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aiv.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"
#include "imseq.h"

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Data Structures

struct  AIVVVV_imseq


#define DEFAULT_NCOLOVR   20
#define QQ_NXYZ   16


void * AIVVV_imseq_popup (MRI_IMARR *, generic_func *, void *)
void AIVVV_imseq_retitle (void *, char *)
XtPointer AIVVV_imseq_getim (int, int, XtPointer)
void AIVVV_imseq_send_CB (MCW_imseq *, XtPointer, ISQ_cbs *)
void AIVVV_imseq_addto (MRI_IMAGE *im)
Boolean AIVVV_workproc (XtPointer)
void AIVVV_niml_quitter (char *, NI_stream, NI_element *)
void killer (void *pt)
void AFNI_handler (char *msg)
void timeout_CB (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


XtAppContext AIVVV_appcontext
NI_stream AIVVV_stream = (NI_stream)NULL
char AIVVV_strnam [64]
int AIVVV_have_dummy = 0
char * FALLback []
XtAppContext MAIN_app
char * INIT_colovr [DEFAULT_NCOLOVR]
char * INIT_labovr [DEFAULT_NCOLOVR]

Define Documentation

#define DEFAULT_NCOLOVR   20

Definition at line 59 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main().

#define QQ_NXYZ   16

Function Documentation

void AFNI_handler char *    msg [static]

Definition at line 78 of file aiv.c.

00078 { return ; } /* hide X11 warnings */

void AIVVV_imseq_addto MRI_IMAGE   im [static]

Definition at line 448 of file aiv.c.

References ADDTO_IMARR, AIVVV_have_dummy, drive_MCW_imseq(), MRI_IMAGE::dx, MRI_IMAGE::dy, ENTRY, AIVVVV_imseq::imar, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIM, isqDR_newseq, isqDR_onoffwid, isqDR_onwid, isqDR_reimage, MRI_IMAGE::kind, mri_data_pointer(), mri_fix_data_pointer(), mri_new_vol_empty(), MRI_IMAGE::nt, MRI_IMAGE::nu, MRI_IMAGE::nv, MRI_IMAGE::nw, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, MRI_IMAGE::nz, MRI_IMAGE::pixel_size, AIVVVV_imseq::rgb_count, and AIVVVV_imseq::seq.

Referenced by AIVVV_workproc().

00449 {
00450    int ntot , num ;
00451    AIVVVV_imseq *psq = psq_global ;
00453 ENTRY("AIVVV_imseq_addto") ;
00455    if( im == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
00457    if( im->nx < 4 || im->ny < 4 ) EXRETURN ;
00459    /** if more than 1 slice, carve up the volume
00460        into multiple 2D slices and recursively add each one **/
00462    num = im->nz * im->nt * im->nu * im->nv * im->nw ;
00463    if( num > 1 ){
00464      MRI_IMAGE *qim ; int kk,nb ; char *iar=(char *)mri_data_pointer(im) ;
00465      nb = im->nx * im->ny * im->pixel_size ;
00466      for( kk=0 ; kk < num ; kk++ ){
00467        qim = mri_new_vol_empty( im->nx , im->ny , 1, im->kind ) ;
00468        qim->dx = im->dx ; qim->dy = im->dy ;
00469        mri_fix_data_pointer( iar + kk*nb , qim ) ;
00470        AIVVV_imseq_addto( qim ) ;
00471      }
00472      EXRETURN ;
00473    }
00475    if( AIVVV_have_dummy ){             /* replace the dummy 'X' */
00476      IMARR_SUBIM(psq->imar,0) = im ;
00477      AIVVV_have_dummy = 0 ;
00478    } else {
00479      ADDTO_IMARR(psq->imar,im) ;       /* add to sequence */
00480    }
00481    if( im->kind == MRI_rgb ) psq->rgb_count++ ;
00483    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_newseq , psq ) ;
00485    ntot = IMARR_COUNT(psq->imar) ;
00486    if( ntot == 2 )
00487      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_onoffwid , (XtPointer) isqDR_onwid ) ;
00489    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_reimage , (XtPointer)(ntot-1) ) ;
00490    EXRETURN ;
00491 }

XtPointer AIVVV_imseq_getim int   ,
int   ,

Definition at line 365 of file aiv.c.

