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1dplot.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"
#include "coxplot.h"
#include "display.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define DEFAULT_NCOLOVR   20
#define NLBUF   131072
#define NVMAX   10000


void startup_timeout_CB (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
void killfunc (void *fred)


char * INIT_colovr [DEFAULT_NCOLOVR]
char * INIT_labovr [DEFAULT_NCOLOVR]
int nx
int nts
int sep = 1
float ** yar
float * xar
char * title = NULL
char * xlabel = NULL
char * ylabel = NULL
char * dfile_nar [6]
int nyar = 0
char * ynar [128]
char ** yname = NULL

Define Documentation

#define DEFAULT_NCOLOVR   20

Definition at line 14 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

#define NLBUF   131072

#define NVMAX   10000

Function Documentation

void killfunc void *    fred

13 May 2005: modified to read up to NVMAX numbers from stdin, rather than the fixed size array of length 9 of old *

Definition at line 427 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by startup_timeout_CB().

00427 { exit(0) ; }

int main int    argc,
char *    argv[]

convert three sub-briks to a raw dataset with consecutive triplets

Definition at line 47 of file 1dplot.c.

References ADDTO_IMARR, argc, DEFAULT_NCOLOVR, DESTROY_IMARR, dfile_nar, ERROR_exit(), far, free, IMARR_SUBIM, INIT_colovr, INIT_IMARR, INIT_labovr, machdep(), mainENTRY, malloc, MCW_new_DC(), memplot_to_postscript(), mp, mri_fix_data_pointer(), MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_new(), mri_new_vol_empty(), mri_read_1D(), mri_transpose(), my_getenv(), nts, MRI_IMARR::num, MRI_IMAGE::nx, nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, nyar, plot_ts_mem(), plot_ts_xfix(), plot_ts_xypush(), plot_ts_yfix(), PRINT_VERSION, realloc, sep, startup_timeout_CB(), strtod(), title, TS_HELP_STRING, xar, xlabel, yar, ylabel, yname, and ynar.

