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3dTcat.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"

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#define DSUB(id)   DSET_IN_3DARR(TCAT_dsar,(id))
#define NSUBV(id)   ( ((int *)TCAT_subv->ar[(id)])[0] )
#define SUBV(id, jj)   ( ((int *)TCAT_subv->ar[(id)])[(jj)+1] )
#define BACKASS
#define ROUND(qq)   ((short)rint((qq)))


void TCAT_read_opts (int, char **)
void TCAT_Syntax (void)
int * TCAT_get_subv (int, char *)
void TCAT_read_opts (int argc, char *argv[])
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


THD_3dim_dataset_arrayTCAT_dsar = NULL
XtPointer_arrayTCAT_subv = NULL
int TCAT_nvox = -1
int TCAT_dry = 0
int TCAT_verb = 0
int TCAT_type = -1
int TCAT_glue = 0
int TCAT_rlt = 0
int TCAT_rqt = 0
int TCAT_rct = 0
char TCAT_output_prefix [THD_MAX_PREFIX] = "tcat"
char TCAT_session [THD_MAX_NAME] = "./"

Define Documentation

#define BACKASS

#define DSUB id       DSET_IN_3DARR(TCAT_dsar,(id))

Definition at line 40 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main().

#define NSUBV id       ( ((int *)TCAT_subv->ar[(id)])[0] )

Definition at line 41 of file 3dTcat.c.

#define ROUND qq       ((short)rint((qq)))

#define SUBV id,
jj       ( ((int *)TCAT_subv->ar[(id)])[(jj)+1] )

Definition at line 42 of file 3dTcat.c.

Function Documentation

int main int    argc,
char *    argv[]

---------- Adapted from 3dZeropad.c by RWCox - 08 Aug 2001 ----------*

Definition at line 513 of file 3dTcat.c.

References a2, addto_args(), ADN_brick_fac_one, ADN_brick_keywords_append_one, ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one, ADN_brick_label_one, ADN_brick_stataux_one, ADN_directory_name, ADN_func_type, ADN_none, ADN_ntt, ADN_nvals, ADN_prefix, ADN_ttdel, ADN_ttdur, ADN_ttorg, ADN_tunits, ADN_type, AFNI_logger(), ANAT_EPI_TYPE, argc, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, DSET_ARRAY, DSET_BRICK, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR, DSET_BRICK_KEYWORDS, DSET_BRICK_LABEL, DSET_BRICK_STATAUX, DSET_BRICK_STATCODE, DSET_BRICK_TYPE, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_FILECODE, DSET_HEADNAME, DSET_load, DSET_LOADED, DSET_NVALS, DSET_PREFIX, DSET_TIMEDURATION, DSET_TIMEORIGIN, DSET_TIMESTEP, DSET_TIMEUNITS, DSUB, EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), EDIT_substitute_brick(), EQUIV_DATAXES, free, FUNC_FIM_TYPE, FUNC_IS_STAT, THD_3dim_dataset::func_type, THD_3dim_dataset::idcode, ISANATTYPE, ISBUCKET, ISFUNC, THD_3dim_dataset::keywords, machdep(), mainENTRY, malloc, mri_free(), myXtFree, NSUBV, THD_3dim_dataset_array::num, PRINT_VERSION, THD_3dim_dataset::stat_aux, SUBV, TCAT_dry, TCAT_glue, TCAT_nvox, TCAT_output_prefix, TCAT_read_opts(), TCAT_rlt, TCAT_session, TCAT_Syntax(), TCAT_type, TCAT_verb, THD_force_malloc_type(), THD_is_file(), THD_load_statistics(), THD_write_3dim_dataset(), TR, tross_Make_History(), and UNITS_SEC_TYPE.

