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pbar.h File Reference

#include <Xm/Label.h>
#include <Xm/PanedW.h>
#include <Xm/DrawnB.h>
#include <Xm/BulletinB.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "mrilib.h"
#include "mcw_malloc.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "bbox.h"
#include "xutil.h"

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Data Structures

struct  MCW_pbar


#define check_width   8
#define check_height   8
#define NPANE_MIN   2
#define NPANE_MAX   20
#define PANE_WIDTH   15
#define PANE_MIN_HEIGHT   5
#define PANE_LOFF   6
#define PANE_SPACING   2
#define PANE_MAXMODE   2
#define NPANE_NOSASH   21
#define SASH_HYES   5
#define SASH_HNO   1
#define KEEP_LABEL(ip, np)   ( ((ip)<=(np) && (np)<NPANE_NOSASH) || ((ip)==0 || (ip)==(np)) )
#define pbCR_COLOR   (1<<0)
#define pbCR_VALUE   (1<<1)
#define NPANE_BIG   128


void PBAR_click_CB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)
void PBAR_set_CB (Widget, XtPointer, MCW_choose_cbs *)
void PBAR_resize_CB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)
void PBAR_labelize (float, char *)
MCW_pbarnew_MCW_pbar (Widget, MCW_DC *, int, int, float, float, gen_func *, XtPointer)
void alter_MCW_pbar (MCW_pbar *, int, float *)
void update_MCW_pbar (MCW_pbar *)
MRI_IMAGEMCW_pbar_to_mri (MCW_pbar *, int, int)
void rotate_MCW_pbar (MCW_pbar *, int)
void PBAR_set_panecolor (MCW_pbar *, int, int)
void PBAR_set_bigmode (MCW_pbar *, int, float, float)
void PBAR_bigexpose_CB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer)
void PBAR_add_bigmap (char *, rgbyte *)
void PBAR_read_bigmap (char *, MCW_DC *)
void PBAR_make_bigmap (char *, int, float *, rgbyte *, MCW_DC *)
void PBAR_set_bigmap (MCW_pbar *, char *)
char * PBAR_get_bigmap (MCW_pbar *)
int PBAR_define_bigmap (char *cmd)
void PBAR_flip (MCW_pbar *)


char check_bits []
Pixmap check_pixmap = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP

Define Documentation

#define check_height   8

Definition at line 32 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar().

#define check_width   8

Definition at line 31 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar().

#define KEEP_LABEL ip,
np       ( ((ip)<=(np) && (np)<NPANE_NOSASH) || ((ip)==0 || (ip)==(np)) )

Definition at line 51 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), new_MCW_pbar(), and PBAR_resize_CB().

#define NPANE_BIG   128

Definition at line 56 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by AFNI_finalize_write_palette_CB(), AFNI_newfunc_overlay(), AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay(), map_v2s_results(), MCW_pbar_to_mri(), new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_add_bigmap(), PBAR_bigexpose_CB(), PBAR_bigmap_finalize(), PBAR_button_EV(), PBAR_define_bigmap(), PBAR_flip(), PBAR_make_bigmap(), PBAR_read_bigmap(), RCREND_init_cmap(), RCREND_reload_func_dset(), RCREND_reload_renderer(), rd_disp_color_info(), reset_bigcolors(), and rotate_MCW_pbar().

#define NPANE_MAX   20

Definition at line 39 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_finalize_write_palette_CB(), AFNI_func_overlay(), AFNI_inten_av_CB(), AFNI_inten_av_texter(), AFNI_inten_bbox_CB(), AFNI_load_defaults(), AFNI_pbar_CB(), AFNI_process_setup(), AFNI_set_pbar_top_CB(), AFNI_setup_inten_pbar(), AFNI_vnlist_func_overlay(), alter_MCW_pbar(), check_PBAR_palette(), dump_PBAR_palette_table(), load_PBAR_palette_array(), map_v2s_results(), new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_resize_CB(), PBAR_show_bigmode(), RCREND_color_bbox_CB(), RCREND_colornum_av_CB(), RCREND_func_widgets(), RCREND_pbarmenu_CB(), RCREND_read_states(), RCREND_reload_func_dset(), RCREND_set_pbar_top_CB(), RCREND_setup_color_pbar(), REND_func_widgets(), REND_pbarmenu_CB(), REND_read_states(), REND_reload_func_dset(), REND_set_pbar_top_CB(), REND_setup_color_pbar(), rotate_MCW_pbar(), SUMA_AFNI_Extract_Colors(), and SUMA_Get_AFNI_Default_Color_Maps().

#define NPANE_MIN   2

Definition at line 38 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_load_defaults(), AFNI_setup_inten_pbar(), alter_MCW_pbar(), check_PBAR_palette(), dump_PBAR_palette_table(), load_PBAR_palette_array(), new_MCW_pbar(), RCREND_func_widgets(), RCREND_setup_color_pbar(), REND_func_widgets(), REND_setup_color_pbar(), and SUMA_Get_AFNI_Default_Color_Maps().

#define NPANE_NOSASH   21

Definition at line 47 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), and new_MCW_pbar().

#define PANE_LOFF   6

Definition at line 42 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_resize_CB(), and PBAR_show_bigmode().

#define PANE_MAXMODE   2

Definition at line 45 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by check_PBAR_palette(), and new_MCW_pbar().

#define PANE_MIN_HEIGHT   5

Definition at line 41 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), and new_MCW_pbar().

#define PANE_SPACING   2

Definition at line 43 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_resize_CB(), and PBAR_show_bigmode().

#define PANE_WIDTH   15

Definition at line 40 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar().

#define pbCR_COLOR   (1<<0)

Definition at line 53 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by PBAR_bigmap_finalize(), PBAR_click_CB(), PBAR_set_CB(), and rotate_MCW_pbar().

#define pbCR_VALUE   (1<<1)

Definition at line 54 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by PBAR_resize_CB().

#define SASH_HNO   1

Definition at line 49 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), and new_MCW_pbar().

#define SASH_HYES   5

Definition at line 48 of file pbar.h.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), and new_MCW_pbar().

Function Documentation

void alter_MCW_pbar MCW_pbar  ,
int   ,
float *   

Definition at line 1104 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigset, MCW_pbar::dc, ENTRY, MCW_pbar::hide_changes, i, KEEP_LABEL, MCW_pbar::keep_pval, MCW_pbar::labels, MCW_set_widget_bg(), MCW_widget_geom(), MCW_pbar::mode, MCW_pbar::npan_save, NPANE_MAX, NPANE_MIN, NPANE_NOSASH, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_pbar::ovin_save, PANE_MIN_HEIGHT, PANE_SPACING, MCW_pbar::panes, MCW_pbar::panes_sum, MCW_pbar::panew, MCW_pbar::panew_height, PBAR_resize_CB(), MCW_DCOV::pix_ov, pmax, pmin, MCW_pbar::pval, MCW_pbar::pval_save, MCW_pbar::renew_all, SASH_HNO, SASH_HYES, and MCW_pbar::top.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_inten_av_CB(), AFNI_inten_bbox_CB(), AFNI_pbar_CB(), AFNI_set_pbar_top_CB(), load_PBAR_palette_array(), RCREND_color_bbox_CB(), RCREND_colornum_av_CB(), RCREND_pbarmenu_CB(), RCREND_set_pbar_top_CB(), RCREND_state_to_widgets(), REND_color_bbox_CB(), REND_colornum_av_CB(), REND_pbarmenu_CB(), REND_set_pbar_top_CB(), REND_state_to_widgets(), and update_MCW_pbar().