00048 {
00049    int iarg , ii , ny , ignore=0 , use=0 , install=0 ;
00050    float dx=1.0 , xzero=0.0 ;
00051    char *cpt ;
00052    MRI_IMAGE *inim , *flim ;
00053    float *far ;
00054    XtAppContext app ;
00055    Widget shell ;
00056    int use_stdin=0 ; /* 01 Aug 2001 */
00057    int out_ps   =0 ; /* 29 Nov 2002 */
00058    int nopush   =0 ;
00059    int nnax=0,mmax=0 , nnay=0,mmay=0 ;
00060    float xbot,xtop   , ybot,ytop ;
00062    /*-- help? --*/
00064    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00065      printf("Usage: 1dplot [options] tsfile ...\n"
00066             "Graphs the columns of a *.1D type time series file to the screen.\n"
00067             "\n"
00068             "Options:\n"
00069             " -install   = Install a new X11 colormap.\n"
00070             " -sep       = Plot each column in a separate sub-graph.\n"
00071             " -one       = Plot all columns together in one big graph.\n"
00072             "                [default = -sep]\n"
00073             " -dx xx     = Spacing between points on the x-axis is 'xx'\n"
00074             "                [default = 1]\n"
00075             " -xzero zz  = Initial x coordinate is 'zz' [default = 0]\n"
00076             " -nopush    = Don't 'push' axes ranges outwards.\n"
00077             " -ignore nn = Skip first 'nn' rows in the input file\n"
00078             "                [default = 0]\n"
00079             " -use mm    = Plot 'mm' points [default = all of them]\n"
00080             " -xlabel aa = Put string 'aa' below the x-axis\n"
00081             "                [default = no axis label]\n"
00082             " -ylabel aa = Put string 'aa' to the left of the y-axis\n"
00083             "                [default = no axis label]\n"
00084             "\n"
00085             " -stdin     = Don't read from tsfile; instead, read from\n"
00086             "              stdin and plot it. You cannot combine input\n"
00087             "              from stdin and tsfile(s).  If you want to do\n"
00088             "              so, see program 1dcat.\n"
00089             "\n"
00090             " -ps        = Don't draw plot in a window; instead, write it\n"
00091             "              to stdout in PostScript format.\n"
00092             "              N.B.: If you view this result in 'gv', you should\n"
00093             "                    turn 'anti-alias' off, and switch to\n"
00094             "                    landscape mode.\n"
00095             "\n"
00096             " -xaxis b:t:n:m    = Set the x-axis to run from value 'b' to\n"
00097             "                     value 't', with 'n' major divisions and\n"
00098             "                     'm' minor tic marks per major division.\n"
00099             "                     For example:\n"
00100             "                       -xaxis 0:100:5:20\n"
00101             "                     Setting 'n' to 0 means no tic marks or labels.\n"
00102             "\n"
00103             " -yaxis b:t:n:m    = Similar to above, for the y-axis.  These\n"
00104             "                     options override the normal autoscaling\n"
00105             "                     of their respective axes.\n"
00106             "\n"
00107             " -ynames aa bb ... = Use the strings 'aa', 'bb', etc., as\n"
00108             "                     labels to the right of the graphs,\n"
00109             "                     corresponding to each input column.\n"
00110             "                     These strings CANNOT start with the\n"
00111             "                     '-' character.\n"
00112             "\n"
00113             " -volreg           = Makes the 'ynames' be the same as the\n"
00114             "                     6 labels used in plug_volreg for\n"
00115             "                     Roll, Pitch, Yaw, I-S, R-L, and A-P\n"
00116             "                     movements, in that order.\n"
00117             "\n"
00118             "You may also select a subset of columns to display using\n"
00119             "a tsfile specification like 'fred.1D[0,3,5]', indicating\n"
00120             "that columns #0, #3, and #5 will be the only ones plotted.\n"
00121             "For more details on this selection scheme, see the output\n"
00122             "of '3dcalc -help'.\n"
00123             "\n"
00124             "Example: graphing a 'dfile' output by 3dvolreg, when TR=5:\n"
00125             "   1dplot -volreg -dx 5 -xlabel Time 'dfile[1..6]'\n"
00126             "\n"
00127             "You can also input more than one tsfile, in which case the files\n"
00128             "will all be plotted.  However, if the files have different column\n"
00129             "lengths, the shortest one will rule.\n"
00130             "\n"
00131             "The colors for the line graphs cycle between black, red, green, and\n"
00132             "blue.  You can alter these colors by setting Unix environment\n"
00133             "variables of the form AFNI_1DPLOT_COLOR_xx -- cf. README.environment.\n"
00134             "You can alter the thickness of the lines by setting the variable\n"
00135             "AFNI_1DPLOT_THIK to a value between 0.00 and 0.05 -- the units are\n"
00136             "fractions of the page size.\n"
00138             "\n"
00139             TS_HELP_STRING
00140            ) ;
00141       exit(0) ;
00142    }
00144    mainENTRY("1dplot main"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("1dplot");
00146    /* 29 Nov 2002: scan for -ps */
00148    for( ii=1 ; ii < argc ; ii++ )