00514 {
00515    int ninp , ids , nv , iv,jv,kv , ivout , new_nvals , ivbot,ivtop ;
00516    THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset=NULL , * dset ;
00517    char buf[256] ;
00518    float * rlt0=NULL , *rlt1=NULL ;
00519    float *rltsum=NULL ;             /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00520    int    nrltsum ;
00522    /*** read input options ***/
00524    if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",4) == 0 ) TCAT_Syntax() ;
00526    /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
00528    mainENTRY("3dTcat main"); machdep() ; PRINT_VERSION("3dTcat") ;
00530    { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
00531      addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
00532      if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
00533    }
00535    AFNI_logger("3dTcat",argc,argv) ;
00537    TCAT_read_opts( argc , argv ) ;
00539    /*** create new dataset (empty) ***/
00541    ninp = TCAT_dsar->num ;
00542    if( ninp < 1 ){
00543       fprintf(stderr,"*** No input datasets?\n") ; exit(1) ;
00544    }
00546    new_nvals = 0 ;
00547    for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ) new_nvals += NSUBV(ids) ;
00549    if( new_nvals < 2 ){
00550       fprintf(stderr,
00551               "*** Can't create 3D+time dataset with only %d sub-bricks!\n",
00552               new_nvals) ;
00553       exit(1) ;
00554    }
00556    if( TCAT_verb ) printf("-verb: output will have %d sub-bricks\n",new_nvals) ;
00558    /** find 1st dataset that is time dependent **/
00560    for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ){
00561       dset = DSUB(ids) ;
00562       if( DSET_TIMESTEP(dset) > 0.0 ) break ;
00563    }
00564    if( ids == ninp ){ ids = 0 ; dset = DSUB(0) ; }
00566    new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ; /* make a copy of its header */
00568    /* 23 May 2005: check for axis consistency */
00570    for( iv=0 ; iv < ninp ; iv++ ){
00571      if( iv != ids && !EQUIV_DATAXES(new_dset->daxes,DSUB(iv)->daxes) )
00572        fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: %s grid mismatch with %s\n",
00573                DSET_BRIKNAME(dset) , DSET_BRIKNAME(DSUB(iv)) ) ;
00574    }
00576    tross_Make_History( "3dTcat" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
00578    /* modify its header */
00580    EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
00581                       ADN_prefix        , TCAT_output_prefix ,
00582                       ADN_directory_name, TCAT_session ,
00583                       ADN_type          , TCAT_type ,
00584                       ADN_func_type     , ISANATTYPE(TCAT_type) ? ANAT_EPI_TYPE
00585                                                                 : FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,
00586                       ADN_ntt           , new_nvals ,  /* both ntt and nvals */
00587                       ADN_nvals         , new_nvals ,  /* must be altered    */
00588                     ADN_none ) ;
00590    /* check if we have a valid time axis; if not, make one up */
00592    if( DSET_TIMESTEP(new_dset) <= 0.0 ){
00593       float TR = 1.0 ;
00594       float torg = 0.0 , tdur = 0.0 ;
00595       int tunits = UNITS_SEC_TYPE ;
00597 #if 0
00598       for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ){
00599          dset = DSUB(ids) ;
00600          if( DSET_TIMESTEP(dset) > 0.0 ){
00601             TR   = DSET_TIMESTEP(dset)   ; tunits = DSET_TIMEUNITS(dset) ;
00602             torg = DSET_TIMEORIGIN(dset) ; tdur   = DSET_TIMEDURATION(dset) ;
00603             break ;
00604          }
00605       }
00606 #endif
00608       EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
00609                           ADN_tunits , tunits ,
00610                           ADN_ttdel  , TR ,
00611                           ADN_ttorg  , torg ,
00612                           ADN_ttdur  , tdur ,
00613                        ADN_none ) ;
00614    }
00616    /* can't re-write existing dataset, unless glueing is used */
00618    if (! TCAT_glue){
00619      if( THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset)) ){
00620        fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal error: file %s already exists!\n",
00621                DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset) ) ;
00622        exit(1) ;
00623      }
00624    } else {   /* if glueing is used, make the 'new'
00625                  dataset have the same idcode as the old one */
00627       new_dset->idcode = DSUB(0) -> idcode ;  /* copy the struct */
00628    }
00630    THD_force_malloc_type( new_dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;
00632    /*** if needed, create space for detrending ***/
00634    if( TCAT_rlt ){
00635       rlt0   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * TCAT_nvox ) ;
00636       rlt1   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * TCAT_nvox ) ;
00637       if( rlt0 == NULL || rlt1 == NULL ){
00638          fprintf(stderr,"*** Error: can't malloc memory for detrending!\n") ;
00639          exit(1) ;
00640       }
00642       if( TCAT_rlt == 3 ){
00643          rltsum = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * TCAT_nvox ) ;
00644          if( rltsum == NULL ){
00645             fprintf(stderr,"*** Error: can't malloc memory for detrending!\n") ;
00646             exit(1) ;
00647          }
00648          for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ) rltsum[iv] = 0.0 ;
00649          nrltsum = 0 ;
00650       }
00651    }
00653    /*** loop over input datasets ***/
00655    if( ninp > 1 ) myXtFree( new_dset->keywords ) ;
00657    ivout = 0 ;
00658    for( ids=0 ; ids < ninp ; ids++ ){
00659       dset = DSUB(ids) ;
00660       nv   = NSUBV(ids) ;
00662       if( ! TCAT_dry ){
00663          if( TCAT_verb ) printf("-verb: loading %s\n",DSET_FILECODE(dset)) ;
00664          DSET_load(dset) ;
00665          if( ! DSET_LOADED(dset) ){
00666             fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal error: can't load data from %s\n",
00667                     DSET_FILECODE(dset)) ;
00668             exit(1) ;
00669          }
00670       }
00672       /** loop over sub-bricks to output **/
00674       ivbot = ivout ;                       /* save this for later */
00675       for( iv=0 ; iv < nv ; iv++ ){
00676          jv = SUBV(ids,iv) ;                /* which sub-brick to use */
00678          if( ! TCAT_dry ){