01105 {
01106    int i , npane , npane_old , sum , hh , ovc , jm ;
01107    float pmin , pmax , pval[NPANE_MAX+1] , fhh , rhh ;
01108    int was_bigset ;
01110    /* sanity check */
01112 ENTRY("alter_MCW_pbar") ;
01114    if( pbar == NULL || new_npane > NPANE_MAX ||
01115        ( new_npane < NPANE_MIN && new_npane != 0 ) ) EXRETURN ;
01117    if( pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;   /* 30 Jan 2003 */
01118    was_bigset   = pbar->bigset ;
01119    pbar->bigset = 0 ;
01121    /* count of panes, old and new */
01123    jm              = pbar->mode ;
01124    npane           = (new_npane > 0) ? new_npane : pbar->num_panes ;
01125    npane_old       = pbar->num_panes ;
01126    pbar->num_panes = pbar->npan_save[jm] = npane ;
01128    if( was_bigset ) npane_old = 1 ;
01130    /*-- get new value array --*/
01132    if( new_pval == NULL ){
01133      for( i=0 ; i <= npane ; i++ ) pval[i] = pbar->pval_save[npane][i][jm] ;
01134    } else {
01135      for( i=0 ; i <= npane ; i++ ) pval[i] = new_pval[i] ;
01136    }
01137    pmax = pval[0] ;
01138    pmin = pval[npane] ;
01140    /*--- make new panes or destroy old ones ---*/
01142    if( pbar->hide_changes ) XtUnmapWidget( pbar->top ) ;
01144    /* set new pane colors */
01146    for( i=0 ; i < npane ; i++ ){
01147       ovc = pbar->ov_index[i] = pbar->ovin_save[npane][i][jm] ;
01149       if( ovc > 0 ){
01150          XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[i] ,
01151                            XmNbackgroundPixmap , XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ,
01152                         NULL ) ;
01153          MCW_set_widget_bg( pbar->panes[i] , NULL , pbar->dc->ovc->pix_ov[ovc] ) ;
01154       } else {
01155          XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[i] ,
01156                            XmNbackgroundPixmap , check_pixmap ,
01157                         NULL ) ;
01158       }
01159    }
01161 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01162 printf("\n"); fflush(stdout) ;
01163 #endif
01165    pbar->renew_all = -1 ;  /* skip updates for the moment */
01166    for( i=0 ; i < NPANE_MAX ; i++ )
01167       XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[i] , XmNheight , PANE_MIN_HEIGHT , NULL ) ;
01169    for( i=0 ; i <= NPANE_MAX ; i++ )
01170       if( KEEP_LABEL(i,npane) ) XtManageChild  ( pbar->labels[i] ) ;
01171       else                      XtUnmanageChild( pbar->labels[i] ) ;
01173    if( npane > npane_old ){
01174       for( i=npane_old ; i < npane ; i++ ){
01175 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01176 printf("manage pane %d\n",i) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01177 #endif
01179          XtManageChild( pbar->panes[i] ) ;
01181       }
01182    } else if( npane < npane_old ){
01183       for( i=npane_old-1 ; i >= npane ; i-- ){
01184 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01185 printf("unmanage pane %d\n",i) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01186 #endif
01187          XtUnmanageChild( pbar->panes[i] ) ;
01188       }
01189    }
01191    /* set new pane heights */
01193    pbar->panes_sum = pbar->panew_height - (npane-1)*PANE_SPACING ;
01194    for( i=0 ; i <= npane ; i++ ) pbar->pval[i] = pval[i] ;
01196    sum = pbar->panes_sum ;
01197    rhh = 0.0 ;
01198    for( i=0 ; i < npane-1 ; i++ ){
01199       fhh  = pbar->panes_sum * (pval[i]-pval[i+1]) / (pmax-pmin) ;
01200       hh   = (int) (rhh+fhh+0.45) ;
01201       rhh  = fhh - hh ;
01202       sum -= hh ;
01203 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01204 printf("set pane %d to height %d (top=%g bot=%g float=%g rem=%g sum=%d)\n",
01205        i,hh,pval[i],pval[i+1],fhh,rhh,sum) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01206 #endif
01207       XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[i] , XmNheight , hh , NULL ) ;
01208    }
01209 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01210 printf("set pane %d to height %d\n",npane-1,sum) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01211 #endif
01212    XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[npane-1] , XmNheight , sum , NULL ) ;
01214    XtVaSetValues( pbar->panew ,
01215                      XmNheight , pbar->panew_height ,
01216                      XmNsashHeight , (npane<NPANE_NOSASH) ? SASH_HYES
01217                                                           : SASH_HNO ,
01218                   NULL ) ;
01220    XtVaSetValues( pbar->top , XmNheight , pbar->panew_height , NULL ) ;
01222    if( pbar->hide_changes ) XtMapWidget( pbar->top ) ;
01224    pbar->renew_all = 1 ;
01225    pbar->keep_pval = 1 ;  /* Dec 1997 */
01226    PBAR_resize_CB( pbar->panes[pbar->num_panes-1] , (XtPointer) pbar , NULL ) ;
01228    if( pbar->keep_pval ){                  /* Dec 1997 */
01229       for( i=0 ; i <= npane ; i++ )
01230          pbar->pval_save[pbar->num_panes][i][jm] =
01231                                    pbar->pval[i] = pval[i] ;
01232    }
01233    pbar->keep_pval = 0 ;
01235 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01236  { int hh,ww,xx,yy , i ;
01238    XmUpdateDisplay(pbar->top) ;
01240    MCW_widget_geom(pbar->top , &ww,&hh,&xx,&yy ) ;
01241    printf("pbar->top  :  w=%d h=%d x=%d y=%d\n",ww,hh,xx,yy) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01243    MCW_widget_geom(pbar->panew , &ww,&hh,&xx,&yy ) ;
01244    printf("pbar->panew: w=%d h=%d x=%d y=%d\n",ww,hh,xx,yy) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01246    for( i=0 ; i < pbar->num_panes ; i++ ){
01247       MCW_widget_geom(pbar->panes[i] , &ww,&hh,&xx,&yy ) ;
01248       printf("pane # %d: w=%d h=%d x=%d y=%d\n",i,ww,hh,xx,yy) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01249    }
01250  }
01251 #endif
01253    EXRETURN ;
01254 }

MRI_IMAGE* MCW_pbar_to_mri MCW_pbar  ,
int   ,

Definition at line 1261 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigxim, MCW_pbar::dc, DCOV_BLUEBYTE, DCOV_GREENBYTE, DCOV_REDBYTE, ENTRY, MCW_kill_XImage(), mri_new(), MRI_RGB_PTR, NPANE_BIG, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, PBAR_bigexpose_CB(), pmax, pmin, MCW_pbar::pval, resize_XImage(), RETURN, X2M_FORCE_RGB, X2M_USE_CMAP, and XImage_to_mri().

Referenced by AFNI_finalize_saveim_CB(), RCREND_finalize_saveim_CB(), and REND_finalize_saveim_CB().

