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3dvolreg.c File Reference

#include "mrilib.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "thd_shear3d.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ERREX(str)   (fprintf(stderr,"** %s\n",str),exit(1))
#define MATVEC_DICOM   1
#define MATVEC_ORDER   2
#define BAR(i, j, k)   bar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
#define QAR(i, j, k)   qar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
#define FAR(i, j, k)   far[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
#define B(i, j, k)   b[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
#define V(i, j, k)   v[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]


void VL_syntax (void)
void VL_command_line (void)
float voldif (int nx, int ny, int nz, float *b, int dx, int dy, int dz, float *v, int edge)
void get_best_shift (int nx, int ny, int nz, float *b, float *v, int *dxp, int *dyp, int *dzp)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


int Iarg = 1
int Argc
char ** Argv
int VL_nbase = 0
int VL_intern = 1
int VL_resam = MRI_FOURIER
int VL_final = -1
int VL_clipit = 1
int VL_wtinp = 0
int VL_zpad = 0
int VL_twopass = 0
float VL_twoblur = 2.0
int VL_twosum = 1
int VL_twodup = 0
float VL_bxorg
float VL_byorg
float VL_bzorg
float VL_edging
int VL_edperc = -1
int VL_coarse_del = 10
int VL_coarse_num = 2
THD_3dim_datasetVL_dset = NULL
THD_3dim_datasetVL_bset = NULL
char VL_prefix [256] = "volreg"
int VL_verbose = 0
char VL_dfile [256] = "\0"
char VL_1Dfile [256] = "\0"
int VL_maxite = 19
float VL_dxy = 0.02
float VL_dph = 0.03
float VL_del = 0.70
int VL_rotcom = 0
THD_3dim_datasetVL_rotpar_dset = NULL
THD_3dim_datasetVL_gridpar_dset = NULL
int VL_tshift = 0
int VL_tshift_ignore = 0
int VL_sinit = 1

Define Documentation

#define B i,
k       b[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]

Check for errors *

Definition at line 1905 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by voldif().

#define BAR i,
k       bar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]

#define ERREX str       (fprintf(stderr,"** %s\n",str),exit(1))

Definition at line 12 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by main(), and VL_command_line().

#define FAR i,
k       far[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]

#define MATVEC_DICOM   1

#define MATVEC_ORDER   2

#define QAR i,
k       qar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]

#define V i,
k       v[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]

Definition at line 1906 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by voldif().

Function Documentation

void get_best_shift int    nx,
int    ny,
int    nz,
float *    b,
float *    v,
int *    dxp,
int *    dyp,
int *    dzp

Definition at line 1932 of file 3dvolreg.c.

References nz, v, VL_coarse_del, VL_coarse_num, and voldif().

01935 {
01936    int bdx=0 , bdy=0 , bdz=0 , dx,dy,dz , nxyz=nx*ny*nz ;
01937    float bsum , sum ;
01939    int shift = VL_coarse_del, numsh = VL_coarse_num,
01940        shtop = shift*numsh  , edge  = shtop+shift  , sqtop = shtop*shtop ;
01942    bsum = 0.0 ;
01943    for( dx=0 ; dx < nxyz ; dx++ ) bsum += b[dx]*b[dx] ;
01945    for( dz=-shtop ; dz <= shtop ; dz+=shift ){
01946       for( dy=-shtop ; dy <= shtop ; dy+=shift ){
01947          for( dx=-shtop ; dx <= shtop ; dx+=shift ){
01948             if( dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz > sqtop ) continue ;
01949             sum = voldif( nx,ny,nz , b , dx,dy,dz , v , edge ) ;
01950             if( sum < bsum ){
01951 #if 0
01952 fprintf(stderr,"  get_best_shift: bsum=%g dx=%d dy=%d dz=%d\n",sum,dx,dy,dz) ;
01953 #endif
01954                bsum = sum ; bdx = dx ; bdy = dy ; bdz = dz ;
01955             }
01956          }
01957       }
01958    }
01960    *dxp = bdx ; *dyp = bdy ; *dzp = bdz ; return ;
01961 }

int main int    argc,
char *    argv[]

---------- Adapted from 3dZeropad.c by RWCox - 08 Aug 2001 ----------*

Definition at line 82 of file 3dvolreg.c.

References ADD_DFVEC3, addto_args(), ADN_none, ADN_prefix, AFNI_logger(), Argc, argc, Argv, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, DBLE_mat_to_dicomm(), THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, DMAT_MUL, DMATVEC, DSET_delete, DSET_HEADNAME, DSET_NVALS, DSET_NX, DSET_NY, DSET_NZ, EDIT_dset_items(), EDIT_empty_copy(), ERREX, ev, fim, ATR_float::fl, FVEC3_TO_DFVEC3, Iarg, LOAD_DFVEC3, LOAD_DMAT, machdep(), mainENTRY, malloc, THD_dmat33::mat, MISMATCH_DELTA, MISMATCH_ORIENT, mri_3dalign_wtrimming(), THD_timeaxis::nsl, nz, ORI_A2P_TYPE, ORI_I2S_TYPE, ORI_L2R_TYPE, ORI_P2A_TYPE, ORI_R2L_TYPE, ORI_S2I_TYPE, PRINT_VERSION, roll(), SUB_DFVEC3, THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_axcode(), THD_dataset_center(), THD_dataset_mismatch(), THD_find_float_atr(), THD_handedness(), THD_is_file(), THD_zeropad(), TRANSPOSE_DMAT, tross_Copy_History(), tross_Make_History(), VL_command_line(), VL_prefix, VL_syntax(), THD_dataxes::xxorg, THD_dataxes::yyorg, THD_timeaxis::zorg_sl, ZPAD_EMPTY, THD_dataxes::zzorg, and THD_dataxes::zzorient.

