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init.c File Reference

#include "defs.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "iob.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ALLOCN(n, x)   (struct x *) ckalloc((n)*sizeof(struct x))


void fileinit (Void)
void hashclear (Void)
void procinit (Void)
void setimpl (int type, ftnint length, int c1, int c2)


char * fl_fmt_string
char * db_fmt_string
char * cm_fmt_string
char * dcm_fmt_string
chainp new_vars = CHNULL
chainp used_builtins = CHNULL
chainp assigned_fmts = CHNULL
chainp allargs
chainp earlylabs
char main_alias [52]
int tab_size = 4
FILEP infile
FILEP diagfile
FILEP c_file
FILEP pass1_file
FILEP initfile
FILEP blkdfile
char * token
int maxtoklen
int toklen
long err_lineno
long lineno
char * infname
int needkwd
Labelblockthislabel = NULL
int nerr
int nwarn
flag saveall
flag substars
int parstate = OUTSIDE
flag headerdone = NO
int blklevel
int doin_setbound
int impltype [26]
ftnint implleng [26]
int implstg [26]
int tyint = TYLONG
int tylogical = TYLONG
int tylog = TYLOGICAL
int typesize [NTYPES]
int typealign [NTYPES]
int type_choice [4] = { TYDREAL, TYSHORT, TYLONG, TYSHORT }
char * typename []
int type_pref [NTYPES]
char * protorettypes []
char * casttypes [TYSUBR+1]
char * usedcasts [TYSUBR+1]
char * dfltarg []
char * dflt0proc []
char * dflt1proc []
char ** dfltproc = dflt0proc
char Bug [] = "bug"
char * ftn_types []
int init_ac [TYSUBR+1]
int proctype = TYUNKNOWN
char * procname
int rtvlabel [NTYPES0]
Addrp retslot
Addrp xretslot [NTYPES0]
int cxslot = -1
int chslot = -1
int chlgslot = -1
int procclass = CLUNKNOWN
int nentry
int nallargs
int nallchargs
flag multitype
ftnint procleng
long lastiolabno
long lastlabno
int lastvarno
int lastargslot
int autonum [TYVOID]
char * av_pfix [TYVOID]
int maxctl
Namep regnamep [MAXREGVAR]
int highregvar
int nregvar
int maxext
int maxequiv
int maxhash
int maxstno
int maxdim = MAXDIM
Rplblockrpllist = NULL
Chaincurdtp = NULL
flag toomanyinit
ftnint curdtelt
chainp templist [TYVOID]
chainp holdtemps
int dorange = 0
Entrypointentries = NULL
chainp chains = NULL
flag inioctl
int iostmt
int nioctl
int nequiv = 0
int eqvstart = 0
int nintnames = 0
int maxlablist
Labelblock ** labarray
int nliterals
char dflttype [26]
char hextoi_tab [Table_size]
char Letters [Table_size]
char * ei_first
char * ei_next
char * ei_last
char * wh_first
char * wh_next
char * wh_last

Define Documentation

#define ALLOCN n,
     (struct x *) ckalloc((n)*sizeof(struct x))

Definition at line 291 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

Function Documentation

void fileinit Void   

Definition at line 294 of file init.c.

References ALLOCN, ckalloc(), dfltproc, dflttype, fmt_init(), hextoi, hextoi_tab, i, infile, lastiolabno, lastlabno, lastvarno, Letters, main_alias, maxctl, maxequiv, maxext, maxhash, maxstno, maxtoklen, mem_init(), nerr, nliterals, np_init(), out_init(), token, and tyint.

Referenced by main().