00679             EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , ivout ,
00680                                    DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,jv) , DSET_ARRAY(dset,jv) ) ;
00682             /*----- If this sub-brick is from a bucket dataset,
00683                     preserve the label for this sub-brick -----*/
00685             if( ISBUCKET(dset) )
00686               sprintf (buf, "%s", DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,jv));
00687             else
00688               sprintf(buf,"%.12s[%d]",DSET_PREFIX(dset),jv) ;
00689             EDIT_dset_items( new_dset, ADN_brick_label_one+ivout, buf, ADN_none );
00691             sprintf(buf,"%s[%d]",DSET_FILECODE(dset),jv) ;
00692             EDIT_dset_items(
00693               new_dset, ADN_brick_keywords_replace_one+ivout, buf, ADN_none ) ;
00695             EDIT_dset_items(
00696               new_dset ,
00697                 ADN_brick_fac_one            +ivout, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,jv),
00698                 ADN_brick_keywords_append_one+ivout, DSET_BRICK_KEYWORDS(dset,jv),
00699               ADN_none ) ;
00701             /** possibly write statistical parameters for this sub-brick **/
00703             kv = DSET_BRICK_STATCODE(dset,jv) ;
00705             if( FUNC_IS_STAT(kv) ){ /* input sub-brick has stat params */
00707                int npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] , lv ;
00708                float * par = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * (npar+2) ) ;
00709                float * sax = DSET_BRICK_STATAUX(dset,jv) ;
00710                par[0] = kv ;
00711                par[1] = npar ;
00712                for( lv=0 ; lv < npar ; lv++ )
00713                   par[lv+2] = (sax != NULL) ? sax[lv] : 0.0 ;
00715                EDIT_dset_items(new_dset ,
00716                                 ADN_brick_stataux_one+ivout , par ,
00717                                ADN_none ) ;
00718                free(par) ;
00719 #if 0
00720             /* 2: if the input dataset has statistical parameters */
00722             } else if( ISFUNC(dset)                        &&   /* dset has stat */
00723                        FUNC_IS_STAT(dset->func_type)       &&   /* params        */
00724                        jv == FUNC_ival_thr[dset->func_type]  ){ /* thr sub-brick */
00726                int npar , lv ;
00727                float * par , * sax ;
00728                kv  = dset->func_type ;
00729                npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] ;
00730                par  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * (npar+2) ) ;
00731                sax  = dset->stat_aux ;
00732                par[0] = kv ;
00733                par[1] = npar ;
00734                for( lv=0 ; lv < npar ; lv++ )
00735                   par[lv+2] = (sax != NULL) ? sax[lv] : 0.0 ;
00737                EDIT_dset_items(new_dset ,
00738                                 ADN_brick_stataux_one+ivout , par ,
00739                                ADN_none ) ;
00740                free(par) ;
00741 #endif
00742             }
00744             /** print a message? **/
00746             if( TCAT_verb > 1 ) printf("-verb: copied %s[%d] into %s[%d]\n" ,
00747                                        DSET_FILECODE(dset) , jv ,
00748                                        DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ivout ) ;
00749          } else {
00750             printf("-dry: would copy %s[%d] into %s[%d]\n" ,
00751                     DSET_FILECODE(dset) , jv ,
00752                     DSET_FILECODE(new_dset) , ivout ) ;
00753          }
00755          ivout++ ;
00756       }
00757       ivtop = ivout ;  /* new_dset[ivbot..ivtop-1] are from the current dataset */
00759       /** loop over all bricks in input dataset and
00760           unload them if they aren't going into the output
00761           (not required, but is done to economize on memory) **/
00763       if( ! TCAT_dry && nv < DSET_NVALS(dset) ){
00765          for( kv=0 ; kv < DSET_NVALS(dset) ; kv++ ){  /* all input sub-bricks */
00766             for( iv=0 ; iv < nv ; iv++ ){             /* all output sub-bricks */
00767                jv = SUBV(ids,iv) ;
00768                if( jv == kv ) break ;                 /* input matches output */
00769             }
00770             if( iv == nv ){
00771                mri_free( DSET_BRICK(dset,kv) ) ;
00772 #if 0
00773                if( TCAT_verb ) printf("-verb: unloaded unused %s[%d]\n" ,
00774                                       DSET_FILECODE(dset) , kv ) ;
00775 #endif
00776             }
00777          }
00778       }
00780       /*** remove linear trend? ***/
00782       if( TCAT_rlt ){
00784          /* have enough data? */
00786          if( ivtop-ivbot < 3 ){
00787             if( TCAT_verb )
00788                printf("-verb: skipping -rlt for %s\n",DSET_FILECODE(dset)) ;
00790          } else {
00791             float c0,c1,c2 , det , a0,a1,a2 , qq ;
00792             int iv , ns , kk , err=0 ;
00794             if( TCAT_verb )
00795                printf("-verb: applying -rlt to data from %s\n",DSET_FILECODE(dset)) ;
00797             /* compute weighting coefficients */
00799             ns  = ivtop - ivbot ;                        /* number of sub-bricks */
00800             c0  = ns ;                                   /* sum[ 1 ]   */
00801             c1  = 0.5 * ns * (ns-1) ;                    /* sum[ qq ]   */
00802             c2  = 0.16666667 * ns * (ns-1) * (2*ns-1) ;  /* sum[ qq*qq ] */
00803             det = c0*c2 - c1*c1 ;
00804             a0  =  c2 / det ;   /*             -1  */
00805             a1  = -c1 / det ;   /*   [ c0  c1 ]    */
00806             a2  =  c0 / det ;   /*   [ c1  c2 ]    */
00808             /* set voxel sums to 0 */
00810             for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ) rlt0[iv] = rlt1[iv] = 0.0 ;
00812             /* compute voxel sums */
00814             for( kk=ivbot ; kk < ivtop ; kk++ ){
00815                qq = kk - ivbot ;
00816                switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,kk) ){
00817                   default:
00818                      err = 1 ;
00819                      fprintf(stderr,
00820                              "*** Warning: -rlt can't use datum type %s from %s\n",
00821                              MRI_TYPE_name[DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,kk)] ,
