

This was originally a helper function in processing scripts, to take
quality control (QC) snapshots automatically.  It wraps around a lot
(but not all) of the veeery useful "driving AFNI" functionality.  You,
dear user, can still accomplish all the same with those commands, but
I just wanted to add in some other calculations, as well, to try to
make the process of generating montages of images easier.

The purpose of this function is to generate montage images easily and
quickly while processing-- even if on a remote server (because it uses
xvfb to make a virtual X11 environment)-- to be able to see what is
happening in data processing at useful stages: for example, alignment
of two sets without having to click any buttons in the AFNI GUI.  This
makes it easier to review batch processing, discuss processing with
one's boss, prepare for a presentation or publication, etc. For
example, this program is used in most all of FATCAT's fat_proc_*
scripts, and even TORTOISE includes calls to it for auto-QC imaging if
the user has AFNI installed (and suuuurely they should??).

Each call to this function will make a set of montages in the axial,
coronal and sagittal planes, of user-specified dimensionality.

This function can be used on both 3D and 4D data sets, but for the
latter, probably @djunct_4d_imager would be much more simple to use.

A lot of the help descriptions for command line options, below, will
refer to the variables in the "AFNI Driver" doc:
or variables in the "AFNI Environment" doc:
References to these are sometimes noted explicitely with "see DR" or
"see ENV", respectively, and potentially with the particular variable.
For example, "(see ENV: SAVE_AGIF)".

Added ~July 15, 2018: the capability to select a single slice across a
4D data set and to view it with both underlay and overlay options
(hitherto, @djunct_4d_imager had a subset of this capability but only
for ulays).

++ constructed by PA Taylor (NIMH, NIH, USA).

# =========================================================================


-help, -h          :see helpfile (here, in fact)
-hview             :popup help
-ver               :see version number

-ulay    UUU       :name of underlay dset (required); can be 3D or 4D
                    set, depending on the circumstances.  For 4D,
                    though, strongly consider using "@djunct_4d_imager".

-olay    OOO       :name of overlay dset (opt).

-mode_4D           :for each viewing plane (sag, cor, axi) one slice
                    is selected across all volumes in a 4D data set
                    (e.g., using one of the "-set_* .." opts, below).
                    A montage of those slices is made for any ulay UUU
                    and olay OOO selected.  Note that with this
                    + the user cannot thresold by statistic with the
                      "-thr_olay_p2stat .." opt (-> because different
                      stats in a volume might have different conversions)
                    + when using this opt, at least on of UUU and OOO
                      *must* have >1 volumes.
                    + if one of the ulay/olay volumes has only one brick,
                      it will be viewed in the same way across the entire
                      montage (i.e., as if it were a constant volume
                      throughout 'time').

-olay_off          :explicitly state you are not using olay (opt);
                    if not used and no olay is given, then the user
                    just gets prompted to be sure they haven't
                    forgotten the olay dset.

-prefix  PPP       :prefix for output files (required).

-ulay_range UMIN UMAX :specify min and max range values of ulay dset;
                    if a "%" is on both numbers, then treat the
                    numerical part of UMIN and UMAX as percentiles
                    from which to calculate actual values; otherwise,
                    treat UMIN and UMAX as values directly. (def:
                    UMIN=0% and UMAX=98%). (See DR: SET_ULAY_RANGE)
                    Also, see "Special Ulay Range" and "Combining %ile
                    values..." in NOTES, below.

-ulay_range_nz UMIN UMAX
                   :same as the preceding opt, but when "%" is on both
                    numbers, here the percentiles are only calculated
                    over the *non-zero* voxels.  The above one is more
                    in line with the AFNI GUI default behavior for
                    percentile calcs (though GUI by default works
                    slicewise). If %ile values are not given, then
                    both this and the above option produce identical
                    results for the same UMIN and UMAX values.  (See
                    DR: SET_ULAY_RANGE) "Special Ulay Range" and
                    "Combining %ile values..." in NOTES, below.

-globalrange  GR   :specify how lookup range for matching ulay values
                    is done (def: VOLUME);
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_GLOBALRANGE)
                    Ignored if '-ulay_range* ..' is set.
                    Note for '-mode_4D': this setting applies to the
                    resliced volume (i.e., the one made of one slice
                    of each subbrick).  See "Combining %ile
                    values..." in NOTES, below.

-func_range FR     :specify upper value FR of the olay dset to be
                    matched to top of colorbar (def: calc 98%ile non-zero
                    value of dset and use that).

-func_range_perc_nz FRP
                   :alternative to "-func_range ..."; specify a
                    percentile value FRP to use to make the upper
                    value of the olay dset to be matched to the top of
                    the colorbar (def: calc 98%ile non-zero value of dset
                    and use that).  NB: this percentile range is always
                    among *non-zero* voxel values with this option; see

-func_range_perc FRP :same as above option, but this is a percentile
                   among *all* voxel values, not just those with
                   non-zero values.