00083 {
00084    MRI_3dalign_basis * albase ;
00085    THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset ;
00086    MRI_IMAGE * qim , * tim , * fim ;
00087    double cputim ;
00088    float *dx, *dy, *dz, *roll, *yaw, *pitch, *rmsnew, *rmsold, *imb, *tar ;
00089    float ddx,ddy,ddz , sum ;
00090    float dxtop,dytop,dztop , rolltop,yawtop,pitchtop ;
00091    float dxbot,dybot,dzbot , rollbot,yawbot,pitchbot ;
00092    float dxbar,dybar,dzbar , rollbar,yawbar,pitchbar ;
00093    int kim,ii , imcount , iha , ax1,ax2,ax3 , hax1,hax2,hax3 ;
00095    float *dx_1,*dy_1,*dz_1, *roll_1,*yaw_1,*pitch_1 ;  /* 11 Sep 2000 */
00096    int   nx,ny,nz ;
00098    static char * modes[] = {
00099         "-NN" , "-linear" , "-cubic" , "-Fourier" , "-quintic" , "-heptic" } ;
00101 #define MATVEC_DICOM 1
00102 #define MATVEC_ORDER 2
00104    int matvec=0 ;              /* 14 Feb 2001 */
00105    THD_dmat33 rmat , pp,ppt ;  /* rmat = "extra" rotation matrix at end */
00106    THD_dfvec3 tvec ;           /* tvec = "extra" translation vector at end */
00107    int npad_neg=0 ,            /* zero-padding needed, -z and +z axes */
00108        npad_pos=0 , npadd=0 ;
00110    /*-- handle command line options --*/
00112    if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",5) == 0 ){ VL_syntax() ; exit(0); }
00114    mainENTRY("3dvolreg main") ; machdep() ; AFNI_logger("3dvolreg",argc,argv) ;
00115    PRINT_VERSION("3dvolreg") ;
00117    /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
00119    { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
00120      addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
00121      if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
00122    }
00125    Argc = argc ; Argv = argv ; Iarg = 1 ;
00126    VL_command_line() ;
00128    mri_3dalign_wtrimming(1) ;  /* 22 Mar 2004: always turn this on */
00130    /*-- setup the registration algorithm parameters --*/
00132    imcount = DSET_NVALS( VL_dset ) ;
00133    dx      = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00134    dy      = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00135    dz      = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00136    roll    = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00137    pitch   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00138    yaw     = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00139    rmsnew  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00140    rmsold  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00142    iha = THD_handedness( VL_dset )   ;                     /* LH or RH? */
00143    ax1 = THD_axcode( VL_dset , 'I' ) ; hax1 = ax1 * iha ;  /* roll */
00144    ax2 = THD_axcode( VL_dset , 'R' ) ; hax2 = ax2 * iha ;  /* pitch */
00145    ax3 = THD_axcode( VL_dset , 'A' ) ; hax3 = ax3 * iha ;  /* yaw */
00147    /*-- create the output dataset --*/
00149    new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( VL_dset ) ;  /* not much here yet */
00151    /*-- 14 Feb 2001: if have -gridparent, might need to zeropad output --*/
00153    if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL ){
00154       int mm , nz_gp , nz_ds ;
00156       /* first, check for compatibility! */
00158       mm = THD_dataset_mismatch( VL_gridpar_dset , VL_dset ) ;
00159       if( mm & (MISMATCH_DELTA | MISMATCH_ORIENT) ){
00160         fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal Error:\n"
00161                        "** -gridparent dataset and input dataset don't\n"
00162                        "** match in grid spacing and/or orientation!\n"  ) ;
00163         exit(1) ;
00164       }
00166       if( DSET_NX(VL_gridpar_dset) != DSET_NX(VL_dset) ||
00167           DSET_NY(VL_gridpar_dset) != DSET_NY(VL_dset)   ){
00169         fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal Error:\n"
00170                        "** -gridparent and input datasets\n"
00171                        "** don't match in x,y dimensions!\n" ) ;
00172         exit(1) ;
00173       }
00175       /* check for zero padding requirment */
00177       nz_gp = DSET_NZ(VL_gridpar_dset) ; nz_ds = DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ;
00179       if( nz_gp < nz_ds ){
00180         fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal Error:\n"
00181                        "** -gridparent has fewer slices than input dataset!\n") ;
00182         exit(1) ;
00183       }
00184       if( nz_gp > nz_ds ){                    /* must zeropad */
00185         int npad1 = (nz_gp - nz_ds) / 2 ;     /* negative z padding */
00186         int npad2 = (nz_gp - nz_ds) - npad1 ; /* positive z padding */
00187         int add_I=0, add_S=0, add_A=0, add_P=0, add_L=0, add_R=0 ;
00188         THD_3dim_dataset * pset ;
00189         char *sp1,*sp2 ;
00191         /* where to add slices? and how many? */
00193         switch( VL_dset->daxes->zzorient ){
00194           case ORI_R2L_TYPE:
00195           case ORI_L2R_TYPE: add_R=npad1; add_L=npad2; sp1="R"; sp2="L"; break;
00197           case ORI_P2A_TYPE:
00198           case ORI_A2P_TYPE: add_A=npad1; add_P=npad2; sp1="A"; sp2="P"; break;
00200           case ORI_I2S_TYPE:
00201           case ORI_S2I_TYPE: add_I=npad1; add_S=npad2; sp1="I"; sp2="S"; break;
00202         }
00204         /* set padding globals */
00206         switch( ORIENT_sign[VL_dset->daxes->zzorient] ){
00207           default:
00208           case '+': npad_neg = npad1 ; npad_pos = npad2 ; break ;
00209           case '-': npad_neg = npad2 ; npad_pos = npad1 ; break ;
00210         }
00211         npadd = (npad_neg > 0 || npad_pos > 0 ) ;  /* flag for later padding */
00213         /* add them to output, in a virtual (empty dataset) sense */
00215         if( VL_verbose )
00216           fprintf(stderr,"++ Zero padding to match -gridparent: -%s %d  -%s %d\n",
00217                   sp1,npad1,sp2,npad2 ) ;
00219         pset = THD_zeropad( new_dset,
00220                             add_I,add_S,add_A,add_P,add_L,add_R,
00221                             NULL , ZPAD_EMPTY ) ;
00223         if( pset == NULL ){
00224           fprintf(stderr,"** Fatal Error:\n"
00225                          "** Can't properly zeropad output dataset!\n" ) ;
00226           exit(1) ;
00227         }
00229         /* replace output dataset with padded dataset */
00231         DSET_delete(new_dset); new_dset = pset;
00232       }
00233    }
00235    /*-- set some information into the new dataset's header --*/
00237    EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_prefix , VL_prefix , ADN_none ) ;
00238    if( THD_is_file( DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset) ) ){
00239      fprintf(stderr,
00240              "** Output file %s already exists -- cannot continue!\n",
00241              DSET_HEADNAME(new_dset) ) ;
00242      exit(1) ;
00243    }
00245    tross_Copy_History( VL_dset , new_dset ) ;
00246    tross_Make_History( "3dvolreg" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
00248    /*-- 14 Feb 2001: compute -rotparent/-gridparent transformation --*/
00250    if( VL_rotpar_dset != NULL ){
00251       ATR_float *atr ;
00252       float *matar , sum ;
00253       THD_fvec3 fv ;
00254       THD_dfvec3 dv,ev,qv , cv_e2, cv_e1, cv_s1, cv_s2 ;
00256       /* load (Dicom-order) transformation from rotparent */
00258       atr = THD_find_float_atr( VL_rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_MATVEC_000000" );
00259       matar = atr->fl ;
00260       LOAD_DMAT(rmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],    /* rmat = rotation matrix */
00261                      matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
00262                      matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
00263       LOAD_DFVEC3(tvec,matar[3],matar[7],matar[11]) ; /* tvec = shift vector */
00265       /* check if [rmat] is orthogonal */
00267       pp = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(rmat) ; pp = DMAT_MUL(pp,rmat) ;
00268       sum = fabs(pp.mat[0][0]-1.)+fabs(pp.mat[1][0])   +fabs(pp.mat[2][0])
00269            +fabs(pp.mat[0][1])   +fabs(pp.mat[1][1]-1.)+fabs(pp.mat[2][1])
00270            +fabs(pp.mat[0][2])   +fabs(pp.mat[1][2])   +fabs(pp.mat[2][2]-1.) ;
00271       if( sum > 0.01 ) ERREX("-rotparent matrix not orthogonal!") ;
00273       /* must alter shift [tvec] to allow for differing
00274          coordinates in the rotparent, gridparent, and input datasets */
00276       /* cv_e2 = center of input dataset (Dicom coordinates) */
00278       fv = THD_dataset_center( new_dset ) ;
00279       FVEC3_TO_DFVEC3( fv , cv_e2 ) ;       /* convert to double */
00281       /* cv_e1 = center of gridparent */
00283       if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL ){
00284          fv = THD_dataset_center( VL_gridpar_dset ) ;
00285          FVEC3_TO_DFVEC3( fv , cv_e1 ) ;
00286       } else {
00287          cv_e1 = cv_e2 ;  /* no gridparent: what else to do? */
00288       }
00290       /* cv_s2 = center of rotation in rotparent */
00292       atr = THD_find_float_atr( VL_rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_OLD" ) ;
00293       LOAD_DFVEC3( cv_s2 , atr->fl[0] , atr->fl[1] , atr->fl[2] ) ;
00295       /* cv_s1 = center of base dataset for rotparent */
00297       atr = THD_find_float_atr( VL_rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_BASE" );
00298       LOAD_DFVEC3( cv_s1 , atr->fl[0] , atr->fl[1] , atr->fl[2] ) ;
00300       /* compute extra shift due to difference in
00301          center of rotation between rotparent and input dataset,
00302          then add in shifts caused by -twodup for rotparent and input */
00304       dv = SUB_DFVEC3( cv_e2 , cv_s2 ) ;
00305       ev = DMATVEC( rmat , dv ) ;         /* R[E2-S2]         */
00307       dv = ev ;  /* vestige of a stupid bug, since fixed */
00309       ev = SUB_DFVEC3( cv_e1 , cv_s1 ) ;  /* E1-S1            */
00311       qv = SUB_DFVEC3( dv , ev ) ;        /* R[E2-S2] + S1-E1 */
00313       tvec = ADD_DFVEC3( tvec , qv ) ;    /* shifted translation vector */
00315       /* convert transformation from Dicom to dataset coords */
00317       pp   = DBLE_mat_to_dicomm( new_dset ) ;
00318       ppt  = TRANSPOSE_DMAT(pp);
00319       rmat = DMAT_MUL(ppt,rmat); rmat = DMAT_MUL(rmat,pp);
00320       tvec = DMATVEC(ppt,tvec);
00322       /* modify origin of output dataset to match -gridparent */
00324       if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL ){
00325          new_dset->daxes->xxorg = VL_gridpar_dset->daxes->xxorg ;
00326          new_dset->daxes->yyorg = VL_gridpar_dset->daxes->yyorg ;
00327          new_dset->daxes->zzorg = VL_gridpar_dset->daxes->zzorg ;
00329          /* 12 Feb 2001: adjust origin of time-offsets as well */
00331          if( new_dset->taxis != NULL && new_dset->taxis->nsl > 0 ){
00332             new_dset->taxis->zorg_sl = new_dset->daxes->zzorg ;
00333          }
00334       }
00336       matvec = MATVEC_ORDER ;  /* flag that transform comes from rmat/tvec */
00337    }
00339    /*-- 14 Feb 2001: adjust time-offsets for slice direction shifts --*/
00341    if( new_dset->taxis != NULL && new_dset->taxis->nsl > 0 && matvec ){
00342       int ndz ;
00343       int kk,jj , nsl = new_dset->taxis->nsl ;
00345       ndz = (int)rint([2] / fabs(new_dset->daxes->zzdel) ); /* shift */
00347       if( ndz != 0 ){
00348          float * tsl = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nsl) ;
00349          for( kk=0 ; kk < nsl ; kk ++ ){
00350             jj = kk - ndz ;
00351             if( jj < 0 || jj >= nsl ) tsl[kk] = 0.0 ;
00352             else                      tsl[kk] = new_dset->taxis->toff_sl[jj] ;
00353          }
00354          EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_toff_sl , tsl , ADN_none ) ;
00355          free(tsl) ;
00356          if( VL_verbose )
00357             fprintf(stderr,"++ adjusting time-offsets by %d slices\n",ndz) ;
00358       }
00359    }
00361    /*-- read the input dataset into memory --*/
00363    if( VL_verbose ){
00364      if( VL_tshift )
00365        fprintf(stderr,"++ Time shifting input dataset %s\n",
00366                DSET_BRIKNAME(VL_dset)) ;
00367      else
00368        fprintf(stderr,"++ Reading input dataset %s\n",
00369                DSET_BRIKNAME(VL_dset)) ;
00370    }
00372    if( VL_tshift ){
00373       int eee = THD_dataset_tshift( VL_dset , VL_tshift_ignore ) ;
00374       if( eee )
00375          fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: some error during -tshift operation!\n") ;
00376       else
00377          EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
00378                             ADN_nsl    , 0   ,  /* has no offsets now */
00379                             ADN_ttorg  , 0.0 ,  /* in case not already set */
00380                             ADN_ttdur  , 0.0 ,  /* in case not already set */
00381                           ADN_none ) ;
00382    }
00383    DSET_load( VL_dset ) ;
00385    /*-- initialize the registration algorithm --*/
00387    if( VL_imbase == NULL ){
00388       VL_imbase = mri_to_float(DSET_BRICK(VL_dset,VL_nbase)) ; /* copy this */
00389    } else {
00390       VL_nbase = -1 ;  /* will not match any sub-brick index */
00391    }
00393    VL_imbase->dx = fabs( DSET_DX(VL_dset) ) ;  /* set the voxel dimensions */
00394    VL_imbase->dy = fabs( DSET_DY(VL_dset) ) ;  /* in the MRI_IMAGE struct  */
00395    VL_imbase->dz = fabs( DSET_DZ(VL_dset) ) ;
00396    imb = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( VL_imbase ) ;          /* need this to compute rms */
00398    nx = DSET_NX(VL_dset) ; ny = DSET_NY(VL_dset) ; nz = DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ;
00400    /*-- 10 Dec 2000: set edging in the alignment function --*/
00402    { int xf=0,yf=0,zf=0 ;
00403      switch( VL_edperc ){
00404         case 0:
00405            xf = (int)( MIN(0.25*nx,VL_edging) ) ;
00406            yf = (int)( MIN(0.25*ny,VL_edging) ) ;
00407            zf = (int)( MIN(0.25*nz,VL_edging) ) ;
00408         break ;
00410         case 1:
00411            xf = (int)( 0.01*VL_edging*nx + 0.5 ) ;
00412            yf = (int)( 0.01*VL_edging*ny + 0.5 ) ;
