->eqvtop!=0) {
00207 /* a live chain */
00209                         k = TYCHAR;
00210                         pref = 1;
00211                         for(q = equivdecl->equivs ; q; q = q->eqvnextp)
00212                             if ((np = q->eqvitem.eqvname)
00213                                         && !np->veqvadjust) {
00214                                 np->veqvadjust = 1;
00215                                 np->voffset -= equivdecl->eqvbottom;
00216                                 t = typealign[k1 = np->vtype];
00217                                 if (pref < type_pref[k1]) {
00218                                         k = k1;
00219                                         pref = type_pref[k1];
00220                                         }
00221                                 if(np->voffset % t != 0) {
00222                                         dclerr("bad alignment forced by equivalence", np);
00223                                         --nerr; /* don't give bad return code for this */
00224                                         }
00225                                 }
00226                         equivdecl->eqvtype = k;
00227                 }
00228                 freqchain(equivdecl);
00229         }
00230 }

int dofork Void   

Definition at line 232 of file sysdep.c.

References Fatal(), and retcode.

Referenced by main().

00233 {
00234 #ifdef MSDOS
00235         Fatal("Only one Fortran input file allowed under MS-DOS");
00236 #else
00237 #ifndef KR_headers
00238         extern int fork(void), wait(int*);
00239 #endif
00240         int pid, status, w;
00241         extern int retcode;
00243         if (!(pid = fork()))
00244                 return 1;
00245         if (pid == -1)
00246                 Fatal("bad fork");
00247         while((w = wait(&status)) != pid)
00248                 if (w == -1)
00249                         Fatal("bad wait code");
00250         retcode |= status >> 8;
00251 #endif
00252         return 0;
00253         }

void donmlist Void   

Definition at line 964 of file proc.c.

References CLNAMELIST, namelist(), q, and Hashentry::varp.

Referenced by endproc().

00965 {
00966         register struct Hashentry *p;
00967         register Namep q;
00969         for(p=hashtab; p<lasthash; ++p)
00970                 if( (q = p->varp) && q->vclass==CLNAMELIST)
00971                         namelist(q);
00972 }

void enddcl Void   

Definition at line 378 of file proc.c.

References docomleng(), docommon(), doentry(), doequiv(), Entrypoint::entnextp, err_proc, frchain(), freetemps(), INEXEC, p1_label(), p1_line_number(), P1_PROCODE, p1put(), and revchain().

Referenced by endproc(), exequals(), and yyparse().

00379 {
00380         register struct Entrypoint *ep;
00381         struct Entrypoint *ep0;
00382         chainp cp;
00383         extern char *err_proc;
00384         static char comblks[] = "common blocks";
00386         err_proc = comblks;
00387         docommon();
00389 /* Now the hash table entries for fields of common blocks have STGCOMMON,
00390    vdcldone, voffset, and varno.  And the common blocks themselves have
00391    their full sizes in extleng. */
00393         err_proc = "equivalences";
00394         doequiv();
00396         err_proc = comblks;
00397         docomleng();
00399 /* This implies that entry points in the declarations are buffered in
00400    entries   but not written out */
00402         err_proc = "entries";
00403         if (ep = ep0 = (struct Entrypoint *)revchain((chainp)entries)) {
00404                 /* entries could be 0 in case of an error */
00405                 do doentry(ep);
00406                         while(ep = ep->entnextp);
00407                 entries = (struct Entrypoint *)revchain((chainp)ep0);
00408                 }
00410         err_proc = 0;
00411         parstate = INEXEC;
00412         p1put(P1_PROCODE);
00413         freetemps();
00414         if (earlylabs) {
00415                 for(cp = earlylabs = revchain(earlylabs); cp; cp = cp->nextp)
00416                         p1_label((long)cp->datap);
00417                 frchain(&earlylabs);
00418                 }
00419         p1_line_number(lineno); /* for files that start with a MAIN program */
00420                                 /* that starts with an executable statement */
00421 }

void endio Void   

Definition at line 831 of file f2cdir/io.c.

References cpexpr(), execlab(), exendif(), exgoto(), exif(), frexpr(), ICON, ioendlab, ioerrlab, ioformatted, IOREAD, IOSTP, IOWRITE, mkexpr(), NAMEDIRECTED, OPGT, OPLT, OPNE, and p1_label().

Referenced by yyparse().

00832 {
00833         if(skiplab)
00834         {
00835                 if (ioformatted != NAMEDIRECTED)
00836                         p1_label((long)(skiplabel - labeltab));
00837                 if(ioendlab) {
00838                         exif( mkexpr(OPLT, cpexpr(IOSTP), ICON(0)));
00839                         exgoto(execlab(ioendlab));
00840                         exendif();
00841                         }
00842                 if(ioerrlab) {
00843                         exif( mkexpr(iostmt==IOREAD||iostmt==IOWRITE
00844                                         ? OPGT : OPNE,
00845                                 cpexpr(IOSTP), ICON(0)));
00846                         exgoto(execlab(ioerrlab));
00847                         exendif();
00848                         }
00849         }
00851         if(IOSTP)
00852                 frexpr(IOSTP);
00853 }

void endioctl Void   

Definition at line 424 of file f2cdir/io.c.

References autovar(), Constant::ci, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, dofclose(), dofinquire(), dofmove(), dofopen(), endbit, ENULL, err, errbit, execlab(), fatali(), io_setup::fields, frexpr(), i, ICON, io_fields, io_stuff, IOBACKSPACE, ioblkp, IOCLOSE, IOENDFILE, ioendlab, ioerrlab, IOINQUIRE, IOOPEN, IOREAD, IOREWIND, IOSEND, IOSERR, ioset(), IOSIOSTAT, IOSTP, IOWRITE, ISICON, ISINT, jumplab, mktmp(), newiolabel(), NIOS, NO, p, skiplab, startrw(), TADDR, TYINT, TYIOINT, io_setup::type, V, and XERR.

Referenced by yyparse().

00425 {
00426         int i;
00427         expptr p;
00428         struct io_setup *ios;
00430         inioctl = NO;
00432         /* set up for error recovery */
00434         ioerrlab = ioendlab = skiplab = jumplab = 0;
00436         if(p = V(IOSEND))
00437                 if(ISICON(p))
00438                         execlab(ioendlab = p->;
00439                 else
00440                         err("bad end= clause");
00442         if(p = V(IOSERR))
00443                 if(ISICON(p))
00444                         execlab(ioerrlab = p->;
00445                 else
00446                         err("bad err= clause");
00448         if(IOSTP)
00449                 if(IOSTP->tag!=TADDR || ! ISINT(IOSTP->addrblock.vtype) )
00450                 {
00451                         err("iostat must be an integer variable");
00452                         frexpr(IOSTP);
00453                         IOSTP = NULL;
00454                 }
00456         if(iostmt == IOREAD)
00457         {
00458                 if(IOSTP)
00459                 {
00460                         if(ioerrlab && ioendlab && ioerrlab==ioendlab)
00461                                 jumplab = ioerrlab;
00462                         else
00463                                 skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel();
00464                 }
00465                 else    {
00466                         if(ioerrlab && ioendlab && ioerrlab!=ioendlab)
00467                         {
00468                                 IOSTP = (expptr) mktmp(TYINT, ENULL);
00469                                 skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel();
00470                         }
00471                         else
00472                                 jumplab = (ioerrlab ? ioerrlab : ioendlab);
00473                 }
00474         }
00475         else if(iostmt == IOWRITE)
00476         {
00477                 if(IOSTP && !ioerrlab)
00478                         skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel();
00479                 else
00480                         jumplab = ioerrlab;
00481         }
00482         else
00483                 jumplab = ioerrlab;
00485         endbit = IOSTP!=NULL || ioendlab!=0;    /* for use in startrw() */
00486         errbit = IOSTP!=NULL || ioerrlab!=0;
00487         if (jumplab && !IOSTP)
00488                 IOSTP = (expptr) mktmp(TYINT, ENULL);
00490         if(iostmt!=IOREAD && iostmt!=IOWRITE)
00491         {
00492                 ios = io_stuff + iostmt;
00493                 io_fields = ios->fields;
00494                 ioblkp = io_structs[iostmt];
00495                 if(ioblkp == NULL)
00496                         io_structs[iostmt] = ioblkp =
00497                                 autovar(1, ios->type, ENULL, "");
00498                 ioset(TYIOINT, XERR, ICON(errbit));
00499         }
00501         switch(iostmt)
00502         {
00503         case IOOPEN:
00504                 dofopen();
00505                 break;
00507         case IOCLOSE:
00508                 dofclose();
00509                 break;
00511         case IOINQUIRE:
00512                 dofinquire();
00513                 break;
00515         case IOBACKSPACE:
00516                 dofmove("f_back");
00517                 break;
00519         case IOREWIND:
00520                 dofmove("f_rew");
00521                 break;
00523         case IOENDFILE:
00524                 dofmove("f_end");
00525                 break;
00527         case IOREAD:
00528         case IOWRITE:
00529                 startrw();
00530                 break;
00532         default:
00533                 fatali("impossible iostmt %d", iostmt);
00534         }
00535         for(i = 1 ; i<=NIOS ; ++i)
00536                 if(i!=IOSIOSTAT && V(i)!=NULL)
00537                         frexpr(V(i));
00538 }