00822                              DSET_FILECODE(dset) ) ;
00823                   break ;
00825                   case MRI_short:{
00826                      short * bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00827                      float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) ;
00829                      if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00830                      for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00831                         rlt0[iv] += (fac * bar[iv]) ;        /* sum of voxel    */
00832                         rlt1[iv] += (fac * bar[iv]) * qq ;   /* sum of voxel*qq */
00833                      }
00834                   }
00835                   break ;
00837                   case MRI_float:{
00838                      float * bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00839                      float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) ;
00841                      if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00842                      for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00843                         rlt0[iv] += (fac * bar[iv]) ;
00844                         rlt1[iv] += (fac * bar[iv]) * qq ;
00845                      }
00846                   }
00847                   break ;
00848                }
00849                if( err ) break ;
00850             } /* end of loop over sub-bricks */
00852             /* only do the detrending if no errors happened */
00854             if( !err ){
00855                float qmid = 0.0 ;                 /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00857                for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){     /* transform voxel sums */
00858                  c0 = a0 * rlt0[iv] + a1 * rlt1[iv] ;
00859                  c1 = a1 * rlt0[iv] + a2 * rlt1[iv] ;
00860                  rlt0[iv] = c0 ; rlt1[iv] = c1 ;
00861                }
00863                if( TCAT_rlt == 2 ){               /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00864                   qmid = 0.5 * (ns-1) ;
00865                   for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ) rlt0[iv] = 0.0 ;
00866                } else if( TCAT_rlt == 3 ){
00867                   nrltsum += ns ;
00868                   for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ )
00869                      rltsum[iv] += (rlt0[iv] + (0.5*ns)*rlt1[iv])*ns ;
00870                }
00872                for( kk=ivbot ; kk < ivtop ; kk++ ){     /* detrend */
00873                   qq = kk - ivbot ;
00874                   switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,kk) ){
00876 #undef ROUND
00877 #define ROUND(qq) ((short)rint((qq)))
00879                      case MRI_short:{
00880                         short * bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00881                         float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) , val,finv ;
00883                         if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00884                         finv = 1.0 / fac ;
00885                         for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00886                            val = fac*bar[iv] - rlt0[iv] - rlt1[iv]*(qq-qmid) ;
00887                            bar[iv] = ROUND(finv*val) ;
00888                         }
00889                      }
00890                      break ;
00892                      case MRI_float:{
00893                         float * bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00894                         float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) , val,finv ;
00896                         if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00897                         finv = 1.0 / fac ;
00898                         for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00899                            val = fac*bar[iv] - rlt0[iv] - rlt1[iv]*(qq-qmid) ;
00900                            bar[iv] = (finv*val) ;
00901 #if 0
00902 fprintf(stderr,"kk=%d iv=%d bar=%g rlt0=%g rlt1=%g qq=%g qmid=%g val=%g\n",
00903         kk,iv,bar[iv],rlt0[iv],rlt1[iv],qq,qmid,val) ;
00904 #endif
00905                         }
00906                      }
00907                      break ;
00908                   }
00909                }
00910             }
00911          }
00912       } /* end of -rlt */
00914    } /* end of loop over input datasets */
00916    /* 16 Sep 1999: add overall average back in */
00918    if( TCAT_rlt == 3 && rltsum != NULL && nrltsum > 0 ){
00919       float scl = 1.0/nrltsum ; int kk ;
00921       for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ) rltsum[iv] *= scl ;
00923       for( kk=0 ; kk < new_nvals ; kk++ ){
00924          switch( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,kk) ){
00925             case MRI_short:{
00926                short * bar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00927                float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) , val,finv ;
00929                if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00930                finv = 1.0 / fac ;
00931                for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00932                   val = fac*bar[iv] + rltsum[iv] ; bar[iv] = ROUND(finv*val) ;
00933                }
00934             }
00935             break ;
00937             case MRI_float:{
00938                float * bar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,kk) ;
00939                float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset,kk) , val,finv ;
00941                if( fac == 0.0 ) fac = 1.0 ;
00942                finv = 1.0 / fac ;
00943                for( iv=0 ; iv < TCAT_nvox ; iv++ ){
00944                   val = fac*bar[iv] + rltsum[iv] ; bar[iv] = (finv*val) ;
00945                }
00946             }
00947             break ;
00948          }
00949       }
00950    }
00952    if( TCAT_rlt ){ free(rlt0); free(rlt1); if(rltsum!=NULL)free(rltsum); }
00954    if( ! TCAT_dry ){
00955       if( TCAT_verb ) fprintf(stderr,"-verb: computing sub-brick statistics\n") ;
00956       THD_load_statistics( new_dset ) ;
00958       THD_write_3dim_dataset( NULL,NULL , new_dset , True ) ;
00959       if( TCAT_verb ) fprintf(stderr,"-verb: Wrote output to %s\n",
00960                               DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset) ) ;
00961    }
00963    exit(0) ;
00964 }