References AIVVV_imseq_send_CB(), MCW_imseq_status::aux, ENTRY, AIVVVV_imseq::imar, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIMAGE, isqCR_getimage, isqCR_getqimage, isqCR_getstatus, mri_copy(), mri_to_rgb(), myXtNew, MCW_imseq_status::num_series, MCW_imseq_status::num_total, MCW_imseq_status::parent, RETURN, AIVVVV_imseq::rgb_count, MCW_imseq_status::send_CB, MCW_imseq_status::slice_proj, MCW_imseq_status::transforms0D, and MCW_imseq_status::transforms2D.

Referenced by AIVVV_imseq_popup().

00366 {
00367    AIVVVV_imseq *psq = (AIVVVV_imseq *) handle ;
00368    int ntot = 0 ;
00370 ENTRY("AIVVV_imseq_getim") ;
00372    if( psq->imar != NULL ) ntot = IMARR_COUNT(psq->imar) ;
00373    if( ntot < 1 ) ntot = 1 ;
00375    /*--- send control info ---*/
00377    if( type == isqCR_getstatus ){
00378      MCW_imseq_status *stat = myXtNew( MCW_imseq_status ) ; /* will be freed */
00379                                                             /* when imseq is */
00380                                                             /* destroyed    */
00381      stat->num_total  = ntot ;
00382      stat->num_series = ntot ;
00383      stat->send_CB    = AIVVV_imseq_send_CB ;
00384      stat->parent     = NULL ;
00385      stat->aux        = NULL ;
00387      stat->transforms0D = NULL ;
00388      stat->transforms2D = NULL ;
00389      stat->slice_proj   = NULL ;
00391      RETURN( (XtPointer)stat ) ;
00392    }
00394    /*--- return a copy of an image
00395          (since the imseq will delete it when it is done) ---*/
00397    if( type == isqCR_getimage || type == isqCR_getqimage ){
00398      MRI_IMAGE *im = NULL , *rim ;
00400      if( psq->imar != NULL ){
00401        if( n < 0 ) n = 0 ; else if( n >= ntot ) n = ntot-1 ;
00402        rim = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(psq->imar,n) ;
00403        if( psq->rgb_count > 0 )
00404          im = mri_to_rgb( rim ) ;
00405        else
00406          im = mri_copy( rim ) ;
00407      }
00408      RETURN( (XtPointer)im ) ;
00409    }
00411    RETURN(NULL) ; /* any other request gets nothing */
00412 }

void * AIVVV_imseq_popup MRI_IMARR   imar,
generic_func   kfunc,
void *    kdata

Open the image viewer.

Definition at line 265 of file aiv.c.

References ADDTO_IMARR, AIVVV_have_dummy, AIVVV_imseq_getim(), calloc, drive_MCW_imseq(), MRI_IMAGE::dx, MRI_IMAGE::dy, ENTRY, generic_func, AIVVVV_imseq::imar, IMARR_COUNT, ISQ_DEFAULT_OPT, isqDR_clearstat, isqDR_display, isqDR_offwid, isqDR_onoffwid, isqDR_onwid, isqDR_options, isqDR_penbbox, isqDR_periodicmont, isqDR_realize, isqDR_title, AIVVVV_imseq::kill_data, AIVVVV_imseq::kill_func, malloc, mri_fix_data_pointer(), mri_new_vol_empty(), open_MCW_imseq(), RETURN, AIVVVV_imseq::rgb_count, ISQ_options::save_one, ISQ_options::save_pnm, and AIVVVV_imseq::seq.

Referenced by timeout_CB().