void endproc Void   

Definition at line 328 of file proc.c.

References CHNULL, convic(), copy_data(), dobss(), donmlist(), enddcl(), epicode(), err, errstr(), fix_entry_returns(), INDATA, Labelblock::labdefined, NO, procinit(), putentries(), start_formatting(), Labelblock::stateno, STGCOMMON, usedefsforcommon, wr_abbrevs(), and zap_changes().

Referenced by main(), newproc(), startproc(), and yyparse().

00329 {
00330         struct Labelblock *lp;
00331         Extsym *ext;
00333         if(parstate < INDATA)
00334                 enddcl();
00335         if(ctlstack >= ctls)
00336                 err("DO loop or BLOCK IF not closed");
00337         for(lp = labeltab ; lp < labtabend ; ++lp)
00338                 if(lp->stateno!=0 && lp->labdefined==NO)
00339                         errstr("missing statement label %s",
00340                                 convic(lp->stateno) );
00342 /* Save copies of the common variables in extptr -> allextp */
00344         for (ext = extsymtab; ext < nextext; ext++)
00345                 if (ext -> extstg == STGCOMMON && ext -> extp) {
00346                         extern int usedefsforcommon;
00348 /* Write out the abbreviations for common block reference */
00350                         copy_data (ext -> extp);
00351                         if (usedefsforcommon) {
00352                                 wr_abbrevs (c_file, 1, ext -> extp);
00353                                 ext -> used_here = 1;
00354                                 }
00355                         else
00356                                 ext -> extp = CHNULL;
00358                         }
00360         if (nentry > 1)
00361                 fix_entry_returns();
00362         epicode();
00363         donmlist();
00364         dobss();
00365         start_formatting ();
00366         if (nentry > 1)
00367                 putentries(c_file);
00369         zap_changes();
00370         procinit();     /* clean up for next procedure */
00371 }

void exelse Void   

Definition at line 66 of file exec.c.

References CNULL, CTLELSE, CTLIF, CTLIFX, Ctlframe::ctltype, execerr(), and p1_else().

Referenced by yyparse().

00067 {
00068         register struct Ctlframe *c;
00070         for(c = ctlstack; c->ctltype == CTLIFX; --c);
00071         if(c->ctltype == CTLIF) {
00072                 p1_else ();
00073                 c->ctltype = CTLELSE;
00074                 }
00075         else
00076                 execerr("else out of place", CNULL);
00077         }

void exendif Void   

void fileinit Void   

Definition at line 294 of file init.c.

References ALLOCN, ckalloc(), dfltproc, dflttype, fmt_init(), hextoi, hextoi_tab, i, infile, lastiolabno, lastlabno, lastvarno, Letters, main_alias, maxctl, maxequiv, maxext, maxhash, maxstno, maxtoklen, mem_init(), nerr, nliterals, np_init(), out_init(), token, and tyint.

Referenced by main().

00295 {
00296         register char *s;
00297         register int i, j;
00299         lastiolabno = 100000;
00300         lastlabno = 0;
00301         lastvarno = 0;
00302         nliterals = 0;
00303         nerr = 0;
00305         infile = stdin;
00307         maxtoklen = 502;
00308         token = (char *)ckalloc(maxtoklen+2);
00309         memset(dflttype, tyreal, 26);
00310         memset(dflttype + 'i' - 'a', tyint, 6);
00311         memset(hextoi_tab, 16, sizeof(hextoi_tab));
00312         for(i = 0, s = "0123456789abcdef"; *s; i++, s++)
00313                 hextoi(*s) = i;
00314         for(i = 10, s = "ABCDEF"; *s; i++, s++)
00315                 hextoi(*s) = i;
00316         for(j = 0, s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; i = *s++; j++)
00317                 Letters[i] = Letters[i+'A'-'a'] = j;
00319         ctls = ALLOCN(maxctl+1, Ctlframe);
00320         extsymtab = ALLOCN(maxext, Extsym);
00321         eqvclass = ALLOCN(maxequiv, Equivblock);
00322         hashtab = ALLOCN(maxhash, Hashentry);
00323         labeltab = ALLOCN(maxstno, Labelblock);
00324         litpool = ALLOCN(maxliterals, Literal);
00325         labarray = (struct Labelblock **)ckalloc(maxlablist*
00326                                         sizeof(struct Labelblock *));
00327         fmt_init();
00328         mem_init();
00329         np_init();
00331         ctlstack = ctls++;
00332         lastctl = ctls + maxctl;
00333         nextext = extsymtab;
00334         lastext = extsymtab + maxext;
00335         lasthash = hashtab + maxhash;
00336         labtabend = labeltab + maxstno;
00337         highlabtab = labeltab;
00338         main_alias[0] = '\0';
00339         if (forcedouble)
00340                 dfltproc[TYREAL] = dfltproc[TYDREAL];
00342 /* Initialize the routines for providing C output */
00344         out_init ();
00345 }

void flline Void   

Definition at line 275 of file lex.c.

References lexstate, and RETEOS.

Referenced by setfmt(), and yyparse().

00276 {
00277         lexstate = RETEOS;
00278 }

void fmt_init Void   

Definition at line 308 of file sysdep.c.

References chr_fmt, escapes, i, str_fmt, and Table_size.

Referenced by fileinit().

00309 {
00310         static char *str1fmt[6] =
00311                 { "\\b", "\\t", "\\n", "\\f", "\\r", "\\%03o" };
00312         register int i, j;
00313         register char *s;
00315         /* str_fmt */
00317 #ifdef non_ASCII
00318         i = 0;
00319 #else
00320         i = 127;
00321 #endif
00322         for(; i < Table_size; i++)
00323                 str_fmt[i] = "\\%03o";
00324 #ifdef non_ASCII
00325         for(i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
00326                 s = str0fmt[i];
00327                 str_fmt[*(unsigned char *)s] = s;
00328                 }
00329         str_fmt['"'] = "\\\"";
00330 #else
00331         if (Ansi == 1)
00332                 str_fmt[7] = chr_fmt[7] = "\\a";
00333 #endif
00335         /* chr_fmt */
00337 #ifdef non_ASCII
00338         for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
00339                 chr_fmt[i] = chr0fmt[i];
00340 #else
00341         i = 127;
00342 #endif
00343         for(; i < Table_size; i++)
00344                 chr_fmt[i] = "\\%o";
00345 #ifdef non_ASCII
00346         for(i = 32; i < 127; i++) {
00347                 s = chr0fmt[i];
00348                 j = *(unsigned char *)s;
00349                 if (j == '\\')
00350                         j = *(unsigned char *)(s+1);
00351                 chr_fmt[j] = s;
00352                 }
00353 #endif
00355         /* escapes (used in lex.c) */
00357         for(i = 0; i < Table_size; i++)
00358                 escapes[i] = i;
00359         for(s = "btnfr0", i = 0; i < 6; i++)
00360                 escapes[*(unsigned char *)s++] = "\b\t\n\f\r"[i];
00361         /* finish str_fmt and chr_fmt */
00363         if (Ansi)
00364                 str1fmt[5] = "\\v";
00365         if ('\v' == 'v') { /* ancient C compiler */
00366                 str1fmt[5] = "v";
00367 #ifndef non_ASCII
00368                 escapes['v'] = 11;
00369 #endif
00370                 }
00371         else
00372                 escapes['v'] = '\v';
00373         for(s = "\b\t\n\f\r\v", i = 0; j = *(unsigned char *)s++;)
00374                 str_fmt[j] = chr_fmt[j] = str1fmt[i++];
00375         /* '\v' = 11 for both EBCDIC and ASCII... */
00376         chr_fmt[11] = Ansi ? "\\v" : "\\13";
00377         }

void freetemps Void   

Definition at line 1193 of file proc.c.

