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3dTqual.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SPEARMAN   1
#define QUADRANT   2


void rank_order_float (int n, float *a)
float spearman_rank_prepare (int n, float *a)
float quadrant_corr_prepare (int n, float *a)
float spearman_rank_corr (int n, float *x, float rv, float *r)
float quadrant_corr (int n, float *x, float rv, float *r)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Define Documentation

#define QUADRANT   2

Definition at line 135 of file 3dTqual.c.

Referenced by main().

#define SPEARMAN   1

Definition at line 134 of file 3dTqual.c.

Referenced by main().

Function Documentation

int main int    argc,
char *    argv[]

---------- Adapted from 3dZeropad.c by RWCox - 08 Aug 2001 ----------*

Definition at line 137 of file 3dTqual.c.

References AFNI_logger(), argc, DSET_load, DSET_LOADED, DSET_NUM_TIMES, DSET_NVALS, DSET_NVOX, DSET_unload_one, machdep(), mainENTRY, malloc, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), PRINT_VERSION, qmedmad_float(), QUADRANT, quadrant_corr(), quadrant_corr_prepare(), SPEARMAN, spearman_rank_corr(), spearman_rank_prepare(), strtod(), THD_cliplevel(), THD_extract_float_brick(), THD_median_brick(), THD_open_dataset(), and var.