01262 {
01263    MRI_IMAGE * im ;
01264    int   ii,npix,kk,ll,jj , sum,hh ;
01265    float pmin,pmax , rhh,fhh , hfrac ;
01266    byte rr,gg,bb , *bar ;
01268 ENTRY("MCW_pbar_to_mri") ;
01270    /* check for decent inputs */
01272    if( pbar == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;
01273    if( nx < 1 ) nx = 1 ;
01275    if( pbar->bigmode ){    /* 30 Jan 2003: save spectrum */
01276      XImage *xim ;
01277      if( pbar->bigxim == NULL ){
01278        PBAR_bigexpose_CB(NULL,pbar,NULL) ;
01279        if( pbar->bigxim == NULL ) RETURN(NULL) ;
01280      }
01281      if( ny < NPANE_BIG ) ny = NPANE_BIG ;
01282      xim = resize_XImage( pbar->dc , pbar->bigxim , nx,ny ) ;
01283      im  = XImage_to_mri( pbar->dc , xim , X2M_USE_CMAP|X2M_FORCE_RGB ) ;
01284      MCW_kill_XImage( xim ) ;
01285      RETURN(im) ;
01286    }
01288    /** the old way: make the image by brute force **/
01290    if( ny < 4*pbar->num_panes ) ny = 4*pbar->num_panes ;
01292    im  = mri_new( nx , ny , MRI_rgb ) ;
01293    bar = MRI_RGB_PTR(im) ;
01295    pmax = pbar->pval[0] ;
01296    pmin = pbar->pval[pbar->num_panes] ;
01298    hfrac = ny / (pmax-pmin) ;
01299    rhh  = 0.0 ;
01300    sum  = ny ;
01302    /* do each pane */
01304    for( kk=0 ; kk < pbar->num_panes-1 ; kk++ ){
01305       fhh  = hfrac * (pbar->pval[kk]-pbar->pval[kk+1]) ; /* wannabe height */
01306       hh   = (int) (rhh+fhh+0.45) ;                      /* actual height */
01307       rhh  = fhh - hh ;                                  /* remainder */
01308       sum -= hh ;                                        /* # pixels left */
01310       if( pbar->ov_index[kk] > 0 ){                      /* solid color */
01311          rr = DCOV_REDBYTE  (pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01312          gg = DCOV_GREENBYTE(pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01313          bb = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01315          npix = hh*nx ;
01316          for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ){
01317            *bar++ = rr ; *bar++ = gg ; *bar++ = bb ;
01318          }
01319       } else {                                           /* check pattern */
01320          byte bwj , bwi ;
01321          bwj = 255 ;
01322          for( jj=0 ; jj < hh ; jj++ ){
01323             bwi = bwj ;
01324             for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){
01325               *bar++ = bwi ; *bar++ = bwi ; *bar++ = bwi ; bwi = ~bwi ;
01326             }
01327             bwj = ~bwj ;
01328          }
01329       }
01330    }
01332    /* last pane */
01334    kk = pbar->num_panes-1 ;
01336    if( pbar->ov_index[kk] > 0 ){                      /* solid color */
01337       rr = DCOV_REDBYTE  (pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01338       gg = DCOV_GREENBYTE(pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01339       bb = DCOV_BLUEBYTE (pbar->dc,pbar->ov_index[kk]) ;
01341       npix = sum*nx ;
01342       for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ){
01343         *bar++ = rr ; *bar++ = gg ; *bar++ = bb ;
01344       }
01345    } else {                                           /* check pattern */
01346       byte bwj , bwi ;
01347       bwj = 255 ;
01348       for( jj=0 ; jj < hh ; jj++ ){
01349          bwi = bwj ;
01350          for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ){
01351            *bar++ = bwi ; *bar++ = bwi ; *bar++ = bwi ; bwi = ~bwi ;
01352          }
01353          bwj = ~bwj ;
01354       }
01355    }
01357    RETURN(im) ;
01358 }

MCW_pbar* new_MCW_pbar Widget   ,
int   ,
int   ,
float   ,
float   ,
gen_func  ,

Definition at line 50 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::big_choose_pb, MCW_pbar::big_label, MCW_pbar::big_menu, MCW_pbar::bigbot, MCW_pbar::bigcolor, MCW_pbar::bigfac, MCW_pbar::bigflip, MCW_pbar::bigmap_index, bigmap_name, MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigname, MCW_pbar::bigrota, MCW_pbar::bigset, MCW_pbar::bigtop, MCW_pbar::bigxim, check_height, check_width, MCW_pbar::dc, ENTRY, gen_func, MCW_pbar::hide_changes, i, KEEP_LABEL, MCW_pbar::keep_pval, MCW_pbar::labels, MCW_set_widget_bg(), MCW_set_widget_label(), MIN, MCW_pbar::mode, myXtNew, MCW_DCOV::ncol_ov, MCW_pbar::npan_save, NPANE_BIG, NPANE_MAX, NPANE_MIN, NPANE_NOSASH, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_pbar::ovin_save, MCW_pbar::pane_hsum, PANE_LOFF, PANE_MAXMODE, PANE_MIN_HEIGHT, PANE_SPACING, PANE_WIDTH, MCW_pbar::panes, MCW_pbar::panes_sum, MCW_pbar::panew, MCW_pbar::panew_height, MCW_pbar::pb_CB, MCW_pbar::pb_data, PBAR_add_bigmap(), PBAR_big_menu_CB(), PBAR_bigexpose_CB(), PBAR_button_EV(), PBAR_click_CB(), PBAR_labelize(), PBAR_resize_CB(), MCW_DCOV::pix_ov, MCW_DCOV::pixov_brightest, MCW_DCOV::pixov_darkest, pmax, pmin, MCW_pbar::pval, MCW_pbar::pval_save, MCW_pbar::renew_all, RETURN, SASH_HNO, SASH_HYES, SAVEUNDERIZE, MCW_pbar::top, MCW_pbar::update_me, and VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED.

Referenced by RCREND_func_widgets(), and REND_func_widgets().