00266 {
00267    int ntot , ii ;
00268    MRI_IMAGE *im , *cim ;
00269    AIVVVV_imseq *psq ;
00271 ENTRY("AIVVV_imseq_popup") ;
00273    if( imar == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;
00275    ntot = IMARR_COUNT(imar) ;
00276    if( ntot == 0 ){               /** dummy 'X' image **/
00277 #define QQ_NXYZ 16
00278      static byte xxx[QQ_NXYZ*QQ_NXYZ] = {
00279        0,0,21,131,135,135,135,8,0,0,3,100,135,135,135,128,
00280        0,0,0,108,255,255,255,86,0,0,115,255,255,255,255,121,
00281        0,0,0,21,216,255,255,213,0,19,223,255,255,255,187,5,
00282        0,0,0,0,92,244,255,255,114,114,255,255,255,234,58,0,
00283        0,0,0,0,0,174,255,255,252,230,255,255,255,130,0,0,
00284        0,0,0,0,0,58,244,255,255,255,255,255,228,29,0,0,
00285        0,0,0,0,0,0,118,255,255,255,255,255,74,0,0,0,
00286        0,0,0,0,0,0,55,248,255,255,255,199,3,0,0,0,
00287        0,0,0,0,0,5,170,255,255,255,255,227,32,0,0,0,
00288        0,0,0,0,0,104,255,255,255,255,255,255,140,5,0,0,
00289        0,0,0,0,13,217,255,255,252,215,255,255,255,67,0,0,
00290        0,0,0,0,159,255,255,255,212,23,233,255,255,187,7,0,
00291        0,0,0,81,241,255,255,255,85,0,72,255,255,255,66,0,
00292        0,0,16,206,255,255,255,212,0,0,8,193,255,255,237,12,
00293        0,0,94,255,255,255,255,86,0,0,0,73,255,255,255,121,
00294        0,14,129,134,134,134,85,1,0,0,0,3,106,134,134,127 } ;
00295      byte *ar ; MRI_IMAGE *xim ;
00297      ar = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*QQ_NXYZ*QQ_NXYZ) ;
00298      memcpy(ar,xxx,sizeof(byte)*QQ_NXYZ*QQ_NXYZ) ;
00299      xim = mri_new_vol_empty( QQ_NXYZ,QQ_NXYZ,1 , MRI_byte ) ;
00300      mri_fix_data_pointer( ar , xim ) ;
00301      xim->dx = xim->dy = 16.0 ;
00302      ADDTO_IMARR(imar,xim) ; ntot = 1 ; AIVVV_have_dummy = 1 ;
00303    }
00305    /* psq holds all the data needed for viewing */
00307    psq = psq_global = (AIVVVV_imseq *)calloc(1,sizeof(AIVVVV_imseq)) ;
00308    if( psq == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;  /* should never happen */
00310    psq->imar = imar ;
00312    psq->kill_func = kfunc ;
00313    psq->kill_data = kdata ;
00314    psq->rgb_count = 0 ;
00316    /* actually create the viewer */
00318    psq->seq = open_MCW_imseq( MAIN_dc , AIVVV_imseq_getim , psq ) ;
00320    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_clearstat , NULL ) ;
00322    { ISQ_options opt ;       /* change some options from the defaults */
00324      ISQ_DEFAULT_OPT(opt) ;
00325      opt.save_one = False ;  /* change to Save:bkg */
00326      opt.save_pnm = False ;
00327      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_options      , (XtPointer) &opt ) ;
00328      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_periodicmont , (XtPointer) 0    ) ;
00329      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_penbbox      , (XtPointer) 0    ) ;
00330    }
00332    /* make it popup */
00334    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_realize, NULL ) ;
00335    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_title, "Images" ) ;
00337    if( ntot == 1 )
00338      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_onoffwid , (XtPointer) isqDR_offwid );
00339    else
00340      drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_onoffwid , (XtPointer) isqDR_onwid  );
00342    /* show the first image */
00344    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_display, (XtPointer)0 ) ;
00346    RETURN( (void *)psq ) ;
00347 }

void AIVVV_imseq_retitle void *    handle,
char *    title

dummy 'X' image *

Definition at line 351 of file aiv.c.

References drive_MCW_imseq(), isqDR_title, and AIVVVV_imseq::seq.

