Doxygen Source Code Documentation
afni_graph.c File Reference
#include "afni_graph.h"
#include "afni.h"
#include <X11/keysym.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | CALL_getser(gr, aa, bb, rtyp, rval) |
#define | CALL_sendback(gr, scb) |
#define | MENU_DLINE(wmenu) |
#define | MENU_SLINE(wmenu) |
#define | OPT_MENU_BUT(wname, label, hhh) |
#define | OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(wmenu, wcbut, label, hhh) |
#define | OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(wmenu, wname, label, hhh) |
#define | OPT_MENU_OPTMENU(wmenu, wname, label, cb, hhh) |
#define | COLSIZE AV_colsize() |
#define | NCIR 12 |
#define | NBAL 21 |
#define | NBAX 25 |
#define | NBTOP NBAX |
#define | SHORT_NAME_WIDTH 384 |
#define | GRID_MAX 12 |
#define | OVI_MAX 19 |
#define | NPLOT_INIT 9999 |
#define | XPIX(ii) |
#define | REFTS_FRAC 0.38 |
#define | REFTS_TOP 0.98 |
#define | ORTTS_FRAC 0.38 |
#define | ORTTS_TOP 0.78 |
#define | SETSHIFT_quit_label "Quit" |
#define | SETSHIFT_apply_label "Apply" |
#define | SETSHIFT_done_label "Set" |
#define | SETSHIFT_quit_help "Press to close\nthis control box" |
#define | SETSHIFT_apply_help "Press to apply this choice\nand keep this control box" |
#define | SETSHIFT_done_help "Press to apply this choice\nand close this control box" |
#define | NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT 3 |
#define | SETSHIFT_QUIT 0 |
#define | SETSHIFT_APPLY 1 |
#define | SETSHIFT_DONE 2 |
#define | MENU_DLINE(wmenu) |
#define | MENU_SLINE(wmenu) |
#define | FIM_MENU_BUT(wname, label, hhh) |
#define | FIM_MENU_PULLRIGHT(wmenu, wcbut, label, hhh) |
#define | FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT(wmenu, wname, label, hhh) |
#define | EMPTY_BUT(wname) fmenu -> wname = NULL |
#define | FIM_MENU_QBUT(wname, label, qlab, hhh) |
Functions | |
void | fd_line (MCW_grapher *, int, int, int, int) |
MCW_grapher * | new_MCW_grapher (MCW_DC *dc, get_ptr getser, XtPointer aux) |
void | end_fd_graph_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | erase_fdw (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | plot_fdX (MCW_grapher *grapher, int x, int y, int mod) |
void | fd_px_store (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_small_circle (MCW_grapher *grapher, int xwin, int ywin, int filled) |
void | GRA_overlay_circle (MCW_grapher *grapher, int xwin, int ywin, int filled) |
void | GRA_draw_circle (MCW_grapher *grapher, int xc, int yc, int rad) |
void | GRA_redraw_overlay (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | redraw_graph (MCW_grapher *grapher, int code) |
void | fd_txt (MCW_grapher *grapher, int x, int y, char *str) |
void | overlay_txt (MCW_grapher *grapher, int x, int y, char *str) |
void | auto_grid (MCW_grapher *grapher, int npoints) |
void | init_const (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | text_graphs (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | plot_graphs (MCW_grapher *grapher, int code) |
void | draw_grids (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | send_newinfo (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | init_mat (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | scale_up (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | scale_down (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | mat_down (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | mat_up (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | grid_down (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | grid_up (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_drawing_EV (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XEvent *ev, Boolean *continue_to_dispatch) |
void | GRA_new_pixmap (MCW_grapher *grapher, int new_width, int new_height, int redraw) |
void | GRA_handle_keypress (MCW_grapher *grapher, char *buf, XEvent *ev) |
void | GRA_quit_timeout_CB (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id) |
void | GRA_opt_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_fixup_xaxis (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_pick_xaxis_CB (Widget wcall, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_wcsuffix_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_mat_choose_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_scale_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_grid_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_pin_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_ggap_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_gthick_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_slice_choose_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_ignore_choose_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_polort_choose_CB (MCW_arrowval *cbs, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_bkthr_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_refread_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_refstore_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_refwrite_choose_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
Boolean | drive_MCW_grapher (MCW_grapher *grapher, int drive_code, XtPointer drive_data) |
void | GRA_fim_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_setshift_startup (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_setshift_action_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_doshift (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
FIM_menu * | AFNI_new_fim_menu (Widget parent, XtCallbackProc cbfunc, int graphable) |
char * | GRA_transform_label (MCW_arrowval *av, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_transform_CB (MCW_arrowval *av, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_textgraph_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_baseline_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB (Widget w, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_winaver_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_winavertimer_CB (XtPointer cd, XtIntervalId *id) |
void | GRA_winaver_setref (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_dplot_change_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_fix_optmenus (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
void | GRA_fmenu_av_CB (MCW_arrowval *av, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_color_CB (MCW_arrowval *av, XtPointer cd) |
void | GRA_thick_CB (Widget w, XtPointer cd, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_saver_CB (Widget wcaller, XtPointer cd, MCW_choose_cbs *cbs) |
void | GRA_file_pixmap (MCW_grapher *grapher, char *fname) |
void | GRA_mapmenu_CB (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
void | GRA_timer_CB (XtPointer cd, XtIntervalId *id) |
void | GRA_timer_stop (MCW_grapher *grapher) |
Variables | |
int | show_grapher_pixmap = 1 |
XPoint | xball [] |
char * | long_index_name = "index=" |
char * | short_index_name = "#" |
char * | long_value_name = " value=" |
char * | short_value_name = "=" |
char * | long_time_name = " at " |
char * | short_time_name = "@" |
int | grid_ar [GRID_MAX] |
MCW_action_item | SETSHIFT_act [NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT] |
Define Documentation
Value: do{ XtPointer (*gs)(int,int,XtPointer) = \ (XtPointer (*)(int,int,XtPointer))(gr->getser) ; \ rval = (rtyp) gs(aa,bb,gr->getaux) ; \ } while(0) Definition at line 27 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_fim_CB(), GRA_handle_keypress(), new_MCW_grapher(), plot_graphs(), and text_graphs(). |
Value: do{ void (*sb)(MCW_grapher *,XtPointer,GRA_cbs *) = \ (void (*)(MCW_grapher *,XtPointer,GRA_cbs *))(gr->status->send_CB) ; \ if( sb != NULL ) sb(gr,gr->getaux,&scb) ; \ } while(0) Definition at line 37 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by end_fd_graph_CB(), GRA_doshift(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_fim_CB(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_ignore_choose_CB(), GRA_polort_choose_CB(), GRA_refread_choose_CB(), GRA_refwrite_choose_CB(), GRA_timer_CB(), GRA_winaver_CB(), GRA_winavertimer_CB(), and send_newinfo(). |
Value: fmenu -> wname = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; |
Value: fmenu -> wname = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; |
Value: fmenu -> wmenu = \ XmCreatePulldownMenu( fmenu->fim_menu , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; \ fmenu -> wcbut = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNsubMenuId , fmenu -> wmenu , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wcbut , hhh ) ; \ XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wmenu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; |
Value: do { Widget ccc ; \ qbut_menu = XmCreatePulldownMenu(fmenu->fim_menu,"menu",NULL,0); \ ccc = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , \ xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNsubMenuId , qbut_menu , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , NULL ) ; \ fmenu -> wname = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , \ xmPushButtonWidgetClass , qbut_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( qlab ) , \ XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , NULL ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; \ XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ XtAddCallback( qbut_menu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; \ } while(0) |
Definition at line 1524 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by auto_grid(), GRA_opt_CB(), and grid_up(). |
Value: (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \
"dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \
XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) |
Value: (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \
"dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \
XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) |
Value: (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \
"dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \
XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) |
Value: (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \
"dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \
XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) |
Definition at line 1116 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_overlay_circle(), and GRA_small_circle(). |
Definition at line 1117 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_overlay_circle(), and GRA_small_circle(). |
Definition at line 1119 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_overlay_circle(), and GRA_small_circle(). |
Definition at line 1115 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_overlay_circle(), and GRA_small_circle(). |
Definition at line 4844 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_setshift_action_CB(), and GRA_setshift_startup(). |
Value: grapher -> wname = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , grapher->opt_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ XtAddCallback( grapher -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ GRA_opt_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wname , hhh ) ; |
Value: grapher -> wname = \ new_MCW_optmenu( grapher -> wmenu , label , 0,1,0,0 , \ cb , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL , NULL ) ; \ MCW_reghint_children( grapher -> wname -> wrowcol , hhh ) ; |
Value: grapher -> wname = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ XtAddCallback( grapher -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ GRA_opt_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wname , hhh ) ; |
Value: grapher -> wmenu = \ XmCreatePulldownMenu( grapher->opt_menu , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; \ grapher -> wcbut = \ XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , grapher->opt_menu , \ LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ XmNsubMenuId , grapher -> wmenu , \ XmNtraversalOn , False , \ XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ NULL ) ; \ MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wcbut , hhh ) ; \ XtAddCallback( grapher -> wmenu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; |
Definition at line 4853 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_setshift_action_CB(). |
Definition at line 4841 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 4837 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 4854 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_setshift_action_CB(). |
Definition at line 4842 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 4838 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 4852 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_setshift_action_CB(). |
Definition at line 4840 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 4836 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 1199 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Value: ( (grapher->xax_tsim != NULL && (ii) < grapher->xax_tsim->nx) \ ? (MRI_FLOAT_PTR(grapher->xax_tsim)[MAX((ii),ibot)] * grapher->gx) \ : (((ii)-pbot) * ftemp) ) |
Function Documentation
Definition at line 5112 of file afni_graph.c. References FIM_menu::cbfunc, ENTRY, FIM_menu::fim_cbut, FIM_DEFAULT_MASK, FIM_menu::fim_editref_menu, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, FIM_menu::fim_execfimp_pb, FIM_menu::fim_execute_pb, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_pb, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_menu, FIM_menu::fim_menu, FIM_NUM_OPTS, FIM_menu::fim_opt_bbox, fim_opt_labels, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_opt_bbox, FIM_menu::fimp_setall_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_setdefault_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_unsetall_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_user_bbox, GLOBAL_library, GRA_fmenu_av_CB(), GRA_winaver_CB(), LABEL_ARG, MCW_function_list::labels, MCW_BB_check, MCW_BB_noframe, MCW_BB_radio_one, MCW_reghint_children(), MCW_register_help(), MCW_register_hint(), MCW_set_bbox(), MCW_set_widget_bg(), my_getenv(), myXtNew, new_MCW_bbox(), new_MCW_optmenu(), MCW_function_list::num, AFNI_library_type::registered_fim, RETURN, VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED, MCW_bbox::wrowcol, and MCW_arrowval::wrowcol. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05113 { 05114 FIM_menu *fmenu ; 05115 Widget qbut_menu = NULL ; 05116 05117 ENTRY("AFNI_new_fim_menu") ; 05118 05119 fmenu = myXtNew(FIM_menu) ; 05120 fmenu->cbfunc = cbfunc ; 05121 05122 /*------------------------*/ 05123 /*--- FIM Menu Buttons ---*/ 05124 /*------------------------*/ 05125 05126 fmenu->fim_menu = 05127 XmCreatePulldownMenu( parent , "menu" , NULL,0 ) ; 05128 05129 VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED(fmenu->fim_menu) ; /* 27 Sep 2000 */ 05130 05131 fmenu->fim_cbut = 05132 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05133 "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , parent , 05134 LABEL_ARG("FIM") , 05135 XmNsubMenuId , fmenu->fim_menu , 05136 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 05137 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 05138 XmNmarginBottom , 0 , 05139 XmNmarginTop , 0 , 05140 XmNmarginRight , 0 , 05141 XmNmarginLeft , 0 , 05142 XmNtraversalOn , False , 05143 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05144 NULL ) ; 05145 05146 if( graphable ){ 05147 MCW_register_hint( fmenu->fim_cbut , "Functional Imaging menu" ) ; 05148 MCW_register_help( fmenu->fim_cbut , 05149 "******* Functional Imaging Controls: *******\n" 05150 "\n" 05151 "Ideal Vector Operations:\n" 05152 " Pick Ideal --> Choose from a list\n" 05153 " Pick Ort --> Choose from a list\n" 05154 " Edit: = Center --> Use voxel timeseries\n" 05155 " += Center --> Average with voxel\n" 05156 " Smooth --> A 3 point filter\n" 05157 " Shift --> Time-shifted copies\n" 05158 " Clear --> Turn ideal off\n" 05159 " WinAver --> Average of sub-graphs\n" 05160 " Read --> Input from external file\n" 05161 " Write --> Output to external file\n" 05162 " Store --> Save in internal list\n" 05163 " Ignore: Set how many points to ignore\n" 05164 " at beginning of time series\n" 05165 " [ Applies both to graphing ]\n" 05166 " [ and to FIM computations. ]\n" 05167 "\n" 05168 "FIM Plots:\n" 05169 " Can choose to graph only first vector in\n" 05170 " ideal family, or all of them superimposed.\n" 05171 "\n" 05172 "Refresh Freq --> Choose number of time steps\n" 05173 " between redisplay of the functional overlay\n" 05174 " during FIM computations (0 == no redisplay).\n" 05175 "Compute FIM --> Use the recursive method to\n" 05176 " compute the correlation of each voxel time\n" 05177 " series with each ideal vector; uses the best\n" 05178 " correlation as the 'correct' waveform for\n" 05179 " each voxel, individually. Time points that\n" 05180 " have an ideal vector value >= 33333 will be\n" 05181 " ignored in the computations, as will those\n" 05182 " at the beginning specified in the Opt menu\n" 05183 " 'Ignore' function." 05184 ) ; 05185 } else { 05186 MCW_register_hint( fmenu->fim_cbut , "Functional Imaging menu" ) ; 05187 MCW_register_help( fmenu->fim_cbut , 05188 "******* Functional Imaging Controls: *******\n" 05189 "\n" 05190 "Pick Dataset --> Choose time-dependent dataset\n" 05191 " from a list. If there is only one possible\n" 05192 " choice, it will be selected for you without\n" 05193 " displaying the list.\n" 05194 "\n" 05195 "Pick Ideal --> Choose time series from a list.\n" 05196 "Pick Ort --> Choose time series from a list.\n" 05197 "\n" 05198 "Ignore --> Set how many points to ignore at the\n" 05199 " beginning of time series.\n" 05200 " [ Applies both to graphing and FIM-ing. ]\n" 05201 "\n" 05202 "Refresh Freq --> Choose number of time steps\n" 05203 " between redisplay of the functional overlay\n" 05204 " during FIM computations (0 == no redisplay).\n" 05205 "\n" 05206 "Compute FIM --> Use the recursive method to\n" 05207 " compute the correlation of each voxel time\n" 05208 " series with each ideal vector; uses the best\n" 05209 " correlation as the 'correct' waveform for\n" 05210 " each voxel, individually. Time points that\n" 05211 " have an ideal vector value >= 33333 will be\n" 05212 " ignored in the computations, as will those\n" 05213 " at the beginning specified in the Opt menu\n" 05214 " 'Ignore' function." 05215 ) ; 05216 } 05217 05218 /* macros to put double and single separator lines in a menu */ 05219 05220 #undef MENU_DLINE 05221 #define MENU_DLINE(wmenu) \ 05222 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 05223 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \ 05224 XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) 05225 05226 #undef MENU_SLINE 05227 #define MENU_SLINE(wmenu) \ 05228 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 05229 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \ 05230 XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) 05231 05232 /* macro to create a new FIM menu button */ 05233 05234 #define FIM_MENU_BUT(wname,label,hhh) \ 05235 fmenu -> wname = \ 05236 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 05237 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ 05238 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 05239 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ 05240 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 05241 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 05242 NULL ) ; \ 05243 XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ 05244 cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ 05245 MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; 05246 05247 /** macro to create a new fim pullright menu **/ 05248 /** 07 Jan 1999: added the mapCallback to fix position **/ 05249 05250 #define FIM_MENU_PULLRIGHT(wmenu,wcbut,label,hhh) \ 05251 fmenu -> wmenu = \ 05252 XmCreatePulldownMenu( fmenu->fim_menu , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; \ 05253 fmenu -> wcbut = \ 05254 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 05255 "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ 05256 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 05257 XmNsubMenuId , fmenu -> wmenu , \ 05258 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 05259 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 05260 NULL ) ; \ 05261 MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wcbut , hhh ) ; \ 05262 XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wmenu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; 05263 05264 /** macro to create a new button on a pullright menu **/ 05265 05266 #define FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT(wmenu,wname,label,hhh) \ 05267 fmenu -> wname = \ 05268 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 05269 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , fmenu -> wmenu , \ 05270 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 05271 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ 05272 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 05273 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 05274 NULL ) ; \ 05275 XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ 05276 cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ 05277 MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; 05278 05279 #define EMPTY_BUT(wname) fmenu -> wname = NULL 05280 05281 /** 15 Dec 1997: a pullright menu with a single button **/ 05282 05283 #define FIM_MENU_QBUT(wname,label,qlab,hhh) \ 05284 do { Widget ccc ; \ 05285 qbut_menu = XmCreatePulldownMenu(fmenu->fim_menu,"menu",NULL,0); \ 05286 ccc = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , \ 05287 xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , \ 05288 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 05289 XmNsubMenuId , qbut_menu , \ 05290 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 05291 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , NULL ) ; \ 05292 fmenu -> wname = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , \ 05293 xmPushButtonWidgetClass , qbut_menu , \ 05294 LABEL_ARG( qlab ) , \ 05295 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ 05296 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 05297 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , NULL ) ; \ 05298 MCW_register_hint( fmenu -> wname , hhh ) ; \ 05299 XtAddCallback( fmenu -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ 05300 cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; \ 05301 XtAddCallback( qbut_menu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; \ 05302 } while(0) 05303 05304 /*** top of menu = a label to click on that does nothing at all ***/ 05305 05306 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05307 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , fmenu->fim_menu , 05308 LABEL_ARG("--- Cancel ---") , 05309 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 05310 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05311 NULL ) ; 05312 05313 MENU_SLINE(fim_menu) ; 05314 05315 if( graphable ){ 05316 EMPTY_BUT(fim_pickdset_pb) ; 05317 } else { 05318 FIM_MENU_BUT( fim_pickdset_pb , "Pick Dataset" , "Choose Dataset to Graph" ) ; 05319 } 05320 05321 FIM_MENU_BUT( fim_pickref_pb , "Pick Ideal" , "Pick Ideal Timeseries to Graph" ) ; 05322 FIM_MENU_BUT( fim_pickort_pb , "Pick Ort" , "Pick Ort Timeseries to Graph" ) ; 05323 05324 if( graphable ){ 05325 char *bbox_label[1] = { "Ideal=WinAver" } ; 05326 MENU_SLINE(fim_menu) ; 05327 FIM_MENU_PULLRIGHT(fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_cbut ,"Edit Ideal" , "Modify Ideal Timeseries" ) ; 05328 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_equals_pb ,"Ideal = Center", "Set to Center Sub-graph" ) ; 05329 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_add_pb ,"Ideal+= Center", "Add in Center Sub-graph" ) ; 05330 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_smooth_pb ,"Smooth Ideal" , "Lowpass Filter Ideal" ) ; 05331 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_setshift_pb,"Shift Ideal" , "Time Shift Ideal" ) ; 05332 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_clear_pb ,"Clear Ideal" , "Turn Ideal Off" ) ; 05333 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editort_clear_pb ,"Clear Ort" , "Turn Ort Off" ) ; 05334 05335 fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 05336 = new_MCW_bbox( fmenu->fim_editref_menu , 05337 1 , bbox_label , MCW_BB_check , MCW_BB_noframe , 05338 GRA_winaver_CB , (XtPointer)fmenu ) ; 05339 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox->wrowcol , 05340 "Ideal = Average of all Graphs in Window" ) ; 05341 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 05342 fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av = 05343 new_MCW_optmenu( fmenu->fim_editref_menu , "Polort " , 0,MAX_POLORT,1,0 , 05344 GRA_fmenu_av_CB , (XtPointer) fmenu , NULL , NULL ) ; 05345 fmenu->fim_polort_choose_pb = fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av->wrowcol ; 05346 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av->wrowcol , "Order of Polynomial Baseline for FIM" ) ; 05347 #else 05348 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_editref_menu,fim_polort_choose_pb ,"Polort?", "Order of Polynomial Baseline for FIM") ; 05349 #endif 05350 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_editref_menu,fim_bkthr_choose_pb ,"Bkg Thresh" , "Choose Background Threshold for FIM") ; 05351 MENU_SLINE (fim_editref_menu) ; 05352 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_read_pb ,"Read Ideal" , "Read from .1D file" ) ; 05353 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_write_pb ,"Write Ideal", "Write to .1D file" ) ; 05354 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT (fim_editref_menu,fim_editref_store_pb ,"Store Ideal", "Save in internal list of timeseries" ) ; 05355 } else { 05356 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_cbut) ; 05357 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_equals_pb) ; 05358 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_add_pb) ; 05359 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_smooth_pb) ; 05360 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_setshift_pb) ; 05361 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_clear_pb) ; 05362 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_read_pb) ; 05363 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_write_pb) ; 05364 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editref_store_pb) ; 05365 EMPTY_BUT(fim_editort_clear_pb) ; 05366 EMPTY_BUT(fim_polort_choose_pb) ; 05367 fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox = NULL ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 05368 } 05369 05370 FIM_MENU_PULLRIGHT(fim_ignore_menu,fim_ignore_cbut ,"Ignore", "Number of initial timepoints to ignore" ) ; 05371 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_ignore_menu,fim_ignore_down_pb ,"Down" , "Ignore fewer points" ) ; 05372 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_ignore_menu,fim_ignore_up_pb ,"Up" , "Ignore more points" ) ; 05373 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 05374 fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av = 05375 new_MCW_optmenu( fmenu->fim_ignore_menu , "# " , 0,2,0,0 , 05376 GRA_fmenu_av_CB , (XtPointer) fmenu , NULL , NULL ) ; 05377 fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_pb = fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av->wrowcol ; 05378 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av->wrowcol , "Pick number of ignored points" ) ; 05379 #else 05380 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_ignore_menu,fim_ignore_choose_pb ,"Choose" , "Pick number of ignored points") ; 05381 #endif 05382 05383 if( graphable ){ 05384 FIM_MENU_PULLRIGHT(fim_plot_menu,fim_plot_cbut ,"FIM Plots" , "Number of Ideals to plot" ) ; 05385 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_plot_menu,fim_plot_firstref_pb ,"First Ideal" , "Only plot 1 Ideal" ) ; 05386 FIM_MENU_PULL_BUT( fim_plot_menu,fim_plot_allrefs_pb ,"All Ideals" , "Plot all Ideals" ) ; 05387 } else { 05388 EMPTY_BUT(fim_plot_cbut) ; 05389 EMPTY_BUT(fim_plot_firstref_pb) ; 05390 EMPTY_BUT(fim_plot_allrefs_pb) ; 05391 } 05392 05393 MENU_DLINE(fim_menu) ; 05394 FIM_MENU_QBUT( fim_execute_pb , "Compute FIM" , "-> fico" , "Correlation Analysis" ) ; 05395 MCW_set_widget_bg( fmenu->fim_execute_pb , 05396 MCW_hotcolor(fmenu->fim_execute_pb) , 0 ) ; 05397 05398 { static char * blab[] = {"Fit Coef", "% Change", "% From Ave", "% From Top"}; 05399 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05400 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05401 XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) ; 05402 05403 fmenu->fim_opt_bbox = new_MCW_bbox( qbut_menu , 4 , blab , 05404 MCW_BB_radio_one , MCW_BB_noframe , 05405 NULL , NULL ) ; 05406 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fim_opt_bbox->wrowcol , "What to Compute" ) ; 05407 } 05408 05409 MENU_DLINE(fim_menu) ; 05410 FIM_MENU_QBUT( fim_execfimp_pb , "Compute FIM+" , "-> fbuc" , "Extended Correlation Analysis" ) ; 05411 MCW_set_widget_bg( fmenu->fim_execfimp_pb , 05412 MCW_hotcolor(fmenu->fim_execfimp_pb) , 0 ) ; 05413 05414 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05415 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05416 XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) ; 05417 05418 fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox = new_MCW_bbox( qbut_menu, FIM_NUM_OPTS, fim_opt_labels, 05419 MCW_BB_check , MCW_BB_noframe , 05420 NULL , NULL ) ; 05421 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox->wrowcol , "What to Compute" ) ; 05422 05423 { char * ff = my_getenv( "AFNI_FIM_MASK" ) ; int mm=0 ; 05424 if( ff != NULL ) mm = strtol(ff,NULL,10) ; 05425 if( mm <= 0 ) mm = FIM_DEFAULT_MASK ; 05426 MCW_set_bbox( fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox , mm ) ; 05427 } 05428 05429 /* 04 Jan 2000: add some more buttons */ 05430 05431 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05432 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05433 XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) ; 05434 05435 fmenu->fimp_setdefault_pb = 05436 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05437 LABEL_ARG( "Set Defaults" ) , 05438 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 05439 XmNtraversalOn , False , 05440 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05441 NULL ) ; 05442 XtAddCallback( fmenu->fimp_setdefault_pb , 05443 XmNactivateCallback , cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; 05444 MCW_register_hint( fmenu->fimp_setdefault_pb , "Default computing options" ) ; 05445 05446 fmenu->fimp_setall_pb = 05447 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05448 LABEL_ARG( "Set All" ) , 05449 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 05450 XmNtraversalOn , False , 05451 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05452 NULL ) ; 05453 XtAddCallback( fmenu->fimp_setall_pb , 05454 XmNactivateCallback , cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; 05455 MCW_register_hint( fmenu->fimp_setall_pb , "Set all computing options on" ) ; 05456 05457 fmenu->fimp_unsetall_pb = 05458 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05459 LABEL_ARG( "Unset All" ) , 05460 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 05461 XmNtraversalOn , False , 05462 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05463 NULL ) ; 05464 XtAddCallback( fmenu->fimp_unsetall_pb , 05465 XmNactivateCallback , cbfunc , (XtPointer) fmenu ) ; 05466 MCW_register_hint( fmenu->fimp_unsetall_pb , "Set all computing options off" ) ; 05467 05468 /* 01 Feb 2000: add user-contributed options (if any) */ 05469 05470 fmenu->fimp_user_bbox = NULL ; /* default = no menu */ 05471 05472 if( GLOBAL_library.registered_fim.num > 0 ){ 05473 05474 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05475 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05476 XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) ; 05477 05478 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 05479 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , qbut_menu , 05480 LABEL_ARG("--Extra Funcs--") , 05481 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 05482 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 05483 NULL ) ; 05484 05485 fmenu->fimp_user_bbox = new_MCW_bbox( qbut_menu, 05486 GLOBAL_library.registered_fim.num , 05487 GLOBAL_library.registered_fim.labels , 05488 MCW_BB_check , MCW_BB_noframe , 05489 NULL , NULL ) ; 05490 MCW_reghint_children( fmenu->fimp_user_bbox->wrowcol , "Other correlation functions" ) ; 05491 } 05492 05493 RETURN(fmenu) ; 05494 } |
Definition at line 1528 of file afni_graph.c. References grid_ar, MCW_grapher::grid_fixed, MCW_grapher::grid_index, GRID_MAX, and MCW_grapher::grid_spacing. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_opt_CB(), and init_const().
01529 { 01530 int ii ; 01531 if( npoints < 2 ) return ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 01532 for( ii=GRID_MAX-1 ; ii > 0 ; ii-- ) 01533 if( grid_ar[ii] <= npoints/3 ) break; 01534 grapher->grid_index = ii ; 01535 grapher->grid_spacing = grid_ar[ii] ; 01536 grapher->grid_fixed = 0 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 01537 return ; 01538 } |
cast away the data timeseries! Definition at line 2472 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, DC_fg_color(), DC_linewidth(), MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, ENTRY, FG_COLOR, FG_THICK, GRID_COLOR, MCW_grapher::grid_spacing, GRID_THICK, gx, MCW_grapher::gx, gy, MCW_grapher::gy, i, mat, MCW_grapher::mat, MIN, NPTS, plot_fdX(), xc, MCW_grapher::xc, MCW_grapher::xorigin, yc, MCW_grapher::yc, and MCW_grapher::yorigin. Referenced by redraw_graph().
02473 { 02474 int i , mat=grapher->mat , gx=grapher->gx , gy=grapher->gy ; 02475 int j, k, g, xo, yo, npoints , m ; 02476 int xc = grapher->xc , yc = grapher->yc ; 02477 float ftemp ; 02478 02479 ENTRY("draw_grids") ; 02480 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 02481 02482 /* draw grid lines in the chosen color */ 02483 02484 if( GRID_COLOR(grapher) > 0 ){ 02485 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , GRID_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02486 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , GRID_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02487 02488 g = grapher->grid_spacing ; 02489 npoints = NPTS(grapher) ; /* number time points in 1 sub-graph window */ 02490 02491 if( npoints > 1 ){ /* this if: 22 Sep 2000 */ 02492 ftemp = gx / (npoints-1.0) ; 02493 for( i=0 ; i < mat ; i++ ){ 02494 for( m=0 ; m < mat ; m++ ){ 02495 xo = grapher->xorigin[i][m] ; yo = grapher->yorigin[i][m] ; 02496 for( j=1 ; j <= (npoints-1)/g ; j++ ){ 02497 k = xo + j * g * ftemp ; 02498 plot_fdX( grapher , k , yo , 0 ) ; 02499 plot_fdX( grapher , k , yo+gy , 1 ) ; 02500 } 02501 } 02502 } 02503 } 02504 02505 /* draw an interior framing box at the central square */ 02506 02507 xo = grapher->xorigin[xc][yc] ; yo = grapher->yorigin[xc][yc] ; 02508 g = MIN( grapher->gy/3 , grapher->gx/3 ) ; g = MIN( g , 4 ) ; 02509 for( j=1 ; j <= g ; j++ ){ 02510 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+j , yo+j , 0 ) ; 02511 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+j , yo+gy-j , 1 ) ; 02512 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+gx-j , yo+gy-j , 1 ) ; 02513 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+gx-j , yo+j , 1 ) ; 02514 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+j , yo+j , 1 ) ; 02515 } 02516 } 02517 02518 /* draw exterior frames */ 02519 02520 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , FG_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02521 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , FG_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02522 02523 for( i=0 ; i < mat ; i++ ){ 02524 for( j=0 ; j < mat ; j++ ){ 02525 xo = grapher->xorigin[i][j] ; yo = grapher->yorigin[i][j] ; 02526 plot_fdX( grapher , xo , yo , 0 ) ; 02527 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+gx , yo , 1 ) ; 02528 plot_fdX( grapher , xo+gx , yo+gy , 1 ) ; 02529 plot_fdX( grapher , xo , yo+gy , 1 ) ; 02530 plot_fdX( grapher , xo , yo , 1 ) ; 02531 } 02532 } 02533 02534 EXRETURN ; 02535 } |
Definition at line 4125 of file afni_graph.c. References ADDTO_IMARR, AFNI_sleep(), auto_grid(), MCW_grapher::button2_enabled, CALL_getser, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, end_fd_graph_CB(), ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, FIM_menu::fim_cbut, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, FREE_IMARR, MCW_choose_cbs::fval, MCW_grapher::getaux, MCW_grapher::getser, MCW_grapher::glogo_height, MCW_grapher::glogo_pixmap, MCW_grapher::glogo_width, GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB(), GRA_fix_optmenus(), GRA_new_pixmap(), GRA_REALZ, GRA_redraw_overlay(), GRA_timer_stop(), GRA_VALID, graCR_getstatus, graDR_addort_ts, graDR_addref_ts, graDR_button2_disable, graDR_button2_enable, graDR_cursor, graDR_destroy, graDR_fim_disable, graDR_icon, graDR_mirror, graDR_newdata, graDR_newlength, graDR_polort, graDR_realize, graDR_redraw, graDR_setglobalbaseline, graDR_setgrid, graDR_setignore, graDR_setindex, graDR_setmatrix, graDR_setpinbot, graDR_setpins, graDR_title, graDR_unrealize, graDR_winaver, MCW_grapher::grid_fixed, MCW_grapher::grid_spacing, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, init_const(), MCW_grapher::init_ignore, INIT_IMARR, init_mat(), ISONE, MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_grapher::mat_max, MAX_PIN, MCW_alter_widget_cursor(), MCW_set_bbox(), MCW_widget_geom(), mcwCR_integer, MIN, MIN_PIN, MCW_grapher::mirror, NORMAL_cursorize, NPTS, NUM_COLOR_ITEMS, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher::opt_color_av, MCW_grapher::opt_points_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_thick_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_xaxis_cbut, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, MCW_grapher::ort_ts, MCW_grapher::pin_bot, MCW_grapher::pin_top, PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE, MCW_grapher::polort, POPUP_cursorize, MCW_choose_cbs::reason, redraw_graph(), MCW_grapher::ref_ts, RETURN, send_newinfo(), MCW_grapher::status, STATUS, MCW_grapher::textgraph, thd_floatscan(), MCW_grapher::time_index, TTOP, MCW_grapher::valid, WAIT_for_window, MCW_arrowval::wrowcol, MCW_bbox::wtop, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by AFNI_closedown_3dview(), AFNI_drive_close_window(), AFNI_drive_open_window(), AFNI_fimmer_setignore(), AFNI_fimmer_setort(), AFNI_fimmer_setpolort(), AFNI_fimmer_setref(), AFNI_gra_send_CB(), AFNI_set_viewpoint(), AFNI_set_window_titles(), AFNI_startup_layout_CB(), AFNI_toggle_drawing(), AFNI_underlay_CB(), AFNI_view_xyz_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_pin_choose_CB(), GRA_timer_CB(), and RT_set_grapher_pinnums().