00054 {
00055    MCW_pbar * pbar ;
00056    int i , np , jm , lcol , ic , ph ;
00057    Widget frm ;
00059 ENTRY("new_MCW_pbar") ;
00061    /* sanity check */
00063    if( npane   < NPANE_MIN        || npane > NPANE_MAX ||
00064        pheight < PANE_MIN_HEIGHT  || pmin == pmax         ) RETURN( NULL );
00066    /* new pbar */
00068    lcol = dc->ovc->ncol_ov - 1 ;  /* last color available */
00070    pbar = myXtNew( MCW_pbar ) ;
00072    pbar->top = XtVaCreateWidget( "pbar" , xmBulletinBoardWidgetClass , parent ,
00073                                      XmNmarginHeight , 0 ,
00074                                      XmNmarginWidth , 0 ,
00075                                      XmNheight , npane*pheight+(npane-1)*PANE_SPACING ,
00076                                      XmNresizePolicy , XmRESIZE_ANY ,
00077                                      XmNtraversalOn , False ,
00078                                      XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False ,
00079                                   NULL ) ;
00081    frm = XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "pbar" , xmFrameWidgetClass , pbar->top ,
00082                                      XmNshadowType , XmSHADOW_ETCHED_IN ,
00083                                   NULL ) ;
00085    pbar->panew = XtVaCreateWidget( "pbar" , xmPanedWindowWidgetClass , frm ,
00086                                       XmNsashWidth , PANE_WIDTH-2*PANE_SPACING,
00087                                       XmNsashIndent , PANE_SPACING ,
00088                                       XmNsashHeight , (npane<NPANE_NOSASH) ? SASH_HYES
00089                                                                            : SASH_HNO ,
00090                                       XmNmarginHeight , 0 ,
00091                                       XmNmarginWidth , 0 ,
00092                                       XmNspacing , PANE_SPACING ,
00093                                       XmNx , 0 , XmNy , 0 ,
00094                                       XmNtraversalOn, False ,
00095                                       XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False ,
00096                               NULL ) ;
00098    if( check_pixmap == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP )
00099       check_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(
00100                         XtDisplay(parent) , RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(parent)) ,
00101                         check_bits , check_width , check_height ,
00102 #if 0
00103                         1,0,
00104 #else
00105                         dc->ovc->pixov_brightest , dc->ovc->pixov_darkest ,
00106 #endif
00107                         DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(parent)) ) ;
00109    /** make the panes **/
00111    pbar->pane_hsum[0] = 0 ;  /* Dec 1997 */
00113    for( i=0 ; i < NPANE_MAX ; i++ ){
00114       ph = (i<npane) ? pheight : PANE_MIN_HEIGHT ;  /* Dec 1997 */
00115       pbar->pane_hsum[i+1] = pbar->pane_hsum[i] + ph ;
00117       pbar->panes[i] = XtVaCreateWidget(
00118                           "pbar" , xmDrawnButtonWidgetClass , pbar->panew ,
00119                               XmNpaneMinimum , PANE_MIN_HEIGHT ,
00120                               XmNallowResize , True ,
00121                               XmNheight , ph ,
00122                               XmNwidth , PANE_WIDTH,
00123                               XmNborderWidth , 0 ,
00124                               XmNmarginWidth , 0 ,
00125                               XmNmarginHeight , 0 ,
00126                               XmNhighlightThickness , 0 ,
00127                               XmNpushButtonEnabled , True ,
00128                               XmNshadowThickness , 1 ,
00129                               XmNuserData , (XtPointer) pbar ,
00130                               XmNtraversalOn , False,
00131                               XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False ,
00132                             NULL ) ;
00134       if( i < npane ) XtManageChild( pbar->panes[i] ) ;
00136       XtAddCallback( pbar->panes[i] , XmNactivateCallback , PBAR_click_CB , dc ) ;
00137       XtAddCallback( pbar->panes[i] , XmNresizeCallback , PBAR_resize_CB , pbar ) ;
00139       pbar->ov_index[i] = ic = MIN( lcol , i+1 ) ;
00140       MCW_set_widget_bg( pbar->panes[i] , NULL , dc->ovc->pix_ov[ic] ) ;
00141    }
00142    XtManageChild( pbar->panew ) ;
00144    pbar->panes_sum    = pheight * npane ;
00145    pbar->num_panes    = npane ;
00146    pbar->panew_height = pbar->panes_sum + (npane-1)*PANE_SPACING ;
00148    pbar->pb_CB     = cbfunc ;
00149    pbar->pb_data   = cbdata ;
00150    pbar->dc        = dc ;
00151    pbar->renew_all = 0 ;
00153    /** make the labels **/
00155    for( i=0 ; i <= NPANE_MAX ; i++ ){
00156       int yy ;
00157       char buf[16] ;
00159       pbar->pval[i] = pmax - i * (pmax-pmin)/npane ;
00160       PBAR_labelize( pbar->pval[i] , buf ) ;
00162       if( i < npane ){
00163          yy = i * (pheight+PANE_SPACING) ;
00164          if( i > 0 ) yy -= PANE_LOFF ;
00165       } else {
00166 #if 1
00167          yy = pbar->panew_height - PANE_LOFF + PANE_SPACING ;
00168 #else
00169          yy = pbar->panew_height - 2 * PANE_LOFF + PANE_SPACING ;
00170 #endif
00171       }
00173       pbar->labels[i] =  XtVaCreateWidget(
00174                             " XXXXX" , xmLabelWidgetClass , pbar->top ,
00175                                XmNrecomputeSize , False ,
00176                                XmNx , PANE_WIDTH+PANE_SPACING+4 ,
00177                                XmNy , yy ,
00178                                XmNborderWidth , 0 ,
00179                                XmNmarginWidth , 0 ,
00180                                XmNmarginHeight , 0 ,
00181                                XmNalignment , XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING ,
00182                                XmNhighlightThickness , 0 ,
00183                                XmNshadowThickness , 0 ,
00184                              NULL ) ;
00186       if( KEEP_LABEL(i,npane) ){
00187          XtManageChild( pbar->labels[i] ) ;
00188          MCW_set_widget_label( pbar->labels[i] , buf ) ;
00189       }
00190    }
00191    /*-- add _save & mode stuff --*/
00193    for( np=NPANE_MIN ; np <= NPANE_MAX ; np++ ){
00194       for( i=0 ; i <= np ; i++ )
00195          for( jm=0 ; jm < PANE_MAXMODE ; jm++ )
00196             pbar->pval_save[np][i][jm] = pmax - i * (pmax-pmin)/np ;
00198       for( i=0 ; i < np ; i++ )
00199          for( jm=0 ; jm < PANE_MAXMODE ; jm++ )
00200             pbar->ovin_save[np][i][jm] = MIN(lcol,i+1) ;
00201    }
00202    pbar->update_me    = 0 ;
00203    pbar->mode         = 0 ;
00204    pbar->hide_changes = 0 ;
00205    pbar->keep_pval    = 0 ;  /* Dec 1997 */
00207    for( jm=0 ; jm < PANE_MAXMODE ; jm++ )
00208       pbar->npan_save[jm] = pbar->num_panes ;
00210    /*-- 31 Jan 2003: create palettes to choose between for "big" mode --*/
00212    if( myfirst_dc == NULL ) myfirst_dc = dc ;  /* 04 Feb 2003 */
00214    PBAR_add_bigmap(NULL,NULL) ;
00216    /*-- 30 Jan 2003: setup the "big" mode for 128 colors --*/
00218    pbar->bigmode      = 0 ;
00219    pbar->bigflip      = 0 ;
00220    pbar->bigrota      = 0 ;
00221    pbar->bigset       = 0 ;
00222    pbar->bigmap_index = 0 ;
00223    pbar->bigbot  = -1.0 ; pbar->bigtop = 1.0 ;
00224    pbar->bigxim  = NULL ;
00225    for( i=0 ; i < NPANE_BIG ; i++ )
00226      pbar->bigcolor[i] = bigmap[0][i] ;
00227    pbar->bigname = bigmap_name[0] ;
00229    XtAddCallback( pbar->panes[0], XmNexposeCallback, PBAR_bigexpose_CB, pbar ) ;
00231    XtInsertEventHandler( pbar->panes[0] ,
00232                          ButtonPressMask ,      /* get button presses */
00233                          FALSE ,                /* nonmaskable events? */
00234                          PBAR_button_EV ,       /* event handler */
00235                          (XtPointer) pbar ,     /* client data */
00236                          XtListTail ) ;         /* last in queue */
00238    /* 11 Feb 2003: create a popup menu for doing stuff */
00240    pbar->bigfac  = 0.0 ;
00241 #ifdef BAD_BUTTON3_POPUPS   /* 21 Jul 2003 */
00242    pbar->big_menu = XmCreatePopupMenu( pbar->top      , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ;
00243 #else
00244    pbar->big_menu = XmCreatePopupMenu( pbar->panes[0] , "menu" , NULL , 0 ) ;
00245 #endif
00247    SAVEUNDERIZE(XtParent(pbar->big_menu)) ;
00248    VISIBILIZE_WHEN_MAPPED(pbar->big_menu) ;
00250    pbar->big_label = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
00251                      "menu" , xmLabelWidgetClass , pbar->big_menu ,
00252                         XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False ,
00253                      NULL ) ;
00255    (void) XtVaCreateManagedWidget( "menu",
00256                                     xmSeparatorWidgetClass, pbar->big_menu ,
00257                                        XmNseparatorType , XmSINGLE_LINE ,
00258                                     NULL ) ;
00260    pbar->big_choose_pb = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
00261                            "menu" , xmPushButtonWidgetClass , pbar->big_menu ,
00262                              LABEL_ARG("Choose Colorscale") ,
00263                              XmNtraversalOn , False ,
00264                              XmNinitialResourcesPersistent , False ,
00265                           NULL ) ;
00266    XtAddCallback( pbar->big_choose_pb, XmNactivateCallback, PBAR_big_menu_CB , pbar ) ;
00268    /*-- go home --*/
00270    XtManageChild( pbar->top ) ;
00271    RETURN( pbar );
00272 }

void PBAR_add_bigmap char *    name,
rgbyte   cmap

Add a color map for "big" mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 313 of file pbar.c.

References rgbyte::b, bigmap_name, bigmap_num, cmap, DC_spectrum_AJJ(), DC_spectrum_ZSS(), ENTRY, free, rgbyte::g, malloc, name, NPANE_BIG, PBAR_enviro_bigmaps(), POPDOWN_strlist_chooser, rgbyte::r, and realloc.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar(), and PBAR_make_bigmap().

