Version: 2008/07/18 11:12

Command line Options:
-h     This help message.
-v     Be verbose in operation.
-s     Skip the outliers test when converting 4D files
       The default is to perform the outliers test.
-n     Output NIfTI files instead of HEAD/BRIK.
       The default is create HEAD/BRIK files.
-a     Output ANALYZE files instead of HEAD/BRIK.
-o     The name of the directory where the created files should be
       placed.  If this directory does not exist the program exits
       without performing any conversion.
       The default is to place created files in the same directory
       as the PAR files.
-g     Gzip the files created.
       The default is not to gzip the files.
-2     2-Byte-swap the files created.
       The default is not to 2 byte-swap.
-4     4-Byte-swap the files created.
       The default is not to 4 byte-swap.

Sample invocations:
3dPAR2AFNI subject1.PAR
    Converts the file subject1.PAR file to subject1+orig.{HEAD,BRIK}
3dPAR2AFNI -s subject1.PAR
       Same as above but skip the outlier test
3dPAR2AFNI -n subject1.PAR
       Converts the file subject1.PAR file to subject1.nii
3dPAR2AFNI -n -s subject1.PAR
       Same as above but skip the outlier test
3dPAR2AFNI -n -s -o ~/tmp subject1.PAR
       Same as above but skip the outlier test and place the
       created NIfTI files in ~/tmp
3dPAR2AFNI -n -s -o ~/tmp *.PAR
       Converts all the PAR/REC files in the current directory to
       NIfTI files, skip the outlier test and place the created