04127 { 04128 04129 ENTRY("drive_MCW_grapher") ; 04130 04131 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) RETURN(False) ; 04132 04133 switch( drive_code ){ 04134 04135 /*------- error! -------*/ 04136 04137 default:{ 04138 fprintf(stderr,"\a\n*** drive_MCW_grapher: code=%d illegal!\n", 04139 drive_code) ; 04140 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04141 RETURN( False ) ; 04142 } 04143 04144 /*------ winaver [27 Jan 2004] -----*/ 04145 04146 case graDR_winaver:{ 04147 int vvv = (int)drive_data ; 04148 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox , vvv ) ; 04149 RETURN( True ) ; 04150 } 04151 04152 /*------ setglobalbaseline [07 Aug 2001] -----*/ 04153 04154 case graDR_setglobalbaseline:{ 04155 float *vvv = (float *) drive_data ; /* get value */ 04156 int ii = thd_floatscan( 1 , vvv ) ; /* check value */ 04157 MCW_choose_cbs cb ; 04158 if( ii != 0 ) RETURN( False ) ; /* this is bad */ 04159 cb.reason = mcwCR_integer ; 04160 cb.fval = *vvv ; 04161 GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB(NULL,(XtPointer)grapher,&cb) ; 04162 RETURN( True ) ; 04163 } 04164 04165 /*------ setmatrix [22 Sep 2000] -----*/ 04166 04167 case graDR_setmatrix:{ 04168 int mm = (int) drive_data ; 04169 if( mm < 0 ) RETURN( False ) ; 04170 grapher->mat = MIN( grapher->mat_max , mm ) ; 04171 init_mat ( grapher ) ; 04172 redraw_graph( grapher, PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE ); /* 12 Oct 2000: autoscale */ 04173 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 04174 RETURN( True ) ; 04175 } 04176 04177 /*------ setgrid [22 Sep 2000] -----*/ 04178 04179 case graDR_setgrid:{ 04180 int mm = (int) drive_data ; 04181 if( mm < 2 ) RETURN( False ) ; 04182 grapher->grid_spacing = mm ; 04183 grapher->grid_fixed = 1 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 04184 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 04185 RETURN( True ) ; 04186 } 04187 04188 /*------ mirroring (Jul 2000) -----*/ 04189 04190 case graDR_mirror:{ 04191 int ii = (int) drive_data ; 04192 04193 if( ii != grapher->mirror ){ 04194 grapher->mirror = ii ; 04195 init_mat( grapher ) ; redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04196 } 04197 } 04198 break ; 04199 04200 /*------ fim disabling -----*/ 04201 04202 case graDR_fim_disable:{ 04203 int ii ; 04204 XtUnmanageChild( grapher->fmenu->fim_cbut ) ; 04205 XtUnmanageChild( grapher->opt_xaxis_cbut ) ; 04206 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ){ 04207 if( gr_unfim[ii] ){ 04208 if( grapher->opt_color_av[ii] != NULL ) 04209 XtUnmanageChild( grapher->opt_color_av[ii]->wrowcol ) ; 04210 if( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] != NULL ) 04211 XtUnmanageChild( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii]->wtop ) ; 04212 if( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] != NULL ) 04213 XtUnmanageChild( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii]->wtop ) ; 04214 } 04215 } 04216 } 04217 break ; 04218 04219 /*------ button2 stuff -----*/ 04220 04221 case graDR_button2_enable:{ 04222 grapher->button2_enabled = 1 ; 04223 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 04224 RETURN( True ) ; 04225 } 04226 04227 case graDR_button2_disable:{ 04228 grapher->button2_enabled = 0 ; 04229 RETURN( True ) ; 04230 } 04231 04232 /*------ set time index -----*/ 04233 04234 case graDR_setindex:{ 04235 int new_index = (int) drive_data ; 04236 04237 if( new_index < 0 || new_index >= grapher->status->num_series ) 04238 RETURN( False ) ; 04239 04240 if( new_index != grapher->time_index ){ 04241 grapher->time_index = new_index ; 04242 if( grapher->textgraph ) 04243 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04244 else 04245 GRA_redraw_overlay( grapher ) ; 04246 } 04247 RETURN( True ) ; 04248 } 04249 04250 /*------ reset top of time series plotting ------*/ 04251 /* (same as graDR_setpinnum and graDR_setpintop) */ 04252 04253 case graDR_newlength:{ 04254 int newtop=(int)drive_data ; 04255 04256 if( newtop < MIN_PIN ) newtop = 0 ; 04257 if( newtop > MAX_PIN ) newtop = MAX_PIN ; 04258 04259 grapher->pin_top = newtop ; 04260 if( NPTS(grapher) < 2 ) grapher->pin_bot = 0 ; 04261 04262 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04263 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04264 #endif 04265 redraw_graph( grapher, 0 ) ; 04266 RETURN( True ) ; 04267 } 04268 04269 /*------ reset bottom of time series plotting [17 Mar 2004] -----*/ 04270 04271 case graDR_setpinbot:{ 04272 int newbot=(int)drive_data ; 04273 04274 if( newbot < 0 ) newbot = 0 ; 04275 if( newbot >= TTOP(grapher) ) newbot = 0 ; 04276 04277 grapher->pin_bot = newbot ; 04278 04279 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04280 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04281 #endif 04282 redraw_graph( grapher, 0 ) ; 04283 RETURN( True ) ; 04284 } 04285 04286 /*------ reset bot and top of time series plotting [19 Mar 2004] -----*/ 04287 04288 case graDR_setpins:{ 04289 int ii=(int)drive_data , newbot,newtop ; 04290 04291 if( ii <= 0 ){ 04292 newbot = newtop = 0 ; 04293 } else { 04294 newbot = ii % 100000 ; 04295 newtop = ii / 100000 ; 04296 if( newtop < MIN_PIN ) newtop = 0 ; 04297 } 04298 if( newtop > 0 && newtop-newbot < 2 ) newbot = 0 ; 04299 if( newbot >= TTOP(grapher) ) newbot = 0 ; 04300 04301 grapher->pin_bot = newbot ; 04302 grapher->pin_top = newtop ; 04303 04304 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04305 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04306 #endif 04307 redraw_graph( grapher, 0 ) ; 04308 RETURN( True ) ; 04309 } 04310 04311 /*------ set ignore count -----*/ 04312 04313 case graDR_setignore:{ 04314 int new_ignore = (int) drive_data ; 04315 04316 if( new_ignore >= 0 && new_ignore < TTOP(grapher)-1 ){ 04317 grapher->init_ignore = new_ignore ; 04318 redraw_graph( grapher , PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE ) ; 04319 RETURN( True ) ; 04320 } else { 04321 RETURN( False ) ; 04322 } 04323 } 04324 04325 /*------- set polort [27 May 1999] --------*/ 04326 04327 case graDR_polort:{ 04328 int new_polort = (int) drive_data ; 04329 04330 if( new_polort >= 0 ){ 04331 grapher->polort = new_polort ; 04332 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04333 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04334 #endif 04335 } 04336 RETURN( True ) ; 04337 } 04338 04339 /*----- set reference time series (currently limited to one) -----*/ 04340 04341 case graDR_addref_ts:{ 04342 MRI_IMAGE *im = (MRI_IMAGE *) drive_data ; 04343 04344 if( im == NULL ){ /* no input --> kill kill kill */ 04345 STATUS("freeing reference timeseries") ; 04346 FREE_IMARR(grapher->ref_ts) ; 04347 grapher->ref_ts = NULL ; 04348 } else{ 04349 if( grapher->ref_ts == NULL ) INIT_IMARR( grapher->ref_ts ) ; 04350 04351 if( IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) == 0 ){ 04352 STATUS("adding reference timeseries") ; 04353 ADDTO_IMARR( grapher->ref_ts , im ) ; /* create first one */ 04354 } else { 04355 STATUS("replacing reference timeseries") ; 04356 IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) = im ; /* replace first one */ 04357 } 04358 } 04359 04360 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04361 RETURN( True ) ; 04362 } 04363 04364 /*----- set ort time series (currently limited to one) -----*/ 04365 04366 case graDR_addort_ts:{ 04367 MRI_IMAGE *im = (MRI_IMAGE *) drive_data ; 04368 04369 if( im == NULL ){ /* no input --> kill kill kill */ 04370 STATUS("freeing ort timeseries") ; 04371 FREE_IMARR(grapher->ort_ts) ; 04372 grapher->ort_ts = NULL ; 04373 } else{ 04374 if( grapher->ort_ts == NULL ) INIT_IMARR( grapher->ort_ts ) ; 04375 04376 if( IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ort_ts) == 0 ){ 04377 STATUS("adding ort timeseries") ; 04378 ADDTO_IMARR( grapher->ort_ts , im ) ; /* create first one */ 04379 } else { 04380 STATUS("replacing ort timeseries") ; 04381 IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ort_ts,0) = im ; /* replace first one */ 04382 } 04383 } 04384 04385 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04386 RETURN( True ) ; 04387 } 04388 04389 /*------ set icon pixmap -----*/ 04390 04391 case graDR_icon:{ 04392 int xret , yret ; 04393 unsigned int wret,hret,bret,dret ; 04394 Window rret ; 04395 04396 XtVaSetValues( grapher->fdw_graph , XmNiconPixmap , (Pixmap) drive_data , NULL ) ; 04397 grapher->glogo_pixmap = (Pixmap) drive_data ; 04398 04399 /* get geometry for later use */ 04400 04401 if( grapher->glogo_pixmap != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ){ 04402 (void) XGetGeometry( grapher->dc->display , grapher->glogo_pixmap , 04403 &rret , &xret , &yret , &wret , &hret , &bret , &dret ) ; 04404 04405 grapher->glogo_width = wret ; 04406 grapher->glogo_height = hret ; 04407 } else { 04408 grapher->glogo_width = 0 ; 04409 grapher->glogo_height = 0 ; 04410 } 04411 RETURN( True ) ; 04412 } 04413 04414 /*------- title --------*/ 04415 04416 case graDR_title:{ 04417 char * title = (char *) drive_data ; 04418 04419 if( title == NULL || strlen(title) == 0 ) RETURN( False ) ; 04420 04421 XtVaSetValues( grapher->fdw_graph , XmNtitle , title , NULL ) ; 04422 RETURN( True ) ; 04423 } 04424 04425 /*------- death! -------*/ 04426 04427 case graDR_destroy:{ 04428 end_fd_graph_CB( NULL , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL ) ; 04429 RETURN( True ) ; 04430 } 04431 04432 /*------- unrealize! -------*/ 04433 04434 case graDR_unrealize:{ 04435 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 04436 if( GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) XtUnrealizeWidget( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 04437 grapher->valid = 1 ; 04438 04439 if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap) 0 ) 04440 XFreePixmap( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind ) ; 04441 RETURN( True ) ; 04442 } 04443 04444 /*------- realize! -------*/ 04445 04446 case graDR_realize:{ 04447 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ){ 04448 int width , height ; 04449 04450 grapher->valid = 2 ; 04451 04452 XtRealizeWidget( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 04453 04454 WAIT_for_window(grapher->fdw_graph) ; 04455 04456 /* 29 Sep 2000: next 2 lines of code are for the Form change */ 04457 04458 XtVaSetValues( grapher->option_rowcol , 04459 XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 04460 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 04461 XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 04462 XmNbottomAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 04463 NULL ) ; 04464 XMapRaised( XtDisplay(grapher->option_rowcol) , 04465 XtWindow(grapher->option_rowcol) ) ; 04466 04467 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 04468 04469 if( ISONE(grapher) ) 04470 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; /* 07 Dec 2001 */ 04471 else 04472 POPUP_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 04473 04474 MCW_widget_geom( grapher->draw_fd , &width , &height , NULL,NULL ) ; 04475 GRA_new_pixmap( grapher , width , height , 0 ) ; 04476 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04477 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04478 #endif 04479 AFNI_sleep(1) ; /* 08 Mar 2002: for good luck */ 04480 } 04481 RETURN( True ) ; 04482 } 04483 04484 /*------- new cursor for image -------*/ 04485 04486 case graDR_cursor:{ 04487 int cur = (int) drive_data ; 04488 04489 MCW_alter_widget_cursor( grapher->fdw_graph , cur , "yellow" , "blue" ) ; 04490 RETURN( True ) ; 04491 } 04492 04493 /*------- new data sequence!!! -------*/ 04494 04495 case graDR_newdata:{ 04496 int npold = grapher->status->num_series ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 04497 04498 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 04499 04500 grapher->getaux = drive_data ; 04501 #if 0 04502 grapher->status = (MCW_grapher_status *) 04503 grapher->getser(0,graCR_getstatus,drive_data) ; 04504 #else 04505 CALL_getser( grapher , 0,graCR_getstatus , MCW_grapher_status *,grapher->status ) ; 04506 #endif 04507 init_const( grapher ) ; 04508 04509 /* mustn't allow bottom of plotting range to be beyond top of data! */ 04510 04511 if( grapher->pin_bot >= grapher->status->num_series-1 ) grapher->pin_bot = 0 ; 04512 04513 if( npold < 2 || !grapher->grid_fixed ){ /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 04514 auto_grid( grapher , NPTS(grapher) ) ; 04515 } 04516 04517 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04518 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 04519 #endif 04520 04521 if( ISONE(grapher) ) /* 07 Dec 2001 */ 04522 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 04523 else 04524 POPUP_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 04525 04526 RETURN( True ) ; 04527 } 04528 04529 /*------- redraw -------*/ 04530 04531 case graDR_redraw:{ 04532 int *xym = (int *) drive_data ; 04533 04534 STATUS("graDR_redraw") ; 04535 04536 if( xym != NULL ){ 04537 if( xym[0] >= 0 ) grapher->xpoint = xym[0] ; 04538 if( xym[1] >= 0 ) grapher->ypoint = xym[1] ; 04539 if( xym[2] >= 0 ) grapher->zpoint = xym[2] ; 04540 if( xym[3] > 0 ) grapher->mat = xym[3] ; 04541 init_mat(grapher) ; 04542 } 04543 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04544 RETURN( True ) ; 04545 } 04546 04547 } /* end of switch on drive_code */ 04548 04549 RETURN( False ) ; /* should never be reached! */ 04550 } |
for the present, don't realize widgets (make the user do it later) * Definition at line 942 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::ave_tsim, CALL_sendback, MCW_grapher::cen_line, MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, client_data, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_opt_bbox, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_av, FIM_menu::fimp_opt_bbox, FIM_menu::fimp_user_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, FREE_AV, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_CLEAR_tuser, GRA_timer_stop(), GRA_VALID, graCR_destroy, mri_free(), myXtFree, NUM_COLOR_ITEMS, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_color_av, MCW_grapher::opt_dplot_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_ggap_av, MCW_grapher::opt_gthick_av, MCW_grapher::opt_mat_choose_av, MCW_grapher::opt_points_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_slice_choose_av, MCW_grapher::opt_textgraph_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_thick_bbox, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_left_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_right_av, STATUS, MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::transform0D_av, MCW_grapher::transform1D_av, MCW_grapher::tschosen, MCW_grapher::valid, and MCW_grapher::xax_tsim. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_handle_keypress(), and new_MCW_grapher().
00943 { 00944 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 00945 int ii ; 00946 00947 ENTRY("end_fd_graph_CB") ; 00948 00949 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 00950 00951 GRA_timer_stop( grapher ) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 00952 00953 grapher->valid = 0 ; /* can't do anything with this anymore */ 00954 00955 if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap) 0 ){ 00956 STATUS("freeing Pixmap") ; 00957 XFreePixmap( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind ) ; 00958 } 00959 00960 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 00961 STATUS("destroying optmenus") ; 00962 FREE_AV(grapher->opt_mat_choose_av) ; 00963 FREE_AV(grapher->opt_slice_choose_av) ; 00964 FREE_AV(grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av) ; 00965 FREE_AV(grapher->fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av) ; 00966 #endif 00967 00968 STATUS("destroying arrowvals") ; 00969 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_right_av) ; 00970 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_left_av) ; 00971 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_inc_av) ; 00972 FREE_AV( grapher->transform0D_av ) ; /* 22 Oct 1996 */ 00973 FREE_AV( grapher->transform1D_av ) ; /* 03 Nov 1996 */ 00974 FREE_AV( grapher->opt_ggap_av ) ; /* 28 Sep 1998: via Purify */ 00975 FREE_AV( grapher->opt_gthick_av ) ; /* 06 Oct 2004 */ 00976 00977 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ) /* 16 Jun 1997 */ 00978 FREE_AV( grapher->opt_color_av[ii] ) ; 00979 00980 STATUS("destroying fmenu") ; 00981 myXtFree( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox ); /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 00982 myXtFree( grapher->fmenu->fim_opt_bbox ) ; /* Jan 1998 */ 00983 myXtFree( grapher->fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox ); /* Jan 1998 */ 00984 myXtFree( grapher->fmenu->fimp_user_bbox); /* Feb 2000 */ 00985 myXtFree( grapher->fmenu ) ; 00986 myXtFree( grapher->cen_line ) ; 00987 00988 STATUS("destroying bboxes") ; 00989 myXtFree( grapher->opt_dplot_bbox ) ; /* 08 Nov 1996 */ 00990 00991 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ){ 00992 myXtFree( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] ) ; /* 16 Jun 1997 */ 00993 myXtFree( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] ) ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 00994 } 00995 00996 myXtFree( grapher->opt_baseline_bbox ) ; /* 07 Aug 2001 */ 00997 myXtFree( grapher->opt_textgraph_bbox ) ; 00998 00999 STATUS("freeing cen_tsim") ; 01000 mri_free( grapher->cen_tsim ) ; 01001 mri_free( grapher->xax_tsim ) ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 01002 mri_free( grapher->ave_tsim ) ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01003 01004 STATUS("freeing tuser") ; 01005 GRA_CLEAR_tuser( grapher ) ; /* 22 Apr 1997 */ 01006 01007 /* 31 Mar 2004: 01008 On the Mac, destroying widgets after the timeseries 01009 chooser is opened causes death for unknown reasons. 01010 So in that case, just hide them. What the ....? */ 01011 01012 STATUS("destroying widgets") ; 01013 #ifdef DARWIN 01014 if( grapher->tschosen ) XtUnrealizeWidget( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 01015 else XtDestroyWidget ( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 01016 #else 01017 XtUnrealizeWidget( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 01018 #endif 01019 STATUS("widgets now destroyed") ; 01020 01021 /** if AFNI has a notify callback, it will free the data **/ 01022 01023 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 01024 GRA_cbs cbs ; 01025 cbs.reason = graCR_destroy ; 01026 STATUS("calling AFNI") ; 01027 #if 0 01028 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 01029 #else 01030 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 01031 #endif 01032 } else { 01033 STATUS("freeing grapher") ; 01034 myXtFree( grapher ) ; /* otherwise, we will free the data */ 01035 } 01036 01037 EXRETURN ; 01038 } |
if AFNI has a notify callback, it will free the data * Definition at line 1044 of file afni_graph.c. References BG_COLOR, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_fg_color(), DC_linewidth(), MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, MCW_grapher::glogo_height, MCW_grapher::glogo_pixmap, MCW_grapher::glogo_width, MCW_DC::myGC, and show_grapher_pixmap. Referenced by redraw_graph().
01045 { 01046 ENTRY("erase_fdw") ; 01047 01048 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01049 01050 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , BG_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01051 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , 0 ) ; 01052 01053 XFillRectangle( grapher->dc->display , 01054 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 01055 0 , 0 , grapher->fWIDE , grapher->fHIGH ) ; 01056 01057 if( show_grapher_pixmap && 01058 grapher->glogo_pixmap != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP && 01059 grapher->glogo_height > 0 && grapher->glogo_width > 0 ){ 01060 01061 XCopyArea( grapher->dc->display , 01062 grapher->glogo_pixmap , grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 01063 0,0 , grapher->glogo_width,grapher->glogo_height , 01064 0,grapher->fHIGH - grapher->glogo_height + 1 ) ; 01065 } 01066 01067 EXRETURN ; 01068 } |
Definition at line 1515 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, MCW_DC::myGC, x2, and y1. Referenced by redraw_graph().
Definition at line 1093 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, and MCW_widget_visible(). Referenced by redraw_graph().
01094 { 01095 ENTRY("fd_px_store") ; 01096 01097 if( ! MCW_widget_visible(grapher->draw_fd) ) EXRETURN ; /* 03 Jan 1999 */ 01098 01099 XtVaSetValues( grapher->draw_fd , 01100 XmNbackgroundPixmap , grapher->fd_pxWind , 01101 NULL ) ; 01102 01103 XClearWindow( grapher->dc->display , XtWindow(grapher->draw_fd) ) ; 01104 XFlush( grapher->dc->display ) ; 01105 EXRETURN ; 01106 } |
27 Jan 2004 * Definition at line 1495 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, and MCW_DC::myGC. Referenced by redraw_graph(), and text_graphs().
Definition at line 5590 of file afni_graph.c. References client_data, MCW_grapher::common_base, ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_val_bbox(), MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_bbox, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05591 { 05592 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 05593 int bbb ; 05594 05595 ENTRY("GRA_baseline_CB") ; 05596 05597 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05598 05599 bbb = MCW_val_bbox( grapher->opt_baseline_bbox ) ; 05600 if( bbb != grapher->common_base ){ 05601 grapher->common_base = bbb ; 05602 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05603 } 05604 EXRETURN ; 05605 } |
Definition at line 3928 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, MCW_choose_cbs::fval, and SET_FIM_bkthr. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03929 { 03930 ENTRY("GRA_bkthr_choose_CB") ; 03931 SET_FIM_bkthr( cbs->fval ) ; 03932 EXRETURN ; 03933 } |
Definition at line 5769 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::color_index, ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_arrowval::ival, NUM_COLOR_ITEMS, MCW_grapher::opt_color_av, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05770 { 05771 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 05772 int ii , jj ; 05773 05774 ENTRY("GRA_color_CB") ; 05775 05776 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05777 05778 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ) 05779 if( av == grapher->opt_color_av[ii] ) break ; 05780 05781 if( ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ){ 05782 jj = grapher->color_index[ii] ; 05783 grapher->color_index[ii] = av->ival ; 05784 if( jj != grapher->color_index[ii] ) redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05785 } 05786 EXRETURN ; 05787 } |
Definition at line 5045 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_refequals, graCR_winaver, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, MCW_set_bbox(), MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_new(), mri_shift_1D(), MRI_IMAGE::nx, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher::ref_ts, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc, MCW_grapher::setshift_left, MCW_grapher::setshift_right, MCW_grapher::status, and GRA_cbs::userdata. Referenced by GRA_setshift_action_CB().
05046 { 05047 MRI_IMAGE * tsim , * newim , * tim ; 05048 float * tsar , * nar , * tar ; 05049 int ii,ivec , nx , newny , nleft,nright ; 05050 float shinc ; 05051 GRA_cbs gbs ; 05052 05053 ENTRY("GRA_doshift") ; 05054 05055 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05056 05057 if( grapher->status->send_CB == NULL || 05058 grapher->setshift_inc <= 0.0 || 05059 grapher->setshift_left + grapher->setshift_right <= 0 || 05060 grapher->ref_ts == NULL || 05061 IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) == 0 ){ 05062 05063 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; EXRETURN ; 05064 } 05065 05066 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ; /* current ref */ 05067 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; 05068 nx = tsim->nx ; 05069 05070 shinc = grapher->setshift_inc ; 05071 nleft = grapher->setshift_left ; 05072 nright = grapher->setshift_right ; 05073 newny = 1 + nleft + nright ; 05074 newim = mri_new( nx , newny , MRI_float ) ; 05075 nar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(newim) ; 05076 05077 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) 05078 nar[ii] = (ii < grapher->init_ignore) ? WAY_BIG : tsar[ii] ; 05079 05080 for( ivec=1 ; ivec <= nleft ; ivec++ ){ 05081 tim = mri_shift_1D( newim , -ivec * shinc ) ; 05082 tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ; 05083 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) nar[ii+ivec*nx] = tar[ii] ; 05084 mri_free(tim) ; 05085 } 05086 05087 for( ivec=1 ; ivec <= nright ; ivec++ ){ 05088 tim = mri_shift_1D( newim , ivec * shinc ) ; 05089 tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ; 05090 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) nar[ii+(ivec+nleft)*nx] = tar[ii] ; 05091 mri_free(tim) ; 05092 } 05093 05094 { GRA_cbs cbs; cbs.reason=graCR_winaver; CALL_sendback(grapher,cbs); } 05095 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox , 0 ) ; 05096 gbs.reason = graCR_refequals ; 05097 gbs.userdata = (XtPointer) newim ; 05098 #if 0 05099 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &gbs ) ; 05100 #else 05101 CALL_sendback( grapher , gbs ) ; 05102 #endif 05103 mri_free( newim ) ; 05104 EXRETURN ; 05105 } |
Definition at line 5689 of file afni_graph.c. References client_data, ENTRY, GRA_REALZ, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05690 { 05691 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 05692 05693 ENTRY("GRA_dplot_change_CB") ; 05694 05695 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05696 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05697 EXRETURN ; 05698 } |
Definition at line 1183 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, MCW_DC::myGC, xc, and yc. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay().