00314 {
00315    int ii , nn , kk ;
00317 ENTRY("PBAR_add_bigmap") ;
00319    /* if needed, setup initial colorscale tables */
00321 #define NBIGMAP_INIT 7                           /* # of initial colorscales */
00322 #define NBIG_GAP     6
00323 #define NBIG_MBOT    (NPANE_BIG/2-NBIG_GAP)
00324 #define NBIG_MTOP    (NPANE_BIG/2+NBIG_GAP)
00325 #define AJJ_RED        0.0
00326 #define AJJ_YEL       60.0
00327 #define AJJ_GRN      120.0
00328 #define AJJ_CYN      180.0
00329 #define AJJ_BLU      240.0
00330 #define AJJ_PUR      300.0
00331    if( bigmap_num == 0 ){
00332      bigmap_num     = NBIGMAP_INIT ;
00333      bigmap_name    = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *)*NBIGMAP_INIT) ;
00334      bigmap_name[0] = strdup("Spectrum:red_to_blue") ;
00335      bigmap_name[1] = strdup("Spectrum:red_to_blue+gap") ;
00336      bigmap_name[2] = strdup("Spectrum:yellow_to_cyan") ;
00337      bigmap_name[3] = strdup("Spectrum:yellow_to_cyan+gap") ;
00338      bigmap_name[4] = strdup("Spectrum:yellow_to_red") ;
00339      bigmap_name[5] = strdup("Color_circle_AJJ") ;
00340      bigmap_name[6] = strdup("Color_circle_ZSS") ;
00341      bigmap         = (rgbyte **) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte *)*NBIGMAP_INIT) ;
00342      bigmap[0]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00343      bigmap[1]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00344      bigmap[2]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00345      bigmap[3]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00346      bigmap[4]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00347      bigmap[5]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00348      bigmap[6]      = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00349      for( ii=0 ; ii < NPANE_BIG ; ii++ ){
00350        bigmap[0][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ(      ii*((AJJ_BLU+8.0)/(NPANE_BIG-1.0))-4.0,0.8);
00351        bigmap[4][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ( 60.0-ii*(AJJ_YEL/(NPANE_BIG-1.0))          ,0.7);
00352        bigmap[5][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ(      ii*(360.0  /(NPANE_BIG-1.0))          ,0.8);
00353        bigmap[6][ii] = DC_spectrum_ZSS(360.0-ii*(360.0  /(NPANE_BIG-1.0))          ,1.0);
00354        if( ii < NBIG_MBOT ){
00355          bigmap[1][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ(         ii*(AJJ_YEL/(NBIG_MBOT-1.0)) , 0.8 );
00356          bigmap[2][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ( AJJ_YEL-ii*(AJJ_YEL/(NBIG_MBOT-1.0)) , 0.8 );
00357          bigmap[3][ii] = bigmap[2][ii] ;
00358        } else if( ii > NBIG_MTOP ){
00359          bigmap[1][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ( AJJ_CYN+(ii-NBIG_MTOP-1)*(60.0/(NPANE_BIG-NBIG_MTOP-2.0)),0.8);
00360          bigmap[2][ii] = DC_spectrum_AJJ( AJJ_BLU-(ii-NBIG_MTOP-1)*(60.0/(NPANE_BIG-NBIG_MTOP-2.0)),0.8);
00361          bigmap[3][ii] = bigmap[2][ii] ;
00362        } else {
00363          bigmap[1][ii].r = bigmap[1][ii].g = bigmap[1][ii].b = 0 ;
00364          bigmap[2][ii]   = DC_spectrum_AJJ( 360.0-(ii-NBIG_MBOT+1)*(120.0/(NBIG_MTOP-NBIG_MBOT+2.0)),0.8) ;
00365          bigmap[3][ii].r = bigmap[3][ii].g = bigmap[3][ii].b = 0 ;
00366        }
00367      }
00368      PBAR_enviro_bigmaps( myfirst_dc ) ;
00369    }
00371    if( name == NULL || *name == '\0' || cmap == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
00373    /* 07 Feb 2003: see if name is a duplicate;
00374                    if so, replace the old colorscale */
00376    for( nn=0 ; nn < bigmap_num ; nn++ )
00377      if( strcmp(name,bigmap_name[nn]) == 0 ) break ;
00379    if( nn == bigmap_num ){   /* is NOT a replacement */
00380      kk          = nn+1 ;    /* so make room for it */
00381      bigmap_num  = kk ;
00382      bigmap_name = (char **) realloc(bigmap_name,sizeof(char *)*kk);
00383      bigmap      = (rgbyte **) realloc(bigmap,sizeof(rgbyte *)*kk);
00384      bigmap[nn]  = (rgbyte *) malloc(sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00386    } else {                  /* is a replacment */
00387      free(bigmap_name[nn]) ; /* so just free old name string */
00388    }
00390    bigmap_name[nn] = strdup(name) ;
00392    for( ii=0 ; ii < NPANE_BIG ; ii++ ) bigmap[nn][ii] = cmap[ii] ;
00394    POPDOWN_strlist_chooser ; EXRETURN ;
00395 }

void PBAR_bigexpose_CB Widget    w,
XtPointer    cd,
XtPointer    cb

Actually redisplay pane #0 in "big" mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 710 of file pbar.c.

References rgbyte::b, MCW_pbar::bigcolor, MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigxim, MCW_pbar::dc, MCW_DC::display, ENTRY, rgbyte::g, MCW_kill_XImage(), MCW_widget_geom(), mri_free(), mri_new(), MRI_RGB_PTR, mri_to_XImage(), NPANE_BIG, MCW_DC::origGC, MCW_pbar::panes, rgbyte::r, r, and resize_XImage().

Referenced by MCW_pbar_to_mri(), new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_bigmap_finalize(), PBAR_flip(), PBAR_show_bigmode(), and rotate_MCW_pbar().

00711 {
00712    MCW_pbar *pbar = (MCW_pbar *) cd ;
00714 ENTRY("PBAR_bigexpose_CB") ;
00716    if( pbar == NULL || !pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;
00718    /* make an image of what we want to see */
00720    if( pbar->bigxim == NULL ){
00721      int ww,hh , ii , jj , kk ;
00722      MRI_IMAGE *cim ;
00723      XImage    *xim ;
00724      byte      *car , r,g,b ;
00726      MCW_widget_geom( pbar->panes[0] , &ww,&hh , NULL,NULL ) ;
00727      cim = mri_new( ww,NPANE_BIG , MRI_rgb ) ;
00728      car = MRI_RGB_PTR(cim) ;
00729      for( kk=ii=0 ; ii < NPANE_BIG ; ii++ ){
00730        r=pbar->bigcolor[ii].r; g= pbar->bigcolor[ii].g; b=pbar->bigcolor[ii].b;
00731        if( r > 0 || g > 0 || b > 0 ){
00732          for( jj=0 ; jj < ww ; jj++ ){
00733            car[kk++] = r; car[kk++] = g; car[kk++] = b;
00734          }
00735        } else {                                            /* 06 Feb 2003 */
00736          for( jj=0 ; jj < ww ; jj++ ){
00737            car[kk++]=128; car[kk++]=128; car[kk++]=128;
00738          }
00739        }
00740      }
00741      xim = mri_to_XImage( pbar->dc , cim ) ;
00742      pbar->bigxim = resize_XImage( pbar->dc , xim , ww,hh ) ;
00743      MCW_kill_XImage(xim) ; mri_free(cim) ;
00744    }
00746    /* actually show the image to the window pane */
00748    if( XtIsRealized(pbar->panes[0]) )
00749      XPutImage( pbar->dc->display , XtWindow(pbar->panes[0]) ,
00750                 pbar->dc->origGC , pbar->bigxim , 0,0,0,0 ,
00751                 pbar->bigxim->width , pbar->bigxim->height ) ;
00753    EXRETURN ;
00754 }

void PBAR_click_CB Widget   ,
XtPointer   ,

Definition at line 864 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, ENTRY, MCW_choose_ovcolor(), MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, MCW_pbar::panes, PBAR_callback, PBAR_flip(), PBAR_set_CB(), and pbCR_COLOR.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar().

00865 {
00866    MCW_DC * dc = (MCW_DC *) cd ;
00867    MCW_pbar * pbar = NULL ;
00868    int ip ;
00870 ENTRY("PBAR_click_CB") ;
00872    XtVaGetValues( w , XmNuserData , &pbar , NULL ) ;
00873    if( pbar == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
00875    if( pbar->bigmode ){   /* 30 Jan 2003: reverse color spectrum */
00876      PBAR_flip( pbar ) ;
00877      PBAR_callback(pbar,pbCR_COLOR) ;
00878      EXRETURN ;
00879    }
00881    for( ip=0 ; ip < pbar->num_panes ; ip++ ) if( pbar->panes[ip] == w ) break ;
00882    if( ip == pbar->num_panes ) EXRETURN ;
00884    MCW_choose_ovcolor( w , dc , pbar->ov_index[ip] , PBAR_set_CB , dc ) ;
00885    EXRETURN ;
00886 }

int PBAR_define_bigmap char *    cmd

Definition at line 450 of file pbar.c.