00149      if( strcmp(argv[ii],"-ps") == 0 ){ out_ps = 1; break; }
00151    /* open X11 */
00153    if( !out_ps ){
00154      shell = XtVaAppInitialize(
00155                 &app , "AFNI" , NULL , 0 , &argc , argv , NULL , NULL ) ;
00156      if( shell == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Cannot initialize X11!") ;
00157    }
00159    cpt = my_getenv("TMPDIR") ;  /* just for fun */
00161    /*-- scan arguments that X11 didn't eat --*/
00163    iarg = 1 ;
00164    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
00166      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xaxis") == 0 ){   /* 22 Jul 2003 */
00167        sscanf(argv[++iarg],"%f:%f:%d:%d",&xbot,&xtop,&nnax,&mmax) ;
00168        if( xbot >= xtop || nnax < 0 || mmax < 1 )
00169          ERROR_exit("String after -xaxis is illegal!\n") ;
00171        plot_ts_xfix( nnax,mmax , xbot,xtop ) ;
00172        iarg++ ; continue ;
00173      }
00175      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-yaxis") == 0 ){   /* 22 Jul 2003 */
00176        sscanf(argv[++iarg],"%f:%f:%d:%d",&ybot,&ytop,&nnay,&mmay) ;
00177        if( ybot >= ytop || nnay < 0 || mmay < 1 )
00178          ERROR_exit("String after -yaxis is illegal!\n") ;
00180        plot_ts_yfix( nnay,mmay , ybot,ytop ) ;
00181        iarg++ ; continue ;
00182      }
00184      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nopush") == 0 ){  /* 12 Mar 2003 */
00185        plot_ts_xypush( 0 , 0 ) ;
00186        iarg++ ; continue ;
00187      }
00189      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ps") == 0 ){   /* 29 Nov 2002: already handled above */
00190         iarg++ ; continue ;
00191      }
00193      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-install") == 0 ){
00194         install++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00195      }
00197      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-stdin") == 0 ){  /* 01 Aug 2001 */
00198         use_stdin++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00199      }
00201      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-") == 0 ){  /* skip */
00202         iarg++ ; continue ;
00203      }
00205      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ynames") == 0 ){
00206         iarg++ ;
00207         while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] != '-' ){
00208            ynar[nyar++] = argv[iarg++] ;
00209         }
00210         continue ;
00211      }
00213      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-volreg") == 0 ){
00214         int ii ;
00215         for( ii=0 ; ii < 6 ; ii++ ) ynar[nyar++] = dfile_nar[ii] ;
00216         iarg++ ; continue ;
00217      }
00219      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-title") == 0 ){
00220         title = argv[++iarg] ;
00221         iarg++ ; continue ;
00222      }
00224      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xlabel") == 0 ){
00225         xlabel = argv[++iarg] ;
00226         iarg++ ; continue ;
00227      }
00229      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ylabel") == 0 ){
00230         ylabel = argv[++iarg] ;
00231         iarg++ ; continue ;
00232      }
00234      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ignore") == 0 ){
00235         ignore = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
00236         if( ignore < 0 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal -ignore value!\n") ;
00237         iarg++ ; continue ;
00238      }
00240      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-use") == 0 ){
00241         use = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
00242         if( use < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal -use value!\n") ;
00243         iarg++ ; continue ;
00244      }
00246      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dx") == 0 ){
00247         dx = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
00248         if( dx <= 0.0 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal -dx value!\n");
00249         iarg++ ; continue ;
00250      }
00252      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-xzero") == 0 ){
00253         xzero = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
00254         iarg++ ; continue ;
00255      }
00257      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-sep") == 0 ){
00258         sep = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00259      }
00261      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-one") == 0 ){
00262         sep = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
00263      }
00265      ERROR_exit("Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00266    }
00268    if( iarg >= argc && !use_stdin )
00269       ERROR_exit("No time series file on command line!\n") ;
00271    if( !out_ps )
00272      dc = MCW_new_DC( shell , 16 ,
00273                       DEFAULT_NCOLOVR , INIT_colovr , INIT_labovr ,
00274                       1.0 , install ) ;
00276    if( nyar > 0 ) yname = ynar ;
00278    /*-- 01 Aug 2001: read from stdin instead of a file --*/
00280 #define NLBUF 131072
00281 #define NVMAX 10000
00282    if( use_stdin ){
00283      char *lbuf , *cpt , *dpt ;
00284      int   nval ;
00285      float *val , fff ;
00287      lbuf = (char * )malloc(sizeof(char )*NLBUF) ;
00288      val  = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*NVMAX) ;
00290      /** 13 May 2005: modified to read up to NVMAX numbers from stdin,
00291                       rather than the fixed size array of length 9 of old **/