Definition at line 2710 of file afni_graph.c. References abs, AFMALL, AV_fval_to_char(), MCW_grapher::but3_label, MCW_grapher::but3_menu, MCW_grapher::button2_enabled, CALL_sendback, MCW_grapher::cen_line, client_data, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, drive_MCW_grapher(), ENTRY, ev, event, GRA_cbs::event, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, free, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, MCW_grapher::getaux, getenv(), MCW_grapher::glogo_height, MCW_grapher::glogo_pixmap, MCW_grapher::glogo_width, GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_new_pixmap(), GRA_REALZ, GRA_redraw_overlay(), GRA_timer_stop(), graCR_button2_points, graCR_setindex, graDR_setindex, gx, MCW_grapher::gx, gy, MCW_grapher::gy, i, THD_ivec3::ijk, ISONE, GRA_cbs::key, mat, MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_discard_events(), MCW_widget_geom(), NBOT, new_MCW_textwin(), MCW_grapher::nncen, NPTS, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, GRA_cbs::reason, redraw_graph(), MCW_grapher::sbot, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, send_newinfo(), show_grapher_pixmap, STATUS, MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::stop, MCW_grapher::tbot, TEMP_IVEC3, TEXT_READONLY, MCW_grapher::textgraph, THD_fdind_to_3dind(), MCW_grapher::tmad, MCW_grapher::tmean, MCW_grapher::tmed, MCW_grapher::tstd, TTOP, MCW_grapher::ttop, MCW_grapher::tuser, MCW_grapher::valid, MCW_grapher::xc, GRA_cbs::xcen, MCW_grapher::xorigin, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::yc, GRA_cbs::ycen, MCW_grapher::yorigin, MCW_grapher::ypoint, GRA_cbs::zcen, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
02712 { 02713 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 02714 02715 ENTRY("GRA_drawing_EV") ; 02716 02717 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ){ 02718 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 02719 char str[256] ; 02720 sprintf(str,"unrealized grapher! Event type = %d",(int)ev->type) ; 02721 STATUS(str) ; } 02722 EXRETURN ; 02723 } 02724 02725 if( grapher->valid == 666 ){ /* 06 Jan 1999 */ 02726 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 02727 char str[256] ; 02728 sprintf(str,"dying grapher! Event type = %d",(int)ev->type) ; 02729 STATUS(str) ; } 02730 EXRETURN ; 02731 } 02732 02733 switch( ev->type ){ 02734 02735 /*----- redraw -----*/ 02736 02737 case Expose:{ 02738 XExposeEvent * event = (XExposeEvent *) ev ; 02739 02740 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 02741 char str[256] ; 02742 sprintf(str,"Expose event with count = %d",event->count) ; 02743 STATUS(str) ; } 02744 02745 /** 02746 With the first expose, create the new pixmap. 02747 For subsequent ones, just redraw the non-pixmap (overlay) stuff. 02748 02749 06 Jan 1999: check event count 02750 **/ 02751 02752 XSync( XtDisplay(w) , False ) ; /* 05 Feb 1999 */ 02753 02754 if( event->count == 0 ){ 02755 if( grapher->fd_pxWind == (Pixmap) 0 ){ 02756 int width , height ; 02757 MCW_widget_geom( grapher->draw_fd , &width , &height , NULL,NULL ) ; 02758 GRA_new_pixmap( grapher , width , height , 1 ) ; 02759 } else { 02760 GRA_redraw_overlay( grapher ) ; 02761 } 02762 } 02763 } 02764 break ; 02765 02766 /*----- take key press -----*/ 02767 02768 case KeyPress:{ 02769 XKeyEvent * event = (XKeyEvent *) ev ; 02770 char buf[32] ; 02771 KeySym ks=0 ; 02772 int nbuf ; 02773 02774 STATUS("KeyPress event") ; 02775 02776 GRA_timer_stop( grapher ) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 02777 02778 if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap) 0 ){ 02779 buf[0] = '\0' ; 02780 nbuf = XLookupString( event , buf , 32 , &ks , NULL ) ; 02781 if( nbuf == 0 ){ /* 24 Jan 2003: substitution for special keys */ 02782 switch(ks){ 02783 case XK_KP_Left: 02784 case XK_Left: buf[0] = '<' ; break ; 02785 case XK_KP_Right: 02786 case XK_Right: buf[0] = '>' ; break ; 02787 case XK_KP_Page_Up: 02788 case XK_Page_Up: buf[0] = 'Z' ; break ; 02789 case XK_KP_Page_Down: 02790 case XK_Page_Down: buf[0] = 'z' ; break ; 02791 } 02792 } 02793 if( buf[0] != '\0' ) GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , buf , ev ) ; 02794 else if(PRINT_TRACING){ 02795 char str[256] ; 02796 sprintf(str,"*** KeyPress was empty!? nbuf=%d",nbuf) ; 02797 STATUS(str) ; 02798 } 02799 } 02800 } 02801 break ; 02802 02803 /*----- take button press -----*/ 02804 02805 case ButtonPress:{ 02806 XButtonEvent * event = (XButtonEvent *) ev ; 02807 int bx,by , width,height , but ; 02808 int i, j, gx , gy , mat , xloc,yloc ; 02809 unsigned int but_state ; 02810 int xd,yd,zd ; /* 19 Mar 2004: for mangling to AFNI indexes */ 02811 02812 STATUS("button press") ; 02813 02814 bx = event->x ; 02815 by = event->y ; 02816 but = event->button ; but_state = event->state ; 02817 MCW_discard_events( w , ButtonPressMask ) ; 02818 02819 /* Button 1 in pixmap logo = toggle on or off */ 02820 02821 if( but == Button1 && 02822 grapher->glogo_pixmap != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP && 02823 bx < grapher->glogo_width && 02824 grapher->fHIGH - by < grapher->glogo_height ){ 02825 02826 show_grapher_pixmap = ! show_grapher_pixmap ; 02827 02828 if( XtIsManaged(grapher->option_rowcol) ) /* 04 Nov 1996 */ 02829 XtUnmanageChild(grapher->option_rowcol) ; 02830 else 02831 XtManageChild(grapher->option_rowcol) ; 02832 02833 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 02834 break ; /* break out of ButtonPress case */ 02835 } 02836 02837 /* compute which dataset pixel (xloc,yloc) the button press was in */ 02838 02839 /* X11 box for graph (i,j): 02840 x = xorigin[i][j] .. xorigin[i][j]+gx (L..R) 02841 y = fHIGH-yorigin[i][j]-gy .. fHIGH-yorigin[i][j] (T..B) */ 02842 02843 gx = grapher->gx ; gy = grapher->gy ; mat = grapher->mat ; 02844 02845 for( i=0 ; i < mat ; i++ ) 02846 if( bx > grapher->xorigin[i][0] && 02847 bx < grapher->xorigin[i][0] + gx ) break ; /* find in x */ 02848 02849 if( i == mat ) break ; /* break out of ButtonPress case */ 02850 02851 xloc = grapher->xpoint + i - grapher->xc ; 02852 02853 for( j=0 ; j < mat ; j++ ) /* find in y */ 02854 if( by > grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[0][j] - gy && 02855 by < grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[0][j] ) break ; 02856 02857 if( j == mat ) break ; /* break out of ButtonPress case */ 02858 02859 yloc = grapher->ypoint - j + grapher->yc ; 02860 02861 /* adjust for possible wraparound */ 02862 02863 if (xloc < 0) xloc += grapher->status->nx ; 02864 if (xloc >= grapher->status->nx) xloc -= grapher->status->nx ; 02865 if (yloc < 0) yloc += grapher->status->ny ; 02866 if (yloc >= grapher->status->ny) yloc -= grapher->status->ny ; 02867 02868 /* Feb 1998: button 2 --> send message back to AFNI, maybe */ 02869 /* 03 Oct 2002: Shift+Button1 has the same effect */ 02870 02871 if( but == Button2 || 02872 ( but == Button1 && (event->state & ShiftMask) && 02873 !(event->state & ControlMask) ) ){ 02874 02875 if( grapher->button2_enabled && (bx > GL_DLX) ){ 02876 GRA_cbs cbs ; 02877 cbs.reason = graCR_button2_points ; 02878 cbs.xcen = xloc ; 02879 cbs.ycen = yloc ; 02880 cbs.zcen = grapher->zpoint ; 02881 #if 0 02882 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 02883 #else 02884 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 02885 #endif 02886 } else { 02887 XBell(XtDisplay(w),100) ; 02888 } 02889 } 02890 02891 /* button 1 --> move to new square as center of matrix, 02892 if it is actually a new center, that is, 02893 and if graphing is enabled, and if not off left edge */ 02894 02895 if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap) 0 && 02896 but == Button1 && (bx > GL_DLX) && 02897 ( (xloc != grapher->xpoint) || (yloc != grapher->ypoint) ) ){ 02898 02899 grapher->xpoint = xloc ; 02900 grapher->ypoint = yloc ; 02901 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 02902 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 02903 } 02904 02905 /* 22 July 1996: 02906 button 1 in central graph of matrix causes jump to time_index */ 02907 02908 else if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap)0 && 02909 NPTS(grapher) > 1 && !grapher->textgraph && 02910 (but==Button1) && (bx > GL_DLX) && 02911 (xloc == grapher->xpoint) && yloc == grapher->ypoint && 02912 grapher->cen_line != NULL && grapher->nncen > 1 ){ 02913 02914 float dist , dmin=999999.9 ; 02915 int imin = 0 ; 02916 02917 /*-- 09 Jan 1998: find closest pixel in central graph --*/ 02918 02919 for( i=0 ; i < grapher->nncen ; i++ ){ 02920 dist = abs( bx - grapher->cen_line[i].x ) /* L1 distance */ 02921 + abs( by - grapher->cen_line[i].y ) ; 02922 if( dist < dmin ){ dmin = dist; imin = i; if(dmin == 0) break; } 02923 } 02924 i = imin + NBOT(grapher) ; 02925 02926 if( i >= 0 && i < TTOP(grapher) ){ 02927 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 02928 GRA_cbs cbs ; 02929 02930 cbs.reason = graCR_setindex ; 02931 cbs.key = i ; 02932 cbs.event = ev ; 02933 #if 0 02934 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 02935 #else 02936 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 02937 #endif 02938 } else { 02939 (void) drive_MCW_grapher( grapher,graDR_setindex,(XtPointer)i ); 02940 } 02941 } 02942 } 02943 02944 /* Button 3 --> popup statistics of this graph */ 02945 02946 if( but == Button3 && !ISONE(grapher) && !grapher->textgraph ){ 02947 int ix , iy ; 02948 02949 ix = xloc - grapher->xpoint + grapher->xc ; 02950 if( ix < 0 ) ix += grapher->status->nx ; 02951 else if( ix >= grapher->mat ) ix -= grapher->status->nx ; 02952 02953 iy = grapher->ypoint - yloc + grapher->yc ; 02954 if( iy < 0 ) iy += grapher->status->ny ; 02955 else if( iy >= grapher->mat ) iy -= grapher->status->ny ; 02956 02957 if( ix >= 0 && ix < grapher->mat && iy >= 0 && iy < grapher->mat ){ 02958 XmString xstr ; 02959 char bmin[16],bmax[16],bmean[16],bstd[16] ; 02960 char bmed[16] , bmad[16] ; /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 02961 char *qstr , *eee ; /* 07 Mar 2002 */ 02962 int nlin , nltop=40 ; /* 07 Mar 2002 */ 02963 02964 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->tbot[ix][iy] , bmin ) ; 02965 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->ttop[ix][iy] , bmax ) ; 02966 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->tmean[ix][iy] , bmean) ; 02967 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->tstd[ix][iy] , bstd ) ; 02968 02969 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->tmed[ix][iy] , bmed ) ; /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 02970 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->tmad[ix][iy] , bmad ) ; 02971 02972 if( grapher->tuser[ix][iy] == NULL ) 02973 qstr = AFMALL(char, 912) ; 02974 else 02975 qstr = AFMALL(char, 912+strlen(grapher->tuser[ix][iy])) ; 02976 02977 /* 19 Mar 2004: mangle FD_brick indexes to AFNI indexes */ 02978 02979 xd = xloc; yd = yloc; zd = grapher->zpoint ; 02980 #ifndef DONT_MANGLE_XYZ 02981 { THD_ivec3 id ; 02982 id = THD_fdind_to_3dind( grapher->getaux , TEMP_IVEC3(xd,yd,zd) ) ; 02983 xd = id.ijk[0] ; yd = id.ijk[1] ; zd = id.ijk[2] ; } 02984 #endif 02985 sprintf( qstr, "Data Statistics\n" 02986 "---------------\n" 02987 "Indexes = %d:%-d\n" /* 19 Mar 2004 */ 02988 "x voxel = %d\n" 02989 "y voxel = %d\n" 02990 "z voxel = %d\n" 02991 "Min =%s\n" 02992 "Max =%s\n" 02993 "Mean =%s\n" 02994 "Sigma =%s\n" 02995 "Median =%s\n" /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 02996 "MAD =%s" , 02997 grapher->sbot[ix][iy], grapher->stop[ix][iy], /* 19 Mar 2004 */ 02998 xd , yd , zd , 02999 bmin,bmax,bmean,bstd,bmed,bmad ) ; 03000 03001 /** 22 Apr 1997: incorporate user string for this voxel **/ 03002 03003 if( grapher->tuser[ix][iy] != NULL ){ 03004 strcat( qstr , "\n------------------\n" ) ; 03005 strcat( qstr , grapher->tuser[ix][iy] ) ; 03006 } 03007 03008 /* 07 Mar 2002: if string is too long, popup textwin, 03009 otherwise just open a popup window */ 03010 03011 eee = getenv( "AFNI_GRAPH_TEXTLIMIT" ) ; 03012 if( eee != NULL ){ 03013 nlin = strtol( eee , NULL , 10 ) ; 03014 if( nlin > 0 ) nltop = nlin ; 03015 } 03016 03017 for( nlin=1,eee=qstr ; *eee != '\0' ; eee++ ) 03018 if( *eee == '\n' ) nlin++ ; 03019 03020 if( nlin < nltop ){ 03021 xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR( qstr, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG ) ; 03022 XtVaSetValues( grapher->but3_label,XmNlabelString,xstr,NULL ); 03023 XmStringFree( xstr ) ; 03024 XmMenuPosition( grapher->but3_menu , event ) ; /* where */ 03025 XtManageChild ( grapher->but3_menu ) ; /* popup */ 03026 } else { 03027 (void) new_MCW_textwin(grapher->fdw_graph,qstr,TEXT_READONLY); 03028 } 03029 free(qstr) ; 03030 03031 } else { 03032 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; /* 11 Nov 1996 */ 03033 } 03034 } 03035 } 03036 break ; 03037 03038 /*----- window changed size -----*/ 03039 03040 case ConfigureNotify:{ 03041 XConfigureEvent * event = (XConfigureEvent *) ev ; 03042 int new_width , new_height ; 03043 03044 STATUS("ConfigureNotify event") ; 03045 03046 XSync( XtDisplay(w) , False ) ; 03047 03048 new_width = event->width ; 03049 new_height = event->height ; 03050 03051 if( new_width != grapher->fWIDE || new_height != grapher->fHIGH ){ 03052 GRA_new_pixmap( grapher , new_width , new_height , 1 ) ; 03053 } 03054 } 03055 break ; 03056 03057 /*----- ignore all other events -----*/ 03058 03059 default: 03060 #ifdef AFNI_DEBUG 03061 {char str[256]; sprintf(str,"Event code = %d\n",(int)ev->type); STATUS(str);} 03062 #endif 03063 break ; 03064 03065 } /* end of switch ev->type */ 03066 03067 EXRETURN ; 03068 } |
Definition at line 5871 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, GRA_REALZ, INFO_message(), MCW_kill_XImage(), mri_free(), mri_write_pnm(), MCW_DC::myGC, and XImage_to_mri(). Referenced by AFNI_drive_save_jpeg(), and GRA_saver_CB().
05872 { 05873 XImage *xim ; 05874 XGCValues gcv ; 05875 MRI_IMAGE *tim ; 05876 int ii ; 05877 05878 ENTRY("GRA_file_pixmap") ; 05879 05880 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05881 if( grapher->fd_pxWind == (Pixmap) 0 ) EXRETURN ; 05882 05883 ii = XGetGCValues( grapher->dc->display , 05884 grapher->dc->myGC , GCPlaneMask , &gcv ) ; 05885 if( ii == 0 ) EXRETURN ; 05886 05887 xim = XGetImage( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind , 05888 0 , 0 , grapher->fWIDE , grapher->fHIGH , 05889 gcv.plane_mask , ZPixmap ) ; 05890 if( xim == NULL ) EXRETURN ; 05891 05892 tim = XImage_to_mri( grapher->dc , xim , 0 ) ; 05893 if( tim == NULL ){ MCW_kill_XImage( xim ) ; EXRETURN ; } 05894 05895 mri_write_pnm( fname , tim ) ; 05896 INFO_message("Writing grapher image to file %s\n",fname) ; 05897 mri_free( tim ) ; 05898 MCW_kill_XImage( xim ) ; /* 10 Mar 1999 */ 05899 EXRETURN ; 05900 } |
Definition at line 4556 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_getser, CALL_sendback, client_data, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, EXRONE, FIM_ALPHA_MASK, FIM_menu::fim_bkthr_choose_pb, FIM_CORR_MASK, FIM_DEFAULT_MASK, FIM_menu::fim_editort_clear_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_add_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_clear_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_equals_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_read_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_setshift_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_smooth_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_store_pb, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, FIM_menu::fim_editref_write_pb, FIM_menu::fim_execfimp_pb, FIM_menu::fim_execute_pb, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_pb, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_down_pb, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_up_pb, FIM_NUM_OPTS, FIM_menu::fim_opt_bbox, FIM_PAVE_MASK, FIM_PERC_MASK, FIM_menu::fim_pickort_pb, FIM_menu::fim_pickref_pb, FIM_menu::fim_plot_allrefs_pb, FIM_menu::fim_plot_firstref_pb, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_pb, FIM_PTOP_MASK, FIM_menu::fimp_opt_bbox, FIM_menu::fimp_setall_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_setdefault_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_unsetall_pb, FIM_menu::fimp_user_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::getaux, MCW_grapher::getser, GRA_bkthr_choose_CB(), GRA_ignore_choose_CB(), GRA_polort_choose_CB(), GRA_refread_choose_CB(), GRA_refstore_choose_CB(), GRA_refwrite_choose_CB(), GRA_setshift_startup(), GRA_timer_stop(), GRA_VALID, graCR_clearfim, graCR_clearort, graCR_dofim, graCR_getseries, graCR_pickort, graCR_pickref, graCR_refadd, graCR_refequals, graCR_refsmooth, graCR_setignore, graCR_winaver, IMARR_COUNT, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, GRA_cbs::key, GRA_cbs::mat, MCW_choose_integer(), MCW_choose_string(), MCW_set_bbox(), MCW_val_bbox(), mri_free(), my_getenv(), MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, FIM_menu::parent, MCW_grapher::polort, GRA_cbs::reason, redraw_graph(), MCW_grapher::ref_ts, MCW_grapher::ref_ts_plotall, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::tschosen, GRA_cbs::userdata, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
04557 { 04558 FIM_menu * fm = (FIM_menu *) client_data ; 04559 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) fm->parent ; 04560 GRA_cbs cbs ; 04561 04562 ENTRY("GRA_fim_CB") ; 04563 04564 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || grapher->status->send_CB == NULL ) EXRETURN ; 04565 04566 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 04567 04568 /*--- carry out action, depending on which widget called me ---*/ 04569 04570 /*** Pick reference ***/ 04571 04572 if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_pickref_pb ){ 04573 cbs.reason = graCR_pickref ; 04574 #if 0 04575 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04576 #else 04577 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04578 #endif 04579 grapher->tschosen = 1 ; /* 31 Mar 2004 */ 04580 } 04581 04582 /*** Pick ort ***/ 04583 04584 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_pickort_pb ){ 04585 cbs.reason = graCR_pickort ; 04586 #if 0 04587 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04588 #else 04589 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04590 #endif 04591 grapher->tschosen = 1 ; /* 31 Mar 2004 */ 04592 } 04593 04594 /*** Clear FIM ***/ 04595 04596 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_clear_pb ){ 04597 cbs.reason = graCR_clearfim ; 04598 #if 0 04599 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04600 #else 04601 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04602 #endif 04603 } 04604 04605 /*** Clear Ort ***/ 04606 04607 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editort_clear_pb ){ 04608 cbs.reason = graCR_clearort ; 04609 #if 0 04610 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04611 #else 04612 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04613 #endif 04614 } 04615 04616 /*** set ref to central time series ***/ 04617 04618 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_equals_pb || 04619 w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_add_pb ){ 04620 int ll ; 04621 MRI_IMAGE * tsim ; 04622 04623 ll = grapher->xpoint + 04624 grapher->ypoint * grapher->status->nx + 04625 grapher->zpoint * grapher->status->nx * grapher->status->ny ; 04626 04627 #if 0 04628 tsim = (MRI_IMAGE *) grapher->getser( ll , graCR_getseries , 04629 grapher->getaux ) ; 04630 #else 04631 CALL_getser( grapher , ll,graCR_getseries , MRI_IMAGE *,tsim ) ; 04632 #endif 04633 04634 if( tsim != NULL ){ 04635 { GRA_cbs cbs; cbs.reason=graCR_winaver; CALL_sendback(grapher,cbs); } 04636 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox , 0 ) ; 04637 cbs.reason = (w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_equals_pb) 04638 ? graCR_refequals : graCR_refadd ; 04639 cbs.userdata = (XtPointer) tsim ; 04640 #if 0 04641 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04642 #else 04643 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04644 #endif 04645 mri_free( tsim ) ; 04646 } 04647 } 04648 04649 /*** read or write or smooth ***/ 04650 04651 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_read_pb ){ 04652 MCW_choose_string( grapher->option_rowcol , 04653 "Ideal Input Filename:" , NULL , 04654 GRA_refread_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04655 } 04656 04657 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_write_pb ){ 04658 if( grapher->ref_ts != NULL && IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) > 0 ){ 04659 MCW_choose_string( grapher->option_rowcol , 04660 "Ideal Output Filename:" , NULL , 04661 GRA_refwrite_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04662 } else { 04663 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04664 } 04665 } 04666 04667 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_store_pb ){ 04668 if( grapher->ref_ts != NULL && IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) > 0 ){ 04669 MCW_choose_string( grapher->option_rowcol , 04670 "Label to Store Ideal:" , NULL , 04671 GRA_refstore_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04672 } else { 04673 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04674 } 04675 } 04676 04677 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_smooth_pb ){ 04678 cbs.reason = graCR_refsmooth ; 04679 if( grapher->ref_ts != NULL && IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) > 0 ){ 04680 { GRA_cbs cbs; cbs.reason=graCR_winaver; CALL_sendback(grapher,cbs); } 04681 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox , 0 ) ; 04682 #if 0 04683 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04684 #else 04685 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04686 #endif 04687 } else { 04688 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04689 } 04690 } 04691 04692 /*** Set shifts ***/ 04693 04694 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_setshift_pb ){ 04695 GRA_setshift_startup( grapher ) ; 04696 } 04697 04698 /*** Execute FIM ***/ 04699 04700 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_execute_pb ){ 04701 int val = MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fim_opt_bbox) ; 04702 cbs.reason = graCR_dofim ; 04703 switch(val){ 04704 default: cbs.key = FIM_ALPHA_MASK | FIM_CORR_MASK ; break ; 04705 case 2: cbs.key = FIM_PERC_MASK | FIM_CORR_MASK ; break ; 04706 case 4: cbs.key = FIM_PAVE_MASK | FIM_CORR_MASK ; break ; 04707 case 3: cbs.key = FIM_PTOP_MASK | FIM_CORR_MASK ; break ; 04708 } 04709 cbs.mat = 0 ; /* Feb 2000 */ 04710 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 04711 #if 0 04712 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04713 #else 04714 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04715 #endif 04716 } 04717 04718 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_execfimp_pb ){ 04719 cbs.reason = graCR_dofim ; 04720 cbs.key = MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox) ; 04721 cbs.mat = MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fimp_user_bbox) ; /* Feb 2000 */ 04722 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 04723 if( cbs.key || cbs.mat ) 04724 #if 0 04725 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04726 #else 04727 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04728 #endif 04729 else 04730 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04731 } 04732 04733 /*** 04 Jan 2000: modify the FIM+ button settings ***/ 04734 04735 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fimp_setdefault_pb ){ 04736 char * ff = my_getenv( "AFNI_FIM_MASK" ) ; int mm=0 ; 04737 if( ff != NULL ) mm = strtol(ff,NULL,10) ; 04738 if( mm <= 0 ) mm = FIM_DEFAULT_MASK ; 04739 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox , mm ) ; 04740 } 04741 04742 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fimp_setall_pb ){ 04743 int mm = (2 << FIM_NUM_OPTS) - 1 ; 04744 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox , mm ) ; 04745 } 04746 04747 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fimp_unsetall_pb ){ 04748 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fimp_opt_bbox , 0 ) ; 04749 } 04750 04751 /*** FIM plotting buttons ***/ 04752 04753 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_plot_firstref_pb ){ 04754 if( grapher->ref_ts_plotall != 0 ){ 04755 grapher->ref_ts_plotall = 0 ; 04756 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04757 } 04758 } 04759 04760 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_plot_allrefs_pb ){ 04761 if( grapher->ref_ts_plotall == 0 ){ 04762 grapher->ref_ts_plotall = 1 ; 04763 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 04764 } 04765 } 04766 04767 /*** Ignore stuff ***/ 04768 04769 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_down_pb && grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 04770 GRA_cbs cbs ; 04771 04772 cbs.reason = graCR_setignore ; 04773 cbs.key = grapher->init_ignore - 1 ; 04774 #if 0 04775 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04776 #else 04777 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04778 #endif 04779 } 04780 04781 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_up_pb && grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 04782 GRA_cbs cbs ; 04783 04784 cbs.reason = graCR_setignore ; 04785 cbs.key = grapher->init_ignore + 1 ; 04786 #if 0 04787 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 04788 #else 04789 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 04790 #endif 04791 } 04792 04793 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_pb && grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 04794 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04795 GRA_ignore_choose_CB( grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av , grapher ) ; 04796 #else 04797 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Initial Ignore" , 04798 0 , grapher->status->num_series-1 , grapher->init_ignore , 04799 GRA_ignore_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04800 #endif 04801 } 04802 04803 /* 27 May 1999: set polort */ 04804 04805 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_polort_choose_pb && grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 04806 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 04807 GRA_polort_choose_CB( grapher->fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av , grapher ) ; 04808 #else 04809 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Polort Order" , 04810 0 , MAX_POLORT , grapher->polort , 04811 GRA_polort_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04812 #endif 04813 } 04814 04815 /* 02 Jun 1999: set FIM bkg threshold */ 04816 04817 else if( w == grapher->fmenu->fim_bkthr_choose_pb ){ 04818 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Bkg Thresh %" , 04819 0 , 99 , (int)(100*FIM_THR) , 04820 GRA_bkthr_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 04821 } 04822 04823 /*** Unimplemented Button ***/ 04824 04825 else { 04826 XBell( grapher->dc->display , 100 ) ; 04827 } 04828 04829 /*--- Done!!! ---*/ 04830 04831 EXRETURN ; 04832 } |
Definition at line 5611 of file afni_graph.c. References AV_fval_to_char(), BASELINE_GLOBAL, MCW_grapher::common_base, ENTRY, MCW_choose_cbs::fval, MCW_grapher::global_base, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_global_label, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), and GRA_opt_CB().
05613 { 05614 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 05615 XmString xstr ; 05616 char str[32] ; 05617 05618 ENTRY("GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB") ; 05619 05620 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05621 05622 grapher->global_base = cbs->fval ; 05623 if( grapher->common_base == BASELINE_GLOBAL ) redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 05624 05625 strcpy(str,"Global:") ; 05626 AV_fval_to_char(grapher->global_base,str+7) ; 05627 xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR( str,XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG ) ; 05628 XtVaSetValues( grapher->opt_baseline_global_label , 05629 XmNlabelString,xstr , 05630 NULL ) ; 05631 XmStringFree(xstr) ; 05632 EXRETURN ; 05633 } |
Definition at line 5706 of file afni_graph.c. References AV_assign_ival(), ENTRY, FIM_menu::fim_ignore_choose_av, FIM_menu::fim_polort_choose_av, MCW_grapher::fmenu, GRA_REALZ, MCW_arrowval::imax, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_grapher::mat_max, MAX, MIN, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nz, MCW_grapher::opt_mat_choose_av, MCW_grapher::opt_slice_choose_av, MCW_grapher::polort, refit_MCW_optmenu(), MCW_grapher::status, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), new_MCW_grapher(), and redraw_graph().
05707 { 05708 int igtop ; 05709 05710 ENTRY("GRA_fix_optmenus") ; 05711 05712 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05713 05714 /** matrix selection **/ 05715 05716 if( grapher->opt_mat_choose_av->imax != grapher->mat_max ) 05717 refit_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_mat_choose_av , 05718 1 , grapher->mat_max , grapher->mat , 0 , 05719 NULL , NULL ) ; 05720 05721 else 05722 AV_assign_ival( grapher->opt_mat_choose_av , grapher->mat ) ; 05723 05724 /** slice selection **/ 05725 05726 if( grapher->opt_slice_choose_av->imax != grapher->status->nz-1 ) 05727 refit_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_slice_choose_av , 05728 0, grapher->status->nz - 1, grapher->zpoint, 0, 05729 NULL , NULL ) ; 05730 05731 else 05732 AV_assign_ival( grapher->opt_slice_choose_av , grapher->zpoint ) ; 05733 05734 /** fim ignoration **/ 05735 05736 igtop = MIN( grapher->status->num_series-2 , 99 ) ; 05737 igtop = MAX( igtop , 1 ) ; 05738 05739 if( grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av->imax != igtop ) 05740 refit_MCW_optmenu( grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av , 05741 0 , igtop , grapher->init_ignore, 0, 05742 NULL , NULL ) ; 05743 else 05744 AV_assign_ival( grapher->fmenu->fim_ignore_choose_av , grapher->init_ignore ) ; 05745 05746 /** 27 May 1999: fim polort **/ 05747 05748 AV_assign_ival( grapher->fmenu->fim_polort_choose_av , grapher->polort ) ; 05749 05750 EXRETURN ; 05751 } |
shouldn't get to here, but who knows? * Definition at line 3635 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, MAX, MIN, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), MRI_IMAGE::nx, TBOT, top, TTOP, and MCW_grapher::xax_tsim. Referenced by plot_graphs().
03636 { 03637 int ii , npt , nx , ibot , nover=0 , pbot,ptop ; 03638 float top,bot , fac ; 03639 float * xxx ; 03640 03641 ENTRY("GRA_fixup_xaxis") ; 03642 03643 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) || grapher->xax_tsim == NULL ) EXRETURN ; 03644 03645 ptop = TTOP(grapher) ; pbot = TBOT(grapher) ; 03646 npt = ptop ; nx = grapher->xax_tsim->nx ; npt = MIN(npt,nx) ; 03647 xxx = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(grapher->xax_tsim) ; 03648 03649 ibot = grapher->init_ignore ; 03650 if( ibot >= npt-1 ) ibot = 0 ; 03651 ibot = MAX(ibot,pbot) ; 03652 03653 /* find range over plotting interval (ibot..npt-1) */ 03654 03655 top = -WAY_BIG ; bot = WAY_BIG ; 03656 for( ii=ibot ; ii < npt ; ii++ ){ 03657 if( xxx[ii] < WAY_BIG ){ 03658 top = MAX(top,xxx[ii]) ; bot = MIN(bot,xxx[ii]) ; 03659 } else { 03660 nover++ ; 03661 } 03662 } 03663 if( bot >= top ){ 03664 mri_free(grapher->xax_tsim) ; 03665 grapher->xax_tsim = NULL ; 03666 EXRETURN ; 03667 } 03668 03669 /* scale all of the timeseries */ 03670 03671 fac = 1.0 / (top-bot) ; 03672 for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){ 03673 if( xxx[ii] < WAY_BIG ) xxx[ii] = fac * (xxx[ii]-bot) ; 03674 else xxx[ii] = 0.0 ; 03675 } 03676 03677 EXRETURN ; 03678 } |
27 May 1999: fim polort * Definition at line 5755 of file afni_graph.c. References FIM_menu::cbfunc, ENTRY, and MCW_arrowval::wrowcol. Referenced by AFNI_new_fim_menu().
Definition at line 3812 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, MCW_grapher::ggap, GRA_VALID, init_mat(), MCW_arrowval::ival, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
03813 { 03814 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03815 int gg ; 03816 03817 ENTRY("GRA_ggap_CB") ; 03818 03819 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03820 03821 gg = grapher->ggap ; grapher->ggap = cbs->ival ; 03822 if( gg != grapher->ggap ){ 03823 init_mat( grapher ) ; redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03824 } 03825 03826 EXRETURN ; 03827 } |
Definition at line 3773 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher::grid_fixed, MCW_grapher::grid_spacing, MCW_choose_cbs::ival, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03774 { 03775 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03776 03777 ENTRY("GRA_grid_choose_CB") ; 03778 03779 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03780 grapher->grid_spacing = cbs->ival ; 03781 grapher->grid_fixed = 1 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 03782 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 03783 EXRETURN ; 03784 } |
Definition at line 3831 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher::gthick, init_mat(), MCW_arrowval::ival, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
03832 { 03833 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03834 int gg ; 03835 03836 ENTRY("GRA_gthick_CB") ; 03837 03838 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03839 03840 gg = grapher->gthick ; grapher->gthick = cbs->ival ; 03841 if( gg != grapher->gthick ){ 03842 init_mat( grapher ) ; redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03843 } 03844 03845 EXRETURN ; 03846 } |
Definition at line 3121 of file afni_graph.c. References AFNI_numenv(), BASELINE_GLOBAL, BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL, CALL_getser, CALL_sendback, MCW_grapher::common_base, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, drive_MCW_grapher(), end_fd_graph_CB(), ENTRY, ev, GRA_cbs::event, EXRONE, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, MCW_grapher::getaux, MCW_grapher::getser, MCW_grapher::glogo_pixmap, GRA_saver_CB(), GRA_timer_CB(), GRA_TIMERFUNC_BOUNCE, GRA_TIMERFUNC_INDEX, graCR_getseries, graCR_keypress, graCR_setignore, graCR_setindex, graDR_setindex, Grapher_Stuff, grid_down(), grid_up(), HAND_cursorize, MCW_grapher::HorZ, THD_ivec3::ijk, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, init_mat(), ISONE, GRA_cbs::key, MCW_grapher::key_lock_sum, MCW_grapher::key_Nlock, MCW_grapher::mat, mat_down(), MCW_grapher::mat_max, mat_up(), MAX, MCW_choose_string(), MCW_discard_events(), MCW_set_bbox(), MIN, mri_free(), mri_write_1D(), myXtFree, NORMAL_cursorize, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher_status::nz, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_quit_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_textgraph_bbox, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE, POPUP_cursorize, GRA_cbs::reason, redraw_graph(), scale_down(), scale_up(), MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, send_newinfo(), show_grapher_pixmap, STATUS, MCW_grapher::status, TEMP_IVEC3, MCW_grapher::textgraph, THD_fdind_to_3dind(), MCW_grapher::time_index, MCW_grapher::timer_delay, MCW_grapher::timer_func, MCW_grapher::timer_id, MCW_grapher::timer_param, GRA_miscellaneous::wcsuffix, MCW_grapher::xpoint, XtMalloc, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by AFNI_drive_open_window(), AFNI_seq_send_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_opt_CB(), and GRA_quit_timeout_CB().