int * TCAT_get_subv int   ,
char *   

Definition at line 299 of file 3dTcat.c.

References myXtFree, XtMalloc, and XtRealloc.

Referenced by TCAT_read_opts().

00300 {
00301    int * subv = NULL ;
00302    int ii , ipos , nout , slen ;
00303    int ibot,itop,istep , nused ;
00304    char * cpt ;
00306    /* Meaningless input? */
00308    if( nvals < 1 ) return NULL ;
00310    /* No selection list ==> select it all */
00312    if( str == NULL || str[0] == '\0' ){
00313       subv = (int *) XtMalloc( sizeof(int) * (nvals+1) ) ;
00314       subv[0] = nvals ;
00315       for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) subv[ii+1] = ii ;
00316       return subv ;
00317    }
00319    /* skip initial '[' */
00321    subv    = (int *) XtMalloc( sizeof(int) * 2 ) ;
00322    subv[0] = nout = 0 ;
00324    ipos = 0 ;
00325    if( str[ipos] == '[' ) ipos++ ;
00327    /*** loop through each sub-selector until end of input ***/
00329    slen = strlen(str) ;
00330    while( ipos < slen && str[ipos] != ']' ){
00332       /** get starting value **/
00334       if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
00335          ibot = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
00336       } else {                 /* decode an integer */
00337          ibot = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
00338          if( ibot < 0 ){ myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
00339          if( ibot >= nvals ) ibot = nvals-1 ;
00340          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
00341          if( ibot == 0 && nused == 0 ){ myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
00342          ipos += nused ;
00343       }
00345       /** if that's it for this sub-selector, add one value to list **/
00347       if( str[ipos] == ',' || str[ipos] == '\0' || str[ipos] == ']' ){
00348          nout++ ;
00349          subv = (int *) XtRealloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
00350          subv[0]    = nout ;
00351          subv[nout] = ibot ;
00352          ipos++ ; continue ;  /* re-start loop at next sub-selector */
00353       }
00355       /** otherwise, must have '..' or '-' as next inputs **/
00357       if( str[ipos] == '-' ){
00358          ipos++ ;
00359       } else if( str[ipos] == '.' && str[ipos+1] == '.' ){
00360          ipos++ ; ipos++ ;
00361       } else {
00362          myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ;
00363       }
00365       /** get ending value for loop now **/
00367       if( str[ipos] == '$' ){  /* special case */
00368          itop = nvals-1 ; ipos++ ;
00369       } else {                 /* decode an integer */
00370          itop = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
00371          if( itop < 0 ){ myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
00372          if( itop >= nvals ) itop = nvals-1 ;
00373          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
00374          if( itop == 0 && nused == 0 ){ myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
00375          ipos += nused ;
00376       }
00378       /** set default loop step **/
00380       istep = (ibot <= itop) ? 1 : -1 ;
00382       /** check if we have a non-default loop step **/
00384       if( str[ipos] == '(' ){  /* decode an integer */
00385          ipos++ ;
00386          istep = strtol( str+ipos , &cpt , 10 ) ;
00387          if( istep == 0 ){ myXtFree(subv) ; return NULL ; }
00388          nused = (cpt-(str+ipos)) ;
00389          ipos += nused ;
00390          if( str[ipos] == ')' ) ipos++ ;
00391       }
00393       /** add values to output **/
00395       for( ii=ibot ; (ii-itop)*istep <= 0 ; ii += istep ){
00396          nout++ ;
00397          subv = (int *) XtRealloc( (char *)subv , sizeof(int) * (nout+1) ) ;
00398          subv[0]    = nout ;
00399          subv[nout] = ii ;
00400       }
00402       /** check if we have a comma to skip over **/
00404       if( str[ipos] == ',' ) ipos++ ;
00406    }  /* end of loop through selector string */
00408    return subv ;
00409 }

void TCAT_read_opts int    argc,
char *    argv[]

Definition at line 54 of file 3dTcat.c.

References ADDTO_3DARR, ADDTO_XTARR, argc, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, DSET_NVALS, FIRST_VIEW_TYPE, ilen, INIT_3DARR, INIT_XTARR, LAST_VIEW_TYPE, MAX, MCW_strncpy, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, TCAT_dry, TCAT_get_subv(), TCAT_glue, TCAT_nvox, TCAT_output_prefix, TCAT_rct, TCAT_rlt, TCAT_rqt, TCAT_session, TCAT_type, TCAT_verb, THD_force_malloc_type(), THD_MAX_NAME, THD_MAX_PREFIX, THD_open_one_dataset(), and THD_3dim_dataset::type.