00413            zf = (int)( 0.01*VL_edging*nz + 0.5 ) ;
00414         break ;
00415      }
00416      mri_3dalign_edging(xf,yf,zf) ;
00417      if( VL_verbose )
00418         fprintf(stderr,"++ Edging: x=%d y=%d z=%d\n",xf,yf,zf) ;
00419    }
00421    /*--- 11 Sep 2000: if in twopass mode, do the first pass ---*/
00423    if( VL_twopass ){
00424       MRI_IMAGE * tp_base ;
00425       int sx=66666,sy,sz ;
00427       if( VL_verbose ){
00428         fprintf(stderr,"++ Start of first pass alignment on all sub-bricks\n");
00429         cputim = COX_cpu_time();
00430       }
00432       tp_base = mri_to_float(VL_imbase) ;  /* make a copy, blur it */
00434       EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz , 1.0,1.0,1.0 ,
00435                            MRI_float , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tp_base) ,
00436                            VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur ) ;
00438       mri_3dalign_params( VL_maxite ,
00439                           VL_twoblur*VL_dxy, VL_twoblur*VL_dph,
00440                           VL_twoblur*VL_del,
00441                           abs(ax1)-1 , abs(ax2)-1 , abs(ax3)-1 , -1 ) ;
00443                                               /* no reg | */
00444                                               /*        V */
00445       mri_3dalign_method( MRI_LINEAR , (VL_verbose>1) , 1 , 0 ) ;
00447       /* 08 Dec 2000: (perhaps) compute the weight as the blurred
00448                       average of the base and the 1st data brick  */
00450       if( VL_imwt != NULL || !VL_twosum || VL_imbase == DSET_BRICK(VL_dset,0) ){
00452          albase = mri_3dalign_setup( tp_base , VL_imwt ) ;
00454       } else {
00456          float *far , *bar=MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tp_base) , *qar , clip ;
00457          int ii,jj,kk , nxy=nx*ny , nxyz=nxy*nz ;
00458          int nxbot,nxtop,nybot,nytop,nzbot,nztop , ee,fade,ff ;
00460          if( VL_verbose )
00461            fprintf(stderr,
00462                    "++ Computing first pass weight as sum of base and brick\n");
00464          fim = mri_to_float( DSET_BRICK(VL_dset,0) ) ; /* 1st data brick */
00465          far = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ;
00466          EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz , 1.0,1.0,1.0 , /* blur it */
00467                               MRI_float , far ,
00468                               VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur ) ;
00470          /* find shift of 1st data brick that best overlaps with base brick */
00472          if( VL_coarse_del > 0 && VL_coarse_num > 0 ){
00473            if( VL_verbose )
00474              fprintf(stderr,"++ Getting best coarse shift [0]:") ;
00475            get_best_shift( nx,ny,nz , bar,far , &sx,&sy,&sz ) ;
00476            if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d\n",sx,sy,sz) ;
00477          } else {
00478            sx = sy = sz = 0 ;
00479          }
00481 #define BAR(i,j,k) bar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
00482 #define QAR(i,j,k) qar[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
00483 #define FAR(i,j,k) far[(i)+(j)*nx+(k)*nxy]
00485          qim = mri_copy(tp_base) ; qar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(qim) ;
00487          ee = abs(sx) ; nxbot = ee ; nxtop = nx-ee ;
00488          ee = abs(sy) ; nybot = ee ; nytop = ny-ee ;
00489          ee = abs(sz) ; nzbot = ee ; nztop = nz-ee ;
00491          if( VL_sinit ){        /* 22 Mar 2004: initialize scale factor */
00492            float sf=0.0,sq=0.0 ;
00493            for( kk=nzbot ; kk < nztop ; kk++ )
00494             for( jj=nybot ; jj < nytop ; jj++ )
00495              for( ii=nxbot ; ii < nxtop ; ii++ ){
00496               sf += FAR(ii-sx,jj-sy,kk-sz) ; sq += QAR(ii,jj,kk) ;
00497              }
00498            if( sq > 0.0 ){
00499              sf = sf / sq ;
00500              if( sf > 0.005 && sf < 2000.0 ){ /* ZSS: sf increased to 2000 because sf of 1200 has been encountered with acceptable data */
00501                mri_3dalign_scaleinit(sf) ;
00502                if (sf < 200.0) {
00503                   if (VL_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"++ Scale init = %g\n",sf) ;
00504                } else {
00505                   fprintf(stderr,"++ Warning: Scale init = %g is large. Check output.\n",sf) ;
00506                }
00507              } else {
00508                fprintf(stderr,"-- Large scale difference between datasets.\n"
00509                               "   Scale init = %g\n"
00510                               "   3dvolreg might not converge.",sf) ;
00511             }
00512            }
00513          }
00515          /* add the blurred+shifted data brick to the blurred base brick */
00517          for( kk=nzbot ; kk < nztop ; kk++ )
00518           for( jj=nybot ; jj < nytop ; jj++ )
00519            for( ii=nxbot ; ii < nxtop ; ii++ )
00520             QAR(ii,jj,kk) += FAR(ii-sx,jj-sy,kk-sz) ;
00522          mri_free(fim) ;
00524          /* blur the sum to get the weight brick */
00526          if( VL_verbose )
00527            fprintf(stderr,"++ Blurring first pass weight\n") ;
00529 #if 1
00530          EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz , 1.0,1.0,1.0 ,
00531                               MRI_float , qar ,
00532                               VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur ) ;
00533 #else
00534          MRI_5blur_inplace_3D( qim ) ;              /* 07 Jun 2002 */
00535 #endif
00537          clip = 0.025 * mri_max(qim) ;              /* 06 Jun 2002 */
00538          for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00539            if( qar[ii] < clip ) qar[ii] = 0.0 ;
00541          mri_3dalign_force_edging( 1 ) ;
00542          albase = mri_3dalign_setup( tp_base , qim ) ;
00543          mri_3dalign_force_edging( 0 ) ;
00544          mri_free(qim) ;
00545       }
00547       /* check if base was computed correctly */
00549       if( albase == NULL ){
00550          fprintf(stderr,
00551                  "** Can't initialize first pass alignment algorithm\n");
00552          exit(1);
00553       }
00555       dx_1    = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00556       dy_1    = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00557       dz_1    = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00558       roll_1  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00559       pitch_1 = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00560       yaw_1   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * imcount ) ;
00562       /* do alignment on blurred copy of each brick;
00563          save parameters for later feed into pass #2 */
00565       for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ ){
00567          qim     = DSET_BRICK( VL_dset , kim ) ; /* the sub-brick in question */
00568          fim     = mri_to_float( qim ) ;         /* make a float copy */
00569          fim->dx = fabs( DSET_DX(VL_dset) ) ;    /* must set voxel dimensions */
00570          fim->dy = fabs( DSET_DY(VL_dset) ) ;
00571          fim->dz = fabs( DSET_DZ(VL_dset) ) ;
00573          if( kim != VL_nbase ){ /* 16 Nov 1998: don't register to base image */
00575              EDIT_blur_volume_3d( nx,ny,nz , 1.0,1.0,1.0 ,
00576                                   MRI_float , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ,
00577                                   VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur,VL_twoblur ) ;
00579             if( kim > 0 || sx == 66666 ){ /* if didn't already get best shift */
00580                if( VL_coarse_del > 0 && VL_coarse_num > 0 ){
00581                   if( VL_verbose )
00582                      fprintf(stderr,"++ Getting best coarse shift [%d]:",kim) ;
00583                   get_best_shift( nx,ny,nz ,
00584                                   MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tp_base),MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ,
00585                                   &sx,&sy,&sz ) ;
00586                   if( VL_verbose )
00587                      fprintf(stderr," %d %d %d\n",sx,sy,sz) ;
00588                } else {
00589                   sx = sy = sz = 0 ;
00590                }
00591             }
00593             mri_3dalign_initvals( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 ,
00594                                   sx*fim->dx , sy*fim->dy , sz*fim->dz ) ;
00596             (void) mri_3dalign_one( albase , fim ,
00597                                     roll_1+kim , pitch_1+kim , yaw_1+kim ,
00598                                     dx_1  +kim , dy_1   +kim , dz_1 +kim  ) ;
00600             roll_1[kim]  *= (180.0/PI) ;  /* convert to degrees */
00601             pitch_1[kim] *= (180.0/PI) ;
00602             yaw_1[kim]   *= (180.0/PI) ;
00604          } else {
00605             roll_1[kim]  =           /* This   */
00606              pitch_1[kim] =           /* looks   */
00607               yaw_1[kim]   =           /* kind     */
00608                dx_1[kim]    =           /* of        */
00609                 dy_1[kim]    =           /* cool,      */
00610                  dz_1[kim]    = 0.0 ;     /* doesn't it? */
00611          }
00613          mri_free(fim) ;
00614       }
00616       mri_3dalign_cleanup( albase ) ; mri_free( tp_base ) ;
00618       if( VL_verbose ){
00619          cputim = COX_cpu_time() - cputim ;
00620          fprintf(stderr,"++ CPU time for first pass=%.3g s\n" , cputim) ;
00621       }
00623    }  /* end of twopass */
00625    /*-----------------------------------*/
00626    /*-- prepare for (final) alignment --*/
00628    if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Initializing alignment base\n") ;
00630    mri_3dalign_params( VL_maxite , VL_dxy , VL_dph , VL_del ,
00631                        abs(ax1)-1 , abs(ax2)-1 , abs(ax3)-1 , -1 ) ;
00633    /* 14 Feb 2001:
00634       if have a final transformation, then don't produce output
00635                                                    |||||||||||||
00636                                                    VVVVVVVVVVVVV   */
00637    mri_3dalign_method( VL_resam , (VL_verbose>1) , (matvec != 0) , VL_clipit );
00639    if( VL_final < 0 ) VL_final = VL_resam ;  /* 20 Nov 1998 */
00640    mri_3dalign_final_regmode( VL_final ) ;
00642    /* 06 Jun 2002: create -wtinp weight now */
00644    if( VL_wtinp ){
00645      VL_imwt = mri_to_float( DSET_BRICK(VL_dset,0) ) ;
00646      mri_3dalign_wproccing( 1 ) ;
00647    }
00649    albase = mri_3dalign_setup( VL_imbase , VL_imwt ) ;
00650    if( albase == NULL ){
00651       fprintf(stderr,"** Can't initialize base image for alignment\n"); exit(1);
00652    }
00653    if( VL_imwt != NULL ) mri_free( VL_imwt ) ;
00655    /*-- loop over sub-bricks and register them --*/
00657    if( VL_verbose ){
00658       fprintf(stderr,"++ Starting final pass on %d sub-bricks: ",imcount);
00659       cputim = COX_cpu_time();
00660    }
00662    dxbar = dybar = dzbar = rollbar = yawbar = pitchbar = 0.0 ;  /* stats */
00664    for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ ){
00666       if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"%d",kim) ;  /* mark start of this one */
00668       qim     = DSET_BRICK( VL_dset , kim ) ; /* the sub-brick in question */
00669       fim     = mri_to_float( qim ) ;         /* make a float copy */
00670       fim->dx = fabs( DSET_DX(VL_dset) ) ;    /* must set voxel dimensions */
00671       fim->dy = fabs( DSET_DY(VL_dset) ) ;
00672       fim->dz = fabs( DSET_DZ(VL_dset) ) ;
00674       /*-- the actual registration [please bow your head] --*/
00676       if( kim != VL_nbase ){ /* 16 Nov 1998: don't register base to self */
00678          if( VL_twopass )
00679             mri_3dalign_initvals( roll_1[kim] , pitch_1[kim] , yaw_1[kim] ,
00680                                   dx_1[kim]   , dy_1[kim]    , dz_1[kim]   ) ;
00682          tim = mri_3dalign_one( albase , fim ,
00683                                 roll+kim , pitch+kim , yaw+kim ,
00684                                 &ddx     , &ddy      , &ddz     ) ;
00686       } else {               /* 16 Nov 1998: just make a copy of base image */
00688          if( !matvec ) tim = mri_to_float( VL_imbase ) ;
00689          else          tim = NULL ;                      /* 14 Feb 2001 */
00691          roll[kim] = pitch[kim] = yaw[kim] = ddx = ddy = ddz = 0.0 ;
00693       }
00695       /* 14 Feb 2001: at this point,
00696            if we have a final transform (matvec != 0), fim = unrotated image;
00697            if we don't have a final transform,         tim = rotated image    */
00699       if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"."); /* mark that registration is done */
00701       /*-- need to massage output parameters --*/
00703       roll[kim]  *= (180.0/PI) ; if( hax1 < 0 ) roll[kim]  = -roll[kim] ;
00704       pitch[kim] *= (180.0/PI) ; if( hax2 < 0 ) pitch[kim] = -pitch[kim] ;
00705       yaw[kim]   *= (180.0/PI) ; if( hax3 < 0 ) yaw[kim]   = -yaw[kim] ;
00707       switch( new_dset->daxes->xxorient ){
00708          case ORI_R2L_TYPE: dy[kim] =  ddx ; break ;
00709          case ORI_L2R_TYPE: dy[kim] = -ddx ; break ;
00710          case ORI_P2A_TYPE: dz[kim] = -ddx ; break ;
00711          case ORI_A2P_TYPE: dz[kim] =  ddx ; break ;
00712          case ORI_I2S_TYPE: dx[kim] =  ddx ; break ;
00713          case ORI_S2I_TYPE: dx[kim] = -ddx ; break ;
00714       }
00716       switch( new_dset->daxes->yyorient ){
00717          case ORI_R2L_TYPE: dy[kim] =  ddy ; break ;
00718          case ORI_L2R_TYPE: dy[kim] = -ddy ; break ;
00719          case ORI_P2A_TYPE: dz[kim] = -ddy ; break ;
00720          case ORI_A2P_TYPE: dz[kim] =  ddy ; break ;
00721          case ORI_I2S_TYPE: dx[kim] =  ddy ; break ;
00722          case ORI_S2I_TYPE: dx[kim] = -ddy ; break ;
00723       }
00725       switch( new_dset->daxes->zzorient ){
00726          case ORI_R2L_TYPE: dy[kim] =  ddz ; break ;
00727          case ORI_L2R_TYPE: dy[kim] = -ddz ; break ;