References rgbyte::b, DC_parse_color(), ENTRY, eqn(), fb, rgbyte::g, name, NPANE_BIG, NSBUF, PBAR_make_bigmap(), rgbyte::r, and RETURN.

Referenced by AFNI_define_colorscale(), and AFNI_finalize_read_palette_CB().

00451 {
00452   int ii , neq=0 , nonum=0 ;
00453   char name[NSBUF], eqn[NSBUF] , rhs[NSBUF] ;
00454   float  val[NPANE_BIG] , fr,fg,fb ;
00455   rgbyte col[NPANE_BIG] ;
00457 ENTRY("PBAR_define_bigmap") ;
00459   if( myfirst_dc == NULL ) RETURN(-1) ;
00461   name[0] = '\0' ; ii = 0 ;
00462   sscanf(cmd,"%127s%n",name,&ii) ;
00463   if( *name == '\0' || ii == 0 ) RETURN(-1) ;
00464   cmd += ii ;
00466   /* get lines of form "value=colordef" */
00468   while( neq < NPANE_BIG ){
00469     eqn[0] = '\0' ; ii = 0 ;
00470     sscanf(cmd,"%127s%n",eqn,&ii) ;
00471     if( *eqn == '\0' || ii == 0 ) break ;   /* exit loop */
00472     cmd += ii ;
00473     if( neq == 0 && (isalpha(eqn[0]) || eqn[0]=='#') ) nonum = 1 ;
00474     rhs[0] = '\0' ; ii = 0 ;
00475     if( !nonum ) sscanf(eqn,"%f=%s%n",val+neq,rhs,&ii) ;
00476     else         sscanf(eqn,"%s%n"           ,rhs,&ii) ;
00477     if( *rhs == '\0' || ii == 0 ) RETURN(-1);               /* bad */
00478     ii = DC_parse_color( myfirst_dc , rhs, &fr,&fg,&fb ) ;
00479     if( ii ) RETURN(-1);                                    /* bad */
00480     col[neq].r = (byte)(255.0*fr+0.5) ;
00481     col[neq].g = (byte)(255.0*fg+0.5) ;
00482     col[neq].b = (byte)(255.0*fb+0.5) ; neq++ ;
00483   }
00485   if( nonum )                    /* supply numbers, if missing */
00486     for( ii=0 ; ii < neq ; ii++ ) val[ii] = neq-ii ;
00488   PBAR_make_bigmap( name , neq, val, col, myfirst_dc ); RETURN(0);
00489 }

void PBAR_flip MCW_pbar  

Definition at line 841 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigcolor, MCW_pbar::bigflip, MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigxim, ENTRY, MCW_kill_XImage(), NPANE_BIG, and PBAR_bigexpose_CB().

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), and PBAR_click_CB().

00842 {
00843    rgbyte tc ; int ip ;
00845 ENTRY("PBAR_flip") ;
00847    if( pbar == NULL || !pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;
00849    for( ip=0 ; ip < NPANE_BIG/2 ; ip++ ){
00850      tc = pbar->bigcolor[ip] ;
00851      pbar->bigcolor[ip] = pbar->bigcolor[NPANE_BIG-1-ip] ;
00852      pbar->bigcolor[NPANE_BIG-1-ip] = tc ;
00853    }
00854    MCW_kill_XImage(pbar->bigxim) ; pbar->bigxim = NULL ;
00855    PBAR_bigexpose_CB( NULL , pbar , NULL ) ;
00856    pbar->bigflip = ! pbar->bigflip ;
00857    EXRETURN ;
00858 }

char* PBAR_get_bigmap MCW_pbar  

Definition at line 701 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmap_index, and bigmap_name.

00702 {
00703    return bigmap_name[pbar->bigmap_index] ;
00704 }

void PBAR_labelize float   ,
char *   

Definition at line 823 of file pbar.c.

Referenced by new_MCW_pbar(), PBAR_resize_CB(), and PBAR_show_bigmode().

00824 {
00825    float aval = fabs(val) ;
00826    char prefix[4] ;
00828    if( val == 0.0  ){ strcpy(buf," 0") ; return ; }
00830    if( val > 0.0 ) strcpy(prefix," ") ;
00831    else            strcpy(prefix,"-") ;
00833         if( aval <= 9.994 ) sprintf(buf,"%s%4.2f",prefix,aval) ;
00834    else if( aval <= 99.94 ) sprintf(buf,"%s%4.1f",prefix,aval) ;
00835    else                     sprintf(buf,"%s%4f"  ,prefix,aval) ;
00836    return ;
00837 }

void PBAR_make_bigmap char *   ,
int   ,
float *   ,
rgbyte  ,

Definition at line 399 of file pbar.c.

References rgbyte::b, ENTRY, rgbyte::g, name, NPANE_BIG, PBAR_add_bigmap(), rgbyte::r, STATUS, and top.

Referenced by PBAR_define_bigmap(), and PBAR_read_bigmap().

00401 {
00402    int ii,jj ;
00403    float fr,fg,top,bot,del,vv ;
00404    rgbyte map[NPANE_BIG] ;
00406 ENTRY("PBAR_make_bigmap") ;
00408    if( neq < 2 || val == NULL || col == NULL || dc == NULL ){
00409      STATUS("bad inputs") ; EXRETURN ;
00410    }
00412    /* bubble sort val,col pairs */
00414    do{
00415     for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < neq-1 ; ii++ ){
00416      if( val[ii+1] > val[ii] ){
00417        fr     = val[ii] ; val[ii] = val[ii+1] ; val[ii+1] = fr     ;
00418        map[0] = col[ii] ; col[ii] = col[ii+1] ; col[ii+1] = map[0] ;
00419        jj = 1 ;
00420      }
00421     }
00422    } while(jj) ;
00424    top = val[0] ; bot = val[neq-1] ; if( bot >= top ) EXRETURN ;
00425    del = (top-bot)/(NPANE_BIG-1) ;
00427    for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < NPANE_BIG ; ii++ ){
00428      vv = top - ii*del ;
00429      for( ; jj < neq-1 ; jj++ )
00430        if( vv <= val[jj] && vv >= val[jj+1] ) break ;
00431      if( vv >= val[jj] ){
00432        map[ii] = col[jj] ;
00433      } else if( vv <= val[jj+1] ){
00434        map[ii] = col[jj+1] ;
00435      } else {
00436        fr = (vv-val[jj+1])/(val[jj]-val[jj+1]) ;
00437        fg = 1.0-fr ;
00438        map[ii].r = (byte)(fr*col[jj].r + fg*col[jj+1].r + 0.5) ;
00439        map[ii].g = (byte)(fr*col[jj].g + fg*col[jj+1].g + 0.5) ;
00440        map[ii].b = (byte)(fr*col[jj].b + fg*col[jj+1].b + 0.5) ;
00441      }
00442    }
00444    PBAR_add_bigmap( name, map ) ; EXRETURN ;
00445 }

void PBAR_read_bigmap char *   ,

Definition at line 493 of file pbar.c.

References rgbyte::b, DC_parse_color(), ENTRY, fb, rgbyte::g, name, NPANE_BIG, NSBUF, PBAR_make_bigmap(), rgbyte::r, STATUS, strtod(), and top.

Referenced by PBAR_enviro_bigmaps().

