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retroicor.h File Reference

#include "afni.h"

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#define RIC_HISTSIZE   100
#define RIC_HISTFUDGE   0.0000001


MRI_IMAGERIC_ToCardiacPhase (const MRI_IMAGE *card, float threshold)
MRI_IMAGERIC_ToRespPhase (const MRI_IMAGE *resp, int winsize)
double * RIC_CalcVoxelMeans (const THD_3dim_dataset *dset, int ignore)
int RIC_CalcCoeffAB (THD_3dim_dataset *dset, const MRI_IMAGE *phase, const double *avg, double **a, double **b, int M, int ignore)
int RIC_CorrectDataset (THD_3dim_dataset *dset, const MRI_IMAGE *phase, const double *a, const double *b, int M, int ignore)

Define Documentation

#define RIC_HISTFUDGE   0.0000001

Definition at line 26 of file retroicor.h.

Referenced by RIC_ToRespPhase().

#define RIC_HISTSIZE   100

Definition at line 25 of file retroicor.h.

Referenced by RIC_ToRespPhase().

Function Documentation

int RIC_CalcCoeffAB THD_3dim_dataset   dset,
const MRI_IMAGE   phase,
const double *    avg,
double **    a,
double **    b,
int    M,
int    ignore

Definition at line 419 of file retroicor.c.

References a, avg, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR, DSET_BRICK_TYPE, DSET_load, DSET_NVALS, free, ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET, ISVALID_TIMEAXIS, malloc, mp, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, MRI_IMAGE::nx, THD_dataxes::nxx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, phase, RIC_CALCCOEFFAB__DO_CALCNUMERDENOM, THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_timeaxis::ttdel, UNITS_HZ_TYPE, UNITS_MSEC_TYPE, UNITS_SEC_TYPE, and THD_timeaxis::units_type.

Referenced by main(), and PRIC_main().