03122 { 03123 int ii ; 03124 03125 ENTRY("GRA_handle_keypress") ; 03126 03127 if( buf[0] == '\0' ) EXRETURN ; 03128 03129 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 03130 char str[256] ; 03131 sprintf(str,"buf[0]=%c (%x)",(int)buf[0],(int)buf[0]) ; 03132 STATUS(str); } 03133 03134 /*** deal with the key sequence 'N <digits> <Enter>' ***/ 03135 03136 /* first 'N' */ 03137 03138 if( grapher->key_Nlock==0 && buf[0]=='N' ){ 03139 grapher->key_Nlock = 1 ; 03140 HAND_cursorize( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 03141 HAND_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 03142 grapher->key_lock_sum = 0 ; 03143 EXRETURN ; 03144 } 03145 03146 /* last <Enter> */ 03147 03148 if( grapher->key_Nlock && buf[0] == 13 ){ 03149 03150 /* if have a number, set the graph matrix size */ 03151 03152 if( grapher->key_lock_sum > 0 ) 03153 grapher->mat = MIN( grapher->mat_max , grapher->key_lock_sum ) ; 03154 03155 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 03156 if( ISONE(grapher) ) 03157 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 03158 else 03159 POPUP_cursorize( grapher->draw_fd ) ; 03160 03161 init_mat ( grapher ) ; 03162 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03163 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 03164 grapher->key_Nlock = grapher->key_lock_sum = 0 ; 03165 EXRETURN ; 03166 } 03167 03168 /* intermediate <digit> */ 03169 03170 if( grapher->key_Nlock ){ 03171 if( isdigit(buf[0]) ){ 03172 ii = buf[0] - 48; 03173 grapher->key_lock_sum = MIN( 10000, 10*grapher->key_lock_sum + ii ) ; 03174 } 03175 EXRETURN ; 03176 } 03177 03178 /*-- other keys are single stroke commands --*/ 03179 03180 MCW_discard_events( grapher->draw_fd , KeyPressMask ) ; 03181 03182 switch (buf[0]) { 03183 03184 case '-': 03185 case '+': 03186 if( buf[0] == '-' ) scale_down( grapher ) ; 03187 else scale_up ( grapher ) ; 03188 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03189 break; 03190 03191 case 'a': 03192 redraw_graph( grapher , PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE ) ; /* 03 Feb 1998 */ 03193 break ; 03194 03195 case 'i': 03196 if( !grapher->textgraph && grapher->init_ignore > 0 ){ /* 24 May 2005 */ 03197 GRA_cbs cbs ; 03198 cbs.reason = graCR_setignore ; cbs.key = grapher->init_ignore - 1 ; 03199 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 03200 } else { 03201 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; 03202 } 03203 break ; 03204 03205 case 'I': 03206 if( !grapher->textgraph ){ /* 24 May 2005 */ 03207 GRA_cbs cbs ; 03208 cbs.reason = graCR_setignore ; cbs.key = grapher->init_ignore + 1 ; 03209 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 03210 } else { 03211 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; 03212 } 03213 break ; 03214 03215 case 'm': 03216 case 'M': 03217 if( buf[0] == 'm' ) mat_down( grapher ) ; 03218 else mat_up ( grapher ) ; 03219 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 03220 break; 03221 03222 case 'g': 03223 grid_down( grapher ) ; 03224 break; 03225 03226 case 'G': 03227 grid_up( grapher ) ; 03228 break; 03229 03230 case 'h': /* 05 Jan 1999 */ 03231 grapher->HorZ = ! grapher->HorZ ; 03232 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03233 break ; 03234 03235 case 'q': 03236 case 'Q': 03237 end_fd_graph_CB( NULL , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL ) ; 03238 break ; 03239 03240 /* modified 07 Aug 2001 to account for more complex baseline scenario */ 03241 03242 case 'b':{ 03243 int bbb = grapher->common_base << 1 ; 03244 if( bbb > BASELINE_GLOBAL ) bbb = BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL ; 03245 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_baseline_bbox , bbb ) ; 03246 grapher->common_base = bbb ; 03247 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03248 } 03249 break ; 03250 03251 case 't':{ /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03252 int bbb = ! grapher->textgraph ; 03253 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_textgraph_bbox , bbb ) ; 03254 grapher->textgraph = bbb ; 03255 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03256 } 03257 break ; 03258 03259 case 'S': 03260 MCW_choose_string( grapher->option_rowcol , 03261 "Save PNM Prefix:" , NULL , 03262 GRA_saver_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03263 break ; 03264 03265 case 'L': 03266 show_grapher_pixmap = ! show_grapher_pixmap ; 03267 if( grapher->glogo_pixmap != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ) 03268 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03269 break ; 03270 03271 case '<': case ',': /* change time point */ 03272 case '>': case '.': 03273 case '1': 03274 case 'l': 03275 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03276 03277 if( buf[0] == '<' || buf[0] == ',' ) ii = grapher->time_index - 1; 03278 else if( buf[0] == '>' || buf[0] == '.' ) ii = grapher->time_index + 1; 03279 else if( buf[0] == '1' ) ii = 1 ; 03280 else if( buf[0] == 'l' ) ii = grapher->status->num_series-1; 03281 03282 ii = (ii+grapher->status->num_series) % grapher->status->num_series ; 03283 if( ii >= 0 && ii < grapher->status->num_series ){ 03284 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 03285 GRA_cbs cbs ; 03286 03287 cbs.reason = graCR_setindex ; 03288 cbs.key = ii; 03289 cbs.event = NULL ; 03290 #if 0 03291 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher, grapher->getaux, &cbs ) ; 03292 #else 03293 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 03294 #endif 03295 } else { 03296 (void) drive_MCW_grapher( grapher, graDR_setindex, (XtPointer)ii) ; 03297 } 03298 } 03299 break ; 03300 03301 case 'v': /* 04 Dec 2003: video */ 03302 case 'V': 03303 if( grapher->status->num_series > 1 ){ 03304 grapher->timer_func = GRA_TIMERFUNC_INDEX ; 03305 grapher->timer_delay = (int) AFNI_numenv("AFNI_VIDEO_DELAY") ; 03306 if( grapher->timer_delay <= 0 ) grapher->timer_delay = 1 ; 03307 grapher->timer_param = (buf[0] == 'v') ? 1 : -1 ; 03308 grapher->timer_id = 03309 XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(grapher->opt_quit_pb), 03310 grapher->timer_delay , GRA_timer_CB , grapher ) ; 03311 } else { 03312 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; 03313 } 03314 break ; 03315 03316 case 'r': 03317 case 'R': 03318 if( grapher->status->num_series > 1 ){ 03319 grapher->timer_func = GRA_TIMERFUNC_BOUNCE ; 03320 grapher->timer_delay = (int) AFNI_numenv("AFNI_VIDEO_DELAY") ; 03321 if( grapher->timer_delay <= 0 ) grapher->timer_delay = 1 ; 03322 grapher->timer_param = (buf[0] == 'r') ? 1 : -1 ; 03323 grapher->timer_id = 03324 XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(grapher->opt_quit_pb), 03325 grapher->timer_delay , GRA_timer_CB , grapher ) ; 03326 } else { 03327 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; 03328 } 03329 break ; 03330 03331 case 'z': /* change slice */ 03332 case 'Z': 03333 if( buf[0] == 'z' ){ 03334 grapher->zpoint -- ; 03335 if( grapher->zpoint < 0 ) grapher->zpoint = grapher->status->nz - 1 ; 03336 } else { 03337 grapher->zpoint ++ ; 03338 if( grapher->zpoint >= grapher->status->nz ) grapher->zpoint = 0 ; 03339 } 03340 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03341 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 03342 break ; 03343 03344 case 'w':{ 03345 char * wcfname ; 03346 int ndig , ll ; 03347 MRI_IMAGE * tsim ; 03348 int xd,yd,zd ; /* 24 Sep 1999 */ 03349 03350 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03351 03352 ll = MAX( grapher->status->nx , grapher->status->ny ) ; 03353 ll = MAX( grapher->status->nz , ll ) ; 03354 ndig = (ll < 1000) ? 3 : 4 ; 03355 03356 ll = 3*ndig + 16 ; 03357 if( Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix != NULL ) 03358 ll += strlen(Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix) ; 03359 wcfname = (char *) XtMalloc(ll) ; 03360 03361 /* 24 Sep 1999: mangle the name for the output */ 03362 03363 xd = grapher->xpoint; yd = grapher->ypoint; zd = grapher->zpoint; 03364 #ifndef DONT_MANGLE_XYZ 03365 { THD_ivec3 id; 03366 id = THD_fdind_to_3dind( grapher->getaux, TEMP_IVEC3(xd,yd,zd) ); 03367 xd = id.ijk[0]; yd = id.ijk[1]; zd = id.ijk[2]; } 03368 #endif 03369 03370 if( Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix != NULL ) 03371 sprintf(wcfname,"%0*d_%0*d_%0*d.%s.1D" , 03372 ndig,xd , ndig,yd , ndig,zd , 03373 Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix ) ; 03374 else 03375 sprintf(wcfname,"%0*d_%0*d_%0*d.1D" , 03376 ndig,xd , ndig,yd , ndig,zd ) ; 03377 03378 ll = grapher->xpoint + 03379 grapher->ypoint * grapher->status->nx + 03380 grapher->zpoint * grapher->status->nx * grapher->status->ny ; 03381 03382 #if 0 03383 tsim = (MRI_IMAGE *) grapher->getser( ll , graCR_getseries , 03384 grapher->getaux ) ; 03385 #else 03386 CALL_getser( grapher , ll,graCR_getseries , MRI_IMAGE *,tsim ) ; 03387 #endif 03388 03389 if( tsim != NULL ){ 03390 mri_write_1D( wcfname , tsim ) ; /* 16 Nov 1999: replaces mri_write_ascii */ 03391 mri_free( tsim ) ; 03392 } 03393 myXtFree(wcfname) ; 03394 } 03395 break ; 03396 03397 /*--- At this point, have a key not handled here. 03398 Call the creator to see if it wishes to deal with it. ---*/ 03399 03400 default: 03401 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 03402 GRA_cbs cbs ; 03403 03404 cbs.reason = graCR_keypress ; 03405 cbs.key = buf[0] ; 03406 cbs.event = ev ; 03407 #if 0 03408 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 03409 #else 03410 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 03411 #endif 03412 } 03413 break ; 03414 } 03415 03416 EXRETURN ; 03417 } |
Definition at line 3873 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_setignore, GRA_cbs::key, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, and TTOP. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03877 { 03878 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03879 03880 ENTRY("GRA_ignore_choose_CB") ; 03881 03882 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || grapher->status->send_CB == NULL ) EXRETURN ; 03883 03884 if( cbs->ival >= 0 && cbs->ival < TTOP(grapher)-1 ){ 03885 GRA_cbs gbs ; 03886 03887 gbs.reason = graCR_setignore ; 03888 gbs.key = cbs->ival ; 03889 #if 0 03890 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &gbs ) ; 03891 #else 03892 CALL_sendback( grapher , gbs ) ; 03893 #endif 03894 } 03895 EXRETURN ; 03896 } |
Definition at line 5906 of file afni_graph.c. References AFNI_yesenv(), client_data, ENTRY, MCW_widget_geom(), RWC_xineramize(), and STATUS.
05907 { 05908 int ww,hh,xx,yy ; 05909 int pw,ph,px,py ; 05910 05911 ENTRY("GRA_mapmenu_CB") ; 05912 05913 if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_DONT_MOVE_MENUS") ) EXRETURN ; /* 08 Aug 2001 */ 05914 05915 MCW_widget_geom( w , &ww,&hh , &xx,&yy ) ; 05916 MCW_widget_geom( XtParent(XtParent(w)) , &pw,&ph , &px,&py ) ; 05917 05918 #if 1 05919 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 05920 char str[256] ; 05921 sprintf(str,"menu: width=%d height=%d x=%d y=%d",ww,hh,xx,yy); STATUS(str); 05922 sprintf(str,"parent: width=%d height=%d x=%d y=%d",pw,ph,px,py); STATUS(str); } 05923 #endif 05924 05925 pw = pw >> 3 ; 05926 if( ! ( xx > px+7*pw || xx+ww < px+pw ) ){ 05927 xx = px - ww ; if( xx < 0 ) xx = 0 ; 05928 #if 1 05929 if(PRINT_TRACING){ 05930 char str[256]; sprintf(str,"moving menu to x=%d",xx); STATUS(str); } 05931 #endif 05932 XtVaSetValues( w , XmNx , xx , NULL ) ; 05933 } 05934 05935 RWC_xineramize( XtDisplay(w) , xx,yy,ww,hh , &xx,&yy ) ; /* 27 Sep 2000 */ 05936 XtVaSetValues( w , XmNx,xx , XmNy,yy , NULL ) ; 05937 EXRETURN ; 05938 } |
Definition at line 3738 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, init_mat(), MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_grapher::mat_max, MIN, redraw_graph(), and send_newinfo(). Referenced by GRA_opt_CB(), and new_MCW_grapher().
03742 { 03743 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03744 03745 ENTRY("GRA_mat_choose_CB") ; 03746 03747 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || cbs->ival < 1 ) EXRETURN ; 03748 03749 grapher->mat = MIN( grapher->mat_max , cbs->ival ) ; 03750 init_mat ( grapher ) ; 03751 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03752 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 03753 EXRETURN ; 03754 } |
22 Apr 1997: incorporate user string for this voxel * Definition at line 3074 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, GRA_REALZ, MCW_grapher::gx_max, MCW_grapher::gy_max, init_mat(), MCW_widget_geom(), MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, MCW_DC::planes, redraw_graph(), and STATUS. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), and GRA_drawing_EV().
03076 { 03077 int ww,hh ; 03078 03079 ENTRY("GRA_new_pixmap") ; 03080 03081 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03082 03083 grapher->fWIDE = new_width ; 03084 grapher->fHIGH = new_height ; 03085 grapher->gx_max = new_width - (GL_DLX + GR_DLX) ; 03086 grapher->gy_max = new_height - (GT_DLY + GB_DLY) ; 03087 03088 if( grapher->fd_pxWind != (Pixmap) 0 ){ 03089 STATUS("freeing old Pixmap") ; 03090 XFreePixmap( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind ) ; 03091 } 03092 03093 STATUS("allocating new Pixmap") ; 03094 grapher->fd_pxWind = XCreatePixmap( grapher->dc->display , 03095 XtWindow(grapher->draw_fd) , 03096 grapher->fWIDE , grapher->fHIGH, 03097 grapher->dc->planes ) ; 03098 03099 MCW_widget_geom( grapher->option_rowcol , &ww , &hh , NULL,NULL ) ; 03100 XtVaSetValues( grapher->option_rowcol , 03101 #ifdef WANT_AFNI_BITMAP 03102 XmNx , grapher->fWIDE - ww - 2 , 03103 #else 03104 XmNx , 2 , 03105 #endif 03106 XmNy , grapher->fHIGH - hh - 2 , 03107 NULL ) ; 03108 03109 if( redraw ){ 03110 init_mat( grapher ) ; 03111 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03112 } 03113 03114 EXRETURN ; 03115 } |
Definition at line 3436 of file afni_graph.c. References auto_grid(), MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, client_data, ENTRY, EXRONE, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, MCW_grapher::fscale, MCW_grapher::global_base, GLOBAL_library, GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB(), GRA_grid_choose_CB(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_mat_choose_CB(), GRA_pick_xaxis_CB(), GRA_pin_choose_CB(), GRA_quit_timeout_CB(), GRA_scale_choose_CB(), GRA_slice_choose_CB(), GRA_timer_stop(), GRA_wcsuffix_choose_CB(), Grapher_Stuff, grid_ar, GRID_MAX, MCW_grapher::grid_spacing, IMARR_COUNT, MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_grapher::mat_max, MCW_choose_integer(), MCW_choose_string(), MCW_choose_timeseries(), MCW_choose_vector(), MCW_popup_message(), MCW_TIMER_KILL, MCW_USER_KILL, mri_free(), mri_to_float(), NPTS, MCW_grapher_status::nz, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_setglobal_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_color_up_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_grid_auto_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_grid_choose_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_grid_down_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_grid_HorZ_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_grid_up_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_mat_down_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_mat_up_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_pin_choose_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_quit_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_save_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_scale_auto_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_scale_choose_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_scale_down_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_scale_up_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_slice_down_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_slice_up_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_write_center_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_write_suffix_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_xaxis_center_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_xaxis_clear_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_xaxis_pick_pb, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, MCW_grapher::pin_bot, MCW_grapher::pin_top, redraw_graph(), STATUS, MCW_grapher::status, AFNI_library_type::timeseries, MCW_grapher::valid, GRA_miscellaneous::wcsuffix, MCW_grapher::xax_tsim, and MCW_grapher::zpoint.
03437 { 03438 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 03439 03440 ENTRY("GRA_opt_CB") ; 03441 03442 if( w == grapher->opt_scale_down_pb ){ 03443 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "-" , NULL ) ; 03444 EXRETURN ; 03445 } 03446 03447 if( w == grapher->opt_scale_up_pb ){ 03448 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "+" , NULL ) ; 03449 EXRETURN ; 03450 } 03451 03452 if( w == grapher->opt_scale_auto_pb ){ 03453 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "a" , NULL ) ; 03454 EXRETURN ; 03455 } 03456 03457 if( w == grapher->opt_grid_down_pb ){ 03458 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "g" , NULL ) ; 03459 EXRETURN ; 03460 } 03461 03462 if( w == grapher->opt_grid_up_pb ){ 03463 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "G" , NULL ) ; 03464 EXRETURN ; 03465 } 03466 03467 if( w == grapher->opt_grid_auto_pb ){ /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 03468 auto_grid( grapher , NPTS(grapher) ) ; 03469 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 03470 EXRETURN ; 03471 } 03472 03473 if( w == grapher->opt_grid_HorZ_pb ){ /* 05 Jan 1999 */ 03474 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "h" , NULL ) ; 03475 EXRETURN ; 03476 } 03477 03478 if( w == grapher->opt_slice_down_pb ){ 03479 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "z" , NULL ) ; 03480 EXRETURN ; 03481 } 03482 03483 if( w == grapher->opt_slice_up_pb ){ 03484 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "Z" , NULL ) ; 03485 EXRETURN ; 03486 } 03487 03488 if( w == grapher->opt_mat_down_pb ){ 03489 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "m" , NULL ) ; 03490 EXRETURN ; 03491 } 03492 03493 if( w == grapher->opt_mat_up_pb ){ 03494 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "M" , NULL ) ; 03495 EXRETURN ; 03496 } 03497 03498 #if 0 03499 if( w == grapher->opt_color_up_pb ){ 03500 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "r" , NULL ) ; 03501 EXRETURN ; 03502 } 03503 #endif 03504 03505 if( w == grapher->opt_quit_pb ){ 03506 #if 0 03507 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "q" , NULL ) ; 03508 #else 03509 STATUS("User pressed Done button: starting timeout") ; 03510 grapher->valid = 666 ; 03511 (void) XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(w) , 03512 50 , GRA_quit_timeout_CB , grapher ) ; 03513 #endif 03514 EXRETURN ; 03515 } 03516 03517 if( w == grapher->opt_save_pb ){ 03518 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03519 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "S" , NULL ) ; 03520 EXRETURN ; 03521 } 03522 03523 if( w == grapher->opt_write_center_pb ){ 03524 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03525 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "w" , NULL ) ; 03526 EXRETURN ; 03527 } 03528 03529 if( w == grapher->opt_write_suffix_pb ){ 03530 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03531 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03532 MCW_choose_string( grapher->option_rowcol , 03533 "'Write Center' Suffix:" , Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix , 03534 GRA_wcsuffix_choose_CB , NULL ) ; 03535 EXRETURN ; 03536 } 03537 03538 if( w == grapher->opt_scale_choose_pb ){ 03539 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Scale" , 03540 -9999 , 9999 , (int)(grapher->fscale) , 03541 GRA_scale_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03542 EXRETURN ; 03543 } 03544 03545 #ifndef USE_OPTMENUS 03546 if( w == grapher->opt_mat_choose_pb ){ 03547 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Matrix" , 03548 1 , grapher->mat_max , grapher->mat , 03549 GRA_mat_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03550 EXRETURN ; 03551 } 03552 #endif 03553 03554 if( w == grapher->opt_grid_choose_pb ){ 03555 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Grid" , 03556 grid_ar[0] , grid_ar[GRID_MAX-1] , grapher->grid_spacing , 03557 GRA_grid_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03558 EXRETURN ; 03559 } 03560 03561 if( w == grapher->opt_pin_choose_pb ){ /* 19 Mar 2004 */ 03562 char *lvec[2] = { "Bot" , "Top" } ; 03563 int ivec[2] ; 03564 ivec[0] = grapher->pin_bot ; ivec[1] = grapher->pin_top ; 03565 MCW_choose_vector( grapher->option_rowcol , "Graph Pins: Bot..Top-1" , 03566 2 , lvec,ivec , 03567 GRA_pin_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03568 EXRETURN ; 03569 } 03570 03571 #ifndef USE_OPTMENUS 03572 if( w == grapher->opt_slice_choose_pb && grapher->status->nz > 1 ){ 03573 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Slice" , 03574 0 , grapher->status->nz - 1 , grapher->zpoint , 03575 GRA_slice_choose_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03576 EXRETURN ; 03577 } 03578 #endif 03579 03580 /*** 09 Jan 1998: x-axis stuff ***/ 03581 03582 if( w == grapher->opt_xaxis_clear_pb ){ 03583 mri_free( grapher->xax_tsim ) ; 03584 grapher->xax_tsim = NULL ; 03585 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03586 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03587 EXRETURN ; 03588 } 03589 03590 if( w == grapher->opt_xaxis_pick_pb ){ 03591 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03592 if( IMARR_COUNT(GLOBAL_library.timeseries) > 0 ){ 03593 MCW_choose_timeseries( grapher->fdw_graph , "Graph x-axis" , 03594 GLOBAL_library.timeseries , -1 , 03595 GRA_pick_xaxis_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03596 } else { 03597 (void) MCW_popup_message( 03598 grapher->option_rowcol , 03599 "No timeseries library\nexists to pick from!" , 03600 MCW_USER_KILL | MCW_TIMER_KILL ) ; 03601 } 03602 EXRETURN ; 03603 } 03604 03605 if( w == grapher->opt_xaxis_center_pb ){ 03606 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03607 GRA_timer_stop(grapher) ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 03608 if( grapher->cen_tsim != NULL ){ 03609 mri_free( grapher->xax_tsim ) ; 03610 grapher->xax_tsim = mri_to_float( grapher->cen_tsim ) ; 03611 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 03612 } else { 03613 XBell(XtDisplay(w),100) ; 03614 } 03615 EXRETURN ; 03616 } 03617 03618 /** 07 Aug 2001: Set Global baseline **/ 03619 03620 if( w == grapher->opt_baseline_setglobal_pb ){ 03621 MCW_choose_integer( grapher->option_rowcol , "Global Baseline" , 03622 -29999 , 29999 , (int)(grapher->global_base) , 03623 GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB , 03624 (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 03625 EXRETURN ; 03626 } 03627 03628 /** shouldn't get to here, but who knows? **/ 03629 03630 EXRETURN ; 03631 } |
Definition at line 1158 of file afni_graph.c. References a, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_linewidth(), MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, i, MCW_DC::myGC, NBAL, NBAX, NBTOP, NCIR, and xball. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay().
01159 { 01160 int i, ncirc ; 01161 XPoint a[NBTOP] ; 01162 01163 switch( filled ){ 01164 default: ncirc = NCIR ; break ; 01165 case 1: ncirc = NBAL ; break ; 01166 case 2: ncirc = NBAX ; break ; 01167 } 01168 01169 for( i=0 ; i < ncirc ; i++ ){ 01170 a[i].x = xball[i].x + xwin ; 01171 a[i].y = xball[i].y + ywin ; 01172 } 01173 01174 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc, 0 ) ; 01175 01176 XDrawPoints( grapher->dc->display, XtWindow(grapher->draw_fd), 01177 grapher->dc->myGC, a, ncirc, CoordModeOrigin ) ; 01178 return ; 01179 } |
Definition at line 3682 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GLOBAL_library, GRA_timer_stop(), GRA_VALID, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, MCW_choose_cbs::ival, mcwCR_timeseries, mri_free(), mri_to_float(), MCW_choose_cbs::reason, redraw_graph(), AFNI_library_type::timeseries, and MCW_grapher::xax_tsim. Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03683 { 03684 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03685 int its ; 03686 MRI_IMAGE *tsim ; 03687 03688 ENTRY("GRA_pick_xaxis_CB") ; 03689 03690 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) || cbs->reason != mcwCR_timeseries ) EXRETURN ; 03691 GRA_timer_stop( grapher ) ; 03692 03693 its = cbs->ival ; 03694 if( its >= 0 && its < IMARR_COUNT(GLOBAL_library.timeseries) ){ 03695 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(GLOBAL_library.timeseries,its) ; 03696 mri_free( grapher->xax_tsim ) ; 03697 grapher->xax_tsim = mri_to_float(tsim) ; 03698 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03699 } 03700 03701 EXRETURN ; 03702 } |
Definition at line 3788 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_choose_cbs::cval, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, drive_MCW_grapher(), ENTRY, GRA_timer_stop(), graDR_setpins, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher::status, and vec. Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03789 { 03790 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03791 float *vec = (float *)(cbs->cval) ; 03792 int pb=(int)vec[0] , pt=(int)vec[1] , ii ; 03793 03794 ENTRY("GRA_pin_choose_CB") ; 03795 03796 GRA_timer_stop( grapher ) ; 03797 03798 if( pb >= grapher->status->num_series-2 || 03799 pb < 0 || 03800 (pt > 0 && pt-pb < 2) ){ /* stupid user */ 03801 03802 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; EXRETURN ; 03803 } 03804 03805 ii = 100000*pt + pb ; 03806 drive_MCW_grapher( grapher , graDR_setpins , (XtPointer)(ii) ) ; 03807 EXRETURN ; 03808 } |
Definition at line 3901 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_polort, GRA_cbs::key, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, and MCW_grapher::status. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03905 { 03906 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03907 03908 ENTRY("GRA_polort_choose_CB") ; 03909 03910 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || grapher->status->send_CB == NULL ) EXRETURN ; 03911 03912 if( cbs->ival >= 0 && cbs->ival <= MAX_POLORT ){ 03913 GRA_cbs gbs ; 03914 03915 gbs.reason = graCR_polort ; 03916 gbs.key = cbs->ival ; 03917 #if 0 03918 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &gbs ) ; 03919 #else 03920 CALL_sendback( grapher , gbs ) ; 03921 #endif 03922 } 03923 EXRETURN ; 03924 } |
Definition at line 3423 of file afni_graph.c. References client_data, ENTRY, and GRA_handle_keypress(). Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03424 { 03425 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 03426 03427 ENTRY("GRA_quit_timeout_CB") ; 03428 GRA_handle_keypress( grapher , "q" , NULL ) ; 03429 EXRETURN ; 03430 } |
Definition at line 1208 of file afni_graph.c. References AV_fval_to_char(), MCW_grapher::cen_line, MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_fg_color(), MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, MRI_IMAGE::dx, ENTRY, EXRONE, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, GRA_draw_circle(), GRA_overlay_circle(), GRA_REALZ, IDEAL_COLOR, IGNORE_COLOR, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, long_index_name, long_time_name, long_value_name, MAX, MCW_widget_visible(), MIN, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, NBOT, MCW_grapher::nncen, NTOP, MRI_IMAGE::nx, overlay_txt(), short_index_name, SHORT_NAME_WIDTH, short_time_name, short_value_name, STATUS, strp, MCW_grapher::textgraph, MCW_grapher::time_index, win, MCW_grapher::xc, MRI_IMAGE::xo, MCW_grapher::xorigin, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2p, and MCW_grapher::yc. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_drawing_EV(), and redraw_graph().
01209 { 01210 Window win ; 01211 Display * dis ; 01212 int ii , xxx , jj ; 01213 float val ; 01214 char buf[16] , strp[128] ; 01215 char * vbuf , *iname , *vname ; 01216 01217 ENTRY("GRA_redraw_overlay") ; 01218 01219 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ){ STATUS("ILLEGAL CALL") ; EXRETURN ; } 01220 01221 if( ! MCW_widget_visible(grapher->draw_fd) ) EXRETURN ; /* 03 Jan 1999 */ 01222 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01223 01224 /* erase contents of window (that aren't in the pixmap) */ 01225 01226 dis = grapher->dc->display ; 01227 win = XtWindow(grapher->draw_fd) ; 01228 XClearWindow( dis , win ) ; 01229 01230 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 01231 01232 /* draw some circles over ignored data points [23 May 2005] */ 01233 01234 if( grapher->init_ignore > 0 && !grapher->textgraph ){ 01235 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , IGNORE_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01236 jj = NBOT(grapher) ; /* first point to plot */ 01237 xxx = NTOP(grapher) ; /* last */ 01238 xxx = MIN (xxx , grapher->init_ignore) ; /* point */ 01239 xxx = MIN (xxx , ii+grapher->nncen) ; /* to plot */ 01240 for( ii=jj ; ii < xxx ; ii++ ) 01241 #if 0 01242 GRA_overlay_circle( grapher , grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].x , 01243 grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].y , 1 ) ; 01244 #else 01245 GRA_draw_circle( grapher , grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].x , 01246 grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].y , 4 ) ; 01247 #endif 01248 } 01249 01250 /* 22 July 1996: 01251 draw a ball on the graph at the currently display time_index */ 01252 01253 ii = grapher->time_index ; jj = NBOT(grapher) ; 01254 if( ii >= jj && 01255 ii < NTOP(grapher) && ii-jj < grapher->nncen && !grapher->textgraph ){ 01256 01257 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , IDEAL_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01258 GRA_overlay_circle( grapher , grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].x , 01259 grapher->cen_line[ii-jj].y , 2 ) ; 01260 } 01261 01262 /* draw text showing value at currently displayed time_index */ 01263 01264 if( ii >= 0 && grapher->cen_tsim != NULL && ii < grapher->cen_tsim->nx ){ 01265 val = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(grapher->cen_tsim)[ii] ; 01266 AV_fval_to_char( val , buf ) ; 01267 vbuf = (buf[0]==' ') ? buf+1 : buf ; 01268 01269 if( grapher->fWIDE < SHORT_NAME_WIDTH ){ 01270 iname = short_index_name ; vname = short_value_name ; 01271 } else { 01272 iname = long_index_name ; vname = long_value_name ; 01273 } 01274 01275 sprintf( strp , "%s%d%s%s" , iname,ii , vname,vbuf ) ; 01276 01277 if( grapher->cen_tsim->dx != 0.0 ){ 01278 val = grapher->cen_tsim->xo + ii * grapher->cen_tsim->dx ; 01279 AV_fval_to_char( val , buf ) ; 01280 vbuf = (buf[0]==' ') ? buf+1 : buf ; 01281 ii = strlen(strp) ; 01282 sprintf( strp+ii , "%s%s" , 01283 (grapher->fWIDE < SHORT_NAME_WIDTH) ? short_time_name 01284 : long_time_name, vbuf ) ; 01285 } 01286 01287 xxx = MAX( grapher->xx_text_2 , 01288 grapher->xorigin[grapher->xc][grapher->yc] ) ; 01289 01290 if( grapher->init_ignore > 0 ) xxx = MAX( xxx , grapher->xx_text_2p ) ; 01291 01292 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , IDEAL_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01293 overlay_txt( grapher, xxx , GB_DLY-15 , strp ) ; 01294 } 01295 01296 /* no more to do now */ 01297 01298 XFlush( dis ) ; 01299 EXRETURN ; 01300 } |
Definition at line 3937 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, MCW_choose_cbs::cval, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, EXRONE, far, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_refequals, graCR_winaver, MCW_set_bbox(), mcwCR_string, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_read_1D(), MRI_IMAGE::nvox, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MCW_choose_cbs::reason, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, and GRA_cbs::userdata. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03938 { 03939 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03940 MRI_IMAGE * flim ; 03941 float * far ; 03942 int ii ; 03943 GRA_cbs gbs ; 03944 03945 ENTRY("GRA_refread_choose_CB") ; 03946 03947 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || 03948 grapher->status->send_CB == NULL || 03949 cbs->reason != mcwCR_string || 03950 cbs->cval == NULL || strlen(cbs->cval) == 0 ) EXRETURN ; 03951 03952 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03953 03954 flim = mri_read_1D( cbs->cval ) ; /* 16 Nov 1999: replaces mri_read_ascii */ 03955 if( flim == NULL || flim->nx < 2 ){ 03956 XBell(grapher->dc->display,100) ; mri_free(flim) ; EXRETURN ; 03957 } 03958 03959 far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(flim) ; 03960 for( ii=0 ; ii < flim->nvox ; ii++ ) 03961 if( fabs(far[ii]) >= 33333.0 ) far[ii] = WAY_BIG ; 03962 03963 { GRA_cbs cbs; cbs.reason=graCR_winaver; CALL_sendback(grapher,cbs); } 03964 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox , 0 ) ; 03965 gbs.reason = graCR_refequals ; 03966 gbs.userdata = (XtPointer) flim ; 03967 #if 0 03968 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &gbs ) ; 03969 #else 03970 CALL_sendback( grapher , gbs ) ; 03971 #endif 03972 mri_free(flim) ; 03973 EXRETURN ; 03974 } |
Definition at line 3978 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_choose_cbs::cval, ENTRY, EXRONE, GRA_VALID, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, mcwCR_string, PLUTO_register_timeseries(), MCW_choose_cbs::reason, and MCW_grapher::ref_ts. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03979 { 03980 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03981 03982 ENTRY("GRA_refstore_choose_CB") ; 03983 03984 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || 03985 grapher->ref_ts == NULL || 03986 IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) < 1 || 03987 cbs->reason != mcwCR_string || 03988 cbs->cval == NULL || strlen(cbs->cval) == 0 ) EXRETURN ; 03989 03990 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 03991 03992 PLUTO_register_timeseries( cbs->cval , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ) ; 03993 EXRETURN ; 03994 } |
Definition at line 3998 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, MCW_choose_cbs::cval, ENTRY, EXRONE, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_timeseries_library, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, mcwCR_string, mri_add_name(), mri_free(), mri_transpose(), mri_write_1D(), mri_write_ascii(), MCW_choose_cbs::reason, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher::ref_ts, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, and GRA_cbs::userdata. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
03999 { 04000 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 04001 MRI_IMAGE * tsim ; 04002 int ii , ll ; 04003 GRA_cbs gbs ; 04004 04005 ENTRY("GRA_refwrite_choose_CB") ; 04006 04007 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) || 04008 grapher->ref_ts == NULL || 04009 IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) < 1 || 04010 cbs->reason != mcwCR_string || 04011 cbs->cval == NULL || (ll=strlen(cbs->cval)) == 0 ) EXRETURN ; 04012 04013 EXRONE(grapher) ; /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 04014 04015 for( ii=0 ; ii < ll ; ii++ ){ 04016 if( iscntrl(cbs->cval[ii]) || isspace(cbs->cval[ii]) || 04017 cbs->cval[ii] == '/' || cbs->cval[ii] == ';' || 04018 cbs->cval[ii] == '*' || cbs->cval[ii] == '?' || 04019 cbs->cval[ii] == '&' || cbs->cval[ii] == '|' || 04020 cbs->cval[ii] == '"' || cbs->cval[ii] == '>' || 04021 cbs->cval[ii] == '<' || cbs->cval[ii] == '\'' || 04022 cbs->cval[ii] == '[' || cbs->cval[ii] == ']' ){ 04023 04024 XBell( XtDisplay(wcaller) , 100 ) ; EXRETURN ; 04025 } 04026 } 04027 04028 #if 0 04029 tsim = mri_transpose( IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ) ; 04030 mri_write_ascii( cbs->cval , tsim ) ; 04031 mri_free( tsim ) ; 04032 #else 04033 mri_write_1D( cbs->cval , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ) ; /* 16 Nov 1999 */ 04034 #endif 04035 04036 /* 12 Nov 1996: put this in AFNI's list of library files */ 04037 04038 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 04039 mri_add_name( cbs->cval , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ) ; 04040 gbs.reason = graCR_timeseries_library ; 04041 gbs.userdata = (XtPointer) IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) ; 04042 #if 0 04043 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &gbs ) ; 04044 #else 04045 CALL_sendback( grapher , gbs ) ; 04046 #endif 04047 } 04048 EXRETURN ; 04049 } |
Definition at line 5832 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_choose_cbs::cval, ENTRY, free, GRA_file_pixmap(), GRA_REALZ, malloc, mcwCR_string, POPDOWN_string_chooser, and MCW_choose_cbs::reason. Referenced by GRA_handle_keypress().
