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AFNI (which might be an acronym for Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) is a set of C programs for processing, analyzing, and displaying functional MRI (FMRI) data - a technique for mapping human brain activity. It runs on Unix+X11+Motif systems, including SGI, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X. It is available free (in C source code format, and some precompiled binaries) for research purposes.


AFNI Latest News Page - information about bug fixes, new programs, etc.

 Download Where To Find It

AFNI is distributed in C source code format on the Web. You can use a Web browser to download the AFNI files from the Software Center. Some pre-compiled binaries are available for Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X systems.

 SUMA The AFNI Surface Mapper

SUMA is a program that adds cortical surface based functional imaging analysis to the AFNI suite of programs. It allows viewing 3D cortical surface models, and mapping volumetric data onto them. With SUMA, AFNI can simultaneously and in real-time render Functional Imaging data in 4 modes: Slice, Graph (time series), Volume and Surface with direct links between them.

 Matlab Library

Ziad Saad and Gang Chen have developed a package of Matlab functions to read, write, and process AFNI datasets. This may be useful for those who want to carry out matlab-based computations such as Dr. Worsley's FMRISTAT or Gang Chen's 4-way ANOVA or user cuddly 3dDeconvolve.


AFNI/SUMA Documentation


Community-related links, includes Message Board, Photo Album and Feedback Area. Please note that there is no longer an AFNI e-mail list for non-NIH users.


Upcoming Classes, Bootcamps, Social Events, etc.