00728          case ORI_P2A_TYPE: dz[kim] = -ddz ; break ;
00729          case ORI_A2P_TYPE: dz[kim] =  ddz ; break ;
00730          case ORI_I2S_TYPE: dx[kim] =  ddz ; break ;
00731          case ORI_S2I_TYPE: dx[kim] = -ddz ; break ;
00732       }
00734       /*** 14 Feb 2001: if needed, now apply final transformation
00735                         on top of this just-computed transformation ***/
00737       if( matvec ){
00738          THD_dvecmat vm1 , vm2 , vmtot ;
00739          char sbuf[128] ;
00741 = rmat ; vm2.vv = tvec ;  /* second transform */
00743          sprintf(sbuf,"-rotate %.4fI %.4fR %.4fA -ashift %.4fS %.4fL %.4fP" ,
00744                  roll[kim],pitch[kim],yaw[kim], dx[kim],dy[kim],dz[kim]  ) ;
00745          vm1 = THD_rotcom_to_matvec( new_dset , sbuf ) ;
00747          vmtot = MUL_DVECMAT(vm2,vm1 ) ;  /* total transform */
00749          /* zero pad before final transformation? */
00751          if( npadd ){
00752            MRI_IMAGE * qim = mri_zeropad_3D( 0,0,0,0,npad_neg,npad_pos , fim ) ;
00753            if( qim == NULL ){
00754              fprintf(stderr,"** Can't zeropad at kim=%d -- FATAL ERROR!\n",kim);
00755              exit(1) ;
00756            }
00757            mri_free(fim) ; fim = qim ;
00758          }
00760          THD_rota_method( VL_final ) ;
00761          tim = THD_rota3D_matvec( fim ,,vmtot.vv ) ; /* the work */
00763          if( VL_clipit &&
00764              (VL_final == MRI_QUINTIC || VL_final==MRI_CUBIC  ||
00765               VL_final == MRI_HEPTIC  || VL_final==MRI_FOURIER  )){
00767             register int ii ;
00768             register float ftop , fbot , * tar ;
00770             ftop = mri_max( fim ); fbot = mri_min( fim ); /* input range */
00771             tar  = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;                   /* output array */
00772             for( ii=0 ; ii < tim->nvox ; ii++ ){
00773                     if( tar[ii] < fbot ) tar[ii] = fbot ; /* clipping */
00774                else if( tar[ii] > ftop ) tar[ii] = ftop ;
00775             }
00776          }
00777       } /* at last, have the output brick! */
00779       /*-- collect statistics --*/
00781       if( kim == 0 ){
00782         dxtop    = dxbot    = dx[kim]    ;
00783         dytop    = dybot    = dy[kim]    ;
00784         dztop    = dzbot    = dz[kim]    ;
00785         rolltop  = rollbot  = roll[kim]  ;
00786         pitchtop = pitchbot = pitch[kim] ;
00787         yawtop   = yawbot   = yaw[kim]   ;
00788       } else {
00789         dxtop    = MAX(dxtop   ,dx[kim]   ); dxbot    = MIN(dxbot   ,dx[kim]   );
00790         dytop    = MAX(dytop   ,dy[kim]   ); dybot    = MIN(dybot   ,dy[kim]   );
00791         dztop    = MAX(dztop   ,dz[kim]   ); dzbot    = MIN(dzbot   ,dz[kim]   );
00792         rolltop  = MAX(rolltop ,roll[kim] ); rollbot  = MIN(rollbot ,roll[kim] );
00793         pitchtop = MAX(pitchtop,pitch[kim]); pitchbot = MIN(pitchbot,pitch[kim]);
00794         yawtop   = MAX(yawtop  ,yaw[kim]  ); yawbot   = MIN(yawbot  ,yaw[kim]  );
00795       }
00797       dxbar   += dx[kim]   ; dybar    += dy[kim]    ; dzbar  += dz[kim]  ;
00798       rollbar += roll[kim] ; pitchbar += pitch[kim] ; yawbar += yaw[kim] ;
00800       if( !matvec ){
00801         sum = 0.0 ;
00802         tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) ;
00803         for( ii=0 ; ii < tim->nvox ; ii++ ) sum += SQR( imb[ii] - tar[ii] ) ;
00804         rmsnew[kim] = sqrt( sum / tim->nvox ) ;
00806         sum = 0.0 ;
00807         tar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(fim) ;
00808         for( ii=0 ; ii < fim->nvox ; ii++ ) sum += SQR( imb[ii] - tar[ii] ) ;
00809         rmsold[kim] = sqrt( sum / fim->nvox ) ;
00810       } else {
00811         rmsold[kim] = rmsnew[kim] = 0.0 ;  /* can't compute these */
00812       }
00814       mri_free(fim) ;
00816       /*-- Attach the registered brick to output dataset,
00817            converting it to the correct type, if necessary
00818            (the new registered brick in "tim" is stored as floats). --*/
00820       switch( qim->kind ){
00822         case MRI_float:
00823           EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset, kim, MRI_float, MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tim) );
00824           mri_fix_data_pointer( NULL , tim ) ; mri_free( tim ) ;
00825         break ;
00827         case MRI_short:
00828           fim = mri_to_short(1.0,tim) ; mri_free( tim ) ;
00829           EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset, kim, MRI_short, MRI_SHORT_PTR(fim) );
00830           mri_fix_data_pointer( NULL , fim ) ; mri_free( fim ) ;
00831         break ;
00833         case MRI_byte:
00834           fim = mri_to_byte(tim) ; mri_free( tim ) ;
00835           EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset, kim, MRI_byte, MRI_BYTE_PTR(fim) ) ;
00836           mri_fix_data_pointer( NULL , fim ) ; mri_free( fim ) ;
00837         break ;
00839         /*-- should not ever get here, but who knows? --*/
00841         default:
00842           fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't register bricks of type %s\n",
00843                   MRI_TYPE_name[qim->kind] ) ;
00844           exit(1) ;
00845       }
00847       DSET_unload_one( VL_dset , kim ) ;      /* don't need this anymore */
00849       if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;  /* mark end of this one */
00851    }  /* end of loop over sub-bricks */
00853    /*-- done with registration --*/
00855    mri_3dalign_cleanup( albase ) ;
00856    DSET_unload( VL_dset ) ;        /* 06 Feb 2001: unload instead of delete */
00857    mri_free( VL_imbase ) ;
00858    if( VL_twopass ){
00859      free(dx_1);free(dy_1);free(dz_1);free(roll_1);free(pitch_1);free(yaw_1);
00860    }
00862    /*-- print some summaries (maybe) --*/
00864    dxbar   /= imcount ; dybar    /= imcount ; dzbar  /= imcount ;
00865    rollbar /= imcount ; pitchbar /= imcount ; yawbar /= imcount ;
00867    if( VL_verbose ){
00868      cputim = COX_cpu_time() - cputim ;
00869      fprintf(stderr,"\n++ CPU time for realignment=%.3g s" , cputim) ;
00870      if( imcount > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"  [=%.3g s/sub-brick]" , cputim/imcount) ;
00871      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00873      fprintf(stderr,"++ Min : roll=%+.3f  pitch=%+.3f  yaw=%+.3f"
00874                     "  dS=%+.3f  dL=%+.3f  dP=%+.3f\n" ,
00875              rollbot , pitchbot , yawbot , dxbot , dybot , dzbot ) ;
00877      fprintf(stderr,"++ Mean: roll=%+.3f  pitch=%+.3f  yaw=%+.3f"
00878                     "  dS=%+.3f  dL=%+.3f  dP=%+.3f\n" ,
00879              rollbar , pitchbar , yawbar , dxbar , dybar , dzbar ) ;
00881      fprintf(stderr,"++ Max : roll=%+.3f  pitch=%+.3f  yaw=%+.3f"
00882                     "  dS=%+.3f  dL=%+.3f  dP=%+.3f\n" ,
00883              rolltop , pitchtop , yawtop , dxtop , dytop , dztop ) ;
00884    }
00886    /*-- 12 Sep 2000: add some history? --*/
00888    if( imcount == 1 && VL_rotpar_dset == NULL ){
00889      char *str = NULL ;
00890      str = THD_zzprintf( str , "3dvolreg did: %s" , modes[VL_final] ) ;
00891      if( VL_clipit ) str = THD_zzprintf( str , " -clipit" ) ;
00892      else            str = THD_zzprintf( str , " -noclip" ) ;
00893      if( VL_zpad )   str = THD_zzprintf( str , " -zpad %d" , VL_zpad ) ;
00894      str = THD_zzprintf(str,
00895                      " -rotate %.4fI %.4fR %.4fA -ashift %.4fS %.4fL %.4fP\n",
00896                      roll[0],pitch[0],yaw[0], dx[0],dy[0],dz[0]  ) ;
00897      tross_Append_History( new_dset , str ) ;
00898      free(str) ;
00899    }
00901    /*-- 06 Feb 2000: save parameters to header of output in attributes --*/
00902    /*--              N.B.: vectors and matrices are in Dicom order!    --*/
00904    { char sbuf[128] , anam[32] ;
00905      THD_fvec3 cv ;
00906      THD_dmat33 rmat ;
00907      float matar[12] ;
00909      /* -rotparent and -gridparent datasets, if present */
00911      if( VL_rotpar_dset != NULL ){
00912        THD_set_string_atr(new_dset->dblk,"VOLREG_ROTPARENT_IDCODE",
00913                                          VL_rotpar_dset->idcode.str   );
00914        THD_set_string_atr(new_dset->dblk,"VOLREG_ROTPARENT_NAME"  ,
00915                                          DSET_HEADNAME(VL_rotpar_dset));
00916      }
00918      if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL ){
00919        THD_set_string_atr(new_dset->dblk,"VOLREG_GRIDPARENT_IDCODE",
00920                                          VL_gridpar_dset->idcode.str   );
00921        THD_set_string_atr(new_dset->dblk,"VOLREG_GRIDPARENT_NAME"  ,
00922                                          DSET_HEADNAME(VL_gridpar_dset));
00923      }
00925      /* Dicom center of input dataset */
00927      THD_set_string_atr( new_dset->dblk, "VOLREG_INPUT_IDCODE",
00928                                          VL_dset->idcode.str ) ;
00929      THD_set_string_atr( new_dset->dblk, "VOLREG_INPUT_NAME"  ,
00930                                          DSET_HEADNAME(VL_dset) ) ;
00932      cv = THD_dataset_center( new_dset ) ;
00933      THD_set_float_atr( new_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_OLD" , 3 , ) ;
00935      /* info about base dataset */
00937      if( VL_bset == NULL ) VL_bset = VL_dset ;  /* default base */
00939      THD_set_string_atr( new_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_BASE_IDCODE" ,
00940                                           VL_bset->idcode.str ) ;
00941      THD_set_string_atr( new_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_BASE_NAME" ,
00942                                           DSET_HEADNAME(VL_bset) ) ;
00944      cv = THD_dataset_center( VL_bset ) ;
00945      THD_set_float_atr( new_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_CENTER_BASE" , 3 , ) ;
00947      /* number of images registered */
00949      THD_set_int_atr( new_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_ROTCOM_NUM" , 1 , &imcount ) ;
00951      /* each volume's transformation parameters, matrix, and vector */
00953      for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ ){
00954         sprintf(anam,"VOLREG_ROTCOM_%06d",kim) ;
00955         sprintf(sbuf,"-rotate %.4fI %.4fR %.4fA -ashift %.4fS %.4fL %.4fP" ,
00956                 roll[kim],pitch[kim],yaw[kim], dx[kim],dy[kim],dz[kim]  ) ;
00957         THD_set_string_atr( new_dset->dblk , anam , sbuf ) ;
00959         /*-- note minus sign and conversion to radians --*/
00960         /*                        |                      */
00961         /*                        V                      */
00962         rmat = rot_to_matrix( 2 , -(PI/180.0)*roll[kim]  ,   /* Dicom order */
00963                               0 , -(PI/180.0)*pitch[kim] ,   /* of the axes */
00964                               1 , -(PI/180.0)*yaw[kim]    ) ;
00966         /* matrix and vector are 12 numbers:
00967                    a11 a12 a13 v1
00968                    a21 a22 a23 v2
00969                    a31 a32 a33 v3
00970            stored as in 3dTagalign.c's TAGALIGN_MATVEC attribute */
00972         UNLOAD_DMAT(rmat,matar[0],matar[1],matar[2],
00973                          matar[4],matar[5],matar[6],
00974                          matar[8],matar[9],matar[10] ) ;
00975         matar[3] = dy[kim] ; matar[7] = dz[kim] ; matar[11] = dx[kim] ;
00976         sprintf(anam,"VOLREG_MATVEC_%06d",kim) ;
00977         THD_set_float_atr( new_dset->dblk , anam , 12 , matar ) ;
00978      }
00979    }
00981    /*-- 08 Dec 2000: execute -twodup? --*/
00983    if( VL_twodup && !VL_intern && VL_rotpar_dset == NULL ){
00984      new_dset->daxes->xxorg = VL_bxorg ;
00985      new_dset->daxes->yyorg = VL_byorg ;
00986      new_dset->daxes->zzorg = VL_bzorg ;
00988      if( new_dset->taxis != NULL && new_dset->taxis->nsl > 0 ){ /* 12 Feb 2001 */
00989        new_dset->taxis->zorg_sl = new_dset->daxes->zzorg ;
00990      }
00991    }
00993    /*-- save new dataset to disk --*/
00995    DSET_write(new_dset) ;
00996    if( VL_verbose )
00997      fprintf(stderr,"++ Wrote dataset to disk in %s",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset));
00998    if( VL_verbose ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
01000    /*-- save movement parameters to disk --*/
01002    if( VL_dfile[0] != '\0' ){
01003      FILE *fp ;
01005      if( THD_is_file(VL_dfile) )
01006        fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: overwriting file %s\n",VL_dfile) ;
01008      fp = fopen( VL_dfile , "w" ) ;
01009      for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ )
01010        fprintf(fp , "%4d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f  %11.4g %11.4g\n" ,
01011                kim , roll[kim], pitch[kim], yaw[kim],
01012                      dx[kim], dy[kim], dz[kim],
01013                      rmsold[kim] , rmsnew[kim]  ) ;
01014      fclose(fp) ;
01015    }
01017    if( VL_1Dfile[0] != '\0' ){  /* 14 Apr 2000 */
01018       FILE *fp ;
01020       if( THD_is_file(VL_1Dfile) )
01021          fprintf(stderr,"** Warning: overwriting file %s\n",VL_1Dfile) ;
01023       fp = fopen( VL_1Dfile , "w" ) ;
01024       for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ )
01025          fprintf(fp , "%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n" ,
01026                  roll[kim], pitch[kim], yaw[kim],
01027                  dx[kim]  , dy[kim]   , dz[kim]  ) ;
01028       fclose(fp) ;
01029    }
01031    if( VL_rotcom ){ /* 04 Sep 2000 */
01033       printf("\n3drotate fragment%s:\n\n", (imcount > 1)? "s" : "" ) ;
01034       for( kim=0 ; kim < imcount ; kim++ ){
01035          printf("3drotate %s" , modes[VL_final] ) ;
01036          if( VL_clipit ) printf(" -clipit" ) ;
01037          else            printf(" -noclip" ) ;
01038          if( VL_zpad )   printf(" -zpad %d" , VL_zpad ) ;
01039          printf(" -rotate %.4fI %.4fR %.4fA -ashift %.4fS %.4fL %.4fP\n" ,
01040                  roll[kim],pitch[kim],yaw[kim], dx[kim],dy[kim],dz[kim]  ) ;
01041       }
01042       printf("\n") ;  /* 11 Dec 2000 */
01043    }
01045    exit(0) ;
01046 }