00494 {
00495   int ii , neq=0 , nonum=0 , yeseq=0 ;
00496   char name[NSBUF], lhs[NSBUF],rhs[NSBUF],mid[NSBUF],line[2*NSBUF] , *cpt ;
00497   float  val[NPANE_BIG] , fr,fg,fb , top,bot,del,vv ;
00498   rgbyte col[NPANE_BIG] ;
00499   FILE *fp ;
00501 ENTRY("PBAR_read_bigmap") ;
00503   if( fname == NULL || *fname == '\0' || dc == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
00505   STATUS(fname) ;
00506   fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if( fp == NULL ){
00507     STATUS("can't open file") ; EXRETURN;
00508   }
00510   /* get name */
00512   do{
00513     cpt = fgets( line , 2*NSBUF , fp ) ;
00514     if( cpt == NULL ){ STATUS("can't read title line"); fclose(fp); EXRETURN; }
00515     name[0] = '\0' ;
00516     sscanf(line,"%127s",name) ;
00517   } while( name[0]=='\0' || name[0]=='!' || (name[0]=='/' && name[1]=='/') ) ;
00519   /* get lines of form "value = colordef" */
00521   while( neq < NPANE_BIG ){
00522     cpt = fgets( line , 2*NSBUF , fp ) ;
00523     if( cpt == NULL ){ STATUS("!!end of file"); break; } /* exit while loop */
00524     lhs[0] = mid[0] = rhs[0] = '\0' ;
00525     sscanf(line,"%127s %127s %127s",lhs,mid,rhs) ;
00526     if( lhs[0]=='\0' || lhs[0]=='!' || (lhs[0]=='/' && lhs[1]=='/') ) continue;
00527     STATUS(line) ;
00529          if( neq == 0 && (isalpha(lhs[0]) || lhs[0]=='#') ) nonum = 1 ;
00530     else if( neq == 0 && strchr(lhs,'=') != NULL          ) yeseq = 1 ;
00532     if( yeseq ){
00533       val[neq] = strtod(lhs,&cpt) ;
00534       if( *cpt != '\0' ) cpt++ ;     /* skip ending character */
00535     } else if( !nonum ){
00536       val[neq] = strtod(lhs,&cpt) ;
00537       if( val[neq] == 0.0 && *cpt != '\0' ){
00538         STATUS("!!bad number") ;
00539         fprintf(stderr,"** %s: %s is a bad number\n",fname,lhs); continue;
00540       }
00541       cpt = (mid[0] == '=') ? rhs : mid ;  /* color is string #2 or #3 */
00542     } else {
00543       cpt = lhs ;                          /* no number => lhs is the color */
00544     }
00545     if( *cpt == '\0' ){ STATUS("no color string?"); continue; } /* not good */
00547     ii = DC_parse_color( dc , cpt , &fr,&fg,&fb ) ;
00548     if( ii ){
00549       STATUS("!!bad color") ;
00550       fprintf(stderr,"** %s: %s is bad colorname\n",fname,rhs); continue;
00551     }
00552     col[neq].r = (byte)(255.0*fr+0.5) ;
00553     col[neq].g = (byte)(255.0*fg+0.5) ;
00554     col[neq].b = (byte)(255.0*fb+0.5) ; neq++ ;
00555   } /* end of loop over color lines */
00556   fclose(fp) ;
00558   if( nonum ){                    /* supply numbers, if missing */
00559     for( ii=0 ; ii < neq ; ii++ )
00560       val[ii] = neq-ii ;
00561   }
00563   PBAR_make_bigmap( name , neq, val, col, dc ) ; EXRETURN ;
00564 }

void PBAR_resize_CB Widget   ,
XtPointer   ,

Definition at line 1002 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, ENTRY, i, KEEP_LABEL, MCW_pbar::keep_pval, MCW_pbar::labels, MCW_set_widget_label(), MCW_widget_geom(), MCW_pbar::mode, NPANE_MAX, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::pane_hsum, PANE_LOFF, PANE_SPACING, MCW_pbar::panes, MCW_pbar::panes_sum, MCW_pbar::panew, MCW_pbar::panew_height, PBAR_callback, PBAR_labelize(), pbCR_VALUE, pmax, pmin, MCW_pbar::pval, MCW_pbar::pval_save, MCW_pbar::renew_all, and MCW_pbar::top.

Referenced by alter_MCW_pbar(), and new_MCW_pbar().

01003 {
01004    MCW_pbar * pbar = (MCW_pbar *) cd ;
01005    int i , sum , hh[NPANE_MAX] , yy , ip=-1 , jm ;
01006    char buf[16] ;
01007    float pmin , pmax , val ;
01008    int alter_all = pbar->renew_all ;
01010 ENTRY("PBAR_resize_CB") ;
01012    if( pbar == NULL || pbar->renew_all < 0 ) EXRETURN ;  /* skip it */
01013    if( pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;  /* 30 Jan 2003 */
01015    jm  = pbar->mode ;
01016    sum = 0 ;
01017    for( i=0 ; i < pbar->num_panes ; i++ ){
01018      MCW_widget_geom( pbar->panes[i] , NULL , &(hh[i]) , NULL,NULL ) ;
01019 #ifdef PBAR_DEBUG
01020 printf("resize: read pane # %d height=%d\n",i,hh[i]) ; fflush(stdout) ;
01021 #endif
01022      sum += hh[i] ;
01023      if( w == pbar->panes[i] ) ip = i ;
01024    }
01026    if( sum != pbar->panes_sum ){
01027       if( ip != pbar->num_panes - 1 ) EXRETURN ;
01028       pbar->panes_sum = sum ;
01029       MCW_widget_geom( pbar->panew , NULL,&(pbar->panew_height),NULL,NULL) ;
01030 #if 0
01031       XtVaSetValues( pbar->top , XmNheight , pbar->panew_height , NULL ) ;
01032 #endif
01033       alter_all = 1 ;
01034    }
01036    sum  = 0 ;
01037    pmax = pbar->pval[0] ;
01038    pmin = pbar->pval[pbar->num_panes] ;
01040    for( i=0 ; i <= pbar->num_panes ; i++ ){
01042 #if 0  /* the pre Dec 1997 way */
01043       val = pmax - sum * (pmax-pmin) / pbar->panes_sum ;
01044       if( alter_all || val != pbar->pval[i] ){
01045 #else
01046       if( alter_all || (i>0 && pbar->pane_hsum[i] != sum) ){
01047 #endif
01049          if( ! pbar->keep_pval ){  /* Dec 1997 */
01050             val = pmax - sum * (pmax-pmin) / pbar->panes_sum ;
01051             pbar->pval_save[pbar->num_panes][i][jm] =         /* reset this */
01052                                       pbar->pval[i] = val ;   /* threshold  */
01053                                                               /* to match pane size */
01054          }
01056          if( KEEP_LABEL(i,pbar->num_panes) ){
01057             if( i < pbar->num_panes ){
01058                MCW_widget_geom( pbar->panes[i] , NULL,NULL,NULL , &yy ) ;
01059                if( i > 0 ) yy -= PANE_LOFF ;
01060             } else {
01061 #if 1
01062                yy = pbar->panew_height - PANE_LOFF + PANE_SPACING ;
01063 #else
01064                yy = pbar->panew_height - 2 * PANE_LOFF + PANE_SPACING ;
01065 #endif
01066             }
01068             XtVaSetValues( pbar->labels[i] , XmNy , yy , NULL ) ;
01069             PBAR_labelize( pbar->pval[i] , buf ) ;
01070             MCW_set_widget_label( pbar->labels[i] , buf ) ;
01071          }
01073       }
01074       if( i < pbar->num_panes ) sum += hh[i] ;
01075    }
01077    pbar->pane_hsum[0] = 0 ;
01078    for( i=0 ; i < pbar->num_panes ; i++ )
01079       pbar->pane_hsum[i+1] = pbar->pane_hsum[i] + hh[i] ;
01081    PBAR_callback(pbar,pbCR_VALUE) ;
01083    pbar->renew_all = 0 ;
01084    EXRETURN ;
01085 }

void PBAR_set_bigmap MCW_pbar  ,
char *   

Definition at line 682 of file pbar.c.

References bigmap_name, bigmap_num, ENTRY, MCW_choose_cbs::ival, and PBAR_bigmap_finalize().

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all().