References Chain::datap, frexpr(), ICON, Chain::nextp, p, q, Addrblock::varleng, Addrblock::vleng, and Addrblock::vtype.

Referenced by enddcl(), and yyparse().

01194 {
01195         register chainp p, p1;
01196         register Addrp q;
01197         register int t;
01199         p1 = holdtemps;
01200         while(p = p1) {
01201                 q = (Addrp)p->datap;
01202                 t = q->vtype;
01203                 if (t == TYCHAR && q->varleng != 0) {
01204                         /* restore clobbered character string lengths */
01205                         frexpr(q->vleng);
01206                         q->vleng = ICON(q->varleng);
01207                         }
01208                 p1 = p->nextp;
01209                 p->nextp = templist[t];
01210                 templist[t] = p;
01211                 }
01212         holdtemps = 0;
01213         }

void frrpl Void   

Definition at line 800 of file misc.c.

References charptr, free, and Rplblock::rplnextp.

Referenced by yyparse().

00801 {
00802         struct Rplblock *rp;
00804         while(rpllist)
00805         {
00806                 rp = rpllist->rplnextp;
00807                 free( (charptr) rpllist);
00808                 rpllist = rp;
00809         }
00810 }

void hashclear Void   

Definition at line 348 of file init.c.

References Dimblock::baseoffset, Dimblock::basexpr, charptr, CLNAMELIST, Dimblock::dims, frchain(), free, frexpr(), i, Dimblock::ndim, Dimblock::nelt, p, and Hashentry::varp.

Referenced by procinit().

00349 {
00350         register struct Hashentry *hp;
00351         register Namep p;
00352         register struct Dimblock *q;
00353         register int i;
00355         for(hp = hashtab ; hp < lasthash ; ++hp)
00356                 if(p = hp->varp)
00357                 {
00358                         frexpr(p->vleng);
00359                         if(q = p->vdim)
00360                         {
00361                                 for(i = 0 ; i < q->ndim ; ++i)
00362                                 {
00363                                         frexpr(q->dims[i].dimsize);
00364                                         frexpr(q->dims[i].dimexpr);
00365                                 }
00366                                 frexpr(q->nelt);
00367                                 frexpr(q->baseoffset);
00368                                 frexpr(q->basexpr);
00369                                 free( (charptr) q);
00370                         }
00371                         if(p->vclass == CLNAMELIST)
00372                                 frchain( &(p->varxptr.namelist) );
00373                         free( (charptr) p);
00374                         hp->varp = NULL;
00375                 }
00376         }

void initkey Void   

Definition at line 1274 of file lex.c.

References anum_buf, ckalloc(), comstart, EOF_CHAR, i, Keylist::keyname, letter, linestart, maxcont, sbuf, and send.

Referenced by main().

01275 {
01276         register struct Keylist *p;
01277         register int i,j;
01278         register char *s;
01280         for(i = 0 ; i<26 ; ++i)
01281                 keystart[i] = NULL;
01283         for(p = keys ; p->keyname ; ++p) {
01284                 j = letter(p->keyname[0]);
01285                 if(keystart[j] == NULL)
01286                         keystart[j] = p;
01287                 keyend[j] = p;
01288                 }
01289         i = (maxcontin + 2) * 66;
01290         sbuf = (char *)ckalloc(i + 70);
01291         send = sbuf + i;
01292         maxcont = maxcontin + 1;
01293         linestart = (char **)ckalloc(maxcont*sizeof(char*));
01294         comstart['c'] = comstart['C'] = comstart['*'] = comstart['!'] =
01295         comstart['#'] = 1;
01296 #ifdef EOF_CHAR
01297         comstart[EOF_CHAR] = 1;
01298 #endif
01299         s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
01300         while(i = *s++)
01301                 anum_buf[i] = 1;
01302         s = "0123456789";
01303         while(i = *s++)
01304                 anum_buf[i] = 2;
01305         }

int iocname Void   

Definition at line 542 of file f2cdir/io.c.

References errstr(), i, ioc, iocname(), IOOPEN, M, NIOS, and NOEXT.

Referenced by iocname(), iosetip(), and yyparse().

00543 {
00544         register int i;
00545         int found, mask;
00547         found = 0;
00548         mask = M(iostmt);
00549         for(i = 1 ; i <= NIOS ; ++i)
00550                 if(!strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, token))
00551                         if(ioc[i].iotype & mask)
00552                                 return(i);
00553                         else {
00554                                 found = i;
00555                                 break;
00556                                 }
00557         if(found) {
00558                 if (iostmt == IOOPEN && !strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, "name")) {
00559                         NOEXT("open with \"name=\" treated as \"file=\"");
00560                         for(i = 1; strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, "file"); i++);
00561                         return i;
00562                         }
00563                 errstr("invalid control %s for statement", ioc[found].iocname);
00564                 }
00565         else
00566                 errstr("unknown iocontrol %s", token);
00567         return(IOSBAD);
00568 }

void mem_init Void   

Definition at line 76 of file f2cdir/mem.c.

References Alloc, memblock::buf, mem0, mem0_last, mem_first, mem_last, mem_next, MEMBSIZE, and memblock::next.

Referenced by fileinit().

00077 {
00078         curmemblock = firstmemblock = mem0
00079                 = (memblock *)Alloc(sizeof(memblock));
00080         mem_first = mem0->buf;
00081         mem_next  = mem0->buf;
00082         mem_last  = mem0->buf + MEMBSIZE;
00083         mem0_last = mem0->buf + MEMBSIZE;
00084         mem0->next = 0;
00085         }

void new_endif Void   

long newlabel Void   

Definition at line 506 of file misc.c.

Referenced by doentry(), doiolist(), fmtstmt(), mklabel(), and putconst().

00507 {
00508         return ++lastlabno;
00509 }

void newproc Void   

Definition at line 295 of file proc.c.

References CLMAIN, CNULL, endproc(), execerr(), and OUTSIDE.

Referenced by startproc(), and yyparse().

00296 {
00297         if(parstate != OUTSIDE)
00298         {
00299                 execerr("missing end statement", CNULL);
00300                 endproc();
00301         }
00303         parstate = INSIDE;
00304         procclass = CLMAIN;     /* default */
00305 }

void np_init Void   

Definition at line 158 of file niceprintf.c.

References Alloc, MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE, next_slot, and output_buf.

Referenced by fileinit().

00159 {
00160         next_slot = output_buf = Alloc(MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE);
00161         memset(output_buf, 0, MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE);
00162         }

void out_init Void   

Definition at line 1382 of file output.c.


Referenced by fileinit().