void VL_command_line void   

Definition at line 1298 of file 3dvolreg.c.

References Argc, Argv, THD_3dim_dataset::daxes, THD_3dim_dataset::dblk, DSET_BRICK, DSET_BRIKNAME, DSET_delete, DSET_DX, DSET_DY, DSET_DZ, DSET_HEADNAME, DSET_load, DSET_LOADED, DSET_NVALS, DSET_NX, DSET_NY, DSET_NZ, DSET_unload, ERREX, Iarg, MIN, MISMATCH_DELTA, MISMATCH_DIMEN, MISMATCH_ORIENT, mri_3dalign_wtrimming(), MRI_CUBIC, MRI_FOURIER, MRI_HEPTIC, MRI_LINEAR, MRI_NN, MRI_QUINTIC, mri_to_float(), my_getenv(), ATR_float::nfl, THD_timeaxis::nsl, MRI_IMAGE::nx, MRI_IMAGE::ny, MRI_IMAGE::nz, strtod(), THD_3dim_dataset::taxis, THD_dataset_mismatch(), THD_find_float_atr(), THD_open_dataset(), THD_open_one_dataset(), THD_rota_setpad(), VL_1Dfile, VL_bxorg, VL_byorg, VL_bzorg, VL_clipit, VL_coarse_del, VL_coarse_num, VL_del, VL_dfile, VL_dph, VL_dxy, VL_edging, VL_edperc, VL_final, VL_intern, VL_maxite, VL_nbase, VL_prefix, VL_resam, VL_rotcom, VL_sinit, VL_tshift, VL_tshift_ignore, VL_twoblur, VL_twodup, VL_twopass, VL_verbose, VL_wtinp, VL_zpad, THD_dataxes::xxorg, THD_dataxes::xxorient, THD_dataxes::yyorg, THD_dataxes::yyorient, THD_dataxes::zzorg, and THD_dataxes::zzorient.

Referenced by main().