00421                                        {
00423     float scalefactor;         /* Scaling factor for current dset brick */
00424     int ival, nvals;           /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
00425     int ivox, nvoxs;           /* Current, number of voxels in dset subbrick */
00426     double * newa, * newb;     /* Coefficients a and b, to be calculated */
00427     float * pdata;             /* Phase data */
00428     int m;                     /* Current order number (1, M) */
00429     double mp, cmp, smp;       /* m * current phase; cos(mp); sin(mp) */
00430     double sampd;              /* Intersample time in ms for phase */
00431     double slicetime;          /* Time of current slice in milliseconds */
00432     int slicestart;            /* Voxel index of 1st voxel in current slice */
00433     int sliceend;              /* End voxel index of current slice */
00434     double * denoma, * denomb; /* Coeff denominators for each m and slice */
00435     int idenom, ndenoms;       /* Current, number of coeff denominators */
00436     int inumer, nnumers;       /* Current, number of coeff numerators */
00437     int islice, nslices;       /* Current, number of slices in a subbrick */
00438     int nvoxpers;              /* The number of voxels per slice */
00440     /* Quick check of arguments */
00441     if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
00442         !ISVALID_TIMEAXIS(dset->taxis) ||
00443         phase == NULL || phase->nx < 1 || phase->ny != 1 ||
00444         avg == NULL || a == NULL || b == NULL || M < 1 ||
00445         ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {
00447         return -1;
00448     }
00450     /* Initialize */
00451     DSET_load(dset);
00452     nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
00453     nvoxpers = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy;
00454     nslices = dset->daxes->nzz;
00455     nvoxs = nvoxpers * nslices;
00456     ndenoms = nslices * M;
00457     nnumers = nvoxs * M;
00458     sampd = dset->taxis->ttdel * nvals / phase->nx;
00459     switch (dset->taxis->units_type) {
00460     case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: break;
00461     case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:  sampd *= 1000; break;
00462     case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   sampd = 1000 / sampd; break;
00463     default: return -1;
00464     }
00465     pdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(phase);
00466     newa = malloc(sizeof(double) * nnumers);
00467     if (newa == NULL) {
00468         return -1;
00469     }
00470     newb = malloc(sizeof(double) * nnumers);
00471     if (newb == NULL) {
00472         free(newa);
00473         return -1;
00474     }
00475     for (inumer = 0; inumer < nnumers; inumer += 1) {
00476         newa[inumer] = 0.0; newb[inumer] = 0.0;
00477     }
00478     denoma = malloc(sizeof(double) * ndenoms);
00479     if (denoma == NULL) {
00480         free(newa); free(newb);
00481         return -1;
00482     }
00483     denomb = malloc(sizeof(double) * ndenoms);
00484     if (denomb == NULL) {
00485         free(newa); free(newb); free(denoma);
00486         return -1;
00487     }
00488     for (idenom = 0; idenom < ndenoms; idenom += 1) {
00489         denoma[idenom] = 0.0; denomb[idenom] = 0.0;
00490     }
00492     /* Calculate the coeff numerators and denominators */
00493     /* Iterate over dset timepoints (TRs) => BRIK read from disk once */
00494     for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
00495         scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);
00497         /* Calculate coeff numerators and denominators over all data */
00498         switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
00499         case MRI_short:
00500             RIC_CALCCOEFFAB__DO_CALCNUMERDENOM(short);
00501             break;
00502         case MRI_byte:
00504             break;
00505         case MRI_float:
00506             RIC_CALCCOEFFAB__DO_CALCNUMERDENOM(float);
00507             break;
00508         default: /* Unsupported datatype */
00509             free(newa); free(newb); free(denoma); free(denomb);
00510             return -1;
00511         }
00512     }
00514     /* Divide the coeff numerators by their denominators */
00515     idenom = 0;
00516     inumer = 0;
00517     /* m loop outside voxel loop <- coeff arrays bigger than one volume */
00518     for (m = 1; m <= M; m += 1) {
00519         slicestart = 0;
00520         /* Iterate over slices */
00521         for (islice = 0; islice < nslices; islice += 1) {
00522             sliceend = slicestart + nvoxpers;
00523             /* Divide numerator by denominator */
00524             for (ivox = slicestart; ivox < sliceend; ivox += 1) {
00525                 newa[inumer] /= denoma[idenom];
00526                 newb[inumer] /= denomb[idenom];
00527                 inumer += 1;
00528             }
00529             slicestart = sliceend;
00530             idenom += 1;
00531         }
00532     }
00534     *a = newa; *b = newb;
00535     free(denoma); free(denomb);
00536     return 0;
00537 }

double* RIC_CalcVoxelMeans const THD_3dim_dataset   dset,
int    ignore

Definition at line 303 of file retroicor.c.

References avg, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR, DSET_BRICK_TYPE, DSET_load, DSET_NVALS, free, ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET, malloc, THD_dataxes::nxx, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, and RIC_CALCVOXELMEANS__DO_VOXSUM.

Referenced by main(), and PRIC_main().

00303                                                                        {
00305     double * avg;       /* The voxel averages to be returned */
00306     float scalefactor; /* Current dset brick scaling factor */
00307     int ival, nvals;   /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
00308     int ivox, nvoxs;   /* Current, number of dset brick voxels */
00310     /* Quick check of arguments */
00311     if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
00312         ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {
00314         return NULL;
00315     }
00317     /* Initialize */
00318     DSET_load(dset);
00319     nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
00320     nvoxs = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz;
00321     avg = malloc(sizeof(double) * nvoxs);
00322     if (avg == NULL) {
00323         return NULL;
00324     }
00326     /* Calculate the voxel averages; treat matrices as 1-D arrays */
00328     /* Zero the voxel sums */
00329     for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
00330         avg[ivox] = 0.0;
00331     }
00333     /* Sum each voxel across time (and hope there are not too many points) */
00334     for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
00335         scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);
00337         switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
00338         case MRI_short:
00339             RIC_CALCVOXELMEANS__DO_VOXSUM(short);
00340             break;
00341         case MRI_byte:
00342             RIC_CALCVOXELMEANS__DO_VOXSUM(byte);
00343             break;
00344         case MRI_float:
00345             RIC_CALCVOXELMEANS__DO_VOXSUM(float);
00346             break;
00347         default: /* Unsupported datatype */
00348             free(avg);
00349             return NULL;
00350         }
00351     }
00353     /* Divide by number of timepoints to get average */
00354     nvals -= ignore;  /* We do not average over the ignored timepoints */
00355     for (ivox = 0; ivox < nvoxs; ivox += 1) {
00356         avg[ivox] /= nvals;
00357     }
00359     return avg;
00360 }