05833 { 05834 int ll , ii ; 05835 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 05836 char * fname , * ppnm ; 05837 05838 ENTRY("GRA_saver_CB") ; 05839 05840 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05841 05842 if( cbs->reason != mcwCR_string || 05843 cbs->cval == NULL || (ll=strlen(cbs->cval)) == 0 ){ 05844 05845 XBell( XtDisplay(wcaller) , 100 ) ; EXRETURN ; 05846 } 05847 05848 fname = (char *) malloc( sizeof(char) * (ll+8) ) ; 05849 strcpy( fname , cbs->cval ) ; 05850 05851 for( ii=0 ; ii < ll ; ii++ ) 05852 if( iscntrl(fname[ii]) || isspace(fname[ii]) ) break ; 05853 05854 if( ii < ll || ll < 2 || ll > 240 ){ 05855 XBell( XtDisplay(wcaller) , 100 ) ; 05856 free( fname ) ; EXRETURN ; 05857 } 05858 05859 ppnm = strstr( fname , ".ppm" ) ; 05860 if( ppnm == NULL ) ppnm = strstr( fname , ".pnm" ) ; 05861 if( ppnm == NULL ) ppnm = strstr( fname , ".jpg" ) ; 05862 if( ppnm == NULL ) strcat(fname,".ppm") ; 05863 05864 GRA_file_pixmap( grapher , fname ) ; 05865 POPDOWN_string_chooser ; 05866 free(fname) ; EXRETURN ; 05867 } |
Definition at line 3758 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fscale, MCW_choose_cbs::fval, GRA_VALID, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03759 { 03760 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03761 03762 ENTRY("GRA_scale_choose_CB") ; 03763 03764 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03765 03766 grapher->fscale = cbs->fval ; 03767 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03768 EXRETURN ; 03769 } |
Definition at line 4994 of file afni_graph.c. References client_data, MCW_grapher::dialog, ENTRY, FREE_AV, MCW_arrowval::fval, GRA_doshift(), GRA_REALZ, MCW_arrowval::ival, NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT, RWC_XtPopdown(), SETSHIFT_APPLY, SETSHIFT_DONE, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_left, MCW_grapher::setshift_left_av, SETSHIFT_QUIT, MCW_grapher::setshift_right, and MCW_grapher::setshift_right_av. Referenced by GRA_setshift_startup().
04995 { 04996 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 04997 XmAnyCallbackStruct * cbs = (XmAnyCallbackStruct *) call_data ; 04998 char * wname ; 04999 int ib , close_window ; 05000 05001 ENTRY("GRA_setshift_action_CB") ; 05002 05003 if( !GRA_REALZ(grapher) || grapher->dialog==NULL ) EXRETURN ; 05004 05005 wname = XtName(w) ; 05006 05007 for( ib=0 ; ib < NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT ; ib++ ) /* button index, if any */ 05008 if( strcmp(wname,SETSHIFT_act[ib].label) == 0 ) break ; 05009 05010 close_window = (ib == SETSHIFT_DONE || 05011 ib == SETSHIFT_QUIT || ib == NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT) ; 05012 05013 if( close_window ){ 05014 RWC_XtPopdown( grapher->dialog ) ; 05015 XSync( XtDisplay(w) , False ) ; 05016 XmUpdateDisplay( w ) ; 05017 } 05018 05019 switch( ib ){ 05020 05021 case SETSHIFT_APPLY: 05022 case SETSHIFT_DONE:{ 05023 grapher->setshift_inc = grapher->setshift_inc_av->fval ; 05024 grapher->setshift_left = grapher->setshift_left_av->ival ; 05025 grapher->setshift_right = grapher->setshift_right_av->ival ; 05026 05027 GRA_doshift( grapher ) ; 05028 } 05029 break ; 05030 } 05031 05032 if( close_window ){ /* close the window */ 05033 XtDestroyWidget( grapher->dialog ) ; 05034 grapher->dialog = NULL ; 05035 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_right_av ) ; 05036 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_left_av ) ; 05037 FREE_AV( grapher->setshift_inc_av ) ; 05038 } 05039 05040 EXRETURN ; 05041 } |
Definition at line 4858 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_arrowval::allow_wrap, MCW_DC::colormap, MCW_action_item::data, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::depth, MCW_grapher::dialog, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, MCW_arrowval::fastdelay, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, GRA_REALZ, GRA_setshift_action_CB(), LABEL_ARG, MCW_action_area(), MCW_AV_downup, MCW_AV_edittext, MCW_isitmwm, MCW_reghelp_children(), MCW_reghint_children(), MCW_widget_geom(), new_MCW_arrowval(), NORMAL_cursorize, NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT, RWC_visibilize_widget(), MCW_DC::screen, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_left, MCW_grapher::setshift_left_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_right, MCW_grapher::setshift_right_av, MCW_DC::visual, and MCW_arrowval::wrowcol. Referenced by GRA_fim_CB().
04859 { 04860 int ib , xx,yy ; 04861 Widget wrc ; 04862 04863 ENTRY("GRA_setshift_startup") ; 04864 04865 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) || grapher->dialog != NULL ) EXRETURN ; 04866 04867 MCW_widget_geom( grapher->fdw_graph , NULL,NULL,&xx,&yy ) ; /* geometry of shell */ 04868 04869 grapher->dialog = XtVaCreatePopupShell( 04870 "menu" , xmDialogShellWidgetClass , grapher->fdw_graph , 04871 XmNx , xx+15 , 04872 XmNy , yy+15 , 04873 XmNtitle , "Shifts" , 04874 XmNdeleteResponse , XmDO_NOTHING , 04875 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 04876 04877 XmNvisual , grapher->dc->visual , /* 14 Sep 1998 */ 04878 XmNcolormap , grapher->dc->colormap , 04879 XmNdepth , grapher->dc->depth , 04880 XmNscreen , grapher->dc->screen , 04881 XmNbackground , 0 , 04882 XmNborderColor , 0 , 04883 04884 NULL ) ; 04885 04886 if( MCW_isitmwm(grapher->fdw_graph) ){ 04887 XtVaSetValues( grapher->dialog , 04888 XmNmwmDecorations , MWM_DECOR_BORDER , 04889 XmNmwmFunctions , MWM_FUNC_MOVE 04890 | MWM_FUNC_CLOSE , 04891 NULL ) ; 04892 } 04893 04894 XmAddWMProtocolCallback( /* make "Close" window menu work */ 04895 grapher->dialog , 04896 XmInternAtom( grapher->dc->display , "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" , False ) , 04897 GRA_setshift_action_CB , grapher ) ; 04898 04899 wrc = XtVaCreateWidget( /* RowColumn to hold all */ 04900 "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , grapher->dialog , 04901 XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , 04902 XmNorientation , XmVERTICAL , 04903 XmNtraversalOn , False , 04904 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 04905 NULL ) ; 04906 04907 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 04908 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , wrc , 04909 LABEL_ARG("-- Shift Controls --") , 04910 XmNalignment , XmALIGNMENT_CENTER , 04911 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 04912 NULL ) ; 04913 04914 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 04915 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , wrc , 04916 XmNseparatorType , XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN , 04917 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 04918 NULL ) ; 04919 04920 grapher->setshift_inc_av = new_MCW_arrowval( 04921 wrc , "Increment " , MCW_AV_downup , 04922 1 , 1000 , (int)(100.0*grapher->setshift_inc) , 04923 MCW_AV_edittext , 2 , 04924 NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; 04925 04926 grapher->setshift_left_av = new_MCW_arrowval( 04927 wrc , "Steps Left " , MCW_AV_downup , 04928 0 , 29 , grapher->setshift_left , 04929 MCW_AV_edittext , 0 , 04930 NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; 04931 04932 grapher->setshift_right_av = new_MCW_arrowval( 04933 wrc , "Steps Right" , MCW_AV_downup , 04934 0 , 29 , grapher->setshift_right , 04935 MCW_AV_edittext , 0 , 04936 NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL ) ; 04937 04938 grapher->setshift_inc_av->allow_wrap = 1 ; /* allow wrap at limits of values */ 04939 grapher->setshift_left_av->allow_wrap = 1 ; 04940 grapher->setshift_right_av->allow_wrap = 1 ; 04941 04942 grapher->setshift_inc_av->fastdelay = 250 ; /* slow down arrow repeat action */ 04943 grapher->setshift_left_av->fastdelay = 250 ; 04944 grapher->setshift_right_av->fastdelay = 250 ; 04945 04946 MCW_reghelp_children( grapher->setshift_inc_av->wrowcol , 04947 "This controls the step size\n" 04948 "used to create the shifted\n" 04949 "time series -- for example,\n" 04950 "0.2 means a shift of 1/5\n" 04951 "of a time series stepsize." 04952 ) ; 04953 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->setshift_inc_av->wrowcol , 04954 "Size of shift" ) ; 04955 04956 MCW_reghelp_children( grapher->setshift_left_av->wrowcol , 04957 "This controls the number\n" 04958 "of left shifts used to\n" 04959 "create the desired multi-\n" 04960 "vector time series.\n\n" 04961 "N.B.: Steps Left plus\n" 04962 " Steps Right should\n" 04963 " be positive!" 04964 ) ; 04965 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->setshift_left_av->wrowcol , 04966 "Number of steps left" ) ; 04967 04968 MCW_reghelp_children( grapher->setshift_right_av->wrowcol , 04969 "This controls the number\n" 04970 "of right shifts used to\n" 04971 "create the desired multi-\n" 04972 "vector time series.\n\n" 04973 "N.B.: Steps Left plus\n" 04974 " Steps Right should\n" 04975 " be positive!" 04976 ) ; 04977 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->setshift_right_av->wrowcol , 04978 "Number of steps right" ) ; 04979 04980 for( ib=0 ; ib < NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT ; ib++ ) 04981 SETSHIFT_act[ib].data = (XtPointer) grapher ; 04982 04983 (void) MCW_action_area( wrc , SETSHIFT_act , NUM_SETSHIFT_ACT ) ; 04984 04985 XtManageChild( wrc ) ; 04986 XtPopup( grapher->dialog , XtGrabNone ) ; 04987 RWC_visibilize_widget( grapher->dialog ) ; /* 09 Nov 1999 */ 04988 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->dialog ) ; 04989 EXRETURN ; 04990 } |
Definition at line 3851 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher_status::nz, redraw_graph(), send_newinfo(), MCW_grapher::status, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by GRA_opt_CB(), and new_MCW_grapher().
03855 { 03856 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 03857 03858 ENTRY("GRA_slice_choose_CB") ; 03859 03860 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 03861 03862 grapher->zpoint = cbs->ival ; 03863 if( grapher->zpoint >= grapher->status->nz ) 03864 grapher->zpoint = grapher->status->nz - 1 ; 03865 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 03866 send_newinfo( grapher ) ; 03867 EXRETURN ; 03868 } |
Definition at line 1135 of file afni_graph.c. References a, MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, i, MCW_DC::myGC, NBAL, NBAX, NBTOP, NCIR, and xball. Referenced by plot_graphs().
01136 { 01137 int i, ncirc ; 01138 XPoint a[NBTOP] ; 01139 01140 switch( filled ){ 01141 default: ncirc = NCIR ; break ; 01142 case 1: ncirc = NBAL ; break ; 01143 case 2: ncirc = NBAX ; break ; 01144 } 01145 01146 for( i=0 ; i < ncirc ; i++ ){ 01147 a[i].x = xball[i].x + xwin ; 01148 a[i].y = xball[i].y + ywin ; 01149 } 01150 01151 XDrawPoints( grapher->dc->display, grapher->fd_pxWind, 01152 grapher->dc->myGC, a, ncirc, CoordModeOrigin ) ; 01153 return ; 01154 } |
set the 1D transform function pointer * Definition at line 5569 of file afni_graph.c. References client_data, ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_val_bbox(), MCW_grapher::opt_textgraph_bbox, redraw_graph(), and MCW_grapher::textgraph. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05570 { 05571 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *) client_data ; 05572 int bbb ; 05573 05574 ENTRY("GRA_textgraph_CB") ; 05575 05576 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05577 05578 bbb = MCW_val_bbox( grapher->opt_textgraph_bbox ) ; 05579 if( bbb != grapher->textgraph ){ 05580 grapher->textgraph = bbb ; 05581 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05582 } 05583 EXRETURN ; 05584 } |
Definition at line 5791 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, GRA_VALID, MCW_val_bbox(), NUM_COLOR_ITEMS, MCW_grapher::opt_points_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_thick_bbox, MCW_grapher::points_index, redraw_graph(), MCW_grapher::thick_index, and MCW_bbox::wbut. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05792 { 05793 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 05794 int ii , jj ; 05795 05796 ENTRY("GRA_thick_CB") ; 05797 05798 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05799 05800 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ) 05801 if( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] != NULL && 05802 w == grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii]->wbut[0] ) break ; 05803 05804 if( ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ){ 05805 jj = grapher->thick_index[ii] ; 05806 grapher->thick_index[ii] = MCW_val_bbox( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] ) ; 05807 if( jj != grapher->thick_index[ii] ) redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05808 EXRETURN ; 05809 } 05810 05811 /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 05812 05813 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ) 05814 if( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] != NULL && 05815 ( w == grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii]->wbut[0] || 05816 w == grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii]->wbut[1] ) ) break ; 05817 05818 if( ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ){ 05819 jj = grapher->points_index[ii] ; 05820 grapher->points_index[ii] = MCW_val_bbox( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] ) ; 05821 if( jj != grapher->points_index[ii] ) redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05822 EXRETURN ; 05823 } 05824 05825 EXRETURN ; /* should not be reached */ 05826 } |
Do something every so often. Definition at line 5943 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, drive_MCW_grapher(), ENTRY, GRA_cbs::event, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_REALZ, GRA_timer_CB(), GRA_TIMERFUNC_BOUNCE, GRA_TIMERFUNC_INDEX, graCR_setindex, graDR_setindex, GRA_cbs::key, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher::opt_quit_pb, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::time_index, MCW_grapher::timer_delay, MCW_grapher::timer_func, MCW_grapher::timer_id, and MCW_grapher::timer_param. Referenced by GRA_handle_keypress(), and GRA_timer_CB().
05944 { 05945 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *)cd ; 05946 int redo = 0 ; 05947 05948 ENTRY("GRA_timer_CB") ; 05949 05950 if( !GRA_REALZ(grapher) || grapher->timer_id == 0 ) EXRETURN ; 05951 05952 switch( grapher->timer_func ){ 05953 05954 case GRA_TIMERFUNC_INDEX:{ 05955 int nn = grapher->time_index , nt=grapher->status->num_series ; 05956 if( nt > 1 && grapher->timer_param != 0 ){ 05957 nn = (nn+grapher->timer_param+nt) % nt ; 05958 redo = 1 ; 05959 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 05960 GRA_cbs cbs ; 05961 cbs.reason = graCR_setindex ; 05962 cbs.key = nn ; 05963 cbs.event = NULL ; 05964 #if 0 05965 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher, grapher->getaux, &cbs ) ; 05966 #else 05967 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 05968 #endif 05969 } else { 05970 (void) drive_MCW_grapher( grapher, graDR_setindex, (XtPointer)nn) ; 05971 } 05972 } 05973 } 05974 break ; 05975 05976 case GRA_TIMERFUNC_BOUNCE:{ 05977 int nn = grapher->time_index , nt=grapher->status->num_series ; 05978 if( nt > 1 && grapher->timer_param != 0 ){ 05979 nn = nn + grapher->timer_param ; 05980 if( nn < 0 ){ 05981 nn = -nn; grapher->timer_param = -grapher->timer_param; 05982 } else if( nn >= nt ){ 05983 nn = 2*(nt-1)-nn; grapher->timer_param = -grapher->timer_param; 05984 } 05985 redo = 1 ; 05986 if( grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 05987 GRA_cbs cbs ; 05988 cbs.reason = graCR_setindex ; 05989 cbs.key = nn ; 05990 cbs.event = NULL ; 05991 #if 0 05992 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher, grapher->getaux, &cbs ) ; 05993 #else 05994 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 05995 #endif 05996 } else { 05997 (void) drive_MCW_grapher( grapher, graDR_setindex, (XtPointer)nn) ; 05998 } 05999 } 06000 } 06001 break ; 06002 06003 } 06004 06005 if( redo ) grapher->timer_id = XtAppAddTimeOut( 06006 XtWidgetToApplicationContext(grapher->opt_quit_pb) , 06007 grapher->timer_delay , GRA_timer_CB , grapher ) ; 06008 else grapher->timer_id = 0 ; 06009 06010 EXRETURN ; 06011 } |
Definition at line 6015 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::timer_id. Referenced by AFNI_drive_open_window(), drive_MCW_grapher(), end_fd_graph_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_fim_CB(), GRA_opt_CB(), GRA_pick_xaxis_CB(), and GRA_pin_choose_CB().
Will be called from both the 1D and 0D menus. Definition at line 5513 of file afni_graph.c. References ENTRY, MCW_function_list::flags, MCW_function_list::func_init, MCW_function_list::funcs, GRA_VALID, MCW_arrowval::ival, MCW_function_list::num, redraw_graph(), MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::transform0D_av, MCW_grapher::transform0D_flags, MCW_grapher::transform0D_func, MCW_grapher::transform0D_index, MCW_grapher::transform1D_av, MCW_grapher::transform1D_flags, MCW_grapher::transform1D_func, MCW_grapher::transform1D_index, MCW_grapher_status::transforms0D, and MCW_grapher_status::transforms1D. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05514 { 05515 MCW_grapher * grapher = (MCW_grapher *) cd ; 05516 05517 ENTRY("GRA_transform_CB") ; 05518 05519 if( ! GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 05520 05521 /** set the 0D transform function pointer **/ 05522 05523 if( av == grapher->transform0D_av && av != NULL ){ 05524 if( grapher->status->transforms0D == NULL || av->ival <= 0 || 05525 av->ival > grapher->status->transforms0D->num ){ 05526 05527 grapher->transform0D_func = NULL ; /* no transform */ 05528 grapher->transform0D_index = 0 ; 05529 } else { 05530 grapher->transform0D_func = grapher->status->transforms0D->funcs[av->ival-1]; 05531 grapher->transform0D_index = av->ival ; 05532 grapher->transform0D_flags = grapher->status->transforms0D->flags[av->ival-1]; 05533 05534 /* 21 Jul 2003: call the init function, if present */ 05535 05536 if( grapher->status->transforms0D->func_init[av->ival-1] != NULL ) 05537 grapher->status->transforms0D->func_init[av->ival-1]() ; 05538 } 05539 } 05540 05541 /** set the 1D transform function pointer **/ 05542 05543 if( av == grapher->transform1D_av && av != NULL ){ 05544 if( grapher->status->transforms1D == NULL || av->ival <= 0 || 05545 av->ival > grapher->status->transforms1D->num ){ 05546 05547 grapher->transform1D_func = NULL ; /* no transform */ 05548 grapher->transform1D_index = 0 ; 05549 } else { 05550 grapher->transform1D_func = grapher->status->transforms1D->funcs[av->ival-1]; 05551 grapher->transform1D_index = av->ival ; 05552 grapher->transform1D_flags = grapher->status->transforms1D->flags[av->ival-1]; 05553 05554 /* 21 Jul 2003: call the init function, if present */ 05555 05556 if( grapher->status->transforms1D->func_init[av->ival-1] != NULL ) 05557 grapher->status->transforms1D->func_init[av->ival-1]() ; 05558 } 05559 } 05560 05561 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05562 EXRETURN ; 05563 } |
15 Dec 1997: a pullright menu with a single button * Definition at line 5500 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_arrowval::ival, MCW_function_list::labels, and MCW_function_list::num. Referenced by new_MCW_grapher().
05501 { 05502 MCW_function_list * xforms = (MCW_function_list *) cd ; 05503 05504 if( av == NULL || xforms == NULL || 05505 av->ival <= 0 || av->ival > xforms->num ) return "-none-" ; 05506 05507 return xforms->labels[av->ival - 1] ; /* label for each function */ 05508 } |
Definition at line 3708 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_choose_cbs::cval, ENTRY, Grapher_Stuff, mcwCR_string, myXtFree, MCW_choose_cbs::reason, and GRA_miscellaneous::wcsuffix. Referenced by GRA_opt_CB().
03709 { 03710 int ll , ii ; 03711 03712 ENTRY("GRA_wcsuffix_choose_CB") ; 03713 03714 if( cbs->reason != mcwCR_string || 03715 cbs->cval == NULL || (ll=strlen(cbs->cval)) == 0 ){ 03716 03717 XBell( XtDisplay(wcaller) , 100 ) ; EXRETURN ; 03718 } 03719 03720 for( ii=0 ; ii < ll ; ii++ ){ 03721 if( iscntrl(cbs->cval[ii]) || 03722 isspace(cbs->cval[ii]) || 03723 cbs->cval[ii] == '/' ){ 03724 03725 XBell( XtDisplay(wcaller) , 100 ) ; EXRETURN ; 03726 } 03727 } 03728 03729 if( Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix != NULL ) myXtFree(Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix) ; 03730 03731 Grapher_Stuff.wcsuffix = XtNewString(cbs->cval) ; 03732 EXRETURN ; 03733 } |
Definition at line 5638 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, client_data, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, graCR_winaver, MCW_val_bbox(), FIM_menu::parent, GRA_cbs::reason, and redraw_graph(). Referenced by AFNI_new_fim_menu().
05639 { 05640 FIM_menu *fm = (FIM_menu *)client_data ; 05641 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *)fm->parent ; 05642 05643 if( MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox) ){ 05644 GRA_cbs cbs ; 05645 cbs.reason = graCR_winaver ; 05646 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 05647 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 05648 } 05649 } |
Definition at line 5670 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::ave_tsim, ENTRY, GRA_REALZ, GRA_winavertimer_CB(), MCW_grapher::opt_quit_pb, and STATUS. Referenced by redraw_graph().
05671 { 05672 GRA_cbs cbs ; 05673 05674 ENTRY("GRA_winaver_setref") ; 05675 05676 if( !GRA_REALZ(grapher) || grapher->ave_tsim == NULL ){ 05677 STATUS("nothing to do") ; EXRETURN ; 05678 } 05679 05680 (void)XtAppAddTimeOut( XtWidgetToApplicationContext(grapher->opt_quit_pb) , 05681 1 , GRA_winavertimer_CB , grapher ) ; 05682 EXRETURN ; 05683 } |
Definition at line 5652 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::ave_tsim, CALL_sendback, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, GRA_REALZ, graCR_refequals, GRA_cbs::reason, and GRA_cbs::userdata. Referenced by GRA_winaver_setref().
05653 { 05654 MCW_grapher *grapher = (MCW_grapher *)cd ; 05655 GRA_cbs cbs ; 05656 05657 if( !GRA_REALZ(grapher) || grapher->ave_tsim == NULL ) return ; 05658 05659 cbs.reason = graCR_refequals ; 05660 cbs.userdata = (XtPointer)grapher->ave_tsim ; 05661 grapher->dont_redraw = 1 ; 05662 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 05663 grapher->dont_redraw = 0 ; 05664 return ; 05665 } |
Definition at line 2675 of file afni_graph.c.
02677 { 02678 int old; 02679 02680 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) return ; 02681 old = grapher->grid_index; 02682 grapher->grid_index--; 02683 if (grapher->grid_index < 0) grapher->grid_index = 0; 02684 grapher->grid_spacing = grid_ar[grapher->grid_index] ; 02685 grapher->grid_fixed = 1 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 02686 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 02687 return ; 02688 } |
Definition at line 2691 of file afni_graph.c.
02693 { 02694 int old; 02695 02696 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) return ; 02697 old = grapher->grid_index; 02698 grapher->grid_index++; 02699 if (grapher->grid_index >= GRID_MAX) grapher->grid_index = GRID_MAX - 1; 02700 grapher->grid_spacing = grid_ar[grapher->grid_index] ; 02701 grapher->grid_fixed = 1 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 02702 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 02703 return ; 02704 } |
Definition at line 1542 of file afni_graph.c. References auto_grid(), ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fscale, GRA_VALID, MCW_grapher::grid_color, MCW_grapher::grid_index, INIT_GR_gmat, init_mat(), MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_grapher::mat_max, MIN, NPTS, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher_status::nz, MCW_grapher::status, MCW_grapher::time_index, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), and new_MCW_grapher().
01543 { 01544 int ii ; 01545 01546 ENTRY("init_const") ; 01547 01548 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 01549 01550 if( grapher->fscale == 0 ) grapher->fscale = 1 ; 01551 01552 grapher->mat_max = MAT_MAX ; 01553 grapher->mat_max = MIN( grapher->mat_max , grapher->status->nx ) ; 01554 grapher->mat_max = MIN( grapher->mat_max , grapher->status->ny ) ; 01555 01556 if( grapher->mat <= 0 ) grapher->mat = INIT_GR_gmat ; 01557 grapher->mat = MIN( grapher->mat , grapher->mat_max ) ; 01558 01559 if( grapher->xpoint < 0 || grapher->xpoint >= grapher->status->nx ) 01560 grapher->xpoint = grapher->status->nx / 2 ; 01561 01562 if( grapher->ypoint < 0 || grapher->ypoint >= grapher->status->ny ) 01563 grapher->ypoint = grapher->status->ny / 2 ; 01564 01565 if( grapher->zpoint < 0 || grapher->zpoint >= grapher->status->nz ) 01566 grapher->zpoint = grapher->status->nz / 2 ; 01567 01568 if( grapher->grid_index < 0 ) auto_grid( grapher, NPTS(grapher) ) ; 01569 01570 #if 0 01571 if( grapher->grid_color < 0 ) 01572 grapher->grid_color = 1 ; /* first overlay color */ 01573 #endif 01574 01575 if( grapher->time_index < 0 ) 01576 grapher->time_index = 0 ; 01577 else if( grapher->time_index >= grapher->status->num_series ) 01578 grapher->time_index = grapher->status->num_series - 1 ; 01579 01580 init_mat(grapher) ; 01581 EXRETURN ; 01582 } |
Definition at line 2567 of file afni_graph.c.
02568 { 02569 int i, j ; 02570 int gg ; 02571 02572 ENTRY("init_mat") ; 02573 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) EXRETURN ; 02574 02575 grapher->gx = grapher->gx_max / grapher->mat; 02576 grapher->gy = grapher->gy_max / grapher->mat; 02577 02578 for (i=0;i<grapher->mat;i++) { 02579 for (j=0;j<grapher->mat;j++) { 02580 grapher->xorigin[i][j] = MDX1 + i * grapher->gx; 02581 grapher->yorigin[i][j] = MDY1 + j * grapher->gy; 02582 } 02583 } 02584 02585 if( grapher->mirror && grapher->mat > 1 ){ /* Jul 2000 */ 02586 int mm = grapher->mat , m2 = mm/2 ; /* swap left and right */ 02587 02588 for( j=0 ; j < mm ; j++ ){ 02589 for( i=0 ; i < m2 ; i++ ){ 02590 gg = grapher->xorigin[i][j] ; 02591 grapher->xorigin[i][j] = grapher->xorigin[mm-1-i][j] ; 02592 grapher->xorigin[mm-1-i][j] = gg ; 02593 } 02594 } 02595 } 02596 02597 grapher->xc = grapher->mat/2; 02598 grapher->yc = (grapher->mat-1)/2; 02599 02600 gg = grapher->ggap ; /* 12 Jan 1998 */ 02601 if( gg > 0 ){ 02602 gg = MIN( gg , grapher->gx / 2 ) ; /* shrink sizes of graphs */ 02603 gg = MIN( gg , grapher->gy / 2 ) ; 02604 grapher->gx -= gg ; 02605 grapher->gy -= gg ; 02606 } 02607 02608 EXRETURN ; 02609 } |
Definition at line 2639 of file afni_graph.c.
02641 { 02642 int old; 02643 02644 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) return ; 02645 old = grapher->mat; 02646 grapher->mat--; 02647 if (grapher->mat < 1) grapher->mat = 1; 02648 else if (grapher->mat > grapher->mat_max) grapher->mat = grapher->mat_max; 02649 if (grapher->mat!= old) { 02650 init_mat( grapher ) ; 02651 redraw_graph( grapher , 0 ) ; 02652 } 02653 return ; 02654 } |
Definition at line 2657 of file afni_graph.c.
02659 { 02660 int old; 02661 02662 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) return ; 02663 old = grapher->mat; 02664 grapher->mat++; 02665 if (grapher->mat < 1) grapher->mat = 1; 02666 else if (grapher->mat > grapher->mat_max) grapher->mat = grapher->mat_max; 02667 if (grapher->mat!= old) { 02668 init_mat(grapher) ; 02669 redraw_graph(grapher,0) ; 02670 } 02671 return ; 02672 } |
Create a new MCW_grapher window and structure. Definition at line 46 of file afni_graph.c. References AFNI_new_fim_menu(), allow_MCW_optmenu_popup(), AV_fval_to_char(), MCW_grapher::ave_tsim, AVOPT_columnize, BASELINE_COMMON, BASELINE_GLOBAL, BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL, MCW_grapher::but3_label, MCW_grapher::but3_menu, MCW_grapher::button2_enabled, CALL_getser, MCW_grapher::cen_line, MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, MCW_grapher::color_index, MCW_grapher::common_base, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_yokify(), MCW_grapher::dialog, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, DPLOT_OFF, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, end_fd_graph_CB(), ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fdw_graph, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::fscale, MCW_grapher::fWIDE, gbuf, MCW_grapher::getaux, getenv(), MCW_grapher::getser, MCW_grapher::ggap, MCW_grapher::global_base, MCW_grapher::glogo_height, MCW_grapher::glogo_pixmap, MCW_grapher::glogo_width, GRA_baseline_CB(), GRA_COLOR, GRA_color_CB(), GRA_dplot_change_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_fim_CB(), GRA_fix_optmenus(), GRA_ggap_CB(), GRA_gthick_CB(), GRA_mat_choose_CB(), GRA_NULL_tuser, GRA_slice_choose_CB(), GRA_textgraph_CB(), GRA_thick_CB(), GRA_transform_CB(), GRA_transform_label(), graCR_getstatus, MCW_grapher::grid_color, GRID_COLOR, MCW_grapher::grid_fixed, MCW_grapher::grid_index, MCW_grapher::gthick, MCW_grapher::gx_max, MCW_grapher::gy_max, MCW_DC::height, init_const(), INIT_GR_backg_color, INIT_GR_boxes_color, INIT_GR_boxes_thick, INIT_GR_data_color, INIT_GR_data_thick, INIT_GR_dplot_color, INIT_GR_dplot_thick, INIT_GR_ggap, INIT_GR_grid_color, INIT_GR_grid_thick, INIT_GR_gthick, INIT_GR_ideal_color, INIT_GR_ideal_thick, INIT_GR_ignore_color, INIT_GR_ort_color, INIT_GR_ort_thick, INIT_GR_text_color, MCW_grapher::key_Nlock, LABEL_ARG, MCW_grapher::mat, MCW_BB_check, MCW_BB_noframe, MCW_BB_radio_one, MCW_BB_radio_zero, MCW_GRAPHER_TYPE, MCW_reghint_children(), MCW_register_help(), MCW_register_hint(), MCW_set_bbox(), MCW_set_widget_bg(), MIN_XSIZE, MIN_YSIZE, MCW_grapher::mirror, myXtFree, myXtNew, MCW_grapher_status::namecode, MCW_grapher::ncen_line, MCW_DCOV::ncol_ov, MCW_grapher::never_drawn, new_MCW_bbox(), new_MCW_colormenu(), new_MCW_optmenu(), MCW_grapher::nncen, NORMAL_cursorize, MCW_function_list::num, NUM_COLOR_ITEMS, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_global_label, MCW_grapher::opt_baseline_menu, MCW_grapher::opt_cbut, MCW_grapher::opt_color_av, MCW_grapher::opt_colors_menu, MCW_grapher::opt_dplot_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_dplot_menu, MCW_grapher::opt_ggap_av, MCW_grapher::opt_gthick_av, MCW_grapher::opt_menu, MCW_grapher::opt_points_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_quit_pb, MCW_grapher::opt_textgraph_bbox, MCW_grapher::opt_thick_bbox, MCW_grapher::option_rowcol, MCW_grapher::ort_ts, MCW_grapher::ort_ts_plotall, MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_grapher::parent, FIM_menu::parent, MCW_grapher::pin_bot, MCW_grapher::pin_top, MCW_DCOV::pixov_brightest, MCW_grapher::points_index, MCW_grapher::polort, MCW_grapher::ref_ts, MCW_grapher::ref_ts_plotall, RETURN, RWC_getname(), SAVEUNDERIZE, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc, MCW_grapher::setshift_inc_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_left, MCW_grapher::setshift_left_av, MCW_grapher::setshift_right, MCW_grapher::setshift_right_av, MCW_grapher::status, STATUS, strtod(), MCW_grapher::textgraph, MCW_grapher::thick_index, MCW_grapher::time_index, MCW_grapher::timer_id, MCW_grapher::transform0D_av, MCW_grapher::transform0D_func, MCW_grapher::transform0D_index, MCW_grapher::transform1D_av, MCW_grapher::transform1D_func, MCW_grapher::transform1D_index, MCW_grapher_status::transforms0D, MCW_grapher_status::transforms1D, MCW_grapher::tschosen, MCW_grapher::type, MCW_grapher::valid, VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED, WAIT_for_window, MCW_DC::width, MCW_arrowval::wrowcol, MCW_bbox::wrowcol, MCW_grapher::xax_tsim, MCW_grapher::xFD, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::xx_text_1, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2p, MCW_grapher::xx_text_3, MCW_grapher::yFD, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by AFNI_view_xyz_CB().