-func_resam  RES   :set the resampling mode for dsets; valid values
                    are:   NN  Li  Cu  Bk
                    (def: NN; hey, voxels are voxels).
                    (See DR: SET_FUNC_RESAM)

-thr_olay THR      :threshold the olay dset at THR (def: 0, or
                    unthreshold). If you are thresholding a statistic
                    brick, then you should see the "-thr_olay_p2stat ..."
                    option, below. (See DR: SET_THRESHNEW)
-thrflag   'fff'   :further control of how the THR value is interpreted
                    (def: "*"). (See DR: SET_THRESHNEW)

-thr_olay_p2stat PP :an alternative way to specify a voxelwise
                    threshold (i.e., instead of "-thr_olay ..."), when
                    thresholding based on a statistic; you can specify
                    the p-value you want, and using internal header
                    information, the appropriate value for whatever
                    statistic is in the statistic brick will be
                    calculated and applied; you likely need to use
                    "-set_subbricks i j k" with this, where 'k' would
                    be the index of the statistic brick (and likely
                    'j' would be the index of the associated
                    coefficient/beta brick; 'i' would be the brick of
                    the underlay volume, and if there is only a single
                    volume there, it could just be either '0' or
                    '-1'). And see next option '-thr_olay_pside', below.

-thr_olay_pside SS :(required if using '-thr_olay_p2stat ..') specify the
                    sidedness of the testing for the conversion of
                    p-to-stat.  Valid values for SS at present include:

-cbar    CCC       :specify a new colorbar, where CCC can be any of the
                    cbars in the standard AFNI list (def: Plasma).

-pbar_posonly      :for color range specification, default is to use
                    both positive and negative values; enter this flag
                    to use only the positive range. (See DR:

-pbar_saveim PBS   :if an olay is used, then you can save the color pbar
                    (=colorbar) that is used in plotting.  PBS is the
                    name of the file (including path), with allowed
                    extensions jpg, png, or ppm.
                    When this option is used, a text file of the same
                    name as PBS but with extension 'txt' will also be
                    saved, containing three values: the bottom and top
                    values of the functional range (i.e., of the
                    colorbar), and the threshold value (if no thr is
                    specified, then it is 0).  See also '-pbar_dim ..'
                    for relation pbar optioning.  (See DR: PBAR_SAVEIM)

-pbar_dim PBD      :if '-pbar_saveim ..' is used to save the color pbar
                    of the olay, then this option can specify the
                    orientation of the colorbar image and its pixel
                    dimensions. This is done by specifying the
                    'dimstring' part of the PBAR_SAVEIM input (see DR:
                    PBAR_SAVEIM).  The default value is '64x512H',
                    which means to have a vertical cbar that is 64
                    pixels wide and 512 pixels tall which is then
                    tipped horizontally on its side; to leave it vertical
                    just don't put an 'H' at the end.

-cbar_ncolors NC   :set colorscale mode (def: 99) (See DR:
                    SET_PBAR_ALL, the 2nd usage case, description
                    about '99').

-cbar_topval  TOPV :set colorscale mode (def: 1) (See DR:
                    SET_PBAR_ALL, the 2nd usage case, description
                    about 'topval').

-opacity   OO      :enter an "opacity factor" for the olay, where OO is
                    an integer in the interval [0, 9], with the 9 being
                    opaque (see DR).

-blowup  BB        :enter a "blowup factor", where BB is an integer
                    in the interval [1, 8].  Increases spatial resolution
                    in the output by a factor of BB (see DR; def: 2).

-set_xhairs XX     :specify type and/or existence of crosshairs in the
                    image (see DR: SET_XHAIRS).

-delta_slices DS DC DA :when montaging, (DS, DC, DA) is the integer
                     number of slices to use as spacing between views
                     along the (sag, cor, axi) axes, respectively
                     (def: automatically calculate to ~evenly fit the
                     number of selected montage slices along this
                     axis).  (See DR: "mont=PxQ:R"; basically, each D?
                     is the 'R' value along the given axis).  Users
                     can specify a delta_slice value along *some* axis
                     and leave other(s) to be chosen automatically, by
                     specifying a D? value >0 for their own value, and
                     given any other D? value -1.  For example:
                      -delta_slices 40 -1 -1
                     would specify every 40th slice along the sag axis,
                     while the cor and axi spacing would be automatically

-set_subbricks i j k :for 3D image viewing, specify subbricks being
                    viewed in the ulay, olay and threshold dsets (def:
                    "-1 -1 -1", which means ignore these values).
                    This is the way to specify different overlay and
                    threshold subbricks for displaying, such as using
                    the "beta" or "coefficient" for color and the
                    "statistic" as the threshold level.  (See DR:

-save_ftype  FTYPE :type of file as which to save images; key types are
                    listed in the Driver description (def: PNG) (See
                    SAVE_AGIF, SAVE_JPEG, SAVE_PNG; for which the user
                    would enter just the non-"SAVE_" part, just as
                    "PNG", "MPEG", etc.)