Referenced by main().

00055 {
00056    int nopt = 1 , ii ;
00057    char dname[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
00058    char subv[THD_MAX_NAME] ;
00059    char * cpt ;
00060    THD_3dim_dataset * dset ;
00061    int * svar ;
00062    char * str;
00063    int ok, ilen, nlen , max_nsub=0 ;
00065    INIT_3DARR(TCAT_dsar) ;  /* array of datasets */
00066    INIT_XTARR(TCAT_subv) ;  /* array of sub-brick selector arrays */
00068    while( nopt < argc ){
00070       /**** -prefix prefix ****/
00072       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix",6) == 0 ||
00073           strncmp(argv[nopt],"-output",6) == 0   ){
00074         if(TCAT_glue){
00075           fprintf(stderr,"*** -prefix and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
00076           exit(1) ;
00077         }
00078          nopt++ ;
00079          if( nopt >= argc ){
00080             fprintf(stderr,"*** need argument after -prefix!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00081          }
00082          MCW_strncpy( TCAT_output_prefix , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_PREFIX ) ;
00083          continue ;
00084       }
00086       /**** -session directory ****/
00088       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-session",6) == 0 ){
00089         if(TCAT_glue){
00090           fprintf(stderr,
00091             "*** -session and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
00092           exit(1) ;
00093         }
00094          nopt++ ;
00095          if( nopt >= argc ){
00096             fprintf(stderr,"*** need argument after -session!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00097          }
00098          MCW_strncpy( TCAT_session , argv[nopt++] , THD_MAX_NAME ) ;
00099          continue ;
00100       }
00102       /**** -dry ****/
00104       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-dry",3) == 0 ){
00105         TCAT_dry = 1 ; TCAT_verb++ ;
00106         nopt++ ; continue ;
00107       }
00109       /**** -verb ****/
00111       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-verb",5) == 0 ){
00112          TCAT_verb++ ;
00113          nopt++ ; continue ;
00114       }
00116       /**** -rlt ****/
00118       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rlt") == 0 ){
00119          TCAT_rlt = 1 ;
00120          nopt++ ; continue ;
00121       }
00123       /**** -rlt+ [16 Sep 1999] ****/
00125       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rlt+") == 0 ){  /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00126          TCAT_rlt = 2 ;
00127          nopt++ ; continue ;
00128       }
00130       /**** -rlt++ [16 Sep 1999] ****/
00132       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rlt++") == 0 ){  /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00133          TCAT_rlt = 3 ;
00134          nopt++ ; continue ;
00135       }
00137       /**** -rqt [15 Nov 1999] ****/
00139       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rqt") == 0 ){
00140          TCAT_rqt = 1 ;
00141          nopt++ ; continue ;
00142       }
00144       /**** -rct [15 Nov 1999] ****/
00146       if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-rct") == 0 ){
00147          TCAT_rct = 1 ;
00148          nopt++ ; continue ;
00149       }
00151       /**** -glueto fname ****/
00153       if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-glueto",5) == 0 ){
00154          if( strncmp(TCAT_output_prefix, "tcat", 5) != 0 ){
00155             fprintf(stderr,"*** -prefix and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
00156             exit(1) ;
00157          }
00158          if( strncmp(TCAT_session, "./", 5) != 0 ){
00159             fprintf(stderr,
00160                     "*** -session and -glueto options are not compatible\n");
00161             exit(1) ;
00162          }
00163          TCAT_glue = 1 ;
00164          nopt++ ;
00165          if( nopt >= argc ){
00166             fprintf(stderr,"*** need argument after -glueto!\n") ; exit(1) ;
00167          }
00169          /*----- Verify that file name ends in View Type -----*/
00170          ok = 1;
00171          nlen = strlen(argv[nopt]);
00172          if (nlen <= 5) ok = 0;
00174 #define BACKASS   /* 03 Oct 2002 -- RWCox */
00176          if (ok)
00177            {
00178 #ifndef BACKASS
00179              for (ilen = 0;  ilen < nlen;  ilen++)     /* BDW: scan forward */