int RIC_CorrectDataset THD_3dim_dataset   dset,
const MRI_IMAGE   phase,
const double *    a,
const double *    b,
int    M,
int    ignore

Definition at line 588 of file retroicor.c.

References a, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, DSET_BRICK_FACTOR, DSET_BRICK_TYPE, DSET_load, DSET_NVALS, ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET, ISVALID_TIMEAXIS, mp, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, MRI_IMAGE::nx, THD_dataxes::nxx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, THD_dataxes::nyy, THD_dataxes::nzz, phase, RIC_CORRECTDATASET__DO_CORRECT, THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_timeaxis::ttdel, UNITS_HZ_TYPE, UNITS_MSEC_TYPE, UNITS_SEC_TYPE, and THD_timeaxis::units_type.

Referenced by main(), and PRIC_main().

00590                                           {
00592     float scalefactor;         /* Scaling factor for current dset brick */
00593     int ival, nvals;           /* Current, number of dset timepoints */
00594     int ivox, nvoxs;           /* Current, number of voxels in dset subbrick */
00595     float * pdata;             /* Phase data */
00596     int m;                     /* Current order number (1, M) */
00597     double mp, cmp, smp;       /* m * phase; cos(mp); sin(mp) */
00598     double sampd;              /* Intersample time in ms for phase */
00599     double slicetime;          /* Time of current slice in milliseconds */
00600     int slicestart;            /* Voxel index of 1st voxel in current slice */
00601     int sliceend;              /* End voxel index of current slice */
00602     int icoeff, ncoeffs;       /* Current, number of a,b coefficients */
00603     int islice, nslices;       /* Current, number of slices in a subbrick */
00604     int nvoxpers;              /* The number of voxels per slice */
00606     /* Quick check of arguments */
00607     if (!ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset) || DSET_NVALS(dset) < 1 ||
00608         !ISVALID_TIMEAXIS(dset->taxis) ||
00609         phase == NULL || phase->nx < 1 || phase->ny != 1 ||
00610         a == NULL || b == NULL || M < 1 ||
00611         ignore < 0 || ignore >= DSET_NVALS(dset)) {
00613         return -1;
00614     }
00616     /* Initialize */
00617     DSET_load(dset);
00618     nvals = DSET_NVALS(dset);
00619     nvoxpers = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy;
00620     nslices = dset->daxes->nzz;
00621     nvoxs = nvoxpers * nslices;
00622     ncoeffs = nvoxs * M;
00623     sampd = dset->taxis->ttdel * nvals / phase->nx;
00624     switch (dset->taxis->units_type) {
00625     case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: break;
00626     case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:  sampd *= 1000; break;
00627     case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   sampd = 1000 / sampd; break;
00628     default: return -1;
00629     }
00630     pdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(phase);
00632     /* Correct each subbrick in dset */
00633     /* Iterate over dset timepoints (TRs) => BRIK read from disk once */
00634     for (ival = ignore; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
00635         scalefactor = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, ival);
00637         /* Apply each order of correction to each voxel of the subbrick */
00638         switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, ival)) {
00639         case MRI_short:
00640             RIC_CORRECTDATASET__DO_CORRECT(short);
00641             break;
00642         case MRI_byte:
00643             RIC_CORRECTDATASET__DO_CORRECT(byte);
00644             break;
00645         case MRI_float:
00646             RIC_CORRECTDATASET__DO_CORRECT(float);
00647             break;
00648         default: /* Unsupported datatype */
00649             return -1;
00650         }
00651     }
00653     return 0;
00654 }

MRI_IMAGE* RIC_ToCardiacPhase const MRI_IMAGE   card,
float    threshold

Definition at line 96 of file retroicor.c.