-set_ijk  II JJ KK :Set the controller coordinates to the given
                    triple, which are integer index selectors along
                    the three spatial axes.  This essentially
                    specifies the middle image in the montage (def:
                    for each coordinate, choose middle slice along
-set_dicom_xyz XX YY ZZ :Set the controller coordinates to the given
                    triple, which are the (x, y, z) coordinates in
                    AFNI's favorite RAI DICOM notation.  (def: for
                    each coordinate, choose middle slice along axis).

-box_focus_slices REF :Use a dset REF to define a narrow range of
                    where slices cover. This is done by autoboxing the
                    REF dset (with '3dAutobox -noclust', so if it
                    hasn't been masked already, it's not useful), and
                    using the midpoint of the box's FOV as the new
                    center; also, the montage slices are chosen to be
                    evenly spread within the box FOV, though they
                    *still* show the unboxed dataset.  This is
                    different than cropping (see '-crop*' below for
                    that); this is only to try to avoid showing empty
                    slices and such. If the ulay is a template dset,
                    you might make REF that template.  Just for '3D'
                    dset viewing
                    NEW: enter a keyword for the argument REF,
                    instructing the program to make a focus box from
                    the ulay or olay: AMASK_FOCUS_ULAY or
                    AMASK_FOCUS_OLAY, respectively.  Mask is just made
                    using default 3dAutomask (with '-clfrac 0.2', to
                    err on the side of inclusivity)-- may not be
                    perfect, but provide some useful focus while
                    hopefully not cutting off regions that should
                    still be included.

-montx  MX         :in creating a montage, the number of image panels in
                    a row, i.e., the number of columns (def: 3); the
                    total number of panels per axis is: MX*MY (see
                    below "-monty ...").  (See DR: "mont=PxQ:R";
                    basically, MX is the 'P' value).

-monty  MY         :in creating a montage, the number of image panels in
                    a column, i.e., the number of rows (def: 3); the
                    total number of panels per axis is: MX*MY (see
                    above "-montx ...").  (See DR: "mont=PxQ:R";
                    basically, MY is the 'Q' value).

-montgap  MG       :in creating a montage, one can put a border (or "gap")
                    between the image panels.  This is specified as a
                    number of pixels with which to insert between images
                    (def: 0).  (See DR: "mont=PxQ:R" additional option
                    ":G:C";  basically, MG is the 'G' value).

-montcolor  MC     :in creating a montage, one can put a border (or "gap")
                    between the image panels (see "-montgap", above);
                    one can also specify a color for this gap, using
                    the present option (def: 'black').  (See DR:
                    "mont=PxQ:R" additional option ":G:C"; basically,
                    MC is the 'C' value).

-olay_alpha {Yes|No} :In addition to representing olay values as colors
                    with a threshold, one also apply opacity
                    information to 'soften' the effect of
                    thresholding; see DR: SET_FUNC_ALPHA for a
                    description of this behavior (def: "No", which is
                    just standard thresholding stuff).
-olay_boxed {Yes|No} :a partner parameter for the fancy alpha-based olay
                    viewing; put a box around supra-threshold
                    voxels/clusters. Default value is "No".  (see DR:

-image_zoom_nn_no  :the default zoom is set to NN mode, so no smoothing
                    occurs (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_ZOOM_NN).  This option
                    changes behavior internally to set this variable
                    to have the value "NO".

-crop_axi_x CAX1 CAX2,
-crop_axi_y CAY1 CAY2 :crop axial image(s) to be between voxels CAX1 and
                    CAX2 along the x-axis (inclusive) and CAY1 and CAY2
                    along the y-axis. These values are integer row and
                    column numbers.
                    (See DR: "crop=x1:x2,y1:y2"; CAX1 is x1, etc.;
                    def: no cropping -- CAX1=0, CAX2=0, etc.)
-crop_sag_x CSX1 CSX2,
-crop_sag_y CSY1 CSY2 :same as other '-crop_*' above, but for sagittal
-crop_cor_x CCX1 CCX2,
-crop_cor_y CCY1 CCY2 :same as other '-crop_*' above, but for coronal

-zerocolor ZC      :Change the default 'background' ulay color of zero
                    values (def: "Black"); ZC can be set to any allowed
                    AFNI value (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_ZEROCOLOR).  This
                    option is mainly for G. Chen, who flaunts convention
                    whenever possible.