01299 {
01300    int ii , nxbase , nybase , nerr , basecode ;
01301    MRI_IMAGE * tim ;
01302    MRI_IMARR * tarr ;
01303    float bdx,bdy,bdz ;
01305    /***========= look for options on command line =========***/
01307    while( Iarg < Argc && Argv[Iarg][0] == '-' ){
01309       /** -sinit [22 Mar 2004] **/
01311       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-sinit") == 0 ){
01312         VL_sinit = 0 ; Iarg++ ; continue ;
01313       }
01315       /** -params [not in the help list] **/
01317       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-params",4) == 0 ){
01318          VL_maxite = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
01319          VL_dxy    = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;      /* voxels */
01320          VL_dph    = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;      /* degrees */
01321          VL_del    = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;      /* voxels */
01322          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01323       }
01325       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-maxite",4) == 0 ){
01326          int mit = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
01327          if( mit > 0 ) VL_maxite = mit ;
01328          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01329       }
01331       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-x_thresh",4) == 0 ){
01332          float dxy = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;
01333          if( dxy > 0.0 ) VL_dxy = dxy ;
01334          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01335       }
01337       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-rot_thresh",6) == 0 ){
01338          float dph = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;
01339          if( dph > 0.0 ) VL_dph = dph ;
01340          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01341       }
01343       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-delta",4) == 0 ){
01344          float del = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;
01345          if( del > 0.0 ) VL_del = del ;
01346          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01347       }
01349       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-final",4) == 0 ){  /* 20 Nov 1998 */
01350          char * str = Argv[++Iarg] ;
01352               if( strcmp(str,"cubic")   == 0 ) VL_final = MRI_CUBIC ;
01353          else if( strcmp(str,"quintic") == 0 ) VL_final = MRI_QUINTIC ;
01354          else if( strcmp(str,"heptic")  == 0 ) VL_final = MRI_HEPTIC ;
01355          else if( strcmp(str,"Fourier") == 0 ) VL_final = MRI_FOURIER ;
01356          else if( strcmp(str,"NN") == 0 )      VL_final = MRI_NN ; /* 02 Apr 2003 */
01357          else {
01358            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal mode after -final\n"); exit(1);
01359          }
01360          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01361       }
01363       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-rotcom") == 0 ){  /* 04 Sep 2000 */
01364          VL_rotcom++ ;
01365          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01366       }
01368       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-twopass") == 0 ){ /* 11 Sep 2000 */
01369          VL_twopass++ ;
01370          if( VL_maxite < 10 ) VL_maxite = 66 ;
01371          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01372       }
01374       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-twoblur") == 0 ){ /* 11 Sep 2000 */
01375          VL_twoblur = strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;
01376          if( VL_twoblur < 2.0 ){
01377             fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: value after -twoblur is < 2.0\n") ;
01378             exit(1) ;
01379          }
01380          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01381       }
01383       /** -verbose **/
01385       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-verbose",5) == 0 ){
01386          VL_verbose++ ;
01387          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01388       }
01390       /** -clipit **/
01392       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-clipit",4) == 0 ){
01393          fprintf(stderr,"++ Notice: -clipit is now the default\n") ;
01394          VL_clipit = 1 ;
01395          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01396       }
01398       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-noclip",4) == 0 ){
01399          VL_clipit = 0 ;
01400          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01401       }
01403       /** -zpad [05 Feb 2001] */
01405       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-zpad",5) == 0 ){     /* 05 Feb 2001 */
01406          if( VL_zpad > 0 )
01407             fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: second -zpad option!\n") ;
01408          VL_zpad = (int) strtod( Argv[++Iarg] , NULL ) ;
01409          if( VL_zpad < 0 ){
01410             fprintf(stderr,"** ERROR: Can't use -zpad %d\n",VL_zpad) ;
01411             exit(1) ;
01412          }
01413          THD_rota_setpad(VL_zpad,VL_zpad,VL_zpad) ;
01414          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01415       }
01417       /** -Fourier **/
01419       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Fourier",4) == 0 ||
01420           strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-fourier",4) == 0   ){
01422          VL_resam = MRI_FOURIER ;
01423          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01424       }
01426       /** -linear [not in -help output] **/
01428       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-linear",4) == 0 ||
01429           strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Linear",4) == 0   ){
01431          VL_resam = MRI_LINEAR ;
01432          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01433       }
01435       /** -cubic **/
01437       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-cubic",4) == 0 ||
01438           strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Cubic",4) == 0   ){
01440          VL_resam = MRI_CUBIC ;
01441          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01442       }
01444       /** -quintic **/
01446       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-quintic",4) == 0 ||
01447           strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Quintic",4) == 0   ){
01449          VL_resam = MRI_QUINTIC ;
01450          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01451       }
01453       /** -heptic **/
01455       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-heptic",4) == 0 ||
01456           strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-Heptic",4) == 0   ){
01458          VL_resam = MRI_HEPTIC ;
01459          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01460       }
01463       /** -prefix **/
01465       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-prefix",4) == 0 ){
01466          strcpy( VL_prefix , Argv[++Iarg] ) ;
01467          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01468       }
01470       /** -dfile **/
01472       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-dfile",4) == 0 ){
01473          strcpy( VL_dfile , Argv[++Iarg] ) ;
01474          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01475       }
01477       /** -1Dfile [14 Apr 2000] **/
01479       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-1Dfile",4) == 0 ){
01480          strcpy( VL_1Dfile , Argv[++Iarg] ) ;
01481          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01482       }
01484       /** -base **/
01486       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-base",4) == 0 ){
01487         int bb,ii ; char * cpt ;
01489         if( VL_imbase != NULL || VL_nbase > 0 ){
01490            fprintf(stderr,"** Can't have two -base arguments\n") ; exit(1) ;
01491         }
01493         /* try an integer */
01495         bb = strtol( Argv[++Iarg] , &cpt , 10 ) ;
01496         if( bb < 0 ){
01497           fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal number after -base\n"); exit(1);
01498         }
01500         if( *cpt == '\0' ){  /* it WAS an integer */
01502           VL_nbase  = bb ;
01503           VL_imbase = NULL ;
01504           VL_intern = 1 ;
01506         } else {             /* it WAS NOT an integer */
01508           /* 06 Feb 2001: now we store the base dataset in a global variable */
01509           /* 13 Sep 2000: replaced old code with use of THD_open_dataset()   */
01511           VL_bset = THD_open_dataset( Argv[Iarg] ) ;
01512           if( VL_bset == NULL ){
01513              fprintf(stderr,"** Couldn't open -base dataset %s\n",Argv[Iarg]) ;
01514              exit(1) ;
01515           }
01516           if( VL_verbose )
01517             fprintf(stderr,
01518                     "++ Reading in base dataset %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(VL_bset)) ;
01519           DSET_load(VL_bset) ;
01520           if( !DSET_LOADED(VL_bset) ){
01521              fprintf(stderr,"** Couldn't read -base dataset %s\n",
01522                      DSET_BRIKNAME(VL_bset)) ;
01523              exit(1) ;
01524           }
01525           if( DSET_NVALS(VL_bset) > 1 )
01526              fprintf(stderr,
01527                      "++ WARNING: -base dataset %s has more than 1 sub-brick\n",
01528                      Argv[Iarg]) ;
01530           VL_intern = 0 ;   /* not internal to input dataset */
01532           bdx = fabs(DSET_DX(VL_bset)) ;  /* save for comparison later */
01533           bdy = fabs(DSET_DY(VL_bset)) ;  /* (14 Sep 2000)            */
01534           bdz = fabs(DSET_DZ(VL_bset)) ;
01536           /* 10 Apr 2001: Tom Ross noticed that the "bb" which
01537                           used to be here as the brick selector
01538                           was no longer defined, and should be
01539                           replaced by 0, which I just did -- RWCox
01540                                                        |
01541                                                        v           */
01542           VL_imbase = mri_to_float( DSET_BRICK(VL_bset,0) ) ;  /* copy this */
01544           VL_bxorg = VL_bset->daxes->xxorg ;                   /* 08 Dec 2000 */
01545           VL_byorg = VL_bset->daxes->yyorg ;
01546           VL_bzorg = VL_bset->daxes->zzorg ;
01548           DSET_unload( VL_bset ) ;  /* 06 Feb 2001: unload instead of delete */
01549         }
01550         Iarg++ ; continue ;
01551       }
01553       /** 11 Dec 2000: -coarse **/
01555       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-coarse") == 0 ){
01556          VL_coarse_del = strtol(Argv[++Iarg],NULL,10) ;
01557          VL_coarse_num = strtol(Argv[++Iarg],NULL,10) ;
01558          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01559       }
01561       /** 06 Jun 2002: -wtrim **/
01563       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-wtrim") == 0 ){
01564 #if 0
01565          mri_3dalign_wtrimming(1) ;
01566 #else
01567          fprintf(stderr,"++ Notice: -wtrim is now always enabled\n"); /* 22 Mar 2004 */
01568 #endif
01569          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01570       }
01572       /** 06 Jun 2002: -wtinp **/
01574       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-wtinp") == 0 ){
01575          VL_wtinp = 1 ;
01576          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01577       }
01579       /** 10 Dec 2000: -edging **/
01581       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-edging") == 0 ){
01582         float ee ; char * eq ;
01583         ee = strtod(Argv[++Iarg],&eq) ;
01584         if( ee < 0 ){
01585            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal value after -edging\n"); exit(1);
01586         }
01587         if( *eq == '%' ){
01588            if( ee > 25.0 ){
01589               fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal percentage after -edging\n"); exit(1);
01590            }
01591            VL_edperc = 1 ; VL_edging = ee ;
01592         } else {
01593            VL_edperc = 0 ; VL_edging = ee ;
01594         }
01595         Iarg++ ; continue ;
01596       }
01598       /** -weight **/
01600       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-weight",4) == 0 ){
01601         int bb,ii ; char * cpt ;