00295 {
00296         register char *s;
00297         register int i, j;
00299         lastiolabno = 100000;
00300         lastlabno = 0;
00301         lastvarno = 0;
00302         nliterals = 0;
00303         nerr = 0;
00305         infile = stdin;
00307         maxtoklen = 502;
00308         token = (char *)ckalloc(maxtoklen+2);
00309         memset(dflttype, tyreal, 26);
00310         memset(dflttype + 'i' - 'a', tyint, 6);
00311         memset(hextoi_tab, 16, sizeof(hextoi_tab));
00312         for(i = 0, s = "0123456789abcdef"; *s; i++, s++)
00313                 hextoi(*s) = i;
00314         for(i = 10, s = "ABCDEF"; *s; i++, s++)
00315                 hextoi(*s) = i;
00316         for(j = 0, s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; i = *s++; j++)
00317                 Letters[i] = Letters[i+'A'-'a'] = j;
00319         ctls = ALLOCN(maxctl+1, Ctlframe);
00320         extsymtab = ALLOCN(maxext, Extsym);
00321         eqvclass = ALLOCN(maxequiv, Equivblock);
00322         hashtab = ALLOCN(maxhash, Hashentry);
00323         labeltab = ALLOCN(maxstno, Labelblock);
00324         litpool = ALLOCN(maxliterals, Literal);
00325         labarray = (struct Labelblock **)ckalloc(maxlablist*
00326                                         sizeof(struct Labelblock *));
00327         fmt_init();
00328         mem_init();
00329         np_init();
00331         ctlstack = ctls++;
00332         lastctl = ctls + maxctl;
00333         nextext = extsymtab;
00334         lastext = extsymtab + maxext;
00335         lasthash = hashtab + maxhash;
00336         labtabend = labeltab + maxstno;
00337         highlabtab = labeltab;
00338         main_alias[0] = '\0';
00339         if (forcedouble)
00340                 dfltproc[TYREAL] = dfltproc[TYDREAL];
00342 /* Initialize the routines for providing C output */
00344         out_init ();
00345 }

void hashclear Void   

Definition at line 348 of file init.c.

References Dimblock::baseoffset, Dimblock::basexpr, charptr, CLNAMELIST, Dimblock::dims, frchain(), free, frexpr(), i, Dimblock::ndim, Dimblock::nelt, p, and Hashentry::varp.

Referenced by procinit().

00349 {
00350         register struct Hashentry *hp;
00351         register Namep p;
00352         register struct Dimblock *q;
00353         register int i;
00355         for(hp = hashtab ; hp < lasthash ; ++hp)
00356                 if(p = hp->varp)
00357                 {
00358                         frexpr(p->vleng);
00359                         if(q = p->vdim)
00360                         {
00361                                 for(i = 0 ; i < q->ndim ; ++i)
00362                                 {
00363                                         frexpr(q->dims[i].dimsize);
00364                                         frexpr(q->dims[i].dimexpr);
00365                                 }
00366                                 frexpr(q->nelt);
00367                                 frexpr(q->baseoffset);
00368                                 frexpr(q->basexpr);
00369                                 free( (charptr) q);
00370                         }
00371                         if(p->vclass == CLNAMELIST)
00372                                 frchain( &(p->varxptr.namelist) );
00373                         free( (charptr) p);
00374                         hp->varp = NULL;
00375                 }
00376         }

void procinit Void   

Definition at line 379 of file init.c.

References autonum, blklevel, charptr, chlgslot, chslot, CLUNKNOWN, cxslot, Chain::datap, dorange, ei_first, ei_last, ei_next, eqvstart, frchain(), free, frexchain(), frexpr(), hashclear(), headerdone, highregvar, i, inioctl, lastargslot, mem0_last, mem_first, mem_last, mem_next, multitype, nallargs, nallchargs, needkwd, nentry, nequiv, Chain::nextp, nintnames, NO, nregvar, NTYPES0, nwarn, OUTSIDE, parstate, procclass, procleng, procname, proctype, rtvlabel, saveall, setimpl(), Labelblock::stateno, STGBSS, substars, tyint, TYVOID, wh_first, wh_last, and wh_next.

Referenced by endproc(), and main().