01383 {
01384     extern int tab_size;
01385     register char *s;
01387     s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_+-.";
01388     while(*s)
01389         tr_tab[*s++] = 3;
01390     tr_tab['>'] = 1;
01392         opeqable[OPPLUS] = 1;
01393         opeqable[OPMINUS] = 1;
01394         opeqable[OPSTAR] = 1;
01395         opeqable[OPSLASH] = 1;
01396         opeqable[OPMOD] = 1;
01397         opeqable[OPLSHIFT] = 1;
01398         opeqable[OPBITAND] = 1;
01399         opeqable[OPBITXOR] = 1;
01400         opeqable[OPBITOR ] = 1;
01403 /* Set the output format for both types of floating point constants */
01405     if (fl_fmt_string == NULL || *fl_fmt_string == '\0')
01406         fl_fmt_string = Ansi == 1 ? "%sf" : "(float)%s";
01408     if (db_fmt_string == NULL || *db_fmt_string == '\0')
01409         db_fmt_string = "%.17g";
01411 /* Set the output format for both types of complex constants.  They will
01412    have string parameters rather than float or double so that the decimal
01413    point may be added to the strings generated by the {db,fl}_fmt_string
01414    formats above */
01416     if (cm_fmt_string == NULL || *cm_fmt_string == '\0') {
01417         cm_fmt_string = "{%s,%s}";
01418     } /* if cm_fmt_string == NULL */
01420     if (dcm_fmt_string == NULL || *dcm_fmt_string == '\0') {
01421         dcm_fmt_string = "{%s,%s}";
01422     } /* if dcm_fmt_string == NULL */
01424     tab_size = 4;
01425 } /* out_init */

void outbuf_adjust Void   

Definition at line 380 of file sysdep.c.

References Alloc, n1, outbtail, and outbuf.

Referenced by main().

00381 {
00382         int n, n1;
00383         char *s;
00385         n = n1 = strlen(outbuf);
00386         if (*outbuf && outbuf[n-1] != '/')
00387                 n1++;
00388         s = Alloc(n+64);
00389         outbtail = s + n1;
00390         strcpy(s, outbuf);
00391         if (n != n1)
00392                 strcpy(s+n, "/");
00393         outbuf = s;
00394         }

void procinit Void   

Definition at line 379 of file init.c.

References autonum, blklevel, charptr, chlgslot, chslot, CLUNKNOWN, cxslot, Chain::datap, dorange, ei_first, ei_last, ei_next, eqvstart, frchain(), free, frexchain(), frexpr(), hashclear(), headerdone, highregvar, i, inioctl, lastargslot, mem0_last, mem_first, mem_last, mem_next, multitype, nallargs, nallchargs, needkwd, nentry, nequiv, Chain::nextp, nintnames, NO, nregvar, NTYPES0, nwarn, OUTSIDE, parstate, procclass, procleng, procname, proctype, rtvlabel, saveall, setimpl(), Labelblock::stateno, STGBSS, substars, tyint, TYVOID, wh_first, wh_last, and wh_next.

Referenced by endproc(), and main().

00380 {
00381         register struct Labelblock *lp;
00382         struct Chain *cp;
00383         int i;
00384         struct memblock;
00385         extern struct memblock *curmemblock, *firstmemblock;
00386         extern char *mem_first, *mem_next, *mem_last, *mem0_last;
00388         curmemblock = firstmemblock;
00389         mem_next = mem_first;
00390         mem_last = mem0_last;
00391         ei_next = ei_first = ei_last = 0;
00392         wh_next = wh_first = wh_last = 0;
00393         iob_list = 0;
00394         for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
00395                 io_structs[i] = 0;
00397         parstate = OUTSIDE;
00398         headerdone = NO;
00399         blklevel = 1;
00400         saveall = NO;
00401         substars = NO;
00402         nwarn = 0;
00403         thislabel = NULL;
00404         needkwd = 0;
00406         proctype = TYUNKNOWN;
00407         procname = "MAIN_";
00408         procclass = CLUNKNOWN;
00409         nentry = 0;
00410         nallargs = nallchargs = 0;
00411         multitype = NO;
00412         retslot = NULL;
00413         for(i = 0; i < NTYPES0; i++) {
00414                 frexpr((expptr)xretslot[i]);
00415                 xretslot[i] = 0;
00416                 }
00417         cxslot = -1;
00418         chslot = -1;
00419         chlgslot = -1;
00420         procleng = 0;
00421         blklevel = 1;
00422         lastargslot = 0;
00424         for(lp = labeltab ; lp < labtabend ; ++lp)
00425                 lp->stateno = 0;
00427         hashclear();
00429 /* Clear the list of newly generated identifiers from the previous
00430    function */
00432         frexchain(&new_vars);
00433         frexchain(&used_builtins);
00434         frchain(&assigned_fmts);
00435         frchain(&allargs);
00436         frchain(&earlylabs);
00438         nintnames = 0;
00439         highlabtab = labeltab;
00441         ctlstack = ctls - 1;
00442         for(i = TYADDR; i < TYVOID; i++) {
00443                 for(cp = templist[i]; cp ; cp = cp->nextp)
00444                         free( (charptr) (cp->datap) );
00445                 frchain(templist + i);
00446                 autonum[i] = 0;
00447                 }
00448         holdtemps = NULL;
00449         dorange = 0;
00450         nregvar = 0;
00451         highregvar = 0;
00452         entries = NULL;
00453         rpllist = NULL;
00454         inioctl = NO;
00455         eqvstart += nequiv;
00456         nequiv = 0;
00457         dcomplex_seen = 0;
00459         for(i = 0 ; i<NTYPES0 ; ++i)
00460                 rtvlabel[i] = 0;
00462         if(undeftype)
00463                 setimpl(TYUNKNOWN, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z');
00464         else
00465         {
00466                 setimpl(tyreal, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z');
00467                 setimpl(tyint,  (ftnint) 0, 'i', 'n');
00468         }
00469         setimpl(-STGBSS, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z'); /* set class */
00470 }

void r8fix Void   

Definition at line 427 of file intr.c.

References Specblock::atype, Intrbits::dblcmplx, Intrbits::dblintrno, Fatal(), Intrblock::intrfname, INTRGEN, Intrbits::intrgroup, Intrbits::intrno, Intrbits::intrstuff, intrtab, Intrblock::intrval, Specblock::rtype, spectab, and Specblock::spxname.

Referenced by set_externs().

00428 {
00429         register struct Intrblock *I;
00430         register struct Specblock *S;
00432         for(I = intrtab; I->intrfname[0]; I++)
00433                 if (I->intrval.intrgroup != INTRGEN)
00434                     switch(I->intrval.intrstuff) {
00435                         case TYREAL:
00436                                 I->intrval.intrstuff = TYDREAL;
00437                                 I->intrval.intrno = I->intrval.dblintrno;
00438                                 break;
00439                         case TYCOMPLEX:
00440                                 I->intrval.intrstuff = TYDCOMPLEX;
00441                                 I->intrval.intrno = I->intrval.dblintrno;
00442                                 I->intrval.dblcmplx = 1;
00443                         }
00445         for(S = spectab; S->atype; S++)
00446             switch(S->atype) {
00447                 case TYCOMPLEX:
00448                         S->atype = TYDCOMPLEX;
00449                         if (S->rtype == TYREAL)
00450                                 S->rtype = TYDREAL;
00451                         else if (S->rtype == TYCOMPLEX)
00452                                 S->rtype = TYDCOMPLEX;
00453                         switch(S->spxname[0]) {
00454                                 case 'r':
00455                                         S->spxname[0] = 'd';
00456                                         break;
00457                                 case 'c':
00458                                         S->spxname[0] = 'z';
00459                                         break;
00460                                 default:
00461                                         Fatal("r8fix bug");
00462                                 }
00463                         break;
00464                 case TYREAL:
00465                         S->atype = TYDREAL;
00466                         switch(S->rtype) {
00467                             case TYREAL:
00468                                 S->rtype = TYDREAL;
00469                                 if (S->spxname[0] != 'r')
00470                                         Fatal("r8fix bug");
00471                                 S->spxname[0] = 'd';
00472                             case TYDREAL:       /* d_prod */
00473                                 break;
00475                             case TYSHORT:
00476                                 if (!strcmp(S->spxname, "hr_expn"))
00477                                         S->spxname[1] = 'd';
00478                                 else if (!strcmp(S->spxname, "h_nint"))
00479                                         strcpy(S->spxname, "h_dnnt");
00480                                 else Fatal("r8fix bug");
00481                                 break;
00483                             case TYLONG:
00484                                 if (!strcmp(S->spxname, "ir_expn"))
00485                                         S->spxname[1] = 'd';
00486                                 else if (!strcmp(S->spxname, "i_nint"))
00487                                         strcpy(S->spxname, "i_dnnt");
00488                                 else Fatal("r8fix bug");
00489                                 break;
00491                             default:
00492                                 Fatal("r8fix bug");
00493                             }
00494                 }
00495         }

void set_externs Void   

Definition at line 220 of file Fmain.c.