01602         THD_3dim_dataset * wset ;
01603         char dname[256] ;
01605         if( VL_imwt != NULL ){
01606            fprintf(stderr,"** Can't have two -weight options\n") ; exit(1) ;
01607         }
01609         /* break it into 'wset[bb]' pieces */
01611         cpt = strstr( Argv[++Iarg] , "[" ) ;
01612         if( cpt == NULL || cpt == Argv[Iarg] ){
01613            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal weight dataset after -weight\n"); exit(1);
01614         }
01615         ii = cpt - Argv[Iarg] ;
01616         memcpy(dname,Argv[Iarg],ii) ; dname[ii] = '\0' ;
01617         bb = -1 ; sscanf( cpt+1 , "%d" , &bb ) ;
01618         if( bb < 0 ){
01619            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal sub-brick selector after -weight\n"); exit(1);
01620         }
01621         wset = THD_open_one_dataset( dname ) ;
01622         if( wset == NULL ){
01623            fprintf(stderr,"** Can't open weight dataset %s\n",dname); exit(1);
01624         }
01625         if( bb >= DSET_NVALS(wset) ){
01626            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal sub-brick selector for dataset %s\n",dname);
01627            exit(1) ;
01628         }
01629         if( VL_verbose )
01630            fprintf(stderr,"++ Reading in weight dataset %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(wset)) ;
01631         DSET_load(wset) ;
01632         VL_imwt = mri_to_float( DSET_BRICK(wset,bb) ) ;  /* copy this */
01633         DSET_delete( wset ) ;                            /* toss this */
01634         Iarg++ ; continue ;
01635       }
01637       /** 08 Dec 2000: -twodup **/
01639       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-twodup") == 0 ){
01640         VL_twodup++ ; Iarg++ ; continue ;
01641       }
01643       /** 15 Feb 2001: -tshift **/
01645       if( strcmp(Argv[Iarg],"-tshift") == 0 ){
01646          VL_tshift = 1 ;
01647          VL_tshift_ignore = (int) strtod(Argv[++Iarg],NULL) ;
01648          if( VL_tshift_ignore < 0 ) ERREX("-tshift parameter is negative!") ;
01649          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01650       }
01652       /** 14 Feb 2001: -rotpar and -gridpar **/
01654       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-rotpar",7) == 0 ){
01655          ATR_float * atr ;
01657          if( VL_rotpar_dset != NULL )
01658             ERREX("Can't use -2 -rotparent options!") ;
01660          VL_rotpar_dset = THD_open_one_dataset( Argv[++Iarg] ) ;
01661          if( VL_rotpar_dset == NULL )
01662             ERREX("Can't open -rotparent dataset!\n") ;
01664          atr = THD_find_float_atr( VL_rotpar_dset->dblk , "VOLREG_MATVEC_000000" ) ;
01665          if( atr == NULL || atr->nfl < 12 )
01666             ERREX("-rotparent dataset doesn't have VOLREG attributes!?") ;
01668          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01669       }
01671       if( strncmp(Argv[Iarg],"-gridpar",7) == 0 ){
01673          if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL )
01674             ERREX("Can't use -2 -gridparent options!") ;
01676          VL_gridpar_dset = THD_open_one_dataset( Argv[++Iarg] ) ;
01677          if( VL_gridpar_dset == NULL )
01678             ERREX("Can't open -gridparent dataset!\n") ;
01680          Iarg++ ; continue ;
01681       }
01683       /***** get to here ==> bad news! *****/
01685       fprintf(stderr,"** Unknown option: %s\a\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
01686    }
01687    /***========== end of loop over options; only input dataset left ==========***/
01689    /*** 08 Dec 2000: check some twopass options ***/
01691    if( VL_twodup ){
01692       if( !VL_twopass || VL_intern ) VL_twodup == 0 ;
01693    }
01695    /*** 14 Feb 2001 ***/
01697    if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL && VL_rotpar_dset == NULL ){
01698       fprintf(stderr,
01699               "++ WARNING: -gridparent means nothing without -rotparent!\n");
01700       DSET_delete( VL_gridpar_dset ) ;
01701       VL_gridpar_dset = NULL ;
01702    }
01704    if( VL_rotpar_dset != NULL && VL_twopass ){
01705       fprintf(stderr,
01706               "++ WARNING: Combining -rotparent and -twopass isn't recommended!\n");
01707    }
01709    if( VL_gridpar_dset != NULL && VL_twodup ){
01710       fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: -gridparent overrides -twodup!\n") ;
01711       VL_twodup = 0 ;
01712    }
01714    /*** 10 Dec 2000: if -edging not set, check environment ***/
01716    if( VL_edperc < 0 ){
01717       char *ef=my_getenv("AFNI_VOLREG_EDGING") , *eq ;
01718       float ee ;
01720       if( ef == NULL ){
01721          VL_edperc = 1 ; VL_edging = 5.0 ;
01722       } else {
01723         ee = strtod(ef,&eq) ;
01724         if( ee < 0 ){
01725            fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal value in AFNI_VOLREG_EDGING\n"); exit(1);
01726         }
01727         if( *eq == '%' ){
01728            if( ee > 25.0 ){
01729               fprintf(stderr,"** Illegal percentage in AFNI_VOLREG_EDGING\n"); exit(1);
01730            }
01731            VL_edperc = 1 ; VL_edging = ee ;
01732         } else {
01733            VL_edperc = 0 ; VL_edging = ee ;
01734         }
01735       }
01736    }
01738    /*** Open the dataset to be registered ***/
01740    if( Iarg > Argc ){
01741       fprintf(stderr,"** Too few arguments!?  Last=%s\n",Argv[Argc-1]) ; exit(1) ;
01742    } else if( Iarg < Argc-1 ){
01743       fprintf(stderr,"** Too many arguments?!  Dataset=%s?\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
01744    }
01746    VL_dset = THD_open_dataset( Argv[Iarg] ) ;
01748    /** Check for errors **/
01750    if( VL_dset == NULL ){
01751       fprintf(stderr,"** Can't open dataset %s\n",Argv[Iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
01752    }
01754    if( VL_tshift ){
01755       if( DSET_NVALS(VL_dset) < 2 ){
01756          fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: -tshift used on a 1 brick dataset!\n") ;
01757          VL_tshift = 0 ;
01758       } else if( VL_dset->taxis == NULL || VL_dset->taxis->nsl < DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ){
01759          fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: -tshift used on a dataset with no time-offsets!\n") ;
01760          VL_tshift = 0 ;
01761       } else if( VL_tshift_ignore > DSET_NVALS(VL_dset)-5 ){
01762          fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: -tshift ignore is too large for this dataset!\n") ;
01763          VL_tshift = 0 ;
01764       } else if( VL_imbase == NULL && VL_nbase < VL_tshift_ignore ){
01765          fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING: base brick is prior to -tshift ignore point.\n") ;
01766       }
01767    }
01769    if( VL_imbase == NULL && VL_nbase >= DSET_NVALS(VL_dset) ){
01770       fprintf(stderr,"** Dataset %s doesn't have base brick index = %d\n",
01771               Argv[Iarg] , VL_nbase ) ;
01772       exit(1) ;
01773    }
01775    /*-- 27 Feb 2001: do a better check for mismatch between base and input --*/
01776 #if 1
01777    if( VL_bset != NULL ){
01778       int mm = THD_dataset_mismatch( VL_dset , VL_bset ) , nn=0 ;
01780       if( mm & MISMATCH_DIMEN ){
01781          fprintf(stderr,
01782                  "** Input %s and base %s don't have same dimensions!\n"
01783                  "   Input: nx=%d  ny=%d  nz=%d\n"
01784                  "   Base:  nx=%d  ny=%d  nz=%d\n",
01785                  DSET_HEADNAME(VL_dset) , DSET_HEADNAME(VL_bset) ,
01786                  DSET_NX(VL_dset) , DSET_NY(VL_dset) , DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ,
01787                  DSET_NX(VL_bset) , DSET_NY(VL_bset) , DSET_NZ(VL_bset)  ) ;
01788          nn++ ;
01789       }
01791       if( mm & MISMATCH_DELTA ){
01792          fprintf(stderr,
01793                  "** Input %s and base %s don't have same grid spacing!\n"
01794                  "   Input: dx=%6.3f  dy=%6.3f  dz=%6.3f\n"
01795                  "   Base:  dx=%6.3f  dy=%6.3f  dz=%6.3f\n",
01796                  DSET_HEADNAME(VL_dset) , DSET_HEADNAME(VL_bset) ,
01797                  DSET_DX(VL_dset) , DSET_DY(VL_dset) , DSET_DZ(VL_dset) ,
01798                  DSET_DX(VL_bset) , DSET_DY(VL_bset) , DSET_DZ(VL_bset)  ) ;
01799          nn++ ;
01800       }
01802       if( mm & MISMATCH_ORIENT ){
01803          fprintf(stderr,
01804                  "** Input %s and base %s don't have same orientation!\n"
01805                  "   Input: %s %s %s\n"
01806                  "   Base:  %s %s %s \n" ,
01807                  DSET_HEADNAME(VL_dset) , DSET_HEADNAME(VL_bset) ,
01808                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_dset->daxes->xxorient] ,
01809                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_dset->daxes->yyorient] ,
01810                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_dset->daxes->zzorient] ,
01811                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_bset->daxes->xxorient] ,
01812                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_bset->daxes->yyorient] ,
01813                  ORIENT_shortstr[VL_bset->daxes->zzorient]  ) ;
01814          nn++ ;
01815       }
01817       if( nn > 0 ){
01818          fprintf(stderr,
01819                  "** FATAL ERROR: perhaps you could make your datasets match?\n") ;
01820          exit(1) ;
01821       }
01822    }
01823 #else /* the old code */
01824    if( VL_imbase != NULL && ( VL_imbase->nx != DSET_NX(VL_dset) ||
01825                               VL_imbase->ny != DSET_NY(VL_dset) ||
01826                               VL_imbase->nz != DSET_NZ(VL_dset)   ) ){
01828       fprintf(stderr,"** Dataset %s doesn't conform to dimensions of base brick\n",
01829                Argv[Iarg] ) ;
01830       fprintf(stderr,"    Base    has nx = %d  ny = %d  nz = %d\n",
01831                      VL_imbase->nx, VL_imbase->ny, VL_imbase->nz ) ;
01832       fprintf(stderr,"    Dataset has nx = %d  ny = %d  nz = %d\n",
01833                      DSET_NX(VL_dset) , DSET_NY(VL_dset) , DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ) ;
01834       exit(1) ;
01835    }
01837    if( VL_imbase != NULL &&                  /* 14 Sep 2000 */
01838       ( fabs(DSET_DX(VL_dset)) != bdx ||
01839         fabs(DSET_DY(VL_dset)) != bdy ||
01840         fabs(DSET_DZ(VL_dset)) != bdz   ) ){
01842      fprintf(stderr,"++ WARNING:\n"
01843                     "++ Dataset %s and base have different grid spacings:\n"
01844                     "++ Dataset: dx=%9.3f  dy=%9.3f  dz=%9.3f\n"
01845                     "++    Base: dx=%9.3f  dy=%9.3f  dz=%9.3f\n" ,
01846              Argv[Iarg] ,
01847              fabs(DSET_DX(VL_dset)),fabs(DSET_DY(VL_dset)),fabs(DSET_DZ(VL_dset)),
01848              bdx,bdy,bdz ) ;
01849    }
01850 #endif /* 27 Feb 2001: end of #if-ing out old code */
01852    if( VL_imwt != NULL && ( VL_imwt->nx != DSET_NX(VL_dset) ||
01853                             VL_imwt->ny != DSET_NY(VL_dset) ||
01854                             VL_imwt->nz != DSET_NZ(VL_dset)   ) ){
01856       fprintf(stderr,"** Dataset %s doesn't conform to dimensions of weight brick\n",
01857                Argv[Iarg] ) ;
01858       fprintf(stderr,"    Weight  has nx = %d  ny = %d  nz = %d\n",
01859                      VL_imwt->nx, VL_imwt->ny, VL_imwt->nz ) ;
01860       fprintf(stderr,"    Dataset has nx = %d  ny = %d  nz = %d\n",
01861                      DSET_NX(VL_dset) , DSET_NY(VL_dset) , DSET_NZ(VL_dset) ) ;
01862       exit(1) ;
01863    }
01865    if( VL_intern && DSET_NVALS(VL_dset) == 1 ){
01866       fprintf(stderr,"** You can't register a 1 brick dataset to itself!\n") ;
01867       exit(1) ;
01868    }
01870    /* 15 Mar 2001: adjust VL_coarse_del, perhaps */
01872    if( VL_twopass && VL_coarse_del > 0 && VL_coarse_num > 0 ){
01873      int mm ;
01874      mm = MIN( DSET_NX(VL_dset) , DSET_NY(VL_dset) ) ;
01875      mm = MIN( DSET_NZ(VL_dset) , mm ) ;
01876      mm = (int)(0.1*mm + 0.499) ;
01877      if( VL_coarse_del > mm ){
01878         fprintf(stderr,"++ Coarse del was %d, replaced with %d\n",VL_coarse_del,mm) ;
01879         VL_coarse_del = mm ;
01880      }
01881    }
01883    /* 06 Jun 2002 */
01885    if( VL_imwt != NULL && VL_wtinp ){
01886      fprintf(stderr,"++ Input weight file overrides -wtinp option!\n") ;
01887      VL_wtinp = 0 ;
01888    }
01890    /*** done (we hope) ***/
01892    return ;
01893 }