00047 { 00048 int ii ; 00049 MCW_grapher *grapher ; 00050 static int new_xsize = -1 , new_ysize = -1 ; 00051 char *buf , *cpt ; 00052 Widget rc_tmp , mb_tmp , form_tmp ; /* 29 Sep 2000 */ 00053 00054 ENTRY("new_MCW_grapher") ; 00055 00056 grapher = myXtNew( MCW_grapher ) ; 00057 00058 grapher->type = MCW_GRAPHER_TYPE ; 00059 grapher->dc = dc ; 00060 grapher->getser = getser ; 00061 grapher->getaux = aux ; 00062 grapher->parent = NULL ; 00063 grapher->valid = 1 ; 00064 00065 grapher->dont_redraw = 0 ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 00066 grapher->timer_id = 0 ; /* 04 Dec 2003 */ 00067 grapher->never_drawn = 1 ; 00068 grapher->button2_enabled = 0 ; /* Feb 1998 */ 00069 grapher->mirror = 0 ; /* Jul 2000 */ 00070 00071 grapher->tschosen = 0 ; /* 31 Mar 2004 */ 00072 00073 grapher->gx_max = 0 ; 00074 grapher->gy_max = 0 ; 00075 grapher->fWIDE = 0 ; 00076 grapher->fHIGH = 0 ; 00077 00078 grapher->glogo_pixmap = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ; 00079 grapher->glogo_width = grapher->glogo_height = 0 ; 00080 00081 #if 0 00082 grapher->status = (MCW_grapher_status *) getser(0,graCR_getstatus,aux) ; 00083 #else 00084 CALL_getser( grapher , 0,graCR_getstatus , MCW_grapher_status *,grapher->status ) ; 00085 #endif 00086 00087 if( grapher->status->num_series < 1 ){ 00088 fprintf(stderr,"*** Attempt to create grapher with < 1 time points! ***\a\n") ; 00089 myXtFree(grapher) ; 00090 RETURN(NULL) ; 00091 } 00092 00093 GRA_NULL_tuser(grapher) ; /* 22 Apr 1997 */ 00094 00095 /** make shell that holds all **/ 00096 00097 grapher->fdw_graph = 00098 XtVaAppCreateShell( 00099 "AFNI" , "AFNI" , topLevelShellWidgetClass , dc->display , 00100 XmNminHeight , MIN_XSIZE + GL_DLX + GR_DLX , 00101 XmNmaxHeight , dc->height , 00102 XmNminWidth , MIN_YSIZE + GT_DLY + GB_DLY , 00103 XmNmaxWidth , dc->width , 00104 XmNdeleteResponse , XmDO_NOTHING , /* deletion handled below */ 00105 XmNallowShellResize , False , /* let code resize shell */ 00106 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00107 NULL ) ; 00108 00109 DC_yokify( grapher->fdw_graph , dc ) ; /* 14 Sep 1998 */ 00110 00111 /** find initial size of new graphs **/ 00112 00113 if( new_xsize < 0 ){ 00114 new_xsize = GX_MAX ; 00115 #if 0 00116 buf = XGetDefault(dc->display,"AFNI","graph_width") ; 00117 #else 00118 buf = RWC_getname(dc->display,"graph_width") ; 00119 #endif 00120 if( buf != NULL ){ 00121 ii = strtol( buf , &cpt , 10 ) ; 00122 if( *cpt == '\0' || new_xsize >= MIN_XSIZE || 00123 new_xsize <= dc->width - GL_DLX - GR_DLX ) 00124 new_xsize = ii ; 00125 } 00126 00127 new_ysize = GY_MAX ; 00128 #if 0 00129 buf = XGetDefault(dc->display,"AFNI","graph_height") ; 00130 #else 00131 buf = RWC_getname(dc->display,"graph_height") ; 00132 #endif 00133 if( buf != NULL ){ 00134 ii = strtol( buf , &cpt , 10 ) ; 00135 if( *cpt == '\0' || new_ysize >= MIN_YSIZE || 00136 new_ysize <= dc->width - GT_DLY - GB_DLY ) 00137 new_ysize = ii ; 00138 } 00139 } 00140 00141 /** 29 Sep 2000: put in a Form to hold everything **/ 00142 00143 form_tmp = XtVaCreateWidget( 00144 "dialog" , xmFormWidgetClass , grapher->fdw_graph , 00145 XmNwidth , new_xsize + GL_DLX + GR_DLX , 00146 XmNheight , new_ysize + GT_DLY + GB_DLY , 00147 XmNborderWidth , 0 , 00148 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00149 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00150 NULL ) ; 00151 00152 /** make a drawing area to get everything **/ 00153 00154 grapher->draw_fd = 00155 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00156 "dialog" , xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass , form_tmp , 00157 00158 #if 0 00159 XmNwidth , new_xsize + GL_DLX + GR_DLX , 00160 XmNheight , new_ysize + GT_DLY + GB_DLY , 00161 #endif 00162 00163 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00164 XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00165 XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00166 XmNbottomAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00167 00168 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00169 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 00170 00171 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00172 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00173 NULL ) ; 00174 00175 XtInsertEventHandler( grapher->draw_fd , /* handle events in graphs */ 00176 00177 0 00178 | KeyPressMask /* get keystrokes */ 00179 | ButtonPressMask /* button presses */ 00180 | ExposureMask /* exposures */ 00181 | StructureNotifyMask /* resizes */ 00182 , 00183 FALSE , /* nonmaskable events? */ 00184 GRA_drawing_EV , /* super-handler! */ 00185 (XtPointer) grapher , /* client data */ 00186 XtListTail ) ; /* last in queue */ 00187 00188 MCW_register_help( grapher->draw_fd , 00189 "Button 1 in a sub-graph --> move it to center\n" 00190 "Button 1 in the central --> move time index\n" 00191 " sub-graph to closest point\n" 00192 " on the graph\n" 00193 #if 0 00194 "Shift or Ctrl keys with --> single-step time\n" 00195 "Button 1 in the central index up or down\n" 00196 " sub-graph\n" 00197 #endif 00198 "\n" 00199 "The red dot in the central sub-graph shows\n" 00200 "the location of the current time index.\n" 00201 "\n" 00202 "Button 3 in a sub-graph --> show statistics\n" 00203 " of time series\n" 00204 "\n" 00205 "To turn off the AFNI logo, click Button 1\n" 00206 "inside the logo.\n" 00207 "\n" 00208 "Miscellaneous Keystrokes:\n" 00209 "< = move back in time 1 point\n" 00210 "> = move forward in time 1 point\n" 00211 "1 = move to 1st time point\n" 00212 "l = move to last time point\n" 00213 "L = turn AFNI logo on/off\n" 00214 "v/V = Video up/down in time\n" 00215 "r/R = Video ricochet up/down in time\n" 00216 "\n" 00217 "See the 'Opt' menu for other keypress actions\n" 00218 "and for other options to control graph display." 00219 ) ; 00220 00221 /*---------------------------*/ 00222 /*--- Button 3 popup menu ---*/ 00223 /*---------------------------*/ 00224 00225 #ifdef BAD_BUTTON3_POPUPS /* 21 Jul 2003 */ 00226 grapher->but3_menu = 00227 XmCreatePopupMenu( form_tmp, "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; 00228 #else 00229 grapher->but3_menu = 00230 XmCreatePopupMenu( grapher->draw_fd , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; 00231 #endif 00232 00233 SAVEUNDERIZE(XtParent(grapher->but3_menu)) ; /* 27 Feb 2001 */ 00234 00235 VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED(grapher->but3_menu) ; 00236 00237 grapher->but3_label = 00238 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00239 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , grapher->but3_menu , 00240 XmNalignment , XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING , 00241 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00242 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00243 NULL ) ; 00244 00245 /*-------------------------------------*/ 00246 /*--- RowColumn to hold all buttons ---*/ 00247 /*-------------------------------------*/ 00248 00249 grapher->option_rowcol = 00250 XtVaCreateWidget( 00251 "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , form_tmp , 00252 XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , 00253 XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL , 00254 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00255 XmNmarginHeight, 0 , 00256 XmNspacing , 2 , 00257 XmNbackground , grapher->dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , 00258 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00259 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00260 XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 00261 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 00262 XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00263 XmNbottomAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00264 NULL ) ; 00265 00266 #if 0 00267 allow_MCW_optmenu_popup( 0 ) ; /* 12 Dec 2001 */ 00268 #endif 00269 00270 /*------------------------*/ 00271 /*--- FIM Menu Buttons ---*/ 00272 /*------------------------*/ 00273 00274 /* 29 Sep 2000: move menu buttons each onto private menubars */ 00275 00276 rc_tmp = XtVaCreateWidget( 00277 "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , grapher->option_rowcol , 00278 XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL , 00279 XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , 00280 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00281 XmNmarginHeight, 0 , 00282 XmNspacing , 0 , 00283 XmNbackground , grapher->dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , 00284 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00285 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00286 NULL ) ; 00287 mb_tmp = XmCreateMenuBar( rc_tmp , "dialog" , NULL,0 ) ; 00288 XtVaSetValues( mb_tmp , 00289 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00290 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 00291 XmNspacing , 0 , 00292 XmNborderWidth , 0 , 00293 XmNborderColor , 0 , 00294 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00295 XmNbackground , grapher->dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , 00296 NULL ) ; 00297 XtManageChild( mb_tmp ) ; 00298 00299 grapher->fmenu = AFNI_new_fim_menu( mb_tmp , GRA_fim_CB , 1 ) ; 00300 grapher->fmenu->parent = (XtPointer) grapher ; 00301 XtManageChild( rc_tmp ) ; 00302 00303 grapher->polort = 1 ; /* 27 May 1999 */ 00304 00305 /* macros to put double and single separator lines in a menu */ 00306 00307 #define MENU_DLINE(wmenu) \ 00308 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 00309 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \ 00310 XmNseparatorType , XmDOUBLE_LINE , NULL ) 00311 00312 #define MENU_SLINE(wmenu) \ 00313 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 00314 "dialog" , xmSeparatorWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \ 00315 XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE , NULL ) 00316 00317 /*------------------------*/ 00318 /*--- Opt Menu Buttons ---*/ 00319 /*------------------------*/ 00320 00321 /* 29 Sep 2000: move menu buttons each onto private menubars */ 00322 00323 rc_tmp = XtVaCreateWidget( 00324 "dialog" , xmRowColumnWidgetClass , grapher->option_rowcol , 00325 XmNorientation , XmHORIZONTAL , 00326 XmNpacking , XmPACK_TIGHT , 00327 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00328 XmNmarginHeight, 0 , 00329 XmNspacing , 0 , 00330 XmNbackground , grapher->dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , 00331 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00332 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00333 NULL ) ; 00334 mb_tmp = XmCreateMenuBar( rc_tmp , "dialog" , NULL,0 ) ; 00335 XtVaSetValues( mb_tmp , 00336 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00337 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 00338 XmNspacing , 0 , 00339 XmNborderWidth , 0 , 00340 XmNborderColor , 0 , 00341 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00342 XmNbackground , grapher->dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , 00343 NULL ) ; 00344 XtManageChild( mb_tmp ) ; 00345 00346 grapher->opt_menu = 00347 XmCreatePulldownMenu( mb_tmp , "menu" , NULL,0 ) ; 00348 00349 VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED(grapher->opt_menu) ; /* 27 Sep 2000 */ 00350 00351 grapher->opt_cbut = 00352 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00353 "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , mb_tmp , 00354 LABEL_ARG("Opt") , 00355 XmNsubMenuId , grapher->opt_menu , 00356 XmNmarginWidth , 0 , 00357 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , 00358 XmNmarginBottom , 0 , 00359 XmNmarginTop , 0 , 00360 XmNmarginRight , 0 , 00361 XmNmarginLeft , 0 , 00362 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00363 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00364 NULL ) ; 00365 00366 XtManageChild( rc_tmp ) ; 00367 00368 MCW_register_hint( grapher->opt_cbut , "Graphing options menu" ) ; 00369 00370 MCW_register_help( grapher->opt_cbut , 00371 "******** Graph Display Options: ********\n" 00372 "\n" 00373 "Scale --> Change vertical scaling\n" 00374 "Matrix --> Change number of sub-graphs\n" 00375 "Grid --> Change number of grid lines;\n" 00376 " also can Pin the number of\n" 00377 " time points displayed.\n" 00378 "Slice --> Change slice number\n" 00379 "Colors, Etc --> Change colors of various\n" 00380 " parts of the graph window\n" 00381 "Baseline --> Display each sub-graph with\n" 00382 " its minimum at the bottom of\n" 00383 " its window (the default), OR\n" 00384 " with the minimum of all sub-\n" 00385 " graphs as the common baseline\n" 00386 "Show Text? --> Instead of graphs, show the\n" 00387 " numerical values of the data\n" 00388 " at the current time index\n" 00389 " in each sub-graph box\n" 00390 "Save PNM --> Save the graph window as an\n" 00391 " image to a PNM format file\n" 00392 "Write Center--> Central voxel timeseries will\n" 00393 " be written to a file with a\n" 00394 " name like 'X_Y_Z.suffix.1D'\n" 00395 " where X,Y,Z are voxel indexes\n" 00396 "Tran 0D --> Choose a function to apply to\n" 00397 " each point in each timeseries\n" 00398 "Tran 1D --> Choose a function to apply to\n" 00399 " the timeseries as a whole\n" 00400 "Double Plot --> If 'Tran 1D' is active, then\n" 00401 " plot the data timeseries AND\n" 00402 " the transformed timeseries;\n" 00403 " Plus/Minus -> transformed data\n" 00404 " is added/subtracted from real\n" 00405 " data timeseries (use this with\n" 00406 " Dataset#2 to plot error bands)\n" 00407 "Done --> Close this graphing window\n" 00408 "\n" 00409 "The keystrokes indicated in the menus will\n" 00410 "carry out the same functions, if pressed\n" 00411 "when the cursor focus is in the graph window.\n" 00412 "\n" 00413 "N.B.: keystrokes without menu items are:\n" 00414 " < --> move time index down by 1\n" 00415 " > --> move time index up by 1\n" 00416 " 1 --> move to first image (time index 0)\n" 00417 " l --> move to last image in time series\n" 00418 " L --> turn off the AFNI logo in the corner" 00419 ) ; 00420 00421 /** macro to create a new opt menu button **/ 00422 00423 #define OPT_MENU_BUT(wname,label,hhh) \ 00424 grapher -> wname = \ 00425 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 00426 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , grapher->opt_menu , \ 00427 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 00428 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ 00429 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 00430 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 00431 NULL ) ; \ 00432 XtAddCallback( grapher -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ 00433 GRA_opt_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; \ 00434 MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wname , hhh ) ; 00435 00436 /** macro to create a new opt pullright menu **/ 00437 /** 07 Jan 1999: added the mapCallback to fix position **/ 00438 00439 #define OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(wmenu,wcbut,label,hhh) \ 00440 grapher -> wmenu = \ 00441 XmCreatePulldownMenu( grapher->opt_menu , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ; \ 00442 grapher -> wcbut = \ 00443 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 00444 "dialog" , xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass , grapher->opt_menu , \ 00445 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 00446 XmNsubMenuId , grapher -> wmenu , \ 00447 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 00448 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 00449 NULL ) ; \ 00450 MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wcbut , hhh ) ; \ 00451 XtAddCallback( grapher -> wmenu, XmNmapCallback, GRA_mapmenu_CB, NULL ) ; 00452 00453 /** macro to create a new button on a pullright menu **/ 00454 00455 #define OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(wmenu,wname,label,hhh) \ 00456 grapher -> wname = \ 00457 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( \ 00458 "dialog" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , grapher -> wmenu , \ 00459 LABEL_ARG( label ) , \ 00460 XmNmarginHeight , 0 , \ 00461 XmNtraversalOn , False , \ 00462 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , \ 00463 NULL ) ; \ 00464 XtAddCallback( grapher -> wname , XmNactivateCallback , \ 00465 GRA_opt_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; \ 00466 MCW_register_hint( grapher -> wname , hhh ) ; 00467 00468 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 00469 /** macro to create an option menu on a pullright menu 00470 (this menu must be fixed up later in GRA_fix_optmenus) **/ 00471 00472 #define OPT_MENU_OPTMENU(wmenu,wname,label,cb,hhh) \ 00473 grapher -> wname = \ 00474 new_MCW_optmenu( grapher -> wmenu , label , 0,1,0,0 , \ 00475 cb , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL , NULL ) ; \ 00476 MCW_reghint_children( grapher -> wname -> wrowcol , hhh ) ; 00477 00478 #endif /* USE_OPTMENUS */ 00479 00480 /*** top of menu = a label to click on that does nothing at all ***/ 00481 00482 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00483 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , grapher->opt_menu , 00484 LABEL_ARG("--- Cancel ---") , 00485 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00486 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00487 NULL ) ; 00488 00489 MENU_SLINE(opt_menu) ; 00490 00491 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_scale_menu,opt_scale_cbut ,"Scale" ,"Change vertical scale" ); 00492 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(opt_scale_menu,opt_scale_down_pb ,"Down [-]","Shrink graph heights" ); 00493 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(opt_scale_menu,opt_scale_up_pb ,"Up [+]","Increase graph heights"); 00494 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(opt_scale_menu,opt_scale_choose_pb,"Choose" ,"Set vertical scale" ); 00495 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT(opt_scale_menu,opt_scale_auto_pb ,"Auto [a]","Scale automatically" ); 00496 00497 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_mat_menu,opt_mat_cbut ,"Matrix" , "Change number of graphs" ) ; 00498 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_mat_menu,opt_mat_down_pb ,"Down [m]", "Reduce number of graphs" ) ; 00499 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_mat_menu,opt_mat_up_pb ,"Up [M]", "Increase number of graphs" ) ; 00500 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 00501 OPT_MENU_OPTMENU( opt_mat_menu,opt_mat_choose_av , "# " , GRA_mat_choose_CB , "Set number of graphs" ) ; 00502 #else 00503 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_mat_menu,opt_mat_choose_pb ,"Choose" , "Set number of graphs" ) ; 00504 #endif 00505 00506 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_cbut ,"Grid" , "Change vertical grid spacing" ) ; 00507 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_down_pb ,"Down [g]", "Reduce vertical grid spacing" ) ; 00508 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_up_pb ,"Up [G]", "Increase vertical grid spacing" ) ; 00509 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_auto_pb ,"AutoGrid", "Set grid spacing automatically" ) ; 00510 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_choose_pb,"Choose" , "Set vertical grid spacing" ) ; 00511 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_pin_choose_pb ,"Index Pin","Fix index range of graph window" ) ; /* 17 Mar 2004 */ 00512 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_grid_menu,opt_grid_HorZ_pb ,"HorZ [h]", "Horizontal line at Zero" ) ; /* 05 Jan 1999 */ 00513 00514 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_slice_menu,opt_slice_cbut ,"Slice" , "Change slice" ) ; 00515 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_slice_menu,opt_slice_down_pb ,"Down [z]", "Decrement slice" ) ; 00516 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_slice_menu,opt_slice_up_pb ,"Up [Z]", "Increment slice" ) ; 00517 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 00518 OPT_MENU_OPTMENU( opt_slice_menu,opt_slice_choose_av , "# " , GRA_slice_choose_CB , "Set slice" ) ; 00519 #else 00520 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_slice_menu,opt_slice_choose_pb ,"Choose" , "Set slice" ) ; 00521 #endif 00522 00523 /***** 16 June 1997: Colors submenu *****/ 00524 00525 { static char * bbox_label[1] = { "Use Thick Lines" } ; 00526 static char * pts_label[2] = { "Graph Points" , "Points+Lines" } ; 00527 char toplabel[64] ; 00528 XmString xstr ; 00529 00530 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_colors_menu,opt_colors_cbut,"Colors, Etc.","Change graph appearance"); 00531 00532 if( strlen(grapher->status->namecode) > 0 ){ 00533 00534 sprintf( toplabel , "--- %s ---" , grapher->status->namecode ) ; 00535 xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR( toplabel , XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG ) ; 00536 00537 (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00538 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , grapher->opt_colors_menu , 00539 XmNlabelString , xstr , 00540 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00541 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00542 NULL ) ; 00543 00544 XmStringFree( xstr ) ; 00545 00546 MENU_DLINE(opt_colors_menu) ; 00547 } 00548 00549 if( gr_setup_default ){ 00550 gr_color_default[0] = INIT_GR_boxes_color ; 00551 gr_color_default[1] = INIT_GR_backg_color ; 00552 gr_color_default[2] = INIT_GR_grid_color ; 00553 gr_color_default[3] = INIT_GR_text_color ; 00554 gr_color_default[4] = INIT_GR_data_color ; 00555 gr_color_default[5] = INIT_GR_ideal_color ; 00556 gr_color_default[6] = INIT_GR_ort_color ; 00557 gr_color_default[7] = INIT_GR_ignore_color ; 00558 gr_color_default[8] = INIT_GR_dplot_color ; 00559 00560 gr_thick_default[0] = INIT_GR_boxes_thick ; 00561 gr_thick_default[1] = -1 ; 00562 gr_thick_default[2] = INIT_GR_grid_thick ; 00563 gr_thick_default[3] = -1 ; 00564 gr_thick_default[4] = INIT_GR_data_thick ; 00565 gr_thick_default[5] = INIT_GR_ideal_thick ; 00566 gr_thick_default[6] = INIT_GR_ort_thick ; 00567 gr_thick_default[7] = -1 ; 00568 gr_thick_default[8] = INIT_GR_dplot_thick ; 00569 00570 gr_setup_default = 0 ; 00571 } 00572 00573 for( ii=0 ; ii < NUM_COLOR_ITEMS ; ii++ ){ 00574 00575 grapher->color_index[ii] = GRA_COLOR(gr_color_default[ii]) ; 00576 grapher->thick_index[ii] = gr_thick_default[ii] ; 00577 grapher->points_index[ii]= gr_points_default[ii] ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 00578 00579 grapher->opt_color_av[ii] = 00580 new_MCW_colormenu( grapher->opt_colors_menu , 00581 gr_color_label[ii] , 00582 grapher->dc , 00583 gr_color_start[ii] , grapher->dc->ovc->ncol_ov-1, 00584 grapher->color_index[ii] , 00585 GRA_color_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 00586 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_color_av[ii]->wrowcol , 00587 gr_color_hint[ii] ) ; /* 28 Jan 2004 */ 00588 00589 if( grapher->thick_index[ii] >= 0 ){ 00590 grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] = 00591 new_MCW_bbox( grapher->opt_colors_menu , 00592 1 , bbox_label , MCW_BB_check , MCW_BB_noframe , 00593 GRA_thick_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 00594 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii]->wrowcol , 00595 "Draw these lines thicker" ) ; 00596 00597 if( grapher->thick_index[ii] ) 00598 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] , 1 ) ; 00599 } else { 00600 grapher->opt_thick_bbox[ii] = NULL ; 00601 } 00602 00603 /* 09 Jan 1998: add option to draw only points in graphs */ 00604 /* 01 Aug 1998: allow points+lines to be drawn as well */ 00605 00606 if( grapher->points_index[ii] >= 0 ){ 00607 grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] = 00608 new_MCW_bbox( grapher->opt_colors_menu , 00609 2 , pts_label , MCW_BB_radio_zero , MCW_BB_noframe , 00610 GRA_thick_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 00611 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii]->wrowcol , 00612 "Plot graph as Points only, or as Points and Lines" ) ; 00613 00614 if( grapher->points_index[ii] ) 00615 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] , 00616 1 << (grapher->points_index[ii]-1) ) ; 00617 } else { 00618 grapher->opt_points_bbox[ii] = NULL ; 00619 } 00620 00621 MENU_DLINE( opt_colors_menu ) ; 00622 } 00623 00624 /* 12 Jan 1998: control gap between graphs */ 00625 00626 grapher->opt_ggap_av = 00627 new_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_colors_menu , "Graph Gap" , 00628 0 , 19 , INIT_GR_ggap , 0 , 00629 GRA_ggap_CB , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL , NULL ) ; 00630 AVOPT_columnize( grapher->opt_ggap_av , 4 ) ; 00631 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_ggap_av->wrowcol , 00632 "Space sub-graphs apart" ) ; 00633 00634 /* 06 Oct 2004: control 'thick' line size */ 00635 00636 grapher->opt_gthick_av = 00637 new_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_colors_menu , "'Thick' " , 00638 2 , 10 , INIT_GR_gthick , 0 , 00639 GRA_gthick_CB , (XtPointer) grapher , NULL , NULL ) ; 00640 AVOPT_columnize( grapher->opt_gthick_av , 2 ) ; 00641 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_gthick_av->wrowcol , 00642 "Width of 'Thick' lines" ) ; 00643 00644 } 00645 /***** end colors submenu creation *****/ 00646 00647 #if 0 00648 OPT_MENU_BUT(opt_color_up_pb ,"Grid Color [r]" , "Rotate grid color" ) ; 00649 #endif 00650 00651 /*-- 07 Aug 2001: Baseline sub-menu creation --*/ 00652 00653 { char * bbox_label[3] = { "Individual [b]" , 00654 "Common [b]" , 00655 "Global [b]" } ; 00656 XmString xstr ; 00657 char gbuf[32] ; /* 08 Mar 2002 */ 00658 00659 /* 08 Mar 2002: set baseline parameters from environment variables */ 00660 00661 cpt = getenv( "AFNI_GRAPH_GLOBALBASE" ) ; 00662 if( cpt != NULL ) 00663 grapher->global_base = strtod( cpt , NULL ) ; 00664 else 00665 grapher->global_base = 0.0 ; 00666 00667 cpt = getenv( "AFNI_GRAPH_BASELINE" ) ; 00668 if( cpt != NULL ){ 00669 switch( *cpt ){ 00670 default: grapher->common_base = BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL ; break ; 00671 00672 case 'C': 00673 case 'c': grapher->common_base = BASELINE_COMMON ; break ; 00674 00675 case 'G': 00676 case 'g': grapher->common_base = BASELINE_GLOBAL ; break ; 00677 } 00678 } else { 00679 grapher->common_base = BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL ; 00680 } 00681 00682 /* now create menu items */ 00683 00684 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_baseline_menu,opt_baseline_cbut, 00685 "Baseline","Change sub-graphs baseline"); 00686 00687 grapher->opt_baseline_bbox = 00688 new_MCW_bbox( grapher->opt_baseline_menu , 00689 3 , bbox_label , MCW_BB_radio_one , MCW_BB_noframe , 00690 GRA_baseline_CB , (XtPointer)grapher ) ; 00691 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_baseline_bbox , grapher->common_base ) ; 00692 00693 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_baseline_bbox->wrowcol , 00694 "Graph baseline methods" ) ; 00695 00696 MENU_SLINE( opt_baseline_menu ) ; 00697 00698 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_baseline_menu,opt_baseline_setglobal_pb , 00699 "Set Global" , "Global baseline level" ) ; 00700 00701 MENU_SLINE( opt_baseline_menu ) ; 00702 00703 strcpy(gbuf,"Global:") ; 00704 AV_fval_to_char(grapher->global_base,gbuf+7) ; 00705 xstr = XmStringCreateLtoR(gbuf,XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG) ; 00706 grapher->opt_baseline_global_label = 00707 XtVaCreateManagedWidget( 00708 "dialog" , xmLabelWidgetClass , grapher->opt_baseline_menu , 00709 XmNlabelString , xstr , 00710 XmNrecomputeSize , False , 00711 XmNtraversalOn , False , 00712 XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False , 00713 NULL ) ; 00714 XmStringFree( xstr ) ; 00715 } 00716 00717 /* 22 Sep 2000: Text toggle */ 00718 00719 { static char * bbox_label[1] = { "Show Text? [t]" } ; 00720 00721 grapher->opt_textgraph_bbox = 00722 new_MCW_bbox( grapher->opt_menu , 00723 1 , bbox_label , MCW_BB_check , MCW_BB_noframe , 00724 GRA_textgraph_CB , (XtPointer)grapher ) ; 00725 00726 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_textgraph_bbox->wrowcol , 00727 "Display text, not graphs" ) ; 00728 00729 grapher->textgraph = 0 ; 00730 } 00731 00732 MENU_SLINE(opt_menu) ; 00733 OPT_MENU_BUT(opt_save_pb ,"Save PNM [S]" , "Save graph as an image" ) ; 00734 00735 MENU_SLINE(opt_menu) ; 00736 OPT_MENU_BUT(opt_write_center_pb ,"Write Center [w]" , "Write central graph as a *.1D file" ) ; 00737 OPT_MENU_BUT(opt_write_suffix_pb ,"Set 'w' Suffix" , "Set suffix for graph writing" ) ; 00738 00739 /*-------------------------------------------*/ 00740 /*--- Arrowval to list 0D transformations ---*/ 00741 /*-------------------------------------------*/ 00742 00743 #define COLSIZE AV_colsize() 00744 00745 if( grapher->status->transforms0D != NULL && 00746 grapher->status->transforms0D->num > 0 ){ /* 22 Oct 1996 */ 00747 00748 MENU_DLINE(opt_menu) ; 00749 00750 grapher->transform0D_av = 00751 new_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_menu , 00752 "Tran 0D" , 00753 0 , grapher->status->transforms0D->num , 0 , 0 , 00754 GRA_transform_CB , (XtPointer) grapher , 00755 GRA_transform_label , (XtPointer) grapher->status->transforms0D ) ; 00756 00757 if( grapher->status->transforms0D->num >= COLSIZE ) 00758 AVOPT_columnize( grapher->transform0D_av , 00759 (grapher->status->transforms0D->num/COLSIZE)+1 ) ; 00760 00761 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->transform0D_av->wrowcol , 00762 "Pointwise data transformations" ) ; 00763 00764 } else { 00765 grapher->transform0D_av = NULL ; 00766 } 00767 grapher->transform0D_func = NULL ; /* no function to start with */ 00768 grapher->transform0D_index = 0 ; 00769 00770 /*-------------------------------------------*/ 00771 /*--- Arrowval to list 1D transformations ---*/ 00772 /*-------------------------------------------*/ 00773 00774 if( grapher->status->transforms1D != NULL && 00775 grapher->status->transforms1D->num > 0 ){ /* 03 Nov 1996 */ 00776 00777 MENU_DLINE(opt_menu) ; 00778 00779 grapher->transform1D_av = 00780 new_MCW_optmenu( grapher->opt_menu , 00781 "Tran 1D" , 00782 0 , grapher->status->transforms1D->num , 0 , 0 , 00783 GRA_transform_CB , (XtPointer) grapher , 00784 GRA_transform_label , (XtPointer) grapher->status->transforms1D ) ; 00785 00786 if( grapher->status->transforms1D->num >= COLSIZE ) 00787 AVOPT_columnize( grapher->transform1D_av , 00788 (grapher->status->transforms1D->num/COLSIZE)+1 ) ; 00789 00790 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->transform1D_av->wrowcol , 00791 "Time series transformations" ) ; 00792 00793 /* 08 Nov 1996: dplot = double plot */ 00794 /* 07 Aug 2001: rewrite of dplot to make it have 3 states, not two */ 00795 00796 { char * bbox_label[3] = { "DPlot Off" , 00797 "Overlay" , 00798 "Plus/Minus" } ; 00799 00800 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT(opt_dplot_menu,opt_dplot_cbut, 00801 "Double Plot","Graph Dataset and Tran 1D?"); 00802 00803 grapher->opt_dplot_bbox = 00804 new_MCW_bbox( grapher->opt_dplot_menu , 00805 3 , bbox_label , MCW_BB_radio_one , MCW_BB_noframe , 00806 GRA_dplot_change_CB , (XtPointer)grapher ) ; 00807 MCW_set_bbox( grapher->opt_dplot_bbox , DPLOT_OFF ) ; 00808 00809 MCW_reghint_children( grapher->opt_dplot_bbox->wrowcol , 00810 "How to show 2 curves" ) ; 00811 } 00812 00813 } else { 00814 grapher->transform1D_av = NULL ; 00815 grapher->opt_dplot_bbox = NULL ; 00816 } 00817 grapher->transform1D_func = NULL ; /* no function to start with */ 00818 grapher->transform1D_index = 0 ; 00819 00820 /*------ menu to control the x-axis drawing (09 Jan 1998) ------*/ 00821 00822 MENU_DLINE(opt_menu) ; 00823 00824 OPT_MENU_PULLRIGHT( opt_xaxis_menu , opt_xaxis_cbut , "X-axis" , "Alter x-axis" ) ; 00825 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_xaxis_menu , opt_xaxis_pick_pb , 00826 "Pick x-axis" , "Set timeseries for x-axis" ) ; 00827 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_xaxis_menu , opt_xaxis_center_pb , 00828 "X-axis=center" , "X-axis = center voxel" ) ; 00829 OPT_MENU_PULL_BUT( opt_xaxis_menu , opt_xaxis_clear_pb , 00830 "Clear x-axis" , "Clear x-axis timeseries" ) ; 00831 00832 /*------ last button on this menu ------*/ 00833 00834 MENU_DLINE(opt_menu) ; 00835 OPT_MENU_BUT(opt_quit_pb ,"Done [q]" , "Close window" ) ; 00836 MCW_set_widget_bg( grapher->opt_quit_pb , 00837 MCW_hotcolor(grapher->opt_quit_pb) , 0 ) ; 00838 00839 /** done with option buttons -- manage the manager widget **/ 00840 00841 XtManageChild( grapher->option_rowcol ) ; 00842 00843 #if 0 00844 allow_MCW_optmenu_popup( 1 ) ; /* 12 Dec 2001 */ 00845 #endif 00846 00847 /** initialize the internal parameters **/ 00848 00849 if(PRINT_TRACING) 00850 { char str[128] ; 00851 sprintf(str,"STATUS: num_series=%d nx=%d ny=%d", 00852 grapher->status->num_series,grapher->status->nx,grapher->status->ny ) ; 00853 STATUS(str) ; } 00854 00855 grapher->fscale = 0 ; 00856 grapher->mat = 0 ; 00857 grapher->xpoint = -1 ; 00858 grapher->ypoint = -1 ; 00859 grapher->zpoint = -1 ; 00860 #if 0 00861 grapher->grid_color = GRID_COLOR(grapher) ; 00862 #endif 00863 grapher->grid_index = -1 ; 00864 grapher->grid_fixed = 0 ; /* 02 Apr 2004 */ 00865 grapher->key_Nlock = 0 ; 00866 grapher->xFD = 0 ; 00867 grapher->yFD = 0 ; 00868 grapher->time_index = 0 ; 00869 grapher->pin_top = 0 ; /* 27 Apr 1997 */ 00870 grapher->pin_bot = 0 ; /* 17 Mar 2004 */ 00871 grapher->ggap = INIT_GR_ggap ; /* 12 Jan 1998 + 27 May 1999 */ 00872 grapher->gthick = INIT_GR_gthick ; /* 06 Oct 2004 */ 00873 00874 grapher->cen_line = NULL ; /* coords of central graph plot */ 00875 grapher->ncen_line = 0 ; 00876 grapher->nncen = 0 ; 00877 grapher->cen_tsim = NULL ; 00878 grapher->xax_tsim = NULL ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 00879 grapher->ave_tsim = NULL ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 00880 00881 grapher->xx_text_1 = 00882 grapher->xx_text_2 = 00883 grapher->xx_text_2p = grapher->xx_text_3 = 1 ; 00884 00885 grapher->ref_ts = NULL ; 00886 grapher->ort_ts = NULL ; 00887 00888 grapher->ref_ts_plotall = grapher->ort_ts_plotall = 1 ; 00889 00890 init_const( grapher ) ; 00891 00892 grapher->setshift_inc_av = NULL ; 00893 grapher->setshift_left_av = NULL ; 00894 grapher->setshift_right_av = NULL ; 00895 grapher->dialog = NULL ; 00896 grapher->setshift_inc = 0.5 ; 00897 grapher->setshift_left = 0 ; 00898 grapher->setshift_right = 0 ; 00899 00900 /** for the present, don't realize widgets (make the user do it later) **/ 00901 00902 XtManageChild( form_tmp ) ; /* 29 Sep 2000 */ 00903 00904 #if 0 00905 STATUS("realizing widgets") ; 00906 XtRealizeWidget( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 00907 00908 WAIT_for_window(grapher->form_tmp) ; 00909 00910 XtVaSetValues( grapher->option_rowcol , 00911 XmNleftAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 00912 XmNtopAttachment , XmATTACH_NONE , 00913 XmNrightAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00914 XmNbottomAttachment , XmATTACH_FORM , 00915 NULL ) ; 00916 XMapRaised( XtDisplay(grapher->option_rowcol) , 00917 XtWindow(grapher->option_rowcol) ) ; 00918 00919 NORMAL_cursorize( grapher->fdw_graph ) ; 00920 00921 grapher->valid = 2 ; 00922 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 00923 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 00924 #endif 00925 #endif 00926 00927 grapher->fd_pxWind = (Pixmap) 0 ; 00928 00929 /*** add callback for the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol ***/ 00930 00931 XmAddWMProtocolCallback( 00932 grapher->fdw_graph , XmInternAtom(dc->display,"WM_DELETE_WINDOW",False) , 00933 end_fd_graph_CB , (XtPointer) grapher ) ; 00934 00935 RETURN(grapher) ; 00936 } |
Definition at line 1505 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::draw_fd, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, and MCW_DC::myGC. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay().