00380 {
00381         register struct Labelblock *lp;
00382         struct Chain *cp;
00383         int i;
00384         struct memblock;
00385         extern struct memblock *curmemblock, *firstmemblock;
00386         extern char *mem_first, *mem_next, *mem_last, *mem0_last;
00388         curmemblock = firstmemblock;
00389         mem_next = mem_first;
00390         mem_last = mem0_last;
00391         ei_next = ei_first = ei_last = 0;
00392         wh_next = wh_first = wh_last = 0;
00393         iob_list = 0;
00394         for(i = 0; i < 9; i++)
00395                 io_structs[i] = 0;
00397         parstate = OUTSIDE;
00398         headerdone = NO;
00399         blklevel = 1;
00400         saveall = NO;
00401         substars = NO;
00402         nwarn = 0;
00403         thislabel = NULL;
00404         needkwd = 0;
00406         proctype = TYUNKNOWN;
00407         procname = "MAIN_";
00408         procclass = CLUNKNOWN;
00409         nentry = 0;
00410         nallargs = nallchargs = 0;
00411         multitype = NO;
00412         retslot = NULL;
00413         for(i = 0; i < NTYPES0; i++) {
00414                 frexpr((expptr)xretslot[i]);
00415                 xretslot[i] = 0;
00416                 }
00417         cxslot = -1;
00418         chslot = -1;
00419         chlgslot = -1;
00420         procleng = 0;
00421         blklevel = 1;
00422         lastargslot = 0;
00424         for(lp = labeltab ; lp < labtabend ; ++lp)
00425                 lp->stateno = 0;
00427         hashclear();
00429 /* Clear the list of newly generated identifiers from the previous
00430    function */
00432         frexchain(&new_vars);
00433         frexchain(&used_builtins);
00434         frchain(&assigned_fmts);
00435         frchain(&allargs);
00436         frchain(&earlylabs);
00438         nintnames = 0;
00439         highlabtab = labeltab;
00441         ctlstack = ctls - 1;
00442         for(i = TYADDR; i < TYVOID; i++) {
00443                 for(cp = templist[i]; cp ; cp = cp->nextp)
00444                         free( (charptr) (cp->datap) );
00445                 frchain(templist + i);
00446                 autonum[i] = 0;
00447                 }
00448         holdtemps = NULL;
00449         dorange = 0;
00450         nregvar = 0;
00451         highregvar = 0;
00452         entries = NULL;
00453         rpllist = NULL;
00454         inioctl = NO;
00455         eqvstart += nequiv;
00456         nequiv = 0;
00457         dcomplex_seen = 0;
00459         for(i = 0 ; i<NTYPES0 ; ++i)
00460                 rtvlabel[i] = 0;
00462         if(undeftype)
00463                 setimpl(TYUNKNOWN, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z');
00464         else
00465         {
00466                 setimpl(tyreal, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z');
00467                 setimpl(tyint,  (ftnint) 0, 'i', 'n');
00468         }
00469         setimpl(-STGBSS, (ftnint) 0, 'a', 'z'); /* set class */
00470 }

void setimpl int    type,
ftnint    length,
int    c1,
int    c2

Definition at line 482 of file init.c.

References err, i, implleng, implstg, impltype, lengtype(), and letter.

Referenced by procinit(), and yyparse().

00484 {
00485         int i;
00486         char buff[100];
00488         if(c1==0 || c2==0)
00489                 return;
00491         if(c1 > c2) {
00492                 sprintf(buff, "characters out of order in implicit:%c-%c", c1, c2);
00493                 err(buff);
00494                 }
00495         else {
00496                 c1 = letter(c1);
00497                 c2 = letter(c2);
00498                 if(type < 0)
00499                         for(i = c1 ; i<=c2 ; ++i)
00500                                 implstg[i] = - type;
00501                 else {
00502                         type = lengtype(type, length);
00503                         if(type == TYCHAR) {
00504                                 if (length < 0) {
00505                                         err("length (*) in implicit");
00506                                         length = 1;
00507                                         }
00508                                 }
00509                         else if (type != TYLONG)
00510                                 length = 0;
00511                         for(i = c1 ; i<=c2 ; ++i) {
00512                                 impltype[i] = type;
00513                                 implleng[i] = length;
00514                                 }
00515                         }
00516                 }
00517         }

Variable Documentation

chainp allargs

Definition at line 42 of file init.c.

chainp assigned_fmts = CHNULL

Definition at line 41 of file init.c.

int autonum[TYVOID]

Definition at line 227 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char* av_pfix[TYVOID]

Initial value:

 {"??TYUNKNOWN??", "a","i1","s","i",


                         "??TYSUBR??", "??TYERROR??","ci", "ici",
                         "o", "cl", "al", "ioin" }

Definition at line 228 of file init.c.

Referenced by autovar().

FILEP blkdfile

Definition at line 54 of file init.c.

int blklevel

Definition at line 72 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char Bug[] = "bug" [static]

Definition at line 187 of file init.c.