void VL_syntax void   

Definition at line 1050 of file 3dvolreg.c.

References VL_del, VL_dph, VL_dxy, and VL_maxite.

Referenced by main().

01051 {
01052    printf(
01053     "Usage: 3dvolreg [options] dataset\n"
01054     "Registers each 3D sub-brick from the input dataset to the base brick.\n"
01055     "'dataset' may contain a sub-brick selector list.\n"
01056     "\n"
01057     "OPTIONS:\n"
01058     "  -verbose        Print progress reports.  Use twice for LOTS of output.\n"
01059     "  -Fourier        Perform the alignments using Fourier interpolation.\n"
01060     "  -heptic         Use heptic polynomial interpolation.\n"
01061     "  -quintic        Use quintic polynomical interpolation.\n"
01062     "  -cubic          Use cubic polynomial interpolation.\n"
01063     "                    Default = Fourier [slowest and most accurate interpolator]\n"
01064     "  -clipit         Clips the values in each output sub-brick to be in the same\n"
01065     "                    range as the corresponding input volume.\n"
01066     "                    The interpolation schemes can produce values outside\n"
01067     "                    the input range, which is sometimes annoying.\n"
01068     "                    [16 Apr 2002: -clipit is now the default]\n"
01069     "  -noclip         Turns off -clipit\n"
01070     "  -zpad n         Zeropad around the edges by 'n' voxels during rotations\n"
01071     "                    (these edge values will be stripped off in the output)\n"
01072     "              N.B.: Unlike to3d, in this program '-zpad' adds zeros in\n"
01073     "                     all directions.\n"
01074     "              N.B.: The environment variable AFNI_ROTA_ZPAD can be used\n"
01075     "                     to set a nonzero default value for this parameter.\n"
01076     "  -prefix fname   Use 'fname' for the output dataset prefix.\n"
01077     "                    The program tries not to overwrite an existing dataset.\n"
01078     "                    Default = 'volreg'.\n"
01079     "\n"
01080     "  -base n         Sets the base brick to be the 'n'th sub-brick\n"
01081     "                    from the input dataset (indexing starts at 0).\n"
01082     "                    Default = 0 (first sub-brick).\n"
01083     "  -base 'bset[n]' Sets the base brick to be the 'n'th sub-brick\n"
01084     "                    from the dataset specified by 'bset', as in\n"
01085     "                       -base 'elvis+orig[4]'\n"
01086     "                    The quotes are needed because the '[]' characters\n"
01087     "                    are special to the shell.\n"
01088     "\n"
01089     "  -dfile dname    Save the motion parameters in file 'dname'.\n"
01090     "                    The output is in 9 ASCII formatted columns:\n"
01091     "\n"
01092     "                    n  roll  pitch  yaw  dS  dL  dP  rmsold rmsnew\n"
01093     "\n"
01094     "           where:   n     = sub-brick index\n"
01095     "                    roll  = rotation about the I-S axis }\n"
01096     "                    pitch = rotation about the R-L axis } degrees CCW\n"
01097     "                    yaw   = rotation about the A-P axis }\n"
01098     "                      dS  = displacement in the Superior direction  }\n"
01099     "                      dL  = displacement in the Left direction      } mm\n"
01100     "                      dP  = displacement in the Posterior direction }\n"
01101     "                   rmsold = RMS difference between input brick and base brick\n"
01102     "                   rmsnew = RMS difference between output brick and base brick\n"
01103     "       N.B.: If the '-dfile' option is not given, the parameters aren't saved.\n"
01104     "       N.B.: The motion parameters are those needed to bring the sub-brick\n"
01105     "             back into alignment with the base.  In 3drotate, it is as if\n"
01106     "             the following options were applied to each input sub-brick:\n"
01107     "              -rotate <roll>I <pitch>R <yaw>A  -ashift <dS>S <dL>L <dP>P\n"
01108     "\n"
01109     "  -1Dfile ename   Save the motion parameters ONLY in file 'ename'.\n"
01110     "                    The output is in 6 ASCII formatted columns:\n"
01111     "\n"
01112     "                    roll pitch yaw dS  dL  dP\n"
01113     "\n"
01114     "                  This file can be used in FIM as an 'ort', to detrend\n"
01115     "                  the data against correlation with the movements.\n"
01116     "                  This type of analysis can be useful in removing\n"
01117     "                  errors made in the interpolation.\n"
01118     "\n"
01119     "  -rotcom         Write the fragmentary 3drotate commands needed to\n"
01120     "                  perform the realignments to stdout; for example:\n"
01121     "                    3drotate -rotate 7.2I 3.2R -5.7A -ashift 2.7S -3.8L 4.9P\n"
01122     "                  The purpose of this is to make it easier to shift other\n"
01123     "                  datasets using exactly the same parameters.\n"
01124     "\n"
01125     "  -tshift ii      If the input dataset is 3D+time and has slice-dependent\n"
01126     "                  time-offsets (cf. the output of 3dinfo -v), then this\n"
01127     "                  option tells 3dvolreg to time shift it to the average\n"
01128     "                  slice time-offset prior to doing the spatial registration.\n"
01129     "                  The integer 'ii' is the number of time points at the\n"
01130     "                  beginning to ignore in the time shifting.  The results\n"
01131     "                  should like running program 3dTshift first, then running\n"
01132     "                  3dvolreg -- this is primarily a convenience option.\n"
01133     "            N.B.: If the base brick is taken from this dataset, as in\n"
01134     "                  '-base 4', then it will be the time shifted brick.\n"
01135     "                  If for some bizarre reason this is undesirable, you\n"
01136     "                  could use '-base this+orig[4]' instead.\n"
01137     "\n"
01138     "  -rotparent rset\n"
01139     "    Specifies that AFTER the registration algorithm finds the best\n"
01140     "    transformation for each sub-brick of the input, an additional\n"
01141     "    rotation+translation should be performed before computing the\n"
01142     "    final output dataset; this extra transformation is taken from\n"
01143     "    the first 3dvolreg transformation found in dataset 'rset'.\n"
01144     "  -gridparent gset\n"
01145     "    Specifies that the output dataset of 3dvolreg should be shifted to\n"
01146     "    match the grid of dataset 'gset'.  Can only be used with -rotparent.\n"
01147     "    This dataset should be one this is properly aligned with 'rset' when\n"
01148     "    overlaid in AFNI.\n"
01149     "  * If 'gset' has a different number of slices than the input dataset,\n"
01150     "    then the output dataset will be zero-padded in the slice direction\n"
01151     "    to match 'gset'.\n"
01152     "  * These options are intended to be used to align datasets between sessions:\n"
01153     "     S1 = SPGR from session 1    E1 = EPI from session 1\n"
01154     "     S2 = SPGR from session 2    E2 = EPI from session 2\n"
01155     " 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -base S1+orig -prefix S2reg S2+orig\n"
01156     " 3dvolreg -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent E1+orig -prefix E2reg \\\n"
01157     "          -base 4 E2+orig\n"
01158     "     Each sub-brick in E2 is registered to sub-brick E2+orig[4], then the\n"
01159     "     rotation from S2 to S2reg is also applied, which shifting+padding\n"
01160     "     applied to properly overlap with E1.\n"
01161     "  * A similar effect could be done by using commands\n"
01162     " 3dvolreg -twopass -twodup -base S1+orig -prefix S2reg S2+orig\n"
01163     " 3dvolreg -prefix E2tmp -base 4 E2+orig\n"
01164     " 3drotate -rotparent S2reg+orig -gridparent E1+orig -prefix E2reg E2tmp+orig\n"
01165     "    The principal difference is that the latter method results in E2\n"
01166     "    being interpolated twice to make E2reg: once in the 3dvolreg run to\n"
01167     "    produce E2tmp, then again when E2tmp is rotated to make E2reg.  Using\n"
01168     "    3dvolreg with the -rotparent and -gridparent options simply skips the\n"
01169     "    intermediate interpolation.\n"
01170     "\n"
01171     "          *** Please read file README.registration for more   ***\n"
01172     "          *** information on the use of 3dvolreg and 3drotate ***\n"
01173     "\n"
01174     " Algorithm: Iterated linearized weighted least squares to make each\n"
01175     "              sub-brick as like as possible to the base brick.\n"
01176     "              This method is useful for finding SMALL MOTIONS ONLY.\n"
01177     "              See program 3drotate for the volume shift/rotate algorithm.\n"
01178     "              The following options can be used to control the iterations:\n"
01179     "                -maxite     m = Allow up to 'm' iterations for convergence\n"
01180     "                                  [default = %d].\n"
01181     "                -x_thresh   x = Iterations converge when maximum movement\n"
01182     "                                  is less than 'x' voxels [default=%f],\n"
01183     "                -rot_thresh r = And when maximum rotation is less than\n"
01184     "                                  'r' degrees [default=%f].\n"
01185     "                -delta      d = Distance, in voxel size, used to compute\n"
01186     "                                  image derivatives using finite differences\n"
01187     "                                  [default=%f].\n"
01188     "                -final   mode = Do the final interpolation using the method\n"
01189     "                                  defined by 'mode', which is one of the\n"
01190     "                                  strings 'NN', 'cubic', 'quintic', 'heptic',\n"
01191     "                                  or 'Fourier'\n"
01192     "                                  [default=mode used to estimate parameters].\n"
01193     "            -weight 'wset[n]' = Set the weighting applied to each voxel\n"
01194     "                                  proportional to the brick specified here\n"
01195     "                                  [default=smoothed base brick].\n"
01196     "                                N.B.: if no weight is given, and -twopass is\n"
01197     "                                  engaged, then the first pass weight is the\n"
01198     "                                  blurred sum of the base brick and the first\n"
01199     "                                  data brick to be registered.\n"
01200     "                   -edging ee = Set the size of the region around the edges of\n"
01201     "                                  the base volume where the default weight will\n"
01202     "                                  be set to zero.  If 'ee' is a plain number,\n"
01203     "                                  then it is a voxel count, giving the thickness\n"
01204     "                                  along each face of the 3D brick.  If 'ee' is\n"
01205     "                                  of the form '5%%', then it is a fraction of\n"
01206     "                                  of each brick size.  For example, '5%%' of\n"
01207     "                                  a 256x256x124 volume means that 13 voxels\n"
01208     "                                  on each side of the xy-axes will get zero\n"
01209     "                                  weight, and 6 along the z-axis.  If this\n"
01210     "                                  option is not used, then 'ee' is read from\n"
01211     "                                  the environment variable AFNI_VOLREG_EDGING.\n"
01212     "                                  If that variable is not set, then 5%% is used.\n"
01213     "                                N.B.: This option has NO effect if the -weight\n"
01214     "                                  option is used.\n"
01215     "                                N.B.: The largest %% value allowed is 25%%.\n"
01216     "                     -twopass = Do two passes of the registration algorithm:\n"
01217     "                                 (1) with smoothed base and data bricks, with\n"
01218     "                                     linear interpolation, to get a crude\n"
01219     "                                     alignment, then\n"
01220     "                                 (2) with the input base and data bricks, to\n"
01221     "                                     get a fine alignment.\n"
01222     "                                  This method is useful when aligning high-\n"
01223     "                                  resolution datasets that may need to be\n"
01224     "                                  moved more than a few voxels to be aligned.\n"
01225     "                  -twoblur bb = 'bb' is the blurring factor for pass 1 of\n"
01226     "                                  the -twopass registration.  This should be\n"
01227     "                                  a number >= 2.0 (which is the default).\n"
01228     "                                  Larger values would be reasonable if pass 1\n"
01229     "                                  has to move the input dataset a long ways.\n"
01230     "                                  Use '-verbose -verbose' to check on the\n"
01231     "                                  iterative progress of the passes.\n"
01232     "                                N.B.: when using -twopass, and you expect the\n"
01233     "                                  data bricks to move a long ways, you might\n"
01234     "                                  want to use '-heptic' rather than\n"
01235     "                                  the default '-Fourier', since you can get\n"
01236     "                                  wraparound from Fourier interpolation.\n"
01237     "                      -twodup = If this option is set, along with -twopass,\n"
01238     "                                  then the output dataset will have its\n"
01239     "                                  xyz-axes origins reset to those of the\n"
01240     "                                  base dataset.  This is equivalent to using\n"
01241     "                                  '3drefit -duporigin' on the output dataset.\n"
01242     "                       -sinit = When using -twopass registration on volumes\n"
01243     "                                  whose magnitude differs significantly, the\n"
01244     "                                  least squares fitting procedure is started\n"
01245     "                                  by doing a zero-th pass estimate of the\n"
01246     "                                  scale difference between the bricks.\n"
01247     "                                  Use this option to turn this feature OFF.\n"
01248     "              -coarse del num = When doing the first pass, the first step is\n"
01249     "                                  to do a number of coarse shifts in order to\n"
01250     "                                  find a starting point for the iterations.\n"
01251     "                                  'del' is the size of these steps, in voxels;\n"
01252     "                                  'num' is the number of these steps along\n"
01253     "                                  each direction (+x,-x,+y,-y,+z,-z).  The\n"
01254     "                                  default values are del=10 and num=2.  If\n"
01255     "                                  you don't want this step performed, set\n"
01256     "                                  num=0.  Note that the amount of computation\n"
01257     "                                  grows as num**3, so don't increase num\n"
01258     "                                  past 4, or the program will run forever!\n"
01259     "                             N.B.: The 'del' parameter cannot be larger than\n"
01260     "                                   10%% of the smallest dimension of the input\n"
01261     "                                   dataset.\n"
01262 #if 0
01263     "              -wtrim          = Attempt to trim the intermediate volumes to\n"
01264     "                                  a smaller region (determined by the weight\n"
01265     "                                  volume).  The purpose of this is to save\n"
01266     "                                  memory.  The use of '-verbose -verbose'\n"
01267     "                                  will report on the trimming usage.\n"
01268     "                             N.B.: At some point in the future, -wtrim will\n"
01269     "                                   become the default.\n"
01270 #endif
01271     "              -wtinp          = Use sub-brick[0] of the input dataset as the\n"
01272     "                                  weight brick in the final registration pass.\n"
01273     "\n"
01274     " N.B.: * This program can consume VERY large quantities of memory.\n"
01275     "          (Rule of thumb: 40 bytes per input voxel.)\n"
01276     "          Use of '-verbose -verbose' will show the amount of workspace,\n"
01277     "          and the steps used in each iteration.\n"
01278     "       * ALWAYS check the results visually to make sure that the program\n"
01279     "          wasn't trapped in a 'false optimum'.\n"
01280     "       * The default rotation threshold is reasonable for 64x64 images.\n"
01281     "          You may want to decrease it proportionally for larger datasets.\n"
01282     "       * -twopass resets the -maxite parameter to 66; if you want to use\n"
01283     "          a different value, use -maxite AFTER the -twopass option.\n"
01284     "       * The -twopass option can be slow; several CPU minutes for a\n"
01285     "          256x256x124 volume is a typical run time.\n"
01286     "       * After registering high-resolution anatomicals, you may need to\n"
01287     "          set their origins in 3D space to match.  This can be done using\n"
01288     "          the '-duporigin' option to program 3drefit, or by using the\n"
01289     "          '-twodup' option to this program.\n"
01291    , VL_maxite , VL_dxy , VL_dph , VL_del ) ;
01293    return ;
01294 }

float voldif int    nx,
int    ny,
int    nz,
float *    b,
int    dx,
int    dy,
int    dz,
float *    v,
int    edge

Definition at line 1908 of file 3dvolreg.c.

References B, nz, V, and v.

Referenced by get_best_shift().

01910 {
01911    int nxy=nx*ny, nxtop=nx-edge, nytop=ny-edge, nztop=nz-edge , ii,jj,kk ;
01912    float bbsum=0.0 , vvsum=0.0 , bvsum=0.0 , bb,vv ;
01914    for( kk=edge ; kk < nztop ; kk++ ){
01915       for( jj=edge ; jj < nytop ; jj++ ){
01916          for( ii=edge ; ii < nxtop ; ii++ ){
01917             bb = B(ii,jj,kk) ; vv = V(ii-dx,jj-dy,kk-dz) ;
01918             bbsum += bb*bb ; vvsum += vv*vv ; bvsum += bb*vv ;
01919          }
01920       }
01921    }
01923    if( vvsum > 0.0 ) bbsum -= bvsum*bvsum/vvsum ;
01924    return bbsum ;
01925 }

Variable Documentation

int Argc [static]

Definition at line 19 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by main(), and VL_command_line().

char** Argv [static]

Definition at line 20 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by main(), and VL_command_line().

int Iarg = 1 [static]

define results of scanning the command line *

Definition at line 18 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by main(), and VL_command_line().

char VL_1Dfile[256] = "\0" [static]

Definition at line 51 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

THD_3dim_dataset* VL_bset = NULL [static]

Definition at line 46 of file 3dvolreg.c.

float VL_bxorg [static]

Definition at line 37 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

float VL_byorg [static]

Definition at line 37 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

float VL_bzorg [static]

Definition at line 37 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_clipit = 1 [static]

Definition at line 26 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_coarse_del = 10 [static]

Definition at line 42 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by get_best_shift(), and VL_command_line().

int VL_coarse_num = 2 [static]

Definition at line 43 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by get_best_shift(), and VL_command_line().

float VL_del = 0.70 [static]

Definition at line 56 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line(), and VL_syntax().

char VL_dfile[256] = "\0" [static]

Definition at line 50 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

float VL_dph = 0.03 [static]

Definition at line 55 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line(), and VL_syntax().

THD_3dim_dataset* VL_dset = NULL [static]

Definition at line 45 of file 3dvolreg.c.

float VL_dxy = 0.02 [static]

Definition at line 54 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line(), and VL_syntax().

float VL_edging [static]

Definition at line 39 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_edperc = -1 [static]

Definition at line 40 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_final = -1 [static]

Definition at line 25 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

THD_3dim_dataset * VL_gridpar_dset = NULL [static]

Definition at line 61 of file 3dvolreg.c.

MRI_IMAGE* VL_imbase = NULL [static]

Definition at line 27 of file 3dvolreg.c.

MRI_IMAGE* VL_imwt = NULL [static]

Definition at line 28 of file 3dvolreg.c.

int VL_intern = 1 [static]

Definition at line 23 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_maxite = 19 [static]

Definition at line 53 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line(), and VL_syntax().

int VL_nbase = 0 [static]

Definition at line 22 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

char VL_prefix[256] = "volreg" [static]

Definition at line 48 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by main(), and VL_command_line().

int VL_resam = MRI_FOURIER [static]

Definition at line 24 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_rotcom = 0 [static]

Definition at line 58 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

THD_3dim_dataset* VL_rotpar_dset = NULL [static]

Definition at line 60 of file 3dvolreg.c.

int VL_sinit = 1 [static]

Definition at line 66 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_tshift = 0 [static]

Definition at line 63 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_tshift_ignore = 0 [static]

Definition at line 64 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

float VL_twoblur = 2.0 [static]

Definition at line 34 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_twodup = 0 [static]

Definition at line 36 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_twopass = 0 [static]

Definition at line 33 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_twosum = 1 [static]

Definition at line 35 of file 3dvolreg.c.

int VL_verbose = 0 [static]

Definition at line 49 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_wtinp = 0 [static]

Definition at line 29 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().

int VL_zpad = 0 [static]

Definition at line 31 of file 3dvolreg.c.

Referenced by VL_command_line().


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