00180 #else
00181              for( ilen=nlen-3 ; ilen >= 0 ; ilen-- )   /* RWC: scan backward */
00182 #endif
00183                {
00184                  str = argv[nopt] + ilen;
00185                  if (str[0] == '+') break;
00186                }
00187 #ifndef BACKASS
00188              if (ilen == nlen)  ok = 0;
00189 #else
00190              if (ilen <= 0   )  ok = 0;
00191 #endif
00192            }
00194          if (ok)
00195            {
00196              str = argv[nopt] + ilen + 1;
00198              for (ii=FIRST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii <= LAST_VIEW_TYPE ; ii++)
00199                if (! strncmp(str,VIEW_codestr[ii],4)) break ;
00201              if( ii > LAST_VIEW_TYPE )  ok = 0;
00202            }
00204          if (! ok)
00205            {
00206              fprintf(stderr,
00207                "*** File name must end in +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc after -glueto\n");
00208              exit(1);
00209            }
00211          /*----- Remove View Type from string to make output prefix -----*/
00212          MCW_strncpy( TCAT_output_prefix , argv[nopt] , ilen+1) ;
00214          /*----- Note: no "continue" statement here.  File name will now
00215            be processed as an input dataset -----*/
00216       }
00218       if( argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
00219          fprintf(stderr,"*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ; exit(1) ;
00220       }
00222       /**** read dataset ****/
00224       cpt = strstr(argv[nopt],"[") ;  /* look for the sub-brick selector */
00226       if( cpt == NULL ){              /* no selector */
00227          strcpy(dname,argv[nopt]) ;
00228          subv[0] = '\0' ;
00229       } else if( cpt == argv[nopt] ){ /* can't be at start!*/
00230          fprintf(stderr,"*** Illegal dataset specifier: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
00231          exit(1) ;
00232       } else {                        /* found selector */
00233          ii = cpt - argv[nopt] ;
00234          memcpy(dname,argv[nopt],ii) ; dname[ii] = '\0' ;
00235          strcpy(subv,cpt) ;
00236       }
00237       nopt++ ;
00239       dset = THD_open_one_dataset( dname ) ;
00240       if( dset == NULL ){
00241          fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't open dataset %s\n",dname) ; exit(1) ;
00242       }
00243       THD_force_malloc_type( dset->dblk , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ) ;
00245       if( TCAT_type < 0 ) TCAT_type = dset->type ;
00247       /* check if voxel counts match */
00249       ii = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz ;
00250       if( TCAT_nvox < 0 ){
00251          TCAT_nvox = ii ;
00252       } else if( ii != TCAT_nvox ){
00253          fprintf(stderr,"*** Dataset %s differs in size from others\n",dname);
00254          exit(1) ;
00255       }
00256       ADDTO_3DARR(TCAT_dsar,dset) ;  /* list of datasets */
00258       /* process the sub-brick selector string,
00259          returning an array of int with
00260            svar[0]   = # of sub-bricks,
00261            svar[j+1] = index of sub-brick #j for j=0..svar[0] */
00263       svar = TCAT_get_subv( DSET_NVALS(dset) , subv ) ;
00264       if( svar == NULL || svar[0] <= 0 ){
00265          fprintf(stderr,"*** Can't decipher index codes from %s%s\n",dname,subv) ;
00266          exit(1) ;
00267       }
00268       ADDTO_XTARR(TCAT_subv,svar) ;  /* list of sub-brick selectors */
00270       max_nsub = MAX( max_nsub , svar[0] ) ;
00272       if( TCAT_rlt == 3 && svar[0] < 3 )  /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00273          fprintf(stderr,
00274                  "*** Warning: -rlt++ option won't work properly with\n"
00275                  "             less than 3 sub-bricks per input dataset!\n") ;
00277    }  /* end of loop over command line arguments */
00279    /*--- final sanity checks ---*/
00281    if( max_nsub < 3 && TCAT_rlt ){
00282       fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning: can't apply -rlt option -- "
00283                      "Not enough points per input dataset.\n" ) ;
00284       TCAT_rlt = 0 ;
00285    }
00287    if( TCAT_rlt && TCAT_dry ){
00288       fprintf(stderr,"*** Warning: -rlt option does nothing with -dry!\n") ;
00289       TCAT_rlt = 0 ;
00290    }
00292    return ;
00293 }

