16.3.3. run_afni_test.py command info¶
run_afni_tests.py is a wrapper script to help run tests for the AFNI suite of tools. This wrapping is an attempt to reduce the burden of executing tests and to facilitate the various usage patterns. Such usage patterns include: running the tests using dependencies installed on the local host; using a container to encapsulate most build/testing dependencies; making use of the cmake build system to make the iterative process of changing code and running tests easier; running the tests while making use of all the cores on the computer; subsetting the tests that are executed during a test run.
usage: run_afni_tests.py [--help] [--installation-help]
[--build-dir DIR | --abin DIR]
[--debug | --use-all-cores | --trace]
[--ignore-dirty-data] [--coverage]
[--extra-args PYTEST_ARGS]
[--verbosity {quiet,normal,summary,verbose,traceback,diarrhetic}]
[--filter-expr EXPR] [--file FILE] [--lf] [--runslow]
[--runveryslow] [--runall] [--create-sample-output]
[--diff-with-sample DIFF_WITH_SAMPLE]
[--marker-expression EXPR]
[--overwrite-args PYTEST_ARGS]
{container,local,examples} ...
Named Arguments¶
- --help, -help, -h
show this help message and exit (-help is more verbose)
Default: False
- --installation-help
Show details regarding the setup for tests execution.
Default: False
- --build-dir, -b
This is convenient because it enables testing within the build tree so you don’t have to install the afni suite to test it and you don’t accidentally test the wrong programs due to incorrect PATH etc.
Note, in order to use this option you must have afnipy installed.
- --abin
Provide the path to the installation directory of AFNI produced by the make build system.
- --debug, -d
Do not catch exceptions and show exception traceback Drop into pdb debugger. As well as passing the –pdb flag to pytest this enables an exception hook for code executed prior to the execution of the pytest command
Default: False
- --use-all-cores, -u
Make use of all cpus for tests (requires pytest-parallel).
Default: False
- --trace
Immediately drop into the call stack (the pdb debugger) for each test.
Default: False
- --ignore-dirty-data
Do not fail if the CI test data repository has uncommitted modifications
Default: False
- --coverage
Use codecov for test coverage (needs –build-dir).
Default: False
pytest execution modifiers¶
- --extra-args, -e
This should be a quoted string that is passed directly through to pytest. e.g. –extra-args=’-k gui –trace’. Passing –help through to pytest will give you a sense of all the possibilities…
- --verbosity, -v
Possible choices: quiet, normal, summary, verbose, traceback, diarrhetic
Increase the verbosity of reporting. Levels other than quiet and normal conflict with –debug.
Default: “normal”
- --log-file-level
Set the verbosity of the output recorded in the log file. There is no log file by default.
- --filter-expr, -k
Expression for pytest to use to filter tests. Equivalent to passing –extra-args=’-k EXPR’.
- --file, -f
Relative path to test module to run. e.g. scripts/test_3dcopy.py
- --lf, -l
Only run tests that failed on the last test run.
Default: False
- --runslow
Run default tests and tests marked with ‘slow’.
Default: False
- --runveryslow
Run default tests and tests marked with ‘slow’ or ‘veryslow’.
Default: False
- --runall
Ignore all test markers and run everything.
Default: False
- --create-sample-output, -c
Create sample output instead of running a diff with pre- existing output. This is a required step when initially writing a test.
Default: False
- --diff-with-sample
Provide a path of pre-existing output that you wish to compare against that is not the default data saved in the datalad repository afni_ci_test_data.
- --marker-expression, -m
Provide an expression for filtering tests using markers. This should be quoted if more than one word. It is a boolean expression; ‘A and B’ would run all tests that are marked with the A AND B. If you wished to run both types of tests you would use ‘A or B’. See the pytest help documentation for more information.
Manual pytest management (conflicts with pytest execution modifiers)¶
- --overwrite-args
This should be a quoted string that is passed directly through to pytest
Sub Commands¶
One is required
- subparser
Possible choices: container, local, examples
Running tests in an AFNI development container. This requires a docker installation and the python docker package
run_afni_tests.py container [-h]
[--source-mode {host,test-code,test-data-only,test-data-volume}]
[--image-name IMAGE_NAME]
[--container-name CONTAINER_NAME] [--no-rm]
[--intermediate] [--only-use-local]
[--reuse-build] [--do-not-forward-git-credentials]
Named Arguments¶
- --source-mode
Possible choices: host, test-code, test-data-only, test-data-volume
This defines how much of the source code on the host is used when running tests in the container. ‘host’ mounts the whole repo from the local filesystem during the tests. ‘test-code’ only includes the tests sub-directory but is useful as it allows a different version of the test tree to be used from code that is installed in the container. ‘test-data-only’ and ‘test-data-volume, should rarely be needed, but only mount the tests/afni_ci_test_data sub- directory into the container or volume provided by running docker container. Mounting directories into the container has implications for file permissions. If this option is not used, no issues occurs as all files are owned by the user in the container. If ‘host’ is chosen, AFNI’s source code is mounted into the container. The source directory is owned by the host user, so the container user is changed to this id and the build and home directory are appropriately chowned. If ‘test-data-only’ is used, privileged permissions will be required to transfer ownership of the test data back to the host user.
- --image-name
Image used for testing container. Default is likely something like afni/afni_cmake_build
- --container-name
Name used for testing container. Default is randomly generated.
- --no-rm
Do not delete containers after execution of the tests.
Default: False
- --intermediate
Search intermediate image layers for the image-name. This can sometimes fail if layers have been pruned etc. but can be used with untagged images.
Default: False
- --only-use-local
Raise error if image name does not exist locally.
Default: False
- --reuse-build
Use build dir in container (conflicts with –build-dir).
Default: False
- --do-not-forward-git-credentials
Prevent git name and email being passed into the container. Instead AFNI CIRCLECI user will be used for any commits.
Default: False
Running tests on the host requires additional dependencies. See run_afni_tests.py –installation-help
run_afni_tests.py local [-h]
Show usage examples
run_afni_tests.py examples [-h] [--verbose]
Named Arguments¶
- --verbose, -v
Include a verbose explanation along with the examples
Default: False