00683 {
00684    int ii ;
00686 ENTRY("PBAR_set_bigmap") ;
00688    if( pbar == NULL || bnam == NULL || *bnam == '\0' ) EXRETURN ;
00689    for( ii=0 ; ii < bigmap_num ; ii++ )
00690      if( strcmp(bnam,bigmap_name[ii]) == 0 ) break ;
00691    if( ii < bigmap_num ){
00692      MCW_choose_cbs cbs ;
00693      cbs.ival = ii ;
00694      PBAR_bigmap_finalize( NULL , pbar , &cbs ) ;
00695    }
00696    EXRETURN ;
00697 }

void PBAR_set_bigmode MCW_pbar   pbar,
int    bmode,
float    bot,
float    top

Set "big" mode in the pbar -- 30 Jan 2003 - RWCox. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 760 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigbot, MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigtop, ENTRY, top, update_MCW_pbar(), and MCW_pbar::update_me.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all(), AFNI_drive_set_pbar_number(), AFNI_inten_av_CB(), AFNI_inten_bbox_CB(), AFNI_set_pbar_top_CB(), RCREND_color_bbox_CB(), RCREND_colornum_av_CB(), and RCREND_func_widgets().

00761 {
00762 ENTRY("PBAR_set_bigmode") ;
00763    if( bmode && bot < top ){ pbar->bigbot = bot; pbar->bigtop = top; }
00764    pbar->bigmode   = bmode ;
00765    pbar->update_me = 1 ;
00766    update_MCW_pbar( pbar ) ;
00767    EXRETURN ;
00768 }

void PBAR_set_CB Widget   ,
XtPointer   ,

Definition at line 911 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, ENTRY, MCW_choose_cbs::ival, MCW_set_widget_bg(), MCW_pbar::mode, MCW_DCOV::ncol_ov, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_pbar::ovin_save, MCW_pbar::panes, PBAR_callback, pbCR_COLOR, and MCW_DCOV::pix_ov.

Referenced by PBAR_click_CB().

00912 {
00913    MCW_DC * dc = (MCW_DC *) cd ;
00914    MCW_pbar * pbar = NULL ;
00915    int ip , jm ;
00917 ENTRY("PBAR_set_CB") ;
00919    if( cbs->ival > 0 && cbs->ival < dc->ovc->ncol_ov ){
00920       XtVaSetValues( w , XmNbackgroundPixmap , XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP , NULL ) ;
00921       MCW_set_widget_bg( w , NULL , dc->ovc->pix_ov[cbs->ival] ) ;
00922    } else {
00923       XtVaSetValues( w , XmNbackgroundPixmap , check_pixmap , NULL ) ;
00924    }
00926    XtVaGetValues( w , XmNuserData , &pbar , NULL ) ;
00927    if( pbar == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
00928    if( pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;  /* 30 Jan 2003 */
00930    for( ip=0 ; ip < pbar->num_panes ; ip++ ) if( pbar->panes[ip] == w ) break ;
00931    if( ip == pbar->num_panes ) EXRETURN ;
00933    jm = pbar->mode ;
00934    pbar->ovin_save[pbar->num_panes][ip][jm] =
00935                          pbar->ov_index[ip] = cbs->ival ;
00937    PBAR_callback(pbar,pbCR_COLOR) ;
00938    EXRETURN ;
00939 }

void PBAR_set_panecolor MCW_pbar  ,
int   ,

Definition at line 890 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::dc, ENTRY, MCW_set_widget_bg(), MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_pbar::panes, and MCW_DCOV::pix_ov.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all().

00891 {
00892 ENTRY("PBAR_set_panecolor") ;
00893    if( pbar == NULL || pbar->bigmode ) EXRETURN ;  /* 30 Jan 2003 */
00894    if( ovc > 0 ){
00895       XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[ip] ,
00896                         XmNbackgroundPixmap , XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ,
00897                      NULL ) ;
00898       MCW_set_widget_bg( pbar->panes[ip] , NULL , pbar->dc->ovc->pix_ov[ovc] ) ;
00899    } else {
00900       XtVaSetValues( pbar->panes[ip] ,
00901                         XmNbackgroundPixmap , check_pixmap ,
00902                      NULL ) ;
00903    }
00904    EXRETURN ;
00905 }

void rotate_MCW_pbar MCW_pbar  ,

Definition at line 945 of file pbar.c.

References MCW_pbar::bigcolor, MCW_pbar::bigflip, MCW_pbar::bigmode, MCW_pbar::bigrota, MCW_pbar::bigxim, MCW_pbar::dc, ENTRY, MCW_kill_XImage(), MCW_set_widget_bg(), MCW_pbar::mode, MCW_DCOV::ncol_ov, NPANE_BIG, NPANE_MAX, MCW_pbar::num_panes, MCW_pbar::ov_index, MCW_DC::ovc, MCW_pbar::ovin_save, MCW_pbar::panes, PBAR_bigexpose_CB(), PBAR_callback, pbCR_COLOR, and MCW_DCOV::pix_ov.

Referenced by AFNI_drive_pbar_rotate(), and AFNI_drive_set_pbar_all().

00946 {
00947    int ip , iov[NPANE_MAX] , np , kov , jm ;
00948    Widget w ;
00949    MCW_DC * dc ;
00951 ENTRY("rotate_MCW_pbar") ;
00953    if( pbar == NULL || n == 0 ) EXRETURN ;
00955    if( pbar->bigmode ){             /* 30 Jan 2003: rotate the spectrum */
00956      rgbyte oldcolor[NPANE_BIG] ;
00958      MCW_kill_XImage(pbar->bigxim) ; pbar->bigxim = NULL ;
00959      memcpy(oldcolor,pbar->bigcolor,sizeof(rgbyte)*NPANE_BIG) ;
00961      while( n < 0 ) n += NPANE_BIG ;  /* make n positive */
00962      for( ip=0 ; ip < NPANE_BIG ; ip++ )
00963        pbar->bigcolor[ip] = oldcolor[(ip+n)%NPANE_BIG] ;
00965      PBAR_bigexpose_CB( NULL , pbar , NULL ) ;
00967      pbar->bigrota += (pbar->bigflip) ? -n : n ;  /* 07 Feb 2004 */
00969    } else {                         /* the older way */
00970      dc = pbar->dc ;
00971      np = pbar->num_panes ;
00972      jm = pbar->mode ;
00973      while( n < 0 ) n += np ;  /* make n positive */
00974      for( ip=0 ; ip < np ; ip++ ) iov[ip] = pbar->ov_index[ip] ;
00976      for( ip=0 ; ip < np ; ip++ ){
00977         kov = iov[ (ip+n)%np ] ;  /* new overlay index for ip-th pane */
00978         w   = pbar->panes[ip] ;
00979         if( kov > 0 && kov < dc->ovc->ncol_ov ){
00980            XtVaSetValues( w , XmNbackgroundPixmap , XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP , NULL ) ;
00981            MCW_set_widget_bg( w , NULL , dc->ovc->pix_ov[kov] ) ;
00982         } else {
00983            XtVaSetValues( w , XmNbackgroundPixmap , check_pixmap , NULL ) ;
00984         }
00985         pbar->ovin_save[pbar->num_panes][ip][jm] =
00986                               pbar->ov_index[ip] = kov ;
00987      }
00988    }
00990    PBAR_callback(pbar,pbCR_COLOR) ;
00992    EXRETURN ;
00993 }

void update_MCW_pbar MCW_pbar  

Definition at line 1092 of file pbar.c.

References alter_MCW_pbar(), MCW_pbar::bigmode, ENTRY, PBAR_show_bigmode(), and MCW_pbar::update_me.

Referenced by AFNI_define_CB(), PBAR_set_bigmode(), RCREND_open_func_CB(), and REND_open_func_CB().

01093 {
01094 ENTRY("update_MCW_pbar") ;
01095    if( pbar == NULL ) EXRETURN ;
01096    if( pbar->update_me ){
01097      if( pbar->bigmode ) PBAR_show_bigmode( pbar ) ;         /* 30 Jan 2003 */
01098      else                alter_MCW_pbar( pbar , 0 , NULL ) ;
01099    }
01100    pbar->update_me = 0 ;
01101    EXRETURN ;
01102 }

Variable Documentation

char check_bits[] [static]

Initial value:

   0x11, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa, 0x11, 0xaa, 0x44, 0xaa}

Definition at line 33 of file pbar.h.

Pixmap check_pixmap = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP [static]

Definition at line 36 of file pbar.h.


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