00352 {
00353    AIVVVV_imseq *psq = (AIVVVV_imseq *) handle ;
00355    if( psq == NULL || psq->seq == NULL || title == NULL ) return ;
00356    drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq , isqDR_title, title ) ;
00357    return ;
00358 }

void AIVVV_imseq_send_CB MCW_imseq  ,
XtPointer   ,

Definition at line 420 of file aiv.c.

References DESTROY_IMARR, drive_MCW_imseq(), ENTRY, free, AIVVVV_imseq::imar, isqCR_destroy, isqCR_newimage, isqDR_display, AIVVVV_imseq::kill_data, AIVVVV_imseq::kill_func, myXtFree, ISQ_cbs::nim, ISQ_cbs::reason, and AIVVVV_imseq::seq.

Referenced by AIVVV_imseq_getim().

00421 {
00422    AIVVVV_imseq *psq = (AIVVVV_imseq *) handle ;
00424 ENTRY("AIVVV_imseq_send_CB") ;
00426    switch( cbs->reason ){
00427      case isqCR_destroy:{
00428        myXtFree(psq->seq) ;
00429        DESTROY_IMARR( psq->imar ) ;
00431        if( psq->kill_func != NULL )
00432          psq->kill_func( psq->kill_data ) ;
00433          free(psq) ;
00434      }
00435      break ;
00437      case isqCR_newimage:{
00438        drive_MCW_imseq( psq->seq, isqDR_display, (XtPointer)cbs->nim );
00439      }
00440      break ;
00441    }
00442    EXRETURN ;
00443 }

void AIVVV_niml_quitter char *   ,
NI_stream   ,

Definition at line 532 of file aiv.c.

References INFO_message(), NI_sleep(), and NI_stream_closenow().

Referenced by timeout_CB().

00533 {
00534    INFO_message("Received remote command to exit") ;
00535    NI_stream_closenow(AIVVV_stream) ;
00536    NI_sleep(333) ;
00537    exit(0) ;
00538 }

Boolean AIVVV_workproc XtPointer    fred [static]

if more than 1 slice, carve up the volume into multiple 2D slices and recursively add each one *

Definition at line 498 of file aiv.c.

References AIVVV_imseq_addto(), AIVVV_strnam, NI_ELEMENT_TYPE, NI_element_type(), NI_free_element(), NI_read_element(), NI_sleep(), NI_stream_closenow(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_hasinput(), NI_stream_open(), and niml_to_mri().

Referenced by timeout_CB().

00499 {
00500    int nn ;
00501    NI_element *nel ;
00502    MRI_IMAGE *im ;
00504    nn = NI_stream_goodcheck(AIVVV_stream,3) ;
00505    if( nn < 0 ){                              /* dead? reopen it */
00506      NI_stream_closenow(AIVVV_stream) ;
00507      NI_sleep(9) ;
00508      AIVVV_stream = NI_stream_open( AIVVV_strnam , "r" ) ;
00509      return False ;
00510    }
00512    nn = NI_stream_hasinput(AIVVV_stream,9) ;   /* anything? */
00513    if( nn <= 0 ) return False ;                /* no data */
00515    /* read data, add image */
00517    nel = (NI_element *)NI_read_element(AIVVV_stream,99) ;
00518    if( NI_element_type(nel) != NI_ELEMENT_TYPE ){  /* bad read */
00519      NI_free_element(nel) ; return False ;
00520    }
00522    /* the only type of element we deal with is MRI_IMAGE */
00524    im = niml_to_mri( nel ) ;   /* convert element to image */
00525    NI_free_element( nel ) ;
00526    AIVVV_imseq_addto( im ) ;   /* add image to the display sequence */
00527    return False ;
00528 }

void killer void *    pt [static]

Definition at line 77 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by timeout_CB().

00077 { exit(0); }

int main int    argc,
char *    argv[]

convert DTIStudio fiber format data to SUMA segment data

Definition at line 97 of file aiv.c.