References _RIC_findNextCardiacPeak(), cpdata, MRI_IMAGE::kind, M_PI, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_new(), MRI_IMAGE::nx, and phase.

Referenced by main(), and PRIC_main().

00096                                                                         {
00098     int numSamps;            /* Number of samples in vector */
00099     MRI_IMAGE * cardphase;   /* The cardiac phase vector to return */
00100     float * cpdata;          /* Pointer to cardiac phase vector data */
00101     float * cdata;           /* Pointer to cardiac vector data */
00102     double twoPI = 2 * M_PI; /* 2 * PI  (intermediate value for calculation) */
00103     double twoPI_t2_t1;      /* 2 * PI / (t_2 - t_1)  (intermediate value) */
00104     double phase;            /* card phase: 2 * PI / (t_2 - t_1) * (t - t_1) */
00105     int lastpeakpt = 0;      /* The last cdata timepoint searched for a peak */
00106     int t = 0;               /* The current time */
00107     int t_1 = 0;             /* The previous cardiac peak time */
00108     int t_2;                 /* The next cardiac peak time */
00110     /* Quick check of arguments */
00111     if (card == NULL || card->nx < 2 || card->kind != MRI_float) {
00112         return NULL;
00113     }
00115     /* Initialize */
00116     numSamps = card->nx;
00117     cardphase = mri_new(numSamps, 1, MRI_float);
00118     cpdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cardphase);
00119     cdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(card);
00121     /* Iterate over the cardiac peaks, assuming data start is peak */
00122     while (_RIC_findNextCardiacPeak(cdata, numSamps, lastpeakpt, &t_2,
00123                                     &lastpeakpt, threshold) == 0) {
00125         /* Fill in the cardiac phase values between peaks */
00126         twoPI_t2_t1 = twoPI / (t_2 - t_1);
00127         phase = 0.0;  /* Since we always have t == t_1 at this point) */
00128         for ( ; t < t_2; t += 1) {
00129             cpdata[t] = phase;
00130             phase += twoPI_t2_t1;
00131         }
00133         t_1 = t_2;
00134     }
00136     /* Fill in any remaining phase values, assuming end of data is peak */
00137     twoPI_t2_t1 = twoPI / (numSamps - t_1);
00138     phase = 0.0;
00139     for ( ; t < numSamps; t += 1) {
00140         cpdata[t] = phase;
00141         phase += twoPI_t2_t1;
00142     }
00144     return cardphase;
00145 }

MRI_IMAGE* RIC_ToRespPhase const MRI_IMAGE   resp,
int    winsize

Definition at line 147 of file retroicor.c.

References curr, free, MRI_IMAGE::kind, M_PI, malloc, MRI_FLOAT_PTR, mri_new(), MRI_IMAGE::nx, RIC_HISTFUDGE, and RIC_HISTSIZE.

Referenced by main(), and PRIC_main().