00138 {
00139    THD_3dim_dataset *dset ;
00140    int nopt=1 , method=SPEARMAN , do_range=0 , do_autoclip=0 ;
00141    int nvox , nvals , ii,iv,jj ;
00142    float *medar, *var , rv , *corr , cmed,cmad,cbot,ctop , clip_val=0.0 ;
00143    MRI_IMAGE *tsim , *medim ;
00144    int nkeep , *keep ;
00145    float *mkeep , *tkeep ;
00147    /*----*/
00149    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00150       printf("Usage: 3dTqual [options] dataset\n"
00151              "Computes a `quality index' for each sub-brick in a 3D+time dataset.\n"
00152              "The output is a 1D time series with the index for each sub-brick.\n"
00153              "The results are written to stdout.\n"
00154              "\n"
00155              "Note that small values of the index are 'good', indicating that\n"
00156              "the sub-brick is not very different from the norm.  The purpose\n"
00157              "of this program is to provide a crude way of screening FMRI\n"
00158              "time series for sporadic abnormal images, such as might be\n"
00159              "caused by large subject head motion or scanner glitches.\n"
00160              "\n"
00161              "Do not take the results of this program too literally.  It\n"
00162              "is intended as a GUIDE to help you find data problems, and no\n"
00163              "more.  It is not an assurance that the dataset is good, and\n"
00164              "it may indicate problems where nothing is wrong.\n"
00165              "\n"
00166              "Sub-bricks with index values much higher than others should be\n"
00167              "examined for problems.  How you determine what 'much higher' means\n"
00168              "is mostly up to you.  I suggest graphical inspection of the indexes\n"
00169              "(cf. EXAMPLE, infra).  As a guide, the program will print (stderr)\n"
00170              "the median quality index and the range median-3.5*MAD .. median+3.5*MAD\n"
00171              "(MAD=Median Absolute Deviation).  Values well outside this range might\n"
00172              "be considered suspect; if the quality index were normally distributed,\n"
00173              "then values outside this range would occur only about 1%% of the time.\n"
00174              "\n"
00175              "OPTIONS:\n"
00176              "  -spearman = Quality index is 1 minus the Spearman (rank)\n"
00177              "               correlation coefficient of each sub-brick\n"
00178              "               with the median sub-brick.\n"
00179              "               [This is the default method.]\n"
00180              "  -quadrant = Similar to -spearman, but using 1 minus the\n"
00181              "               quadrant correlation coefficient as the\n"
00182              "               quality index.\n"
00183              "\n"
00184              "  -autoclip = Clip off low-intensity regions in the median sub-brick,\n"
00185              "  -automask =  so that the correlation is only computed between\n"
00186              "               high-intensity (presumably brain) voxels.  The\n"
00187              "               intensity level is determined the same way that\n"
00188              "               3dClipLevel works.  This prevents the vast number\n"
00189              "               of nearly 0 voxels outside the brain from biasing\n"
00190              "               the correlation coefficient calculations.\n"
00191 #if 1
00192              "\n"
00193              "  -clip val = Clip off values below 'val' in the median sub-brick.\n"
00194 #endif
00195              "\n"
00196              "  -range    = Print the median-3.5*MAD and median+3.5*MAD values\n"
00197              "               out with EACH quality index, so that they\n"
00198              "               can be plotted (cf. Example, infra).\n"
00199              "     Notes: * These values are printed to stderr in any case.\n"
00200              "            * This is only useful for plotting with 1dplot.\n"
00201              "            * The lower value median-3.5*MAD is never allowed\n"
00202              "                to go below 0.\n"
00203              "\n"
00204              "EXAMPLE:\n"
00205              "   3dTqual -range -automask fred+orig | 1dplot -one -stdin\n"
00206              "will calculate the time series of quality indexes and plot them\n"
00207              "to an X11 window, along with the median+/-3.5*MAD bands.\n"
00208              "\n"
00209              "NOTE: cf. program 3dToutcount for a somewhat different quality check.\n"
00210              "\n"
00211              "-- RWCox - Aug 2001\n"
00212             ) ;
00213       exit(0) ;
00214    }
00216    mainENTRY("3dTqual main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dTqual",argc,argv);
00217    PRINT_VERSION("3dTqual");
00219    /*-- option processing --*/
00221    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
00223       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-autoclip") == 0 ||
00224           strcmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0   ){
00226          do_autoclip = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
00227       }
00229 #if 1
00230       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-clip") == 0 ){
00231          do_autoclip = 0 ;
00232          clip_val = strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
00233          if( clip_val <= 0.0 ){
00234             fprintf(stderr,"** value after -clip is illegal!\n"); exit(1);
00235          }
00236          nopt++ ;continue ;
00237       }
00238 #endif
00240       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-range") == 0 ){
00241          do_range = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
00242       }
00244       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-spearman") == 0 ){
00245          method = SPEARMAN ; nopt++ ; continue ;
00246       }
00248       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-quadrant") == 0 ){
00249          method = QUADRANT ; nopt++ ; continue ;
00250       }
00252       fprintf(stderr,"*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]); exit(1);
00253    }
00255    /*-- open dataset --*/
00257    if( nopt >= argc ){
00258       fprintf(stderr,"*** No dataset on command line!?\n"); exit(1);
00259    }
00261    dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
00262    if( dset == NULL ){
00263       fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't open dataset %s\n",argv[nopt]); exit(1);
00264    }
00265    if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) < 2 ){
00266       fprintf(stderr,"*** Input dataset is not 3D+time\n"); exit(1);
00267    }
00268    DSET_load(dset) ;
00269    if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ){
00270       fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't read dataset bricks\n"); exit(1);
00271    }
00273    /*-- compute median brick, and order it for correlation --*/
00275    nvox  = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
00276    nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset) ;
00278    medim = THD_median_brick( dset ) ; if( medim == NULL ) exit(1) ;
00279    medar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(medim) ;
00281    if( do_autoclip ){
00282       clip_val = THD_cliplevel( medim , 0.5 ) ;
00283       fprintf(stderr,"++ Autoclip value = %g\n",clip_val) ;
00284    }
00286    if( clip_val > 0.0 ){
00287       nkeep = 0 ;
00288       for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00289          if( medar[ii] >= clip_val ) nkeep++ ;
00290       if( nkeep < 9 ){
00291          fprintf(stderr,"*** %d voxels survive the clip: can't continue\n",nkeep) ;
00292          exit(1) ;
00293       } else if( nkeep == nvox ){ /* no clipping */
00294          fprintf(stderr,"++ All %d voxels survive the clip\n",nvox) ;
00295          mkeep = medar ;
00296       } else {                    /* nkeep < nvox */
00297          keep  = (int *)   malloc( sizeof(int)  *nkeep ) ;
00298          mkeep = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float)*nkeep ) ;
00299          tkeep = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float)*nkeep ) ;
00300          for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ )
00301             if( medar[ii] >= clip_val ){
00302                keep[jj] = ii ; mkeep[jj] = medar[ii] ; jj++ ;
00303             }
00304          mri_free(medim) ;
00305          fprintf(stderr,"++ %d out of %d voxels survive the clip\n",nkeep,nvox) ;
00306       }
00307    } else {
00308       nkeep = nvox ; mkeep = medar ; /* no clipping */
00309    }
00311    switch( method ){
00312      default:
00313      case SPEARMAN:
00314        rv = spearman_rank_prepare( nkeep , mkeep ) ; break ;
00316      case QUADRANT:
00317        rv = quadrant_corr_prepare( nkeep , mkeep ) ; break ;
00318    }
00320    /*-- loop over input bricks, and correlate with median --*/
00322    corr = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float)*nvals ) ;
00324    for( iv=0 ; iv < nvals ; iv++ ){
00326       /*- get sub-brick -*/
00328       tsim = THD_extract_float_brick( iv , dset ) ;
00329       if( tsim == NULL ) exit(1) ;
00330       var = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ;
00332       if( nkeep < nvox ){
00333          for( jj=0 ; jj < nkeep ; jj++ ) tkeep[jj] = var[keep[jj]] ;
00334       } else {
00335          tkeep = var ;
00336       }
00338       /*- compute correlation -*/
00340       switch( method ){
00341         default:
00342         case SPEARMAN:
00343            corr[iv] = 1.0-spearman_rank_corr(nkeep,tkeep,rv,mkeep) ; break ;
00345         case QUADRANT:
00346            corr[iv] = 1.0-quadrant_corr(nkeep,tkeep,rv,mkeep) ; break ;
00347       }
00349       mri_free(tsim) ; DSET_unload_one(dset,iv) ;
00351       if( !do_range ) printf( "%g\n" , corr[iv] ) ;
00353    } /* end of loop over sub-bricks */
00355    /*-- now compute median and MAD of corr[] --*/
00357    qmedmad_float( nvals,corr , &cmed,&cmad ) ;
00359    cbot = cmed - 3.5*cmad ;
00360    ctop = cmed + 3.5*cmad ; if( cbot < 0.0 ) cbot = 0.0 ;
00362    /*-- now print results (if not already out) --*/
00364    if( do_range ){
00365       for( iv=0 ; iv < nvals ; iv++ )
00366          printf( "%g  %g  %g\n", corr[iv] , cbot,ctop ) ;
00367    }
00369    fprintf(stderr,"++ Median=%g  Median-3.5*MAD=%g  Median+3.5*MAD=%g\n",
00370            cmed,cbot,ctop) ;
00371    exit(0) ;
00372 }