-label_mode    LM  :control labels, ON/OFF and location (def: 1);
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_MODE)
-label_size    LS  :control labels, size (def: 3);
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_SIZE)
-label_color   LC  :control labels, color (def: white);
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_COLOR)
-label_setback LB  :control labels, offset from edge (def: 0.01);
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_SETBACK)
-label_string LSTR :control labels, string automatically appended
                    to the slice (def: "");
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_STRING)

-image_label_ijk   :If this option is used, then the image label will
                    be based on the slice index rather than the
                    spatial (mm) coordinate; thanks, Bob.
                    (see ENV: AFNI_IMAGE_LABEL_IJK)

-pass              :does nothing (no, really).

-do_clean          :by default, the temporary directory of copying
                    files and such is not removed;  using this option
                    means that that working directory *is* removed.

# ========================================================================


  • Description of “4D mode”

In this case the assumption/requirement is that you have at least
one 4D data set to look at; for each viewing plane, one slice is
selected across time for viewing.  For each viewing plane, the
slices across time are spatially concatenated to form a single,
temporary 3D dset (a "planar" or "slicewise" volume), which is
what is actually put into AFNI to generate images in that relevant
plane.  How percentile values are calculated is discussed in the
next "NOTE", below.

When both an overlay and underlay are used, the usual resampling
rules of the AFNI GUI apply (and user can specify the resampling
option with "-func_resam ..").

If one volume is 4D and one is 3D (e.g., for checking alignment
across time), then the relevant single slice of the 3D volume is
basically just repeated in a given plane.
  • Combining %ile values “-mode_4D” for olay and/or ulay

When using a percentile to set a range in 4D mode for either ulay
(e.g., "-ulay_range* ..") or olay (e.g., "-func_range_perc_nz*
.."), that percentile is calculated for each of the three "planar"
or "slicewise" volumes, and then the *max* of those three numbers
is applied with the colorbar.

If one of your ulay or olay in 4D mode is just a 3D volume and you
want a percentile related to the whole thing, you can calculate
any of those values beforehand using "3dBrickStat -percentile ..",
and then apply those.
  • Special Ulay Range

    If UMAX is a percentile >100%, then what happens is this:
        the 98%ile value in the dset is calculated, and the
        result is multiplied by (UMAX/98); the ulay dataset
        is 'ceilinged' at the 98%ile value, and its upper
        range is set to UMAX/98.

    The purpose of this madness?  To give a nice, controllably darkened
    ulay (esp. when that is an anatomical).  My suspicion is that
    having a darker-than-usual ulay is nice to allow the overlay colors
    to show up better.  I am currently of the opinion that a UMAX of
    around ~150-190% is a nice value (and UMIN can be set to 0%)

# ========================================================================


 A) Basic vanilla: make a 3x5 montage of just a ulay; there will
    be 15 slices shown, evenly spaced along each axis, with some
    labels on the corners.

    @chauffeur_afni                     \
        -ulay    MY_ULAY.nii.gz         \
        -prefix  PRETTY_PICTURE         \
        -montx 5 -monty 3               \
        -set_xhairs OFF                 \
        -label_mode 1 -label_size 3     \

 B) Make a 3x5 montage of an overlayed data set that has an ROI
    map, so we want it to be colored-by-integer.  Put the images
    into a pre-existing directory, SUBDIR/.

    @chauffeur_afni                       \
        -ulay  MY_ULAY.nii.gz             \
        -olay  MY_OLAY.nii.gz             \
        -pbar_posonly                     \
        -cbar "ROI_i256"                  \
        -func_range 256                   \
        -opacity 4                        \
        -prefix   SUBDIR/PRETTY_PICTURE2  \
        -montx 5 -monty 3                 \
        -set_xhairs OFF                   \
        -label_mode 1 -label_size 3       \

 C) Make a 3x5 montage of an overlayed data set that shows the
    beta coefficients stored in brick [1] while thresholding the
    associated statistic stored in brick [2] at voxelwise p=0.001,
    overlayed on the anatomical volume.

    @chauffeur_afni                       \
        -ulay  anat.nii.gz                \
        -olay  stats.nii.gz               \
        -cbar Plasma                      \
        -func_range 3                     \
        -thr_olay_p2stat 0.001            \
        -thr_olay_pside  bisided          \
        -set_subbricks -1 1 2             \
        -opacity 4                        \
        -prefix   STAT_MAP                \
        -montx 5 -monty 3                 \
        -set_xhairs OFF                   \
        -label_mode 1 -label_size 3       \

# -------------------------------------------------------------------