Definition at line 1076 of file afni_graph.c. References MCW_grapher::dc, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, mod, MCW_DC::myGC, MCW_grapher::xFD, and MCW_grapher::yFD. Referenced by draw_grids().
Definition at line 1669 of file afni_graph.c. References a_line, ADDTO_IMARR, AFNI_CALL_0D_function, AFNI_CALL_1D_funcmrim, AFNI_CALL_1D_funcmrimstr, AFNI_CALL_1D_funcstr, AFNI_CALL_1D_function, AFNI_store_dset_index(), MCW_grapher::ave_tsim, BASELINE_COMMON, BASELINE_GLOBAL, BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL, CALL_getser, MCW_grapher::cen_line, MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, MCW_grapher::common_base, DATA_COLOR, DATA_IS_THICK, DATA_LINES, DATA_POINTS, DATA_THICK, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_dashed_line, DC_fg_color(), DC_linewidth(), DC_solid_line, DESTROY_IMARR, MCW_DC::display, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, DPLOT_COLOR, DPLOT_IS_THICK, DPLOT_LINES, DPLOT_OFF, DPLOT_OVERLAY, DPLOT_PLUSMINUS, DPLOT_POINTS, DPLOT_THICK, MRI_IMAGE::dx, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, MCW_grapher::fHIGH, FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::fscale, MCW_grapher::getaux, MCW_grapher::getser, MCW_grapher::global_base, GRA_CLEAR_tuser, GRA_fixup_xaxis(), GRA_small_circle(), graCR_getseries, GRID_COLOR, GRID_THICK, MCW_grapher::gx, MCW_grapher::gy, MCW_grapher::HorZ, i, IDEAL_COLOR, IDEAL_THICK, IGNORE_COLOR, THD_ivec3::ijk, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, INIT_IMARR, MRI_IMAGE::kind, MCW_grapher::mat, MAX, MCW_val_bbox(), MIN, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_new(), mri_to_float(), MCW_DC::myGC, myXtFree, MRI_IMAGE::name, NBOT, MCW_grapher::ncen_line, NEEDS_DSET_INDEX, MCW_grapher::never_drawn, MCW_grapher::nncen, NTOP, MRI_IMARR::num, MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MRI_IMAGE::nx, FD_brick::nxyz, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MRI_IMAGE::ny, MCW_grapher::opt_dplot_bbox, ORT_COLOR, ORT_THICK, MCW_grapher::ort_ts, PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE, MCW_grapher::pmax, MCW_grapher::pmin, PROCESS_MRI_IMAGE, qmedmad_float(), MCW_grapher::ref_ts, MCW_grapher::ref_ts_plotall, RETURNS_STRING, MCW_grapher::sbot, MCW_grapher::status, STATUS, MCW_grapher::stop, MCW_grapher::tbot, TEMP_IVEC3, text_graphs(), MCW_grapher::textgraph, THD_fdind_to_3dind(), MCW_grapher::tmad, MCW_grapher::tmean, MCW_grapher::tmed, TPTS, MCW_grapher::transform0D_func, MCW_grapher::transform1D_flags, MCW_grapher::transform1D_func, MCW_grapher::tstd, tt, TTOP, MCW_grapher::ttop, MCW_grapher::tuser, MCW_grapher::xax_tsim, MCW_grapher::xc, MRI_IMAGE::xo, MCW_grapher::xorigin, MCW_grapher::xpoint, XtMalloc, MCW_grapher::yc, MCW_grapher::yorigin, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by redraw_graph().
01670 { 01671 MRI_IMAGE *tsim ; 01672 MRI_IMARR *tsimar ; 01673 float *tsar ; 01674 float tsbot=0.0 , ftemp , tstop ; 01675 int i, m, index, ix, iy, xtemp,ytemp,ztemp , xoff,yoff , its,ibot,itop; 01676 int ptop,pbot,pnum,qnum , tbot,ttop,tnum , ntmax ; /* 17 Mar 2004 */ 01677 01678 static int *plot = NULL ; /* arrays to hold plotting coordinates */ 01679 static XPoint *a_line = NULL ; 01680 static int nplot = 0 ; 01681 01682 MRI_IMARR *dplot_imar = NULL ; /* 08 Nov 1996 */ 01683 int dplot = 0 ; 01684 01685 MRI_IMARR *eximar ; 01686 int iex ; 01687 01688 float nd_bot , nd_top , nd_dif ; /* 03 Feb 1998 */ 01689 int set_scale = ( (code & PLOTCODE_AUTOSCALE) != 0 || 01690 grapher->never_drawn ) ; 01691 01692 MRI_IMAGE *dsim ; /* 07 Aug 2001: for double plot */ 01693 float *dsar ; 01694 01695 #define OVI_MAX 19 01696 int tt, use_ovi, ovi[OVI_MAX] ; /* 29 Mar 2002: for multi-plots */ 01697 01698 ENTRY("plot_graphs") ; 01699 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01700 01701 /* check if we draw text instead of curves */ 01702 01703 if( grapher->status->num_series < 1 ){ 01704 EXRETURN ; 01705 } else if( grapher->status->num_series == 1 || 01706 grapher->textgraph || TPTS(grapher) < 2 ){ 01707 text_graphs( grapher ) ; 01708 EXRETURN ; 01709 } 01710 01711 GRA_fixup_xaxis( grapher ) ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 01712 01713 /* set colors and line widths */ 01714 01715 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , DATA_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01716 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , DATA_THICK(grapher) ) ; 01717 01718 /* 17 Mar 2004: we will plot from pbot..ptop-1, with data from tbot..ttop-1 */ 01719 01720 ptop = NTOP(grapher) ; pbot = NBOT(grapher) ; 01721 if( pbot >= ptop ){ 01722 pbot = 0 ; ptop = grapher->status->num_series ; 01723 } 01724 ttop = TTOP(grapher) ; ttop = MIN(ttop,ptop) ; tbot = pbot ; 01725 if( ttop <= tbot || ttop > grapher->status->num_series ){ 01726 ttop = MIN(ptop,grapher->status->num_series) ; 01727 } 01728 pnum = ptop-pbot ; tnum = ttop-tbot ; 01729 if( pnum <= 1 || tnum <= 1 ) EXRETURN ; /* should never happen? */ 01730 01731 /* set aside space for plotting, etc. */ 01732 01733 #define NPLOT_INIT 9999 /* 29 Apr 1997 */ 01734 itop = MAX( NPLOT_INIT , grapher->status->num_series ) ; 01735 if( nplot == 0 || nplot < itop ){ 01736 myXtFree(a_line) ; myXtFree(plot) ; 01737 nplot = itop ; 01738 plot = (int *) XtMalloc( sizeof(int) * itop ) ; 01739 a_line = (XPoint *) XtMalloc( sizeof(XPoint) * itop ) ; 01740 } 01741 if( grapher->ncen_line < itop ){ 01742 myXtFree(grapher->cen_line) ; 01743 grapher->cen_line = (XPoint *) XtMalloc( sizeof(XPoint) * itop ) ; 01744 grapher->ncen_line = itop ; 01745 } 01746 01747 /* set the bottom point at which to compute time series statistics */ 01748 01749 ibot = grapher->init_ignore ; 01750 if( ibot >= ttop-1 ) ibot = 0 ; 01751 ibot = MAX(ibot,tbot) ; /* 17 Mar 2004 */ 01752 01753 /** loop over matrix of graphs and get all the time series for later **/ 01754 01755 INIT_IMARR(tsimar) ; 01756 01757 /** 08 Nov 1996: initialize second array for double plotting **/ 01758 /** 07 Aug 2001: modify to allow for multiple dplot cases **/ 01759 01760 if( grapher->transform1D_func != NULL && 01761 MCW_val_bbox(grapher->opt_dplot_bbox) != DPLOT_OFF ){ 01762 01763 INIT_IMARR(dplot_imar) ; 01764 dplot = MCW_val_bbox(grapher->opt_dplot_bbox) ; /* 07 Aug 2001 */ 01765 } 01766 01767 GRA_CLEAR_tuser( grapher ) ; /* 22 Apr 1997 */ 01768 01769 /* 3D index offset to correct slice number */ 01770 ztemp = grapher->zpoint * grapher->status->ny * grapher->status->nx ; 01771 01772 ntmax = 0 ; /* will be length of longest time series found below */ 01773 01774 for( ix=0 ; ix < grapher->mat ; ix++ ){ 01775 01776 /** compute the 3D index of the desired time series **/ 01777 01778 xtemp = grapher->xpoint + ix - grapher->xc ; 01779 if( xtemp < 0 ) xtemp += grapher->status->nx ; /* wrap */ 01780 else if( xtemp >= grapher->status->nx ) xtemp -= grapher->status->nx ; 01781 01782 for( iy=0 ; iy < grapher->mat ; iy++ ){ 01783 ytemp = grapher->ypoint - iy + grapher->yc ; 01784 if( ytemp < 0 ) ytemp += grapher->status->ny; /* wrap */ 01785 else if( ytemp >= grapher->status->ny ) ytemp -= grapher->status->ny; 01786 01787 index = ztemp + ytemp * grapher->status->nx + xtemp ; /* 3D index in dataset */ 01788 01789 /** get the desired time series, using the provided routine **/ 01790 01791 #if 0 01792 tsim = (MRI_IMAGE *) grapher->getser( index , graCR_getseries , 01793 grapher->getaux ) ; 01794 #else 01795 CALL_getser( grapher , index,graCR_getseries , MRI_IMAGE *,tsim ) ; 01796 #endif 01797 01798 /* 08 Nov 1996: allow for return of NULL timeseries */ 01799 01800 if( tsim == NULL ){ 01801 ADDTO_IMARR(tsimar,NULL) ; 01802 if( dplot ) ADDTO_IMARR(dplot_imar,NULL) ; 01803 continue ; /* skip to next iy */ 01804 } 01805 01806 ntmax = MAX( ntmax , tsim->nx ) ; 01807 01808 /** convert time series to floats, if need be **/ 01809 01810 if( tsim->kind != MRI_float ){ 01811 MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_to_float(tsim) ; 01812 mri_free(tsim) ; tsim = qim ; 01813 } 01814 01815 /* 22 Oct 1996: transform each point, if ordered */ 01816 01817 if( grapher->transform0D_func != NULL ){ 01818 STATUS("about to perform 0D transformation") ; 01819 #if 0 01820 grapher->transform0D_func( tsim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ) ; 01821 #else 01822 AFNI_CALL_0D_function( grapher->transform0D_func , 01823 tsim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ) ; 01824 #endif 01825 } 01826 01827 /* 03 Nov 1996: 1D transformations, too */ 01828 /* 08 Nov 1996: double plotting, too */ 01829 01830 if( grapher->transform1D_func != NULL ){ 01831 MRI_IMAGE * qim ; /* image to be transformed */ 01832 01833 if( dplot ){ /* copy and save original */ 01834 qim = mri_to_float(tsim) ; /* if double plot is on */ 01835 ADDTO_IMARR(dplot_imar,qim) ; 01836 } 01837 else 01838 qim = tsim ; /* transform original image */ 01839 01840 STATUS("about to perform 1D transformation") ; 01841 01842 if( grapher->transform1D_flags & NEEDS_DSET_INDEX ){ /* 18 May 2000 */ 01843 #ifdef BE_AFNI_AWARE 01844 FD_brick *br = (FD_brick *) grapher->getaux ; 01845 THD_ivec3 id ; 01846 id = THD_fdind_to_3dind( br , 01847 TEMP_IVEC3(xtemp,ytemp,grapher->zpoint) ); 01848 AFNI_store_dset_index( 01849 id.ijk[0] 01850 +id.ijk[1] * br->nxyz.ijk[0] 01851 +id.ijk[2] * br->nxyz.ijk[0] * br->nxyz.ijk[1] , 0 ) ; 01852 #else 01853 AFNI_store_dset_index(-1,0) ; 01854 #endif 01855 } 01856 01857 if( ! (grapher->transform1D_flags & PROCESS_MRI_IMAGE) ){ /* older code: */ 01858 /* process image */ 01859 if( ! (grapher->transform1D_flags & RETURNS_STRING) ){ /* contents only */ 01860 #if 0 01861 grapher->transform1D_func( qim->nx , qim->xo , qim->dx , 01862 MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ) ; 01863 #else 01864 AFNI_CALL_1D_function( grapher->transform1D_func , 01865 qim->nx , qim->xo , qim->dx , 01866 MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ) ; 01867 #endif 01868 } else { 01869 char * quser = NULL ; 01870 #if 0 01871 grapher->transform1D_func( qim->nx , qim->xo , qim->dx , 01872 MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) , &quser ) ; 01873 #else 01874 AFNI_CALL_1D_funcstr( grapher->transform1D_func , 01875 qim->nx , qim->xo , qim->dx , 01876 MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) , quser ) ; 01877 #endif 01878 if( quser != NULL ) 01879 grapher->tuser[ix][iy] = XtNewString(quser) ; 01880 } 01881 } else { /* 28 Mar 2002: process MRI_IMAGE struct */ 01882 /* in place */ 01883 if( ! (grapher->transform1D_flags & RETURNS_STRING) ){ 01884 #if 0 01885 grapher->transform1D_func( qim ) ; 01886 #else 01887 AFNI_CALL_1D_funcmrim( grapher->transform1D_func , qim ) ; 01888 #endif 01889 } else { 01890 char *quser = NULL ; 01891 #if 0 01892 grapher->transform1D_func( qim , &quser ) ; 01893 #else 01894 AFNI_CALL_1D_funcmrimstr( grapher->transform1D_func , qim,quser ) ; 01895 #endif 01896 if( quser != NULL ) 01897 grapher->tuser[ix][iy] = XtNewString(quser) ; 01898 } 01899 } 01900 01901 /* At this point, qim is transformed; 01902 if dplot is on, then it is saved in dplot_imar; 01903 if dplot is off, then qim == tsim, and it will be saved in tsimar, below */ 01904 01905 } /* end of transform1D */ 01906 01907 /* put this (possibly transformed) image on the list of those to plot */ 01908 01909 ADDTO_IMARR(tsimar,tsim) ; 01910 } 01911 } 01912 01913 /** find the average time series [27 Jan 2004] **/ 01914 01915 if( ntmax > 1 && IMARR_COUNT(tsimar) > 0 ){ 01916 float *avar , fac ; int nax ; 01917 STATUS("about to make average time series") ; 01918 if( grapher->ave_tsim != NULL ) mri_free(grapher->ave_tsim) ; 01919 grapher->ave_tsim = mri_new( ntmax , 1 , MRI_float ) ; 01920 avar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(grapher->ave_tsim) ; /* is full of 0's already */ 01921 for( ix=0 ; ix < IMARR_COUNT(tsimar) ; ix++ ){ 01922 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(tsimar,ix) ; if( tsim == NULL ) continue ; 01923 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; if( tsar == NULL ) continue ; 01924 nax = MIN( ntmax , tsim->nx ) ; 01925 for( i=0 ; i < nax ; i++ ) avar[i] += tsar[i] ; 01926 } 01927 fac = 1.0 / IMARR_COUNT(tsimar) ; 01928 for( i=0 ; i < grapher->ave_tsim->nx ; i++ ) avar[i] *= fac ; 01929 01930 if( MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox) ){ 01931 if( grapher->ref_ts == NULL ) INIT_IMARR( grapher->ref_ts ) ; 01932 if( IMARR_COUNT(grapher->ref_ts) == 0 ){ 01933 ADDTO_IMARR( grapher->ref_ts , grapher->ave_tsim ) ; /* create first one */ 01934 } else { 01935 IMARR_SUBIMAGE(grapher->ref_ts,0) = grapher->ave_tsim ; /* replace first one */ 01936 } 01937 } 01938 } else if( grapher->ave_tsim != NULL ){ 01939 mri_free(grapher->ave_tsim) ; grapher->ave_tsim = NULL ; 01940 } 01941 01942 /** find some statistics of each time series **/ 01943 01944 STATUS("finding statistics of time series") ; 01945 01946 /* stuff for setting vertical scale */ 01947 01948 if( set_scale ){ 01949 nd_bot = WAY_BIG ; nd_top = nd_dif = - WAY_BIG ; /* 03 Feb 1998 */ 01950 } 01951 01952 for( ix=0,its=0 ; ix < grapher->mat ; ix++ ){ 01953 for( iy=0 ; iy < grapher->mat ; iy++,its++ ){ 01954 float qbot,qtop ; 01955 double qsum , qsumq ; 01956 01957 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(tsimar,its) ; 01958 if( tsim == NULL || tsim->nx < 2 ){ 01959 grapher->tmean[ix][iy] = grapher->tbot[ix][iy] = 01960 grapher->ttop[ix][iy] = grapher->tstd[ix][iy] = 0.0 ; 01961 grapher->tmed[ix][iy] = grapher->tmad[ix][iy] = 0.0 ; /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 01962 grapher->sbot[ix][iy] = grapher->stop[ix][iy] = 0 ; /* 19 Mar 2004 */ 01963 continue ; 01964 } 01965 01966 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; /* stats from ibot..itop-1 */ 01967 itop = MIN( ttop , tsim->nx ) ; /* ibot was set earlier */ 01968 01969 if( itop-ibot < 2 ){ /* too short to deal with */ 01970 grapher->tmean[ix][iy] = grapher->tbot[ix][iy] = 01971 grapher->ttop[ix][iy] = grapher->tstd[ix][iy] = 0.0 ; 01972 grapher->tmed[ix][iy] = grapher->tmad[ix][iy] = 0.0 ; /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 01973 continue ; /* to next iy */ 01974 } 01975 01976 qbot = qtop = tsar[ibot] ; 01977 qsum = qsumq = 0.0 ; 01978 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ){ /* compute stats over visible data */ 01979 qbot = MIN( qbot , tsar[i] ) ; 01980 qtop = MAX( qtop , tsar[i] ) ; 01981 qsum += tsar[i] ; 01982 qsumq += tsar[i] * tsar[i] ; 01983 } 01984 grapher->tbot[ix][iy] = qbot ; grapher->ttop[ix][iy] = qtop ; 01985 grapher->sbot[ix][iy] = ibot ; grapher->stop[ix][iy] = itop-1 ; /* 19 Mar 2004 */ 01986 qsum = qsum / (itop-ibot) ; grapher->tmean[ix][iy] = qsum ; 01987 qsumq = (qsumq - (itop-ibot) * qsum * qsum) / (itop-ibot-1.0) ; 01988 grapher->tstd[ix][iy] = (qsumq > 0.0) ? sqrt(qsumq) : 0.0 ; 01989 01990 qmedmad_float( itop-ibot , tsar+ibot , /* 08 Mar 2001 */ 01991 &(grapher->tmed[ix][iy]) , 01992 &(grapher->tmad[ix][iy]) ) ; 01993 01994 if( set_scale ){ /* 03 Feb 1998 */ 01995 01996 if( tsim->ny > 1 ){ 01997 for( tt=1 ; tt < tsim->ny ; tt++ ){ /* get min/max over */ 01998 tsar += tsim->nx ; /* multiple time series */ 01999 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ){ /* if they are present */ 02000 qbot = MIN( qbot , tsar[i] ) ; 02001 qtop = MAX( qtop , tsar[i] ) ; 02002 } 02003 } 02004 } 02005 02006 nd_bot = MIN( nd_bot , qbot ) ; /* vertical scale stuff */ 02007 nd_top = MAX( nd_top , qtop ) ; 02008 nd_dif = MAX( nd_dif , (qtop-qbot) ) ; 02009 } 02010 } 02011 } 02012 02013 /* 03 Feb 1998: set the initial vertical scale factor */ 02014 02015 if( set_scale && nd_bot < nd_top && nd_dif > 0.0 ){ 02016 02017 switch( grapher->common_base ){ 02018 default: 02019 case BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL: 02020 grapher->fscale = 0.9 * grapher->gy / nd_dif ; /* biggest range */ 02021 break ; 02022 02023 case BASELINE_COMMON: 02024 grapher->fscale = 0.9 * grapher->gy / (nd_top-nd_bot) ; /* global range */ 02025 break ; 02026 02027 case BASELINE_GLOBAL:{ 02028 float vbot = (nd_top > grapher->global_base) 02029 ? grapher->global_base : nd_bot ; 02030 grapher->fscale = 0.9 * grapher->gy / (nd_top-vbot) ; 02031 } 02032 break ; 02033 } 02034 02035 if( grapher->fscale > 0.0 && grapher->fscale < 1.0 ) /* switcheroo */ 02036 grapher->fscale = -1.0 / grapher->fscale ; 02037 02038 if( grapher->fscale > 4.0 ) /* even value */ 02039 grapher->fscale = (int) grapher->fscale ; 02040 02041 else if( grapher->fscale > 1.0 ) 02042 grapher->fscale = 0.5 * ((int)(2.0*grapher->fscale)) ; 02043 02044 else if( grapher->fscale < -4.0 ) 02045 grapher->fscale = -((int)(1.0-grapher->fscale)) ; 02046 02047 else if( grapher->fscale < -1.0 ) 02048 grapher->fscale = -0.5 * ((int)(1.0-2.0*grapher->fscale)) ; 02049 } 02050 02051 /** find the smallest element in all the time series, if needed **/ 02052 02053 if( grapher->common_base == BASELINE_COMMON ){ 02054 int first = 1 ; 02055 02056 STATUS("finding common base") ; 02057 02058 for( ix=0 ; ix < tsimar->num ; ix++ ){ 02059 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(tsimar,ix) ; 02060 if( tsim == NULL || tsim->nx < 2 ) continue ; /* skip */ 02061 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; 02062 itop = MIN( ttop , tsim->nx ) ; 02063 if( first && ibot < itop ){ tsbot = tsar[ibot] ; first = 0 ; } 02064 for( tt=0 ; tt < tsim->ny ; tt++ ){ /* 29 Mar 2002 */ 02065 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ) tsbot = MIN( tsbot , tsar[i] ) ; 02066 tsar += tsim->nx ; 02067 } 02068 } 02069 } else if( grapher->common_base == BASELINE_GLOBAL ){ /* 07 Aug 2001 */ 02070 tsbot = grapher->global_base ; 02071 } 02072 02073 /**** loop over matrix of graphs and plot them all to the pixmap ****/ 02074 02075 STATUS("starting time series graph loop") ; 02076 for( ix=0,its=0 ; ix < grapher->mat ; ix++ ){ 02077 02078 for( iy=0 ; iy < grapher->mat ; iy++,its++ ){ 02079 02080 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(tsimar,its) ; 02081 if( tsim == NULL || tsim->nx < 2 ) continue ; /* skip to next iy */ 02082 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; 02083 itop = MIN( ttop , tsim->nx ) ; 02084 qnum = itop - pbot ; /* number of points to plot here */ 02085 if( qnum < 2 ) continue ; /* skip to next iy */ 02086 02087 /** find bottom value for this graph, if needed **/ 02088 02089 if( grapher->common_base == BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL ){ 02090 tsbot = tsar[ibot] ; 02091 for( tt=0 ; tt < tsim->ny ; tt++ ){ 02092 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ) tsbot = MIN(tsbot,tsar[i]) ; 02093 tsar += tsim->nx ; 02094 } 02095 } 02096 grapher->pmin[ix][iy] = tsbot ; /* value at graph bottom */ 02097 02098 /** 29 Mar 2002: decode 'color:' from tsim->name, if present **/ 02099 02100 use_ovi = (tsim->name!=NULL) && (strncmp(tsim->name,"color: ",7)==0) ; 02101 if( use_ovi ){ 02102 char *cpt = tsim->name+6 ; int nuse, ngood ; 02103 for( tt=0 ; tt < OVI_MAX ; tt++ ) 02104 ovi[tt] = DATA_COLOR(grapher) ; 02105 for( tt=0 ; tt < OVI_MAX ; tt++ ){ 02106 ngood = sscanf(cpt,"%d%n",ovi+tt,&nuse) ; 02107 if( ngood < 1 ) break ; 02108 cpt += nuse ; if( *cpt == '\0' ) break ; 02109 } 02110 } 02111 02112 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; 02113 for( tt=0 ; tt < tsim->ny ; tt++ ){ /* 29 Mar 2002: multi-plots */ 02114 02115 /** scale graph vertically: 02116 fscale > 0 ==> this many pixels per unit of tsar 02117 fscale < 0 ==> this many units of tsar per pixel **/ 02118 02119 ftemp = grapher->fscale ; 02120 if( ftemp == 0.0 ) ftemp = 1.0 ; 02121 else if( ftemp < 0.0 ) ftemp = -1.0 / ftemp ; 02122 02123 /* scale to vertical pixels: before the ignore level */ 02124 02125 for( i=pbot ; i < MIN(ibot,itop) ; i++ ) 02126 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[ibot] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02127 02128 /* scale after the ignore level */ 02129 02130 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ) 02131 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[i] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02132 02133 /* now have qnum points in plot[] */ 02134 02135 grapher->pmax[ix][iy] = tsbot + grapher->gy / ftemp ; /* value at graph top */ 02136 02137 /** Compute X11 line coords from pixel heights in plot[]. 02138 N.B.: X11 y is DOWN the screen, but plot[] is UP the screen **/ 02139 02140 ftemp = grapher->gx / (pnum-1.0) ; /* x scale factor */ 02141 02142 /* X11 box for graph: 02143 x = xorigin[ix][iy] .. xorigin[ix][iy]+gx (L..R) 02144 y = fHIGH-yorigin[ix][iy]-gy .. fHIGH-yorigin[ix][iy] (T..B) */ 02145 02146 xoff = grapher->xorigin[ix][iy] ; 02147 yoff = grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[ix][iy] ; 02148 02149 /* 09 Jan 1998: allow x-axis to be chosen by a 02150 timeseries that ranges between 0 and 1 */ 02151 02152 #define XPIX(ii) \ 02153 ( (grapher->xax_tsim != NULL && (ii) < grapher->xax_tsim->nx) \ 02154 ? (MRI_FLOAT_PTR(grapher->xax_tsim)[MAX((ii),ibot)] * grapher->gx) \ 02155 : (((ii)-pbot) * ftemp) ) 02156 02157 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ){ /* generate X11 plot lines */ 02158 a_line[i].x = xoff + XPIX(i+pbot); 02159 a_line[i].y = yoff - plot[i] ; 02160 } 02161 02162 if( use_ovi ) /* 29 Mar 2002: line color */ 02163 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , ovi[tt%OVI_MAX] ) ; 02164 02165 if( DATA_POINTS(grapher) ){ /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 02166 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ) 02167 GRA_small_circle( grapher,a_line[i].x,a_line[i].y,DATA_IS_THICK(grapher) ); 02168 } 02169 if( DATA_LINES(grapher) ){ /* 01 Aug 1998 */ 02170 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , 02171 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02172 a_line , qnum , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02173 } 02174 02175 /* 22 July 1996: save central graph data for later use */ 02176 02177 if( ix == grapher->xc && iy == grapher->yc && tt == 0 ){ 02178 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ) grapher->cen_line[i] = a_line[i] ; 02179 grapher->nncen = qnum ; 02180 mri_free( grapher->cen_tsim ) ; /* copy time series too */ 02181 grapher->cen_tsim = mri_to_float( tsim ) ; 02182 } 02183 02184 tsar += tsim->nx ; /* 29 Mar 2002: advance to next curve */ 02185 } /* end of loop over multi-plot (tt) */ 02186 02187 if( use_ovi ) 02188 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , DATA_COLOR(grapher) ) ; /* reset color */ 02189 02190 /* 08 Nov 1996: double plot? Duplicate the above drawing code! */ 02191 /* 07 Aug 2001: old method was DPLOT_OVERLAY, 02192 new method is DPLOT_PLUSMINUS */ 02193 /* 29 Mar 2002: allow multiple time series (dsim->ny > 1) */ 02194 02195 if( dplot ){ 02196 int dny , id , qq,qtop ; 02197 dsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(dplot_imar,its) ; 02198 if( dsim == NULL || dsim->nx < 2 ) continue ; /* skip to next iy */ 02199 dsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(dsim) ; 02200 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ; /* 25 Feb 2003: reset this */ 02201 itop = MIN( ttop , dsim->nx ); /* ibot was set long ago */ 02202 qnum = itop - pbot ; /* number of points to plot here */ 02203 if( qnum < 2 ) continue ; /* skip to next iy = next sub-graph */ 02204 02205 if( dplot == DPLOT_PLUSMINUS ) dny = 1 ; /* 29 Mar 2002 */ 02206 else dny = dsim->ny ; 02207 02208 /** 29 Mar 2002: decode 'color:' from dsim->name, if present **/ 02209 02210 use_ovi = (dsim->name!