void TCAT_read_opts int   ,
char **   

void TCAT_Syntax void   

check if we have a comma to skip over *

Definition at line 413 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main().

00414 {
00415    printf(
00416     "Concatenate sub-bricks from input datasets into one big 3D+time dataset.\n"
00417     "Usage: 3dTcat options\n"
00418     "where the options are:\n"
00419    ) ;
00421    printf(
00422     "     -prefix pname = Use 'pname' for the output dataset prefix name.\n"
00423     " OR  -output pname     [default='tcat']\n"
00424     "\n"
00425     "     -session dir  = Use 'dir' for the output dataset session directory.\n"
00426     "                       [default='./'=current working directory]\n"
00427     "     -glueto fname = Append bricks to the end of the 'fname' dataset.\n"
00428     "                       This command is an alternative to the -prefix \n"
00429     "                       and -session commands.                        \n"
00430     "     -dry          = Execute a 'dry run'; that is, only print out\n"
00431     "                       what would be done.  This is useful when\n"
00432     "                       combining sub-bricks from multiple inputs.\n"
00433     "     -verb         = Print out some verbose output as the program\n"
00434     "                       proceeds (-dry implies -verb).\n"
00435     "                       Using -verb twice results in quite lengthy output.\n"
00436     "     -rlt          = Remove linear trends in each voxel time series loaded\n"
00437     "                       from each input dataset, SEPARATELY.  That is, the\n"
00438     "                       data from each dataset is detrended separately.\n"
00439     "                       At least 3 sub-bricks from a dataset must be input\n"
00440     "                       for this option to apply.\n"
00441     "             Notes: (1) -rlt removes the least squares fit of 'a+b*t'\n"
00442     "                          to each voxel time series; this means that\n"
00443     "                          the mean is removed as well as the trend.\n"
00444     "                          This effect makes it impractical to compute\n"
00445     "                          the %% Change using AFNI's internal FIM.\n"
00446     "                    (2) To have the mean of each dataset time series added\n"
00447     "                          back in, use this option in the form '-rlt+'.\n"
00448     "                          In this case, only the slope 'b*t' is removed.\n"
00449     "                    (3) To have the overall mean of all dataset time\n"
00450     "                          series added back in, use this option in the\n"
00451     "                          form '-rlt++'.  In this case, 'a+b*t' is removed\n"
00452     "                          from each input dataset separately, and the\n"
00453     "                          mean of all input datasets is added back in at\n"
00454     "                          the end.  (This option will work properly only\n"
00455     "                          if all input datasets use at least 3 sub-bricks!)\n"
00456     "                    (4) -rlt can be used on datasets that contain shorts\n"
00457     "                          or floats, but not on complex- or byte-valued\n"
00458     "                          datasets.\n"
00459     "\n"
00460     "Command line arguments after the above are taken as input datasets.\n"
00461     "A dataset is specified using one of these forms:\n"
00462     "   'prefix+view', 'prefix+view.HEAD', or 'prefix+view.BRIK'.\n"
00463     "\n"
00464     "SUB-BRICK SELECTION:\n"
00465     "You can also add a sub-brick selection list after the end of the\n"
00466     "dataset name.  This allows only a subset of the sub-bricks to be\n"
00467     "included into the output (by default, all of the input dataset\n"
00468     "is copied into the output).  A sub-brick selection list looks like\n"
00469     "one of the following forms:\n"
00470     "  fred+orig[5]                     ==> use only sub-brick #5\n"
00471     "  fred+orig[5,9,17]                ==> use #5, #9, and #12\n"
00472     "  fred+orig[5..8]     or [5-8]     ==> use #5, #6, #7, and #8\n"
00473     "  fred+orig[5..13(2)] or [5-13(2)] ==> use #5, #7, #9, #11, and #13\n"
00474     "Sub-brick indexes start at 0.  You can use the character '$'\n"
00475     "to indicate the last sub-brick in a dataset; for example, you\n"
00476     "can select every third sub-brick by using the selection list\n"
00477     "  fred+orig[0..$(3)]\n"
00478     "\n"
00479     "NOTES:\n"
00480     "* The TR and other time-axis properties are taken from the\n"
00481     "  first input dataset that is itself 3D+time.  If no input\n"
00482     "  datasets contain such information, then TR is set to 1.0.\n"
00483     "  This can be altered using the 3drefit program.\n"
00484     "\n"
00485     "* The sub-bricks are output in the order specified, which may\n"
00486     "  not be the order in the original datasets.  For example, using\n"
00487     "     fred+orig[0..$(2),1..$(2)]\n"
00488     "  will cause the sub-bricks in fred+orig to be output into the\n"
00489     "  new dataset in an interleaved fashion.  Using\n"
00490     "     fred+orig[$..0]\n"
00491     "  will reverse the order of the sub-bricks in the output.\n"
00492     "  If the -rlt option is used, the sub-bricks selected from each\n"
00493     "  input dataset will be re-ordered into the output dataset, and\n"
00494     "  then this sequence will be detrended.\n"
00495     "\n"
00496     "* You can use the '3dinfo' program to see how many sub-bricks\n"
00497     "  a 3D+time or a bucket dataset contains.\n"
00498     "\n"
00499     "* The '$', '(', ')', '[', and ']' characters are special to\n"
00500     "  the shell, so you will have to escape them.  This is most easily\n"
00501     "  done by putting the entire dataset plus selection list inside\n"
00502     "  single quotes, as in 'fred+orig[5..7,9]'.\n"
00503     "\n"
00504     "* You may wish to use the 3drefit program on the output dataset\n"
00505     "  to modify some of the .HEAD file parameters.\n"
00506    ) ;
00508    exit(0) ;
00509 }

Variable Documentation

int TCAT_dry = 0 [static]

Definition at line 23 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

THD_3dim_dataset_array* TCAT_dsar = NULL [static]

Definition at line 20 of file 3dTcat.c.

int TCAT_glue = 0 [static]

Definition at line 26 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

int TCAT_nvox = -1 [static]

Definition at line 22 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

char TCAT_output_prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] = "tcat" [static]

Definition at line 32 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

int TCAT_rct = 0 [static]

Definition at line 30 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by TCAT_read_opts().

int TCAT_rlt = 0 [static]

Definition at line 27 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

int TCAT_rqt = 0 [static]

Definition at line 29 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by TCAT_read_opts().

char TCAT_session[THD_MAX_NAME] = "./" [static]

Definition at line 33 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

XtPointer_array* TCAT_subv = NULL [static]

Definition at line 21 of file 3dTcat.c.

int TCAT_type = -1 [static]

Definition at line 25 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().

int TCAT_verb = 0 [static]

Definition at line 24 of file 3dTcat.c.

Referenced by main(), and TCAT_read_opts().


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