00147                                                                  {
00149     int numSamps;           /* Number of samples in input vector */
00150     MRI_IMAGE * respphase;    /* The resp phase vector to return */
00151     float * rpdata;           /* Pointer to resp phase vector data */
00152     float * rdata;            /* Pointer to resp vector data */
00153     float * nrdata;           /* Pointer to normalized resp data */
00154     int curr;                 /* Current resp data vector item */
00155     int currdist;             /* Distance from current resp data vector item */
00156     float maxr, minr;         /* Max and min resp data vector values */
00157     double hist[RIC_HISTSIZE];/* Histogram of resp data values */
00158     int curb;                 /* Current histogram bin */
00159     double binfact;           /* Multiply value by this to get bin number */
00160     double binshift;          /* Subtract from bin # to centre bins on range */
00161     double leftsum, rightsum; /* Sum of resp values left, right of point */
00162     double nisPI;             /* Intermediate value: M_PI / numInSamps */
00164     /* Quick check of arguments */
00165     if (resp == NULL || resp->nx < 2 || resp->kind != MRI_float || winsize<2) {
00166         return NULL;
00167     }
00169     /* Initialize */
00170     numSamps = resp->nx;
00171     nrdata = malloc(sizeof(float) * numSamps);
00172     if (nrdata == NULL) {
00173         return NULL;
00174     }
00175     respphase = mri_new(numSamps, 1, MRI_float);
00176     rpdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(respphase);
00177     rdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(resp);
00178     for (curb = 0; curb < RIC_HISTSIZE; curb += 1) {
00179         hist[curb] = 0.0;
00180     }
00182     /* Collect stats */
00184     /* Find max and min (for normalization and histogram range) */
00185     maxr = minr = rdata[0];
00186     for (curr = 1; curr < numSamps; curr += 1) {
00187         if (rdata[curr] > maxr) {
00188             maxr = rdata[curr];
00189         } else if (rdata[curr] < minr) {
00190             minr = rdata[curr];
00191         }
00192     }
00194     /* Normalize the data (just subtract minr to make everything >= 0) */
00195     for (curr = 0; curr < numSamps; curr += 1) {
00196         nrdata[curr] = rdata[curr] - minr;
00197     }
00198     maxr -= minr;
00199     minr = 0.0;
00201     /***** We'll use nrdata from now on instead of rdata *****/
00203     /* Create histogram (the following makes sense only if all data >= 0) */
00204     /* Actually this is broken; rounding means the probability of a value
00205        falling into the first and last buckets is less than it should be
00206        --but this is good enough and takes few brain cells to program */
00207     /* Added a fudge factor so that the first and last histogram bins are
00208        almost as wide as the others but not so wide that rounding the bin
00209        number could cause it to refer to a nonexistant bin */
00210     binfact = (RIC_HISTSIZE - 2 * RIC_HISTFUDGE) / maxr;
00211     binshift = 0.5 - RIC_HISTFUDGE;
00212     if (binfact <= 0.0 || binshift <= 0.0) {  /* Check just in case! */
00213         free(nrdata);
00214         return NULL;
00215     }
00216     for (curr = 0; curr < numSamps; curr += 1) {
00217         hist[(int)rint(nrdata[curr] * binfact - binshift)] += 1.0;
00218         /* a.k.a. nrdata[curr] / maxr * RIC_HISTSIZE */
00219     }
00221     /* Turn the histogram into a vector of percentile values */
00222     for (curb = 1; curb < RIC_HISTSIZE; curb += 1) {
00223         hist[curb] += hist[curb - 1];
00224     }
00225     /* Actually, make that PI * percentile, since we use that later */
00226     nisPI = M_PI / numSamps;
00227     for (curb = 0; curb < RIC_HISTSIZE; curb += 1) {
00228         hist[curb] *= nisPI;
00229     }
00231     /* Iterate over the resp waveform samples, converting each to phase */
00233     for (curr = 0; curr < numSamps; curr += 1) {
00234         /* Estimate of dR/dt: Slope of N-point means on either side of point */
00235         /* Further Simplification: We don't actually need the mean to find
00236            the slope, just the sums on either side of the point */
00237         /* There are better ways to do this but YES WE HAVE NO BANANAS */
00238         rightsum = leftsum = 0;
00239         for (currdist = 0; currdist < winsize; currdist += 1) {
00240             if (curr + currdist < numSamps) {
00241                 rightsum += nrdata[curr + currdist];
00242             } else {
00243                 rightsum += nrdata[curr];
00244             }
00245             if (curr - currdist >= 0) {
00246                 leftsum += nrdata[curr - currdist];
00247             } else {
00248                 leftsum += nrdata[curr];
00249             }
00250         }
00252         /* Hooray!! Now we get the result! */
00253         if ((rightsum - leftsum) < 0.0) {   /* Negative slope */
00254             rpdata[curr] = - hist[(int)rint(nrdata[curr] * binfact
00255                                             - binshift)];
00256         } else {                            /* Positive slope */
00257             rpdata[curr] =   hist[(int)rint(nrdata[curr] * binfact
00258                                             - binshift)];
00259         }
00260     }
00262     free(nrdata);
00263     return respphase;
00264 }

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