

This script fetches the demo data+scripts corresponding to AFNI's
Demo #1 for processing multi-echo FMRI data (in this case, rest).  It
corresponds to the Demo first presented at OHBM 2021:

    "Multiple ways to process multi-echo FMRI data with AFNI"
    by RC Reynolds, SJ Gotts, AW Gilmore, DR Glen, PA Taylor

After the archive is downloaded and unpacked, see its README_welcome.txt
for details.


[-wget] : Use wget to download archive. Script chooses by default
          with preference for curl
[-curl] : Use curl to download archive. Script chooses by default
          with preference for curl


1) Just get everything, default operation:


2) Get everything, specify download tool:

    @Install_APMULTI_Demo1_rest -wget