float quadrant_corr int    n,
float *    x,
float    rv,
float *    r

Definition at line 120 of file 3dTqual.c.

References quadrant_corr_prepare(), and r.

00121 {
00122    register int ii ;
00123    register float ss ; float xv ;
00125    xv = quadrant_corr_prepare( n , x ) ; if( xv <= 0.0 ) return 0.0 ;
00127    for( ii=0,ss=0.0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) ss += x[ii] * r[ii] ;
00129    return ( ss/sqrt(rv*xv) ) ;
00130 }

float quadrant_corr_prepare int    n,
float *    a

Definition at line 81 of file 3dTqual.c.

References a, and rank_order_float().

00082 {
00083    register int ii ;
00084    register float rb , rs ;
00086    rank_order_float( n , a ) ;
00088    rb = 0.5*(n-1) ; rs=0.0 ;
00089    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
00090       a[ii] = (a[ii] > rb) ? 1.0
00091                            : (a[ii] < rb) ? -1.0 : 0.0 ;
00092       rs    += a[ii]*a[ii] ;
00093    }
00095    return rs ;
00096 }

void rank_order_float int    n,
float *    a

Definition at line 10 of file 3dTqual.c.

References a, c, free, malloc, n1, and qsort_floatint().

00011 {
00012    register int ii , ns , n1 , ib ;
00013    static int    nb = 0 ;
00014    static int *   b = NULL ;  /* workspaces */
00015    static float * c = NULL ;
00016    float cs ;
00018    /*- handle special cases -*/
00020    if( a == NULL ){
00021       if( b != NULL ){ free(b); free(c); b=NULL ; c=NULL; nb=0; }  /* free workspaces */
00022       return ;
00023    }
00025    if( n < 1 ) return ;                     /* meaningless input */
00026    if( n == 1 ){ a[0] = 0.0 ; return ; }    /* only one point!? */
00028    /*- make workspaces, if needed -*/
00030    if( nb < n ){
00031       if( b != NULL ){ free(b); free(c); }
00032       b  = (int   *) malloc(sizeof(int  )*n) ;
00033       c  = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)*n) ;
00034       nb = n ;
00035    }
00037    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) c[ii] = b[ii] = ii ;
00039    /*- sort input, carrying b along -*/
00041    qsort_floatint( n , a , b ) ;  /* see cs_sort_fi.c */
00043    /* compute ranks into c[] */
00045    n1 = n-1 ;
00046    for( ii=0 ; ii < n1 ; ii++ ){
00047       if( a[ii] == a[ii+1] ){                  /* handle ties */
00048          cs = 2*ii+1 ; ns = 2 ; ib=ii ; ii++ ;
00049          while( ii < n1 && a[ii] == a[ii+1] ){ ii++ ; ns++ ; cs += ii ; }
00050          for( cs/=ns ; ib <= ii ; ib++ ) c[ib] = cs ;
00051       }
00052    }
00054    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) a[b[ii]] = c[ii] ;
00056    return ;
00057 }

float spearman_rank_corr int    n,
float *    x,
float    rv,
float *    r

Definition at line 106 of file 3dTqual.c.

References r, and spearman_rank_prepare().

00107 {
00108    register int ii ;
00109    register float ss ; float xv ;
00111    xv = spearman_rank_prepare( n , x ) ; if( xv <= 0.0 ) return 0.0 ;
00113    for( ii=0,ss=0.0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ) ss += x[ii] * r[ii] ;
00115    return ( ss/sqrt(rv*xv) ) ;
00116 }

float spearman_rank_prepare int    n,
float *    a

Definition at line 63 of file 3dTqual.c.

References a, and rank_order_float().

00064 {
00065    register int ii ;
00066    register float rb , rs ;
00068    rank_order_float( n , a ) ;
00070    rb = 0.5*(n-1) ; rs=0.0 ;
00071    for( ii=0 ; ii < n ; ii++ ){
00072       a[ii] -= rb ;
00073       rs    += a[ii]*a[ii] ;
00074    }
00076    return rs ;
00077 }

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