References chars_per_wd, def_i2, dneg, err, errstr(), ftn_files, h0align, halign, hsize, htype, i, inqmask, M, Max_ftn_files, maxregvar, MAXREGVAR, no66flag, noextflag, ohalign, r8fix(), szleng, TYALIST, TYCILIST, TYCLLIST, tycomplex, TYICILIST, TYINLIST, tyioint, TYOLIST, tyreal, warni(), wordalign, and zflag.

Referenced by main().

00221 {
00222     static char *hset[3] = { 0, "integer", "doublereal" };
00224 /* Adjust the global flags according to the command line parameters */
00226     if (chars_per_wd > 0) {
00227         typesize[TYADDR] = typesize[TYLONG] = typesize[TYREAL] =
00228                 typesize[TYLOGICAL] = chars_per_wd;
00229         typesize[TYINT1] = typesize[TYLOGICAL1] = 1;
00230         typesize[TYDREAL] = typesize[TYCOMPLEX] = chars_per_wd << 1;
00231         typesize[TYDCOMPLEX] = chars_per_wd << 2;
00232         typesize[TYSHORT] = typesize[TYLOGICAL2] = chars_per_wd >> 1;
00233         typesize[TYCILIST] = 5*chars_per_wd;
00234         typesize[TYICILIST] = 6*chars_per_wd;
00235         typesize[TYOLIST] = 9*chars_per_wd;
00236         typesize[TYCLLIST] = 3*chars_per_wd;
00237         typesize[TYALIST] = 2*chars_per_wd;
00238         typesize[TYINLIST] = 26*chars_per_wd;
00239         }
00241     if (wordalign)
00242         typealign[TYDREAL] = typealign[TYDCOMPLEX] = typealign[TYREAL];
00243     if (!tyioint) {
00244         tyioint = TYSHORT;
00245         szleng = typesize[TYSHORT];
00246         def_i2 = "#define f2c_i2 1\n";
00247         inqmask = M(TYSHORT)|M(TYLOGICAL2);
00248         goto checklong;
00249         }
00250     else
00251         szleng = typesize[TYLONG];
00252     if (useshortints) {
00253         /* inqmask = M(TYLONG); */
00254         /* used to disallow LOGICAL in INQUIRE under -I2 */
00255  checklong:
00256         protorettypes[TYLOGICAL] = "shortlogical";
00257         casttypes[TYLOGICAL] = "K_fp";
00258         if (uselongints)
00259                 err ("Can't use both long and short ints");
00260         else {
00261                 tyint = tylogical = TYSHORT;
00262                 tylog = TYLOGICAL2;
00263                 }
00264         }
00265     else if (uselongints)
00266         tyint = TYLONG;
00268     if (h0align) {
00269         if (tyint == TYLONG && wordalign)
00270                 h0align = 1;
00271         ohalign = halign = hset[h0align];
00272         htype = h0align == 1 ? tyint : TYDREAL;
00273         hsize = typesize[htype];
00274         }
00276     if (no66flag)
00277         noextflag = no66flag;
00278     if (noextflag)
00279         zflag = 0;
00281     if (r8flag) {
00282         tyreal = TYDREAL;
00283         tycomplex = TYDCOMPLEX;
00284         r8fix();
00285         }
00286     if (forcedouble) {
00287         protorettypes[TYREAL] = "E_f";
00288         casttypes[TYREAL] = "E_fp";
00289         }
00290     else
00291         dneg = 0;
00293     if (maxregvar > MAXREGVAR) {
00294         warni("-O%d: too many register variables", maxregvar);
00295         maxregvar = MAXREGVAR;
00296     } /* if maxregvar > MAXREGVAR */
00298 /* Check the list of input files */
00300     {
00301         int bad, i, cur_max = Max_ftn_files;
00303         for (i = bad = 0; i < cur_max && ftn_files[i]; i++)
00304             if (ftn_files[i][0] == '-') {
00305                 errstr ("Invalid flag '%s'", ftn_files[i]);
00306                 bad++;
00307                 }
00308         if (bad)
00309                 exit(1);
00311     } /* block */
00312 } /* set_externs */

void set_tmp_names Void   

Definition at line 80 of file sysdep.c.

References blkdfname, c_functions, ckalloc(), getpid(), initbname, initfname, p1_bakfile, p1_file, sortfname, and tmpdir.

Referenced by main().

00081 {
00082         int k;
00083         if (debugflag == 1)
00084                 return;
00085         k = strlen(tmpdir) + 24;
00086         c_functions = (char *)ckalloc(7*k);
00087         initfname = c_functions + k;
00088         initbname = initfname + k;
00089         blkdfname = initbname + k;
00090         p1_file = blkdfname + k;
00091         p1_bakfile = p1_file + k;
00092         sortfname = p1_bakfile + k;
00093         {
00094 #ifdef MSDOS
00095         char buf[64], *s, *t;
00096         if (!*tmpdir || *tmpdir == '.' && !tmpdir[1])
00097                 t = "";
00098         else {
00099                 /* substitute \ for / to avoid confusion with a
00100                  * switch indicator in the system("sort ...")
00101                  * call in formatdata.c
00102                  */
00103                 for(s = tmpdir, t = buf; *s; s++, t++)
00104                         if ((*t = *s) == '/')
00105                                 *t = '\\';
00106                 if (t[-1] != '\\')
00107                         *t++ = '\\';
00108                 *t = 0;
00109                 t = buf;
00110                 }
00111         sprintf(c_functions, "%sf2c_func", t);
00112         sprintf(initfname, "%sf2c_rd", t);
00113         sprintf(blkdfname, "%sf2c_blkd", t);
00114         sprintf(p1_file, "%sf2c_p1f", t);
00115         sprintf(p1_bakfile, "%sf2c_p1fb", t);
00116         sprintf(sortfname, "%sf2c_sort", t);
00117 #else
00118         long pid = getpid();
00119         sprintf(c_functions, "%s/f2c%ld_func", tmpdir, pid);
00120         sprintf(initfname, "%s/f2c%ld_rd", tmpdir, pid);
00121         sprintf(blkdfname, "%s/f2c%ld_blkd", tmpdir, pid);
00122         sprintf(p1_file, "%s/f2c%ld_p1f", tmpdir, pid);
00123         sprintf(p1_bakfile, "%s/f2c%ld_p1fb", tmpdir, pid);
00124         sprintf(sortfname, "%s/f2c%ld_sort", tmpdir, pid);
00125 #endif
00126         sprintf(initbname, "%s.b", initfname);
00127         }
00128         if (debugflag)
00129                 fprintf(diagfile, "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", c_functions,
00130                         initfname, blkdfname, p1_file, p1_bakfile, sortfname);
00131         }

void start_formatting Void   

Definition at line 87 of file format.c.

References CHNULL, do_format(), err, Extsym::extp, Fatal(), ffilecopy(), gflag1, last_was_label, nice_printf(), other_undefs(), out_and_free_statement(), prev_tab, scrub, sharp_line, STGCOMMON, this_proc_name, usedefsforcommon, and wr_abbrevs().

Referenced by endproc().