References ADDTO_IMARR, AFNI_handler(), AIVVV_appcontext, AIVVV_strnam, argc, DEFAULT_NCOLOVR, ERROR_exit(), ERROR_message(), FALLback, FREE_IMARR, IMARR_COUNT, IMARR_SUBIM, INFO_message(), INIT_colovr, INIT_IMARR, INIT_labovr, machdep(), MAIN_app, mainENTRY, MCW_file_expand(), MCW_free_expand(), MCW_new_DC(), mri_read_file(), NI_stream_goodcheck(), NI_stream_open(), PRINT_VERSION, THD_filename_ok(), and timeout_CB().

00098 {
00099    int ii , verb=0 , iarg=1 , jj ;
00100    MRI_IMAGE *im ;     /* 1 input image */
00101    MRI_IMARR *qar ;    /* all input images */
00102    Widget shell ;
00103    int gnim ; char **gname=NULL ;   /* 23 Dec 2002: glob filenames */
00105    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00106      printf(
00107       "Usage: aiv [-v] [-p xxxx ] image ...\n"
00108       "AFNI Image Viewer program.\n"
00109       "Shows the 2D images on the command line in an AFNI-like image viewer.\n"
00110       "Can also read images in NIML '<MRI_IMAGE...>' format from a TCP/IP socket.\n"
00111       "Image file formats are those supported by to3d:\n"
00112       " * various MRI formats (e.g., DICOM, GEMS\n"
00113       " * raw PPM or PGM\n"
00114       " * JPEG (if djpeg is in the path)\n"
00115       " * GIF, TIFF, BMP, and PNG (if netpbm is in the path)\n"
00116       "\n"
00117       "The '-v' option will make aiv print out the image filenames\n"
00118       "as it reads them - this can be a useful progress meter if\n"
00119       "the program starts up slowly.\n"
00120       "\n"
00121       "The '-p xxxx' option will make aiv listen to TCP/IP port 'xxxx'\n"
00122       "for incoming images in the NIML '<MRI_IMAGE...>' format.  The\n"
00123       "port number must be between 1024 and 65535, inclusive.  For\n"
00124       "conversion to NIML '<MRI_IMAGE...>' format, see program im2niml.\n"
00125       "\n"
00126       "Normally, at least one image must be given on the command line.\n"
00127       "If the '-p xxxx' option is used, then you don't have to input\n"
00128       "any images this way; however, since the program requires at least\n"
00129       "one image to start up, a crude 'X' will be displayed.  When the\n"
00130       "first image arrives via the socket, the 'X' image will be replaced.\n"
00131       "Subsequent images arriving by socket will be added to the sequence.\n"
00132       "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
00133       "Sample program fragment, for sending images from one program\n"
00134       "into a copy of aiv (which that program also starts up):\n"
00135       "\n"
00136       "#include \"mrilib.h\"\n"
00137       "NI_stream ns; MRI_IMAGE *im; float *far; int nx,ny;\n"
00138       "system(\"aiv -p 4444 &\");                               /* start aiv */\n"
00139       "ns = NI_stream_open( \"tcp:localhost:4444\" , \"w\" ); /* connect to it */\n"
00140       "while(1){\n"
00141       "  /** ......... create 2D nx X ny data into the far array .........**/\n"
00142       "  im = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , 1 , MRI_float );  /* fake image */\n"
00143       "  mri_fix_data_pointer( far , im );                  /* attach data */\n"
00144       "  NI_element nel = mri_to_niml(im);      /* convert to NIML element */\n"
00145       "  NI_write_element( ns , nel , NI_BINARY_MODE );     /* send to aiv */\n"
00146       "  NI_free_element(nel); mri_clear_data_pointer(im); mri_free(im);\n"
00147       "}\n"
00148       "NI_stream_writestring( ns , \"<ni_do ni_verb='QUIT'>\" ) ;\n"
00149       "NI_stream_close( ns ) ;  /* do this, or the above, if done with aiv */\n"
00150       "\n"
00151       "-- Author: RW Cox\n"
00152      ) ;
00153      exit(0) ;
00154    }
00156    PRINT_VERSION("aiv") ; mainENTRY("aiv main") ; machdep() ;
00158    /* options? */