00293      do{               /* read lines until 1st char is non-blank and non-# */
00294        cpt = fgets(lbuf,NLBUF,stdin) ;
00295        if( cpt==NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read from stdin!\n");
00296        for( ii=0 ; cpt[ii] != '\0' && isspace(cpt[ii]) ; ii++ ) ; /* nada */
00297      } while( cpt[ii] == '\0' || cpt[ii] == '#' ) ;
00299      nval = 0 ; cpt = lbuf ;   /* read numbers from lbuf into val */
00300      while(1){
00301        fff = strtod(cpt,&dpt) ; if( dpt  == cpt   ) break ;
00302        val[nval++] = fff ;      if( nval == NVMAX ) break ;
00303        cpt = dpt; if( *cpt == ','  ) cpt++; if( *cpt == '\0' ) break;
00304      }
00305      if( nval < 1 )
00306        ERROR_exit("Can't read numbers from stdin!\n"
00307                   "  First line: '%-.30s'\n"       , lbuf) ;
00309      nx = nval ; ny = 1 ;
00310      far = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*nx) ;
00311      memcpy(far,val,sizeof(float)*nx) ;
00312      while(1){  /* read from stdin */
00313         cpt = fgets(lbuf,NLBUF,stdin) ;
00314         if( cpt == NULL ) break ;            /* done */
00315         for( ii=0 ; cpt[ii] != '\0' && isspace(cpt[ii]) ; ii++ ) ; /* nada */
00316         if( cpt[ii] == '\0' || cpt[ii] == '#' ) continue ;         /* skip */
00317         memset(val,0,sizeof(float)*nx) ;
00319         nval = 0 ; cpt = lbuf ;   /* read numbers from lbuf into val */
00320         while(1){
00321           fff = strtod(cpt,&dpt) ; if( dpt  == cpt ) break ;
00322           val[nval++] = fff ;      if( nval == nx  ) break ;
00323           cpt = dpt; if( *cpt == ','  ) cpt++; if( *cpt == '\0' ) break;
00324         }
00325         far = (float *) realloc( far , sizeof(float)*(ny+1)*nx ) ;
00326         memcpy(far+ny*nx,val,sizeof(float)*nx) ; ny++ ;
00327      }
00328      if( ny < 2 && nx < 2 )
00329        ERROR_exit("Can't read at least 2 lines from stdin\n");
00331      flim = mri_new_vol_empty( nx,ny,1 , MRI_float ) ;
00332      mri_fix_data_pointer( far , flim ) ;
00333      if( ny > 1 ){      /* more than one row ==> transpose (the usual case) */
00334        inim = mri_transpose(flim) ; mri_free(flim) ;
00335      } else {           /* only 1 row ==> am OK this way [13 May 2005] */
00336        inim = flim ;
00337      }
00338      free((void *)val); free((void *)lbuf);
00340    } else {  /*-- old code: read from a file --*/
00341              /*-- 05 Mar 2003: or more than 1 file --*/
00343      if( iarg >= argc )
00344        ERROR_exit("No input files on command line?!\n");
00347      if( iarg == argc-1 ){                 /* only 1 input file */
00348        inim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
00349        if( inim == NULL )
00350          ERROR_exit("Can't read input file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00352      } else {                              /* multiple inputs [05 Mar 2003] */
00353        MRI_IMARR *imar ;                   /* read them & glue into 1 image */
00354        int iarg_first=iarg, nysum=0, ii,jj,nx ;
00355        float *far,*iar ;
00357        INIT_IMARR(imar) ;
00358        for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
00359          inim = mri_read_1D( argv[iarg] ) ;
00360          if( inim == NULL )
00361            ERROR_exit("Can't read input file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
00363          if( iarg == iarg_first || inim->nx < nx ) nx = inim->nx ;
00364          ADDTO_IMARR(imar,inim) ; nysum += inim->ny ;
00365        }
00366        flim = mri_new( nx,nysum, MRI_float ); far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim);
00367        for( nysum=ii=0 ; ii < imar->num ; ii++ ){
00368          inim = IMARR_SUBIM(imar,ii) ; iar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(inim) ;
00369          for( jj=0 ; jj < inim->ny ; jj++,nysum++ ){
00370            memcpy( far + nx*nysum , iar + jj*inim->nx , sizeof(float)*nx ) ;
00371          }
00372        }
00373        DESTROY_IMARR(imar) ; inim = flim ;
00374      }
00376      if( inim->nx == 1 && inim->ny > 1 ){  /* 13 May 2005 */
00377        flim = mri_transpose(inim); mri_free(inim); inim = flim;
00378      }
00380    } /* end of file input */
00382    flim = inim ;
00383    far  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ;
00384    nx   = flim->nx ;
00385    ny   = flim->ny ;
00387    if( nx < 2 )
00388      ERROR_exit("1dplot can't plot curves only 1 point long!\n") ;
00390    /* make x axis */
00392    xar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nx ) ;
00393    for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) xar[ii] = xzero + dx*ii ;
00395    /* select data to plot */
00397    nts = ny ;
00398    yar = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *)*nts) ;
00399    for( ii=0 ; ii < ny ; ii++ ) yar[ii] = far + (ii*nx+ignore) ;
00401    nx = nx - ignore ;  /* cut off the ignored points */
00403    if( use > 1 && nx > use ) nx = use ;  /* 29 Nov 1999 */
00405    /* start X11 */
00407    if( !out_ps ){
00408      (void) XtAppAddTimeOut( app , 123 , startup_timeout_CB , NULL ) ;
00409      XtAppMainLoop(app) ;   /* never returns */
00410    }
00412    /* 29 Nov 2002: if here, output PostScript to stdout */
00414    { MEM_plotdata *mp ;
00415      int ymask = (sep) ? TSP_SEPARATE_YBOX : 0 ;
00417      mp = plot_ts_mem( nx,xar , nts,ymask,yar ,
00418                        xlabel , ylabel , title , yname ) ;
00420      memplot_to_postscript( "-" , mp ) ;
00421    }
00423    exit(0) ;
00424 }