00088 {
00089     FILE *infile;
00090     static int wrote_one = 0;
00091     extern int usedefsforcommon;
00092     extern char *p1_file, *p1_bakfile;
00094     this_proc_name[0] = '\0';
00095     last_was_label = 0;
00096     ei_next = ei_first;
00097     wh_next = wh_first;
00099     (void) fclose (pass1_file);
00100     if ((infile = fopen (p1_file, binread)) == NULL)
00101         Fatal("start_formatting:  couldn't open the intermediate file\n");
00103     if (wrote_one)
00104         nice_printf (c_file, "\n");
00106     while (!feof (infile)) {
00107         expptr this_expr;
00109         this_expr = do_format (infile, c_file);
00110         if (this_expr) {
00111             out_and_free_statement (c_file, this_expr);
00112         } /* if this_expr */
00113     } /* while !feof infile */
00115     (void) fclose (infile);
00117     if (last_was_label)
00118         nice_printf (c_file, ";\n");
00120     prev_tab (c_file);
00121     gflag1 = sharp_line = 0;
00122     if (this_proc_name[0])
00123         nice_printf (c_file, "} /* %s */\n", this_proc_name);
00126 /* Write the #undefs for common variable reference */
00128     if (usedefsforcommon) {
00129         Extsym *ext;
00130         int did_one = 0;
00132         for (ext = extsymtab; ext < nextext; ext++)
00133             if (ext -> extstg == STGCOMMON && ext -> used_here) {
00134                 ext -> used_here = 0;
00135                 if (!did_one)
00136                     nice_printf (c_file, "\n");
00137                 wr_abbrevs(c_file, 0, ext->extp);
00138                 did_one = 1;
00139                 ext -> extp = CHNULL;
00140             } /* if */
00142         if (did_one)
00143             nice_printf (c_file, "\n");
00144     } /* if usedefsforcommon */
00146     other_undefs(c_file);
00148     wrote_one = 1;
00150 /* For debugging only */
00152     if (debugflag && (pass1_file = fopen (p1_bakfile, binwrite)))
00153         if (infile = fopen (p1_file, binread)) {
00154             ffilecopy (infile, pass1_file);
00155             fclose (infile);
00156             fclose (pass1_file);
00157         } /* if infile */
00159 /* End of "debugging only" */
00161     scrub(p1_file);     /* optionally unlink */
00163     if ((pass1_file = fopen (p1_file, binwrite)) == NULL)
00164         err ("start_formatting:  couldn't reopen the pass1 file");
00166 } /* start_formatting */

void startioctl Void   

void startrw Void   

Definition at line 937 of file f2cdir/io.c.

References Expression::addrblock, ALLOC, Primblock::argsp, asg_addr(), autovar(), call1(), Constant::ci, CLNAMELIST, CLVAR, Constblock::Const, Expression::constblock, cpexpr(), endbit, ENULL, err, errbit, io_setup::fields, fixtype(), Labelblock::fmtlabused, fmtstmt(), FORMATTED, frexpr(), Expression::headblock, ICON, io_fields, io_stuff, ioblkp, ioformatted, IOREAD, ioroutine, ioset(), ioseta(), IOSFMT, IOSREC, IOSTDIN, IOSUNIT, ISCONST, ISICON, ISINT, isstatic(), jumplab, LISTDIRECTED, Addrblock::memno, Addrblock::memoffset, mkaddcon(), mklabel(), mkscalar(), MSKSTATIC, NAMEDIRECTED, Primblock::namep, Dimblock::nelt, new_iob_data(), NO, ONEOF, Expression::primblock, putiocall(), Labelblock::stateno, statstruct, STGINIT, TADDR, Expression::tag, Addrblock::tag, temp_name(), TPRIM, TYINT, TYIOINT, io_setup::type, UNAM_IDENT, UNFORMATTED, Addrblock::user, V, vardcl(), Nameblock::vclass, Addrblock::vclass, Nameblock::vdim, Nameblock::vlastdim, Addrblock::vleng, Nameblock::vstg, Addrblock::vstg, Headblock::vtype, Nameblock::vtype, Addrblock::vtype, XEND, XERR, XFMT, XIEND, XIFMT, XIRLEN, XIRNUM, XIUNIT, XREC, XUNIT, and YES.

Referenced by endioctl().