FILEP c_file

Definition at line 51 of file init.c.

char* casttypes[TYSUBR+1]

Initial value:

        "U_fp", "??bug??", "I1_fp",
        "J_fp", "I_fp",


        "R_fp", "D_fp", "C_fp", "Z_fp",
        "L1_fp", "L2_fp", "L_fp", "H_fp", "S_fp"

Definition at line 141 of file init.c.

chainp chains = NULL

Definition at line 272 of file init.c.

int chlgslot = -1

Definition at line 216 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int chslot = -1

Definition at line 215 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char* cm_fmt_string

Definition at line 31 of file init.c.

struct Ctlframe* ctls

Definition at line 237 of file init.c.

struct Ctlframe* ctlstack

Definition at line 238 of file init.c.

ftnint curdtelt

Definition at line 266 of file init.c.

struct Chain* curdtp = NULL

Definition at line 264 of file init.c.

int cxslot = -1

Definition at line 214 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char* db_fmt_string

Definition at line 30 of file init.c.

char* dcm_fmt_string

Definition at line 32 of file init.c.

char* dflt0proc[] [static]

Initial value:

        0, 0, "(integer1 (*)())0",
        "(shortint (*)())0", "(integer (*)())0",

        "(longint (*)())0",

        "(real (*)())0",
        "(doublereal (*)())0", "(complex (*)())0", "(doublecomplex (*)())0",
        "(logical1 (*)())0", "(shortlogical (*)())0",
        "(logical (*)())0", "(char (*)())0", "(int (*)())0"

Definition at line 163 of file init.c.

char* dflt1proc[]

Initial value:

 { "(U_fp)0", "(??bug??)0", "(I1_fp)0",
        "(J_fp)0", "(I_fp)0",


        "(R_fp)0", "(D_fp)0", "(C_fp)0", "(Z_fp)0",
        "(L_fp)0", "(H_fp)0", "(S_fp)0"

Definition at line 175 of file init.c.

Referenced by main().

char* dfltarg[]

Initial value:

        0, 0, "(integer1 *)0",
        "(shortint *)0", "(integer *)0",

        "(longint *)0",

        "(real *)0",
        "(doublereal *)0", "(complex *)0", "(doublecomplex *)0",
        "(logical1 *)0","(shortlogical *)0", "(logical *)0", "(char *)0"

Definition at line 152 of file init.c.

Referenced by putentries().

char** dfltproc = dflt0proc

Definition at line 185 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit(), main(), and putentries().

char dflttype[26]

Definition at line 286 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit(), impldcl(), mkfunct(), and stfcall().

FILEP diagfile

Definition at line 49 of file init.c.

int doin_setbound

Definition at line 73 of file init.c.

int dorange = 0

Definition at line 269 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

chainp earlylabs

Definition at line 43 of file init.c.

char* ei_first

Definition at line 288 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char * ei_last

Definition at line 288 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char * ei_next

Definition at line 288 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

struct Entrypoint* entries = NULL

Definition at line 270 of file init.c.

struct Equivblock* eqvclass

Definition at line 251 of file init.c.

int eqvstart = 0

Definition at line 278 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

long err_lineno

Definition at line 59 of file init.c.

Extsym* extsymtab

Definition at line 246 of file init.c.

char* fl_fmt_string

Definition at line 29 of file init.c.

char* ftn_types[]

Initial value:

 { "external", "??", "integer*1",
        "integer*2", "integer",


        "double precision", "complex", "double complex",
        "logical*1", "logical*2",
        "logical", "character", "subroutine",
        Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug,Bug, "ftnlen"

Definition at line 189 of file init.c.

struct Hashentry* hashtab

Definition at line 254 of file init.c.

flag headerdone = NO

Definition at line 71 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char hextoi_tab[Table_size]

Definition at line 287 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

struct Labelblock* highlabtab

Definition at line 260 of file init.c.

int highregvar

Definition at line 242 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

chainp holdtemps

Definition at line 268 of file init.c.

ftnint implleng[26]

Definition at line 75 of file init.c.

Referenced by setimpl().

int implstg[26]

Definition at line 76 of file init.c.

Referenced by setimpl().

int impltype[26]

Definition at line 74 of file init.c.

Referenced by setimpl().

FILEP infile

Definition at line 48 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

char* infname

Definition at line 62 of file init.c.

flag inioctl

Definition at line 274 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int init_ac[TYSUBR+1]

Initial value:

 { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,


                          1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2}

Definition at line 201 of file init.c.

Referenced by putcall(), and save_argtypes().

FILEP initfile

Definition at line 53 of file init.c.

int iostmt

Definition at line 275 of file init.c.

struct Labelblock** labarray

Definition at line 281 of file init.c.

struct Labelblock* labeltab

Definition at line 258 of file init.c.

struct Labelblock* labtabend

Definition at line 259 of file init.c.

int lastargslot

Definition at line 226 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

struct Ctlframe* lastctl

Definition at line 239 of file init.c.