=NULL) && (strncmp(dsim->name,"color: ",7)==0) ; 02211 if( use_ovi ){ 02212 char *cpt = dsim->name+6 ; int nuse, ngood ; 02213 for( tt=0 ; tt < OVI_MAX ; tt++ ) 02214 ovi[tt] = DPLOT_COLOR(grapher) ; 02215 for( tt=0 ; tt < OVI_MAX ; tt++ ){ 02216 ngood = sscanf(cpt,"%d%n",ovi+tt,&nuse) ; 02217 if( ngood < 1 ) break ; 02218 cpt += nuse ; if( *cpt == '\0' ) break ; 02219 } 02220 } 02221 02222 for( id=0 ; id < dny ; id++ ){ /* 29 Mar 2002: multi-plots */ 02223 02224 ftemp = grapher->fscale ; 02225 if( ftemp == 0.0 ) ftemp = 1.0 ; 02226 else if( ftemp < 0.0 ) ftemp = -1.0 / ftemp ; 02227 02228 /* 18 Mar 2004: scan backwards from itop to reject superlarge values */ 02229 02230 for( qtop=itop-1 ; qtop >= pbot ; qtop-- ) 02231 if( dsar[qtop] < WAY_BIG ) break ; 02232 if( qtop <= ibot ){ dsar += dsim->nx; continue; } /* skip */ 02233 qtop++ ; qnum = qtop-pbot ; 02234 02235 switch( dplot ){ 02236 default: 02237 case DPLOT_OVERLAY: /* plot curve */ 02238 for( i=pbot ; i < MIN(ibot,qtop) ; i++ ) 02239 plot[i-pbot] = (dsar[ibot] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02240 for( i=ibot ; i < qtop ; i++ ) 02241 plot[i-pbot] = (dsar[i] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02242 break ; 02243 02244 case DPLOT_PLUSMINUS: /* plus side */ 02245 for( i=pbot ; i < MIN(ibot,qtop) ; i++ ) 02246 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[ibot]+dsar[ibot] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02247 for( i=ibot ; i < qtop ; i++ ) 02248 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[i] +dsar[i] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02249 break ; 02250 } 02251 02252 ftemp = grapher->gx / (pnum-1.0) ; /* cf. XPIX */ 02253 xoff = grapher->xorigin[ix][iy] ; 02254 yoff = grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[ix][iy] ; 02255 02256 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ){ 02257 a_line[i].x = xoff + XPIX(i+pbot) ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 02258 a_line[i].y = yoff - plot[i] ; 02259 } 02260 02261 if( use_ovi ) /* 29 Mar 2002 */ 02262 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , ovi[id%OVI_MAX] ) ; 02263 else 02264 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , DPLOT_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02265 02266 if( DPLOT_POINTS(grapher) ){ /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 02267 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ) 02268 GRA_small_circle(grapher,a_line[i].x,a_line[i].y,DPLOT_IS_THICK(grapher)); 02269 } 02270 if( DPLOT_LINES(grapher) ) { /* 01 Aug 1998 */ 02271 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , DPLOT_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02272 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , 02273 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02274 a_line , qnum , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02275 } 02276 02277 /* plot minus side of plus/minus curve? */ 02278 02279 if( dplot == DPLOT_PLUSMINUS ){ /* lots of duplicate code :-( */ 02280 ftemp = grapher->fscale ; 02281 if( ftemp == 0.0 ) ftemp = 1.0 ; 02282 else if( ftemp < 0.0 ) ftemp = -1.0 / ftemp ; 02283 for( i=pbot ; i < MIN(ibot,qtop) ; i++ ) 02284 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[ibot]-dsar[ibot] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02285 for( i=ibot ; i < qtop ; i++ ) 02286 plot[i-pbot] = (tsar[i] -dsar[i] - tsbot) * ftemp ; 02287 ftemp = grapher->gx / (pnum-1.0) ; 02288 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ){ 02289 a_line[i].x = xoff + XPIX(i+pbot) ; 02290 a_line[i].y = yoff - plot[i] ; 02291 } 02292 if( DPLOT_POINTS(grapher) ){ 02293 for( i=0 ; i < qnum ; i++ ) 02294 GRA_small_circle(grapher,a_line[i].x,a_line[i].y,DPLOT_IS_THICK(grapher)); 02295 } 02296 if( DPLOT_LINES(grapher) ) { 02297 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , DPLOT_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02298 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , 02299 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02300 a_line , qnum , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02301 } 02302 } 02303 02304 dsar += dsim->nx ; /* 29 Mar 2002: next curve */ 02305 } /* end of loop over multiple dplots */ 02306 02307 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , DATA_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02308 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , DATA_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02309 02310 } /* end of dplot */ 02311 02312 /* 05 Jan 1999: plot horizontal line through zero, if desired and needed */ 02313 02314 if( grapher->HorZ && grapher->pmin[ix][iy] < 0.0 && grapher->pmax[ix][iy] > 0.0 ){ 02315 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , GRID_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02316 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , GRID_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02317 DC_dashed_line( grapher->dc ) ; 02318 02319 ftemp = grapher->fscale ; 02320 if( ftemp == 0.0 ) ftemp = 1.0 ; 02321 else if( ftemp < 0.0 ) ftemp = -1.0 / ftemp ; 02322 02323 XDrawLine( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02324 (int) xoff , (int)(yoff + tsbot * ftemp) , 02325 (int)(xoff + grapher->gx) , (int)(yoff + tsbot * ftemp) ) ; 02326 02327 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , DATA_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02328 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , DATA_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02329 DC_solid_line( grapher->dc ) ; 02330 } 02331 02332 } /* end of loop over y */ 02333 } /* end of loop over x */ 02334 02335 /** cast away the data timeseries! */ 02336 02337 DESTROY_IMARR(tsimar) ; 02338 if( dplot_imar != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(dplot_imar) ; /* 08 Nov 1996 */ 02339 02340 /*----- Now do extra plots in center frame, if any -----*/ 02341 02342 #define REFTS_FRAC 0.38 /* fraction of one graph that this takes up */ 02343 #define REFTS_TOP 0.98 /* top of reference graph in frame */ 02344 02345 #define ORTTS_FRAC 0.38 02346 #define ORTTS_TOP 0.78 02347 02348 /* 12 Nov 1996: include graphs of orts by looping "iex" */ 02349 02350 for( iex=0 ; iex <= 1 ; iex++ ){ 02351 02352 eximar = (iex==0) ? grapher->ref_ts : grapher->ort_ts ; 02353 02354 if( eximar != NULL && IMARR_COUNT(eximar) > 0 ){ 02355 float yscal , val , xscal , exfrac , extop ; 02356 int nover , nvec , nx , ivec ; 02357 int excolor , exthick ; 02358 02359 STATUS("plotting extra graphs") ; 02360 02361 exfrac = (iex==0) ? REFTS_FRAC : ORTTS_FRAC ; 02362 extop = (iex==0) ? REFTS_TOP : ORTTS_TOP ; 02363 excolor = (iex==0) ? IDEAL_COLOR(grapher) : ORT_COLOR(grapher) ; 02364 exthick = (iex==0) ? IDEAL_THICK(grapher) : ORT_THICK(grapher) ; 02365 02366 for( its=0 ; its < IMARR_COUNT(eximar) ; its++ ){ 02367 02368 tsim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(eximar,its) ; 02369 02370 if( tsim == NULL || tsim->kind != MRI_float || tsim->nx < 2 ) continue ; 02371 02372 nx = tsim->nx ; 02373 itop = MIN( ttop , nx ) ; 02374 qnum = itop - pbot ; if( qnum < 2 ) continue ; 02375 nvec = (grapher->ref_ts_plotall) ? (tsim->ny) : 1 ; 02376 02377 for( ivec=0 ; ivec < nvec ; ivec++ ){ /* plot each sub-vector */ 02378 tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) + (ivec*nx) ; 02379 tsbot = 99999999.0 ; tstop = -99999999.0 ; 02380 nover = grapher->init_ignore ; 02381 for( i=ibot ; i < itop ; i++ ){ 02382 val = tsar[i] ; 02383 if( val < WAY_BIG ){ tstop = MAX(tstop,val); tsbot = MIN(tsbot,val); } 02384 else { nover++ ; } 02385 } 02386 if( tstop >= WAY_BIG || tstop <= tsbot ) continue ; /* skip */ 02387 02388 /*** scale into a_line and draw it***/ 02389 02390 yscal = exfrac * grapher->gy / (tstop-tsbot) ; 02391 xscal = ftemp = grapher->gx / (pnum-1.0) ; 02392 02393 xoff = grapher->xorigin[grapher->xc][grapher->yc] ; 02394 yoff = grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[grapher->xc][grapher->yc] 02395 - (extop - exfrac) * grapher->gy ; 02396 02397 for( i=pbot ; i < itop; i++ ){ 02398 val = (i >= ibot && tsar[i] < WAY_BIG) ? tsar[i] : tsbot ; 02399 02400 a_line[i-pbot].x = xoff + XPIX(i) ; /* 09 Jan 1998 */ 02401 a_line[i-pbot].y = yoff - yscal*(val-tsbot) ; 02402 } 02403 02404 /* if none are over the limit, draw in one operation; 02405 otherwise, must plot each line separately in its needed color */ 02406 02407 if( nover == 0 ){ 02408 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , excolor ) ; 02409 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , exthick ) ; 02410 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , 02411 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02412 a_line , qnum , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02413 } else { 02414 for( i=pbot ; i < itop-1 ; i++ ){ 02415 if( i >= ibot && tsar[i] < WAY_BIG && tsar[i+1] < WAY_BIG ){ 02416 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , excolor ) ; 02417 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , exthick ) ; 02418 } else { 02419 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , IGNORE_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02420 if( grapher->mat < 4 && 02421 ( i < ibot || tsar[i] >= WAY_BIG ) ) 02422 GRA_small_circle( grapher,a_line[i-pbot].x,a_line[i-pbot].y,0 ); 02423 } 02424 02425 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , 02426 grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02427 a_line + (i-pbot) , 2 , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02428 } 02429 if( grapher->mat < 4 && 02430 ( i < ibot || tsar[i] >= WAY_BIG ) ) 02431 GRA_small_circle( grapher,a_line[i-pbot].x,a_line[i-pbot].y,0 ); 02432 } 02433 } /* end of loop over sub-vectors */ 02434 } /* end of loop over refs */ 02435 } /* end of if refs exist */ 02436 } /* end of loop over refs and orts */ 02437 02438 /*---- 09 Jan 1998: plot graph showing x-axis as well ----*/ 02439 02440 if( grapher->xax_tsim != NULL ){ 02441 float yscal , ftemp , xscal , yoff ; 02442 int npt ; 02443 02444 xscal = GL_DLX / (float) grapher->gx ; 02445 yscal = grapher->gy / (pnum-1.0) ; 02446 yoff = grapher->fHIGH - grapher->yorigin[grapher->xc][grapher->yc] ; 02447 ftemp = 1.0 ; 02448 npt = ttop ; 02449 if( npt > grapher->xax_tsim->nx ) npt = grapher->xax_tsim->nx ; 02450 if( npt > pbot+1 ){ 02451 for( i=pbot ; i < npt ; i++ ){ 02452 a_line[i-pbot].x = XPIX(i) * xscal ; 02453 a_line[i-pbot].y = yoff - yscal*(i-pbot) ; 02454 } 02455 DC_fg_color ( grapher->dc , IDEAL_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 02456 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , IDEAL_THICK(grapher) ) ; 02457 XDrawLines( grapher->dc->display , grapher->fd_pxWind , grapher->dc->myGC , 02458 a_line , npt-pbot , CoordModeOrigin ) ; 02459 } 02460 } 02461 02462 /***** Done!!! *****/ 02463 02464 EXRETURN ; 02465 } |
Definition at line 1309 of file afni_graph.c. References AV_fval_to_char(), BASELINE_COMMON, BASELINE_GLOBAL, BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL, MCW_grapher::common_base, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_fg_color(), DC_linewidth(), DC_text_width, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, draw_grids(), ENTRY, erase_fdw(), fd_line(), fd_px_store(), MCW_grapher::fd_pxWind, fd_txt(), FIM_menu::fim_editref_winaver_bbox, MCW_grapher::fmenu, MCW_grapher::fscale, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_fix_optmenus(), GRA_REALZ, GRA_redraw_overlay(), GRA_winaver_setref(), MCW_grapher::grid_spacing, MCW_grapher::gy_max, THD_ivec3::ijk, MCW_grapher::init_ignore, ISONE, MAX, MCW_val_bbox(), MV_format_fval(), MYTXT, MCW_grapher::never_drawn, MCW_grapher_status::nz, plot_graphs(), MCW_grapher::pmax, MCW_grapher::pmin, STATUS, MCW_grapher::status, strp, TBOT, TEMP_IVEC3, TEXT_COLOR, MCW_grapher::textgraph, THD_fdind_to_3dind(), MCW_grapher::tmean, TPTS, MCW_grapher::tstd, tt, TTOP, xc, MCW_grapher::xc, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::xx_text_1, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2, MCW_grapher::xx_text_2p, MCW_grapher::xx_text_3, yc, MCW_grapher::yc, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_baseline_CB(), GRA_color_CB(), GRA_dplot_change_CB(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_fim_CB(), GRA_finalize_global_baseline_CB(), GRA_ggap_CB(), GRA_grid_choose_CB(), GRA_gthick_CB(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_mat_choose_CB(), GRA_new_pixmap(), GRA_opt_CB(), GRA_pick_xaxis_CB(), GRA_scale_choose_CB(), GRA_slice_choose_CB(), GRA_textgraph_CB(), GRA_thick_CB(), GRA_transform_CB(), GRA_winaver_CB(), grid_down(), grid_up(), mat_down(), and mat_up().
01310 { 01311 int x, y , www,xxx , rrr ; 01312 int xc = grapher->xc , yc = grapher->yc ; 01313 char strp[256] , buf[64] ; 01314 int xd,yd,zd ; 01315 01316 ENTRY("redraw_graph") ; 01317 01318 if( ! GRA_REALZ(grapher) ){ STATUS("ILLEGAL ENTRY"); EXRETURN; } 01319 if( grapher->fd_pxWind == (Pixmap) 0 ){ STATUS("ILLEGAL ENTRY"); EXRETURN; } 01320 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01321 01322 /*---- draw the graphs ----*/ 01323 01324 erase_fdw ( grapher ) ; 01325 draw_grids ( grapher ) ; 01326 plot_graphs( grapher , code ) ; 01327 01328 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , TEXT_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01329 01330 if( TPTS(grapher) < 2 ){ /* 22 Sep 2000 */ 01331 fd_txt( grapher , GL_DLX+5, 35, 01332 "Can't draw graphs for this dataset: Num < 2" ) ; 01333 fd_px_store( grapher ) ; 01334 EXRETURN ; 01335 } 01336 01337 /*---- draw some strings for informative purposes ----*/ 01338 01339 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , TEXT_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01340 01341 /*** y axis labels ***/ 01342 01343 if( !grapher->textgraph ){ 01344 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->pmax[xc][yc] , strp ) ; 01345 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01346 xxx = GL_DLX - www - 2 ; 01347 xxx = MAX(0,xxx) ; 01348 fd_txt( grapher , xxx , GB_DLY + grapher->gy_max - MYTXT, strp) ; 01349 01350 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->pmax[xc][yc] - grapher->pmin[xc][yc] , buf ) ; 01351 if( buf[0] == ' ' ) buf[0] = '+' ; 01352 sprintf( strp , "[%s]" , buf ) ; 01353 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01354 xxx = GL_DLX - www + 2 ; 01355 xxx = MAX(0,xxx) ; 01356 fd_txt( grapher , xxx , GB_DLY + grapher->gy_max - MYTXT - 14 , strp) ; 01357 01358 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->pmin[xc][yc] , strp ) ; 01359 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01360 xxx = GL_DLX - www - 2 ; 01361 xxx = MAX(0,xxx) ; 01362 fd_txt( grapher , xxx , GB_DLY + 5, strp) ; 01363 } 01364 01365 /*** bottom of the page coordinates stuff ***/ 01366 01367 /* first column */ 01368 01369 grapher->xx_text_1 = GL_DLX+5 ; 01370 01371 xd = grapher->xpoint ; yd = grapher->ypoint ; zd = grapher->zpoint ; 01372 #ifndef DONT_MANGLE_XYZ 01373 { THD_ivec3 id ; 01374 id = THD_fdind_to_3dind( grapher->getaux , TEMP_IVEC3(xd,yd,zd) ) ; 01375 xd = id.ijk[0] ; yd = id.ijk[1] ; zd = id.ijk[2] ; } 01376 #endif 01377 01378 sprintf(strp,"X: %d", xd) ; 01379 fd_txt( grapher , GL_DLX+5 , 35, strp) ; 01380 xxx = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01381 01382 sprintf(strp,"Y: %d", yd) ; 01383 fd_txt( grapher , GL_DLX+5 , 21, strp) ; 01384 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; xxx = MAX(xxx,www) ; 01385 01386 if( grapher->status->nz > 1 ){ 01387 sprintf(strp,"Z: %d", zd) ; 01388 fd_txt( grapher , GL_DLX+5 , 7, strp) ; 01389 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; xxx = MAX(xxx,www) ; 01390 } 01391 01392 /* second column */ 01393 01394 grapher->xx_text_2 = xxx = xxx + GL_DLX + 15 ; 01395 01396 DC_linewidth( grapher->dc , 0 ) ; 01397 fd_line( grapher , xxx-7 , 41 , xxx-7 , 5 ) ; 01398 01399 if( grapher->init_ignore > 0 ){ /* 23 May 2005 */ 01400 sprintf(strp,"Ignore%4d",grapher->init_ignore) ; 01401 fd_txt( grapher , xxx , 35, strp) ; 01402 } 01403 01404 sprintf(strp,"Grid:%5d", grapher->grid_spacing ) ; 01405 rrr = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01406 01407 if( !grapher->textgraph ){ 01408 if( grapher->fscale > 0 ){ /* 04 Feb 1998: */ 01409 AV_fval_to_char( grapher->fscale , buf ) ; /* put scale on graph, too */ 01410 www = strlen(strp) ; 01411 sprintf(strp+www," Scale:%s pix/datum",buf) ; 01412 } else if( grapher->fscale < 0 ){ 01413 AV_fval_to_char( -grapher->fscale , buf ) ; 01414 www = strlen(strp) ; 01415 sprintf(strp+www," Scale:%s datum/pix",buf) ; 01416 } 01417 } 01418 01419 fd_txt( grapher , xxx , 21, strp) ; 01420 01421 xxx = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; /* 19 Dec 2003 [rickr] */ 01422 01423 { int bb=TBOT(grapher) , tt=TTOP(grapher)-1 ; 01424 if( bb > 99 || tt > 99 ) 01425 sprintf(strp,"#%4d:%-4d" , bb,tt ) ; 01426 else 01427 sprintf(strp,"Num%3d:%-3d" , bb,tt ) ; 01428 } 01429 fd_line( grapher , 01430 grapher->xx_text_2+rrr+3 , (grapher->init_ignore > 0) ? 41 : 31 , 01431 grapher->xx_text_2+rrr+3 , 5 ) ; 01432 01433 grapher->xx_text_2p = grapher->xx_text_2+rrr+7 ; /* 23 May 2005 */ 01434 01435 if( !grapher->textgraph ){ 01436 switch( grapher->common_base ){ 01437 default: 01438 case BASELINE_INDIVIDUAL: 01439 strcat(strp," Base: separate") ; break ; 01440 01441 case BASELINE_COMMON: 01442 strcat(strp," Base: common") ; break ; 01443 01444 case BASELINE_GLOBAL: 01445 strcat(strp," Base: global") ; break ; 01446 } 01447 } 01448 01449 fd_txt( grapher , grapher->xx_text_2 , 7, strp ) ; 01450 01451 /* add third column 19 Dec 2003 [rickr] */ 01452 01453 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; xxx = MAX(xxx,www) ; 01454 01455 grapher->xx_text_3 = grapher->xx_text_2 + xxx + 15 ; 01456 01457 if( !grapher->textgraph && !ISONE(grapher) ){ 01458 sprintf(strp,"Mean: %10s", MV_format_fval(grapher->tmean[xc][yc]) ) ; 01459 01460 fd_txt( grapher , grapher->xx_text_3 , 21, strp ) ; 01461 01462 sprintf(strp,"Sigma:%10s", MV_format_fval(grapher->tstd[xc][yc]) ) ; 01463 01464 fd_txt( grapher , grapher->xx_text_3 , 7, strp ) ; 01465 01466 fd_line( grapher , grapher->xx_text_3-7 , 31 , grapher->xx_text_3-7 , 5 ) ; 01467 } 01468 01469 /*** flush the pixmap to the screen ***/ 01470 01471 fd_px_store( grapher ) ; 01472 01473 /*** draw any overlay stuff ***/ 01474 01475 GRA_redraw_overlay( grapher ) ; 01476 01477 #ifdef USE_OPTMENUS 01478 GRA_fix_optmenus( grapher ) ; 01479 #endif 01480 01481 /** 27 Jan 2004 **/ 01482 01483 if( MCW_val_bbox(grapher->fmenu->fim_editref_winaver_bbox) ) 01484 GRA_winaver_setref( grapher ) ; 01485 01486 grapher->never_drawn = 0 ; 01487 EXRETURN ; 01488 } |
Definition at line 2628 of file afni_graph.c.
Definition at line 2612 of file afni_graph.c.
02614 { 02615 if( !GRA_VALID(grapher) ) return ; 02616 if (grapher->fscale > 0) grapher->fscale *= 2; 02617 else if (grapher->fscale < -2) grapher->fscale /= 2; 02618 else grapher->fscale = 1; 02619 02620 if( grapher->fscale > 1000000.0 ){ 02621 static int nn=0 ; 02622 nn++ ; if( nn < 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"Is that you, Bellgowan? If so, stop it!\a\n") ; 02623 } 02624 return ; 02625 } |
Definition at line 2541 of file afni_graph.c. References CALL_sendback, ENTRY, MCW_grapher::getaux, GRA_VALID, graCR_newxyzm, GRA_cbs::mat, MCW_grapher::mat, GRA_cbs::reason, MCW_grapher_status::send_CB, MCW_grapher::status, GRA_cbs::xcen, MCW_grapher::xpoint, GRA_cbs::ycen, MCW_grapher::ypoint, GRA_cbs::zcen, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by drive_MCW_grapher(), GRA_drawing_EV(), GRA_handle_keypress(), GRA_mat_choose_CB(), and GRA_slice_choose_CB().
02542 { 02543 ENTRY("send_newinfo") ; 02544 02545 if( GRA_VALID(grapher) && grapher->status->send_CB != NULL ){ 02546 GRA_cbs cbs ; 02547 02548 cbs.reason = graCR_newxyzm ; 02549 cbs.xcen = grapher->xpoint ; 02550 cbs.ycen = grapher->ypoint ; 02551 cbs.zcen = grapher->zpoint ; 02552 cbs.mat = grapher->mat ; 02553 #if 0 02554 grapher->status->send_CB( grapher , grapher->getaux , &cbs ) ; 02555 #else 02556 CALL_sendback( grapher , cbs ) ; 02557 #endif 02558 } 02559 02560 EXRETURN ; 02561 } |
Definition at line 1588 of file afni_graph.c. References AFNI_CALL_0D_function, AV_fval_to_char(), CALL_getser, MCW_grapher::cen_tsim, MCW_grapher::dc, DC_fg_color(), DC_text_width, MCW_grapher::dont_redraw, ENTRY, fd_txt(), MCW_grapher::getaux, MCW_grapher::getser, graCR_getseries, MCW_grapher::gx, MRI_IMAGE::kind, MCW_grapher::mat, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_free(), mri_to_float(), MCW_grapher_status::num_series, MCW_grapher_status::nx, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MCW_grapher_status::ny, MCW_grapher::status, strp, TEXT_COLOR, MCW_grapher::time_index, MCW_grapher::transform0D_func, MCW_grapher::xc, MCW_grapher::xorigin, MCW_grapher::xpoint, MCW_grapher::yc, MCW_grapher::yorigin, MCW_grapher::ypoint, and MCW_grapher::zpoint. Referenced by plot_graphs().
01589 { 01590 MRI_IMAGE *tsim ; 01591 int index, ix, iy, xtemp,ytemp,ztemp , xoff,yoff ; 01592 int iv , jv , www ; 01593 char str[64] , *strp ; 01594 01595 ENTRY("text_graphs") ; 01596 if( grapher->dont_redraw ) EXRETURN ; /* 27 Jan 2004 */ 01597 01598 DC_fg_color( grapher->dc , TEXT_COLOR(grapher) ) ; 01599 01600 iv = grapher->time_index ; 01601 if( iv < 0 ) 01602 iv = 0 ; 01603 else if( iv >= grapher->status->num_series ) 01604 iv = grapher->status->num_series - 1 ; 01605 01606 ztemp = grapher->zpoint * grapher->status->ny * grapher->status->nx ; 01607 01608 for( ix=0 ; ix < grapher->mat ; ix++ ){ 01609 xtemp = grapher->xpoint + ix - grapher->xc ; 01610 if( xtemp < 0 ) xtemp += grapher->status->nx ; 01611 else if( xtemp >= grapher->status->nx ) xtemp -= grapher->status->nx ; 01612 01613 for( iy=0 ; iy < grapher->mat ; iy++ ){ 01614 ytemp = grapher->ypoint - iy + grapher->yc ; 01615 if( ytemp < 0 ) ytemp += grapher->status->ny ; 01616 else if( ytemp >= grapher->status->ny ) ytemp -= grapher->status->ny ; 01617 01618 index = ztemp + ytemp * grapher->status->nx + xtemp ; 01619 01620 #if 0 01621 tsim = (MRI_IMAGE *) grapher->getser( index , graCR_getseries , 01622 grapher->getaux ) ; 01623 #else 01624 CALL_getser( grapher , index,graCR_getseries , MRI_IMAGE *,tsim ) ; 01625 #endif 01626 01627 if( tsim == NULL ) break ; 01628 if( tsim->nx < 1 ){ mri_free(tsim); break; } /* shouldn't happen */ 01629 01630 if( tsim->kind != MRI_float ){ 01631 MRI_IMAGE *qim = mri_to_float(tsim) ; 01632 mri_free(tsim) ; tsim = qim ; 01633 } 01634 01635 if( ix == grapher->xc && iy == grapher->yc ){ 01636 mri_free( grapher->cen_tsim ) ; /* copy time series too */ 01637 grapher->cen_tsim = mri_to_float( tsim ) ; 01638 } 01639 01640 #if 0 01641 if( grapher->transform0D_func != NULL ) 01642 # if 0 01643 grapher->transform0D_func( tsim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ) ; 01644 # else 01645 AFNI_CALL_0D_function( grapher->transform0D_func , 01646 tsim->nx , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim) ) ; 01647 # endif 01648 #endif 01649 01650 jv = iv ; if( jv >= tsim->nx ) jv = tsim->nx - 1 ; 01651 AV_fval_to_char( MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim)[jv] , str ) ; 01652 mri_free(tsim) ; 01653 strp = (str[0] == ' ') ? str+1 : str ; 01654 www = DC_text_width(grapher->dc,strp) ; 01655 01656 fd_txt( grapher , grapher->xorigin[ix][iy] + (grapher->gx-www)/2 , 01657 grapher->yorigin[ix][iy] + 2 , 01658 strp ) ; 01659 } 01660 } 01661 01662 EXRETURN ; 01663 } |
Variable Documentation
Initial value: { 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 } Definition at line 1525 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by auto_grid(), GRA_opt_CB(), grid_down(), and grid_up(). |
Definition at line 1201 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Definition at line 1205 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Definition at line 1203 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Initial value: { { SETSHIFT_quit_label , GRA_setshift_action_CB, NULL, SETSHIFT_quit_help ,"Close window" , 0 }, { SETSHIFT_apply_label , GRA_setshift_action_CB, NULL, SETSHIFT_apply_help,"Apply choice and keep window" , 0 }, { SETSHIFT_done_label , GRA_setshift_action_CB, NULL, SETSHIFT_done_help ,"Apply choice and close window", 1 } } Definition at line 4846 of file afni_graph.c. |
Definition at line 1202 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Definition at line 1206 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Definition at line 1204 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_redraw_overlay(). |
Definition at line 20 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by erase_fdw(), GRA_drawing_EV(), and GRA_handle_keypress(). |
Initial value: { {-1,-2},{ 0,-2},{ 1,-2}, { 2,-1},{ 2, 0},{ 2, 1}, { 1, 2},{ 0, 2},{-1, 2}, {-2, 1},{-2, 0},{-2,-1}, {-1,-1},{-1, 0},{-1, 1}, { 0,-1},{ 0, 0},{ 0, 1}, { 1,-1},{ 1, 0},{ 1, 1}, { 0,-3},{ 0, 3},{ 3, 0}, {-3, 0} } Definition at line 1121 of file afni_graph.c. Referenced by GRA_overlay_circle(), and GRA_small_circle(). |