00938 {
00939         register expptr p;
00940         register Namep np;
00941         register Addrp unitp, fmtp, recp;
00942         register expptr nump;
00943         int iostmt1;
00944         flag intfile, sequential, ok, varfmt;
00945         struct io_setup *ios;
00947         /* First look at all the parameters and determine what is to be done */
00949         ok = YES;
00950         statstruct = YES;
00952         intfile = NO;
00953         if(p = V(IOSUNIT))
00954         {
00955                 if( ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) {
00956  int_unit:
00957                         unitp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p);
00958                         }
00959                 else if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR)
00960                 {
00961                         if (nioctl == 1 && iostmt == IOREAD) {
00962                                 /* kludge to recognize READ(format expr) */
00963                                 V(IOSFMT) = p;
00964                                 V(IOSUNIT) = p = (expptr) IOSTDIN;
00965                                 ioformatted = FORMATTED;
00966                                 goto int_unit;
00967                                 }
00968                         intfile = YES;
00969                         if(p->tag==TPRIM && p->primblock.argsp==NULL &&
00970                             (np = p->primblock.namep)->vdim!=NULL)
00971                         {
00972                                 vardcl(np);
00973                                 if(nump = np->vdim->nelt)
00974                                 {
00975                                         nump = fixtype(cpexpr(nump));
00976                                         if( ! ISCONST(nump) ) {
00977                                                 statstruct = NO;
00978                                                 np->vlastdim = 0;
00979                                                 }
00980                                 }
00981                                 else
00982                                 {
00983                                         err("attempt to use internal unit array of unknown size");
00984                                         ok = NO;
00985                                         nump = ICON(1);
00986                                 }
00987                                 unitp = mkscalar(np);
00988                         }
00989                         else    {
00990                                 nump = ICON(1);
00991                                 unitp = (Addrp /*pjw */) fixtype(cpexpr(p));
00992                         }
00993                         if(! isstatic((expptr)unitp) )
00994                                 statstruct = NO;
00995                 }
00996                 else {
00997                         err("unit specifier not of type integer or character");
00998                         ok = NO;
00999                         }
01000         }
01001         else
01002         {
01003                 err("bad unit specifier");
01004                 ok = NO;
01005         }
01007         sequential = YES;
01008         if(p = V(IOSREC))
01009                 if( ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) )
01010                 {
01011                         recp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p);
01012                         sequential = NO;
01013                 }
01014                 else    {
01015                         err("bad REC= clause");
01016                         ok = NO;
01017                 }
01018         else
01019                 recp = NULL;
01022         varfmt = YES;
01023         fmtp = NULL;
01024         if(p = V(IOSFMT))
01025         {
01026                 if(p->tag==TPRIM && p->primblock.argsp==NULL)
01027                 {
01028                         np = p->primblock.namep;
01029                         if(np->vclass == CLNAMELIST)
01030                         {
01031                                 ioformatted = NAMEDIRECTED;
01032                                 fmtp = (Addrp) fixtype(p);
01033                                 V(IOSFMT) = (expptr)fmtp;
01034                                 if (skiplab)
01035                                         jumplab = 0;
01036                                 goto endfmt;
01037                         }
01038                         vardcl(np);
01039                         if(np->vdim)
01040                         {
01041                                 if( ! ONEOF(np->vstg, MSKSTATIC) )
01042                                         statstruct = NO;
01043                                 fmtp = mkscalar(np);
01044                                 goto endfmt;
01045                         }
01046                         if( ISINT(np->vtype) )  /* ASSIGNed label */
01047                         {
01048                                 statstruct = NO;
01049                                 varfmt = YES;
01050                                 fmtp = asg_addr(p);
01051                                 goto endfmt;
01052                         }
01053                 }
01054                 p = V(IOSFMT) = fixtype(p);
01055                 if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR
01056                         /* Since we allow write(6,n)            */
01057                         /* we may as well allow write(6,n(2))   */
01058                 || p->tag == TADDR && ISINT(p->addrblock.vtype))
01059                 {
01060                         if( ! isstatic(p) )
01061                                 statstruct = NO;
01062                         fmtp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p);
01063                 }
01064                 else if( ISICON(p) )
01065                 {
01066                         struct Labelblock *lp;
01067                         lp = mklabel(p->;
01068                         if (fmtstmt(lp) > 0)
01069                         {
01070                                 fmtp = (Addrp)mkaddcon(lp->stateno);
01071                                 /* lp->stateno for names fmt_nnn */
01072                                 lp->fmtlabused = 1;
01073                                 varfmt = NO;
01074                         }
01075                         else
01076                                 ioformatted = UNFORMATTED;
01077                 }
01078                 else    {
01079                         err("bad format descriptor");
01080                         ioformatted = UNFORMATTED;
01081                         ok = NO;
01082                 }
01083         }
01084         else
01085                 fmtp = NULL;
01087 endfmt:
01088         if(intfile) {
01089                 if (ioformatted==UNFORMATTED) {
01090                         err("unformatted internal I/O not allowed");
01091                         ok = NO;
01092                         }
01093                 if (recp) {
01094                         err("direct internal I/O not allowed");
01095                         ok = NO;
01096                         }
01097                 }
01098         if(!sequential && ioformatted==LISTDIRECTED)
01099         {
01100                 err("direct list-directed I/O not allowed");
01101                 ok = NO;
01102         }
01103         if(!sequential && ioformatted==NAMEDIRECTED)
01104         {
01105                 err("direct namelist I/O not allowed");
01106                 ok = NO;
01107         }
01109         if( ! ok ) {
01110                 statstruct = NO;
01111                 return;
01112                 }
01114         /*
01115    Now put out the I/O structure, statically if all the clauses
01116    are constants, dynamically otherwise
01117 */
01119         if (intfile) {
01120                 ios = io_stuff + iostmt;
01121                 iostmt1 = IOREAD;
01122                 }
01123         else {
01124                 ios = io_stuff;
01125                 iostmt1 = 0;
01126                 }
01127         io_fields = ios->fields;
01128         if(statstruct)
01129         {
01130                 ioblkp = ALLOC(Addrblock);
01131                 ioblkp->tag = TADDR;
01132                 ioblkp->vtype = ios->type;
01133                 ioblkp->vclass = CLVAR;
01134                 ioblkp->vstg = STGINIT;
01135                 ioblkp->memno = ++lastvarno;
01136                 ioblkp->memoffset = ICON(0);
01137                 ioblkp -> uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT;
01138                 new_iob_data(ios,
01139                         temp_name("io_", lastvarno, ioblkp->user.ident));                       }
01140         else if(!(ioblkp = io_structs[iostmt1]))
01141                 io_structs[iostmt1] = ioblkp =
01142                         autovar(1, ios->type, ENULL, "");
01144         ioset(TYIOINT, XERR, ICON(errbit));
01145         if(iostmt == IOREAD)
01146                 ioset(TYIOINT, (intfile ? XIEND : XEND), ICON(endbit) );
01148         if(intfile)
01149         {
01150                 ioset(TYIOINT, XIRNUM, nump);
01151                 ioset(TYIOINT, XIRLEN, cpexpr(unitp->vleng) );
01152                 ioseta(XIUNIT, unitp);
01153         }
01154         else
01155                 ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, (expptr) unitp);
01157         if(recp)
01158                 ioset(TYIOINT, /* intfile ? XIREC : */ XREC, (expptr) recp);
01160         if(varfmt)
01161                 ioseta( intfile ? XIFMT : XFMT , fmtp);
01162         else
01163                 ioset(TYADDR, intfile ? XIFMT : XFMT, (expptr) fmtp);
01165         ioroutine[0] = 's';
01166         ioroutine[1] = '_';
01167         ioroutine[2] = iostmt==IOREAD ? 'r' : 'w';
01168         ioroutine[3] = "ds"[sequential];
01169         ioroutine[4] = "ufln"[ioformatted];
01170         ioroutine[5] = "ei"[intfile];
01171         ioroutine[6] = '\0';
01173         putiocall( call1(TYINT, ioroutine, cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp) ));
01175         if(statstruct)
01176         {
01177                 frexpr((expptr)ioblkp);
01178                 statstruct = NO;
01179                 ioblkp = 0;     /* unnecessary */
01180         }
01181 }

void unclassifiable Void   

Definition at line 1678 of file lex.c.

References errstr(), lastch, MYQUOTE, and sbuf.

Referenced by yyparse().

01679 {
01680         register char *s, *se;
01682         s = sbuf;
01683         se = lastch;
01684         if (se < sbuf)
01685                 return;
01686         lastch = s - 1;
01687         if (++se - s > 10)
01688                 se = s + 10;
01689         for(; s < se; s++)
01690                 if (*s == MYQUOTE) {
01691                         se = s;
01692                         break;
01693                         }
01694         *se = 0;
01695         errstr("unclassifiable statement (starts \"%s\")", sbuf);
01696         }

int yylex Void   

Definition at line 501 of file lex.c.

References analyz(), crunch(), fatali(), FIRSTTOKEN, flush_comments(), getcds(), gettok(), lastch, lexstate, NEWSTMT, nextch, nxtstno, OTHERTOKEN, parlev, putlineno(), RETEOS, retval(), SEOF, STEOF, stkey, stno, and yystno.

Referenced by yyparse().

00502 {
00503         static int  tokno;
00504         int retval;
00506         switch(lexstate)
00507         {
00508         case NEWSTMT :  /* need a new statement */
00509                 retval = getcds();
00510                 putlineno();
00511                 if(retval == STEOF) {
00512                         retval = SEOF;
00513                         break;
00514                 } /* if getcds() == STEOF */
00515                 crunch();
00516                 tokno = 0;
00517                 lexstate = FIRSTTOKEN;
00518                 yystno = stno;
00519                 stno = nxtstno;
00520                 toklen = 0;
00521                 retval = SLABEL;
00522                 break;
00524 first:
00525         case FIRSTTOKEN :       /* first step on a statement */
00526                 analyz();
00527                 lexstate = OTHERTOKEN;
00528                 tokno = 1;
00529                 retval = stkey;
00530                 break;
00532         case OTHERTOKEN :       /* return next token */
00533                 if(nextch > lastch)
00534                         goto reteos;
00535                 ++tokno;
00536                 if( (stkey==SLOGIF || stkey==SELSEIF) && parlev==0 && tokno>3)
00537                         goto first;
00539                 if(stkey==SASSIGN && tokno==3 && nextch<lastch &&
00540                     nextch[0]=='t' && nextch[1]=='o')
00541                 {
00542                         nextch+=2;
00543                         retval = STO;
00544                         break;
00545                 }
00546                 retval = gettok();
00547                 break;
00549 reteos:
00550         case RETEOS:
00551                 lexstate = NEWSTMT;
00552                 retval = SEOS;
00553                 break;
00554         default:
00555                 fatali("impossible lexstate %d", lexstate);
00556                 break;
00557         }
00559         if (retval == SEOF)
00560             flush_comments ();
00562         return retval;
00563 }

int yyparse Void   

Variable Documentation

chainp allargs

Definition at line 180 of file defs.h.

int Ansi

Definition at line 738 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main(), and write_typedefs().

int argloc

Definition at line 157 of file defs.h.

FILEP asmfile

Definition at line 55 of file defs.h.

int autonum[]

Definition at line 158 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char binread[]

Definition at line 744 of file defs.h.

char binwrite[]

Definition at line 744 of file defs.h.