Extsym* lastext

Definition at line 248 of file init.c.

struct Hashentry* lasthash

Definition at line 255 of file init.c.

long lastiolabno

Definition at line 223 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

long lastlabno

Definition at line 224 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int lastvarno

Definition at line 225 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

char Letters[Table_size]

Definition at line 287 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

long lineno

Definition at line 60 of file init.c.

struct Literal* litpool

Definition at line 283 of file init.c.

char main_alias[52]

Definition at line 44 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxctl

Definition at line 236 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxdim = MAXDIM

Definition at line 262 of file init.c.

int maxequiv

Definition at line 250 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxext

Definition at line 245 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxhash

Definition at line 253 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxlablist

Definition at line 280 of file init.c.

int maxstno

Definition at line 257 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int maxtoklen

Definition at line 58 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

flag multitype

Definition at line 221 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nallargs

Definition at line 219 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nallchargs

Definition at line 220 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int needkwd

Definition at line 63 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nentry

Definition at line 218 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nequiv = 0

Definition at line 277 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nerr

Definition at line 65 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

chainp new_vars = CHNULL

Definition at line 34 of file init.c.

Referenced by declare_new_addr(), memno2info(), and setbound().

Extsym* nextext

Definition at line 247 of file init.c.

int nintnames = 0

Definition at line 279 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nioctl

Definition at line 276 of file init.c.

int nliterals

Definition at line 284 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int nregvar

Definition at line 243 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int nwarn

Definition at line 66 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int parstate = OUTSIDE

Definition at line 70 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

FILEP pass1_file

Definition at line 52 of file init.c.

int procclass = CLUNKNOWN

Definition at line 217 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

ftnint procleng

Definition at line 222 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char* procname

Definition at line 208 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int proctype = TYUNKNOWN

Definition at line 207 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char* protorettypes[]

Initial value:

        "?", "??", "integer1", "shortint", "integer",


        "real", "doublereal",
        "C_f", "Z_f", "logical1", "shortlogical", "logical", "H_f", "int"

Definition at line 132 of file init.c.

Namep regnamep[MAXREGVAR]

Definition at line 241 of file init.c.

Addrp retslot

Definition at line 210 of file init.c.

struct Rplblock* rpllist = NULL

Definition at line 263 of file init.c.

int rtvlabel[NTYPES0]

Definition at line 209 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

flag saveall

Definition at line 68 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

flag substars

Definition at line 69 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

int tab_size = 4

Definition at line 45 of file init.c.

chainp templist[TYVOID]

Definition at line 267 of file init.c.

struct Labelblock* thislabel = NULL

Definition at line 64 of file init.c.

char* token

Definition at line 57 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit().

int toklen

Definition at line 58 of file init.c.

flag toomanyinit

Definition at line 265 of file init.c.

int tyint = TYLONG

Definition at line 78 of file init.c.

Referenced by fileinit(), and procinit().

int tylog = TYLOGICAL

Definition at line 80 of file init.c.

int tylogical = TYLONG

Definition at line 79 of file init.c.

int type_choice[4] = { TYDREAL, TYSHORT, TYLONG, TYSHORT }

Definition at line 105 of file init.c.

int type_pref[NTYPES]

Initial value:

 { 0, 0, 3, 5, 7,


                                8, 11, 9, 12, 1, 4, 6, 2 }

Definition at line 126 of file init.c.

Referenced by docommon(), and doequiv().

int typealign[NTYPES]

Initial value:

Definition at line 96 of file init.c.

char* typename[]

Initial value:




Definition at line 107 of file init.c.

int typesize[NTYPES]

Initial value:

        1, SZADDR, 1, SZSHORT, SZLONG,


                SZLONG, 2*SZLONG,
                2*SZLONG, 4*SZLONG, 1, SZSHORT, SZLONG, 1, 1, 0,
                4*SZLONG + SZADDR,      
                4*SZLONG + 2*SZADDR,    
                4*SZLONG + 5*SZADDR,    
                2*SZLONG + SZADDR,      
                11*SZLONG + 15*SZADDR   

Definition at line 81 of file init.c.

chainp used_builtins = CHNULL

Definition at line 38 of file init.c.

Referenced by builtin().

char* usedcasts[TYSUBR+1]

Definition at line 150 of file init.c.

char* wh_first

Definition at line 289 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char * wh_last

Definition at line 289 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

char * wh_next

Definition at line 289 of file init.c.

Referenced by procinit().

Addrp xretslot[NTYPES0]

Definition at line 213 of file init.c.


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