00160    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
00162      /*-- verbosity --*/
00164      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-v",2) == 0 ){ verb=1; iarg++; continue; }
00166      /*-- port or sherry? --*/
00168      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-p",2) == 0 ){
00169        int port = (int)strtol(argv[++iarg],NULL,10) ;
00170        if( AIVVV_stream != NULL ){
00171          ERROR_message("Can't use multiple '-p' options!") ;
00172          iarg++ ; continue ;   /* skip to next option */
00173        }
00174        if( port <= 1023 ){
00175          ERROR_message("Illegal value after -p; not listening.") ;
00176        } else {
00177          sprintf(AIVVV_strnam,"tcp:x:%d",port) ;
00178          AIVVV_stream = NI_stream_open( AIVVV_strnam , "r" ) ;
00179          if( AIVVV_stream == (NI_stream)NULL ){
00180            ERROR_message("Can't listen to port %d!",port) ;
00181          } else {
00182            int nn ;
00183            nn = NI_stream_goodcheck(AIVVV_stream,66) ;
00184            if( verb ){
00185              if( nn > 0 ) INFO_message("Connected to port %d",port) ;
00186              else         INFO_message("Listening to port %d",port) ;
00187            }
00188          }
00189        }
00190        iarg++ ; continue ;
00191      }
00193      /*-- WTF? --*/
00195      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s",argv[iarg]) ;
00196    }
00198    /* glob filenames, read images */
00200    MCW_file_expand( argc-iarg , argv+iarg , &gnim , &gname ) ;
00201    if( gnim == 0 && AIVVV_stream==(NI_stream)NULL )
00202      ERROR_exit("No filenames on command line?!") ;
00204    INIT_IMARR(MAIN_imar) ;
00206    for( ii=0 ; ii < gnim ; ii++ ){
00207      if( !THD_filename_ok(gname[ii]) ) continue ;  /* 23 Apr 2003 */
00208      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+") ;
00209      qar = mri_read_file( gname[ii] ) ;  /* may have more than 1 2D image */
00210      if( qar == NULL || IMARR_COUNT(qar) < 1 ){
00211        fprintf(stderr,"\n** Can't read file %s - skipping!",gname[ii]) ;
00212        continue ;
00213      } else if( verb ){
00214        fprintf(stderr,"%s",gname[ii]) ;
00215      }
00217      for( jj=0 ; jj < IMARR_COUNT(qar) ; jj++ ){
00218        im = IMARR_SUBIM(qar,jj) ;
00219        if( im != NULL ) ADDTO_IMARR( MAIN_imar , im ) ;
00220      }
00221      FREE_IMARR(qar) ;
00222    }
00224    /* print a message about the images? */
00226    if( IMARR_COUNT(MAIN_imar) == 0 && AIVVV_stream==(NI_stream)NULL )
00227      ERROR_exit("No images found on command line!?") ;
00228    if( IMARR_COUNT(MAIN_imar) > 0 ){
00229      fprintf(stderr, (verb) ? " = " : "++ " ) ;
00230      if( IMARR_COUNT(MAIN_imar) == 1 )
00231        fprintf(stderr,"1 image\n") ;
00232      else
00233        fprintf(stderr,"%d images\n",IMARR_COUNT(MAIN_imar)) ;
00234    }
00236    if( gnim > 0 ) MCW_free_expand( gnim , gname ) ;
00238    /* connect to X11 */
00240    shell = XtVaAppInitialize( &MAIN_app , "AFNI" , NULL , 0 ,
00241                               &argc , argv , FALLback , NULL ) ;
00243    if( shell == NULL )
00244      ERROR_exit("Can't initialize X11") ;
00246    AIVVV_appcontext = XtWidgetToApplicationContext(shell) ;
00248    (void) XtAppSetWarningHandler(MAIN_app,AFNI_handler) ;
00250    MAIN_dc = MCW_new_DC( shell, 128,
00251                          DEFAULT_NCOLOVR, INIT_colovr, INIT_labovr, 1.0, 0 ) ;
00253    srand48((long)time(NULL)) ;
00255    /* wait a little bit, then popup the image viewer window */
00257    (void) XtAppAddTimeOut( MAIN_app, 234, timeout_CB, NULL ) ;
00258    XtAppMainLoop(MAIN_app) ;  /* will never return */
00259    exit(0) ;
00260 }

void timeout_CB XtPointer    client_data,
XtIntervalId *    id

Called to start up display, after X11 has had time to get going.