FILEP blkdfile

Definition at line 62 of file defs.h.

char* blkdfname

Definition at line 67 of file defs.h.

int blklevel

Definition at line 116 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

FILEP c_file

Definition at line 56 of file defs.h.

char* c_keywords[]

Definition at line 753 of file defs.h.

int Castargs

Definition at line 742 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main().

char* casttypes[]

Definition at line 741 of file defs.h.

chainp chains

Definition at line 203 of file defs.h.

flag checksubs

Definition at line 108 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main().

int chlgslot

Definition at line 141 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int chslot

Definition at line 140 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int complex_seen

Definition at line 296 of file defs.h.

struct Ctlframe* ctls

Definition at line 241 of file defs.h.

struct Ctlframe* ctlstack

Definition at line 244 of file defs.h.

ftnint curdtelt

Definition at line 179 of file defs.h.

struct Chain* curdtp

Definition at line 178 of file defs.h.

int current_ftn_file

Definition at line 64 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main().

int cxslot

Definition at line 139 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int dcomplex_seen

Definition at line 296 of file defs.h.

flag debugflag

Definition at line 109 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main().

FILEP diagfile

Definition at line 53 of file defs.h.

int doin_setbound

Definition at line 737 of file defs.h.

int dorange

Definition at line 162 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

chainp earlylabs

Definition at line 174 of file defs.h.

char* ei_first

Definition at line 745 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char * ei_last

Definition at line 745 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char * ei_next

Definition at line 745 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

struct Entrypoint* entries

Definition at line 176 of file defs.h.

struct Equivblock* eqvclass

Definition at line 689 of file defs.h.

int eqvstart

Definition at line 191 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

long err_lineno

Definition at line 78 of file defs.h.

tagptr errnode(Void)

FILEP expr_file

Definition at line 60 of file defs.h.

Extsym* extsymtab

Definition at line 293 of file defs.h.

int forcedouble

Definition at line 736 of file defs.h.

Referenced by write_typedefs().

flag ftn66flag

Definition at line 93 of file defs.h.

char * ftn_types[]

Definition at line 741 of file defs.h.

char* halign

Definition at line 747 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

struct Hashentry* hashtab

Definition at line 358 of file defs.h.

flag headerdone

Definition at line 114 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

long headoffset

Definition at line 68 of file defs.h.

char hextoi_tab[]

Definition at line 739 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

struct Labelblock* highlabtab

Definition at line 318 of file defs.h.

int highregvar

Definition at line 168 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

chainp holdtemps

Definition at line 175 of file defs.h.

ftnint implleng[ ]

Definition at line 121 of file defs.h.

Referenced by setimpl().

int implstg[ ]

Definition at line 122 of file defs.h.

Referenced by setimpl().

int impltype[ ]

Definition at line 120 of file defs.h.

Referenced by setimpl().

int infertypes

Definition at line 742 of file defs.h.

FILEP infile

Definition at line 52 of file defs.h.

char* infname

Definition at line 79 of file defs.h.

flag inioctl

Definition at line 186 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

FILEP initfile

Definition at line 61 of file defs.h.

char * initfname

Definition at line 67 of file defs.h.

Addrp ioblkp

Definition at line 188 of file defs.h.

Referenced by dofclose(), dofinquire(), dofmove(), dofopen(), endioctl(), ioset(), and startrw().

int iostmt

Definition at line 187 of file defs.h.

flag keepsubs

Definition at line 748 of file defs.h.

Referenced by main().

struct Labelblock* labeltab

Definition at line 315 of file defs.h.

struct Labelblock* labtabend

Definition at line 317 of file defs.h.

int lastargslot

Definition at line 155 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

struct Ctlframe* lastctl

Definition at line 246 of file defs.h.

Extsym* lastext

Definition at line 295 of file defs.h.

struct Hashentry* lasthash

Definition at line 359 of file defs.h.

long lastiolabno

Definition at line 152 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

long lastlabno

Definition at line 153 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

int lastvarno

Definition at line 154 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

char Letters[]

Definition at line 731 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

long lineno

Definition at line 78 of file defs.h.

struct Literal* litpool

Definition at line 729 of file defs.h.

char main_alias[]

Definition at line 75 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxcontin

Definition at line 65 of file defs.h.

int maxctl

Definition at line 86 of file defs.h.

int maxdim

Definition at line 173 of file defs.h.

int maxequiv

Definition at line 87 of file defs.h.

int maxext

Definition at line 90 of file defs.h.

int maxhash

Definition at line 89 of file defs.h.

int maxliterals

Definition at line 730 of file defs.h.

int maxregvar

Definition at line 167 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

int maxstno

Definition at line 88 of file defs.h.

int maxtoklen

Definition at line 77 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

flag multitype

Definition at line 149 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int n_keywords

Definition at line 752 of file defs.h.

int nallargs

Definition at line 181 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nallchargs

Definition at line 182 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int needkwd

Definition at line 80 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nentry

Definition at line 147 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nequiv

Definition at line 190 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nerr

Definition at line 110 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

Extsym* nextext

Definition at line 294 of file defs.h.

int nintnames

Definition at line 193 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nioctl

Definition at line 189 of file defs.h.

int nliterals

Definition at line 730 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

flag no66flag

Definition at line 97 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

flag noextflag

Definition at line 99 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

flag nowarnflag

Definition at line 92 of file defs.h.

int nregvar

Definition at line 170 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int nwarn

Definition at line 111 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

flag onetripflag

Definition at line 107 of file defs.h.

char * outbtail

Definition at line 747 of file defs.h.

Referenced by c_name(), and outbuf_adjust().

char * outbuf

Definition at line 747 of file defs.h.

Referenced by c_name(), and outbuf_adjust().

int parstate

Definition at line 113 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

FILEP pass1_file

Definition at line 58 of file defs.h.

int procclass

Definition at line 142 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

ftnint procleng

Definition at line 144 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char* procname

Definition at line 135 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

int proctype

Definition at line 134 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

FILE* protofile

Definition at line 743 of file defs.h.

Referenced by commonprotos(), and main().

char * protorettypes[]

Definition at line 741 of file defs.h.

Namep regnamep[ ]

Definition at line 166 of file defs.h.

int regnum[ ]

Definition at line 164 of file defs.h.

int ret0label

Definition at line 161 of file defs.h.

int retlabel

Definition at line 160 of file defs.h.

Addrp retslot

Definition at line 137 of file defs.h.

struct Rplblock* rpllist

Definition at line 177 of file defs.h.

int rtvlabel[ ]

Definition at line 136 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

flag saveall

Definition at line 117 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

flag shiftcase

Definition at line 104 of file defs.h.

flag shortsubs

Definition at line 106 of file defs.h.

char * sortfname

Definition at line 67 of file defs.h.

flag substars

Definition at line 118 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

chainp templist[]

Definition at line 172 of file defs.h.

FILEP textfile

Definition at line 54 of file defs.h.

char textread[]

Definition at line 744 of file defs.h.

Referenced by dsort().

char textwrite[]

Definition at line 744 of file defs.h.

Referenced by dsort().

struct Labelblock* thislabel

Definition at line 81 of file defs.h.

char* token

Definition at line 76 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit().

int toklen

Definition at line 77 of file defs.h.

flag toomanyinit

Definition at line 183 of file defs.h.

int tycomplex

Definition at line 124 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

int tyint

Definition at line 124 of file defs.h.

Referenced by fileinit(), and procinit().

int tyioint

Definition at line 124 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

int tylog

Definition at line 125 of file defs.h.

int tylogical

Definition at line 125 of file defs.h.

int type_choice[]

Definition at line 128 of file defs.h.

int typealign[]

Definition at line 133 of file defs.h.

char* typename[]

Definition at line 129 of file defs.h.

int typesize[]

Definition at line 131 of file defs.h.

int tyreal

Definition at line 124 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().

flag undeftype

Definition at line 105 of file defs.h.

flag use_tyquad

Definition at line 750 of file defs.h.

char * usedcasts[]

Definition at line 741 of file defs.h.

char* wh_first

Definition at line 746 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char * wh_last

Definition at line 746 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

char * wh_next

Definition at line 746 of file defs.h.

Referenced by procinit().

Addrp xretslot[]

Definition at line 138 of file defs.h.

flag zflag

Definition at line 103 of file defs.h.

Referenced by set_externs().


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