void startup_timeout_CB XtPointer    client_data,
XtIntervalId *    id

Definition at line 430 of file 1dplot.c.

References client_data, MCW_DC::display, killfunc(), nts, nx, plot_ts_lab(), title, xar, xlabel, yar, ylabel, and yname.

Referenced by main().

00431 {
00432    int ng ;
00434    /* make graph */
00436    ng = (sep) ? (-nts) : (nts) ;
00438    plot_ts_lab( dc->display , nx , xar , ng , yar ,
00439                 xlabel , ylabel , title , yname , killfunc ) ;
00441    return ;
00442 }

Variable Documentation

MCW_DC* dc [static]

Definition at line 32 of file 1dplot.c.

char* dfile_nar[6] [static]

Initial value:

         "Roll [\\degree]" , "Pitch [\\degree]" , "Yaw [\\degree]"    ,
         "\\Delta I-S [mm]" , "\\Delta R-L [mm]" , "\\Delta A-P [mm]"  }

Definition at line 35 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

char* INIT_colovr[DEFAULT_NCOLOVR] [static]

Initial value:

   "#ffff00" , "#ffcc00"   , "#ff9900"  , "#ff6900" , "#ff4400" , "#ff0000" ,
   "#0000ff" , "#0044ff"   , "#0069ff"  , "#0099ff" , "#00ccff" , "#00ffff" ,
   "green"   , "limegreen" , "violet"   , "hotpink" ,
   "white"   , "#dddddd"   , "#bbbbbb"  , "black"

Definition at line 16 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

char* INIT_labovr[DEFAULT_NCOLOVR] [static]

Initial value:

   "yellow" , "yell-oran" , "oran-yell" , "orange"   , "oran-red" , "red"   ,
   "dk-blue", "blue"      , "lt-blue1"  , "lt-blue2" , "blue-cyan", "cyan"  ,
   "green"  , "limegreen" , "violet"    , "hotpink"  ,
   "white"  , "gry-dd"    , "gry-bb"    , "black"

Definition at line 23 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

int nts [static]

Definition at line 30 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

int nx [static]

Definition at line 30 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

int nyar = 0 [static]

Definition at line 39 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

int sep = 1 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().

char* title = NULL [static]

Definition at line 33 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

float * xar [static]

Definition at line 31 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

char * xlabel = NULL [static]

Definition at line 33 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

float** yar [static]

Definition at line 31 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

char * ylabel = NULL [static]

Definition at line 33 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

char** yname = NULL [static]

Definition at line 41 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main(), and startup_timeout_CB().

char* ynar[128] [static]

Definition at line 40 of file 1dplot.c.

Referenced by main().


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