Definition at line 83 of file aiv.c.

References AIVVV_appcontext, AIVVV_imseq_popup(), AIVVV_niml_quitter(), AIVVV_workproc(), client_data, ENTRY, killer(), and NI_register_doer().

Referenced by main().

00084 {
00085 ENTRY("timeout_CB") ;
00086    (void) AIVVV_imseq_popup( MAIN_imar , killer , NULL ) ;
00087    if( AIVVV_stream != (NI_stream)NULL ){
00088      XtAppAddWorkProc( AIVVV_appcontext, AIVVV_workproc, NULL ) ;
00089      NI_register_doer( "QUIT" , AIVVV_niml_quitter ) ;
00090      NI_register_doer( "EXIT" , AIVVV_niml_quitter ) ;
00091    }
00092    EXRETURN ;
00093 }

Variable Documentation

XtAppContext AIVVV_appcontext [static]

Definition at line 19 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main(), and timeout_CB().

int AIVVV_have_dummy = 0 [static]

Definition at line 23 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by AIVVV_imseq_addto(), and AIVVV_imseq_popup().

NI_stream AIVVV_stream = (NI_stream)NULL [static]

Definition at line 21 of file aiv.c.

char AIVVV_strnam[64] [static]

Definition at line 22 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by AIVVV_workproc(), and main().

char* FALLback[] [static]

Initial value:

  {   "AFNI*fontList:              9x15bold=charset1"    ,
      "AFNI*pbar*fontList:         6x10=charset1"        ,
      "AFNI*imseq*fontList:        7x13=charset1"        ,
      "AFNI*background:            gray20"               ,
      "AFNI*menu*background:       gray10"               ,
      "AFNI*borderColor:           gray20"               ,
      "AFNI*foreground:            yellow"               ,
      "AFNI*borderWidth:           0"                    ,
      "AFNI*troughColor:           blue"                 ,
      "AFNI*XmLabel.translations:  #override<Btn2Down>:" , 
      "AFNI*help*background:       black"                ,
      "AFNI*help*foreground:       yellow"               ,
      "AFNI*help*helpborder:       False"                ,
      "AFNI*help*waitPeriod:       1066"                 ,
      "AFNI*help*fontList:         9x15bold=charset1"    ,
      "AFNI*cluefont:              9x15bold"             ,
      "AFNI*help*cancelWaitPeriod: 50"                   ,
   NULL }

Definition at line 35 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main().

char* INIT_colovr[DEFAULT_NCOLOVR] [static]

Initial value:

   "#ffff00" , "#ffcc00"   , "#ff9900"  , "#ff6900" , "#ff4400" , "#ff0000" ,
   "#0000ff" , "#0044ff"   , "#0069ff"  , "#0099ff" , "#00ccff" , "#00ffff" ,
   "green"   , "limegreen" , "violet"   , "hotpink" ,
   "white"   , "#dddddd"   , "#bbbbbb"  , "black"

Definition at line 61 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main().

char* INIT_labovr[DEFAULT_NCOLOVR] [static]

Initial value:

   "yellow" , "yell-oran" , "oran-yell" , "orange"   , "oran-red" , "red"   ,
   "dk-blue", "blue"      , "lt-blue1"  , "lt-blue2" , "blue-cyan", "cyan"  ,
   "green"  , "limegreen" , "violet"    , "hotpink"  ,
   "white"  , "gry-dd"    , "gry-bb"    , "black"

Definition at line 68 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main().

XtAppContext MAIN_app [static]

Definition at line 56 of file aiv.c.

Referenced by main().

MCW_DC* MAIN_dc [static]

Definition at line 55 of file aiv.c.

MRI_IMARR* MAIN_imar [static]

Definition at line 57 of file aiv.c.

AIVVVV_imseq* psq_global [static]

Definition at line 18 of file aiv.c.


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